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qpl.9 U58s v.18 61-03006

book I

Kansas city
public library
Kansas city,
Library of Congress Catalog


A Cumulative List of Works

Represented by Library of Congress

Printed Cards

1955 - 1959
Pageant Books, Inc.



A Catalog of Books Represented by Library of Congress Printed Cards. (Cards issued

from August 1898 through July 1942)
Ann Arbor, Mich., Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1942-46. Reprinted by Pageant Books, Inc., Paterson, N. J.
167 volumes $1500 (f.o.b. Paterson, N. J.)

Supplement. (Cards issued from August 1942 through December 1947) Ann Arbor, Mich., J. W. Edwards, Inc.,
1948. Reprinted by Pageant Books, Inc., Paterson, N. J. 42 volumes $395 (f.o.b. Paterson, N. J.)

The Library of Congress Author Catalog. 1948-1952. Ann Arbor, Mich., J. W. Edwards, Inc., 1953. Reprinted by Pageant
Books, Inc.,Paterson, N. J. 24 volumes $240 (f.o.b. Paterson, N. J.)

The National Union Catalog, a Cumulative Author List, 1953-1957. Ann Arbor, Mich., J. W. Edwards, Inc., 1958.
28 volumes $255 (f.o.b. Ann Arbor, Mich.)
(Volume 27: Music and Phonorecords and Volume 28: Motion Pictures and Films trips
are also available separately. $20 each plus postage)

The National Union Catalog, a Cumulative Author List, 1958, 1959 $260 (plus $3.00 postage)
(This price covers, in addition, the supplementary annuals of Motion Pictures and Films trips
and Music and Phonorecords)

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects, 1950-1954. Ann Arbor, Mich., J. W. Edwards, Inc., 1955.
20 volumes $240 (f.o.b. Ann Arbor, Mich.)

Library of Congress CatalogBooks: Subjects, 1955-1959. Paterson, N. J., Pageant Books, Inc., 1960.
22 volumes $247.50 (f.o.b. Paterson, N. J.)

The National Union Catalog, a Cumulative Author List, 1960
Monthly issues for January, February, April,
May, July, August, October, November, and December, quarterly cumulations
for January-March, April-June,
July-September, and annual cumulation $260 (plus $3.00 postage)
The subscription price of $260 for The National Union Catalog covers, in addition, the
following two parts of The
Library of Congress Catalogs which are also issued separately and are available at the prices listed. Each part includes
its own subject approach.

Library of Congress Catalog Motion Pictures and Filtns trips

issues for
Quarterly January-March, April-June, September, and
July-September, anc paperbound annual cumu
$7.50 (plus 50 cents postage)

Library of Congress Catalog Music and Phonorecords

Semiannual issue and paperbound annual cumulation .............................. $4.25 (plus 25 cents postage)

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects, 1960

Quarterly issues for January-March, April-June, July-September,, and annual cumulation ..............
$175 (plus $1.50 postage)

Armed Forces Medical Library
Catalog, 1950-1954. (Part one: Authors; Part two: Subjects) Ann Arbor, Mich., J. W. Edwards
Publisher, Inc., 1955. 6 volumes ................................................................................................................
|64 (f ob A nn Arbor, Mich.)


^ er for the catal
Ss Published by J.
D. C, or Pageant Books,
W. Edwards, Inc., Ann
Arbor, Mich.;' JTudd
Inc., 128 Oliver Street, Paterson 1,
1500 Eckmo-ton P^r<*
& Detweiler Inc
should be placed with the .

All the other publications are sold fishers J., ^

by the Card Division, Library of Congress, Washington 25 D C Their


Payments from foreign countries for these latter

publications may be made with UNESCO coupons.

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

L. C. card 50-60682

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

REZA SHAH, SHAH OF IRAN, 1878-1944 RHAETIAN ALPS Tsuboe, Senji, ed.
Harding, Clifford H -JF
The world position of Iran as affected by the work of Rez
Shah. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms
* -f-

( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor,

Flaig, Giinther.
Mich., Publication no. 24,885
Microfilm AC-1 no. 24,885 Hie 58^72- Ratikon, ein Fiihrer fur Taler, Hutten, Berge t von] Gun
ther und Walther Flaig. t l.-3. AufL 3 Munchen, Bergver 847 p. told. map. 19 cm.

REZ Ad, VACLAV, pseud.

lag R. Rother t !953j
289 p. Illus., maps (1 fold, laid In) 17 cm. (Alpenverelnsffihrer
Appendix (p. 829-847) : (4280-^- 6 )f

Reibe: Zentralalpen, Bd. 5}

Gotz, FrantiSefc. DQ827.F4 1953 55-57945 L Korea Hist 1946- 2. Hhe, Syngman, 1875- t
Vaclav Reza Title. Title romanteed: Nansen no kalhO Jflnen.
t Vyd. 1., Praha, Ceskoslovenskf suisova
148 p. Illus. 21 cm. (Portavy a dHo. &ak&
fada, ar 2)
PG5038.R4Z66 59-19250
Romance language



see also New Jersey tea; Zizyphus
Sergievsky, Nicholas Nicholas, 1875- joazeiro Volm, Matthew H 1894-
saxe*; HCxopHiecKufi pouan us arroxn AJIC Ist der Flussname "Rhein" keltischen Ursprungs? Char-
Kcanflpa i. HontiTEa ocHOBaib pyccKoe napcrso "Hosa*
University of Virgioiia Press r 1958S,
PoccHa" na Sana^e AMCPHKH. 2. Ha*., nepep. H son New RHAMNOSE lottesville,
lip. 23cm.
York,Russ-Book 1955j
267 p. 19cm.

TJnlv. Llbr.
A 58-S789
PG3470.S43G5 1955 Montavon, Roger, 1921-
55-37925 du glucose quinovose et diacetylqui-
Tosylation partielle
novosane. Reims, 1949.
QD325.M7 56-40559 FREIHERR VON, 1878-
Belotti, Giuseppe.
Nicold Eezzara, nella storia di Heydt, Eduard, Freiherr von der, 1882-
sociale cattoliw
Bergamo e del movimentc RHAMNUS Auf dem Monte Verita; Erinnerungen und Gedanken
Bergamo, S. E. S. A,, 1956.
1 *" m
iiber Mensclien, Kunst und Politik vonj Eduard von der t

HN475.B4 58-32214 J Pouilloux, Jean. Heydt [iindj Werner von Rheinbaben. Zurich, Atlantis Ver-
La forteresse de Rhamnonte (tude de topographie et lag il968]
d'histoire) Paris, E. de Boccard, 1954. 173 p. Illus. 20cm.
RH FACTOR 209 p. 64 plates, maps (part fold.) plans. 29 cm.
des ficoles frangalses d'Athenes et de Rome, fasc. 179)
(BlbUotheque DD247.R4A5 59-21086 J

D5.B4 fasc. 179 56-58919

see also Erythroblastosis fetalis
Dahr, Peter, 1906- SCHOOLS
Erkenntnisse der Blutgruppenforschung seit der Ent-
Vieu-Kuik, H J
deckung des Rhesusfaktors, von P. Dahr und M. Kindler. Anonieme geschriften van Betje Wolff in het tijdschrift Wittrup, Aloys, 1877-
Stuttgart, F. K. Schattauer 1958] C ]
"De Rhapsodist," 1770-1772. B. Wolters,
159 24cm. Groningen, J. Stadt Rheinberg.
p. , t Rheinberg
A 59-5378 1956. (Rhld.) M. Schiffer, 1963 3
163 p 23 em. 152 illus. 21cm.
Temple Univ. Library Qpi A 57-4148
LA775.R45W5 58^0077
Harvard Univ. Llbrarj

Mollison, Patrick Loudon.

The Rh blood groups and their clinical effects, by P. L. RHEINBUND,
RHAPSODY 1658-1667 see Rhine, Confed
Mollison, A. E. Mourant, and R. R. Race. t 2d ed., London, eration of the, 1658-1667
H. M. Stationery Off., 1954.
vl. 73 p. dlagra. 25 cm. (Medical Research Council (Gt Brit), t
see also Epic poetry
Memorandum no. 27)
R111.M54 no. 27 55-41694 RHEE, SYNGMAN, 1875- RHEINFELDEN, GERMANY (BADEN)
Korea (Republic) KongbonL Switzerland. Amt fur WasserwirtsoTutft.
RHABDITIS Entwurf fur den Ausbau der Rheinschiffahrtsstrasse
Basel-Bodensee. Projet d'amenagement de la voie
Peebles, Charles Robert, 1929-
An electron microscope study of Rhdbditis strongyloides
(Nematodn) Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1957,
(tUniveralty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MIch.j Publication no. 28370)
46 [1966]

2,6,2,U4p. port 18
du Rhin de Bale au lac de Constance. Bern, 1942.
175 p. Illus. 30cm. (Itt Mlttellungen. No. 85)
Erganzung. Beitrage und Vorschlage den Aus
bau der Staustufe Rheinfelden. Bern, 1949.
87 p. Ulufl,, maps (part fold. coU 30 cm. (Itt
Microfilm AC-1 no. 23.370 Mic 57-3784 MIttellnngen, No.
Illinois. Univ. Library 0?ranslatlon of Syngman Bhee throug-h Wefltern eyea. TC492.R5A5 1942a
TC492.R5A5 1942 627.1 48-20486 r
RHABDOCOELIDA 1. Bhee, Byngman, 1875-
Title romanlKd: LI Cb'6n-wmu Inn.
see also Dalyeiidae; Mesostoma DS916.6.R5K623 C 68-7401 iHEINFELDEN, SWITZERLAND
ehrenbergii Indian*. Unlr. Llbr.
Switzerland. Amt fur Wasserunrtsohaft.
Hazen, William Eugene, 1925- Korea (Republic) Entwurf fiir den Ausbau der Rheinschiffahrtsstrasse
KonglosU. Basel-Bodensee, Projet d'amenagement de la voie
Morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of Michigan Dr. Syngman Rhee, the President of the navigable
Republic of du Rhin de Bale au lac de Constance, Bern, 1942.
rhabdocoeles. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1954i Korea. Seoul, Office of Public Information, Republic of 175 p. lllus. 30cm.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication 7659) (/* Mlttellungen. No. 85)
Korea, 1956]
Microfilm AC-1 no. 7659 Mic A 55-3030 12 p. illua. 27 cm. Erganzung. Beitrage und Vorschlage den Aus
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. DS916.5.R5K58 bau der Staustufe Rheinfelden. Bern, 1949
923.1519 57-38134 rev 87 p. lilua., maps (part fold, col.) 30 cm. (lit
Mlttellungen, No
Korea (Republic)
President Syngman Rhee's TC492.R5A5 1942
TO492.R5A5 1942a
journey to America, by Hong 627.1 43-20486 rev*
kee Karl tdirector. Seoul, 1955-
Koellreuter, Jacques, 1916- 171 p. illus. 24cm.
Morphologie und Biologie von Rhdbdotpora rameali DS916.5.R5K6~ 56-3119 J
(Desm. et Rob.) Sacc. Langensalza, H. Beyer, 1950.
180-160 p. illus. 25cm. Korea (Repitblio) Kongbostt.
Biehn, Heinz.
QK625.S6K6 57-19322 Syngman Rhee througn western eyes. Seoul, 1964 c i e,
1955] Rheingau, Heimat unnennbarer Lust. Wiesbaden, Limes
156 p. Illus. 21cm. Verlag [1954]
RHADE (INDOCHTNESE TRIBE) see Rade DS916.5.R5K62 923.1519 56-4006 ISO p. lllua. 18cm,
DD801.R75B49 54-40859 {
(Indochinese tribe) Sinnmnhalthoe.

RHAETIA ffi *f i:4289 t 1956,
186 p. illus. 18 cm.
KeDner, Hans Jorg, 1920- Wiesbaden (Regierungsbezirk) BezirJesplanungaatelle.
Die ro'mischen Fundmiinzen aus dem nordlichen Teil von Der Bevolkerungsausgleich im Rheingaukreis, Gutachten.
Raetien. Untersuchungen zum romischen Geldumlauf. Bearbeiter: Friedrich Breiter. Karten: Georg Pfitasner.
Munchen, 1952. Rudesheim, Kreisausschuss, 1963.
662, p. and atlas (maps, tables) 80cm. 1. Kbee, Syngman, 1875- 28, [5j p. lllua., mapa (part cot ) 80 x 43 on.
CJ893.R45K4 56-17527 Ohayu fll ydngdoja. HB3596.E43W5 57-15108
DS916.5.R5S5 K 58-102 t

Library of Books: Subjects
Congress Catalog

RHEINISCH-WESTFALISCHER JOURNALISTEN- Eirich, Frederick Roland, 1905- ed. Burgess, Parke Gillette, 1925-

VERBAND Rheology theory and applications. New York,

Academic A concept of social responsibility in rhetoric. Ann Arbor,
Press, 1956- University Microfilms C 1957]
v. Illus. 24 cm. ( tUnlversity Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 10.B68)

Dortmund. Westfalisch-Niedenheinisches Institut fur QC189.E55 *541.374 541.341 56-11131 Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,553 Mic 57-1843
Aus der Geschichte der rheinisch-westfalischen Presse; J Cohen, Herman, 1924-
Hermans, J ed.
Ausstellung ... zum goldenen Jubilaum des Rheinisch-West- Flow properties of disperse systems. Amsterdam, North- The rhetorical theory of Hugh Blair. Ann Arbor, Uni
falischen Journalistenverbandes am 2. Oktober 1954 in Diis- versity Microfilms [1954]
Holland Pub. Co. [distributors for U. S. A.: Intersdence
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 7550)
seldorf. [Dortmund, 1954 ? 3 New York, 1953.
40 p. 22 cm.
445 p. Illus 24 cm. (Deformation and flow; monographs on the
Microfilm AC-1 no. 7556 Mic A 54-1477
PN5201.R5D6 and synthetic products) Iowa Univ. Library
59-31611 Theological behaviour of natural
QC189.H38 *541.374 541.341 57-17911 t

RHEINLAND-PFALZ see Rhinelaud-Palatinate Congresso Internationale di studi umanistici. 3d, Venice,


Reiner, Markus, 1886- ed.
Retorica e barocco. Atti del m
Congresso internazionale
Building materials, their elasticity and inelasticity. di studi umanistici, Venezia, 15-18 giugno 1954, a cura di
Edited by M. Reiner, with the assistance of A. G. Ward.
Enrico Castelli. Roma, Fratelli Bocca, 1965.
Eirby, Lynn J 1925-
Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co. ; ( sole distributors for 255 p. plates. 25cm.
A polarographic and spectrophotometric investigation of U. S. A.: Interscience Publishers, New York] 1954. A 55-10094
the lower oxidation levels of rhenium. Ann Arbor, Univer 560 p. Illus. 24 cm. (Deformation and flow; monographs on the Northwestern Univ. Library
ideological behaviour of natural and synthetic products)
sity Microfilms 1957j t

(tUnlversity Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 21,668) TA407.R42 620.1 55-2033 t
Microfilm AC-1 no. 21,668 Mic 57-2685 Fogarty, Daniel John.
Michigan. Univ. Libr,
Emerging conceptions of rhetoric. Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Rigden, P J University Microfilms [1958]
Meier, Jiirg, 1929- The rheology of non-aqueous suspensions. London, H. M. Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-1568 Mic 58- 1568
Ueber Cyankomplexe des Rheniums im Werktigkeitsbe- Stationery Off., 1954.
49 p. 25 cm. (Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Brunner & Bodmer, 1955,
reich von 1-5. Zurich, Road Research Laboratory. Road research technical paper no. 28)
86 p. illus. 21cm. Fogarty, Daniel John.
TE7.H33 no. 28 55-39066 J
QD181.R4M4 58-23743 Roots for a new rhetoric. New York, Bureau of Publica
tions, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1959.
ABSTRACTS 158 p. Illus. 28cm. (Teachers College studies In education)
Meyer, Robert James, 1923- PN175.F6 808 59-15217 |
Chemical and physical studies on intermediate oxidation
Rheology abstracts; a survey of world literature, v 1-
levels of rhenium. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms r!957i Holland, Laura Virginia, 1915-
(ttlniversity Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no 18,628)
May 1958-
Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,628 Mic 57-53
J*uc ><-(>*
London, New York, Pergamon Press for the British So Aristotelianism in the rhetorical theory of Kenneth Burke.
Michigan. UolT. Libr. ciety of Rheology. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1955]
T. 22 cm. quarterly. ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no 10,400)
QC189.R53 59-2844
Microfilm AC-1 no. 10,490 Mic A 55-237
Schuster, Ludwig. Illinois. Univ. Library
Beitrag zur Chemie der Eheniumcarbonyle. [Munchen,
41 p. 21cm. CONGRESSES
QD181.R4S36 Holland, Laura Virginia, 1915-
International Congress on Rheology. Counterpoint: Kenneth Burke and Aristotle's theories of
rhetoric. New York, Philosophical
Proceedings. * ,1959,
Library l J
128 p. 23cm
Tribalat, Suzanne. London, Butterworth Scientific Publications.
v. Illus. 26 cm, PS3503.U6134Z68 801.9 59-16205 J
Rhenium et technetium. Paris,
Gauthier-Villars, 1957.
172 p. 25 cm. (Monographles de chimle physique) QC189.I518 55_ 105
QD181.R4T7 58-4495 J
al-JurjSm, 'Abd al-Q5hir ibn <Abd al-Rahmftn, d. 1078?
Asrar al-balagha, The mysteries of
SOCIETIES, ETC. eloquence, of 'Abdul-
Walton, John Richard, 1923- qahir al-Jurjam. Edited by Hellmut Rittcr. Istanbul, '
Govt. Press, 1954.
Studies in radiochemistry: The
photoexchange reaction
between hydrogen chloride and chlorine. The natural radio
British Society of Rheology.
11 *' ^ P< 2 m '
(Bdeblyat F k( UtesI, 8arkl>ut lOiiBtlKlsU
activity of rhenium-187. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms
Rheology of disperse systems; proceedings of a confer
ence organized by the British PN186J84
11957, Society of Rheology and held
Ann at the University College of Swansea in
([University Microfilms, Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 22,808) September 1957.
Edited by C. C. Mill. New York, Symposium Publications
Microfilm AC-1 no. 22,303 Mic 57-3944 Kully, Robert Delmar, 1027-
J*ucoi-ft Division, Pergamon Press, 1959.
Purdue TJnlv. Library Isaac Mayer Wise: his rhetoric against
vil,223p. illus. 22cm. religious discrimi
nation. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms rl957,
QC189.B8462 532.58082 59-9833 (lUnlveraltj Mlomfllms, Ann Arbor, Mich Publication no. 10,8M) ,

BIBLIOGRAPHY Microfilm AC-1 no. 10,830 Mic 57-00 1

Illinois, rnlv, LH>ror>

BatleUe Memorial Institute, Cofandvs, OMo. Sodety of Rheology.

A survey of the literature on rhenium tbyj C. T. Sims Transactions, v. 1- 1957- Munoz Meany, Enrique.
c and others^ Aeronautical Research Laboratory contract no. New York, Interscience Publishers.
T. illns. 24cm. Preceptiva literaria para estudios de secundaria y nor
AF33(616-232) project no. 708Q. Wright-Patterson Air mal. 5. ed., rev. por su autor
y adaptada a los programas de
Force Base, Ohio, Wright Air Development QC189.S6 *541.37 541.341 57-11926
Center, Air Re estudio de la America Central. Guatemala, Editorial del
search and Development
Command, United States Air Ministerio de Educacidn Publica, 1951.
Force, 1957. 382 p. 23 cm. (El Llbro de Guatemala. Coleccltfn LIbro esco-
*^$tSS%3*$il}&$* ****** *******
UGmA3776 stats
see Electric rheo
PN189.M8 1951
no. 56-319 58-60401
*016.54671 016.5469
Nebergall, Roger Ellis, 1926-
RHEOLOGY see also
An experimental study of rhetorical clarity, Ann Arbor,
Criticism; Debates and debating; University Microfilms 1957i t

see also Colloids; Deformations Diction; Elocution; Exposition (Rhetoric)- (tUnlveralty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., <>ubllc ft tlon no. 19,855)

(Mechanics); Elasticity; Plasticity; Expression; Figures of speech; Irony;

Lectures and lecturing; Letter-
Narration (Rhetoric);
Oratory; Original V
ity (in literature); Persuasion
Nikol'skii, A
British Society of Rheology.
Preaching; Precis writing; Satire;
The rheology of elastomers; proceedings of a conference
Style, Literary; and subdivisions Com
organized by the British Society of Rheology, and held at
the British Rubber Producers' Research position and exercises and Rhetoric
LB1631.N515 , ^
55-27268 t
Welwyn Garden City, in May 1957. Edited by P. Mason under names of
languages V
and N. Wookey. New York, Symposium Publications Nikol'sldl, A
Division, Pergamon Press 958, e; n CO(SHe
TUI.202P. nioa,dmr*, tablet 28cm. Bo8co,Nynfa.
QC18938463 *547.&2 57-14498 A-Bof 1954.
LB1631.N5 1954
15 p. 24cm.

Northwestern tftu>.
Coronas, Juan Maria. Library
Pcrelman, Chaim.
Tipos de cementos y sus empleos
especificos, por Juan M Trait4 de ^OW1M1UW
% J? ^ 6010 del hormi*on, P<>r Alfredo Paez Balnea. I'argumentation; 1 . w t Oh,
Bunton, Norma Desha, 1919- Perelman et L. Olbrechts-Tyteca. l

ndj Patronato Juan de la Gerva de Investigaci6n Tec- A rhetorical analysis of
representative sermons of John universitaires de France, 1958.
t ed., '

Donne. Ann Arbor,

University Microfilms 4954,
Sa. no. 9572)
58-16741 M1CA64-2725 CBilcago. Univ. Libr.
A 58-5953
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Three essays on classical rhetoric; based on Plato, Cicero
Ryerson, Frank Earl, 1921- r and, Qnintilian. [Norfolk, 1959. BIBLIOGRAPHY
tv L. 10 p. 22 era. ([College of William and Mary-V. P. I.) general
An investigation of the effect which the organization of a pubhcatlons series)
piece of writing has on the reader's comprehension. Ann A 51W>T85 Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, New York.
Arbor, University Microfilms 1957] r Virginia. State Library
lists on rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart
((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no 23,781) Bibliography
Microfilm AC-1 no. 23,781 Mic 57-4773 disease. New York c l&55-

Iowa. Univ. 1 v. (loose-leaf) 29 cm.

Longinus, Cassias. Spurious and doubtful works. Z6664.R5H4 016.616991 56-3663 rev I
On great writing (On the sublime) Translated, with an
Torrence, Donald Lee, 1926- introd., by G. M. A. Grube. New York, Liberal Arts Press
Aphilosophy for rhetoric constructed from the writings 1957 3
of Bertram! Russell. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms

ncil, 66 p 21 cm. (The Library of liberal arts, no. 79) RHEUMATISM

PN203.LG 1957 808 57-14628
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MIch.j Publication no 25299) see also Arthritis deformans; Rheumatic
Microfilm AC-1 no. 25,299 Mic 58-4505
Illinois. Univ. Llbraiy
Madyda, Wtadysfciw, ed. and t>:

Trzy stylistyki greckie. c Wyd. l.j Wroclaw, Zaklad Brfiviaire de rhumatologie a I'usage du praticien en 23 ex
Narodowy'im. Ossolinskich !953j

fBlblloteka narodowa. Serla 2, nr. 75) poses et 178 figures, par les mexiecins du Service de rhumato-
PN173.M3 56-34967 t logie de 1'Hopital Lariboisiere (Centre Viggio-Petersen)
Bryant, Donald Cross, 1905- ed. L. Auquier t et al.j Avec la collaboration de Jacqueline
The rhetorical idiom essays in rhetoric, oratory, language,
; Petersen, Th. Egger et F. Lapasse. Paris, L'Expansion
and drama, presented to Herbert August Wichelns, with a Raeder, Hans Henning, 1869- scientifique francaise rl958i
reprinting of his Literary criticism of oratory S70,yvp. lllus. 23cm.
(1925) Platon und die Rhetoren. K^benhavn, I kommission hos
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University Press t 1958]
RC927.B68 58-41246 t
Munksgaard, 1956.
vlli,834p port., map. 24cm. 21 p. 24 cm, (Det Kongellge Danake vldenflkabemes selskab.
Filosonske meddelelser, bd. 2, no. 6)
PN4012.B7 58-2274 A 56-6339
[AS281.D2225 bd.2,no.6] Brugsch, Heinrich G
Columbia Univ. Libraries Rheumatic diseases, rheumatism and arthritis, Philadel
phia, Lippmcott !957j
Cooper, Reuben.
330 p. lllus. 24 cm.
Three essays on classical rhetoric; based on Plato, Cicero RC927.B7 616.72
Rhetorica ad Herennium. 56-10803 t
tand, Quintilian. [Norfolk, 1959,
ivl., 10p. 22cm. ([College of William and Mary-V. P. I.] general <Cicero> Ad C. Herennium de ratione dicendi (Rhe
publications series) torica ad Herennium) With an English translation by Conde Gargollo, Enrique.
A 59-9785 Harry Caplan. London, Heinemann; Cambridge, Harvard Reumatismo. Madrid, 1951.
Virginia. State Library 89 p. 10 cm. (Coleccl<5n de folletos para medicos, sobrc temas de
University Press, 1954. caracter sanltarlo, 27)
IvIII, 433" p. dlagrs. 17 cm. (The Loeb classical library. iLaUn
RC927.C64 55-22104 J
1954a 875.3 55-4252
Clark, Donald Lemen, 1888- Copeman, William Sydney Charles, 1900- ed.
Rhetoric in Greco-Roman education. New York, Colum Textbook of rheumatic diseases. 2d ed. Edinburgh, E.
bia University Press, 1957.
Wolf, Peter, 1017- & S. Livingstone : [Baltimore, Williams & WilMnsj 1955.
285 p. Illus. 24cm. 754 p. Illus. 25cm.
PA3265.C55 808 54-12722 t
Vom Schulwesen der Spiitantike; Studien zu Libanius. [RC927] *616.7 616.991 55-1580 J
Baden-Baden, Verlag fiir Kunst und Wissenschaft, 1952. Printed for U. S. Q. B. R.
09 p. 24 cm.
PA4228.WG A 55-34
1500-1800 Harvard Univ. Library
Grain, Barrell C
Howell, Wilbur Samuel, 1904- Help for ten million ;
a manual for patients with arthritis,
Logic and rhetoric in England, 1500-1700. Princeton, RHETORIC, MEDIEVAL rheumatism and gout. t lst ed.j Philadelphia, Lippincott
Princeton University Press, 1956.
vil,411p. 24cm. 251 p. lllus. 19c (Keystone books In medicine)
BC38.H6 160
Gunzo, grammarian, fl, 965.
56-8646 RC925.C7 616.72 58-9793
Epistola ad Augienses c vonj Gunzo; und, Rhetorimachia
[Von] Anselm von Besate. Hrsg. von Karl Manitius. Wei
mar, H. Bohlaus Nachfolger, 1958. Dejust, H
Peacham, Henry, 1546-1634. vl, 215 p. facslms., geneal. tables, music. 24 cm. (Monumenta
The garden of eloquence (1593 ) facsimile reproduction, A Germanlae hlstorica; die deutecnen Oeschlchtsquellen des Mlttelaltera, L'hygiene du rhumatisant. Pref. de F. Coste. Paris,
with an introd. by William G. Crane. Gainesville, Fla., 500-1500. Quellen zur Gelstesgeschlchte des Mittelalters, 2. Bd.) Vigot freres, 1957.
PA8330.G87Z54 59-17781 110 p. 18 em.
Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 1954.
24 p., f acslms. : [40,, 199 p. 24 cm. 57-34613 t
PN173.P4C7 1954a 808 54-11900
Behandlung rheumatologischer Erkrankungen durch.
see also Rheumatic heart disease; Anasthesie. 3., vollig umgearb. AufL Dresden, T. Stein-
RHETORIC, ANCIENT Rheumatism kopfF, 1951.
Aristoteies. xl, 132 p. lllus. 23 cm. (Der Bheumatlflmus, Sammlung yon Bin-
zeldarstellungen aus dem Gesamtbeblet der Rheumaerkrankungen,
On poetry and style. Translated, with an introd., by Northwestern University, Evanston, HI. Rheumatic Fever Bd.20)
G. M. A. Grube. New York, Liberal Arts Press r !958, Research Institute, Chicago. RC927.R47 Bd.20 1951 55-41921
xxrll, 110 p 21 cm. (The Library of liberal arts, no 68) Splenin A
in rheumatic fever; the testing of splenin as A
PN1040.A5G7 801 58-13827 an anti-inflammatory agent, by Alvin F. Coburn and otherSj t

Springfield, 111., Thomas [1955] Fenz, Egon.

87 24 cm.
rheumatologischer Erkrankungen durch
p. Illus.
Aristoteies. RC182.R4N6 1955 616.991 55-9948 I Anasthesie. neubearb. Aufl. Darmstadt, D. Steinkopff,
Rhetoric translated by W. Rhys Roberts. Poetics ; trans
lated by Ingram Bywater. Introd. by Friedrich Solmsen. 112 p. lllus. 23 cm. (Der Rheumatlsmus Sammlung von Eiti-

lst Modern Library ed.j New York, Modern Library C 1954] zeldarstellungen aus dem Gesamtgeblet der Rheumaerkrankungen,
Paul, John Rodman, 1893-
li, 289 p. 19 cm. (The Modern library of the world's best books Bd.20)
( 246,)
The epidemiology of rheumaticfever. Prepared with the RC927.R47 Bd.20 1955 55-41927 J
PN173.A7R6 assistance of anad hoc Advisory Committee of the Council
[808] 888.5 54-9971
on Rheumatic Fever and Congenital Heart Disease of the
American Heart Association. C 3d ed.] New York, Amer Galata, Gugrlieuno.
ican Heart Association, 1957. L'etiologia spirochetica dell'infezione reumatica; presup-
387 p. Ulus. 22cm. posti etio-nosologici, risultati terapeutici, risultati micro-
Rhetoric, an abstract of principles of public speaking, by RC182.R4P28 1957 61415 57-4104 t biologici (con 38 tavole a color!) [CittJb di Castello? 1958j
Pat M. Ryan, Jr. [Golden, Colo., Dept. of Publications, 188 p. Illus. 24cm.
Colorado School of Mines, 1956j QR251.G28 59-22368
17 p. 29cm.
56-63230 t Taubenhaus, Marjorie.
PN173.A7R9 Rheumatic fever. New
lsfc ed. York, Public Affairs
Committee, 1958, Glyn, John Harry Howard.
20 p. lllus. 10 cm. (Public Affairs pamphlet no. 126A) Cortisone therapy, mainly applied to the rheumatic dis
Barwick, Karl, 1883- RC182.R4T3 616.991 58-1070 J eases. New York, Philosophical Library rlW7,
Probleme der stoischen Sprachlehre und Rhetorik. Ber 182p. lllns. 23cm. .

lin, Akademie- Verlag, 1957. EM292.G55 615^6 68-2185

A 58-564 Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, New York. Hult, Lennart.
Wteonrtn. Only. Ltbr.
Bibliography lists on rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart Cervical, dorsal and lumbar spinal syndromes; a field in
disease. New York [1955- vestigation of a non-selected material of 1200 workers in
1 T. (loose-leaf) 29cm, different occupations with special reference to disc degener
Z6664.R5H4 016.616991 56-3663 rev J ation and so-called muscular rheumatism. Copenhagen,
Clark, Donald Lemen, 1888- Munksgaard, 1954.
New 24 cm. (Acta orthopaedlca Scandt-
Rhetoric in Greco-Roman education. York, Colum 101,
[I, p. diagrs., tables.
Sapplementum no. 17)
bia University Press, 1957.
285 p. Illus. 24cm. RHEUMATIC GOUT see Arthritis deformans
PA3265.C55 808 54-12722 J Rochester. Unlr. LIbr.
Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

see Arthritis de- Straub, Johannes, 1912-

RHEUMATISM (Continued)
In Bonn
formans (In Bonuer JahrbUcher des Rhelnlschen Landesmuaeums
und des Verelns von Altertumsfreunden 1m Rhelnlande. Kevelaer,
Keller-Hoerschelmann, Adolf. Bhld 28 cm. Heft 155/156, T. 1 (1955/06) p. [136 r155)
Naturgemasse Heilung von Rheuma. Budingen-Getten- FRANCE (DEPT.) [DD491.R4B7 Heft 155/156]
57-2744 A
RHIN, BAS-, Univ. Libr
bach, Lebensweiser-Verlag t 1954, Chicago.
90 p. illua 21cm.
RC927.K4 55-16007 J
Tackenberg, Kurt, 1899-
iLewis-Jonsson, Johannes, 1908- Commission departementale. Fundknrten zur Vorgeschichte der Rheinprovinz. Mit
Rhin, Bas-, France (Dept.)
Chorea, its nomenclature, etiology and epidemiology in a einem Beitrag von Rafael von Uslar. Bonn, R. Habelt, 1954.
Deliberations. 107 p. 26 cm. (Belheft 2 der Bonner Jahrblicher)
clinical material from Malmohus County, 1914-1944. Stock
col maps.
[Strasbourg?] GN814.R48T3 56-24414
holm tAhnqvist & Wiksell, 1949.
145 p. Ulna., dlagrs., tables. 24 cm. (Acta jwediatrlca. Supple- 55-42779
A 55-3020 HISTORY
John Crerar Library

STATISTICS Repgen, Konrad.

Lacherini, Tommaso. Marzbowe^ung und Maiwahlen des Revolufcionsjahres 1848
Institot national de la statistique et des efade* too-
Hreumatismo malattia sociale. Con la collaborazione France. im Rheiuland. Bonn, L. Rohrscheid, 1955.
24 cm.
381 p (Bonner hlstorlsche Forschungen, Bd, 4)
dei: prof. Elvio Cecclri, dott Luigi Schiavetti dott. Fa- & Annuaire regional; Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin. DD491.R48R4 56-4793
brizio Ferraris. Roma r 1954j statistique
203 p. illoa 28 cm. (Quadernl della rlviata "I Problem! del 1954-
servlzio sodale," n. 6)
tStrasbourg] 28 cm.
RC927.L8 56-19573 J v. maps (part fold.) dlagrs., tables.
HA1228.R5A32 5{>-42785 Westerholt, Egon, Graf von, 1927-
Lezay Marnesia, Sohn der Aufklarung und Pr&fekt
Pisani, Sante. Napoleons (1769-1814) Mainz, 1955.
Fibrosite cellulite (fibrosite bianca e fibrosite adiposa) e FRANCE 31cm.
RHIN, HAUTE-, (DEPT.) x, 357,81. geneal. table.
quadri morbosi affini. Pref. di Cesare Frugoni. [Firenzej CT1018.L43W4 58-25861
r,287p. illns (Icol.) 25cm. (Arsmedica)
A 55-653
Temple TJnlv. Library EC92T.P58 Association des maires du de"partement du Haut-Rhin. RHINE -RHONE CANAL (Projected)
Bulletin d'information departemental et communal & re-

cueil des actes administratifs.

Association suisse pour la navigation du Rh&ne au Rhin.
Colmar. f erase und
Semmola, Luigu v 28 cm. 2 no. a month. Ausbnuplan der Gewiisser zwischen dem Gen
Cute e malattie reumatiche tdij L. Semmola [6] G. Gar- 55-29118 der Aaremundung in den Rhein. Neuchatel, Baconnifere
denghi. Firenze, Edizioni "La Settimana medica" C 1947] 1
91 p. 19 cm. 3 v. Illus , col. mapa (part fold.) col, plans, dlagrs. (part col.), col.
RC927.S4 59-27160 profiles, table. 31 cm.
Rhin, Haut-, France (Dept.) Consett general. TC692.A83 55-56871
Proces-verbaux des deliberations.
Storck, Hans, 1898- rCoImar, etc.]
v. in 22-24 cm.
Rheumatismus als Regulationskrankheit; das Rheuma.-
JS7.F7R5S 57-36959
problem in neuer Schau. Munchen, Urban & Schwarzen-
berg, 1954.
198 p. Illus. 22cm.
Looveren, W
Be-ne-lux ; Antwerpen, Rotterdam Moordijk ;
RC927.S8 55-28562 J
STATISTICS een reeks bijdragen tot opheldering van het 160-jarig
Belgisch-Nederlands "Schelde-Rijn"-gesprek. 's-Graven- C

France. Institut national de la statiatique et de* etvdea eco- hage, Uitg. voor hetj Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Inter
Studer, Alfred.
nomiques. nationale Zaken c door de Zuid-Hollandsche Uitgevorsmij.,
Rheumatismus als Problem der experimenteflen Medizin,
Annuaire statistique regional; Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin. 1952-
von Alfred Studer und Kurt Reber. Darmstadt, D. Stein- v. 27cm.
kopff, 1959. DH136.L6 57-33974
138 p. illns. (part coL) 28cm. (DerBheumatlsmus; Sammlung [Strasbourgi
von Elnzeldarstellungen aus dem Gesamtgeblet der Rheumaerkran- T. maps (part fold.) dlagrs., tables. 28cm.
kungen, Bd. 33) HA1228.R5A32 55-42785
RC927.R47 Bd.33 59-41702 Physisch,- en economisch-geografische beschouwingen over
de Rijn als Europese rivier. Met medewerking van W. F. :

RHINE, CONFEDERATION OF THE, 1658-1667 van Gunsteren et al. 3 Aangeboden aan Prof. W. E. Boer-

World Health Organization. Expert Committee on Sheu* man van diens 25 jarig hoogleraarsjubileum
ter gelegenheid
matic Disease*. Schnur, Roman, 1927- aan de Nederlandsche Economische Hoogschool te Rotter
Report. 1st- sess. dam. Rotterdam, Van Kouteren's Uitgeversbedrijf 1948]
; Der Rheinbund von 1658 in der deutschen Verfassungsge- 365 p. Illus. 23cm.

Aug.3-Sept4,l953- schichte. iMainz! 1953?, HE669.5.R5P5

Geneva. 68-34881 J
182L 29cm.
T. 24 cm. (World Health Organization. Technical report se DD190.4.S35 54-44520
RA8A25 55-3288
CONGRESSES Denkschrift zur Verkehrsiibergabe der wiederhergeatellte-n
Kreeb, Heinz, 1926- Autobahnbriicke iiber den Rhein in Rodenkirchen bei Koln
Probleme der Rhein-Donau Wasserstrassenpolitik. Miin- am 9. Dezember 1954. Der Bundoeminister f iir Verkehr, der
American Rheumatism Association,
cheri, 1951. Minister fur Wirtschaft und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-
Research and education in rheumatic diseases. Transac 206, Till i. maps (part fold.) dlagrs. (part mounted) 80 cm. Westfalen und] der Direktor des Landschaftsverbandes
tions of national conference on research and education in
t" HE669.5.R5K7 56-20074 Rheinland. Bonn, 1955.
rheumatic diseases] 1st- 1953- 92 p. Illus., map. 30 cm,
T. Illus., dlagrs. 2 CTI.
A 55-6708
Illinois. Unlr. Library
RC927.A524 *616.7 ^16.991 55-1209 Rhein-Main-Donau. Aktiengesellschaft,
Festschrift zur Eroffnung der kanalisierten Mainstrecke
Wurzburg-Ochsenfurt 18. Juni 1954, Munchen r!954i
European Rheumatology Congress. 3d, Hague and ScTieve- 83 p. Illus. (part col) col maps (part fold.) 80 on.
nxngen^ 1965. Die Deutschen Rheinbriicken einschliesslich der Brucken an
HE669.5J15R43 55-39216 ;

Contemporary rheumatology; proceedings. Honorary der franzosischen und Schweizer Grenze. Koln Stahlbau-
editors, J. Gosfings and EL Van Swaay. Amsterdam, New Verlag, 1956.
55 15cm,
York, Elsevier Pub. Co., 1956. p. Illus.

six, 683 p. illua., mapa, oiagrtL, tables. 26cm. TG74.R5D4 57-26434 J

RC927JE83 1955 616.7 616.991082 57-28110 RHINE PROVINCE
Nordbrucke Dusseldorf,
hrsg. von der Landeshau
Arthritis and rheumatism, T. 1- Bos, Matthias. r Beitra e: E -
Feb.1958- JTochmals Spielsteine als Rennpferde.
tNew York] Grune & Stratton. (In Bonner JahrbQcher des Rhelulschen
Landesmusemns In Bonn
165 p. Illus., maps (part col. ) dtagn., tables. 80cm.
2ecm. Mmoatlily. Bln^ dUgn.
BC927.A1A7 616.706273 59-37291 nilnote. Univ. Library
A 69-2614

SOCIETIES, ETC. Herrnbrodt, Adolf.
STeue hallstattzeitliche Graber von der unteren Sieg. Brogle, Felix, 1926-
Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. (In Bonner Jahrbucher des Rhelnlschen Landeamuseums In Bonn
und des Terelns von Altertumsfreunden 1m Bhelnlande. Kevelaer Flosserei der oberrheinischen Gebiete
Report. Ehld. 28cm, Heft 154 (1954) p. [5 r2a map, diagrs.) ^Die Laufenbur*-
New York. [DD491.R4B7 Heft 154] A Wp.
7. lllm 26cm. annual.
55-36013 r^y
Chicago. UnlT. Llbr.
55-527 rev
Ulu8.,map. 22cm.
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RHINE RIVER (Continued) RHINE VALLEY Wolf, Ludwiff, writer on travel.

Betrachtsame Rheinfahrt Mit 32 Tafeln nach Fotoa
NAVIGATION LAWS AND REGU ANTIQUITIES so'wie Federzeichnungen von Michael T<issmann. [Leipzig]
LATIONS E. Wunderlich [1957]
215 p. illus. 21 cm.

Blert, Georg M
1925- DD801JK75W55 57-41742 t
Ferrier, Charles Antoine.
Das vorgeschichtliche Siedlungsbild des Wormser Rhein-
La de navigation sur
libertg le Rhin de Bale a la mer.
iibergangs. "Worms, 1951. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL GUIDE
Winterthur, P. G. Keller, 1955. 150 p. maps, tables 21 cm.
xil, 115 p. 21 cm.
GN814.R5 1 4 54-41833 BOOKS

see also Automobiles Road guides

Hoeven, Henk van der. CIVILIZATION Rhine Valley
De Rijnvaartakten en de cabotage. {Dt\\ Haag, 1956j
102, p. map. 24 cm.
Bonn. Universitat. Intfitut fin" (retchiriit'liche Lande&unde
57-26890 Baedeker, Karl, -firm.
der Rhriiilfnxle.
Koln und das Rheinland zrwischen Koln und Mainz; Reise-
West-ostdeutsche Forschungsaufgaben ; die Wechselbezie-
handbuch. 35, Aufl. Hamburg, 1953.
Kraus, Herbert, 1884- hungen zwischen West- und Ostdeutschland als Forschungs- 463 p. Illus., maps (part fold,, part col.) plans. 17 cm. (Baede
aufgabe der geschichtlichen Landeskunde. Bericht uber kers Relsehandbttcaer)
Rechtsfragen der Rheinschiffahrt; zwei Rechtsgutachten
erstattetvon Herbert Kraus und Ulrich Scheuner. Frank
die 12. Arbeitstagung des Instituts fiir Gescliichtliche DD801.R73B14 1953 55-44822
furt am Main, V. Klostermann [1956]
Landeskunde der Rheinlande an der Universitat Bonn vom
187, 23 cm. (Schrlften des Instltuts
[1, p. flir Auslttndlsches und 12. bis 14. April 1954. Bearb. von Georg Droege. [Diis-
Internationales Wirtschaf tsrecht, Bd. 6) seldorf, Der Wegweiser, 1955. Bords du Itlun, Foret-Noire, pays rheuans. c
d. etablie par
56-29563 79 p. maps. 21 cm. (Schriftenrelhe fur die Begegnung der
deutschen Stamme, Vortragaheft Nr. 7) Jacques Legros} Paris, Hachette, 1956.
one, 506 p. maps (part fold, col.) 17 cm. (Les Guide* bleus)
DD744.7.B6 57-19897 DD801.R74B64 1956 56-46618
Niederrheinische Industrie- und Handelskammer Duisburg-
Handelsgebrauche in der Rheinschiffahrt. Gutachten des Grieben, firm, publishers.
Vorstandes der Schifferborse und der Niederrheinischen In Weischet, W Niederrhein und Industriegebiet. t Vollstandig neu und
dustrie- und Handelskammer Duisburg-Wesel zu
Duisburg- Die Geliiucleklimate der Niederrheinischen Bucht und den Erfordernissen moderner Touristik entsprechend
Ruhrort. 7. Aufl.;, Duisburg, "Rhein" Verlagsgesellschaft, ihrer Rulmienlauclschaften; eine geographische Analyse sub- uberarb.] Miinchen, K. Thiemig t l958]
1952. 180 p Ulna.,maps (fold., part coL on 1 L In pocket) 17 cm.
regionaler Klimadifferenzierungen. Kallmunz/Regensburg,
240 p. 21 cm. (Verwaltung und Wlrtschaft am Nlederrheln, Heft M. Lasslebeu, 1955. (Grieben-BelsefOhrer, Bd. 195)
32) 169 p. lllus., maps (part col.; 11 fold, in pocket) 24cm, (Mtinch.
DD801.R73G65 1958 58-39845
54-20852 rev ner geogrnphlsche Hefte, Heft 8)
QC989.G3R5 57-16357
Grieben, firm, publishers.
Scheuner, Ulrich, 1903-
Der Rhein von Mainz bis Koln. Munchen, K, Thiemig,
Internationale Recht der Rheinschiffahrt und der COMMERCE 1956.
nationale Binnenverkehr (Cabotage) Rhein Ver Duisburg, 189 p. 4 maps (1 col., on fold, 1. In pocket) 17 cm. (Grieben-
lagsgesellschaft. 1954. Merkens, Peter Heinrich, 1778-1854. RelsefUhrer, Bd. 75)
70 p. 2in. DD801.R73G69 56-41888
Peter Heinrich Merkens, 1778-1854; aus seinen Schriften
56-24758 zur Wirtschaftspolitik am Rhein. [Zusammengestellt aus
den Bestanden des Rheinisch-Westfalischen Wirtschafts-
archivs zu Kb'ln. Koln, Industrie- und Handelskammer,


Vogt, Hans unpaged, lllus 23 cm.
Der Rheinfrachtfuhrer, seine VertrSge und seine Haf- HE669.5.R5M4 59-26668 J
tung. Zurich, Juris- Verlag, 1952.
Bongs, Rolf, 1907-
xi, 127, 14 p. 21cm. Rheinisches Bilderbuch. t Berlin3 E. Staneck t 1954,
55-30898 74 p. lllus. (part coL) 15r20 cm.
Nederlands-Duitse Earner van Koophandel.
DD801.R74B6 55-25816
Mannheim, Wahrzeidien des europaischen Rheines, 1607-
1957. Der Stadt Mannheim zum 350 jahrigen Bestehen
Wassermeyer, Heinz. iiberreicht durch die Deutsch-Niederlandische Handelskam-
Der Kollisionsprozess in der Binnenschiffahrt, fur den. mer. t
Den Haag, 1957,
Rhein dargestellt an Hand der Rechtsprechung des Ober- 219 p. illus., plates. 27 cm. ( Schriftenreihe der Deutsch-Nleder- Busch, Harald, 1904- ed.
landlschen Handelskammer) Land an Rhein und Ruhr. 88 Bildseiten der Fotografen :

landesgerichts Koln. [2. Aufl.] Duisburg, Rhein Verlag

A 59-7856 Abel und anderer. Mit einer Einleitung von Otto Brues und
New York Unlr. Libraries HF3569
Erlauterungen von Hehnut Domke. Zusammenstellung und
877 p. 23cm.
57-36054 Bildunterschriften von Harald Busch, Frankfurt am Main,
Umschau Verlag [1955,
DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL 104 p. (chiefly lllua.) map (on lining paper) 27 cm. (Die Deut-
schen Lande; etne Belhe der Umschau-Bttcner, 8. Bd.: Nordrheln-
Bohme, Walter. DD801.R74B78 56-39217
Die Rheinlande. Offenburg/Baden, Lehrmittel- Verlag,
Aubert, Jean, 1894- 1948.
Note'sur les travaux scientifiques de Jean Aubert. [Paris, 143 lllus 23cm.
p. (Lehrbuch derErdkunde)
Impr. Valeurj 1954. DD801.R75B62 55-29546 t Bosch, Harald, 1904- ed.
85 p. lllus. 27 cm.
Rheinland-Pfalz und Saar; 88 Bildseiten der Fotografen
A 55-6711 Dr. Busch und anderer. Mit einer
Illinois. Univ. Library
Duteil, Henri Jean, 1907-
Einleitung von Stefan
Andres und Erlauterungen von Helmut Domke. Frankfurt
Le fleuve qui porte un monde (Le Rhin) Paris '
R am Main, Verlag t !954j
Laffont !958] 104 p. (chiefly illus.) map (on lining paper) 27 cm.
283 p. lllus. 20 cm, (Collection "La VaUee d rols") Deutscben Lande; eine Belhe der tJmachao-Baffi)
DD801.R75D85 59-30419 J DD801.R74B8 55-17600
Prance. Treaties, etc., 1954- (Ooty)
Convention entre la Republique franchise et la Republique
f&lerale d'Allemagne sur Vamenagement du cours supfirieur Flaig, Walther, 1893-
Gibbon, Monk, 1896-
du Rhin entre Bale et Strasbourg. Paris, Impr. nationale, The Rhine & Entlang dem Rhein; Strom und Strassen. Stadte. Berge,
its castles. London, Putnam 1957
1956. 255 23cm.
p. lllus.
Burgen. Wien, A. SchroU ["1956]
28 p. 80 plates, maps. 26 cm.
12 p. 27 cm. DD801.R75G5 1957 914.34 57-59171 4. Bd.)
Illus., (BJuropa* Ferlei
DD801J174F55 57-19395

Gibbon, Monk, 1896-

Ganzoni, Werner, 1892- The Rhine & its castles. New
Rheinau? 3 Aufsatze aus dem "Landboten." Winter- York, Norton [1958,J Guex-RoUe, Henriette.
255 p. lllua. 22 cm.
thur, Kommissionsverlag "W. Vogel [1952] DD801.R75G5 1958 914.34 58-7390 J
Rhmt paT]
Henriette et Andre Guex-Rolle. Lausanne,
80 p. 21 cm. Librairie Marguerat r 1958 3
T14.G28 333.7809434 59-42902 J 63 p. 144 plates. 29cm. (MerrelUes da monde)

Paolsen, Peter, of Bonn.

A 59^503
Harvard TJnir. library
REGULATION Am Rhein, am deutscben Rhein: Reportagen, Berlin,
Kongress-Verlag. 1957.
101 p. 21cm.
Froriep, Henrik, 1927- Mayer, Louis, 1791-1844.
Rechtsprobleme der Oberrheinkorrektion im Grossherzog- WlaconBln. Univ. Llbr.
58-1750 t A Zwischen Neckar und Rhein anno dazumal; nach Origi-
tum Baden. Baden-Baden, 1953. nalen von Louis Mayer. Eingeleitet von Max Schefold.
179L 30cm. Leinfelden bei Stuttgart, Engelhornverlag C 1955]
55-38070 [8, p., 16 col plate*. 13x20 cm. (Sammlung Adolf Spemann)
Schafer, Wilhelm, 1868-1952.
Der Niederrhein und das Bergische Land. Wittlich, G. ND1954.M36S4 56-18462
Fischer 1195^ .

48 p. lllus. 24cm. (Sammlung Rhelnlaches Land)

DD801.R75S38 1954 56-33719 t Miiller, Theodor, 1904- ed.
Labaye, 6 Das Bildbuch vom Rhein; von den Al
Etude sur modele reduit de la modification du cours du 3 zum Meer,
hrsg. von
Theodor Muller-Alfeld, "Willy Lggera und
una Harald
Rhin au droit de Strasbourg tpar^ G. Labaye tet X. Michon. Busch. Frankfurt am Main. Umschau Verlair c 1956

Strasbourg, Editions de la Navigation du Rhin, 1950.

Seyd, Feliria.
The Rhine. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1955. aoac,8dp. of iUua. maps. 2^u.
^ r

9 p. Ulna. 81 cm. t lsted.]

288 p. niua. 22cm. DD801.R74M85 57-22980
TC474.R5L2 57-23582 J
DD801.R75S44 914.84 66-7972 t
Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog
Trautheim uber
Rheinland-Pfalz; Kultur und Wirtschaft. c POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT
RHINE VALLEY Darmstadt, Mushakesche Verlagsan^alt [1958i
455 p. lllus., fold. col. map (in pocket) K O_OQOIR
58-BZlb Rhineland-Palatinate.
Staatsanzeiger fiir Rheinland-Pfalz.
VIEWS (Continued) Staats-Zeitung;
Jahrg. 1-
CITY PLANNING see Cities and 8 Mai 1950-
Theodor, 1904- ed.
Portrait of a river : the Rhine from the Alps to the sea,
towns Planning Rhineland -Pala Koblenz.
v in Hlus. 52 cm. weekly.
edited by Theodor MuHer-AJfeld, Willy Eggers, and Harald tinate
Btisch, Frankfurt/Main, Umschau Verlag flSS^
131 maps. 29cm.
91434 57-26649 CLIMATE MAPS
Rhineland-Palatinate. Landtag.
Wetterdienst. Amtliches Handbuch, [lo
Germany (Federal Republic, 19$- )
rn. Wahlperiode, 1955-
Verbeek, Albert, 1909- Klima-Atlas von Rlieinland-Pfalz. 7T Kartell, 9 Dia-
Die Niederrheinansichten Jan de Beyers. Essen, Frede- oriunme und Erlauterungen. Bad Kissingen, 1957. rMainz!
43 cm.
v. lllUB., ports.
beul & Koenen, 1957.

84 (I. e 86) 1 maps (part col.) dlagrs. 67-41778 rev

2T cm. (Die Kunstdenkmller des 1957 Mapo9-<0o JN4945.R45A32
166 p. illusn porti, maps- G1923.K5G3
Bhelnlands. Beiheft5)
tfCH25.B4V4 59-27216
ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Nationale Front des Demokratischen Deutschland. Wagner, Helmut, 1930-
Pulverfass Rheinland-Pfalz. [Herausgeber: Biiro des Die Heimatvertriebenen und Sowjetzonenfluchtlmge in
Niederrheinische Industrie- and Handelskammer Dnisburg- Presidiums des Nationalrates der Nationalen Front des Berlin, Duncker & Humblot,
WeseL Demokratischen Deutschland. Berlin, 1954] 182 n 24 cm. (Unterauchungen zum deutachen
Vertrlebenon- und
Der Bezirk der Niederrheinischen Industrie- und Handels- 61 p. illus. 23 cm. Fluchtllngsproblem, 2. Abt.: BlnzeldarsteUungen)
kammer Duisburg-Wesel, sein wirtschaftliches Gesicht und DD801.P48N3 59-40295 I HB5.V42 Bd.7,T.7
Gewicht 3. erweiterte Aufl. t Duisburg-Ruhrort, Binnen-
schiffahrts-Verlag, 1957]
rill, 96 p. lllns^ map, tables. 21cm. Heft 38)
HC288.R7N5 1957
(It* Scbrtftenreihe,
Rhineland-Palatinate. Statistiscfies Landesamt.
HISTORY see also Automobiles Road guides Statistik von Rheinland-Pfalz.
Bad Ems, 19
Rhineland- Palatinate v. lllus. 30cm.
see also Germany
History Allied 55-362^1
Occupation, 1918-1930 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS
Bernstein, Paul, 1927-
Bosch, Werner, 1901- Rhineland-Palatinate. Statisti.iches Landesamt.
The Rhine problem during the Second Republic and Sec Rheinland-Pfalz; eine Analyse seiner wirtschaftlicher Statistischer Vierteljahresbericht.
Struktur. [Mainz?] 1957.
ond Empire. An* Arbor, University Microfilms [1955, [D. P-]
Ann Arbor, Publication no. 113&4) 2v. lllua. 30cm. v. 30 cm.
(tUnlveralty Microfilms, Mlch.j
HC287.R7B62 59-25366 J
Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,394 Mic 55-101 HA1320.R454 56-24473 1

Gachot, Edouard, 1362-

La dispute du Rhin, de 1'antiquite a nos jours. Nouv. d. t
completed par J. Joubert. Paris, Payot, 1952. Schack, Wilhelm.
356 p. 23 cm Zentralausschuss fiir Deutsche Landeskunde.
Ich ja^te das weisse Nashorn; mit Kamera und Blitzlicht
DDS01.R75G2S 1952 55-35929 J Rheinland-Pfalz in seiner Gliederung nach zefitralort- im Zululand. Frankfurt am Main, Umschau Verla^ [1958]
Hchen Bereichen; Gutachten im Auftrage der Staatskanzlei, 87 p. lllus. 22cm.
Landesplanung, vorgelegt vom Zentralausschusa fiir QL737.U6S3 59-29639 J
Jahrbuch fur Geschichte und Kunst des Mittekheins und Deutsche Landeskunde in Gemeinschaft mit der Bundes-
reirMT Kachbargebiete. anstalt f iir Landeskunde. Wissenschaftliche Gesamtleitung :
Neirmed am Rhein, Raiffeisendruckerei. Emil Meynen. Hauptbearbeiter : Rudolf Klopper und Jiir- RHINOLOGY see Nose
T. Ulus. 27 on.
gen Kdrber. Remagen/Rhein, Bundesanstalt fur Landes
kunde, 1957.
367 p. coL maps (part fold.) fold. form. 24 cm. (Forschungen
zur deutschen Landeskunde; VerOflentHchungen des Zentralaua-
HISTORY HISTORIOGRAPHY scbusses fiir Landeskunde und der Bundesanstalt ftlr Landeskunde,
Braubach, Max, 1399- G58.F73 Bd.100 A 58-5941
Harvard Univ. Library
Landesgeschichtliche Bestrebungen und historische Ver- Schwendimann, Fritz, 1929-
eine im Rheinland, Festgabe zur Hundertjahrfeier 1954 Versuche zur Herstellung eines Rhizobium-Impfmaterials
"Qberblick iiber ihre Entstehung und Entwicklung. Dussel-
dorf, L. Schwann, 1954.
HISTORY, LOCAL fiirLuzenie unter besonderer Beriicksiclitiffung schwoizeri-
scher Verhiiltnisse. Zurich, Juris- Verlaff, 1955.
108 p. 24 cm. (VerSffentUdrongea dea Htetorischea Verelns fdr 64 p. 22 cm.
Die Landkreise in Rheinland-Pfalz. Bd. 1- lllus., maps.
dn Nlederrheln. Insbewndcre das alte Brzblstum K81n, 8)
S652.S35 59-24210
DD745.B7 56-26385 Speyer, Verlag der Zechnerschen Buchdr., 1954^
v. Illus., maps. 30 cm. (Die Deutschen Landkreise: Hand-
buch fur Verwaltune, Wlrtachaft und Kultur)
DD801.P48L3 55-87484
Wirtschaft am Rushdi, Medhat Hussein Kamel, 1923-
Rhein. Jahrg. l- INDUSTRIES Effect of some soil factors on efficiency of
1947- fungicides in
iNeuwiedj controlling RMzoctoma solani Kuhn. Ann Arbor, Univer
v.ln flta*. S2c
Wagner, Helmut, 1930- sity Microfilms 1955] C

EC288.R7W55 Die Eingliederung der Fluchtlinge ia die Rheinland- ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 14,217)
56-42393 J
pfalzische Wirtschaft. MainZ]J 1956.
r Microfilm AC-1 ^
no. 14,217 Mic 56-780
ui, 184, t 55, p. 2cm. Maryland. TJnlv. Llbr.
finders, Carl Friedridi, 1877-
Dichtung und Geistesgeschichte urn den. Rhein von den MAPS RHIZOPODA
Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart; mit Benutzung yon Teilen
der "Deutschen Dichtong am Rhein" 194^ von. Walter see also Labyrinthulldae ;
Bins,P Pelomyxa
Linden, neu dargestellt von Carl Endera Ratingen bi illinoisensis
Duaseldorf, A. Henn C 19573 Heimatatlas
Rheinland-Pfalz; der Kulturraum der rheini-
anrUTKLp. 2Son.
HarrardtTnlT. Llbrmry
A 58-3250 "
schen Landschaft. Bearb. von
t P. Bms, BL Hoppstatteru^d
Decloitre, Lucien.
Recherches sur les rhizopodes thecamoebiens d'A. O. F.
G1923.R5B5 1953 MAP 54-1106
n M ltnt
Schwind, Anton Peter, 1922- Palm, Valentin, 1895- QL368.R4D4 56-17308 rev
Baiern und Rheinlinder; ein. Wesensvergleich aus dem Atlas fur die Schulen in Rheinland-Pfalz, unsere Heimat
Pressehumor von Munchm und Koln. MBnchen, 1956. Bearb. von Valentin Palm und Alfons Hilgers unter Mithilfe
S12L Ulna. 29cm. von Landesinstituten und bewahrten Schulgeographen. Decloftre, Lucien.
BD801.B347S38 59-20146 Braunschweig, Westermann C 1952 ?
, i
Les thecamoebiens de 1'Eqe (Groenland) Paris, Her
16 p. of coL map* (part fold.) 82cm. mann, 1956.
G1923.R5P3 1952 Map 56-626 100 p. lllus., plates. 25 cm. (Expeditions polalre* francalwa.
iTravaux, 8)
RHINELAND - PALATINATE Q111.A3 no. 1242 A 56-7044
Brown Univ. Library
Die Landkreise m Rheinland-Pfak. Bd. 1- Rheinland-Pfalz Heimatkunde in Bild und Karte Frank
Speyer, Verlag der Zechnerschen Buchdr^ 1954- furt, Atiantik-Verlag Paul List t 1954? 3 Grospietsch, Theodor.
T. IIJUJL, mapt HO cm. (Die Deotachea Landkreise; Hand-
bocn rtr Yerwaltung, Wlrtacoaft tmd Kultur) * port8 - TOL ^^
(1 fol<L to "**> cm M - Wechseltierchen (Rhizopoden) Stuttgart, Franckh rl958,
80 p. lllua. 24cm. (BinfUhrung in die Klelnlefoewelt)
DD801JP48La 55-37484 G1923Jt5R4 1964
Map 67-109 QL368.R4G7 58-21577 t
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Asmund, Berit. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hearne Brothers, Detroit.
Five Danish waters and their population of RhizosoUnia Official Hearne Brothers polyconic projection map of
Rhode Island. State Library, Providence.
longiseta. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1955. Rhode Island. Detroit t 1956j
68 p dlasiu 2o cm (Dansk botanlgk arklv, bd. nr 5) Check-list of departmental publications of the State of col. map on sheet 165 x 112 cm.
Rhode Island, 1935-1955. [Compiled by Alice
E. Caldwell,
A 56-5222 G3770 1956.H4 Map 57-522
catologer. Providence, 1955 ?j
Chicago. Llbr.
33 p. 28cm.
Z1331.R56 56-63056
U. S. Geological Survey.
RHO CHI States of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut:
base map. Washington, 1954.
Bowers, Roy A GOVERNORS map 25 x_35_cni.
The Rho Chi Society; development of the honor society
G3720 1954.U55 Map 54-1311
of American pharmacy, by Roy A. Bowers and David L.
CM Mohr, Ralph S
Cowen. Madison, Wis., Rho Society, 1955.
51 p. 23 cm. Governors for three hundred years, 1638-1954, Rhode MAPS, PICTORIAL
RS1.R753 615.106273 56-3230 Island and Providence Plantations. [Leo Reardon, State
photographer. Providencej State of Rhode Island Graves
Registration Committee, 1954.
Rhode Island. Dept. of Public Works.
245 Illus,, ports., maps. 28 cm.
RHODANATES see Thiocyanates JK3251.M6
923.273 55-62341 Rhode Island highway map, 1952. IssUed by the Depart
ment of Public Works in cooperation with the Office of the
RHODANIDES see Thiocyanates Secretary of State. [Providence, 1952 3
HISTORY G3771.P2 1952.R5 Map 54-169
Suter, Hubert, 1927- Rhode Island; the development of a democracy. Provi
Uber neue Darstellungs- und Bildungsweisen von alipha- dence, Rhode Island State Board of Education, 1957.
xi, 832 p lllus., ports., maps. 24cm.
U. S. Geological Survey.
tischen 1,2-Dunercaptocarbonsauren und eine neue Synthese Index to maps of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Con
F79.G55 974.5 58-62644 rev
von Arylidenrhodaninen. [Miincheni 1955.
L 80cm. necticut.
11,66, ,2,

QD305.A4S968 58-S1690 Washington.

coL maps 49 x 71 cm. fold, to 27 x 22 cm.
Tanner, Earl C
Rhode Island a brief history. [Providence] Rhode Island
G3721.A2 year.U62 Map 53-720
RHODE ISLAND State Board of Education, 1954.
xil, 172 p.
lllus. 23 cm.
974.5 54-63141
Bailey, Bernadine (Freeman) 1901-
Rhode Island. Dept. of Administration.
Picture book of Rhode Island. Pictures by Kurt Wiese.
Chicago, A. Whitman, 1958.
unpaged. Jllus. 17x21 on. \Rer The United States books] HISTORY COLONIAL PERIOD Providence.
24 cm.
v. tllus
F79.3.B3 917.45 58-12320 J
J87.R44f 57-62571 J
Lovejoy, David Sherman, 1919-
The licentious Republic: Rhode Island, 1760-1776. Ann
Arbor, University Microfilms [1954] POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT
ADMINISTRATIVE AND POLITICAL ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 9828)

DIVISIONS MAPS Microfilm AC-1 no. 9828 Mic 55-5727 COLONIAL PERIOD

U. Lovejoy, David Sherman, 1919-

S. Bureau of the Census.
HISTORY REVOLUTION Rhode Island politics and the American Revolution, 1760-
Rhode Island: minor civil divisions towns and cities. 1776. Providence, Brown University Press, 1958.
1950. Washington, U. S. Govt Print 256 p. fold. map. 24 cm. (Brown University studies, r. 23)
Off., 1952.
map 18 x 26 cr~ Rhode Island. General Rochanibeau Commission. F82.L68 974.502 58-10478
G3771.F7 1960.TJ5 Rochnmbenu and Rhode Island [by] Claiborne de B. Pell.
Map 53-913
[Providence, 1954?!
16 p. Illus. 24 cm. POPULATION
E265.R45 973.347 55-62345 t
BIOGRAPHY Mayer, Kurt Bernd, 1916-
Migration. and economic development in Rhode Island tby]
HISTORY REVOLUTION FICTION Kurt B. Mayer andj Sidney Goldstein. Providence, Brown
Mohr, Ralph S

University Press, 1958.

Governors for three hundred years, 1638-1954, Rhode 64 p. 25 f-m.
Island and Providence Plantations. [Leo Reardon, State Simister, Florence Parker. HB3525.R4M32 *301.32 312.8 58-10480 t
Girl with a musket Illustrated by Lloyd Coe. New
photographer. Providence] State of Rhode Island Graves
Registration Committee, 1954.
York, Hastings House [1959]
116 22 cm.
245 p. illus., ports., maps. 28 cm.

59-7464 t SpauMiug, Irving' A

JK3251.M6 923.273 55-62341 Rhode Island population: metropolitan and non-metro
politan areas. Kingston, Agricultural Experiment Station,
University of Rhode Island, 1957.
Simister, Florence Parker. 42 p. illus. 28 era. (Agricultural Experiment Station, University
The pewter plate ; illustrated by Lloyd Coe. New of Rhode Island. Misc. pub. 53)
HB3525JK4S6 312 58-63296 t
Hastings House [1957]
1ST p. lllus. 22 cm.
The Rhode Island business directory.
PZ7.S589Pe 67-10785 J
Boston, Briggs.
v. 24cm.
Spaulding, Irving A
Rhode Island population : rural-urban relationships [1950j
Kingston, Agricultural Experiment Station, University J of
Rhode Island, 1957.
2pp. lllus. 28cm. (Agricultural Experiment Station, University
INDUSTRIES DIR ECTORIES of Rhode Island, Kingston. Mlsc pnb 52)
Rhode Island. Development Council.
Thompson, Elmer J Rhode Island directory of manufacturers and list of com
study of the Constitutipn of Rhode Island and Provi
dence Plantations. [Providence, State Board of Education,
mercial establishments, with additional facts and informa Spaulding, Irving A
tion about the most highly industrialized State in the Nation. Rhode Island population: trends of change, 1900-1950.
State of Rhode Island] 1954.
76 p. lllns. 24cm. Providence, 1959. Kingston, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of
ill, 171 p. map. 28cm.
342.745 55-62594 t Rhode Island, 1957.
HC107.R4A56 1959 670.58745 59-62618 22 p. lllus. 28 cm. (Agricultural Experiment Station. University
of Rhode Island. Misc. pub. 51)
HB3525JR4S62 312- 58-63131 J
The Rhode Island business directory.
Rhode Island. Development Council.
Boston, Briggs.
Background for a guide plan for the future development v. 24cm.
of Rhode Island. Providence, 1955. HF5065.R5R45 56-50649 Goushd (H.M.) Company.
85 p. illus., coL maps, dlagrs. 28cm.
HC107.R4A536 330.9745 55-62756 Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island; points of in
terestand touring map. [1953-
[San Francisco? California Oil Co.,
v. col. tllua* coL map*. 23x21 cm. fold, to 28x11 cm.


