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Gần như có hết đáp án đó ạ. WBS,

Quiz 1
1. Governance of all project management processes and procedures helps provide senior
management with
- a method to ensure projects that are important to senior management are being
2. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a characteristic of a project
- For internal use only
3. A ___ is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product,service, or
- Project
4. In the ___ stage of the project life cycle, project objectives are established, teams are
formed, and major responsibilities are assigned
- Define
5. Which dimension of project management centers on creating a temporary social
system within a larger organizational environment that combines the talents of a
divergent set of professionals working to complete the project?
- Sociocultural
6. Which of the following is NOT true about project management?
- It focuses primarily on technical processes
7. The ___ typically passes sequentially through four stages: defining, planning,
executing, and closing.
- project life cycle
8. The project life cycle typically passes sequentially through four stages: ___, ___,
executing, and closing.
- defining, planning
9. Which of these is NOT part of the "technical dimension" of project management?
- Problem-solving
10. Corporate downsizing has increased the trend toward ___.
- outsourcing significant segments of project work
11. Which of the following is a good example of a program?
- Developing a new residential area that includes six custom homes
12. When considering the following activities, which is the best example of a project?
- Writing a policy manual
13. Which of the following statements is true?
- Project management is increasingly contributing to achieving organizational
14. Project management is important to understand when someone is a part of a project
team because they
- - Need to understand the project charter or scope statement that defines the
objectives and parameters of the project
- - Work with others to create a schedule and budget
- - Need to understand project priorities so they can make independent decisions
- - Need to be able to monitor and report project progress
15. Which of the following is NOT typical of a project manager?
- Overseeing existing operations
16. The project life cycle typically passes sequentially through four stages: defining,
planning, ___, and ___
- executing, closing
17. A ___ is a group of related projects designed to accomplish a common goal over an
extended period of time.
- program
18. Which of the following represents the correct order of stages within the project life
- Defining, Planning, Executing, Closing
19. Which of the following choices is NOT one of the driving forces behind the
increasing demand for project management?
- Declining need for product customization
20. In the ___ stage of the project life cycle, a major portion of the physical project work
- executing

Quiz 2
1. In the typical sequence of activities of the strategic management process, the fourth
activity is to implement ___ through projects.
- strategies
2. Which of the following is the correct order for the strategic management process?
- Mission, strategies, objectives, projects
3. Which of the following is NOT one of the requirements for successful implementation
of strategies through projects?
- Quality management
4. In the typical sequence of activities of the strategic management process, the second
activity is to analyze and formulate ___.
- strategies
5. Susie's department is implementing many projects. She finds herself starting and
stopping work on one task to go and work on another task, and then return to the work
on the original task. Susie is experiencing___.
- Multitasking
6. In order to formulate strategies that align with the mission, the organization will need
- - Examine the external environment
- - Analyze competitors
- - Know their core competencies
- - Assess internal strengths and weaknesses
7. In the typical sequence of activities of the strategic management process, the third
activity is to set ___ to achieve strategy.
- objectives
8. The following are responsibilities of the governance team when managing a portfolio
system EXCEPT ___.
- Deciding how they wish to balance the available organizational resources
among the different types of projects
9. The financial models introduced in the textbook are ___ model and ___ model.
- payback, net present value / net present value, payback / payback, NPV /
NPV, payback
10. Regardless of the criteria differences among different types of projects, the most
important criterion for project selection is ___.
- The project’s fit to the organization strategy
11. Selection criteria are typically identified as ___ and ___.
- financial, nonfinancial / nonfinancial, financial / financial, non-financial / non-
financial, financial
12. The ___ financial model measures the current value of all cash inflows using
management’s minimum desired rate of return.
13. Which of the following is NOT true about organizational politics?
- checklist, multi-weighted scoring / multi-weighted scoring, checklist
14. In the typical sequence of activities of the strategic management process, the first
activity is to review and define the organizational ___.
- mission
15. Which of the following terms is often used to denote a project that a powerful, high-
ranking official is advocating?
- Sacred cow
16. Which of the following problems refers to lack of understanding and consensus of
organization strategy among top and middle-level managers? This also can result
when top management formulates strategy and leaves implementation to functional
- Implementation gap

17. ___ is the process of assessing “what we are” and deciding and implementing “what

we intend to be and how we are going to get there.”

