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Year 8 English Language Booklet

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J.

Name: _________________________________
Class: ____________________

Table of Contents
Reading Section ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Linear Reading Comprehension 1: The Lives of Living Statue .................................................................................. 2
Non-Linear Comprehension 1................................................................................................................................... 5
Linear Reading Comprehension 2: Digital Habits across Generations ..................................................................... 5
Non-Linear Comprehension 2................................................................................................................................... 8
Linear Reading Comprehension 3 - The Tour de France .......................................................................................... 9
Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 1
Non-Linear Comprehension 3................................................................................................................................. 12
Describing Charts .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Listening Section ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Listening Comprehension 1 .................................................................................................................................... 16
Listening Comprehension 2 .................................................................................................................................... 17
Listening Comprehension 3 .................................................................................................................................... 18
Listening Comprehension 4 .................................................................................................................................... 18
Listening Comprehension 5 .................................................................................................................................... 19
Vocabulary Section ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Phrasal Verbs with ‘get’ .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Synonyms of Overused Words ............................................................................................................................... 23
Make or do ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Linking Words ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Imperatives ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Idioms and Expressions .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Writing section ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Book Report/review ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Biography................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Blog Post ................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Informal Email ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
Writing instructions ................................................................................................................................................ 41
Advert Writing ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
Opinion Article ........................................................................................................................................................ 49
For and against/Argumentative article .................................................................................................................. 50
Third person narrative ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Formal email ........................................................................................................................................................... 54
Informal/Formal Letter or Email............................................................................................................................. 55
Speaking Section......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Everyday inventions: Presentation ......................................................................................................................... 59
Speaking Activity: Designing your partner’s bedroom ........................................................................................... 59

Reading Section
Linear Reading Comprehension 1: The Lives of Living Statue

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 2

Have you ever seen a living statue? Perhaps you’ve walked right past one thinking it was an actual statue!
For those of you who have never seen one, a living statue is a
performer who poses with very realistic statue-like make up. These
5 are commonly seen in festivals, parks or near famous landmarks,
such as the ‘Piazza della Signoria’ in Florence, the ‘Sacre-Coeur’ in
Paris, and even in Republic Street in Valletta!
The living statue as we know it dates back to the 19th century and
began as a circus performance. Since then, many living statues have
10 featured in various films, such as “Amelie” and “The Phantom of the
Opera”, and are also quite prominent in art.

You might think that being a living statue is an easy job, but in reality, it is quite taxing. They must undergo
30 to 60 minutes of ‘solitude’ sessions, followed by a quick five-minute break, and then repeat this even for
numerous hours. These sessions help the performer train their body as they need to have extremely good
15 control over it, to look very realistic and avoid any sort of muscle movement because it might ruin their
performance. Some performers can even hide their breathing and go without blinking for a whole hour.

Believe it or not, the living statue world is an extremely competitive one. Since their money source are
tourists, multiple statues end up congregating at the same place. Therefore, you need to find a way to
attract the most attention to get paid. However, if you do the job well, you can earn up to €300 in just one
20 day. For the living statue elite, it’s possible to abandon the streets and attend fancy events instead where
companies will often hire living statues and rent them out for events.

If you are a living statue, or are interested in becoming one, Arnhem in the Netherlands is the perfect place
for you. Every year, towards the end of summer, it hosts the World Living Statue Festival complete with the
World Championship of Living Statues, where incredibly large numbers of visitors attend each year. There
25 is also an Amateur group for beginners, as well as one for children. Afterwards all the living statues take
part in a massive parade through the city.

Adapted from

Answer the following questions

1. State whether the following statements are true or false and give a reason for your answer.

a. You can find a living statue in many famous places. TRUE/FALSE

because _______________________________________________________________

b. Living statues were around in the 18th century. TRUE/FALSE

because _______________________________________________________________

c. Living statues are often used in films. TRUE/FALSE

because _______________________________________________________________

d. The World Living Statue Festival is not very popular TRUE/FALSE

because _______________________________________________________________

2. Mention TWO places where you might possibly find a living statue
Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 3
a. ___________________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________________

3. List four pieces of evidence which prove that being a living statue is not an easy job

a. ____________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________________________

4. What are two advantages of being a living statue?


5. What are two disadvantages of being a living statue?


6a. If you are interested in living statues, where do you need to go?


6b. Why are they encouraged to go there?


7. Find words which have similar meanings to the following, between lines 10-20.:

a. demanding - ____________________

b. being the best/superior - _________________

c. gathering into a crowd - __________________

8. What do the following words refer to in the passage?

a. They (line 12)- _________________ c. one (line 18)- _____________

b. it (line 15)- _______________ d. where (line 22)- ________________

9. Does this job interest you? Why or why not?


Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 4

Non-Linear Comprehension 1

Are you interested in hiring a living statue?

• Hire a living human statue for €300
• Includes 4 performances (40 minutes each)
• Choose from white, gold, pink or silver statues
• Provides entertainment and a unique touch to any event
• Many themed living statues available: celebrities, historical, sports, military and
fictional (examples include: Harry Potter, fairy tales, Moana, Lord of the Rings).
If you are interested, call us on 79123456

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the cost to hire a living human statue?


2. How many performances does the price include?

3. What colours can the living statues be painted?


4. What are the advantages of hiring the living statues?


5. How can you contact the agency?


6. A book club would like to hire some living statues. Which ones would be suitable?


Linear Reading Comprehension 2: Digital Habits across Generations

Many grandparents nowadays are creating an account on social media, similar to their own grandchildren.
However, the online habits of these different generations are very different. In the UK, there are increasing
numbers of 55 year olds who are joining Facebook. This means that they will soon become the site’s second
5 biggest user group.
Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 5
Sheila, aged 59, says, 'I joined to see what my grandchildren are doing, as my daughter posts videos and
photos of them. It's a much better way to see what they're doing than waiting for letters and photos in the
post. That's how we did it when I was a child, but I think I'm lucky I get to see so much more of their lives than
my grandparents did.'

10 Ironically, Sheila’s own grandchildren use Facebook much less than she does. In fact, many young teens aged
17 in the UK are no longer using Facebook. However, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t using their mobile
phones, because they are still addicted! Chloe, aged 15 even sleeps with her phone: ‘It's my alarm clock so I
have to,' she says. 'I look at it before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up.'

Unlike her grandmother’s generation, Chloe’s age group is spending so much time on their phones, that they
15 miss out spending time with people in real life. Sheila, on the other hand managed to contact her old friends
whom she hadn’t heard from in forty years, through Facebook. Sheila says that thanks to Facebook, they now
message each other and arrange to meet up. Therefore, for Sheila, being a part of the digital world helped
her continue forming genuine relationships.

Peter, aged 38 and a father of two teenagers, reports that he used to constantly be on his phone or laptop
20 due to work. He says: 'How could I tell my kids to get off their phones if I was always in front of a screen
myself?' So, in the evenings and over weekends, he takes his SIM card out of his smartphone and puts it into
an old-style mobile phone that can only make calls and send text messages. 'I'm not completely cut off from
the world in case of emergencies, but the important thing is I'm setting a better example to my kids and
spending more quality time with them.

