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THE 1987 CONSTITUTION (1) Sets down origin and purposes of

the Constitution. - While a preamble is not

necessary part of a constitution, it is
PREAMBLE advisable to have one. In the case of the
Constitution of the Philippines, the
We, the sovereign Filipino people, Preamble which is couched in general
imploring the aid of Almighty God, in terms, expresses the ideals of the Filipino
order to build a just and humane society people and provides the broad outline of,
and establish a Government that shall and the spirit behind, the Constitution.
embody our ideals and aspirations,
promote the common good, conserve and It serves two (2) very important ends:
develop our patrimony, and secure to
ourselves and our posterity the blessings of (a) It tells us who are the authors of
independence and democracy under the the Constitution and for whom it has been
rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, promulgated; and
freedom, love, equality, and peace, do
ordain and promulgate this Constitution. (b) It states the general purposes which
are intended to be achieved by the
Meaning of Preamble. Constitution and the government
established under it, and certain basic
The term preamble is derived from the principles underlying the fundamental
Latin preambulare which means "to walk charter.
before." It is an introduction to the main
subject. It is the prologue of the (2) May serve as an aid in its
Constitution. interpretation. - The Preamble cannot be
invoked as a source of power by the
Preamble not essential in government nor of rights by the people. If
a constitution. has, however, a value for purposes of
construction or interpretation of the
Technically speaking, the Preamble forms meaning of constitutional provisions. The
no integral part of our Constitution. Of statement of the general purposes may be
itself alone, it cannot be invoked as a resorted to as an aid in determining the
source of private right enforceable by the meaning of vague or ambiguous
courts or of any governmental power not provisions of the Constitution proper. By
expressly granted or at least, clearly way of illustration, the government is
implied therefrom.? without power to impose taxes for private
purpose because according to the
It is significant to note, however, that a Preamble it is established for public
majority of the constitutions of the world purpose - the promotion of the common
contain a preamble. good - and not for private purpose.
Source of Constitution's authority.

Object and value of Preamble.

(1) The Filipino people. - The fact that with the help of a personal God to
Constitution begins and ends with the whom they are all accountable, they will
words, "We, the sovereign Filipino people, be able to achieve the ideals and
imploring the aid of Almighty God xxx, do aspirations to which they are committed,
ordain and promulgate this Constitution." particularly in laying a strong foundation
Thus, the Filipino people themselves (not for building a "just and humane society,"
just their representatives) are the source which is not possible in a Godless society.
from which the Constitution comes and In a sense, they acknowledge God as the
being so, it is the supreme law of the land. source of their authority.

The Preamble retains the use of the term The Philippines is the only predominantly
"Filipino people" to signify their oneness Christian and partly Muslim nation in Asia
and solidarity. It is different from the term and East Pacific Region.
"people of the Philippines" which may
refer to the entire body of inhabitants, a National purposes and aims in adopting
mere "aggrupation" of individuals, the Constitution.
including aliens.
As set forth in the Preamble, they are:
(2) A sovereign people. - The (1) To build a just and humane society;
Constitution calls the Filipino people and
"sovereign." The first person approach (2) To establish a Government that
consisting of the use of the pronouns "we" shall:
and "our" has also been retained instead of
the impersonal third person approach (a) embody our ideals and aspirations;
(i.e.,"the Filipino people" and "their") in promote the common good; (b) conserve
the Preamble of the 1935 Constitution. and develop our patrimony; and (c) secure
The intention is to stress that the Filipino to ourselves and our posterity the bless.
people; in ordaining and promulgating the ings of independence and democracy under
Constitution, do so on their own authority the rule of law and a regime of truth,
as a sovereign people and not by virtue of justice, freedom, love,* equality, and
the authority or permission given by a peace." Attainment of the constitutional
superior foreign power. goals.

Belief In God stressed.

'(1) Root causes of our present problems. -

Our Preamble is in the form of a collective After more than a half century of
prayer. The Filipinos are intensely independent existence, ° the Philippines
religious people. In imploring the aid of continues to be beset with pressing
"Almighty God," they declare and affirm economic, political, and social problems
their belief in the existence of a Supreme usually associated with underdevelopment.
Being that guides the destinies of men and To be sure, every administration has been
nations. They acknowledge the "overruling responsible, one way or another, for the
power of God over the affairs of nations slow progress of our country. A simple
and all human beings." They recognize the analysis will reveal that the root causes of
our country's problems can be traced to a common good, always guided and
large extent to the government machinery controlled by the laws and the
itself - graft and corruption, excessive Constitution.
partisan politics, blunders in economic
policies, and mismanagement, among (3) Single biggest factor for national
others.? solidarity. - Such a government is, beyond
doubt, the single biggest factor for national
(2) Government envisioned by the solidarity for it commands the respect and
Constitution. - The two confidence of the citizens in its integrity
and competence. It, therefore, can readily
(2) goals - to build the kind of society
secure their support and cooperation
and to establish the kind of government set
behind great undertakings and, in times of
forth in the Preamble - are attainable only
grave crises, count on their loyalty and
if the government actually established is of
patriotism to make sacrifices, and if need
the character envisioned by the
be, to defend it and the democratic ideals
and values (e.g., rule of law, respect for
human dignity, freedom, equality) it stands
(a) That government must be for.
democratic, i.e., based on the
consent of the governed, and it
(4) Key to a successful democracy. -
must be so not only in its structure
Only when we succeed in establishing a
but more importantly, in its
truly popular "government that shall
operation. (see Art. II, Sec. 1.) For
embody our ideals and aspirations,," as
instance, it is not enough that laws
intended by the Constitution, can we
are just and humane - they must be
overcome whatever difficulties and meet
applied justly
whatever challenges that we face today
and may confront us in the future. Only
and humanely; or that periodic then can we build for ourselves and the
elections are held - they must be succeeding generations a vibrant
clean and orderly and must democracy that can withstand the toughest
accurately reflect the will of the tests of events and assure a life of
electorate. prosperity and progress, justice and
dignity for all, especially the poor and the
(b) That government must be less privileged in our society who up to
administered by honest, competent, now constitute the vast majority of "the
and dedicated men and women sovereign Filipino people." (see Art. II,
who consider public office as a Secs. 9-11.)
public trust. (Art. IX, Sec. 1.)
Changes in the Preamble.
(c) That government must be
responsive to the people's needs
(1) The Preamble, consisting of 75 words,
and expectations, exercising power
is one of the world's longest preambles. It
and authority in view only of the
15 words more than that of the 1973 abuse of the decree-makingpower, and
Constitution. unequal application of the law;

(2) The phrase Almighty God replaced (c) aspirations, to stand for the
"Divine Providence" in the 1935 and 1973 unrealized dreams of the nation as
Constitutions which was considered vague distinguished from "ideals" which refer to
and impersonal. The latter term was used accepted norms and sentiments. There is
in the 1973 Constitution as a compromise one dream that all Filipinos can share, and
to accommodate some atheists in the 1971 it is to make our country a free, peaceful,
Constitutional Convention. and prosperous nation for our children and
our children's children so that they may
(3) Common good is used to refer to have a better life than we have had;
all the people in place of "general welfare"
which is not as inclusive as it may be (d) truth, to emphasize the
interpreted to refer only to the welfare of constitutional policy of transparency,
the greater majority (even to the great accountability, and integrity in the
prejudice of the minority),' and freedom administration of the government (see Art.
instead of "liberty" because the latter word XI, Sec. 1.), without which there can be no
does not cover freedom from want, fear, good governance. Truth is not what one
and ignorance. thinks it should be. It is not something
which is true today, not tomorrow. There is
(4) Other amendments are the insertion always an objective measure for the truth.
of the following phrases and words: The ideal of truth is intimately connected
with that of justice which is to be accorded
to everyone no matter what his creed or
(a) to build a just and humane society,
status in the life may be. Indeed, without
to stress that in ordaining and
the truth, there can be no justice; and
promulgating the Constitution, the purpose
is not only to establish a government but
also such a society where inequalities or (e) love, as a directive principle of the
inequities in any form do not exist. This is Preamble together with truth, justice,
especially relevant in our society today freedom, equality and peace. It is love that
where there are so few with so much and drives us to be loyal and self-sacrificing
so many with so and to care deeply about the happiness of
others and our nation's welfare especially
when it is gravely imperiled.

