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RUTHERFORD'S MODEL OF THE ATOM Rutherford performed a series of experiments in search of structure of atom, In these experiments, a beam of a-partcles, was bombarded on a thin gold foil and their deflections were peor oY a Gold fot en 4 es e—-_ | —_e— oe Fig, 12 1. Most of particles passed the gold foil undeviated or with small deviation, 2. Some panicles were deflected by large angles, about ‘one in 8000 were deflected by more than 90° ic. they were tured back by the foil. Alpha particles cannot be deviated by electron Lecause of its lage ‘mass. According to Rutherford, to deflect a-particle backwards, it must experience a large repulsive force. This force could be provided if the greater part of the mass of atom and its postive charge were concentrated tightly at its centre According to Rutherford’s model of atom, the atom contains 4 positively charged tiny particle at its centre known as nucleus of the atom. Almost all mass of atom is concentrated in nucleus Rutherford suggested the size of nucleus to be about 10"'> m to 10 m, Outside nucleus, there are electrens which move around it, at some separation just as planets around the sun. The space between the nucleus and the electrons is empty and determines the size of atom. ‘The atom is neutral ie. otal positive charge in nucleus.equals to total negative charge of electrons. Bour's THEORY Fig. 12.2 ‘The electrons revolve round the nucleus and necessary centripetal force is provided by electrostatic attraction. But this observation was in contradiction to Maxwell theory of electromagnetism. According to Maxwell, an accelerated charged particle must continuously emit electromagnetic radiation, In uniform circular motion electron is having centripetal acceleration. Since electron is accelerating, it should emit radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves. The energy of accelerating electron should therefore continuously decrease. 7 t © Nuclous Electron Fig. 12.3 ‘The electron would spiral inward and eventually fall into the nucleus. Thus, such an atom cannot be stable. (But we know that electron does not fall into the nucleus). Further according to classical electromagnetism, the frequency of electromagnetic waves emitted by the revolving electrons is equal to the frequency of revolution. As the electrons spiral inwards, their angular velocities and hence their frequencies would change continuously and so will the frequency of emitted radiation. Thus, they would emit a 640 Chapter 12 continuous spectrum, but practically Hine spectrum is observed. Later Bohr theory resolved the above contradictions. DISTANCE OF CLOSEST APPROACH When a charged particle is incident on a nucleus, distance of closest approach occurs for head-on collision and like charges. ‘The paticle tums around and deflects by 180°. At that instant the entire kinetic energy K has been converted into electric potential energy. {changed particle) = 1 Goeeo _ Tigwepnk, F Loa 1 ZrekZ) 2 ine where Ze: charge on particle Zee: charge on nucleus K: K.E. of incident particle + speed of incident particle m: mass of incident particle re distance of closest approach Example 4 Calculate the nearest distance of approach of ‘an a-particle of energy 2.5 MeV being scattered by a gold nucleus (Z= 79). Solution: hori 1 2ex79e) are 96 te K (6 x10" = 910? yp 2X5 X10 2.5%10° x1.6%10"" =9x10'm BOHR'S THEORY Bohr’s theory is applicable for hydrogen-like atoms/ions i.e. those atoms/ions whose outermost orbit contain single electron eg. :H!, H?, He®, Li* etc. According to this theory 1. The electron revolves round the nucleus in circular corbits and for this, necessary centripetal force is provided by electrostatic attraction between nucleus and electron. Consider a hydrogen-like atomvion in which electron is revolving in circular orbit of radius r. wl) where 2: atomic number or umber of protons ‘m: mass of electron «charge on electron rr radius of circular orbit 1: speed of electron 2. The electron revolves only in those (stationary orbits) for which angular momentum of electron is integral ‘multiple of h/2a (Bohr’s quantisation rule) mr @) where m= 1,2, Some formulae can be derived with the help of Eqs. (1) and 2). (A) Radius of Electron in n Orbit From (1), -@) ‘where 7,: radius of electron in n® orbit. th tL Fig. 126 (B) Speed of Electron in n Orbit v-(—% ane mr Putting value of r We dn ey m2. mi nme? Z (ese) Ga =(22%10°)2 msec where v,: speed of electron in n™ orbit me Fig. 127 (C) Time Period of Revolution qT, Since RZ, yoe% (a) 5) 6) A) (8) where Bohr'sTheory 641 0) 7: time period of revolution of electron in n® orbit 9, angular velocity/angular frequency of electron in n® orbit. (D) Energy of Electron in ni Kinetic energy K = Potential energy U = ‘Total energy E = K+U =~ E Beer Putting value of r where E,; total energy of electron in n" orbit, Orbit Beer (10) al) (12) 13) total energy is negative ie, electron is bounded to nucleus. (E) Angular Momentum of Electron in ni" Orbit aa oe Angular momentum is independent of Z. (14) ‘Note: The radius of first orbit in hydrogen atom is also known as Bohr’s ré raosAna 642 Chapter 12 Example 2 (Find the radius of Li** ions in its ground state assuming Bohs model to be valid, (b) Find the maximum angular speed of the electron of a hydrogen atom in a stationary orbit. (©) Average lifetime of a H atom excited to m = 2 state is 10° sec. Find the number of revolutions made by the electron on the average before it jumps to the ground state. (@) Calculate the magnetic dipole moment corresponding to the motion of the electron in the ground state of a hydrogen atom. (©) Using the known values for hydrogen atom, calculate: (@) radius of third orbit for Li™? (ii) speed of electron in fourth orbit for He* Solution: @ 22x10°Z msec 6) i * oss A Z 22510" 2 ce 053x101 an’ For ,H', Z= 1; @, will be maximum for n= 1 = 4.110" rad/see O53«10 (6) Time period of revolution of electron in n = 2, Z= | Qn 2a? 22x10" ZF 4x10 2? 053x107 9 ° pT = lr = =12.25x107 sec 4.1x10° — 4.1x10! ' Number of revetuons = 7 = eg 2x10° 12.25x 107% @ CG Magnetic dipole moment M or = 1A Got T Qnrlv 2ar Asa For hydrogen Z = 1, ground state 1.6107" x2.210° x 0.53107 2 = 92% 10" Am? nm Ow 5 =053-4 110° mysee Example 3 A small particle of mass m moves in such 4 way that the potential energy is a constant and r isthe distance of the particle from the origin, Assuming Bohr’s model of quantisation of angular ‘momentum and circular orbits. Find the radius of the n™ orbit. Jma%r, where w Solution: “a Energy of Atom According to Bohr’s theory, the energy of the atom has a definite ‘value in a given stationary orbit. The electron can jump from one orbit to another when the atom absorbs or emits energy. When ‘an atom absorbs energy, electron jumps from lower to higher ‘orbit and when and atom emits energy, electron jumps from higher to lower orbit. When electron jumps from higher to lower ‘or lower to higher, it emits or absorbs a photon. The difference in energies of two orbits is equal to energy of photon. 