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With reference to microcontroller-8051, explain the organization of internal

RAM. What do you mean by bit-addressable memory? [8]

2. Draw logical pin diagram of microcontroller-8051 [5]

3. Interface 7 segment LED with 8051 microcontroller at port P2. Write an ALP to
display ‘0’ to ‘F’ continuously with appropriate delay. [8]

4. Answer following questions in brief with reference to Microcontroller 8051.

i. Explain TMOD and TCON Register.
ii. List out the various addressing modes.
iii. Explain Simplex v/s Duplex and Synchronous v/s
Asynchronous with reference to serial communication. [8]

5. It is required to interface 16 KB of program ROM (starting address of 0000H) ,

and 16 KB of Data RAM ( starting address of 8000H) with microcontroller 8051.
Design the complete interfacing logic including address decoding for chip select
signal. [10]

6. Considering the question 5, write a program to get the data from last 100
locations of program ROM, store the odd values from RAM location 4000H and even
values from location 4100 H onwards. [6]

7. Write a program to add all bytes of an array of 10 bytes stored at OOH and
onwards. Store 8 bit result at the end of an array. [6]

8. Using the timer 0 of 8051microcontroller, write a program to generate a square

wave of 1 Khz on P0.4. Assume crystal frequency as 12 MHz. [10]

9. Write a program to send the string- “HELLO” at the pin Txd of micorntroller-
8051. [6]

10. With reference to microcontroller-8051, write a set of instructions arrange all

data in ascending order for a 20 bytes array stored at RAM locations 50H and
onwards. [6]

11. Write a program to turn on and turn off an LEDs connected at port Pl every
second. Delay time to be generated using internal timer. [10]

12. With reference to microcontroller- 8051, explain the flow to receive a data
serially. [8]

13. What do you mean by Stack? What is the use of the same for Interrupt? Explain
the PUSH- POP instructions [5]

14. Give the register and internal memory organisation of 8051 Microcontroller.

15. Illustrate the use of following registers by giving appropriate example and
clearly stating the control word developed.
i) TCON ii) IE [8]

16. How external RAM and EPROM can be interfaced to 8051 microcontroller indicating
all the interfacing signals on a diagram. [8]

17. It is required to interface 32 KB of data RAM, 8 KB of Data ROM and 32 KB of

program ROM to 8051 microcontroller. Assume and clearly state the memory map. Use
74LS138 decoder for chip decoding. Design the complete interfacing logic. [10]
18. Considering the question 17, write a program to get first 10 data from data ROM
location, add them and store the sum in first wo data RAM locations. [6]

19. Considering the question 17, write a program to exchange the data from first 15
locations of Data ROM with that of the first 16 locations of the data RAM locations

20. It is required to generate a square wave with an ON-time of 20 ms and OFF-time

of 10 ms using timer 0 on pin P2.5. Assume an XTAL of 11.0592 MHz. Write a program
in 8051 microcontroller assembly language for the same. Clearly show how the value
to be loaded in TMOD and timer registers is computed. [10]

21. Write a program to generate delay of 100 microsecond using the assembly level
language of 8051 microcontroller without using timer. Assume XTAL of 22 MHz. [6]

22. Write the following programs using 8051 assembly language

i. To find the 2’s complements the content of RAM location 50H
ii. Mask the upper 4 bits of A and exchange the content of A with that register R0.

23. In a liquid level and temperature control system one level sensor and one
temperature sensor are connected to interrupts P3.2 and P3.3 indicating tank is
half full and the set temperature is reached respectively. Show the scheme
interfacing and write a program to do the following tasks -
i. To turn on a valve when after every one minute and turn it off when the tank is
half filled.
ii. To turn on the heater and put it half when temperature is 100 degree and turn
on the tank outlet for lOsec and turn it off again.
The system is provided with a crystal of 11.0592 MHz. [10]

24. Assuming you wants to transmitting the ASCII word “YES” serially using 8051
microcontroller. Write a program to perform this task. [8]

