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Introduction © Morphology is the branch of science that deals with the study of form and structure. In botany, it usually ‘means the study of external features, forms and relative positions of different organs on plants. Angiospermic or flowering plants show a great variety of shape, size and form and are characterised by the presence of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. A typical flowering plant consists of © Anunderground réot system © Anabove ground shoot system comprising of stem, leaves, flower etc. The Root Roots originate from the radicle part of embryo. ‘Generally, itis positively geotropic, negatively phototropic, and positively hydrotropic. It lacks nodes, internodes, leaves, and buds. ‘The main functions of the root system are absorption of water and minerals from the soil, providing a proper anchorage to the plant parts, storing reserve food ‘FPypes of Root syster Fibrous acs S/SOES system. ‘The primary root | When the primary which develops _ | root is short lived from radicle and gets replaced by _| parts of plant along with its | large number of roots | body other ‘secondary and which originate from | than radicle, tertiary branches | the base of stem, it | they are called form the tap constitutes the fibrous | adventitious root system —_—frootsystem. It’s _|rootse.g., ‘eg, dicots, _| common in monocots, | Monstera, ‘gymnosperms _|e.g., wheat, barley. _| banyan tree. Morphology of Flowering Plants Regions of the Reot The tender apex of the root is protected by a thimble-like structure called root eap. ‘The three regions of the root are: @® Region of meristematic activity © Cells ofthisregion have the capability to divide. © Itisa few millimeters above the root cap. © The cells are very small, thin-walled and with dense protoplasm. (ii) Region of elongation © Cells of this region are elongated and enlarged © They are responsible for the growth of the root inlength, Region of maturation ©. Thisregion has differentiated and matured cells. ‘Some of the epidermal cells of this region form thread-like root hairs. © The root hairs help in absorption of water and ‘minerals from the sol. Region of maturation Region of elongation 5 Region of meena activity Root cap i ‘The regions of the root-tip 52 | Bolay Modification of Roots © They are modified for support, storage of food, and © Some roots are modified ‘for functions éther than eee tet absorption and conduction of water and minerals. ‘© These are modified to | © These arepillarlike |e These are shor, thick, supporting | e These are upright store food. adventitious roots roots that arise from basal nodes. | aerial roots and © Examples include tap | that arise from aerial of'stem eg., maize, sugarcane | negatively geotropic. roots such as carrot, branches eg, banyan | Pandanus. © ‘They help in gaseous tumip, radish. tree, © After penetrating the soil they | exchange (hence ‘© Adventitious roots. | # They provide support to | develop fibrous roots that allows | _ called respiratory eg, sweet potato and | the plant andcan replace | them o fimmly hold the soil so as | roots) eg., Rhizophora Asparagus. the main stem or trunk. to provide support to the stem, (Mangrove plant) ‘Nodulated roots: The roots of pea and other leguminous plants have numerous swollen nodules on fine branches of roots. These nodules are formed due to symbiotic association of Rhizobium (bacterium) that live inside the cortical cells of roots. They fix nitrogen. An active nodule is pink in colour. The Stem @ Itdevelops from the plumule part of the embryo. © Itbears branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits. ‘© Node, internodes, and buds are always present. ‘¢ Theregions ofthe stem where leaves are bor are called nodes, while internodes are the portions between two nodes, “ ‘© The main function of the stem is spreading out branches bearing leaves, flowers and fruits. ¢ Italso conducts water, minerals and food. Some stems perform the function of storage of food, support, protection, and vegetative propagation. Modifications of Stem © The stem of some plants is modified to perform different functions in order to help plants o adapt othe present environmental conditions. ‘Types of Stem Modifications () Underground modifications These stem modifications are for storing food material. These include: © Rhizome: It grows parallel or horizontal to the soil surface. It bears nodes, internodes, buds, and scaly leaves, eg, ginger, banana, turmeric, ferns. © Tuber: Itis the terminal portion of underground. stem branch which swells due to accumulation of food. The tuber contains a number of spirally AY Do It Yourself: 1. The primary roots and its branches constitute the = Fill in the blank) 2. Choose the odd one out w-r-t. the functions of root. Absorption of soil water, Anchorage, Protection, Synthesis of PGRs 3, The cells of the region of maturation are very small, thin-walled and with dense protoplasm. Tre(] False[—] NCERT Corner arranged eyes. An ‘eye’ represents a node and axillary bud. Area representing two adjacent eyes represents internode, e.g., potato, © Corm: It grows vertically to the soi surface with diameter more than the length. It bears concentric nodes and intemodes, buds, and scale leaves,e.g., Colocasia, Colchicum, Crocus, Amorphophallus (eaminkand). © Bulb: Itishighly reduced, and disc shaped. The bud is surrounded by many concentric fleshy leaves. On. the under surface of disc, adventitious roots grow. Characteristic odour of onion is due to sulphur containing organic compound, e.g, onion, garlic. (i) Sub-aerial modifications © These inctude: © Runner: These are green with long internodes and branches creeping over soil surface. These ‘branches develop from axillary bud. Each node hhas leaves and roots, they may break off and take part in vegetative propagation and spread to new niche, When older parts die, new plants are formed, ¢.g., Cynodon, Centella ‘Morphology of Flowering Plants | 5.3 © Stolon: These are slender Iateral branches which covering the stem partially or wholly. Leaf base may originate from the base of the main axis. It grows bear two small leaf like structures called stipules. serially for some time, then arch downwards to In some leguminous plants, swollen leaf base called touch the ground, e.g, mint, jasmine. pulvinus is found. © Sucker: It is a special underground branch which (i) Petiole (Mesopodium): It is the stalk of a leaf. It develops from basal and underground portion helps to hold the leaf blade to get exposed to light. Its of main stem growing horizontally beneath the long, thin and flexible nature allows the leaf blades to soil and then come out obliquely upward giving flutter in wind, thereby cooling the leaf and bringing rise to leafy shoots, e.g., banana, pineapple, fresh airto leaf aurfaor, (Chrysanthemum. (© Offset: They have short and thick intemodes. It develops a tft or rosette of leaves and roots at each ‘node. It grows for some time and bears anew tuftor rosette of leaves at its tip, eg, Bichhornia, Pistia, ii) Acrial modifications ‘© These include: © Stem tendril: In some plants, the axillary buds present on the stem modify to form tendrils. ‘Tendrils are long thin thread like spirally coiled sensitive structure which help the plant to climb, e.g,, gourds (cucumber, pumpkin, water melon), grapevine. ‘© Thorn: Axillary buds of stems modify into woody, straight and pointed structure called thoms. They are very deep-seated structures with vascular connections. These thorns protect the plants from browsing animals, ¢g., Citrus, Bougainvillea. © Phylloctade: Plant present in arid regions modify their stems into flattened (Opuntia) or fleshy cylindrical structures (Euphorbia) called phylloclade. These structures are green incolour and perform the function of photosynthesis. The leaves are modified into spines. : © Cladode: One or two internode-long phylloclade * ‘Its broadly of two types: Gil) Lamina or Leaf blade (Epipodium): It is the green expanded part of the leaf which is supported by veins and veinlets. The prominent vein is called the midrib. Veins provide rigidity and strength to leaf blade and act as channels for transport of water, minerals and food materials. Lamina is called cladode, eg, Asparagus, Ruscus ( Reticulate venation: Veinlets are repeatedly branched © Bulbil: These are modification of axillary ‘and imegularly distributed to form a network in the ‘vegetative or floral buds. They are swollen due to Jamiria of leaf. It is usually found in dicotyledonous: food accumulation, e.g., Agave, Oxalis, Dioscorea. leaves. (i) Parallel venation: Veins run parallel to each other The Leaf: within the lamina. It is usually found in monocot © A leafis a lateral, flattened structure that arises from a caine node on the shoot axis. © A leaf possesses an axillary bud in its axil which later develops into a branch. © They arise and are arranged in an actopetal order. ‘© They are the most important vegetative organs that help to synthesize food by process of photosynthesis. : Parts of Leaf © A lleaf has the following parts: (@® Leaf base (Aypopodium): It attaches the leaf to the an stem. In monocots, the leaf base expands into sheath, Parallel venation 4, Fill in the blanks with the correct terms to complete the sentences. (@ The region of the stem where leaves are born is called : (i) Leaf base bears two lateral small leaf like structures called 5, Leaves originate from shoot apical meristems and are arranged in an acropetal order. ‘True (_] False[—] 6. Leaves of dicotyledonous plants generally possess (reticulate/parallel) venation. (Tick the correct word) NCERT Corner ‘Types of Leaves © Leaves are majorly of two types: (@ Simple Leaf: A leafis said to be simple when lamina is entire or when incised, the incisions do not reach the midrib e.g., mango, guava. (ii) Compound Leaf: A leaf is said to be compound ‘when the incision of the leaf blade goes down to the midrib or the petiole so that the leafis broken up into a number of segments called leaflets. These leaflets are free from one another but more or less distinctly joined at the base, The compound leaves are of further ‘wo types: (@) Pinnately compound leaf: In pinnately compound leaf, the midrib forms a common axis called rachis. A number of leaflets are present on. rachis, e.g, neem. Palmately compound leaf: In palmately compound leaf, the leaflets are attached to a common point, ic., at the top of the petiole. Rachis is absent in palmately compound leaf, eg, silk cotton, ) Phyllotaxy ‘¢ It refers to the pattem in which the leaves are arranged ‘on stem or its branches to get proper sunlight. ‘single leafis present at each node in alternate fashion e.g., China rose, mustard, sunflower. Ola s ae ‘A pair ofleaves arise at each node on opposite sidese.g., guava, Calotropis. ‘More than two leaves arise at each node to form a whorl e.g., Nerium, Aistonia Modifications of Leaf ‘© Leaves are generally responsible for photosynthesis, transpiration, arid gaseous exchange. But in some places where the conditions are unfavourable, leaves get ‘modified and perform other functions such as storage, protection, support, defence, etc. © Different types of modifications that occur in leaves are: (® Leaf tendril: In some plants, whole leaf is modified into a thread-like spirally coiled structure which is called leaf