- Strategic management

18. Which of the following questions does the organization's mission statement answer?
- What do we want to become?

19. The nonfinancial models introduced in the textbook are ___ models and ___ models.

- checklist, multi-weighted scoring / multi-weighted scoring, checklist

20. Which of the following is NOT true for strategic management?

- It should be done once every few years just before developing the operating


21. Project managers who understand the role that their project plays in accomplishing the

organization's strategy are able to do all of the following EXCEPT ___.

- Be able to focus on problems or solutions, even if the project is a low priority


22. ___ scoring models result in bringing projects to closer alignment with strategic goals

- multi-weighted / weighted

23. Which of the following is true of multi-weighted scoring models?

- - Will include qualitative criteria

- - Will include quantitative criteria

- - Projects with higher scores are considered more desirable

- - Each criterion is assigned a weight

24. Since no single criterion can reflect strategic significance, portfolio management

requires ___ screening models.

- multi-criteria / multicriteria

25. Which of the following is NOT true about an organization’s strategy?

- Only top management must understand strategy

Quiz 3
1. Which of the following cultural characteristic relates to the degree to which rules,

policies, and direct supervision are used to oversee and control employee behavior?

- Control

2. Which of the following cultural characteristics relates to the degree to which groups

within the organization are encouraged to operate in a coordinated or independent


- Unit integration

3. Bill is working on a project involving the upgrading of a management information

system. The project is being managed by the information systems department with the

coordination of other departments occurring through normal channels. He is working

in ___ organization.

- functional

4. Which are the three different matrix systems discussed in the text?

- Weak, Strong, Balanced

5. A project team that operates with a full-time project manager as a separate unit from

the rest of the organization is structured using ___ organization.

- projectized

6. Which of the following is NOT true of project management structures?

- In selecting a management structure, the culture of the organization is not a

huge consideration

7. Organizational culture is best explained as organizational

- Personality

8. All of the following are functions culture plays in an organization EXCEPT ___.

- it replaces the need for a project selection process

9. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a projectized organization?

- - It is expensive

- - Difficult post-project transition

- - Limited technological expertise

- - Internal strife

10. All of the following are disadvantages of organizing projects within a matrix

arrangement EXCEPT ___.

- Expensive

11. In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favor of the

functional managers?

- Weak matrix

12. From the list below, which is NOT a primary characteristic of organizational culture?

- Profitability

13. How does someone learn more about an organization’s culture?

- - Read about the organization

- - Study the physical characteristics of the organization

- - Interpret stories about the organization

- - Observe how people interact within the organization

14. Which of the following cultural characteristics relates to the degree to which

management focuses on outcomes rather than on techniques and processes used to

achieve those outcomes?

- Means versus end orientation

15. All of the following are organizational considerations when determining the right

project management structure EXCEPT ___.

- budget constraints
Quiz 4
1. Scott has just been given a project that has a specific completion date. After a

discussion with top management he finds that while the date is important the cost is

more important and a slip in delivery would be acceptable if required to meet the cost

targets. The completion date is best classified as ___.

- Accept

2. All of the following are ways the WBS helps in managing projects EXCEPT ___.

- it allows the project manager to establish the overall objective of the project

3. There are 5 steps involved when defining a project, which of the following is the


- Establish project priorities

4. The highest level of the work brakedown structure is __

- project

5. The WBS is best suited for projects that have a tangible outcome. Which of the

following is used when the final outcome of the project is less tangible or is a product

of a series of steps or phases?

- Process breakdown structure

6. The tendency for the project deliverables to expand over time—usually by changing

requirements, specifications, and priorities—is called ___.

- scope creep

7. The lowest level of the work brakedown structure is ___.

- work package

8. A ___ is a significant event in a project that occurs at a point in time

- milestone
9. There are 5 steps involved when defining a project, which of the following is the first?

- Define the project scope

10. In reviewing the project plan, Susan sees that the first prototype must be completed by

October 12. This would be best classified as a ___.