06) (17) where R= — ME ig called the Rydberg constant wae R= 1.097 «107 mt In terms of R, energy of electron in n™ orbit (18) Rhe =| Rydberg = 13.6 eV Energy Level Diagram for Hydrogen Atom For n = 1, E, = -136 eV, this is the energy when the electron revolves in smallest allowed orbit, for n = 2, E, 28 3.4 eV etc. Here, n= 1 is known as ground state. Other states n =2, 3, .. are excited states, For the first excited state, n = 2, for third excited state n = 4 etc. The following figure shows energy of Bohs Theory 645 electron in different states. 188. .e5ev ne4 1275 ev) 2.55 ev | 0.66 ev ne 2-8. -151ev 3 ite — [190 136 n=2- =-94eV 10.201 5 Fig. 128 Note: As we move up, energy difference between successive levels decreases. Excitation Energy ‘The energy needed to take atom from its lower state to higher state is called excitation energy, e.g. 10.2eV is excitation energy from n= | tom = 2, 12.1 eV is excitation energy from n = 1 to n= 3, 2.55 eV is excitation energy from n = 2 to n= 4 etc. The potential through which an electron should be accelerated to ‘acquire higher state is known as excitation potential lonisation Energy ‘The minimum energy needed to ionise an atom (ic. to remove electron completely from bounded state) is called ionisation energy and the corresponding potential as ionisation potential. For H-atom, in ground state, ionisation energy is 13.6 eV and ionisation potential is 13.6 V. If we supply more than 13.6 eV to ‘a hydrogen atom in ground state, the total energy is positive. If total energy is zero ie, nucleus and electron are separated by an infinite distance. If total energy is positive ie. atom is ionised and electron goes to infinite and moving independently with some kinetic energy. Binding Energy ‘The energy needed to separate the constituents of system (nucleus + electron) to large distance. The binding energy of hydrogen atom in ground state is 13.6 eV. Absorption and Emission Spectrum ‘An atom can be excited by incident photon or by colsion. ‘When an atom absorbs a photon it goes to higher orbits/state and remains there for a time 10 sec, then it returns to ground State in various ways .. by emiting photons. Generally atom remains in ground sate PE hc Bp Bg Fig. 129 646 Choper 12 Let us consider an example in which a photon of energy 12.75 eV is incident on hydrogen atom in ground state. 1278 ev BA - Fr=-1060 rig 1210 12.75 + (-13.6) =-0.85 = E, Afier absorbing photon, an atom goes to state n= 4, hence in absorption spectrum we have single line. nea n=3 ——t Ai as (Absorption specram) Fig. 12.11 In the state n= 4, an atom remains for time 10° sec and then retums to ground state by emitting photon/photons. It can directly come to n = 1, by emitting one photon or 4 -» 3, 3 > 2,2 |, by emitting three photons. The various ways in which atoms return to ground state 493432451 332391 21 Possible tran (Emission spectrum possible) Fig. 12.12 Number of lines in emission spectrum = 6 It should be noted that maximum number of emitted photons are three, Out of six transitions, frequency of emitted photon will be ‘maximum in transition 4 —> 1(since AE = hv) hence wavelength will be minimum, In transition 4 — 3, frequency of emitted photon will be minimum and hence wavelength will be maximum (since c= vA). Ifan atom makes transition from n=n ton = | then (n-1yn 2 If and atom makes transition from m=, to n = nsthen Number of lines in emission spectrum Number of lines in emission spectrum ‘Keep in Mind ‘© The atom can be excited to higher states by photons of certain energies/wavelengths e. if photons are of energies 10.2 eV, 12.1 eV, 12.75 eV are incident on hydrogen atom, Photons should be equal to energy difference of two states. If we try to excite hydrogen atom by photon of energy 9 eV, 11 eV etc, these photons will not be absorbed by hydrogen atom, ‘+ The atom can be excited by absorbing photons or by collision. When an atom is at rest in ground state and some other atoms collide with it, some part of incident kinetic energy is utilised in exciting the atom. In fact, an inelastic (partial or complete) collision takes place. they will be absorbed. In fact the energy of| Example 9 (@) How many different wavelengths may be observed in the spectrum from a hydrogen sample ifthe atoms are excited to states with principal quantum number 1? (b) Monochromatic radiation of wavelength A is incident on a hydrogen sample in ground state. Hydrogen atoms ‘absorb a fraction of light and subsequently emit radiation of six different wavelengths. Find 2. 0 = (m-4)(n+3)=0 12.75ev Example 10 Hi atom in its ground state is excited by ‘means of a radiation of 2 = 970.6 A. How many different wavelengths are possible in the resulting emission spectrum? FFind the longest wavelength amongst these, Solution: 2=9706 =97 nm SS eet 122 Hom) Number of wavelengths in resulting spectrum is nin=1) 144 144 TR” 7x1.097%107 = 1875 x 10? m= 1875 am 8.75 x107 m Alternative AE for4 3 AE=13627 m 36x = 0.66 eV ia 1242 128 nm =1875 nm 0.66 Example 14 A single electron orbit around a stationary nucleus of charge +Ze, where Z is a constant and e is the magnitude of the electronic charge. It requires 47.2 eV to excite the electron from the second Bohr orbit to the third Bohr orbit. Find: (@) the value of Z, (b) the energy required to excite the electron from third to the fourth Bohr orbit, (© the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation required to remove the electron from the first Bohr orbit to infinity, (@) the kinetic energy, potential energy and the angular momentum of the electron in the first Bohr orbit and (©) the radius of the first Bohr orbit. Solution: @ — m=2, AE=47.2eV ag=1362?