tendril, e.g., Lathyrus (wild pea). (i) Leaf spine: Leaves are modified into sharp pointed spines, e.g, Aloe, Cactus. (ii) Storage organ: In some plants such as onion, garlic, ctc,, fleshy leaves store food and hence forms the storage organ in plants. (iv) Phyllodes: In certain plants such as Australian Acacia, the leaves are small and short-lived. In these plants, the petiole modifies to form flat, green-coloured leaf-like structure which pérform ‘the function of photosynthesis. These are known as phyllodes. (¥) Pitcher: In the leaf of some insectivorous plants, the lamina gets modified into pitcher like structure. It is used to capture insects. E.g., Nepenthes, venus fly trap. Inflorescence © Arrangement of flowers on the floral axis (peduncle) is called inflorescence. The shoot apical meristem transforms into floral ‘meristem. The apex produces various floral appendages laterally at nodes. The intemodes do not elongate and axis gets condensed. When a shoot tip transforms into a flower, itis always solitary. On the basis of whether the shoot apex gets converted into a flower or continues to grow, inflorescence is of two types: () Racemose: In this inflorescence the main axis continues to grow, and flowers are bome in acropetal succession ¢g., radish, lupin, mustard. Cymose: In this inflorescence, the main axis terminates into a flower, hence the growth is limited. The arrangement of flowers is basipetal e.g., Solanum. Both these inflorescences are again of different types, a5 discussed below: Spike Spittet Morphology of Flowering Pants | 5:5 ‘Types of Racemose Inflorescence catia cory Corstaot ( Raceme: Here elongated main axis bears a number of pedicellate bisexual flowers such as mustard, radish (i) Spike: In Callistemon, Adhatoda, the sessile bisexual flowers are arranged on the elongated main axis. Catkin: In Mulberry, oak, Salér, the spike with long and pendulous axis bears sessile, unisexual flowers only. Spadix: It is a spike with fleshy axis enclosed by brightly colored bracts called spathe, as in Musa, Arum, Colocasia, palm, maize. Spikelets: In the members of grass family, the small spikes with one ora few flowers are called spikelets. Corymb: The main axis is comparatively short with longer stalks of lower flowers. All flowers are bisexual and are brought to more or less same level, as in Iberis, Capsella, candy tuft. Gi) (iv) w) wi ‘Types of racemose inflorescence 5.6 | Biology (vii) Umbel: The primary axis is shortened and bears a cluster of pedicellate bisexual flowers with a whorl of bracts in the form of involucre, as in the members of carrot, coriander. (viii) Head or capitulum: Its characteristic inflorescence of the sunflower family (Asteraceae). Inflorescence axis is flat and is called receptacle, which bears many small flowers called florets. Two types of florets are present called ray and disc florets. Disc florets are central in position, whereas ray florets are peripheral in position. Each type of floret is subtented by bracts, eg, sunflower, Tagetes, Cosmos. ‘Types of Cymose Inflorescence In cymose inflorescence, the growth of main axis is checked bya flower at the apex. It is of three types: 1. Uniparous or monochasial eyme: The main axis ends into a flower and has only one lateral branch, also terminating into a flower, as in Atropa, Datura, Solanum nigrum, Drosera, Ranunculus. 2. Biparous or dichasial eyme: The main axis ends up ina flower and has two lateral branches, each with a flower at their ends, as in Dianthus, Bougainvillea, Teak, Nyctanthes, Jasmine. 3, Multiparous cyme: The main axis ends in a flower, - with a number of lateral flowers around it, as in Hamelia, Calotropis, Asclepias. pat tessye Lommel Bparous or casi eye Monochasa ‘Types of eymose inflorescence Flower A flower is the reproductive unit in angiosperms A flower is a modified shoot. The stalk of the flower is called pedicel. ‘The floral appendages are arranged on the swollen end of the pedicel or axis, known as thalamus. A flower has four different kinds of whorl that can be categorized into two types: (Accessory whorls: Calyx and Corolla (i) Essential whorls: Androecium and Gynoecium On the basis of presence of type of essential whorl the flower can be of two types: @ Bisexual flower: It has both androecium and sgynoecium, 7. Complete the analogy. (i) Unisexual flower: It has either androecium (staminate) or gynoecium (pistillate) On the basis of symmetry, the flowers ate of following ‘types: @ Actinomorphie flower: It can be cut into two equal parts in any vertical plane (radial symmetry) e.¢., ‘mustard, china rose, brinjal i) Zygomorphie flower: It can be cut into two identical halves (bilateral symmetry) only along one particular plane passing through the centre e.g., pea, gulmohar, bean, Cassia, (ii) Asymmetrical flower: It cannot be cut into two equal parts in any plane e.g., Canna. On the basis of number of floral appendages in a flower, itmay (@® Trimerous (floral appendages in multiples of 3) Gil) Tetramerous (floral appendages in multiples of 4) Gi) Pentamerous (floral appendages in multiples of 5) A flowers bracteate, ifithas a bractat its base. A flower is ebracteate, when bract is not present. On the basis ofthe position of ovary in a flower, it may be: . (@® ‘Hypogynous: In a hypogynous flower, the ovary ‘occupies the topmost position on the thalamus, while the stamens, petals and sepals are separately and successively inserted below the ovary. The ovary in ahypogynous flower is superior e.g., mustard, China rose, brinjal. ii) Perigynous: Ina perigynous flower, the margin of the thalamus grows upward to form a cup like structure, enclosing the ovary. On the rim ofthe cup are present all the other floral parts. Such an ovary is said to be half-inferior e.g, plum, peach, rose. (ii) Epigynous: In an epigynous flower, the margin ofthe thalamus grows further upward, completely enclosing the ovary and getting fused with i. The calyx, corolla and androecium arise above the ovary. The ovary in this case is inferior, eg., guava, cucumber, ray florets innately compound leaf’: leaves : jeem :: Palmately compound 8. Choose the odd one out wszt.alternate venation. China rose, Mustard, Sunflower, Calotropis 9. Limited growthis seen in (cymose/racemose) inflorescence. (ick the correct word) 10. Give the common feature w.rt the position of ovary in ‘mustard, China rose and brinjal. NCERT Corner Parts of the Flower Calyx ‘¢ Itis the outermost whorl of the flower. © Itis composed of sepals. © Sepals are green, leaf-like structures and protect the flower in bud stage. * Calyx may be gamosepalous, if sepals are fused eg, Crotalaria or polysepalous if sepals are free e.g., Caesalpinia. © Inplants of family Asteraceae, calyx is modified into hair- like structure called pappus which help in dispersal of rut, Corolla © Itis composed of petals. Petals are usually brightly colored and fragrant to attract insects for pollination. © Theshape of corolla varies greatly in plants from tubular, bell shaped, funnnel-shaped to wheel shaped. © Corolla may be gamopetalous, if petals are fused or polypetalous, if petals are free. ‘© Insome flowers like lily, calyx and corolla are not distinct and is termed as perianth, ‘Aestivation ‘* The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in relation to one another in the bud condition is called aestivation. ‘© There are four main types of aestivation: @ Valvate: In this type of aestivation one margin of a petal or a sepal just touches the other at the margin without overlapping, e.g., Calotropis. (i) Twisted: In twisted aestivation, one margin of a sepal or petal overlaps the next member, and the other margin is overlapped by the preceding one, ¢g., china rose, lady finger, cotton. (ii) Imbrieate: In imbricate aestivation, one of the sepals or petals is internal being overlapped on both the margins, and one of them is extemal and for each of the remaining petals, one margin is internal and the other margin external, e.g., Cassia, gulmohar. Vexillary: In this type of aestivation, the largest posterior petal (standard) overlaps the two lateral petals which in tur overlap the two anterior petals, dy) (Keel) e-g., pea. Refer figures (i, (i), (ii), and (iv) ‘Morphology of Flowering Plants | 5.7 OOO 79?q @ « aw) ‘Types of aestivation — O Androecium © Itis the male reproductive whorl of the flower, that arises inner to corolla, ‘© Itis composed of one or more stamens. Each stamen has a stalk-ike filament and an anther. Each anther consists of two lobes, which are connected bya tissue called connective. © Eachanther lobe has two pollen sacs placed longitudinally. Each pollen sac represents a microsporangium and it contains numerous pollen grains or microspores. ‘© Sterile stamen are called staminodes. Fixation of anther ‘On the basis of attachment of anthers to the filament, stamen can be classified into the following types: @-_ Basifixed: In this type, filament is attached to base of the anther. For example, mustard, Cassia. if Attachment of filament to anther (a) Basifixed (b) Adnate (© Dorsifixed (€) Versatile 58 | Biology (i) Adnate: In this type, filament runs throughout the length of the anther. For example, magnolia, water lily Dorsifixed: In this type, filament is attached to the dorsal side of the anther. For example, citrus, passiflora, Versatile: This type of attachment is diversified but anther can swing freely over the filament. For example, grasses, eucalyptus. Adhesion of stamens © Union of the stamens with other members like petals, tepals or gynoecium is called as adhesion. © Based on the member with which the stamens are fused, ‘they may be of following types: (® Epipetalous: It isa condition where the stamens are partially or completely attached to the petals, e.g., brinjal. (ii) Epiphyllous: It is a condition where the stamens are partially or completely attached to perianth e.g., lily. ii) (iv) Adhesion of Stamens-Epipetalous/Epiphyllous Cohesion of stamens © Fusion of stamens among themselves is called cohesion. It is of the following types: () Monadetphous: It isa condition in which all stamens are united in a single bundle e.g., China rose. (i) Diadelphous: It isa condition in which all stamens are united into two bundles, ¢.., pea (ii) Polyadelphous: It is a condition in which stamens are united into many bundles e.g, Citrus. (iv) Syngenesious: It is @ condition in which anthers are fused but filaments are free e.g, sunflower. (¥) Synandrous: It is a condition in which both anthers and filaments are fused all along their length, e. cucumber. (vi) Polyandrous: It is a condition in which the stamens ina flower are free, ¢.g,, Brassica Synaenesions ‘symansous Gynoecium © Itis the female reproductive whorl of the flower. © It is composed of one or more earpels or pistil. © Each carpel is differentiated into ovary, style and stigma. © Theovary isthe lower swollen basal part which continues as a slender elongated style. The style terminates in a stigma on which the pollen grains are deposited during. pollination. Ovary or megasporophylls bear megasporangia or ovules. “Megaspores are produced inside the megasporangium. The carpels may be simple if consist of only one earpel ‘or compound if composed of two or more carpels. Based on this, gynoecium may be of two types: (® Apocarpous: When carpels are completely free, the ‘gynoecium is said to be apocarous