Editorial Message - Vertebral Destruction Syndrome and Spinal Tube

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Latin NeuroSurg.

Alpizar A

Vertebral Destruction Syndrome and Spinal


Sı́ndrome de destrucción vertebral y tuberculosis


Sı́ndrome de Destruição Vertebral e Tuberculose


Armando Alpizar
National Autonomous University of Mexico

6 Vol. 1, Num. 1, 2024

Latin NeuroSurg. Alpizar A

When the Editorial Committee and its that correlated with the structural alteration
Founder Managing Editor, Jose Alberto Israel of the spine. Having a characteristic in com-
Romero-Rangel, invited me to present this mon, said picture secondary to a complex
First Volume of Latin Neurosurgery, an event pathology of the spine that delayed diagno-
of unimaginable importance for Latin Ameri- sis and therefore timely treatment. When an-
can Neurosurgery, I began to think about what alyzing the form of diagnostic approach to
I could write as a preamble to this remarkable which these patients were subjected, we noted
and renowned group of Experts from Latin that the diagnostic suspicion was based on
America on Spinal Tuberculosis, and imme- the background, clinical picture and imaging
diately one of the topics to which I have dedi- findings. And since, in the process to reach
cated myself for at least two decades of my the diagnosis, the role of the biopsy is funda-
life came to mind: To describe, study and mental, the fact that it has a diagnostic pre-
spread the ”Vertebral Destruction Syndrome” cision in our environment of only 57%, the
[1], a pathology that we discovered and we remaining 43% remained without diagnosis,
integrate the Medical terminology as a prod- in most of the cases this delayed the diagno-
uct of years of work and research and that has sis with the consequent neurological deterio-
begun to bear fruit within the Medical com- ration.
munity mainly in Mexico, Latin America and In order to try to speed up the diagnos-
now in the rest of the World. tic process in these patients, we use the con-
At the end of the 90’s in the National In- cept of ”Syndrome” which in medicine rep-
stitute of Rehabilitation of Mexico City in resents a diagnostic strategy for dealing with
the Spine Surgery Service, we were receiv- complex diseases that are difficult to diag-
ing a large number of patients referred from nose and treat and have similar clinical mani-
other public and private hospitals for Spine festations with a common pathophysiological
ailments. all of them characterized by Verte- background, which in this case it was the al-
bral Destruction, with similar symptoms and teration in the structure and ultrastructure of
signs, however caused by different diseases, the spine caused by different nosological en-
having within their clinical history a long evo- tities.
lution picture that went from several weeks, Under this new concept of ”Vertebral De-
months and even some of them years, with the struction Syndrome” (VDS) [1], we began
expected neurological sequelae in a serious the study of a group of 105 patients with the
structural alteration of the spine, this by los- aim of speeding up their diagnostic process
ing two of its basic functions: axial load and and establishing timely treatment in order to
protection of intraspinal neurological struc- limit the neurological sequelae already de-
tures, leaving some patients with permanent scribed when the diagnosis is late. The use
neurological sequelae despite being caused in of this diagnostic strategy allowed us to sys-
most cases for curable diseases. tematize the study of these patients in an ob-
They were patients in whom a diagnos- jective manner without diagnostic presump-
tic approach had been carried out under the tions that would delay the diagnostic objec-
diagnostic presumption of any of the pos- tive and therefore the treatment. With this
sible causes of vertebral destruction, which concept, based on its sensitivity, specificity,
we grouped into three large groups, those of positive predictive value, and negative pre-
tumoral, infectious and metabolic origin, in dictive value, we selected a number of lab-
which cases despite having a different eti- oratory and cabinet studies that provided di-
ology, the predominant clinical picture was agnostic evidence of ”Vertebral Destruction
caused by biomechanical alterations in the Syndrome” and that considered all possible
spine and most of them did not have a con- etiologies.
firmed diagnosis, without specific treatment. The most important finding was the de-
All this powerfully caught our attention, crease in time to reach the diagnosis and the
we were facing a series of pathologies that optimization of studies.
represented a challenge to obtain their diag- Since then, the term ”Vertebra destruction
nosis, with a common clinical picture: spon- syndrome” has been used in hospitals in Mex-
taneous axial pain that increased on local pal- ico and Latin America as part of a diagnos-
pation depending on the site of the affected tic strategy that has streamlined the diagnosis
spine, in some cases increased volume, ac- and therefore the treatment of these patients
companied by alterations in sensitivity and [2].
strength in the pelvic extremities, a picture At present, the incidence in the presenta-