(4 ) (oft Bohr'sTheory 647 47.236 _ 13.6x5 5 i cy aeatsez"( Mm = 1605 ( © @ © Example 12 (a) (Find the wavelength of the radiation required to ‘excite the electron in Li‘* from the first to the third Bohr orbit. (i) How many spectral tines are observed in the emission spectrum of the above excited system? (b) The energy needed to detach the electron of a hhydrogen-like ion in ground state in 4 rydberg. (® What is the wavelength of the radiation emitted ‘when the electron jumps from the first excited state to the ground state? i) Whats the radius of frst orbit? (©) Ahydrogen sample is prepared in a particular excited state A. Photons of energy 2.55 eV get absorbed into the sample to take some electrons to a further excited state B, Find the quantum number of the A and B. 648° Chapter 12 (@)_ A hydrogen atom in a state having a binding energy ‘of 0.85 eV makes transition to a state with excitation energy 10.2 eV. (Identify the quantum number of the upper and the lower energy states. Gi) Find A Solution: @@ Gi (b) I rydberg = 13.6 eV (2 ab =1362 (e 4x13.6= 13.62" @ ay 13 (© AE=2.55 eV for H-atom corresponds ton =2 ton =4 m= 2nge4 136 oy = 085 iS 16 = n=4 Excitation energy 10.2 eV corresponds from n = 1 to @ 4102 uefa! thes 3 eg ee w t-(5-4-3) 16 16 3R3x1.097x107 486 nm, Example 13 An energy of 68.0 eV is required to excite a hydrogen-like atom in its second Bohr orbit to third, The nuclear charge is Ze. Find the value of Z, the kinetic energy Of the electron in the first Bohr orbit and the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation required to eject the electron from the first orbit to infinity. Solution: ny 3, AE =68 eV ae =13627(4-+ " 2 s 68=1367 ( 3) 2 _ 68x36 4 19025107 m ‘36R~ 36x1.097x10" .5 x 10° m=2.5 nm Example 14 (@) Calculate the maximum wavelength 4g of light which can jonise a hydrogen atom in its ground state (b) Light of wavelength 4p is incident on a hydrogen atom ‘which isin its first excited state. Find the kinetic energy of the electron coming out. Solution: (a) onisation energy of hydrogen atom = 13.6 eV 1242 _ 1242 <== 91.3nm 136 (b) Energy of hydrogen atom in frst excited state (n= 2) 136 136 z ‘When a photon of wavelength Ay is incident on it, A+13.6= 10.2eV Electron goes ton = = ‘Total energy is in the form of kinetic energy. ~34eV Example 15 A hydrogen-like atom (atomic number Z) is in a higher excited stale of quantum number n. This excited atom can make a transition to the first excited state by successively emitting two photons of energies 10.20 eV and 17.00 eV respectively. Alternatively the atom from the same ‘excited state can make a transition to the second excited state by successively emitting two photons of energies 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV respectively. Determine the values of » and Z. Solution: to20v tTev Ce eee @ 4250 22 fi) 4254595 n62( +) 3 102 Ci) oni) m12_1/4-t/? 10.2 1/9-1/n? 2,2 = 1362? x= 9 B=9 = Z=3 Bohs Theory 649 Example 16 A hydrogen-like atom of atomic number Zs in excited state of quantum number 2n. It can emit a ‘maximum enérgy photon 204 eV. If it makes a transition to ‘quantum state n, a photon of energy 40.8 eV is emitted. Find 1n, Zand the ground state energy (in eV) for this atom. Also, ‘calculate the minimum energy (in eV) that can be emitted by this atom during de-excitation, Solution: 2n 2n Tae 4086 ©) ei) cia) 3622(1-—1, & 4ay«16 16 for ground state, n= 1 Ey =~13.6 (4) =~217.6 eV Minimum energy will be in the transition 2nto2n=1) ie. 4103 AE 362°( 650. Chapter 12 =10.60V Example 47 A hydrogen-like atom (described by the Bohr ‘model) is observed to emit six wavelengths, originating from. all possible transitions between a group of levels, These levels hhave energies between -0.85 eV and ~0.544 eV (including both these values). (a) Find the atomic number of the atom, (b) Calculate the smallest wavelength emitted in these transitions. Solution: (a) Number of lines in emi (m>ny cr Let, ~n xt) 2 ASD 6 = P4x-12=0 . x (144 yn-3)= ~4 (not possible) = nens3 nens3 ~se ev men — -085 ev ba £,=-1364> eV =-085 ev @ 2 Eqg =-136 -0.544 eV afi) ae ni) ion spectrum from n =n, ton = ny (b) Smallest wavelength will be in the transition (m+3)tom ie. 151012 al Example 18 Photoclectrons are emitted when 400 nm radiation is incident on the surface of work function 1.9 eV. ‘These photoelectrons pass through a region containing particles. A maximum energy electron combines with ‘an acparticle to form @ He” ion, emitting a single photon in this process. He” ions thus formed are in their fourth excited state. Find the energies in eV of the photons, lying in the 2 to 4 eV range, that are likely to be emitted during and after the combination. Solution: 1242 _ 1242 ev Lev "amy * = 409 = 21 + Kygy > 3.1 = 1.94 Kya Koa = 12 eV e+ aHe' He* + photon Energy of He* in fourth excited state (n = 5) During the formation one photon is emitted, By energy conservation: 12+0=-2.176+Eeion => Eghonoy =3.376€V During excitation E, 136: 544 oF -136ev saa or 2-544 eV ‘Total number of photons that can be emitted is 55-1) ==) 19 a ‘We have to determine photons in the energy range 2 to 4 eV. ‘These photons will be in transitions n=Ston=3,n=4ton=3 ~2.176 ~ (-60.4) = 3.864 eV 3.4 — (60.4) = 2.64 eV Example 19 The stopping potential for the photoelectrons emitted from a metal surface of work function 1.7 eV is 104 Y. Find the wavelength of the radiation used. Also identify the energy levels in hydrogen stom, which will emit this wavelength. 102.6 nm 121 ‘The energy difference 12.1 eV corresponds to n=3ton=1 Example 20 A monochromatic light source of frequency v illuminates a metallic surface and ejects photoelectrons. ‘The photoelectrons having maximum energy are just able to ionise the hydrogen atom in ground state, When the whole experiment is repeated with an incident radiation of frequency 5/6 v, the photoelectrons so emitted are able to ‘excite the hydrogen atom beam which then emit a radiation of 4 = 1215 A. Find the work function of metal and the frequency v. Solution In the fist case, Kyuy = 13.6€V hu= 94136 (i) In second case, energy of emitted photon i) cna = 6941.2=59+68 Work function: 9 = 6.8 eV HV= $+ 13.6 =6.8 + 13.6=204eV 66x 10 v= 204 x 1.6 x10" 94 x 10"° Hz Bohr's Theory 651 Example 24 Light from a discharge tube containing hhydrogen atoms falls on the surface of a piece of sodium. ‘The Kinetic energy of the fastest photoelectrons emitted from sodium is 0.73 eV. The work function for sodium is, 1.82 eV. Find (@) the energy of the photons causing the photoelectric (b) the quantum numbers of the two levels involved in the ‘emission of these photons, (©) the change in the angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom in the above transition and (@) the recoil speed of the emitting atom assuming it to be at rest before the transition. Solution: (®—— Kyy = 0.73 eV, 6= 0.82 eV 9+ Koy, = 0.73 + 1.8. n=4 E,= 085 eV wk n=2——+ ___ =-340v 55 eV (b) Ey-E,=255eV ‘The quantum number involved n= ton=2 © nh, Qn ap oth =D) _ ht _ 66x10" et eS eT .1 x 10™ J.sec (dd) —o — o- oy By momentum conservation 81 msec Example 22 Electrons in hydrogen-like atoms (Z = 3) ‘make transitions from the fifth to the fourth orbit and from the fourth to the third orbit. The resulting radiations are incident normally on a metal plate and eject photoelectrons. ‘The stopping potential for the photoelectrons ejected by the shorter wavelength is 3.95 V. Calculate the work function of. the metal and