(b) the rule of law (see Introduction-

In many parts of the country today, intense
E.), the Constitutional Commission
partisan conflicts and political rivalries,
apparently having in mind the
not to mention the long-drawn communist
country's experience of authoritarian rule
armed rebellion and the secessionist
under a former regime
movement in the south," and the repeated
which had been accused, among others, of
coup attempts by disaffected military
human rights violations, electoral frauds
rebels to overthrow the government," have
and lerrorism, suppression of dissent,
engendered hatred, violence and tensions, against "basic economic and social
and hinder our progress and development. inequalities" then prevailing in the country
at the time of the framing of the same.
Incidentally, our Constitution is the only These conditions continued to exist up to
one in the world to enshrine "love" in its the last days of the Marcos regime:
text which can also be read as "human
fraternity" or "brotherhood." (a) While the idea which "equality"
signifies is already embodied in the term
(5) The word independence in the 1935 "democracy," it was deemed impera-tive
text of the Preamble (which was almost an that emphasis should continue to be made
exact reproduction of the Preamble of the in the new Charter of the egalitarian
U.S: Constitution except for some objectives of our society. But the intended
alterations in phraseology) was changed to principal beneficiaries of a "regime of x x
"democracy" in the 1973 Constitution for x equal-ity" are the poor and marginalized
the reason that the term denotes the idea of in our society.
a colonial status (which was existing at the As to them, because of their
time of the adoption of the 1935 disadvantageous situation, equality really
Constitution), and it is long after 1946 means protection under the principle of
when the Philippines had become legally social justice which imposes upon the
independent from the United States." It is State the duty to accord preferential
restored to stress our being an independent attention to and solicitude for their
nation, "free to build and chart our own welfare. (see Art. XIII.)
destiny, in our own time and in our own
way." (b) The Preamble is speaking of
domestic peace and it exists not merely
Of course, there is no nation in the world when there is absence of armed conflicts,
that is truly independent, especially in the hostilities, or lawlessness. This absence
present age of diverse and borderless may be one that is attained through the use
global economy in which we live. Each of violence or the imposition of will over
nation is to a certain degree dependent the people by means of control. Neither is
upon others, for no nation, no matter how it the state of being left alone to do as one
progressive and prosperous, can be wants. It does not mean absolute human
completely self-sufficient. The freedom from all cares or distur-bance.
constitutional goal is self-reliance and
freedom from foreign control and As used in the Preamble, "peace"* should
intervention in the development of our be understood more in its positive sense,
national economy (see Art. II, Sec. meaning the presence and primacy of law,
19.) and the pursuit of our foreign policy. order and justice, which after all are the
(Ibid., Sec. 7.) very foundation as well as end and purpose
of every demo cratic government.
(6) The words equality and peacel were
inserted in the 1973 Constitution in view (c) The addition of a regime of peace
of the turbulence, and the waves of protest is consistent with the constitutional policy
of renouncing war as an instrument of (2) Value of provision defining our
national policy. (Art. II, Sec. 2.) national territory. - Nevertheless, it is
important to define as precisely as possible
Article 1 NATIONAL TERRITORY our national territory for the purpose of
making known to the world the areas over
which we assert title or ownership to avoid
SECTION 1. The national territory
future conflicts with other nations. As a
comprises the Philippine archipelago, with
sovereign State, the Philippines can
all the islands and waters embraced
promulgate and enforce laws within our
therein, and all other terri tories over
country. Every other power is excluded
which the Philippines has sovereignty or
from exercising dominion or jurisdiction
jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial,
without the consent of the
fluvial, and aerial domains, including its
territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the
insular shelves, and other submarine areas.
International law recognizes the supreme
The waters around, between, and
authority of every state within its territory,
connecting the islands of the archipelago,
although foreign sovereigns and
regardless of their breadth and dimensions,
diplomatic envoys are entitled to
form part of the internal waters of the
exemption from local civil and criminal

Necessity of constitutional provision on

(3) Acquisition of other territories.
National Territory.
Incidentally, the definition of our national
territory in our Constitution does not
The Constitution begins with a prevent the Philippines from acquiring
delimitation of our national territory other territories in the future through any
of the means (e.g., purchase, exchange,
(1) Binding force of such provision etc.) sanctioned by international law.
under international law. - There is no rule
in international law which requires a State National Territory of the
to define its territorial boundaries in its
Constitution. The reason is that with or Philippines.
without such a provision, a State under
international law has the unquestioned As provided in Article I, it comprises:
right to assert jurisdiction throughout the
extent of its territory. Nor is such (1) The Philippine archipelago with all
delimitation binding upon other States the islands and waters embraced
who are not precluded from claiming title therein;
to territories which they think is theirs.' (2) All other territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or
In any case, territorial disputes have to be jurisdiction;*
settled according to the rules of
(3) The terrestrial, fluvial and aerial
international law.
domains including the territorial
sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the Its inclusion in the definition of our
insular shelves, and other national territory merely provided for the
submarine areas thereof; and possibility that said territories might
(4) The internal waters. (Sec. 1.) eventually become a part of the
Meaning of archipelago. Philippines but it did not settle the
The term archipelago is derived from the question of whether they belong to the
Greek word pelagos meaning "sea." It has Philippines by historic right or legal title.
been defined as a sea or part of a sea
studded with islands, often synonymous (2) Future claims by the Philippines to
with island groups," or as a large group of other areas. - The deletion, however, of the
islands in an extensive body of water, such words by historic right or legal title" is not
as sea.° to be construed as precluding future claims
by the Philippines to areas over which it
In other words, it includes both sea and does not actually exercise sovereignty. The
islands which geographically may be change is designed to improve our
considered as an independent whole. relations with Malaysia while allowing
flexibility in pursuing the Sabah claim if it
Other territories over which the desires to do so.
Philippines has sovereignty or
jurisdiction. Other areas included in the
Philippine archipelago.
(1) Pending Philippine claim to Sabah,
etc. The phrase "all the other territories The Philippine territory consists of its
belonging to the Philippines by historic terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial' domains.
right or legal title" found in 1973 Included in its fluvial domains, in addition
Constitution was omitted in the present to the external waters, are:
Charter. The phrase acquired a definite
meaning in the 1973 Constitution as a (1) The territorial sea. - It is that part
cover-all for pending Philippine claim to of the sea extending 12 nautical
Sabah (formerly North Borneo) against miles (19 kms.) from the low-
Malaysia® and the possible claim to the watermark. It is also-called the
so-called Freedom land (a group of islands "marginal sea," the "marginal belt,"
known as "Spratley" islands in the South or the "marine belt";
China Sea and the Marianas Islands, (2) The seabed (or sea floor or sea
including Guam (which according to bottom). - This refers to the land
historical documents were under the that holds the sea, lying beyond the
control of the civil and ecclesiastical seashore, including mineral and
authorities in the Philippines during the natural resources;
Spanish regime), or any other territory
(3) The subsoil. - This refers to
over which the Philippines may in the
everything beneath the surface soil
future find it has a right to claim.
and the seabed, including mineral
and natural resources;
(4) Insular shelves (or continental (4) High or open seas. - They are
shelves). - They are the submerged waters that lie seaward of the territorial
portions of a continent or offshore sea.
island, which slope gently seaward
from the low waterline to a point Jurisdiction over navigable waters.
where a substantial break in grade
occurs, at which point the bottom
The inland or internal waters and the
slopes seaward at a considerable
territorial sea together comprise what is
increase in slope until the great
generally known as the territorial waters of
ocean depths are reached; and
a state. Over these waters, a state exercises
(5) Other submarine areas. - They refer
sovereignty to the same extent as its land
to all areas under the territorial sea.
territory but foreign vessels have the right
Among oceanographic terms used
of innocent passage through the territorial
are seamount, trough, trench, basin,
deep, bank, shoal, and reef.

On the other hand, the open seas are

As part of the national territory, the seabed,
international waters which means that they
the insular shelves, and other submarine
are not subject to the sovereignty of any
areas are necessarily co-extensive with the
state but every state has equal right of use
territorial sea. The Philippines has a right
in them.
or title to them to the extent recognized by
international law.
The archipelagic concept or principle of
Three (3)-fold division of navigable
The use of the word "archipelago" in
Article I is intended to project the idea that
From the standpoint of international law,
the Philippines is an archipelago (a state
the waters of the earth are divided into:
composed of a number of islands) and
bolster the archipelagic concept (or
(1) Inland or internal waters. - They are the archipelago doctrine) which the
parts of the sea within the land territory. Philippines, together with Indonesia and
They are considered in the same light as other archipelago states, had espoused in
rivers, canals, and lakes within the land international conferences on the Law of
territory of a state. They are sometimes the Sea.
called national waters;

By this concept is meant that an

(3) Territorial sea. (supra.) - It is the archipelago shall be regarded as a single
belt of water outside and parallel to the unit, so that the waters around, between,
coastline or to the outer limits of the and connecting the islands of the
inland or internal waters; and archipelago, irrespective of their breadth
and dimensions, form part of the internal
waters of the state, subject to its exclusive the same time, we would lose a large part
sovereignty. of our territory on both sides of the
archipelago, towards the China Sea and the
The Philippine position. Pacific Ocean.