Rhode Island. Development Council.

Mayer, Kurt Bernd, 1916- Rhode Island directory of manufacturers and list of com Rhode Island. Dept. of Public Work*.
Migration and economic development in Rhode Island [by]
mercial establishments, with additional facts and informa Rhode Island highway map, 1952. Issued by the Depart
Kurt B. Mayer and] Sidney Goldstein. Providence, Brown
tion about the most highly industrialized State in the Nation. ment of Public Works in cooperation with the Office of the
University Press, 1958.
Providence, 1959. Secretary of State. [Providence, 1952j
xll, 171 p. map. 28 cm.
HB3525.R4M32 *301.32 312.8 58-10480 t
G3771.P2 1952.R5 Map 54-169
HC107.R4A56 1959 670.58745 59-62618
Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog


and his wife, Joanna
ROAD MAPS (Continued) Genealogy of Zachariah Rhodes
Arnold. Cromwell, Conn., 1953. Thompson, Cecil Harry, 1918-
Economic development in Rhodesia and Nyasaland by] (

Rhode Island. Dept. of Public Works. C. H. Thompson c and] H. W. Woodruff. London, D. Dobson
Rhode Island highway map, 1954. Prepared and issued
by Dept. of Public Works and Rhode Island Development 205 p. Illus. 23cm.
HC517.R4T5 55-41726
Council. [Providence, I953j
21 x 11 cm
map 83 x 59 cm. fold,
col. to

G3771.P2 1954.R5 Map 54-100

Matton, Raymond.
RHODE ISLAND. UNIVERSITY 118, 111 p. illus, maps (part fold ) 23 cm. (Collection de 1'Ins-
Villes et paysages de Grce, 1 ) ICALS
titut f rancals d" Athenes
DS53.R4M3 949.96 51-24595 rev
Rhodesian recorder.
Woodward, Carl Raymond, 1890- ANTIQUITIES rSalisbury, Ramsay, Parker Publication^
25-28 cm. monthly.
Education's "lively experiment in Rhode Island. New
55 v. illus, ports.
HC517.R4R45 57-48859
York, Newcomen Society in North America, 1957. Fraser, Peter Marshall
28 p. illus. 2S cm. (Newcomen address, 1957)
LD4706.W65 58-3847 t The Khodian Peraea and islands, by P. M. Fraser and G.
E. Bean. London, Oxford University Press, 1954. HISTORY
vl, 191 p illus., fold. mapa. 23 cm. (Oxford classical & philo
RHODE ISLAND REDS sophical monographs)
913.3916 54-11101
DS53.R4F7 >

Gibbs, Peter.
Rhode Island Red Centennial Committee.
A flag for the Matabele; a story of empire-building in
Africa. London, F. Muller [1955]
A history of the Rhode Island red, 1854-1954; a presenta ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 192 p. illus. 21cm.
tion of documentary articles and photographs describing the 55-57440 t
DT958.G5 1955 *968.91 968.92
Rhode Island red, the breed of fowl which helped to begin Vouras, Paul Peter, 1921-
the poultry industry in America. Providence, 1954. The role of economic-geographic factors in the destiny of
24 p. lllus. 24cm. Rhodes. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1956] C

SF489.R6R4 636.584 55-62351 - [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 18,823)
( Gibbs, Peter.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,823 Mic 56-3392 A flog for the Matabele; an entertainment
in African
history. New York, Vanguard Press [1956]
RHODES, CECIL JOHN, 1853-1902 192 p. 22 cm.
FOREIGN RELATIONS ROME DT958.G5 1956 "9G8.91 968.92 66-7888 1

Bulawayo, South Africa. Central African Rhodes Centenary

Schmitt, Hatto Herbert. Mason, Philip.
The story of Cecil Rhodes, set out in a series of historical
and objects to commemorate the centenary of his Rom und Rhodes, Geschichte ihrer politischen Beziehun- The birth of a dilemma; the conquest and settlement of
birth, 1853-1953 ,* descriptive souvenir and catalogue. Bula gen seit der ersten Beruhrung bis zum Aufgehen des Rhodesia. Issued under the auspices of the Institute of Race

wayo, 1953.
Inselstaates im romischen Weltreich. Munchen, Beck, 1957. Relations. London, New York, Oxford University Press,
facslnu 29cm. 223 p. 23 cm. (Mlinchener BeitrSge zur Papyrusforschunff und 1958.
192 p. illus., ports.,
antlken Rechtsgeschlchte, 40. Heft)
DT776.R4B8 923.242 56-15536 368 p. Illus. 23cm.
DS53.R4S27 59-37491 t
DT948.M28 968.9 58-4475 J

Cora, Giuliano, 1884- RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS see Oxford. Uni

Cecil Rhodes, costruttore d'impero. Firenze, 1954,
5 p (p. 5T-S9 adTerdaementa) fflu*. 25 cm. (Oniversitl detfl versity. Rhodes Scholarships NATIVE RACES
stndl dl Firenze. Centro dl atudl colonlalL Pubbllcaztonl, 41)
DT776JB4C68 56-17910 J Mason, Philip.
RHODESIA The birth of a dilemma; tho conquest and settlement of
Gibbs, Peter. Rhodesui. Issued under the auspices of the Institute of Race
The true book about Cecil Rhodes, Illustrated by F. ANTIQUITIES Relations. London, New York, Oxford University Press,
Stocks May. London, F. Mailer rl956j 1958.
142 p. Illus. 19cm. (True books [29,) Paver, B G 366 p. illus. 28cm.
DT776.R4G5 923.242 57-24521 J Zimbabwe cavalcade; Rhodesia's romance. With a fore DT948.M28 968.9 58-4475 J

word by Roy TVelensky. [Completely rev.] London, Cas-

sell J1957,
Gross, Felix, 1888-
217 p lllus. 23cm.
Ehodes of Africa. London, Cassell
433 p. lUu*. 22cm.
[1956, DT952.P3 1957 913.6893 58-42546 t

DT776.R4G75 56-59188 t Beit, Sir Alfred, lart., 1903-

v The
will and the way,- being an account of Alfred Beit
DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL and the trust which he founded,
1906-1956, by Alfred Beit
Gross, Felix, 1888- and J. G. Lockhart London, New
York, Longmans, Green
Rhodes of Africa. New York, F. A. Praeger 1957j [1958]
433p. Illus. 22cm, Hogarth, Paul, 1917- 106 p. Illus. 20 cm.
DT776.R4G75 1957 923542 57-7632 J People like us; drawings of South Africa & Rhodesia. HV449.R54B4 361.78 68-14547 t
With a pref. by Trevor Huddleston, and excerpts from the
diary of the artist. London, D. Dobson, 1958.
47 p. Illus 26 cm.
Burke, Eric Edward, 1916-
bibliography of Cecil John Rhodes, 1853-1902. Salis Pos,Mary.
bury, Central African Archives, 1952. Veelbelovend Rhodesia en machtig Tanganyika. Gt. Brit.
HT-192 p. 28 cm. ([Rhodesia, Southern] Central African Ar- Wage- Treaties, etc., 1958- (fflisdbeth u)
cUrea. Bibliographical series no. 1) ningen, Gebr. Zomer & Keuning [1955] Agreements between the Government of the United King
209 p. plates, maps (on lining papers) 24cm.
Z8740.99.B8 55-36984 dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on their own
A 56-2029 behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Federation of
Northwestern Tnlr.
Thomson, Daphne W Library
Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and the Government of
Cecil John Rhodes, a bibliography. with regard to the Northern Rhodesia- Angola frontier
Cape Town Univer- t 3 (with
sity of Cape Town, School of Librarianship, 1947. annexes) and with regard to certain Angolan and Northern
291. 26cm.
(UnlTersity of Cape Town. School of Llbrarlan- Rhodesian natives living on the Kwando River
nlp. Bibliographical scries) DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL- (with ex
change of notes and further note from the Portuguese Gov
Z8740.99.T47 54-43048 GAZETTEERS ernment) Lisbon, November 18, 1954. London, H. M, Sta
tionery Off. [1955]
RHODES, EUGENE MANLOVE, 1869-1934 U.S. Office of Geography. 23 p. 25 cm Gt. Brit. Foreign Treaty
( t Office] serlea, 1905, no.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland; official standard names ap- 27)
Rhodes, Eugene Manlove, 1869-1934. ** states Board on ****** Na JX636 1892 1955, no. 27 55-3711
A Bar Cross man; the life & personal writings of Eugene
(U S
Manlove Rhodes cby] W. H. Hutchinson. [Isted,, Norman, ' -
Bo^onQeogwpMcNameg. Gaxet- COMMERCE
University of Oklahoma Press 1956j t DT947.U5
ill, 432 p. UIos., ports^ mape, facslms, 24cm. 916.89 56-61175
Brelsford, William Vernon.
PS3535JH68Z54 928.1 56-3001
Copperbelt markets ; a social and economic study. Appen
DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL dix by W. Allan. c Lusaka, Printed
RHODES FAMILY VIEWS the Govt by Printer,
110 26cm.
Rhodes, Howard Jacklin, 1910-
King, Ralph W oomp.

658.842 55-28310
The Rhodesias and Nyasaland; a pictorial tour of Central
The Rhodes family in America; a genealogy and history,
Africa, compiled oy Ralph W. King and John P. De Smidt,
including Rhodes coats of arms, sketch of the English family, vrith introductory foreword
by W. D. Gale. Cape Town,
immigrants to America, charts, and other illustrations, from H. B. Timmins t 195-j
1497 to the present day, clat ed.3 New York, Greenwich 98 p. Ulus. 88cm.
Book Publishers t1959 DT862.K5 916.89
Lawman, Tony.
: 56-38256 J
525 p. EtaL, porta, map*, coats of *rm*, facstmg. 24 cm. The long grass. London, R. Hale t
1958, J

CS7LR475 1959 59-8018 185 p lllus. is cm.

DT963.L37 916.894 59-25100 J
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Waldstein, Nan S
DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL The struggle for African advancement within the copper RHODESIA, NORTHERN. NORTHERN RHO
industry of Northern Rhodesia ; a case study. ^Cambridge,
Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of
Rhodesia, Northern. Information Dept.
Northern Ehodesia. Official -Technology, 1957.
photographer : N ' J ' V " Wat 96 L 29cm. Brelsford, William Vernon, ed.
Lusaka, 1952. HD8039.M72R57 338.2743 58-20379 The story of the Northern Rhodesia
unpaged. chiefly illus. ) 26 x 31 cm Regiment Lusaka '
( '
Govt Printer, 1954.
58-48092 134 p. illus. 25cm.
UA857.R48B7 356 -
Northern De^- Race and power; studies of leadership in
f Trad6 > Transport and In five British de MENT AND IRRIGATION DEPT.
pendencies. [London, 1956]
Report. 1951- 132 p. maps. 22cm.
JV1060.B6 Hawes, Charles George.
Lusaka, Govt Printer, 325.342 56-14389
v. 34 cm. annual. Report on the possibilities of development on the Kafue
HC517.R42A32 River and the organisation of the Water
55_3 622 Development and
Davidson, James Wightman, 1915-
Irrigation Department Lusaka, Printed by the Govt
Printer, 1951.
The Northern Rhodesian Legislative Council. London vi, 42 p. fold, maps, dlagrs., tables. 84 cm.
Watmore, H A Faber&Faber 1948] c TC519.R5H3 55-19048
North-eastern Rhodesia and its P J" ap a cm - ' ( studl<* in colonial
legislatures, T. S)
potential in the econom JQ2854.D3 328.689
of the Federation. Lusaka, Printed 48-21099 rev*
by the Govt printer
6 p. 25cm. GtBrit. Colonial Office.
HC517.R42W3 Northern Rhodesia; proposals for constitutional ANTIQUITIES
London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1958.
85 p 25cm. ([Gt. Brit Parliament Papers by command, cmnd. see also Khami Ruins
ICALS JQ2815 1958.A52 59-31032
CENSUS, 1951
Central African Statistical Office.
Economic and statistical bulletin
Rhodesia, Northern. African Representative Council.
c of] Northern Rhodesia. Central African Statistical Office.
v. 1-6 ; Apr. 1948-Mar. 1954. Proceedings. 1st- Nov. 1946-
6v. 33cm. Lusaka, Govt Printer. Census of population 195L Salisbury, Govt. Printer,
HC51T.R42C42 v. 22cm. 1954.
55-25627 J725.3.K42 122 forms (In pocket)
59-35199 p. tables. S3 cm.
HA1977.K5C4 1951 57-15975
Rusbridger, G H COMMERCE
Gann, L H Civics of Northern Rhodesia. 2ded. Cape Town, Oxford
birth of a plural Rhodesia, Southern. Native Production and Trade Com-
society; the development of North University Press, 1953. mission.
ern Rhodesia under the British South Africa 149 p. illus. 19cm.
Company, Report, 1944.
1894-1914. t Manchesterj Published on behalf of JQ2815 1953.R8 Salisbury, 1945.
the Rhodes- 54-42358 J
Livingstone Institute, Northern Rhodesia, by Manchester BDF3899.R5A55 59-21155
1,230 p. fold. COL
illus., map. 2ft cm.
Central African Statistical Office.
Report on the 1950 demographic sample survey of the
Hanna, A J African population of Northern Rhodesia. Salisbury 195<> Nederlandse Overzee Bank, N, V.
The beginnings of Nyasaland and North-eastern Rho 48 p. forms, tables. 33cm. J Economic survey of Southern Rhodesia. [Pretoriaj
desia, 1859-95. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1956. HB3666.R4C4 Netherlands Bank of South Africa, 1951.
2 fold, mape, facslm. 56-26002
vlli,281p. 23cm.
DT858.H3 1956 968.97 56-13672 HC517.R43N4 330.9689 56-17467 rev J

Watson, William, lecturer in sociology. HISTORY
Tribal cohesion in a
money economy; a study of the
Rhodesia, Northern. Survey Dept. Munbwe people of Northern Rhodesia. cManchester, Pub
Northern Rhodesia. Compiled lished on behalf of the Davidson, Apollon Borisovidi.
by E. E. Thurley and Rhodes-Livingstone North- Institute,
-R. T. Drawn at the Surveyor General's Office 6r desia by Man chester a Maxacfejie H MamoHa B B anrjiHftcEofi KOJIO-
ITockey. lSr o University Press
1x111,246 p. plates, dlagtB., tables. 22cm.
C 1958,J
Salisbury, S. Rhodesia, 1935. Washington, Army Map Serv ,
ice, U. S. Army, 1050- Rochester. Univ. Hbr. GN65T
A 59-5673 MS p.
col. maps 96 x 70 cm. or smaller. ( AMS Z441) Uloa., maps (1 fold.) 21cm.
G8570s500.R5b BT958.D3
Map 59-407
NATIVE RACES Kane, Nora Sophie (Hoffmann)
Mitchell, J Clyde. The world's view; the story of Southern Rhodesia. Fore
Doell, E. W., pseud. The
kalela dance; aspects of social
amon* word by Sir Godfrey Huggins. London, Cassell !954j
Hospital in the bush. With illus. by Con Purchase, New urban Africans in Northern Rhodesia. relationships 294 p Illus. 23 cm.

York, Roy Publishers t 19C8jJ DT962.K3 1954 968.91 54-14916 t

216p. WVB. 28cm.
R654.D6A32 926.1 58-7875 J
Southern Rhodesia newsletter.
Epstein, Arnold Leonard.
Politics in an urban African -Sept. 15, 1953. [London,
community. [Manchester, T.
Published on behalf of the
Rhodes-Livingstone Institute by
Manchester University Press t 1958, VOTING REGISTERS
254p. Illus. 28cm.
HN800.R6E6 *301.36 323.352
58-42506 t Rhodesia, Northern.
Registers of voters qualified to vote at elections of mem Central African Statistical Office.
bers of the f indllstri*1 Production.
Legislative Council Prepared by the chief
registering officer under the authority of the Legislative
Council (amendment) (no.
3) ordinance, 1953. Lusaka,
Rhodesia, Northern. Central Race Relation* Advuory and Govt Printer, 1958. 58-33894
Conciliation Committee. IT. (various payings) 25cm.
Report. 1st- JQ2892.A5
-58-43669 NATIVE RACES
Lusaka, Govt Printer. The African in Southern Rhodesia,
T. 84cm. annual, no. 1-S. t Glasgow,

DT963.A826 Printed for the High Commissioner for Southern Rhodesia

68-47546 HODESIA, NORTHERN. LEGISLATIVE by R. MacLehosej 1952.
COUNCIL 8 no. In IT. lllns. 24cm,
DT962.A63 58^39041

Rhodesia, Northern. Commttsioner for Native Development. Davidson, James Wightman, 1915-
The Northern Rhodesian Legislative Council.
Report 1954- London,
Lusaka, Govt Printer. Faber&Faberrl948i
150 p. map. 23 cm. (Studies In colonial legislatures v S)
T. 38cm. annual
DT963.A35 JQ2854.D3 328.689 48-21099 rev*
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RHODESIA, SOUTHERN Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Ministry of Defense. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS

NATIVE RACES (Continued) Report of the Secretary for Defence and the Chief
of Gen
eral Staff.
Rhodesia, Southern. Native Production and Trade Com Salisbury, Printed by the Govt. Printer. Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Federal Information Dept.
v. 33 cm. annual. (Rhodesia and Nyasaland, O. Fed )
J725.R82 57-89527 Catalogue of official publications.Salisbury 1957.
Report, 1944. Salisbury, 1945. 30 p, 24 cm
107 p. 34 cm. Z3582.R5 57-47712
HF3899JR5A55 59-21155 BIBLIOGRAPHY
Rhodesian Institute of African Affairs, Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia.
Sulawayo. South
Africa. A selected bibliography of the Federation of Bhodesia anc Central African Statistical Office..
The progress of Africans in Southern Rhodesia. Nyasaland, by R. M. S. Ng'ombe, assistant librarian. Lu- Report on the census of industrial production. 1955-
[Bula- t

wayo, 19581] sakaj 1957. Salisbury.

42 p. Illus. 22 cm. 68 p. cm 33 cm. annual,
DT962.R48 59-42945 Z3553.R5R5 016.91689 59-37591 HC517.R4C42 59-41511


Leys, Colin.
Central African Statistical Office. Braby*s central & East African directory.
European politics in Southern Rhodesia. Oxford Claren
don Press, 1959.
Annual statement of external trade of the Federation of t 3
Durban, A. C. Braby.
v. 25 cm.
xl, 823 p. maps, dla^ta, taWes. 22cm. Rhodesia and Nyasaland. 1954-
DT962X4S HC501.B7 58^88056
Salisbury, Govt. Printer,
v. tables. 33 cm. ([Rhodesia and Nyasaland] C. Fed.)
J725.R82 382.09689 50-21140
Rhodesia, Southern. Commission of Inquiry Regarding the
Social Welfare of the Coloured
Report. Salisbury C 1946j The Constitution and race relations in Central Africa.
2v. tables. 33cm. Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas)
The Federation of Rhodesia and JSyusaland; an economic [London] Africa Bureau [1058]
HN800.R62A53 59-31480 28 p. Illus. 22cm.
survey. Mar. 1955- DT856.R3 50-1780 J
SURVEYS v. illus. 21 cm.
HC517.R44B3 56-57889 rev J
Bradford, James Edward
Thegeodetic triangulation and trigonometrical survey oJ
Southern Rhodesia, 1897-1952. Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas)
By J. E. S. Bradford and The Rhodesias and Nyasaland, an economic Hinden, Rita.
^^^^52^^^^^^^^ London.
survey. No cheer for Central Africa,
[London, Fabian Common-
QM^^ LwttM- *- e
v. illus 21cm.
57-34106 J
wealth Bureau 1058]
89 p.

22cm. (Pnblan research

no. 197
serlca 107)
68-ao32 *
*320.9689 342.089
RHODESIA, SOUTHERN. COLD STORAGE Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Federal
Kirkwood, Kenneth, 1919-
Information Dept
COMMISSION Opportunity in Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Salisbury, The proposed federation of the Central African Terri
Ehodeaan Print, and Pub. Co.; distributed
Rhodesia, Southern, Commission of Inquiry into the Cold formation Services ,1055,
by British In tories. t Johannesburg South African Institute of Race Re
lations [1951,
Storage Commission, 66 p. Illus. 28cm. 20 P- 22 cm. (New Africa pampHlet, no. 21)
Report. (Salisbury, 1952! HC517.R4A52 330.9689 56-24666 rev 2 t JQ2783.K5
73 p. dlagre., tables. 33 cm.
56-24703 t
HD9433.R5A53 56-45410 Raven, Faith.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Ministry The Constitution and race relations in Central
of Finance.
Economic report. 1954- Africa.
RHODESIA, SOUTHERN. LEGISLATIVE [London, Africa Bureau 1 1958,'
[Salisbury, Govt. Printer] 28 p. Illus. 22cm.
ASSEMBLY -r^J' 24 cra< annual ([Rhodesia and Nyasalandj -
C. Fed.) DT856 R3 '

J725 1182 -
59-1786 t
56-40462 rev J
ELECTION DISTRICTS Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Federal Assembly.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Ofilce for Rhodesia and Nyasa l8tf~
land Affairs. 1955- Parliament; Feb. 2, 1954/Apr. 6,
The Federation of Rhodesia and Salisbury, Printed by the
> Nyasaland, basic informa Parliamentary Printers.
tion for the potential investor.
s 1959,j r
110 26cm p.
HC517.R4A57 55-42983 rev
58^7018 Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Federal Assembly.


of Economic Affairs.
Structure and growth of selected African
Ainroaa. ^
TT-ni^-^J XT.ii invn "* J.1W1
economies. Ne Salisbury.
v. 32 cm.
EeTyaHaaena. OeAepaipur PO^CSHH sc H**cajreBWa,
xi, ,.
[ABTOpn oiepxoB: K>. MCABC^KOB, J[. IOPAOHOB, ;

3 ^
MocKaa, 8T/EOA/5T)
Hsa-Boreorp.MT-pH, 1956. JX1977.A2 The Rhodesian graphic.
E/3137,etc. 33096
Copy 2. HC3602.U

U. S. Bureau of Foreign Commerce
Statens udvandringsJcontor. (1953- )
' Near
Eastern and African Division

18]U ' -

Gray, James Andrew, 1890- 56-30846
Ehodesia and
Nyasaland; a surrey of the Central African


Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Federal
p .
Federal and territorial
^formation Dept
e new Federation
of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. government lists
bury, Southern Rhodesia, 1954. London, Economist Intelligence Unit [Salisbury]
4p. mac. 22cm. v. 24cm.
DT959 A6S - JQ2784.A3
5^9602 rev J 58-45862


African Statistical Offl<*.
commanding, Central Africa Monthly digest of statistics, v. 1
Apr. 1954-
Salisbury, Govt Printer. Salisbury.
0. Fed.)


Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


STATISTICS (Continued) Litchfield, John Hyland, 1929-
The oxidative metabolism of glucose by Rhodotorula
Central African Statistical Office. gracilis. Ann Arbor, University
Microfilms t l956j T&7UUEU
((University Microfilms,
Ann Arbor, Mich.] publicatl IIO
Report on the work. ^. ;^sSi
Mic 56-2990 I

Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,169 de publicity generate, Paris.

Salisbury, Printed by the Govt. Printer, Univ. Library
v. 33 cm. annual. (Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
Nj O. Fed.)
Donzere-Mondragon, [Paris] Editions M. Andre C 1953]
J725.R82 57-35294 Iv. (unpaged) lllus., maps (part col.) 22cm.
TK1472.R5O33 57-34549
Spotholz, Clifford Henry, 1927- .

A study of certain environmental factors affecting growth,

SURVEYS characteristics of Rhodotorula gracilis. Ann Arbor, Uni
versity Microfilms t !955i RHONE VALLEY
Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Dept. of Federal Surveys. (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 11,545)
Mic A 55-1068

Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,545 Marie'tan, Ignace, 1882-

Report of the director. 1956- Illinois Univ. Library Le Rhone; la lutte contre 1'eau en Valais. 48 photos M.-* .

Salisbury, Govt. Printer.

Chiffelle. Neuchatel, Editions du Griffon C 1953j
v. fold, col maps. 34 cm. annual. ([Rhodesia and Nyasa
22 p. lllus. 25cm. (Tresors de mon pays, 64)
J725.R82 58-38518

Sparling, Shirley Ray, 1929-

RHODESIA RAILWAYS The structure and reproduction of some members of the DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL
Rhodymeniaceae. Berkeley, University of California Press,
Vyvyan, Clara Coltman (Rogers) Lady.
Gt. Brit. Treaties, etc., 1936-195% (George vi) 1957.
Down the Rhone on foot. London, P. Owen [1955]
319-396 p lllus 26 cm. (University of California publications
Convention between the Government of the United King in botany, v. 29, no. 8) 205 p. lllus. 23cm.
dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on their own 589.413 A 57-9899 DC611.R478V9 55-26427 t
QK1.C2 vol. 29, no. 3
behalf and on behalf of the Government of Southern Rho- Copy 2.
desia and the Government of the Republic of Portugal rela California. Univ. Llbr.

tive to the port of Beira and connected railways, with

RHOPALOCERA see Butterflies
schedule and exchanges of notes. Lisbon, 17th June, 1950.
Salisbury, Govt. Print and Stationery Office, 1950. RHON RHOPALOSOMA
12 p. 33cm.
see also
Automobiles Road guides RhSn
biology and immature stages
of a cricket

Winston. ^
Howitt, Sir Harold.
The Rhodesia Railway Ltd.; report on state ownership
London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1946. Grieben, firm, publishers.
55 p. 25cm. ( Gt Brit] Dominions Office. Dominions
no. 3) Die Rhon und die Hassberge. Munchen, K. Thiemig, RHUBARB
HE3420.R52H6 59-29937
125 p map (4, part on fold. 1. la pocket) IT cm. (Grleben- Adriaan Carolus.
col., Bellaart,
RelsefUhrer, Bd. 162)
56-15660 Onderzoek naar de bestanddelen van in Nederland ge-
RHODESIAN PERIODICALS kweekt rhizoma rhei. Groningen, 1952.
56 p. lllus.

The African v. 1- RM666.R5B4

eagle, Rhonklub.
Jan.6, 1953- Schneider's Rhdnfuhrer; offizieller Fuhrer des Rhonklubs.
Lusaka, N. Rhodesia. AufL vollig neubearbeitet. Fulda, Perzeller [1953-, Rumba
v. lllus., ports. 50 cm. weekly.
312 p. (p 271-812 advertisements) lllus., maps (1 fold, col.) 17 cm. RHUMBA (DANCE) see (Dance)
AP9.A35 56-5624C DD801.R78R48 1953 56-27821
RHYME see Rime
see Peraea Rhodiorum
RHOETZITE see Cyanite
RHODIAN PERAEA THE RHYMER see Thomas, of Erceldoune,
called the Rhymer, 12207-1297?
see Draguignan, France. Rli3ne
ISOTOPES American Cemetery
Stirling William Leake, 1929- Barrie, D S 1907-
Beta and gamma spectra of yttrium-88 and rhodium-102 RHONE RIVER The Rhymney Railway. [Tanglewood, Surreyj Oakwood
Ann Arbor, University Microfikas C 1957 3
( (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 19,975
1 cm. (The Oakwood library of railway
Mic 57-105 Lauber, Patricia. lllus.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,975
Washington Univ., St. Louis. Library Highway to adventure, the River Rhone of France. Maps 55^2684 t
and drawings by Charles and Elena Beck. New York,
Coward-McCann [1956]
96 22cm. [Challenge boofeaj
914.4 56-9957 J RHYN, KARL ANTON AM, 1660-1714
Butterfield,Harry Morton, 1887- Marbacher, Josef.
Marie-tan, Ignace, 1882-
Rhododendrons and azaleas for the amateur. [Berkeley
Le Rhone; 48 photos M.-F.
la lutte contre 1'eau en Valais. Schultheiss Karl Anton am Rhyn von Luzern und seine
University of California, Division of Agricultural Chiffelle. Neuchatel, Editions du Griffon t 1953j Zeit, 1660-1714. Luzern, Buchdr. H. Studer, 1953.
Extension Service 1956 36Sp. 9 plates (Ina ports.) 21cm.
Agricultural Experiment Station, C
22 p. lllus. 25cm. (Tresors demon pays, 64)
46 p. lllus. (part coL) tables. 24 cm. (California Asrlcaltural 55-20081 1 DQ512.R49M3 55-53273
Experiment Station c and California Agricultural, Extension
Manual 21)
Tournier, Gilbert
S39.E27 no. 21 685.93362 A 56-94'
Le Rhone, fleuve dieu, vous parle. t l.eU Paris, Libraine
California. Univ. Llbr.
A, Fayard, 1957, McLaren, Digby Johns, 1919-
112 p. (chiefly lllus.) 82cm. The Devonian stratigraphy and correlation of the Alberta
Rocky Mountains, with descriptions of the brachiopod fam
DC611.R478T63 58-16177 t
ily Rhynchonellidae. Arbor, University Microfilms
Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 3785)
(['University Microfilms,
Kylin, Harald, 1879-1949.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 3785 Mic A 53-1138 rev
Die Gattungen der Rhodophyceen. Lund, C. W. Duboul-Razavet, Christiane.
Univ. Llbr.
Gleerup 1956] C
Contribution &, 1'fitude g6ologique et se"dimentologique du
xv, 673 p. lllus., port 25 cm. delta du Rhone*. Paris, 1956.
QK569.R4K9 57-302 284 p. lllus., maps (part fold.) dlagrs., tables. 83 cm. (Memolrea
de la Socle'te' geologlque de France, nouv. ser., t 36, fasc. 8. Me-
Norris, Richard Earl, 1926-
GS5T-186 Ammermann, Frank Emil, 1918-

Morphological studies of the Kallymeniaceae.

Berkele U. S. GeoL Survey. Llbr. A new approach to the phylogeny of the Rhynchophora,
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1955]
University of California Press, 1957. [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 11,237)
26 cm, (University of California publications (
Mic A 55-623
p. lllus.
botany, T. 28, no. 5) - NAVIGATION Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,237

QK1.C2 vol. 28, no. 5 589.41 A 57-92

. ,

Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Copy 2. QK569.B4N6 Hugentobler, EmiL

California. Univ. Llbr.
La navigation fluviale du Leman. a la M6diterranee ; etude RHYNCHOTA see Hemiptera
de gSographie humaine. Ambilly-Annemasse, 1949.
rod, 386 p. lllus., map*, table*. 28cm.
HE445.R4H78 55-59074 RHYNCHOTROPIS
RHODOPSIN see Visual purple
GOlett, Jan Bevington.

Indigofera (Microoharii) ia tropical Afnca,

with the re
lated genera Gyamopn* and Rhynchotropis. London,
H. 11,
Delattre, Pierre, engineer.
Deufel, Robert David, 1928-
study of pigment production by species
the gen m L'amenagement du Rh6ne. La chute de Donzere-Mon- VLMm
Rhodotorula. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1958,
dragon sur le Rhone. cParj P. Delattre tet, M. Henry. QK1.K42 vol.1
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 25.2H Grenoble, HouiUe blanche C 1951 ?
Mic 58-40 50 Ulus. 30 cm.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 25,206 p.
57-35484 t
Illinois. Univ. Library TK1472.R5D4
Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

Kuhlmann, Walter. RIANGINA, SERAFIMA VASIL'EVNA, 1891-

RHYOLITE Sprache alsBestand und Vollzug. Das Verhalten zu
Dichtung. Rhythmus und Metrum. Freiburg i Br., L Razumovskaia, Sof ia VasU'evna, 1901-
Noe-Nygaard, Arne, 1908- Bielefeld, 1959. Cepa^HMa BaciateBHa Panama. MocKua,
A group of liparite occurrences in Vatnajokull, Iceland. 47 p. 21 cm. (Beltrfige zur Sprechkunde, Heft 1)
P105.K8 59-4061 98 p. illus. 21cm.
Copenhagen, Printed by B. Luno, 1952. 69-36212 t
59 p. illus., 9 plates, maps, dlagra., tables. 27 cm. (Mns&im de ND699.R5R3
mlneralogle e t de g5ologle de 1'Unlversite de Oopennague. Communi Mayer, Felix, 1884-1957.
cations g&>Ioglquest no. 49)
[QE1.C8 no. 49] GS 55-61 Schopferische Spraehe und Rhythmus; hrsg. und mit RIANS, FRANCE
IT. S. GeoL Surrey. Libr einem Nachwort versehen von Erich Simenauer.
de Gruyter, 1959.
Berlin '
114 p 24 cm.

Noe-Nygaard, Arne, 1908- Chicago. Univ. Libr. P1Q5

A 59-7973 Albert, Georges Franjois.
A group of liparite occurrences in Vatnajokull, Iceland. Un Episode de 1'histoire rurale de 1'ancienne Provence:
K0benhavn, I kommission hos H. Hagerups forlag, 1952. biens communaux et biens nationaux i Rians (Var) Aix-
59 27 cm. (Folia geographic! Danlca, 1 1, no. 8)
en-Provence, La Pensee universitaire 1955,
p. illus., plates.
Merle, Pierre. C

QE461.N56 56-40564 154 p diagrs. 28cm.

L'homme, le rythme et la symetrie. c Paris, Expansion
HD650.R5A7 57-28467
scientifique frangaise t 1955,
254 p. illus. 23cm.
Swindale, Leslie Denis, 1928- BH301.S9M4
Harvard Unlr.
A 56-4370 1919-
Mineralogy and genesis of some rhyolite derived soils of Library
New Zealand. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1956] t
([University Microfilms, Arbor, MIcn.i Publication no. 14,745)
Nemirovskaia, Mirra Abramovna.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,745 Mic 56-324
Wisconsin. tJniv. Libr.
Le rythme humain, du paysan a 1'intellectuel. Paris, G. HHK, 1958.
54 p. Illus. 21 cm.
Doin, 1945.
69 p. Illus. 26 cm. NDG99.R514N4
Woolard, Louis Eugene, 1927- QP33.5.P6 56-43711 $
Late Tertiary rhyolitic eruptions and uranium mineraliza
tion, Marysvale, Utah by] Louis E. Woolard and Paul F.

Kerr. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms C 1955 3 Ferrate", Juan.

Ann Publication no. 12,483)
Sarri, Francesco, 1882-
( [University Mlcrofllms, Arbor, MicKi
Microfilm AO-1 no. 12,483 Mic 55-222 Perche la rima. c Firenzej Vallecchi C 1955] Carles Riba, avui. Barcelona, Editorial Alpha, 1955.
173 p. 19 cm, 135 p. 23 cm.
Columbia Unlv. Libraries
A 56-4349 A 58- 129
Illinois. Unlv Library Illinois. Univ. Library

RHYS, SIR JOHN, 1840-1915 Homenatge a Carles Riba en complir seixanta

anys. Poesia,
Schokel, Luis Alonso. U dJLSsiques ' Barcelona, J. Janes t !954,
Daniel, Glyn Edmund. Estetica y estilfstica del ritmo poetico. Barcelona, J.
^386^' S? 22 S?'
Who are the Welsh? PN508.H6
Flors, 1959. 57-32640
(/n. British Academy, London (Founded 1901) Proceedings, 1954. xv, 227 p. port., music. 19 cm (Coleccio'n Estrfa, no 7)
London. 28 cm. v. 40 (1956) p. c14Sj-167)
[AS122X5 voL40] A 55-7595 A 59-6241
Illinois. Univ. Library Triadu, Joan.
Wisconsin. Univ. Libr.
La poesfa sevens Carles Riba. Barcelona, Barcino, 1954.
09 p. 10 cm. (OoMeccld popular Barcino, v. 160)
Steiner, Rudolf, 1861-1925. A 67-2881
Parry-Williams, Thomas
Herbert, 1887- Eurythmie also sichtbarer Acht Vortrage, Gesang. Illinois. Univ. Library
John Rhys, 1840-1915. Cardiff, University of Wales gehalten in Dornach vom 19. bis 27. Februar 1924, mifc einem
Press, 1954. Vortrag Rudolf Steiners als Einleitung und einem Anhang
67 p. Illus., ports., facsims. 22 cm.
(Vorwort Marie Steiners zur 1. Aufl., Notizen aus Rudolf RIBADENEIRA, MANUEL PARDO see Pardo
PB1009.R5P3 924.916 56-23300 Steiners Nachlass u. a.) 2. mit den stenographischen Nach- Ribadeneira, Manuel, 1759-1839
schriftenverglichene Aufl. Dornach, R. Steiner-Nach-
RHYTHM lassverwaltung, 1956.
141 p. Illus., facsims. 23 cm.
[ML3832.S ] A 58-2891 Rivagoranzo
see also Musical meter and rhythm; Harvard Univ. Library

Periodicity; Versification Vaz Ferreira, Carlos, 1873- RIBALTA, FRANCISCO, 15557-1628

Ainsworth, Dorothy Sears, 1894- Sobre la percepcidn m&rica. Buenos Aires, Editorial
Basic rhythms; a study of movement, by Dorothy S. Ains-
180 p.
21cm. Espresati, Carlos G 1886-
(Blblloteca nlos<5fica)
Trorth and Ruth Evans. New York, Chartwell House, 1955. Ribalta. Pr61ogo de Enrique Lafuente Ferrari; epflogo
200p. Ulna, music. 22cm.
PN1048.V37 1956 57-43194 t
del Dr. Antonio Llorens Sol6. 2. ed., rev. y ampliada. Bar
A 57-2060 celona, Ediciones Aedos rl954j
Duke Univ. library Weiss, Richard, 1884- 197 p. 63 plates (part col.) 25cm.
The secret of individuality, reflected in a hundred histori ND813.R47E8 1954 55-18879
cal lives. Sydney, Angus and Robertson C 1957-
, v. illus. 22 cm.
Uber das Dichterische. Pfullingen, G. Neske t !957 3 BF1623.P9W4 137 58-21605 t RIBAR, rVO 1916-1943
88 p, 21cm.
A 57-5344 RHYTHM (ART) see Proportion (Art) Milinevi, Stjepan.
Illinois. Unlr. Library
XpoHHsa Mora BpeMCHa; ayrotfHorpa^cKa cchaa H aa-

Beare, William.
RHYTHMIC GAMES see Games with music nncH ii3 deorpa^cxor peaojiymHOHapiror pa^a. Ecorpa^,
Latin verse and European song; a study in accent and v. lllus., ports. 20 cm.
rhythm, London, Methtten [1957, RIABOUCJUNSKY, DIMITRI PAVLOVITCH D802.Y8M48 59-41246
298p. Illus. 22cm. 1882-
PA2329JB4 871.09 58-2175 A
Me*moires sur la mecanique des fluides offerts i M. Dimitri P. RLBAS, JOSE FELIX, 1775-1815
Riabouchinsky par ses amis, ses collegues et ses anciens
Bode, Rudolf, 1881- Sieves a 1'accasion
sicj de son jubile" scientifique. Prfif. de Gonzalez, Juan Vicente, 1810-1866.
Rhythmische Gymnastik, mit 300 Ubungen ... 2., er- Henri Villat Paris, En vente au Service de documentation
weiterte Aufl. Frankfurt am Main, W. Limpert [1957! Jose" Felix Ribas,
et d'information
biografia, Caracas, Ediciones ViUegaa,
97p. IHus.,port 24cm. technique de 1'aeronautique, 1954. 1956.
"-**' ^3 p. Dlus., ports., dtagrs. 25 cm. 271 19cm.
Ohio State TTniT.
A 58-6192 (Publications sden-
(Ooleccldn Maracapana)
Libr. GFV46S 58-8K218
QC147.J8 1954

Les structures rythmiques; ftude psychologique. Pref. de
A, Michotte. Louvaia, Publications universitaires de Lou-
Costa, Didio Iratym Affonso da, 1881- 1IBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON, 1893-1946
vain, 1956. Riachuelo 11 de junho de 1865. 7. ed. Rio
Till, 124 p. dlagrs. 25cm. (Studla psychological C de Janeiro,
BF475JF7 57-27795 bemco de Documentacao da Marinha, Seccao de Hist6ria Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 1898-1946.
Marftuna do Brasil, 1952, The Ribbentrop memoirs. [Translated by Oliver
M Cm '
Introd. by Alan Bullock. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Jonsoe, MareeL F2687.C8 i952
57-58567 t t !954j
La manducation de la lecpn dans le milieu xxlv, 210 p. porti. 22 cm.
potetinien. Paris, P. Geuthner, 1950.
Mp. 28cm. Univ. Libr.
PN416S.B5J57 55 ^1776 AUiaud, Alberto.

Kinnander, Bengt
Estratto del progetto delle
opere idrauUche per la RIBBONS
sistemazione dei bacini
dell'Arno, Riale e Tenore- a cura
Sammanhangsanalys; studier i sprikets struktur och
ivtm. Analyse sprachlicher
Zusammenhange; Studien uber
FLJZy"^"^ AlUaud, Giordo C^Jiam
Burckhardt-Sarasin, Cari.
Stroktar mid Rhytimus der Rede. Aus der Gescbichte der Easier Seidenbandindustrie.
tUppsakj Institationen ,TL
Mrnordisfca sprik vid Uppsala
" universitet, 1959.
Iowa. Univ. Library
A 67-5380 p., 195-?,
1041. 83cm,
F31IL[5 59 1009

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

DENMARK Wyrozembski, Zygmunt Jan.

RIBE, RIBOFLAVIN Dawid Ricardo; studium historyczno-teoretyczne. tWyd.
l.j "Warszawa, Pafistwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1959.
DESCRIPTION Deij, Klaas. 660 p 21 cm.
Het gedrag van. enige flavoproteinen in de lever HB161.W9 59-36S10 t
bij ribo-
flavine deficientie. The behaviour of some liver flavoproteins
Jacobsen, Aage, of Rile, Denmark.
in riboflavin deficiency. With a summary in English.
Ribe; en kortfattet historisk beskrivelse og en vejledning Zarrin, Pavel Ivanovich.
for en 2 timers rundtur gennem byen. Ribe, Dansk hjem- Niimegen, 1956. AHrjinflcKa^f K.iaccniecKaa
95 p. dlagrs , tables. 2<t on. Sypxyaana^
stavns forlag, 1954.
QP801.V5D34 3EOHOMna A. CKUT, #. PHKap^o. MocKBa, H

81 p. lllus. 22 cm. HO-3KOH. JtHT-pBI, 1958.

A 55-8587 140 p. 20 cm. (HcTOpiw SKOHOMHICCKHX y
Univ. Lite. HB161.Z3
Dragten, Armand.
Microbiologische bepaling van lactoflavine en pantotheen-
zuur. Leiden, E. IJdo r !946]
183 p dlagrs., tables. 24 cm.
DENMARK (PROVINCE) QP801.V5D67 56-44311
HISTORY Hoeflake, Hendrik.
Een onderzoek naar de variatie van het lactoflavine-, nico-
Kristensen, Hans
Kristian, 1895- tinezuur-, pantotheenzuur- en biotine gehalte in Nederlandse St Clair, Oswald.
Fra Koldingfjord til Blaavandshuk hjemstavnsbog for ;
consumptiemelk met behulp van microbiologische bepalings- A key to Ricardo. London, Routledge & Paul r 19573
Ribe amt. Esbjerg, Skolebiblioteksforeningen for Ribe amt, methoden. 's-Gravenhage [1951] xxv, 864 p. 28 cm.
i kommission hos Centralbiblioteket for
73 p. dlagrs., tables. 25 cm. HB103.R5S3 330.1 57-1
SF253.H58 56-43913
881 p. lllus. 25 cm.
DL271.R4K72 55-34927 t Morawiecki, Jerzy. RICARDUS, DE BELLO, fl. 1276-1312
Badania nad przeciwalergicznymi wlasnosciami witaminy
B 3 i mechanizmem jej leczniczego dzialania w zolzowym Moir, Arthur Lowndes.
RIBEIRO, AQUILINO, 1885- zapaleniu oczu. Warszawa, Nakl. Tow. Naukowego War- The world map in Hereford Cathedral, by A. L. Moir.
szawskiego, 1952. A paper read to the "Woolhope Naturalists'
Field Club,
Hereford, on 25th November, 1954. The pictures in
39 p. 25cm. the
Oliveira Guimaraes, Luis de, 1900- RM666.R55M6 59-30518 t Hereford Mappa mundi, by Malcolm Letts. Reprinted ...
Aquilino Ribeiro, atrave"s do seu ex-libris. Lisboa, Portu- from Notes and queries, January 1955. Hereford, De Canti-
galia 1955!] t

67 20 cm. lupe Press !955]

Tucker, Ruth
lllus. r
Emma, 1901- 20 p. lllus. 22cm.
PQ9261.R46Z85 57-25238 The retention of thiamin and riboflavin in beef cuts dur 56-38621 t
ing braising, frying, and broiling. t n. p., 1948]
877-881 p. tables. 28 cm.
Chicago. Univ. Libr.

Ferreira, Antonio, 1885- Le nozze di Costanzo Sforza e Camilla d'Aragona cele

O poeta Queiroz Ribeiro, a sua obra e a sua Spoca. Porto, RIBONUC LEASE
brate a Pesaro nel maggio 1475 ; narrazione anonima, accom-
1954. pagnata da 32 miniature de artista contemporaneo, pubbli-
91 p. lllus. 22cm.
John Gibson, 1922- cata a cura di Tammaro de Marinis per ricordare i felici
PQ9261.R466Z67 57-26356 J sponsali del barone Bettino Ricasoli-Firidohi con donna
The viscosity of dilute aqueous solutions of bovine serum
albumin and ribonuclease. Ann Laura dei principi Buffo di Guardialombarda benedetti a
Arbor, University Micro
films 11955]
Roma nella Chiesa parrocchiale dei santi Domenico e Sisto
RIBEIRO FERNANDES, JOAO, 1860-1934 ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 14,090) il xr maggio MOMXLVI. tFirenze, 1946]
n, 62 p. 32 plates. 27 cm.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,090 Mic 55-845
Leao, Mucio. Iowa. Univ. Library ND3399.S45O7 1946 56-45707
Joao Ribeiro, ensaio biobibliografico. Rio de Janeiro,
Academia Brasileira de Letras, 1954. Hauenstein, Jack David, 1929-
89 lllus. 19 cm. ion titration of ribonuclease. Arm Arbor, Uni

PQ9697.R54Z7 55-21092 J
versity Microfilms C 1955j
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 14,115) GUARDIALOMBARDA) 1921-
Ribeiro, Joaquim, 1907-
Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,115 Mic 55-847 Le nozze di Costanzo Sforza e Camilla d'Aragona cele
Iowa. Univ. Library
Rui Barbosa e Joao Ribeiro; trabalho elaborado por brate a Pesaro nel maggio 1475 ; narrazione anonima, accom-
ocasiao do centenario de Rui Barbosa. Rio de Janeiro] pagnata da 32 miniature de artista contemporaneo, pubbli-

MinistSrio da Educacao e Cultura, Casa de Rui Barbosa,

RIBOSE cata a cura di Tammaro de Marinis per ricordare i felici
Pantelick, Steven, 1927- sponsali del barone Bettino Ricasoli-Firidolfi con donna
70 p. lllas. 28cm. Laura dei principi Ruffo di Guardialombarda benedetti a
Ribose nucleic acid and protein
F2537.B285 69-35860 J interrelationships in the Roma nella Chiesa parrocchiale dei santi Domenico e Sisto
HeLa cell. Chicago [Library, Dept. of Photographic Re
il xz maggio MOMZLVI. [Firenze, 1946]
production, University of Chicago] 1957. ad, 62 p. 82 plates. 2T cm.
RIBELLES Y HELIP, JOSE, 1778-1835 Microfilm 5280 QP Mic 58-6447
ND3399.S45O7 1946 56-45707

Rodriguez Monino, Antonio R 1910-

El retrato de Quintana pintado por Ribelles (1806) Ma RIBOSE PHOSPHATES
drid, Hauser y Menet, 1953. RICCI, MATTEO, 1552-1610
16 p. lllus. 28 cm. Klenow, Hans.
ND813.R49R6 55-24721 J
Ribosefosfatestrenes enzymatiske omseetning, med sterligt Bortone, Fernando.
henblik pa omdannelsen af ribose-1-fosfat til ribose-5-fosf at. n il P. Matteo Ricci s.
saggio d'Occidente: j. (155L-1610)
Ktfbenhavn, Nyt nordisfc forlag, 1957. un grande Italiano nella Cina impenetrabile.
83, [1] p. 23 cm. Roma, Signo-
reUi [1953]
RIBERA, JUSEPE DE, called LO QD321JS:64 59-18244 235 p. lllus., plates, ports., maps (part coL) 20 on.
SPAGNOLETTO, 15887-1652 A 55-168
Catholic TJnlv. of America.
RICARDO, DAVID, 1772-1823 Library
Znamerovskaia, Taf&na Petrovna.
TsopttecTBO Xycene Pao'epsi E npofi^eaa HapoflHOCTH
ncnancKoro peajiHCTHiecicoro HCKyccrsa. [JTeHHHrpaflj 1955. Blaug, Mark. Cronin, Vincent.
261 p. lllus. 27 cm. Ricardian economics; a historical
study. New Haven, The Trise man from the West. London, R. Hart-Davis,
ND813.R5Z6 57-44273 t Yale University Pressr 1958. 1955.
x, 289 p. dlagrs. 25 cm. (Tale atudles In economics, 8) 300 p. 23cm. lllus.

HB103.R5B6 330.1 58-7187 BV3427.R46C7 1955 922.261 55-2451 J

RIBERO, FRANCISCO DIAZ DEL see Dfaz del Henderson, John Patrick, 1919- Cronin, Vincent
Ribero, Francisco, 1592-1670 A^interpretation of Ricardo's theory of value. Ann The wise man from the West. c lst American ed.] New
Arbor, University Microfilms t !956j York, Button, 1955.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 19,658) 300 p. lllus. 22cm.
RIBERO Y USTARIZ, MARIANO EDUARDO DE, Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,658 Mic 56-3731 BV3427JR46C7 1955a 922.251 55-8331 t
Lipschitz, Eleonore.
Cronin, Vincent.
Die theoretischen Grundlagen David Ricardos im Lichte
The wise man from the West. Garden City, N. Y., Image
BIBLIOGRAPHY des Briefwechsels. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot C1957,
214 p. 24 cm.
Books 1957, 1955]
(Wlrtscnaftswlssoiscbaftllcne Abhandlungen. t

Yolks- und betrleoswirtflchaftliche Schrtftenrelhe der WIrtschafts-und

276 p. 18cm. (A. Doubleday image book, D44)
SozlalwlsMnschaftUchen Fakultfit der Frelea TTnlveraitttt Berlin, [BV3427] 922.251 57-273 t
Alcalde Mongnit, Arturo. Heft 6) Printed for A. B. P.
El "Memorial de ciencias naturales," Lima, 18271828; HB103J15L5 59-28257
contribuci6n a la bibliografia de Mariano E. de Rivero y
Ustariz. Lima Universidad National Mayor de San Mar
Millot, Rene Pierre.
cos, Editorial San Marcos, 195-] St Clair, Oswald.
La Chine decouvre
84r-150p. fold, map, facsims. 26 on. A key to Ricardo. London, Routiedge & Paul t1957] 218 p. 20cm.
le Christ
Paris, Favard
* r!957i
l h
Q4.M4 58-40179 XXT.864P. 28cm.
HB103.R5S3 880.1 67-1266 BV3417.M5 sr-44576

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog
International Rice Commission.
RICCI, VITTORIO, 1621-1685 RICE Amendments to the Constitution of the International Rice
see also Cookery (Rice); -Rice workers Commission between the United States of America and other
Gonzalez Sanchez, Jose Maria, 1895- governments, adopted at the fourth session of the Interna
Un misionero diplomatic vida del padre Victorio Riccio,
; tional Rice Commission at Tokyo, October 11-19, 1954; ap
en el tercer centenario de su primera entrada en China (1655- Aalsmeer, C W proved by a resolution adopted November 18, 1955, at the
1955) Madrid, Studium 1955j r Rice enrichment in the Philippines, byW. C. Aalsmeer eighth session of the Conference of the Food and Agricul
92 p. map 20cm. (CtoleccKSa "Semblanzaa" t 10j)
[and others] Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization
of ture Organization of tho United Nations, hold at Rome.
A 55-6227 the United Nations, 1954.
Catholic Univ. of America. Library [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1958,
r, 109 p. tables. 23 cm. (FAO nutritional studies, no. 12) 4 p. 24 cm. (Treaties and other international acts series, 4110)
TX558.R5A18 641.13 55-2424 JX235.9.A32 no. 4110 58-62344
International Rice Commission.
Logo, Italy. Liceo sdentifico statale "Gregorio Ricci Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
International Rice Commission; amended constitution,
Curbastro*" Commodity reports. Rice. no. [Ip-
with rules of procedure, adopted by tho United States of
Celebrazione in Lugo del centenario della nascita di Gre- Apr. 27, 1950-
Rome America and other Governments, formulated by the third
gorio Ricci Curbastro, 2 maggio 1954. Lugo jlSS^ t etc.]
session of the International Rico Commission at Bandung,
98 p. ports. 26cm. no. In v. 29 cm.
55-5420 A HD9066.A1F53 338.17318 59-1911 May 1952, approved by a resolution adopted December 10,
Princeton TJnly. Llbr. 1953, by the seventh session of the Conference of the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, held
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. at Rome November 23-Docember 11, 1953, entered into force
RICCI-ODDI, GIUSEPPE, 1868-1937 Infonnes sobre productos. Arroz. no. [1]-
December 10, 1953. ^Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off.,
mayo 18, 1950-
Galleria d'arte moderna Giuseppe Eicci-Oddi a Piacenza. Roma c etc.] 27 p. 24 cm. (U. S. Dept. of State, Publication 5057. Treaties
tHanno collaborate alia redazione: Giulio U. Arata e Lean- no. In T, 29 cm. and other International acts series, 8046)
dro Ozzola per HD9066.A1F55 59-33317
commemorativo; Aldo Ambrogio, per
il testo JX235.9.A32 no. 3046 55-61950
la parte tecnica e redazionale;
Giuseppe Sidoli per la parte
rivisionale degli artisti. Piacenza, Cassa di risparmio, 1058t International Rice Commission. Working Party on Fer
178 p. (P. 33-172 plates)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
lllus., 20 eoL plates. 27 cm. tilisers.
A 58-2776 Agriculture Division.
Harvard Univ. Factcurs atfectant k
production du riz; resume des re-
Rapport de la reunion.
Rome, Organisation des Nations Unies pour 1'alimentation
ponses a un questionnaire de la Commission Internationale et 1'agriculture.
du riz, par K. Rnmiah, specialiste de la production et de la
RICCIO, VICTORIO see Ricci, Vittorio, 1621- selection du riz clans 1'Asie du sud-est, Division de 1'agricul- valeur.
T. annual. 23 cm. (Collection FAO: progres et raise en
1685 ture. Rome, Organisation des Nations Unies pour 1'alimen- S401.F6 57-1661
tation et 1'agriculture, 1955.
RICE, FRANK HAMILTON, BP. , 1881-1945 Ill, 43 p. table. 23 cm. (Collection FAO: progres et mlse en Li, Ming-L,
valeur, agriculture, cahler no 45)
Hunt, Inez. S401.F6 no. 45 55-2973
Horsefeathers and applesauce; the story of Bishop Frank
Hamilton Rice, by Inez Hunt and Wanetta W. Draper. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
139 p. lUus. 21 cm.
Denver, Sage Books 1959]
27 p. lllus. 22cm.
Agriculture Division.
BX7990.L48R5 Factors affecting rice production ; a summary of replies to
922.89 59-11064 J a questionnaire of the International Rice Commission, pre
pared by K. Ramiah, FAO expert on rice production and
RICE, INEZ breeding in South East Asia, Agriculture Division. Rome,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1. Rice. i. Title.
Rice, Inez. 1954. Title nmaniaed: Ko kuo U ml tl p'ln chili
YaUey over the MIL San Antonio, Naylor Co. Y, 45 p. table. 23cm. ( FAO agricultural development paper no. knel ko yU clil shu kuan II.
266 p. lllus. 22cm.
S401.U6A13 no. 45 55-3548
SB191.R5L5 C 58-5917
CT275JR533A3 920.7 59-8851 J J

McFarlane, Vernon H 1904-

RICE, JOHN HOLT, 1777-1831 [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Effects of heat treatment on the viability of
ricej a report
Economics Division^ of research and a literature
survey (by Vemon H. McFar
La estabilizaci6n del comercio international del arroz ; in- lane,Joseph T. Hogan, and Taylor A. McLemoroi Wash
Carlson, Alden LeRoy.
forme sobre las posibles medidas para lograrla. Roma, ington t U. S. Govt. Print. Off.) 1955.
The life and educational contributions of John Holt Rice. t
51 p. illus. 24 cm.
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1954] Organization de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y letin no. 1129)
(U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Technical bul

((University Microfilms, Ann Publication no 9637) la Alimentaci6n, 1955]

Arbor, Mich.]
HI, 95 p. 28 cm. S21.A72 no. 1129 Agr 56-108
Microfilm AC-1 no. 9637 Mic A 54-2354
tables (FAO polftlcos de profluctos esenclales,
U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr.
eatudlo no. 7) lA*84Te no. 1129
Virginia. TJnlv. Llbr.
HD1411.F573 no. 7 56-738
RICE, JOHNR, , 1895-
MaUugin, E A
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. comp.
Smnner, Robert Leslie, 1922- Economies Division, Kpynaitue KyjitTypu npoco, rpeinxa, pnc, iyMH3a; [Ctfop-

Man sent from God; a biography of Dr. John R. Rice. La stabilisation du commerce international du riz; HHK CTarett] Ho^ oCn^ett pe#. H. M. HyKOBCKoro. MOCKBO,,
Grand Rapids, Eerdmans 1959i rap TOC. H3fl-B0 CCJI.X03. JIHT-pU, 1953.
262 p. lllus. 23cm.
port sur les possibilites d'action preparee par la Sous-divi t
108, [8] p. lllus. 28 cm. (riony;wpHbte MOHorpacJmH)
sion des produits (Section du riz) de la Division de 1'econ-
BV3785JR43SS 922 59-12933 \ SB189.M27 55-15496
omie. Rome, Organisation des Nations Unies
pour 1'econ-
mentation etragriculture, 1955]
RICE, MERTON STACHER, 1872-1943 81 p. tables. 28cm. (FAO Etudes sur les politlques en matlere de Narayanswami, C K
proaults, no 7) The rice we eat. With a foreword from Vaikunth L.
HD1411.F572 no. 7 55-12734 Mehta. Bombay, All India Khadi & Village Industries
Chabnt, Elaine (Rfce) 1910- Board, Ministry of Production 1956i C

Food and Agriculture Organization of the 144 p. 20cm.

Preacher Mike; the life of Dr. Merton S. Rice. United Nations.
New York, Citadel Press C 1958a
Economics Division. TX558.R5N3 57-85475 t
226 p, mm. 22cm. The stabilization of the international trade in
BX8495.R466C5 922.773 58-7309 J port on possible measures [prepared
rice: a re
Palivoda, N E
by the Rice Section of OECMT
toe Commodities Branch of the
Economics Division, Rome, pnca. MOCKBE Toe.
RICE FAMILY ^^tore Organization of the United so,
1955 Nations, ( 2, 0nUT B CWIkCKOM X03HA-
Ward, Andrew Henshaw, 1784-1864. SB191.R5P3
A genealogical history of the Rice family : descendants of Rice Meeting, Baguio,
Deacon Edmund Rice, who came from Philippines, 1948. *

Berkhamstead, Eng Report. Washington, Food and Agriculture

land,and settled at Sudbury,
Massachusetts, in 1638 or 9j
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Organiza
Nations. tion of the United
with an index ... Boston, C. B. Nutrition Division. Nations,' 1948.
Richardson, 1858. n. p.. c 48 p. 27cm.
Edmund Rice (1638) Association, 195& Rice and rice diets a survey. Washington 1948
Till, 879 p. 24cm. 72 p. 23cm. (FAO nutritional
1948c 338.17318 48-24959 rev 2*
stadteTno. 1)'
CS7LR496 1958 59-31109 TX558.R5F6 641.3318 50-13031 rev
Shto, Hstieh-nien.


?KfS ftl^^ && I4^fi)lg|t 1955.
1663) 74 p. lllus. 21cm.
Penggilingan beras di Indonesia.
( Djakarta, Pustaka
Smith, Elsie Haves. Rakfat C 1950]
14 p. inns. 17 c
(Serlpopuler, ilmu tScnik)
Bo8toiltMeadorPub.Co. 1954 TS2159.R5F7
t J

CS7LR496 1954
54-41974 J
Grist, Donald Honey, 1891-
RICE COUNTY, KAN. Rice, C2d ed.j London, New Tort, Longmans, Green

aJ5*J% ^^
[1955] 1. Eice. i. Title.

MAPS SBl9LR5a73 1955 633.18 SB19LR6S5 C 59-2465

Btae Print Company, WicMta. U.
Donald Honey, 1891-
Grist, B.Affnm^una Marketing Service.
K * M1 Rice. [Sded.
The nee situation.
jn5SS. Londonj Longmans
G420SJ15 1953JK3
Map 54-401
o?V^ cnL iTWtcalrlcnl
SB191.R5G73 1959 633.18


Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


U. S.
RAPHY Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit.
Dept. of State. Office of Intelligence Research and
Analysis. Drogen en opslag van. ruwe rijst. 's-Gravenhage [18&-]
Diehl, William Webster, 1891- 118 p. illus. 24cm.
The world rice situation, 1945-46, with particular refer A list of references to diseases of rice. Issued by Section
57-35794 J
ence to the Far East . . .
Washington, 1946. of Mycology and Disease Survey, Agricultural Research
23, [S8j 1. tables. 36 cm. (Its [Report] no. 8499)
Service. rBeltsviUe,Md.,1954] Efferson, John Norman, 1912-
no. 3499] SD 53-50 rev 157 p. 27 cm. (TJ. S. Agricultural Besearch Service. Horticul An economic study of rough rice storage in the Southern
S. Dept of State. Library tural Crops Research Branch. Special publication no. 6)
States by J. Norman Efferson, Roane Hathorn, and Author
Agr 55-134 [i. e. Arthur, Gerlow. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.]
U. S. International Cooperation Administration. Office of
U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. 1.965M2Sp8 no. 6
Industrial Resources. 57 p. 26 cm.
vl, tables. (U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Marketing
Rice; operational data. Washington, Technical Aids DRYING research report no. 75)
Branch, Office of Industrial Resources, International Co HD1751.A9183 no. 75 Agr 54-566
U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. !Ag84Mr no. 75
operation Administration t 1957i Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit.
46 p. Illus. 23cm.
Drogen. en opslag van ruwe rijst. 's-Gravenhage [195-]

SB191.R5U54 633.18 57-61797 J . Illus. 24cm. Jay, J Edward, 1901-

SB191.R5C82 57-35794 J Railroad transportation of rough rice in Louisiana and
BIBLIOGRAPHY Texas; a study of facilities and equipment [by J. Edward
HARVESTING Jay and Mark R. Engerj Washington, U. S. Dept of Agri
Jacks, Graham Vernon. Lodigiani, L culture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Re
An annotated bibliography of rice soils and fertilizers tbyj Agricultural mechanization: rice havesting. Geneva,
search Division, 1956.
iv, 15 p. Illus. 26cm. ([U.S. Dept of Agriculture] Marketing
G. V. Jacks arid M. Kathleen Milne. Harpenden, United Nations, 1956.
Eng., research report no. 136)
Commonwealth Bureau of Soil Science, 1954. 17 p. 28 cm. ([United Nations. Document] E/ECE/257, Agri/ HD1751.A9183 no. 136 Agr 56-288
016.63318 55-12602 --
etc. 633.18
57-2462 U.S. Dept of Agr.

Llbr. !Ag84Mr no. 136

Larson, Nellie Geneva, 1903-

Rice hulls and rice straw, 1907-1955; a list of references.
Jay, J Edward, 1901-
Rev. July 1957. Washington [1957, Mauzey, Merritt, 1898- Railroad transportation of rough rice in Louisiana and
24 p. 27cm. (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Library. Library list
no. 81)
Rice boy. London, New York, Abelard-Schuman 1958] Texas; a study of facilities and equipment by J. Edward t
67 Illus. 27 cm.
Jay and Mark R. Engerj Washington, U. S. Dept of Agri
2881.U4L5 no. 31 1957 Agr 57-235 PZ10.M449R1 57-9526 t
U.S. Dept of Agr. Libr. 1.916L612 no. 81 1957 culture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Re
search Division, 1956.
COLLECTED WORKS MARKETING iv, 15 p. Illus. 26cm. ( t U. S. Dept of Agriculture]
^ Marketing
research report no. 186)
HD1751.A9183 no. 136 Agr 56-288
Indochina (Federation) du riz.
Bain, Henry McRavin, 1888- U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. !Ag84Mr no. 136
Marketing rice cooperatively. [Washington, U. S. Govt.
Print. Off.] 1957. Limmsr, Ezekiel, 1912-
[Saigon^ 19 IT, 80 p. Illus., map. 24 cm. (U. S. Farmer Cooperative Service.
no. In v. tllus., maps (part fold.) PCS circular 19) Transportation of rice in the South, an economic survey
SB191.R5 1 67 56-35047 t HD1491.U5A38 no. 19 Agr 57-136 tby Ezekiel Limmer and Robert J. Byrnej
U. S. Dept. of Agr. Llbr. A280.29F22F no. 19 [U.S. Govt. Print Off.j 1956.
Doty, Harry 1923- [BD1751A9183 no. 140]
Patterns of rice distribution in the United States and U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. lAg84Mr
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. no. 140
territories. Washington l959j
Report of the Special Technical Meeting on the Economic

19 p. 27 cm. Agricultural Marketing Serv

Aspects of the Rice Industry, Rangoon, Burma, 11-18 No ice. AMS-306)
Illus., maps. (U. S.
vember 1954. Rome, 1954. [HD1751.A9184 no. 306] Agr 59-160
v, 80 p, 28 cm. U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. A280.39M34Ara no. 306 Dubuis, Andre.
HD9066.A2S67 1954c 55-1930 La vegetation des rizieres en Oranie, par A. Dubuis et
MILLING P. Simonneau. Birmandreis (Alger), Gouvernement gene
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. ral de PAlgerie, Direction du service de la colonisation et de

Report of the third Special Meeting on the Economic As see also Rice processing machines 1'hydraulique, Service des etudes scientifiques [1956,
66 p. Illus., map, tables. 23 cm.
pects of the Rice Industry, Bangkok, September-October
1955. Rome, 1955.
QK966.A4D82 57-24266
T, 49 p. 28cm. (/* [Document] OOP 65/27)
Aten, Albert, 1909-
[S401.U6A217 CCP 55/27] A 57-6827 Equipment for the processing of rice, prepared by A. Aten BRITISH GUIANA
Mount Holyoke Coll. Library and A. D. Faunce and Luther R. Ray. Rome, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1953. British Guiana. Board of Control, MaAawony/Abary Rice
DICTIONARIES POLYGLOT ill, 55 p. Illus. 23 cm. (FAO development paper, agriculture,
Development Scheme.
no. 27)
58-20224 Report. 1946-48
S401.U6A13 no. 27
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Georgetown.
Kurt v. 34 cm.
Rice trade glossary. Glossaire du commerce du riz. Glo- Fischer,
Die Reismullerei; ein Lehr- und Handbuch fur alle Pro- HD9066.B85A32 55-37235
sario del comercio arrocero. Rome, 1957.
v, 65 p. 16 cm. bleme der Reisbearbeitung. Detmold, M. Schafer, 1957. British Guiana. Sice Committee.
127 p. Illus. 22cm.
SB191.R5F62 57-4595 1958.
A 59-3026 Report iGeorgetownfj
2, 31 p. maps, tables. 34cm.
Purdue Univ. Library
SB191.R5B74 59-40450
see also Rice weevil
Chavez Ibarra, Maria Virginia. Natsionalno suveshtanie po otglezhdaneto i napoftvaneto
Atkins, John G 1916- Estudio contable de un molino de arroz. Me*xico, 1952. na oriza v Bulgariia, Plovdiv, 1954,
Rice diseases. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1958] 62 p dlagr., forms. 28 cm.
14 p. illus. 24 cm. (U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Farmers' bul HF5686.R5C5 CtBcmaHHe no opBcsoceeneTO B BiJirapHJi, npoaeflCHO B
letin no. 2120) HiOBflHB na 18 H 19 wapT 1954 ro^nica. (OrrOBOpHH pe^aK-
S21.A6 no. 2120 633.18 Agr 59-38 MILLING COSTS TOpn HBEH CipaHCKH EC ^HMO BejieB] Co^na, 1956.
U. S Dept. of Agr. Llbr. !Ag84F no. 2120 261 p, lUus., map. 25 cm.
SB191.R5N3 1954c 58-42802
Silva, Manuel Vianna e. Thuroczy, Nicholas 1920- M
Doengas do arroz, Lisboa, 1958.
Costs of operating southern rice mills [by Nicholas M BURMA
164 p. Illus. 24cm. Thuroczy and Woodrow A, Schlegelj Washington, U. S.
A 59-6642 Dept of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Mar
Purdue XJnlv. Library
keting Research Division [1959] Wolf, Charles, 1924-
54 p. diagrs., tables. 26 cm. ( U. S. Dept. of Agriculture] C
Selected economic development projects in Burma and
U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service. Marketing Research Marketing research report no. 830) Indonesia; notes and comments. Ithaca, Southeast Asia
Division. BD1751.A9183 no. 330 338.47664725 Agr 59-196
U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. lAgMMr no. 830 Program, Dept. of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell University.
Controlling insect pests of stored rice. (Prepared by 1954.
Stored-Product Insects Section, Biological Sciences Branch. 11 1. 28 cm. (Cornell University. Dept. of Far Eastern Studies.
Washington, 1957, PACKAGING Southeast Asia Program. Data paper no 15)
30 p. Illus. 24 cm. (U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Agriculture HD9066.B92W6 55-2191 t
no. 129)
633.18 Agr 57-295
Thuroczy, Nicholas 1920- M CALIFORNIA
U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. lAgSAAh no. 129 Costs of operating southern rice mills tby Nicholas M.
Thuroczy and Woodrow A. Schlegelj Washington, U. S.
Bleyhl, Norris Arthur.
Dept of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Mar
*** keting Research Division !959]
M p. diagrs., tables. 26 cm. ( t U. S.

