Formulaire Stependuim

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2eior2026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum Ilyass Abdelouahed 10:1175403 -——«@ Morocco» 15 Aug 2000 Submitted Academic year 2024/25 Mse Business Development © Master, full cegree stucies @ English Mf Uni ity of cs, Faculty of Business and Economics NON Preparatory Course in Hungarian Language @ Non-cegree, full cegree stucies $® Hungarian Ml Unis ity of Humanities and Sor 2eior2026 16:21 Profile Personal information Given name Midale name Family name Previous family name Gender Citizenship Double citizenship Country of residence Parents’ information Mother's given name Mother's previous family name llyass ‘Abcelouahed male Morocco Morocco Hlima fathi Social security (TAJ) number - Hungarian (if any) Hungarian tax ID number (if - any) llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum Social security number (if any) Number Issue date Expiry date Country of issue Number Issue dete Expiry date Country of issue Date of birth Country of birth Place of birth 200000 FHS678102 29 June 2021 29 June 2026 Morocco bw32807 5 June 2020 5 June 2030 Morocco 15 August 2000 Morocco CASABLANCA 2eior2026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum Contacts Email ilyass.abdelouahe¢ Address LOT ENNOUR APT 3 LOT NR Street address 11B OLD SALEH NOUACEUR: CASA House number 11 City, town, village © CASABLANCA City, province, OLD SALEH NOUACEUR region CASA Postal code 27182 Country Morocco ‘Correspondence address Street address House number City, town, village Postal code Country Telephone Evening / home Day / work Mobile Skype Emergency contact Name Email Telephone Relation to you 4212619760071 Elias ilyass 0666979719 perent 2eior2026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum Education Level of education Bachelor degree Status of stucies finished Offic rae a 1 niversty Hassan I FSIES An Start of studies September 2020 inatitution chock Casablanca (Expected) graduation July 2023 Bachelor Degrees Of Nominal length of 3 years Progtamme name Economique and programme Management Mode of study full degree studies Scientific discipline Management Financing source Selffinanced Subfielé : Country Morocco Diploma name : City casablanca Diploma number : Study location casablanca Diploma issue date ~ Study language French Diploma issued by - GPA/ Average grade 11,33 Diploma issue location = Maximum GPA / Average grade - possible NEPTUN Code (if any) : Educational ID number - (oktatasi azonositészém, if any) Have you ever studied ina _No, | have never stucied in a Hungarian Higher Education Institution. Hungarian Higher Education Institution? Have you ever been a No, I have never been a scholarship holder in Hungary, scholarship holder in Hungary? Are you a self-financed No, | am not a selfefinanced student in a Hungarian Higher Education Institution, student in a Hungarian Higher Education Institution? In case you are a self= . financed student in Hungary, please select your current institution 2eior2026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum Languages Native language Moroccan Arabic Foreign language French Proficiency B2 (independent user) Studies / experience 6 years ‘Would you like to perform No, I would not like to study in Hungarian at my full degree programme, ‘your studies in Hungarian at the selected full degree programme? Employment Activities Residences 2eior2026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum Motivation 1-University of Pécs: Subject: Motivation Letter for Application to Master's in Business Development Dear Admissions Committee, | am writing to express my sincere enthusiasm for the opportunity to enroll in the Masters in Business Development program. With a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management from the University Hassan 2 and a background 2s a manager in advertising, | am eager to embark on this educational journey to enhance my skills and contribute meaningfully to the global business landscape, ‘The program's focus on fostering a comprehensive understanding of business dynamics, sustainable practices, and global economic develooment aligns seamlessly with my belief in the importance of a holistic perspective in addressing contemporary business challenges. | am particularly drawn to the interdisciplinary approach embraced by the program, as | believe it will refine my analytical and strategic thinking, preparing me for a successful career in global business development. My academic background, complemented by practical experience as a manager in advertising, positions me well to contribute actively to the Master's in Business Development program. | am confident that the rigorous curriculum and experiential learning ooportunities will further enhance my capabilities, preparing me for a leadership role in the dynamic field of business development. Thank you for considering my application. I lock forward to the opportunity to contribute to and learn from