As long as the Philippine Constitution

The archipelago theory is in reality an
stands, as long as the Philippines continues
exception to the three (3)-mile rule (now
as one united country, and as long as the
12-mile rule). This rule does not
Philippines constitutes one nation, the
adequately protect Philippine interests at
three-mile limit can never be acceptable to

(1) Fatal effect of application of 12-mile

(2) The Philippines, a single nation
rule upon territorial integrity of the
and a united State. - In a statement before
Philippines. In the International
the Sub-Committee II of the Committee on
Convention on the Law of the Sea held in
Peaceful Uses of the Seabed and the
Geneva in 1958, the Philippine position
was explained as follows:
Floor Beyond the Limits of National
Jurisdiction at Geneva on August 16, 1971,
"To apply the three-mile rule to the
the Solicitor General" of the Philippines
Philippines, with every island having its
reiterated the reasons why the over 7,000
own territorial sea, would have a fatal
islands composing the Philippines should
effect upon the territorial integrity of the
be treated as one whole unit:

"More than seven thousand islands

It would mean the dismemberment of the
comprise the Philippines ruled by one
archipelago with the Sibuyan sea
whole unitary government, bound by a
separating the Visayas, and the Mindanao
common heritage, beholden to the same
Strait and the Sulu isolating Palawan from
tradition, pursuing the same ideals,
the rest of the archipelago.
interdependent and united politically,
economically and socially as one nation.
These and other areas of waters would
cease to be Philippine waters; they would
To suggest that each island has its own
become international waters or high seas,
territorial sea and that base lines must be
and fishing vessels from all nations can
drawn around each island is to splinter into
enter to get the fish and other living
7,000 pieces what is a single nation and a
resources of the sea which nature and
united state. One need only imagine a map
Divine Providence intended for the
of the Philippines with territorial seas
around each island and with pockets of
high seas in between islands to realize the
Furthermore, warships of even unfriendly absurdity of the resulting situation.
nations could enter these waters and stay Depending on the breadth of the territorial
there with perfect legal right to do so. At sea that may emerge, such pockets of high
seas in the very heart of the country may The above declaration is a restatement (see
be such small areas of no more than 5 to Preamble) of the democratic character of
10 or 15 square miles. And yet, on account our government.
of this, on the pretext of going to those
pockets of high seas, any vessel may A republican government is a democratic
intrude into the middle of our country, government by representatives chosen by
between, for example, the islands of Bohol the people at large. The essence, therefore,
and Camiguin which from shore to shore of a republican state is indirect rule.
are separated by no more than 29 miles."
(1) The people have established the
(3) Archipelago principle fully goverhment to govern themselves. Its
recognized by UN Law of the Sea officers from the highest to the lowest are
Convention. - Even, therefore, a 12-mile servants of the people and not their
breadth of the territorial sea would not be masters. They can only exercise the
acceptable to the powers delegated to them by the people
Philippines as it would still result in having who remain as the ultimate source of
some pockets within the sea between some political power and authority.
islands which would be considered
international waters.! The archipelago (2) Section 1 adds the word
principle and the exclusive economic zone "democratic" because the gov-ernment,
rights (see Note 11.) are now fully while essentially a republican democracy,
recognized in the U.N. Law of the Sea embodies some features of a pure or direct
Convention and, therefore, form part of democracy such as initiative, referendum,
public international law. It was ratified by and recall. (see Art. VI, Sec. 32; Art, X,
the interim Batasang Pambansa on Sec. 3.)
February 27, 1984.
Manifestations of a democratic and
Article II DECLARATION OF republican state.

The manifestations of a democratic and

PRINCIPLES republican state are:
(1) The existence of a bill of rights (Art.
SECTION 1. The Philippines is a III.);
democratic and republican State. (2) The observance of the
Sovereignty resides in the people and all rule of the
government authority emanates from them.
majority (Introduc-tion-E.);

The Philippines, a democratic and (3) The observance of the principle that
republican state. ours is a government of laws, and not
of men
(4) The presence of elections through (2) Exercised directly through
popular will (Art. suffrage. Actual sovereignty is exercised
by the people through the electoral
V.); process.› The popular will is best
expressed when electoral processes are
(5) The observance of the principle of
free, clean and honest, on the basis of
separation of powers and the system
universal suffrage (i.e., not granted by
of checks and balances (see Art. VI,
status or property) and through secret vote.
Sec. 1.); (6) The observance of the
It is also imperative that the broadest
principle that the legislature cannot
choice of representatives is available to the
pass irrepealable laws (see Art. VI,
Sec. 26.);
(7) The observance of the
law on public Since we are a representative democracy,
the free and true expression of the people's
officers (Art. XI.);
sovereignty is of great importance in
determining popular representation in the
(8) The observance of the principle that
the State cannot be sued without its
consent. (Art. XVI, Sec. 3.)
Right of the people to revolt.

Sovereignty of the people.

Section 1 above impliedly recognizes that
the people, as the ultimate judges of their
Sovereignty implies the supreme authority
destiny, can resort to revolution as a matter
inherent in the State by which it is
of right.
governed. As.the State in whom
sovereignty resides, the Filipino people
A provision in the Constitution, however,
have the right to constitute their own
expressly recognizing the people's right to
government, to change it, and to define its
revolt against an oppressive or tyrannical
jurisdiction and powers.
government is not necessary and proper.

(1) Exercised indirectly through public

(1) Being an inherent right, it exists
officials. - The people, however, do not
whether or not such right is
govern themselves directly. Sovereignty
embodied in the Constitution and,
(i.e., making laws, enforcing the same, and
regardless of the Constitution, a
deciding cases involving life, liberty, and
people will revolt if sufficiently
property) is exercised through duly elected
provoked by oppression, injustices,
and appointed public officials who, as
or abuses by their rulers.
public servants, are accountable to the
(2) A constitution in a democratic
people. (Art. XI, Sec. 1.) Their acts, if
State enshrines the rule of law and,
within the scope of their delegated powers,
therefore, any allusion to the right
are, in effect, the acts of the people.
of violent or armed revolution
(which connotes an act committed
beyond the framework of the rule
of law) would be inconsistent with Under Article VI, Section 23(1) of the
the concept of a Constitution. Constitution, Congress with the
It would also not speak well of the political concurrence of two-thirds of all its
stability of the State, because such a members, voting separately, may declare
provision connotes that there is a distinct the existence of a state of war.
possibility that the time may come when
the people have to revolt against tyranny. Adoption of the generally accepted
principles of international law as part of
(4) In any case, in a democratic society our law.
where the consent of the governed is
regularly expressed through open debates International law refers to the body of rules
and free elections, "prudence, indeed, will and principles which governs the relations
dictate that Governments long established of nations and their respective peoples in
should not be changed [through their intercourse with one another.
revolution] for light and transient causes."
In consonance with the renunciation of war
SECTION 2. The Philippines renounces policy, the second partion of the
war as an instrument of national policy, declaration binds the Philippines to
adopts the generally accepted principles of enforce or observe within its jurisdiction,
international law as part of the law of the generally accepted principles of
land and adheres to the policy of peace, international law, whether customary or by
equality, justice, freedom, coop-eration, treaty provision, as part of the law of the
and amity with all nations. land. There is here an automatic adoption
of international law as part of the law of
Renunciation of war as an instrument of the Philippines under what is known as the
national policy. doctrine of incorporation.