e-g., lotus, rose. (ii) Syncarpous: When carpels are fused, the gynoecium is said to be syncarpous, e.g., mustard, tomato. ¥@ Apocarpous Syncarpous Cohesion of carpels ‘Ovules are attached to flattened cushion like structure called placenta. ‘The arrangemént of ovules on placenta within the ovary is known as placentation. The placentation may be: () Marginal: The placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture. The ovules are borne on this forming two rows. e.g., pea. ‘Axile: In this type, the ovary is divided into as many chambers as there are carpels fused together. The carpels are united in such a way that the ventral sutures of all the carpels are placed along the axis. ‘The placenta arises on this common axis and hence it is called axile, e.g,, China rose, tomato, lemon. Parietal: In this type, the ovary is unilocular but syncarpous. The placenta arises on the ventral suture which is the line of fusion of the adjacent carpels, e.g., Mustard, Argemone. Free Central: Ovules are borne on central axis and septa are absent e.g., Dianthus, Primrose Basal: In this type, the ovary is synearpous and unilocular. The placenta develops directly on the thalamus and a single ovule is present at the base of the ovary,.e.g., sunflower, marigold. Gi) a) vy) ®) Parolal Basal ‘Types of placentation Fruit © A fruit is a mature or ripened ovary developed, after ‘fertilization. ‘© Itis a characteristic feature of flowering plants. ‘* Fruit developed from the ovary is called true or eucarpie fruit while the fruits developing from other floral parts eg. thalamus, receptacle, calyx, etc., along with the ovary are called psendocarpic or false fruit, .g., apple, pear. ‘© Parthenocarpic fruits are the fruits that develop without the process of fertilisation e.g., banana, ‘© The fruit wall or pericarp may be dry or fleshy. When the pericarp is thick and fleshy it gets differentiated into three layers: outer epicarp, middle mesocarp and inner endocarp. @ The fits of mango and coconut are known as drupe as, they develop from monocarpellary, superior ovary and are single seeded. © Inmango, the pericarp is differentiated into three layers: outer thin epicarp, middle fleshy middle mesocarp and inner stony hard endocarp. @ In coconut, mesocarp is fibrous. ‘| Do It Yourself. 11. The mode of arrangement of sepals or petals in floral bud with respect to the other members of the same whorl is - Fill in the blank) 12, Cassiaand gulmohurhave (valvate/imbricate)aestivation. (Tick the correct word) 13. A sterile stamen is called epiphyllous. Tel] —_False[—] 14, Give another name for fruit wall. NCERT Corner Seed © A fertilized ovule develops into a seed. Morphology of Flowering Pants | 5.9 ‘A seed comprises of two parts - seed coat and an embryo. ‘The seed coat has an outer layer called testa and inner layer called tegmen. * Theembryo consist of an embryonal axis with a radicle and plumule at opposite ends and one or two cotyledons. ‘® Aseedwhich contains endosperm (3n)is called endospermic ‘or albuminous seed e.g., maize, wheat, tice, castor (dicot). ‘® A.seed which does not contain endosperm i called anon- endospermic or exalbuminous seed. Such seeds store the food material in the cotyledons which get consumed by the embryo, hence the endosperm is absent in mature seeds .g., bean, pea, mustard (dicots) orchids (monocot). ‘© Structure of dicot seed (Gram): The two layers of seed coat .e,, outer testa and inner tegmen are present. Hilum is ‘scar on the seed coat through which developing seeds are attached to the fruit. Above the hilum, a small pore called micropyle is present, It also comprises of an embryo, ‘embryonal axis and two fleshy cotyledons. At the two ‘ends of embryonal axis are present radicle and plumule, © Structure of monocot seed (Maize): The seed coat is membranous and usually fused with the pericarp. ‘The endosperm is bulky and stores food. The outer covering of endosperm separates the embryo by a proteinaceous layer called aleurone layer (3n). Embryo is small and situated in a groove at one end of the endosperm. It consists of one large, shield shaped cotyledon called scutellum and a short axis with a plumule and radicle enclosed in a sheath called coleoptile and coleorhiza respectively. Semi-Technical Description of a Typical Flowering Plant ‘© Various morphological features including its vegetative characters as roots, stem, leaves as well as floral characteristics comprising inflorescence and flower parts are used to describe a flowering plant. © The description also includes floral formula and floral, diagram. © Afioral diagram provides information about the number of parts ofa flower, their general structure, arrangement, and the relation they have with one another, cohesion, adhesion, position of flower with respect to mother axis. It isa ground plan of flower. © A floral formula is the summarized account of the floral characters ofa plant represented by symbols. The symbols used in the construction of floral formula are as follows: 8.10 | Biology , Bracteate Calyx Corolla Perianth “Androecium Gynoeeium Male Female ‘Superior ovary Inferior ovary ‘Actinomorphic Zygomorphic Description of Some Important Families Malvaceae Malvaceae, also known as the hibiscus or mallow family (belongs to order Malvales) comprises some 243 genera and at least 4,225 species of herbs, shrubs, and trees. Most of the species in this family occur in all except the coldest parts of the world but are most numerously found in the tropics. Habit: Plants may be annual or biennial, herbs, shrubs or tree, mucilage rich Root: Taproot system ‘Stem: Erect, branched, cylindrical (usually mucilaginous) ‘Leaves: Stipulate, alternate, simple, petiolate, entire or lobed, reticulate venation Inflorescence: Solitary, axillary or terminal racemose ‘Flower: Bracteate or ebracteate, actinomorphic, pedicellate, bisexual, complete, pentamerous, usually protected by epicalyx. Calyx: Sepals 5, gamosepalous, valvate aestivation Corolla: Petals 5, polypetalous but basally fused with staminal tube, twisted aestivation Androecium: Nuinerous stamens, monadelphous, filaments fused to form a staminal tube, epipetalous, anther lobes unilocular (monothecous) Gynoecium: 5 carpels, syncarpous, multilocular, superior ovary, axile placentation Fruit: Dry loculicidal capsule Frat oma: 8 Epis ay Gorn s-« Economic Importance © Many plants belonging to the family are used as food. © Bhindi or Okra (4belmoschus esculentus): Fruits are used as vegetables. #}@| aif ia Holos] a|>| =] 0] x] © Gossypium: The oil extracted from its seed is used in preparing vegetable ghee. © Medicinal plants: Urena repanda, Abutilon indicum © Fibre-yielding plants: Gossypium (cotton) © Ornamental plants: Hibiscus rosasinensis (China ose), Althea rosea (Hollyhock) of ovr Astamen ‘Anroockum “gg LS.ofaavary Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (China rose) plant and its various parts Floral gram Cruciferae The family is also known as Brassicaceae. It comprises 375, ‘genera and 3200 species distributed all over the world. Approx 150 species are known alone from India. Habitat: Mostly mesophytes Habit: Primarily herbaceous, mostly annual, of perennial Root: Tap root system, tap root along with hypocotyl is swollen in radish and turnip. Stem: Erect, cylindrical, hairy, herbaceous, rarely woody, sulphur smelling Leaves: Simple, alternate, or sub-opposite, sessile or rarely compound, hairy. Inflorescence: Raceme or corymb (racemose) Flower: Ebracteate, pedicellate, tetramerous, complete, hermaphrodite, actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic, hypogynous. (Calyx: Four sepals arranged freely in two whorls, polysepalous, imbricate éestivation. Corolla: Four petals, polypetalous, arranged altemately with sepals in cruciform manner, petals are long clawed, valvate aestivation Androecium: Stamens, generally six, arranged in two whorls, tetradynamous condition (outer two short and inner four long), polyandrous Gynoceium: Bicarpellary, syncarpous, unilocular becomes bilocular due to a false septum called replum, ovary superior, placentation parietal Seeds: Ex-albuminous Floral formula: Ebr ® Ky,» Cy Ags Gg) Floral diagram of Cruciferae Economic Importance @ Many plants used as vegetable (food): Tumnip (Brassica rapa), radish (Raphanus sativus), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis), cabbage (Brassica oleracea var, capitata), brussels, mustard. Source of oll: Obtained from the seeds of Brassica ‘campestris (sarson) ot Brassica juncea (kali rai) Used as condiments: Seeds of Brassica juncea (kali rai), B. nigra (black mustard), B. alba (white mustard) are all used in pickles. ‘Medicines: Iberis amara (candytuft) and Rorippa indica (Khub kalan) can cure asthma, bronchitis, and fever. The flowers of Cheiranthus cheiri (wal flowet) can cure mild paralysis and impotency. Candytuft is also used to treat rheumatis and gout. Ornamental plants: A number of crucifers are grown as ‘omamental plants in garden, e.g., Candytuft, Lunaria, Arabis (Rock cress), Kale. wD co) iv) 10) ‘ Morphology of Flowering Plants | 8.14 Leguminosae Itis the third largest family among the angiosperms consisting ‘of more than 700 genera and about 20,000 species worldwide in distribution. Habit: Includes herbs, shrubs, climbers, twiners, and trees. Root: Tap root system with root nodules Stem: Erect or climber Leaves: Alternate, simple or pinnately compound, leaf base pulvinate, modified into tendril, reticulate venation Inflorescence: Racemose Flower: Bisexual, zygomorphic, hermaphrodite Calyx: Sepals five, gamosepalous, imbricate aestivation Corolla: Petals five, polypetalous, papilionaceous, the posterior one large and outermost called standard, the next two lateral ‘ones (wings), and two anterior and innermost ones united (Keel or carina enclosing stamens and pisti), vexillary aestivation. Androecium: Ten, diadelphous (9 + 1), dithecous anther Gynoecium: Ovary superior, monocarpellary, unilocular with many ovules, placentation marginal, Fruit: Legume, seeds one to many Seed: Non-endospermic Floral Formula: ® $ Kj C,.