Adapted from


Answer the following questions

1. State whether the following statements are true or false and give a reason for your answer.

a. A lot of people aged 55 or more are using Facebook very frequently. TRUE/FALSE

because ______________________________________________________

b. Grandparents typically use Facebook less than their grandchildren. TRUE/FALSE

because ______________________________________________________

c. Sheila is very grateful for having social media. TRUE/FALSE

because ______________________________________________________

d. Peter found his own smartphone use affected how he felt about how much his children used their
phones. TRUE/FALSE

because ______________________________________________________

2. What is a disadvantage for teenagers using their smartphone?


3. How did Peter solve his issue with his mobile phone?

4. Write the phrases in the correct group

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 6
Are returning to older Are less keen on Facebook Feel lucky to have the internet
technology in their lives

Use social media to find old Like to keep their phones near
friends them

Teens Parents Grandparents

5. What do the following words refer to in the passage?

a. it’s (line 7)- _____________ c. her (line 15)- ____________

b. their (line 12)- ___________ d. I (line 25)- _____________

6. Find words which have similar meanings to the following, between lines 1-15

a. Websites and apps like Facebook - ________________

b. Funny or strange because it’s unexpected - _________________

c. Use something too much or in an unhealthy way - _____________

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Non-Linear Comprehension 2

Answer the following questions

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 8
1. Which gender uses mobile phones more? ________________

2. Which site do adults use the most? _________________

3. How can you get more visitors on your Facebook page?


4. Which year group uses Facebook the most? __________________________

5. What is the least favourite site for men? _________________________

6. Fill in the following table to complete the information and to explain what the numbers or the
explanation refer to.

Number Explanation


Percentage of curators



The year that the statistics are based on

Linear Reading Comprehension 3 - The Tour de France

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 9

The Tour de France is the world’s most prestigious (and possibly the hardest) cycling race. This competition
takes place every year and lasts for a total of three weeks. The cyclists cover around 3,500km during this

Cycling started becoming quite a popular hobby for many people in the
5 19th century. As time went on, bike races started being organised, and
professional cycling became very common in France. One French
journalist, Géo Lefévre, had an idea of organising a large bike race that
went through the whole of France. Thanks to his idea, the first race was born.

On 6th July 1903, 60 cyclists started a race in a circular route, through six stages. Eighteen days later 21 of
10 the cyclists arrived at the finish line in Paris. Since then the race started taking place every year, besides
during war time. As it became more and more widespread, they made the route longer and more
challenging. This competition has become so well-known that over 150 countries have the Tour de France

Each year, the tour begins in a different country. The route changes every year, but usually finishes on the
15 Champs- Élysées in Paris. For example, in 2019, the race started in Brussels, Belgium on the 6th July and
ended in Paris on the 28th July.

The overall winner of the Tour de France is the cyclist that has ridden the full route in the quickest time.
Even though prizes are given to one winner, this is a team sport. This year for instance, there were 22
teams, with 8 riders per team, for a total of 176 cyclists in the field! The riders in each team work together.
20 Each team usually has a leader. Sometimes, other team members ride in front of the leader to block the
wind and to help the rider set a fast pace.

Four jerseys are awarded during the course of the Tour de France which recognises the different
achievements of the riders. Most supporters know about the big one, the yellow jersey which is awarded
to the overall leader of the race. Next, there is the green jersey which is awarded to the rider with the most
25 points. There is also a red polka dot jersey, also known as the ‘King of the Mountains’ jersey. This is given to
the reader that reaches the summit of hill and mountain climbs first. The last jersey is the white one, which
is given to the fastest rider under the age of 26.

(Adapted from

1. Tick (✓) the three statements that are True

a. The Tour de France competition is three weeks long

b. The competition finishes in Brussels

c. The route is never the same

d. The Tour de France has always taken place every year

e. The Tour de France is very popular internationally

f. The Tour de France is an individual sport

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2032-24 10

2. Who could be described as the ‘father’ of the Tour de France?

3. How has the Tour de France changed since it started in 1903?


4. What is the white jersey awarded for?


5. Why are there different coloured jerseys given to the winners of each stage?

6. Find words that have the same meaning as the following from the article, between lines 1-15

a. honoured – _________________ c. transmitted – _______________

b. common - __________________ d. track - ____________________

7. What do the following words refer to in the article?

a. his (l. 9) - __________________ c. it (l.12)- ___________________

b - then (l.11)- ________________ d. this (l.19)- _______________

8. In your own opinion, why do you think there are eight cyclists in each team?

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Non-Linear Comprehension 3

1. Match the two parts of the sentences by writing the correct number in the table below.
Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 12
1. This poster is for a. Avoid injuries

2. The poster urges b. Children

3. If you wear a helmet you can c. Injuries that end up at hospital

4. This poster brings awareness about d. Kids to be safe during wheeled sports

1- 2- 3- 4-

2. What type of injuries might one suffer from without proper protection?


3. How often do injuries related to wheeled sports happen?


4. List two reasons why parents do not encourage children to wear a helmet


5. What two things do children need to keep in mind to ensure their safety on wheels?


6. Fill in the following table to complete the information and to explain what the numbers or the
explanation refer to.


Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 13

Parents say that their child did not always
wear a helmet


7. Where would you see this poster? Give a reason to back up your answer.


Describing Charts
Exercise 1: Put these words in the correct group.

Suddenly Steadily To fall

To go up To grow To rise
To go down To shrink gradually

Verbs that mean to decrease Verbs that mean to increase Adverbs that describe change

Exercise 2: Match the sentences or phrases with the same meaning

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 14

Sales grew in 2002 Sales rose steadily Sales increased the most in

The charts illustrate the Overall, 2002 had the highest sales
changes in…

1. The graphs show the trends in… _______________________________________________

2. In general, … _______________________________________________
3. The biggest increase in sales was in 2002. _______________________________________________
4. There was a steady rise in sales. _______________________________________________
5. Sales saw growth in 2002. _______________________________________________
6. The highest sales come from 2002 _______________________________________________
Exercise 2: Reading text

The first chart illustrates the percentage of the population who owned a smartphone from 2011 to
______________, and the second breaks the percentages down by age for 2011 and 2016.
Overall, smartphone ownership _____________during the six-year period. In general, the younger
people were, the more likely they were to own a smartphone. However, the greatest rise in smartphone
ownership between 2011 and 2016 came from people aged 45 to 54, from 46% to ___________;from
those in the 55 to 64 category, from 9% to 59%; and from those aged _____________ to 74, from 5% to

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 15

The percentage of people who _______________ rose steadily, starting at around 35% in 2011 and
reaching about 77% by 2016. People aged ____________ represented the greatest percentage of
smartphone ownership in both 2011 and 2016. 75% of people aged 25 to 34 owned a smartphone in
2011 and this number rose to 88% by 2016. Simiarly,72% of people aged 35 to 44 had a smartphone and
this figure increased to 86%.
Although almost nobody in the _______________ age category owned a smartphone in 2011, 15% of
this group owned smartphones in 2016.

Listening Section
Listening Comprehension 1
1. State whether the following statements are True or False. Give a reason for your answer.
a) More than 70 million travellers use Heathrow airport each year. TRUE/FALSE because
b) The airport expanded slowly over the years. TRUE/FALSE because
c) There are many types of services for shopping. TRUE/FALSE because
d) The restaurants at the airport are not child-friendly. TRUE/FALSE because
e) You can have a shower at Heathrow airport. TRUE/FALSE because
f) Children will be bored at the airport with nothing to do. TRUE/FALSE because

2. Fill in the following table to complete the information.



Number of terminals


Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 16

The time needed for a quick meal

Listening Comprehension 2
Fill in the following sentences with suitable words from the passage
1. Nicole Oliveira is being called the ___________________________________.
2. Her room is full of star war figures, posters of the ___________________ and __________________.
3. The program she is involved in is called Asteroid _________________.
4. Nicole plans to name the asteroids after ________________ scientists and her family members.
5. Her parents are very ___________________ for moving closer to her school.