Dept of Agriculture,
history of the production and marketing of rice in Cali
fornia. Ana Arbor, University Microfilms C 1957]
Marketing research report no. 880) (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 17366)
HD1751.A9183 no. 330 Microfilm AC-1 no. 17,893 Mic 57-837
10, li, 287 p. llltu. 21cm. 338.47664725 Agr 59-196 Minnesota. Univ. Llbr.
U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. !Ag84Mr no. 880
Include blbllofrmphlcal reference*.
II Riso. anno 1-
Caribbean Commission.
1. Rl DlMtMi and _ LTitte. febbr. 1952-
nma*i*ti: Shot too plnr jOan ihoa farl. Port-of-Spainj 1955.
Milano, Ente nazionale risL Ix, 69 p. 28 cm. (Caribbean market surrey, no. 1)
v. illus., maps, diagrs. SO cm. monthly.
B3>9066.C3C3 57-30233
SB608.B5W4 C 59-1686 SB191.R5A34 55-57317

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RICE (Continued) MADURA (ISLAND) Topolanski, Eugenio M

Arroz y riego; viajes de observacioaes por los Estudos
C van der.
CEYLON Giessen,
Studien over den rijstbouw op Java en Madoera. Bata-
Unidos de Norte America. Montevideo, Institute Nacional
de Colonizacion, 1956.
G via,1947! 261 p. Illus. 24cm.
Vermaat, J 51 p. dlagrs. 24 cm. (MededeeUngen van het Departement van
Report to the government of Ceylon on soil and paddy Economische Zaken In Nederlandscn-Indie, no. 10) SB191.E5T6 57-23936 t

problems. (Colombo, 1956] SB191.R5G5 58-46473

p. dlagrs., fold. maps. 25 cm. (FAQ report, no. 401) U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service.
S401.U6A225 no. 401 59-32731 MALAYA The rice situation.
COLOMBIA Malaya (Federation) Rice Committee. no. dlagrs. 26 cm. annual.
Final report. Kuala Lumpur, Printed at the Govt Press, HD9066.A1U45 338.17318 59-61777
Ramirez F Ernesto. ,
Estudio economico estadistico del arroz en Colombia, Bo- Ir,139p. 25cm.
U. S. Agricultural Marketing Service. Grain Division.
gotij 1953. HD9066.M3A5 58-39149
19 p maps, dlagrs. Si cm. Rice; annual market summary.
HD9066.C62R3 56-40611 MALAYA TANJONG KARANG 20 cm. ([U. S.j Agricultural Marketing Service. AMS)
Malaya (Federation) Dept. of Information. HD1751.A9184 59-60334
CUBA The story of Tanjong Karang. [Singapore? 1953]
25 p. illus. 26 can.
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture.
Arango, Rodolfo. SB191.R5M3 Cotton and rice acreage allotment
exchanges. Hearing
Gala arrocera nacional, por Rodolfo Arango y tecnicos before the Subcommittee on Cotton and the Subcommittee
. Habana
[Editorial Argos, 1964. MALAYA (FEDERATION) on Rice on H. R. 679 and othersj February 17, 1959. Wash

p. lUus., ports.
ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1059.
SB191.R5A85 54-40634 Ill, 24 p. 24 cm. (Its [Hearings beforej the Committee on Agri
Malaya (Federation) Rice Production Committee. culture, House of Representatives, Eighty-sixth Congress, aerial HJ)

Lumpur ? 1953 ?- S21.Z1624 ser.E 338.17351 59-60968 rev

fold. col. map, diagrs., tables. 25 cm.
SB191.R5M32 338.17318 59-21389 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture.
0. S. De^t. of State. Office of Intelligence Research and
National acreage allotments: rice.
Hearings before the
The world rice situation, 1946-46, -with particular refer
MEXICO Subcommittee on Rice on H. R. 7367, a bill to amend the
ence to the Far East... Washington. 1946. Garza y Garza, Adalberto. Agricultural adjustment act of 1938, as amended. July 21
23, [38j L tables. 36 cm. (Its t&port, no. 3499) and 25, 1955. Washington, U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1955.
El arroz y sus aspectos econ6micos. Mexico, 1953.
[UB250.U33 no. 8499] SD 53-50 rev 114 p. Illus. 28cm. Ill,

64 p. tables. 24 cm.
House of Representative*,
(lit |Hearing> before, the Committee on
TJ. S. Dept of State. Library HD9066.M42G3 57-17562 t
EJlghty-fourth Oongrow.

S21.Z1622 Ser.X 55-63561

India. Labour Investigation Committee. Philippines (Republic) Division of Agricultural Economics. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture.
Report on labour conditions in the rice mill^ by B. P. A
report on the survey of area and production of rice for

Rice acreage allotment. Hearing before tho Subcommit

Adarkar. Delhi, Manager of Publications, 1946. the crop year. 1953/54- teeon Rice on H. R. 4709. July 1, 1957. Washington, U. S.
TUTS p. tables. 25cm. Manila, Govt. Print. Off., 1957.
HD8039.R49 1 43 56-45419 v. maps. 23 cm. annual. Ill, 18 p. 24 cm. (Its [Hearings before, tho Committee on Agri
SB191.R5P74 House of Representatives,
culture, Eighty-fifth Congress, sorlul DD)
Narayanswami, C K S21.Z1623 ser.DD 57-61829
The rice we eat. With a foreword from Vaikunth L. SARAWAK U. S.
Mehta. Bombay, All India Khadi & Village Industries Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture.
Rice export program and rice
Board, Ministry of Production
144 p. 20cm.
[19561 Freeman, J D acreage, 1958. Hearings
before the Subcommittee on Rico. March 20 and
Iban agriculture; on the shifting cultivation of
a report 29 April
TX558.R5N3 57-35475 { 1958.
hill rice by the Ibzm of Sarawak. London, H. M. Stationery Washington, U. S. Govt. Print.
Off., 1058.
ill, 60 p, tables. 24 cm. (Itt (Hearings boforei the Committee
Off., 1955. House of Representatives, Hlghty-flf tS
INDIA STATISTICS xli, 148 p. flius. 25 cm. Gt on^Agrlculture, Congress, ierlS
( t Brit., Colonial Office. Colonial
research studies no. 18)
India (Republic)
S21.Z1623 ser.WW 338.17318 58-61319
Ministry of Food- and Agriculture. Di JV33.G7A4S no. IS 56-1988
rectorate of Economics and Statistics.
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture
Indian rice statistics. r Delhi, Manager of
Publications, SENEGAL Rice export situation
(movement through Public law 480)
55 p. Illus. 24cm.
SB19LR5I6 59-242331
Problemes agricoles au Senegal: La vallee du Senegal, agri sns?
culture traditionnelle et riziculture mecanisee
[par] Louis
ITALY Papy. L'arachide au Senegal, rationalisation et modernisa
tion de sa culture c par] Paul Pelissier. Saint-Louis du S21.Z1624 ser.J 338.17318 69-01242
Senegal, Centre I. F. A. N. Senegal, 1952.
Piacco, Romeo. cm.
5 (Etudes
ManuaJe di risicoltura, Bologna, Edizioni agricole C 1957j U. S. Congress. Bouse. Committee on Agriculture.
140 p. illus. 22 cm. Rice marketing quota.
55-21836 Hearing before tho Subcommittee
A 59-2495 on Rice on H. R. 2620, H. R.
2389, and H. R. 3230, to amend
Library THAILAND the rice marketing quota
provisions of the Agricultural ad
Piacco, Romeo. justment act of 1938, as amended. 4 and March
II riso. Roma, Ramo editoriale degli Bhojatara, Phraya. 15 1955. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955.
p. Ulus., maps (part fold.) 18 em.
agricoltori r 1958j
(Manual! dl agricoltiira,
A compilation of the results of experimental work on ; u ^Tr
6*' 24 cm (/ " Hearln * before, the Committee

^372 rice, f
( Repre* ntatlvefl Eighty-fourth

A59~ 6639 S21.Z1622
PnrdueUniv. Library , 5 L tables. 34 col
Ser.O 338.17318 55-6073S
JAPAN U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture
U.S. S
aring before fte Subcommittee on
Matsno, Takane, 1912- Ri^iIT^
May 3, ioS'
1956. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.,
Rice culture in Japan. r Contactgroep Opvoering Productiviteit
Tokyoj Ministry of Agriculture
and Forestry, Japanese Government, 1954.
119 p. Illus. 26cm. ^^
SB19LR5M38 633.18 58-20988 J
S21.Z1622 ser. SS
JAVA Doty, Harry O 1923- U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture and
Gfessen, C van d. Forestry.
Rice programs. Hearings before a subcommittee of the
Stadien over den rijstbouw
op Java en Madoenu Bata- (U S ' -
vi c
Committee on Agriculture and
Forestry, United States
[HD1751.A9184 no. 306]J Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, on various two-
U.S.DepLo3CAgr. Llbr. A280.8SM34Am no. 806 price systems of price support and marketing which could
58^473 be made applicable to rice.
May 23, 24, 25, and 26, 1955.
Enochian, Robert Vaughan, 1921- Washington, U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1955.
6 00 06
product [by Robert V. ^ ^^ ^
6 market
P otent ^l for a new food
Enochian, J. Scott Hunter, and

91 p. illus. 24cm.
1955 55-61484
U. &_ Foreign Operations Administration. Roland G. S] Ham
Washington, Agricultural Marketing

lUmumap. 27cm.
rice production a success.
Washington H ^
Marketm Research Division r 1958
reseVch^eporfno 749?"
HD1751.A9183 Tio.249
(U< & ^ * A teutB ^ Marketing
U. S. Congress.
eign Commerce.
Committee on Interstate and For

Research for commercial production of fish on flooded rice

SB19LR5U52 T7.S.DeptofAgr. Llbr. iA84Mr no. 249
AA^KQ 1fio
acreage. Hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee
on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, United States
MACEDONIA Thuroczy, Nicholas 1920- M Eighty-fifth Congress, first session, on S. 1552, a bill to au
thorize the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a
Marketing long- and medium-grain rice: the influence of program
for the purpose of carrying on certain research and
BabamoT, Lazar. supply on wholesale prices and margins. Washington, S U mentation to develop methods for the commercial
Dept, of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service! Mar production
O npeanpHJJaTHe/1949. keting Research Division t 1958j of fish on flooded rice
acreage in rotation with rice field
for other purposes. July
crops^d 8, 1957. Washington,
SB19LR5B25 59-38872 t HD1751.A9183
U. & Govt Print Off., 1957.
no. 261 688.18 HI, 47 PL Illus. 24cm.
17. S. Dept of Agr. Llbr.
SH11.A5165 639.3072 57-60T21

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ICERCARE see Fugue Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.

RICE King Richard n. Edited by Peter Ure. [4th ed.] Lon
U.S. (Continued) don, Methuen [1956,
ttCH, CHARLES T., 1869-1940 iVWm, 207 p. 23 cm. (The Arden Shakespeare)
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PR2820.A2U7 1956 822.33 56-58891
A study of various two-price systems of price support and Gilliard,Alfred J
marketing which could be made applicable to rice- Letter Sussex yeoman; the story of Charles Rich. London, Sal Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
from Acting Secretary of Agriculture transmitting a report vationist Pub. and Supplies [1956] Richard n. Edited by John Dover Wilson. [Pocket ed^
on the study of various two-price systems of price support 56 p. Illus. 20 cm. Press, 1957.
56-40843 t
Cambridge rEng.] University
and marketing which could be made applicable to rice, pur BX9743.R5G5 922.89 112 p. 19cm. (The Cambridge pocket Shakespeare)
PR2820.A2W5 1957 822.33 57-14463
suant to section 315, Public law 690, 83d Congress. Wash
ington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1955. ICH, JOHN, 16827-1761 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
40 Illus. 24 cm. (84th Cong., 1st sees House document
no. 100)
The tragedy of King Richard the Second. Edited by
Sawyer, Paul Simon, 1920- ,
Matthew W. Black. Baltimore, Penguin Books [195?!
HD9066.U4&V.52 John Rich versus Drury Lane, 1714-1761; a study
181 p. 18 cm. (The Pelican Shakespeare, AB6)
theatrical rivalry. Ann Arbor, University C :t954] Microfilms 56-10113
STATISTICS Publication na
U. S. auSveraity Microfilm* Ana Arbor, Mich., 8^4
Microfilm AC-1 no. 8824 Mic 64-2731 A
Columbia Untv. Libraries Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
Burkhead, Charles Edwin, 1905- The tragedy of King Richard the Second. Edited by
Rice, popcorn, and buckwheat acreage, yield, production, Robert T. Petersson. t Rev. ed.] New Haven, Yale Univer
price, value, by States, 1866-1953. [Prepared by Charles E.
sity Press [1957]
Burkhead, John W. Kirkbride and William B. Hudson, Rich, Louise (Dickinson) 1903- vi.ieap. 18cm. (The Tale Shakespeare)
Washington, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Innocence under the elms. [1st ed-j Philadelphia, Lip- PR2820.A2P4 1957 822.33 57-13294
Marketing Service, Crop Reporting Board, 1958. pincott [1955]
64p. (chiefly tables) 26cm. ([U.S. Dept. of Agriculture] Sta 283 p. 21cm. FICTION
tistical bulletin no. 288)
PS3535.1 244Z514 818.5 55-6718 rev %
HD1751.A5 no. 238 338.1731 Agr 58-379 Lewis, Hilda Winifred, 1896-
Copy 2. SB192.TJ5B8 Rich, Louise (Dickinson) 1903- The gentle falcon. New York, Criterion Books [1957]
U. Dept. of Agr, Llbr. !Ag84St no. 238
My neck of the woods. London, Hale [1952]

216 p 23 cm 57-9164 t
55-56575 t
RICE, CANNED S521.R48 1952 630.1

1562?- UCHARD HI, KING OF ENGLAND, 1452-1485

Enochian, Robert Vaughan, 1921- RICH, PENELOPE (DEVEREUX) LADY,
Canned cooked rice the market potential for a new food
1607 Kendall, Paul Murray.
product, [by Robert V. Enochian, J. Scott Hunter,
and Richard the Third. London, Allen & Unwin C 1955]
Roland Gr. Harris, Washington, Agricultural Marketing Falls, Cyril Bentham, 1888- 514 p. ports., maps, geneaL table. 25 cm.
to John Ford. 56-639
Service, Marketing Research Division [1958] Penelope Rich and the poets Philip Sidney London.
DA260.K4 923.142
II, 49 p. Illus. 26 cm. (U. S. DepL of Agriculture. Marketing (In Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom,
22 cm.
research report no. 249) Essays by divers hands, being the transactions. London.
New e. 3d] ser., v. 28 (1956) p. 123 r137) Kendall, Paul Murray.
Agr 58-182
HD1751.A9183 no. 249 ,1.
A 56-5054 New York, W.W.
U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. !AgS4Mr no. 249 [PN22.R6 3d ser., vol. 28] Richard the Third. t lst American ed.j
Duke Univ. Library Norton i!956]
RICE BREEDING 602 p Illus. 22 cm.
56-10090 J
RICH FAMILY DA260.K4 1956 923.142
International Rice Commission. Working Party on Rice
Rich, Paul. Lamb, Vivien B
Rapport de la rSunion. The betrayal of Richard rn. London, Coram, 1959.
The Riches of Reading. c n,p.,195-?] 117 p 19 cm.
Rome, Organisation des Nations Unies pour Palimentation et t4iL 28cm.
923.142 59-2865 t
1'agriculture. CS71.R6 1950z 59-33193 J DA260X3
v. annual. 23 cm. (Collection FAO: progrea et mlse en
57-1660 RICHAFORT, JEAN, d. 1548? Leary, Francis W
The golden longing. New York, Scribner [1959j

International Rice Commission. Working Party on Rice Kabis, Mary Elise. 59-11322 J
The works of Jean Richafort, Renaissance composer
Breeding. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1957]
Report of the meeting.
( 1480 ?-c. 1548)
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 22,741) DRAMA
of the United Mic 57-4834
Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization Microfilm AC-1 no. 22,741
Nations. Legge, Thomas, 1535-1607.
v. 23 cm. (FAO development paper, agriculture)
58-20989 RICHARD I, KING OF ENGLAND, 1157-1199 Richardus Tertius; a critical edition with a translation,
by Robert Joseph Lordi. Ann Arbor, Mich., University
Microfilms C 1958]
Hampden, John, 1898- ed.
RICE MILLING see Rice Milling Crusader King; the adventures of Richard
the Lionaeart Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-1719 Mic 58-1719
E. Illinois. "Univ. Library
on crusade, taken from a chronicle of the time. London,
168 p Illus. 19cm. (The Golden legend series) Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
Borasio, Luigi.
DA207JH16 923.142 Oxberry's 1822 edition of "King Richard m, with the de
Glos- scriptive notes recording Edmund
Kean's performance made
Illustrated glossary of rice processing machines.
saire illustrS des machines pour Pusinage du riz. Glosario Henderson, Philip, 1906- by James H. Hackett Reprinted in facsimile and edited
Richard Coeur de Lion; a biography. London, R. Hale with an introd. and notes by Alan S. Downer. London, So
ilustrado de mdquinas para la elaboraci6n del arroz, by L.
Borasio [and] F. Gariboldi. Rome, Food and Agriculture t 1958] ciety for Theatre Research, 1959.
256p. illus. 23cm, facslm. (100 p. dlagr.), xxxlT p. Illus. 15 1 23 cm. (Society for
Organization of the United Nations, 1957. DA207.H4 923.142 58-1787 Theatre Research. Annual volumes, 1966-57)
vlli, 49 p. Illus. 28cm. PR2821.A2KS7 1822a 59-3281
SB191.R5B65 58-40546
Henderson, Philip, 1906-
Richard Coeur de Lion; a biography. c
lst American ed. 3
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
RICE RESEARCH New York, W. W. Norton 1959] C Richard m. Text edited by Charles Jasper Sisson. Com
mentary by Stuart Yaughan. New York, Dell Pub. Co.,
256 p. illus.
Bhojakara, Phraya. DA207.H4 1959 923.142 59-11242 J
A compilation of the results of experimental work on nee, 254 p Illus., port 17 cm. (The Laurel Shakespeare, LB115)
by Phraya Bhojakara and Y. S. Israsena. Bangkok, Dept FICTION PR2821A2S5 1958 58-3405
of Agriculture C 1947j
88, 5 L tables. 34 cm. Baker, George Edward, 1902-
SB191.R5B45 57-45258 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
Lionheart; the story of Richard Cceur-de-Lion. New Richard the Third. 1597. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1959.
York, Roy Publishers C 1955 ?] ix p., facslm.: < t 95] p.), t l, p. 22 cm. (Shakespeare quarto
West African Rice Research Station, Rokupr<, Sierra Leone. 151 p. Illus. 21cm. facsimiles, no. 12)
Report. PZ9.Bl45Li 56-5025 J PR2750.B21 1597a 822.33 59-2803
Freetown, Sierra Leone, Govt. Print. Dept.
Laurent, Madeleine, 1900- Shakespeare, William, 1564-1816.
SB191.R5W45 56-56366 t The tragedy of Richard the Third. Edited by G. Blake-
Coaur de Lion et sa captive [par] Gauthier-Laurent [pseuoLj
Illustrations de Manon leesel. Paris, Flammarion [1955] more Evans. Baltimore, Penguin Books [1959]
176 p. 18cm. (The Pelican Shakespeare, AB16)
RICE WEEVIL 198 p. illus Iflcm.
PB2821.A2E9 822.33 58-6343
PZ23.L29C6 56-22891 J
La Hue, Delmon William, 1911-
Treatments for the protection of stored southern-grown Webb, Robert N FICTION
corn from rice weevil attack exploratory tests [by D. W. La;
We were there with Richard the Lionhearted in the Cru
Historical consultant: Andre A. Beaumont Illus
Hue, Herbert Womack, and B. W. Clements, Jr. Washing sades. Vance, Marguerite.
Marketing trated by Leonard Vosburgh. New York, Groaset & Dunlap Song for a lute. Illustrated by J. L. Pellicer. [1st ed,j
ton, Marketing Research Division, Agricultural
Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture [1958, [1957, New York, Button, 1958.
20 p. lllua. 26 cm. (t U. S. DepL of Agriculture] Marketing 182 p. illua. 24cm. (We were there books, 16)
research report no. 272) PZ7.W3836Wgr 57-10104 1
HD1751.A9183 no. 272 Agr 68-881
U.S. Dept of Agr. Llbr. lAg84Mr no. 272
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Gogacz, Mieezyskw.
INDIA Peter Ure. Filozofia bytu w "Beniamin Major" Ryszardaze Swie.-
King Richard n. 4th ed. rev.. Edited by C

tego Wiktora. Lublin, Nakt Tow. Naukowego KUL, 1957.

India. Labour Investigation Oowmittee. Cambridge, Harvard University Press t1956, 144 p. llhw. 22cm. (Katollckt Unlwewytet Lnbetokl. Bo*prawy
rice mills, by B. P. lnxm7207 22 cm. (The Arden Shakespeare)
Report on labour conditions in the p.
doktorakle. maglsterakie 1 emlnaryjne. nx. Wydzlal FUozoficzny,
Adarkar. Delhi, Manager of Publications, 1946. tl)
Harvard Univ. Library
Tl,7Sp. table* 25cm. 1Q . 1.R53B46

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog


1253 Hanna, Doreen (Potter) 1899-
Travis Lorena L A Potter-Richardson memorial, the ancestral lines of Wil
Musko- liam W. Potter of Michigan and his wife, Margaret (Rich
Richardson, Mary Kathleen, 1903- Walter Scott Richards, pioneer of the Southwest.
& Print. [1956] ardson) Potter. Compiled by Doreen Potter Hanna and
Ricbard. Drawings by Apolloni. New York, Sheed gee, Okla., American
12$ lllus. 22cm. Louise Potter, jn.p.,1957!
Ward [1959]
fllftn t
56-38460 J illu 29cm.
unpaged, illus. 21cm. (A Patron saint book) CT275.R548T7 .

CS71.P868 1957 68-39457

BX4700.R44R5 922.242 58-14456
DUKE OF NOR ENGLAND Weslager, Clinton Alfred, 1909-
The Richardsons of Delaware; with the early history of
MANDY, 942-996 Richards, L E the Richardson Park suburban area. Illustrated by Walter
and designing: sailing ves
Eighty years of shipbuilding Stewart lst ed., Wilmington, Del., Knebels Press, 1957.
Lowestoft, Richards
diesel 1928.
FICTION sels 1876, steam 1899, 105 p. lllus. 21cm.
Ironworks ltd. [1956] F174.W7W4 975.12 58-18068 1
39 p. lllus. 26cm.
Yonge, Charlotte Mary, 1823-1901.
The little Duke, Richard the Fearless.
New York, Macmillan
Federico Castellon. C 1954] 1651)
172 p lllus. 22 ci w children's dasslcsi
PZT.Y8Li25 54-13487 Edward Henderson, 1877-
Richardson, Richardson, Charles Albert, 1875- oomp.
A doctor remembers. [Isted.] New York, Vantage Press
Richardson letters; letters written to Albert Richardson
Yonge, Charlotte Mary, 1823-190L C1959!
252 p. illus. 21cm. from 1832 to 1881, with biographical sketches and a partial
The little duke, Richard the Fearless. Illustrated by Tom R154.R42A3 926.1 59-8427 t genealogy of the Richardson family. Jefferson, Me., 1954
'Sullivan. Garden City, N. Y., Junior Deluxe Editions i. e. 1955,
front, coat of arms. 28cm.
188 p. illus. 22cm.
RICHARDSON, ERNEST GUSHING, 1860-1939 xii,318p.
CT275.R549R5 85-30092
PZ7.Y8Li26 55-1601 J


Branscomb, Lewis Capers, 1911- RICHARDSON COUNTY, NEB.
A. bio-bibliographical study of Ernest Cushing Richard
son, 1800-1939. Chicago, 1954.
Microfilm 4609 Z Mic 56-4232 DIRECTORIES
Greenly, Albert Harry, 1881-
A bibliography of Father Richard's press in Detroit^Ann
Arbor, TVilliam L. Clements Library, 1955.
48 25 cm.
RICHARDSON, HENRY HANDEL, pseud. Booth (R. C.) Enterprises, Harlm, Iowa.
Z232JR592G7 016.6554774 A 56-299 rev Richardson County, Nebraska, service. Township TAM
North Carolina. Univ. Library Purdie, Edna, 1894- ed.
maps, locating roster; alphabetical locator; mailing list.
Henry Handel Richardson: some personal impressions. Harlan.
Edited by Edna Purdie and Olga M. Roncoroni. Sydney, v. maps. 82 cm.
Woodford, Frank Bury, 1903- G1453.R5B7 Map 52-271 rev
Angus and Robertson 1957] C
Gabriel Richard : frontier ambassador, by Frank B. Wood- 175 p. illus. 23 cm.
ford and Albert Hyma. With a foreword by Roscoe 0. PR6035.1 354Z83 928.2 58-27540 t
Bonisteel and an introd. by Edward J. Hickey. Detroit, MAPS
Wayne State University Press, 1958.
158 p.
illus. 27cm. RICHARDSON, HENRY HANDEL, pseud. THE
F574.D4R53 922.273 58-12331 J FORTUNES OF RICHARD MAHONY Booth (R. C.) Enterprises, Harlw, Iowa.
Richardson County, Nebraska, service. Township TAM
Gibson, Leonie J
FICTION maps, locating roster; alphabetical locator; mailing lint.
Henry Handel Richardson and some of her sources.
iCarlton, Melbourne University Press [1954] r. mapa. 32 cm,
56 p. facsim. 22cm.
Alois, Brother. G1453.R5B7 Map 62-271 rev
Frontier priest and Congressman : Father Gabriel Richard, PR6035.1 354F64 823.91 55-14240
S.B. Illustrated by Charles Dougherty. New York, Benziger
Bros. t !958j RICHARDSON, SIR RALPH, 1902-
176 p. illus. 22cm. (Banner boohs) RICHBERG, DONALD RANDALL, 1881-
PZ7A462Fr 58-13118
Hobson, Harold. Richberg, Donald Randall, 1881-
Ralph Richardson; an illustrated study of Sir Ralph's My
hero; the indiscreet memoirs of an eventful but un-
RICHARD-MOLARD, JACQUES work, with a list of his appearances on stage and screen. horoic life. New York. Putnam t !954i
London, Rockliff ^958! 367 p. lllus. 22cm.
Hommage a Jacques 98 p. Illus. 23 cm (Theatre world monograph, no. 11) E748.R38A3 1954 923.278 54-10504 rev %
Richard-Molard, 1913-1951. Paris 1953]
882 p. 20cm. (Presence africalne, 15) A 59-1732
GN645.P74 no. 15 Grosvenor Library PN2598
56-41303 t
Richcreek, Bernard, 1889-
1842-1911 Brissenden, R F The family and descendants of David and Mary Perm,
Samuel Richardson. London, New York, Published for Richcreek. Jackson Heights? N. Y., 1954.

the British Council 149, 6 1. 29 cm.

Hunt, Caroline Louisa, 1865-1927. by Longmans, Green C 1958]
The life of Ellen H. Richards, 1842-1911. Anniversary r,JS If*
1*- cm ^
(Bibliographical series of supplements to
CS71.R525 1954 55-88569 t
British book news on writers and their work, no. 101)
ed. Washington, American Home Economics Association, A 59-879
202 p. Ulus. 23 cm.
North Carolina. Univ. Library RICHELIEU, ARMAND JEAN DU PLESSIS,
TX140JR6H8 1958 926.4 58-2706 CARDINAL, DUG DE, 1585-1642
Krutch, Joseph Wood, 1893-
Five masters; a study in the mutations of the novel.
Boiteux, Lucas Alexandre, 1880-
Bloomington, Indiana University Press t 1959,
RICHARDS, SIR GORDON, 1904- 828 p. 20 cm. (Midland books, MB17) Richelieu; grand maitre de la navigation et du commerce
PN3451.K7 1959 809.3 de France. Avant-propos de Lucien Febvre. rPariai
59-8983 J
Ozanne, 1955.
Rkhards, Sir Gordon, 1904- 399 26cm, (La Marine etl'ulstolre)
Watt, Ian P p.

My story. London, Hodder and Stoughton C 1955j The rise of

the novel; studies in Defoe, Richardson, and Harvard Univ.
A 56-4168
256 p, illus. 21cm. Library
Fielding. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1957.
SF336.R5A3 55-44150 319p, 23cm.
A 58-867 La Bruyere, Rene", 1875-
Kentucky. Univ. Llbr.
Richelieu; 9 septembre 1585-4 decembre 1642. Paris, J.
RICHARDS, IVOR ARMSTRONG, 1893- Peyronnet t !958]
Wendt, Allan Edward, 1918- 206 p. 18cm. (Sit La marine de Richelieu)
Guth, Hans Paid, 1926- Richardson and Fielding: a study in the eighteenth-cen HE833.L3 59-26533 t
Threat as the basis of beauty pragmatist elements in the
tury compromise. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1957]
aesthetics of Richards, Dewey, and Burke. Ann Arbor, Uni r ' Wikberg, Sven, 1890-

versity Microfilms t!957] Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,479

^^MicV-im Den store kordinalen; Armand de Richelieus levnad.
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 18,608)
Microfilm AC-1 Stockholm, Bokforlaget Gothia r 1958i
no. 18,608 Mic 57-229 196

TJniv. Llbr. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL, 1689-1761. PAMELA DC123.9.R5W5

p. illus. 22cm.
59-24044 J

RICHARDS. LINDA ANN JUDSON, 1841-1930 Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754.

apology for the life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews (1741)
FICTION With an introd. by Ian Watt. Los Angeles, William An PLESSIS, DUG DE, 1696-1788
drews Clark Memorial Library,
University of California,
Baker, Rachel (Mininberg) 1903- 1958.
Wormser, Olga.
America's first trained nurse, landa Richards ; born : 56 22cm. (Augustan Reprint Society. Pub-
July T, p.
Amours & intrigues du marshal de Richelieu. [Paris]
27, 1841 ; died: April 16, 1930. New York, Messner t 1959j
182 p. 22cm. PR3454J.7 1741a Club frangais du livre, 1955.
bod, 967 p. ports., facslmn., music. 22 cm. (Les Portlqueo, $8)
PZ7.Bl7496Am 813.5 59-7008 DC128.9JR5W6 57-85851

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


A check list of Richmond, Virginia imprints from 1853

HIGHLAND, WASH. through 1860, with a historical introduction. Washington, Bailey, James Henry.
1957. History of St. Peter's ChurcL., Richmond, Virginia: 125
Ill, 147 1. 28 cm. K nff
U. Atomic Energy Commission. 57-58387 years, 1834-1959. [Richmond, 1959]
S. Z1346.R5S8 81 p. illus. 21 cm.
Disposal of government-owned communities at Oak Ridge, BX4603.R52S3 282.755451 59-3861 J
Term., and Richland, Wash. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Swartz, Jean Marie.
Off., 1955. A check-list of Richmond, Virginia imprints from 1866 to
Ill, 48 p. tables 24 cm
1870, with a historical introd. Washington, 1955. RICHMOND (DIOCESE)
JS1247.03A55 1955 336.12 55-61146 lv, 172 L 28cm.
Z1346.R5S85 015.755 56-36183 HISTORY
U. S. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. James Henry.
Disposal of Government-owned community nt Richland, COMMERCE A history of the Diocese of Richmond, the formative
Wash. Hearings before a Subcommittee on Disposal of years. [Richmond] Chancery Office, Diocese of Richmond,
Government-Owned Communities of the Joint Committee on Virginia. State Ports Authority. 1956.
Atomic Energy, Congress of the United States, Eighty- commerce at Rich 249 p. illus. 21 cm.
Report on the potential for waterborne
fourth Congress, first session Washington, U. S. Govt. . .

mond, Virginia. Norfolk [1956] BX1417.R5B3 282.755 56-11787 J

Print. Off., 1955. III, 114 p. form, tables. 28cm.
2pts. (ill, 241 p.) illus. 24cm. HE554.R5A54 A 56-9418
JS1339.R48A5 55-61492 rev Virginia. State Library
DESCRIPTION GUIDE -BOOKS Von Stieglitz, Karl Rawdon.
POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Richmond, the story of its people and its places. t
ceston? Tasmania, foreword 1953 3
Ellet, William Clinton, 1922- Harrison, Caroline Rivers, 1891- 56 p. Illus. 22cm.
Atomic cities the Atomic energy act and the States. Ann Historic guide, Richmond and James River. 7th ed.
9946 58-28804 J
Arbor, University Microfilms 1956] r [Richmond? 1955]
(University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 17,430)
46 p. illus. 20cm.
Microfilm AC-1 Mic 56-2326 F234.R5H3 1955 917.55451 55-32233 t
Michigan. Univ.
no. 17,430

Harrison, Caroline Rivers, 1891-

U. S. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy.
Congress. 8th ed.
Historic guide: Richmond and James River.
Proposed amendmentto Public law 221. Hearing before
[Richmond, 1958] California State Automobile Association.
the Subcommittee on Communities of the Joint Committee 47 p. illus., maps 20cm. Cities of Richmond, El Cerrito, San Pablo and vicinity.
on Atomic Energy, Congress of the United States, Eighty- F234.R5H3 1958 917.55451 58-2010 San Francisco 1954] C

fourth Congress, second session ... February 10, 1956. col map 38x54 cm. ( Its Form M-146)

Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1956. G4364.R6 1954.C3 Map 55-334

Hi, 28 p. 24 cm.
Virginia. State Ports Authority.
Report on the potential for waterborne commerce at Rich THEATRE
RICHLAND PARISH, LA. mond, Virginia. Norfolk [1956]
ill, 114 p. form, tables. 28 cm.
HE554.R5A54 A 56-9418 Rosenfeld, Sybil Marion, 1903-
MAPS Virginia. State Library
The xvm century theatre at Richmond, Yorkshire; a
on 15 March 1947:
paper read to the York Georgian Society
Tobin (Edgar) Aerial Surveys, San Antonio. HISTORY 1
21 cm. (York Georgian Society.
Richland Parish, Louisiana ownership & ; lease map with 28*p.' iSus.', geneal. table, plans.
Occasional paper no. S)
well data. Lutz, Francis Earle, 1890- 59-31577
San Antonio. PN2596.R5R6
Richmond in World War n. Richmond, Dietz Press, 1951.
maps IGo x 106 cm. or smaller. xv, 623 p plates. 23 cm.
G4013.R5 year.T59 Map 53-149 A 53-6204 rev
Duke Univ. Library RICHMOND, IND.
Tobin (Edgar) Aerial Surveys, San Antonio.
Pollard, Julia Cuthbert, 1905- HISTORY, JUVENILE
Richland Parish, Louisiana; ownership map with well
Richmond's story. Richmond, Richmond Public Schools
[1954] Jones, Daisy Marvel, 1906-
San Antonio.
maps 173 x 108 cm. or smaller.
Slip. Illus 23cm. Richmond, eastern gateway to Indiana. Ulus. by Jene
F234.R5P75 975.5451 55-39006 t
Burns. Richmond, Ind., Richmond City Schools C 1959]
G40L1R5 year.TG Map 51-1332 rev
213 p. Illus. 24cm.
HISTORY CIVIL WAR F534.R5J6 977.263 59-4026 J

RICHMOND, MARY ELLEN, 1861-1928 Kimmel, Stanley Preston.

Mr. Davis's Richmond. New York, Coward-McCann
Pumphrey, Muriel (Warren)
Mary Richmond and the rise of professional social wor
214 p.
lllua., ports., maps, 29cm.
975.5451 58-13325
Bond, Byron L
Richmond, Indiana. Drawn from an official map
in Baltimore; the foundations of a creative career. Ann Leland Studios, =1954,
by the Engineering Dept Richmond,
Arbor, University Microfilms 11956, map 40x47 cm. fold, to 10x12 cm.
[University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 17,076
MAPS Map 55-474 rev
G4094.R5 1954.B6
Microfilm AC-1 no. 17,076 Mic 56-238
Columbia Univ. Libraries
Lord (Harry D.) and Son, Newton, Mass.
Sanborn Map Company.
Indexed street map of Greater Richmpnd, Virginia, Ed, Insurance maps of Richmond, Indiana, including parts of
RICHMOND 1954. Newton [1953]
Spring Grove & Wayne Townships. Ed. of 1909 ; repub-
col. map 155 x 102 cm.
lished 1956. New York, '1956.
G3884.R5 1954.L6 Map 54-456 2 p., 88 (1. e. 89) p of col. maps. 35 cm.
G1404.R5S3 1956 Map 57-636
Clary, Ann Roane.
A Sanborn Map Company.
Richmond, Virginia imprints from 18
check-list of
Insurance maps of Richmond, Virginia. New York, 1952.
through 1830, with a historical introd. Washington, 195 5 v. col. maps. 85 cm.
v, 1091.
57-324 G1294.R5S3 1952 Map 53-730 RICHMOND CIVIC THEATRE
Thornburg, OpaL
RICHMOND. JACKSON STATUE (CAPITOL) Their exits and their entrances; the story of Richmond
Davis, Katharine Norman. Civic Theatre. Richmond, Ind., Graphic Press C 1959j
check-list of Richmond, Virginia imprints from 17 Mays, David John, 1896- 144 p. illus. 22cm.
to 1805, with a historical introd. Washington, 1956. Address at unveiling of bust of Stonewall Jackson in the PN2277.R52C5 792.09755451 59-33722 J
v, 061. 28cm. Capitol at Richmond, January 21, 1958. [Richmond, 1958j
Z1346.R5D3 015.755 56-363 7 p. 26cm.
Virginia. State Library

Langhorne, Mary Lou.

A check list of Richmond, Virginia imprints from 1806 ix
1820. With a historical introd. Washington, 1958. SCHOOL Georgia. State
Highway Dept.
1211. 28 era. Richmond County, Georgia, prepared by the State High
Z1846.R5L3 59-27224 of Georgia, Division of Highway Planning, in
Nesbitt, Marion Belt, 1900- way Dept.
public school for tomorrow; a description of the Mat cooperation with U. S. Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Pub
lic Roads. 1951. Rev. to show construction on State and
F thew F. Maury School, Richmond, Virginia. t lsted.] New
McKinnell, Bettina Federal aid secondary roads to Jan. 1952. [Atlanta? 1952]
York, Harper t 1953j
A check-list of Richmond, Virginia imprints from It 164 p. 21 cm. map 79 X 91 cm. (Its General highway map, 121)
through 1852, with a historical introd. Washington, 19 LA381J15N48 872.9755 53-5444 rev J G3923.R5 1952.G4 Map 54-774
111, ITS L 28 cm.
Z1346.R5M3 57-3248

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog


Rights, Fred Lewis, 1910-
ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Samuels, Charles. Studies on scrub typhus (tsutsugamushi disease) m.
The magnificent rube; the life and gaudy tunes of Tex
Heterogenicity of strains of R. tsutvugatmu&M as demon
Rickard. New York, McGraw-Hill t !957j
Virginia. Division of Industrial Development. 801 p. Illus 21 cm.
stratedby cross-vaccination studies. In collaboration with
Economic inventory of the "Northern Neck" of Virginia, GV165.R5S3 927.9683 57-8627 t Joseph E. Smadel and Elizabeth B. Jackson. t n. p., 1948)
339-351 p. 25 cm.
Region 13. Richmondj 1949.
Ill, 59 L maps,

diagns. 28 cm. RC186.T83R5 A 55-8569

Columbia Univ.
HC107.V8A5 1949 330.9755 A 50-9267 rev 3 RICKER, GUSTAV, 1870-1948
Virginia. State Library


Gesundheit, Krankheit, Heilung; Gustav Rickers Stufen-
RICHMOND HILL CHURCH, BOUREMOUTH, gesetz in Theorieund Praxis der modernen Medizin. Wien,
see also Virus diseases
ENGLAND see Bournemouth, England. Verlag Bruder Hollinek r 1953j
176 p. Illus. 21 cm. (Sonderdruck des Paraceteus-Belheftea,
Richmond Hill Church 9/10) American Public Health Association.
RC48.R535 55-15623
Diagnostic procedures for virus and rickettsial diseases,
RICHMOND-SAN RAFAEL BRIDGE 2d ed. New York, Publication Office, American Public
RICKERT, HEINRICH, 1863-1936 Health Association [1956,
578 Illus 24 cm.

California. Division of Highways. RB37.A67 1956 616.9 56-58859 t

Miller-Rostowska, Alice.
Report on examination of statements relating to traffic, Das Individuelle Gegenstand der Erkenntnis; eine
revenues and revenue funds, Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. Studie zur Geschichtsmethodologie Heinrich Rickerts. Bellussi, Giuseppe.
tSacramento] Winterthur, P. G. Keller, 1955. Virus and rickettsial diseases in otorhinolaryngology, by
V. 28cm. annual. 89 21 cm.
HE376.R55C3 58-62916 J G. BeUussi, P. Filippi and L. Scolfi. [Stockholm, 1959,
A 55-5534 88 p. Illus, 27 cm. (Acta oto-Iaryngologlca. Supplementum 147)
Chicago. Univ Llbr.
A 59-8054
Illinois. TJnlv. Library
California. San Francisco Bay Toll
Division of Crossings. Ramming, Gustav.
Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. Annual report, 1st-
Karl Jaspers und Heinrich Rickert, Existenzialismus unc
1953- Blank, Harvey.
Wertphilosophie. Bern, A. Francke, 1948. Enfermedades por virus y rickettsias de la piol, ojos y
jSacramentO] I08p. 23cm.
v. illos. 28 cm. B3279.J34R35 1948 57-37688
mucosas del hombre, por Harvey Blank y Geoffrey W. Rako.
TG25.E5A32 624.7 55-31251 Con pr61ogo de Donald M. Pillsbury. Traducido por San
tiago Castro Estrada. l. ed. en Espanolj Boston, Little,
Brown [ 1955]
RICHTER, JOHANN PAUL FRIEDRICH, 1763- 304 p. Illus. 25cm.
RICKETS [RC114] C16.9 56-9478 t
Printed for A. B. P.

Bmnk, Malte.
Berend, Eduard, 1883- ed. Blank, Harvey.
Jean Pauls Persdnlichkeit in Berichten der Zeitgenossen.
The importance of rickets in childhood as a cause of
scoliosis in adult age. L. James Brownj Viral and rickettsial diseases of the skin, eye, and mucous
Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1956.
(Translated by
48* p. illus. 23cm. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1951.
membranes of man, by Harvey Blank and Geoffrey Rake.
PT2456.Z4B38 114 p. illus., tables. 24 cm. (Acta orthopaedlca Scandlnavlca. With a foreword by Donald M. Pillsbury. l8t ed.j Boston,
57-40578 Snpplementum no. 9)

Little, Brown 1955j

A 54-7829 285 p. illus.
25 cm.
Rochester. Univ. Libr. RD70UL18 Suppl.9 RC114.B5 616.9 54-12765
Richter* Johann Paul Friedrich, 1763-1825. J
Jean Paul und Frau von Kriidener im Spiegel ihres
Briefwechsels rvon3 Dorothea Berger. Wiesbaden, Limes Claassen, Volkert. Hartman, Frank 1890- ed,W
Verlag, 1957. Onderzoekingen over de invloed van rachitis en vitamine The dynamics of virus and riekettsial infections. Edi
72 p. porta, facsim. 21 on. D toediening op de opneming van radio-phosphaat door het tors: Frank W, Hartman, Frank L. Horsfall, Jr. [and]
A 59-6046 skelet.
120 p.
Amsterdam, 1952. John G. Kidd. New York, Blakiston rl964j
Harvard UnlT. Library dlagrrs., tables. 22cm. xll, 461 p. Illus. 23 cm. ( [Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit] Inter
RJ396.C6 57-23795 national symposium [1])

RC114.H3 61C.9 5i-7M3 rev

Lindquist, Bertil, 1917-
1763-1825. LEBEN DBS QUINTUS FIXLEIN Effect of vitamin D
on the metabolism of radiocalcium
in rachitic rats. rTranslated by L. James Brown, Lund, Rivers, Thomas Milton, 1886- ed.
Cooper, Berenice. 1952. Viral and rickettsial infections of man, edited by Thomas
A comparison of Quintus FLdein and Sartor resartus 82 p.25cm. illus. M. Rivers and Frank L. Horsfall, Jr. 8d ed. Philadelphia,
(In Wisconsin Academy of Scleaces, Arts and Letters. Transac QP801.V5L525 1952 55-16350 rev
tions Madison. 2Scm. v. 47 (1868) p. Lippincott C 1959,
253-272) 967 p. illus. 27cm.
[AS36.WT voL47] A 59-6866 BC114.R55 1959 616.92082 58-0292 J
nlY. Llbr. Lindquist, Bertil, 1917-
Effect of vitamin D
on the metabolism of radiocalcium in
rachitic rats. Lund, 1952. Virus and rickettsial diseases, by S. P. Bedson t and others.
82 p. plate, dlagra. 24 cm. (Acta pttdtatrlca. Supplementum 86)
RICHTER, LUDWIG, 1803-1884 A 55-3021
2d ed.] Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1955.
vlil,400p. nius. 22cm.
John Crerar Library
Friedrich, Karl Josef, 1888- [RC111.V ] A 56-047
LudTOg Kichter und sein Schulerireis. Leipzig, Koehler
Univ. Llbr.

247 p. illns. 22cm. RICKETTS, HOWARD TAYLOR, 1871-1910
ND588.R5F73 57-37177 J Walker, Board L ed.
Saucedo Fuentes, RuWn.
Dr. Howard Taylor Symposium on latency and masking in viral and rickettsial
Ricketts, su vida y su obra: novela
infections; the proceedings of a conference held at the Uni
Kemp*, Lothar. biografica. Mexico, 1953.
Ill p. Illus. 22cm. versity of Wisconsin Medical School, September 4, 5 and 6,
Ludwig Richterj ein Maler des deutschen Volkes. 3.
R468.R46S3 1957, Editors: Duard L.
55 _5 6365 J Walker, Kobert P. Hanson and, t
Aufl.j Dresden, Sachsenverlag; 1955 t 1953i Alfreds. Evans. Minneapolis, Burgess Pub. Co. 1958,
96p. ffloa, plates (part coL) pott 25cm. t ]
xl, p. Was., dlagra., table*. 20 cm.
ND588Jt5K4 1955 56-31548 RC114.W27 1957 616.9 58-8884


see also Rickettsia
tsutsugamushi; MAPS
Rickettaial diseases American Geographical Society of New York.
Fugfum, Pr. U n f rickettsial diseases. New
3 8hSt^ of York, "1953-54.
Ole Richter; ungdom og stortingsvirke. Oslo, Universi- Rhodes, Andrew James, 1911-
teteforlaget,1957. Textbook of virology, for students and G3201.E5 1953.A52
451p. lUps. 23cm. (Norges almenvltenskapelige forsknlngsrad. practitioners of Map 54-48 rev
Gruppe: Sprit g historic. A 100-1. T) medicine, by A. J. Rhodes and C. E, van Rooyen. 3d ed.
DL504J&5F8 58-45284 J Baltimore, Williams AWiUdns, 1958.
W2p. ulna. 24cm. RICKEY, BRANCH, 1881-
* RCH4Jt45 1958 616,9 68-6668 J

RICHTHOFEN, MANFRED ALBRECHT, Mann, Arthur William, 1901-

FREIHERRVON, 1892-1918
Nowana, H J
Virus and rickettsial classification and
nomenclature, by Sir
MacFarlane Burnet, conference chairman t and others, New **^ 5
Mifflin, 1957.
ickey: Ameri ua & action. Boston, Houghton
comp. York, The Academy, 1953. 312 p. Illus. 22cm.
Von Eichthofen and the Flying Circus. GV865.R45M8
Compiled by H. J. 881-622 p. illus. 23 cm. (Annala of the New York Academy of 927.96367 67-107871
Nowarra and Kimbrough S. Brown. Edited Sciences, v. 56, art. 3)
by Bruce Rob-
Mtson. Drawings by William F.
Hepworth, Produced by [Q11.N5 vol. 56]
A 55-3955
D. A. RnsselL Letchworth, Herts c Michigan. Llbr.
ord Publi Eng Harleyf
cations-, distributed exclusively in the TL S. and Canada by Blair, Clay, 1925-
R. It Longo Co.,
Wichita, Kan., 1958.
London ' Odhams Press
Ulna, port*, map. 29cm.
RICKETTSIA BURNETI see CoxieUa burnetii m r 1955j
58-11941 VA65.N3B4' 1955* 623.825 66-768 J

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


U. S. Congress. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Glaretus de SoUntia, HtK cent.
Review of naval reactor program and Admiral Rickover Lehmann-Nitsche, Robert, 1872-1938.
Folklore argentine. Enigmata. The Latin riddles of Claret, edited with
award. Hearings before the Joint Committee on Atomic introd. and notes by Frederic Peachy. Berkeley, University
(In Academia National de Ciencias, Cordoba, Argentine Republic,
Energy, Congress of the United States, Eighty-sixth Con Boletln. Buenos Aires. 25 cm. T. 20-23 (1915-19) illus, fold, col of California Press, 1957.
gress, first session, April 11 and 15, 1959. Washington, map) 64 p. 26 cm (University of California publications. Folklore
U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1959. studies, 7)

vi, 81 p. lllus. 24 cm.

Q33.C7 vol. 20, etc.
Detached copies of pts. 3-4; pt 3 bound with Bodeuberger,
PN6369.C57 1957 398.6 A 57-9411
VM774.3.U544 California. Univ. Llbr.
623.8257 59-61940 G. El Nevado de Famatlna. [Buenos Aires, 19] (GR133.A7B6)
GR133 A7L52
Latvijas Padomju Socialistiskas Republikas ZinStnu aka-
India. Labour Investigation Committee. demija. Etnografijas un folklore institute.
Arnaudov, Mikhail Petrov, 1878- ed. ^

Report on rickshaw pullers, by Ahmad Mukhtar. Delhi, Latviebu tautas mlklas; izlase. Sastadijusi A, Ancelane.
BtJirapCKH nooioBimH H raxaHKH. c Co<$HJi) E-urrapCEK
Manager of Publications, 1946.
nncaTCJi t l949] Riga, Latvijas PSR ZA izdevnieciba, 1954.
lv, 63 p. tables. 25cm. 860, ftp. lllua 23cm
150 p. 19cm.
HD8039.R52 1 52 56-43730 PN6377.L4L3
PN6505.S33A7 54-16510 rev t


Arnaudov, Mikhail Petrov, 1878- ed.
EtJirapCEH HOCJIOBHJJH H raTanKH. CO$HJI, XeMyct 194-?] Lebedys, Jurgis, ed.
Coles, Charles H 160 p. 18cm.

Smulkioji lietuviu tautosaka xvn-xvra a,; prie^odziai,

The Ricoh guide; including the "35," "500," and the Super PN6505.S33A7 56-50145 patarles, mislfes. Vilnius, Valstybine groiines literaturoa
Kichoflex i. e. Ricohflexj New York, Greenberg t !957j
leidykla, 1956.
126 p. lllus. 20 cm. (The Modern camera guide series) 630 p. lllus. 20cm.
TR263.R5C6 770.2 57-12729
RIDDLES, ENGLISH see Riddles PN6505.L5L4 56-44569 J

E COMPAGNIA Grohmann, Gerbert.
Das Katsel-Echo; 66 neue Ratsel. tStuttgart] Verlag
Sartori, Claudio. Je
Casa Ricordi [1808-1958]
Freies Geistesleben, 1956. Folkeminne fiti Eidskog. Oslo, Norsk folkeminnelag,
profilo storico. Itinerario grafico 64 p. lllus. Uxl5cm.
editorinle. 16 autografi musicali in facsimile, 32 tavole a
PN6373.G7 57-31138 J v poit 23 cm (Norsk folkemlnnelaga skrifter, 68,
116 p.
[Milanoj Ricordi [1958]
port, facslms. (part col) 32 cm. PT8618.E5F5 A 52-3904 rev
Univ. Library
ML427.R53S3 A 59-1748 lo^a,
Oregon. Univ. Llbr. Latte, Ellen.
Wir raten Katsel aus aller Welt. Heidelberg, Kemper RIDDLES, PORTUGUESE
RIDDLES 109 p. illus. 21cm.
Guerreiro, M Viegas, ed.
PN6373.L28 57-54063
Adivinhas portuguesas. Selecgao e prefacio de M. Viegaa
see also Charades; Puzzles; Rebuses Guerreiro. Lisboa, Fundagao Nacional para a Alegria no
Sperling, Walter, 1897- Trabalho, Gabinete de Etnografia, 1957.
Carlson, George. 213 p. lllua. 20cm. (ColeccEo Cultura e recreio)
Hintergrundige Gereimnisse. Versteck-
Jokes and riddles. PN6377.P7G8 58-48830 t
Compiled and illustrated by George L. spiel mit dem Verstand. Neues und altes Batselgut Zurich,
Carlson. New York, Platt & Munk Co. 1959j W. Classen t !956,
92 p. Illus. 21cm. 88 19cm.
PZ8.7.C34Jo 59-11876 J
Illinois. Univ. Library
Dudeney, Henry Ernest, 1857-1930. Anikin, Vladimir Prokop'evidu
The Canterbury puzzles and other curious problems. 4th PyccKiae aapoflHHe HOCSOBHXTEI, norosopKH,
ed. with some fuller solutions and additional notes. New RIDDLES. HAITIAN
York, Dover Publications t 1958j Addin-Hon, pseud.
255 p. Illus. 20cm. 289 p. 21 cm.
GV1493.D8 1958 793.73 58-13361 t Tonap; contes et proverbes Creoles. Port-au-Prince, PN6505.S5A6
Impr. du College Vertieres, 1945.
50 p. 20 cm.
Friend, John Albert Newton, 1881- A 49-5887 rev 2* RIDDLES, SERBIAN
Words :tricks and traditions. New York, Scribner 1957]
Harvard Univ. Library
184 p. 23 cm.
MagaraSevic, Branko, ed.
PN6231.P8F7 808.87 57-6066 t
HapOflHe ^ocJIOBH^e H saronerKe. 3arpe<5, npocBJeia,
209 p. 18 cm. (BHCjiHOTexa "npocBjere")
Hoke, Helen, 1903- ed. Habermann, Abraham Meir, 1901- ed. PN6505.S6M3 56-20612
The family book of humor. [1st ed Garden City, N. Y.,
D "nnitPD
nrtK non miTt HKDnD

Hanover House .n"ffn .ni-iBD ? ni-oriD

688 p. lllus. 22cm. c Tel-Aviv, 1944/45]
PN6162.H62 817.082 57-11422 79 p. 15 cm.
PJ5041.H33 58-54814 RIDDLES, SPANISH

Cornejo, Justiiro.
C Heller-Gil'adi, Rebecca.
Mellon, Jason comp. iQue sera? Quito, Editorial Casa de la Cultura Ecua-
Super duper compiled by Robert ti. e. Jasonj C. .JBJ DTOD :Dn^x .Tjnn njjH'a firm ""'n n"jn rmn
riddles, t toriana, 1958.
Mellon. Illustrated by Roberta Berenzy. New York, Hart [Jerusalem, 1958] VlBD-mp" ,D^t?n >
88 p. lllua. 21 cm. (Casa de la Cultura Bcuatorlana. Lecturas
128 p. lllus. 22 cm. populares, no. 5)
Pub, Co. t 1958]
95 p. lllus. 21 cm. A 59-154 PN6375.C6 59-41918 t
PN6371.M44 398.6 58-14873 J Hebrew Union College. Library

Yanai, Reuben.
Murphy, Ruby Bradford. ?jn v i
American riddles in rhyme. Illustrated by John Dukes cTel-Aviv, 1954/55] .I .pB fff
96 p. (chiefly lllus.) 28 x 25 cm.
McKee. New York, Abingdon Press [1955] Rapanovich, fAuhen, oomp.
48 p. lllua. 21 cm. PN6377.H4Y3 57-53142
EejtapycKiH npttKasKi, nptiMayKi i

PZ10.7.M9Am 55-14817 t
Hcaynae sKflaBeirrBa BCCP, 1958.
377 p. 17 cm.

Peake, Mervyn Laurence, 1911- Hull, Vernam Edward, 1895-

Figures of speech. London, V. Gollancz 11054] A collection of Irish riddles tbyj
Vernam Hull and Archer
29 L lllus. : cm.
Taylor. Berkeley, University O f California Press, 1955. RIDEAU CANAL
NC1479.P4A47 1954 741.6 55-16620 xlv, 129 p. 26 cm. (University of California publications. Folk
lore studies, 6)
A 55-9962 Legget, Robert Ferguson.
California, Univ. Llbr. Eideau waterway. Toronto, University of Toronto Press,
Weigle, Oscar, comp. 1955.
Jokes, riddles, funny stories. Illustrated by Crosby 249 p. lllus. 24cm.
Newell. New York, Grosset & Dunlap t !959] RIDDLES, ITALIAN HF.401.R5L4 386.47 56-1252 J
105 p. lllus, 28 cm.
PZ8.7.W4 59-16408 J
Giacomo, Giovanni Antonio dl RIDER, FREMONT, 1885-
Indovinelli popolari Sicilian! C di 3 Vann'Anto [pseud.]
Withers, Carl, comp. Rider, Fremont, 1885-
Caltanissetta, S. Sciascia C 1954]
Riddles of many lands, by Carl Withers and Sula Benet And master of none; an autobiography in the third per
Illustrated by Lili Cassel. New York, Abelard-Schuman A5M828 son. Middletown, Conn., Godfrey Memorial Library, 1955.
Indiana. Univ. Llbr. GH975.G42 xlv,25&p. lUm, ports. 25cm.
r!956 920^ 55-12741
IdO'p. lllus. 24cm. CT275.R562A3
PNT6371.W59 56-5101

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

15007-1555 Rebellion, 1869-1870
Reed, LynneL
Be not afraid; biography of Madame Rider-Kelsey. [1st RIEL REBELLION, 1885
Ke\v York, Vantage Press t !955] Ridley, Jasper Godwin.
168 p. 21cm. Nicholas Ridley, a biography. London, New York, Long
Lamb, Robert E
ML420.R55R4 927.8 55-7177 t mans, Green 1957j t

453 p lllus. 21 cm. Thunder in the north; conflict over the Riel risings, 1870-
BX5199.R5R53 922.342 57-13904 J 1885. ilsted-i New York, Pageant Press 1957,
354 p. 24cm.
RIDER FAMILY F1033.L28 971.05 57-59074 t
Rider, Fremont, 1885-
Preliminary materials for a genealogy of the Rider Beer, K E Needier, George Henry, 1866-
(Ryder) families in the United States. Arranged according The petrography of some of the riebeckite-granites of Louis Riel; the Rebellion of 1885. Toronto, Burns &
to the "Rider trace" system of presentation. Middletown, MacEachern, 1957.
Nigeria. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1952. 81 21 cm,
Conn., Godfrey Memorial Library, 1959. p. illus.
38 p. 6 maps (3 fold.) In pocket, tables. 83 cm.
ST. 26 cm. 54-43532 F1060.9.N4 971.054 58-13150 t
CS7LR56 1959 59-43174 t


Smit, Wisse Alfred Pierre, 1903-
Jan van Riebeeck. [Illustraties : Johan Dijkstraj Uitg. in McCourt, Edward A 1907-
Bennett, George William, 1908- Buckskin Brigadier; the story of the Alberta Field Force;
opdracht van de Nederlands Zuidafrikaanse Vereniging ter
Largemoutli bass in Ridge Lake, Coles County, Illinois. illustrated by Vernon Mould. Toronto, Macnxillan, 1955.
gelegenheid van haar vijfenzeventigjarig bestaaru Utrecht, 150 p. 22cm.
illus. (Great Btortea aT Cnaada)
Urbana, 1954 W.deHaan,1956.
217-278 p. lllus. 26 cm. (Illinois. Natural History Survey. 67 p. illus. 25cm. PZ7.Ml374Bu 56-3108 J
Bulletin, v. 26, art 2)
2 A 55-9030 A 58-4006
QH1.I25 vol. 26, art.
Harvard Univ. Library
Illinois. Univ. Library
McCourt, Edward A 1907-
RIEGER, ELIEZER, 1896-1954 Revolt in the West; the story of the Riel Rebellion. Illus
RIDGECREST, N. C. SOUTHERN BAPTIST trated by Jack Ferguson. New York, St. Martin's Press,
1958 [i. e. 1959j
ASSEMBLY Tin j i*y najut? D'nrr ;^"T ian nry^x 'Dins 159 p. lllus. 22 cm. (Great stories of Canada, 17)
(17.5.54) T'^n into Y"> ,riTEtt aijyiton DTO PZ7.M1374Re 59-10110 t
jFallis, William J , ed. BPJJ nnao nsxin .n^ton 1
.n^Brpa frnayn
The Ridgecrest story. Nashville, Broadman Press t !955j [Jerusalem, 1954] .Y^fi JT"Taj?n nKPD13WKn .DJJND ^">
W p. illua. 23 cm. 18 p. illus. 24cm. RIEMANN, GEORG FREEDRICH BERNHARD,
BX6476.R5F3 286.175 56-35679 J CT1919.P3R5 57-57212 1826-1866

Naas, Josef, 1906- ed.

Middleton, Robert Lee, 1894- RIEGERSBERCH, MARIA VAN, 1589-1653 Der Begriff des Raumes in der Geometric; Bericht von
der Riemann-Tagung des Foi-schungsinstituts fiir Mathe-
A dream come true; a history, Ridgecrest Baptist A3-
matik. Mit Beitragen von A. D. Alexandrow, G. Alexits
sembly, 50th anniversary, 1907-1957. Nashville, Convention Fruin, Robert.
Press [1957] Allerliefste van Hugo de Groot, over het leven van Maria t et al.) Ilrsg. von J. Naas und K. Schroder. Berlin,
72 p. lllus. 23cm. van Reigersbergh en haar man, gevolgd door een keuze uit Akademie-Vorlag, 1957.
BX6476.R5M5 317 p. llhis., port., dlagrs. 24cm. (Schrlftcnrolhe dea ForHchuuBnu-
286.175 57-10107 J Maria's briefwisseling door Gerben Wytzes Hellinga, met Instltute flir Mnthematlk, Heft 1)
een verantwoording door W. Gs. Hellinga. Den Haag, A 68-824
Daamen, 1957. Princeton Univ. Llbr.
176 p. 17cm.
(Oolevaar, 58)
58-45932 J RIEMANN SPACE see Spaces, Generalized
Bedini, Silvio A RIEGGER, WALLINGFORD, 1885-
Ridgefield in review. With a foreword by Allan Nevins. Centre internazionale matematico estivo.
SchmoU, Joseph Benjamin, 1923-
r lst ed.| Ridgefield, Conn,, Ridgefield 250th Anniversary
An analytical study of the principal instrumental composi Teorema di Riemann-Roch e question! connesso. 1. ciclo,
Committee, 1958.
HT, 393 p. fflna, ports., maps (1 fold.) factfms. 24 cm. tions of Wallingford Riegger. Ann Arbor, University Varennix, Villa Monastero, 29 giugno, 8 luglio, 10fl5. t Romft,
F104.R5B4 974.69 58-44421 Microfilms, 1954 11955] Edizioni cremonese, 1955 3

(tUniverelty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch.j Publication no. 10,318) 1 v. ( various paglngs ) 82 cm.
MicroeimAC-1 no. 10,318 Mic 55-3724 D., x
Princeton Unlr.
A 58-4458
Habsch, Hans, 1915-
Revzin, G I Die Theorie der Grundkurven und das Aquivalenzproblem
Price and Lee Company, inc. bei der Darstellung Riemannscher FlSchen.
Pnaro. [Ilepep. HS^.] MocKsa, Mojo^aa rsapAHa, 1958. Giesaen, Selbst-
New map of Ridgewood, Glen Rock, Hawthorne, Mid- verlag des Mathematischen Seminars, 1952.
laud Park, Fair Lawn andj Radburn, New Jersey.
51 p. dlagrs. 21 cm. ( Mlttellungen aua dona Mathera. Seminar
New Haven. DP215.R45 58-49836 Gleasen, Heft 42)
maps 71 1 ft! cm. or smaller, fold, to 23 r 11 cm. (Arrow map) QA1.G35 Heft 42 56-44740
G3814.R5 year PT Map 49-192 rev*
RIDGWAY, 1895-
Geramb, Viktor, Bitter von, 1884-
Ridgway, Matthew Bunker, 1895- Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl, Leben und Wirken, 1823-1897.
Soldier: the memoirs of Matthew B. Ridgway, as told to
Salzburg, 0. Muller r1954,
Harold H. Martin. lst ed.] New York Harper [1956,
c 683 p. lllus. 22cm.
371 Illua. 22cm.
p. PT2457JR3Z65 57-30157 J
E745.R5A35 923.573 56-6032 J
Pfluger, Albert.
RIEKER, HANSULRICH, 1920- T ieorie der Riemannschen Fliichen.
RIDGWAY FAMILY 19 ^ Berlin, Springer,

Rieker, Hans Ulrich, 1920-

Fair, Marieloa (Roach) 1883- Bettler unter Toten; als buddhistischer
Bettehnonch in
Roach, Roberts, Ridgewwr, and allied families. rMans- Indien. Zurich, Rascher-Verlag, 1958. QA333.P3 --.
neld!Lal,1951?j 255p. 22cm. Hocheeter. Unlr. Llbr.
AA 57-6072

258p. Ulus. 24cm. BL1473J15A3

CS69.F34 58-46465 t
55-19918 J

RIDICULOUS, THE see Comic, The; Wit and Pogorelov, A V

RIEL^ LOUIS DAVID, 1844-1885 HeKOTopne sonpocH reoicexpnH B ^<^)^OJc B
humor 6 XaptKOB H3A - BO'
XapivKOBCKoro roc. yH HB ep-

Davidson, William McCartney.

