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Special Collections & Rare Books




B^L*WE* *B^O*0*K^


First Edition


Index Publishing' Company

Springfield, Mass.
* *
* *

proper to state that the editors fully

It is
recognize asgood people out of this book as
in it. With the criterion, however, on which
the list is based active prominence in

favshionable society and church-social affairs,

itcan comprise only those who, for various
reasons, are thus notable in the several
social exchanges of the city.
Criticism doubtless there will be, for, as in
the choice of one thousand books, while
tw^o-thirds, or more, might be generally
agreed upon, as to the rest there would be
varying individual opinion.
This is the first Social Index ever pub-
lished in Springfield. The next annual will
be issued early in 1890 with several novel
features. Suggestions and corrections are
alwaj^s appreciated, by typographi-
and if,

names have
cal or clerical error, omissions of
occurred, the publishers would be thankful
for notification. In the natural process of
progression the succeeding work will be an
improved one.
Index Publishing Co.
p. O. Box 953,
Springfield, Mass.
May, 1889.

Mr George E. Abbe%*
Miss AbbeV 77 Westminster
Mr James T. Abbe% 79 Spring
Mr and Mrs O. D. Adams%* 25 Federal
Mr and Mrs W. F. Adams% 248 Union
Mr W. W. AdamsV 27 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs C. P. Alexander*^*
129 Buckingham
Mrs Henry Alexander*
Misses Amy and Edith Alexander*
Linden Hall, State
Mr and Mrs J. C. Alden*^ 5 Madison ave
Mr and Mrs E. A. Alden*
Miss Hattie Alden* 83 Maple
Mr Ralph P. Alden*
Miss Helen E. Alden* 37 Elliott
Miss Kate Alden*^
Helen Alden*^ 139 Spring
Mr and Mrs John F. Almquist*^ 27 Wilcox
Mr and Mrs Charles H. Alien*/
27 Bradford
Mr and Mrs J. H. Appleton* 313 Maple
Miss Lizzie Ames*
Miss Mary Ames* 241 Maple
Dr and Mrs W. F. Andrews*/
190 Buckingham
Mrs W. S. Arms*/
Miss Arms*/ 397 State
Rev E. P. Armstrong 60 Sherman
Mr and Mrs George R. Armstrong*/
21 Hawley
Mr and Mrs C. W. Atwood*/ 46 Sargent
Mr and Mrs George M. Atwater*
Miss Atwater* Rockrimmon
Mr and Mrs C. A. Austin 37 Sherman

Mr and Mrs Ernest N. Bagg*^ Maple

Mr and Mrs F. S. Bailey*
Miss Annie Bailey* 117 Spring
Mr and Mrs P. S. Bailey*^ 27 Elliott

Mr and Mrs E. K. Baker*^ 104 Buckingham

Mr and Mrs Henry K. Baker* 210 Pearl
Mr and Mrs O. M. Baker*^
7 Dartmouth terrace
Mr and Mrs W. G. Baker*/
Mr and Mrs W. K. Baker* 112 Spring
Mr and Mrs A. F. Ball*/ 51 Sargent
Prof Thomas M. Balliet*^ 71 Elliott
Rev and Mrs G. C. Baldwin 46 Temple
Miss Millie Barker*/ 86 Sherman
Mr Charles H. Barrows t 74 Walnut
Dr and Mrs S. B. Bartholomew* ^ 75 Temple
Mr and Mrs Barton*
Miss Bessie Barton* 32 Mattoon
Misses Baxter t
Mr John Baxter*^* 232 Walnut
Mr and Mrs W. L. Barnard*/ 44 Mattoon
Mr Jonathan Barnes*^ 176 Maple
Mr and Mrs E. H. Barney*^
Mr George Barney*^ Pecowsic
Mr and Mrs James A. Barry*/
109 Buckingham
Dr and Mrs G. W. Bates*/ 90 Clarendon
Mr and Mrs H. J. Beebe*
Mr Heni-y J. Beebe, Jr* 170 Main
Mr and Mrs Elijah Belding*^ 18 Sargent
Miss Helen Bement* 287 Union
Mr and Mrs H. S. Bemis*/ 35 Elliott
Mr and Mrs T. 0. Bemis%* 199 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs W. C. Bemis*/ 307 Central
Mr and Mrs S. Augustus Bemis% 41 Mattoon
Mrs J. G. Benton*
Miss Mary Benton* 52 Mulberry
Mj- and Mrs L. W. Besse*^ 29 Ingersoll grove

Mr and Mrs James F. Bidwell*/ 148 Main

Mrs Cheney Bigelowt
Miss Ella Bigelowt 372 Union
Mr Edmund Bigelow*^ 648 State
Mr and Mrs W. D. Bigelow*^ 624 State
Mr Frederic A. Bill* 352 Main
Mr and Mrs James A. Bill, Jr*^
66 Dartmouth
Mr and Mrs Nathan D. Bill* 236 State
Miss Amy Billings*^* 45 Holyoke
Mr Charles A. Bimie* 102 School
Mr and Mrs William Birnie*
" Alfred Bimie*
" Donald Birnie*
Dr Thomas N. Bimie*
Miss Sarah P. Bimie* 7 Pearl

Mr and Mrs William P. Birnie* 34 Byers

Dr and Mrs John Blackmerf
Miss Helen Blackmer""'^* 95 Buckingham
Mr and Mrs C. E. Blakef 11 Dartmouth
Mr and Mrs H. W. Blakef 55 vSeventh
Mr and Mrs George H. Bleloch*^
Mr William A. Bleloch*^ 148 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs C. W. BHss* 63 Mulberry
Mr and Mrs E. A. Blodgett%*
Ingraham ave
Mrs Helen M. Bond%
Miss Fannie L. Bond%
Mr George R. Bond"'
Mr E. W. Bond, 2d% 486 Worthington
Mr and Mrs Ephraim W. Bond* 54 Maple
Mr and Mrs H, W. Bosworth% 4 Lincoln
Mr and Mrs Charles A. Bowles*
34 Avon place
Mrs Samuel Bowles*
Miss Ruth Bowles*
Miss Bessie Bowles* 182 Central
Dr and Mrs S. W. Bowles*
Miss Bessie Bowdes*
Mr John Bowles* 263 Union
Mr and Mrs S. Wallace Bowles*
New Britain, Ct
Mr and Mrs H. H. Bowman*^ 41 Mvilberr\-

Mayor and Mrs Edward S. Bradford*
Miss Mar3^ Standish Bradford* v359 State
Mr and Mrs B. L. Bragg*^ 80 Buckingham
Dr and Mrs Theodore F. Breck*'
4 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs James H. Breck*^* Cooley hotel
Mr and Mrs Martin Breck*^* 29 Winthrop
Mrs C. A. Brewer* 69 Maple
Dr Charles Brewer*
Miss Brewer* 33 Mulberry-
Mrs E. T. Brewer* 174 Maple
Mr and Mrs Edward S. Brewer*
Miss Edith Brewer* Crescent Hill

Major and Mrs Henry

CllAV M.
1\X. Brewster

Miss Brewster t
Mr Harry V. Brewster t 204 St James ave
Mr and Mrs M. Wells Bridge*/
36 Harvard
Mr and Mrs James Brierly f State

Mrs C. C. Briggs** 104 Maple

Mr and Mrs Lyman P. Briggs*^
179 St James ave
Mr and Mrs D. H. Brighamf 61 Court
Mr and Mrs Henrv Broadhurst*/
' 225 Central
Rev and Mrs Ralph W. Brokawf
20 Buckingham
Rev and Mrs J. C. Brooks t 25 Chestnut
Dr and Mrs L. S. Brooks* 126 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs T. M. Brown* 122 Pearl
Mr and Mrs L. F. Bruce t 26 Grant
Mr William R. Bryan% 60 Temple
Mr and Mrs James A. Brvan*,, 62 Temple
Mr and Mrs A. S. Brj^ant*
Miss Emily B. Bryant* 143 Maple
RevS. G. Buckingham t*
Miss Harriet T. Buckingham f 141 Mill
Col andMrs A. R. Buffington* Armory square
Mr and Mrs W. T. Bugbee*/" 24 Dartmouth
Mr and Mrs F. M. Bugbee*^* 77 Court
Mr and Mrs E. P. Bullard t
Miss Mamie Bullard t 777 State
RevDr and Mrs Michael Bumhamf 85 Elliott
Mr Wilbur Bums*^* 45 Wilcox
Mrs H. A. Burt* 302 Maple
Mr and Mrs Chas B. Butler*/ 87 Buckingham
Mr and Mrs W. S. Buxton f 47 Westminster
Rev E. H. Byingtont 24 King street ave
Dr Cheney H. Calkins*
Dr and Mrs Marshall Calkins*^ 185 vState