6. Where does Nicole go to school?

7. What showed Nicole’s parents her passion for astronomy?
8. Fill in the following table to complete the information.

The number of space rocks Nicole



The youngest person to discover asteroids

What Nicole wants to be when she grows


Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 17

Listening Comprehension 3
1. Tick (✓) FOUR correct statements from the passage

Flying cars might become a reality

Flying cars might be around in 2026

To use these cars you can only fly them

The wings can be folded inside the car

HT Aero is the only company thinking of flying cars

Stefan Klein created the prototype of a flying car

Air Taxis can take multiple people on trips

2. Underline the correct answer

a) The (White, Tight, Wright) brothers made the first-ever mechanical flight in 1903.
b) The first flight took place in (Kitty Hawk, Kitty Hat, Kitty Hate).
c) HT Aero is a company based in (Japan, China, Colombia).
d) The cars have two wings that extend out to (14, 20, 12) metres.
e) Back in June, a prototype of a flying car called (Air flyer, Aircar, HT Aero) made a journey.

3. Do you think that flying cars are a good idea? Explain your answer.

Listening Comprehension 4
Listen to the conversation about plans for the weekend and do the exercises below.
Exercise 1: Listen and tick whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE (10 marks)

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 18

1. The two speakers are probably friends

2. Both speakers are excited about their weekends

3. The man doesn’t like to take risks

4. Both speakers will be busy on the weekend

5. The woman is only going away for the weekend

Exercise 2: Answer the questions below about the audio (8 marks)

1. Do the two speakers have the same or different interests? How do you know?

2. Does the man want to try new things on the weekend? Give evidence for your answer

3. Do you think the woman would enjoy a trip to the activity centre? Why?

4. When the woman is asked who she is going away with she replies, ‘oh just a friend’. Why do you think
she said this rather than giving a more detailed answer?’

Listening Comprehension 5
Exercise 1: Match the words to their correct meaning. (4 marks)

1. Defibrillator a. Not permanently

2. Critical b. Proof of identity
3. Identification c. An electronic device that administers an electric shock to
the heart
4. Temporary d. Serious injury

Exercise 2: Listen and tick whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE (12 marks)

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 19
1. The ambulance driver talks to the survivor so that she wouldn’t lose
2. The police are certain that the pilot lost control of the plane
3. The survivor is considered ‘lucky’ as she survived a plane crash
4. The survivor’s identification was probably destroyed in the fire
5. Nurse Bryson is quite a talkative person
5. The survivor cannot hear anything because of the state she is in
6. Nurse Bryson is sure that the survivor will recover

Exercise 3: Answer the questions below about the text

1. How did the rescuer feel when he found the survivor? Why? (2 marks)

2. Come up with a ONE word adjective you would use to describe: (3 marks)
a. The rescuers: b. the survivor: c. Nurse Bryson:
_______________ ___________________ _________________

3. In your opinion, why does Nurse Bryson give the survivor a temporary name? (1 mark)

Vocabulary Section
Phrasal Verbs with ‘get’

Exercise 1: Read the dialogue. Are Peter and Susan enjoying working on their latest film?

Who: Peter Susan

Where: On the set of their latest film.
Talking about: Working on their latest film.

S: What are you getting up to at the weekend?

P: I am going out with Tom and Catherine even though I don’t get on with them that well. How
about you?
S: Not much I guess. I’m still getting over the flu. Do you think I can get away with taking
Monday off?
P: You can ask the director…but probably not. He’s the worst director I’ve ever worked with.
He’s really getting at us, isn’t he?
S: Yes, I wish we could get rid of him.
Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 20
P: Yes, you’re right. I’m glad we got out of doing that last scene today because of the bad
weather. We got off lightly for once.
S: Yes, I’ve tried to get through to him that we are working too hard.
Exercise 2: Read the dialogue again. Underline all the phrasal verbs with get.

E.g. He’s really getting at us, isn’t he?

Exercise 3: Match the phrasal verbs from the dialogue with the correct definition
e.g. A. Get up to – do (note: st = something, so= someone)

Phrasal Verb Answer Meaning

A. get up to 7) 1) be successful in something

B. get on with (so) 2) Avoid something you don’t want to do

C. get over (st,so) 3) Get angry about something

D. get away with (st) 4) recover from

E. get at (so) 5) To experience less suffering than expected

F. get rid of (st,so) 6) Successfully explain something

G. get out of (doing st) 7) do

H. get off lightly 8) have a good relationship

I. get through to (so) 9) criticise someone repeatedly

J. get wound up (about st) 10) Remove/throw away something unwanted

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the following phrasal verbs in the correct form

Get rid of Get through to Get off lightly Get out of Get away with
Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 21
Get up to Get at Get on with Get over Get wound up

E.g. My mum is always getting at me to start a family.

1) I think criminals in this country. They never get sent to prison
for long enough.
2) This washing machine is too old. We need to it.
3) I don’t know how we managed to win. We should never have got that penalty. We really
_________________ it this time.
4) He still hasn’t___________________losing his job. I’ve never seen him so depressed.
5) I __________________doing that boring project because I said I was too busy.
6) I can’t___________ _my students about the importance of speaking English.
They only want to do written grammar exercises.
7) I didn’t much last weekend. I just stayed in and watched DVDs.
8) I _____________________by the neighbour’s dog. He’s always barking and keeps me awake at
night. I’m getting really angry.
9) I don’t my mother – in- law. She’s always telling me what to do and she
is really annoying.

Exercise 5: Speaking Activity

1) What lies have you told to get out of doing something?

2) Who gets at you? What about?

3) Tell about how you got over a disappointment

4) Is there anyone who you find it difficult to get through to?What’s the problem?

5) Is there anyone you don’t get on with at work/school/university? What’s the problem?

6) Tell us about a time when you did something bad at schooland you got off lightly.

7) What did you get up to last weekend?

8) How well do you get on with everyone in your family?

9) Do you prefer to get rid of old things or keep them forever?

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 22

10) When was the last time you got wound up? What about?

(Adapted from

Synonyms of Overused Words

Use the adjectives in the word bank to replace the overused adjectives. They really need a break! ☺

Miserable glad A large amount joyous pleasant

enjoyable entertaining scrumptious stylish spacious

Sally was walking down the street happily; she was in a 1. Good _____________ mood and really
wanted to find something 2. Nice _______________to do.
She called her 3. Good ______________ friend, Veronica, and they decided to meet next to the 4. Big
______________ shopping mall in Sliema. Sally felt 5. Happy ______________ and began to make her
way to the meeting place.
Sally and Veronica spent 6. A lot ________________ of time together and never got fed up of each
other. Being with each other made them 7. Happy _______________ when they had previously been
feeling 8. Sad ______________.
Sally wondered whether Veronica would feel like having a 9. Nice ______________ meal together and
then going to buy a 10. Nice _______________ pair of shoes. They could even enjoy a/an 11. Nice
_________________ film later in the afternoon

Make or do
Go through the general differences between ‘make’ and ‘do’ and then do the exercises
Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 23
Verb When to use it:
Make We use make when we talk about creating something.
Julia made a delicious cake for her family.
My friend is a fashion designer. She makes nice clothes.
Can you make me a coffee?
Do We use do when we talk about general activities, duties, jobs and leisure activities.
John did his homework yesterday.
My friend is very fit. He does a lot of exercise.
We often use do with something, anything, nothing and everything:
I didn’t do anything yesterday.
We are going to do something special for her birthday

Ex 1: Complete the dialogue using ‘make’ or ‘do’ in the correct form.