the stopping potential for the photoelectrons ejected by the longer wavelengths. {652 Chopter 12 Solution: 5.95 = 94395 = 9=2eV Forn=Ston=4, 215=2+eV, => V,=0.75V Example 23 Electrons are emitted from an electron gun at ‘almost zero velocity and are accelerated by an electric field E through a distance 1m, The electrons are now scattered by an atomic hydrogen sample in ground state. What should bbe the minimum value of £ so that red light of 4 = 656.3 nm ‘may be emitted by the hydrogen. Solution: Energy corresponding to red light 1242 am) ev 1242 656.3 ‘This energy difference corresponds to n= 3 to n= 2. ‘The hydrogen should be excited from n= 1 to n = 3, so that itcan emit n=3 ton =2. AE for n= ton =3is 12.1 eV eV Energy of electron = ed = eF eE=121eV E 2.1 Vim. Example 24 The average kinetic energy of molecule in a gas temperature T is 1.5 KT. Find the temperature at which the average kinetic energy of the molecules of hydrogen equals the binding energy of its atoms. Take k = 5.62 x 10° eViK. Solution: Binding energy of H= 13.6eV 1SkT=13.6 (1.5) (8.62 x 10°) T= 13.6 T= 1,03 x 10°K Example 25 A gas of identical hydrogen-like atoms has some atoms in the lowest (ground) energy level A and some ‘atoms in a particular upper (excited) energy level B and there ‘are no atoms in any other energy level. The atoms of the ‘gas make transition to a higher energy level by absorbing ‘monochromatic light of photon energy 2.7 eV. Subsequently, ‘the atoms emit radiation of only six different photon energies. Some of the emitted photons have energy 2.7 eV, some have ‘energy more and some have less than 2.7 eV, (@) Find the principal quantum number of the initially excited level B. (b) Find the ionisation energy for the gas atoms. (©) Find the maximum and minimum energies of the emitted photons. Solution: (a) Six lines are emission spectrum nn) 2 (n—4)(n43)=0 n=4 That is atom goes to excited state corresponding to n = 4, ‘Since some emitted photons have energy < 2.7 eV ic. there should be an energy level between initial level and n = 4. Hence quantum number corresponding to initial excited level = W-n-12=0 o Emission spectrum ae=1362( wi) (ii) Gin) Ag’ Mets 27 3/16 Ionisation energy = 14.3 eV AE’ = 14.4 eV =13.6 2 HYDROGEN SPECTRA ‘When a body is heated it emits electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths. If hydrogen gas is heated it emits radiation of different ‘wavelengths. These wavelengths can be grouped in various series. The wavelength in various series can be represented by general formula, 1. pension, = 0,4 teeing RARE Aeo: a= fy A. oe age 3 1, 5, 6, ... infrared region Brash ees, =4, 5,6, 7, nae rg 5. P Fund series: n; = 5, ny =6, 7, 8. infrared region Botr'sTheory 653. ‘Second line of Lyman series, ny = 1, m= 1+ ‘Third line of Balmer series, ny =2,m=243=5 Series Limit To find wavelength corresponding to series limit use 1_ (2 4 9(t tyman: = AU ) Balmer: 2 = R/4 and soon. Raa In general, series limit 2 = where Note: 1, The reciprocal of wavelength is known as wave number. pes a 2. In Balmer series, first line is known as H, line, second line as Aline and so on. Example 26 Calculate: (a) The wavelength and the frequency of the Hy line of the Balmer series for hydrogen. (b) Find the longest and shortest wavelengths in the Lyman series forhydrogen. In whatregionof the electromagnetic spectrum does this series lic? (©) Whenever a photon is emitted by hydrogen in Balmer series, itis followed by another photon in Lyman series. What wavelength does this latter photon correspond 10? (@ The wavelength of the first line of Lyman series for hydrogen is identical to that of the second line of Balmer series for some hydrogen-like ion X. Find Z and energy for first four levels. Solution: py | rt Piund nna 16 164 965.107 m = 486 nm BR 3x1.097x10 n=3 ‘ Poschen 3210" 9.6210! He sores, 2 486x107 n=2 (b)Longest wavelength ic. energy difference should be Balmer minimum series mal, m=2 n=4 ‘Lyman series Fig. 12.13, ~3R” 3x1.097%107 = 1.215 107 m= 121.5 nm 654° Chopter 12 Shortest wavelength i.e. energy difference should be ? =091 x 107 m=91 nm ‘These wavelengths correspond to ultraviolet region. © Balmer series ends at n = 2. One more transition corresponds, ton=2ton=1 Example 27 A beam of monochromatic light of ‘wavelength ejects photoelectrons from a cesium surface (9= 1.9 eV). These photoelectrons are made to collide with hydrogen atoms in ground state. Find the maximum value of 2 for which (a) hydrogen atoms may be ionised (b) hydrogen atoms may get excited from the ground state to the first excited state and (©) the excited hydrogen atoms may emit visible light. Solution: (@) Tonisation energy for H-atom = 13.6 eV E=§+136= 1.94 136=155eV _ 1242 “155 Ee) a(t = }=1o2ev Fo? B= 4102=194 102=12.16V 202 13s 02.6 nm a= ams = Eevy 121 (©) Excitation energy for n= 1 ton =3is io(-t)atatew : = 28 238.7 0m a= am EeV) 4 Example 28 Two hydrogen-like atoms A and B are of different masses and each atom contains equal number of ‘protons end neutrons. The difference in the energies between the first Balmer lines emitted by A and B is 5.667 eV. When ‘atoms A and B, moving with the same velocity strike @ heavy target they rebound back with the same speed. In the process ‘atom B imparts twice the momentum to the target than that A imparts, Identify the atoms A and B. Solution: Z,¢ number of protons in A Zy; number of protons in B my=2Zam jse23( 5 \n-2 Ai) Scie fiiiteesus iit ie og Momentum impaned 1 trgt by A Momentum imparted to target by B 1epin time ng=2my i 3 > %=1,%y=2 REDUCED MASS In the derivation of formulae by Bohr’ theory, itis assumed that nucleus has infinite mass and is at rest. With this assumption, the values of different quantities are within 0.1% of the measured values, In fact, nucleus (a proton) and electron both revolve in circular orbits about their common centre of mass. If motion of nucleus is to be considered, replace mass of electron m by reduced mass 1 of nucleus and electron in all formulae. Reduced mass of nucleus and electron: __Mm "M+m where M: mass of nucleus if Mo>m 0 fi M wom In case of positronium atom consisting of electron and positron (anti particle of electron having same mass m but charge is positive ¢), both revolve about their common centre of mass, which is located in the middle. This structure exists for 10 ® see before two particles annihilate (combine) one another and disappear, — Fig. 12.14 ‘The reduced mass is mm 2 While comparing with values by Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom (nucleus has infinite mass and at rest), here mers) (E, = mass), R’ Vf = v4 (by em?) R Fea, where R: Rydberg constant. Example 29 Taking into account the motion of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, find