RIDING see Coaching; Horsemanship Louis Riel, 1844-1885; a biography. Calgary, Alberta,
22 cm.
Albertan Pub. Co., 1955. QA333.P6
214 p.
Ulna. 23cm.
923.271 56-3777 t
LADY, 1819-1845
Pratje, Dse, 1928-
Ridley,Son. Cecflia Anne (Parke) Lady, 1819-1845. Needier, George Henry, 1866- Iteration der
Louis Riel; the Rebellion of 1885. Joukowski-Abbildung und ihre Strecken-
GeohA; the life and letters of Cecilia Ridley, 1819-1845. Toronto. Bums &
Edited by Viscountess Ridley.
Mathematischen Semi-
London, R. Hart-Davis, MacEachern, 1957.
215 p. fflus. 2Sem.
p. illus. 21cm.
971.054 58-43150 t naaisn, Heft48)
21 ^ (Mlttolluil en * Mathem. Semi-
CT788J147A43 920.7 59-23112 J QA1.G35 Heft 48 66-40666

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Seven, Francesco, 1879- DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Brown, Theodore M
II teorema di Riemann-Roch per curve,
superficie e
The work of G. Rietveld, architect Utrecht, A. W. Bruna,
variety ; question! collegate. Berlin^ Springer, 1958. 1958.
vili, 131 p. 24 cm. (Ergebnisse der Mathcmatlk und ihrer Grenz- ill, 198 p. lllas., port, plans. 28cm.
gebiete, n. F., Heft 17. Relhe: Algebralsche Geometrie) Dostal, Josef. NA1153.R5B7 *720.9492 720.81 58-4699
QA333.S43 58-3244= KrkonoSe. t
l. vyd. 3 Praha, Orbis, 1954.
113 p. illus. 21 cm.
DD491.S54D6 55-15340 t

Springer, George, 1924-

Introduction to Riemann surfaces. PalouS, Radim.
Reading, Mass.. Addi- Le Breton, Henri, 1878-
son- Wesley Pub. Co. t 195r, Krkonose, s mapkou pfirodnfch reservaci. [Napsal Radim Deux mille ans d'histoire; le pays Rieux (Morbihan)
807 p. lllus. 24 cm. (Addlaon-Wealey mathematics series) PalouS a Jif i Krai. 2. doplnenS a pfepracovanS vyd. Cer-
QA333.S66 517.8 57-3519 [Rennes 11957]
t ven^Kostele^Cedo^WSS. 266 p. lllus. 22 cm.
96 p. lllua. 20cm. (Kam-Kdy-Jak) DC801.R49L4 59-31292 J
DD491.S54P3 1953 55-18684 J
Stoilow, Simion.
Legons sur les principes topologiques de la theorie des RIF MOUNTAINS
fonctions imalytiques, professes a la Sorbonne et a 1'Univer- Sted, Tadeusz.
site" de Cernauti. augm. de notes sur les fonctions
2. Id., Karkonosze zarys monograficzny.
; c Wyd. l.j Warszawa, Arque*s, Enrique.
analytiques et leurs surfaces de Riemann. Paris Gauthier- Sport i Turystyka, 1954. Tres sultanes a la porfia de un reino. (Del diario de
Villars, 1956. 97 p. JUus 21 cm,
xvl, 194 p. diagrs. 25 cm. (Collection de DD491.S54S8 55-24249 J
un cautivo) Tetuan, Editora Marroqui, 1962.
monographic sur la
316 lllus. 22cm.
theorie des fonctions) p.
DT328.R5A77 54-40568 J
QA611.S86 1956 A 58-3467
Princeton Unlv. Llbr.


RIF REVOLT, 1921-1926
Wend, David Van Vranken, 1923- GUIDE-BOOKS
Branched regular curve families and finite
asymptotic Barea, Arturo, 1897-
paths of analytic functions. Ann Arbor, University Micro Gargela, FrantiSek. La foi^a de un rebelde. Buenos Aires, Editorial Losada,
films [1955]
Turistika, sport a rekreace v Krkonogfch; pfiruflka pro 19
(tUnlversIty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 11,378) mlade2 a rekreanty v KrkonoSich. [Vyd. l. a Praha, St&tnf v. 20 cm, ( LOB Orandea novellstaa de nueatra 6poca)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,373 Mic A 65-1124 DP236.B3A2 55-16778
Michigan. Unlv. Llbr. t^lov^chovne nakl., 1955.
ITS p. lllus. 17cm.
DD491.S54G3 58-35123 J
Weyl, Hermann, 1885-
Die Idee der Riemannschen Flache. Lufskafi, Natal'ia Sergeevna.
3., vollstandig
umgearb. Aufl. Stuttgart, Teubner, 1955. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Pecny6jinKa Pn$. MOCKBE, Hsfl-so BOCio^HOfl JIHT-PH,
162 p. lllus. 24cm. VIEWS 1959.
port, map, plans. 20cm.
QA333.W4 1955 55-23393 J 200, [Sj p.
Grundmann, Giinther, 1892-
RIEMENSCHNEIDER, TILMANN, d. 1531 Das Riesengebirge in der Malerei der Romantik. 2.

iiberarb. Aufl. Miinchen-Pasing, Bergstadtverlag [

202 p. lllus. 26cm.
Freeden, Max Hermann von, 1913-
ND1357.G76 1958 59-42740 t Rifbjerg, Elans.
Tilman Riemenschneider. Aufnahmen von Walter Hege.
Under vejr med mig selv; en utidig selvbiografi.
rMiinchen] Deutscher Kunstverlag [1954]
48 p. Jllus., 101 plates (part col.) 26 cm. (Deutsche Lande, K0benhavn> Schjinberg, 1956.
34 p. 20cm.
deutscheKunst) RIESMAN, DAVID, 1909- THE LONELY A 57-6345
A 54-7944 CROWD Minnesota. Unlv. Llbr.
Harvard Unlv. Library

Brooks, Rozanne Marie, 1922-

Gerstenberg, Kurt, 1886- An empirical examination of some key hypotheses derived RIFFE, JOHN VERNON, 1904-1958
Tilman Riemenschneider. Mit 147 Abbildungen. 4. Aufl. from Ricsman's The lonely crowd. Ann Arbor, University
Microfilms 1957] Grogan, William.
Miinchen, F. Bruckmann [1955, t
John Riffe of the steelmakers: American labor statesman.
234 lllus. 27cm. ( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 20,951)
A 55-10160 Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,951 Mic 57-1830 New York, Coward-McCarm rl959j
[NB588.R5G4 ]
Pennsylvania. State 256 21cm. lllus.
Harvard Unlv. Library University. Library p.
iEID8073.R5G7 923.3173 59-15172

Stein, Earl Heinrich. Central Mississippi Valley American Studies Association.

Tilman Riemenschneider im deutschen Bauernkrieg; Ge- The other-directed man concept and reality; a symposium

schichte einer geistigen Haltung. Frankfurt a. M., Biicher- presented at the annual meeting of the Central Mississippi
gilde Gutenberg [1953, 1944j Valley American Studies Association, Saint Louis, Missouri,
381 p. lllus. 21 cm.
April 13, 1957. Edited with an introd. by Wayne Wheeler.
A 56-5442 Contributors : Larry Gara t and others] Parkville, Mo., Park
Harvard Unlv. Library see also Rifle-ranges; Shooting,
College Press, 1958.
Military; Shooting contests
RIENKS, SIEDS JOHANNES, b. 1770 BF755.A5R53 136.4973
Eliraz, Alex.
BUt, Jan van der, 1876-
De grote spiegelkijkers van Roelofs en Rienks een episode ;
man ax
uit de geschiedenis der Leidse en Utrechtse sterrewachten 179 lllus. 18 cm.
(1821-1846) Leiden, Universitaire Pers Leiden, 1951. Lund. Universitet. Matematislea seminariet. UD390.E4 56-55650
3d, 182 p. lllus., ports maps. 25cm. , Till Marcel Riesz pi hans sextiofemarsdag den 16. novem-
QB33.N4B5 56-39676 ber 1951 fran larjungar och vanner. tLund, C. W. K. Glee-
Escritt, Leonard Bushby.
rup, 1952]
RIES, GERMANY (REGION) 265 p. port. 24 cm. (Its Meddelanden. Supplementbd.)
Rifleman and pistohnan. London, Jenkins
156 p. lllus. 23cm.

QA3.L76 57-28617
TS535.E8 55-38930 {
Barthel, K Werner.
Gebiet des
Geologische Untersuchungen in Ries, das
Blattes Fremdingen. Miinchen, 1957. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich.
64 p. lllua., fold. col. map (In pocket) dlagw. 25 cm. (Geologtea RIETI, ITALY (PROVINCE) flJr'ev,
Bavarlca, Nr. 82) CTpeJItfia MoCKBl, <I>H3KyJtB-

QE269.G36 no. 32 GS 57-366 Typa H cnopx, 1957.

U.S.Geol. Survey. Llbr. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 455 p. lllus., porte. 23ICBU
GV1177J85 58-33614

Lachenmayr, Georg, 1920- Barberi, Benedetto.

Das Ries und seine Wirtschaft. [Miinchen? 1952?] Problemi economic! Marchewczyk-Sasin, Maria.
della provincia di RietL Rieti,
11, 121, 111 L maps (part fold., part coL) coL dUgrs. 80 on.
Camera di commercio, industria e agricoltura, 1954. Moja droga, do rekord6w. Wyd. 1. Warszawai Wydawn.
DD801.B487L3 55-19947 104 p. fold, maps, dlagn. 25cm. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowei t 1955]

Schalk, Karl.
A 57-4539 94p.
ulus. 20cm.
New York Unlv. Libraries HCW7 59-51733 t
Geologische Untersuchungen im Ries, das Gebiet des
Blattes Bissingen. Munchen, 1957,
National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice,
lOTp. lllos. f lold. coL map (In pocket) 28 cm. (Geologlca Bava
Official bulletins, National Trophy Matches, 1954. tWash-
rlca, Nr. 81)
no. 31 GS 57-356 RIETSCHEL, ERNST FRIEDRICH AUGUST, ington. U. S. Govt Print Off., 1954j
QE269.G36 "

U. S. Geol. Surrey. Llbr. 1804-1861 1 r. (various paglngs) 28 cm.

799.31 57-45892
Rietschel, Ernst Friedrich August, 1804-1861.
RIESE, ADAM, 1492-1559
Ernst Rietschel : Erinnernngen aus meinem Leben. tZ National Rifle Association of America.
Deubner, Fritz. Gedachtnis des 150jarigen Geburtstages des Bildhauers. Mit NBA high power rifle rules'; official roles and regulations
Nach Adam einem Nachwort uber sein spateres Leben tmd Wirken hisg. to govern the conduct of all mgh-powered rifle competition,
Ries; Leben und Wirken des groasen Rechen-
meisters. t l. Aufl.] Leipzig, Urania-Verlag C 1959] von Ernst Rietschel3 Dresden, W. Jess t1954j effective July 1, 1955. Washington, *1955.
153 p. Ulna. 22cm. 182p. lllus. 18cm. xin,4P. Utaa- 23x11 on,
NB588.R55A3 1954 57-45227 J GV1173.N3 799.31 55-39152
QA29.R43D4 69-35548 J
Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

RIFLE PRACTICE (Continued) Tolstopiat, A I

Los Angeles, Trend OxoTHHitH pyiKta Coenpunacw K HHM.
t by Jeff Cooper, pseud. ir 2, iisfl., ucup. a
National Rifle Association of America. #on. MocKna, <l>H3Kyjii.Typa H cnopr, 1954.
NBA small bore rifle rules; official roles and regulations . 24cm. (Tread book 153) 258 p. Illus. 21cm.
to govern the conduct of all smallbore rifle competition, effec TS535.F6 623.442 SK274.T6 1954 55-37800
tive July 1, 1955. Washington, '1955.
52 p. Illus. 23 1 11 cm.
GV1173.N33 799.31 55-39153 t Fuller, Claud E 1877-
The rifled musket. Harrisburg, Pa,, Stackpole Co. 1958] U. S. Armory, Springfield, Mass.
802 p. facslms. 29cm.
Description and rules for the management of the Reming
UD390.F87 623.442 58-12324
Roberts, Ned Henry, 1866-1948. ton Navy rifle, model 1870. Springfield, 1871. (Philadel
Major Ned H. Roberts and the Schuetzen rifle; cornpiled c
phia, R. Riling, 1956]
from the writings of Ned H. Roberts] Edited and published reprint : 13 p, Illus. 22 cm.
Fuller, Claud E 1877-
VD370.U6 1956 623.442
by Gerald 0. Kelver. Limited ed. tOsceola, Ind. : 1951. W. Va., Standard
99 p. lllos. 23cm. The Whitney firearms. Huntington,
GV1177.R6 799.31 59-36824 Publications, 1946.

Whelen, Townsend, 1877-

Handbook on small bore rifle shooting equipment, marks
Valnf&k, Jan. :

Strelbazmalorafekavzduchovek. [Vyd-Lj Praha,Nase manship, target shooting, practical shooting, rifle ranges,
voisko. 1957. rifle clubs.15th ed. New York, Sporting Arms and Am
George, John Nigel, 1903-1942.
287 p. Illus. 21cm. munition Manufacturers' Institute, 1956.
GV1177.V2 58-31920 t English guns and rifles; being an account of the develop cm.
80 Illus. liS
ment, design, and usage of English sporting rifles and
shot p.
GV1177.W556 1956 799.31 56-4820 J
guns from their introduction during the fifteenth century
Whelen, Townsend, 1877- until the advent of the metallic cartridges in the nineteenth
Handbook on small bore rifle shooting equipment, marks
century together with notes on muskets, service rifles, blun

manship, target shooting, practical shooting, rifle ranges, derbusses, and other arms, including also various historical Wilniewczyc, Piotr.
rifle clubs. 15th ed. New York, Sporting .Arms and Am notes and accounts regarding individual makers and users L6di, Palistwowe Wydawn.
Brou strzelecka. t Wyd 1.,
munition Manufacturers' Institute, 1956. of these arms. Period and ornamental sketches by the au NaukoTve, 1955.
80 p. Illus. 23 cm. a
234 p. illus. 24cm. (Skrypty dla szkol wyiszych)
thor. Harrisburg, Pa., Stackpole Co. t 1947]
GV1177.W556 1956 799.31 56-4829 t 58-48242
344 p. Ulua. 24 cm. (Samworth books oa firearms) UD390.W67 t
TS535.G4 683 57-14104 t

Zhgutov, Oleg MikhaHovich.

Gluckman, Arcadi, 1896-
MacxepcTBO crpejisa. tJlHTepaiypHaa oSpatforEa B. H.
aCejuTosa] MocKsa, ^OCAAO, 1958.
TJnited States muskets, rifles and carbines. Harrisburg, HISTORY
117 p. illus. 20cm. Pa,, Stackpole Co. [19591
GVH77.Z5 58-39677 t
447, Mp. illus. 24cm.
TJD383.G5 1959 623.442 59-2875 Eatz, Alexander.
[Tel-Aviv, 1949/50]
145 p. lllus. 17 cm.
U880.K3 65-54997
More single-shot rifles. New York, Morrow, 1959.
822 p. Illus. 25cm.
Whelen, Townsend, 1877-
Handbook on small bore rifle shooting: equipment, marks TS535.G68 623.442 58-14142 RIFT VALLEY PROVINCE, KENYA COLONY
manship, target shooting, practical shooting, rifle ranges, AND PROTECTORATE
rifle clubs. 15th ed. New York, Sporting Arms and Am
munition Manufacturers' Institute, 1956. Hanson, Charles E 1917-
80 p. illus. 23 on. The Northwest gun. Lincoln, Nebraska State Historical MAPS
GV1177.W556 1956 799.31 56-4829 J Society, 1955 i. e. 1956j c

85 p. illus. 27 cm. (Nebraska State Historical Society. Publica Sanderson, Peter, 1925-
tions in anthropology, no 2)
Primary school atlas for Nandi and the Rift Valley Prov
F661.N32 no. 2 623.442
ince. Nairobi, Eagle Press, 1955.
RUSSIA 30p. maps, 80cm.
G2533.R5S3 1955 Map 57-893
ffirchuk, Sergei Prokof evich.
Toropov, Konstantin Vfacheslavovich.
CTpejreoBue Tnpii ycrpoHCTBO H oCopyAOsaHHe crpeaxo-
Bepera opyacae. MocKua,
tllus. 20 cm.
^OCAA, 1955.
45, t 3j p.
BHX THPOB PJLS. crpejiBfiBi H3 icajiOEajrHo'epHoro H obcBoro TS535J8 56-35175
opyaciwr. MocKsa, flOCAAO, 1956.
RIG VEDA see Vedas. Rigveda
128p. Ulna.. 23cm,
U305JR8T6 57-19790 Russia (1983- U. S. 3. B.) Ministerstvo Voorushen- RIGA
HaeraBjieHHe no CTpejtiEOBOMy fleay. BnHTOBKa o6p.
RIFLES 1891/30 r. H Eapa6nHH o(5p. 1938 r. H otfp. 1944 r. Hsfl. acnp. Lazdina, Vija.
H ,a;on. MocKBa, BOCH. USA-BO, 1951. Para; 3EOHOMHKo-reorpa$inecKH:ft MocKBa, Foe.
see also Mauser rifle; Rifle practice; 143 p. illus. 17 cm. HSfl-so reorp. jtnt-pM, 1957.
94 p. illua.. maps. 20 cm.
UD390.R93 1951 56-33016
Sharps rifle; Spencer rifles; Spring DK651.R5L3 58-81146
field rifle; Winchester rifle
Rywell, Martin, 1905-
American antique rifles and their current prices; a refer
Alger, Phffip Rounsevffle, 1859-1912.
The United States Navy rifle, calibre 6 millimetres, model
ence guide. Comprehensive compilation of all the known
American rifles, shotguns, and carbines, of every make, Riga. Jekaba baznlca.
1895; description and nomenclature. Prepared by P. R.
model, and type, in easy-to-consult dictionary form; lists, Das Kirchenbuch der St. Jakobskirche in Riga, 1582-1621,
Alger and N. C. Twining, under direction of the Bureau of
describes, and gives up-to-date prices. 1956-57 ed. Harri- von Harolds Biezais.
Ordnance. Hartford, Press of the Case, Lockwood & C Uppsala, Lundequistska bokhandeln
Brainard Co., 1896. fPhiladelphia, R. Riling, e1956j man, Tenn., Pioneer Press, 1956. t!957j
52 p. illus. 23cm. 148 p.
reprint; 2S p. 18 plates. 22cm. maps, facslma. cm. (Uppsala unlversitota arttkrm
NK6912.R9 739.74 56-1817 t 1957:10)
VD370A4 1956 623.442 56-12953
AS284.U7 1957, no. 10 A 59-1872
Harvard Univ. Library
Sharpe, Philip Burdette, 1903-
American antique rifles and their current prices. The rifle in America. With an introd.
Harriman, Tenru, Pioneer Press. by Julian S
Hatcher. 4th ed., with suppL New
v. illua. 2acm. York, Punk & Wagnalls DESCRIPTION
NK6912.A53 t!958j
739.7 58-1123 rev t 883 p. Ulus. 27cm.
SK274S5 1958 Pnra n PnaccEoe B3Jtopi,e KpaiKirrt iryrcBOflHTC.ii.,
623.442 58-4456 t

A. ;iayKC] ncnp. n
3., flon. 113^. Para, Jla-rrocirajtaT, 1954.

Behru Jack. 179 p. illua. 21 cm.

'.45-70' rifles. lst ed. 3 DK651.R5R54 1954 56-39866
c Harrisburg, Pa., Stackpole Ck>.
1*19561 Simmons, Richard F
187 p. Illus. 23cm. [Stackpole Ilbraryj
Custom built rifles. C 2d
UD390.B4 623.442 56-11605 J ed., completely rev.j Harrisburg, DESCRIPTION VIEWS
Pa., Stackpole Co. t !955j
846 p. ill. 23cm.
Bennett Machinery Company, CKfton, N. /. TS535.S512 1915 623.442 BernSteins, E
55-851 J
The founder of modern industry. [Clifton, N. J.. 1957, _
Veca Riga. Cxapaa Pura. Architekta E. Bernsteina auto-
lOp. inu.,port, 28cm. uz akmena.
litogratijas t Galvenais redaktora E.
TJ140.W48B4 BoSej
926 59-19306 Riga, 1946.
Smith, Walter Harold Hade, 1901- i8] p. (24, platea. 49cm.
Gas, air, and spring guns of the world. NE2415.B44A56 56-43317
EEraz, Alex. Harrisburg, Pa.,
MvaTyn* nnn .naro ruian ny^p Military Service Pub. Co. t lW7i
279p. illus. 2cm.
[Tel-Aviv. 1950, TS535.S518 623.44
179 p. Ulna. IS cm. 57-8696 t HISTORY
66_5 5660
Hehn, Jurgen von.
Eseritt, Leonard Bushby.
Stebblns, Henry M Riga, BoUwerk des Abendlandes am Baltischen Meer.
Rifles, a modern encyclopedia. Harrisburg, Pa., Stack-
Rifleman and pistobnan. London. Jenkins [1955] Kitzingen/Main, Holzner [195-,
I56p. iiira. 28cm. ^ "- 1UU*' 21 <an ' (DCf CWtttager Arteltttoeta, Schrlftenrelhe,
376 p. Heft 4%
TS535J38 C5-38980 t TS535.S68 623.442 57-14949 J DK651.R5H4 56-46199 J
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

HISTORY (Continued)
Sdulichting, L G A U. S.
Lenz, Wilhelm, 1906- Rechts en links. Nijmegen, Dekker & Van de Vegt, 1953.
Die Entwicklung Rigas zur Grosstadt. Unter Mitwir- t

kung der Baltischen Historischen Kommissionj Kitzingen Fisher, Edward Cole, 1900-
am Main, Holzner-Verlag, 1954. Right of way in traffic law enforcement With foreword
by Franklin M. Kreml. Saint Louis, Thomas Law Book Co.,
98 p. 24cm. (MarburgerOstforachungen,Bd.2)

Harvard TJnlv.
A 55-1860 RIGHT- AND LEFT-HANDEDNESS see Left- 1956.
Library 265 p. 22ciu.
and right-handedness 388.3 56-58561 J
Straubergs, Janis, 1886-1952.
Sen to Rlgu daudzinaja; raksti par seno
Rlgu un Rigas
latvieSiem Andreja Johansona
sakartojuma, ar trlspadsmit
atteliem un Karla Dravina ievadu. Bahm, Archie J
Stokholma, Daugavas see also Public defenders
apgada, 1952. What makes acts right ? Boston, Christopher Pub. House
190 p. lllus. 19cm.
DK651.R5S79 65-20460 J 207 p. 21cm. RUSSIA
BJ1411.B2 170 58-12530 t
MinTcovskil, G
Straubergs, Janis, 1886-1952. Lewis, Clarence Irving, 1883-
New York, Columbia OicoEiaHHe npeflBapHxejitHoro pacateflOBaHHa H ocyme-
Veca Riga. Redigejis T. Zeids. Riga, Latvijas valsts The ground and nature of the right
CTBJieHHe npasa ofisHH^eMoro Ha sanjHTy. MocKaa, Toe.
kdevnieelba, 1951. University Press, 1955.
96 p. lllus., fold. col. map (In pocket) 26 cm 97 p. 21 cm. ( Woodbridge lecture*, no. C) E3&-BO BpHfl. JdHT-pH, 1957.
DK651.R5S8 53-17539 rev BJ1411.L4 170 55-9095 t


Gerhardt M
VStra, Mariss. RIGHT OF ASSOCIATION see Freedom of A brief restatement of the "Right of accused to counsel in
New courts of the United States." cn. p., 1950.
Riga toreiz . . .
atminas. c Yorkj Gramatu draugs, association
151. 83cm.
828 p. lllus. 22cui. 55-42667 J
DK651.R5V-i 56-39318 J RIGHT OF ASYLUM see Asylum, Right of
RIGHT OF CONQUEST see Conquest, Right of
POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT see also Discrimination in employment;
RIGHT OF COUNSEL see Right to counsel
Riga, Unemployed
Bericht iiber den. Haushalt und die Verwaltung der Stadt
Riga. RIGHT OF PASTURE see Pasture, Right of Hacker, Jiirgen, 1927-
Riga, Die allgemeine Beschaftigungspflicht ihre Entwicklung, ;

v. tablee. 28cm.
Begriindung und Begrenzung. [Marburg 1956
? ? 3

HJ9055.A55R5 59-58211 RIGHT OF PETITION see Petition, Right of xxlll, 69 p 21 cm.

Institutul Roman pentrn Relate Culturale cu Strain&tatea.
Galvas pilsetas Rigas valdes iesta2u un darbinieku adresu Le droit au travail dans la RSpublique populaire roumaine.
tBucarest, 1952^
76 p. lllus. 21 cm.
18cm. HD8646.I63 55-16308 %
see also Trails Law and legislation
JS6119.R5G3 56-51459
ARKANSAS InstitutulRoman pentru Rela(iile Culturale cu Sfrainatatea.
The right to work in the Rumanian People's Republic.
SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS Arkansas. Legislative Council.
tBucharest, 1952j
Reimbursement of public utilities for relocating facilities 73 p. lllus. 21 cm.
VStra, Mariss. on State highway rights-of-way. Little Rock [1958] HD8646.I62
9 L 29 cm. Research report no. 91)
56-35543 I
Riga toreiz . . . ;
atminas. t
New York] Gramatu draugs,
S, (Itt
JK5174A.34 no. 91 380.168 58-63799 t
828 p. lllus. 22cm.
DK651.R5V4 56-39318 J CALIFORNIA Kunz, Frithjof .
Das Recht auf Arbeit, erne demokratische Lebensforde-
RIGA., UNIVERSIT&TE. BOTANISKAIS California. Division of Highways. rung des werktatigen deutschen Volkes. Berlin, Deutscher
DARZS Right of way manual. 1st ed. Edited by Rudolf Hess, Zentralverlag t !955]
71 p. 21 cm. (Schrlftenrelhe Arbeit und Sozlalfaraorge, Heft 13)
headquarters right of way agent [Sacramento] 1950.
VerinS, A ed. 318 p. lllus. 25 cm, HD4903.5.G4K8 56-35869 t
HE356.C2A514 1950 333.13026794 59-39362 I
Latvijas valsts universitates Botaniskais darzs. Riga
Latvijas valsts izdevnieclba, 1955.
243 p. lllus. 21 cm.
QK73.R48V4 California. Division of Highways. Mazziotti, Manlio.
Right of way manual. 2d ed. Edited by Rudolf Hees, H diritto al lavoro. Milano, Giuflfre, 1956.
389 p. 25 cm. (UnlversllA degll gtndl dl Roma. Monograf e del-
RlGAS MEZSAIMNIECIBA way agent [Sacramento] 1955.
supervising right of 1'Istltuto dl diritto pubbllco della FacoltH di gluriapnidenza, nuora
894 p. lllus. 23cm.
55-63180 Her., 9)
Suna, Zh fir 58-18815 t
OnuT PnaccKoro Jiecxosa. MOCKBE, FoaiectfyHHSflaT, 1953.
43p. lUun. 22cm.
California. Division of Highways. Teuben, Hermannus Nicolaas.
RIGGING see Masts and rigging Right of way form book. 2ded. Edited by Rudolf Hess, Recht op arbeid in historie en in verklaring van mensen-
supervising right of way agent. t Sacramentoi 19C5.
rechten. Met een woord vooraf van N. E. H. van Esveli
IT. lllus. 28cm. Van Gorcum. 1955.
RIGGS, LYNN, 1899-1954 56-68171 J
vlll, 162p. 24cm. (Recht en maatschapplj,!)
EGD4903.T4 1955 56-40952
Wilson, Eloise.
Lynn Riggs, Oklahoma dramatist. Ann Arbor, Univer GT, BRIT.
sity Microfilms 1957] C

((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 20,808) BIGHT TO LABOR (UNION MEMBERSHIP) s
Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,808 Mac 57-1638 Freeman, William Marshall, 1868-
J. F. Garner.
Open and closed shop
Rights of way. 4th ed., by London,
RIGGS FAMILY Solicitors' Law
Stationery Society, 1958.
xvl,88p. 22cm.
Riggs, John Casey, 1874-1943. 58-36529 RIGHT TO WORK see Right to labor
Our El Dorado, by John Casey Riggs and Jeanette Riggs
Roll. Dos Cabezas, Ariz., '1957.
95 p. ports., coat of arms. 23 cm. U.S. RIGHT TO WORK AND TRADE -UNIONS see
CS71.R57 1957 58-27749 Open and closed shop
National Research CoundL Highway Research Board.
RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, Highway right-of-way personnel salaries; an economic
D.C. analysis. Report on a cooperative survey by the American
RIGHTS, CIVIL see Civil rights
Right of Way Association, Right-of-Way Committee of
Riggs National Bank of Washington, D. C. American Association of State Highway Officials c and]
Potomac portrait by Roland T. Carr, vice-president
c Highway Research Board. Washington, 1958.
RIGHTS, NATURAL see Natural law
07 p. Ulus. 25cm. (If* Special reports*)
"Washington, 1957]
unpaged, lllus. 86 cm. HE355.N29 888.313 58-60079
F187JP8R5 917.5 57-28196

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

RIJCKEVORSEL, HUIBERT VAN, 1813-1866 Cassirer-Solmitz, Eva.

RIGHTS, STOCK see Stockholders' pre Das Stunden-Buch; Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte
Pot, Johan Engelbert van der, 1916- Laurids Brigge; Die Duiniser Elegien; Die Sonette an
emptive rights Rotterdam, A.
Abram, Huibert en Elie van Rijckevorsel. Orpheus; Die Gotter bei Rilke. Heidelberg, G. Koester
een reeks boekjes over Rot
22 cm.
118 p Ulus.' 18 cm. ( Roterodamum; 1 v. (various pagings)

RIGHTS see Copyright Neighboring rights terdam In verleden en heden, 13)

58-20885 J
A 59-420
CT1158.R5PG Mount Holyoke OolL Library

RIGHTS OF WOMEN see Woman Rights of RIJEKA. see Fiume

women Fuerst, Norbert, 1908-
Phases of Rilke. Bloomington, Indiana University Press,
200 24cm. (Indiana University publications. Humanities
RIGI, SWITZERLAND Otterlo, Netherlands. Rijksmuseum vlll,
series, no. 40)

Kroller-Muller AS36.I385 no. 40 928.3 58-03443

Rilke et les femmes, suivi de Lettres de Rainer Man*
Zimmermann, Basil, 1913- NATUURWETENSCHAFFEN, LEYDEN see Rilke [Paris, Falaize [1955,
Das Rigigebiet und seine durch Verkehrsveranderung be-
dingte Umgestaltung in Siedlung
und Wirtschaft. Luzern, Leyden. Rijksmuseum voor de Geschiedenis 94 D " 18Cm '

A 56-147
1955. der Natuurwetenschappen Harvard Univ. Library
143 p. lllns., maps (part coL) 28 cm.
HC398JK53Z5 59-40165
RIJNLAND Graff, Willem Laurens, 1890-
RIGID DYNAMICS see Dynamics, Rigid Rainer Maria Rilke; creative anguish of a modern poet
HISTORIC HOUSES, ETC. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1956,
x, 858 p. 25 cm.
RIGIDITY (PSYCHOLOGY) PT2635.1 65Z7345 928.8 56-8381
Fockema Andreae, Sybrandus JohaAnes, 1904-
Kastelen, ridderhofsteden en buitenplaatsen in Rijnland,
Bellak, Alvin Otto, 1928- door S. J. Fockema Andreae, J. G. N. Renaud en E. Pelinck
A factor analytic study of the relationship between rigid
Uitg. v-an de Vereniging "Oud-Leiden" ter gelegenheid van Hausmann, Ulrich, 1917-
ity and level of conceptualization. Ann Arbor, University haar vijftig jang jubileum. c Leideii] 1952. Die Apollosonette Rilkes und ihro plastischen Urbilder.
Microfilms [1955, Ix, 107 p. plates, 2 fold. mapB (1 coL) plans. 27 cm.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 11,817) DJ24JF6 58-87996 Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 1947.
27 p. lllus. 21 cm. (Kunstwerlc und Deutung, Heft 2)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,817 Mic 56-5241
Pennsylvania. State University. Library
PT2635.1 65Z7395 55-57358 t

RIKISHA MEN see Rickshaw men

Lowenheim, Henry. Ibarra, Crist6bal Humberto.
The relationship between personality rigidity and accept RDKSBANKENS PAPPERSBRUK TUMBA Rilke, claves de su creaci<5n. La Plata, Argentina t 1962,
125 p. port. 17cm. (Bdidones de loa Cuatro Oamlnoa, 1)
ance of physical disability perceptual and attitudinal cor

relates of adjustment to physical disability. Ann Arbor, PT2635.I65Z745 56-57899

Castegren, Erik, 1880-
Mich., University Microfilms 1958, Riksbankens pappersbruk Tumba; minnesskrift till dess
Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-636 Mic 58-636
tvahundraarsjubileum &r 1955. P4 Industristyrelsens upp- Petzet, Heinrich Wigand, 1909-
drag utarb. [Tumba, 1955] .
Das Bildnis des Dichtera : Paula Becker-Modersohn und
211 p. lllus. 27 cm.
Lucas, Daniel, 1922- TS1096.R5C3 57-59697 t Rainer Maria Rilke, eine Begegnung. Frankfurt am Main,
The effect of experimentally induced failure on the per Societats-Verlag t !957]
204 p. plates (part col.) ports., facalms. 21cm.
formance of patients with intracranial pathology. A Tin Ar
bor, University Microfilms !955] t
A 58-1682
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mien.] Publication no. 11330)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,830 Mic 56-5209
Pennsylvania. State University. Library DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.
Briefwechsel (von] Rainor Maria Rilke undj Katharina
Luciins, Abraham S c

Rigidity of behavior; a variations! approach to the effect

Kippenberg. Hrsg. von Bettina von Bomhard. Wies-

Belirader, PaveL badenj Insel-Verlag, 1954.

of Einstellung tbyj Abraham S. Luchins and Edith Hirsch
Us PHJia; ntTeBOflmeji sa Mapmpyia na eKCEypanoHHOTO 725 p. lllus., facslms. 10 cm.
Luchins. Eugene, University of Oregon Books, 1959.
623 p. lllus. 27cm. (University of Oregon monographs. Studies jteTysane. [Co$na] npo^nsflar, 1957. PT2635.1 65Z5462 65-1289
in psychology, no. 131 p. lllus , fold. coL map. 17 cm.
BF200X8 158.43 59-16826 % DR95.R5D4

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.

RILEY, JAMES WHIT COMB, 1849-1916 Briefwechsel, 1909-1926 vonj Rainer Maria Rilke t undj c

RIGS, OIL WELL DRILLING see Oil well Andrfi Gide. Eingeleitet und mit
Anmerkungen versehen.
von Ren6e Lang. [Deutsche Ubertragung von
drilling rigs Wolfgang
Crowder, Richard. A. Petersj Stuttgart, Deutsche Voriags-Anstalt
K t
r !957]]
Those innocent years ; the legacy and inheritance of a hero 200 p. Illus. 22cm.
RIGVEDA see Vedas. Rigveda of the Victorian era, James Whitcomb Riley. t lst ed.] In A 57-7307
Smith College. Library
dianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill rl957,
288 p. lllus. 23 cm.
PS2706.C7 928.1 57-9342 }

Riisager, Enudage, 1897- Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.

Det usynlige monster. Udsendes den Fragmenten uit brieven van R. M. Rilke gokozen en
t 6. mars 1957 pa RILKE, RAINER MARIA, 1875-1926 door J. W. Kuiper.
komponisten Enudage Riisager's 60-arsdagj Kjfoenhavn, 's-Graveland, Driehoek t 1946,
Nyt Nordisk forlag, 1957.
171 p. lllus. 21cm. Angelloz, Joseph Francois. PT2635.I C5Z51352 55-41429
ML410.R498A3 57-41513 t Rainer Maria Rilke; Leben und Werk. [Einzige berech-
tigte Ubertragung aus dem Franzosischen von Alfred Kuonij
Munchen, Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung te 1955,
379 p. port. 20cm.
Rochester. Univ.
] A 56-1904 Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.
Libr. Rilke,
Riiskjser, Anders Henrik, 1881- The letters of Rainer Maria Rilke and Princess Marie von
Miixderogmeninger. Strandbygaard, 1958. Thurn und Taxis. Translated and introduced by Nora
flip. port. 22cm.
A 59-5387 Bronnc, Carlo, 1901- ed. Wydenbruck. [Norfolk, Conn., New Directions [1958,
i, 294 p. 28 cm.
unlv. Llbr. Rilke, Gide et Verhaerenj
correspondance infidite, re- PT2635.1 65Z5548 928.8 58-11827
cueilheet presented jar Carlo Bronne L M. Paris,J Mel C

sein, 1955.
RIJCKEVORSEL, ABRAM VAN, 1790-1864 8&p. 20cm.
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.
Pot, Johan Engdbert van der, 1916- Bochester. UniT. Llbr. PQ24B9
A 57-484 Letters to Frau Gudi Nolke
during his life in Switzerland.
Abram, Huibert en Elie van. RijckevorseL Rotterdam, A. Edited with an epilogue and notes
by Paul ObermUller.
Donker, 1937. Translated from the German by Violet M. Macdonald. Lon
118 p, Ulus. 18 cm. (Boterodamum; een reeta ooekjes over Eot Boddeberg, Else.
terdam in verteden en heden, 13) Denken und DicLten des Seins :
Rilke. Stutt
don, Hogarth Press, 1955.
Heidegger, 185 p. ports.
CT1158.R5P6 58-20885 t gart, J. B. Metzler C 1956i
210, t li p. 24cm. [PT2635J
Northwestern Univ.
] A 65-7748
A 57-2756 Library
RIJCKEVORSEL, ELIE VAN, 1845-1928 Library

Pot, Jbianriigelbert-ean der, 1916-

Abram, Huibert en Elie van Rijckevorsel. Kotterdam A. Bnddeber*, Else.
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.
Donker, 1937. Lettres milanaises, 1921-1926. Introd. et textes de liaison
118 p. 18 cm. (Eoterodamvim; een
ifllus. reekfi boekjes over Eot
terdam ItfTerteden en heden, IS) iiT,578p. 2cm. par Renee Lang. Paris, Plon [1956, ^
ivui, 128 pTlf cm.
58-20885 J
Harvard Univ. Library
A 55-2106 A 57-7278
Wisconsin. Univ. Llbr.

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RILKE, RAINER MARIA, 1875-1926 (Continued) Goshev, Ivan. ^BIBLIOGRAPHY

PIIJICKII rjiarojinnecKH jincxoBe. Co$Ha, BtjirapCKa
fleMHfl na HayKHie, 1956.
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1876-1926. 149 p. Ulus. 84cm.
Paris. Bibliotheque nationale.
58-48470 t Arthur Rimbaud. Exposition organisee pour le centieme
Rainer Maria Rilke et Merline [pseud.] correspondance Z115B8.G6
1920-1926. Edited by Dieter Bassermann. Zurich, M. anuiversaire de sa naissance. Paris, 1954.
xlv, 137 p. 8 plates (incl ports.) 21 cm,
Niehans [1954] A 55-3500
607 p. ports, 19 cm. RIMAMURANY-SALGOTARJANI VASMU RT. Harvard Univ. Library
A 55-6572
Mount Holyoke Coll. Library Bars, Sari.
Emberek a gyarban; 6zdi riport Budapest, Muvelt Ne> FICTION
Schnack, Ingeborg, ed. Konyvkindo, 1953.
Rilkes Leben und Werk im Bild. Mit einem 128 p. illus. 20cm.
biogra- HD8039J 52A952 55-20411 J
pbischen Essay von J. R. von Salis. [Wiesbaden, Insel-Ver- Ullman, James Ramsey, 1907-
Ia gl 1956, The day on fire; a novel suggested by the life of Arthur
265 p. Illus., ports., facsims. 25cm. Rimbaud. [1st ed.] Cleveland, World Pub. Co. t 1958j
RIMBAUD, JEAN NICOLAS ARTHUR, 1854-1891 701 p. 25 cm.
68-10060 J
Harvard Univ. Library PZ3.U4l7Day
Arnoult, Pierre.
Rimbaud. Nouv. ed. Paris, A. Michel tl955] MANUSCRIPTS FACSIMILES
Schoenbohm, Gertrude Koch, 1915- 560 p. 22cm.
The style of Andr Gide Rainer Maria
in his translation of A 57-5605
Rilke's Die Aufzeiehnungen des Malte Laurids Mount Holyoke Coll. Library Rimbaud, Jean Nicolas Arthur, 18*54-1891.
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1955j Lettre dite du voyant a Paul Demeny du 15 mai 1871, avec
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich Publication no. 14,143)
le fac-simile de 1'autographe. Paris, Editions Messein, 1954.
Microfilm AC-1 no, 14,143 Mic 55-1149 lv. (unpaged) port,facsim. 29cm.
Iowa Unit Brandt, Frithiof, 1892-
Formkolorisme ; bidrag til kromatismernes fsenomenologi.
Illinois. Univ. Library
KcJbenhavn, Munksgaard, 1958.
271, [2] p. col. plates, dlagrs., facsims. 25 cm.
Schroder, Rudolf Alexander, 1878- BF789.C7B7 59-35652
Rainer Maria Rilke. Zurich, Im Verlag der Arche r!956 ?
59 p. 20cm. (Die melnen BUcher der Arche, 144/145)
PT2635.1 65Z86164 69-40445 J Cartier, Marius, 1927- 1891. LE BATEAU IVRE
Rimbaud, sa vie, sou ceuvre. Bienne, P. Boillat [1957,
123 p. 20cm.
Rimbaud, Jean Nicolas Arthur, 1854-1891.
Singer, Herbert. PQ2387.R5Z572 Le bateau anilise e interpretacao
lUlnols. Univ. library ivre, [porj Augusto
Rilke und Holderlin. Koln, Bohlau, 1957. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Sao Jos6 C 1955]
vll, ISO p 23 cm. (Llteratur und Leben, n. F., Bd. 3) 92 p. 19cm.
A 59-1882 Decaunes, Luc. PQ2387.R5B3 1955 57-36135 1
Rochester. Univ. Llbr. PT2S35
Arthur Rimbaud ou, Le Jules Verne de ;
la pofeie. Paris,
Seghers [1954^
no 432)
A 56-3722 RIMBAUD, JEAN NICOLAS ARTHUR, 1854-1891.
32, [Sj p. 18 cin CoUection P.
( S.,
Sugar, L de. no. 432]
Baudelaire R. M. Rilke; etude d'influence et d'affinites
188 p. 23cm.
Paris, Nouvelles Editions latines 1954i f
A 55-3504
Michigan. Univ. LLbr. Dupuy, Suzanne Renee (Briet) 1894- Char, Rene\ 1907-
Rimbaud, notre prochain; cfinfiaJogie, carte, documents "Le dernier couac"; documents.
hors-texte. Paris, Nouvelles Editions latines 1956j
[Parlsi GLM, 1958.
[16, p. 19cm.
Wood, Frank Higley, 1903- 214 p. illus , ports., map. 19 cm.
Rainer Maria Rilke the ring of forms. Minneapolis, Uni
: A 57-7162 A 59-2837
Dllnois. Untv, Library
versity of Minnesota Press t 1958j Harvard Univ. Library
240 p. 28cm.
PT2635.I65Z968 88L91 68-9918 Eaubonne, Frangoise d', 1920- RIMBAUD, JEAN NICOLAS ARTHUR, 1854-1891.
La vie passionnee d'Arthur Rimbaud. Paris, Interconti- UNE SAISON EN ENFER
nentale du livre [1956]
BIBLIOGRAPHY 37T, [4j p. illus. 22 cm. (CoUection ["Lee Vies passionn<5es"] 7)
A 59-4223 Gershman, Herbert S
Rochester. Univ. Libr. The critical reaction to Rimbaud's Une saison en. enfer
tVon Mises, Richard] 1883-1953. (1873-1?).">2) Ann
Arbor, University Microfilms t 1954]
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.j Publication no. 8970)
Rilke in English, a tentative bibliography. [Cambridge, Microfilm AC-1 no. 8970 Mic A 54-2521
Mass.,The Cosmos press, 1947
24 cm.
Hackett, Cecil Arthur. Washington Univ., St. Louis. Library
39, t l] p.
Z8746.3.V6 012 47-18744 rev
Rimbaud. New York, Hillary House, 1957.
19 cm. (Studies In modern European literature and
109 p.
PQ2387JB5Z6865 A 58-2343 1891, supposed author. LA CHASSE
Grosvenor Library
Miller, Henry, 1891- Morrissette, Bruce Archer, 1911-
Berendt, Hans, 1887-
The time of the assassins, a study of Rimbaud. [Norfolk, The great Rimbaud forgery: the affair of La chasse spiri-
Rainer Maria Rilkes Neue Gedichte; Versuch einer Conn., J. Laughlin, 1956j with unpublished documents and an anthology of
xi, 163 p. 20cm. (A New Directions book)
Deutun^. Bonn, H. Bouvier, 1957. Rimbaldian pastiches. Saint Louis [Committee on Publica
24cm. PQ2387.R5Z712 1956 841.8 55-12452
397 p. tions, Washington University] 1956.
A 58-3648 Ill, 83$ p. illus., facsims. 25cm. (Washington University studies)
Harvard Univ. Library Mondor, Henri, 1885- PQ2387.R5Z714 841.8 56-1766
Rimbaud; ou, Le g6nie impatient Paris, Gallimard
221 p. 17cm. RIME
PQ2387.R5Z713 55-2288 t
AN ORPHEUS see also Alliteration; Rhythm
Morchen, Hermann, 1906- Montal, Robert.
Rilkes Sonette an Orpheus, erlautert. L'adolescent Rimbaud. Les Ecrivains rSunis Sarri, Francesco, 1882-
[Stuttgart, [Lyon,
Perch^ la rima. Firenze] Vallecchi 1955]
W. Kohlhammer [1958, t 1954j 178 19 cm.
c C

178 p. 20 cm. p.
496 p. 24cm.
A 59-5008 A 57-1795 IllinoLa. Univ. Library
Harvard Univ. Library Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Omaggio a Rimbaud t di poeti italiani viventi, Milano,
RILSKI, NEOFIT, 1793-1881 AU'insegna del peace d'oro C 1954] Terradni, Umberto, 1895-
38 p. facslm. 19 cm, Difendiamo le autonomie locali contro gli arbitri e le

Snegarov, Ivan.
A 55-6286 Discorso pronunciato a Rimini
illegalita del potere centrale.
lUlnolg. Univ. Library il 6 febbraio 1955 in una manifestazione di protesta contro
UpHHOC BTBM 6norpa$HTa na HCO$HT PHJICKH; rptijKH lo scioglimento dell'amministrazione comunale. [Roma, La
nncua flo nero. CO$HJI, BtjirapCKa aKafleuHa Ha Hayraie,
1951. Pfflet,RogerA 1917- Stampamoderna, 1955j
46 p. 18cm.
480 26 cm. Rimbaud: his practice of symbolism. Ami Arbor, Uni

A 56-4880
versity Microfilms t 1955j Wisconsin, Unlr. Llbr.
((University Microfilm*, Ann Arbor, Mlch.j Publication no. 18,127)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,127 Mic 56-561

Dilevski, Nikolai. Richard, Jean Pierre, 1922- Matteini, Nevio.

PHJH.CKH& MonacTHpt H POCCHJI B xvi H xvn BCKC, [Co- Poesie et profondeur. Paris, Editions du Seuil t !955] Rimini, i suoi dintorni, la riviera di Romagna; guida
249 p. 20 cm. CoUection Plerres vlvea) storico-artistica, rBolognaj Cappelli t 1966j

Microfilm Slavic 1069 Mic 59-7165 A 56-431 170 p. Ulus. 20cm.
Illinoifl. Univ. Library DG975Ja5M3 68-20478 t

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog


HISTORY Moscow. Publichnaia biblioteka. Biblioffraficheskn otdel. Gamboni, Guido, 1928-

HHKOJiaft AHflpeeuHi PnMCKirfl-KopcaKOB spaxKHft peKO- ;
Cyclisation der cis-Apogeraniumsaure. Uber ein Lacton
MeHjaTCJibHHtt yKasarejii,. MocKBa, 1955. aus Citryliden-essigsaure. Uber cis-Zimtaldehyd. Zurich,
6 p illua. 17 cm, (BeaHKHe AejrrenH pyccKoro HCKyccrea) Juris- Verlag, 1956.
Zama, Piero, 1888- ML410.E52M74 55-44555 t 62 p. diagra. 21 cm.
IMalatesti. Faenza, Frateffi Lega C 1956 3
QD335.G3 5JM2769
268 p. illus. 22cm.
1844-1908. MOTSART I SAL'ERI Stadler, Paul Albert, 1930-
RIMINI. TEMPIO MALATESTIANA Uber den sterischen Verlauf saurekatalysiertor Cyclisa-
tionen. Zurich, Juris- Verlag, 1957.
Bclza, Igor' Fedorovich, 1904- 55 p. 2-2 cm.
Alberti, Leone Battista, 1404-1472. Mo^apT H QD335.S8 50-42768
An autograph letter from Leon Battista Alberti to Matteo CUCHM PHMCKoro-KopcasoBa. MocsBa, Toe.
de' Pasti, November 18, 1454. Edited with an introd. by H3A-BO, 1953.
Cecil Grayson. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, 1957. 184 p. ports., nrafllc. 15 on. RING-NECKED DUCK
20 p. Illus facslm. 23cm. (Pierpont Morgan Library mediaeval PG3343^M63 55-25067 rev

and Renaissance monograph series, no. 1) Mendall, Howard Lewis.

NA5621.R5A7 58-55953 The ring-necked duck in the Northeast. Orono, Me.,
Printed at the University Press, 1958.
RIMSKII-KORSAKOV, NIKOLAI ANDREEVICH, xv, 817 p. Illus., plates, maps (1 fold.) dlagrs.,
RIMSKII-KORSAKOV, NIKOLAI ANDREEVICH, 1844-1908. OPERAS (University of Maine studies, 2d ser., no. 73)
tables. 23 cm.

1844-1908 QL696.A5M39 *598.2 598.41 58-63221

Gozenpud, A
Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut istorii isfaastv. H. A. PaiicKHft-KopcaKOB; TCMH E ero onepnoro RING-NECKED PHEASANTS
PaiicKHii-KopcasoB ; iiccjieflOBaHHa, Marepaajm, nnctua. TBOpiecxsa. MocKBa, Toe. MyanKajitHoe -BO, 1957.
MocKBa, HS^-BO Asa^em-tH Hays CCCP, 1953-54. 185 p. Illus., ports. 23 cm. Robertson, William Beckwith, 1924-
2 v. 27 cm.
lUas., ports. (MyabncanbHoe HacJieACTBO) ML410.E52G7 Investigations of ring-necked pheasants in Illinois,
ML410.R52A64 54-42757 rev
Springfield, 1958.
137 p. illus., maps. 26 cm. (Illinois. Dlvlalon of Game Manage
ment. Technical bulletin no. 1)
Gnesin, Mikhail Fabianovich, 1833- RIMSKII-KORSAKOV, NIKOLAI ANDREEVICH, A 58-9925
MHCOIH H BOcnoMHHaHHs o H. A. P 1844-1908. SADKO Illinois. Univ. Library
MocKBa, Toe. MysHKaatHoe HS^-BO, 1956.
332 p. Ulna, 21 cm Shumskaia,N
ML410.R52G45 57-15664 Ca^Ko H. A. PuMCKoro-KopcaKOBa. MocKBa, Foe. uyaiu- RINGELBLUM, EMANUEL, 1900-1944
KajBHoe USA-BO, 1956.
T7 p. music. IT cm. (nyreBOAHrejiH no pyccKofl wyauKe)
MT100.R46S38 58-23309 Kenner, Jakdb, 1884-1951.
Hofmann, Rostislav, 1915-
Rimski Korsakov: sa vie, son ceuvre. Paris, Flammarion
nna n :ia i^ r "

il958 :
236p. 21cm. New York] 1945.
Bruins, Luitje Hendrik. t

ML410.R52H6 A 59-7468 Leven en werken van Geert Reinders, de grondlegger van

31 p. port. 21 cm.
Oregon. TTnlv. Library [DS115.9.R5K ] A 50-4745
de immunologie. Leens [1951] New York. Public Llbr.
200 p. plates, port., facalms. 24 cm.
SF613.R4B7 55-29599
Lepel, Felix von, 1899-
Nikolai Andrejewitsch Rimsky-Korssakow ; Bildnis eines Kenner, Jak6b, 1884-1951.
grossen russischen Opernkomponisten und Sinfonikers. Kesteven, K LV ed.
Les vaccins centre la peste bovine; production et utlisation
Berlin-Charlottenburg [1955?,
16 p. 15cm. des Nations Unies pour
tMunichj 1948. M .HDJJJ PK
pratique. Washington, Organisation 31 p. illus. 20 cm.

Univ. LIbr.
A 56-8270 I'alimentation et I'agriculture, 1949. DS115.9.R6K4 56-49489 t
Oregon. vill, 85 p. LUus. 23 cm. (fitnde agrlcole de la FAO, no 8)
SF966.K474 57-49183
Shatzky, Jacob, 1894-
Moscow. Publichnafi biblioteka.
BmiografichetleZ otdel. .Dj>Ti-o3yi3
HaEOjaft AHApeesara PaMCKHft-KopcaKOB EpaTKHft peso-
cBuenos AireSj 1953.
MeH^aTejbHHfl yKaaaxeJti,. MocKBa, 1955. lix p. port. 21 cm.
69 p. Ulufl. 17 cm. (BeJWKHe ACareaM pyccKoro Hcxyccrsa) Mosgrove, Glenna (James) 1900- DS115.9.R5S5
ML410JE152M74 Rinehart descendants of Johann Georg and Eliza Mar- 55-40544
55-44555 t
gretha Reinhard, 1752-1954. Allied families of Anspach,
Cox, Dimm, James, Pfoutz, Tibbens, TJlsh. Mansfield, 111.,
Ratskaia, f^tsUua.
H. A. PmtcsHtt-KopcaKOB.
Mrs. C. A. Mosgrove, 1954. RINGERIKES MEIERI
MocKBa, Toe. HyaHitajrtHoe 286 p. Illus. 28cm.
H3A-BO, 1953. CS71.R574 1954 55-27375 J
137 p. illus. 17 cm. (UlKOJU-Hajt OHCflHoreica) Lundstad, Martin.
ML410Jt52R3 54-32165 rev t Ringerikes meieri, 1870-1954. Redaksjonskonutfi Martin
RING, HERMANN TOM, 1521-1597 Lundstad og] Ola Bramden.t
Oslo, Snorre boktr..' 1954,

93 p. Illus. 27cm.
Ratskafi, 'Retsffiii. SF233.N6RB 05-87712
H. A, PavcKHfi-KopcaKOB; x 50-aerHu cx> &BX CMTOTH. Riewerts, Theodor, 1907-1944.
Die Maler torn Ring: Ludger der Zltere, Hermann
Mocjcsa, Snarae 1958. jundj
88 p. 22 cm. (BcecoK>3Hoe ofimecrso no pacnpocrpaHeHHW HOJIM- Ludger der Jungere t von] Theodor Riewerts und Paul Pie- RINGERIKES SPAREBANK, H0NEPOSS
nneciCHx H Hayraux saaHHfl. Cepira vi, N 9) per cMunchenj Deutscher Kunstverkg, 1955.
PG299LV8 1958, no. 9 1ST p. plates (1 col.) 26cm. NORWAY
Harvard Univ. Library
(WestflUische Kunst)
A ^m6
S^rensen, Erik.
RING, LAURITZ ANDERSEN, 1854-1933 Ringerikes sparebank; virksomheten i tidsrommet 1947-
Rimskn-Zorsakov, Nikola! Andreevich, 1844-1908.
JEerorrHCE icoefi MyaHKajiRHofi ZHSHH. 1958. Utg. i anledning av bankens 125 irs
7. HS^.J t
jubileum. Hj*ne-
Toe. MyauKLiEHoe HSA-BO, 1955. Flor, Kai, 1886- foss, Ringerikes blads trykkeri, 1958.
L. A. Ring; direktyr O. P. Christensens 70 p. Illus. 27cm.
886 p. Ulna, 2T cm.
samling. K0ben- HG3170.H64R516
ML410J152A3 1955 56-27125 havn, Berlingske bogtr., 1956. 59-23600 t
16 p. 29 plates. 26cm.
ND723.R5F58 5M:1821

H. A. PHKCEHft-KopcaKOB. ., nepep. MocKaa, Toe.
MySHKLILHOe H3A-BO, 1957. Riewerts, Theodor, 1907-1944.
T9 p. 20 cm. (B noMomb cjiymarejiio MyauxH)
Die Maler torn Ring: Ludger der DIRECTORIES
ML410.R52S62 1957 57-44280 iltere, Hermann tund,
Ludger der Jungere tvonj Theodor Riewerts und Paul Pie-
per tMunchenj Deutscher Kunstverlae, 1955 Booth (R. C.) Enterprises, Saurian, Iowa.
1ST p.
SoIovtSov, A plates (1 col.) 26cm. (WestfoLaclie Kunst)
Ringgold County, Iowa, TAM service.
H. A. PHKCKHtt-KopcaKos; xpairHfi onepi ZHSHH H
xaop- Harvard Univ. Library
A 56-2915 locating roster j alphabetical locater; mailing list
Township maps,
CTBa. t HsA. 3. nepep.j
Mocrsa, Foe. MyaiiKLSBHoe HSA-BO Harlan.
v. maps. 32 cm.
port. 18cm. RING, LUDGER TOM, THE YOUNGER, 1522- G1433.R5B7 Map 52-205 rev
1958 59-18525 1584

ZetKn, Mikhail OsipOTich, 1882-1945. Farm Operators Rural Residence Map Company, Dts
Tb& five; the evolotion of the Russian school of music. Moin&t.
Translated and edited by
George Panin. New York, Inter Ringgold County.
national Universities Press
1959j C
Uip. flhu. 23cm, v, maps. 89 cm. annual. (Its Farm operators rural resi
ML890^42 195$ 927.8 59-9043 t Harvard Univ. Llbraiy
A 56-2915 dence map)
G1433.R5F3 Map 59-202

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RINGGOLD COUNTY, IOWA (Continued) RINGS, STEEL Lobo, Hello, 1883-

Rio-Branco e o arbitramento com a Argentina; a questao
MAPS n'in, M M do territorio de Palmas, tambem chamada das Missoes. Rio
UpOHSBOflCTBo cxajr&HHX zjeoitHOEaTaHHX K de Janeiro, J. Olympio, 1952.
MOCKBE, Foe. HS^-BO o<5op. npojiHmvi.. 1957. 189 23 cm. (Colesao Documentos brastlelros, 6&)
Booth (R, C.) Enterprises, Harlan, Iowa. 126 p. Ulus. 22 cm.
F2554JL82L6 55-1857 J
TS440.1 4
Kinggold County, Iowa, TAM service. Township maps,
locating roster ; alphabetical locater ; mailing list
Harlan. Napoleao, Aluizio, 1914-
v. maps. 32 cm. RINGS AKER, NORWAY. ST. OLAVS KIRKE Rio-Branco e as relagoes entre o Brasil e os Estados Uni-
G1433.R5B7 dos. t Rio de Janeiro] Ministerio das Relacjoes Exteriores
Map 52-205 rev
Grieg, Sigurd, 1894-
t lM7j
215 p. Illus 23 cm. (ComlssSo PreparaWria do Centenario do
Farm Operators Rural Residence Map Company, Des Ringsaker kirkes gamle herlighet; kulturhistoriske studier Barao do Rio-Branco. Monografias, 2)
Moines. over nederlandske og nordtyske alterskap i Norge. Lille- F2537.R5748C6 No. 2 59-17768 J
hammer, 1955.
Ringgold County.
255 p. Illus 26 cm. (De Sandvigske samlingers skrifter, 3)
[Des MoineS]
v. maps 39 cm. annual. (Its Farm operators rural resi
dence map) Minnesota. Univ. Llbr.

G1433.R5F3 Map 59-202

Leanza, Armando F
Historia del rio Catan-Lil. Buenos Aires, 1952.
RINGWORM 15 p. plate, map. 27 cm. (Unlversidad de Buenos Aires. Facul-
RINGK JIBING (CITY) tad de Fllosoffa y Letras. Instituto de Qeograffa.
Serle A, n 16)
Beare, John Martin.
G5.B8 no. 16 54-41942
DESCRIPTION The problem of ringworm in Northern Ireland (a survey
of data collected during the period May 1949 to
July 1951)
Finsen, Helge, 1897- A report to the Northern Ireland Hospitals Authority, May RIO CHUBUT, ARGENTINE REPUBLIC
Ringk0bing set med en arHtekts 1952, by J. Martin Beare and E. A. Cheeseman. [Belfast?
t Kjft>enhavn] Pronsato, Antonio D.
Ringk0bmg-foreningen, 1953. 1953j
19 p. Illua. 21 cm. 43, [lj p. Ulus., maps, tables. 24 cm. Estudio geo-hidro!6gico del rio Chubut. Buenos Aires,
DL291.R495F5 59-35483 J RL780.B4 55-56886 1950.
96 p. Illus 29cm.
GB1260.C5P7 57-40062 t

Smith, Johannes, 1899-

Hjemme igen i Ringk0bing. Med et brev fra Johs. Hel- Rib CUARTO, ARGENTINE REPUBLIC (CITY)
weg. Illustreret af Ib Buch. K0benhavn, Ringk0bing- Oldendow, Knud Honored 1892-
foreningen, 1956. Gr0nlsendervennen Hinrich Rink; videnskabsmand, skri-
29 p. Illus. 21cm. bent og Gr0nlandsadministrator. Udg. af det Grjtalandske Montes, Anibal.
Historia antigiia de la ciudad de Rio Cuarto. Cordoba,
A 58-1281 selskab i anledning af dets 50 ars jubilseum.
t K#benhavn]
Minnesota. Unly. Llbr. 1955. Reptiblica Argentina, Direcci6n General de Publicidad de
92 p. 26 cm. la Universidad Nacional, 1953.
Illus. (Det Grjfnlandske selskabs skrifter 18)
52 p. Ulus. 27cm. (Unlversidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad
G762.R504 58-30519 1 de Fllosoffa y Humanldades. Instituto de Estudlos Amerlcanlstas.
Oaaderno de historla, no. 26)
HISTORY F3011.R46M6 57-27979 t
RINKS see Skating rinks
J^rgensen, JeYgen.
RIO DAS GARgAS see Gar?as River, Brazil
Bogen om Rmgkj0bing; Holmsland og Holmslands klit
(S0ndervig-Hv. Sande) gennem 150 ar. Ringkj0bing, A.
105 p. Illus. 26cm.
DL291.R495J6 58-25857 \
Mayr, Erwin, ed. ITO, Ledo.
Die Landesanstalt fur Pflanzenzucht und Samenprufung A
cidade e os dias; cronicas e hisixSrias. Rio de Janeiro,
in Rinn. Arbeiten aus ihrer ISjahrigen Tatigkeit Inns Edicoes Cruzeiro, 1957.
bruck, Wagner, 1956.
Hotel Ringkjobing, Ringkjpfbing 140 p. Ulus., maps (1 fold. In pocket) 24 cm. PQ9697J9C5 58-26485 t
A 57-6036
Harvard Univ. Library
Burt, Olive (Woolley) 1894- Pinto, Luiz de Agniar Costa.
The Ringling brothers: circus boys. Illustrated by Ray comfircio metropolitano do Distrito Federal tpor] L. A.
Rinuccini, Alamanno, 1419-1499,
mond Burns. t lst ed Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill t 1958j Lettere ed orazioni; a cura di Vito R. Giustiniani. Fi-
Costa Pinto [63 T. P. Accioly Borges. Eio de Janeiro, 1957.
192 p. Ulus. 20 cm, (The Childhood of famous Americana series 65 p. tables. 24cm.
tl07,) renze, L. S. Olschki, 1953. HF3410.R5P5 59-41014
PZ7.B9456Ri 58-12909 t xllll, 264 p. 23 cm. (Nuova collezlone dl test! umanlstid Inedltt o
rari, 9)
PQ4632.R39A16 1953 A 53-5125 rev
Harvard Univ. Library DESCRIPTION
Fox, Charles Philip, 1904- HOS, BARAO DO, 1845-1912 Memorias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro t porj Vivaldo
A ticket to the circus; a pictorial history of the incredible Coaracy (V. Cy.) Capa, vinhetas e ornatos de G. Bloow.
Com 20 graruras fora do texto. Rio de Janeiro, J. Olympio,
Ringlings. c lst ed.] Seattle, Superior Pub. Co. t !959j Andrade, Rodrigo Mek> Franco de.
184 p. illus. 28 cm. 1955.
Rio-Branco e Gastao da Cunha. c Rio de Janeiro] Ministe^ 580
GV1821.R5F6 p. Ulus. 23 cm. (Colectto docnmentos brasUelros, 88)
791.3 59-9874 t rio das Relagoes Exteriores, Instituto Rio-Branco, 1953. F2646.C68 68-30604 t
281 p. Illus. 24 cm.
RINGNALDA, ARIE, 1895-1945 56-36649 J

D Costa, Nelson.
Araujo Jorge, Arthur Guimaraes de, 1884- Rio de ontem e de hoje. Rio de Janeiro. Leo EditCres,
Burger van het eeuwig koninkrijk, ter gedachtenis aan Ds. 1958.
A. Ringnalda. Amsterdam, Kirchner C 1946] IntroducjLo as obras do barao do Eio-Branco. t
Rio de
879 p. lllus., map. 25 cm. (Colecfio Kstado de 1)
32 p. Ulus. 20cm. (V. D. M.serle, 18) Janeiro, Ministerio das Relafioes Exteriores r!945i Sft,

ix,2ilp. 24cm. F2646.C8844 58-47115

BX9479.R49R5 56-27446 t
F2537.R573 56-44827
RINGO, JOHN Dunlop, Charles Julius, 1908-
RIo antigo. Rio de Janeiro, Editor* Grifica Lacmmert
FICTION Comissao Preparatory do Centenario do Barao do Rio- t !955-
Branco. r. Illus. 88cm.
F2646J)8 55-56957 t
Scott, Leslie, 1893- Monografias.
Tombstone showdown. [New York] Arcadia House [1957j [Rio de Janeiro, Imprensa Nacional, 19
223 p. 20cm. v. Illus. 23cm.
PZ3.S4276Tm 57-9797 J F2537.R5748C6 59-17769 J
Varzea, Afonso.
Geografia do Distrito Federal E2. ed. Rio de Janeiro]
Bias, Demosthenes de Oliveira. Prefeitura do Distrito Federal, Secretaria Geral de Educa-
Pequena biografia do barao do Rio-Branco ( 1846-1912)
. . . cao e Cultura t 1957?-
RINGS Ed, ilustrada. Rio de Janeiro [Editor* e obras graficas "A T. Ulus. 25cm. ( ColecSo Cidade do Elo de Janeiro, 4

Noite"] 1945.
F2646.Y32 59-30978 t
see also Rings, Steel 2 p. L, t3 r120 p., 8 1. front (port.) plate*, map. 2SJ cm.
F2537.R577 47-16010 POT
Battke, Heinz, 1900-
Geschichte des Ringea in Beschreibung und Bildern. Lacombe, Americo Jacobina, 1909-
DargesteUt durch die Sammlung Battke. Baden-Baden, W. Rio Branco y Rui Barbosa. Yersi6n castellana de Joe6
Wo de Janeiro et sea environs. Paris,
Hachette, 1965.
128 p. Ulus., map* (1 fold, col) 1ft cm. (Lea OoIdM blew)
Klein 1953! Alarc6n Fernandez. Rio de Janeiro, Casa de Rui Barbosa, F2646.R645
Ill p. plates (part coL) 28 cm. 55-42648
NK7443.B3 56-28017 121 p. ports. 23cm.
F2537.L1847 56-45647

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

RIO DE JANEIRO (Continued) OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES Silva, Benedicto, 1905- .

Rio de Janeiro

A era do administrador profissional.

Nacional. 1956]
DESCRIPTION POETRY rDepartamento de Imprensa
admlnlstracao, no. 9)
Brazil. Laws, statutes, etc. 125 p. 19cm. (Ensalosde
Manual do servidor municipal [por] Paulo Fernandes 1956 58-18944 J
Vieira. Rio de Janeiro, A. Coelho Branco Filho, 1955.
Entrambasaguas 7 Pena, Joaqufn de, 1904- 201 P ' 24cm<
Poemas cariocas. Valencia, 1955. 57-37794
45 p. 18cm.
Illinois. Untv. Library BELAS ARTES
Prata, Alaor.
DESCRIPTION VIEWS RecordaQoes de vida publica. Rio de Janeiro [Editor Escragnolle Taunay, Aflfonso de, 1876-
Borsoij 1958.
A missao artistica de 1816. Rio de Janeiro] 1956.

351 p. illus., ports. 25 cm. ( PubllcafOes da Dlretorla do Pn-

Ender, Thomas, 1793-1875. trlmonlo HIsWrIco e Artfstlco Nacional, no. 18)
velho Rio de Janeiro atraves das gravuras de Thomas N6654.E8 58-4492
Ender. Texto e legendas por Gilberto Ferrez, com um re-
sumo do texto em ingles e alemao. [Sao PaulO] EdiQoes Mel- Rio de Janeiro (Federal District) Prefeito.
lioramentos [1956] Mensagem ao Conselho Municipal. Galvao, Alfredo. .