- milestone

11. One of the primary jobs of a project manager is to manage the trade-offs associated

with the project. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic classifications of

project priorities?

- Profit

12. __ is the tendency for the project scope to expand over time due to changing

requirements, specifications, and priorities.

- Scope creep

13. The ___ is used to assist in making project trade-offs between schedule, budget, and

performance objectives.

- project priority matrix

14. The highest element in the hierarchical breakdown of the WBS is ___.

- the project

15. There are 5 steps involved when defining a project. Which of the following is the last?

- Code the WBS for the information system

16. How is project scope defined?

- What you expect to deliver to your customer when the project is complete

17. Having a strong communication plan can go a long way toward mitigating project

problems. A communication plan should address ___.

- - what methods will be used to gather and store information

- - what information needs to be collected and are there limits as to who has

access to it
- - how information should be communicated and to whom

- - when the information will be communicated

18. ___ are the expected, measurable outputs over the life of the project.

- Deliverables

19. One of the primary jobs of a project manager is to manage the trade-offs among ___,

___, and ___.

- Time, cost, performance / cost, time, performance/ cost, performance, time /

time, performance, cost / performance, time, cost / performance, cost, time

20. ___ typically clarify either the deliverables or define the performance specifications.

- Technical requirements

21. __ is an outline of the project with different levels of deliverables.

- Work brakedown structure / WBS

22. Which of the following is NOT true regarding scope creep?

- It is when the cost of the project is more than expected

23. Which of the follow is least likely to be included in a work package?

- Overhead expenses

24. ___ describes what you expect to deliver to your customer when the project is


- Scope / Project scope

25. The ___ answers the questions of what, when, how much, and at times, where in order

to meet your customer’s need(s).

- project objective / objective

Quiz 5
1. The salary of the project manager would be an example of what type of cost found in

a project?

- Direct project overhead

2. What is the relationship between organizational culture and estimating?

- Cultural norms affect the accuracy of estimates

3. Companies are using which of the following for improving the estimating process for

future projects?

- Creating historical databases of previous projects

4. Which of the following is a good condition for top-down estimating?

- Internal, small project

5. Estimating is the process of forecasting or approximating the ___ and ___ of

completing project deliverables

- time, cost

6. Sean is forecasting the time and cost of developing a customized software program by

looking at the number of inputs, outputs, inquires, files, and interfaces. Which of the

following methods is he using?

- Function point

7. The process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost of completing project

deliverables is called ___.

- estimating

8. Which of the following describes the consensus method?

- Uses pooled experience of senior and/or middle managers to estimate the total

project duration and cost

9. Which of the following would best represent direct project costs?

- Labor, materials and equipment

10. Refining estimates may be necessary for a number of reasons. For example, a

manager getting further into a project and obtaining a better understanding of what

needs to be done to accomplish a project and meet the needs of the customer is an

example of ___.

- Changes in project scope

11. Laura is forecasting the time and cost of developing an intranet for a new customer.

Her department has completed six such intranets for customers during the last two

years. Although the proposed system is about the same size as the others she estimates

that it will take about 10 percent less time and money. Which of the following

methods is she using?

- Learning curve

12. Reasons why estimating time and cost are important include all of the following


- to help establish a project selection process

13. A good starting point for developing time and cost estimates is ___

- past experience

14. __ usually are derived from someone who uses experience and/or information to

determine the project duration and total cost.

- Top-down estimates

15. Janet is forecasting how much money her department needs to support a new

project. She estimates that two people and $25,000 in expenses will cover her

needs. Because management typically insists on reducing forecasts by 20

percent, she increases her estimates to allow for that reduction. Which of the

following factors is illustrated in this situation?

- Padding estimates
16. Rob is responsible for estimating a work package that has a significant amount of

uncertainty associated with the time and cost to complete. Due to the uncertainty

involved he will be making a low, an average and a high estimate. Rob is using which

estimating approach?

- Range estimating

17. Which if the following does NOT help describe a bottom-up estimating


- They are made by someone who uses experience and/or information from

someone else to determine overall project cost and duration

Quiz 6
1. Which of the following can be used without coordinating with managers of

succeeding activities?