the expressions for the clectron’s binding energy in the ground state and for the Rydberg constant. How much (in per cent) do the binding energy obtained without taking into account the motion of the nucleus, differ from the more accurate corresponding values of these quantities? Botr'sTheory 655 Solution: When motion of nucleus is considered, replace mass. of electron by reduced mass of electron and nucleus. Reduced mass of electron and nucleus: where ‘m: mass of electron -M: mass of nucleus. BLE. = m (nucleus has infinite mass) E’« (mass of nucleus is considered) e = E e (E-1}om=oosie ae Example 30 Calculate difference in binding energy of atomic hydrogen and alomic deuterium. Solution: BE of HH=136eV Considering motion of nucleus M BE of H=—"_x13.6ev me M BE. of H=—_x13.6eV m2 where Mf: mass of 1H nucleus 2M M m+2M— m+M BE. of 7H-B.E. or =136, =Mx13.6{ ——™__ = 06 ai | Gar 2MKm+ M=1837m F 2136x1857 5 69109 ev 3675x1838 LIMITATIONS OF BOHR’S MODEL 1. Bohr’s theory is applicable only to single electron atomsfions. 2. It could not explain fine structure of spectral lines. Application of external magnetic field (Zeeman effect) and external elect field (Stark effect) tothe radiating atoms affecting the spectral lines, spliting 656 Chapter 12 ‘and broadening them. Bohr’s theory could not explain these effects. 3. Bohr’s assumption of definite orbits is against Heisenberg uncertainty principle. 4. Bohr’s model could not explain chemical bonding. 5. No justification was given for the principle of quantisation of angular momentum. de-Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr's Quantisation Rule According to Bohr, the angular momentum of electron of electron orbiting around the nucleus is quantised ie. Ah 2 ‘According to de Broglie the material particles, such as electrons, also have a wave nature, C.J, Davisson and LH. Germer later experimentally verified the wave nature of electrons. de Broglie argued that the electron in its circular orbit, as proposed by Bohr, must be seen as a particle wave not as panicle For an electron moving in n® circular orbit of radius r, the total distance isthe circumference of the orbit, 2, Thus An = 1.2.3, For cicular orbit, n=3 ie. 27, =32, where A: de Broglie wavelength. h, 1233, Fig. 12.15 ‘We know, de Broglie wavelength p: momentum of electron 2mr, ee m= Se nh Lea 7 On Example'34._ An electron, in a hydrogen-like atom, is in excited state, It has a total energy of ~3.4 eV. Calculate (a) the kinetic energy and (b) the de Broglie wavelength of the electron Solution: (a) K=-E=-(-34)=34eV h 66x10 ) Ay N2mKJ2x9.1x10"" x3.4x1.6x10°% = 0.66 x 10 m=0.66 nm Example 32 Hydrogen gas in the stomic state is excited to an energy level such that the electrostatic potential energy of H-atom becomes -1.7 eV. Now the photoelectric plate having W = 2.3 eV is exposed to the emission spectra of this gas. Assuming all the transitions to be possible, find the ‘minimum de Broglie wavelength of ejected photoelectrons. Solution: et Six transitions 4 > 1,4 > 2,493,392,391,231 are possible. ‘The emission will take place for those transitions in which AE>23eV 43, AE =0.650V 452,Ab=255eV 491,48 = 12.75 eV Maximum K.E. of ected electrons is possible in 4 > 1 AE= 0+ Kine 12.75 234 Kma => Kas 66x10" 12x 9.1x107" x10.45%1.6%10-? Fe = 038 am Example 33 An clectron in hydrogen-like atom makes transition from n! orbit and emits radiation corresponding to Layman series. If de Broglie wavelength of electrom in n orbit is equal to the wavelength of radiation emitted, find the value of 7. The atomic number of atom is 11 Solution: oA) 10” 210.53) 10" 10” 2m(0.53)*11%1.09%10" in 2n(053)ZR =25 ~ve sign is not allowed n=25 Example 34 Assume that the de Broglie wave associated with an electron can form a standing wave between the atoms arranged in a one-dimensional array with nodes at each of the atomic sites. It is found that one such standing wave is formed if the distance between the atoms of the array is 2 A. ‘A similar standing wave is again formed if d is increased to 2.5 A but not for any intermediate value of d. Find the energy of the electrons in electron volts and the least value of d for which the standing wave of the type described above can form. Solution: For standing waves, the separation between consecutive nodes or antinodes. Bokr's Theory 657 Ai) «iy asia ie (6.610 aad = F0.1x107 x10 2mA? 29.110") x(10™") 2415 x10 J 2aisxt0-? = 2415x10"" _1s0ev 16x10"? For minimum value of d, m= 1 05A MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS Example 35 When 2 photon is emitted from an atom, the ‘atom recoils, The kinetic energy of recoil and the energy of the photon come from the difference in energies between the states involved in the transition. Suppose, a hydrogen atom changes its state from n =3 to n = 2, Calculate the fractional change in the wavelength of ight emitted, due to the recoil Solution: No recoil “i 136 Loev Ps Recoil of atom is considered =o re Oo-ownr 658 Chopter 12 RP AE ma”? APSE hed 19x 16x10", 21.67 x10" x9 x10 Fractional change in wavelength = 10°°. Example 36 Consider an excited hydrogen atom in state moving with a velocity v (v <<). It emits @ photon in the direction of its motion and changes its state to a lower state ‘m. Apply momentum and energy conservation principles to calculate the frequency of the emitted radiation. Compare this with the frequency tp emitted if the atom were at rest. Solution: : ° By momentum conservation hv. my = my + “ li) azem(1-+) {: en is vse When atom isa rest Regt we ie ianeglipible mc ee | 1V (1 vie) yit-viey'=[1+2) ‘ Example 37 A hydrogen atom moving at speed v collides with another hydrogen atom kept at rest. Find the minimum value of v for which one of the atoms may get ionised. The mass of a hydrogen atom = 1.67 x 107 kg. Assume completely inelastic collision. Solution: Inelastic collision will take place if a part of incident kinetic, ‘energy is utilised in exciting the atom, Here one atom is to be ionised ic. AE = 13.6 eV. Assuming completely inelastic collision —-y 90 =v oo co m m 2m By momentum conservation mv=2mV = VaR dim? =4.2mv? +46 nee = m(v/2)" + AE =7.2x 108 mise Example 38 A neutron moving with speed v makes head-on collision with a hydrogen atom in ground state kept at rest. Find the minimum kinetic energy of the neutron for which inelastic (completely or partially) collision may take place. The mass of neutron = mass of hydrogen = 1.67 x 107 kg. Solution: yy +0 +H +m ° e+ 2 ‘The collision will be inelastic if a part of kinetic energy is used to excite the atom ie. K, # Ky Botr'sTheory 659 By momentum conservation 1+M @ dv + Linn + AE amity weave AE «iy Oy tmy 2», (yam P =O) +0 AS (vy = v2) must be real (yy yF20 | 28 ‘Minimum K.E. to excite electron Minimum K.E, of neutron = 20.4 eV EXERCISES 1. A beam of fast moving alpha particles were directed towards a thin film of gold, The parts A’, B’ and C’ of the transmitted and reffected beams corresponding to the nt parts A, B and C of the beam, are shown in the adjoining diagram. The number of alpha particles in g a «” c. o— (1) B’ will be minimum and in C’ maximum (2) A‘ will be maximum and in B” minimum (3) A’ will be minimum and in B’ maximum (4) C’will be minimum and in B’ maximum In a Rutherford scattering experiment, when a projectile of charge Zje and mass M, approaches a target nucleus of charge Ze and mass Mp, the distance of closest approach is rp. The energy of the projectile is (AIPMT 2009) (1) directly proportional to Mx Mz (2) directly proportional to Z,Z, G) inversely proportional to Z, (4) directly proportional to mass M, 3. An aepanicle of 5 MeV energy strikes with a stationary nucleus of uranium at an scattering angle of 180°. The nearest distance upto which acparticle reaches the nucleus will be of the order of aid 3) 10cm 2) 10cm (4) 10% em 660 10. mL 2 Chopter 12 An alpha nucleus of energy ms" bombard a heavy nuclear target of charge Ze. Then the distance of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be proportional to (AIPMT 2010) «vm @) Int (3) ze wy In Rutherford scattering experiment, what will be the correct angle for of scattering for an impact parameter b=0 (AIPMT 1994) (90° (2) 270° (3) 0" (4) 180° Which of the following is correct regarding Bohr's theory for hydrogen like atoms in n orbit (i) Time period: 7, = i) K,=-E,s Uy =2Ey (iv) Angular momentum is independent of Z ()@, Gi, Gi) 2) @, Gi, Gv) @) all Inthe Bobr model of the atom G@_ the radius of then! orbit is proportional ton? Gi) the total energy of the electron inn® orbit is inversely proportional to n i) the angular momentum of the electron in an orbit is an integral multiple of h2 (iv) the magnitude of the PE. of the electron in an orbit is dits KE, ()@, i, Gi) 2) @,Gid, Gv) G) (0. i. Gi) @al ‘The minimum orbital angular momentum of the electron in a hydrogen atom is Mk m2 Qn (hia Which of the following parameters are the same for all hhydrogen-like atoms and ions in their ground states? (1) radius of the orbit (2) speed of the electron ) energy of the atom (4) orbital angular momentum of the electron As one considers orbits with higher values of min a hydrogen atom, the electric potential energy of the atom (1) decreases 2) increases (3) remains the same (4) does not increase ‘The energy of an atom (or ion) in its ground state is 54.4 eV. It may be () hydrogen (2) deuterium (3) He" out ‘The angular speed of the electron in the n* Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom is proportional to 4. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. (n Qn G) Un @) Un ‘According to Bohr’ theory, the ratio ofthe times taken by the electron in a hydrogen atom to complete one revolution in orbits corresponding to ground and first excited states is (ies Qaa G)1:8 8:1 ‘The ratio of the binding energies of the hydrogen atom in the first and the second excited states is ayia 4 @) 49 94 ‘The radius ofthe shortest orbit in a one-electron system is 18 pm. It may be (1) hydrogen (2) deuterium @) He? Lit Which of the following curves may represent the speed of the electron in a hydrogen atom as a function of the principal quantum number n? Wa Ge As one considers orbits with higher values of in a hydrogen atom, the kinetic energy ofthe atom (1) decreases (2) increases (3) remains the same (4) does not increase ‘An orbital electron in the ground state of hydrogen has an angular momentum L, and an orbital electron in the first orbit in the ground state of lithium has an angular ‘momentum Ly QL =b Q) Ly, =3L, @)L,=3L, (4) L,=9L, In the Bohr model of hydrogen atom, let PE represent potential energy and TTE represent total energy. In going from a lower to a higher orbit (() PE decreases, TE increases (2) PE increases, TE increases (3) PE decreases, TE decreases (4) PE increases, TE decreases ‘The ratio of the speed of the electron in the ground state ‘of hydrogen to the speed of light in vacuum is Qb @a 2 ae 27 wt 2 @ 2 137 Which of the following products in a hydrogen atom are independent of the principal number n? @ vn (i) Er Gi) En Gv) vr 2. Maa) @ Gi, Gi GG. Git) @ Gid, vy In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, let r, v and E represent the radius ofthe orbit, speed of the electron and the total energy of the electron respectively. Which of the following quantities are proportional to the quantum number 1? @ vr Gi) rE Gi) WE Gy) IE Ma. Gi) Q) @)@, Gi) @ Tonisation energy of a hydrogen-like ion A is greater than that of another hydrogen-like ion B. Let r, u, E and L represent the radius of the orbit, speed of the electron, ‘energy of the atom and orbital angular momentum of the electron respectively. In ground state @ n>" Gi) uy > Uy (iii) Ey > Ep (iv) y= Lp Oo. a @) Gi, Gi @)(, Gii) @ Gi, Gv) ‘Which of the following statements about the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom is false (1) Acceleration of electron in m = 2 orbit is less than that inn = 1 orbit (2) Angular momentum of electron in n = 2 orbit is more than that in n = 1 orbit (3) Kinetic energy of electron in nm = that in n = 1 orbit (4) Potential energy of electron in n = 2 orbit is less than that in n = 1 orbit Let A, be area enclosed by the n" orbit in a hydrogen stom, The graph of In“ v/s in(n) orbit is less than A will pass through the origin i) will be a straight line with slope 4 (ii) will be a monotonically increasing nonlinear curve (Gy) will be acirele @. Gi) 2) Gi), Gi 8), Gi © Gi, Gv) In the Bohr model of a hydrogen atom, the centripetal force is furnished by the coulomb attraction between the proton and the electron. If ap is the radius of the ground state orbit, m is the mass, eis the charge on the electron and és the vacuum permittivity the speed of the electron is (AIPMT 1998) 10 2) —<— a oe irae 6 @ Hee [area Suppose an electron is attracted towards the origin by a force k/r where ‘K’ is a constant and ‘ris the distance of the electron from the origin. By applying Bohr model to 31. 32. 