This is the first aspect of the above (1) When international usage to be
declaration. It is in accordance with the applied. — International usages or
principle in the United Nations Charter the customs of civilized nations are
binding all members to "refrain in their given effect by our courts in the
international relations from the threat or absence of any treaty, executive
use of force against the territorial integrity order, legislative act, or judicial
or political independence of any state. decision. An example of a principle
xxx." The declaration refers only to the established by international usage
renunciation by the Philippines of is that fishing boats belonging to an
aggressive war, not war in defense of her enemy are not subject to seizure in
national honor and integrity. time of war.?
Men and nations cannot waive in advance (2) A treaty has force of a statute. -
the basic right of self-preservation and The Constitution gives a treaty the
self-defense. same weight and value as a statute
of Congress. In case of a conflict
between a treaty and a statute, the
prior act is superseded by the later and friendship with her neighbors and all
one in point of time. countries of the world, regardless of race,
creed, ideol. ogy and political system, on
When a treaty is superseded by a the basis of mutual trust, respect, and
subsequent statute of Congress, the treaty cooperation. It supports the right of all
is repealed or abrogated as part of the law nations, big and small, to equality,
of the land but it still subsists as an freedom, and justice in their relations with
engagement of the Philippines, although it one another and the policy of non-
may not be enforceable by our courts. The interference in the internal affairs of other
other State may only present its complaint countries and peaceful settlement of
to the political organs (i.e., the President interna. tional disputes and opposes the use
and Congress) of our government.? of force, or the threat or force, in the
relations among nations.
(3) Constitution prevails over a treaty.
— The phrase "law of the nation" The Constitution does not imply, however,
in the 1935 Constitution was that the Philippines is duty bound to
changed to "law of the land" in the extend diplomatic recognition to all
1973 Constitution in order to avoid nations. (see Sec. 7.)
any conjecture that the generally
accepted principles of international SECTION 3. Civilian authority is, at all
law are incorporated into times, supreme over the military. The
Philippine law with the force of Armed Forces of the Philippines is the
constitutional provisions.^ The protector of the people and State. Its goal
change is retained in the new is to secure the sovereignty of the State
Constitution. Thus, should a and the integrity of the national territory.
conflict arise between the
Constitution and a treaty, the Supremacy of civilian authority over the
former prevails. milltary.

Adherence to the policy of peace, etc.,

(1) Inherent in a republican system. - The
with all nations.
basic tenet of the supremacy of civilian
authority, the highest of such authority
This third aspect is a corollary to the being the President, over the military
foregoing portions of the above declaration has always been recognized in our
of principle. It shows a positive attitude on jurisdiction by implication from
the part of the Philippines toward the express provisions of the 1935
observance of the principles of the United Constitution and by practice. This
Nations Charter and to universally deeply rooted political tradition is also
accepted rules and principles of inherent in a republican system of
international law. government. Nonetheless, the 1971
Constitutional Convention and the
In line with the objectives of the United 1986 Constitutional Commission have
Nations, the Philippines seeks orily peace included the above provision as they
felt the need for a clear expression in failure of the government to contain the
the Charter concerning the supremacy growing insurgency problem. Rightly or
of the civilian authority over the wrongly, it had been accused of having
military at all times, particularly during committed, abetted, or tolerated numerous
periods of martial law or suspension of violations of human rights both against
the privilege of the writ of habeas rebels and the civilian population. Among
corpus. (see Art. III, Sec. 15; Art. VII, the cases reported are unexplained or
Sec.18.) forced disappearance, extrajudicial killings
(salvaging), massacres, tortures,
Even in war, the armed forces is hamletting, and food blockades.?
subordinate to civilian authority.
(2) Constitutional mandates. - The
(2) A safeguard against military Constitution seeks to change this state of
dictatorship. affairs:
(a) Through Section 3 above, it defines
- A civilian, the President is the
clearly the function of the Armed
commander-in-chief of all armed forces of
Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
the Philippines (Ibid.) - the army, the navy,
and its goal in the discharge of this
and the air force. As commander-in-chief,
function. It shall be the protector of
he issues orders to the armed forces. Even
the people® and the State to secure
the appointment of their high-ranking
the sovereignty of the State and the
officers is vested in the President with the
integrity of the national territory.
consent of the Commission on
This means fighting all forces,
Appointments of Congress. (Ibid., Sec.
internal or external, which seek to
16.) Along with Congress, the President
overthrow the government, impair
determines the military budget and defines
the independence of the nation, or
the national policy on defense and security.
dismember any portion of its
This arrangement is considered an
(b) Through another provision (see
important safeguard against the rise of
Art. XVI, Sec. 5.), the Constitution
military dictatorship.
insures professionalism in the
armed forces and insulates it from
Armed Forces of the Philippines; partisan politics. Furthermore, it
protector of the people and the directs the State to "strengthen the
State. patriotic spirit and nationalist
consciousness of the military, and
(1) Fearsome image acquired during respect for people's rights in the
martial rule. - Under a previous regime, performance of their duty."
particularly during the early part of martial
law the Armed Forces of the Philippines (3) Support of the people. - Adherence
(AFP)' became a highly politicized to these constitutional mandates is
military. It acquired a fearsome image. essential if the AFP is to win "the hearts
This was a contributory factor to the and minds" of the people in the efforts to
resolve the long-drawn insurgency call upon the people to defend the State.
problem and fulfill its crucial task as an (Sec. 4.) It is the people themselves who
effective guardian of the nation's safety ultimately have to defend the State in
against any threat to its existence, whether times of war.
from within or from without. The strength
of the armed forces, indeed, of our nation, For self-preservation and to defend its
stems from the people. territorial honor and integrity, the
Philippines can engage in a defensive war.
SECTION 4. The prime duty of the In recognition of this fact, the Constitution
has provided for the above principle. The
Government is to serve and protect the
defense of the State is one of the duties of
people. The Government may call upon
a citizen.
the people to defend the State and, in the
fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be re-
quired, under conditions provided by law, The term "people" may also include aliens
to render personal military or civil service. since they are likewise subject to
regulations adopted by the government for
Prime duty of the Government. the defense of the State.