Mrs Amos CallV 832 Main

Mr Arthur A. Call*/
Mr Charles A. Call */ 14 Loring
Mr and Mrs W. F. Callender* 140 Maple
Mrs J. A. Callender* 160 Maple
Dr and Mrs J. H. Carmichael% 41 Maple
Mr F. E. Carpenter% 10 Kinsman's block
Mr and Mrs Lewis F. Carr*„ 156 Pearl
Air and Mrs J. S. Carr*^ 148 Pearl
Mr Edwin A. Carter% 166 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs George Carter*/ 56 Carew
Miss F. Eva Casef 175 St James ave
Mr and Mrs H. N. Case* 92 Maple
Mr George M. Castle*^
Miss Castle*^ 36 Sargent
Dr and Mrs C. C. Chaffee* 154 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs George D. Chamberlain*
198 Flonda
Mr S.H. Chamberlain*/
Miss Fanny Chamberlain*/ 64 Thompson
Mr A. A. Chamberlain*/ 396 Union
Mr and Mrs L. J. Chandler*/ 667 vState

Mr and Mrs Charles L. Chapin*

Mrs Charles O. Chapin*
Miss Elizabeth Chapin* 290 State
Mr and Mrs E. P. Chapin*^
Miss Emily Chapin* 97 Spring
Miss Eliza F. Chapin*/ 60 Thompson
Mr and Mrs Henry G. Chapin* 210 Maple
Dr and Mrs F. W. Chapin* 20 Maple
Mr Campbell Chapin* 28 Mattoon
Mr Dudley P. Chapin* 80 Maple
Mr and Mrs A. F. Chapin f 36 Buckingham
Mr and Mrs H. A. Chapin*^
Miss Chapin*^
Miss Emma Chapin*^.
Miss Nellie Chapin*^ 165 Buckingham
Miss Mamie Chapin* 14 Mattoon
Dr and Mrs W. H. Chapin*/ 675 State
Mr and Mrs W. H. Chapin*^ 107 Dartmouth
Dr and Mrs F. L. Chapman* 14 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs W. H. Chapman*/ 25 Bliss
Mr and Mrs Charles H. Churchill*^.
113 School
Miss Hattie Clark t Central

Dr and Mrs David Clark* 26 Maple
Miss Stella Clark*.*
„ Susie Clark */ 610 Main
Mr D. N. Coats*^ '

26 Pearl
Mr and Mrs E. M. Coats*/ 138 Bay
Mr and Mrs John Cobumf 50 Orleans
Mr and Mrs W. W. Colburn*^ 72 Mulberry
Mr Frank M. Coe*/ 72 Harvard
Mr and Mrs Louis Coenen*^
Mr Frank Coenen* 28 Dartmouth
Mr and Mrs W. O. Collins*,,* 789 State
Rev L. H. Conet 82 Walnut
Dr and Mrs Luke Corcoran* 95 Maple
Mr and Mrs Myron O. Cowles*/ 67 Seventh
Mr and Mrs James Cowan*/'
Dartm.outh terrace
Rev and Mrs John Cuckson f*
Unit3^ Parsonage, State
Mr and Mrs Reuben B. Currier*/ 33 Edwards
Dr A. M. Cushing*^ 175 vState

Mr and Mrs T. L. Cushman*/ Y71 nLd fc;


Mr and Mrs L. Z. Cutler*/

Miss Cutler*/ 27 Sargeant

Miss Anna M. Dakin*
" Emily Hazard Dakin* 54 Maple
Mr and Mrs T. T. Davee*/ 761 State
Mr and Mrs Robert W. Day% 30 Salem
Mr and Mrs William 0. Day/ 337 Central
Mr and Mrs Charles P. Deane* Haynes hotel
Mr K. Arthur Dearden*^ West Springfield
Mr E. S. DeckerV 25 Hawley
Miss Louise Dennison*^ 648 State
Mr and Mrs George A. Denison% 45 Avon pi
Mr and Mrs E. D. DeWittf 376 Worthington
Mr and Mrs B. E. Dibble*./ Evans house
Miss Marion Dickinson*^ 73 Spring
Mr and Mrs H. S.Dickinson*^
Mrs George R. Dickinson*^ 398 Maple
Mr and Mrs 0. S. Dickinson*^ Brightwood
Mr and Mrs Francke W. Dickinson*^
6 Chestnut
Miss Minnie B. Dodge*/ 181 Quincy
Mr and Mrs W. P. Draper f 56 Temple
Miss M. L. Dunbar*/ 59 Buckingham
Mr a,nd Mrs J. A. Dunham*^ Massasoit house
Mr and Mrs J. G. Dunning*/ 47 Grosvenor
Mr A. C. Button*/ 115 Thompson
Mr and Mrs George D. Dutton*
610 Worthington
Mr and Mrs George Dwight, Jr*
Miss Grace P. Dwight*
" Anna R. D wight*
Mr George E. Dwight* 129 Florida

Rev and Mrs George F. Eaton f 388 Union

Mr and Mrs M. V. B. Edgerly*
Miss Bdgerly* 260 Upper Pearl
Mr Fred. Eldred*/ 32 Summer
Miss Emily Ellis*/ 158 Sherman
Mr and Mrs Ralph W. EUis*^ 39 Mulberry
Miss Carrie Emory** 138 Spring
Mr and Mrs George R. Estabrook*^ 86 Pearl
Miss Eustis t 3 John

Rev and Mrs W. H. P. Fauncef 17 Mattoon

Mr and Mrs A. L. Fennessy*^ 284 Maple
Mr William F. Ferry f 78 Spring
Mr and Mrs George Fisk*^ Brightwood
Mr and Mrs Noyes W. Fisk*/ 496 State
Mr and Mrs M. D. Fletcher*/ 61 Locust
Mr and Mrs H. E. Flint t 147 Catherine
Mr and Mrs A. T. Folsom** 62 High
Mr and Mrs D. A. Folsom*"- 69 Pearl
Mr and Mrs Homer Foot*
Mr Frank D. Foot*
Miss Maria Foot* 201 Maple
Mr and Mrs Homer Foot. Jr* 67 Mulberry
Mr and Mrs A. B. F'orbes** 407 State
Dr George E. Foster*** 62 Bridge
Miss Elizabeth Foulds*** 229 No. Main
Mr and Mrs George E. Frink**** St James ave
Mr and Mrs Charles Fuller**
Miss Clara Louise Fuller** 756 State
Mr and Mrs Francis H. Fuller*
Miss Grace Fuller* 80 Maple
Mr and Mrs William J. Fuller*** '

53 Buckinofham
Mr and Mrs Alex FuUerton* 64 Temple
Mrs William R. Fullerton** 238 Union

Mrs E. 0. Gallup*** 756 State

Mr Arthur Gardner f 46 Florida
Mr and Mrs E. C. Gardner* Brightwood
Mr and Mrs H. M. Gates*** 2 Lincoln
Mr and Mrs Howard A. Gibbs% 209 Chestnut
Mr Henry Gifford t 3 Webster ave
Mr and Mrs James D. Gill* ^^OnriL ^M '

Mr Frederic H. GiUett* 26 Pearl

Miss Glover*^ 170 Main
Mr and Mrs A. H. Goetting*^ 767 State
Mr and Mrs F. H. Goldthwait* Round hill
Mr and Mrs James W. Goodrich*
Massasoit house
Ms and Mrs Charles L. Goodhue*. Maple
Mr and Mrs S. J. Gordon* 241 Maple
Mr and Mrs George W. Gould t 27 Wilcox
Mr and Mrs Henrj- A Gould* 89 Maple
Miss Granger*.,,*
Miss Rena Granger*^* 20 Dartmouth
Mr and Mrs Sidney A. Grant*^ 55 Sherman
Mr and Mrs George S. Graves*^ Evans house
Mrs Harriet B. Green*
Air George Walton Green* Rockrimmon
Mr and Mrs O. H. Greenleaf* 275 Maple
Mr and Mrs O. S. Greenleaf* 147 Summer av
Rev and Mrs George H. GrifEnf
23 Buckingham
Mr and Mrs Elisha Gunii*
Mr Elisha Gunn, Jr* 44 Mulberry
Mr and Mrs F. L. Gunnf 60 Elliott

Mr and Mrs William H. Haile*

Mr Henry C. Haile*
Miss Alice Haile* 49 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs Charles Hall*^ 21 Bradford
Mr Edward H. Hall*
Mr Joseph E. Hall* 399 Union
Mr and Mrs Wheeler H. Hall*/
Miss Hall*^* 117 Buckingham
Mr and Mrs John A. Hall*^
Miss Clara F. Hall*^ 52 Westminster
Mr and Mrs W. A. Hall*/
Dartmouth terrace
Mr and Mrs J. L. Hallettf
Mr E. A. Hallett*^
Mr H. H. Hallett*^ ^OG LWu^itliiii^dijiii
Mr and Mrs J. B. Hamilton*^ 86 Main
Mr and Mrs O.M. Hamilton*^ 57 Avon place
Dr and Mrs T. E. Hamilton*^
44 Westminster
Mr and Mrs Israel Harmon f
Miss Martha F. Harmon f
Miss Lilla Harmon f 64 Spring
Mr F. O. Hanson' Dartmouth terrace