Tom: So, what did you (1)__________ on Saturday?
Kate: Well, in the morning I (2)__________ a big breakfast. Then I went to the gym to (3)__________
some exercise.
Tom: What did you (4)__________ after that?
Kate: In the afternoon I (5) __________ some shopping. When I got back home, I (6) __________dinner.
But I forgot to (7) __________ my homework. How was your day?
Tom: Not too bad. During the day, I didn’t (8) __________ anything special. In the evening, I invited
some friends over and we (9) __________ a big mess in the kitchen!
Kate: Did they help you to (10) __________ the dishes afterwards?
Tom: No, they didn’t. I had to (11) __________ the washing up myself.
Ex 2: Complete the following sentences with ‘make’ or ‘do’ in the correct form.
1. I had a lot of work to __________ last night. I didn’t get much sleep
2. Can you __________ me a cup of tea?
3. This situation is out of control. Can you __________ something?
4. Do you know how to __________ ice cream?
5. I can’t see her. What is she __________ing?
6. His phone __________a strange noise when it rings.
7. Do you __________any sports in your spare time?
8. I have a lot of tasks to __________ when I’m at work.
9. You’re going to need more chocolate if you want to __________ that cake properly.
10. How often do you __________the gardening?
11. Did you __________ a lot of skiing while you were in the mountains?
12. The Beatles __________very popular songs in the 1960s.

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 24

Linking Words
We use linking words to join ideas together when we are talking or writing. This helps to organise our
work and make it more interesting to read.
Linking words to connect contrasting ideas
Different linking words have different functions. Sometimes we want to link two ideas that are different
from each other (for example, one is a positive idea, and one is a negative idea) or we want to link one
idea to another one which is surprising or unexpected. We can use linking words like 'however',
'although' and 'despite' to do this. These words are suitable synonyms of the overused word ‘but’.
We can use 'although' at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.
• Although the weather is bad, I love London.
• I love London, although the weather is bad.
Despite / in spite of
We use 'despite' or 'in spite of' before a noun or a gerund. It can also go in the middle or at the
beginning of a sentence. 'Despite' and 'in spite of' mean exactly the same thing. You can choose
whichever one you like! If you want to use 'despite' or 'in spite of' before a clause, you need to add 'the
fact that'.
• I love London despite the bad weather.
• I love London in spite of the bad weather.
• Despite the bad weather, I love London.
• In spite of the bad weather, I love London.
• Despite the fact that the weather is bad, I love London.
• In spite of the fact that the weather is bad, I love London.
• I love London despite the fact that the weather is bad.
• I love London in spite of the fact that the weather is bad.
We use ‘although’ and ‘despite/ in spite of’ to connect two clauses in the same sentence. On the other
hand, ‘however’ isn’t used to connect two clauses. Instead, we usually put the two ideas in two separate
sentences. We put 'however' in the second sentence, and we can put it at the beginning, at the end, or
after the subject.
• I love London. However, the weather is bad.
• I love London. The weather, however, is bad.
• I love London. The weather is bad, however.
Ex 1: Use ‘however’, ‘although’ or ‘despite’:
1. ______________ the rain, we still went to the park.
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2. ______________ it was raining; we still went to the park.
3. It was raining. ______________ , we still went to the park.
4. John bought the watch, ______________ the fact that it was expensive.
5. John bought the watch;. ______________, it was expensive.
6. ______________ it was expensive, John bought the watch.
7. I finished the homework, ______________, it wasn’t easy.
8. I finished the homework, ______________ it wasn’t easy.
9. ______________ the fact that it wasn’t easy, I finished the homework.
10. She went for a long walk, ______________ it being a cold day.
11. ______________ she was cold; she went for a long walk.
12. She was cold, ______________ she still went for a long walk.
13. The restaurant has a good reputation. ______________ , the food was terrible.
14. ______________ the restaurant’s good reputation, the food was terrible.
15. ______________ the restaurant has a good reputation; the food was terrible.
Linking Words to connect similar ideas
On the other hand, at times, we might need to link ideas that are similar to each other. We can use
linking words like the ones below to do this. The following are suitable synonyms of the overused word
Besides/Besides this/Besides that
This is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence. It is used to make an additional point.
• Traffic congestion is a problem in my city. Besides this, the trains are very expensive.
• I can’t afford to go to the concert. Besides, I don’t really like classical music.
In addition
In addition, (a preposition) is a connective phrase that adds information in one clause to the information
in the next clause. The words are separated by a comma (,).
• Our new director can speak three languages. In addition, he has six years of experience.
These linking words are usually used at the beginning of a sentence to add another idea or further
develop the previous point.
• Listening to music helps us relax. Moreover, it can help to improve our memory.
• The house is beautiful. Furthermore, it’s in a great location.
Ex 2. Read the text below and underline the correct linking word or phrase. Childhood – the best time
of your life.

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Some people say that childhood is the best time of your life. 1. However / Furthermore, being a child
has both pros and cons. One advantage is that you have very few responsibilities. For example, you do
not have to go to work or pay bills. 2. Moreover, Despite this, public transport and cinema cost much
less for children.
3. Despite / Although being a child is an exciting and action-packed time in life, for every plus there is a
minus. One disadvantage is that you have to spend all day, Monday to Friday, at school. Studying usually
means you have to do homework, and you take exams.
4. In addition, However, you may have a lot of free time, but you are rarely allowed to do whatever you
want. You usually have to ask your guardians if you can do things, from going shopping in town to going
to a party.
Last of all, 5. besides / although there are often cheaper prices for children, things are still expensive -
and parents are not always generous with pocket money.
In conclusion, 6. despite the fact that / besides some people see childhood as the best time in life, some
people believe that children have no real choice or independence. 7. However, Although, it is true that
choice and independence all bring responsibilities – which increase with age.


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(from Active Grammar)

Idioms and Expressions

Idioms are words or phrases that aren’t meant to be taken literally. Here are the most common English
idioms and phrases that will enrich your speaking and writing.
1. ‘The best of both worlds’ – means you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time. “By
working part-time and looking after her kids two days a week she managed to get the best of both
2. ‘Speak of the devil’ – this means that the person you’re just talking about actually appears at that
moment. “Hi Tom, speak of the devil, I was just telling Sara about your new car.”
3. ‘See eye to eye’ – this means agreeing with someone. “They finally saw eye to eye on the business
4. ‘Once in a blue moon’ – an event that happens infrequently. “I only go to the cinema once in a blue
5. ‘When pigs fly’ – something that will never happen. “When pigs fly she’ll tidy up her room.”
6. ‘To cost an arm and a leg’– something is very expensive. “Fuel these days costs an arm and a leg.”
7. ‘A piece of cake’– something is very easy. “The English test was a piece of cake.”
8. ‘Let the cat out of the bag’ – to accidentally reveal a secret. “I let the cat out of the bag about their
wedding plans.”
9. ‘To feel under the weather’ – to not feel well. “I’m really feeling under the weather today; I have a
terrible cold.”
10. ‘To kill two birds with one stone’ – to solve two problems at once. “By taking my dad on holiday, I
killed two birds with one stone. I got to go away but also spend time with him.”
11. ‘To cut corners’ – to do something badly or cheaply. “They really cut corners when they built this
bathroom; the shower is leaking.”
12. ‘To add insult to injury’ – to make a situation worse. “To add insult to injury the car drove off
without stopping after knocking me off my bike.”