The constitutional provision covers both

Section 4 enunciates the first and foremost
time of peace and time of war.
duty of the Government - to serve and
protect the people. In our contemporary
setting, when the country is beset by Military and civil service by the people.
formidable social and economic problems
all demanding priority attention, (1) Defense of State performed
particularly the problems of mass poverty through an army. - The duty of the
and massive unemployment, the above government and the people to
principle is most proper and timely. It is defend the State cannot be
consistent with the most basic democratic performed except through an army.
tenet that the government exists for the To leave the organization of an
people and not the people for the army to the will of the citizens
government. would be to make this duty
excusable should there be no
The State fulfills this prime duty sufficient men who volunteer to
by pursuing and implementing the enlist therein.? This principle is
State Policies mandated by the reinforced by the provision on the
Constitution in Sections 7 to 28. formation of a citizen armed force.
(see Art. XVI, Sec. 4.)
(2) Compulsory. - Thus, the citizens
Defense of the State by the people
may be compelled to render
against foreign aggression.
personal military, or civil service.
Accordingly, the Supreme Court
While the defense of the State is no longer upheld in a case the validity of the
the prime duty of the government, it may National Defense Act requiring
compulsory military service. Any promotion of the general welfare or the
citizen recruited for the army or common good.'
civil service pursuant to law for the
defense of the State may not refuse Only when peace and order, security, and a
on the ground that to go to war is life of dignity (see Sec. 11.) are established
against his religion. The and maintained, will political stability and
constitutional provision removes economic prosperity become attainable
all doubt as to the validity of such and the people truly enjoy the "blessings of
law. independence and democracy." (see
(3) Meaning of "civil service." — The Preamble.) Democracy flourishes best
term, as used above, refers to any when peace and order reign and the rights
service for the defense of the State of the people are assured.
other than as soldiers, like as
workers in munition factories. SECTION 6. The separation of Church
(4) Personal. - One cannot render the and
service required through another.
The service must be "personal." State shall be inviolable. Principle
(5) By law. - The phrase "under of separation of the church and
conditions provided by law" is State.
intended to prevent arbitrariness on
the part of certain officials to (1) Meaning. - The principle simply
require military or civil service.* It means that the church is not to interfere in
seeks to emphasize the primordial purely political matters or temporal
responsibility of the Government aspects of man's life and the State, in
"to serve and protect the people" purely matters of religion and morals,
even when they are called upon" to which are the exclusive concerns of the
defend the State." other.! The demarcation line calls on the
two (2) institutions to
"render unto Ceasar the things that are
SECTION 5. The maintenance of
Ceasar's and unto God the things that are
God's." This is not as simple as it appears
and order, the protection of life, liberty, for the exact dividing line between the
and property, and the promotion of the respective domains or jurisdictions of the
general welfare are essential for the Church and the State has always been the
enjoyment by all the people of the subject matter of much disagreement.
blessings of democracy.
(2) Implied in other
Maintenance of peace and order, etc. constitutional provisions. - The
principle of the separation of Church and
The State (Government) shall pursue the State being inviolable (i.e., secured or
maintenance of peace and order (see Art. protected from violation)
XVI, Sec. 6.), the protection of life, liberty is implied from the constitutional
and property (see Art. III, Sec. 1.), and the prohibitions that "no law shall be
made respecting an establishment of
religion" (Art. III, Sec. 5.) and that "no No hostility towards religion.
public money or property shall ever be
appropriated, applied, paid, (1) Preamble. - The command that Church
or employed, directly or indirectly, and State be separate is not to be
for the use, benefit, or support interpreted to mean hostility to
of any sect, church, religion.
denomination, sectarian institution or
system of religion." (Art. VI, Sec. 29[2].)
In so far as religion instills into the minds
Section 6 merely affirms this old
the purest principles of morality, its
constitutional principle.
influence is deeply felt and highly
appreciated. As a matter of fact, the
The term "Church," as used in the Preamble of the Constitution starts with
Constitution, covers all religious these words: "We, the sovereign Filipino
institutions or faiths. people, imploring the aid of Almighty
God..." With these words, the Filipino
Meaning of "establishment people "manifested their intense religious
of religion clause." nature and placed unfaltering reliance
upon him who guides the destinies of men
The phrase "no law respecting
an establishment of religion" has been
referred to as the "establishment of religion
clause." In the words of Thomas Jefferson, (2) Other provisions/laws. - Furthermore:
using a metaphor, this clause was intended
to erect "a wall of separation between the (a) Our Constitution and laws exempt from
Church and the State." And it means that: taxation, properties devoted exclusively to
religious purposes (Art.VI, Sec. 28(3].);
(1) The State shall have no (b) The use of public money or property is
official religion; not prohibited when a priest, preacher or
(2) The State cannot set up a church, dignitary as such is assigned to the armed
whether or not supported with forces, or to any penal institution or
public funds; nor aid one religion, government orphanage or leprosarium
aid all religions (see Art. VI, Sec. (Art. VI, Sec. 29[2].);
29(2].), or prefer one religion over (c) Optional religious instruction in
another; public elementary and high schools is by
(3) Every person is free to profess constitutional mandate allowed (Art.XIV,
belief or disbelief in any religion; Sec. 3[3].);
(4) Every religious minister is free to (d) Maundy Thursday (movable date)
practice his calling; and and Good Friday (movable date) of Holy
(5) The State cannot punish a person Week, Christmas Day (Dec. 25), Sundays
for entertaining or professing and all Saints Dạy (Nov. 1) are made
religious beliefs or disbeliefs. nationwide legal holidays® because of the
secular idea that their observance is
conducive to
beneficial moral results; and primarily reposed in the executive
(e) The law punishes polygamy and department. (see Art. VII, Sec. 21.)
bigamy, and cer. tain crimes against The President formulates our foreign
religious worship are considered crimes policy principally with the help of the
against the fundamental laws of the State. Department of Foreign Affairs.
Within the limits prescribed by the (2) An instrument of domestic policy. Its
principle of separation of Church and importance in the survival and
State, these two (2) great entities could progress of a country cannot be over-
work together in harmony to serve the emphasized. It is the sole weapon of a
welfare of the people." STATE State for the promotion of national
POLICIES interest in international affairs. Thus,
foreign policy is but a reflection and an
instrument of domestic policy, the
SECTION 7. The State shall pursue former being related to and dictated by
an the latter.
independent foreign policy. In its relations They are not only mutually
with other states the paramount consistent but complementary.'
consideration shall be national sovereignty, (3) Pursuit of an independent foreign
territorial integrity, national interest, and policy. - The Constitution mandates the
the right to self-determination. State to pursue an independent foreign
policy,? aware of the unwelcome
Foreign policy of the Philippines. consequences of a policy characterized
by excessive dependence on another
Foreign policy is the basic direction country.
underlying the conduct by a State of its
affairs vis-á-vis those of other States. It is (a) An independent foreign policy simply
a set of guidelines followed by a means one that is not subordinate or
government of a country in order to subject to nor dependent upon the
promote its national interest through the support of another government. An
conduct of its relations with other independent nation rejects foreign
countries. dictation and decides for itself what the
national interest is and how it is to be
(1) Formulation and conduct of foreign promoted and pro-tected.
policy. - The President has been (b) An independent foreign policy,
referred to as the chief architect of the however, it is not one that completely
nation's foreign policy. While the rejects advice or assistance from with-
President may be our "top diplomat," out. Neither does it mean abandoning
foreign policy making is not entrusted traditional allies or being isolated from
solely with him. Under our the international community. To be re-
constitutional system, Congress shares alistic, a foreign policy must have a
with the President the responsibility of global outlook in view of the
formulating the countrys foreign policy deleterious effect on the country's
although the conduct thereof is relations with other countries of a
foreign policy that revolves only on SECTION 8. The Philippines, consistent
our relations with select members of with the national interest, adopts and
the international commu-nity. Being a pursues a policy of freedom from nuclear
small developing nation, we must weapons in its territory.
make no enemy if we can make a
friend Freedom from nuclear
weapons policy.
(4) Basic foreign policy objective. - In
general, our basic foreign policy (1) Aim of provision. - The intent of
objective is to establish friendly Section 8 is to forbid the making, storing,
relations with all countries of the manufacture or testing in our country of
world regardless of race, religion, nuclear weapons, devices or parts thereof
ideology, and social system and to as well as the use of our territory as
promote as much beneficial dumping site for radioactive wastes and
relations with them particularly in the transit within our territory of ships or
economic and trade activities and planes with nuclear weapons. It does not,
to pursue Philippine interests in however, prohibit the use of nuclear
multilateral organizations. energy for medicine, agriculture, and other
(5) Paramount consideration. - peaceful or beneficial purposes.
Constitution Congress will have to provide the
recognizes that in the pursuit of an mechanics to effectively implement
independent foreign policy in an Section 8.
interdependent world, new realities and
new situations may require the Philippines (2) Ban on nuclear weapons as subject
to make a reappraisal of the conduct of its to exception. — The records of the
foreign relations. Independence in the Constitutional Commission' support
making and conduct of foreign policy is the position that Section 8 does not
relative. The national interest will not be absolutely ban nuclear weapons from
served by trying to deal with regional and Philippine territory. The phrase "consistent
international issues in absolute terms. Ours with the national interest," may reasonably
must be a policy of flexibility and be interpreted to mean "subject to national
pragmatism guided only by the welfare of interest."
our people and the security of our
Republic. In other words, if the national interest so
dictates, the storing of nuclear weapons in
In its relations with other states, the our territory may be permitted at least on a
paramount consideration of the Philippines transitory basis, considering that it was not
shall be national sovereignty, territorial prohibited under the then existing military
integrity, national interest, and the right to bases agreement with the United States
self. determination.^ (Sec. 7.) whose validity and term of effectivity until
1991 are implicitly recognized by the
Constitution. (see Art. XVIII, Sec. 25.)
(3) Ban as an absolute prohibition. - The underprivileged and the marginalized
phraseology, however, of Section 8 may be sectors of our population from poverty.
understood as providing no qualification,
exception, or condition if the phrase The goal is to reduce the political and
"consistent with national interest is taken economic power of a privileged few by
as the reason for the policy, that is, the equalizing widely differing standards and
Philippines "adopts and pursues" the opportunities for advancement and to raise
policy because it is consistent with the masses of our people from a life of
national interest. The Constitution itself misery and deprivation to a qualitative life
bans nuclear weapons as a policy and worthy of human dignity and respect.' The
precisely emphasizes that such policy is concept of "common good" now enshrined
"consistent with the national interest." in the Preamble which the government
shall promote contemplates a society
SECTION 9. The State shall promote a where every member is given every
just and dynamic social order that will opportunity to attain his or her fullest
ensure the prosperity and independence of development — culturally and spiritually.
the nation and free the people from
poverty through policies that provide With the eradication of mass poverty, the
adequate social services, promote full State solves at the same time a chain of
employment, a rising standard of living, social problems that comes with it: social
and an improved quality of life for all. unrest, breakdown of family systems,
diseases, ignorance, criminality, and low
Just and dynamic social order. productivity?