>+@) Avo +1 G Floral diagram Solanaceae It i a large family comprising about 90 genera and 2000 species. Itis commonly called potato family. The meinbers of this family are widely distributed in tropics, sub-tropics, and ‘even temperate zones. Habit: Plants mostly, herbs, shrubs and small trees, Stem: Herbaceous rarely woody, aerial; erect, cylindrical, ‘branched, solid or hollow, hairy or glabrous, underground stem ‘in potato (Solanum tuberosum) Leaves: Alternate, simple, rarely pinnately compound, exstipulate; venation reticulate Inflorescence: Solitary, axillary or eymose as in Solanum Hypogynous F755 Thalamus Pedicel Thalamus Brassica campestris. A, a flowering branch; B, VS. flower (antero-posteior plane); C, V.S. flower (lateral plane); D, petal; K, flower with non-essential parts removed; F, floral diagram. Flower: Bisexual, actinomorphic Floral Diagram: Calyx: Sepals five, united, persistent, valvate aestivation Corolla: Petals five, united; valvate aestivation stamens five, epipetalous Gynoecium: Bicarpellary, syncarpous; ovary superior, bilocuilar, placenta swollen with many ovules Androeci Economic Importance Fruit: Berry or capsule ‘Many plants belonging to this family are source of food (tomato, Seeds: Many, endospermous brinjal, potato); spice-chilli (Capsicum annuum); medicine Floral formula: ® 3 KoA: belladonna (Atropa belladona), ashwagandha (WFithania somnifera); famigatory (tobaced); omamentals (Petunia) Standard OF (venta) Morphology of Flowering Plonts | 5.13 Pisum sativum (pea) plant: (A) Flowering twig (B) L.S. of flower (C) Petals (D) Floral diagram Compositae (Asteraceae) This is the largest dicot family of angiosperms comp ‘950 genera and 20,000 species. Members of this family enjoy ‘a worldwide distribution and are found in almost every kind of habitat. Engler and Prantl considered this family to be the ‘most advanced among angiosperms and placed it inthe last in their phylogenetic system of classification. ‘Habit: Mostly annual, rarely biennial herbs, some shrubs and a few trees, climbers, or epiphytes Root: Taproots but sometimes they possess fibrous root system Stem: Erect, prostrate, climbing or twining, herbaceous or ‘woody, hairy or glabrous with latex tubes or oil ducts. Leaves: Altemate or rarely opposite, Simple or compound, exstipulate, reticulate venation Inflorescence: Head or capitulum which may be terminal, or axillary surrounded by bracts, peduncle flat on which florets are attached Flower: Small, sessile, bracteate or ebracteate, complete or incomplete, Epigynous, usually pentamerous, bisexual or vunisexual @ Ray Florets: Present towards periphery, sessile, zyg0- ‘morphic, pisillate or neutral, epigynous © Calyx: Absent or hairy pappus persistent © Corolla: Petals 5, gamopetalous, ligulate, valvate aestivation 5.14 | Biology © Androecium: Absent icarpellary syncarpous, inferior ovary, © Floral formula: Br % 9 Ky gep Cis) Ay Gp (i Dise Florets: Present in the centre of head, bracteate, bisexual, actinomorphic, tubular, pentamerous ‘© Calyx: Absent or in the form of pappus © Corolla: Petals 5, gamopetalous, tubular, valvate aestivation E F Helianthus annus (Sunflower) plant: (A) Flowering branch (B), VS. of capitulum (C) Ray floret (D) V.S. of Ray floret ©) Dise Floret (F) V.S. of Disc floret (G) Floral diagram of Ray floret (FH) Floral diagram of Disc floret © Androecium: 5 stamens, epipetalous, syngenesious (anther fused but filaments free), dithecous © Gynoccinm: Bicarpellary, syncarpous, inferior ovary, ‘unilocular basal placentation © Floral formula: Br® $ Ky orp Ci) Avsy Ga (ii) ‘Neutral Florets: Present in ray forming ligulate flowers of sunflower Floral formula: % or © Ky Cis) Ag Go Fruit: Cypsela Seeds: Non-endospermic Economic Importance © Plants used as food: Lettuce (salad), Artichoke © Oilyielding plants: Sunflower (Helianthus annua) and safflower seeds are used to obtain oil which is used in cooking. ‘© Medicinal Plants: Most of the species belonging to the Asteraceae family have medicinal values. For example, Artemisia (Ariemesia annua) is used to treat bowel disorders. Some species are used to provide relief in asthma, cure bleeding piles and cough. © Ornamental Plants: Plants produce extraordinary flowers with wonderful colour combinations and used to decorate venues and ornamentals. Examples, sunflower, marigold (Tagetus erectus), chrysanthemum, Cosmos, Zinnia Gramineae This family is commonly known as the grass family or Poaceae. It is one of the largest among the angiospermic families. According to the modern phylogenetic view, it is the most advanced family of angiosperms. The members of this family are monocots and includes approx. 620 genera and about 6000 species. This family is famous for its grains or cereals, grasses, and bamboo. ‘Habit: Herbs, annuals or perennials or shrubs. Some of the herbs include runners, suckers, or rhizomes. Root: Adventitious, fibrous roots ‘Stem: Erect or prostrate, cylindrical, herbaceous or woody, underground, rhizome in all perennial grasses, jointed stem with intemodes hollow (wheat) or solid (maize). Leaves: Sessile, altemate, simple exstipulate, sessile, ligulate Inflorescence: Spike or spikelet Flower: Bracteate, sessile, incomplete, zygomorphic, bisexual irregular, hypogynous, flowers are exceptionally unisexual in maize. Flowers are usually surrounded by two scales called lemma (inferior or outer palea and superior or inner palea), Perianth: Represented by 2 -3 membranous scales called lodicules which are hygroscopic and help in opening of florets. Androecium: Usually 3 or 6 stamens (Bambusa)or numerous, stamens free arranged in one or two whorls, filaments long and slender, anthers basifixed or versatile, Gynoecium: Tricarpellary, syncarpous appearing monocar- pellary, unilocular, superior ovary, basal placentation, style generally absent except in maize represented by long silken threads, feathery stigmas Fruit: Caryopsis or grain Morphology of Flowering Plonts | 5.18 Seed: Endospermic and containing a single cotyledon called scutellum (monocotyledonous) Floral formula: % 3 Py spodiaien As-s Gr Economic importance @ Cereal yielding plants: A number of grains are obtained from plants of this family such as_wheat (Triticum aestivum), maize (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa), oat (Avena sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), etc. “Millets: Other food crops such as millets also belong to this family. For example, pearl millet or Bajra (Pennisetum typhoides), Jowar or sorghum (Sorghum vulagre), finger millet or ragi (Elusine coracand) Fodder: The shoots and grains of cereals and millet plants are used as fodder for cattle. i) Gi (iv). Sugar plant: Sugar and jaggery is obtained from the sap of sugarcane (Sachharum officinarum) (¥) Paper: Itis obtained from bamboo and a number of other grasses. (Wi) Bamboo is used for number of purposes as in house building, furniture, sticks, flutes, ladders, manufacturing paper pulp, etc. E.g., Bambusa arundinacea, B. balcooa, B. polymorpha, B. vulgaris and many more. Oryza sativa (rice) plant: (A) A flowering branch (B) Spikelet (C) Flower (D) Stamen (E) Grain (F) LS. of Grain (G Floral diagram 5.16 Biology Domain | Eukarya Bukarya Eukarya Eukerya Eukarya Eukarya Kingdom | Plantae Plantae Plantae Plantae Plantae Plantae Division | Angiospermae | Angiospermae | Angiospermae | Angiospermae | Angiospermae | Angiospermae Class __ | Dicotyiedonae | Dicotyledonae | Dicotyledonae | Dicotyledonae | Dicotyledonae | Monocotyledonae Order —_[Parietales | Rosales Polymoniales | Malvales Asterales Poales Family [Cruciferae [Leguminosae [Solanaceae | Malvaceae | Compositae | Poaceae’ (Brassicacea) (Asteraceae) Genus | Brassica Pisum ‘Solanum Hibiscus Helianthus | Triticum Species [campestris | sativum nigrum rosa-sinesis | annuus ‘aestivum iN Do It Yourself: 15. The seed coat has two layers, the outer_and the inner = (ill in the blanks) 16. Write the symbols used for the following in a floral formula, @ Calyx i) Bisexual plant 17. Fruit is caryopsis in (wheat/pea). (Tick the correct word 18. Head or capitulum inflorescence is a characteristic of family - (Fill in the blanks) 19. Choose the odd one from the given group of members ofa family. Hibiscus, Gossypium, Oryza sativa, Abelmoschus esculentus CERT Corner | ooo L 2 4. 1 ~The Root — ‘The direct elongation of the radicle in__A___ leads to the formation of __B. Select the correct option for A and B. ()_[Majority of the monocots _| Primary root (2) _[ Majority of the dicots Primary root 3) _| Some dicots ‘Tap root, (4 [Some monocots Adventitious root Primary root and its branches constitute (1) Adventitious root system Q) Fibrous root system (3) Tap root system (4) Prop root system In__A__the primary root is short-lived and replaced bya large number of roots which originate from base of stem and constitute _B__. Select the correct option for A and B. ()_ [Mustard | Fibrous root 2) _| Wheat Fibrous root @)_| Wheat ‘Tap root (@) [Sugarcane _ | Stilt root Which of the following is/are the function of a typical root system? (J) Absorption of water and mineral from the soil (2) Providing a proper anchorage to the plant ) Synthesis of plant growth regulators @) Allof the above Adventitious roots are present in all, except () Monstera (2) Banyan tree G) Mustard (4) Grasses Roots are distinguishable from stem in (1) Presence of root cap Q) Presence of unicellular root hairs (3) Absence of nodes and intemodes (4) All of these A fibrous root system is excellent for (1) Storage of food material (2) Absorption of minerals from deeper layer of soil (3) Providing good anchorage to the plants () All ofthese Morphology of Flowering Plants | 6.17 83 Topicwise Questions ————— 8 Select the odd one out with respect to storage root. () Carrot (2) Ginger 3) Beet (4) Sweet potato 9. Consider the following. A. Region of meristematic activity B. Region of elongation C. Region of maturation ‘What will be the correct sequence of different regions of roots from the apex? @) C4B>A @ A+BC @) ACB @ BoCoaA Which of the following statements is incorrect w.t.t roots? (1) Store reserve food materials 2) Positive geotropic and negatively phototropic (3) Roots usually possess buds (4) All of the above Given below are regions of roots. Identify the incorrect statement w.r+t. labels a,b, ¢, and d. 10. u. (1) d—thimble-like structure which performs the function of graviperception (2) b—Cell of this region undergoes rapid elongation and enlargement (3) c—Cells of this region divide repeatedly (4) e—Region of root proximal to region of meristematic activity 12, Root hairs are (1) Unicellular and endogenous (2) Uniceltular and exogenous 5.18 | Biology 23. 14. 15. 16. 17. (3) Multiceltular branched 18, (4) Multiceltular unbranched Absorption of water and mineral is done by root hairs which are present in zone of (1) Meristematic activity Q) Root cap (3) Cell elongation (4) Cell differentiation Identify the region of root on the basis of the given statement. A. Cells ofthis region are very small, thin-walled, and 19, with dense protoplasm. B. Cells of this region are responsible for the growth of root in length. . Some epidermal cells of this region form very fine and delicate thread-like structures, @) [Regionof | Region of —_| Region of 2 meristematic | elongation ‘maturation activity (2) | Region of Region of cell | Region of ‘tmeristematic | differentiation | maturation activity @) |Regionof [Region of _ | Region of cell elongation meristematic | differentiation activity () [Region of cell |Region of | Region of cell differentiation | meristematic | elongation activity Epiphyllous roots are observed in which ofthe following plants? Q) Bryophytlum (2) Kalanchoe @) Tinaspora (4) Both (1) and (2) Jn which of the following feature roots are similar to stem? () Spreading out branches with nodes (2) Providing a proper anchorage in soil (3) Storage food material 21. (4) Develops from plumule part of embryo 2, Prop roots or pillar roots in banyan tree are () Tep roots (2) Adventitious roots 2B. (3) Secondary roots (4) Fasciculated roots (1) Carrot (3) Tumip Tn some plants of swampy areas, ap root is modified into A for_B. i Select the correct option for A and B. ‘Pneumatophores Gaseous exchange (2) __ | Nodulated roots Nitrogen fixation @)_| Storage roots Food storage (4) _| Prop roots Mechanical support Mark the correct set of statements w.rt. stilt roots A. Arise from base of stem B. Provide support as they act like rope of a tent . Present in maize and sugarcane D. Provide support as they are hanging from branches () A,BandC 2) AandB @) CandD @) Aandc Examine the figure and select the correct option for root given in figure. (2) Stiltroot (3) Pheumatophiore @) Hygroscopic root Roots are positively geotropic. The exception of this statement is (1) Stilt root in maize (2) Haustoria in Cusewta G) Pneumatophores in Rhizophora (4) Prop root of banyan tree ‘Which of the following is not a modified storage tap root? (2) Radish @) Tumip @) Sweet potato ‘Sweet potato is a root modification which is similar to that of (1) Potato Q) Ginger (4) Colocasia 25. 