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13. ‘You can’t judge a book by its cover’ – to not judge someone or something based solely on
appearance. “I thought this no-brand bread would be horrible; turns out you can’t judge a book by its
14. ‘Break a leg’ – means ‘good luck’ (often said to actors before they go on stage). “Break a leg Sam, I’m
sure your performance will be great.”
15. ‘To hit the nail on the head’ – to describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem. “He hit the
nail on the head when he said this company needs more financial support.”
16. ‘A blessing in disguise’ – A misfortune that eventually results in something good happening later on.
17. ‘Call it a day’ – Stop working on something
18. ‘Let someone off the hook’ – To allow someone, who has been caught, to not be punished.
19. ‘No pain no gain’ – You have to work hard for something you want.
20. ‘Bite the bullet’ – Decide to do something unpleasant that you have been avoiding.
21. ‘Getting a taste of your own medicine’ – Being treated in the same unpleasant way you have
treated others.
22. ‘Giving someone the cold shoulder’ – To ignore someone.
23. ‘The last straw’ – The final source of irritation for someone to finally lose patience.
24. ‘The elephant in the room’ - A matter or problem that is obviously of great importance but that is
not discussed openly

To test your new-found knowledge here are some sentences to practise with. Fill in the
A) I can’t afford this purse! It ______________________I won’t be able to pay my rent!
B) His birthday was supposed to be a surprise! I can’t believe you ______________________. Now he
C) Ha! John has been promising to paint the house for five years…. Maybe when
D) Yeah, it’ll ______________________. I need to sign some papers at Jenny’s school anyway so I’ll pick
her up for you too.
E) I’m sorry I can’t come into work today. I’m ______________________ I have a sore throat and runny
F) They tried______________________when installing the pipes for the house and now we have leaks
only one month after purchasing it!
G) We missed our flight to Paris because the connecting flight was late and to
______________________ they made us pay for a new ticket as if it was our fault!
H) Jane is just never on time to work, it’s really annoying. Oh wow, ___________________here she
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I) So we’re going to London, then Munich, then we will fly out of Athens, right? Great. I’m so glad to be
traveling with someone I ______________________with.
J) Wow, she found her dream man and has now landed an amazing job. She really does have
K) OK, she might not be the most attractive but ______________________. I’m sure she is a sweetheart.
L) I have been trying to figure this out for ages. Thanks so much, you’re right. You
M) I can’t believe that was our test. I think it was easier than some of our homework! It was a

Writing section
Book Report/review
In a book review the writer briefly writes about the content/story of the book and states the
character/s, setting, plot and their personal opinion about the book. The purpose of writing a book
review is to motivate the reader to read the book.

Graphic organiser
Name of t he book: Author:

Type of story: mystery, adventure, science fiction, fantasy (fairy tale), true story etc

Description of the characters and setting (time and place)

Personal opinion about the book:

Summary of the book: Recommendation/suggestion for reading the

Note: Do not say how the story ends. Leave your readers in suspense

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Go through the model of the Book Review and fill in the boxes with a title for the type of material
written: The book I have recently read is ‘Prince Caspian’, written by C.S Lewis. It is a
fantasy story which takes place in a land called Narnia. Narnia is a pleasant
place where there are rivers and forests. Animals and trees could talk in this
land, and dwarfs and giants also lived there.

The Telmarines, people from a neighbouring country, conquer Narnia and

banish all its inhabitants from there and silence the trees. The king of
Telmarines, Miraz, a cruel man, does not want anyone to know about Narnia’s
past. Prince Caspian, the main character and nephew of the king, is a very
honest and kind boy. His nurse used to tell him stories about Old Narnia. When
the king gets to know about this, he sends the nurse away. Later Prince
Caspian gets to know that his life is also in danger since he knows the truth, so
he runs away to the forest. Over here he finds talking animals that were driven
out of Narnia and they become friends. They decide to fight King Miraz to
regain Narnia. In the battle, many animals get hurt, some want to give up and
it seemed all was lost.

Even though the story is a fantasy, the characters and settings feel real. The
writer’s descriptions are so dramatic that you can see all the tiny details and
imagine it so clearly as though you can hear the characters talking! C.S Lewis
tells the story in such a way that it is hard to put the book away, and you are
left in suspense until the end!

It was a pleasure reading this book. Once you read it, I know you will love to
read the other books of the same series. There are seven books in the whole
series of ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’.

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Book Review Success Criteria
Criteria type Objectives

Task achievement I have written a book review with a clear purpose

(5 marks)

My review includes a title and the author of the book in the introduction

My main body paragraphs give a summary of the main events in the story,
without giving away the ending
(5 marks) My main body paragraphs contain information about the characters and their
development in the story

My conclusion includes my opinion of the book and whether or not I would

recommend it to others. It can also contain my rating for the book.

I have written in the third person in the main bodies

Vocabulary I only used the first person (I) in the introduction and conclusion
(5 marks)
I used opinion words

I did not use contractions (isn’t, you’ll, it’s…)

I have written mainly in the present tense

Grammar (5 marks)
I can use reported speech when reporting what others said or wrote

I checked my work for any punctuation mistakes

Spelling (5 marks) I checked my work for spelling mistakes

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Read the following biography and work out the exercises that follow

Our very own Maltese Weightlifting Queen

Yazmin is the perfect example of what an athlete should be like – she trains, eats and repeats. She
worked hard and focused on what she wanted the most, becoming a weightlifting star, and now it’s
paying off. What helps her do this is by following the motto “win or learn, but never lose”. -A
Yazmin Zammit Stevens is a Maltese weightlifter and was born on the 21st of April 1993 in Malta. She is a
role model to many athletes especially those women who might fear lifting weights. Her own ambition is
to reach levels that no other Maltese woman has ever dreamed of. -B
The 26 year old has impressed many people internationally after finishing in 1 st place in the 69kg
category during the 2018 weightlifting ELEIKO Email International Tournament in Australia The year
before she finished in 4th place in the same tournament However she has outdone herself again after
finishing with her 85kg total Yazmin has been working extremely hard and has even managed to
participate in many other events such as the Common Wealth Games Mediterranean Games and the
Olympic Games. Interestingly Stevens also became the first Maltese weightlifter in history to win the
Malta Sportswoman of the year in 2017 She has also been working on trying to lift more than a 100 kilos
Ever since she was a child, her hobbies did not just revolve around sports. She loves watching Disney
films, and going out for walks with her dog, Ariel. In fact, Yazmin has admitted that her ritual the night
before a competition involves watching a Disney film. She is very family oriented and gets on very well
with her two sisters, Jessica and Jade. She is very smart and studied ‘Maths and Statistics in Coaching’ at
the University of Malta. However, now she does weightlifting as a full time job. -D

Ex 1 – Put the biography in the correct order

Paragraph 1: ____________ Paragraph 2: ____________

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Paragraph 3: ____________ Paragraph 4: ____________

Ex 2 – Which Paragraph describes the following?

____________ Introduces the person you are writing about
____________Early childhood or something interesting about the person
____________ Achievements/ accomplishments
____________ Why you admire this person
Ex 3 - Paragraph C has no punctuation, fix this with a coloured pen.
Ex 4 – Answer the following questions
a) Is the biography formal or informal? ___________________________
b) Does it include contractions (can’t, won’t)? ___________________________
c) Does it include facts about the person? ___________________________
d) Does it include time phrases and linking words? ___________________________
(Adapted from the English Teaching Duo)

Biography Success Criteria

Assess the writing task against the success criteria below:
Criteria Objectives

Task achievement Has the student written a biography?

Has the student included a title?

Is the article organised into different paragraphs?

Are different paragraphs used for different stages of the person’s life?
Has the student started off with basic information?

Have they discussed events that shaped her life?

Have they pointed out obstacles she may have overcome?

Have they listed their achievements/ failures?

Have they described their impact on the world and others?

Has the student written in the past tense? (The closing paragraph may use
present/future tenses)
Is the biography written in the third person? (the closing paragraph may include a
Accuracy and style personal remark/opinion)
Have they used correct and varied vocabulary?