Mrs D. L. Harris*
Miss Ambia C. Harris*
Miss Cornelia H. Harris* , 2 Pearl

Mr and Mrs F. H. Harris* 77 Maple

Mr and Mrs Frederick Harris* 270 Maple
Mr and Mrs A. C. Harvey** 37 Sargeant
Mr Harry W. Haskins*/ 72 Florida
Capt James B. Hatch* 210 Maple
Rev and Mrs T. H. Hawkest
Miss Hawkes*
Miss Eleanor Hawkes* 626 Worthington
Mr and Mrs R. F. Hawkins*
Mr Paul R. Hawkins* ;6 Mulberry
Mr and Mrs T. L. Haynes*/
Mr Stanford L. Ha3'nes*^* 694 State
Miss Hedden* 89 Maple
Miss Lucj^ Hedden* 123 Mulberry-
Mr and Mrs Frederic R. Hayes*/ 50 Temple
Rev and Mrs W. J. Heath 24 Winthrop
Dr and Mrs J. T. Herrick** 684 State
Mr William R. Hetherington*^ 80 Ouincy
Mr and Mrs S. N. Heywoodt 180 Maple
Miss Mary S. Hillt 145 No. Main
Mr and Mrs George A. Hill*^ West Springfield
Mr and Mrs C. E. Hitchcock* * 24 Sherman
Mr and Mrs George Holbrook^
Miss Holbrook* 130 Maple
Mr and Mrs Dwight Holland* 192 Maple
Mr Warner Holt*^ 54 Charles
Dr and Mrs Charles P. Hooker*^
35 Westminster
Dr and Mrs John Hooker*^
Miss Ella Brewer Hooker*,^
Miss Eliza Hooker*^ 194 High
Mr and Mrs Charles D. Hoslej^*^ 85 Spring
Miss Catharine L. Howard*
Miss Sophia W. Howard*
Miss Eticinda O. Howard* 297 Union
Miss Lillian E. How^ard*^* 27 Grosvenor
Mr and Mrs F. G. Howe*^ -
714 State
Mr George M. Howe*^ 32 Byers
Mrs Dennis Hubbard*^
Misses Htibbard*^ 30 Pearl
Mr and Mrs Seth Hunt*^ 76 Maple
Dr and MrsC. S. Hurlbut*^
Miss Martha Hurlbut*^
Miss Marion Hurlbut*^. 62 Elliott
Dr and Mrs J. S. Hurlbut* 33 School

Mr and Mrs Charles W. Hutchins*^
32 Dartmouth
Mr and Mrs H. S. Hyde*
Mr Jerome W. Hj-de*
" Henr>^ S. Hyde, Jr* Massasoit house
Summer residence, Brush Hill, West Springfield.

Mr and Mrs Louis C. Hyde* No. Main

Mr and Mrs C. L. Hyde*^ 104 Bowdoin

Maj and Mrs Edward Ingersoll* 69 Maple

Mr and Mrs James C. Ingersoll*
79 Bowdoin
Mr and Mrs Oscar B. Ireland* 291 Maple

Miss Mary L. Jacobs*^* 25 Hawdey

Mrs Emily L. Jacobs*^
Miss Mary L. Jacobs*^
Miss Rachael Jacobs*^ 52 Pynchon
Mr and Mrs James L. Johnson*^ 283 Union
Mr and Mrs Edmund Jobson*^
Miss Jobson*^ '

329 Chestnut
Miss Ella J. Jones t 143 Carew

Mr and Mrs P. P. Kellogg*

Mr F. T. Kellogg*
Miss Marion Kellogg* 1 20 Maple


=:== ^.


Pattern Bonnets and Hats


Fine French Millinery

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No. 6 Pynchon Street, One door from Main,

Something new for ryj f)r^jy'0

Bea u tiful Designs in
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We have just received a new importation of the
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Town and City of Springfield, Mass.
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A Full Account of the Quarter-Millennial Celchraiion,
May 25 AND 26.
The Speeches, Ode, Hymns, Selections from Anniversary Ser-
mons, the Banquet, Descriptions of the Memorable
Parade, Outdoor and Indoor Concerts, the Ball,
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The only Continuous History of the Town and City
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Not a and biographies, but
collection of disjointed sketches
Published in Imperial Octavo Volume by the Authoritj' and Direc-
tion of the Citv of Springfield.
C. A. NICHOLS & CO., Publishers.
* * 5|; * * * ******** * * * * * * * * * * *


. SHOES •,
Special Agents for Springfield and Vicinity for
J. &T. Cousins' Fine New York Shoes
For Ladies, Misses, and Children.
Gentlemen's English Style Piccadilly Shoes,
Mr George H. Kemater*^*
Mr Charles W. Kemater*./'
Mr John C. Kemater%* 37 James
Mr C. C. Kenyont Sherman
Mrs Horace Kibbe*^ 8S Federal
Mr William Kimball** 28 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs George O. Kingsbury%*
609 State
Misses Kingsleyt 41 Union

Mr and Mrs W. D. Kinsman%

Miss Alice Kinsman%
Cor. Florida and St James ave

Mr and Mrs A. H. Kirkhamf 88 Spring

Mr Charles Kirkham*
Mr Guy Kirkham* 85 Spring
Mr and Mrs J. S. Kirkham*.,. 76 Elliott
Mr and Mrs James Kirkham* ' 265 State
Mr and Mrs James W. Kirkham* 259 State
Mr Emil Knappe*/ 10 Howard
Mr E. E. Knight*/ 50 Buckingham
Mr and Mrs Robert A. Knight** 26 Temple
Mr and Mrs E. L. Knight*** 50 Buckingham

Mr and Mrs Charles Laddt 15 Florence

Mr and Mrs Ariel Ladd t 58 Winthrop

Mrs Alfred Lambert*.;^ 6 Byers

Mr and Mrs George Lang*«. Long hill

Mr and Mrs E. H. Lathrop*
166 Buckingham
Mrs Sanford Lawton*^
Mr Sanford Lawton*^
Miss Laura Lawton% 30 Maple

Mr and Mrs W. C. Lawton* 161 Florida

Mr Henry S. Lee* 254 Union

Mr and Mrs George Leonard* 24 Avon place

Mr and Mrs N. A. Leonard*

Miss Nannie Leonard*
Miss Kate H. Leonard* 87 Mulberry

Mr W. P. Leshure*/
Mr John Leshure*^*
Miss Leshure*/ 9 Maple

Mr William M. Lester t 45 Florida
Mr and Mrs A. B. Lewis*/ Sargeant

Mr C. C. Lewis*/ 84 Dartmouth
Mr and Mrs George S. Lewis*.
27 Westminster
Mr H. E. Lincoln*/ 38 Vernon
Mr and Mrs William A. Lincoln*.. 265 Union

Mr and Mrs Artlitir Long*^ 90 Oak
Mr and Mrs Charles L. Long% 42 Pearl
Mr and Mrs D wight Looniis%*
39 Westminster
Mr and Mrs Eben Luther*,, 100 Mill
Mr E. F. Lyfordt 106 Clarendon

