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On Effects Of Modular Learning Modality Among Selected Grade 12 Students of Polangi

National High School







Context and Rationale

Reporting the Effect of Distance Learning Modality of student in Polangi, that will observe
of the teacher in polangi national high school. This is showing of the rate of the student that affected of
this distance learning, which may lead to decrease motivation towards studying, and increasing the
concerns of teachers and parents to the learning modality of students.

Students of polangi national high school are struggle this kind of issue that possible cause an lower
grading and failing their subjects. It is also affect their motivation of fullfill their ambition or dreams in
life, towards to their future.

COVID-19 pandemic has highly affected our society because of its health risks that may lead to danger.
One of the affected sectors was education and it resulted to the suspension of classes in order to avoid
the spread of virus. Despite of this challenging situations, the Department of Education still managed to
continue the classes through online conduct setting, modular setting.

Modular learning is one of the teaching approach that we use as a form of distance learning that uses
Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by
DepEd. The modules include sections on motivation and assessment that serve as a complete guide of
both teachers’ and students’ desired competencies. Teachers will monitor the learners’ progress
through home visits (following social distancing protocols) and feedback mechanisms, and guide those
who need special attention.

Quantitative Research Question

This study intends to determine the On Effects of Learning Modality on Learning Effectiveness Among
Grade 12 Students of Polangi National High School Year 2022-2023

This will expect to answers the following Questions:

1. Are there significant differences in the level of Effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning Modality
of the respondents when grouped according to,

1.1 age,

1.2 sex,

1.3 Section

2. Are there significant differrences in the english performance of the respondents when grouped
according to age, sex, parents?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the effectiveness of modular distance learning

modality and the english performance

4.How many grade 12 students are affected of this Distance Learning?

5. How does it affect of the students learning Modality

Alternative Hypothesis

There is a significance difference to the On Effects of Learning Modality on Learning Effectiveness Among
Grade 12 Students between the blended learning of Modality Alternative Hypothesis

Significance of the study:

The study will be beneficial for the following:

Students. The result of this study will let the students to be aware of the effectiveness of modular
learning modality.

Parents. The result of the study will inform the parents about the advantage disadvantage of
Effectiveness of modular learning modality to their children and become the primary
supporters to their childs learning.

Faculty. The result of this study will inform the faculty about their teaching strategies in integrating
modular learning modality in their lessons.
School Administration/ Principal. The result of this study will inform the administration about
the needs of the students and give support for the Effectiveness of having a modular learning

Scope and Limitations:

The main purpose of this study is to provide information about the possible On effect of modality
learning effectiveness teachers and 60 students. And will conducted in Polangi National High school of
the school year of 2022-2023. The study considers the students personal information such as their name
(optional), age , gender , and grade level. The researchers limited the study to crop-production-12
students it's iether a male and female who are enrolled from the first semester to second semester of
the school year 2022-2023. Each of the respondents to answer. The students selected came from three
different Crop-production section prevent bias and get objectives perceptions

Theoritical Framework

In keeping on nation wide efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19,universities transformed fully it's
pedagogical delivery to blende;online,modular learning.Where we investigated teaching and learning
experience,physical,emotional and mental modality grade 12 students and accademic performance
during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We conducted a cross sectional study on grade 12 students and accademic performances in a faculty
using a pretested questionaire.

Conceptual Framework


Definition of Terms:

*Modular learning- a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) based on the
most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. The modules include sections on
motivation and assessment that serve as a complete guide of both teachers’ and students’ desired
competencies. Teachers will monitor the learners’ progress through home visits(following social
distancing protocols) and feedback mechanisms, and guide those who need special attention

*Distance learning – is a education of students who may not always be physically present at school,
where in the students corresponds with the school via mail, that involves online education.

*Flexible learning – is a principle of practice in formal education, concerned with in creasing flexibility in
the requirements, time and location of study, teaching assessment and certification.



According to Carry (1994), the modular approach uses programmed materials which are carefully
organized in a logical sequence through which the learner advances at his own paces with each of his
responses confirmed or corrected immediately.