the enriching, academic environment of the program, Sincerely, 2-University of Szeged: Motivation Letter for the Preoaratory Course in Hungarian Language: Subject: Motivation Letter for Application to Preparatory Course in Hungarian Language Dear Admissions Committee, | am writing to express my sincere enthusiasm for the opportunity to enroll in the Preparatory Course in Hungerian Language. With a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Management from the University Hassan 2 and a background as a manager in advertising, | am eager to undertake this preparatory course to equip myself with essential language skills for effective communication and cultural integration, Choosing Hungary as my academic destination is a deliberate decision rooted in the country's rich cultural heritage, strategic location, and the renowned academic excellence of the chosen institution. The prospect of immersing myself in the vibrant community and undertaking the Preparatory Course in Hungarian Language excites me, provicing a solid foundation for effective communication and cultural integration. | believe that proficiency in the Hungarian language is essential for a successful academic experience ang a valuable asset for establishing meaningful connections in the Hungarian business environment. The Preparatory Course will undoubtedly equi me with the language skills necessary to engage actively with the local community and fully immerse myself in the academic and cultural life at the institution, Acknowledging the challenges associated with studying in a foreign country, | am fully committe¢ to proactively addressing them, Participation in language courses, cultural exchange programs, and leveraging university support services 2eio12026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendum Hungarcum will be integral to my successful integration into the academic and social fabric of the institution, In conclusion, | am excited about the prospect of undertaking the Preparatory Course in Hungarian Language. | am confident that this experience will not only enhance my linguistic proficiency but also contribute positively to the multicultural and dynamic community. ‘Thank you for considering my application. | lock forward to the opportunity to contribute to and leam from the enriching academic environment. Sincerely, Checklist Mandatory Medical Certificate | declare that | will uplozc the reauired documents until 15th of April follow-up recuired High school certificates rv Ihave uploaded the original and the translation. Proof of foreign language proficiency Sv Ihave uploaced the original and the translation. Bachelor school certificates A _ here upoaesthe original andthe tarsation Passport A _ have uploscee my passport. Transcript of records v4 Ihave uploaded the original and the translation. resohed 2eior2026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum Other Medical info - Information source University website If you found information about the program on the official website of the University of Debrecen Ifyou are not nominated in No, Please do not consider my appication as a fee-paying applicant any further. the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme, are you interested in applying to study in Hungary as a fee- paying student? Other relevant information — - 2eior2026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum Scanned by TapScanner PASSEPORT.pdf tpage 1); Uploaded on 15/12/2023 2eior2026 16:21 llyass Abdelouahied- Stpendium Hungarcum 519.9 KiB 15/12/2028 Please open the electronic application to downloa¢ this file, reaccusderceptiondevatredossiersouraccomagnementzio; Unloaded on 15/12/2023 reaccusderceptiondevotredossierpouraccompagnement (1).zip 181.4 KiB 15/12/2023 Please open the electronic aoplication to download this file. reaccuscerceptiondevotredossierpouraccompagnement (1}2ip: Uploaded on 15/12/2023 HASSAN IL UNIVERSITY OF CASABLANCA ‘The dean of the Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sciences hereby certifies that: The Bachelor Degree of Fundamental Studies of Economics and Management Management Has been awarded to Mr. ILVASS ABDELOUAHED 215 August 2000. + Casablanca 2202/2023, = Pass. Student No. : 20002232, Signed: SAADIA HAMDANL— Head of Student Affairs Department — (Therein follows an illegible signature and the print ofa seal of the said Faculty) — Note: No Duplicate shall be delivered —- —Certified true copy to the origina, an 12 October 2023, in the commune of Ouled Salah. ‘Signed: Najat MOUAHID IDRISSI— (Therein follows an illegible signature and the print ofa seal of the said commune).-—- 21, Rue Mustapha EIMaani, Rez-de-chausée — Casablanca wasp — ©: 0649.25 85 19/06 15 150207 - Bema: ‘sect hte hee yey tap es ety Jas 3 a uh (SD an pt “Gendane ot Kig Fo Scot of Train "warking anges Arie Engh HASSAN II UNIVERSITY «CASABLANCA FACULTY OF JURIDICAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: CASABLANCA Grades Sheet of the Modules of 1" Semester Major: Economies and Management-FNG 2- Student's Full Name ILYASS ABDELOUAHED— National Student No ¥149006926.