Rev and Mrs F. B. Makepeace t 100 School

Miss Helen Mallory* Crescent hill

Miss S. S. Manning* 175 Maple

Mr and Mrs Charles Marsh*
Mr William C. Marsh*
Miss Anna B. Marsh* 127 Maple
Mr and Mrs Charles S. Marsh*^ 47 School
Mr and Mrs D. J. Marsh*
Mr H. D. Marsh*
Mr Oliver A. Marsh* 42 Maple
Col and Mrs John F. Marsh*^ 59 Maple
Mr A. A. Marston*/ 38 Vernon
Mr and Mrs Charles F. Martinsenf
24 Winchester
Mr and Mrs T. E. Masters t 125 No. Main
Rev and Mrs Henry Mathews t 52 Florence
Mr and Mrs W. P. Mattoon*^ Mattoon
Miss Nellie L. Maxfield\ 11 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs John Maxfield%* 29 Mattoon
Mr Elisha B. Majmard*^ 986 Boston Road
Mr and Mrs A. N. Mayo% 151 Maple
Prof Charles Mayr* Dickinson block
Dr and Mrs George C. McClean* 337 State
Mr and Mrs Edwin McElwain*^* 43 Federal
Mr and Mrs John McFethries t 69 Clarendon
Mr and Mrs II. W. McGregory*/ 69 Church
Mr and Mrs A. J. Mcintosh*^ Massasoit
Mr and Mrs J. D. McKnight%
Mr Charles McKnight*^
Miss Alice McKnight% Ingersoll Grove
Mr and Mrs WilHam H. McKnight*
Miss Lillian McKnight* 26 Westminster
Mr and Mrs Emory Meekins% 281 State
Mr and Mrs A. G. Merriam* 91 Buckingham
Mrs Charles Merriam* 161 Florida
Miss Lillie Merriam* 00 Clarendon
Mr and Mrs Homer Merriam* 773 State
Mr and Mrs Charles Merriam*
Miss Celia Merriam* 55 Chestnut
Mr Frank Merrick* 30 Vernon
Miss Josephine M. Merrittf
Miss Hattie Merritt f 47 Thompson
Mr and Mrs Charles F. Meserve f 259 Bay
Mr and Mrs E. D. Metcalf% 70 Mill
Mrs William H. Moore"./ 31 Westminster
Mr and Mrs W. W. More%* 49 Edwards
Mr C. C. MorganV 47 Seventh
Mr and Mrs Elisha Morgan*
Mr Roger Morgan*
Miss Helen Morgan*
Miss Louise Morgan* 273 State
Dr and Mrs John Morgan f 4 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs C. C. Morrill*^ 20 School
Miss Maude Morrell* 64 Temple
Mr Edward Morris* 37 Maple
Mr and Mrs Robert O. Morris' 72 Temple
Mr Frank Morse*^
Miss Emma Morse*^. 91 Spring
Mr W. G. Morse*/ 13 School
Mrs James W. Morton*
Mr Walter Morton*
Miss Morton*
" Lucy Morton*
" Charlotte Morton* 123 Mulberry
Rev Wallace McMullen f 27 Salem
Mr John Mulligan-' 43 Clinton
Mr and Mrs Charles Mulligan% 19 Bradford
Mr and Mrs Charles Mutell%* 98 Elliott

Mr Peter Mnrray** 27 Bowdoin

Mr and Mrs A. D. Nason*^.

Miss Mabel Nason\ Dartraotith terrace

Mr and Mrs Horace Newell t

Miss Annie Newell%*
Miss Agnes Newell*/ 69 Buckingham
Mr and Mrs Nelson C. Newell* 57 Bowdoin
Mrs Samuel R. Newell* 69 Bowdoin
Mr and Mrs William C. Newell*
103 Bowdoin
Rev and Mrs W. R. Newhall t 168 High
Mr B. F. Nichols*^ 80 IngcrsoU grove
Mr and Mrs C. A. Nichols* 224 Pearl
Mr and Mrs C. P. Nichols*^ 70 Pearl
Mr and Mrs F. A. Nickerson*^ 40 Maple
Mr andMrs A. F. Nilest 549 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs E. G. Norton t
Mr James Norton*^ 52 Pearl

Mr and Mrs George Nve',* *

Mr George Nye, Jr*/ 670 Worthington

y Mr and Mrs Louis H. Orr* 96 Elliott

Dr and Mrs V. L. Owen%

Miss Owen\ 383 Union
Rt Rev P. T. O'Reillv, D. D.t 260 State

Mr and Mrs A. A. Packard* 36 High

Mrs Alex. Pabke% 107 Mulberry
Mr Samuel Palmer, Jr'-'^ 111 Bowdoin
Mr and Mrs C. C. ParkhurstV 61 Yemon
Mr Edwin B. Parkliurst%* 61 Vernon
Mr and Mrs Charles H. Parsons*:^
42 Thompson
Mr George Parsons*^* 60 Byers
Mr and Mrs George S. Payne t 37 Sherman
Mr and Mrs John Pettigrew*^ ' 58 Bliss

Mr and Mrs A. J. Pease 88 Court

Dr H. O. Pease*/ 70 Main
Miss Grace Peltier*^ 34 Tyler
Mr Virgil Perkins*/ 55 Elliott
Col and Mrs H. M. Phillips* 284 State
Miss Pierce*^
Mr Will Pierce*^ 247 Union
Dr and Mrs S. F. Porneroy*.^ 201 State
Dr W. H. Pomeroy*
D. Porter*/ 51 Federal
Mr and Mrs S.
The Elms
Miss Charlotte W. Porter*
P. Porter*^ 141 High
Mr and Mrs W.
164 Sherman
Dr and Mrs H. W. Post*/
116 Pearl
Mr and Mrs Lewis J. Powers*
Mr and Mrs L. J. Powers, Jr* 111
Mr and Mrs Frank B. Powers* 139
Mr George D. Pratt* 192 Maple
Miss Lucy Ome Pratt*
Hartwell Pratt t Blake
ReY and Mrs S.

Mr and Mrs H. C. Puffer*/

Puffer*/ 66 Howard
Miss Nellie

Mrs Joseph C. Pynchon*

Mr Edward Pynchon*
Mr James H. P3nichon* 30 Sargeant
Mr Joseph F. Pynchon*
Rev George W. Quick t
Mr and Mrs H. A. Quimby t 58 Bliss
Mr Irving Quimby**

Mrs George W. Rayt 139 Spring

371 Central
Mrs WiUiam N. Raymond t
(<§ ©«)

C(Q —===== g^
Artistic Photographs.
Crayon Portraits in all the Leading St vies at
Giirs Art Building:

SpringBeld Ladies Delighted with the new Perfume,

Aromatic Lavender Salts,
And the Delicious Drink, Whipped Cream Soda, at

Hayncs%otei. Draper'' s Pharnincv,

• Me»"chant •.- yailor •.-

First-Class Assortment of Fine Goods.
careful workmanship. inspection invited.

Established 1834,
The W. F. Adams Company
Books on all subjects either in stock or obtained at short notice"
Libraries, Public or Sunday School, supplied.
Complete and well-selected lines of Blank Books,
Office and Family Stationery.
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..^ —^ ^]5]vi0aNCKjaE]V[T^ <^~ ^••
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Supplies forall Writing Machines at Lowest Prices, Including

Linen Papers of all qualities, Ribbons, Carbon Paper for
Manifolding, Note Books, Letter Books, Etc.

Type Writer Copying a Specialty

underwood's writing inks.
The Stenograph, Shorthand Machine.

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My "All Rail," OLD COMPANY'S, and Sugar Loaf
Hare proved to he the BEST COAL sold in the market,
and my facilities for handling it enable me to SELL
CHEAPER than any other dealer in the City.
''^''^J'^Zllz}'^-* W. O. COLLINS.
Office, 438 Main Street, 0pp. Court Square.
^ ^ .„,.,.....,.^....^,.^ .^—
^ ^
^ ;«]^]vr0a]«CEj)iE]viT^

Charles Hall,

China -" C^^ockery "."

Solid Silver and Silver Plated
Table Ware,
And a General Line of Goods kept in a First-Class
Crockery Store, from the Cheapest to

Wood Mantels, Tiles, amd Fire-PIace

Contracts taken to furnish new houses and to
re-model old work.
Charles Hall,
393 & 395 Main Street, Springfield,
(^ r=== ^
^(Tg — §^

''Blue with the Blues''


QiLus Fine A^t^ S'^ore.
It isnot essential that your name he in this Blue
Book, hut it is necessary to your happiness
that you steer clear of the '^hlues''
hy patronizing

GilTs Art Store and Galleries.

***************** ********
^/\^oodbury, |y[ouIton & 3^^^*"*^^,

415 Main Street, _ - _ Springfield, Mass.
City Town, Railroad and Water Bonds


Nothing offered foi sale except after purchase hy uSy
and we huy only after careful investigation.
We make a specialty of WATER BONDS which we pur-
chase only after examination.
Miss Jennie Raynort 63 Charles

Rev and Mrs David Allen Read t 734 State

Mr Harry M. Rennie*/ 342 Main
Dr and Mrs A. R. Rice*.,. 36 Temple

Mr and Mrs F. C. Rice*/ 34 Pearl

Dr and Mrs H. E. Rice* 40 Maple

Mr and Mrs R. W. Ricet 17 Holyoke
Rev Dr and Mrs William Ricc*t 54 Court

Mr R. W. Richards*.
714 State
Mr and Mrs E. D. Ripley*.' 65 Buckingham

Mr and Mrs J. H. Ripley% 293 Chestnut

Mrs Ripley* 69 Maple

Mr and Mrs B. D. Rising* 43 Edwards

Mr Charles L. Robinson*^ 56 Bradford

Mr and Mrs George D. Robinson*

Mr and Mrs Walter Robinson* Chicopee

Mr and Mrs George E. Robinson**

Mr H. W. Robinson** 43 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs E. C. Rogers*
Miss Rogers* 38 School

Mr and Mrs Charles D. Rood*, 93 Bowdoin

Dr and Mrs A.M. Rosst 134 Carew

Mr and Mrs Alfred Rowe^^ 61 Pearl
Mr and Mrs H. C. Rowley** 730 State
Mr and Mrs C. A. Roycef 29 Edwards
Col and Mrs James A. Rumrill*
Miss Rebecca Rumrill*
Miss Anna Rumrill* 149 Chestnut
Mrs James B. Rumrill* 160 Maple
Mr and Mrs Charles O. Rnssell*
Massasoit house
Mr and Mrs George A. Russell**
Miss Eva Russell** 375 State
Mr and Mrs James E. Russell* Haynes hotel