43 p., 169 p. of illus. (part coL) map. 8 port 82 cm. Rio de Janeiro. Subsiclios para a historia da Academia Imperial e
NE646.E5F4 57-43202 v. 19cm. annual, Jrtrt -n ^ Escola Nacional de Belas Artes. Rio de Janeiro, 1954.
JS15.R458 56^9072 t
"woeoo t


Rio de Janeiro; album com fotografias em cores. Intro-
dugao de Celso Kelly. Texto em portugues, inglSs, frances
e alemao. [Sao Pauloj EdiQoes Melhoramentos t 1955] Costa, Luiz Edmundo da, 1878- C T UB see Fluminense Football Club, Rio
24 p S6 col. plates, col. map (on lining paper) 30 cm. De um lirro de mem6rias. Rio de Janeiro, 1958-
de Janeiro
v. Illus. 25 cm,
F2646.K27 55-57420 59-34814 t
Maurois, Andre, 1885- Edmundo da, 1878-
Costa, Luiz
Rio de Janeiro. Images de Jean Manzon. Parisj F.
ORio de Janeiro no tempo dos vice-reis. 4. ed., revista
Nathan r 1951 :
e anotada pelo autor. Desenhos de Washt Rodrigues et c
Barroso, Gustavo, 1888-
185 p. Illus. 24 cm. (Collection "Mervellles de la France et du Historia do Paldcio Itamaraty. Rio de Janeiro, 1956.
monde") al.i Rio de Janeiro, Conquista, 1956. 186 p. plates, ports., col. coat of arms. 24 cm, (Museu HlsWrlco
F2646.M34 55-44917 t 3 v. (677 p.) lllus. 21cm, e DLplomatlco do Itamaraty. Publlcactto no. 2)
F2646.C87 1956 57-37595 t

Stendardo, Alfredo.
Costa, Nelson.
Coaracy, Vivaldo. L'ltamaraty. r Rio de Janeiro] Ministeno da Educasao e
Rio de ontem e de hoje. Rio de Janeiro, Leo Editores,
Memorias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro tporj Vivaldo Culturn, Servigo de Documentagao 1958j C
1958. 73 p. illus. 24cm.
Coaracy (V. Cy.) Capa, vinhetas e ornatos de G. Bloow. 379 p. Illus., map. 25 cm. (ColecSo Estdclo de Sa, 1) 58-40827
Com 20 gravuras fora do texto. Rio de Janeiro, J. Olympio, JX1764.A4S7 J
F2G46.C8844 58-47115
580 p illus. 23 cm. (OolecSo documentos brasllelros, 88)
F2646.C68 58-30604 t
Brazil. JEscritorio Tecnico da Oidade Unwersitaria da Uni-
Costa, Luiz Edmundo da, 1878- Coaracy, Vivaldo. versidade do Brasil.
Rio de Janeiro no tempo dos vice-reis. 4. ed., revista Memories da cidade do Rio de Janeiro tporj Vivaldo Cidade universitaria da Universidade do Brasil. [Rio de
e anotada pelo autor. Desenhos de Washt Rodrigues c et
Coaracy (V. Cy.) Capa, vinhetas e ornatos de G. Bloow. Janeiro?, 1953.
al.] Rio de Janeiro, Conquista, 1956. Com 20 gravuras fora do texto. Rio de Janeiro, J. Olympioj 37 lllus. 32 cm.
3 T. (677 p.) illus. 21cm,
1955. LE31.R63B7 55-17718 %
F2646.C87 1956 57-37595 t 23 cm.
580 p Illus. (Colec&o documentos brasllelros, 88)
F2646.C68 58-30604 J
Rio de ontem e de hoie. Rio de Janeiro, Leo Editores.
Gerson, Brasil.
1958. Hist6ria das ruas do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro,
379 p. Illus , map. 25 cm. (Colecfio Estacto de Sa, 1)
F2G46.C8844 58-47115
Souza, 1954.
350 p. lllus. 24cm.
F2646.G4 55-16722 J Rache, Pedro.
Homens de Ouro Preto; mem6rias de um estudante. Rio
Dunlop, Charles Julius, 1908- de Janeiro, A. Coelho Branco, 1954.
RJo Rio de Janeiro, Editora Grafica Laemmert 182 p. lllus. 24 cm.
1955- SUBURBS AND ENVIRONS TN213.R562 55-59324 J
v. illus. 33cm.
F2646J>8 55-56957 \ e Janeiro et ses environs. Park, Hachette, 1955,
128 p. Ulus., maps (1 fold, col.) 16 cm. (Lea Guides Maus) RIO DE JANEIRO (FEDERAL DISTRICT)
F2646.R645 55-42643
Nascentes, Antenor, 1886- ARQUIVO GERAL
Efemerides cariocas, tRio de Janeiro^ Prefeitura do
Distrito Federal, Secretaria Geral de Educagao e Cultura SUBURBS AND ENVIRONS ROAD Noronha Santos, Francisco Agenor de.
Till, 232 p. 23cm. (ColecSo Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, 1)
MAPS Resenha analltica de livros e documentos do Arquivo Geral
F2646.N-35 59-21489 da Prefeitura. Rio de Janeiro, Prefeitura do Distrito Fed
eral, Secretaria Geral de Educagao e Cultura, Departamento
General Drafting Company, inc. de Historia e DocumentaQ&o, 1949.
Mapa, Rio de Janeiro e suas ligagoes com Goias, Minas 26 24cm.
CD4077.R5N6 55-32534
Gerais, Espirito Santo e Sao Paulo. Rio de Janeiro?, Esso

Brito Broca,
Standard do Brasil rl954j
3 col. maps on sheet 83 z 61 cm. fold to 21 x 11 cm
vida literaria no Brasil 1900. c Rio de Janeiro] Mi-
nisteno da Educasao e Cultura, Servico de Documentacao 54-1326 Map
276 25 cm. (Colec&o "Letras e artOB"
p. Illus. [5])
57-41581 \
DE LETRAS see Academia Brasileira de Estellita, Guilherme.
Letras, Rio de Janeiro Ministerio Piiblico e o processo civil; dissertacao no
MAPS curso de altos estudos, organizado para membrog do Minis-
terio Publico do Distrito Federal] Rio de Janeiro, Livraria
General Drafting Company, inc.
6Tp. 23cm.
Mapa, Rio de Janeiro e suas ligagoes com Goias, Minas Real, Regina Monteiro. 59-21523 t
Gerais, Espirito Santo e Sao Paulo. [Rio de Janeiro?] Esso Casa de Rui Barbosa; resume historico de suas atividades.
Standard do Brasil rl954j Rio de Janeiro] Casa de Rui Barbosa, 1957.
8 col. maps on sheet 83 r 81 cm. fold, to 21 1 Jl^nit. t

60p. lllus. 22cm.

G5404.R61954.G4 Map 54-1326 F2537.B283 68-21107 % RIO DE JANEIRO (STATE)


MONUMENTS ADMINISTRATED PUBLICA Brazil. Oonselho National de ffeoffrafa.
Lista de altitudes de precisao do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Sflva, Benedicto, 1905-
era do administrador profissional. tRio de Janeiro] Rio de Janeiro, Servigo Grafico do Institute Brasileiro de
Fontainha, Affonaa.
Histdria dos monumentos do Distrito Federal; biografiu, Escola Brasileira de Administracao Publica, Fundacao Geografia e Estatfstica, 1952.
P mUS Cm ^
(BIbUoteca KeoKf^ca brasUelra.
Bio de Janeiro, Companhia Editfira Americana, 1064.
34Sp. lllus. 23cm.
^^ Getulio Vargas [1955,
20 p.18 cm, (Cadernos de admlnlstracao pdbllca, 19. Adminla-
PubU ca
' '
Ser. B.

F264O7 tracaogeral) 58-38801 t

66-16WT J
JF1338.R5S5 57-40075 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


(Continued) RIO DE
DISTANCES, ETC. CLIMATE Esquivel Obregon, Toribio, 1864-
El trntado de aguas pendiente entre Mexico y Estados
Unidos. Mexico, Academia Mericana de Jurisprudencia y
Rio de Janeiro (State) Departamento Estadual de Estatis- Font Tullot, Inocentio.
tisn Legislacion, Correspondent e de la Real de Madrid, 1945.
El clima del Sahara, con especial referencia a la Zona 30 p. 23 cm
Tabuas itmerarias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. 1953- Espanola. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones 56-29854 J
Cientificas, Institute de Estudios Africanos, 155.
112 p. Illus. 24 cm
tRiode Janeiro,
.. maps. 23
cm. QC991.S3F6 '57-33164 J Mexico. Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores.
HE9.B7R5 El problema de las aguas internacionales entre Mexico y
los Estados Unidos, su origen, desarrollo y resolution. El
DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Tratado internacional de aguas de 3 de febrero de 1944.
Mexico, 1945.
Lodwick, John, 1916- 140 L. fold. col. maps, dlagrs. 28 cm.
Hinchliff, Thomas Woodbine,
1825-1882. The forbidden coast; the story of a journey to Rfo de Oro, 55-43503
Viaje al Plata en 1861; estudio preliminar de Rafael Al a Spanish possession in North-west Africa, to some adjacent
islands and to certain other sites in the 28th degree of north
berto Arrieta, traduccion y notas de Jose Luis Busaniche. RIO GRANDE DO NORTE, BRAZIL (STATE)
Buenos Aires, Libreria Hachette E 1955j ern latitude which are not, without some measure of personal
270 p. 21 cm. ( Coleccitfn "El Pasado argentine") perseverance, open to uninstructed members of the general
F2214.H656 56-28903 J public. London, Cassell E 1956, HISTORY
286 p. Illus 23 cm.

Mas de DT346.S7L6 916.48 57-44 t

Ayala, Isidro. Camara Cascudo, Luis da, 1S99-
por el sur el Rio de La Plata. Montevideo, Palacio del Historia do Rio Grande do Norte. [Rio de Janeiro]
Libro [1958!
173 p. 21 cm
DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Ministerio da Educacao e Cultura, Servico de DocumentaQao
F2714.M3 59-43623 t
524 p. 25 cm.
F2616.C3 55-59579
Teixeira Scares, Alvaro, 1903- Carnero Ruiz, Ismael.
La Vocabulario geografico-saharico. Madrid, Consejo Su
Rio de la Plata en los
significacion internacional del
siglos xvin y xix ; conferencia pronunciada en el Institute
perior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institrfto de Estudios RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL (STATE)
Historico y Geografico del Uruguay el 26 de mayo de 1948. Africanos, 1955.
287 p. mnps. 25cm.
Montevideo, Imp. "El Siglo Dustrado," 1949. Rothwell, Stuart Clark, 1918-
65 27 cm. DT346.S7C3 56-25266 The old Italian colonial zone of Eio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
F2909.T4 55-25790 } a geographic interpretation. Ann Arbor, University Micro
films t 1956]
RIO DE LA PLATA (VICEROY ALTY) ((University Microfilms, Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 19^00)

A Microfilm AC-1 no. 19^90 Mic 56-5857

Daus, Federico Syracuse. Univ. LIbr.
Lynch, John, 1927- La supuesta captura del rio Fenix. Buenos Aires, Impr.
Spanish colonial administration, 1782-1810; the intend- y Casa Editora "Coni," 1950.
ant system in the Vlceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata. Souza Docca, Emilio Fernandes de, 1884-
Lon- t
52 p. Illus., 5 maps. 27 cm, (Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Facultad de Filosoffa y Letras. Institute de Geografla. Publlca- Hist6ria do Rio Grande do Sul. Rio c de Janeiro] Edicjlo
don, University of London, Athlone Press, 1958.
clones. Serle A, no. 14) da "Organizagao Simoes," 1954.
it, 835 p. maps. 28 cm. (University of London historical studies,
o) G5.B8 ser. A
no. 14 57-27068 454 p. 23cm. (Biblloteca Brasll, 1)
JL950.L9 325.346 58-4882 55-56776

Sanchez de Mendevffle, Maria, 1786-1868. RIO FENIX GRANDE CIVILIZATION

Recuerdos del Buenos Aires virreynal por] Mariquita
Sanchez. Prologo y notas por Liniers de Estrada. Buenos
Daus, Federico A Seminario de Estudos Gauchos, Universidade Catolica,
ENE Editorial [1953] La supuesta captura del rio Fenix. Buenos Aires, Impr. Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1st, 1957.
70 p. illus. 18 era. ("Colecdon Los Testimonies" ; seccldn his- y Casa Editora "Coni," 1950. Primeiro Seminario de Estudos Gauchos; conferencias
52 p. Illus., 5 maps. 27 cm. (Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Facultad de Filosoffa y Letras. Institute de Geograffa. Publlca- pronunciadas no Primeiro Seminario de Estudos Gauchos,
F2841.S35 55-28219 J clones. Serle A, no. 14) realizado de 3 de setembro a 4 de outubro de 1957. Porto
G5.B8 ser. A no. 14 57-27068 Alegre 1958^
COMMERCE 244 p. tables. 23cm.
Lavarden, Manuel de, 1754-1809? 58-46557
Nuevo aspecto del comercio en el Rio de La Plata, Estudio Gamez, Ernesto.
preliminar y notas por Enrique Wedovoy. Buenos Aires,
Editorial Raigal 1955j
El valle del Fuerte.
128 p. Illus. 23 cm,
c l. ed. Los Mochis? M&sdcO] 1955. COMMER CE YEARBOOKS
190 p. 21cm. (BlbUotera Manuel Belgrano de estudlos econtfmlcoa. F1341.G3 59-43616 J
Ser. : Evoluci<5n de las Ideas economlcaa argenttnas) Guia de exportagao e importaoao [doj Rio Grande do Sul
HF3385.L3 57-17575 t e de] Santa Catarina. The Export-import guide book.
Velasco Gil, Carlos M t

Porto Alegre, Clarim.

LA PLATA, BATTLE OF THE, La conquista del Valle del Fuerte [por, Mario
RIO DE 1939 v. Illus. 33cm.
Mexico, 1957. HF3409.R5G8 55-28825 t
273 p. lUus., ports., maps (part fold.) plans. 24 cm.
Pope, Dudley. F1341.V4
The battle of the River Plate. Foreword by Sir Edward DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL
Parry, pref by Sir Charles Woodhouse.
London, TT. Kim-
ber !956,

tllus. 23 cm. RIO GRANDE Ave-Lallemant, Robert Christian Berthold, 1812-1884.

D772.G7P6 940.545 56-58228 I
Viagem pelo sul do Brasil no ano de 1858. Tradugao do
Institute Xacional do Livro (por Teodoro Cabra^ da ed. de
Fergusson, Harvey, 1890- Leipzig, 1859. l. ed, brasileiraj
Rio de Janeiro, Manist&io
Pope, Dudley. Rio Grande. Drawings by Golden Whitman. New da Educacjao e Cultura, Institute Nacional do Livro, 1953.
Graf Spee; the life and death of a raider. York,
Philadelphia, Morrow [1955j 2v. Illus., port., facalm. 24cm. (Colecaodeobraa raras,4)
Lippincott, 1957 C 1956] 296 p. inus. 23cm. F2513A955 55-43455
p. Ulna. 22cm. F796.F38 1955 917.89 54-10611
D772.G7P6 1957 940.545 57-6414 t HofFmann-Hamisch, Wolfgang, 1893-
Rio Grande do Sul a terra e o homem. ; TraducSo A.
Powell, Michael Raymundo Schneider e Archibald*) Severo. 2. ed, Porto
Death in the South Atlantic; the last voyage of the Graf Alegre, Editora Globo t!952]
587 p. lUus. 28cm.
Spee. New York, Rinehart t 1957] U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Work*.
247 p. 22cm, Middle Rio Grande project, New Mexico. Hearings be
F2621.H6 1952 57-37159 J
D772.G7P63 1957 940.545 57-6573 t fore a subcommittee of the Committee on Public Works,
"United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, second session, ECONOMIC CONDITIONS
Powell, Michael. on S. 2975, a bill to authorize the modification of the project
Graf Spee. London, Hodder and Stoughton 4956, for the Rio Grande Basin in order to provide for the comple Deutsch-Brasilianische Handelskammer in Rio Grande do
224 Illus. 21cm.
p. tion of the middle Rio Grande portion of such project SuL
D772.G7P63 1956 940.545 56-56979 J
July 10 and 11, 1958. Washington, TJ. S. Govt Print Off., Relatorio da diretoria. Jahresbericnt. 1955/56-
1958. tPorto Alegrej
627.1 58-61567 BT300.D43
T. 33 cm.

Economic Conference of the Organization of American A
Clifford, Roy
States, Buenos Aires, 1957. The Rio Grande flood; a comparative study of border Lopes, Joao Simoes, 1865-1916.
Transportation and economic growth: the La Plata River communities in disaster. Submitted by the Area Research Terra gaucha iporj J. Simoes Lopes Neto.
system. (Topic v of the Agenda) Washington, Pan Ameri Center, Michigan State University and the Dept of Sociol
de Manoelito d'Ornellas, introducao e notas de Walter
can Union, 1957.
160 p. 27 cm. (lit Doc. 11 (English) ogy, the University of Texas. Washington, National Acad Spalding. P6rto Alegre, 1955]
Ix, dlagrs., tables. )

HC95.E38 no. 11 330.9821 PA 58-46 emy of Sciences National Research. Council, 1956. 164 p. Illus. 24cm. (Colecao meridional)
XT, 145 p. tllus., maps. 28 cm. ( Rational Research Council] F2621X75
Pan American Union. Library Committee on Disaster Studies. DlBaBter study no. 7) 56-31601 J
HV6101954.R53 361.52 56-60068

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog


HISTORY (Continued)
Beard, Joseph Radford. FICTION
Extreme northeast Mexico, and lower Rio Grande Valley
Rodrigues, Jos6 Honorio, 1913- Rafael de la
O continente do Rio Grande. Rio de Janeiro^ of Texas. Drawn by J. R. Beard. Drafting: Montenegro Lillo, Raul.
t Edic,5es S. C
Garza. McAllen, Tex., 1952. La Quintrala. [Buenos Aires, Editorial Central C 1955,
Jose, 1954.
81 p. lllns. 17 cm. map 107 1 188 cm. (Hi* Map 88) MaP 53~ 528 188 p. i& cm.
F2621.R64 55-29225 J G3312.R58 1952.B4 PQ7797.M6627Q5 57-27935


Spalding, Walter, 1901-
Grenese do Brasil-Sul. Porto Alegre, Brasil, Livraria
see also Aeronautics in riots; Affray;
Sulina, 1953. Hendrichs, Pedro H D ..,*
132 p. illus., maps. 24 cm. (Colecfio meridional, 1) Me Breach of the peace; Crowds; State of
Morfologia y climatologfa de la cueuca
del Gnjalva.
F2621.S63 54-44838
xico, 1D55. siege; Street fighting (Military science);
84 L Illus., maps, dlagrs., tables. 28cm. also subdivision Riots under names of
GB133.H4 58-15342
HISTORYADDRESSES, ESSAYS, cities, and names of special riots, e.g.
LECTURES RIO HUASCO Berlin Riot, June 1953

Barcellos, Rubens de, 1896-1951. WATER-RIGHTS U. S. Dept. of the Air Force.

Estudos rio-grandenses ; motivos de historia e literatura, Civil disturbances and disasters; Provost Marshal activi
coligidos e selecionados por Mansueto Bernardi e Moyses ties. [Washington, 1954.
Vellinho. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Globo C 1955,
Bruzzone Rocco, Enrique. v, 50 p. lHus. 20 cm.
150 p. illus. 23cm. (ColeeSo Provfncla, vol. 7) La propiedad agricola en el Rio Huasco y sus derechos de UG633.A4712 54-63283
F2621.B3 57-34835 \ agua. Santiago, 1949.
68 27cm.
HISTORY FICTION Vittachi, Tarzie.
RIO HUASCO VALLEY Emergency '58 ; the story of the Ceylon race riots. [Lon
Rodrigues, Felix Contreiras. don, A. Deutsch [1958]
Farrapo, memorias de um cavalo tpor] Felix Contreiras Bruzzone Rocco, Enrique. 128 p. Illus. 19 cm.

La Rio Huasco y sus derechos de DS489.5.V5 954.89 59-21573 J

Rodrigues (Pia do Sul) 2. ed. Porto Alogre, Editora Globo propiedad agricola en el

11058] agua. Santiago, 1949.

233 p.2Scm.
PQ9697.R64F3 1958
illus (Colecfto Provlnda,
v. 13)

59-38680 1
68 p. 27cm.
1949, )


Mauritz, Heinz, 1921-
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (State) Departamento Estadual
ANTIQUITIES Dio Teilnalimeformeu bei den Massendelikten des Straf-
de Estatistica. gesetzbuchs. Mimchen, 1951.
Producjao industrial. Bonaparte, Jose F lv.1251.
Dos nuevos paraderos indigenas neoliticos de la cuenca del 55-58858
Rio Grande do Sul?,
Rio Lujan, industria litica por3 J, F. Bonaparte C y J. A.
HC188.R4A35 55-20037 J Pisano. Mercedes, c uenO]S c
B 1950.

A ire]S,
18 p. illus., maps. 21 cm. (Museo Popular de Cienclas Naturales
"Carlos Ameghlno " Apuntcs de difuslcin clentfflco-cultural Arqueo-
Hongkong. Governor 1947-1957 (Sir Alexander Orantham.)
logia, 1)

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (State) Diretoria de Estofatica RIO NAPO see Napo River
19 -48. Porto Alegre.
Estatisticas culturais.
T. 27 cm. annual.
RIO PARU DE LESTE see Parii River, Brazil 1956.

HA40.C8R5 59-35850 37 p. Illus, 26cm.

POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ZONING MAPS 1. Hongkong Hist 2. Riots Hongkong. r. Title.
Title romaniaet: Ohlu-lnng chl Oh'Uan-wan pao tun* pao kao.

Neves, Joao, 1887- Puerto Rico. Planning Board. DS796.H7A55 C 58-5936 t

Memorias. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Globo C1958- de zonificacion de Rio Piedras.
v. lllns. 23cm. Mapa Santurce, P. R.
F2621.N47 59-33690 J 3

441 of maps. 04x95 cm. INDIA

G1634.R5P8 1949 Map 50-571 rev
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (State) Constitution. Singh, Barbara.
Constituicjio do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, promul-
R!O SAN JUAN, COLOMBIA The Punjab tragedy, 1947. c
lst ed. Amritsar, Steno
gada em 8 de julho de 1947. Porto-Alegre, Livraria Sulina House Agency, 1949,
t !951: Velasquez M , Rogerio. U, HI, 806 p. Illus. 18cm.
82 p. 16 cm. (Manuals Sullna, no. 2) Rectificacxones sobre el descubrimiento del rio San Juan. DS485.P2S5 56-27752
Bogota, Impr. Nacional, 1954.
24 p. 24 cm.
F2281.S18V4 57-25535 t PAKISTAN PUNJAB
to Enquire into the Punjab Dis
turbances of 1953.
Cram, Josie Moor*. RK> TEPALCATEPEC VALLEY Report. Lahore, Printed by the Superintendent, Govt.
The Rio Grande Southern story. Durango, Colo., Rail-
Morfln Barragan, Leonardo. Print, 1954.
roadiana, 1957. lv, 387 p. 26 cm.
xlv, 533 p. Ulus., ports., mapa, facaims. 27 cm, Estudio economico agrario social sobre la cuenca del DS485.P2A5 58-23665
HE2791.R6415 *385.2 385.065 58-17935
Tepalcatepec. Mexico, 1954.
68 p. Illus. 24cm.
HC137.T4M6 57-26985 J U.S.
URUGUAY see Uruguay River see also Railroad strike, 1877
Stevenson, Daisy Glick. RfO
A trail to manana. Dallas, Royal Pub. Co. C 1958j
280 p. Illus. 21 cm.
RIOVIAR RIOTS, PRISON see Prison riots
F394X97S8 917.64 58-40199

Confederation Hidrografica del Guadalquivir. RIPA, ALBERTO DA, called ALBERTO

Yearbook of the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas and El Pantano del Pintado en el Rio Viar. t Sevilla, Graficas MANTOVANO, d. ca. 1551
northern Mexico. del Surj 1949.
Donna. Tex. 10]L illus., 8
t fold. coL maps, dlagrs. (part coL) 25cm.
Buggert, Robert William, 1918-
r. Illus. 31cm, TC488J15C6 59-28677 Alberto da Ripa, lutenist and composer. Ann Arbor, Uni
F392Jt5Y4 917.64 55-33610 t
versity Microfilms t 1957]
RIOS MORALESi JUAN ANTONIO, PRES. (rUnlverslty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 21,154)

HISTORY CHILE, 1888-1946 Microfilm AC-1 no. 21,154 Mic 57-2168

Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Palma Zuniga, Luis, 1909-

Lott, Virgil N 187S- Presencia de Juan Antonio Rios, por Luis Palma Zuniga Buggert, Robert William, 1918-
People and plots on the Rio Grande, by Virgil X. Lott Julio Iglesias Melendez. Santiago cEditorial Universi- Transcription problems in the lute tablature books of
t andj
M. Fenwick. San Antonio, Naylor Co. t !957j tariaj 1957.
berto da Ripa. Wichita, University of Wichita, 1956.
6 22 cm. 23 music. 28 cm. (University of Wichita bulletin, v. 81, no,
p. 260 p. illua, 23cm. p.
F392J15L6 976.4 57-4413 S. University studies, no. 84)
F3099.R5P3 58-21101 t 67-405
AS36.W62 no. 34 781.24

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


RISDON, F. RAY, 1888-
Uriostegui Ocampo, Carlos.
see also Alluvion; Submerged lands; La teoria de los riesgos con relacion al contrato de com-
Lindstrom, Ralph Godfrey, 1891-
Water Laws and legislation; Water- A Californian's collection of Lincolniana. c
n. p., 1957] praventa. Mexico, 1957.
9 p. Illua. 23 cm. 63 P 28an

rights Z8505.L55 1957 59-37891 59-25920J

Georgia* University. Institute of Law and Government.
A study of the riparian and prior appropriation doctrines Eulenberg, Herbert, 1876-1949.
of water law, with particular reference to the situation in Nanna und Feuerbach; "Wahn und Wirklichkeit. Wies Omel'chenko, Anton Ivanovich.
Georgia. Athens, 1955. baden, Verlag der Greif { 1946] TsopiecEHft PHCE, ero rocyAapcTBeHHO-npaBOBaa oxpana.
ii, 100, 951. 27cm. 114 Illus 19cm.
333.91 55-63211 KD588.F4E8 56-39275 t 49 p. 22 cm.


Kentucky. Legislative Research Commission.

Water rights law in Kentucky. Prepared by the research Strassmann plh*gang Paul, 1926-
staff. Frankfort, 195G, Carlsson, Osten, 1909- Eisk i4<i technological innovation; Amencan manufac
iv 1., 75 p, Illus., maps (part fold, col.) 28 coi. (Its Research Nagot om fattigvarden i Risinge socken c ochj Finspangs turing methods during the
nineteenth century. Ithaca,
publication, no. 42)
koping under tre selder. Historik utg. av Finspangs social- K. Y., Cornell University Press t 1959j
JK5374.A3:) no. 42 33;X91 5G-62816 niimnd mecl anledning av Storangsgardens invigning den
59-9831 t
23. mars 1957. Finspang, 1957,
142 p. illus . ports 22 cm
A 59-2719
U.S. Minnesota. Univ. Llbr.
Strassmann, Wotfgang Paul, 1926- .
Conservation Foundation. Risk and technological innovation in producers' goods
the United States during the nineteenth century.
Ann Ar
The law of water allocation in the eastern United States; RISK
held in Washington, MicrofOms [1956^
papers and proceedings of a symposium bor, University Publication no. 1*602)
(^University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Hltih.,
D. C., October, 1956, sponsored by the Conservation Founda Mic 56-3728
see also C. F. clause; F. O. B. clause; Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,662
Edited by David Haber and Stephen W. Bergen.
New York, Konald Press Co. 1958] C Probabilities; Profit; Speculation
rsxvlll, 643 p. 23 cm, RISK (INSURANCE)
333.91 58-5860
Bonnet, Anton Daniel.
Risico bij koop in verband met eigendomsovergang; Bruckner, Robert, 1907- .

Die Verteilungen des Gesamtschadens und des Gewmnes

U. S. STATES rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek. (Amsterdam, A. Jongbloed,
in der kollektiven Risikotheorie unter Berucksichtigting
Trends der Bisikosummenverteilung. Koln? 1957j
Georgia. University. Institute of Law and
Government. 154 p. 24 cm.
56-42730 Ir.Tlp. lUus. 21 cm. fi
A study of the riparian and prior appropriation
of water law, with particular reference to the situation on
Bussmann, Earl Ferdinand.
Georgia. Athens, 1955. Das betriebswirtschaftliche Risiko. Meisenheim am Glan,
A. Hain, 1955. Cramer, Harald, 1893-
105 p. 24 cm. (Schrtften rur wlrtscnaftswimenachaftlichen
Collective risk theory; a survey
of the theory from tha
Forecbung, Bd 4)
of stochastic processes. t Stock-
HB601.B86 57-48888 J point of view of the theory
RIPENING OF FRUIT see Fruit Ripening holm, Nordiska boknandeln, 1955]
92 p. dlagrs, tables 26cm.
56-4203 A
Carter, Charles Frederick, ed.
RIPLEY, GEORGE, 1802-1880 Uncertainty and business decisions; the logic, philosophy,
New York Univ. Libraries

and psychology of business decision-making under uncer

Crowe, Charles Robert, 1928- tainty, a symposium. Edited by C. F. Carter, G.
P. Meredith
and G. L. S. Shackle. 2d ed., rev. and enl. [Liverpool] Cramer, Harald, 1893-
George Ripley, transcendentalist and Utopian Socialist.
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1955] Liverpool University Press, 1957. On some questions connected with mathematical risk.
(tXInlverslty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 13,164) x, 158 p. lllua., dlagrs. 23 cm. Berkeley, University of California Press,
Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,164 Mic 55-526 HB615.S45C3 1957 330.182 58-1530 99-123 p. 26 cm. (University of California publications in statis
tics, v. 2, no. 5)
HA13.C35 vol. 2, no. 5 A 55-9003
Copy 2. HG878LC7
Univ. Ubr.
ENGLAND. GRAMMAR SCHOOL Casasanta, Simao Pedro. California.
RIPON, Acaso e atividade economica. Belo-Horizonte, 1956.
1081. 28cm.
Rogers, Philip W HB615.C3 58-26093 J
Kasprzytzki, Erich, 1902-
Die Gefahrveranderungen nach den rechtlichen Bestim-
A history of Eipon Grammar School. Bipon, Printed by
W. Harrison, 1954:. mungen iiber die Regelung des Versicherungsvertrages
Staaten des europaischen Kontinents unter Ausschluss
226 p. llluB. 23cm. * MfLf + Cohen, John, 1911-
55-20194 J Ber
LF795.R525R6 Bisk and gambling; the study of subjective probability, by Seeversicherung in rechtsvergleichender Darstellung.
John Cohen and Mark Hansel. London, New York, Long lin, 1954. -
mans, Green [1956] 58-19499
153 p. 19cm.
d. 1737 56-3420 J
BC141.C64 164

Shepherd, Pearee.
Pauw, Cornells. Selection of risks, by Pearce Shepherd and Andrew C.
en lande. Gromngen, J. B. Poroy, Reha.
Strubbelingen in stad
Webster. CMcago Society of Actuaries, 1957.
Le transfert des risques dans le contrat de vente dans les c :

Welters, 1956. 327 p. 24 emu

xii,2Mp. 28cm. droits suisse et anglais et dans le projet de loi intemationale
HG8781.S5 *368.3012 57-14948 t
DJ401.G4TP3 59-33549 sur la vente de 1'Institut de Rome pour 1'unification du droit
privl Montreux, 1950.
Tuchschmid, Hansjorg, 1924-
RIPPL-R6NAI, J<5ZSEF, 1861-1927 Die Erstrisikoversdcherung im System der Beckungsarten,
Sodal Science Research Council Committee [Zurich? 1951?,
tlSj, 119 p. dlagrs. 21 cm.
Genthon, Istvan. Enterprise Research. 56-18012
Rippl-R6nai, the Hungarian "Nabi." Budapest, Corvina Expectations, uncertainty, and business behavior; a con
[1958 3 ference held at Carnegie Institute of Technology, October
27-29, 1955. Edited by Mary Jean Bowman. New York,
80 p. 49 col. plates. 81cm.
Wfflett, Allan Herbert, 1865-
ND538.R5G413 759.94391 59-41650
1958. The economic theory of risk and insurance, Philadelphia,
vll,202p. dlagrs., tables. 28cm.
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1951.
HD61.S6 330.1 xrvill, 103 p. 28 cm. (Hnebner Foundation for Insurance Bdnca-
RIFUARIAN LAW tion. Studies)

VieK, Georg Anton, 1931- HB60LW6 1951 368.01 51-14534 rev

Eisikoverminderung durch Marktforschung. Aarau,
see also Salic law 1956.


Vieli, Georg Anton, 1931- Harms, Eduard.
Eisikoverminderung durch Marktforschung. Aarau, Aarau t
Die Gefahrerhohung im Versicherungsvertrag.
Santibafiez, Fernando, 1886- Keller, 1956.
El mulato Riquelme Fernando Santivin tP^d.] 79 p. 23 cm.
A 59-1811
2. ed.Santiago de Chile,
c Zig-Zag t !956j Libraries HB615
27521cm. (Biblioteca de novelfctM)
p. New York Univ.
PQ8097.S3M8 1956 57-32166 J

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


SWITZERLAND (Continued) see also Acclamations (Liturgy);
America Rites and ceremonies;
Indians of Mexico Rites and
Krenger, Hans. Adiaphora; Agape; Baptism; Confirma
Die Gefahrstatsachen im schweizerischen Privatversiche- ceremonies; Indians of North
tion; Corner stones, Laying of; Corona
rungsrecht. Bern, Stampfli, 1957. America Rites and ceremonies
YT II In,?'
cm> ( Abhandlumjen zum schweizerlschen Eecht, n. F, tions; Cross, Sign of the; Cultus; Danc
Heft 323)
ing (in religion, folk-lore, etc.); Fasts JEWS see Jews Rites and ceremo
and feasts; Foot washing (Rite); Funeral nies
U.S. rites and ceremonies; Initiations (in
religion, folk-lore, etc.); Last meal
American Management Association. Insurance Division. before execution; Love feasts; Manners MAORI see Maoris Rites and
"What's new in risk management? Self
-insurance, nuclear and customs; Marriage customs and rites ceremonies
risks, the unauthorized market New York r!959i
U5 p. 23 cm. (AMA management report no. 27) Mourning. customs; Municipal ceremonial;
HG8531.A6 368.01 59-1388 Mysteries, Religious; Ordination; Pro BENGAL
cessions; Processions, Ecclesiastical;
RISKS (INSURANCE) see Insurance, War risk Ritual; Sacramentals; Sacraments;
Das, Sudhir Ranjan.
Secret societies; Taboo A With a foreword by Nirmal
study of the vrata-rites.
lst ed.] Calcutta, S. C. Kar [1953-
v. 23 cm. (Folk religion o Bengal series, pt 1, no. 1-
SIONENS FORS0GSANLAEG see Denmark. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Ceremonial of BL2030.B4D3 58-47029
Atomenergikommissionens forspgsanlaeg, bishops.
Ordinary episcopal ceremonies; a section of the Manual of
episcopal ceremonies, by Aurelius Stehle. Rev. and re
arranged to include episcopal ceremonies used frequently in
cathedral, abbatial, parish churches, by Emmeran A,
Rettger. Latrobe, Pa., Archabbey Press, 1959. Treitinger, Otto.
RISORGIMENTO (ITALIAN HISTORY) see vlli, 224 p. illus., dlagrs. 23 cm Die ostromische Kaiser- und Reichsideo nach ihrer Ge-
Italy History 1849-1870 BX1971.A25 1959 264.02 staltung im hofischen Zeremoniell.
59-13816 Vom ostromischen
Stnats- und Reichsgedanken. 2. unvoriinderte Aufl. Darm
stadt, H. Gentner, 1956.
xvlll,274p 24cm.
Cazeneuve, Jean.
RISSKOV, DENMARK. KIRKEN Les rites et la condition humaine, d'apres des documents
ethnographiques. l. eUj
Paris, Presses universitaires de

Wetlcscn, A Weasel France, 1958.

Risskov kirke.Udg. paa foranledning af Ksskor me-
500 p. 23 cm. ( BlbUoth^ue de philosophic contemporalne) CHILE CHILOE (PROVINCE)
BL600.C34 59-29222 J
Aarhus, Forlaget Aroe, 1952.
31 p. 26cm.
Illus. Vazquez de AcuHa Garcia, Isidore.
BX8077D42R5 54-43969 t Costumbres religiosas de Chilo6 y su raigambre hispana^
Pr<51oga [por, Carlos Lavin. Santiago de Chile, Centre de
Emeliakh, Lwbov' Isaakovna. Estudios Antropologicos, 1956.
106 p. 30 plates, fold. map. 27 cm.
JIeHH3AaT, 1959. BX1469.C5V3 58-40838
RITA DA CASCIA, SAINT, 1381? -1457 __78p Uus 20cm


BL600.E5 59-49022 J
Garcia, Felix.
Santa Rita de Casia. Madrid, Ediciones "Religion y Cul Mayassis, S
ture," 1952. Honigmann, John Mysteres et initiations de 1'Egypte ancienne.
113 p 15 cm. ' Joseph, ed.
eitsla l e]i S ion ^gyptienno. Athones, B. A. 0. CompW-
Illus. '

ritual: a book* of A., 1057

BX4rOO.R5G33 55-25530 readings and cases. Chapel iUUS> 2tfCra -
( BIblloti1
of North Carolina d'arch^ologle or'lentale
jty Bookstore, 1953.
A 58-1325
Wisconsin. Univ. Ubr.
A 55-1169 Harvard Unlr. Library
1819-1870 Otto, Eberhard, 1913-
Institute for Religious and Social
Studies, Jewish Theologi
Barnes, Eric Woflencott cal Seitonary

T ^ ^ "?

London, Seeker & Warburg, 1954.

376 p. Hlus. 23cm.
Hf d theatre of Aima Co** Mo^tt el
Ne^ ?o?k
of America.


^ d bj F ^ raeSt
lmson -

PN2287.R54B3 1954a 927.92 2lCnL (EelIgIon ">* civilization series)

55-19960 J
291.37 54-7119 rev

Barnes, Eric Woflencott GERMANY

The lady of fashion; the Lelpoldt, Johannes, 1880-
life and the theatre of Anna Von Epidauros
Cora Mowatt. New bis Lourdes; Bilder aus der Bund fur
402 p. Ulus.
PN2287.R54B3 1954
York, Scribner C
erS keit fl -b^-B-^
Deutsche Sippenfeiemj
Wege zu ihrer Selbstgestaltung. ^
927.92 54-10366 rev t Pahl, Verlag Hohe Warte, 1959.
p. llhj I9cnu 184 p. Illus. (music) 24 cm.
Ohio State Univ. Ubr.
A 69-7142
Newland, Mary (Reed) INDIA
Mze, Lefla (Ritchie) 1879- fo^ 1^ "? OUr chi dren i
for Christian feasts and seasons.
Planning the family activities
New York, P. J. Kenedy Diehl, Carl Gustav.
Threads of ancestors: Telford, *
Ritchie, Mize, by Leila [1956] Instrument and purpose; studies on rites and rituals in
Ritchie Maze andj Jessie Julia Maze. tAthens? 828 p. illus. 21 cm.
*t& p. mns..

24 **&.
Ga,, 1956, BV35.N47 264.021 ** Indla
39* p.
Lund '
25 cm.
CWK Gleerup C 1956]
CS71.T265 1956 58-24992 J BL2003.D5

Sargant, William Walters.

Battle for the mind a
; physiology of conversion and brain- NEW GUINEA
BL600.S3 1957 Bateson, Gregory.
13 i. 33
57-310861 Naven, a survey of the problems suggested
Grove, Margie (Ritchley) 1911- by a composite
picture of the culture of a New Guinea tribe
Papa passes. c lsted., New York, Greenwich Book Pub- Tdrawn from
Jusners [1956] stanfordj
S5p. 21cm. Shishakor, Vitalii Alekseevich.
CT275.R613G7 920 56-12254 J
79p. 20cm.
572.995 68-8720

RITE OF HOLY SATURDAY see Catholic 5^30086 ROME

Church. Liturgy and ritual. Rite of Holy
HaHcin, Leon Ernest, 1906-
Saturday Sidorov, D I
O HCTHancKHx npasflHHKax, nocxax H ax Mo-
o6p fl

de phlloaophle et
RITES, CHINESE see Chinese rites
58-20840 HarrardUnlT. Library
A 55-8386
Library of Congress Catalog Rooks: Subjects


RIVAS, MANUEL LINARES see Linares Rivas,
Hohenleitner, Siegfried, ed. Manuel, 1867-1938
Festschrift fiir Theodor Rittler zu seinem achtzigsten.

RhSmaios, Konstantinos Athanasiou, 1874- Geburtstag, hrsg. von Siegfried Hohenleitner, Ludwig
Cultes populaires do la Thrace les Anastenaria, la ce"re*- :
Lindner [Undj Friedrich Nowakowski. Aalen, Verlag RIVAS, BATTLE OF, 1856
monie du Lundi Pur. Traduit du grec par I. TissamSno. Scientia, 1957.
409 p. port 25 on.
Athenes, 1949. 58-26656 Costa Rica. Comision de Investigation Hiat&rica de la Cam-
213 p. mus. map. 28cm. (Cahlers d'hell<$nlsme, 1)
pana de 1856-1857.

DF741.C3 no.l 56-45734 rev La batalla de Rivas. [Documentos;, San Jos, Costa Rica
RITUAL [Academia Costarricense de la Historia! 1955.
77 25 cm. [Bdidones en clrculaddn] no. 5)
RITSCHL, ALBRECHT BENJAMIN, 1822-1889 see also Cult; Rites and
lllus. (Its
58-18936 t
Blackwood, Russell Thorn, 1928- ceremonies
Problems of religious knowledge in the thought of Al- Costa Rica. Comision de Investigation Hfotfrrica de- la
brecht Hitachi, William James and H. Richard Niebuhr. Hooke, Samuel Henry, 1874- ed.
Myth, ritual, and kingship ; essays on the theory and prac Campana de 1856-1857.
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1957] Juan Santamarfa. San Costa Rica, Academia
((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 21,109) tice of kingship in the ancient Near East and in Israel. Ox t Jose",
Costarricense de la Historia, 1954^
Microfilm AC-1 no. 21,109 Mic 57-2249 ford, Clarendon Press, 1958. 65 p 25 cm. (Its Edldones de divuJgad<5n, no. 2)
Columbia Univ. Libraries xl,308p. 23cm. 55-36239 rev
BL325.K5H6 291.213 58-3963 F1547.5.C65

RITT, JOSEPH FELS, 1893-1951

James, Edwin Oliver, 1886-
Myth and ritual in the ancient Near East; an archaeologi
Smith, Paul Althaus, 1900-
cal and documentary study. London, Thames and Hudson
Joseph Fels Ritt, 1893-1931. Namba, Ryoji.
(In National Academy or Sciences, Washington, D.
cal memoirs. New York. 24 cm. v. 29 (1956)
C. Biographi
rlOth memolti p.
352 p. lllns,23cm.
A revision of the genus Rwettia (Otitidae, Diptera) of
[263]-264. port.) BL96.J33 1958 290 58-5672 t North America north of Mexico and the external anatomy
Q141.N2 vol. 29 56-3721 of RweTlia winifredae Namba. Ann Arbor, University
Microfilms 1955] C

((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mien.) Publication no. 13,359)

James, Edwin Oliver, 1886- Mic 57-5086
RITTER, GERHARD, 1888- Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,359
Myth and ritual in the ancient Near East; an archeologi- Minnesota. Univ. LIbr.
cal and documentary study. New York, Praeger t 1958j
352 23cm.

BL96.J33 1958a 290 58-11630 J RIVER CLUB, KANSAS CITY, MO.

Ritter, Gerhard, 1888-
Lebendige Vergangenheit; Beitrage zur historisch-politi- Swanson, Roger.
schen Selbstbesiunung. Zum Klapp, Orrin Edgar, 1915-
70. Geburtstage des Verfas- The River Club: its history and development t
sers hrsg. von Freunden
Ritual and cult, a sociological interpretation. Washing
und Schiilern. Munchen, R. Olden- City?Mo.,1956j
ton, Public Affairs Press C 1956] 84 p. 21cm.
bourg, 1958. 40 p. 23 cm. (Annals of American sociology)
331 p. lllus. 24cm. HS2725.K3R52 B6-41027 J
DD93.R5 BL600.K55 291 56-8540
59-33371 J


RITTER, JOHANN PETER, 1722-1784 crossing, Military
see also Rites and ceremonies; Ritual
Schaub, Walter.
Die Verwandtschaft Johann Peter Ritters (1722-1784) RIVER FOREST, ILL. CONCORDIA TEACHERS
und seiner beiden Frauen; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des
COLLEGE see Concordia Teachers College,
Catholic Church.
Oldenburger Honoratiorentums. [Oldenburg, 1955i River Forest, ILL
22 l. 30 cm. (His FamUlenkundliche Beitrage, Heft 1) Liturgy and ritual. Pontifical. Ritus
CT1098.R5S3 57-21463 ordinum
RITTER, KARL, 1779-1859 RITZEN, JOS., 1896- Indians; Stockbridge Indians
Schmitthenner, Heinrich, 1837-
Blauwe, Frans de, 1920- RIVERA, DIEGO, 1886-1957
Studien iiber Carl Ritter, hrsg. von Wolfgang Hartke.
Jos Ritzen. Antwerpen, Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1957.
Frankfurt a. M., W. Kramer, 1951. 40 p. 33 plates. 22cm. Hans
Seeker, Friedrich, 1888-
100 24 cm.
Jahrg., 1051, Heft 4)
port (Frankfurter geographlsche Hefte. 25 NA1173.R5B55 A 59-1420 Diego Rivera. [Dresden, Verlag der Kunst r
Harvard Univ. Library 315 33 on.
[G13F8 25.Jahrg.Heft4] A 58-4877 p.
illus. (part coL) port*.
YaleUntv. Library


RIVA AGUERO, JOSE DE LA, 1885-1944 Spilimbergo, J E
Diego Rivera y el arte en la revoluci6*n mejicana. Buenos
Dietrkh, Gerhard, ed. Lima. Pontificia Universidad CatdUca del Perf. Tnstifuto
Aires, Editorial Indoame'rica [1954^
Strena Anglica. Otto Ritter zum 80. Geburtstag am 9. "Riva Affuero." 58 p. 20 cm. (Blblloteca de la nueva generacI6n, 2)
Januar 1956. Hrsg. von Gerhard Dietrich und Fritz W. Hbmenaje a Riva-Agiiero en el x aniversario de su muerte, ND259.R6S7 56-15089 J
Schulze. Halle (Saale) M. Niemeyer, 1956. 1944, 25 de octubre, 1954. Lima, 1955.
263 25 cm. 156 20cm.

p. lllus., port.
A 57-2752 rev
p. lllus., ports., facslms.
F3448.R5L5 57-18975 J
Harvard Univ. Library Rivera, Estrella, 1917-

ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, 1780-1845 DE ESTELLA see Primo de Rivera, Jose"
Tcherr, Josef. Antonio, Marque's de Estella, 1903-1936
William Ritter, enfance et jeunesse, 1867-1889. Melide,
Ayala Gauna, Velmlro, 1905-
Fleche d'or, 1958. Rivadavia y su tiempo (un hombre y un pueblo) Prologo
495 p. port. 21 cm. de Ricardo L. Pallotti. Santa Fe, Rep. Argentina, Castellvi RIVERA, JOSE EUSTASIO, 1889-1928. LA
A 59-4822 t 1952j VORAGINE
Oregon. Univ. LIbr. 129 p. 23cm.
F2846.R535 *982.03 54-16595 rev t
Perera, Hilda.
RITTER FAMILY Aspectos de "La voragine" de Jose* Eustasio Rivera, por
Roveda, Alberto A Hilda Perera, con la colaboracio'n de Marcela Serrallacsh,
Las tres casas de Rivadavia. Buenos Aires' 1957 Daphnis Loppe, y George Mendelson. t L ed. Santiago de
Schaub, Walter. unpaged. lUus. 18cm.
Die Verwandtschaft Johann Peter Ritters (1722-1784) Cuba] Manigua [1956]
F2846.R627 68-26423 t 80 p. 21 cm.
und seiner beiden Frauen; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des
PQ8179JR54V758 56-40893
Oldenburger Honoratiorentuma [Oldenburg. 1955j RIVAGORANZO NOGUERA see Noguera
221. SO cm. (Sit FamulenknndUche Beltrage, Heft 1)
CT1098.R5S3 57-21463 Rivagoranzo RIVERA, JOSE FRUCTUOSO, PRES.
RIVAROL, ANTOINE, 1753-1801 URUGUAY, 1790-1854
RITTERKREUZ (GERMANY) Rivarol, Antoine, 1753-1801. Bonavita, Lois.
Kratschmer, Ernst Giinther. Rivarol. cMaximen] Frankfort am Main, V. Kloeter- Sombras heroicas. 2.
t ed.j Hus. de Sifredi. Monte
Die Ritterkreuztrager der Waffen-SS. Gottingen, Plesse video, 1949.
200p. 20cm. 212 p. lllus. 20 cm.
Verlag j'1955]
439 p. lllus 22 cm. PQ2027.R35A6 1956 57-30181J F2726.B7 1949 57-20920
CR5109.K7 R7-20579
Serrato, Jose\ Preg. J7rug uay1 1868-

Rivera, su vida, su caricter y su obra; conferencda pro-
Seemen, Gerhard von. nunciada eti el Instituto ffist6rico y Geografico del Uruguay,
Die Ritterkreuztrager, 1939-1945. Mit einem Anhang Richard, Edmond.
el 22 de abril de 1954, con motivo de conmemorarse el primer
fiber die Verleihungsbestimmungen von Rudolf Absolon. Le bicentenaire de Antoine Rivarol, 1758-1953. Bagnols- centenario de su muerte y como homenaje a su memoria.
Bad Nauheim, H. H. Podzun, 1955. sur-Ceze, Syndicat d'initiative t1954j
323 p. lllus. 22cm. 10 p. port., facslm. 24cm. Montevideo, Imp. "El Siglo Dustrado," 1954.
A 56-5670 A 55-4823 55-42461 f
Harvard Univ. Library minoto. tlnlv. Library

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

Nikitin, S N

ir of canals and rivers. London, Butter- OcHOnti HHacenepHOft rHflpoJionin peK. MOCKB<I, Foe.

1790-1854 (Continued) worths Scientific Publications, 1957. 3HCpr. H3fl-BO, 1952.

230, [1] p. illus. 28cm.
Microfilm copy (negative)
Silva,Juan Bautista. Microfilm Slavic 412 AO
Calendario de hechos militares y politicos del brigadier GB1203.N5 55-53800
general don Fructuoso Rivera, 1810-1854, por Juan B, Silva,
Alberto Dutrenit ^
H. Guillennina Vaccaro de Muniz,
Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1958.
colabomcion del Club Rivera en el Centenario de la muerte rlsted., Popov, Igor' YladimiroviclL.
288 p. IUU8. 22cm.
del Defensor Perpetuo del Pueblo Oriental Montevideo, 901 3KH3HB peiHOro pycaa. JenHHip
iccKoe USA-BO, 1955.
128 p. 25cm. 97 p. tllufl., maps. 22 cm. (HayiHO-nonyfljJpHa OHOVrnoTeica)
F2726.R5978 57-30512 Goncharov, Vitalii Nikolaevich. 59-47808
J B Ka- GB1203.P6
OCHOBH flimaMHKH pycioB&ix DOTOKOB. ^onynjeHO

RIVERA, LEONOR e H3fl-so, 1954

Proskunakov, A K
451 p. illus. 23cm.
55-27664 B. M. IOXTHK u H. C. .ItMKBCKHft ociiOBaiwa
^opMHpooaiiHH pyc^a. Jleiutiirpa^, rHApoueTCOp
CKOC USA-BO, 19,01.
Montano, Severino. Microfilm Slavic 591 AC Mic
The love of Leonor Rivera a tragedy in 3 ; acts. Manila, Grigor'ev, Sergei Nikolaevich.
M. Colcol 19641
MCTO^H yTy^mennfl npoiHBOACTsa nyresHX pa6or.
167 p. illus. l&cm. CKBa Ha^-BO MaHHCxepcTBa pe^noro fy-ioia. CCCP, 1948.
Tinney, Ed\vy Roy.
PR6025.O42L6 56-18361 t
A studv of the mechanics of degradation of a bed of uni
form sediment in an open channel. Ann Arbor, University
Microfilms l955]

((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 13,351

Hochheimer, Albert, 1900- Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,351 Mic 55-496
Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, Miguel, marquee
Le roman des grands fleuves. Die Geschichte der grossen Minnesota Univ. Llbr.
deEstella, 1870-1930 Strome. Traduit de rallemand par Max
Both. Pans, K.
Velikanov, Mikhail Andreevich, 1879-
RIVERDALE, MD. RIVERSDALE 56-57268 ^iinaMUEa pycJioBnx HCOXOKOB. H3 n;. 3., nojmocxLio nepep. r

^onyn;eHO B Ka^ecxne yie(5. nocofatx &nst Butcmnx y?e6.
MocKBa, Foe. HS^-BO xexunKO-teopex. jrnx-pu,
Maryland. Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning aaBefleHiift.

Commission. 1954-55
Inglis, Sir Claude Cavendish, 1883- 2 v. Illus 23 cm.
The Calvert Mansion "Riversdale." tSiyBrdale Mary 3
Meanders and their bearing on river training. -London, 55-29861 rev
land-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1947.
Prince George's County Regional Office t 1950j 54 p. illus.maps. 22cm. (Maritime and Waterways paper no. 7)

43 p. Illus. 24cm. TC530.I6 58-46906

Wagner, Hubert.
F189.R5M3 59-37361 J
Die kunstliche Beliiftung kanalisierter Fliisse. Koblenz,
Bundesanstalt fur Gewasserkunde, 1956.
RIVERDALE COUNTRY SCHOOL, RIVERDALE, Ivanovskaia, Kseniia Mikhaflovna. 76 p. illus., dlagrs. 30 cm. (Besondere Mlttellungen
schen gewasserkundllchea Jahrbuch, Nr IS)
zum Deut-
TexHiuca cTaTiicTii^ectnx nc^ncTeHiift ruflpoJioni^ecKiix
N.Y. Foe. TD458.W3 1956 58^5041
napanexpoB pen; npaKxnnecKoe PVJ.OBOACXBO. MoCEBa,
Hackett, Allen, 1905- 3H6pr. H3^-BO, 1955.
107, p. dlagrs. 20 cm.
biography of Frank Sutliff Hackett,
Quickened spirit; a 56-39905
GB1205.1 9
by his son. c
New Yorkj Riverdale Country School, 1957. JUVENILE LITERATURE
212 p. lUns. 24cm.
LD750LR58H3 923.773 57-36834 J
Karaushev, Anatolil Vasil'evich.
THflpaajTHEa peK H Bo^oxpaHHJiHnt (B aa^a^ax) The story of rivers, written and illustrated by Ray Bothers.
B. M. MaKKaBeesa. JTeHBCHrpafl, Pe^noft xpancnopx, JleHHH- New York, Sterling Pub. Co. 1957] C


rpaflCKoe oxfl-nne, 1955.
47 p. Illus. 22 cm.
GB1203.B4 551.48 57-8763 t
Rivero, Angel, 1888-1930 280, [2] p. dlagrs. 23 cm.
TC175.K25 56-19478
Dickey, Albert.
RIVERS About rivers, written and illustrated by Albert Dickey.
Lebeder, Vladimir Vasil'evich. Los Angeles, Melmont Publishers 1959j t

see also Alluvium; Dams; Deltas; * H rH^poMexpH^r B aaflaiax. ^onjrmeHO B Ka- 29 p. Illus. 25cm. (Look, read, learn)
yietf. noco^HK RHX Bticmnx y*eo". aaBeflCHHfi. Hs^.
2. PZlO.D32Ab 59-5030 t
Embankments; Erosion; Estuaries;
JleHHHrpaA, rHflpoMexeopojrorHiecEOe HSA-BO, 1955.
Floods; Hydraulic engineering; Hydro 550 p. maps, dlagrs. 28 cm.
GB1203X4 56-19409
graphy; International rivers; Riparian 1955 Dreany, E Joseph.
rights; Silt; Water Laws and legisla A child's book of rivers. Reviewed for technical accuracy
by Alice Taylor. New York, Maxton Publishers 1955j
tion; Water Pollution; Water-power; C
Leliavsky, Serge. 27 cm.
unpaged, illus. (Maxton books for young people)
Water- rights; Watersheds An introduction to fluvial hydraulics. Ixjndon, Constable PZ9.D789Ci 55-3522 t
1955 3
257 p. lllua. 28 cm.
Akademiik nauk SSSR. SeJcfiiw. po naucTtnoi rastrdbotfo TC175JL415 55-13862 J
Jauss, Anne Marie.
PyaiOBue npon;eccH; JopHHE craieft. t OTBexcTBeHHHtt The river's journey. Philadelphia, Lippincott C
1957 3

pe^aKTOp E. B. MocsBa, Hsfl-BO Asa^eiiHH Hays Leopold, Luna Bergere, 1915- 48 p. Illus. 19x28 era.

CCCP, 1958. The hydraulic geometry of stream channels and some PZlO.J3Ri 57-6863 t
394p. Illus.
physiographic implications, by Luna B. Leopold and Thomas
TC175JJS5 59-32164
Maddock, Jr. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1953.
vi, 57 p. Illus., dlagrs , tables 29 cm. (Geological Survey pro- White, Anne Terry.

Alekhin, ftlrii Mikhaflovidu

Kpaxsocpo^HHe nporHO3ti CToca Ha pasHHHHtix pecax.
feeaional paper 252)
U. S. GeoL Survey.
no. 252
Copy 2.
G S 53-79
All about great rivers of the world; illustrated by Kurt
Wiese. New York, Random House t 1957]
150 p. lllus. 24cm. (AUabout books, A.-22)
PZ9.W5824A1 57-7520 t
^onymtHo B KaiecxBe y*e<5. nocofimr fljur BEicmnx yrco". sa-
Be^eHHft. JTeHHHrpaa, FHflpOMereopoaorHiecKoe HSA
1956. Levi, Ivan Ivanovichu
285, ,3] p. dlagrs. 28cm. ^HnaMHEa pycjroBHx HOXOKOB. Hafl. 2., nepep. MocKsa, POLLUTION see Water Pollution
GB665.A4 57-33935 Foe. 3Hepr. H3A-BO, 1957.
252 p. lllos. 23 cm.
TC175X43 1957 57-44062
ApoBov, B A
y^CHHe o pesax. ^onymeno B saiecxse y^eo'HHKa fljwr
Levi, Ivan Ivanovich.
reorp. ^aKyatTeroB roc. yHHsepCHTeroB. [Mocxsa] HSA-BO flBHaceHHe PC^HBIX HOXOKOB B HHacnax (5se$ax rHApotex- AUiaud, Alberto.
MocsoBCKoro yHHBepCKxera, 195L HHTCCKHX COOpyXCHHtt. MoCKBa, FOC. 3HCpr. Estratto del progetto delle opere idrauliche per la
V H3A-BO. 1955.
Microfilm Slavic 440 AC Mic 55-3941 256p. IIIDS. 23cm.
sistemazione dei bacini dell'Arno, Riale e Tenore; a cura
TC175.L44 55-56094 dei progettisti Alberto AUiaud, Giordano Canziani t e i

Leandro Redaelli. Gallarate, Tipografia D. Ferrario, 1956]

Beliaew V D
Makkaveev, N
89 p. map, dlagrs. 25 cm.
Pycxo PCEH H aposnji B ee CacceftHc. Moocsa, HSA-BO
A 57-5380
mxojt souaBAHoro cocraBa peinoro (furora. Mocssa, Poc. Iowa. Univ. Library
H3fl-Bo soflHoro Tpascnopta, 1954.
AKa^enHH nays CCCP, 1955.
845 p. lllas., mapa. 27cm,
174 p. HIM. 28 cm.
VK591JB47 55-25101
GB1203.M35 56-22054

Altunin, S T
Nikiforov, VasOii Fedorovich. PeryjtHpoBaHHe pyceJi. ,3|onyin(eHO B Ka^eciBe noco-
Bendegom, L van. KHX. HH-TOB nH3KCHepOB BO^Horo TpaHcnopxa no MocKsa, Foe. H3fl-BO cejtfcxos. jtHT-pa, 1956,
Derivier. Delft, Waltman C
1956i cxajc "CyAOBoacACHHe Ha BHyrpeHHirx BOAHHX nyrax" H 385 p. llliw. 28 cm. (VHeCiuiKH H yneOHtie nocofiHjr A** BUCIUMX
ISp. 25cm. "SKOuryaTanKJi BO^HOTO TpaHcnopxa," MocKsa, Pe^nofl
A 57-5406 TpaHcnopT, 19
TC530.A487 56-47612
TJniT. Library T. Ulna. 28cm.
10406^52 59-29354
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RIVERS Matusevich, V A
BfcinpaBjieHHe pes. HSA. 2., nepep. H AOH.
Bano B Ka^ecTBe y^e6. noco6Ha fl^a peinax y
River Boards' Association.
Andrcev, Oleg Vladimirovich. HHKyMOB. MocKBa, Pe^Hott TpancnopT, 1958.
Samura MOCTOBHX nepexo^on ox pasMtiBa. MocKBa, Hayr- 254 p. lllua. 23cm. Yearbook 1953-
HO-TCXH. USA-BO MnmicTepcTBa aBTOMoSujitHOro TC530.M3 1958 [London f 3

H mocceftHtix ^opor PC<X>CP 1959
lllus. 22 cm.
GB1201.R5 551.48
145, [8] p.
Moscow. fSentral'nyi
nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut
TC530.A55 59-42287 ekonomiki ekspluatatsii vodnogo transporta.

EEyTeBBie padoiLi na pesax. [Hay !. peflaKTHpoBaHne BH- 1

Artamonov, K P HOJIHCHO H. A. ^OMaHCBCKHM H H. H. Mo- MaKKaseeBiiMj
PeryjnipoBoiHEie coopyrceHH* H paCoTii na pesax B CKBa, PeiHOft Tpancnopr, 1956.
89 p. lUus., maps. 22 cm. (OepeAOBa* rexHMKa Ha PCHHOM Tpanc- see also Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.
ropHtix paftonax. Opyaae, 1957. nopTe)
170 p. illua. 27cm.
TC530.M6 58-17320
TC530.A7 58-27928 ALASKA
Muchnik, Samuil fAkovlevich. U.S. Army.
Baumann, Franz. Corps of Engineers.
Vom alteren Flussbau in Osterreich. PeryjuipoaaHne cn^aBHOft Tpaccti. MocKsa, FoaiecdyM- Harbors and rivers in Alaska.
Wien, Springer, Letter from the Secre
HSflax, 1955.
1951. 239 p. lllus. 23cm. tary of the Army transmitting a letter from the Chief of
44 p. lllus., maps (2 fold.) plans. 21 cm. ( Schrif tenrelhe des
Osterrelchlschen Wasserwlrtscnaf tsverbandes, Heft 20) TC530.M8 57-16972 Engineers, Department of the Army, dated November 12,
1953, submitting a_ report, together with accompanying
HD1697.A9O4 Heft 20 58-26582
papers and illustrations, on a partial preliminary examina
tion and interim survey of harbors and rivers in Alaska ...
Carullo, Francesco. Olschowy, Gerhard, ed. Washington, U. S. Govt Print. OS., 1954.
Le colline
Naturnaher Ausbau von Wasserliiufen; Vortrage, Aus- vl, 98 p. 2 fold, maps, tables. 23 cm. (83d
Cong., 2d seas. House
bolognesi e la loro sistemazione idraulico- document no. 414)
sprachen und Ergebnisse der gleichartigen Arbeitstagung
agrario-forestale. Pref. dell'on.dott. Emilio Colombo. Bo TC224.A4A52
auf Bundesebene vom 10.-12.10.1956 in Wurzburg. Bearb. 54-60967
logna, Tipografia c-ompositori, 1956.
57 p. lllus., col. nmps (part fold.) 2!) cm. und zusammengestellt von G. Olschowy und H. Kohler.
A 57-5394 Hrsg. vom Bundesministerium fiir Ernahrung, Landwirt-
Iowa. Unlv Library schaf t und Forsten in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Land- und ARMENIA
Hauswirtschaftlichen Auswertungs- und Inf ormationsdienst
e. V. (AID)
Hiltrup bei Munster (Wesfcf .) Landwirtschafts- Valesian, V P
Chatou, France. Laboratoire national d'hydraulique. HcateflOBauHe CTOIKL ropniix pex ApuancKoft CCP. Mo-
verlag t !957]
Amdnagement de Jouques; e"tude sur module reduit du '200 p illus. 21 cm. (Landwlrtscbaft-Aagewandte Wlssenschaft, CKsa, HSA-BO AKafleMHH nayn CCCP, 1955.
fonctionnement des de"chargeurs et du deVersement des Nr. 79) 170 p. fold, maps, dlagra. 28 cm.
chemines d'equilibre. [Chatou 1956. :
S405.L33 Nr.79 58-49065 J GB1308A7V3 56-19407
68 p. lllus , map, dlagrs. 27 cm.
A 57-6916 Pashchenko, B V
Iowa Unlv. Library 3aic(HTa KCJie3HLix
Vazhnov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich.
^opor OT paauHBOB na ropnicc peKax.
MocKBa, Foe. Tpancn. CpeAHHft MHOrOJieTHHft CTOK pCK ApMSHCKOft CCP H CrO
aceji-^op. HS^-BO, 1958.
8 (1.6,186) p. Ulos. 22cm. BHyrpHroflOBoe pacttpeflejreHne. Epeaan, HSA-BO AsaACMHH
Chatou, France. Laboratoire national d'hydraulique. TC530.P3 58-41632 Hays ApMfltHCKoa CCP, 1956.
154, [2] p. maps (1 fold.) dlagrs., tables. 23 cm.
Chenal de Notre-Dame-de-la-Garenne Stude sur modele ;
GB1308.A7V34 57-31631
rfiduit. [Chatou, 1955. Poona, India (City) Central Water and Power Research
40 p. lllua., dlagrs. (part fold.) 27cm. Station.
A 57-6219 Research publication.
Iowa. Univ. Library AUSTRIA
[Delhi, etc.. Manager of Publications, etc.] 19
no. In T. Ulus. 88-35 cm.
Chatou, France. Laboratoire national d'hydraulique. TC503.P63 627.072 50-39878 rev J
Baumann, Franz.
Prise d'eau d'Isola sur la Tin6e.
Vom alteren Flussbau in Osterreich. Wien, Springer,
(Chute de Valabres) 1951.
Etude sur modele r6duit. ChatoU] 1953. 44 p. 21 cm. (Schriftenreihe des
100 p. lllus., plates, fold, maps, dlagrs. 27cm.
IIITO* maps (2 fold.) plans.
ttsterrelchischen Wasserwlrtsduftsrerbandes, Heft2O)
54-7698 rev A Priickner, Richard. HD1697^,9O4 Heft 20 58-26582
Iowa. Unlv. Library Die Technik der lebenden Verbauung und das Weiden-
problem in Flussbau und Wildbachverbauung. Wien, G.
Consorzio della boninca di Metaponto. Fromme,
22 cm.
Le opere eseguite ed in programma nei com'prensori di p. lllus.