Robinson (1992) stated that individualized instruction and assessment are closely associated with
the concept of mastery learning when most students master objectives at uniformly high level. It is a
component of systematic instruction which is concerned with understanding, improving and applying
learned principles at given time.

On the individual instructions which is a strategy in the modular approach, Lewis (1993)has started
individual uniqueness, which is the extent to which persons in the group are similar to one another, is
measured by thinking of it as collective expression of Individualized learning.
Creager (1996) enumerated several advantages of the used of instructional materials using the
modular approach which are as follows: (1) Self-instructional units allows the teacher to focus on the
students, deficiencies subject matter that must be corrected; (2) Serve to eliminate the necessity of
covering subject matter already known to the students; and (3) Provide a way of assessing the student’s
progress in

Camarao (1990) believes that the instructional materials were the answer the needs of developing
countries lie the Philippines with inadequate logistics and rapidly increasing school population.
Instruction could be individualized and from it, students learn even when they are already out-of-school.
He stated that the writers of the supplementary instructional materials should state the objectives in
terms of learner’s behavior and skills.

According to Cesareno (1993), teaching school children to read and to learn without the necessary
books and others instructional materials is like teaching them how to swim without giving them the
benefit of actual experience to swim in a body of water. He added that the seriousness of the textbook
problem strikes deep into the education.

Torres (1994) states that the art of teaching embraces the act of providing adequate resource
materials rather than mere dissemination of information. The classroom therefore must be made a
place in which every student can perform the act of delivery. Sufficient instructional materials should be
provided to the students to ensure meeting of concepts. Learning is a process where in the learners are
involved. A learner learns from what he feels and what he thinks.Personal experiences are
learning that are complete and lasting.

Salazar (2001) emphasized that mathematics deals with abstract which are difficult to teach and
learn that is why classroom instruction should be backed-up with varied instructional materials. To
meaningfully develop concepts and principles, the teacher needs manipulative and concrete materials.
In most instances, the teacher performs many varied roles and from these, it is evident that the teacher
is the one responsible for creating the best possible conditions for learning mathematics. To cope with
these varied roles, the teachers should have a wide range of instructional materials to support him in
the performance of his varied roles.

Jaramillo (2002) stressed that as teachers, we know that learning happens when the students are
motivated. It is for this reason that we should always strive to provide a rich learning environment and
maintain the student’s high level of interest. To achieve this, we should use avariety of motivation
techniques, teaching strategies, and materials.


Research Site

This chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. It describes the
subject of the study, methods and procedure, methods of research used sampling technique, used
validation of instrument, procedure of data gathering, and statistical treatment.

The study determines the On Effects of Learning Modality on Learning Effectiveness classes during
pandemic of grade 12 students of Polangi National High School by comparing the students answer in the
survey of data..

Research Design

The descriptive-correlational methods of research will be used in this study. Descriptive-

correlational research methods because it's the appropriate method to describe the characteristics of
relationship between the dependent and independent variable.


In this study we will be used a simple random sampling for the accurate and quickly know
the result of the sample and it also the exact sampling for this study and the population that used are
accessible to this various wayof acquiring sample.
Ethical Consideration

Ethical considered as one of the most vital parts of any research ( Saunders, Lewis, and Tho
hill,2012).In this study ,the researchers attended to key ethical issues such as confidentiality,anomity
and informed content of the participants.

Research Instrument:

The initial set of instrument was presented to the researcher's master teachers based on
their comments and suggestions.

The instrument that will be used in this study is questionare. It was pre-tested
before being implemented. The pretesting was done in Polangi National High School using five (5)
teacher's and Five (5) students. Interview is also conducted to ensure the answers.


This study signify and scored by the questionnaire that is endorse by the university to collect

Procedure of Data Gathering

The researchers had gathered all the information about the socio-demographic profile and the effects of
modular learning modification of the respond

Statistical Analysis

In inquiring the data for the results that the researcher need to show in this study ,the

researcher will use a descriptive statistical data analysis.


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