Mr Fred L. Safford** 99 Mulberry

Mrs J. D. Safford* 238 Maple
A^^fr^ai^ ^ ^^s^
i v W 'i'- "Ar ^^gll^'^TT^^
g '
C cli' f KK*
Rev E. G. Selden t 164 St James ave
Mr and Mrs F. H. Shattuck** 631 State
Mr Charles M. Shedd* 26 Pearl
Judge and Mrs William S. Shurtleff*
Miss Mary D. Shurtleff* 74 Temple
Mr and Mrs R. G. Shurtleff*
Miss Clara Shurtleff* 51 Mulberry
Mr and Mrs Lawson Sibley*** 47 Bliss

Mr Charles S. Saxtoii%* 413 State
Mr and Mrs E. W. Seeger*^. 190 Central
Mr and Mrs W. C. Simons* 200 Maple
Mrs R. G. Shumway*
Miss Shiimway*
Miss Abbie Shumway* 34 Mulberi-y
Mr and Mrs Henry H. Skinner".^ 346 Maple
Mr and Mrs William D. Slater f 43 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs A. E. Smitli% 19 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs Avery J. Smitli%
688 Worthington
Mr Charles D. Smith% 21 School
Mr and Mrs Dexter Smith*^ 310 Maple
Mr and Mrs Enos Smith* 126 Clarendon
Mr Horace Smith* 334 Maple
Mr and Mrs E. H. Smith*^ 127 Main
Mr and Mrs Hinsdale Smith*
Miss Claribel Smith* 156 Main
Mr and Mrs J. R. Smith* 224 State
Mrs Dr David P. Smith* Maple
Miss Rosa Smith*
Miss Eva Smith* 44 Avon place
Mr and Mrs Charles H. Sonthworth*
37 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs Courtland E. Southworth*
236 Union
Mr and Mrs Henr>' Southworth*
Miss Ida Southworth* Round hill

Mrs Edward Southworth*

Miss Mae Southworth*
" Alice Southworth* Crescent hill

Prof and Mrs Mase Southworth*

Crescent hill

Mr and Mrs C. C. Spellman\ 590 State

Mr and Mrs E. F. Spicerf 17 Sherman
Maj S. B. Spooner*
Mr Arthur L. Spooner*^ 612 State

I^.^<fi>^ °'"^°^"-^^'

Rev and Mrs F. M. Spragiief

Miss Spraguet 27 Pleasant
Mr and Mrs George M. Stearns*^ 182 Florida
Miss Marion Sterns*^ 9 Mattoon
Mr and Mrs E. H. Sterns*^ 13 Mattoon
Mr F. H. Stebbins*
Mr Walter G. Stebbins* 204 No. Main
Mr and Mrs John B. Stebbins*
Miss Fanny L. Stebbins*
" M. Louise Stebbins*
Mrs J. Louis Stebbins* Crescent Hill

Dr and Mrs George Stebbins*^ 17 Majjle

Mr and Mrs James Stebbiiis%
Misses Stebbms% 114 Main
Mr and Mrs B. F. Steele*/ 71 Thompson
Mr and Mrs W. D. Stevens t 133 Spring
Mr and Mrs T. S. Stewart f 85 Westminster
Mr and Mrs Charles Stickney* School

Mr and Mrs B. R. Stillman% 93 Florida

Mr and Mrs T. H. Stock t 15 Hawley

Mr and Mrs Charles A. Stone% 15 Grosvenor
Mr and Mrs H. P. Stone% 515 Chestnut
Mr and Mrs L. S. Stowe*
Miss Lena Stowe* 83 Pearl
Mr and Mrs J. D. Stratton t 23 Holyoke
Mr F. H. Sturtevant* 127 Spring
Mr R. B. Sturtevant** 68 Elliott
Mr and Mrs W. F. Sturtevantt.. 68 Elliott

36 Vernon
Mr and Mrs George W. Tapley*^
Mr William W. Tapley** 349 State
Mr and Mrs David E. Taylor**
Miss Anna W. Taylor** 20 Byers
Mr Palmer Tavlor*^ 29 Mattoon

Mr and Mrs Y. N. Taylor* 329 vState

Mrs W. P. Taylor t 29 Mattoon

Mr and Mrs W. C. Taylor* 329 State
Mrs James M. Thompson*
Miss Thompson*
" Genevieve Thompson* Highland place

Mr and Mrs E. T. Tifft*^ 103 Mulberry

Mr and Mrs F. G. Tobey*^ 46 School
Mr and Mrs William H. Topham*
101 Mulberry
Mr and Mrs E. E. Towne*.^ 727 State
Mr and i^iwdEliphalet Trask*^ 106 Water
Mr and Mrs Henry Trask*^ 71 Court
Mr and Mrs F. A. Tucker 20 Holyoke
Miss Jennie Fitz Turner*^ JSmS^^Mmm pXuJJriMru/
Mr and Mrs A. B. Underhill*^
38 Westminster

Mr Willliam C. Van Vlack*

Miss Susie J. Milliman* 5 Mattoon
Mrs Bliss Vinton*^ Prospect hill

Mrs Charles Vinton*^

Miss Vinton*^ Fernside, Prospect hill

Mr E. M. Walker% 295 State
Mr and Mrs F. C. Walker% Florida
Mr F. D. Walker% Kinsman's block
Mr and Mrs T. M. Walker% 295 State
Mr and Mrs William B. Walker% 305 State
Mr and Mrs A. B. Wallace** Locust hill
Rev and Mrs George H. Wallace f 394 Union
Miss Kate Walton Dartmouth terrace
Mr and Mrs H. S. Wardner*
Mr Allan Wardner*
" Henry Wardner*
Miss Wardner* 19 Elliott

Mr Thomas B. Warren** 381 State

Mr and Mrs E. C. Washburn***
83 Dartmouth
Rev and Mrs W. E. Waterbury t 65 Bradford
Mr and Mrs F. E. Webber*/ 89 Bay
Mr and Mrs Allen Webster** 78 Pearl
Mr and Mrs Gideon Wells* 52 Avon place
Mrs F. L. Wesson* , 220 Maple
Mr and Mrs Joseph Wesson* 13 Federal
Mr and Mrs Walter H. Wesson* 302 Maple
Mr and Mrs D. B. Wesson* 132 High
Mr and Mrs William G. Wheat""

Mr and Mrs E. A. Wheel erf 15 North

Mr and Mrs N. F. Wheeler*^ 49 Buckingham
Mr and Mrs Abram Whitcomb*^ 275 Union
Mr F. D. Whitconib%
Wr H. L. Whitcomb% ^
Miss Louise W^hitcomb* 15 Mulberry

Mr Robert D. White%* West Springfield

Mr William A. Whitney*/
Mr and Mrs J. P. Wilcox%
Miss Hattie Wilcox*.^. 17 Ingraham ave
Mr F. B. Wilder*/ Massasoit house
Mr E. M. Wilkins*/ 57 Seventh
Miss Clara Wilkins*/ 68 Florida
Mr William M. Willard* 257 Union
Mr F. H. Williams*/
Miss Addie W' illiams*/ 76 Temple
Mr and Mrs Harry J. Winans*^. 'K
Mr W. N. Winans*/ 36 Spring
Mr and Mrs George H. Woods*., 117 High
Mrs Col Wood* Clarendon
Mr and Mrs J. L. Worthy*^ West Springfield


=== ^-

Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store.
Complete in Three Grand Divisions
For nearly half a century our house has met the demands of
Springfield Society.
We now offer special inducements in each department
for your trade in the future.


337 Main Street.

*************** **********
Bon Bons Fine Chocolates


489 Mmn Street.

Confectionery and Ice Cream.

Temperance Drinks for the hot season in Every Variety

and Style.
^ ^..,.^....^„.>^,.^»
^ i2

Draperies, Mantels and Art Corners

First class work, such as nobody looks for in cities
the size of Springfield. It is not expected'; all the more reason for
doing the work acceptably.
We have employed a designer learned in the princi-
ples of Art, experienced in the application of them to Upholstery
of the very highest order, and with capacity to originate ; so that
his work should be true and new.
We have also secured a like degree of completeness
in the several sorts of work that contribute to the deserving of
success in the transforming of bare houses into homes of elegance
and polite luxury.
We shall have no hesitation in undertaking within
a reasonable time the upholstery of a hundred houses successfull3%
and have no one of them suggest another, so great is the diversity
of which this designer's Art of Upholstery is capable.

Estimates for the Asking.

The materials for interior decoration are many,

Spun Silk Tapestries, Silk Velour Titians,
Plain and Figured Plushes,Derby and Turkish Satins,
Silk Brocades and Brocatelles, Renaissance and Satin Damasks,
Soft Eastern Silks with Fringes and Loops to match.

