Character Profile

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Character profile Template

Name: Sam

Full Name: Sam Mitchell

Nickname (if applicable): None
Basic Information:
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/Nationality: American
Occupation: High School Student
Hobbies/Interests: Organizing study sessions, participating in afterschool-
clubs, playing basketball with friends

Physical Description:
Appearance (hair color, eye color, height, build, distinguishing features):
Sam has wavy brown hair, hazel-colored eyes, and a big smile no matter
what, He is at an average height for his age which is 172cm and has a slim
He also has a small birthmark behind his left ear, which looks like a small
Style of Dress: Sam likes to dress in comfortable and casual clothing,
something like t-shirts and jeans can do him well. He also likes to wear
basketball-inspired hats, mostly Lakers and The Bulls

Personality Traits:
Strengths: Empathetic, inclusive, active, determined
Weaknesses: Can be sensitive to any sort of criticism, Sam is also overly
worried about casual stuff
Quirks or Habits: Sam has a habit of tapping his fingers on his knee
whenever he is nervous/worried
Background and History: Sam Mitchell was born and raised in Chicago, he
developed a passion for social justice at a young age, inspired by the stories
of civil rights activists. Throughout school, he actively engaged in
promoting equality through clubs, earning a reputation as a compassionate
leader among his friends.

Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois

Family (parents, siblings, other important relationships): Sam currently
lives with his parents, his younger sister Emma, and their pet cat named


Significant Events/Milestones: Sam’s interest in promoting equality and

fairness was created during a school project on civil rights in middle
school, ever since, he’s been passionate about making a difference in the

Motivations and Goals: To stop unfairness and inequality in this world; to

land a job that can fund him, and make his parents proud

Short-term Goals: To organize more awareness groups that promote equal

opportunities within his school.
Long-term Goals: To get a career in law or activism, to fight for social
justice on a larger scale.

What drives or inspires the character? Sam is inspired by stories of people

who have overcome adversity and fought for equality against all odds, one
example that he really liked was Martin Luther King Jr.

Fears or Insecurities: Sam is afraid of the idea that maybe no-one can aid
him with fighting inequality, and that he has to fight it himself…

Challenges or Obstacles: Sam finds a struggle with balancing his personal

life and academic responsibilities, he often feels way too much pressure

Closest Friends: Jake, Ben, and Evan are Sam's closest friends, and they
share his passion for promoting fairness

What lessons or realizations does the character experience?

Sam learns the importance of taking steps to address inequalities, even in
small ways.
He realizes that working together with his friends and community, can
make a strong difference in promoting equal opportunities for all.

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