TC537.P7 57-48166
[Materaj 1955. Hauer, Rupert.
26 p. 6 fold, tables. 24cm. Die Flusssyateme dee n.-o. Waldviertels; ein Beitrag zu
A 57-5801 ihrer Entwicklungsgeschichte. Gmiind, Verlag der Stadtge-
Iowa. Univ. Library Pyshkin, B A meinde, Kulturreferat, 1952.
KannTa^bime sunpaBHTe-itHue coopy:eHHK 193 p. lllus. 24cm.
Consorzio d'inalveamento del fiume Santerno, Inwla. CKoro xana. KHCB, Ha^-so AsaAeMHH Ysp. CCP, 1954. GB726.W3H3 55-39531 J
II fiume Santerno e il consorzio per il suo inalveamento. Microfilm Slavic 545 AC
Mic 56-4111
(Imola, Coop. tip. E. P. Galeati, 1954, BELGIUM MAPS
35 p. lllus., maps (part fold.) 24cm.
56-2748 rev A Belgium. Administration des votes hydraiuligues.
Iowa. Unlv. Library Pyshkin, B A Kaarten van de dijken. Cartes des digues. rBruxelles?
CyflOxo^cTBO Ha uaasix pesax KHCB, 1953?]
tljL, 7 coL maps (part fold.) 30cm.
AKa^eMiiii nayi: YKp. CCP, 1957.
Grigor'ev, Sergei Nikolaevich. 154 p. lllus., maps. 23cm. G1866.C3B4 1953 Map 59-535
BunpaBHTe.itHHe patfotM Ha pesax. MocEsa, Toe. HS^-BO TC486.U5P9 58-31013
BOflHoro TpancnopTa. 1954.
225 p. Hills. 23cm.
TC530.G73 54-41044 rer
Romiti, Giorgio. EscragnoHe Taunay, Affonso de, 1876- ed.
La sistemazione dei bacini montani t di] Giorgio e Ario Relatos moncoeiros; introducao, coletanea, e notas de
Romiti. [Torino] Unione tipografico-editrice torinese f 1957] Afonso de E. Taunay. Sao Paulo, Livraria Martins Editora
ItTzvuk, Vladimir Efimovich. rl, 198, [2, p. lllus., dlasrs. (part fold.) 25 cm. (Nuova biblioteca
OnHT patfOTH MCJIHOpaTHBHO-CTpOHTeJI&HHX OTpflflOB Ha dl agrlcoltura) tl953j
273 p. 25cm.
JiecocimaBe. MocKBa, FoaiectfyMHSflaT, 1954. A 57-3820 F2511.E76
lllas.,map. (Blblloteca hlatorica panUsta, 9)
38 p. lllus. 22cm. Iowa. Unlv. Library
TC530.I8 55-41094
Sen Gupta, Debendra Nath, 1888- CHINA
An outline of the river problems of West Bengal (
Kirwald, Eduard. & China (People's Republic of China, 1949- ) MvnMtry of
ed.j Calcutta, General Printers Publishers ,1951,
Lebendbau und Gewasserpflege. 98 p. 23cm. Wafer Conservancy.
Hannover, Landbuch-
TC503.S4 55-38316 J Water conservancy in new China. Shanghai, People's
Verlag ,1851,
112 p. lllus dlagra. 21 cm. (Schrlftenrellie der Arbeltsgemeln-
Art Pub. House, 1956.
schaft der Llgnlkultur-Landesverbttnde, Heft 1) unpaged (chiefly mas.) 27cm.
TC537.K5 57-48187 U. S. Forest Service. TC501.A54 627.1 57-1445 t
Fish stream improvement handbook, 1952. [Washington.
Kritskil, S N 21 p. lllus. 26 cm. U, Tao-yiian, d. 527.
BoAOxosflftCTBeHHBie pacieiH: peryjiKcpoaaHHe pe^noro TC540.U62 53-60308 J

^onyn^eao B saiecrBe yie6. nocoGttx AJW rHApOMCre

iccKHX Byaos.
BO, 1952.
JleHHHrpaA, FHApOMereopoJiorirsecKoe
Zanchi, OteUo. i 1957.
Manuale pratico per le opere idraulico-fluviali, ad uso del
Microfilm Slavic 560 AC Mic 56-4833
delle carriere di concetto ed esecutive,
21 T. (double leaves) In 3 cases. 27 cm.
personale tecnico
deU'amniinistrazione governativa e particolarmente di quello Facsimile reproduction of ma. copy.
Appendix (v. 21) : ^jfcjfc. (*$;.*. 8)
Lfipichev, Petr Andreevich. adibito al servizio idraulico. 2. ed. ampliata ed aggiornata.
MexoAHKa peryjtnpoBaHH^ peinoro cioKa. MocKBa, Foe. Pisa, Nistri-Lischi C 1957]
505 p. mus.,mape. 25cm. 1. mvers-rChiiUL Tanj, Shou-chlng, 1889-1915, ed. n.Hslrmfc

389 p. charts, dlagrs. 23 cm. A 59-2867 Hul-chto,d, 1980, Jointed, m. Title.

Title Tomanited: chlng chn an.
TC530.L55 56-^35246 Iowa, Unlv. Library
GB1337.L5 1957 C 58-5279

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC Berkaliev, Zelnula Temiralievich. Hirsch, Abraham Menco, 1927-
Fa^pojiorHiecKHft PCMCHM pen DjeHTpajitHoro, CesepHoro International rivers and the Middle
Balatka, Bfetislav. H Sana^Horo Kasaxcxana. AjtMa-Ara, HS^-BO AKa^eMHH East; a hydropoliti-
cal study and a legal
analysis. Ann Arbor, University Mi
YyVoj vy~zkumu Hcnich teras v ceskych zemich. Breti- HayicKaaaxcKOfl CCP, 1959. crofilms [1957,
slav Balatka c aj Jaroslav Sladek. 277 p. illus fold, maps (2 col. In pocket) tables. 26 cm.
Praha, tfakl. Ceskoslo- ,

((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no 22051)

venske akademie vSd, 1958. GB1356.K3B4 59-45381
P taWeS acnL (KnIhovna tfstfednlho ustavu


GS59-51 Pal'gov, N N
PCKH KaaaxciaHa; <J)H3HKoreorpa$n^ecKHfi oiepE. Ajma- NEW MEXICO
Ara, HSA-BO AKafleMHH nays: Kaaaxcicoft CCP, 1959.
Tektf, Vratislav. 97 p. Ulus. 20cm. John Preston, 1923-
Kilometraz moravsnych a slovenskych risk. c Ceskf text GB1356.K3P3 59-47801 J High mountain streams: effects of geology on channel
redigoval Jindfich Pokorny. Vyd. 1., Martin, Osveta, characteristicsand bed material. Interpretation of
tative measurements made in the
22&p. map. 17cm. Sangro do Cristo Range,
Sosedov, Igor' Sviatoslavovich. north-central New Mexico.
GB1333.C95T4 Socorro, State Bureau of Mines
58-19030 BOAHBIC pecypcH 3M<5u, Ynjia H Carnaa. Ajtua-Axa, ZSA- and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of
BO AKa^eMHH nayK KaaaxcKoft CCP, 1955. Miningfe and

129 p. 23 cm.
Technology, 1958.
illus., tables.
-DENMARK GB1356.K3S6 56-42979
51, [2, P. Illus., plates,
Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Memoir
maps, dlagrs., tables. 29 cm.
(New Mexico
GB1225.N6M5 551.48 G S 58239
Albeck-Larsen, Lorentz. U. S. Geol, Survey. LIbr.
Ture omkring danske aer. Omslag af Erling Nederland.
Tegninger af Ib Withen. Kjfoenhavn, Politikens forlaff
63 p Illus. 17cm. (PoHtikensnandbjJger, nr. 176) Kentucky. Agricultural and Industrial
A 59-2929 btreams of Kentucky.
Development Board New Zealand. Soil Conservation and JSwers Control Coun
Minnesota. Univ. LIbr.
Frankfort, Kentucky Dept
F of cil.
Conservation, 1955.
col. map 51 x 111 cm Catchments of New Zealand. [Wellington, 1956,
G3951.C31955.K4-- m '

ENGLAND Map 55-834 GBl379.A55 57-30631

Wooldridge, Sidney William. KOREA NORTH CAROLINA

Structure, surface, and drainage in South-east England,
"WW ldridg6 ajld - Liaton. D L
London, G. Philip;
- EfficottMachine Corporation, Baltimore. North Carolina. State Stream Sanitation Committee.
1955 For the Republic of Korea: recommendations for the res Classifications and water quality standards
178 p. illus. 25cm. assigned to the
toration and improvement of the waters of the Yadkin-Pce Dee River Basin.
GB181.W6 principal ports and rivers Raleigh 1954 ?, C
in Korea, 12 28 cm.
[Baltimore] 1953
t i. e. 1954,
51 p. illus., mapB. 30cm. TD224.N8A5 1954 55-02954
HE559.K8E4 627.2 55-16852
AUyn, Hubert Royce, 1901- U. S.
Outdoors afloat Army. Corps of Engineers.
Dins, by the author. 1st ed. St Waterways of Korea, prepared by Engineer Research Ohio. Dept. of Natural Resources. Division of Water.
Petersburg, Fla., Great Outdoors Association. "1957. Office North Atlantic Division.
ip. UluB. 28cm. fWashington, Strategic Gazetteer of Ohio streams,
compiled by J. 0. Krolczyk
F316.2.A4 917.59 Intelligence Branch, Military Intelligence Division, Office Columbus, 1954.
57-2826 J Chief of Engineers, U. S. 1945. Army,
FRANCE TA7.XJ53 no. 158
E 59_2r967
Benest, E
Inland waterways of France. London, Lnray, Laurie. OREGON
STorie & Wilson, 1956.

vii, 105 p. iHus. f 2 maps (1 fold. coL) Inserted. 25 cm. U. S. Army. Corps of Engineers.
LITHUANIA Western Oregon
38650944 57-16749 streams; report on floods of December
Di8trict ' Corp8 of
Basalykas, Alfonsas.
Lebel, Paul, 1901- Lietuvos upes. Vilnius, ValstybinS ir mokslines
literaturos leidykla, 1956.
132, i4, p. illus., maps. 20cm. (PaZlnklme Hetuv*)
p. 25 cm. (Publications de 1'UnlTergIW de IMJon.
Nour. 8 ^ PERU
LUXEMBURG Rittlinger, Herbert, 1909-
Ganz allein zum Amazoiias; auf reissenden Flussen zum
GERMANY see also SQre River Meer der Strome und Walder.
857 p. Illus. 21cm
Wiesbaden, Brockhaus, 1958 '

Dyck, Siegfried. F3423.R57 58-27419 \

Die Erfassung der A
Maine. Water Improvement Commission. POLAND
Supplemental report on pollution in the State of
Maine, Kuran, Jtfzef.
0llaboratlon mth Dapt- * Health and
58-38652 Welfare.
Kajakiem z jezior augustowskich

Landschaft der Flasse.

Dresden, Sachaenverlag, 1957.
Ififc einem Vorwort von Paul Beyer"
3 T.
In 1.
jg6 g
maps (part fold.) tables.
28 cm
688.16 57-^2945
^f a
a sport
i Tu
i mazurskich do War-

18 p. Ultis. 25cm. (Unsete schSne

59-40257 Piechocki, Witold E
Maryland. Water Pollution Control Commission.
Report. 1947/48-
INDIA Annapolis.
2p. mus. 17cm.
v. illus. 23 cm GB1333 P707 -

Hart, Henry Cowlea. 59-40048

Newlndi Bombay> SSSSL^. 628J6 A^OOl^V


India (Republic)
Minktry of Information and Broadcast U.S..Army.
wig. Corps of Engine**. Mamak, Wiktor.
ladian rivers. Delhi, Publications Keport of navigation and beach erosion in the State of
Division, Monistrv of Massachusetts to the New England-New York Rgulaciarzekipotok6w. tWyd,l.j Waraawa, Arkady,
Information & Broadcasting r 1957, . i9
26 p. mus.,2rd4mapfj. Slcin. 413 p. Illus. 25cm
GB1339.A55 551.483 59-31731 TC69mM18 IMOMt J

Japan. Bwer Bureau. Michigan. Tourist Council. Portugal. Comissao do Dominio PuUioo Martiimo

Kivers in Japan. 1954. Boletun. n'l-

54 p. Ultima]*, ta cm. 1946-
GB135LA55 551.48 57-33533 56-42539 no.ln T. maps (part fold.)
plans. 22cm.

Library of Congress CatalogBooks:
RIVERS (Continued)
Popov, Evgenii Grigor'evich.
Shvets', I H
RUSSIA HHEa rnflpOMexeopojiorH^ecKiix xexnHEyMOBr JtenHH-
fl. PosnoflLi ciOEy pi^oE YPCP no ceaonax i Miomax.
rpa^, FnApoMexeopojiorHiecEoe Haa-so. 1957 EepisHiinTBOM i peA. A. B. OrieBCtKoro. KHIB BHA-BO Axa-
Akhutin, A N 460 p. Illus. 23 cm. Aeuii Hay K Ynp. PCP, 1946.
npeoCpasoBanne perc CCCP. MOCK GB661.P6 58-22320 107 p. maps. 24cm.
GB1308.U4S47 50-47627 rev
Microfilm copy
(positive) Rossolimo, Leonid Leonidovich, 1894-
Microfilm Slavic 620 GB U.S.
r Pi 3H7 A 77
GB1307.A77 ChepEH no reorpa^HH BHyrpennHX BOfl CCCP; PCEH H
59^9007 osepa. HoccxSHe flji* y^niejieft cpeflaeft nrwxni. MOCKBE,
Foe. yiefiHO-neflaror. uafl-so, 1952. Guide for sport fishermen. Eastern fresh water.
302 p. maps, dlagrs. 23 cm.
Alekseev, Georgii Anisimovich. [New York, Foster Publications]
Pac^erti naBOfloiHoro ciosa GB1307.K6 56-56810 T. nius. 19-21 cm.
pe K CCCP, n P a KT nfecEoe
noco(5ne. JemiHrpaj, SH463.G83 799.11 53-35772 rev
riiflpojieTeopojionwecsoe HS^-BO,
197 p 6 fold, maps, dlagra., tables. 28 cm Rossolimo, Leonid Leonidovich, 1894- U. S. Army. Corps of Engineers.
GB1307.A8 OiepKH no reorpa^HH BnyTpeHHHX BOA CCCP; pecn H Flood emergency manual: Washington District: river
oaepa. Ilocotfiie ^si yaHxoefl cpe^neft mxojiH. MocKBa profiles. Washington, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army,
Toe. y^efiHo-neAaror. HS^-BO, 1952. Office of the District
Bochkov, A P Microfilm Slavic 695 AC Engineer, Washington District
[30j L map Coa cover) dlagra. 27x46 cm.
r !950 ?,
Mic 57-5352
BjinxHue jeca u GB1216.U48
arpojiecoMejiHopatiiBHiJcx ueponptiKTHft 59-28571
HHHrpaj. 1954 Shamov, Grigorii Ivanovich.
Microfilm Slavic 501 AC Mic 56-4194 PCHHHC HaHOCHJ pCHCQU, paciCTH H MCTO^H
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriation*.
flonymieao B Ka^ecTse y^e6. nocofiHx Public works appropriations for 1956. Hearings before
.z^xa rHflpoicereopojio-
rnwcKHX HH-TOB. the subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations,
Chebotarev, A I
H3^-BO, 1954.
JTeuHHrpafl, rHApoMereopojiorH^ecKoe
House of Representatives, Eighty-fourth Congress, first ses
ruflpo-ionrjr cyriiu u pacieiH peiaoro cioR-a. 2. 845, [3j p. lllns., maps (part fold.) 2S on. sion.Cemeterial expenses. General statements. Adminis
nepep. 11 jon. .TeniiHrpaj, riiApoiieTeoponorHiecKoe nsfl-aoi GB1307.S45 55-28381 trative expenses,Department of the Army. Testimony of
members of Congress, interested organizations, and individu
Microfilm Slavic 5<50 AC Mic 56-4870 als. Washington, U. S. GovL Print. Off., 1955.
Zaikov, B D 11,284, til p. tables. 24cm,
BHCOKHC nojOBOflB H Ha peKax CCCP HE393A13 1956a 55-61293
sa HCTO-
BonpocH rHflpoaorHH H napoflHoe xoaaftciBo. Ho^ pe#. HSA-BO, 1954.
JI. K. ^aBHflosa. 183 p. 26 cm. U. S. Oongress: House. Committee on
JTeHanrpa^, rnflpoMe lllua.
H3fl-B0, 1955. GB1307.Z3 Public works appropriations for 1956.
55-25184 Hearings before
102, r 2, p. Ulus., maps. 22cm. the subcommittee of the Committee on
GB746.G37 56-19406 House of Representatives,
first Eighty-fourth Congress
RUSSIA MOSCOW (PROVINCE) session. Eastern section. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print.
Kalinin, Gennadi! Pavlovich. Off., 1955.
2pts. tabfcs. 24cm.
riiflpOMeTeopojiornieCKHe yoiOBna $opMnpOBaniui BHCO- Smirnova, Elena Dmitrievna.
Koro naionoAL* na pasuHKuux pecax PCEH H osepa MocEOBCKofi
HE393.A13 1956 627 55-61237
EBponertCKoft xeppH- otf.iacxH. MocKBa] MOCEOB-
TOpiiH CCCP. .TerniHrpafl, rM^pOMexeopo^ornifecEoe HSJ- CKiift pafioTtiift, 1958.
BO, 1957. 95 p. Illus., maps (1 fold.) 20 cm.
177 p. maps, dlagra., tables 22 cm. GB1308.M6J335 0.
59-24661 S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations.
GB1307.K3 57-44340 Public works appropriations for 1958.
Hearings* before
the subcommittee of the Committee on
Kazanskii okrug putel soobshchenifa. SIBERIA House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth Congress, first ses
sion. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print
Off., 1957.
Makerov, Nikolai Semenovich. 2pts. dlagrsL, tables. 24cm.
ani,, 19
T. dlagra., charts. 26cm. YerpoftCTBo H 3Kciu[yaTanHJi BO^onpHCMHiix coopyaceKiifi HE393.A13 1957a
TC486.K3K3 na peEax CaCnpH.
55.45856 MocEsa, Zafl-so MnHHcrepcTBa romry-
najBHoro xosaficxsa PCOCP. 1957.
144 p. Illus. 23 cm.
Komarov, V D TD286.S5M3
U. S.Congress Howe. Committee on Appropriation*.
^OJtrocpo^Htift npornoa seccHHero cxoKa peE ic^jaujc- Public works appropriations for 1959.
Hearings before
HOft 30HU EfiponeflCEOtt ^acxn CCCP na OCHOBC the subcommittee of the Committee on
xeppmo- Appropriations
paajitHO o(5m;Hx aaBHCHMOcxeft. JTenHHrpafl, rnflpoiiexeopo- SLOVAKIA House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth
^ Congre^ second ses-
72, f2j p. dlagrs. 22 cm.
Kallay, Karol.
GB665.K66 56-19413 333.91 58-61077
tUvod a texty pod obrazky naplsal
SlovenskS rieky.
FrantiSek Oktavec. Vyd.1. Martin, 1955,
138 30 cm.
Kuskov, L S p. (chiefly lllus.)
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on PttbUo Works.
GB1292.S5K3 57-45158
rHflpo.iorniecEHe H BOfloxo3flftcTBeHHiie pac^exw npH Analysis of veto of the Omnibus rivers and harbors, and
^EC^JIyaTa^HH BOfloxpaHHJinni. MocEsa, PeTOOtt xpancnopx, flood control bill, S. 497.
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print.
Off., 1958.
247 p. Illus. 28cm. SOVIET CENTRAL ASIA 16 p. tables. 24cm.
TD395.K92 58-36074 HE393.A13 1958a 333.910973 59-60880
Dzhordzhio, Zinaida Vladimirovna,
OHHI flOJirocpoiHux npornosoB cxoxa peE Cpejneft ASHH
N TanrECHx, HSA-BO CAIY, 1957. . Souse. Committee on Public Wort*.
Kuznefsov, T 201 p. charts, dlagra. 22 C Flood control, rivers and harbors miscellaneous
OcuoeHHe PCK nameft PO^HHH. MocKBa, HSJ-BO projects.
Hearing before the Rivers and Harbors Subcommittee of the
MHH nays CCCP, 1954.
* CB <AKaACMIW HayK CCCP G23.T33 'vol.11 S 9 ^^ ^
rks' Houae of ^^ W
- -

Eighty-fifth Congress, second session, on JR." 8160

A>ril 17> 195 8- Washington, U. S. Govt. Print
and K c

IT, p. maps (part fold) 24cm.
HE&93JJL3 1958 627.1
see also Angermanaiven; 58-61081
Leningrad. Gosudarstvenny! gidrologicheski! institut.
AJH.COM rnflporpa$HHecKHx xapaKrepncTHK pe'^nnx (Sac-
ceftHos esponeficKoa TeppniopHH CCCP. t OxBeTCTB6HHiitt
peflairrop A. A. COEOJIOBJ
U.S. Congress. Howe. Committee on PubHo
JleHHHrpa^, TH^pOMeTeopo^orH- Worte
TCCEOC H3fl-so, 1955- see also Amu Darya Hearings before the Subcommittee on Rivers and
bors of the Committee on Public
T. chiefly maps, 2 (old. coL, tables) 22 1 28 cm.
Works, House of

GB1307.L38 58-27341
bill a
authorizing tie construction, repair, and
rea8' **
Makkaveev, N I
preservation of certain public works on riversand
for navigation, flood
Pycao peiH H aposHa B ee
AsaAeMHH nays CCCP, 1955.
<5acceftne. MocKBa HSJ-BO '
Akademua nauk URSR, 'Kiev. Iwtytut Mdrologn * Mdro- control, and for other purposes
Washington, U.S. Govt Print Ofc, 1954.
03*5 " V*
845 P. Ulus., maps. 27cm. Kaxaior pkoic YKpainn. [CEJiajja: T. I. IIlBenB, H. I. .

GB1203.M35 56_22064 ,3|po3fl, C. IT. JleBTCHEo. BiflnoBiflajiBHHff pe^aEiop B. I. HE393.A13 1954c 627 54-60225
191 p. map. 17cm.
GB1308.U4A7 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Worfo.
River and harbor, beach erosion, and flood control proj
Matusevich, V A ects. Report on H. R. 12080, * bill
BunpaaaeHHe pea. Hafl. 2., nepep. H ^on. PCKOMCHAO-
authorizing the con
Bano B Ka^ecrae y^e6. nocotfHJi fljiji struction, repair, and preservation of certain public works
pe^nux y^aanm H TCX- on rivers and harbors for navigation, flood control, and for
HHCVKOB. MocKBa, PeiHOft TpancnopT, 1958. Pyshldn,B A
2p. Ulna. 28cm. CyAOxoAciBO na iiajiHx peKax yspanHH. KHCB, HSA-BO
other purposes. Washington, U. Govt. Print Off., 1956. &
iv, 75 p. tables. 24cm, (84th Oong^ 2d seas. Houae report no.
TC530.M3 1958 AEaAeuHH nays Yap. CCP, 1957.
154 p. llloa., maps. 23 cm,
HE393.A13 1956d 627.1 56-61796
TC486.U5P9 68-31013

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RIVERS U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. VIRGINIA

Public works appropriations, 1959: civil functions, De
U.S. (Continued) before the subcommittee
partment of the Army. Hearings Virginia. Advisory Legislative Council.
of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate,
TJ. S. Congress House, Committee on Public Works, mak Water resources of Virginia. Report to the Governor
Rivers and harbors and beach erosion omnibus bill (title Eighty-fifth Congress,
second session, on H. R. 12858,
and the General Assembly of Virginia.
functions administered by the
i, H. R. 12080) Hearings before the Subcommittee on ing appropriations for civil Richmond, Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Purchase
of the Depart
Rivers and Harbors of the Committee on Public Works, Department of the Army, certain agencies and Print.
House of Representatives, Eighty-fourtlf Congress, second ment of the Interior, and the Tennessee Valley Authority, v. maps (part fold.) tables. 26cm.
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959, and for other pur GB705.V6A25 A 5(5-9241 rev
session, on H. R. 12080, a bill authorizing the construction,
repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers poses ... Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1958. Virginia. State Library
2 pts. (il,2868,xxxvllp.) tables. 24cm.
and harbors for navigation, flood control, and for other pur 58-61358
HE393.A17 1959
poses. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1956.
2v. tables. 24cm. on Appropriations. Division of Planning and Economic Development.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee Virginia.
HE393.A13 1956e 56-61933 Public works appropriations, 1960: civil functions,
De Navigation projects. [Richmond] 1949.
before the subcommittee iv,371. fold. map. 28cm.
partment of the Army. Hearings TC424.V8A5 1949 627.1 49-10 177 rev 2* A
of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate,
Virginia. State Library
on H. R. 7509, making
Eighty-sixth Congress, first session,
functions administered by the De
appropriations for civil
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works. of the Army, certain agencies of the Department
River and harbor, beach erosion control, and flood control for the THE WEST
of the Interior, and the Tennessee Valley Authority,
projects. Report of the Committee on Public Works, on rfiscalyear ending June 30, 1960, and
for other purposes ...
H. R. 12955, a bill authorizing the construction, repair, and Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1959. U. S. Geological Survey. Water Resources Division.
preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors 3 pts. (11,8143, xlvllp.) tables. 24cm. .,.,,
for navigation, flood control, and for other purposes, Wash HE393.A17 1960 333.910973 59-61640 Floods of December 1955-January 1956 in far-western
states peak discharges, prepared by Water Resources Divi
ington, XJ. S. Govt Print Off., 1958.

135 tables. 24cm. (85th Cong., 2d sess. House report sion, Surface Water Branch. Washington, 1956.
Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works.
Till, p. no.
U. S. 15 p. map, tables. 27 cm. ([U. Geological Survey. Circu

TC223A526 Flood control; river and harbor projects. Hearings be lar 380)
627.1 58-61257
fore a subcommittee of the Committee on Public Works, QE75.C5 no. 380 GS 56-169
United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session Copy 2. GB1219.U65
IT. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr.
... Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955.
U. S. Congress. House, Committee on Public Works. I v., 136 p. tables 24cm.
River and harbor, beach erosion control, and flood control HE393.A17 1955 55-61970
projects Report on H. R. 7634, a bill authorizing the con WEST BENGAL
struction, repair, and preservation of certain public works U. S. Congress, Committee on Public Works.
on rivers and harbors for navigation, flood control, and for River and harbor flood control act of 1957. Hearings be Sen Gupta, Debendra Nath, 1888-
other purposes. Washington, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1959. fore a subcommittee of the Committee on Public Works,
v, 54 p. tables. 24 cm. (80th Cong., 1st sess. House report no. ^ An outline of the river problems of West Bengal. t
United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, first session &
541) ed.] Calcutta, General Printers Publishers ( 1951,
HE393.A13 1959a 333.910973 59-61528 on S. 497, a bill authorizing the construction, repair, anc flSp. 23cm.
preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors TC503.S4 65-38316 I
for navigation, flood control, and for other purposes. Wash
ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1957.
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works. 232 p fold, map, tables. 24 cm.
River and harbor, and flood control omnibus bill, 1959. HE393.A17
1957a 57-61404
Hearings before the Committee on Public Works, House of
Rogovoi, Pavel Prokofevich.
Representatives, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session, on IIoftMii peK flnenpa, Coaca n Hpjmjmi
water resource development in the United States ... Wash U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works, (B t ,,

Rivers and harbors, flood control. Hearings before a sub ECCP) n HX xoajrftcTBCHHoe ncnoji.soBaHiie. MHHCK, Toe.
ington, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1959.
iv, 137 p. tables, 24 cm. committee of the Committee on Public Works, United States K3fl-Bo ECCP, 1957.
237 p. Jllus. 21 cm.
HE393.A13 I959b 627.0973 59-61727 Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, second session, on H. R.
12080, a bill authorizing the construction, repair, and preser
vation of certain public works on rivers and harbors for
navigation, flood control, and for other purposes, and mis
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works. cellaneous related bills. July 16, 17, and 18, 1956. Wash
River and harbor; Flood control act of 1957. Hearings ington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1956. Lloyd, Earl, comp,
before the Committee on Public Works, House of Repre vll, 410 p. tllus. 24cm.
HE393.A17 Compacts, treaties, and court decrees; documents on the
sentatives, Eighty-fifth Congress, first[-6econd] session, on 1956b 627.4
use and control of Wyoming's interstate
streams, compiled
S. 497, a bill authorizing the construction, repair, and preser
under the direction of Earl Lloyd and Paul A. Rechard.
vation of certain public works on rivers and harbors for
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. [Cheyenne] 1957.
navigation, flood contol, and for other purposes ... Wash vlli, 133 p, fold. map. 24 cm.
Rivers and harbors; Flood control act of 1958. Hearings
ington, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1957-58. 333.91 57-63810
2pta. (Yi,437p.) Ulus., told. map. 24cm.
before a subcommittee of the Committee on Public Works,
HE393.A13 1957b 627.4 57-61994 United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, second session,
on S. 3910, a bill authorizing the construction, repair, and
preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors Dultil,, Dufian..
for navigation, flood control, and for other purposes. May
Hame peKe.
Eeorpaa, HOBO noKo^eme, 1952.
16, 19, and June 4, 1958. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print 240 p.. tllus.
s. 20cm. (Hauia
(Haui AOMOBHiia, 7)
TJ. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Off., 1958. GB1331.D8 56-32915 t
Public works appropriations, 1956. Hearings before the iv, 162 p. map, tables. 24cm.
subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United HE393.A17 1958b 627.4 58-61226
States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, on H. R.
Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.
6766, making appropriations for public works for the fiscal TJ. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works.
year ending June 30, 1956. Civil functions, Department of
the Army ... Washington, U. S. Govt Print
Rivers and harbors, flood control. Hearings before a sub RIVERS, RIGHT OF NAVIGATION OF see
Off., 1955.
2 pts. (2346 P.) Ulna., map. 24cm. committee of the Committee on Public Works, United States International rivers
HE393.A17 1956 55-61498 Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session, on H. R. 7634
... and S. 1902 ... Washington, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1959.
2 pts. (lY, 185 p.) tables. 24cm.
HE393.A17 1959a 627.0973 59-62126
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. U. S. Dept. of tTie Interior.
Public works appropriations, 1957: Civil functions, De
Documents on the use and control of the waters of inter Davidson, James Fleming.
partment of the Army. Hearings before the subcommittee state and international streams: City of Riverside and vicinity. Riverside, Calif..' "1953.
of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, compacts, treaties, and ad
Eighty-fourth Congress, second session, on H. R. 11319,
judications. Compiled and edited by T. Richard Witmer
G4364.R71953.D3 Map 53-1470
[Washington, 1956 ri, e. 1957,
making appropriations for the Tennessee Valley Authority,
certain agencies of the Department of the Interior, and civil
333.91 57-61221 Riverside Engineering Company,
functions administered by the Department of the Army, for Riverside, Calif.
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1957, and for other purposes. Street map, Riverside, California, and vicinity. [River
U.S. 1953.
Washington, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1956. President, 195$- (Eisenhower)
(U,2723,xmp.) dlagri., tables. 24cm. Construction of certain public works on rivers and har
map 61 r 09 cm.
HE393.A17 1957 G4364.R71953.R5
56-61490 borsveto message. Message returning without
Map 53-482
the bill, S. 497, entitled "An act
authorizing the construction,
repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers
Riverside Engineering Company,
TJ. S. Congress. Senate, Committee on Appropriations. Riverside, Calif.
and harbors for navigation, flood Street map, Riverside,
Public works appropriations, 1958: civil functions, De control, and for other pur California, and vicinity. rRiver-
poses." Washington, 1958, side] "1955.
partment of the Army. Hearings before the subcommittee 29 p.
map 52x84 cm.
2"4 cm. (85th Senate. Document
of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, no. 88)
HE393.A17 1958 G4364.R71955.R5
Eighty-fifth Congress, first session, on H. R. 8090, making 58-60747 Map 56-267
appropriations for the Atomic Energy Commission, the
Tennessee Valley Authority, certain agencies of the Depart VENEZUELA Sanborn Map Company.
ment of the Interior, and civil functions administered by the Insurance maps of Riverside, Calif
Venezuela. Division de Hidrologia. ornia, including Arling
Department of the Army, for the fiscal year ending June 80, ton, Arlington Station, Casa Blanca, Highgrove, Pachappa
1958, and for other purposes ... Washington, U. S. Govt Registro fluviometrico, 1940-1954. Caracas, Impr. Na- Station and Prenda. c Ed. of] 1908; republished
Print Off., 1957. cional, 1956. 1952, rev.
to date. New York, 1952.
2 pts. (U. 285T, xiTitt p.) map, tables. 23 c
3 p., 78 p. of col maps. 85cm.
HE393A17 1958a 57-45894
333.91 57-60694 G1529.R7S3 1952
Map 53-1583
Library of Congress CatalogBooks:
__________ .


B i01
in truss-type
McDonald, Donald, 1930-
E n!l nnd T^^^^tions
^ H Munfe Urbaila members, by An investigation of riveted and bolted columnbase and
; s iST ' '
University^ Illi-
beam-to-column connections under slow and rapid
68p miis. 28cm. by D. McDonald, A. Ang, and J. M. Massard. Research
Lawbaugh, A La Vielle. Illinois, unlv. Library
A 56-9777 Directorate, Air Force Special Weapons Center, Air Re
search and Development
Command, Kirtland Air Force
Chesson, Eugene. Base, New Mexico, Project: 1080, Task: 10803, Contract AF
33 (616 ) -3780. Approved Eric H.
map 55 x 84 cm. Wang andj Raymond A. :

G4363.R51953.L3 Gilbert. Urbana 1958.


Map 53-445
fe ass- Pnl!

^ L
1 111
, ?-

M cm' (nunols
University. Dept of Civil

engineering studies; structural research series,

RIVERVIEW GARDENS, MO. A 57-9388 A 58-9854
Illinois. Unlv Library Illinois. Unlv. Library
PUBLIC SCHOOLS Chesson, Eugene.
Munse, William Herman.
The static strength of rivets subjected to combined tension
Illinois. University. Bureau of Educational Research t of an and shear, by W. H. Munse and H. L. Cox. A
811 f R
crview Gardens, investigati report of an
v xi ? iy Missouri, public schools investigation conducted in the University of Illinois Engi
by the Office of_Field Services, College of the
Education, Uni uncil on Riveted and Bolted Structural neering Experiment Station in cooperation with the Research
versity of Illinois, with the aid of the Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural
administration, teach- Joints, the Illinois
^^CZl^rmap' %"*** t Urban a] 1954. Division of Highways, and the
of Public Roads. Urbana, HI., 1955.
Dept. of Commerce Bureau

Illinois. Univ. Library

A 58-1900 Iv,43l. lllus dlagrs., tables. 28cm.

A65- 379

RIVES FAMILY Illinois. Univ. Library

A 56-9313
Petersen, Kenneth Smith.
Static tension tests of rivets and
Cox, Hugh Lenneous. high-strength bolts in
Rives, John Robert Thomas, 1875- structural connections, by Kenneth S. Petersen and
The W. H.
Green Rives of Dinwiddie County, Virginia, and Lincoln and
static strength of rivets
subjected to combined tension Munse, A
progress report of an investigation conducted by
County, Tennessee, and his descendants. Birmingham Ala. shear, by William H. Munse and Hugh L. Cox. ,A
C 3 the University of Illinois
report of an investigation conducted by the Engineering Experiment Station
Printed by A. H. Gather Pub. Co., 1958 Engineering in cooperation with the Research Council
' on Riveted and
103 p. lllus. 23cm. Experiment Station, University of Illinois in cooperation Bolted Structural Joints, the Illinois Division of
CS71.R623 1958 with the Research Council on Riveted and Highways,
58-36405 J Bolted Structural and the Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Public
Joints and the Illinois Division of Roads.
Highways and the Dent Project iv. Urbana, 1956.
of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads. L
RIVES FAMILY (WILLIAM RIVES, 28 t>. mns <>R fm /Tui.. n i. rr_,
"7 ""i
^r ' 1956,
.._ Urbana, , HnS'n^
!SSn ^J 3 " t**
**- V^asltf. tDept of Olrtl
fl. Civil
1684) Bnggeering,
engineering studlea; structural research series.

James Rives, 1893- A 57-9043

Childs, Illinois. Unlv. Library A 57-9107
Reliques of the Rives Illinois. Univ.
(Ryyes) by James Rives Childs
being historical and genealogical notes of the ancient
familv Deutscher Ausschuss
of Ryves of County Dorset and of the
Rives of Virginia An fiir Stahlbau. Rychin, S A
essay: sociological and historical, of a
family's contribution
Vorlaufige BMbwa fur Berechnung, Ausfuhrung und KienK-a, pyCica n icEaHEa. PeKOMenAOBano B raiecxBe
to the making of a nation. bauliche
J. P. Bell
Lynchburg, Va., com Durchbildung von gleitfesten Schraubeliver- yieS. nocoOiia nzx IHKOJI fl>3O. JTeimHrpafl, Toe. COIDSHOC
pany, inc., 1929. bmdungen (HV-Verbindungen) fur stahlerne
IngeS- n3,vuo cy^ocTponx. npOMumx, 1956.
147, 1] p. illus. 28cm.
TJ1325.R9 57-19565

- The descendants
of William Christopher Rives and
Mary Rives; a supplement to Reliques of the Rives, no.

t l] p.

dtagrs., tables.

22 cm.
A 57-7058 Semonian, Joseph W
An analysis of the stability and ultimate
2654, p. 483. Compiled during 1933 and 1934 by Whitmore Fuller, James Robert, 1924- strength of short sheet-stringer panels, with special reference
Morris. San Antonio, 1954. Lnbomtory tests of structural joints with over-stressed to the influence of the riveted -connection between
321. 29cm. sheet and
CS71.RG23 1929 Suppl.
high tensile steel bolts, by James E. Fuller and W. H. Munse. stringer, by Joseph W. Semonian and James P. Peterson.
CS71.R623 1929
A progress report of an investigation conducted the Uni Washington, 1956.
29-30535 rev by
versity of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station in co
operation with the Research Council on Riveted and Bolted
Structural Joints, the Illinois Division of
RIVET, PAUL, 1876-1958 the Bureau of Public Roads.
Highways and
Project*. Urbana, 1953.
Ill, 14 L Illos., dlagrs. 28 cm. (Illinois Universlrv JV
Academia Colombiana de Historia. RIVETS AND RIVETING, AIRCRAFT
Homenaje al profesor Paul Rivet. Bogota, Editorial A.
B. C., 1958.
Illinois. Unlv.
A 53-9158 rev Grigor'ev, V P nginer.
335 p. lllua, map. 23 cm. Library
(Blblloteca de antropologto) Ksenica H xjienuibHoe otfopy^OBaHHe B caMO-
Fuller, James Robert, 1924- MocKBa, Toe. HSA-BO 0600. npoMmnui., 1948.
Static tensile tests on
278 p. illus. 23cm.
large I-section connections by J R. - Microfilm
copy (negative]
International Congress of Americanists. Fuller, T. F. Leahey, and W. H. Munse. progress report A
of an investigation conducted the
Miscellanea Paul Rivet,
octogenario dicata. [Mexico, University of Illinois by TL671.5.G78 56-36696
Universidad National Autonoma de Engineering Experiment Station, in cooperation -with the
Mexico, 1958-
v lllus (Pa^t col-) porta, maps (part Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural
- -
fold., part col.) 23 cm. Joints,
E53.I 52 59-41029
the Illinois Division of
lic Roads. Project rv.
Highways, and the Bureau of Pub Razumikhin, M I

v, 84 L
Urbana, 1954.
28 cm.
C5opKa V3JIOB n arperaxoB utenannHX z
lllus., diagrs. ([DJlnoIfl.
University Deot. of
pea. B. <. lOprenca. ^onymeno B Kaiecrse yaeS.


Ss !S 3

I1Ua 1TU engtaeerin * staples; structural
ffjuc anHanHOHHHX nn-ioB. MOCKBE, Tjiaa. pefl.
Illinois. Univ.
A 54-9612 rev HOft JTHT-pK, 194S.
242 p. lllus. 2 cm.
Library (TexHo^onuc caMOJierocTpoeHHjt, KH. 3)
see also Rivets and riveting. Aircraft
Microfilm copy (negative)
Grigor'ev, V
P engineer. Microfilm Slavic 821 A.C
Wyatt KaertEa KOHCxpyrnHft HS Jierrnx cmtasoB. TL671.5.R36 57-29693
Bell, Gallant. MOCKS*, Toe.
Static tests of standard riveted HS^-BO 0600. npOMBinu., 1954.
and bolted beam-to-column 847 p. illus. 28cm,
connections,by Wyatt G. Bell, E. Chesson, Jr. and W. H.
Munse. A
progress report of an investigation conducted by
TJ1325.G7 55-36945 J RIVIERA
the University of Illinois Industrial Fasteners Institute.
Engineering Experiment Station Graves, Charles, 1899-
in cooperation with the Research Council
on Riveted and B olt, standards. 3d The Azure
Bolted Structural Joints, the Illinois Division of g nu^ and^rivet '
ed. Cleveland, 19593 Coast. New York, Putnam t 195T3
Highways 272p. Illos. 22cm.
and the Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads. TJ1320.1 38 1959 621.882
Proj 59-83747 t DC608.8.G66 814.49 56-10228 J
ect iv. tTJrbana] 1958.
x 81 i. Ulua, dlagn. 28 cm. (Dllnoto. T7nlT*nitr. Dpt of Koman, A A
HHeBKaTHiecKaa Kaenia B cy^octpoeHEH. Graves, Charles, 1899-
[JTenHHrpaAj Royal Riviera. London, Heinemann r 1957i
im 272 p. lllus. 22cm.
TJnlT. Library
A58-18W vifs^r^^"^^"^
VM147.K598 57-31687 t
DC608.3.G7 914.49 57-39544

Chesson, Eugene. Lewitt, Charles Wilfred. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL

Behavior of large riveted and bolted structural connec The effect of rivet bearing on the
fatigue strength of
tions, by E. Chesson, Jr., and W. H. Munse. progress re A riveted joints, by C. W.
Lewitt, E. Chesson, Jr., and W. H.
Borel, Pierre.
port of an investigation conducted by the University of Illi Munse. A
progress report of an investigation conducted by
Cote cl'Azur (the French Riviera) Translated by Alan
nois Engineering Experiment Station in
cooperation with the University of Illinois Ramsay. Cover design by Roger Bezombes. Fair Lawn.
the Research Council on Riveted and Bolted Structural Engineering Experiment Station N. J., Essential Books, 1957.
in cooperation with the Research
Council on Riveted and
257p. lllua. 23cm.
Joints, the Illinois Division of Highways, and the Dept of Bolted Structural Joints, the Division of
Highways and the DC608.B613 57-44491 J
Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads. Urbana, 1959. Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads. Project 1
IT. 119 l. lllus. 28 cm. (Illinois. University. ,Dept of Civil
Civil engineering studies; structural research series, Urbana, 1959.
vill, 47 L lUus 28cm. (Illinois.
Faure, Gabriel, 1877-
University. Dept of Civil Engi
neering. Civil engineering studies structural r^earch series, no. 170) La Riviera, deVintimille a Pise. Paris, B.Arthaud 1956,
A 599927 ;

A 59-9316 216 p. lllus., map (laid In) 28 era. (Lai Beaux pay* 132)
Illinois. Unly. Library Illinois. Univ. Library
Harvard Unlv. Library
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RIVIERA Turnell, Martin. RIZLEY, ROSS, 1892-

Cambridge [Eng.j Bowes Bowes [1953]
64 p 19 cm ( Studies In modern European literature and thought)
PQ2635.1 87Z85 1953a 928.4 55-1752 U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate and For
(Continued) \

eign Commerce.
Nomination of Ross Rizley to Civil Aeronautics Board.
Freminville, Rene" Marie de la Foix de, 1905-
Petits ports d'azur tparj Jean Merrien [pseud.j & P. M.
RIZAL Y ALONSO, JOS& 1861-1896 Hearing before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign
Commerce, United States Senate, first session, on nomina
Bourdeaux Avec 7 cartes illustrees et une rose des vents de tion of Ross Rizley, of Oklahoma, to be a member of the
Bernard Duval. Paris, Editions Denoel t !958] S
229 p. lllus. 21cm. ( Les Chants dumonde) Alvero, Aurelio Civil Aeronautics Board for the term expiring December

GV817.F7F7 58-44995 t For the essence of Rizal's faith, by Magtanggul Asa. [1st
31, 1960. February 23, 1955. Washington, U. S. Govt.
ed., Maynila, 1956. Print. Off., 1955.
86 p. illus. 2Scm. li, 14 p 24 cm.
TL521.A542 1955 387.706173 55-60552
Alzona, Encarnacitfn, 1895- RIZNER, L'UDOVTT VLADIMIR, 1849-1913
La Cote d'Azur de Marseille a Menton. Paris, Hachette,
Rizal's legacy to the Filipino woman. en. P- 1953 i
1956. 22 p 24cm. PaSka, Juraj.
xxvlll, 313 p. Illus., maps (part fold., part coL) 17 cm. (Lea 55-18846 t L'. V. Rizner. Vyd. 1., Martin, Osveta, 1956.
Guides bleusllluatrfs) PQ8897.R5Z65 102

facslms. 17 cm.
p. port., (Prlekopnfcl naflej prftomnoatt,
DC608.C63 1956 56-40707 zv.4)
PG5217.R5Z8 56-56894
Cavanna y Manso, Jesus Maria, ed.
Rizal and the Philippines of his days, an introduction to
Grosso, Orlando, 1882-
Genon and the Riviera of Liguria. Roma, Libreria dello the study of Dr. Rizal's life, works, and writings; historical
notes... Manila, 1957. Rizner, L'udovit Vladimir, 1849-1913.
State [1953]
343 p. Illus maps (part foli, 1 col. In pocket) 19 cm. 256 p. lilus.24cm. Dennlk. [Pre tla<5 pripravila Marie L. Corna] Brati

DS675.8.R5C38 1957 923.2914 58-17282 J slava, Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej akademie vied, 1955.
DG632.G764 55-40730
370 p. lllus., ports. 21 cm. (KoreSpondenda a dokumenty,
zvazok 4)
Michelin et Cie. Cavanna y Manso, Jesus Maria. PG5217.R5Z53 56-56833
Cote d'Azur, Haute-Provence. Rizal's unfading glory; a documentary history of the con
Paris. version of Dr. Jose" Rizal. 2d ed., rev. and improved.
v. illus , maps 26 z 12 cm.
Manila, 1956.
DC608.G85 914.49 49-53394 rev* 858 Illus. 24 cm.
DS675.8.R5C38 1956 923.2914 57-39564 J Shapiro, Milton J
The Phil Rizzuto story. New York, Messner [1959,
Provence, Comtat Venaissin, Cote d'Azur, Comte" de Nice. 192 p. lllus. 22 cm.
r !9. &Lj Paris, Hachette, 1958.
Garduno, Leonardo. GV865.R5S5 927.96357 59-7019
Izsxvi, 624 p. maps (part fold. coL) 17 cm. (Les Guides Wens) Rizal and his enemies. 2d ed. Manila, 1953- [1952-
D0611.P957PT 1958 58-29254 v. Illus. 20cm.

DS675.8.R5G32 54-41460 t
Provence, Cote d'Azur. t !8. 6d. Paris, Hachette, 1955.3
Michels, F W CAMARILLO Y see Camarillo de Pereyra,
Imvi, 624 p. maps (part fold. coL) 17 cm. (Les Guides bleus)
DC61LP957P7 1955 Jose Protasio Rizal, pelopor kemerdekaan bangsa Pilipina. Maria Enriqueta, 1872-
[Bahasa Indonesianja dilakukan oleh Amal Hamzah. Dja
karta] Djambatan [1950;, ROACH, PHILIP AUGUSTINE, 1820-1889
DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL VIEWS 119 p. Illus. 19cm. (Tjermlnkehldupan,5)
DS675.8.R5M5 55-56795 J Conmy, Peter Thomas, 1901-
Audibert, Raool. Philip Augustine Roach, 1820-1889; California pioneer.
Cote d'Azur. Photos, de Low Jahau; San Francisco, Grand Parlor, Native Sons of the Golden
notices geographi-
Orosa, Sixto Y
1891- ed.
ques, historiques et archeologiques de Georges MonmarcbA Jose Rizal; a collection of what people have said and writ West, 1958.
20 p. lllus. 22 cm.
tPariSj Hachette [195^ ten about the Filipino national hero. [Manila] Manor Press
125 p. Illus. 22 cm, (Les Albums dea Guides bleus, 15) F864.R63C6 59-24894 J
DC608.A8 118 23cm.
Die Riviera; von Portofino bis Marseille. Wien, A, Schroll
[1957] Fair, Marielou (Roach) 1883-
68 p. Lllus., maps. 25 on. (Buropas Ferienstrassen, Bd. 5) Orosa, Sixtp Y
1891- ed.
Roach, Roberts, Ridgeway. and allied families. [Mans
DC608.8.R58 57-37639 Jose Rizal, el he"roe nacional filipino, por varies autores: field ?
La., 1951 ?,
Fernando Hernandez cet al.j Manila, 1956. 258 p. lllus. 24cm.
II, 179 p. port. 24 cm. CS69.F34 55-19918 t
HISTORY DS675.8.R5O72 57-32322

Corvol, Robert
LaCote d'Azur i la belle epoque. Pref. de Jean-Gabriel
Palma, Rafael, 1874-1939. Sukholvan, P G
Domergue. Paris, A. Fayard [1958i
218 p. 20cm. ,3JHenpoBCKaa xapaH&j (faoxorixx, VJTOBH H cocToanne aa-
Biografia de Rizal. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1949.
DC608.5.C6 58-34441 t xxv, 398 p. Illus., ports., facalms. 26 cm. nacoB. KHCB, HSA-BO AicafleMHH nays YKD. CCP, 1956.
(Documentos de la
Oflctna de Blbliotecas Pdbllcas, no. 15) 129, [3, p. Illus., map. 28cm.
DS675.8.R5P32 1949a 56-28827 SH351.R6S8 58-19918
ROAD ACCIDENTS see Traffic accidents
Polnay, Peter de, 1906-
A door ajar. London, R. Hale C 1959]
Rivera, Juan F 1906- ROAD BUILDING see Road construction
178 p. 23 cm.
PR6031.O53Z52 Living the Rizal way, by Juan F. Rivera and Petra 0.
Rivera. Quezon City, 1958. ROAD-BUILDING MACHINERY see Road
287 28 cm.
p. Illus.
DS675.8.R5R5 923.2914 58-39843 J
Jacques Riviere. Paris, La Colombo l 1966j see also Road
machinery; Road materials;
236 p. 19cm.
Rizal y Alonso, Jose", 1861-1896. Roads Guard fences; Roads Maintenance
Illinois: Unlr. Library
A 56-7024 A college anthology of Rizal's works; with a full biog
and repair; Roads,
raphy, by Jos6 Ma. Hernandez, Esteban A. De Ocampo t andi Concrete; Roads,
Zommo C. EUa, Manila, R. P. Garcia Pub. Co., 1958. Gravel; Roads, Macadamized; Roads,
Cook, Bradford. 415 p. illus. 22cm. (The BIzal caravan)
Jacques Riviere, a life of the spirit Oadford, B. BlacfcwelL DS675.8.R5A19 923^914
Plank; Roads, Soil- cement; Roads, Tarred
58-41485 J
158 p. Illus. 23 cm.
PQ2635.1 87Z58 928.4 58-43355 \ Abbate, Alfonso.
Prove pratiche di laboratorio e di cantiere nelle coatruzioni
Zaide, Gregorio F stradali...
Jose" Rizal .-life, Milano, Hoepli. 1958.
Pfoot-Spanos, Andree, 1923- works, and writings. Manila, Villanueva XU.286D. lllus.. dlagn., forma. 26cm.
Book Store C 1957j
Mirror of an epoch ; the correspondence of Jacques Riviere vlll,296p. port 23cm. Michigan. Univ. Ubr.
and Alain-Foamier. Ajin Arbor, University Microfilms DS675.8JE15Z3 58-21790
([University Microfilms, Ana Arbor, Mich.] Publication 6680)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 6680 Mic 54-910
RIZAL FAMILY American Association of State Highway Officials. Com
^ mittee on Oonstruotion,
Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922.
Manual of highway construction practices and methods.
Marcel Proust et Jacques Riviere, correspondance (1914- Ocampo, Esteban A de.
Rev. 1957. Washington, American Association of State
1922) Presentee et annotee par Philip Kolb. Paris, Plon The Rizal family. Pref. by Jaime C. de Veyra. Manila,
1954. Highway Officials, 1958.
181 p. 28cm.
xtr,S24p. 19cm. 36 p. Illus. 23 cm.
TE151.A5 1958 625.7 59-19693 t
CS1399J15 1954 55-19931 t

Library of Congress CatalogBooks: Subjects


Gezenfsvei, L B
The use of stabilized soil for road construction in the
Arsen'ev, Aleksei Alekseevich.
XI. S. A, London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1954. ^opoajHtie ac$ajitxo6eioHHtie noKpuTH*. MocEsa, Z3A-
pa6ox. 25 cm. (Harmonds worth [Eng.j Road Re BO MnHHCxepcxsa EOHMyHajitHoro xoa^ftcxBa PCOCP, 1954.
vl. 26 p. lllus., dlagrs.
lllus. 22 cm.
flopHSflar, 1947. search Laboratory. Road research technical paper r 200, [4] p.
192 p. diagrs., forma. 20 cm. TE270.G44 55-56085
TE7.H33 no. 29 56-38473
TE145.A754 55-34147
Gezenfsvei, L B
Coquand, Roger. u peiiOHT ropo^ciciix ycouepiueHCXBOBaH-
Arsen'ev, Aleksei Alekseevich. Routes; circulation, trace, construction. Pref. de A.
HIIX Aopor. ^onyn^eHO B KaiecxBe y^e6. nocofina &x.a. ME-
CxponxeiLCxno auxoMoCmMiLix r^opor. IIo,; oCmefi pe^;. Bumpier. Paris, EyroUes, 1956-
v. diagrs. 25 cm. cxepos ^opo>KHBtx padox. MocEBa, HSJ;-BO MuHncxepcxea
H. H. HnanoBa. ^onymeno B Kaiecxae yie6. noco6iia fljui illus.,

cnei(iiajii.HOCTit "ABTOMo6inr.Hi.te ^oporn."

A 58-2695 KOMuyHajir.Horo xos^tflCTBa
23 cm.
PCOCP, 1958
MocKoa, Hayi- Michigan. Univ. Llbr. 281 p. illus.
iio-Texii. H3J-BO aBTorpancn. .niT-pu, 1955- TE145.G42 58-45712
v. llltis. 27 cm.
TE145.A757 56-39985
Ente per sviluppo della irrigazione e la trasfonnazione
Gniewinski, Czeslaw,
fondiaria in Puglia e Lucania. Sesione specials per la budowa Dla inzynierow i
Ulice i
place; i utrzymanie. c

Astrua, Giuseppe. riforma fondiaria. technikow Wyd. Warszawa,

Strade in snolo stabilizzato. Pubblicazione a cura del Ser-
drog publicznych. l.j
Manual e pratico complete per 1'assistente tecnico stradale ; Wydawn. Komunikacyjne, 1953.
costruttore de strade, ponti, gallorie ed opere idrauliche. t 2. vizio bonifiche e lavori. Ban [Stab, d'arti grafiche G. La- 252 p. lllus. 22cm.
terza, 1954] TE145.G53 56-31316 t
ed. aumentataj Milano, Hoepli, 1955. 61 p. lllus., maps, dtagrs. SO cm.
xvl, 581 p lllus dlagrs,, tables, 20 cm.
[TE145.A ]

A 56-1350 A 56-3398
Univ. LIbr. Michigan Univ. Llbr.
Gnanberg, Aleksandr Ivanovich.
AnaanB xoaaftcxseHHoa fleaxeji-HOCxH MaranHOAOpOHCHOft
Babkov, V P cxaHnnn. MocKBa, Hay^tHO-xexH. HSA-BO asToxpaHcu. ^HX-
ABTOMoCHJtbime floporn. ^onymeHO B saiecxBe yietfiiHKa Feilberg, Caspar Ludvig, 1881- PH, 1955.
Ivortf attet lajrebog i vejbygning og kloakering. Udg. paa 114 p 22 cm. (B noMom> paCoxHHKaM MC)
RX.X nyson no cnenHajii>HOCxn "ABXOMOO"HJIH." MocKBa,
TE185.G7 56-27034=
Haynio-xexn. IMA-BO aBxoxpaHcrr. JHT-PH, 1954. den Kongelige Veterinser- og Iandboh0jskoles foranstaltning.
174 p. lllus., profiles. 23cm. 5. udg., med 180 figurer tegnet af M. Borch. K0benhavn,
TE145.B3 55-36958 1952.
189 lllus. 29 cm. Hafner, Franz, of Graz.
TE145.F4 1952 55-58864 J
Forstlicher Strassen- und Wegebau. Wien, G. Fromme,
Bella, Mario di. 1956.
399 p. (p 380-399 advertisements) lllus. 23 cm.
Problem? stnidnli. Strade proviuciali, sicurezza della
A 57-4725
strada, sottofondi, prove di laboratorio. [Catania] Camene Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Austria) ' Washington. Univ., Seattle Library
[1954! Arbeitsqruppe "Untergrundforschung.'
100 p. lllus. 22 cm.
Anleitung fiir den Ban und die Unterhaltung mechanisch
A 55-6884 verfestigter Trag- und Vei'schleipsschichten. Wien, 1952.
Northwestern Univ. Library 31 p. dlagrs. 21 cm. Highway Materials Conference, University of Virginia.
A 54-2733 rev Abstracts of papers.
3v illus
2d-4th; 1953-56. jCharlottesvillej
29 cm. annual.
Michigan. Univ. Ltbr. , ports.
Betrieb von Strassenbaumaschinen t von] J. M. Pikowski t et TE5.H5G A 56-9574 rev 2
Hrsg. vom Ministerium f lir Verkehrswesen, Hauptver- Virginia. State Library
Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany)
waltung Strassonwesen. [Aus. dom Russischen iibers. von Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen.
Hermann Bresinskyj Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1955. Fortschrittsberichte iiber Strassenbauforschung und
341 p. lllus. 24cm. Honing, J
TE223.E415 57-41428 % Strassenbaufinanzierung. Vortriige und Eeferate von der Konstruksi djalan-raja; kitab-peladjaran untuk sekolah-
Tagimg der Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen und teknik di Indonesia. Djakarta, H. Stam c 1950]
der Fachabteilung Strassenbau des Hauptverbandes der 42 p. lllus. 21 cm,
Bezruk, Vasilii Makarovich. Deutschen Bauindustrie am 15.-17. September 1952 in Bad TE147.H6 55-56570
TeopexntecKire OCHOBHI yKpen.iemiJi rpyHTOB zjeMCHxaMii. Salzuflen. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1953.
MocKBa, HavHHo-xextr. ii3fl-no aivroxpancnopx. ,uiix-pM, 1956. 154 p. plates, map, dlagrs. 21 cm.
247 23 cm.
p. lllus
A 53-7715 rev fAkovlev, Aleksei VasH'evich.
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. He 3Keae3O(5exoHHie Aoposntre noKpa-
. Poc. HS^-BO jcnx-pu no ciposxejiBcxsy H

Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany) apxHxeKxype, 1955.

Birulft, A K Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen. 83 p. lllus 20 cm. (HoBaxopu crpoHre^bHoft mycxpMH)
^oporit no MCCXHHX waxcpHajiOB. MocKBa, HayiHO-xexn. Unterbau-Versuchsstrecke Grunbach. Erster Bericht TE278 J 2 56-24084
USA-BO anxoxpancnopXHOft .inx-pH, 1955. uber Planung und Vorarbeiten, Arbeitsausschuss Unterbau-
130+ p. dlagra. 23 cm. versuche der Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen Ivanov, Fedor Mikhanovich.
TE200.B495 56-42123 e. V. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum 1957j C 3soHOM>ia neMCHia npa cxpOHieatcxBe flopor. MocKBa,
29 p. lllus. 30 cm. [Forschungsarbelten aus dem Strassenwesen,
HayHO-xexH. HS^-BO aaxoxpancn. jrai-pu, 1954.
Biralia, A K n.F.,Heft30)
TE210.F63 57-39718 1
01 p. lllus. 22 cm. (O6MCH xexHinecKHM onwroM B AOPOKHOM
ycxottiHBOcxt rpynxOB flOposKHtoro noJioxna B cxextHSix xosaftcxBe)
TE278.1 82 57-17708
paftonax. Ho^ otfmett pefl. A. K. EHpyjra. MocKaa, HSA-BO Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany)
flOpOSKHO-TCXII. JIHX-ptr, 1951.
176 p. illua., map. 22 cm. Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen.
58-17339 TJnterbau-Versuchsstrecke Lahr. Erster Bericht uber die Ivanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich.
TE210.B48 Budowa drog samochodowych. [Thim. Eugeniusz Busz-
Versuchsstrecke in Lahr der Kommission TJnterbauversuche
der Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen e. V. ma. Wyd. 1., Warszawa, Wydawn, Komunikacyjne, 19
v. lllns. 24 cm.
Birulia,V I Bielefeld, Kirschbaum tl955, TE145.I857
43 p. lllus., map. 30 cm. (Forschnngsarbelten aus dem Strassen 55-15595
ycKOpeinmtt Mexofl KOHTpoji* ynjioxHeHiur seMJiflHOro wesen, n. F., Heft 18)
jioxna. MocKsa, Hafl-BO flopOJKHO-xexH, jim-pn, 1958. TE210.F6 56-35578
63 rSi p. dlagra. 22 cm. (O6MCH XCXHHHCCKHM onuroM) Ivanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich,
TE210.B5 55-17647
Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany) HpoeicxBpOBaHHe flopoacHwx OAear^. cKnary HanncajiH
Arbeitsgruppe Planung, StrassengestaUung und Verkehr. Hayq. coxpy^HHEH Coi03AOpHHH. OCmee pe^a
Kichtlimen fiir Entwurf, Bau und Unterhaltung land- KHHFH npoHSBefleno H. H. ECBaHOBHiij Mocssa,
XCXH. H3A-BO aBioxpazcn. JTHT-PM 1955.
Bochin, Valerii Aleksandrovich. licher Wege. Ausg. 1956. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Verlag 249 p. mus. 23cm.
^opora cxpOHTca noxoiHUM uexoflOM. MocKBa, HayiHO- t 1956,
XCXH. H3fl-BO aBxoxpancn. JIHX-PH, 1954. 35 p. lllus., plans. 30 cm. 56-37021
00 p. lllus. 20 cm. (flonvjijipHafl xexHHiecKaji CnGjiHOTe'iKa pa- A 57-3890
OOHCrO AOpOMCHHKa) Michigan. Univ. Ltbr.
Ivanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich.
TE153.B55 55^1084 Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Germany) CxpOHxeiECxBO aBxonoSiuitHHx ^opor.
Arbeitagruppe Steinstrauen. ^cecTBe yTtefi. noco5oa flaa cnej^aajiLHOCT
Bauregeln fiir die sachgemasse Herstellung von Packlage, ^opora." MocKsa, Hayrao-TexH. H3fl-so aBxoxpancn-.
Bruno. Schotter- und Kiesbettung als Strassenunterbau.
Bolis, Ausg. p H ,19
Progettazione e costruzione deUe stride. Milano, Touring 1951. Koln-Deutz [1951, T. illus. 2T cm.
dub italiano, 1957. 14 p. lllns. 21cm. TE145.1 86 58-
406 p. lllua., dlagrs. 24cm. A 53-979 rev
A 68-91 Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany) Ivanov, Nikolai Nikolaevich, ed.

Arbeitsgruppe Untergrund. YcxpoficxBO flOpoHCHHX ocHOsaHun n noKpHXHfi H3 saco-
Bnszma, Eugeniusz. Strasse und XTntergrund: Berichte. Berichterstatter : A. jieHHtix rpynxoB n rpaBnttHHx iiaxepirajroB, ofipadoxaHHux
Drogownictwo w planie sze^cioletnim. Warszawa, Pari- Diicker t et al.] Bielefeld, Kirschbaum r1955j 6nxyMaMH n ^erxHMn ; cCopnuE cxaxefl. MocKBa, Hay^no-
stwowe Wydawn. Techniczne, 1953. 55 p. lllus., dlagrs. 30 cm. (Forschnngaarbelten aus dem xexH. H3fl-BO asxoxpaHcn. jmx-psi, 1958.
88 21 cm. Strassenwesen. n. F., Heft 17) 207 p. lUus. 22 cm.
p. lllus. (BIblloteka planu szeficloletnleffo)
TE95.P7B8 55-22597 t TE155.F6 A 56-1502 TE145.1 88 59-36380
John Crerar Library

Gallaway, Bob M
Chochol, Stefan. A
report on some factors affecting the life of steel pilings
Jenko, RudL
Prudovd mettSda v cestnom ataviteTstve; zaklady teorie a in the Texas gulf coast area; a study conducted for the
Staticno dimen2doniran]e zgornjega ustroja sodobnih. cest.
otazky uplatnenia prudovej met6dy v nafiom cestnom sta- Texas Highway Department, Austin, Texas. College Sta
^Ljubljana, pref. 1952]
viterstve. Bratislava, Vydavatefstvo Slovenskej akad&nie tion, Texas Transportation Institute, 1955.
53 1. lllus., maps, dlagrs., tables. 28 cm, [Texas Transportation
vied, 1958. TE210.J45 59-22646 t
159 p. lllus, 24cm. Institute, College Station. Bnllettn no. lj

TE145.C46 59-17671 J TE210.G3 *620.172 57-44030 rev

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROAD CONSTRUCTION (Continued) Mironov, Viktor Aleksandrovich. Polosin-Nikitin, S M

nocofiae ^a flecsTHHKa AOpoacHHKa. Uo^ o(5m;eft pe^. SeujiepoftH&ie MamiiHti na flopoKHOM CTpoiiTe.Ttcxne. Hafl.
M. C. SaxiaxaeBa. MocKBa, HS^-BO AOPOHCHO-TCXH. JHT-PH, iicnp. H flon. MocKoa, Hayino-texH. ii3fl-BO aaTOTpaucn.
Kalechifs, Evgenil Vital'evich. 2.,
1952. JIHX-PH, 1958.
npmmiiaK opraHH3an;HH npomBOACTseHHtix npe^npua-
Microfilm Slavic 766 T Mic 58-6151 87, [1] p. illus. 20 cm. (FIony^jipHag TexHHiecKaH OHO^HOTeiKa
THfl npa notoiHOM cxpouxejiscxse
flopor. MOCEBI, Haymo- paSonero AQpOKHHKa)
TCXH. H3A-BO aBxoxpaacn. JIHX-PK, 1955. TE223.P6 1958 59-36003
91 Ulus. 22 cm.
Mission franchise de productivity direction des rentes.
TE183.K3 56-35259
Routes; rapport de la mission "direction des routes."
[Paris, II. Marchand, imp., 1952?] Popov, Tikhon Timofeevich.
55 p. Illus group port, tables. 31 cm. ii3^uoro ac^>a.iiTO(5cTOHa n
flopOKHBie noKpuxHK

Kastl, Johannes. TE23.M5 56-34362

Der Strassenbau. Leipzig, Teubner, 1957- Ttepnoro me6H.n. MocicBa, Hayniro-xexit. na^-^o aBTOtpaucn.
v. lllus. 24cm. jiiix-pu, 1957.
TE145.K3 5T-34523 1 Monson, Harold M 100 p.
lllus. 22 cm. (06MCH rexHHHecKHM onwxoM Aopownux
Training of Israel hignway personnel in modern road con TE270.P6 57-40210
struction methods and procedures; report to the Government
Kharkhuta, N fA of Israel [Ministry of Commerce and Industry] Technical
ymtoxHCHue rpynxoB flopoacnttx Hactinefl. MocKBa, assistance program. Tel-Aviv, U. S. A. Operations Mission (1983- U. S. S. ft.) Glavnoe upravlenie shoa-
Hay^HO-iexH. ns^-so MnmicxepcxBa aBxoMO(5mibHOro xpanc- to Israel, 1957. aeinykh dorog.
1 v. (Tarloua paglngs) Illus. 26 cm. (USOM Industry report) TexHMHecKHC npaBHJia na coopyaceHHe
nopia a mocceiiHHX flopor PC<J>CP, 1958. flopoacHtix noKpti-
142 p. illus. 23cm. TE113.I8M6 625.7
xntt H3 xo.ioAHoro MejKosepiiHcxoro ac$aJii>xoBoro Cexona.
TE210.K47 59-40880 J MocKBa, ^opHSflax, 1948.
Moscow. Vsesoiuznyl dorozhnyJ nauchno-issledovatel'skiJ 36 p. 20cm.
institut. TE221.R83 55-25020

npoeicTiipOBaHne rpynTOBttx ocnOBanHtt ycoBepraeHCTBO-

Kotliarskii, Boris Isaakovich.
saHHtix noKpBirntt c ynexoM; HX paCoxw B SHMHHX yoiOBHHX. Russia (1983- U. S. S. R.) Glavnoe upravlenie shos-
Oprannsanna pa(5oT ManrimoflOpOJKHoro oxpflfla. MocEBa, H/H. HsaHOBa. MocKsa, Hsfl-BO flOpoHCHO-iexH.
IIoA pefl.
seinyl&h dorog.
Hay^HO-TexH. H3fl-Bo aaxoxpaHcn. Jinx-pa, 1957.
JIIIT-PH, 1953.
ill, [2j p. lllus. 22 cm. BpeMemitie iiopMti H pacu;enKH na ^opoKirue pa<5oxH.
TE153.K63 58-21261 Microfilm Slavic 366 T Mic 55-3498
YxBepMCflCHH 4 iirojia 1952 r. MocKBa, ^opnsflax, 1952.
Microfihn Slavic 739 AC Mic 58-6505

National Research Council. Highway Research Board.