Lace Curtains more than in all Springfield com-
bined, twice over perhaps. Time was when we couldn't say that.
Swiss, $4 to $25 a window.
Guipure, $5 to $30 a window.
Irish Point, $4.50 to $50 a window.
Renaissance, $5 to $45 a window.
Brussels Point, $14 to $75 a window.
Nottingham, 50 cents to $10 a window.

Did you know, ^ve have men wandering over Europe
to seehow far our money will go toward bringing us your wants
— whatever those wants may be, almost ?

Forbes & Waixace.


H, I. & C. E. CLARKE,
/ Florists and Floral Designers

r^ u
and Boxes ot Fresh
Fiist-Class Floral Decorations,
319 Main Street, Fuller Building.

-r X T T^r^r^TAT Catering in All its Branches.

L. LhLrhlN. Kettledrums, Balls, Dinners, Card and
other Small Parties.



Wedding Collations a Specialty. Svrin^£eld, MrSS.
* * * * **_ He * * * » » * » * » * 'H

-:- DENTIST -:-
285 Malnjtreet.^^^ Wig^^s Block.
given to all Operations.
The utmost Care and Thoroughness
Every Facility for Fine Work.


Chronic Diseases.
The Bational i'uro for
^^ Gallons

Always Ready for Use.

Send or Call for Pamj^hlet.

345 MAIN ST.

Springfield, Mass.
(^ = ^.
^c§ = g^^

TAYLOR'S M^sic House,

416 Main Street, Opera House Block.


Steinway & SonSj
Albert Weher^
Behr Bros.,
Haines Bros.
A. B. Chase Co. E. P. Carpenter Co.

Sheet Music, Music Books, Musical Mer-

chandise of Every Description.
* *

Taylor^ s Music House

416 Main Street, Opera House Block.
Mr and Mrs A.J. Wright*
Mr Fred C. Wright* 54 Bowdom

Mr and Mrs F. E. Wright*/ 47 Clarendon

Mr and Mrs George L. Wright, Jr**
198 St James ave

Mr and Mrs William E. Wright*/ 776 State

Mr and Mrs W. L. Wright*/ 86 Pearl

Mr and Mrs W. H. Wright** 99 Elliott

Mr and Mrs F. R. Young** 21 Pearl

Mr and Mrs George R. Yerrall***


Miss Nannie Homans*

Miss Susie Homans* '

Miss Bessie Homans* ,^ ,

Mr Thomas Homans* I'^S Maple

Mr and Mrs T. W. Coburn** 64 Buckingham

Miss Phipps** 287 Union

Mr and Mrs Charles G. Brcck*/

Mrs Charlotte E. Warner*

Miss Caroline E. Warner* 57 Mulberry

Mrs William L. Smith*

Who, socially and professionally, hare entree to any

Editor Samuel Bowles

( SpringGeld Repu blican )
Mrs Samuel Bowles Crescent Hill

Editor Clark W. Bryan

{Good Housekeeping— Paper World)
Mrs C. W. Br3^an 60 Temple

Editor Charles J. Bellamy

{Springfield News)
Mrs C. J. Bellamy Cliicopee Falls

Editor E. Porter Dyer

{Springfield Union)
Mrs E. P. Dyer 274 Wortliington
Editor S, B. Griffin
{Spring£eld Republican)
Miss Mary Wells Griffin
Mrs Nathaniel H. Griffin' 175 Mill

Editor Mason A. Green 284 Pine

{Springfield Republican)

Editor Edward F, Giddings

{Springfield Union)
Mrs E. F. Giddings 404 Union

Editor David B. Howland 19 Mattoon
{Springfield Republican^

Editor Ernest Howard 425 Main

(Spring-field Reptiblican)

Editor Edward H. Phelps

(Spring-field Homestead)
Mrs E. H. Phelps
Miss Mabel Phelps Buckingham place

Editor Joseph L. Shipley

(Springfield Union)

Mrs J. L. Shipley 89 High

Editor James B. Smith

(Springfield Republican)

Mrs J. B. Smith 52 Mattoon

Editor James E. Tower 31 Elliott

(Springfield Homestead)

Editor Charles G. Whiting

(Springfield Republican)

Mrs C. G. Whiting 284 Pine

Editor Edward A. Hill

(Springfield Republican)

Mrs E. A. Hill 22 Clarendon

Mr Stanley E. Johnson 43 Howard

(Springfield Republican)

Mr Albert H. Hardy 22 Cass

(Boston Globed

Mr Harry C. Smith 220 High

(New York Dramatic Mirror— N. Y. Journalist)

„^ — ^.

The Drift of the Age

'a book to make the reader think, there is no

doubt of that."
—Springfield Republican.

Of Booksellers and Newsdealers.

Dwight's Travelers' Handy Book




Of Booksellers and Newsdealers.

The Dwight Print


Leading Social Clubs of Springfield

The Winthrop Club was organized Dec. 12, 1874 and
incorporated Oct. 3, 1881. It comprises much of
the male social life of the city, and has in Kirkhani and
Olmsted's block on State street the handsomest and
best appointed club rooms in New England, only —
surpassed by one or two in New York. They -were fit-
ted up at an expense of $15,000. The club is a very ele-
gant resort the receipts of the billiard room alone are

about $2,000 a j'ear. The membership is limited to

350, and stands at that figure, with dozens of applica-
tions on file.

Officers, March 1, 1889.

WM. S. SHURTIvEFF, President.
EDWARD S. BRADFORD, 1st Vice-Prest,
ELIJAH BELDING, 2d Vice Prest.
JAS. D.NORTON, Secretary.

Wm. S. Shurtleff, Wm. Patton, F. H. FULr.ER,
E. Pynchon, N. W. Fisk, W. F. Callender,
jAS, D. Norton.

house cojimittee
J. D. Norton, Carpenter,
F, E. C. P. Hooker.
W. C. Newell, E. Belding, H. C. Lombard,
P. L. Safford, E. Pynchon, J. D. Norton,
J. K. Dexter, F. B. Wilder, C. M. Shedd,
C. M. Mather, C. A. Call.