(1) Policies necessary to be pursued. - SECTION 10. The State shall promote
The State shall promote a just and social justice in all phases of national
dynamic social order. This is accomplished development.
through policies that provide adequate
social services (in the field of health, Social justice.
education, housing, etc.), promote full
employment (see Art. XII, Sec. 1, par. 2; This policy mandates the State to promote
Art. XIII, Sec. 3, par. social justice in all phases of national
), a rising standard of living, and an development. In the fulfillment of this
improved quality of life for all. (Ibid., duty, the State must give preferential
Sec.1.) attention to the welfare of the less
fortunate members of the community - the
(2) Solving the problem of mass poor, the unschooled, the disabled, the
poverty. The Preamble calls for the underprivileged - those who have less in
establishment of a "just and humane life.'
society" and a government that shall
"promote the common good." Such a It is discussed fully under Article XIII
society must insure the prosperity and (Social Justice and Human Rights).
independence of the nation and free the
SECTION 11. The State values the dignity never more debased than when these rights
of every human person and guarantees full are violated, one way or another, with
respect for human rights. impunity. Respect for each other human
rights on the basis of equality and
Human dignity and human rights. individual responsibility is not only a
moral obligation but so imperative if we
are to live peacefully in today's world
(1) Belief in inherent dignity of every
where interests are diverse and often
human person, basis of human rights. - A
human person is a being and not a thing.
He is entitled to respect, not because he is
right or wrong but because he is human. This topic is discussed at length under
Article III (Bill of Rights) and Article XIII
(Social Justice and Human Rights).
In a democratic state, the individual enjoys
certain rights which cannot be modified or
taken away by the lawmaking body. These SECTION 12. The State recognizes
rights are protected or guaranteed because the
of the belief in the inherent dignity and sanctity of family life and shall protect and
basic moral worth of every human person, strengthen the family as a basic
regardless of race, color, sex, creed, autonomous social institution. It shall
culture, national or social origin, or station equally protect the life of the mother and
of life. Implied in this principle or policy is the life of the unborn from conception. The
the recognition that the human person is natural and primary right and duty of
the end and purpose of every social parents in the rearing of the youth for civic
organization, the State included. efficiency and the development of moral
character shall receive the support of the
(2) Duty of the State. - The value Government.
accorded to human dignity is measured by
the extent of respect for human rights, Strengthening the family as a basic
principally the rights to life (includes autonomous social institution.
security), liberty and property.? (Art. III,
Sec. 1.)
The above declaration, not only has given
constitutional basis to the family as a basic
In pursuit of this constitutional policy, it is autonomous social institution. In addition,
the duty of the State to enact measures and it mandates the State to recognize the
develop programs that will promote human sacredness of family life and to look up for
dignity and safeguard the rights of the ways to strengthen the family. (see Art.
people from any threat of violence or use XV.) Under the provision, the government
of force, deception or any other extra-legal may not enact. any law or initiate
means for the purpose of exploitation or in measures that would break up or weaken
the pursuit of wicked ends. the family as a social unit, or in the guise
of protecting the family, interfere in purely
(3) Violation of human rights debases internal family matters which do not
human dignity. - A person's humanity is
involve the social order or any public (3) Saving life of mother. - The State
policy. has still another compelling interest aside
from the right to life of the unborn
Right to life of the unborn from - the health of the mother whose life it
conception and of the mother. shall equally protect.^ (Ibid.) The sacrifice
of the life of the unborn when medically
established as necessary to save the life of
(1) Commencement of life. - Human
the mother is not abortion.
life is commonly believed to begin from
the moment of conception when the
female egg and the male sperm merge at Rearing of the youth for civic e ciency
fertilization. From that moment, a new life and development of moral character.
is formed and starts to grow as any living
being, the unborn human embryo in the (1) A duty both of parents and
maternal womb is considered a whole, government. - The common welfare of
separate human being and, truth to tell, society as well as the good of the
most defenseless one. He has a basic individual depends to a great extent
human right to life which the State is upon the proper education and training
enjoined to protect, along with infants and of children. The youth of today will be
children. (Sec. 12.) tomorrow's citizens. These citizens will
be as they have been prepared and
In short, once conceived, the unborn child guided in their youth. The government,
is a living person with the right to be born therefore, should equally share in the
and the right to live and must be given the inherent right and duty of parents in
consequent respect and dignity. the training of their children to be
good, useful, and worthy citizens by
(2) Ban on abortion. - Section 12, in giving them support to prepare their
categorically mandating the protection. of children for future positions of
the unborn, prevents the possibility of responsibility and leadership.
abortion being legalized by future (2) Right of State to interfere with
legislation. It is a permanent guarantee education of children. - The above
against any law or judicial decree provision must not, however, be
permitting abortion which is inherently interpreted to mean that, as in a
evil as it involves the killing of a totalitarian State, the children will be
defenseless human being in the womb of considered the property of the State.
the mother. It pro-claims, together with So, the State cannot by law compel the
other provisions (Art. II, Secs. 10, 15, 16; parents to make their children accept
Art. III, Secs. 1, 19[1].), the Constitution's instruction in public schools only. Such
recognition of the sacred and inviolable a law constitutes an unreasonable
character of every human life from its interference with the liberty of parents
beginning until its natural end. to direct the upbringing and education
of children under their control. The
child is not a mere creation of the
(3) Power of State to regulate all schools. - encourage their involvement in public and
The State, however, has the power civic affairs.
reasonably to regulate all schools, their
teachers and pupils; to require that all Role of the youth in nation-
children of proper age attend school, building.
that teachers shall be of good moral The above declaration is related to the
character and patriotic disposition, that preceding provision.
certain studies plainly essential to good
citizenship must be taught, and that (1) Today's youth, more
nothing be taught which is manifestly knowledgeable and intelligent. - The bulk
inimical to public welfare.° (see Art. of our population is made up of the youth,
XIV, Sec. 3[2].) nearly half of it comprising the very young
(4) The State and parental obligations. — people who are 15 years old or younger.
While the natural (i.e., not created by
State law) and primary responsibility
Compared to previous generations, today's
for educating the child rests in the
younger citizenry are better educated and
family, the State also has a distinct
far more well-informed and articulate and
interest in this matter since a proper
politically conscious, mainly due to easier
education - humanistic, vocational,
access to information, particularly through
moral, religious, civic - is necessary
television, internet, cellphone and other
for social well-being. It is, therefore,
forms of technology. They are tech savvy
the duty of the State to see that these
and discerning. The so-called "generation
obligations are fulfilled by parents
gap" doesn't exist anymore. Old and young
(through such means as compulsory
share the same information, exchanging
education laws), and to supply the
opinions and ideas, and discussing issues
essential educational facilities which
and concerns in their blogs and social
private initiative is unable to furnish.
network. No less than the Constitution
(5) Duty of State to encourage educational
recognizes this in the provision reducing
institutions. - Viewed in this light, the
the voting age from 21 to 18. (Art. V, Sec.
State should encourage rather than
hinder the operation of private and
parochial schools so long as these
(2) Duty of the State. - The youth
schools meet the secular educational
constitute a rich reservoir of productive
requirements which the government
manpower, being the largest sector of
has the authority to impose.?
Philippine society. Recognizing their vital
role in shaping the country's destiny, the
SECTION 13. The State recognizes
Constitution lends its support to the
promotion of their welfare.
vital role of the youth in nation-building
and shall promote and protect their (a) It is made the constitutional duty of
physical, moral, spiritual, intel-lectual, and the State to promote and protect the
social well-being. It shall inculcate in the well-being of the youth to enable
youth patriotism and nationalism, and them to develop physically,
morally, spiritually, intellectu-ally, Role of women in nation-building.
and socially, in a wholesome and
normal manner, and thus, transform (1) Proven capabilities of Filipino
them into healthy, upright, women. Our history shows that our
intelligent, and useful citizens and women, past and present, have ably
potential community leaders. proven their capabilities in all fields
(b) It shall inculcate in the youth, of human endeavor - in private
patriotism and nationalism (Art. business, in the professions, in the
XIV, Sec. 3[2].), promote positive arts, in education, in civic work, and
personal and social values among in public service - even in positions of
them, and encourage their active international leadership such as in the
involvement and participation (e.g., United Nations and other
by giving them representation) in international organizations. Filipino
public and civic affairs (Sec. 13.) heroines who figured prominently,
to fullest extent possible. and participated actively in
recovering our freedom from foreign
(3) Today's youth, tomorrow's leaders. rule are not few. They fought with
- By harnessing their enterprising spirit courage and dedication along
and progressive idealism, and inspiring in sidemen in the struggle for Philippine
them a sense of genuine interest and independence against a colonial
responsibility for our country's welfare, master and, during the last war, in the
young people can become effective battles for liberation against a foreign
players in our collective effort to build a invader. In the recent past, they were
modern Philippines. If they are properly in the forefront of movements for the
trained and guided, they will in time restoration of democratic processes in
assume with dignity and honor the places our land against a discredited regime
of their elders in the high councils of the which finally culminated in its
nation. overthrow.