26. 2. 29. 30. 31. -The Stem - Stem (1) Develops from radicle part of embryo (2) Bears nodes, intemodes, and buds (3) Does not perform the function of vegetative propagation (4) Isinvolved in the conduction of water only = The function of stem is (1) Spreading out branches (2) Conduction of water and minerals (3) Storage of food, support, and protection (4) Allof these Mark the correct set of statements w.r. stem. ‘A. Ascending part of plant axis. B. Main fimction is storage of food. C. Generally green when older but brown when young. D. It may perform function of vegetative propagation. () AandB. @) AandD (3) Band (4) BandD ‘Which one is the incorrect match? (0) Phylloclade ~ Euphorbia (2) Stem thom —Bougainvillea (3) Rhizome — Potato (4) Corm—Zaminkand How many functions are common in modified stem of ‘ginger, potato, turmeric, and Colocasia? ‘A. Food storage B. Food synthesis, C. Perennation D. Vegetative propagation (1) Only A and B Q) A,CandD @) A,B,andD @ A,B,C, andD ‘The eyes of the potato tuber are (1) Axillary buds (2) Root buds (3) Flower buds @) Shoot buds Some plants of arid regions having modified stems containing chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis. This structure is fleshy and flattened in (1) Opuntia 2) Euphorbia (3) Acacia (4) Both (1) and (2) Which of the following is a modified stem for the protection of plants from browsing animals? () Spines (2) Thom, (3) Phylloclade (4) Phyllode 32. 34. 35. 37. 38, 39. Morphology of Flowering Plants | 5.19 All of the following are stem modifications, except, (Q) Thoms of Citrus Q) Tendril of cucurbits @) Pitcher of Nepenthes (@) Flattened structure of Opuntia ‘The term phylloctade is related to (1) Modified petiole 2) Aerial stem 3) Leaf (4) Underground stem. Following are modifications of axillary buds, except (1) Tendrils in grapevine (2) ThomsdfBougainwillea (3) Thoms of Citrus (4) Tendrils of pea Which of the following is not a modification of stem . for perennation, vegetative propagation as well as food storage? (1) Comm in Amorphophallus (2) Sucker in pineapple (3) Rhizome in turmeric (4) Tuber in potato Eichhornia contains a short lateral branch which bear short internodes and each node is a rosette of leaves. This ssub-aerial branch is called (1) Sucker Q) Stolon 3) Scape (4) Offset ‘The type of sub-aerial weak stem present in mint and jasmine is () Runner Q) Stolon @) Sucker (4) Bulb In banana, pineapple, and Chrysanthemum, the lateral branches originate from the basal and underground portion of main stem and then come obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoots. These branches are called () Runner (2) Sucker ) Stolon @) Offset Which of the following is not an aerial modification of stem? () Stolon (2) Thom (3) Phylloclade (4) Bubbit In plants like mint and jasmine, a slender lateral branch arises from the base of main axis and (1) Grows horizontally beneath the soil and then comes. out obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoot (2) After growing aerially for some time, arch downwards to touch the ground (@) Has short internodes (4) Bear rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots at each node 5.20 | Biology 4. 45. 46. Select the incorrect match. 47, When leaf lamina is incised, and incisions do not touch (1) Opuntia: Flat leaf-like photosynthetic structure ‘the mid rib, it is known as 2) Strawberry: Spread to new niches; when older parts (1) Simple leaf dies, new plants are formed (@) Half compound leat 3) Chrysanthemum: Underground stem for food storage (3) Pinnately compound leaf (4) Gourds: Axillary buds are modified into slender and (@) Palmately compound leaf spirally coiled structure 48. Pulvinus is (2) Swollen leaf base ~ The Leaf - (2) Cylindrical stalk that joins the leaf base with lamina Leaves in Australian Acacta @) Lateral small leaf-like structure (1) Are small and short-lived @) Modified petiole (2) Have sickle-shaped green and photosynthetic leaf 49+ Read the following statements and identify them as true base (Her false ): @) Are modified into spines A. Leaf base may bear two lateral small leaf-like (4) Actas organ of defense structures called bracts. Leaves originate from __A__ meristem, and the Fe a tea epnan cae ni sat : fee stem partially or wholly. arrangement is a/an _B__ manner, . Veins provide rigidity tothe laf bled. Select correct options for A and B. D. The petiole of the leaf helps hold the blade to light. (1) _| Shoot apical meristem Acropetal Q) FULF|T(T (2) __| Shoot optical meristem Basipetal Q) FULT] TI/T @)_| Lateral meristem Acropetal o et (@_[intercalary meristem Basipetal 50, ‘The pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem or branch Identify the structure labeled A. is known as (2) Vernation A (2) Venation \ 3) Prefoliation (4) Phyllotaxy 51. Select the correct match. Plant] : ()___[Chinarose | Opposite {) Feb [Nernst ©) Stipule @) [Guava Opposite (4) Petiole a Sunflower _ | Whorled Select the incorrect statement w.r-t. leaf. 52 Opposite phyllotaxy is seen in (1) Develops at the node : (1) Nerium (2) Bears a bud in its axile 2) Calotropis 3) Most common vegetative organs for photosynthesis (3) China rose (4) Monocot leaves possess reticulate venation @) Sunflower Pallet recta lain plattehettetts nt apse 53. More than two leaves arise at each node and form a whorl i ora circle in () Dicots : (2) Monocots % ae (3) Angiosperms ey cane 4) Spermatophytes (4) Both (1) and (2) 7 54, In the given figure A, B, and C show different types of phyllotaxy. These leaf arrangements are present in c (| Guava China rose _| Alstonia (2) _|China rose | Guava Alstonia @)_[China rose [Mustard | Nerium @_| Guava Calotropis | Silk cotton 58. In the palmately compound leaf (1) Lamina is not incised (2) Leaflets are attached to common axis called rachis (3) Axil of each leaflet bear bud (4) Leaflets are attached to the top of petiole 56, Expanded, green, and photosynthetic petioles are present in (1) Euphorbia Q) Opuntia @) Australian Acacia (4) Both (1) and (2) 57. The main function of modified leaves in onion is (1) To synthesize food (2). To provide support (3) To store food (4) To protect bud 58. act as organ of defense in cacti. () Thoms Q) Spines (3) Stipules (4) Prickles [dentify the figures (A) and (B)and select the correct option. * ¥ A B 59. 61. 2. 63. 6. Morphology of Flowering Plants | 5:24 (1) AWPalmately compound leaf present in Alstonia (@) B—Whorl phyllotaxy present in silk cotton ) A~Pinnately compound leaf present in silk cotton (4) B—Whorl phyllotaxy present In Alstonia In a pinnately compound leaf, a number of leaflets, are present on common axis called the rachis, which represents the i () Vein 2) Veinlet @) Midrib @) Petiole ‘Identify the modified structure (labeled A) in the given diagram. A Leaflet Petiole (1) Stem tendril 2) Axillary bad tendril 3) Leaf tendril (4) Stipular tendril = Inflorescence and Flower — In cymose inflorescence, (1) Flowers are arranged basipetally (2) The main axis terminates in a flower (3) The main axis continues to grow and bear flowers laterally (4) Both (1) and (2) Ina racemose inflorescence, the main axis, (1) Bears a solitary flower (2) Has unlimited growth (3) Terminates in a flower (4) Has limited growth and flowers are born in acropetal ‘manner In racemose type of inflorescence (1) The mam axis continues to grow (2) Flowers are bom in basipetal succession (3) Growth of inflorescence axis is limited (4) All except (1) Cymose inflorescence is a feature of (1) Radish 2) Lupin @) Solanum (4) Brassica 5.22 | Biology 66. 67. B o. 70. 1. Floral whorls are arranged in the swollen end of stalk called (1) Rochis Q) Pediee! G) Thalamus (4) Petiote ‘A flower can be cut into two equal or identical halves in any radial plane passing through the center. This flower is said to be : (1) Actinomorphie Q) Zygomorphie (3) Asymmetric 4) Bilateral symmetric Select the plants having actinomorphic symmetry in flower. A. Mustard B. Datura C. Bean D. Chilli () Only Aand B Q) A,B, and C only @) A,B,andD @) A,B,C, andD Which ofthe following plants have tetramerous flowers? (1) Tomato @ Lily G) Mastard (4) Solanum Lily does not show distinction into calyx and corolla. ‘These non-essential floral appendages are together called (0) Tepals 2) Sepals (3) Petals (4) Perianth Select correct words for A and B. @ Flowersin__A cannot be divided into two equal radial helves in any radial plane passing through the center. (ii) Symmetry in the flower of Bean, Cassia, and Gulmoharis__B__. (@) A—Canna; B—Bilateral Q) A—Canna; B—Radial @) A—Lily; B—Radial @) A-Lily, B—Bilateral Figures A, B, and C show the position of floral parts on the thalamus. Select the correct option providing correct {identification for what it represents. 2B. 4. 7. 16. (1) A—Epigynous flower having superior ovary, B_Perigynous flower having half inferior ovary, ‘C—Hypogynous flower having superior ovary (2) A—Hypogynous flower having superior ovary, B—Perigynous flower having half inferior ovary,” (C—Bpigynous flower having inferior ovary @) A—Hypogynous flower having superior ovary, B—Epigynous flower having inferior ovary, C—Perigynous flower having half superior ovary (4) A—Perigynous flower having half inferior ovary, B—Epigynous flower having superior ovary, ‘C—Hypogynous flower having inferior ovary Pappus is (2) Spiny calyx (2) Tubular corolla (3) Cruciform corolla (@) Hairy calyx ‘The margin of thalamus grows upward enclosing the ovary completely and getting fused with it, Such condition of flowers occurs in (1) Plum, Peach (@) Guava, Cucumber ) Ray florets of sunflower (4) Allexcept (1) Perigynous flowers are found in all except () Plum (2) China rose @) Peach (4) Rose The given aestivation is, ‘and found in. : Choose the correct option. (1) Valvate, Catotropis (2) Twisted, China rose (3) Imbricate, Cassia (4) Vexillary, Pea Identify the type of aestivation on the basis of given statements A and B. A. Sepals or petals in a whorl just touch one another at the margins without overlapping. 'B. Margins of sepals or petals overlap one another but not in a particular direction, 81. 83. ()_|Valvate | Imbricate (2) _|Walvate | Twisted @)_[ Twisted [Tmbricate @_|Iimbricate | Vatvate ‘The type of aestivation in which sepals or petals overlap ‘one another in a particular direction is found in all except (1) China rose (2) Lady finger @) Cotton (4) Cassia Ovary is said to be half inferior in the flower of (1) Plum (Q) Peach @) Rose (@ Allofthese Read the following statements w.rt. flower: (@_Bracts are reduced leaves found at the base of pedicel. Gi) Iniily flower, calyx, and corolla are not distinct. ii) In flower, shoot apical meristem changed into floral ‘meristem. (iv) Symmetric lowers are called irregular flowers. (W) Zygomorphie flowers have bilateral symmetry. How many of the above given statements are correct? (2) Three (2) Four G) Two @) Five ‘The largest petal, 2 lateral petals, and 2 anterior fused petals in vexillary aestivation are called (1) Standard, keel, wings, respectively Q) Standard, wings, keel, respectively G) Keel, wings, standard, respectively (4) Wings, keel, standard, respectively Identify the following statements as true (T) or false (F) ‘wart. androecium, the male reproductive part of flower, and choose the option accordingly: A. Itis composed of stamens. B. Each stamen consists of stalk called a peduncle and an anther. C. Each anther is usually bilobed and each lobe has two pollen sacs. Pollen grains are produced in pollen sac by mitotic divisions in pollen mother cells. D. aa @ [tl F[T|F @ |ti[rt[tl|F @ [tlFlFit @® |Fl[t[Flt ‘Term polyadelphous is related to () Calyx Q) Corolla 3) Androecium (4) Gynoecium 84. 