25. What are the peripheral facilities provided in 8051 microcontroller? Briefly
describe them. [8]

26. Draw the format for following special function registers and explain the
meaning of each bit. Also state the use of each of the register.
i) TCON ii) IE iii) IP iv) SCON [8]

27. Explain the use of following pin signals in 8051 interfacing with external
memory with the appropriate diagram
i) PSEN bar ii)EA bar iii) RD bar iv)ALE bar [8]

28. It is required to interface 16 KB of data RAM, 16 KB of Data ROM and 16 KB of

program ROM to 8051 microcontroller in following address range - Data RAM 8000 H -
BFFF H, Data ROM 4000 H - 7FFF H, and Program ROM 0000 H - 3FFF H. Use 74LS138
decoder for chip decoding. Design the complete interfacing logic. [10]

29. Considering the question 28, write a program to get the data from first data
ROM location, divide it by two and store the quotient in first data RAM location

30. Considering the question 28, write a program to get the data from first program
ROM, store it in first data RAM location if is larger than 7F H else store in
location 9000H in data RAM. [6]

31. It is required to generate a square wave with an ON-time of 5 ms and OFF-time

of 10 ms using timer 1 on pin Pl.4. Assume an XTAL of 22 MHz.
Write a program in 8051 microcontroller assembly language for the same. Clearly
show how the value to be loaded in TMOD and timer registers is computed. [10]

32. Write a program to generate delay of 50 microsecond using the assembly level
language of 8051 microcontroller without using timer. Assume XTAL of 11.0592 MHz.

33. Write instructions to do the following

i. Complement the content of RAM location 38 H
ii. Mask the upper 4 bits of A
iii. Ex-OR the contents of A and RI [6]

34. In a liquid level control system two level sensors are connected to interrupts
P3.2 and P3.3 indicating tank is half full and tank full condition respectively.
Write a program
i. To turn on a LED connected on P2.1 for some time when water reaches to half full
ii. To turn on the Buzzer connected on P2.2 for some time when water level reaches
full mark. Also turn off the valve connected on port P0.0.
The system is provided with a crystal of 11.0592 MHz [10]

35. Assuming we are transmitting the ASCII letter “E” (0100 0101 in binary) with no
parity bit and 1 stop bit, answer following questions
i. Show the sequence of bit transmitted serially.
ii. Find out the overhead due to framing.
iii. Calculate the time it takes to transfer 10,000 characters, if we use 9600 bps.
What percentage of time is wasted due to overhead? [8]

36. Write a program using 8051 assembly language to get the input from memory
locations from 2000h onward successively and display them on port Pl every time
when the switch connected at P 2.0 is set to one This is to be repeated for 100
bytes. At end when all the bytes are communicated turn on the LED connected to the
port P 2.1. Write appropriate remarks for clarity of the program logic. [8]

37. Write a program to sort out all the numbers stored from memory locations lOOOh
to 1200h which are larger than 7Fh and store the total count of such numbers at
memory location 30h in internal RAM. Write appropriate remarks with your program

38. Design a memory interfacing scheme with proper chip decoding logic to provide
8K x 8 Program ROM and 8K x 8 data ROM in a 8051 based system. Show the complete
interfacing circuit indicating the connections of all the necessary signals. [10]

39. Write a program in 8051 assembly language to generate a square wave of

frequency 10 KHz at pin P 1.4. Use the timer 0 in mode 2 with a crystal frequency
of 22MHz. Clearly show your count calculation and TMOD register value generation.
Present your step-by-step algorithm [8]

40. Write a program to read data at port Pl and transfer this data serially
continuously at a baud rate of 4800. Present your algorithm also. [8]

41. What are the different special function registers are provided in 8051? State
the functionality of each of the register. [5]

42. For each of the following addressing modes of 8051 provide three different
examples [5]
i. Immediate
ii. Register
iii. Direct
iv. Register Indirect
v. Indexed

43. If port P0 is configured as an input port to read a value. Write a program to

do the following; [5]
If value is = 60 the A = 40
If value > 40 then R0 = value
If value < 40 then RI = value.

44. What are the different varieties of jump instructions are provided in 8051
microcontroller? Explain them in brief. [6]

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