7 Vol. 1, Num. 1, 2024

Latin NeuroSurg. Alpizar A

tion of Vertebral Destruction Syndrome con- tries [7]. In the effective and timely treat-
tinues to be an important public health prob- ment of spinal tuberculosis in Latin American
lem throughout the world [3]. In this con- countries, several factors are involved, among
text, the use of the Vertebral Destruction Syn- which is a public health system sometimes
drome diagnostic strategy, which emerged in without sufficient resources, and also the lack
Latin America due to the presentation of a of effective and efficient diagnostic strategies
significant number of cases of Vertebral De- to reach a diagnosis. accurate.
struction of various etiologies, represents a This is how the diagnostic strategy for
valuable tool to facilitate early diagnosis and Vertebral Destruction Syndrome represents a
avoid advanced disease symptoms. through useful tool in its diagnostic approach, not only
timely treatment. Making use of this concept in Latin America, but also in the rest of the
represents an effective strategy to speed up world.
the diagnosis of a disease as complex as Ver- The volume presented here represents a
tebral Destruction of different etiologies, one valuable effort by Latin American Physicians
of them caused by spinal tuberculosis, which aimed at making available to the reader an
still represents one of the main public health updated scientific review of all the aspects
problems in Latin America. daily disability necessary to carry out an effective diagnos-
and death among the population. tic and therapeutic approach to Spinal Tuber-
Speaking of spinal tuberculosis, timely culosis. It brings together the experience of
and accurate diagnosis continues to be a chal- many years in the treatment of Spinal Tuber-
lenge for the clinician, due to the variety of culosis, of Infectologists, Neurosurgeons and
clinical manifestations and, above all, due to Spine Surgeons from Countries hit by this
the complex isolation of the microbiological World Epidemic that affects poor countries
agent, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. In this with a higher incidence.
pathology, the delay in diagnosis also implies The aforementioned makes this volume
the possibility of permanent neurological se- special, providing a current systematic biblio-
quelae in patients, so it is essential to have graphic review of all relevant aspects of spinal
the necessary tools to make an early diagno- tuberculosis, from its history, epidemiology,
sis and an effective and timely treatment [4]. pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, lab-
Tuberculosis is a worldwide epidemic that oratory, and cabinet studies with the great-
has terrible social, economic and health con- est utility in its diagnostic confirmation, the
sequences. Since Dr. Robert Koch in 1822 usefulness of percutaneous biopsy, aspects of
discovered the bacteria that causes it, [5] the the most useful classifications, current medi-
possibility of accurately diagnosing it has in- cal and surgical treatment, and its neurologi-
creased, and therefore treatment is It has been cal and clinical sequelae in general.
established in a more timely and effective In conclusion, I hope that the reader en-
manner, however, despite these efforts, 4,000 joys it and finds it useful regardless of where
people die every day as a result of it and ap- in the world it is read.
proximately 30,000 people contract the dis-
ease. The World Health Organization re-
ported a total of 1,500,000 people killed by References
this disease in 2020 and 1,600,000 people in
2021, making it one of the deadliest infec- [1] Armando Alpı́zar-Aguirre, Alejandro
tious diseases in the world, a situation that Elı́as-Escobedo, Luis M Rosales-
increased for the first time in more than 10 Olivares, Vı́ctor Miramontes-Martı́nez,
years. from the year 2020 as a result of the ap- and Alejandro Reyes-Sánchez. Vertebral
pearance of the COVID-19 pandemic [6, 7]. destruction syndrome. evaluation sys-
Spinal tuberculosis represents 50% of tems in diagnosis. Cirugı́a y Cirujanos,
cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, repre- 76(3):205–211, 2008.
senting 5% of all cases, in which when the di- [2] Jose Maria Jimenez-Avila, Mario Al-
agnosis is delayed and therefore timely treat- berto Cahueque-Lemus, Andres Enrique
ment is not started, the neurological seque- Cobar-Bustamante, and Maria Cristina
lae can be catastrophic and permanent, de- Bregni-Duraés. Vertebral destruction
spite being a curable disease. In addition, syndrome: From knowledge to practice.
the appearance of other types of diseases such J Spine, 4(4), 2015.
as HIV and drug addiction have increased
the appearance of this in first world coun-

8 Vol. 1, Num. 1, 2024

Latin NeuroSurg. Alpizar A

[3] MA Cahueque-Lemus, AE Cobar-

Bustamante, MC Bregni-Duraés, and
JM Jiménez-Ávila. Syndrome of ver-
tebral destruction: understanding to
practice. Acta ortopédica mexicana,
32(3):182–187, 2018.
[4] Eli Kamara, Sahil Mehta, James CM
Brust, and Anil K Jain. Effect of delayed
diagnosis on severity of pott’s disease.
International orthopaedics, 36:245–254,
[5] A Thomas Pezzella. History of pul-
monary tuberculosis. Thoracic surgery
clinics, 29(1):1–17, 2019.

[6] Jeremiah Chakaya, Mishal Khan,

Francine Ntoumi, Eleni Aklillu, Razia
Fatima, Peter Mwaba, Nathan Kapata,
Sayoki Mfinanga, Seyed Ehtesham Has-
nain, Patrick DMC Katoto, et al. Global
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on the global tb burden, treatment and
prevention efforts. International journal
of infectious diseases, 113:S7–S12, 2021.
[7] World Health Organization. Global Tu-
berculosis Report 2022. Geneva, 2022.
Licence CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

9 Vol. 1, Num. 1, 2024

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