Kozlovskii, Boris Konstantinovich.
Time-saving methods in highway engineering. Washing (19S3- U. S. S. R.) Gosudarstvennyl Tcomitet
ton, 1955-1956. po delam stroitel'stoa.
jieHHHX upeflDcpnaTiifi. MocKsa, Foe. n3^-so Jinx-psi no 14pts. (lv,383p.) 28cm. HiiCTpyiojHfl no cocxanJieHHio npoeKxoB H CMCX no anxo-
CTpOHxejitcxBy, apxHxeErype H cxponx. jiaxepiiajiaii, 1958. TE153.N35742 625.7 57-45322
339 p. lllus , map. 21 cm. flopojKHOMy cxponxejii,cxBy (H-105-53) YxBepMcflCHa 21
TE145.K64 59-21632 wapxa 1953 rofla MocEsa, HS^-BO #opojKHO-xexu. jax-pu,
Nekrasov, Vladimir Konstantinovich.
Handbuch fiir den Strassenbautechniker, von W. K. Nek- Microfilm Slavic 748 AC Mic 58-6907
rassow, M. X. Ritow uudj N. I. Towstolushski. Aus dem
Krntetadi,E V t t

Russisclien iibersetzt von Sebustian Feistj Leipzig, Fach-

^opora H ifocxH. 2. H3fl., Hcnp. H nepep. Russia (1983-
B Eaiecxse yie6. buchverlag, 1956- U. S. S. A.; Atmisterstvo
E. B. KpyreijEoro. ^onymeno v. illus. 24 cm.
transports i shosseinykh dorog. TeJtshnicheskoe upravlenie.
flJTJI CneiJEtajHtHOCXH "CejILCKOXOSafiCXBCHHOe CTpOHTCJIBCTBO." TE145.X4135 58-16739 t TexHiiiecKiie npaniwta ycxpoftcxsa
MocKsa, Hsfl-BO MnHHCxepcxsa KOMMynaJibHoro xosaflcxsa flopOMCHwx noicpwxHft
as ac$ajitTO(5exoHa, rtpiiMeHeMoro B
PCOCP, 1957. rop*iec cocioaHHH.
442 p. Illus. 26 cm. Nekrasov, Vladimir Konstantinovich. [CocxasjienH CoiosflopHHH] MocKea, HaynHO-xexii. uafl-ao
TE145.K72 1957 58-32466 CxpOHTCJiBCTBo aBTOMotfHJiBHHx flopor. ,3|oiiyjneHO B sa- aBioxpancn. jtiix-pu, 1955.
115 p. dlagrs forms. , 20 cm.
^ecTse yieiS. nocofia^: fljia aBTOMotfHJiBHO-flopoMCHHx TCXJIH-
TE270.R78 57-20482
zyMOB. MocEsa, Hay^HO-Texn. HS^-BO aBTOTpancn. JIHT-PH,
Kudriavfsev, A S
486 p. Ulus. 23cm. Shelftbslti!, B V
TE145.N42 58-30991 TpaKxopHue cKpenepH nocotfiie xpaKxopacxy.
o6m;eii pefl. B. B. ,2IjaHHjaeBCKoro. [MocKBaj ( 3i o P H3 A aT
AflxoxpaHcris^ax, 1954.
[1951j-57. &4p. Illus. 22cm.
2v. Illus., maps (Hold.) 23cm.
TE85.K8 52-37373 rev Nohring, Friedrich. TA725.S5 55-20649
Der Strassenbaupraktiker. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag,
116 p. lllus. (part col.) dlagrs., fold. plan. 21 cm.
Kuznefsov, Fedor Ivanovich.
TE14 5.N6 A 55-1808
AOO-ISUa Sherrard, Howard Macoun, 1897-
Michigan. TTnlv. Llbr. Australian road practice; an introduction to highway
Ioaiec6yjiH3AaT, 1956. engineering. Carlton] Melbourne University Press 1958i
t r

22 cm. 407 p. lllus. 26cm.

127, [1] p. lllus. (B noMomb CTpOHTCJWM jiecosaroTOBH-
TE145.S48 625.70994 59-16109 t
TE153.K88 57-28978
nBii nepe^OBiiKOB ^opoacHOro Btin. 1-
MocKsa, HayiHO-xexH. na^-so aBTOTpancn. jrnT-pu '
1956- Sidoti, Domenico.
v. lllus. 20cm. Guida allo studio dei progetti
Levsen, PauL TE85.06
stradali. 2. ed. riv. ed.

Der angemessene Preis im Strassenbau. 57-22600 ampliata. Pisa, G. Pellegrini, 1957.

7., neu bearb.
218 p. lllus dlagra., profile, tables. 24 cm,
Aufl. von Paul Levsen und GottJfried Peters. Darmstadt,

O. Eisner, 1955.
A 58-2888
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
61 p. dlagrs., tables. 30 cm.
A 55-5170 Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Public Highways
Michigan. TJnlv. LIbr.
Construction manual [Prepared by the Bureau of Public Siedek, P
Highways assisted by Philippine Division, U. S. Bureau of Die bodenmechanischen Vorarbeiten fiir Strassenbauten
Lewis,? C Public Roads. Manila?] 1956. und ilu-e
Nutzanwendung fiir Bauentwurf und Ausschrei-
IT. lllus. 27cm.
Keport on a tour of the United States of America and bung, von P. Siedek und R. Voss. DGsseldorf, Werner-
TE145.P5 625.7 59-37200 J
England during April-October, 1951 covering the study of Verkg [1957]
and construction de
materials, research, planning, design, Tip. lllus., dlagrs. 21cm.
velopments in highway engineering. [Pietermaritzburg?
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
A 58-876
131 L diagrs. 33cm.
TE145X58 59-25726 PoDitt, H W W
Colonial road problems,* impressions from visits to East
Africa and Northern Slavufskil, Aleksandr Kel'manovich.
Rhodesia, and Nyaaaland.
Ubby, Hollis W 1880- H. M. Stationery Off., 1954. London, CxpOHxejrtcxBO CCJCLCKHX AOpor. Mocssa,
Manual of instructions for Construction Department em 3fl-so aaxoxpaHcn. ^HX-JDH, 1955
ployees, prepared ... by H. W. Libby tandj F. 0. Scott CTPOHTCJBI MCCTHMX A P Or)
Salem, Oregon State Highway Commission, 1953
JV33.G7A52 no. 17
56-58512 56-35244
240 p. illus., maps. 28 cm. (Oregon. State Highway Itept
Technical bulletin no. 19, rer.)
TE24.08L5 625.7 57-62564 J
Polosin-Nikitin, S M Cnpamo'iHHK HHacenepa ^opojKHHKa. [FjiaB. pe^aKiop H. B.
OpnaxcKHtt] MocKBa, Hsfl-so aopoMCHO-xexH. ^ux-pii, 19
MexaHnsanH* paCox na ^opoHOM cxpOHiejitCTBe. flony v. lllus. 23 cm.
Maksimov, Petr Okovlevich.
Microfilm copy (negative)
^opoaznaji ofleacAa HS rpyHTac$ajri,Ta. MocKsa, HayrHO- HHX TexHHKyMOB. MocKsa, Hayrao-TexH. HSA-BO Microfilm Slavic 703 T
TCXH. H3A-BO aBTorpancn. JiHT-pH, 1956.
25 p. lllns. 22 cm. Tpaacn. jrni-pH,-1955. TE145.S79 53-37942 rev
(O0Meu TCXBHICCKHM onuroM AOpoxcnbtx 458 p. lllus. 23cm.
TE24AMS 57-15728
TE145.P83 56-25693

Makuni, MikhaH Antonovich. Polosin-Nikitin, S M iiHaceHepa-^opoacHnica. rjaB. peflaKxop H. B.


KaitCHt E ero npHMeHCHHe ^opoxHOH crpoHtejifcCTBe. SeiciepottHHe itaniHHHC sa flopoKHOM CTpOHTCJtCTBe. OpnaxcKHtt] Zafl. 2., nepep. MocKBa, HayiHO-xexn. HS^-BO
Mo- 19
MocKBa, Hay^HO-TexH. HSA-BO aBTOTpancn. jiHT-pH, 1955. CKsa, ABTOTpaHCHSflax^ 1954, asxoxpaHcn. jrnx-pti,
61 p. illus. 20cm. (nonyjwpmw TexHmecicaa (JHCjiHorwita pa6o- T. Illus. 23cm.
HCTO AOpOXCBHKa) TE145.S7912 57-31500
TE235^I28 56-20757
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Greene, Carla, 1906-
I want to be a road-builder. Pictures by Irma and George
Stramentov, Andrei Evgen'evich. Inzunza de Mora, Wilde. [Chicago, Childrens Press t 1958 3
^oponi (ropOACKHC H BHyTpusaBOflCKiie) ^onymeno B
Companias constructors de caminos; algunos aspectos de unpaged. Illns. 25cm.
KaiecTue yne<5. rrocoCHa fljia KOMMyHcuitHo-cxpoHT. TCXHH- su organizaci6n y administraci<5n. M&xico, 1955. PZlO.G7Iaqr 58-14616 J
EyuoB. MocKea, Hs^-no MiinncTepCTBa KOUMynaJitHoro 100 p. Illus. 23cm
xosaftCToa PC<DCP, 1957. HF5686.E6I5 57-20900 J Zaffo, George J
2 v. illus, 23 cm,
TE145.S838 Building your super highways; things to know about road
58-37533 rev
building and the equipment used. Written and illustrated
COLLECTED WORKS by George J. Zaffo. Technical advice was given by Edward
J. Petrillo, inc. Garden City, N. Y., Garden City Booksj
flopor iia aacojieuHux rpynTax H 6
necKax. MocEBa, ABTOTpanciia^aT, 1953.
202 p. illus. 22 cm. National Research Council. Highway Research Board. 63 p. illus. 32cm.
road test. Washington, 1954-55. PZlO.Z3Bu 57-11405 t
2 pts illus., tables. 28 cm. (Its Special report 18, 22)
TE7.N32 625.7072 54-61901 rev
Tokmakova, I A
Cnpanoinoe nocoCne RUSL uaerepa no CTpoHiejibCTBy npo- Road research notes, no. 1- The Atlantic road builder & engineering review, v. 1-
MuruuieHHux (5e3pejtcoBtix #opor. Ilofl o<5mett pefl. E. M. Aug. 1946-
Okhla [Indiaj Central Road Research Institute, 1952-
KynpHKHOBa. MocKua, Toe. no CTpontejn,- no. in v. Illus (part col.) dlagrs. 25 cm.
H3fl-uo JIHT-PH tNewYorkj
CTBy H apxHTCKxype, 1953. TE7.R57 625.7082 59-17644 T. Illus. 28cm. monthly (Irregular)
Microfilm Slavic 426 AC Mic 55-4070 TE1A83 55-58397

CONGRESSES Drogownictwo; czasopismo po^wiecone zagadnieniom tech-

Torgonskil, Mikhail Nikolaevich. niki i gospodarki drogowej.
Arkansas. University. Engineering Experiment Station.
HcKyccTBCHHHe coopyjKCHHH JiecoBOSHux flopor. ^ony- Warsisawa, Wydawn. Komunikacyjne.
m;eHO B KaiecTBe yie<5. nocotfiur ^jia jiecorexH. xexmrKyMOB. Proceedings of the annual high-way short course. 1st- v. la Illus., ports^ maps. 30 cm. monthly.
MocKaa, rocjiec6yMH3flaT, 1956.
1956- TE4.D7 58-26183
151 p. Illus. 27 cm. [Fayettevillej
v. Illus. 23cm. (/t* Bulletin, no. 23)
TE153.T6 57-15733
TE5.A64 56-63515
Transport-communications monthly review.
New Delhi, Indian Roads Congress.
Touring club italiano. ill-as. 25 cm.

Manunle pratico del cantoniere stradale. 8. ed., intera- National Conference on Increasing Highway Engineering HE381.T76 625.705 57-36958
mente rifatta. Milano, 1955. Productivity, Boston, 1957.
112 p. illus. 19cm. National Conference on Increasing Highway Engineering
TE145.T6 1955 55-22336 J Productivity, Somerset Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, Sep
tember 17-18-19, 1957. Washington, Division of Develop
ment, Office of Operations, Bureau of Public Roads, U. S.
Dept. of Commerce [1958]
see also Traffic accidents
Traxueus, Gunnar. ly. (varlouspaglngs) Illus., dlagrs., tables. 27cm.
Klar sikt i
vagfragan; 6 uppsatser 1955-57. [Malmo, Nya TE5.N16 625.706373 58-61046
California. Division of Highways.
litograf en distribution genom Seelig, 1957j

63 p. Illus., dlagrs. 2$ cm. Median study, 1952 c by] Edward T. Telford, traffic engi
Northwest Conference on Road Building.
A 58-2877 1948- neer, and Rudolph J. Israel, assistant traffic engineer. [Sac
Michigan. tJnlr. Llbr. Proceedings.
ramento, 1952?]
[ Seattle, University of Washington] 28, vll. illus. 28cm
T. illus., maps., diagrs. 23-28 cm. annual.
TE153.C32 625.7 53-62613 rev %
TE5.N74 625.7068795 58-22543
Tresidder, J
A review of existing methods of road construction over
peat. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1958. Illinois, Division of Highways.
lv, 26, [lj p. Illus. 25 cm. ( [Haraondsworth, Bng., Road Re DICTIONARIES
search Laboratory. Road research technical paper, no. 40) Safety code. [Springfield] 1950.
34 p. Illus. (Icol.) 17cm.
TE7.H33 no. 40 625.73 58-41194 Bundesanstalt fur Strassenbau. A 51-9234 rev
HD7825.R62U65 1950 331.823
Strassenbau-Fachworter. Roadbuilding-technical terms. Illinois. Univ. Library
[Koln-Raderthalj 1955.
United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Cm '

TE9JB82 625.703 59-40629

Declaration on. the construction of main international
traffic Geneva, 16th September 1950.
arteries, London,
H. M. Stationery OS., 1952. TABLES, CALCULATIONS, ETC.
25 p. 25cm. ([Gt.BrIt. Foreign Office, Treaty series, 1952, no. 12)
JX636 1892 1952, no. 12 388.1 52-4611 rev Gaston, Francisco Jose. Tesoriere, Giuseppe.
Diccionario ingles-espanol de terminos relacionados con Calcolo rapido delle aree delle sezioni stradali. Genova,
la ingenieria de caminos, de uso recomendado por el Quinto Vitali e Ghianda [1955]
Volkov, A B Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria de Cuba; con un Indice de 73, [1] p. dlagrs. 28 cm. (II LIbro della professlone)

Ontrr nocTpottKH rpyiixoBtix H rpyHTometfeHoiHtix OCHO- las palabras tecnicas en espanol. Habana, 1946. A 56-3288
xiv, 170 p. 24 cm. Michigan. Univ. Ubr.
saHHft, oCpaCoTaiiHux tfiiTyMow H ^erraMH. MocKsa, Hafl-
TA9.G32 58-27392
Microfilm Slavic 390 AC Mic 55-3578


Voss, Reimar Jorgen August, 1900- Bundesanstalt fur Strassenbau. LOUISIANA
Die Bodenverdichtung im Strassenbau. Dusseldorf, Strassenbau-Fachworter. Roadbuilding-technical terms.
Werner-Verlag C 1956) c K6ln~Raderthalj 1955.
39 p. Illus. 21 cm. 79 p. 22cm. Louisiana. Dept. of Highways (1942- )
TA715.V65 56-46296 J TE9.B82 59-40629
625.703 Leadership training; combined notes of conferences for
supervisory personnel of Louisiana Department of High
ways, District 05, Monroe, Louisiana, sponsored by Ouachita
DIRECTORIES Valley Vocational-Technical School tn. p., 1958 ?j
Washington (State) Dept. of Highways. ill, 67 L illus. 29 cm.
Manual for engineers. Olympia, 1956. HF5549X58 59-62T24
304 19cm. Florida highway industry directory.
A 59-9293 [Tallahassee^ Florida Road Builders' Association.
Seattle. v. 23cm.
Washington. XJniy., Library
TE12.F5 58-37313

Zamakhaev, M S Dept. of Highway* (1942- )

Kas nocxpoHXB ^opory B nocejtre. Mocrsa, ESA-BO MHHH- Leadership training; combined notes of conferences for
JUVENILE LITERATURE supervisory personnel of Louisiana Department of High
CTepcxsa KOHMynajtBHoro xosxflcTBa PC<I>CP, 1954.
68, [4] p. profiles. 20 cm. ways, District 05, Monroe, Louisiana, sponsored by Ouachita
Cooke, David Coxe, 1917-
TE153JZ3 55-43128
How superhighways are made. New Mead Valley Vocational-Technical School cn. p., 1959]
t York] Dodd, Iv, 65 L mue. 29cm.
[1958] HF5549X59 658.3124
19x24 cm.
Zamakhaev, M S
64 p.
58-13082 J
nocofine flecaiHHKy ^opoacHHKy. HSA- 2, nepep. MocKBa,
Hay^HO-xexH. E3fl-BO aBxoxpancn. JIHX-PM, 1954. ROAD DEPARTMENTS see Highway depart
Microfilm Slavic 559 AC Mic 56-5274
Curren, Polly, 1917-
Gian Carlo. This is a road. Cover by Robert J. Lee. Illus. by Kelly
Zuccarelli, e
Oechsli. Chicago, Follett Pub. Co., !959.
iCompendio di costruzioni stradali e ferroviarie ad uso degli 82 p, linw. 25 cm. (The Pollett beginning to read aeries) ROAD DESIGN see Roads Design
allievi ingegneri. Torino. V. Giorgio, 1947. 59-14051 J
1ST p. Illus. 25cm. (Biblloteca polltecnlco-milTersltarla, 810)
TE145 28 57-48162
Library of Books: Subjects
Congress Catalog

Radzikowski. H A
ROAD DRAINAGE Gabay, AdiL Conservaci6n mecanizada de carretoros. t Madridi 1953.
Les engins mecaniques de chantier; excavation, transport, 125 lllus. 25 cm.
Guillou, John C remblayage, damage, equipement accesaoire et organisation. TE220.R3 56-20926
Avec la collaboration de P. Biaggi t et] E. Lavater. 2. 6d.
Desilting structures for highway drainage systems, by
John C. Guillou and Ven Te Chow. A
report of a prelimi Lausanne, P. H. Feissly, 1954.
nary investigation conducted by the Engineering Experiment
857 p. lllus. 32cm. (Sciences &. technique) Romanov, E road builder.
TA735.G2 1954 57-16194 J onwx
Station, University of Illinois, in cooperation with the Divi Eticxpee, jryraie, ^enieBJie (woft yocaflKii ac<|>ajii,xo-

sion of Highways, State of Illinois, and the Bureau of CexoHa) MocKBa, HS^-BO MinnicxepcxBa KOMMyiiajii.iioro
Italy. Istituto nasionale per il commercio estero. xoaaftcxBa, 1954.
Public Roads, U. S. Dept. of Commerce. Project IHR-4,
Macchine per cantieri edilizi, stradali e minerari, per la 31 p. illus. 20 cm. (06MCH nepeAOBUM OOUXOM npeAnpHHXHfl
Highway Drainage, Illinois Cooperative Highway Research di laterizi e la lavorazione marmi e pietre. KOMMynajibHoro xoaflficxsa)
Program. Urbana, 1954. produzione TE270.R65 55-28554
rtl, 61 Ldlagrs. 28 cm. ( [Illinois. University. College of Engi Building, road-making and mining equipment, machinery
neering. Dept of Civil Engineering] Civil engineering studies; hy for brick-making and for working stone and marble.
draulic engineering series, no. 3) varia e
Milano, Associazione nazionale industria meccanica Russia (1923- U. S. S. Glavnoe upravlenie skos-
A 54-9791 affine r!956]
Illinois. Univ. Library 202 p (p [161]-202 advertisements) 30 cm. (Its Quartern!
delle semykh dorog.
esportazioni itallane. Surveys of the Italian export trade, 7) BpcMciniwe uopMij n pactten&n iia pcjioiix cdsioxo^uoro
Guillou,John C [T12.5.I75A3 vol.7] A 58-3993 yiwaAiHKa ac<{)ajr,xo(5exoHa ^-ir>()A. [Paapafioxanw
The use and efficiency of some gutter inlet grates. Illinois. Univ. Libr.
I^enxp. HopiiaxiiBHo-iicc^. cxaitmneft Tynioc^opa] Mocicsa,
[Urbana, University of Illinois, 1059! Hafl-Bo Aopoaaro-xexH. .inx-pw, 1953.
68 p. lllus., diagre tables. 28 cm
, ( University of Illinois. Engi Kapson, Aron Borukhovich. 39 p tables. 20 cm.
neering Experiment Station bulletin no. 450) IIjiaHHpoBamie paCorti B MamHO^opo-/KHon CTaH^IIII. TE223.R87 50-29947
TE215.G83 625.734 59-63567
MocKsa, HayiHO-rexH. 113^-30 aBTOTpancn. jinr-pH, 1956.
Copy TA410.I7 no. 450
(B noMom> pa<5oTHHK3M MAC)
79 p. forms. 22 cm
TE223 K3 57-35051
National Research Council. Highway Research Board. Seliverstov,
Committee on Surface Drainage of Highways.
Surface drainage of highways. Committee report and MocKBa, Foe. H3fl-Bo cejii,xo3. JIHX-PW, 1954.
three papers presented at the twenty-seventh annual meet Komarevs'kyi, V T 77 p. illus. 23 cm.

^ocsifl podoTH MarnHHiCTiB fl

TE223.S45 55-36953
ing, 1947. Washington, 1948.
29 p. lllus. 25 cm. (Highway Research Board. Research report KHIB, .HepjK. BHfl-BO TCXH. jrix-pH VPCP, 1953.
6-B) 52 p. diagrs. 20 cm. (06M1H nepeAOBHM AOCBIAO

TE215.N3 1947 625.74 56-27970 J TE223.K6 55-32309 Sevrov, Konstantin Pavlovich.

IIpimenHHe n HaBecuwe flOpOJKHue Marannw; cnpaBo-iHUK
Mocicsa, Hay^no-xexu. HS^-BO aBTOxpaHcn.
ROAD GRADERS see Graders (Earthmoving Kuhn, Giinther.
Jinx-pw, 1955.
machinery) Der gleislose Erdbau. Anwendung und Einsatz der 402 p. lllus. 21cm.
Gerate, Organisation und Kalkulation des Forderbetriebes. TE223.S46 56-25695
ROAD GUIDES, AUTOMOBILE see Automobiles Berlin, Springer, 1956.
xvl, Si75 p. lllus. 24 cnru
Road guides A 56-5859 Sinitsyn, Boris Semenoyich.
Illinois. Univ. Library PeryjriipOBEa OCHOBHMX yaJtoB AOpOMcuocxpouxejibiiux wa-
ROAD LAW see Highway law ntiiH. Hofl otfniett pe^. H. T. ^OMtfpOBCKoro. MocKBa,
Kuvaitsev, Ivan Fedorovich. Hay^HO-xexH. HSA-BO aBxoxpancn. JIHX-PH, 1955.
ROAD MACHINERY Cna3o< MarepnajiBt n cM;i3i;a
84 p. Illus. 22cm.
itamjiH. TE223.S54 56-38953
see also Bulldozers; Earthmoving MocKsa, HaynHO-Texn. ii3 ri;-BO aBTOTpancrr. .IIIT-

pu, 1956.
machinery; Graders (Earthmoving 62, ( 2] p. illus. 22 cm.
TE223.K79 Soiuzstroimekhzapchast', Ysesoiuznaia tekhnicheskaia kon-
machinery); Road- rollers 57-19546
Kaxaaor naiiauinnaioimixoi ^era.nert ^opoacnux Mammr.
Androsov, A A Kuvaitsev, Ivan Fedorovich. [Pe^aKxop B. H. Be.iKiiiiiEOBj MOCKIUI, Toe. iiayiuo-xexii.
MaraHHBC nocxpoftEH H coflepacaHHtf ropOflCEzx flopor.
A\2M TOIUHIBO n sanpasKa ^opoacHOCTpoiiTe.iBHBix warnHH. Mo- USA-BO Maminiocxpoiix. jinx-pu, 1954.
Mocirea, Hafl-BO MnHHcrepcxBa KOMMynaJctHoro xosaftcxsa CKBa, Hay^HO-xexH. HS^-BO aBTOTpancn. JCHT-PH, 1956. 382 p. (chiefly lllus.) 27cm.
PODCP, 1948. 58,i2,p. lllus. 22cm. TE223.S7 57-24701
148 p. lllus. 22cm. TE223.K8 56-47616
TE223.A54 56-19439
Tarasov, V A
Makarov, Vladimir Ivanovich.
Bauman, V A CaMoxoAHbift yoafliiiK ac$ajii.xo(5exoiia. MocKBa, Toe.
MOTOPHCT floposcHux MamHH. Oflo6peno B Ka^ecTse yie6.
Scientific research work conducted by VOTIStroydormash nayqiio-xexH. ii3fl-Bo Mamiinocxponx. it cy^ocxponx. ^nx-pu,
noco^Hfl xjix cxpOHT. mKOJi. MocEsa, TpyflpeaepBaaaaT.
in the sphere of construction and road machine-building. 1956.
New York, TJ. S. Joint Publications Research Service, 1958. 851 p. illus. 23 cm.
Microfilm Slavic 437 T Mic 55-3918
19 p. lllus, diagra 27cm. (JPRS/DO-155) TE223.M34 57-36505
AS36.U56 no. 155 625.7 58-61193
Tolstov, V F writer on roadbuttding.
Betrieb von Strassenbaumaschinen cvon] J. M. Pikowski tet Martynov, N V IlocoCiie MexaHHKy KaMneApotfujtuiLix ycxaHOBOK. Mo-
Yiei pacSoxH ^oposnax MamitH. CEBa, ABxoxpaHCH3A&T, 1954.
al.j Hrsg. vom MJnisterium fur Verkehrswesen, Hauptver- MOCKBE, HB^-BO ^o-
120 p. Illus. 22 cm.
POSKHO-XCXH. .tnx-pBi, 1953.
waltung Strassenwesen. t Aus. dem Russischen fibers, von TE239.T6 55-21428
Hermann Bresinskyj Leipzig-, Fachbuchverlag, 1955.
Microfilm' Slavic 427 AC Mic 57-5046
341 p. lllus. 24cm.
TE223.E415 57-41428 J
Pleshkov, Dmitrii Ivanovich. 'f&aplin, Sergei Afanas'evich.
e MamHHH. OflO^pCHO B EaieCTBC MexaHH3Mti AXX flopoacHO-
MocKBa. AexoxpaHCBcsjax, 1953.
Chudakov, K P y^e<5. nocofiH^c TCXH. y^HJinin;. MocKsa, Tpy^pesepBHS- 149 p. lllus.
aT, 1957.
TpaHcnopxHposaHHe H xpaneHae flopoacHBix ManmH. 335 p. lllus. 23cm. TE223.T8
HOR pefl. H. T. ^OHtfpOBCKOro. MocKBa, Hay^HO-xexH. H3A- TE223.P54 58-27946
BO aBTorpaHcn. jurr-psi, 1955.
39 p. lllus. 22cm.
TE223.C52 56-24309 Polosin-Nikitin, S M Vasil'ev, A A ed.
opOKHne MamiiHu; OCHOBH MexaHH3a^H^ ^opo/KHOCTpojixe.TbHBte MamiiHti ; cnpasoHKUK. 2. nepep
AOpoJKHttx H
uanrHHH. ^onymeHO B Kaiecxse yieo*. nocoo*HJi
pafiox. ^onymeno B E a^ecx B e
nepBoro Kypca CIIe^HaJII>HOCTH "CxpOHT<ui,HHe H
siamHHM H o<5opyAOBaHne."
y^e6. nocofinji
flJi* cxyflesxoB
/(on. nspj. [CocxaBiiie^ii II. H. EopoAaies

3 ^" 80 MaraiSHOCT
RXX TCXHHKyMOB. MoCKBa, AflXOXpaHCHSAax, 1954. MocKBa, Hayino-xexn. HSA-BO TE223>25
2v. lllus. 26cm. aBxoxpancn. JIHX-PH 1956 56-27009
TE223D6 55-44182 205 p. lllus. 23cm.
TE223 P57 '

Wehner, Bruno.
Die Mechanisierung des winterlichen Streubetriebes auf

Felgin, Leonid Aleksandrovich.

Polosin-Nikitui, M Strassen; Ermittlungen iiber die zweckmassige
Mexannaamia padox na ^opOKHOM cipOHieJii,crBe Lade- und Streueinrichtungen fur Lastkraf
MamnHH n ofiopyaoBaHiie #xx crponxeJiBCXBa n 3Kciurya- .ZTony- yon twagen, von
meHO B Eawcrae y6. nocofiM RXX Bruno Wehner und Fritz Kramer. Kirschbaum
TanHBC ropoACEnx nyrett coo6meHna. ^onymeno B sa^ecxBe aBxoMoCHjrBHo-Aopoac- Bielefeld,
HLIX xexHUKyjfOB. [1955]
y*e6. nocoCSna fljut yTtan^nxoi ajierrpoMexaHireecEHX H KOH-
Tpancn. Jiiix-pH, 1955
HayiHO-xexa. HSJ-BO asxo-

F Heft !?)
1 3 m '
(Forschun esarbelten aus dem StrassenweBen,
MyHaiKHO-cxponx. TexHUKynoB. MocKBa, HSA-BO MHHU- 458 p. Illus. 23cm.
crepCTBa EonMyHajn>Horo xosffftcxaa PC<X>CP, 1956. *Wto TE223.W4
809 p. Hlus. 27 cm. 56-25693
TE223.F38 57-31412
Poltev, K M
HOBHC MaraHHH, B ropoflCKoic flopoacnow xoaaficTse. Mo- REPAIRING
Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Straasenwesen (Germany)
CKBa, Hsfl-BO MHHHCxepcTBa KOMMynaaBHoro xoaaftcxBa
Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen. PCDCP, 1957. Dergachev, A F
Bituminoser Strassenban, Strassenbaumaschinen, Stras- 88 p. lllus, 22cm. OpraHH3an;Hjt H ruiaHapOBaHHe npe^npn^xHtt no peaoHiy
aenbanwirtschaft. Vortrage und Berichte von deutschen und TE223.P64 aBTOMoCiutett H flopoacHHx MaraHH. ^onymeno B KanecxBe
auslandischen Strassenfachleuten von der Tagung der Ar- yTceC. nocofiiur RKX cxyflenxos aBxoMo6H^tHO-^op. HH-XOB.
beitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen und der Fachabtei- N
lung Strassenbau des Hauptverbandes der Deutschen Bauin-
Pul'manov, V IIoA pe^. F. B. Tenjiosa. MocKBa, Hay^no-xexn. H3^-BO
.aJBaraxejiH BayrpeHHero cropaHHa cxpOHxe^tHBix H MnHHcxepcxBa aaxoMO^HjibHOro ipancnopxa H raocceftHHx
dnstrie,Tom6.bis8.Mail953inBadNeuenanr. Bielefeld, flo-
Erschbaum Verlag, 1953. POJCHHX MamHH. H 3 A- 2. MocEsa, Toe. Hay^HO-xexH/HSA-BO Aopor
PCOCP, 1958.
p. lUus. 23cm.
182 p. inuB. 21cm. (/** Scfcriftenrelne, Heft 10) icaniHHOcxpoHT. JIHT-PBI 1956. TL152.D395
381 p. lllua. 2Scm. 59-42242 J
TH900.P8 1956 57-27490

Library of Congress CatalogBooks: Subjects


REPAIRING (Continued) Liier, Hans.
Hochofenschlacke und Metallhuttenschlacke im Strassen
see also Asphalt rock; Bituminous mate bau, von Hans Liier [Undj Wilhelm Lorenz. Bielefeld,
Krivshin, Aleksandr Pavlovich.
PCUOHT ac$aa rials; Highway research; Soil cement Kirschbaum, 1952.
75 p. Illus. 30 cm. (Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Strassenw
TCXH. H3A-BO aBTOTpancn. JtHT-OH, 1957.
82, (Si p. dlagrs. 22 cm. TE203.L8 57-33115
American Society for Testing Materials.
TE223.K64 Road and paving materials. [Papers] presented at the
second Pacific area national
meeting, Los Angeles, Calif Makuni, Mikhail Antonovich.
Sept. 17, 1956. Philadelphia t 19575 UOHCKII H pasBCflsa MecTopoac^enHfl ^opoHCHOCTponTejit-
v, 76 p. lllus., dlagrs., tables. 24 cm.
I/vov, P N lication, no. 212)
(Its Special technical pub HHX MaTepiiajioB. MocKsa, HayiHO-rexn. HS^-BO aBTO-
PCMOHT 6HCTpOH3HamiiBaKjm;HxcH flexaaeft TE200.A63 625.8 TpaHcrr. JIIIT-PH, 1957.
AOPOHCHHX ita- 57-59542 137 p. illus 22 cm.
niHH npn noMomii nanjiaBKii. MocKsa,
HS^-BO flopoacHO- TE203.M3 57-42676
XCXH. JIHX-pU, 1952.
Microfilm Slavic 368 T Arrambide, Jean, 1905-
j^i c 55.3325 Liants routiers et enrobfe; materiaux de protection: platre,
nnraEn B flopoacHOM CTponTejttcxBe. Mo-
agglomeres, bois, par J. Arrambide t etj
M. Duriez. Paris, CKsa, HayiHO-iexH. HSA-BO MirHnctepcxBa aBTOMofiH^bHoro
Dunod, 1959 [1958]
553 p illus. 24 cm. (Les Manuels de ringealenr et du techniclen ipancnopTa n mocceftHHX ^opor PC<&CP. 1959
de bailment et de traranx publics) 182 p. illus. 23 cm.
Moscow. Vsesoftznyi dorozhnyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii TE245.M4
TE200.A75 59-23049 J 59-40885
CCopiniiv. MarepiiaiOB no pevoHTy it 3Kcn.ioaxamin flopojs-
HHX Mamim ac^air.TodeTOHHBift CMecitTett T-l. MocEBa, Pushkin, Petr Ivanovich.

Biruha, A
^opii3^;ax, 1949. ^opoHCHocTpoHTejii,HHe MaTcpaajiii. MocKBa, Hay^HO-
135 p. lllus. 21 cm. ,HoporH H3 necxHux uaxepaajiOB. MocKsa, Hayiao-xexs.
TE228.MO TpaHcn. H3fl-BO aBTOTpancn. JTHT-PH, 1957.
49-54261 rev* HS^-BO aBTOTpancnopTHOfi .IHT-PH, 1955. 76 p. Illus. 22 cm.
130+ p. dlagrs. 23cm.
TE200.P84 58-15710
TE200.B495 56-42123
Prusov, Vsevolod Vasil'evich.
TexintHccicoe oCcJiyHiiinaime n peironx flopoacimx namim da (1923- U. S. S. R.) Glavnoe upravlenie po
Dabin, J
B nojieuux ycjiOBiiax. MocKBa, Hayino-xexn.
H3fl-BO asxo- Etude des revetements fermes a liant bitumineux melanges ekspTuatafiii avtomobil'nykh dorog soiuznogo znacheniw.
xpancn. jrnT-pw, 1955. HncTpyKq;nff no Hasna^eHuro KoncrpyEi^iift ^oposcHEix
78 22 cm. filler-bitume; rapport de recherche. [Bruxelles, Centre de
p. illus. (06MCH xexHHHecKHM OHHTOM B AODOKHOM OflCKA HeacecTRoro xima yxBepK^eHa TyraocAOpOM 10 CCHX.
X03jmCTBC) recherches routieres, 1956.
451. illus. 27cm. 1953 r. r 2., nepep. ir flon. 113^. IIepepa(5oTaHa no Maxe-
TE223.P7 57-42431
TE221.D15 57-^39695 { pHajiaM CowsAOpHHn H. A. IlysaEOBKM. O<5in;ee peflasrH-

Russia (1M3- U. S. S. R.) Glavnoe upravlenie shossei- H3Aax, 1954.

"Distigoudron," association beige des distillateurs de gou- 64 p. map., dlagrs. 25 cm.
nykh dor og, dron. TE200.R84 1954 55-32313
ParjHOHajinaaijHfl H n3o6peraxe;ii>cxBo B flopoacHOM cxpon- B^ton de goudron. Bruxelles ,1955 ?,
MoCEBa, 23 p. dlagrs., tables. 22cm.
Ryb'ev, I A
Hsfl-Bo flopoaciro-xexH. JIHT-PH, 1953.
58 p. Illus. 22cm.
57-82 A 6nxyMH H H. MocKBa, HS^-BO flopoacno-
Illinois. Univ. Library
TE223.R9 XCXH. JIIIT-PH, 1952.
1953 55-15048
Microfilm Slavic 747 T Mic 58-6867
Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Austria)
ROAD-MAKING MACHINERY see Road A rb eitsy ruppe "Un tergrundforschung."
machinery AiUeitung fur den Bnu und die Unterhaltung mechanisch Schmitz, Friedrich.
verfestigter Trag- und Yerschleissschichten. Wien, 1952. Bituminose Strassendecken. Berlin, Verlag Technik,
31 p. dlagrs 21 cm. 1953.
ROAD MAPS A 54-2733 rev ^S p. diagrs. 21 cm. (ScbrUtenrelhe dea Yerlagea Technik,
Michigan. Univ LIbr.
TE270.S35 55-38911
see also subdivision Road maps under
names of countries, regions, etc. Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Germany)
Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrasaen.
Forschung, Wirtschaft und neuzeitliche Bauausfuhrungen Usk,I A
Bourdon-Michelin, Pierre. im bituminosen Strassenbau. Vortrage und Referate von O6 BtaroroBJieHiiH dnryMa ns TJiacenofl: cwo-itM lyHHejiBHiix
Histoiro d'une carte routiere. Paris, Societe" des inge*- der Tagung der ne^ett CJIan^e^epe^OHHO^o saso^a KHBHEUIII. C
Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen npe^HOi.
nieurs civils de France C 1953] und der Fachabteilung Strassenbau des Hauptverbandes der IE. K. KorepnaH. Tapxy, Hay^Haji jmiepaxypa, 1949.
30 p. lllus, 24 cm. 68p. diagrs. 23cm.
Deutschen Bauindustrie am 28. u. 29. April 1952 in Konstanz.
GA108.B6 56-23011 J TN850.U8 55-30630
Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1952.
183 p. illus., plates, dlagrs. 21cm,
ROAD MARKINGS ,,. L, 6, Virginia. University. School of Engineering.
American Association of State Highway Officials. Proceedings: refresher course in concrete. Sponsored by
Manual for signing and pavement marking of the national the School of Engineering of the
Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany) University of Virginia and
system of interstate and defense highways. Adopted Febru the Virginia Dept of Highways (the district materials
Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen. engi
ary 10, 1958 by the American Association of State Highway neers and the Division of Tests) and the
Virginia Council
Fortschrittsberichte iiber Strassenbauforschung und
Officials; approved February 21, 1958 by the U, S. Dept. of Highway Investigation and Research, in
Strassenbaufinanzierung. Vortrage und Referate von der cooperation with
of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads. [Washington] 1958. the Bureau of Public Roads, Virginia Road Builders Asso
60 p. lllus. 28 cm. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe Asph'alt- und Teerstrassen und
ciation t and others] Charlottesville, 1957.
HE370.A5616 388.312 59-22274 J der Fachabteilung Strassenbau des Hauptverbandes der
xvt 148 p. illus., ports. 28cm.
Deutschen Bauindustrie am 15.-17. September 1952 in Bad
Salzuflen. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1953. Virginia. State Library
A 58-9053
American Association of State Highway Officials.
154 p. plates, map, dlagrs. 21cm.
Policy on maintenance of safety and traffic control devices
and related traffic services. Washington, 1955.
A 53-7715 rev Waters, David Bowe.
147 p. lllus. 23cm Michigan. Llbr.
A survey of some mixing plants for asphalt and coated
TE228.A5 625.7 55-62972 J macadam. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1953.
Foi ft fiir das 47 p. Illus. 25 cm. (Dept of and Industrial Research.
Stnssenweaen Boad Research Laboratory.
Bead research technical paper no. 27)
Denmark. Ministeriet for offentlige arbejder. Udvalget om Arb&tsgruppe Steinstratten. TE7J333 no. 27 55-22997 J
foBrdselstavler. Bauregeln fur die sachgemasse Herstellung von Packlage,
Schotter- und Kiesbettung als Strassenunterbau.
Betsenkning. [Ktfbenhavn] 1953. Ausg.
72 p. col. lllus., diagrs. 25 cm. 1951. Koln-Deutz C 1951j
14 p. Illus. 21cm.
Zimpfer, Walter H
TE203.D4 67-28592
Highway engineering soil surveys. Gainesville, Florida
A53-979r Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, College of
Michigan. Unir. Lib,
European agreement on road markings. Geneva, December Engineering, University of Florida, 1954.
13, 1957. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1958. 15 p. Illus , maps. 28 cm. (Florida Engine
7 p. 24 cm. ((Gt Brit Foreign Office] Miscellaneous, 1968,
no. 9) Benin, Moreland, 1922-
58-3763 Effects of aggregate shape on the stability of bituminous
mixes. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1954,
Gough, Cyril Maynard, 1901- ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich,] Publication no. 9881)
Analysis of plastic white line compositions made with Microfilm AG-1 no. 9331 Mic A 54-3006
fluxed rosin binder, by C. M. Gough and E. H. Green. Lon Purdue Univ. Library BIBLIOGRAPHY
don, H. M. Stationery Off., 1961.
iv, 14 p. lllus. 25 cm. (Road research technical paper no. 28) Illinois.University. Engineering Experiment Station.
TE7.H33 no. 23 57-26736 Keil, Karl. Annotated bibliography on soil-aggregate mixtures for
Der Dammbau; Grundlagen und Geotechnik der Stau- highway pavement, by William S. Pollard, Jr., John W.
und Verkehrsdamme. 2. vollig neubearb. Aufl. Berlin, Hutchinson t andj Louis G. Sleeper. Prepared as a part of
United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. In Springer, 1954. an investigation conducted by the Engineering Experiment
land Transport Committee. 581 p illus. 26cm. Station, University of Illinois, in cooperation with the Divi
TA710.K45 1954 54-43004 sion- of Highways, State of Illinois. Project ESR-46, Soil-
European agreement on road markings, done at Geneva J;

on 13 December 1957. Accord europeen relatif aux marques aggregate mixtures for highway pavement, Illinois Coopera
routieres en date, & Geneve, du 13 decembre 1957. [Geneva, tive Highway Research Program. Urbana, 1954-
Krenkler, Karl. v. In 28cm.
7, 6 p. 28 cm. (United Nations. [Document, B/BCH/803, E/ECW Untersuchungen iiber Strassenteer. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Z5853.M4I5 A 55-9284
Verlag t !954] Illinois. Univ. Library
JX1977.A2 E/ECE/303,etc. 388.312 59-1507 51 p. illus. 30 cm, (Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Strassenwesen,
n. F., Heft 14)
TE221.K7 57-25277 1

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROAD MATERIALS (Continueu, Herrmann, Paul, 1882- ROAD SIGNS see Signs and sign -boards
ein Riickbhck auf 50
COLLECTED WORKS Angewandte Baustoffprufungen ;

Jahre gemeinsamer Arbeit zwischen Bauingenieur und ROAD SURVEYING see Roads Surveying
Chemiker. Heidelberg, Strassenbau, Chemie und Technik
Road research notes, no. 1- Verlagsgesellschaft [1958, ROAD TRAFFIC see Traffic engineering
186 179-186 advertisements) Illus. 22cm.
Okhla [Indiaj Central Road Research Institute, 1952-
p. (p.
no. in T. Illus. (part col) dlagrs. 25cm,
A 59-2605
TE7.R57 625.7082 Illinois. Univ Library
Highway Materials Conference, University of Virginia. transport workers
Abstracts of papers. 2d-4th; 1953-56. [Charlottesvillej
CONGRESSES 3 v. Hlus , ports. 29 cm. annual.
TE5.H56 A 56-9574 rev 2
Virginia State Library ROAD TRANSPORTATION see Transportation,
Highway Materials Conference, University of Virginia.
Abstracts of papers. 2d-4th; 1953-56. [Charlottesvttle]
S v. Illus., ports. 29 cm. annual. Maclean, D J
TE5.H56 A 56-9574 rev 2 The polishing of roadstone in relation to the resistance
Virginia. State Library
by D. J. Maclean
to skidding of bituminous road surf acings,
and F. A. Shergold. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1958.
29 p.25 cm. (Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Illus. see also Cycling paths; Distances
Road Research Laboratory. Koad research technical paper no. 48)
PERIODICALS TE7.H33 no. 43 59-711 J Tables, etc.; Dust; Express highways;
Forest roads; Highway bypasses; High
Der Naturstein im Strassenbau; Schriftenreihe iiber die Ge-
winnung und Verwendung von Natursteinen im Wege-,
Safronov, Petr Vasil'evich. way departments; Highway relocation;
Bahn- und "Wasserbau und Betonbau. Heft 1- JTatfopaiopHHii npaoHKyM no flopoacHO-crpoHTCJitHHii Ma- Highway research; Indian trails Military ;

1955- TepaajiaM. ^onymeiio B Eaiecxse yie6. nocofina flJia aBio- roads; Mountain roads; Pavements;
Bonn, Stein- Verlag.
v. Illus. 21cm. H3#-BO MnHHCtepCTBa asTOMOO'nJiE.HOro TpaHcrropia H moc-
Portages; Road construction; Road
A 56-1357 ceftHHx flopor PCttCP, 1959. drainage; Road machinery; Road materi
Michigan. Univ. LIbr. nip. Illus. 23cm. als; Road- rollers; Roadside improvement;
TE205.S2 59-41221
Snow fences; Snow removal; Soil

STANDARDS mechanics; Street cleaning; Streets;

Sibley, Earl A Toll roads; Trails
American Society for Testing Materials. Committee D-j. Degradation of cement treated aggregates. Pullman,
on Road and Paving Materials, Division of Industrial Research, State College of Washing
ASTM standards on bituminous materials for highway American Association of State Highway Officials,
ton, 1958.
vl, 24 L 28 cm. (Washington State Institute tee on Planning and Design Policies.
construction, waterproofing, and roofing (with related in illus., diagrs., tables.
of Technology. Bulletin no. 244) Informational report on road user benefit analyses for
formation) Sponsored by ASTM Committee D-4 on Road
and Paving Materials and] ASTM Committee D-8 on Bitu
T7.W252 no. 244 625.735 58-63818 highway improvements. Washington, American Associa

minous Waterproofing and Roofing Materials. Specifica tion of State Highway Officials 1955- C

pts. dlagrs., tables. 27 cm.

tions, methods of testing, definitions. Philadelphia, Ameri Virginia. Dept. of Highways. TE153.A495 55-35938
can Society for Testing Materials, 1957.
Physical test results of the Virginia highway statewide
xU,448p. Illus., tables.
TE200.A66 1957 620.196 57-3189 aggregate survey. Richmond, Commonwealth of Virginia
Division of Purchase and Print., 1954. Arnison, Joseph H
68 p. (chiefly tables) 30cm. Practical road construction. London, E. Arnold 1957i r
Netherlands (Kingdom, 1815- Department van J

Verkeer en Waterstaat.
) TE205.V5 54-9423 A 156 p. illus. 23cm.
Virginia. State Library TE147.A7 1957 625.7 57-28344 J
Eiseii door der Rijkswaterstaat gesteld aan bouwstoffeu
voor de wegenbouw.
['s-Grarenhagei Staatsdrukkerij- en Uitgeverijbedrijf. Virginia Council of Highway Investigation and Research. Babkov, V P ed.
v. 20 cm
Base and subgrade stabilization experiments. Progress CnpaBoiHoe pyKOBO^CTBo RJIX ^opoacuoro Macxepa. Mo-
TE200.N42 56-33215 J CKBa, HayiHO-iexH. H3^-so aBTOTpancn, JIHT-PM 1954
report. Charlottesville. V '

no. 28 cm. 450 p. Illus. 23cm.

Illus., maps. annual.
Ohio. Dept. of Highways. TE205.V55 625.735 A 59-9625 Microfilm copy (negative)
Microfilm Slavic 516 AC
Virginia. Univ. Llbr.
Construction and material specifications. Columbus. TE145.B13 56-17112
lx,586i>. 19cm.
TE180.032 625.7 54-63144 Whitehurst, Eldridge Augustus. Boardman, Fon Wyman, 1911-
The stabilization of local base
materials; a publication re
Roads. New York, H. Z. Walck, 1958.
143 p. nius. 24cm.
TESTING sulting from research conducted by the
University of Ten TE145.B653 388.1
nessee in cooperation with the Tennessee 58-10298 J
Dept. of Highways
and Public Works.
California. Division of Highways. Knoxville, University of Tennessee
Materials and Research Department laboratory manual of Bolis,Bruno.
California standard test procedures. [Sacramento, 1955- Pavimentazioni stradali ... t dij Bruno Bolis ,& Aldo di
1 T. (loose-leaf ) Illus. (partcoL) 28cm. TE24.T2T4 no.l Renzo. 3. ed. rir. e rifatta.
56-63249 Milano, Hoepli, 1959 i. e. c
TE205.C25 625.7 55-63068 1958]
ROAD RESEARCH see Highway research
xli, p. illus., diagrs. 20cm.
California. Division of Highways. [TE145.B
Michigan. Univ.
A 59-2718
A 59 Q 718
Materials manual of testing and control
procedures. ROAD-ROLLERS
[Sacramento] Dept. of Public Works, Division of Highways,
Materials and Research Dept r!956- Brousek, Jiff.
2 T. (loose-leaf) Illus. 30cm. Anisimova, V N Polnl cesty.
^opoacHiie MOTopHHe KETEH. MocKsa, Foe.
Vyd l. : Praha, Statnl nakl. technickfi
TE205.C27 625.7 56-63124 i
literatury, 1958.
USA-BO MaranHOcrponT. .THT-PM, 1955 231 p. Ulus. 21cm.
139 p. Ulos. 22cm TE230.B7
Eriksson, Rune. 59-37666 J
TE223.A58 56-32650
Hyvelblandningsfdrsok med vidhaftningsmedel vid Aneby
1952. Road mis tests with antistripping agents at Aneby
Krivshin, Aleksandr Pavlovich. Dronov, A A
1952. tStockholni] 1954. IIIjiJ03HMe MOCTH H Tpyfiu HE asTOMotfHJir.HHx
43 p. tuns. 25 cm. (Statena vSginstltut, Stockholm. Meddelande PCMOHT MOTOpHBix KaxKOB. MocKBa, HayiHO-texH. USA- floporax.
BO aBTorpancn. JIHT-PH, 1955. MOCKBa, H3fl-B0 flOpOSKHO-TCXH. JIHT-pBl, 1952.
TE221.E7 56-31312 40, tSj p. diagrs. 22 cm. Microfilm Slavic 369 T Mic 55-3484
TE223.K65 57-16974
Florida. State Rodd Dept. Division of Tests.
Bulletin, no. 1-
Krokhotin, I M Escario, Jos Luis.
MoiopHtie jjopoacHHte saTKa; [yiecSiioe nocotfne MO- Caminos. 2.ed. Madrid, 1949-51.
Gainesville, 19 p,xx
v. 21cm. irregular. TOpHCTOB] MoCKBa, ABTOTpaHCHSflaT, 1954. 2v. (1069 p.) tllus. 25cm. (Publlcaclonea de la Bscuela Especial
188 p. luus. 28 cm. de Ingenleros de Caminos, Canales y Paertoa)
Florida. Unl7. Library TE223.K66 55-20668 TE145.E77 57-48622 t

Ul'ianov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich.

Gough, Cyril Maynard, 1901- 3KCiuiyaTanHic ZETEOB na HHCBMaxH^ecEHX ntHBtax. Mo- Federazione italiana della strada.
The sampling and analysis of rolled asphalt and coated cKBa, Hay^HO-TexH. HSA-BO aBTOTpancn. JIHT-PH, 1956. Strade nel mondo. Roma r 1954t
77, [2) p. Hlus. 22 cm. 46 p. llluB. 20x27 cm.
macadam. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1956.
29 p. Ulus, 25 cm. (Harmondsworth tEng.] Bead BeMorch
TE223.U4 56-57582 HE335.F4 56-57943
Laboratory. Hoad research technical paper no. 86)
TE7.H33 no. 36 625.8 57-318 t ROAD RUNNER (BIRD)

Munch, Theodore W Forschungsgesellschaft

Schriftenreihe. Heftl-
ffir das Strassenwesen (Austria)
Havers, John Alan, 1925- The road runner, by Theodore W. Munch and M. Vere
A 1951-
study of the interactions of selected combinations of DeVault. Ulus. by Carol Rogers. Austin, Tex., Steck Co.
subgrade and base course subjected to repetitive loading v, Ulus. 29 cm.
tests. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 30 p. Illus. 24cm.
1956j C
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 18352) QL696.C5M8 598.74 58-7010 J
Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,852 Mic 56-3838
Library of Congress CatalogBooks: Subjects

ROADS (Continued) Stramentov, Andrei Evgen'evich. COLLECTED WORKS

FopoACKiie y.Timbi H ^oporn yneSHHK ^IH cipouxe-itHHix

Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen

(Germany) sysoB. lisp;. 2., ucnp. n p;on Jonymeno B caiecTBe yie6- New College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts,
Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen. HHKa ^,ia cneniiia-tLHOcm 'Topo^CKoe CTpoiiTe.TtcrBO u xo- State College. Civil Engineering Dept.
Bitumindser Strassenbau,
Strassenbaumaschinen, Stras- saftcTso" BHCUIIIX yie5. saBe^enufi. MocKsa, HSA-BO MHHH- Proceedings of the highway engineering conference.
senbauwirtschaft. Vortrage und Berichte von 1955-
deutschen und CTCpCTBa KOMMVHaTbHOrO XO3flftCTBa PCOCP, 1955.
auslandischen Strassenfachleuten von der 487 Illus maps. 26 cm.
Tagung der Ar- p. , State College.
beitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen und der Fachabtei- TE145.S844 1955 56-37058 v. Illus. 28 cm. annual. (New Mexico, College of Agricul
ture and Mechanic Arts, State College. Engineering Experiment Sta
lung Strassenbau des Hauptverbandes der Deutschen Bauin- tion. Bulletin)
dustne vom 6 bis 8. Mai 1953 in Bad Neuenahr. 57-63760
Bielefeld, Stramentov, Andrei Evgen'evich. TA7.N43
Kirschbaum Verlag, 1953.
21 cm - ('** Schrtftenreihe, Heft 10) npoeKTHpOBamie ropo^CKHX flopor. ^onyn^eno B Kane-
CTBC yqeCniiKa RJIX aBTouotfajiLHo-AOpoacHHX Bysos. Mo-
PCOCP, 1952.
Garrison, William Louis, 1924-
Studies of highway
Microfilm Slavic 373 AC Mic 55-3428 American Association of State Highway Officials.
development and geographic change Proceedings, convention group meetings; papers and dis-
tby, William L. Gamson uid Published in co
others. [

operation with the Bureau of Public Eoads of the

Dept of Washington.
Commerce and the Washington State Commission Stramentov, Andrei Evgen'evich. v. iiius. 24 c
Highway aus dem Russischen
faeattle, University of Washington Press ,1959, Stadtische Strassen. c t)bersetzung TE5A4 49-24606 rev*t
nornf' ^^ 111US " maPS> dlaffr8 " table3 ' ^ cm ' ( HI 8Q^ay co-
von K. Faurei Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1956.
581 p. Illus 24 cm
HE333.G3 333.77 59-12045 TE145.S8415 57-31989 t Association pennanente des congres beiges de la route.
Congrps rapports. Verslagen.
Gt. Brit. Committee on Clearances on Transport Roads in Tennessee. University. v. 27 cm.
Coal Mines. Modernizing the liighway system ; conference arranged by TE5A77 57-38209
Report. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1957. the Department of Civil Engineering through the Division
IT, 10 p. table. 24cm. of University Extension, Ferris Hall, the University of
TN341.G7 58-15541 Florida. University, Gainesville. Dept. of Civil Engineer
Tennessee, April 16-17, 1953. tKnoxvillej 1953.
82 p Illus., tables. 24 cm. (The University- of Tennessee record, ing.
T. 56, no 4)
Proceedings of the Florida liighway and surveying con
Illinois. Division of Highways. A 56-9411 ference. 1947-
Field manual. Springfield, 1946- Tennessee. Univ. Llbr.
1 v. loose-leaf)
( 20cm. r Gainesville,
v. maps. 23-28 cm. annual. (Florida. University,
TE24.1 3A53 G25.7 A 50-9434 rev 2 Gainesville.
Englueeilng and Industrial Experiment Station, Bulle
Illinois. Univ. Library
Washington State Council for Research. tin)

Keil, Karl.
Dor Dammbau; Grundlagen und Geotechnik der Stau-
Washington, 1958.
Determination of special benefits resulting from highway
by Warren R. Seyfried. [Seattle] University of --
2d set.
48-45181 rev*

iv, 18, Ai P. IHus 23 em

und Verkehrsdamme. 2. vollig neubearb. Aufl. Berlin, HD255.W3 333.332
Spi'inger, 1954. Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Austria)
581 p. lllua. 26 cm.
Bericht iiber die Hauptversammlung 1954 am 18. Novem
TA710.K45 1954 54-43004 t ber 1954 in Wien. Wien 1955j
World 85 p. SO cm. (lit Schriftenrelhe, Heft 6)
directory of highway officials. Ulus., maps, dlagrs.

Kudnavtsev, M N Washington, International Road Federation.

A 56-1549
v. Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
ABTOMotfnjiLH&ie flopom. Hs^. 2., ncnp. H flon. ^ony-
HE333.1 55 54-43891
meno B Ka'iecTBe yieCiiHKa p,xst
TCXHHICyMOB. MoCKBa, ^OpHSflET, 1949-50.
2 v. Illus 28 cm.
TE145.K76 50-32148 rev Youard, G B Georgia Highway Conference, Georgia Institute of
Farm roads. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1957. nology.
vl, 73 p. coL map. 25 cm. ((Gt Brltj
Illus., fold. Ministry of
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Bulletin no. 145) Proceedings.
Kudriavfsev, M N S217.A6132 no. 145 631.9 57-45935 (Atlanta]
ABTOMotfiiJitHHe floporn. Hsfl. 2., Hcnp. n flon. ^orry- v. illus., maps, dlagrs. 23 on. annual.
TE5.G4 58-15960
meno B KaiecTBe yieCHHKa RXH flOpoacHo-Mexamj^ecKHx


Microfilm Slavic 403 AC Mic 55-4095 ADDRESSES, ESSAYS, LECTURES
Inter-American Economic and Social Council. Permanent
Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Germany)
Montana. Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman.
Executive Committee of the Pan American Highway Con
Strassenbauforschung; Vortrage gehalten auf der Mit-
Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. gresses. 1st meeting^ Meanco, 1955.
gliederversammlung der Forschungsgesellschaft fur das
Benefits from highway development, user and non-user; Strassenwesen am 21. Oktober 1947 in Bonn. Berlin, E. Acta final y documentos de trabajo. Washington, Secre-
a report to the Montana Fact Finding Committee on High taria Pennanente de los Congresos Panamericanos de Ca-
Schmidt. 1946.
ways. Bozeman, Montana State College, Agricultural Ex
58 p. 21 cm. (ForBchungaarbeiten aus dem StraBsenwesen, n. F., rreteras, Union Panamericana [1955,
Heftl) II, [S4 lP . lllua., maps, tables. 28cm.
periment Station, 1956. TE155.F58 58-39188 J
Ill, 49 1. fold, map, tables. 28 cm. ((Montana. Agricultural Ex PA55-53
periment Station, Bozemanj Mimeograph circular 98) Pan American Union. Library JX1960.4S
HE333.M58 388.1 57-63647

International Road Congress. 10th, Istanbul^ 1955.

x Me/K^yHapoflHHft ^opoKHHtt Konrpecc; (COKpameHHNe Inter-American Economic and Social Council. Permanent
Moscow. Gosudarstvennyi institut po proektirovanifu i
nepeBop(iii^OK-iaflos cneniiajucTOB-flopoacHiiKOB pasnux Executive Committee of the Pan American Highway Con
izyskanhu avtomobil'nykh dorog.
cxpaH] MoCKBa, Hay^HO-iexH. HS^-BO aBTOTpancn. JIHT-PH, gresses. 1st meeting^ Mexico, 1955.
npaun.ia ii yjcasaHim no npoeicTiipoBannio /Ke-iesoCeToii- 1957.
KaMCHHUX HCKyCCTBeHHHX Final act and working papers. Washington, Permanent
863 p. Ulus. 22cm.
coopyaceHiirt na aBTOModiiii.HHX ^oporax. MocKsa, ^opns- TE155.1 5
Secretariat of the Pan American Highway Congresses, Pan
1955c 57-42653
flar, 1948.
American Union r !955]

198 p. dlagrs., fold. maps. 20 cm. 111, [78) p. Illus., map*, tables. 28 cm.
TE145.M817 49-16042 rev*
BIBLIOGRAPHY Pan American Union.
PA 55-55
Library JXlfl60.43

Hafen, Paul.
Moscow. Vsesojfoznyi dorozhnyi nauchno-issledovatel'skil Das Schrifttum fiber die deutschen Autobahnen. Verof-
Inter-American Economic and Social Council. Technical
institut. fentlicht im Auftrage und mit Mitteln des Bundesministers
Committee on Planning of the Pan American Highway
HOBOCTH flopoiKHOft TexHHKH, sapyfieKHUtt onux; tcfiop- fiir Verkehr. Bonn, F, Dummler, 1956.
Congresses. 1st meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 1956.
HHKH] MocKsa, ^opHSflar, 19 nvill, 881 p. Illus., maps (82 fold. In pocket) 26 cm. (For-
T. Illus. 21 cm. Bchungsarbelten aus dem Strassenwesen, n. 7., Bd. 19) Eeport and appendices. Washington, Dept. of Economic
TE145.M82 19-29313 rev* Z7295.H23 57-22253 and Social Affairs, Travel Division, Permanent Secretariat
of the Pan American Highway Congresses, Pan American
Union, 1956.
H, 64 p. Dlua., diagriL, tables. 28cm.
National Research Council Highway Research Board.
Ohio. Bureau of Traffic. Professional Library.
Pan Amerlcnn Union.
PA 57-136
Bureau of Traffic Professional Library : Information bul Library. JX1980.43
Committee on Stress Distribution in Earth Masses.
letin; general catalogue. [Columbusi 1954.
Foundation exploration, prepared by E. S. Barber. Wash xHv, 761. 28cm.
ington, 1959. Z881.O36
21 p. Illus. 25 cm. (Highway Research Board. Special report Inter-American Travel Congress. Gth. San JosL Costa Rica.
TE210.NS 624.15 '59-61721 J Kesoluciones y otros documentos relacionados con el tran-
BIBLIOGRAPHY CATALOGS sito automotor y el establecimiento de servicios en las rutas
del sistema panamericano de carreteras. Washington, De-
partainento de Asuntos Econ6micos y Sociales, Division de
Paszma,M National Research CounciL Highway Research Board. Turismo, Secretaria Pennanente de los Congresos Panameri
Bde. inzynierem budowy drog. tWyd. l.j Warszawa Publication index. 1921-49 canos de Carreteras, Uni6n Panamericana, 1956.
1953. Washington. 26 p. tables. 28cm.
[Nakl. Panstwowego Wydawn. Naukowegoj
14 p. Illus. 21 cm. v. 25cm.
Pan American Union.
PA 57-111
TE153.P29 59-27725 J Z7295.N325 50-11761 rev Library JX1880.53
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS Pan American Highway Congress. 6th, Caracas, 195^ CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS-
CONGRESSES Final act. Provisional issue. Washington, Permanent GT. BRIT.
Secretariat of thePan American Highway Congresses, Dept
Inter- American Travel San of Economic and Social Affairs, Pan American Union !954, t
Congress. 6th, Jose, Costa Rica, Gt. Brit. Ministry of Transport.

Resolutions and other documents relative to automotive

PA56-280 Specification for roncl and bridge works, London H M
Pan American Union. Library JX1980639 Stationery Off., 1951.
traffic and establishment of services of the 56
pan American viii, p. 33 cm.
highway system. Washington, Dept. of Economic and So TE180.G68 55-41244
cial Affairs, Travel
Road Builders Clinic, State College of Washington.
Division, Permanent Secretariat of the
Pan American Highway Proceedings.
Congresses, Pan American Union, Extension Services, Washington
Office of Technical Gt. Brit. Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation.
1956. Pullman,
24 p. State Institute of Technology, State College of Washington Specification for road and bridge works. 2d ed.j London, t
tables. 28cm.
c etc.]
H. M. Stationery Off., 1957.
Pan American Union. v. Illus., maps, dlagrs 28 cm. annual. 61 p. Illus. 34cm
Library JX19S0.53 57-63312
TE5.R6 625.7082 TE180.G75 625.7 68-45046 J

International Road Congress. 9th, Lisbon, 1951.

Sweden. Vdg- och vattenbyggnadsstyrelsen.
Boletim diario. n. Aktuella vagunderhallsproblem ; foredrag och diskussions-
6 no. 23cm.
1-6; 24-29 Set 1951. rLisboai CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS
inlagg vid Vagingenjorsmo'tet i Stockholm den 30. jan.-2.
TE5.I6 195H 57-47666 J febr. 1951. [Stockholm, 1951,
63 p. dingr, 21 cm.
TE5.S9 58-43207
Hawaii (Ter.} Territorial Highway Dept.
International Road Congress.
10th, Istanbul, 1955. Standard and bridge construction.
specifications for road
x. ri. e. Internationaler Strassenkongress in
Zehnterj CONSTRUCTION see Road construc
[Honolulu] 1957.
Istanbul. Deutsche Ausg.: Deutsche tion 452 p. tables. 24cm.
Berichte, Generalbe-
richte, Schlussfolgerungen. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum [1956j TE180.H3 1957 625.7 57-63270
TE5.I6 1955c 59-18729
Florida. State Road Dept. ILLINOIS
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Standard specifications for road and bridge construction.
Proceedings : of thej conference on modern highways: Approved and adopted April 1, 1954. Tallahassee r !954?, Illinois. Division of Highways.
planning, surveys, design, June 23, 24, 25, 1953, Massachu vtt,502p. 19cm.
setts Institute of Highway standards. Springfield [1947-
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Supplement, no. 1- Feb. 1. 1957- 1 v. (loose-leaf) dlagrs., forms, tables. 28 cm.
Co-sponsors: Massachusetts Dept. of Public Works rand, Tallahassee.
19 cm.
TE180.I43 625.7 A 50-8953 rov
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. [Cambridge, 1953 ?,J
190 p. Illus., maps, plans. 28cm. ^ no.
A 57-3861
Illinois. TTniv. Library

HE332.M32 625.7063744 56-63471

Florida. Univ. Library

Illinois.Division of Highways.
Michigan. State Highway Dept. Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen Road and
Aroeitsgnippe "Asphalt und Teerstrassen."
bridge construction specifications for AASHO
Report of Higgins Lake conference, May 16-18, 1956. road test project.
Sponsoring authority : American Associa
[Lansing? 1956?, Ausfuhrung von rauhen und fahrsicheren bituminosen tion of State Highway Officials.
in Osterreich.
Construction authority :
29 L Illus., ports, 29cm. Ausg. 1955. c Wien, 1955j State of Illinois. Research authority National
TE5.M43 625.7063774 56-63687
Strassend^ecken Academy of:

A 56-1550 Sciences, Highway Research Board. Effective June 15, 1957.

Michigan. Univ. Llbr. [Springfield, 1957 3
iii,382p. tables 30cm.
National Conference on Increasing Highway Engineering
Productivity, Boston, 1957. Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen Illinois. Univ. Library
Report Reported by H. A, RadzikowskL Washington (Germany)
Arbeitsgruppe Planung, Strassengestaltung und Verkehr
[1958!] Richtlinien fur Entwurf, Bau und
58 p. 26cm.
hcher Wege. Ausg. 1956.
TE5.N16 l&57c 625.70151078 58-61467 t Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Verlag
[1956, ITALY
35 p. lUns., plans. 30cm.

Ohio Highway Engineering Conference, Ohio State Univer Michigan. Univ. Ubr.
A 57-3890 Italy. Ministero dei lavori pubblioi.
Columbus. Capitolato speciale tipo per appalti di lavori
sity, stradali.
a' 10 Glomale del genio civile, 1952.
Proceedings. 1947-
Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen
as P m!?US> *"* ^
Columbus, College of Engineering, Ohio State University. (Germany) TE18 O.I8
v. Illus. 24cm. (Ohio State University studies. Engineering
y> 68 _28363 :
Arleitsgruppe Stadtstrassen.
Richtlinien fur die Anlage von
625.7063771 A 47-5894 rev 2* Stadtstrassen (RAST);
s Univ. Ubr. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1953-
v. dlagrs. 30 cm.
A 53-6855 rev KENTUCKY
Michigan. Univ. Libr.
Pan American Highway Congress. Special meeting, Mexico,
Kentucky. Dept. of Highways.
Standard specifications for State and Federal road and
Agenda and regulations, approved by the Inter-American
Economic and Social Council on June 12 and May 22, 1952, bridge construction. Frankfort. 1945
688 p. 20 cm.
respectively. Washington, Travel Division, Dept of Eco TE180.K42 1945 625.7 56-16926 J
nomic and Social Affairs, Pan American Union [1952,
15L 27cm.
HE332JP3 1952f 388.1 PA 55-60
Pan American Highway Congress. 6th, Caracas, 1954. Louisiana. Dept. of Highways (1942-
Acta final. Edicion provisional. )
Washington, Secoetarfa Standard specifications for roads and bridges.
Pennanente de los Congresos Panamericanos de Baton
Carreteras, Wichrzydd, Frandszek. Rouge, 1955.
Departamento de Asuntos Economicos y Sociales, Uni6n 536 p.
Paname.ricana f WM^
Normowanie techniczne w budownictwie drogowym.
forms, tables. 21 cm.
1 SZaWa TE180.L6 1955 625.7 57-63330 rev
UI,87p. 27cm.
' Wydawn -
Komunikacyjne, 1953.
iiius 2? '*
Pan American Union.
TE180.W5T 65 _15178
Library JX1960.639


6th, Caracas, 1954.
Agenda and regulations, approved by the Inter-American
Economic and Social Council on February 25 and Michigan. State Highway Dept.
January 1 ^
28, 1954, respectively. specifications for road and brf dge construction.
Washington, Travel Division, Dept California. Division
of Highway*.
n A study of liquidated damages on highway contracts, with v. 21 cm.
a discussion of
measuring and setting the contract time and TE180.M5
HE832.P3 1954f PA 55-286 some methods of determining the amount of
62 5.7 W-62077rev

^^J^ ^
Pan American Union. liquidated dam
ages ,bv, A. T, P.m.** -._ x^
Pan American Highway Congress. 625.7 56-63526 J
6th, Caracas, 1954.
Doc. (espafiol) 0-299.
ST. tables. 28cm.
Pan American Union,
Library JX1980.689 DELAWARE New Merico. State Highway Oommution.
Pan American Highway Congress. Delaware. State Highway Dept
6th, Oaraca*, 1964.
tDocuments and final actj Caracas, 1954
specifications for highway construction. 882 p. dlagr. 20cm.
^Standard Dover,
TE180.N37 1954 625.7
HE332.P8 1954g lll,'366p. 20cm, 55-62550
TE180.D4 625.7

Library of Congress CatalogBooks: Subjects

ROADS (Continued) Bolis, Bruno. Konstantin Alekseevich.