87. on. 92. 93. 94, Morphology of Flowering Plants | 5.23 Which of the following structure is not related to gynoecium? 2) Stigma (2) Filament G) Ovary (@) Locule Tetradynamous condition of stamens (1) Do not show differences in their length Q) Have two outer short and four inner long stamens (3) Have four outer short and two inner long stamens (4) Have two outer short and two inner long stamens Monadelphous and polyadelphous condition is present, respectively, in (1) Peaand China rose (2) China rose and-Citrus (3) China rose and Pea (4) Citrus and Pea Cohesion of stamens by anthers only is called (1) Adelphous 2) Synandrous () Syngenesious (@) Gynandrous ‘The length of filament is variable in stems of () Salvia (2) Mustard @) Lily (4) Both (1) and (2) A condition called polysepalous shows () Free petals (2) Fused petals (3) Sepals are free and more than two in number (4) Undifferentiated sepals and petals ‘When pistils are fused together it is called (1) Pistillate condition (2) Apocarpous condition (3) Syncarpous condition (4) Gynandrous condition The flower of China rose are characterized by all except (1) Twisted aestivation of petals (2) Stamens are united in two bundles (3) Presence of placenta in axile position (4) Flower is solitary in axile of leat Find the odd one out w.r+. adhesion of floral parts. (1) Monadelphous condition ) Epipetalous condition (3) Epiphyllous condition (@) Gynandréus condition The flower of mustard are characterized by all except (1) Tetradynamous condition of stamen (2) Cruciform corolla (3) Presence of replum in ovary (@) Axile placentation In which of the following flowers, androecium is said to be superior? (1) Epigynous flower 3) Hypogynous flower 2) Perigynous flower (@) Both (2) and (3) 5.24 | Biology 95. In syngenesious condition of androecium, (1) Anthers are free while filaments are fused (2) Both anthers and filaments are free (3) Stamens are fused by anthers while filaments are free (4) Stamens are fused by both filaments and anther 96. Staminode is (1) Blongated internode between stamen and carpel Q) Sterile stamen 3) Wing-like structure formed by corolla in pea (4) Adhesion of stamens with carpel 97. Both cohesion and adhesion of stamens are found in ‘members of family (0) Fabaceae Q) Malvaceae (3) Asteraceae (4) Solanaceae 98. _Axile placentation is found in multilocular ovary. In this placentation, the ovules are attached to the (1) Margin of the ovary (2) Base of the ovary (3) Central axis of the ovary (4) Septa of the ovary 99. Which type of placentation is found in tomato and lemon? A Ma @B @c @D 100. Basal placentation is found in (Q) Argemone and mustard (2) Dianthus and primrose (3) China rose and tomato (4) Sunflower and marigold 101. Select the wrongly matched pair. (1) Epiphylions condition ~ Lily (2) Monadelphous stamen ~Pea (3) Ovary inferior — Ray florets of sunflower (4) Apocarpous condition - Rose 102. In which of the following plants, the type of placentation is parietal? () Dianthus (2) Marigold 8) China rose (4) Argemone 103. In which of the following plants, the type of placentation is basal? (1) Sunflower (2) Marigold @) China rose (4) Allexcept 3) 104, Marginal placentation is found in all except () Gram (2) Soyabean (3) China rose (@) Ground nut 105, In which of the following placentation, the ovaries are ‘bom on the ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary forming two rows? (1) Marginal (G) Parietal (2) Free central (4) Basal — Fruits and Seeds — 106, The fruit of apple is said to be a false fruit because (1) Its pericarp is inconspicuous (2) Its endocarp is fleshy (3) Its actual fruit is located within an edible thalamus (4) It develops from an inferior ovary 107, A parthenocarpic fruit such as banana is formed by (D) Apomixis (2) Double fertilization (3) Unfertlized ovary () Asexual reproduction 108, Select an incorrect statement wart. fruit shown in the figure. (1) Develop from monocarpellary supetior ovary (Q) Epicarp is fibrous (3) Endocarp is hard and stony (4) Edible part is endosperm 109. The fruit which develops from monocarpellary superior ovary and possesses only one seed enclosed in hard cendocarp is (1) Berry (2) Drupe 8) Pome (4) Pepo 110, The seed coat is membranous and fused with pericarp in (1) Wheat Q) Maize @) Pea (4) Both (1) and (2) 111, In maize grain, the outer covering of endosperm separates the embryo by a proteinaceous layer called () Coleoptile (2) Coleorhiza (3) Scutellum (4) Aleurone layer 112. Ovary wall and ovule after fertilization develop respectively into (1) Pericarp and seed (2) Seed and perisperm (3) Pericarp and endocarp (4) Fruit and fruit wall 113. Mark the correct set of statements w-r-. apple fruit. A. Itisa false fruit. B, It formed before fertilization. . Its edible partis fleshy thalamus. D. Ithas no seed, (1) Band (2) Aandc @) BandD (@ CandD 114, Orchids are (Q) Monocot (2) With endospermic seeds @) With non-endospermic seeds (4) Both (1) and (3) 115, Select the incorrect statement w.r. dicotyledonous seeds. (2) The seed coat has two layers—the outer testa and inner tegmen. 2) The micropyle is a small pore on seed coat. @) Embryo consists of an embryonal axis and two cotyledons. (@) Both plumule and radicle are enclosed in sheath called coleoptile and coleorhiza, respectively. 116. Maize grain is (1) Seed 2) Fruit @) Petisperm (4) Thalamus 117, Identify the parts of seed labelled as A and B. A B Q)_| Embryo ‘Endosperm. (2) _[Endosperm [Embryo (@)_[Perisperm | Endosperm | (@ _[Endosperm | Perisperm 118. Ploidy level of seed structures like endosperm, scutelum, and aleurone layer are respectively (1) 32, 2n, 3m 2) 3n,2n, 2n G) 31,0, 2n 4) 3n,2n,n 119. Remains of nucellus in seed is known as and found in . (1) Perisperm, black pepper (2) Scutellum, beet (3) Nucellus, coconut ) Epiblast, castor 120. Which one is odd regarding endospermic seeds? () Rice Q) Wheat (3) Coconut (4) Orchid Morphology of Flowering Plants | 6.28 121. Coconut is a (1) Nut @) Beny G) Legume (4) Drupe 122. Examine the figure given below and select the incorrect statement. (1) Seed coat is membranous and fused with pericarp. (2) Embryohas shield-shaped cotyledon called scutellum. 3) Aleurone layer is inner covering of endosperm and is proteinaceous. (@) Plumule and radicle are enclosed in a sheath. 123, Identify the incorrectly matched pair, * Fy [Tomato — | Pericarp and placenta @_|Mango _ | Fleshy mesocarp @)__| Apple Fleshy thalamus @ [Coconut | Succulent testa 124, Select the correct set of statements endosperm. A. Itis a result of double fertilization. B. Itis a triploid tissue. C. Itis a food storing tissue. D. It is not formed in pea. (2) AandC only Q) A, Cand D only @) A,ByandConly (4) A,B,C, andD 125. In the seed of maize, the seed coat (1) Is fused with the pericarp (2) Stores aleurone grains ) Is membranous and triploid (4) Has a scar called hilum 126. In which of the following dicot seeds, endosperm is the food storage tissue? () Maize ) Bean (2) Castor (@) Gram 5.26 | Biology ~ Semi-technical Description of A typical Flowering Plant and Description of Some Important Fami 127. The character of flower which is represented by floral formula but not by floral diagram is (1) Aestivation (2) Placentation 3) Position of gynoecium (4) Adhesion of stamen 128, Floral formula of an angiospermic family does not deal with (1) Symmetry of flower (2) Cohesion and adhesion of stamens @) Position of ovary w.rt. other floral parts (4) Placentation in ovary 129. Which of the following character is not represented by the given floral diagram of an angiospermic family? (1) Bicarpellary ovary (2) Imbricate acstivation (3) Axile placentation (4) Tetradynamous condition of stamen 130. Symbol © P represents (J) Epitepalous stamens (2) Epipetalous stamens (3) Gamopetalous condition (4) Cohesion of stamens 131! Choose the correct floral formula of family Leguminosae. () 8 Koy Ci2rrg@AgerG 1Q) %$ Ke Crvar@Awe1 Gr /o ®$ Ko Csze@Aee1G 1@) % 98K CrreqAon Gi 132.’ Select the incorrectly matched pair of angiospermic family. (1) Potato—Leguminosae family (2) Sugarcane—Poaceae family (3) Candytuft— Brassicaceae family (4) Cotton—Malvaceae family 133, Which among the following is an incorrect pair? (1)_[ Brassicaceae _ | Siliqua Q)_| Fabaceae Legume @ [Malvaceae | Cypsela (@ [Gramineae | Caryopsis 134, Choose the odd one out w.r.t. members of family Leguminosae, (1) Indigofera (2) Trifolium ) Lupin (4) Gloriosa 135. Calyx is often modified into a pappus in members of family (1) Malvaceae (2) Fabaceae (3) Asteraceae (4) Poaceae 136. The following inflorescence is related to which family? (2) Fabaceae 2) Compositae (3) Cruciferae (4) Malvaceae 137. How many of the following features are associated with, family Fabaceae? (@ Marginal placentation (ii) Nonendospermous seeds (ii) Leaf tendrils (iv) Monadelphous stamens (¥) Vexillary aestivation (vi) Actinomorphic bisexual flowers (1) Six (2) Four @) Five (4) Three 138. © $F KyG5AsGa is the floral formula of members of family (1) Fabaceae (2) Solanaceae 3) Asteraceae (@) Poaceae 139. Which of the following is not related to the floral formula of chilli? (1) Code Q) Ga @) eg @ Ky 140. Bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary with parietal placentation are floral characters of family (0) Malvaceae (2) Leguminosae @) Cruciferae (4) Poaceae 141. Monocarpellary ovary is found in members of family (1) Leguminosae 2) Malvaceae (3) Poaceae (4) Compositae 142. Select the incorrect option w.r.t members of family Malvaceae. (1) Solitary of axillary inflorescence (2) Bicarpellary, syncarpous, inferior ovary (3) Filaments of stamens fused to form staminal tube (4) Twisted aestivation of corolla 143. The plant which is used to extract the blue dye is (Q) Trifolium Q) Lapin (8) Indigofera (4) Asparagus 144, The floral diagram given below represents which family? (1) Gramineae (2) Brassicaceae @) Compositae (4) Leguminosae 145, Plants given in box can be included under how many families? Cotton, China rose, Radish, Cabbage, Lady finger, Hollyhock, Kale () Two Q) Three @) Four @) One 146. Find the correctly matched pair. © [Trifolium | Ashwagandha | Zea mays @ [Sunitower | Belladonna | Raphanus @ [Lwin Sunflower | Tomato @_[ Sweet Pea | Malet ‘Ashwagandha 147, Which of the following group of plants belongs to family Solanaceae? (1) Ashwagandha, Petunia, Tobacco 2) Tomato, China rose, Chilli (3) Potato, Belladonna, Lupin (4) Petunia, Aloe, Mulethi 148. Identify the angiospermic family on the basis ofthe given information. (® Spike or spikelets type of inflorescence Gi) Perianth represented by two or three lodicules ‘Morphology of Flowering Plants | 5.27 ii). Versatile stamens (1) Cruciferae Q) Solanaceae (3) Malvaceae (4) Poaceae 149, Read the following statements carefully wat. family Fabaceae. A. Earlier called Papilionoideae, a sub-family of Leguminosae. B. Leaves are simple or compound with swollen leaf base. CC. Diadelphous condition of stamens with monothecous stamens, D. Vexillary aestivation of corolla with five united petals. How many of the above given statements are correct? () Two (2) One @) Four (@) Three 150, In the inflorescence of Solanum A. The main axis terminates into a flower B. Peduncle continues to grow CC. Younger flowers are present towards the apex D. Flowers are born in basipetal succession (1) AandC (2) AandD (3) BandC @) BandD 151. The given reproductive part is concerned with which family? (1) Solanaceae (2) Leguminosae @) Poaceae ) Liliaceae 152. Which of the following floral diagram belongs to a plant which has bilocular ovary with swollen placenta and ‘many ovules? a) @) 4 5.28 | Biology 153. The given floral formula belongs to family BS Epis Kip CoAvoGa-o (1) Malvaceae: (2) Compositae (3) Solanaceae (4) Brassicaceae 154. A dot on the top of the floral diagram indicates (1) Mother axis (2) Superior ovary (3) Inferior ovary (4) Radial symmetry 155. Two plants A and B belonging to different families show following characteristics: Plant A: Zygomorphic, bisexual flowers with basal placentation. Plant B: Actinomorphic, pentamerous, bisexual flowers protected by epicalyx. Identify the plants A and B. (1) A- China rose; B- Sunflower (2) A-Wheat; B- China rose (3) A- Marigold; B- China rose (4) A- Marigold, B- Mustard 156. The given floral formula is that of Br® $ Ks eam Costa (1) Dise florets of sunflower Q) Ray florets of sunflower (3) Neutral florets of sunflower ) All of these 187. Which of the following is not a feature of mustard family? (1) Cruciform corolla (2) Twisted aestivation ) Tetradynamous condition of stamens (4) Bicarpellary, syncarpous superior ovary Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) and select the correct option. A. In mustard, filaments of stamens are of variable lengths. B. Epiphyllous condition is found inthe flowers of China rose. C. Marigold, sunflower, and chrysanthemum are members of family Asteraceae. 158, a) | T @ [tT @) | F @([Fl[t[t 159. In grasses, perianth represented by membranous scales fa) a) aa are called (2) Stipule (2) Pappus @) Lodicules (@) Bract 160, Pentacarpellary, superior ovary with axile placentation in gynoecjum is found in (1) Poaceae 3) Solanaceae (2) Malvaceae @) Asteraceae @ Assertion-Reason Questions Directions for Qs 1-10 In the following questions, a statement of Assertion followed bya statement of Reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices. (1) Ifboth assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. Ifboth assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion. (@) assertion is true, but reason is false (4) Iboth assertion and reason are false. 1. Assertion: Two cotyledons in seeds are the embryonic leaves. Reason: The embryo contains radicle and plumule, 2. Assertion: Flowers the reproductive unitin the angiosperm. Reason: It carries sex organs of plants. @ 3. Assertion: Pea flowers are zygomorphic. Reason: Pea flowers can be cut into two equal haves by cone radial plane passing through centre. 4. Assertion: Maize is an albuminous seed. Reason: Endosperm is completely absorbed by the growing embryo. 5. Assertion: Perigynous ovary is half inferior. ‘Reason: All the floral parts lie below the level of ovary inperigynous condition and therefore ovary becomes half inferior. 6 Assertion: Roots contain nodes but no leaves or buds. Reason: Root branches arise exogenously. 7. Assertion: The tap root develops from the radicle. Reason: Radicle represent root pole of the embryo. 8, Assertion: Stem develops from hypocotyl of embryo. Reason: Intemodes bear axillary buds. 9. Assertion: Ray florets are bracteate, pedicellate and complete perfect flowers actinomorphic in nature. Directions for Qs 1-10 In the following questions, statement I is followed by statement II, Each question has the following four choices out of which only one is correct. (1) Both statement I and statement I are true. (2) Both statement I and statement I are false. @) Statement I is true, but statement Il is false (4) Statement Iis false, but statement IL is true. 1. Statement I: Root hairs arise only in maturation region. ‘Statement Il: Root hairs absorb water and minerals from soil. 2. Statement I: Reticulate venation is found in dicots. ‘Statement II: Veinlets are absent in reticulate venation, 3. Statement I: Palmately compound leaf possess a well- defined rachis. ‘Statement IT: Leaflet forms a feather like structure. 4. Statement I: Flowers are arranged in an acropetal manner Morphology of Flowering Plants | 6.29 isc florets are sessile, iregular, incomplete, imperfect and zygomorphic flowers. 10. Assertion: Thorns and spines both are same structures. Reason: They are modified stems. Statement-Based Questions 5. Statement I: The stamens unite into one bundle as in China rose showing monadelphous condition. Statement Il: Floral formula shows cohesion and adhesion within the parts of whorls and between whorls. ;- Statement I: In ginger, turmeric and Colocasia, stem is modified to store food. Statement II: In ginger, turmeric and Colocasia, the ‘modified stem also acts as an organ of perennation. 7. Statement I: Rose flower is described as perigynous. Statement II: In rose flower, ovary is half inferior. 8. Statement I: Datura flower can be divided into two equal halves in any vertical section passing through centre. Statement Il: The flower of Datura is actinomorphic. 9. Statement I: Arrangement of main vein and its branches in leafis called venation. Statement II: Parallel venation is characteristic of dicotyledons, {in cymos¢ inflorescence. 10. Statement I: In members of Poaceae, the spikelet bears Statement IL: All flowers are at same axis in eymose _._1-8 sessile flowers om a short axis called racilla. inflorescence. Statement II: Each sessile flower is surrounded by two scales called lemma, which represents the bract. Matrix Match Questions Directions for Q 1-10 2 Match column I with column II and choose the correct combination from the options given below. L ra (a) | Valvate @ Bean (@)_[ Tap root | Wheat (&) | Twisted i) | Gulmohur (© | Fibrous root (i)__ | Banayan © | tmbricate Gi) | Mustara (©)_| Prop root Gi) _| Rhizophora @ | Vexillary (iv) _} China rose (@ [Respiratory root | Gv) | Mustard (1) tiv), b-(, e-Gi), Gi) (2) ativ), b-Gi), e-(i), 4-Gii) 3) ai, b-{iv), o-(i), d-Cii) ) wGii), b-Gv), e-(), -Gi) (1) a(iv), b-(i), e-(ii), dG Q) av), b-G), i), AG ) ai), b-Civ), e-(i), d-(ii) @ aii), (iv), (i), E-@) 5.20 | Biology 3. 1 [eee (a) | Monadelphous stamens | (i) Cucurbita (@)_|Epipetalous stamens | (i) _| Pea (©) | Aleurone layer Gi) | Hibiscus (&) | Apocarpous ovary _| (i) _| Plum : 7 © _[Keet ii) | Brinjat fe eee ee ee eee (@_|Halfinferior ovary _[Gv) [Rose @ | Cymoseinflorescence | (ivy | Zeamays @) ai), bv), @, 4G) () av), b-@, e(ii), (ii @) aiv), bi), ei), d-Gii) ©) aGu),dGi,c4), 6 @) eid, Hw), 0, 4-4) 6) aii, bv), 6. (4) adiv), b-Gii), -Gi), &@) @) aii), bv), 0, . 4 es (@)_| Sesbania (@) [Perigynous flower |(i) | Sunflower (&)_| Cotton (®)_[Epipetalous condition | (i) | Plum (© | Wheat (©) | Apocarpous ovary | (iii) | Brinjal @)_| Abelmoschus (iv) | Brassicaceae (@ | Basal placentation | (iv) _| Lotus (2) aGi), b-Gid, e-Gi), &-(iv) (2) activ), b-Gi), -@), d-Gii) (1) afiv), b-G), o-Gi), d-Gii) ©) aii), ba), 0 w) ee i), ac ), bv), i) Scenes maa @) wGid, Gi, 6), 4) @) ai, bi), oi), 6) 7 5. [eae i (a) | Adelphous (i) | Carpels more than stamens one, free @ [Hitum [| Pore on seed coat © [Apocarpous | (i) | Filaments fused; Scutellum | (ii) | Coveri ae eee ee eee © | Synearpous Gi) | Filaments attached © | Micropyle | (iii) | Scar on seed coat to petals. @ | Coleoptile | (iv) | Cotyledon of monocot seed @ | Epipetalous (iv) | Carpels more than - —- cone, fused @ 2,60, oD 26D © o-@,b-0, 00), GD Q) ativ), bi), 4 @) ai), b-Gv), 0, & (4) a(iii), b-Giv), c(i), d-(it (2) afiv), b-Gi), e-(i), d-Gii) ) aii), b-(iv), (0, d-(ii) (4) av), b-Gii), e-Gil), © Ob) e@, Gi Q av), b-Gi), (, a-(i) i), -G), ev), dCi) @) aiv), bi, Ci), A. 10. @ | Bichhornia| (| Sucker (@)_| Marginal @ [Dianthus ©) [Pineapple | i)_| Runner (6) | Axile (G)_| Marigold © [Mint | Gi) [Ofteet (©)_| Free central (ii) [Pea plant @ | Grasses _ |G) [Stolon (@)_| Basal Gv) | China rose @ ai, bv), 0), &Gii) @) aiv), bi), 0), dCi) @) aii), bv), e-(), dCi), (4) a-Civ), b-Gii), c(i), d-) 1 3. Morphology of Flowering Plants | 8:34 Track Your Preparation Ps Ginger is an underground stem. It is distinguished from root because (1) It lacks chlorophyll Q) Itstores food (3) Ithas nodes and internodes (4) More than one option is correct Match column I and column Hand elect the correct option. 8, a i ial (@) | Carpels free ‘) | Brinjal (b)_[ Carpels fused Lily (©)_| Epipetalous stamen Lotus (@ | Epiphyllous stamen Mustard 9. () ai), b-Gv), -@, AG) Q) ai), b-G), @, dG 8) ai), b-(), (iv), i @) aiv), bi), (0, dG) Modified aerial stem of Euphorbia (0) Iseylindrical in shape uu. Q) Bear spines (3) Is adapted to arid region @) Allof these What is the similarity between axile and free central placentation? (1) Unilocutar ovaries (2) Presence of placenta on periphery @) Presence of placenta on central axis (4) Absence of septa Prop roots differ from stilt root in (1) Providing support (2) Being adventitious roots (G) Arising from aerial branches of stem () Arising from lower nodes of stem Leaves are generally responsible for (2) Photosynthesis (2) Transpiration (3) Gaseous exchange (4) All of these Identify the statements as true (I) o false (F). ‘A. The cells of elongation zone gradually differentiate and mature, B. Cells of meristematic zone of root have dense cytoplasm and large nucleus. C. The zone proximal to region of elongation is called region of maturation. D. From the zone of cell differentiation, some of the epidermal cells may form very fine, and delicate thread like structures called root hairs. 10. 2 2B. 14. 15. () T T T T |e F[>T[7f[T G) F T F T @ T F F F Fleshy thalamus is edible part in (1) Apple Q) Coconut : @) Banana @) Brinjal ‘Choose the incorrect option w.r.t. placentation. (1) Marginal —Pea (2) Axile—Lemon (3) Parietal—China rose (4) Basal - Marigold Expanded green stem of Opuntia is called (1) Phylloclade Q) Phyllode (3) Bulbs (4) Cladode ‘When gynoecium is present in the top-most position of | ‘thalamus, the flower is known as () Inferior (2) Epigynous @) Perigynous (4) Hypogynous In leaf, there is usually a middle prominent vein, which is known as the () Midrib (2) Rachis @) Pulvinus ) Stipule In a tetradynamous androecium, one of the following is seen (2) Outer whorl of four smaller stamens and inner whorl of pwo larger stamens (2) Outer whorl of two larger stamens and inner whorl of four smaller stamens (3) Outer whorl of four larger stamens and inner whorl of two smaller stamens (4) Outer whorl of two smaller stamens and inner whorl of four larger stamens The condition where filaments and anthers are fused throughout the entire length is (1) Synandrous (2) Gynandrous (3) Protandrous (4) Syngenesious Select incorrectly matched pair. (1) Halfinferior ovary — Plum (2) Epipetalous condition — Lily (3) Single seed - Coconut (4) Papilionaceous corolla —Bean 5.32 | Biology 16. a. 18, 19. 