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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Mechanical Engineering Department
Part 1
ME 423 – Energy Conversion
Fall Semester 2020-2021 (201)

Time Allowed: 45 minutes for each part of the exam Date: October 19, 2020
1) Make sure that this exam has two questions in each part.
2) Write your solution neatly and underline the answer with units.
3) Show all steps of a calculation.
4) Clear your calculator memory and switch your mobile phone off before you start.
Problem # Marks Grade
1 40
2 10
3 30
4 20

Please read the message below before starting the exam:

Any student who is found cheating, attempting to cheat or helps in cheating in any written
examination will not be allowed to continue the examination and will get an F grade in the course.
The student may be subject for additional penalty in accordance with KFUPM regulations.

Problem 1 [40 Marks]

Consider a steam power plant operating on the ideal reheat Rankine cycle. Steam enters the high-pressure
turbine at 20 MPa and 500 °C. The steam is reheated to the inlet temperature of the high-pressure turbine
and condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 4 kPa. The steam quality at the exit of the low-pressure
turbine is 80% and the mass flow rate of the working fluid is [x] kg/s.
1. Draw T-s diagram for the cycle, and determine
2. Mass flow rate of the working fluid, in kg/s
3. The pressure in the reheater, in MPa.
4. The thermal efficiency of the cycle, in %.
5. The net power output of the Rankine cycle, in kW.

Here, [x] = [100+((A+B)3)/100)], where A is the fifth digit in your KFUPM ID from left and B is the
sixth digit in your ID from left. If your ID is 201612345, A = 1, B = 2.

Problem 2 [10 Marks]

Consider an Otto cycle with the working fluid having a specific heat ratio (k) of 1.4. The maximum volume
of the cylinder is [x] cm3, the minimum volume is [y] cm3. Determine:
1. Maximum volume of the cylinder in cm3
2. Minimum volume of the cylinder in cm3.
3. Thermal efficiency of the Otto cycle, in %.

Here, [x] = [600+((A+B)2)/3)] and [y] = [60+((A+B)2)/10]

where A is the fifth digit in your KFUPM ID from left and B is the sixth digit in your ID from left. If
your ID is 201612345, A = 1, B = 2.

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