33. Bohs Theory 661 this system, the radius of the n" orbit of the electron is found to be ‘r,” and the kinetic energy of the electron to be ‘7,’. Then Which ofthe following is true (1), independent of n, re @tahnan O Tada 1 On ‘The electric potential between a proton and an electron is given by V=V, In, where rp is a constant. Assuming Bohu's model to be applicable, write variation ofr, wit rn mbeing the principal quantum number. Oren Q) rye Mn Orr (4) rye Mn? A diatomic molecule is made of two masses m, and my Which are separated by a distance r. If we calculate its rotational energy by applying Bohr's rule of angular ‘momentum quantization, its energy will be given by (nis an integer) «y atmo wn miner 2m, + mI 2h? (m+ gy 4) . Dom © amma With increasing quantum number the energy difference between adjacent levels in atoms () decreases’ (2) increases (3) remains same (4) none A hydrogen-like atom has one electron revolving around a stationary nucleus. The energy required to excite the electron from the second orbit to the third orbit is 47.2 eV. ‘The atomic number of the atom is as 4 @)s we If the electron in a hydrogen atom jumps from the third orbit to the second orbit, the emitted radiation has wavelength (R is the Rydberg’s constant) 36 SR OR Os 6 OR ‘The ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 V. The energy required to remove an electron from the 2™ orbit 5k oF of hydrogen is, ()34eV (2) 68eV 3)27.2eV (4) 544eV 662 uM. 38. 37. aL 2, Chopeer 12 ‘The wavelength of the radiation emitted by a hydrogen atom in the electronic transition from n = 3 to n =2 is 2 For the same transition in the singly ionized helium, the ‘wavelength of the emitted radiation is aaa @ an G22 waa A hydrogen atom in ground state absorbs 10.2 eV of ‘energy. The orbital angular momentum of the electron is increased by (1) 1.05 x 10 Fsee 2) 2.11 x 10 see (3) 3.16 x10 F-see (4) 4.22 x 10™ J-sec ‘The energy of the ground state of hydrogen atom is =13.6 eV. The energy of the photon emitted in the transition from n =4 t0 n= 2is, () 13.6ev (2) 255eV @)24ev (4) 1.66 eV ‘The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from an excited state to the ground state. Which of the following statements is rue (1) Its kinetic energy increases and its potential and total energies decreases (2) Its kinetic energy decreases, potential energy increases and its total energy remains the same (3) Its kinetic and total energies decrease and its potential energy increases (4) Its kinetic, potential and total energies decrease In an electron transition inside a hydrogen atom, orbital angular momentum may change by @h wy * * ity) iy 2n ae OG ©) did, Gy Cit @ 0) Tn which of the following transitions the wavelength will ‘be minimum? (n=Ston=4 — Q)n=4to. Q)n=3ton=2 4) n=2t0. In which of the following systems will the wavelength corresponding ton =2 to n= | be minimum? (1) hydrogen atom (2) deuterium atom (3) singly ionized helium (4) doubly ionized tithium Of the following transitions in a hydrogen atom, the one which gives an absorption line of highest frequency is ()n=2ton=3— Q)n=3ton=2 @)n=3ton=8 (4) n=8ton=3 ‘An electron in a hydrogen atom makes & transition from n =n, ton=ny, The time period of the electron in the inital state is eight times that in the final state. The possible values of and ng are 43. 45, 46. 47. 8). Gid @ @.C) In ahypothetical Bohr hydrogen, the mass of the electron is doubled. The energy Fy and the radius ry of the first orbit will be (a is the Bohr radius) @) Fy=-13.6 eV 79 (4) Ey = 13.6 eV ro = ay In hydrogen atom, electron makes transition from n= n= 1. Recoil momentum of the H atom will be (1)34x1077N-s (2) 6.8% 107 Nes 8)34x10"N-s (4) 68x 10™ Ns Four lowest energy levels of H-atom are shown in the figure. The number of possible emission lines would be (AIPMT 1993) a3 @4 35 4) 6 ‘The wavelength of radiation mitted is Ay when an electron jumps from the third to the second orbit of hydrogen atom. If the electron jump from the fourth to the second orbit of the hydrogen atom, the wavelength of radiation emitted will be 16 20 ne i (De QT 2 3) 27, 394% Hydrogen (H), deuterium (D), singly ionized helium (He*) and doubly ionized lithium (Li**) all have one electron around the nucleus. Consider n = 2 to n = 1 transition, ‘The wavelengths of emitted radiations are Ay, Ay, 2, and 2, respectively. Then approximately (DA = A= 44,2 9A, (2) 4a, = 22g = 2dg= Ay (8) A, =2A, = 2N2A, =3V2A, @) A, =A, = 2A, = 3V2A, Energy levels A, B, C of a certain atom corresponding to increasing values of energy, ie. Ey < Ey < Ec. If Ay, Any dare the wavelengths of radiations corresponding t0 the transitions C to B, B 0 A and C wo A respectively, which of the following statements is correct. (AIPMT 2005) 25 4) = Orcs 49. Si. 32. 53. 54, c Fa 8 a As) A (MD A=A thy @ es . Ata @Athty=0 @)ASAr+ AE Electrons in a certain energy level n =m can emit 3 spectral lines. When they are in another energy level, n = ‘ng they can emit 6 spectral lines. The orbital speed of the electrons in the two orbits are in the ratio (4:3 3:4 @21 (2 ‘The figure indicates the energy level diagram of an atom and the origin of six spectral lines in emission (e.g. line number 5 arises from the transition from level B to A). Which of the following spectral lines will also occur in Re pees . L . : : (1.4.6 (2) 4.5.6 3) 1,2,3 (4) 1,2,3,4,5,6 ‘The ionisation potential of hydrogen atom is 13,6 eV. An electron in the ground state of a hydrogen atom absorbs a photon of energy 12.75 eV. How many different spectral lines can one expect when the electron make a downward transition wt Q4 @)2 a6 Hydrogen atoms in ground states are excited by monochromatic radiation of wavelength 975 A. The ‘number of lines in the resulting spectrum will be (AIPMT-14) 3 a4 @)6 @) 10 A hydrogen sample is prepared in a particular excited state A. Photons of energy 2.55 eV get absorbed into the sample to take some electrons toa further excited state B. ‘The quantum number of the A and B 13 24 GLa 3.4 A hydrogen atom in a state having a binding energy of (0.85 eV makes transition toa state with excitation energy 10.2 eV. The quantum number of the upper and the lower energy states are (13 GL 2)2,4 4) 3,4 58. 56. 57. 58, Bors Theory 663, Imaging an atom made for a proton and a hypothetical particle of double the mass of the electron but having the same charge as the electron. Apply the Bohr atom model and consider all possible transition of the hypothetical particle to the first excited level. The longest wavelength photon that will be emitted has wavelength 2 (given in terms of Rydberg constant R for the hydrogen atom) equal to 9 36 OR Qe 18 4 sR OF ‘An electron i in an excited state ina hydrogen-like atom. thas a total energy of ~3.4 eV. The kinetic energy of the electron is Eand its de Broglie wavelength is 2 (1) E=68eV, A~6.6x 10 m Q)E=34 eV, A~6.6x 107m G)E=3.4eV,2~66x 10" m 4) E=6.8 eV, A~6.6 x 10" m Light from a discharge tube containing hydrogen atoms falls on the surface of a piece of sodium. The kinetic energy of the fastest photoelectrons emitted from sodium, is 0.73 eV. The work function for sodium is 1.82 eV (1) the energy of the photons causing the photoelectric emission is 2.55 eV (2) the quantum numbers ofthe two