— Academic Year 2020/2021. 7S Noni stories te Enemcnt) | Grades AS | Soaeieananchy rem mn panw70t Tire Grade Traslozncate feos e328 ‘Wedale Moz: Microeconomics) ‘edie valited Autumn Serorsier ere zoxenent Grades 1 = ri ‘odie valniated ie Auton Semler 0x07 Grades 1000, ‘Tod validated vo Nut 2020/2031 Fiemeet Wate! A ‘Module MOT Langunge and Terminslony ¥ Tieweat t Tareeage od Temi T Cc ‘Average ofihe Semester 1381 ‘Signot: Sandia MACHROUHL— Head of Stadent Afi Deparunent — (Tecren fllown a Mg signonre anc the pi of «sea he sak Fatty = ote: No Duplicate sh be delivered — eee Shad ter copy w the oneal on 12 Quober 2027, n the commune of Outed Slab == ‘Sierct SUAT MOUAHID IDRISSI— ricci eos an lege signature and the pint of Ye of th sid come) — Sa Rcd asap i Mena Rede cawide—Caabane ot SS ME Batata ee Ae 4:05.49 23 85 19/06 15 1502 07 --mall: ad mg PORTE YT a ral ce HASSAN II UNIVERSITY « CASABLANCA FACULTY OF JURIDICAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SCIE} CASABLANCA Grades Sheet of the Modules of 2" Semester Major: Economies and Management-PNG 2- ‘Student's Full Name sILVASS ABDELOU National Student No. ‘Rivovogs26- NE Asademic Year t20207021. ‘Medule NOW; Macroeconomey Ges cobs sees Some ‘Grade 1250 KE Elements i ‘Module N09; Microeconawmies “Module vaildnied iw Spring Semester o2arr0n1 Fiemeo = Grades Mieeeenomnicy i) 19.00 ‘General Accounting (II) ‘General Accounting ‘Module MIT: Minagement a) Fiemeon peat ‘Meate MiB Prebabily oana0) Elements, Sie Probability oe ‘Modi validnted in Spring Semevter ‘Mole Mil = Algebra ad Fianna Nathemaior Mode validated by weighting between soduleso semesters in Spring Semester Sonarort Tlenents Gate “a =. 12.00" Finacial Nawheranis Module Mid ind Te 1 ‘Modis validated Tn Spring Senienier Language and Terminology es a rade 12.00, Tae at one c ‘Rrerage ihe Semesters 1130 I Valine Semester j ale Coan 0 06 Deena ROT = ‘Signed: Sadia MACHROUNL— Had of Stodent Affairs Department {Therein follows an illegible signature and the prin of «seal ofthe sid Faculty) — ‘Note: No Duplicate sall be deliver. ‘Comite te copy to the eriginal. on 12 October 2023, ia the commune of Ould Salah a ‘Signed: NAJAT MOUALIID IDRISSL-— (Therein follows an legible signature and the print ofa seal of the sald commune) — KINGDOM OF MOROCCO. Facute LASSAN II UNIVERSITY - CASABLANCA “aculty of Juridical, Economie and Social Sciences ~ Ain Chock ‘Student's Full Name Student No. National Student No, Date of Birth Place of Binh Enrolled othe GRADES SHEET ILYASS ARDELOUAHED —~ 15 August 2000,-— # Caseblanca— 3% Semester Economics and Management-— Has obtained the following grades: Module Kesuls ‘Session Tinancial and onary Favoomy ras Sra 202 ‘Soa and Foon Tues Tass ‘S120 12022 Taaipial Accouring S2202172007 [Base Mating ‘Sr a0zt2022 Sanipling and Esination Seazia07 Taidocion wo he Sah at Taw Bras 2003 Admission Result Session 2: Signed: Hind TAK-TAK.- ‘Vice Dean is charge of Trining ~~ (Crherein follows an illegible signature and the print of a veal ofthe said Faculty) — Digitally signed by Hind TAK-TAK, on 05 May 2023, a 14:29:28. (Therein follows a barcode, bearing No. 0S2862KEXXIL}-— “To check this document visit the link: etabli.(4e-ma/esign.— ‘Note: No Duplicate shall be delivered. Certified trie copy to the original, on 12 October 2023, in the commune of Outed Salah — Signed: NAJAT MOUAHID IDRISSI.— (Therein follows an illegible signature and the print of «sea of the said commune) KINGDOM OF MOROCCO. «a. HASSAN II UNIVERSITY - CASABLANCA, Faculty of Juridical, Cconomic and Social Sciences ~ Ain Chock tte GRADES SHEET Student's Full Name Student No, National Student No, Date of Birth Place of Binh Enrolled in HILYASS ABDELOUAHED — 15 August 2000.—- = Casablancs, 24° Semester Economics and Management— Has obtained the following grades: Module eaRRGE Resale Sesion Fa Fee Tae ios $1 20272027 Fanci ama asi i SEDTAUT agit mis iTaan Pas SEO Canmercal Caw irs28 Pass ‘SE 200178022 ‘Financial and Monciary Feonomy 2 T0730 Pas ‘S120222033 Corporate Arsoniing FOG] Pass by compensation afer Caich-op | _ $2 2022/2023 ‘Admission Result Session 2 9935720 ‘Pass by compensation Pass Made in Cafablanca, on 10 August 2023.— —For the Dean and by order— ‘Signed: Hind TAK-TAK.— Vice Dean in charge of Training — (Therein follows ae illegible signature and the print ofs seal of the said Faculty) =—- Dighally signed by Hind TAK-TAK, on 06 May 2023, at 14:20:28 — (Therein follows a barcode, bearing No. 868393PGDSBO)— ‘To check thie document visit the link: etabli de mavesign =~ ‘Note: No Duplicate shall be delivered. Certified tre copy t0 the original, on 12 October 2023, inthe commune of Ouled Salah — Signed: NAJAT MOUAHID IDRISSL— (Thecein follows an iegible signature andthe print HASSAN II UNIVERSITY - CASABLANCA Faculty of Juridical, Economic and Social Sci

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