Does the student have minor erros in writing with correct spelling, vocabulary,
punctuation and grammar?

You may wish to use the template below to help you plan your work
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Blog Post
Please find some important criteria for your blog post to make your fans more interested!

Criteria type Objectives

Task achievement (5 I have written a blog post about a dream holiday I went on
marks) I have shown full understanding of the topic
I have included an eye-catching title for the blog post
I have organised my blog post into different paragraphs
My introduction contains an opening paragraph that describes where I went and
where I stayed
Organisation Paragraph 2 contains information of what happened on the journey and what the
(5 marks) place was like
Paragraph 3 goes further into what you did and what the best moment was
In the conclusion, I have given my overall opinion
I have used words and expressions to give emphasis such as:

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1. ‘what + (adjective) + noun!’ (what a beautiful place!/ what a place!)
2. ‘so + adjective or such + (adjective) + noun!’ (it was so beautiful/ it was such a
Vocabulary (fitting big building)
well with the style of 3. ‘do and did’ (we do have tickets for the plane, they did come in the end)
writing) I have used expressions to explain the sequence of events of the past event (at first,
first of all, then, next, in the end, finally)
I have used expressions to explain when things happened (yesterday, when, suddenly,
a few minutes/hours/days later, the next day).
(5 marks) I have used correct and varied vocabulary
I have written in an informal style – contractions can be used (wouldn’t, we’ve…)
I have written in the first person

Grammar (5 marks) My writing contains fluent, well-

constructed sentences which vary in length; I have used grammatically-correct
structures with correct punctuation, tenses and spelling of function words
I have written using past tenses
Spelling (5 marks) I have minor errors in writing with the correct spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and
grammar. My writing contains correct British English spelling throughout.

Informal Email
Ex 1: Write the advice in the correct group

miss out any of the necessary Use contractions Write more than the word limit

Read the question/task Use a formal beginning and Sound ‘chatty’ like you’re
carefully ending talking to a friend

You should… You shouldn’t…

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(Adapted from British Council)

Ex 2: Check your understanding

1. Who is Chris?
a. A teacher b. A friend c. A person you met on holiday

2. Which sentence below is true?

a. you have invited Chris to b. You are going to Scotland c. You are going to visit Chris in
come to your country. together next Summer Scotland next weekend

3. Which of the following points do you NOT need to include in your email?

a. Say you want to see Chris’ b. Tell Chris which activity you c. Give Chris some advice on
friend’s concert want to do on Saturday learning Italian
d. Tell Chris that you can’t bring e. Say why you can’t bring your f. Tell Chris what your favourite
your skateboard to Scotland skateboard type of music is

4. You need to give Chris some advice. Which option has three correct ways to give advice in English?
a. You should… b. If I were you, I would… c. If I were you, I would…
You will… Why don’t you…? You will…
Would you like to…? You should…. You have to…

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Ex 3: Match the sentences with its purpose

1. I’m really looking forward to see you! a. Starting the email

2. If I were you, I would… b. referring to one of Chris’ questions

3. Hi Chis, c. Giving advice

Great to hear from you!

4. Best Wishes, d. Pre-closing formula (something friendly to say

Sira just before the end)

5. So, about Saturday… e. Finishing the email and signing your name

1- 2- 3- 4- 5-

Ex 4: Correct and write these sentences on the line

1. hi chris, ____________________________________________________
2. Great to know about you! _______________________________________________
3. Thanks of your email. __________________________________________________
4. I’m really looking forward to see you! ______________________________________

Techniques for Beginning and Ending

The opening remarks in informal letters may The closing remarks in informal letters may
include: include:
• questions / wishes about recent events / • the reason why you must end the letter
person’s health • Greetings to the person’s family/friends
• a thank you to the person for their last • wishes, a promise, an invitation
letter. Comments about their news • a request to the person to reply soon
• an apology for a delay in writing / replying
• the reason why you are writing

Useful language and vocabulary for beginning and ending

Greeting: Opening remarks:
• Dear Aunt Penny, • Hi! How are you?
• Hello Martina, • How’s everything going?
• Hi Nina, • How have you been?
• Good morning Kirsty, • I hope you’re doing well.
Reason for writing • Many thanks for your letter
• I’m just writing to let you know about… • Thank you for answering my last letter so
• I’m sure you’ll be interested/pleased/ disappointed to quickly
hear… • What wonderful news
• You’ll never guess what happened! • I’m thrilled to hear that
• I’ve got some amazing/exciting/sad news to share… • Sorry to hear about
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• I am so grateful for the… • I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but I
Closing was really busy with…
• Looking forward to seeing you Signing off:
• Please write soon • Give/send my regards/love to
• Write back soon and fill me in what you’ve been up to! • Take care,
• I really hope by advice helps. Please let me know how • Lots of love,
everything turns out • Love,
• Take care! • All the best,
• Can’t wait to hear from you • Yours,
• I’d better sign off now • Best,
• That’s all for now! Anyway, well that’s all for now • Best regards,
• I have to go now • Kind regards,
• Hope to hear from you soon • Best wishes,
Success criteria:
Criteria type Objectives
Task achievement (5 I have written an informal email focusing on the topic

I have shown full understanding of the topic

My email includes: To: From: and Subject: in the upper left corner
My email includes the recipient’s email address and a subject which is short and relevant

(5 marks) My email is divided into 3/4 bodies: introduction, body 1, body 2, conclusion
My introduction starts with a salutation and/ or a reference to the recipient’s name. It
contains 2/3 sentences why I am writing the email

My conclusion has 2/3 sentences and sums up my email, sends my regards and asks the
receiver to write back

I signed off the email appropriately and included a postscript ( ‘p.s’ )

Vocabulary I used the first person
(5 marks) I wrote in an informal, personal, and chatty style
I used colloquial expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs, and short verb forms
I used contractions and short types of phrases or simple sentences

Grammar My writing contains fluent, well-

(5 marks) constructed sentences which vary in length; I have used grammatically-correct structures
with correct punctuation, tenses and spelling of function words

I checked my work for any mistakes

Spelling (5 marks) I have minor errors in writing with the correct spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and
grammar. My writing contains correct British English spelling throughout.

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Writing instructions
How to Care for a Mouskin
Over the last few years, mouskins have become the must-have pet. These long-whiskered, fluffy
creatures look like a cross between a mouse and a cat and are gentle, highly intelligent animals. Are you
thinking of getting a mouskin? Do you think you could care for one effectively? These instructions will
tell you all you need to know to look after your new pet:
What you need:
▪ a carrier for travelling
▪ a large box or bed filled with straw for your pet to sleep in
▪ two bowls (one for food and one for fresh water)
▪ seven small containers with lids
▪ 700g of nuts
▪ 700g of tinned and drained tuna
▪ a collar and a lead
▪ a range of small toys
▪ lots of love and patience
Bringing your Mouskin Home
Mouskins are sociable and adaptable animals, who should soon adjust to their new life with you. When
you first bring them home, help your mouskin to feel more comfortable by following these simple steps:
1. Gently pick up your mouskin using one hand to support their hind legs and the other to hold him
close to your chest. Place him carefully in the carrier to transport him home.
2. Once home, choose a quiet spot for your mouskin’s bed. Quietly open the door to the carrier and
allow your mouskin to climb out in his own time as he familiarises himself with his new
3. Over the next few days, give your mouskin plenty of time and space to explore his new home as
and when he feels ready.
4. Introduce your mouskin to one family member at a time so that you don’t overwhelm him.