Abbe, GE WR
Br van,
Adams, G P H
Bullard, J
Adams, W W W
Bullens, I
Adams, P W Bullock, OW
Alden, J C Bumstead, Josiah
Allen, C H 3umstead, S S
Atterbury, R B Butler, C B
Bacon, W S Caldwell, WN
Bagg-, Aaron, Jr. Call, CA
Bailey, P S Callender, WF
Baker, EK Carr, Lewis P
Baker, IG Carpenter. PE
Baker, OM Carroll, C
Ball, A F Carroll,
Balliet, T M Carroll, J B
Barker. J F Carter, EA
Barnard, W L Castle, GM
Barney, Geo. M Castle, WA
Barr, Geo. E Chamberlain, A A
Bates, G W Chapin, Campbell
Beebe, HJ Chapin, C L
Beebe, HJ Jr. Chapin, E Dudley
Beldin, Elijah Chapin, P W
Bemis, P A Chapin, H A
Bemis, H S Chapin. H G
Bemis, S Aug. Clark, Geo. H
Bennett, C H Clark, Geo. B
Bid well, J P Clark, Leonard
Bigelow, Samuel Clark, L B
Birnie, Alfred Clark, WH
Birnie, T N Coats, D N
Bleloch, G H Coats, E M
Blodgett, Andrew Coenen, Louis
Booth, J C Colbum, W W
Bosworth, HL Collins, W O
Boswoi-th, H W Collins. W S
Bowles, Samuel Cook, WF
Bowles, SW Cordis. TP
Bowman, HH Cox, E P
Bradford, E S Cutler, LZ
Brewer, C D
Brewer, E S Dale, John L
Brewster, H M Davee, T T
Davidson, J K
Brigham, J J
Broadhurst, Henry Davis, R A
Broadhurst, R W Day, R W
Brooks, L S Day, W O
Bryan, C W Delebarre, A P
Bryan, J A Dewey, WC
Dexter, J K Hamilton, R J
Dicldnson, S H Hamilton, T E
Dickinson, F W Hanson, F O
Harding, J P
Dodge, J N
Harris, A B
Edgerly, MVB Harris, F H
Ellis,RW Harris, Frederick
Estabrook, G R Harris, WA
Estes, E M Hathaway, A B
Esleek. A W Harvey, A
Harvey, A C
Ferry, W F Haskins, HW
Fisk, N W Hawkins, R F
Folsom, A T Hawkins, Paul R
Foot, F D Haynes, J E
Foot, Homer, Jr. Hendrick, J H
Forbes, A B Hill, HG
Foster, J H Plolbrook, G B
Franklin, J P Hoolly, E P
Frink, Geo. E Hooker, C P
Fuller, Charles Hooker, John
Fuller, P^ H Hosley, CD
Fuller, Geo. Hosmer, Geo.
Houghton, E T
Gammons, T G Howe, F G
Gates, E O Hubbard, G W
Gilbert, W H Hudson. C T
Gill, Geo. C Hurd, WF
Gill, James D Hurlbut, J S
Gillett, FH Hurlbut, WH
Gilmore, G H
Gilmore, D O Jacobs, HH
Goetting, A H Johnson, J L
Goodhue, C L Jones, A J
Goodrich, J W Jordan, WH
Gould, H A JUdd, F A
Gould, C W Judson, E G
Grant, S A
Graves, F S
Graves, G S Kellogg, FT
Gray, WH Kemater, G H
Greenleaf, OS Kemater, J C
Greenwood, AB Kendrick, E P
Griffin, S B King, F E
Kimball, WM
Hadley, EP Kingsland, T S
Haile, WH Kinsman, W D
Hall, E H Kirkham, A H
Hall, George O Kirkham, J W
Hall, J A Knappe, E C
Hall, W
A Knight,
Hall, Charles
Hall. S C Knowlton, MP
Lathrop, E H Newell, NC
LeNoir, WC
Sanford Newell, WC
Newman, F S
Leonard, Geo. Nichols, B F
Leonard, N A Nickerson, F A
Leshure, WP Niles, HL
Lewis, J H Noble, J S
Lincoln, W A Norton, J D
Litchfield, J H Norton, John
Lombard, H C Nye, George
Long, C L
Luther, Eben Olmstead, John
Lutz, J C Orr, Louis H
Lyford, E F Osborne, F W
Packard, A A
Mackintosh, J G Parker, E N
Margerum, E F Parson, C H
Marsh, Charles Parsons, \V,H
Marsh, C S Patton, William
Marsh, D J Patton, Wm. Jr.
Marsh, H E Perkins, E A
Marsh, J F Phelps. J B
Marsh, M
N Phillips, H M
Marsh, W
C Porter, PW
Mather, C M Pratt, Geo. D
Maxfield, C E Puflfer, H C
Maynard, E B
Ma3^o, A N
Pulsifer, W
Pynchon, Edward
Mayott, L H Pynchon, J F
McClean, G C PyTichon, J H
McGregory, H W
Mcintosh, A J Quimby, Irving
McKnight, J D
McKnight, WH Rennie, H M
McKnight, C H Rice, HE
Meekins, Emory Rice, E H
Merriam, G S Richards, R P
Merriam, J F Richards, R W
Merrick, L M Robinson, C L
Merritt, M G Robinson, E C
Merrill, O K Rockwell, J F
Metcalf, E D Rogers, E C
Miller, \Y H Rogers, T H
Mitchell, Frank B Rood, Chas. D
Moore, H C Rowe, Alfred
Morgan, Roger Rowley, H C
Morrill, C C RoYce, C A
W OG Rude, E G
Morse, Rumrill, J A
Moulton, WH Russell, Jas. E
Mulligan, C H Safford, F L
Munn, E L Safford, J D


The Best is the Cheapest in the End,


O. & O. TEA.
PERFECTLY '^^^ Choicest Tea
PURE. ever offered.


Q^£ity never vanes.
and you will never use any other
Try it
Packages are hermetically sealed a«^ J^a/^,f .
value of
the full «^^f,-
In buying O. & O. Tea consumers get
their money.
For Sale bv the Best Grocers.


»» ^ He **»»*** H: * * * * H. * * * * '^ * * *

The Best Families
of Springfield and Vicinity
Everybody Reads It
^ ^ .,^..^,.,,^„....^.„^ ^ ^
c^ = g^^



E0ELOPE^, * PAPEnm^>
Boudoir Papers.
Sanderson, J S Taylor
Sclvej^W H
Seymour, C E
Shedd, C M
Sherwood, S D
Shipley, J L
Shuart, I J
Shurtleff, R G
Shurtleft; WS
Simons, WC
Simons, H K
Slcinner, H H
Smith, C D
Smith, H M
Smith, R Hale
Smith, J R
Southworth, HW
Southworth, M S
Spalding-, C C
Spear, E M
Spellman, C C
Spooner, A L
Sxoooner, G A
Squires, J B
Stebbins, P H
Stebbins, L S
Stearns, Geo. M
Sterns, E H
Sticknev,C E
Stone, C A
Stone, H P
Stone, W B
Strati on, J D
Sturtevant, W C
Sturtevant, W I
Swan, WM
Swan, Frank N
Tapley, G W
Taylor, D E
Taylor, G P
Taylor, P M
Social and Literary.
Sixth year. Meets alternate Wednesday mornings at
houses of members. Also holds evening receptions and
Mrs V. L. Owen, President.
Mrs Avery J. Smith, Vice-Pres't.
Miss M. L. Dunbar, Recording Sec'y.
Mrs p. p. Kellogg, Corresponding Sec'y.
Mrs T. L. Chapman, Treasurer.
Mrs Henry Alexander, Mrs E. L. Knight,
Mrs A. R. Aldrich, Airs Oscar B. Ireland,
Mrs J. H. Applcton, Mrs S. L. Alerrell,
Miss Lizzie Ames, Mrs V. L. Owen,
Mrs O. M. Baker, Airs A. A. Packard,
Mrs \Vm. Birnie, Mrs John AIcFethries,
Mrs L. S. Brooks, Mrs Clias. D. Hosley,
Mrs Ephraim Bond, Mrs L. J. Powers,
Mrs H. W. Eosworth, Mrs H. C. Rowley,
Mrs I.N. Bullens, Mrs Alex. Pabke,
Mrs Tlieo. P. Breck, Mrs D. A. Reed,
Mrs Michael Bumham, Mrs Wm. Rice,
Mrs Marshall Calkins, Mrs E. C. Rogers,
Mrs Edward S. Brewer, Mrs P. P. Kellogg-,
Mrs D. P. Crocker, Mi-s Mase Southworth,
Mrs W. W. Colbum, Mrs Arery J. Smith,
Mrs John Cuckson, Mrs W. L. Smith,
Mrs G. A. Denis on, Miss Julia Smith,
Mrs Luke Corcoran, Mrs J. L. Shiplej^,
Mrs A. B. Forbes, Mrs W. S. Shurtleff,
Airs Homer Foot, Mrs E. G. Selden,
Mrs D. A. Folsom, Mrs G. W. Tapley,
Mrs Alary S. Folsom, Mrs James AI. Thompson,
Airs P. H. Derby, Airs Hinsdale Smith,
Airs Nathaniel H. Griffin, Airs Gideon Wells,
Airs S. H. Gordon, Mrs Walter Wesson,
Airs R. F. Hawkins, Mrs C. G. Whiting,
Airs T. H. Hawkes, Mi's Charlotte Warner,
Aliss Arabia Harris, Mrs P". R. Young,
Airs W. A. Hariis, Mi-s C. A. Nichols,
Airs Dwight Holland, Mrs Louisa Eagg,
Airs Wm. H. Haile, Mrs Jas. A. R urn rill,
Airs G. W. Howard, Mrs A. B. Wallace,
Airs H. S. Griffith. Airs Arthitr Alerriam,
Aliss Rachel Jacobs, Airs T. L. Chapman,
Aliss Hattit Buckingham, Airs F. G. To bey,
Airs Jas. Kirkham, Aliss AI. L. Dunbar.

Pounded in 1873. Meets every other Friday
evening at the homes of members.

G. C. Baldwin, Jr. Justin Dewey,

H. W. Bosworth, Clemens Herschel,
S.W. Bowles, M. P. Knowlton,
E. S. Bradford, E. C. Rogers,
T. M. Brown, E. G. Selden,
A. R. Buffington, J. Iv. Shipley,
W. W. Colbum, A. J. Smith,
G. A. Denison, Gideon Wells.


Has tennis parties in summer and dancing assemblies
in the winter months.

S. H. Chamberlain, Will Tapley,

Iv. Chandler,
J. Will P. Ivcshure,
H. W.
Haskins, Geo. How^e,
Harry Brewster, Geo. Nye, Jr.
Arthur G. Merriam, Harry Wiiians,
Harris W. Baker, Wheeler Hall.

Meets weekly at the homes of members.

Misses Misses
Lillian J. McKnight, Susan M. Homans,
Maude Morrell, Anna R. D wight,
Susie E. Wardner, Emily B. Bryant,
Rebecca Rumrill, Alice Haile,
Bessie N. Barton, Mary W. Hubbard,
S. Eva Smith, Emily H. Dakin,
Louise C. Morgan, Edith C. Brewer.


Established, Jan. 3, 1886. Comprises the Catholic

young men most active sociallj'- in the city. Has hand-
somely appointed parlors and billiard room in Foot's
block. Annual grand ball given every Washington's

James E. Dunleavy, President.