2 ‘The technical term used to describe the androecium in a flower of China rose is (1) Diadelphous 5 (2) Polyandrous (@) Monadelphous @) Polypetalous Dicotyledonous seed is similar to monocot seed in the presence of (2) Scuteltum (2) Epiblast (B) Aleuronic layer @) Plumule Assmall pore above the hilum on seed coat is called () Testa Q) Tegmen @) Micropyle (4) Epiblast Tomato has (2) Apocarpous ovary (2) Axile placentation (3) Racemose inflorescence (4) Allof the above Which of the given features is not related to maize seed? , Q) Scuteltum (Q) Pericarp fuses with seed coat @) Non-albuminous (@) Aleurone layer Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Sterile stamen is called staminode. Statement II: In pea, placenta forms a ridge along the ‘ventral suture of the ovary. (J) Both statements are correct. (2) Both statements are incorrect. (3) Statement Iis correct, and statement If is incorrect. (4) Statement Il is correct, and statement I is incorrect. Match column I and column If and select the correct option. @) @ | Marginal © | Parietal © Gi) | Axile @ (iv)_| Free central © () [Basal i), b-(iv), o-(i), d-(), e-ii) 2) aii), b-Civ), o-G), d-(ii), e(v) @) av), bil), ¢(¥), 44, e-() Read the following statements and select the correct option. ‘A. In Cinysanthemum, the lateral branches originate from the basal and underground portions of the main stem. B. Chrysanthemum is an example of stolon. (1) Only (A) is correct Q) Only (B) is correct, (3) Both (A) & (B) are correct (4) Both (A) & (B) are incorrect Select the correétly matched pair. (1) Prop root — Rhizophora 2) Stilt root Sugarcane (3) Reticulate Venation — Monocot leaf (@) Stem tendril Pea In racemose inflorescence, the flowers are bome in A order andit is seen in B. Fill in the blanks A and by choosing the correct option. ‘Mustard ‘Mustard @) @) Acropetal Basipetal @ Basipetal ‘Solanum @ ‘Acropetal ‘Solanum Endosperm is not present in mature seed of (1) Bean (2) Maize 3) Castor (4) Rice 21. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, Give below are the pair of plants with sub-aerial 35. stems modifications. Find the dissimilar pair w-.t. the ‘modification, () Mint, Jasmine (2) Banana, Pineapple (3) Eichhornia, Pistia (4) Banana, grasses ‘Tendril of pea and tendril of grape wine (2) Are structurally and functionally similar (2) Are similar in function (3) Ate similar in origin (@) Are structurally and functionally dissimilar Which of the following features would distinguish a ‘monocot from a dicot plant? (1) Aestivation (2) Venation 3) Root system (4) Position of axillary bud Cymose inflorescence is related to all, except (1) Present in Solanum (2) Limited growth (3) Basipetal arrangement of flowers (@) Apex of main axis grows continuously Read the following statements and select the correct, option. Statement I: The stamens unite into one bundle as in China rose called monadelphous condition. Statement TI: Floral formula shows cohesion and adhesion within the parts of whorls and between whorls. (Q) Both statements are correct. (2) Both statements are incorrect. 3) Statement I is correct, and statement I is incorrect. (4) Statement Il is correct, and statement I is incorrect. Select the common feature in Cassia and gulmohur plants. (1) Presence of monadelphious condition 2) Presence of staminal tube (3) Presence of imbricate aestivation (4) Presence of axile placentation ‘Mark the incorreet match. (1) Opuntia — Phyllode (2) Jasmine —Stolon 3) Bougainvillea - Thom (4) Gourd ~ Stem tendril Monoadelphous condition of stamens is characteristic 36. 31. 39. feature of the family a. () Liliaceae (2) Solanaceae (3) Malvaceae (4) Asteraceae Morphology of Flowering Pants | 5:33 Match column I and column II and select the correct option. [conn t @ | Petunia (i)_| Tulip (i) | Mustard Gy)_[ Trifolium Q) aii), bv), e-(), ¢-Gi) @) ai), b-), ev), (4) a-fiv), b-Gii), ¢-(i), 4-4 Read the following statements carefully. Gynoecium is bicarpellary, syncarpous, inferior, ovary unilocular with basal placentation. Identify the angiospermic family described above. (2) Mustard family (2) Grass family @) Potato family (4) Sunflower family In a flower, filaments of stamens are united with each other, which represents (2) Cohesion of stamens (2) Adhesion of stamens \ ) Bpipetalous condition (4) Polyandrous condition Read the following statements and select the correct option. ‘Statement I: Flower of Canna plant can be divided into ‘two similar halves only in one particular vertical plane. Statement Il: Calyx and corolla are considered as non- essential whorls. (1) Both statements are correct. (Q) Both statements are incorrect. (3) Statement I is correct, and statement I is incorrect. (4) Statement I is correct, and statement I is incorrect. Given floral formula is exemplified by family OS Ko CohsGey (1) Fabaceae (2) Liliaceae (3) Solanaceae () Brassicaceae How many of the given plants have axile placentation? ‘Sunflower, Mustard, Lemon, China rose, Pea, Argemone, Dianthus, Tomato, Brinjal, Lily, Petunia () Six Q) Five ) Seven (4) Four Fleshy mesocarp is an edible part of (1) Pear (2) Almond 3) Mango ) Apple 8.34 | Biology 42. 43. 45. 1 One margin of the petal overlaps with that of the next one and so on, this type of aestivation is exemplified by (1) Cotton, Calotropis (2) Cotton, China rose (3) Mustard, Calorropis (4) Cassia, Bean Which of the following statements is not true for runner? (1) Internodes are longer (2) Helps plants to spread to new niches (3) Roots are present at internodes (4) Found in plants like grasses Select the correct match w.rt. column I and column II. 47. 48. 49. (@)_| Tuber Alocasia (6) | Rhizome Potato (©) | Corm Onion: (@) | Bulb Ginger @) 2G), Hi, 0, H Q) aii), bo), (), Gi) GB) Gi), b-G), ev), di) ) eG), b-Gii), (, dG) ‘Tn guava, cucumber and ray florets of sunflower, (1) Ovaries are superior (2) Flowers are perigynous (3) Floral parts of flower arise above the ovary (4) Stamens are epiphyllous a. Consider the following modified structures in plants and select ontogenetically similar structures. () DandE Q) AandB (@) BandE. @ CandD Select odd one w.r.t, modification of stem. (1) Stolon in Mint (2) Phyllode in Australian Acacia (3) Phylloclade in Euphorbia ) Bulb in onion Which of the following character is not related to family Asteraceae? (1) Head or capitulum inflorescence (2) Bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary with basal placentation (3) Presence of ray and disc florets (4) Calyx gets modified into hair-like structures Given below are two statements: one is labelled Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R): Assertion (A): In a palmately compound leaf, all leaves are attached to a common point. ‘Reason (R): Two lateral small leaf-like structures present at the base of pedicel is called bracts. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: (2) (A)is correct, but (R) is not correct. (2) (A)is not correct, but (R) is correct. (3) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (4) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is notthe correct explanation of (A). Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Ovary in rose is inferior. eee Statement I: In Dianthus and Primrose, ovules are B. Thom in Bougainvillea developed at the base of ovary. qa) od KC As Ga) 0d Crea AwyerG a > 8) ed KC As Gay (4) Bred PoryAnsGey Correct position of floral parts over thalamus in mustard plant is : (2020 Phase-2) (0) Gynoecium is situated in the centre, and other parts of the flower are located at the rim of the thalamus, at the same level. (2) Gynoecium occupies the highest position, while the other parts are situated below it. (@) Margin of the thalamus grows upward, enclosing the ‘ovary completely, and other pats arise below the ovary. (@) Gynoecium is present in the centre and other parts cover it partially. Identify the correct features of mango and coconut fruits. (2020 Phase-2) () Inboth fruit is a drupe. (i) Endocarp is edible in both. (ii) Mesocarp in coconut is fibrous, and in mango it is fleshy. (iv) In both, fruit develops from monocarpellary ovary. Select the correct option from below: (1) @ and Gi) only (2) @, Gii) and Gv) only @) ©, i) and Gii) only @) Gand Gv) only Diadelphous stamens are found in 021) (1) China rose Q) Cirrus @) Pea (@) Chita rose and Citrus ‘Match the Columa I with Colusa TL. 2021) Column T Column @ |%FKCravaAenG| | Brassicaceae © GK sGodoGe |G | Liliaceae © | oP rm ssGoy (ii) | Fabaceae © [oS KatdnGa |v) | Solanaceae 2 1B. 14. 15. 16. ‘Morphology of Flowering Plants | 5.35 Select the correct answer from the options given below. Q) @-Gii), 6)-Gv), © Gi), O-@, 2) @-G), (OH), (ii), @-Gv) @B) @-Gi), O)-Gid, ©-Cv), @-@O @) @)-Gv), &)-G), ©-@, @-Gii). Identify the correct set of statements: (2022) (@ The leaflets are modified into pointed hard thoms in Citrus and Bougainvillea. (6) Axillary buds form slender and spirally coiled tendrils in cucumber and pumpkin. (©) Stemis flattened and fleshy in Opuntia and modified to perform the function of leaves. (@ Rhizophora shows vertically upward growing roots that help to get oxygen for respiration. (©) Sub-aerially growing stems in grasses and strawberry help in vegetative propagation. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: @) ©), ©), @), and (e) only @ (@, 0), @), and (€) only (3) (band (o) only 4) (@) and (A) only ‘The flowers are zygomorphic in * (2022) (@) Mustard (®) Gulmohar (©) Cassia (@ Datura (©) Chilly Choose the correct answer from the options given below: () @, ©) only Q) ©,@, © only G) @, ©), © only @ ©, © only Which one of the following plants shows vexillary aestivation and diadelphous stamens? (2022) (QD) Allium cepa Q) Solanum nigrum (3) Colchicum autumnale (4) Pisum sativum Family Fabaceae differs from Solanaceae and Liliaceae with respect to the stamens. Pick out the characteristics specific to family Fabaceae but not found in Solanaceae or Liliaceae. (2023) (1) Polyadetphous and Epipetalous stamens @) Monadelphous and Monothecous anthers (3) Epiphyllous and Dithecous anthers (4) Diadelphous and Dithecous anthers Axile placentation is observed in (1) China rose, beans and lupin @) Tomato, Dianthus, and pea (3) China rose, Petunia and lemon (4) Mustard, cucumber and primrose (2023) LQ 26 3 1 @ 2@ 2B a. G) 22. 4) 23. 31. Q) 32) 33. 4G) 4 0) 43. 51 G) 52 @) 53. 61. G) 62 @) 63. 1. (lt) 7 @) 73. 81. @) 82 0) 83. M1. @) 92 0) 93. 101. 2) 102. (4) 103. UL @) 12 @) 13. 21. @) 122. @) 123. 131. @) 132. (1) 133. 141. (1) 142. @) 143. 151, (2) 152. (4) 153. Assertion-Reason Questions L@ 20 3 Statement-based Questions LQ 28 3 Matrix Match Questions LO 2@ 3 ‘Track Your Preparation LG 2@ 3 1 @ 20 2B. a. (1) 22. (1) 23. 3) 32. G) 33. 41. G) 42 @) 43. Archives L® 2@ 3 ud 2@ 2B 8 4 @ Q@ eB) @Q) @ 4.2 4.4) 4. (3) 14. (1) 24. (2) 34. (3) 44. (1) 4.) 14. (4) 5.3) 18. Q) 25. (1) 38. (2) 48. 3) 5. (1) 15. (4) 106. 116. 126. 136. 146. 156. RRR a Be B) @ @ @) @) @ @ 107. 117. 127. 137. 147. 157. 17. 27. 37. 47. @) @ @) a) @ (4) 18, 28. 38, 48. 8 a) @ @ GB) Q) @ @ 19. 29. 49. Be ase (eauueap Stuy) panos v2St0 “6t ‘oeysodwoy *gt OWN “LT $3 @) 5a © 91 ‘woudey, esa, “gs ‘dmouag “pr “osyed “EL “oywoLAqUI] “Z] “YOHBANSaY “[1 AreA0 soUadng “gy ‘ssomik 16 idowoyey * “Honoo MS “L reCoNPAL “9 MAL “SSMS (1H) SEPON () “y ‘OTe “WoNTDION “Z “WaISKS oor dey “T

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