- Free slack

2. Which of the following is provided by both the project network and the work

breakdown structure?

- Activity duration

3. A project ___ is built using nodes (boxes) and arrows (lines)

- network

4. When translated into a project network, a work package will become ___

- one or more activities

5. Which of the following correctly calculates the late start for an activity?

- LF - DUR
6. __ of an activity tells us the amount of time the activity can be delayed and not delay

the project.

- Total slack

7. A(n) ___ activity is an activity that has more than one activity immediately preceding

it (more than one dependency arrow flowing to it).

- merge

8. Activities which can take place at the same time are termed ___.

- parallel activity

9. A(n) ___ is an element of the project that requires time.

- activity

10. Bill is building a project network that involves testing a prototype. He must design the

prototype (activity 1), build the prototype (activity 2), and test the prototype (activity

3). Activity one is the predecessor for activity 2 and activity 2 is the predecessor for

activity 3. If the prototype fails testing, Bill must redesign the prototype; therefore,

activity 3 is a predecessor for activity 1. This is an example of ___.

- looping

11. An activity that has more than one dependency arrow flowing into it is termed a(n)


- merge activity

12. A(n) ___ activity is an activity that has more than one activity immediately following

it (more than one dependency arrow flowing from it).

- burst

13. __ are activities that can take place at the same time.

- Parallel activities

14. On a project network, the activity times are derived from the ___

- work packages
15. Concurrent engineering, which has dramatically reduced the development time for

new products, relies of what kind of lag?

- Start to Start lags

16. If, for some reason, the project must be expedited to meet an earlier date, which of the

following actions would the project manager take first?

- Check to see which activities are on the critical path

17. ___ is a sequence of connected dependent activities.

- Path

18. The forward pass in project network calculations determines all of the following


- how soon the project can be finished

19. Which of the following represents an activity on an AON project network?

- A node

20. Which of the following will correctly calculate the total slack in an activity?

- Either LS – ES or LF – EF

21. If a project has more than one activity that can begin when the project is to start a

common start node should be used to indicate a clear project beginning on the

network. Without a common start node, each path is a ___.

- dangler path

22. An activity can include one or more ___.

- work packages

23. A(n) ___ is the path with the longest duration through the network.

- critical path

24. ___ activities must be completed immediately before a particular activity.

- Predecessor

25. Networks flow typically from ___ to ___.

- left, right

Quiz 7
1.Organizations use ___ in conjunction with work breakdown structures to help

management teams identify and eventually analyze risk.

- Risk breakdown structures

2.The risk management tool that is divided into three color-coded zones representing

major, moderate, and minor risks is the risk ___.

- severity matrix

3.Risks are evaluated in terms of ___.

- Likelihood and impact

4.Adopting proven technology instead of experimental technology in order to

eliminate technical failure would be an example of which risk response?

- Avoiding

5. Funds that are for identified risks that have a low probability of occurring and that

decrease as the project progresses are called ___ reserves.

- Management

6. The cost impact of a risk event occurring as a project proceeds through its life

cycle tends to ___.

- Slowly rise

7. The risk associated with the unlikelihood that one of the key members will be

struck by lightning would most likely be handled by which of the following?

- Retaining

8. An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect

on project objectives is termed a ___.

- Risk

9. A list of questions that address traditional areas of uncertainty on a project is

termed ___.

- Profile

10. Which of the following is NOT involved in risk control?

- Establishing contingency funds

11.A fixed price contract is an example of ___.

- Transferring risk

12.Change management systems are designed to accomplish ___.

● identify expected effects of proposed changes on schedule and budget

● track all changes that are to be implemented

● reflect scope changes in baseline and performance measures

● review, evaluate, and approve/disapprove proposed changes formally

13.___ focuses on how to respond to events that have a positive impact on a project.

- Risk management

14.Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in the risk management process?

- Risk tracking

15.Which of the following groups should be included in the risk identification


● Project team

● Customers

● Subcontractors

● Vendors

Quiz 8
Which of the following is NOT a potential consequence of failing to identify

limited resources before project implementation?

- Scope creep

Technical constraints have been carefully considered when developing a

project network. Which of the following is true at this point?