levels involved in the emission of these photons are 2 and 4 (3) the change in the angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom in above transition is h/t (4) all options are correct ‘The electron in the hydrogen atom jumps from excited state (n = 3) to its ground state (n = 1) and the photons thus emitted irradiate a photosensitive material. If the ‘work function of the material is 5.1 eV, the stopping potential estimated to be (sv Q) RAV @)172V @7v ‘Three photons coming from excited atomic hydrogen sample are picked up. Their energies are 12.1 eV. 10.26 and 1.9 eV. These photons must come from ()asingle atom 2) two atoms (3) three atoms (4) either two atoms or three atoms In @ laboratory experiment on emission from atomic hydrogen in a discharge tube, only a small numberof lines are observed whereas a large number of lines are present in the hydrogen spectrum of a stat. This is because in a laboratory (1) the amount of hydrogen taken is much smaller than that present in star (2) the temperature of hydrogen is much smaller than that of the star 664 61. 2. or. Choper 12 (3) the pressure of hydrogen is much smaller than that of the star 4) the gravitational pall is much smaller than that in the star ‘The de-Broglie wavelength of an electron in the frst Bohr orbit is () equal to one fourth the circumference of the first orbit (2) equal to half the circumference of the first orbit (3) equal to twice the circumference ofthe first orbit (4) equal to the circumference of the first orbit Consider an electron in the n' orbit of a hydrogen atom in the Bohr model. The circumference of the orbit can be expressed in terms of the de-Broglie wavelength 2 of that electron as (AIPMT 1990) (1) (0.259) na @ na GB) (13.6)A (4) na ‘The ratio of the longest and shortest wavelengths of the Lyman series is approximately wt @2 3 4 @2 @ Is 5 7 The ratio of longest wavelength andthe shortest wavelength observed inthe five spectral series of emission spectrum of hydrogen is 4 525 a 3 Og @ 376 (3)25 @ 1 In terms of Rydberg’s constant R, the wave number of the first Balmer line is QR 2) 3R SR BR a) (4) BR O% ® ‘The wavelength of the first line of the Balmer series of hydrogen atom is 2. The wavelength of the corresponding line of doubly ionized lithium atom is a a M5 ast a a Os os The wavelength of the first line of Lyman series for hydrogen atom is equal to that of the second line of Balmer series fora hydrogen like ion. The atomic number Zoof hydrogen like ion is (AIPMT (Pre.) 2011) (2 3 4 @. Every series of hydrogen spectrum has an upper and a lower limit in wavelength. The spectral series which has n. 72, 2B. 74. 15. ‘an upper limit of wavelength equal to 18752 A is (Q)Balmer series (2) Lyman series (3)Paschen series (4) Pfund series 1; is the frequency ofthe series limit of Lyman series, Up is the frequency of the first line of Lyman series and Uy is the frequency of the series limit of the Balmer series. @ y=%-% i nig @) t= l 4 ee yyy ‘The transition from the state n = 4 to n = 3 ina hydrogen like atom results in ultraviolet radiation. Infrared radiation will be obtained in the transition 21 (2)332 @)332 4) 534 ‘Whenever a hydrogen atom emits a photon in the Balmer (i) it may emit another photon in the Balmer series i) it must emit another photon in the Lyman series ii) the second photon, if emitted, will have a wavelength of about 122 nm (iv) it may emit a second photon, but the wavelength of this photon cannot be predicted (DG, Gi) 2) Gi, Gi) 3) Gi, Gv) 4) (Civ) ‘A beam of ultraviolet light of all wavelengths passes through hydrogen gas at room temperature, in the x-direction. Assume thatall photons emitted due toclectron transitions inside the gas emerge in the y-direction. Let A and B denote the lights emerging from the gas in the x- and y-direction respectively. (j) Some of the incident wavelengths will be absent in A. (ii) Only those wavelengths will be present in B which are absent in A (Gii)B will contain some visible light (iv) B will contain some infrared light OO, Gi, 2) di, Git) @)G@, Gi. G) (4) GD, Gi), Gv) ‘When a hydrogen atom emits @ photon in going from n = 5 to n= 1, its recoil speed is almost (1) 10 misee (2) 2x 10"? nvsee (3)4 m/sec (4) 8x 10° misec ‘The radius of the hydrogen atom in its ground state is 53 x 10"! m. After collision with an electron itis found 10 have a radius of 21.2 x 10"! m. The prineipal quantum ‘number of the final state ofthe atom is 2 3 4 (4) 16 A photon of energy 10.2 eV corresponds to light of wavelength Ag, Due to an electron transition from n = 2to m= 1 ina hydrogen atom, light of wavelength 2 is emitted. If we take into account the recoil of the atom when the photon is emitted. 76. WMazay G)A>Ay (4) the data is not sufficient to reach a conclusion ‘An electron with kinetic energy = E eV collides with a hydrogen atom in the ground state. The collision will be elastic (1 forall values of EQ) for B< 10.2 eV Q)forE<13.6eV (4) only for E<3.4eV ‘An electron with kinetic energy 5 eV is incident on a hydrogen atom in its ground state. The collision (1) must be elastic (2) may be partially elastic Qrcdy Bohr'sTheory 665 78. If in nature there may not be an element for which the principal quantum number n > 4, then the total possible ‘number of elements will be 60 (2) 32 a4 4 79. The splitting of line into groups under the effect of ‘magnetic field is called (1) Zeeman’ effect (2) Bohr’s effect (3) Heisenberg’s effect (4) Magnetic effect 80. The size of an atom is of the order of, (3) must be completely inelastic () 108m Q) 10m (4) may be completely inelastic 10 m @ 10m ‘ANSWERS KEY 1m | 2@] 3@] 4m] s@] e@ | 2z@[ ao] xo | me ne | 2@ | B@ | w@ | s@ | i6@ | ra | wa | v@ | 2 aa) | 26 | 24 | 2@ | 2a) | 26a | 2a) | 2a) | 2%2@ | 300) 3.0) | 32a | 3a | 34@ | 38a) | 36@ | 37-0) | 3822 | 9@ | dm a. | 2@ | am | 4m | 4@ | 4a | am | 4a | aa | soo) si.@) | 52.0) | 83@ | s4@ | 880) | soa) | sa | sea | sa | 60.2 aa | 2a | aa | «@ | 6@ | 6@ | 7m | &@ | ow | m@ 2.@ | 2@ | 3@ | ma | %@ | 76a | 70 | mM | 0 | se SOLUTIONS 2) 4c) ret 3.0) m 11.6) Oana K 9x10" x92ex2€ Sx1.6x10™ 299210" x(1.6%10" 13.3) Sx1.6x10 30x 10°! m= 5.3 x 10m =53x 10% em 666 Chapter 12 1444) £, «4 15.(4) Zz 163) _y, «1, ,.v/sn will be rectangular hyperbola 181 Orbital angular momentum L = is independent of Z 20.13) v, =2.2x10°2 mise 2.2.x 10° m/sec 21.1) Git) 22.3) Gi) 23.4) 1 rel a nen Zz ueZ > Wy>tp a6 Ex-Z = Ey A>dy 76.2) collision will be inelastic if some part of incident KE. utilised in exciting the atom. The minimum energy required to excite the hydrogen atom (n = I to n = 2) is 10.2ev. If E< 10.2 eV, no question of excitation of atom. 781) If n=1,2) ‘Total number of elements = 60.

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