Our youth are the nation's most valuable Today, Filipino women have been
resource and asset. On their shoulders rest involving themselves in worthy causes and
the success of all efforts to build our nation activities of national concerns. They have
into a strong republic. They are our hope; always been ready to heed the country's
they are our future — the nation's future in call to service with two of them having
fact. To be sure, our country belongs to steered the nation's ship of state.' They
them; our present leaders merely help shape a better future for all Filipinos.
administer it for them in the meantime. It can safely be said that the Philippines is
well ahead of many other countries of the
SECTION 14. The State recognizes the world in terms of leadership roles of
role of women in nation-building, and Filipino women both at home and abroad.
shall ensure the fundamental equality Many Filipinos stand out among the
before the law of women and men. women of the world as being especially
educated, talented, and liberated.
(2) Expansion of women's rectifying or ending all practices and
role. - The systems that are disadvantageous to
Constitution gives recognition to the women or discriminate against them
special role Filipino women have played by reason merely of sex where it is
and continue to play as partners in the task not a relevant factor in making a
of nation-building. They have a greater distinction.
role in society today than just being good
wives and teachers. They constitute more In economic life, for instance, the State
than one-half of the population, a powerful must promote and uphold the equality of
political and economic force indeed in men and women in employment, terms of
Philippine society. By sheer force of employment, opportunities for promotion,
number alone, it is only. right that their the practice of profession, the acquisition,
voice be heard on matters affecting their control, and disposition of their property,
welfare and the country as a whole. It is pursuit of business, etc. In certain
simple justice that they be given a situations, they are entitled to special
legitimate share with men in leadership protection from the State. (see Art. XIII,
and major decision-making process, at all Sec. 14.)
levels and in all spheres of human activity
outside their homes.? SECTION 15. The State shall protect and
promote the right to health of the people
The traditional view that the role of and instill health consciousness among
women is primarily child-bearing and them.
child-rearing and performing household
chores should be abandoned. While the Right of the people to health.
social role of women as mothers and
household managers is recognized, the Holistically defined, health is the state of
State should formulate strategies to expand physical, social, and mental well-being
women's participation in non-household rather than merely the absence of physical
and productive activities and thus make diseases.
them direct contributors to the country's
economic growth.
The Constitution imposes on the State the
obligation to promote and protect the right
(3) Equality with men before the law. - of the people to health. To better fulfill this
Men and women are fundamentally mandate, it must instill health
equal. Yet positions of responsibility consciousness among the people.
and authority in corporate, and
political life continue to be
This topic is discussed lengthily under
denominated by men. As a rule,
Article XIII (Social Justice and Human
women have narrower occupational
Rights), Sections 11 to 13.
choices and have lower earnings than
men. It is the duty of the State to
ensure that equality before the law in SECTION 16. The State shall protect and
all aspects of national life by advance the right of the people to a
balanced and healthful ecology in accord from ecological studies in the United
with the rhythm and harmony of nature. Nations show that political, social, and
economic growth and development are
Right of the people to a balanced and crucially dependent upon the state of the
healthful ecology. human environment. For this reason, the
improvement of the quality of our
environment should occupy a higher place
Ecology is that branch of science that deals
in the scheme of priorities of every
with the study of the interrelationships of
country especially the industrialized
living things (organisms, plants and
nations. A strong, vigorous economy, and a
animals) and their environments. (see Art.
healthy sustainable environment can go
XII, Sec.

(1) Causes of environmental SECTION 17. The State shall give

degradation. The Constitu-tion, in Section priority to edu-cation, science and
16, takes cognizance of the continuing technology, arts, culture, and sports to
degradation of the Philippine environment foster patriotism and nationalism,
which has become a matter of national accelerate social progress, and promote
concern caused by rapid urbanization total human liberation and development.
migration of people from rural areas to
urban centers), industrial growth, Priority to education, science and
population expansion, natural resources technology, arts, culture, and sports.
utilization, the use of modern technology,
and other socio-economic factors. Con- This topic is discussed under Article XIV
sequently, the need for an environmental with the above subjects as title.
protection program to prevent further
injury and/or damage to plant and animal SECTION 18. The State affirms labor as a
life and property and, more important, to primary social economic force. It shall
protect human life, health, and safety. protect the rights of workers and promote
their welfare.
(2) Effect on quality of life. - Many
people today are unable to live in dignity Labor as a primary social economic
as human beings because they cannot force.
acquire the necessary food, housing,
health, sanitation, and education as a result
This topic is discussed under Article XIII
of the deterioration of the environment.
The quality of life of the people cannot (Social Justice and Human Rights),
advance unless the living environment is Section
nurtured and valuable natural resources are 3.
protected and preserved.
SECTION 19. The State shall develop a
(3) Relationship between development self-reliant and independent national
and environment. - The lessons drawn
economy effectively controlled by (2) Principle of subsidiarity. - Under
Filipinos. this principle adopted by the Constitution
in the above provision, the government
Self-reliant and independent national should not engage in particular business
economy. activities which can be competently and
efficiently undertaken by the private sector
Section 19 states the constitutional unless the latter is timid or does not want
guidelines in the development of the to enter into a specific industry or
economy: economic self-reliance, enterprise. (see Art. XII, Secs. 6, 16.)
independent national economy, and
effective Filipino control of the econo-my. The government was not
established to engage in business. The
This topic is discussed in detail under duty of the State is to make the economy a
Article XII (National Economy and system for free and private enterprise with
Patrimony), Section 1. the least government intervention in
business affairs to create and maintain
an environment that sustains
SECTION 20. The State recognizes the
healthy business competition.
indispensable role of the private sector,
encourages private enterprise, and
This topic is discussed fully under Article
provides incentives to needed investments.
XII (National Economy and Patrimony),
Sections 1, 2, 6, 10, 16, 17, and 18.
Role of the private sector in the
SECTION 21. The State shall
promote comprehensive rural
(1) Encouragement of private development and agrarian reform.
enterprise. - In recognition of the
indispensable role of the private sector as
Comprehensive rural development and
the main engine of economic
agrarian reform.
development, the State is mandated to
encourage private enterprise and to
provide incentives to needed investments, "Comprehensive rural development"
whether local or foreign. covers all phases of rural
development — economic, social,
political, cultural, and even
The Constitution does not favor an
economy managed or controlled
by the State. Government is
often considered a poor This topic is discussed under Article XIII
manager. Controls breed (Social Justice and Human Rights),
corruption and discourage Sections 4 to 8 and Article XII (National
business. They play favorites, Economy and Patrimony), Section 1.
thus discouraging those not favored.
SECTION 22. The State recognizes and choose, in the political economic, social,
promotes the rights of indigenous cultural and cultural life of the State.
communities within the framework
of national unity and de-velopment. SECTION 23. The State shall encourage
non-gov-ernmental, community based, or
Indigenous cultural communities. sectoral organizations that promote the
welfare of the nation.
(1) Meaning. - As used in the
Constitution, the term "indigenous cultural Non-governmental, community-based
communities" refers to those non- or sectoral organizations.
dominant groups' in our country which
possess and wish to preserve ethnic, The State is required to encourage these
religious, or linguistic traditions or private, non-profit, voluntary organizations
characteristics markedly different from the (of late, referred to as social enterprises)
rest of the population. because events have shown that, under
responsible leadership, they can be active
(2) Rights. - Section 22 recognizes contributors to the political, social, and
constitutionally the existence and the economic growth of the country. It should
rights of the indigenous cultural refrain from any actuation that would tend
communities. They are entitled to the full to interfere or subvert the rights of these
enjoyment, both as a group and as organizations which in the words of the
individuals, of all the human rights Constitution are community-based or
recognized in the Constitution. The sectoral organizations that promote the
provision also directs the State to promote welfare of the nation.
their rights within the framework of
national unity and development. Thus, the
The resources of the government may be
State is bound to consider the customs,
limited but it could tap civic-minded
traditions, beliefs and interests of
citizens and social organizations or
indigenous cultural minorities in the
enterprises as its partners by harnessing
formulation and implementation of state
voluntary efforts and vast resources in
policies and programs with full respect to
programs and projects designed primarily
their dignity, uniqueness, and human
to uplift the lot of marginalized sectors in
rights. In a multi-ethnic society like ours,
our society. (see Art. XIII, Sec. 1.) The
the above provision is necessary in
distinguishing mark of social enterprises is
promoting the goal of national unity and
that they exist to bring financial benefit not
development. (see Art. XVI, Sec. 12.)
to their founders on shareholders but to
serve others who need help in the
Under the provision, the government may community in which they operate. Social
even enact laws especially for them taking entrepreneurs are businessmen who apply
into account their customs, traditions, the principles of business for the dual
beliefs, and interests,5 while retaining their purpose of profit and finding solutions to
rights to participate fully, if they so social problems (e.g., providing loans,
decent houses, jobs, etc.)
This topic is discussed at length under promoting national integration and
Article XIII (Social Justice and Human preserving Filipino values and traditions.
Rights), Sections 15 and 16 which By educating the citizenry on important
categorically state the role and rights of public issues, they also help create a
people's organizations as vehicles to strong, vigilant, and enlightened public
enable the people to participate and opinion so essential to the successful
intervene meaningfully and effectively in operation of a republican democracy. They
decisions which directly affect their lives. promote positive values that can propel a
nation to grow and progress.
SECTION 24. The State recognizes
the (3) Promotion of efficiency and
economy in government and business. -
vital role of communication and
Information and communication can be
information in nation-build-ing.
used to link our geographically dispersed
population and help effect faster delivery
Vital role of communication and
of educational, medical, and other public
information in nation-building.
services in remote areas of the country. In
any organization, ready information
(1) Dissemination of news information maximizes internal efficiency. Particularly
to the public. - Communication and in business, it reduces cost of production
information, as used above, include not and services.
only print or broadcast media (radio and
television) but also motion pictures, (4) Development of society. — On the
advertising, cable, telephone, and material side, it is difficult to imagine a
telegraph.' Those means of communication progressive country, in today's world of
designed to gather and convey news or high-tech computers, Internet, cyberspace
information to the public are called mass and information highways, with antiquated
media because they reach the mass of the communication and information
people. (see Art. XVI, Sec. 11[1].) structures. In the last few years, the world
has witnessed a steady stream of
That they play a critical role in nation- sensational progress in this field. With the
building is very obvious. Through these advent of cyberspace technology, mass
media, news, messages, and ideas are communication can now reach even the
exchanged and recorded. The newest most isolated communities on earth.
version for private communication is the Events on one part of the world are flashed
cellphone. at once over the rest of the global
communities. The popular use of mobile
(2) Formation of an enlightened phones and easy access to the Internet
citizenry. Mass media shape people's have facilitated real time communication
thoughts and beliefs, their attitudes and practically anywhere on the globe. It has
values. In a country like the Philippines already made our globe a much smaller
composed of people with diverse cultures, place in terms of communication and
they can be an effective instrument in information dissemination.
The Philippines must keep abreast of completely do away with the evils
communication innovations but at the spawned by political dynasties that
same time be selective and discriminating proliferated in the country in the past.
to insure that only those "suitable to the With his political and economic resources,
needs and aspirations of the nation" (Ibid.; an elective official can have a close kin or
Sec. 10.) are adapted. Utilized and trusted follower run for the same position
managed wisely and efficiently, and continue to exercise control through
communication and information are very the latter; and then be a candidate again
useful tools for the economic, social, for the same position in the next or
cultural, and political development of succeeding elections. Hence, the need for
society. a declaration expressly prohibiting
political dynasties:
SECTION 25. The State shall ensure the
autonomy of local governments. (2) Prohibition of political dynasties. -
The constitutional policy on the
Autonomy of local governments. prohibition of political dynasties expresses
a national commitment to democratize
election and appointment to positions in
This topic is discussed in Article X (Local
the government and eliminate a principal
obstacle to "equal access to opportunities
for public service." It is not uncommon to
SECTION 26. The State shall guarantee have most of the top elective positions in a
equal access to opportunities for public province or city down to the barangays
service, and prohibit political dynasties as occupied by one family and close relatives
may be defined by law. of the family members. Political families
form husband-wife teams, or father-
Equal access to opportunities for public mother, son-daughter teams and hold to
service. elective positions alternately for decades.