- Activity 4 cannot be completed before activity 1

Resources are adequate, but demand varies widely over the life of the project.

Delaying noncritical activities to lower peak demand on resources is known as

resource ___.

- Smoothing

Why is it necessary to have a time-phased budget baseline?

- It is needed in order to know how much work was accomplished for the money spent

All of the following are benefits of scheduling resources before project

implementation EXCEPT ___.

- It ensures low network sensitivity

Resource leveling or smoothing can have all the following results on a project


- a longer project duration

These are all guidelines a project manager should consider when assigning

project work EXCEPT ___.

Always assign the best people to the most difficult tasks

Most of the scheduling methods available today require the project manager

to classify the project as either ___ constrained or ___ constrained.

- time, resource
Tony has realized that two activities in his project cannot be done at the same

time because not enough resources are available. Activity 3 is critical and has

a duration of 5 days. Activity 4 has 2 days of slack and a duration of 2 days.

How will he decide which activity should be scheduled first?

- The activity with the least slack

In a resource-constrained project, which of the following is most likely to be


- The completion date

In a resource-constrained project the second priority in assigning resources is

usually given to activities with the ___.

- smallest duration

Splitting an activity can result in all of the following EXCEPT ___.

- Less people needed to work on an activity

Sam, the project engineer, has been scheduled to run the product system test

at the same time he is to build a marketing prototype. This is an example of

what type of resource constraint?

- People
In reviewing the status of her project with top management, Shirley was told

that there are only two programmers that she can use for her project. Her

project is classified as ___ constrained.

- resource

When developing a new software package, logically, the software must be

designed before the code is written, and the code must be written before it is

tested. These activities are dependent on each other by ___ constraints.

- technical

The project requires tractors as key resources. There are two tractors

available to the project. Using the parallel method for resource allocation.

Select correct statement(s).

- Activity A, C, D will be delayed.

- In the third day the available tractors will be used for activity B only

- Activity A will be delayed three days

- In the first day the available tractors will be used for only act B

- In the fourth day the available tractors will be used for only act A

Quiz 9

1. In the following project network, the bold arrows denote the critical path.

The maximum crash time of every activity is positive. You are crashing the

project by one time unit. Select correct statement(s).

- Crash activities on critical path: B, D, G, I

As a project is crashed and project duration is reduced, direct costs typically


Reducing project duration Tends to increase network sensitivity

There are four activities (A, B, C, and D) on the only one critical path. The cost

slopes of these activities are $50, $40, $40, and $25, respectively. The
maximum crash time of every activity in the project is positive. You are

crashing the project by one time unit. Select correct statement(s).

- Least amount of money: D crashed,

- Same cost, B before C, B crashed

When a project manager must reduce project duration but resources are

constrained, creating a software program that will have fewer features than

originally planned or building a house without the bonus room the owner

originally specified in the plans would both be examples of Reducing project scope

Before crashing, direct costs for an activity represent normal costs, which

typically mean low cost, efficient methods for completing the activity in a(n)

___ amount of time. normal

Without any formal planning, the president of a software company remarks in

a speech that new technologically advanced software will be available in one

year. This may lead to a project that must be done faster than anticipated.

This is an example of reducing project duration caused by: Imposed project


Which of the following is NOT considered a project indirect cost? Equipment

The direct cost for completing an activity in the shortest time it can realistically

be completed in is called its ___ cost. cash

Which of the following projects would be least beneficial if additional resources

were added? Developing new software

Cost slope can be determined by dividing the Rise by the run

Intense global competition and rapid technological advances create pressure

on developing projects rapidly. This is an example of reducing project duration

caused by: Time to market

In a Project Cost-Duration Graph, total project costs are a sum of Direct and
indirect costs

In selecting the best activity to crash you would first select the activity with the
Least steep slope

The relationship between the normal point and the crash point is assumed to

be: Curvilinear

It is going to cost $80,000 a day to simply house and feed a construction crew

in the farthest reaches of Northern Alaska. This is an example of reducing

project duration due to High overhead

One way of reducing project costs is identifying tasks that ___ can do

themselves. Customers

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