Feeding your Mouskin

Mouskins need to be fed a 50/50 mix of nuts and tuna. Follow these steps to ensure your mouskin will
be properly nourished and healthy:
1. To create seven portions of mouskin food, mix together 700g of nuts (any variety will do) and
700g of drained tuna. Blend the ingredients together to form a smooth paste.
2. Split the mixture into seven equal portions and spoon into containers with lids.
3. Store the containers in the fridge until you are ready to use them.
4. Serve your mouskin one portion per day, which needs to be split into two meals: breakfast and
5. At all times, ensure that your mouskin has a fresh supply of clean water.
Exercise and Play

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As mouskins are intelligent and playful animals, you will need to provide him with a range of toys to
keep him entertained and take him for regular walks. This will stop your mouskin from getting bored
and help to distract him from chewing your furniture.
Follow these top tips to keep your mouskin fit, healthy and content:
1. Provide your mouskin with toys of different types and textures. He will
2. like tough, rubbery toys to chew on and soft toys to cuddle up to.
3. Choose a designated playtime each day – after breakfast is an ideal time. Use this dedicated time
to play games with your mouskin.
4. Set aside time in your day for two brisk thirty-minute walks. Always ensure your mouskin wears
his collar and lead when outside the house.
Do you think you are ready to welcome one of these wonderful pets into your home? Owning a mouskin
can be a pleasurable and rewarding experience for all the family. If you follow the above instructions,
you and your mouskin will be assured a long and happy life together.

(Adapted from

Instructions Success Criteria

Criteria type Objectives

Task achievement I have written a set of instructions

(5 marks) I have shown full understanding of the topic
My instructions are clear and detailed in a logical sequence
My instructions include a short, eye-catching title which shows what the text is
My instructions include organisation devices such as sub-headings to break into
clear sections

My instructions include an introduction

My instructions include images/diagrams/drawings/labelled illustrations which
(5 marks)
support the text
My instructions include a clear list of equipment/ what is needed
My instructions include a list of steps in chronological order for each action which
are bulleted or numbered
My instructions include tips and extra advice for the reader
My instructions include a conclusion/closing statement which shows/describes
what the reader has achieved
Vocabulary (5 marks) I used instructive language

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I used accurate descriptions and technical language
I used adjectives and adverbs particularly adverbs of time/frequency to describe and
give information (tonight, tomorrow, at 8 am…before, after, next, first, often,
sometimes, never, daily, hourly, nightly…)

Grammar (5 marks) I used imperative verbs to tell the reader what to do

I checked my work for any mistakes
Spelling (5 marks) I have minor errors in writing with the correct spelling, vocabulary, punctuation and
grammar. My writing contains correct British English spelling throughout.

Advert Writing
Analysing the Features of an Advert: A Holiday Home:

This advert is taken from ‘CenterParcs’, a company that provides lodges in villages complete with
outdoor activities, restaurants, etc.
Adverts persuade the reader by using specific layouts and language. Complete the gap fill below to find
out about some of the features.

Directly comments Directions Awards Bullet Points

Title Slogan Layouts Headings

• Includes a catchy _____________ or _____________.

• Uses interesting _____________ such as _____________ and _____________ to make
information easy to find.
• Includes important information such as _____________ and contact details.
• Entices the reader by showing visitor _____________, special offers and _____________ .
• Includes a short introduction that _____________ addresses the reader.

1) Read the advert and try and spot some other key features of an advert. Write them in the table

2) Read the advert again and highlight some examples of each key feature.

Key features Examples

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Advert Success Criteria

Criteria type Objectives

Task achievement I have written an advert with a clear purpose
(5 marks)

My advert includes a title/ name of the product/event

My advert includes a statement and detailed information saying what the
product/event is and what it is used for

My advert includes a catchy slogan

Organisation My advert includes a customer review to attract the reader

(5 marks)
My advert includes a special offer to attract the reader

My advert includes a hook or a promise. Ex: you won’t be able to live


My ideas are organised and linked with linking words and phrases

My advert includes quotes, statistics and facts (even if they are made up!)
I used opinion words and emotive language
I have used bossy/ imperative verbs to be persuasive
(5 marks) I did not use contractions
I have used repetition or words or ideas, as well as alliteration
I have used rhetorical questions. Ex: Wouldn’t you love to…?

I used a mixture of sentences including simple, complex and compound

(5 marks) I mainly used the present tense
I used reported speech when reporting what others said or wrote
I checked my work for any punctuation mistakes
Spelling I checked for spelling mistakes
(5 marks)

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Useful Language and Vocabulary for powerful headlines/adverts
Brilliant Remarkable Bargain Promising

Exceptional Special Hurry Luxury

Magnificent Guaranteed Daring High tech

Glorious Professional Popular Practical

Tremendous Sale Genuine Gift

Amazing Free Last chance Reward
Phenomenal Superior Quality Lively
Breathtaking Marvelous Unlimited Splendid
Dazzling Superb Just arrived Spotlight
Tranquil Eccentric Innovative Detrimental
Appealing Fascinating Better Tempting

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Opinion Article
Criteria type Objectives
Task achievement I have written an article that expresses my opinion
(5 marks)

I have included an eye-catching heading/title

I have organised my article into different paragraphs

My introduction contains an opening paragraph that describes what my

article is about to get the readers’ attention

Organisation Paragraph 2 contains the main points of the article and gives reasons
(5 marks) whether you agree/disagree with the topic
Paragraph 3 contains additional points that I have written up to give
advice and continue emphasising my opinion

In the conclusion, I have given my overall opinion and gave


I have used linking words to introduce and sequence my ideas (firstly,

therefore, moreover, however, in conclusion, in addition, as a result…)
Vocabulary I have used correct and varied vocabulary
(5 marks)
I have used expressive language to give my opinion (I don’t think, in my
opinion. Personally, I think, I’m convinced, my view is…)
I have written in a semi-formal style
I have written in the first person
I used a mixture of compound and complex sentences
(5 marks)
I checked my work for punctuation
I checked my work for grammar
Spelling I have minor errors in writing with the correct spelling
(5 marks)

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For and against/Argumentative article

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Ex 1. Are these arguments for or against reality TV shows? Write them in the correct group

There are a lot of different Some competitions are very People on reality shows have
types of reality shows difficult or dangerous fun experiences and meet new

they are fun to watch The winners win great prizes Reality shows are always the

They can discover talented People spend a lot of money on Reality tv is not an easy way to
people their phones when they vote become famous

Some people on reality tv shows

behave badly

For reality TV Shows Against reality Tv Shows

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Ex 2: Which of these arguments are mentioned in the essay? Tick six ideas

1. They can discover talented people

2. Reality shows are always the same

3. Some people on reality shows behave badly

4. People on reality shows have fun experiences and meet new people

5. Some competitions are very difficult or dangerous

6. There are a lot of different types of reality shows

7. They are fun to watch with your friends

8. Reality TV is not an easy way to become famous

9. People spend a lot of money on their phones when they vote

10. The winners win great prizes

Ex 3: Write numbers 1-4 to put the paragraph topics from the essay in the correct order

Conclusion – writer’s opinion

Introduction – the situation

Arguments for reality TV shows
Arguments against reality TV shows
Ex 4: Rewrite the sentences using the word or phrase in brackets. You may need to change the

1. Reality shows are all the same but many people still watch them (however,)

2. We can discover talented people on reality TV and we can vote for the ones we like the most

3. One positive thing about reality TV is that it shows normal people. (one advantage of)

4. My first point is that reality TV is fun to watch (firstly,)

5. Also, you can learn many new things (in addition)

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6. The opposite argument is that reality TV might set a bad example for young children (on the other


Argumentative Success Criteria

Criteria type Objectives

Task achievement I have written an argumentative article
(5 marks)