P. H. QuiNN, 1st Vice-Pres't.
James Dkiscoll, 2d Vicc-Pres't.

T. J. Cruse, Secretary.
S. E. Leonard, Financial Scc'y.
John J.Donelan, Treasurer.

Ltjke Coogan, T. p. Sampson,
Samuel Corcoran.

James E. O'Brien, James Driscoll.
P. H. Ouinn, Chas. L,ynch,
B. C. O'Conncll, John Hall,
Thomas DufHoy, John Doolan,
S. E. Leonard,' John J. Donelan,
James M. Daly, John Collins,
John J. Cruse, James B. Carroll,
Hugh Dpnnellj'-, Samuel Corcoran.
James Sullivan, Luke Coogan,
Alex. J. Dunne, J. P. Quilty,
P. J. Quinlivan, Joseph LeFcbrc,
John H. Clune, John F. O'Neill,
James E. Dunleavy, J. P. Cronin,
T. P. Sampson, D. J. Mack.

The oldest distinguished social organization in the

city. For the past 20 years it has been a leading factor

social life of Springfield, and in its elegant

in the
house at the comer of Chestnut and Worthington
streets, has entertained nearly all the notable
to the city, its registry roll showing the autographs
U. S. Grant, Schuyler Colfax, Booth, Irving,
and scores of others. The club house has a thoroughly
appointed refreshment department, and its banquet
menus rank high in the artistic. The membership is
limited to 100 and stands now at 70. The
with the modesty of conscious merit, shun publicity.

Henry M. Phillips, President.

Edward H. Lathrop, Vicc-Pres't.
Peter S. Bailey, Treasurer.
Trios. B. Warren. Clerk.

II. S. Hy'de, E. Morgan,
L. Powers,
E. H, Lathrop,
W. H. Wright, P. S. Bailey,
Theo. F. Breck, D. J. Marsh,
Tugs. B. Warren.



What is society?
The average man has an idea it is a collec-

tion of people who do not work, wear fine

clothes, live in fine houses, have coachmen and
horses and plenty of money, who think them-
selves better than the rest, and do not associ-
ate with them if they can help it. In a cer-
tain measure this is not qnite an incorrect
idea, but it is somewhat strange that the test
of accomplishments, culture, learning, is evi-
dently not included in this popular notion.
Apparentlv the average citizen looks at the
outward symptons of wealth as the test, and
he is not mistaken when applied to a good
many cliques andsubdivisions, of society.
The requirements of society consist alto-
gether too much in wealth as expressed by
some form of expenditure. But on closer
investigation it will be found that brains and
true learning, refinements, social tact, and
even beauty, are as good passwords to society
as ready cash. Were the latter the only test
of society the contempt into which it would
soon fall on the part of intellectual people
would be fatal to its existence. Shoddy pure
and simple is tolerated in society because it
willcro^vditself in, but is considered decidedly
objectionable. A boy whose mother belonged
to society in its finest form, with brains,
wealth, refinement, once asked the writer with
apparent anxiety what he could understand
by shoddy or codfish society, 'and the lad was
evidently greatly relieved when he found that
his mother, and consequently he himself, could
never belong to it. As a rule the women of
society are considerably more refined than the
men, who are sometimes as crude as the work-
men they employ.
Among the ridiculous forms of shoddy so-
cietymay be classed the horse society, the
dress society, ancestry societj^, and money
society. The first belongs to the solidungula,
or animial kingdom the second to the rumi-

nantes, or the vegetable kingdom the third


to paleontology, and the last to the mineral

kingdom therefore proper specimens for mu-

seums, but not for daily intercourse with man,

who is supposed to carry about fifty ounces
of brain matter. Horse-society requires
its disciples to worship the divine beast, to
talk about the horse's perspiration, diges-
tion and muscular action with a stable-per-
fumed awe it is the coachman in the parlor.

Dress society talks about prospective rags,

—for the subject of their talk will sooner or
later join the ragman's collection. Ancestry
society causes a smile on every sensible per-
son's face; those who have their pride in past
doings of their fathers and grandfathers have
probably little cause to be proud of them-
selves their ftiture is in the past, and often a

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Send for a sample copy and see if it is not the

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very uncertain past. Money society com-
mands the respect and awe of the masses
more than the others but is often the least

deserving of respect.
"Society", Hke measles, rages in its most
offensive "form amiong the young, say from
15 to 22 years, and among soured elderly
persons of means. The age of vigor, enter-
prize and activity is usually free from it.
Society has also a decided business point
in that it is a defense of the moneyed society
family against adventurers and speculators.
Mothers with marriageable daughters can-
not be blamed if they throw^ around them
an imaginary hedge by impressing them
with the idea that they are society. Unfor-
tunately natural perverseness now and then
finds even a coachman better to its liking
than what is offered as the correct style.
Much that is said against society is pure
and simple envy; w^hat deserves criticism is
the shallow and insipid way in which it
worships at the shrine of its little tin gods.
Once in a while society can show itself to
the critical outer world, beyond its sacred
circle, but such events are rare: a charity
ball or theatrical performance, or a centennial
are such occasions.
For a town of its size, Springfield is re-
markably from offensive society; a few
worship the beast, the rag, the
little cliques
tombstone and the greenback, but as a rule,
one finds as much sense in society as
among those who consider themselves not
in the swim. Among its 45,000 inhabitants
something less than one thousand constitute
"society;" five thousand more can go into
it if they care to, and the other 25,000 may
be excellent men and women, but they would
even feel ill at ease among society and would
consider it rather an outrage and a bore to
have to belong to it. The balance (child-
ren) of course does not count. In an\^ small
city like Springfield where church is such a
predominant element there exists a little
hint of society in each church, little cliques
who deem themselves better than the rest,
holier perhaps, posessing more refinement,
social t£Lct, etc. They have, at the worst,
some little undemocratic notions, that, in
view of the environment, sometimes seem
ridiculous, but which do not as a rule affect
their being excellent men and women.
A gentleman who passed several months
in this citj^ m.ade the rather hasty general-
ization that Springfield society was composed
mainly of those whose fathers had made
their money and those who had their money
yet to make. This is manifestly unjust to the
appreciable number Vk^ho are themselves
bravely and successfully accumulating means,
and in societj.^ too and to others who wath

little v\.^ealth but their minds and social re-

finement help to make up the choicest circles.
Springfield is far more democratic than many
cities, but it smoothes the pathwa3' into the
upper strata to belong to certain churches.
For instance, local society has the odd no-
tion that it is not quite the correct style to
be a Baptist or a Methodist, not to speak
of others, though the Catholic is not ques-
One very sensible society lady not long ago
remarked correct!}^ on the absence, in our soci-
ety, of the social bachelors who form such a
pleasant and enlivening element in that of
Europe. To certain degree this is due, I think,
to the society ladies. They are not congenial
as an aggregate ;

they have not been educa-
ted in the science of amusements, which is
something to be learned and taught just as
much as the science of politeness and good-
If we have a large proportion in a commu-
nity like Springfield influenced by ministers
very often educated in small colleges situated
in small towns, who look upon every sort of
pastime as diabolical, or at least question-
able, —
(not necessarily from conviction, but
because it is apt to make their calling less im-

portant, ) and who surround themselves ^vitli
this superstitious notion, —
the feeling of ease
in the society of such parties is taken a^way,
for politeness will require respecting their sen-
timents however much w^e differ ^th them.
The xoresence of a single such notional per-
son, even among a large crowd of those other-
wise inclined, casts a damper that makes it
desirable to stay away. The whole amuse-
m.ent will be reduced to some cheap talky-
talk, showing oif your dresses, j^our tailor-
made clothes, and separating with that uni-
versal fib — "I have enjoyed a very delightful
The men, as a rule, have to behave at such
social gatherings like so manj^ women dressed
in pants, and a jovial, social bachelor rather
prefers to stay at home or go to bed instead
of being bored with general insiyjidity.
Furthermore, the tistial st^de of hospitality
does not admit of sufficient diversion. To be
a success it has to be adapted to one's liking.
Now, everyone doesn't like a church sociable
and a tem])erance lecture carried on in the
parlor. The element of compuksion to do
things just as the manager of such an aftair
likes to have them come oif is entirely hostile
to true sociability. At every step these dom-
inant notions are forced down the throats of
the guests, and as it is a universal observation
that the most sociable are the most liberal

minded, they'll stay away, being very often
compelled to seek a so-called inferior amuse-
ment, (with others who are crowded away by
the same consideration,) in the club-room.
Hence, men's clubs thrive, grow large and
multiply, and it is in them that our society
men are coming to find the most delightful
companionship, the practice of the science of
proper amusement that distinguishes the ctil-
tivated man from the other, and which is de-
nied them in the church social or prim parlor
Yet this atmosphere the ladies might, if
they would, in a measure, have around them,
and without encroaching upon the club, make
the gatherings in v^liich they are predom-
inant equally or perhaps more attractive
than the clubs.

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Oyster House, Under Massasoit, 11 Railroad st.


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