This topic is also discussed under Article The dominance of political families in the
VI past and after EDSA 1 and 2 not only kept
more deserving but poor individuals from
(Legislative Department), Sections 4, 5,
running or winning in elections. It also
enabled powerful and affluent politicians
7 and Article X (Local Government), to corner appointive positions for their
Section 8. Additionally: relatives and followers as if they alone are
gifted with the ability to serve the country.
(1) Limitation of terms of office. - The
provisions limiting the terms of office of (3) Prohibition constitutionally
elective officials (President, Vice Presi- mandated. The law implementing the
dent, Senators, Representatives, and local constitutional policy shall define what
officials) enhance equal access to political constitutes political dynasties, having in
opportunities although they may not mind the evils sought to be eradicated and
the need to insure the widest possible base officials in the highest circle of the
for the selection of elective government government during a previous regime.
officials regardless of political, economic,
and social status. (2) Ways to attack problem. - The
malady of graft and corruption must be
Note that the State is expressly mandated eliminated or at least minimized to a
to prohibit "political dynasties." Congress tolerable degree because of the staggering
has no discretion on the matter except amount of public money that has been lost
merely to spell out the meaning and scope through it.
of the term.
What is needed is moral leadership by
SECTION 27. The State shall maintain example on the part of the top officials in
honesty and integrity in the public service the government and a continuing,
and take positive and effective measures uncompromising, well-coordinated
against graft and corrup-tion. campaign against all forms of dishonesty
and venality in the public service which
Honesty and integrity in public Service. have • considerably slowed down the
socio-economic progress of our country.
Having honest Presidents with the best of
(1) The perennial problem of graft and
intentions is not enough to reduce
corruption. - Corruption undermines the
corruption to minimal proportion. This
quality of life for people especially in poor
perennial problem cannot be solved by
countries.' It is a deterrent to rapid
mere empty promises and congressional
economic growth and a disincentive to
inquiries, but by prosecuting without fear
business ventures/expansion, especially
or favor and putting behind bars so-called
foreign direct investments. (Art. XII, Sec.
"big fishes" found to be involved as
10.) It is the archenemy of development
concrete examples of the government's
and good government.
determination to achieve decency in the
public service.
In the Philippines, every new
administration since the postwar period
Any campaign against this scourge of
has made a pledge to eradicate graft and
society will be máde more effective if
corruption in government. The fact is that
accompanied by a morality crusade.
corruption is not the monopoly of any one
administration. It has been with us for
generations. The popular perception, (3) Need for honesty and integrity in
however, is that this baneful ill has even public service. - There is a clear
grown more rampant and sophisticated correlation between corruption in
through the years. To be sure, the above government and national development.
provision was incorporated in the The fulfillment of the constitutional
Constitution because of revelations of mandate will go a long way in
"unprecedented magnitude" of graft and strengthening the people's trust in the
corruption allegedly perpetrated by government and its leaders. It will also
ensure the efficient use of meager
resources available for financing vital those involving expenditures of public
projects and programs especially those that funds. The law, however, may prescribe
address the grave problems of reasonable conditions for the disclosure to
unemployment, poverty, low. agricultural guard against improper or unjustified
productivity, and other concerns that exercise of the right.
impact on the quality of life of the poor. The policy will not apply to records
involving the security of the State or which
This topic is further elaborated under are confidential in character. (see Art. III,
Article XI (Accountability of Public Sec. 7.)
Officers), Sections 1 and 2.

SEC. 28. Subject to reasonable conditions

prescribed by law, the State adopts and
implements a policy of full public
disclosure of all its transactions involving
public interest.

Full disclosure by the State of all its


The policy of full disclosure is in line with

the constitutional mandate of an open,
accountable, and transparent government.
(see Art. VI, Secs. 12, 16[4], 20; Art. VII,
Secs. 12, 13[par. 1], 20; Art. IX, D-Sec. 3;
Art. XI, Sec. 17; Art. XVI, Sec. 10.)

(1) Duty of the State. — Section 7 of

the Bill of Rights (Art. III.) guarantees the
people's right of information on matters of
public concern and access to records
pertaining to official transactions of the
government. On the other hand, Section 28
requires the State to make public its
transactions without demand from
individual citizens. It stresses the duty of
the State to release the information.

(2) Transactions covered. - The policy

covers all State transactions involving
public interest, i.e., transactions which the
people have a right to know particularly

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