My article has an eye-catching title

My introduction clearly outlines the topic
Organisation My article is organised in 4 paragraphs with a different topic
(5 marks)
The main body paragraph start with a topic sentence, evidence, examples and
explanations to justify the arguments

My conclusion has 2/3 sentences and sums up the topic and/ or offers an
I have used linking words to introduce and sequence my ideas (firstly,
therefore, moreover, however, also, in addition, as well as…)
Vocabulary I have used correct and varied vocabulary
(5 marks)
I used the third person

I did not use contractions or short types of phrases

I used a mixture of compound and complex sentences

Grammar I wrote in the present tense, passive voice and used reported speech
(5 marks)
I checked my work for punctuation and grammar

Spelling I have minor errors in writing with the correct spelling

(5 marks)
Third person narrative
Third Person Story Success Criteria
Criteria type Objectives
Task achievement I have written a story in the third person
(5 marks)

I have organised my short story in 5 paragraphs

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My introduction sets the scene – who, where, when what. – introducing the
main characters, setting or speaks about an interesting event
My introduction needs to hook and encourage the reader to continue reading

I have written three main bodies –

Organisation I introduced the storyline for one of the main characters (build up),
(5 marks) I introduced the main problem,
I moved on to discussing how the problem was solved for the main character

In the conclusion I said what happens at the end, people’s feelings, comments/

I have used linking words to introduce and sequence my ideas (firstly,

therefore, moreover, however, also, in addition, as well as…)
Vocabulary I have used correct and varied vocabulary
(5 marks)
I have used different adjectives to make it interesting and to emphasise feelings
I have written in a semi-formal style – I can use contractions
I did not use the first person – I wrote in the third person (no: I, we, me, us)
I used a mixture of compound and complex sentences
Grammar I wrote using past and present tenses
(5 marks)
I checked my work for punctuation
I checked my work for grammar
Spelling I have minor errors in writing with the correct spelling
(5 marks)

Formal email
Criteria type Objectives
Task achievement I have written a formal email
(5 marks)

My email includes the following in the upper left corner:


Email starts off with a salutation and a reference to the recipient’s prefix and
surname: Dear Ms Borg
Organisation Or: Dear Sir/Madam (if you do not know who they are)
(5 marks)

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My introduction has 2/3 sentences and consists of a brief introduction who I
am and why I am writing the email

My email is organised in 2-3 main bodies which gives some more details about
the topic

I signed off the email appropriately:

Yours Faithfully, (if you don’t know the name and wrote Dear Sir/Madam)
Yours Sincerely, (if you wrote their surname: Dear Ms Borg)
I also included my full name and surname
I used the first person and spoke formally
I have used correct and varied vocabulary
(5 marks) I have used linking words to introduce and sequence my ideas (firstly,
therefore, moreover, however, also, in addition, as well as…)
I did not use contractions or short types of phrases
I used a mixture of compound and complex sentences
Grammar I used the passive or reported speech when needed
(5 marks)
I checked my work for punctuation
I checked my work for grammar
Spelling I have minor errors in writing with the correct spelling
(5 marks)

Informal/Formal Letter or Email

It is very important to read the title very carefully: is it a formal piece? Is it informal? Should I write a
letter or an email? Read this note to help you ☺
First of all, letters are sent by post, whilst emails are typed on an electronic device and sent online.

Informal writing:
• Informal letters or emails are sent to people you know well – friends and relatives.
• They take on a chatty and personal tone + Contractions can be used since it is a friendly and relaxed
• The following types of greetings/ messages are acceptable in informal writing:
• Greeting: Dear/ Hi/ Hello [name – ex Lucy/ Uncle Clive etc]
• Opening remarks: How are you? How is everything going? I apologise/ I’m so happy to hear that…
• Closing: Looking forward to seeing you/ please write soon/ take care/ can’t wait to hear from you
• Signing off: give/ send my regards to/ take care/ lots of love/ all the best/ best regards/ kind
regards/ best wishes

Informal Letters:

Ms E. Axisa & Ms J. Farrugia 2023-24 55

In informal letters you only need to write the writer’s address on the top right corner. It is very
important that you are aware of how to write a proper address!

1st line – Number + house name

2nd line – Street Name
3rd line – location + post code + country

Informal Emails:
In Informal Emails we use the recipient’s email address and a subject on the left. Example:
Subject: Sleepover on Saturday

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Formal writing
• Formal letters or emails are sent to people you do not know or for official purposes (Managers,
Head of Schools, Editors, Police etc)
• You cannot use contractions and need to stick to formal language
• The following types of greetings/ messages are acceptable in formal writing:
• Greeting: Dear Sir/Madam or Dear Mr/Ms [surname – eg. Caruana]
• Opening remarks: introduction who the sender is + reason for writing
• Closing remarks: summary of contents of the letter/ a call for action/ request for a reply
• Sign off: Yours faithfully (if you wrote Dear Sir or Madam) / Yours sincerely (if you wrote Dear Ms

Formal letters
In Formal Letters, you need to include the writer’s address on the top right corner, and the
recipient’s address on the left hand side.

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Formal Email:
The structure of the address is the same as the informal email:

Speaking Section

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Everyday inventions: Presentation
In pairs you are going to put together and present a 2 mins presentation on one of the everyday
inventions below or another one of your choices (approved by your teacher).

Digital camera Dishwasher e-reader Fridge-freezer Headphones Mobile

phone Laptop Microwave oven Speaker Satnav (GPS) Vacuum cleaner
Washing machine
Both students are required to speak, and you are to include the following points
• Information about the history of the invention (do some brief research)
o E.g. The microwave was invented when a scientist who was experimenting with radio waves
saw his chocolate bar, which was in his pocket, had melted.
• A basic explanation about how the invention works
o E.g. A microwave oven (commonly called a microwave) is a machine that cooks food using
microwaves, a type of radio wave.
• Advantages and disadvantages of using the invention over older ways of doing things– you may
include your opinion
o E.g. Ad – Quick reheating
o E.g. Disad – Dry/soggy food Beginning a presentation – I’d like to begin by
saying…., I’m going to talk about…..
You will be marked on the following criteria:
• Quality of information in the slides – 4marks
• Non-verbal communication i.e. body language, facial expressions, eye contact, voice - 4 marks
• Engage the audience i.e. using visuals, asking
questions – 4 marks
• Total – 12 marks
Remember: Introducing arguments – firstly, first of all,
• Research and make notes secondly, another thing is that, it’s also
true that, furthermore, what’s more…..
• Think of a short introduction and conclusion
• Look at your audience – eye contact Giving examples – for example, for
• Use your notes to remember what comes next, don’t instance, look at the case of, take….
just read things aloud
• Take your time to think
Concluding – In conclusion, finally, to sum up, last but
• Project your voice
not least, the point (that) I’m trying to make is, in
Speaking Activity: short…..
Designing your partner’s bedroom
Name: _________________________________________
Today you are going to imagine that you are home designers. You are going to work together in pairs to
design each other’s bedroom, following each other’s instructions in English.
Example: Person A gives instructions to Person B to design Person A’s bedroom and vice versa.
Furnish the bedroom by drawing a sketch of the furniture items on the next handout (no need to be
artistic! Even if they are simple). You cannot use more than 100 points to furnish your room. You can
also give your partner colours for the particular items.
Example: First you need to put the bed between the two windows. Next to the bed on the right you
need to place…

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You need to take down some points that you need to follow.
You cannot look at each other’s work whilst they are designing the room.
- Use clear instructions! - Use linking works (first, second…)
- Listen carefully to each other - Use imperatives.
because the instructions are the only
guidance you will get.
Brief instructions given to you to design your partner’s bedroom:

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Window 1 Window 2

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