Progettazione e costruzione delle strade. Milano, Touring Kas npoeKTHpyioT aBTOMo6*HJiiHie ^oporit. MocKsa,
CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS club italiano, 1957. HayiHO-TexH. HSA-BO aBTOTpancir. JIHT-PH, 1954.
OHIO 406 p. lllus., dlagrs. 24cm. 57 p. lllus., map. 20 cm. (ftony/HtpHaJi TexranecKaq OHOjmoTeiica
A 58-91
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. Microfilm copy (negative)
Ohio. Dept. of Highways. Microfilm Slavic 215 AC
Construction and material specifications. Columbus TE175JC3 56-17115
BurM, Petr Fedorovich.
ix, 580 p. 19 cm. TIpHMepH npocKTupoBaanH 3ieMeaTOB aBTOMo6HJi!.H!>ix
TE180.O32 625.7 54-63144 AOpor. MocKsa, Haymo-TexH. HS^-BO aBTOTpancn. JIHT-PH,
1955. Klaus, Pierre.
105 p. dlagrs., profiles. 23 x 30 cm. Klothoidentafel. Table de clothoide. Zurich, Vereini-
Ohio. Dept. of Highways. TE175.B8 1953.
56-32645 gung Schweiaerischer Strassenfachmanner,
Design specifications for highway structures. 51, 236 p ( chiefly diagrs., tables) 26cm.
Columbus. A 55-4815
v. lllus. 23-27 cm. Michigan. Univ Llbr.
Buszma, Eugeniusz.
TE180.O3 625.7 52-62104 rev War-
Ogolne zasady projektodania drog. [Wyd. l.j

szawa, Wydawn. Komunikacyjne, 1956.

266 p. lllus. 25 cm. (Blblloteka InAynlera 1 technlka drogowego)
CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS TE145.B95 57-41448 t Krenz, Alfred.
Klothoiden-Taschenbuch fiir Entwurf und Absteckung,
OREGON von Alfred Krena und Horst Osterloh bearb. im Ingenieur- ;

Coquand, Roger. biiro Dorsch-Gehrmann. Wiesbaden, Bjiuverlag [1956]

Oregon. State Highway Dept. Routes; circulation, trace, construction. Pref. de A, 313 p. dlagrs., tables. 15 cm.
Standard specifications for highway construction. Rumpler. Paris, Eyrolles, 1956-
A 57-745
Salem, Illinois. Untv. Library
Oregon State Highway Commission, 1954. v. Illus , diagrs. 25 cm.
196 28cm.p. A. 58-2695
TE180.07 1954 Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
Krenz, Alfred.
Klothoiden-Taschenbuch fur Entwurf und Absteckung,
CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS- von Alfred Krenz und Horst Osterloh; bearb. im Ingenieur-
Draheim, Karl, d. 1954. buro Dorsch-Gehrmann, 2. erweiterte AufL Wiesbaden,
Bogenabsteckungen, uberarb. durch Erwin Koldewitz; Bauverlag C 1957j
von Walter Draheim. Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1956. 825 p. diagrs., tables. 15 cm,
Pennsylvania. Dept. of Highways. 319 p. dlagrs., tables. 17 cm. (Taschenausgabe Verlag Technifc, [TE15LK ] A 58-2862
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
Illinois. Univ.
A 57-821
v. tables. 21-27 cm. Library
TEI80.P43 A 55-9008 Krenz, Alfred.
Pennsylvania. State University. Library Klothoiden-Taschenbuch fur Entwurf und Absteckung,
Eroshevskii, Mikhail Ivanovich. von Alfred Krenz und Horst Osterloh. 3. erweiterte Aufl.
CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS CKOpocTHtie nenpepUBiioro flBiiiKeHiis B ropo- Wiesbaden, Bauverlag [1959, "19583
477 p. dlagrs., tables. 15 cm.
^ax. flo pe^;. A. E. CTpaiieiiTona. MocKBa, Hs^-uo MHHH-

CTepcma KOMMVHa.ii.noro xo3JiftCTua PC<DCP. 1956. [TE151.K J A 59-6364

104 illus. "22 cm.
Illinois. Univ. Library
U. S. Bureau of Public Roads.
TE175.E7 57-17698
Standard specifications for construction of roads and
bridges on Federal highway projects. FP-57. Washington,
Kudriavtsev, Mikhail Nikolaevich.
U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1957.
vl, 863 p. tables. 20 cm, Fleishman, S M
TE180.U62 625.7 57-61551 CejreBue HOTOKU n npoeirrnpoBaHiie ^opor B paflonax nx
pacnpocTpaneHHa. MocEsa, foe. xpancn. acejr-flop. HSA-BO, 279 p. illus., maps. 23 cm,
1955. Microfilm copy (negative)
DESIGN 144 p. lllus. 22 cm. (Tpy^w BcecowsHoro HayHHO-HcoieAOBa- Microfilm Slavic 408 AC
rejibCKOro HHCTHTyra xejiesHOAOpowHoro crpomrejibCTSa H npoeKTH-
pOBEHHg, BWn. 17) 'TE175.K8 1954 57-29699
American Society for Testing Materials.
GB665.F52 59-32533 t
Symposium on application of soil testing highway de in
sign and construction, presented at the Sixty-first annual Kudriavtsev, Mikhail Nikolaevich.
meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassemvesen (Germany) npoeKTHposaHiie aBTOuoSnjiBHHx ^opor. Ha^. 4., nepep.
Mass., June 2G and 27, 1958. Philadelphia [1959] Arbeitsgruppe Planung, Strassengestaltung und Verkehr. .ajonymeno B KaiecTse y^e^HHKa fljm aBTOMoSnjiBHO-^opoHc-
127 maps, dlagrs., tables. 24 cm. (Its Special techni Kichtlinien fur Entwurf, Bau und Unterhaltung land-
Iv, p. lllus.,
cal publication no. 289)
HHX TexHUKyMOB. MocEBa, HayiHO-TexH. iiafl-so- asTO-
TA710.A47 1958 625.732 59-9626
licher Wege. Ausg. 1956. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Verlag Tpancn. JIIIT-PH, 1958.
[1956, 822 p. illus., plans. 23 cm.
35 p. lllus., plans. 30 cm. TE175.KS 1958 59-27522
Ariano, Raffaele.
A 57-3890
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
Lochner (H. W.) and Company, Chicago.
Circolazione e costruzioni stradali. Milano, G. G. Gor-
lich r 1950, An improvement plan for Illinois route 42 in Lake County,
617 p. lllus. 24 cm. prepared for Division of Highways, Dept. of Public Works
TE145.A69 57-45587 % Fuchs, Erwin. and Buildings, State of Illinois, in cooperation with the
Linienfuhrung im Strassenbau. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlatr
^' Bureau of Public Koads, U. S. Dept. of Commerce. [Spring
1954. field, HI.;, 1958.
124 p. lUus. (7 in pocket) 24cm. 19 p. mt
maps (part fold. ) 28 x 44 cm.
Auberlen, Richard. lllus.,

Vom Schwung der Fahrt zur Form der Strasse; ein Ver- TE175.F8 54-40993 A 59-9455
Illinois. Univ. Library
such der Ableitung konstruktiver Strassenbau-Elemente aus
der Dynamik der Fahrt. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum t 1956]
88 p. lllus. 30 cm. (Forschungsarbelten aus dem Strassenwesen, Fuchs, Erwin. Maine Highway Conference, University of Maine.
Heft 25)
n. P.,
Linienfuhrung im Strassenbau. 2., erweiterte und verb. Abstracts from the Fourth Annual Maine Highway Con
TE175.A8 57-30403 t Aufl. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1956. ference. Abstracted by Hamilton Gray. Orono, Printed at
144 p. lllus. (7 fold. In pocket part 24 cm,
; col.) the University Press, 1954.
] A
57-3779 v, 16 p. tables. 24 cm. (Maine Technology Experiment Station.
Michigan. Llbr. Bulletin no. 43)
Baker, Robert Fulton, 1917-
TA1.M183 no. 43 54-62895 1
Highway costs and their relationship to vehicle size, by
Robert F. Baker, Robert Chieruzzi and] Richard W. Blet- c

zacker. Columbus, Engineering Experiment Station, Col Hauska, Leo, 1881- Mainetti, Oscar.
lege of Engineering, Ohio State University, 1958. Die Bewegung in Kurvengefallstrecken und ihr Einfluss Tracciamento delle curve circolari, planimetriche e alti-
244 p. lllus., tables. 28 cm. (Ohio. State University, Colum
auf die Trassenfuhrung von Rieswegen, Sportbahnen und metriche nei Invori stradali; manuale pratico per il tecnico
bus. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 168)
TE183.B28 625.7 58-9583 A Autostrassen. Wien, G. Fromme, 1948.
42 p. dlagrs. 24cm.
della stracla. 2. ed. riv. e aumentata. Milano, Hoepli, 1955.
Ohio State Univ. Llbr. vill, p. illus , dlagrs., fold, profiles, tables. 20 cm.
TE153.H37 57-45614 A 56-1344
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Easper, Hugo.
Baker, Robert Fulton, 1917- Die Klotoide als Trassierungselement, von Hugo Kasper,
study of the relationship of pavement cost to vehicle Walter Schiirba [Undj Hans Lorenz. Hrsg, im Auftrag des MilashechMn, Aleksandr Andreevieh.
weight, by Robert F. Baker and Emmett H. Karrer. Colum Bundesministers fiir Verkehr, mit einem Geleitwort von H. Yam aBTOMO(5H3i!,HHX flopor. ^orrymeno B Kaiecrse y^etf.
bus, College of Engineering, Ohio State University C 1956j Koester. Bonn, F. Dummler C 1954] nocoCira ^Jta aBTOMoCnjiBHO-flopOKHiix Bysos. MocKsa,
vll, 76 p. Illus., tables. 28 cm. (Ohio. State University, Colum
bus. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin no. 161)
323 p. dlagrs , tables. 31 cm. Hay^HO-TexH. HSJ-BO aBTOTpancii. JTHT-PH, 1957
A 56-6625 A 55-4816 233, [3, p. lllus. 23cm.
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. TE175.M53 58-32465
Ohio State Univ. Llbr.

Easper, Hugo.
Die Klotoide als Trassierungselement, von Hugo Kasper, Osterloh, Horst.
Blaschke, Wolfgang. Walter Schiirba [imdj Hans Lorenz. Hrsg. im Auftrag dee Strassenplanung mit Klothoiden, fur Studium und Praxis.
Die Ausfahrt an Anschlussstellen, ein aktuelles Problem Bundesministers fur Verkehr, mit einem Geleitwort von EL Wiesbaden, Bauverlag r !958j
Koester. 136 p. dlagrs., tables. 30 cm.
der Autobahntrassierung. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum [1958] 2., berichtigte Aufl. Bonn, F. Dummler 'r 1956i]
46 p. lllus. 80cm. (Forschungsarbelten aus dem Ctrassenwesen; 823 p. <UagW,table.r80cm.

A 59-1465
n. F., Heft 26) A 57-3852 rev Michigan. Univ. Ubr.
TE153.B52 59-20101 t Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Booh: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog
Nekrasov, Vladimir Konstantinovich.
ROADS IlyTir CHimeHiia
cefiecTOiiMOCtii Aopoacuoro erpOKTCjri.-

DESIGN CTBa. noAo6menpe,n.A.C.KyApa"JtBa. MocKaa, HayiKO-

cexeft. AosymeHO B Ka^ecxae y. nocoH*
TCXH. ii3A-<*o aoTOTpanicn. ^nr-pw, 1955.

HpnMepBi npoeKTiipOBamia
aBTOito(5iiJii>HHX #opor. Hsfl. 2., HOCTH "ABTOMo6KJibHMe flopora." 56-37032
nocofina fl-ia cneu;na.*!>- 1958.
nepep. ^onymeno Kaiectue y?e<5. B HSfl-BO aBTOTpaHCn. JTHT-pH,
177 p. Illus., maps. 23cm.
HOCTU" "ABTOMo6iuibHue aopora." Mocsua, Haymo-xexH.
H3A-BO asTOTpaHcn. JIHT-PH, 1955. Nekrasov, Vladimir Konstantinovich.
283 p. diners. 27 cm.
50-25623 CMCTM H OT^CTHOCTB B flopoacnoM CTpoiiTCJiucTBe. Hsfl. 2.,
TET75.U62 B Kaiecrse yued. nocoCiw RXX anTOMO-
stradali e f erroviarie ad uso degli nepep. ^onyjueHO
Compendio di costrazioni 6jibHO-AOpo*ttHX TexHiiEywoB. MocEBa, HayiHo-rexH.
Roizman, Aleksandr Solomonovich.
IIoco6iie no KypcosoMy npoerrapOBaHnio
nocodmi fljw airroiro-
W-grs Jla^^ MSA-BO aBTOipancn. JIHT-PU, 1955.
170 p. 23 cm.
flopor. ^orcymeno B EweciBe y?e<5 TE145.Z8 TE183.N4 1955 56-39841
HSA-BO asTOTpaHcn. JIHT-PH, 1958.
MS, map, diagrs., profiles 22 on. w Pennsylvania. Dept. of Highways.
p. ,2, ooo
TE175.R64 Table of conversion factors. [Harrisburgj Commonwealth
B of Pennsylvania Dept. of Highways, Estimating and Cost
Khaikin,fA o.
New no^ n.
Rutgers University, Brunswick, N. J. College of Engi AHno-pyccKiift c-ioaapi, jopoacmiKa.
pea. ,

Unit, 1954.
son. U cnp. Mo- 611. 29cm.
neering, OpHaTCEoro. 16 000 TCPMIIHOB HSA. 2., TE183.P4 1954 625.7 A 55-9156
Landscape design and its relation to the modern highway; CKBa, HayHHO-TexH. HS^-BO asTorpaHcn. JIIIT-PBI, Pennsylvania. State University. Library
lectures delivered at _
Spencer Miller Jr. lecture series. Six 319 p. 21 cm.
the College of Engineering, Rutgers University, during the TE9.K5 1956
and 1952. Editors: J. Carter Hanes [and] Sidoti,Domenico. .
years 1950, 1951, stradali. 2. ed. nv. ed.
Charles H. Connors. New Brunswick f cover 1953, Guida allo studio dei progetti
DICTIONARIES CHINESE Pisa, G. PeUegrini, 1957.
T 63 p. Illus., ports., maps. 25 cm. (Jtt Engineering bulletin G-3) ampliata.
64-62728 218 Illus., dtagra., profile, tables.
24 cm.
TE153.R83 p.

Chung-kuo k'o hsueh yiian. Pien i ch u pan wei yuan hui.

A 58-2888
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
Sidoti, Domenico. . , .

stradali. 2. ed. nv. ed.

Guida allo studio dei progetti
ampliata. Pisa, G. Pellegrini, 1957. United Nations. Economic Commission for Asia and tfw
218 tables. 24cm.
p. illua., diagrs., profile,
A. 58-2883
1956. Far East.
project schemes preparation
and presentation;
Univ. LIbr. xl,218p.
Michigan. n. p. 3 1953.
standard form. t

Chinese and English. 23 p. illus. 34 cm.

Snow, William Brewster, 1910- ed. - -

1 Railroads Dictionaries Chinese. 2. Boads Dictionaries-
- TE183.U5 57-44644 J
4. English Ian-
The highway and the landscape. New Brunswick, N. X, Chinese. 3 Chinese language-Dictlonarles-Bngllsh.
Dictionaries Chinese. i. Title.
Rutgers University Press, 1959. ri^romanwed.-T'lehtaoyUkunglukungch'engmlngtz'fl. FINANCE
230 p. Illus. 22cm. -,.*
TE175.S56 625.72 59-7516 J
TF9.C48 C 58-5143 see also Automobiles Taxation; Motor
fuels Taxation; and Roads [local sub
Soucek, Jaromir. ^ DIG TIONAKIES GERMAN division] Finance, e. g. Roads
Urovnove kfizovatky automobilovych silmc. [V Brnej
1949. Berckenhagen, Ernesto. Colorado Finance
21 p. Illus. 21 cm. Glossario alemao-portugues, engenharia rodoviina. Sao
TE175.S6 59-31411 J Division of Highways:
Paulo, Departamento de Estradas de Kodagem,
1945. California.
to trafhc
Eepovt on examination of statements relating
revenues and revenue funds, San Mateo-Aliunoda
Stoffanefler, Anton. Bridge Division.
Die Klotoide; Beitrage fur die praktischen Planungs- und
Messarbeiten. jKlagenfurtj Amt der Kartner Landesregie- 8cm. annual.
Strassen- und Briickenbau TG24.C2A3
rung, Landesbaudirektion, Abt. Permanent International Association of Road Congresses.
195j Technisches Worterbuch fur
147 diagrs,, tables. SO cm. Vejteknisk ordbog i 6 sprog.
p. of
A 58-2964 den Strassenbau in 6 Sprachen. Technical dictionary Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassen wesen (Germany)
lUlnols. Univ. Library road terms in 6 languages. Diccionario tecnico de vialidad Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen.
en 6 idiomas. Dictionnaire technique routier en 6 langues. Fortschrittsborichte iiber Strassenbauforschung und
Diaonario tecnico stradale in 6 lingue. [New, rev. ed.] Strassenbaufinanzierung. Vortrugo und Referato von der
Stramentov, Andrei Evgen'evich. Paris, 1951. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen und
B der Fachabteilung Strassenbau dcs Hauptverbandes der
^opora (ropOACKHe H BHyrpasaBOflCKHe) ^onymeno
TE9JP4 195i A 52-10075 rev
TCXHH- Deutschen Bauindustrie am 15.-17. September 1952 in Bad
Ka^ecTse y^e6. noco6Hfl flJta KOMMyEaJtbHO-CTpOHi. Univ. Llbr.
KyMOB. MoCEBa, H3fl-BO MHHHCTCpCTBa KOMMyHOLHOrO Sakuflen. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1953.
154 p. plates, map, diagrs. 21 cm.
xosattcTBa PCOCP, 1957.
2 v lllufl. 2S cm. A 53-7715 rev
TE145.S838 58^7533 rev DIC TIONARIES S PANISH Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

U. S. Bureau of Public Roads,

Lindman, Bertram Herman, 1906-
United Nations, Economic Commission for Asia and tto Technical glossary of highway, bridge, and soils engineer
Far East. 1st ed.
A highway taxation cost-benefit analysis. Washington,
ing terms; Spanish-English, English -Spanish. 1958:
of junc
Engineering aspects of highway safety; lay-out Chicago, Gillette Pub. Co. [1955] 25 p. 25 cm. ((National Keroarch Council, Highway Research
tions and other aspects of road design in relation to high lx,317p. 24cm Board. Special report 85)
1954. TE9.U52 624.03 55-4633 HE335.L5
way safety. [Bangkok]
12T, t88,p. Illus. 28cm. ( United Nations. tDocnmentj E/CJU1/

JX1977A2 E/CN.ll/Trans/sub^/26
Copy 2. TE175.U5
54-14298 rev
Baker, Robert Fulton, 1917- Maryland. State Roads Commission.
no zypcy npoeKTHposaHns a costs and their relationship to vehicle size, Detail sheets and maps showing locations of road con
Highway by
^onymeno B EaiecTse y^e6. ttocoGHa Eobert F. Baker, Robert Chieruzzi [and] Richard W. Blet- struction and reconstruction in the proposed twelve year
fiHJItHO-AOpOaCHHX BySOB IT ^aEyJItTfi zacker. Columbus, Engineering Experiment Station, Col program [byj State JRoads Commission of Maryland and
flax, 1949- lege of Engineering, Ohio State University, 1958. Advisory Council to the Commission. t Baltimore,
. ports^ diagrs. 27 cm. Ill, 244 p. illus., tables. 23 cm (Ohio. State University, Colum 151 p Illus., maps ( 1 fold, col.) 29 x 46 cm.
Microfilm copy (negative)
Microfilm Slavic S5 AC
bus. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin 168) G-1271.P2M3 1952 53-9127 A
TE183.B28 625.7 Enoch Pratt Free Libr.
50-21945 rev Ohio State Univ. Llbr.

T H Pancoast, Donald F
"Wisselingh, van, ed. Baker, Robert Fulton, 1917-
Allocation of higH*ray costs in Ohio by the incremental
Weg en verkeer; handboek ten dienste van ten die betrok- A
study of the relationship of pavement cost to vehicle
be- method, by D. F. Pancoast for the Ohio Dept. of Highways
weight, by Robert F. Baker and Emmett H. Karrer. Colum
ken zijn bij Traagstokken de weg
en het wegverkeer
onder redactie van T. BL van Wisselingh, J. Vol- in cooperation with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, Dept
treffend, bus College of Engineering, Ohio State University t 1956]
A. M. Boost Met van J. F. L. 76 p. Illus., tables. 23 cm. (Ohio. State University, Colum of Commerce. [Columbus] 1953.
muller ^en.^ G. medewerMng vil,
78 25 cm.
& Warendorf bus Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin no, 161) p. Illus., tables.
van Gils t
et aLj Amsterdam, Van Holkema A 56-4625 TE24.03P3 388.1 54-62999
t Ohio State Univ.. Llbr.
855 p mas 26 cm
HE363.N22W5 56-19759
Schneider, WflhelmL
Levsen, PauL Zur Frage der Verzinsung von Verkehrswegen, von W. L.
Der angemessene Preis im Strassenbau. 7., neu bearb. Schneider und J. P. Petersen. Berlin, Dnncker A Humblot
Woottwrton, F L D Aufl. von Paul Levsen und Gottfried Peters. Darmstadt, 1
The scientific basis of road design. London, Arnold i!954j 0. Eisner, 1955. 51p. 23 cm. (Schrlttenrelhe de* IPO-Inatttuts for Wlrtschaft-
30 cm. forschung, Nr. 25)
SSip. mus. 24cm, (The Boadmakew* library, v. 14) 61 p. diagrs., tables.
HE335.S3 56-85872 t
TE175.W6 625.7 55-807 J A 55-5170
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Kishinskii, Mikhail H'ich.
FINANC E BIBLIOGR APHY 3EcnvryaTai*HJ! H PCMOHT jiecoB03HHx flopor. flonymeHO
Ayre, Robert S B EaiecTse yiefiHHEa RX.SL JICCOTCXH. xexHHEyMOB. MocEBa,
Dynamics of vehicle impact against
highway guardrails; FocJiec6yMH3flaT, 1954
Hamlin, Ina Marie, 1896- laboratory experiments. Final report by Robert S. Ayre, v. dlagrs 23 cm.
Joel I. Abrams and Milton A. Hilger. Baltimore, Johns
t 3 TE220.K45 56-16124
Highvray finance; selected references, 1950-1953. Wash
Hopkins University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1955.
ington, 1954. 112 p lllus. 28 cm. (Johns Hopkins University. DepL of Civil
vl,65p. 28cm. Highway Research Board.

Bibliography 16) Engineering, Technical report no. 5)
Kniaziuk, AK
54-60669 625.7 57-63094 Mo-
HoBepXHOCTHaa: o^paSoTKa flopoiKHux noKpuTuft.
CKBE, ABTOTpaHCH3flax, 1954.
71 p. lllus. 22 cm.


Bothwell, Jean. Moscow.

Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany) Vsesoiuznyi dorozhnyi nauchno-issledovatel'skH
The first book of roads. Pictures by W. R. Lohse, New institut.
Arbeitsgruppe Untergrund.
Richtlinieu fiir die Vcrlmtung von Frostschiiden in Stras- York, F. Watts, "1955. SHMHCC coflepacaniie aBTOMo6iuiBHHx flopor. MocEBa,
64 p. lllus. 23cm. ( [First books, 55)
sen, Ausg. 1951. Koln-Deutz 1951] C
HE335.B6 HayHHO-xexH ns^j-BO aBTOTpaHcn. JIHT-PH, 1958.
15 p. Illus., 2 plates. 21 cm. 388.1 54-9822 t 120, [4] p. lllus 22 cm.
A 53-980 rev TE220.M6 58-39535
Univ. Llbr.
Michigan. LEGISLATION see Highway law
Nikonov, P V
Jumikis, Alfreds R AHa.1113 xosHfiCTBCHHOii fleaie-iLHOCTn ^opoacHttx 3ECiuiya-
The frost penetration problem in highway engineering.
Tai^noHHtix xosflftcxB. MocEsa, Hay[HO-TexH. HS^-BO as-
Now Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1955. TOTpancn. .TiiT-pBi, 1956.
102 p. in us. 20 cm. 198 p. tables. 23 cm.
Kohler, Walter, writer on electric lighting.
TE153.J78 625.7 55-5089 J Die Beleuchtung von Schnellverkehrsstrassen. HEE63.R92N5 57-22717
Kirschbaum [1958]
43 p. lllus. 30cm. (Porschungsarbelten aus dem Strassenwesen;
Jumikis, Alfreds R n. F., Heft 34)
Radzikowski. H A
Report on theoretical treatment of the frost penetration TK4188.K6 59-22636 J
Conservacion mecanizada de carreteras. c Madridj 1953.
problem in highway engineering. Joint Highway Research 125 p. illua. 25cm.
Project, Delaware State Highway Dept, University of Dela TE220.R3 56-20926 t
National Research Council, Highway Research Board.
ware. Newark, Engineering Experiment Station, Univer
Committee on Night Visibility.
sity of Delaware, 1952.
Iv, vtll, 100 1. Illvia., mounted photos. 30 cm. Night visibility, 1959. Presented at the 38th annual Schmies, PauL
TE153.J8 meeting, January 5-9, 1959. Washington, 1959. Grundlagen des Strassenwartungsdienstes. Bielefeld,
54-62318 rev
64 p. illus. 25 cm. (Highway Research Board. Bulletin 226)
[TE7.N28 no. 226] 628.95 59-65021 rev J 51 p. (p. 39-51 advertisements) lllus, 21 cm
Printed for P W. A 56-2731
Moscow. Vsesofuznyi dorozhnyK naachno-issledovaterskil Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
npoeicTitpoiiainie rpyitTOBwx ociionanuft ycoBepraentrTno-
nainiMX rtoicpwriift c yiCTOM nx pafiOTu B SHUHIIX ycjioBiiax.
IIpHpyHHHK sa pa,a; CTJUIHHX paflHiiEa Ha nyTesnua (ny-
IToA II. H. Hnanoua. MocKna, KS^-BO ^opoHaio-texH.
see also Road machinery rapa) Beorpa^, Ayro Cp6Hja 19 C 3

JIHT-pH, 10R3. 33 p. lllus. 20 cm. (EnCjiHOTeKa "Ham caoSpahaj," KH>. 1)

Microfilm Slavic 306 T Mic 55-3498 American Association of State Highway Officials. TE220.S7 59-32324 J
Policy on maintenance of shoulders, road approaches, and
sidewalks. Policy on maintenance of roadsides. Washing Sweden. Vdg- och vatteribyggnadsstyrelsen.
National Research Council. Highway Renearch Board,
ton []1958. Aktuella vagunderhillsproblem; foredrag och diskussions-
Committee on Frost /leave and Frost Action in Soil.
65 p. lllus. 23 cm. inlagg vid Vagmgenjorsmotet i Stockholm den 30. jan.-2.
Frost action in soils; a symposium presented at the
TE220.A5 1958 625.76 58^=2619 t febr. 1951. [Stockholm, 1951,
thirtieth annual meeting, January 9-12, 1951. Washington, 63 21 cm.
p. dlagr.
1952. TE5.S9 58-43207
ix, 385 p, illus. 28 cm. ([National Research Council] Highway
Research Hoard. Special report, no. 2) Birulfa, A K
TK153.N357-W 1951 *G34.151 020.19 52-61159 rev 3iccnjiyaTai;nfl aBTOMoCmibHHX #opor. 3., nepep. H3. Telegin, M fX
,3(onyin;eiio B KaiecTse yieCiriiEa RJIX cneijHa-ibHocTH "Asxo- Pa6oTOcnoco6HOCTB n MeacpesioHTHHe cpOEH cJiyac6Et ne-
MO<>Hue AP rH '" MocKsa, HayiHO-xexH. HSA-BO asTO- SKCCTKIIX ^OpO^HLIX OflCXfl. MoCEBa, HayiHO-TCXH. H3fl-BO
National Research Council. Highway Research Board. Tpancn. JIHT-PH, 1956. aBTOtpascn. JHT-PH, 1956.
Committee on Load Carrying Capacity of Roads as Af- 389 p. illus. 23cm. 164 p. lllus., map. 23 cm
Frost Action. TE145.B614 57-40243 TE250.T35 57-24666
feoted "by
Committee report and manual of recommended testing
procedures on load carrying capacity of roads as affected by M fA
frost action. Committee report presented at the 29th annual California.Division of Highways.
Co^epacanae H PCMOHT asTOMofiaJitHBix ^opor, ^ony-
meeting, 1949. Washington, Highway Research Board, Di Maintenance manual. 4th ed. [Sacramento] 1949.
m;eHO B EanecTse y^teC. noco^na ^JIH aBTOMo6Hjr&HO-flopO3E-
vision of Engineering and Industrial Research, National 572 p. lllus. 23 cm.
TE24.C2A5 1949 625.76 49-47213 rev* Htix TexHHEyMOB. MocKBa, HayiHo-TexH H3fl-BO asTO-
Research Council, 1950.
Iv, 18 p. UlUB, 25 cm. (Highway Research Board. Research re Tpancn. JIHT-PH, 1955.

185 p. lUus. 23
port no. 10-D )
TE158.N3575 625.761 59-34880 TE220.T4 56-28258
Elenovich, Aleksei Savel'evich.
CoflepacaHiie H peMonx aBTOMO<5iuii-HHX flopor. PeEOMen-
Schaible, Lothar. U. S. Bureau of Ptiblio Roads.
flyeicji B KaiecxBC noco<5H,a: npn noflrotOBEe EC noBBiraeHHH
Frost- und Tauschaden an Verkehrswegen und deren Highway maintenance manual, prepared by Philippine
W. KBaJIH<|>HEamHH flOpOJKHHX MaCTCpOB. MoCKBa, HayiHO- Division, U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. [Manila, U. S.
Bekiimpfung. Berlin, Ernst, 1957. TCXH. H3A-BO aBTOTpaHcn. JTHT-PH, 1957.
170 p. Illus. 24cm.
150 p. lllus. 23 cm.
Mutual Security Agency 1953. 3

TE153.S32 57-25289 J 260 p. lllus. 27cm.

TE220.E4 TE220.U6 625.761 59-37206 t

U. S. Army. Corps of Engineers.

Frost investigations rigid pavement pumping experience.

1952/53- Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Austria) Virginia. Dept. of Highways.

Bopton. Manual of instructions, Maintenance Division [by S._V. 3
Arbeitsyruppe "Untergrundforschung"
v. Illus. 27cm.
Anleitung fur den Bau und die Unterhaltung mechanisch Munsey, maintenance engineer t and] W. S. Or. Britton, assist
TE153.TJ46 55-63625 t ant maintenance engineer. Compiled by Sallie T. Thacker.
verfestigter "frag- und Verschleissschichten. Wien, 1952.
31 p. dlagrs. 21cm. Rev. Oct. 1, 1955. [Richmond, 1955]
A 54-2733 rev 13. 117 (1. e. 128) 1. maps, dlagrs. 29 cm.
FROST DAMAGE CONGRESSES Michigan. Univ. Ltbr. [TE220.Y ]
A 56-9088
Virginia. State Library

National Research Council. Highway Research Board. Gusev, Anatoli! fAkovlevich.

Committee on Frost Heave and Frost Action in Soil SHMHCC coflepa:aHHe aBTOMo6iui.HOft ^opons. Voslif, Jan.
Highway pavement design in frost areas, a symposium. Hay^HO-TexH. HS^-BO aBTOTpaHcn. JIHT-PH, 1957. Rukovfi stavebni udrzby silnic pro mistry a vedouci fiet.

Presented at the 38th annual meeting, January 5-9, 1959. 22 p. Illus. 22 cm. (OCmeH rexmraecKHM ontrroM Praha, Dopravnl nakL, 1954.
76 p., 16 p. of lllus. 21 cm,
Washington, 1959- TE220.G8 TE220.V85
v. lllus. 25 cm. Bulletin 225
(Highway Research Board. 59-25023 t
[TE7.N28 no. 225] 625.761 59-65022 rev J
Printed for P. W.
Kentucky. Dept. of Highways. Division of Planning. ABSTRACTS
Evaluation of adequate maintenance costs in Kentucky
GUARD FENCES from a probability sample; a report prepared for the South National Research CoandL Highway Research Board.
eastern Association of State Highway Officials, fall meeting Committee on Salvaging Old Pavement* ly Resurfacing.
American Association of State Highway Officials.
control devices 1955, Charleston, West by R. D. Medley old
Policy on maintenance of safety and traffic Virginia, [director Salvaging pavements by resurfacing; annotated [bib
and related traffic services. Washington, 1955. Frankfort? 1955 ?j liography] Washington, 1957.
Iv. lllus. 28cm. 47 28cm. (Highway Eesearch Board. Bibliography 21)
147 p. illus. 28cm. p.

TE228.A5 625.7 55-629 2 1 HE356.K4A53 388.1 57-62896 TE250.N347 625.8082 57-61564

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS (Continued) Wehner, Bruno. .

U. S. Bureau of Public Roads.
Die Mechanisienmg des winterlichen Streubetnebes auf The art of highway location, prepared by Philippine Di
Strassen ; Ermittlungen iiber die zweckmassige Ausbildung
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR von Lade- und Streueinrichtungen fur Lastkraftwagen, von
vision, U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. [Manila?, Republic
of the Philippines, Dept. of Public Works and Communi
ACCOUNTING Bruno Wehner und Fritz Kramer. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum cations, Bureau of Public Works, 1954.
204 p. illus , maps. 27 cm.
35 p Illus 30 cm. (Forschungsarbelten aus dem Strassenwesen,
Griunberg, Aleksandr Ivanovich. TE153.U48 55-63551
n. P., Heft 13)
XoSflfiCTUeHHHft paCTCT MaiUHHOAOpO/KHOft CTaHmin. MO- TE223.W4 56-46300 J
CEsa, Hciyino-TexH. HS^-BO aBTOTpancn. JIHT-PH
90p. 22cm.
* 1957 '
Zamakhaev, M S
HF5686.R6G7 58-36849 t SOCIETIES, ETC. 3icoHOMn*iecKne usHCKaiiua H upocKTiipQuaniie^opoiKinj^
ceiefl ^onymeno B KanecTBe yictf. noco6n R.ISI c^e^^a,^!,-
American Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association. HOCTII "ABTOMO(5iiJii>Hi>ie ^oponi." MocKna, TIayiiio-Tc\ji.
Proceedings. H3fl-Bo aBTOTpancn. Jiiir-pbi, 1958.
MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR White Plains, N.Y. 177 p. Illus., maps. 28 cm.
v. Illus. 23cm. annual. TE170.Z28
PERIODICALS TE1.A662 55-31941 J

Texas. State Highway Dept. Zazhirel, Dmitri! Ivanovich.

Construction & maintenance bulletin. Feoflesit^. ^onymeno B Ka^ecTne yieC. nocoGust KJIX
American Society of Division. niKOJi flopojKHUx MacxepOB. MocKBa, Hayiiio-Texir. HS^-BO
[Austin] Civil Engineers. Highway
no. la v. Illus., ports., diagrs. 25 cm. monthly. Journal, no. HWl aBTOTpancn. JHT-PH, 1957.
146 p. Illus. 23cm.
625.705 57-40611 Jan. 1956-
New York, TE170.Z3 58-23094
v. illus. 23 cm.
MAPS see Road maps TE1.A73 57-22104
PERIODICALS International Road Federation. Auberlen, Richard.
Proceedings of world meeting. Vom Schwung der Fahrt zur Form der Strasse; ein Ver-
[London^ such der Ableitung konstruktiver Strassenbau-Elemente aus
Arab roads. v. 24 cm. der Dynamik der Fahrt. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum r 1956i
Cairo. TE1.A1 1 53 98 30 cm< < Fors chungsarbelten aus dem
57-28602 Strassenwesen,
v illus., maps, ports. 25 cm. n.F.,Heft25)
HE331.A7 388.105 59-22141
TE175.A8 57-30403
International Road Federation. 3d world meeting, Mexico,
1958. Dubuisson, Bernard.
Ceste i mostovi;
c"asopis za projektiranje, gradenje i odrza- tPapers. Mexico ?1958 3 Tables de courbes de transition pour projets et rectifica
47 v. Illus fold, maps, diagrs., tables. 23cm.
vanje cesta i mostova.
tion de traces routiers. Paris, Eyrolles [1950]
TE1.A1I57 1958 625.70621 59-22863 121 p. diagrs. 36 cm
Zagreb, Saobracaj.
v. illus., maps. 29 cm. monthly. TE151.D8 A 5 1-6072 rev 2
TE4.C4 59.27730 Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
Moscow. Vsesowznyi dorozhnyt nauchno-issledovatel'skii
Fedoseev, P A
Drogownictwo; czasopismo posVigcone zagadnieniom tech-
MocKsa, 19
Ta&nmtr RJIX pasfiiiBKii icpyroBMX Kpitaux cnocotfoM
nilci i
gospodarki drogowej, v. 20 cm. xop#. MocKBa, ABTOxpaiicusflaT, 1953.
38 p. diagrs. 22cm.
Warszaw-a, Wydawn, Komunikacyjne. TE4.M63 57-51185
v. in illus., ports., maps. 30 cm. monthly '
TE153.F37 55-29854
TE4.D7 58-26183
Latvia, Klothoiden-Tusehenbuch fiir Entutirf und Absteckung,
Soseju t*n semes cefy deportoments. National Research Council. Highway Research Board. Com
CeJS un satiksme.
von Alfred Krens! und Horst Osterloh; bearb. im
mittee on Education and Training of Highway Engineer Ingenieur-
biiro Dorsch-Gohrmann.
Riga. ing Personnel.
Wiesbaden, Bauvorlag [1956]
T. inns. 27 c SIS
Highway engineering training programs for professional p. diagrs., tables. 15cm.
TE4.L3 59-57648 J and preprofessional employees, an analysis. Prepared by
Robley Winfrey, secretary, with the assistance of Jack R.
A 57-745
Illinois. Univ. Library
Road international no. 1- Hutchins] Washington, 1957.
iv, 20 p. 28 cm. (Highway Kesearch Board. Special report 24)
autumn 1950- TE191.N3 625.70714 57-60112
[London, International Road Krenz, Alfred.
no. In T. Illus. (part coL) maps, ports. 80 cm. Klothoiden-Taschenbuch fur Entwurf und Absteckung,
HE33LR6 388.105 57-47261 von Alfred Krenz und Horst Osterloh ; bearb. im
SURVEYING biiro Dorsch-Gehrmann, 2. erweiterte Aufl.
Bauverlag C 19573
Road tar. Hickerson, Thomas Felix, 1882- 325 p. dlagra., tablea. 15cm.
London, British Road Tar Association,
surveys and design. 4th ed. New York, McGraw-
Michigan. Univ.
v. In. illus. 26 cm. quarterly.
TE1.A3R6 625.75 668 p. illus. 19 cm.
TE153JE5 1959 625.72 59-3540 j
Krenz, Alfred.
Meyer, Carl F Klothoiden-Taschenbuch fur -Entwurf und
Rural roads. Jan./Feb. 1951-
Chicago, Gillette Pub. Co. 320 P. mus. 19c
S ^ International Tert-
von Alfred Krenz und Horst Osterloh, 3.
Wiesbaden, Bauverlag r !959, 1958j
477 p. aiagrs., tablea
erweiterte Aufl

v. Illus. 29cm. bimonthly [TE151.K
TA625Jtf4 1956 J
TE3.RS 54-44704 625.11 C6-11851 J Illinois. Univ. Library

Njfrlund, Niels Erik, 1885-

Libby, Hollis W., 1880-
Traiisport-conumiiucations monthly review. - ^benhavn, 1953.
Standard highway spiral. Rev. with assistance
N ew Delhi, Indian Roads Congress. no 26) institut Meddelelse
K. Oakes and Floyd 0. Scott.
of John
no In T. Illus. 25cnu r Salem, Oregon State High

HE331.T76 625.705
way Commission, C
1949, 1938
21cm/ (0regon - state mlxwa
Pnotogrammetry for Highways Committee.
Reference guide outline; tables, by E. M. Booth,
Supplementary Rev. with as-
specifications for aerial surveya of John C.
and mapping by photogrammetric methods Bandy and John R. Oakes. ^aten, Ore
for highways. s^ance
State Highway Commission n. d.t
U. S. Dept. of gon
World highways. t Carreteras del mundo: edici6n tecnicat ^asbngtonj Commerce, Bureau of Public c

lioaas [1956]
Washington. acrrl,96p. tables. 27cm.
T. mns. 20cm.
HE331.W6 55-25638

ennsylvania. Dept. of Highways.

Photogrammetry for Highways Committee. Table of conversion factors.
[Harrisburg, Commonwealth
RESEARCH see Highway research Reference guide outline; specifications for aerial of Pennsylvania
Dept. of Highways,
and mapping by photogrammetric methods for
surveys Estimating and Cost
highways. Unit, 1954.
1968 revision of 1956 ed. 61 L 29cm.
tWashingtonj U. S. Dept of Com
SAFETY MEASURES merce, Bureau of- Public Roads C 1958] TE183JP4 1954 6257 A65 -9166
mrlu,124p. 26cm. Pennsylvania. State U^Llty. Library
TE170.P48 1958 625.72 59-60574
American Association of State
Highway Officials. Com
mittee on Planning and Warsaw. Instytut Techniki -Budowlanej.
Design Policies. Sotov'ev, Aleksandr Dmitrievich.
A policy on safety rest areas for the national system of
otfze no npHB* 3 Ee ipaccH Podr?cznik drogowy dla inxynier6w i teclmik^w Praca
interstate and defense
highways. Adopted April 30, 1958. floporn K nyHwraic TpHanry- zbiorowa.
n no^nroHOMerpHH. ( Redaktor: Witold Debskij Warszawa ' Wy-
Washington [1958, Mocssa, Hayroo-iexH HSJ-BO* dawn. Komunikacyine, 19
42p. Ulna. 23cm. ancir. JIHT-PH, 1957
T. Ulus.,map8. 18cm.
TE153.A496 eUagnt, table*. 22cm.
625.77 59-62957 J TE151.W3 57-15867
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS (Continued)
TERMINOLOGY Arkansas. State Highway Commission.
Association pennanente des congres beiges de la route.
Portugal. Laloratorio National de A report to the people : the first four years of the Arkansas
Engenharia Civil Congres rapports. Verslagen.
13 " 6 aer6dromos -
State Highway Commission under provisions of the Mack-
Blackwell amendment, January 1953 through December v. 27 cm.
119 p. 25 cm 1956. t
Little Rock, 1957 : TE5.A77 57-382
TE9 P6 - 195 1
53-24600 rev 1
56 p. col. maps. 28 cm.

HE356.A8A518 388.1 57-62745

TOLLS see Toll roads Schreurs, Andre".
Arkansas. State Highway Commission. La route de Wallonie. Liege, Faculte de droit, 1953.
261 p. maps (part fold ) tables 25 cm. (Collection sclentlfique
AFRICACONGRESSES A report to the people : the first six years of the Arkansas de la Faculty de droit de l'Unlversit<5 de lifege, 3)
State Highway Commission under provisions of the Mack-
HE363.B42S4 A 55-1189
African Regional Road Congress, Salisbury, Rhodesia, 1957. Blackwell amendment, January 1953 through December New York Univ. Wash, Sq. Library
1958. [Little Rock, 1959,
Proceedings of Africa Regional Road Congress, May 1957, 46 p. lllus., maps (part coL) tables. 28cm.
Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. [Sponsored bj] I. R. F.. HE356.A8A5183 388.109767 59-62759
London Office; E. A. R. F., Nairobi; R. R. F., Salisbury;
S. A. R. F., Johannesburg. [London ? 1957,
xl, 35 p. 25cm.
HE367.A7A4 1957 58-43689
Arkansas. State Highway Dept. Vercauteren, Frans Ednardus Maria.
Arkansas highway facts and figures. [Little Rock ? 1950 3
De aanleg van de straatweg Best-Lommel als deel van de
maps (part col with 2 overlays) 35x41 cm. verbinding 's-Hertogenbosch-Luik, 1745-1818.
AFRICA, EAST [24, p.

Map 51-714 rev" Centrale Drukkerij, 1958.


Pollitt, H W W 121 p illus. 23 cm. (Bljdragen tot de soclale en economlsche

geschledenis van het zulden van Nederland, 5)
Colonial road problems ; impressions from visits to East HE363.N22V39 58-41436 t
Africa and Northern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland Arkansas. State Highway Dept.
H.M. Stationery Off., 1954.
London. ^ The public roads of Arkansas and their use; a study of
the desirability of incorporating all public roads, except the Vercauteren, Frans Eduardus Maria.

streets of municipalities, into the State highway system.

De aanleg van de straatweg 's-Hertogenbosch-Best als deel
JV33.G7A52 no. 17 56-58512 van de verbinding met Luik, 1740-1745. Nijmegen, 1956.
Prepared ... by the Statistics and Analyses Divison of the 188 23 cm.
xvlli, p. plates, maps, facslms.
Arkansas Highway Dept. Submitted by the Arkansas State
AKERSHUS, NORWAY Highway Commission to the Committee on Roads and High
HE363.N22V4 57-34403

ways of the Legislative Council, July, 1956. [Little Rock,

Gjaerum, J Committee on Roads and Highways, Arkansas Legislative
Akershus fylkes veghistorie; en. oversikt over vegvesenets BRAZIL
Council, 1957]"
utvikling i fylket fra begynnelsen av middelalderen fram til Tip. lllus.
1948. Utg. efter fylkets foranstaltning. Oslo, P. Soelberg HE356.A8A519 388.1 57-62827 J
Leite, Daltro Barbosa.
trykk, 1954.
614 p. lllua. 30cm. Development, economic significance, and financing of high
TE82.A5G5 56-19911
ARLINGTON COUNTY, VA. ways in Brazil. Lafayette, Ind., Purdue University,
J> 1957.
1 71 L Illus. 28cm.
HE359.B7L42 388.10981 59-63578
ALASKA U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works.

Pentagon road bill and Federal Highway Administrator.

U. S. Alaska Road Commission. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Roads of the Commit BUGANDA
General information about Alaska and the Alaska Road tee on Public Works, House of Representatives, Eighty-

Commission. fourth Congress, second session, on H. R. 12110, to provide

Gibb (Sir Alexander) and Partners.
Juneau. for the appointment of a Federal Highway Administrator
in, the Bureau of Public Roads, one additional Assistant
Subsidiary roads in the Kampala area; report [Nai
v. lllus. 21x10-27 cm.
robi?, 1957.
HE356.A4A3 388.1 51-0632rev 1 Secretary of Commerce, and for other purposes; and H. R. 1 v. (various pagings) lllus., fold, maps (2 col. In
pocket) tables.
11990, to authorize funds for the improvement by the Secre
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Government Opera tary of Commerce of the Pentagon road network and that TE119.B8G5 59-35311
portion of the Henry G. Shirley Memorial Highway- in
Operations of the Alaska Road Commission. Heatings Arlington County, Va., and to provide for the transfer of
before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government such highways to the Commonwealth of Virginia. July 11,
Operations, House of Representatives, Eighty-fourth Con 1956. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1956.
Burmah OilCompany (Burma Trading ) ltd. 1

gress, first session. March 23, 24, and 30, 1955. Washington, Ill, 27 p. fold, map, tables. 24cm.
U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955. HE355.A3A515 1956a 56-63755 The motor roads of Burma. 4th ed. Rangoon, 1948.
121 p. maps (1 fold. col. in pocket) tables. 19 cm7
v,205p. lllus. 24cm.
HE356.A4A55 55-31804
HE365J44B8 1948 55-18362
Alaska (Ter.} Legislative Council. Report on roads and road problems in South East Asia
Highway and road finance; supplemental report. Juneau, and the Caribbean. London, H. Stationery Off., 1957. M see also Big Oak Flat Road
vll, 88 p lllus., maps (part fold.) 25 cm. (Colonial research
publications, no. 18)
141. 28cm. California. Division of Highways.
JV33.G7A52 no. 18 625.7 57-30604
HE356.A4A6 55-62904 J
Annual report. 1st-

Alberta. Highways Dept. Sherrard, Howard Macoun, 1807- 338.1 48-45292 rev*
Report. Australian road practice; an introduction to highway
v, 25cm. annual. engineering. [Carlton] Melbourne University Press t !958j California. Division of Highways.
' '

HE35T.Z6A52 55-33424 TE145.S48 625.70994 59-16109 t

Biennial report. lst-15th ; 1917/18-1944/46. Sacramento
15 v. In mug. (part col.) 23 cm
ARIZONA TE24.C2A26 19-27118 rev2*
Arizona. Highway Dept. Division of Economic*, and Sta
tistics. California.Division of Highways.
Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Austria)
Numerical ratings for Arizona highways not on the Fed Equipment manual. 3d ed. [Sacramento, 1952.
Arbeitsgruppe "Asphalt und Teerstrassen."" 249 p. 23cm.lllua
eral-aid primary system. Secondary. Jan. 1, 1954-^Jan. 1,
Ausfuhrung von rauhen und fahrsicheren bituminosen TE24.C2A52 1953 625.T 53-62312 rev J
1956. [Phoenix,
Strassendecken in Osterreich. Ausg. 1955. cWien, 1955
3v. lllus. 22x36 cm. annual. 11 21 cm.

HE356.A7A33 55-62642 rev J A 56-1550 California. Division of Highways.
Arizona. Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
Highway Dept. Division of Economics and Sta Maintenance manual. 4th ed. [Sacramento] 1949.
tistics. 572 p. illus. 23cm.
Numerical ratings for Arizona highways on the Federal- TE24.C2A5 1949 625.76 49-47213 rev*
aid primary system and urban extensions. Primary. Jan. AUSTRIA, UPPER
1, 1954-Jan. 1, 1956. [Phoenix,
3 v. lllus. 22 x 36 cm. annual. Austria, Upper. California. Division of Highway*.
HE356.A7A32 55-62643 rev t Strassen und Briicken des Landes Oberosterreich,
WutzeL Study of completed contracts.
[Schriftleitung: Otto Linz, Oberosterreichischer
tSacrameiito ?]
Arizona. Highway Dept. Planning Survey Division. Landesverlag, 1957] v. 23cm.
Numerical ratings for Arizona highways. 1957- 157, (1] p. lllus. (part fold.) fold, maps, diagrs. 83 cm.
A 58-2436 HE356.C2A324 56-63510
enX] Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
v. lllus.. fold. mapa. 23x35 cm. annual
HE356JL7A34 58-63315 California. Legislature. Assembly. Interim Committee on
AYACHUCO, PERU (DEPT. ) Conservation, Planning and Public Works.
Arizona. Legislature. Special Highway Study Committee. Report of the Subcommittee on Highways. Report pre
Supplemental report to the Governor and Legislative pared by Harold F. "Wise & Associates. t Sacramentoj As
Barbosa, Mariano.
Council, including report of the Post Auditor for the fiscal sembly of the State of California, 1957.
Ayacucho y sus problemas viales. Lima, Imp. "Lux" de 58 p. 23 cm. (Assembly interim committee reports, 1965-1967,
years 1951-52 and 1952-53. [Phoeni*] 1954. E.L. Castro [19 ,
v. IS, no. 13)
22 p. lllus. 28cm. 20 map. 25 cm. 13 57-62972 t
p. J87.C2 1955-57jd vol. 13, no. 388.1
HE356.A7A52 1954a 55-62277 J HE359.P7A9 55-50275

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS CLARK COUNTY, WASH. Denmark. Udualget vedrffrende beplantning langs vejene.
CALIFORNIA (Continued) Betsenkning. K0benhavn, J. H. Schultz, universitets-

Riedesel, G A bogtr., 1952.

California. Legislature. Joint Interim Committee on High Clark County road study, by G. A. Eiedesel and G. M. 29 p. 25cm.
TE153.D4 56-28742
way Problems. Ellsworth. Pullman, Wash., Division of Industrial Re
Report. [Sacramento] Senate of the State of California, search, State College of Washington, 1957.
1959. ir, 52 p. illus., maps, tables. 28 cm. (Washington State Institute
77 p. diagre , tables. 23 cm. of Technology. Bulletin 238) Ntfrlund, Niels Erik, 1885-
HE356.C2A516 388.109794 59-63183 T7.W252 no. 238 388.1 57-63399 Opmaalingen af Danmarks veje. K^benhavn, 1953.
232-241 p. fold, uuups. 25 cm. (Geodnetlsk Inatitut. Meddolelse
no. 26)
California, Legislature. Joint Interim Committee on Trans COLORADO TE69.N6 55-1C145
portation Problems.
Local road and street deficiencies in California counties Colorado. Dept. of Highways.
and cities, report. [Sacramento, 1956. Colorado highway construction bulletin. July, 1956-
109 p. (chiefly tables) 23 cm. Denver.
HE356.C2A517 388.3 57-63549 col. maps 34s 44 cm. on sheets 62x49 cm. fold, to 25x11 cm.

G4311s.P2 1,500.058 Map 56-37 Denmark. Motorafgiftskommissionen.

California, Legislature. Senate. Interim Committee for Betenkning. Ktfbenhavn, J. J0rgensen t bogtr., 1954.
2v. dlusii!. 24cm.
the Study of Extensions to the California State Highway Colorado. Dept. of Highways. 56-29105
Colorado's annual highway report.
Partial report
[Sacramento, State Print Off. : v. Illus. 22x28cm.
v. 23 cm. HE356.C6A33 58-62561 EGYPT
HE356.C2A333 57-63072 J
Little (Arthur D.) inc., Cambridge, Mass.
California. Legislature. Senate. Interim Committee on Colorado. Dept. of Highways. The highways of Egypt; report to XT. S. Government In
Highways, Streets, and Bridges, Report t of accounts] ternational Cooperation Administration, under contract
Report. [SacrameatO] Senate, California Legislature Denver. TA02-1U2-4001, C-59200. Cambridge, 1956.
v. 22x36 cm. annual. vl, 92 p. illus,, col. maps., diagrs. 29 cm.
C 1955j
v. tables. 23cm. HE356.C6A35 57-63943 J HE367.E3L5 58-37752
HE356.C2A522 352.7 55-62929

California Highways and Public Works. CONNECTICUT ETHIOPIA

California culvert practice ; reprint of a series of technical
abstracts [appearing in each issue from
Aug. 1942 to Sept- Edwards and Kelcey, Newark, N. J.
Oct. 1943j 2d ed. [Sacramento] State of Relocation of Connecticut routes 25 and 8, Bridgeport,
Ethiopia. Imperial Highway Authority.
California, Dept Report.
of Public Works, Division of Highways C 1955, Trumbull, Monroe, Newtown; planning report. Prepared Addis Ababa.
vLU9p. illus., maps (1 coL) 23cm. for Connecticut Highway Dept Newark, 1959. T. mounted Illus., maps, tables. 80 cm, annual.
TE213.C3 1955 625.78 56-62744 41 p. maps (part fold., part coL) dlagrs. (part coL) plans (part
col.) tables. 28x48 cm.
U. S. Congress. House.
Committee on Public Works. TE24.C8E3 388.109746 59-63380
Northern California road hearing. Hearing before the
Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives, ETRURIA
Eighty-fifth Congress, first session. October 24, 1957.
Washington, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1958. Connecticut.
Frederiksen, M W
Ill, 47 p. Illus , maps. 24 cm. Highway Finance Advisory Committee. The ancient road systems of the central and northern Ager
HE356.C3U5 388 1 58-61119 Report to the Honorable Abraham A. Ribicoff, Governor Faliscus (Notes on southern Etruria, 2) t by M. W. Fred-
of Connecticut. jHartford ? 1955j ericksen and J. B. Ward Perking
lv. (various paglngs) tables. 28cm. (In British School at Rome. London. 27 cm. T. 25
CALIFORNIA FINANCE HE356.C7A54 388.1 57-62522 (new ser., v. 12, 1957) p. [67]-208. Illus., plates 17-47, maps, plans)
DG12.B85 vol.25 59-354 A
California.Division of Highways. Chicago. Univ. Llbr.

Annual budget report to the Governor of California. CROATIA

v. 28cm. Ward-Perkins, John Bryan, 1912-
HE356.C2A323 54-62378 rev J
Ceste i mostovi; Sasopis za
projektiranje, gradenje i odr2a- STotes on southern Etruria and the
Ager Veientanus.
vanje cesta i mostova. (In lu-ltlnh School at Rome. Papers. London. 27 cm T 28 (new
Richard M Zagreb, Snobra5aj. ser., v. 10, 1055) p , r72. tllus., plates 14-21, maps)
Federal highway legislation of 1956 and its impact on
v. Illus , maps. 29 cm. monthly. DG12.B85
vol.23 A 56-5693
TE4.C4 59-27730 Chicago. Llbr.
California. Berkeley, Bureau of Public Administration,
University of California, 1957.
Til, 49 p. 28cm. (Bureau of Public Administration, University of
California. Legislative problems, 1957, no. 4) CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC EUROPE
JK8774.C3 1957, no. 4 388.1
Grandes routes de trafic international. Main international
Novacek, Frank.
traffic arteries.
Czechoslovak roads. [Washington, Photoduplication
CANADA Service, Library of Congress, 1955! Paris, Washington, F&l6*ration routiere Internationale.
a Free
(iNational Committee for
v. maps. 28 cm.
Europe. Mid-European Studies
Center. Besearch documents, no.] 211) HE361.I55 55-57731
Canada. Bureau of Statistics. Microfilm 2551 no. 211 DR Mic 59-7084
Highway statistics.
Ottawa. Kaftan, Kurt Gustav.
v. 28cm.
PospfSfl,Evien. Dor Kampf urn die Autobahnen ; Geachichte und Entwick-
HE357A23 57-38027 Pfestavba silnicni v CSR. lung des Autobahngedankens in Deutschland, von 1907-1935
Vyd. 1.
Prahaj Statnf
nakl. technicke literatury, 1955. unter
U^AVDI jjc*
uiuivai^iiLiguiig juinncner
Berucksichtigung ahnlicher jriane
Plane uno.
und oest
119 P illus. 21cm. im ubricen Eurooa. Berlin,
flbrigen Europa. Berlin. H. Wigankow
Wi<winIfY>w .11955
CANADA FINANCE TE65.3.P6 57-58557 J 192 p. illus., port., maps. 21cm.
C 3

Northwestern Univ.
A 57-1196
Campbell, Gordon Donald, 1928- Sekera, Jaroslav.
An analysis of highway finance and road user imposts in Ceskoslovenska dalnice: Praha Brno Koice hranice
Canada. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1956] SSSR. Napsali Jaroslav Sekera a Antonfn PatoSka.
Ann rVyd
([University Microfilms,
Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,835
Purdue Unlv. Library
Arbor, MIch.i Publication no. 18,835)
Mic 56-3837
1.3 Olomouc, Obchodnl a zivnostenska komora. 1946
komory'V oSLSSEV?,
Obch dnr a 2l ^^
*enske United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe.
Declaration on the construction of main international
HE363.A94C97 59-43408 traffic
arteries, Geneva, 16th September 1950. London,
Canadian Tax Foundation.
H. M. Stationery Off., 1952.
25 p. 25cm. ([GtBrit Foreign
Taxes and traffic ; a study of highway financing. Toronto. DELAWARE JX636 1892 1952, no. 12
Office, Treaty series, 1952, no. 12)
388.1 52^611 rev
158 p. tabka. 28cm. (Canadian tax papen, no. 8) Delaware. Interstate Highway Division.
A 55-8395 Report.
v. Illus. 21x27 cm. annual,
Florida, Legislative Reference Bureau.
Virginia. University. Bureau of Population and Economic Report to Legislative Council covering Florida primary
roads,by Select Committee on Roads. Tallahassee. 1954.
The impact of industry in a southern rural
county: DENMARK vlll, 258 p. Illus., maps (part col., 1 fold. In pocket) tables. 29 cm.
changes in road use, travel habits and flwao-economic char- HE356.F4A53 388.1 A 54-9787
Mtonrim Charlotte County, Virginia, ave year* after Florida. Univ. Library
the establishment of a new Copenhagen. Vejlaboratoriet
manufacturing plant Prepared
in cooperation with the Division of Traffic K0rebanebelaigninger samt forbrug af bituminffee vejma-
and Planning
Virginia Dept. of Highways, and the U. S. Bureau of Public terialer pi de offentlige veje
og gader i Danmark. Florida. State Road Dept.
v. 80cm.
The interstate system in Florida.
tTallahassee, 1957.
x,344o. mape.dlagrtL, tables. 28cm. 12 p. illus. 81 cm.
. State ion*
A56-96U 55-53478 J
Florida. Unir. Library
A 58-3278

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS FRANCONIA, UPPER Eichhorn, Rudolph, 1879-

FLORIDA (Continued) Die Europa-Strasse in Deutschland. Regensburg, J.
Edelmann, Hans. Habbel, 1956.
Florida. State Road Dept. OberfranMsche Altstrassen. Kulmbach, E. C. Baumaoin, 50 p. illus., coL maps. 27 on.
Standard specifications for road and bridge construction. 1955. HE363.G3E35 57-30805
Approved and adopted April 1, 1954. Tallahassee C 1954?j 155 p. Illus., fold. col. (In pocket) 22 cm.
map (Die Plassenborg;
Schrlften fllr Helmatforschunjf und Kulturpflege In Ostfranken, Bd.

Supplement no. 1- Feb. 1. 1957- Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany)

BD801.B47E35 59-19224
Tallahassee. Strassenbau uberwindet Verkehrsnot, Mit Beitragen von
no. 19 cm. H. Chr. Seebohm t et aJL, Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1956 ti e,
A 57-3861 1957,
Florida. Univ. Library GEORGIA 102 p. Illus., maps, diagrs. 80 cm.
Georgia Highway Conference, Georgia Institute of
Florida. State Rodd Dept. Division of Tests
Bulletin, no. 1- Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany)
Arbeitsgruppe Planunff, Straasengestattung und
Proceedings. Verkehr.
GainesvUle, 19
v. 21 cm. Irregular.
[Atlanta] Kichtlimen fiir Entwurf, Bau und Unterhaltung land-
licher Wege. Ausg. 1956. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Verlag

Florida. Univ.
A 59-243 TE5.G4 58-15960


University, Gainesville. Dept. of Civil Engineer- GERMANY

85 p.


plans. 30cm.

dings of the Florida highway and surveying con Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Germany)
ference. 1947- Arbeitsgruppe Stadtstrassen. Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany)
t Gainesvillej Richtlinien fur die Anlage von Stadtstrassen (RAST) Arb eitggruppe Strassenv erke hrswirtschaft.
illus, maps.
v. 23-28 cm. annual. (Florida. University, Strassenbau und Strassenverkehrswirtschaft ; Referate von
Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1958-
Gainesville. Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station Bulle der Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe Strassenverkehrswirtschaft
v. diagrs. 30 cm.
A 53-6855 rev am 19. Mai 1953 in Hamburg. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum C 1953j
35 p. 21 cm. (Forschungsgesellschaft fUr das Strassenwesen e. V.
TA1.F6 625.7063759 48-45181 rev* Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
TE5.F68 Schriftenreihe der Arbeltsgruppe "StrasBenverkehrswIrtschaft," Heft
Haaren, Adolf, Freiherr von. HE363.G3F6 56-29655
Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Hall and Macdonald, New York.
Moderner Waldstrassenbau; Probleme der Wegenetzpla-
Report on a study of Florida highways for the State Road nung und der Ausbautechnik. Hannover, & H. Schaper M
Department of Florida. New York, 1952. C 1956]
178 p. Illus. 21 cm.
lv, 112 p maps (part fold., part col.) diagrs., tables. 28 cm.
A 59-5401 1 9 49 - ^FINANCE
HE356.F4P3 388.1 55-62524
Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library

Ritschl, Hans.
FLORIDAFINANCE Kaftan, Kurt Gustav.
Die Deckung der Strassenkosten und der Wettbewerb der
Der Kampf um die Autobahnen ; Geschichte und Entwick- Verkehrsmittel. Berlin, C. Heymann, 1956.
124 p. 22cm.
Florida. Road Dept. Division of Traffic and Planning.
State lung des Autobahngedankens in Deutschland, von 1907-1935, HE363.G3R5 57-38663 t
unter Beriicksichtigung ahnlicher Plane und Bestrebungen
Financing of streets, bridges and storm sewers, all Florida
incorporated cities & towns. im ubrigen Europa. Berlin, H. Wigankow [1955 3
192 p. Illus., port, maps. 21 cm.
[Tallahassee?] Rodler, Josef.
A 57-1196 Die Verteilung der Kosten bei Kreuzungen von Bahnan-
Northwestern Univ. Library
HE356.F4A33 55-21151 \ lagen und offentUchen Wegen. tMiinchen? 1952?]
vl,591. 29cm.
NadolK Johannes. 56-15118
Quails, Le Roy Lillard, 1910- Zementbetonstrassen; Unterstufe von Johannes Nadoll,
High\vay-user revenues in Florida. Prepared by the re Erich Asbach und Paul TSpfer. Hrsg. vom Ministerium fur
search statf of the Florida Citizens Tax Council. Tallahas
Seebohm, Hans Christoph.
Verkehrswesen/Hauptverwaltung Strassenwesen. Leipzig, Vorschlag zur Finanzierung des Neubauea von Autobahnen
see, Florida Citizens Tax Council, 1956. Fachbuchverlag, 1955.
83 p. tables. 23 cm. 67
hi Westdeutschland. Bonn, Bundesdruckerei, 1953.
p. Illus., diagrs., tables. 23 cm.
HE356.F4Q3 A 57-9266 A 56-3013 6Sp. Ulua,,map8. 24cm.
Florida. Univ. Library Michigan. Univ. Llbr. 55-42556

Nohringr, Friedrich. GT. BRIT.

FLORIDA MAINTENANCE AND RE Der Strassenbaupraktiker. Leipzig, Fachbuehverlag,
PAIR 1953.
116 p. illus. (part col.) diagrs., fold. plan. 21 cm. Bochin, Valerii Aleksandrovich.
Florida. State Road Dept, TE145.N6 A 55-1808 ^[oporH AnrjiHic; saneTKH HHaceHepa-flopo^HHEa. Mo-
Michigan. Unlv Llbr.
Florida highways: official detour bulletin. CKBa, HayiHO-rexH. HS^-BO asTOTpancn. jHT-pu, 1958.
85 p. Illus. 22cm.
col. maps 54 x 69 cm. fold, to 28 x 16 cm. Schmies, PauL TE57.B6 59-24536 t
G3931S.P2 1,400.F48 Map 56-81 Grundlagen des Strassenwartungsdienstes. Bielefeld,
Kirschbaum rl955] P C
51 39-51 advertisements) 21cm.
p. (p. Illus,
A 56-2731 Report on a tour of the United States of America and
FLORIDA SOCIETIES, ETC. Michigan. Unlv. Llbr. England during April-October, 1951 covering the study of
and construction de
materials, research, planning, design,
Florida highway industry directory. Schurhammer, Hermann, 1881-1952. velopments in highway engineering. Pietermaritzburg?
[Tallahassee] Florida Road Builders' Association. Strasse und Landschaft; ein Be IT a g zur praktischen I
131 L 33 cm.
v. 28 cm. diagrs.
58-37313 Landschaftspflege. Bearb. und mit Unterstutzung des TE145.L58 59-25726
Bundesverkehrministeriums hrsg. von Hermann Schur
FRANCE hammer, jr. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Verlag (1955) Lloyd, Thomas Ifan, 1903-
77 30 cm. Twilight of the railways ; what roads they'll make 1 Rail
p. illus.
France. Ministers des travaua publics. A 56-2759 way conversion as the cure for Britain's transport troubles.
Purdue Univ. Library
Note technique sur les travaux routiers. London, F. Groom, 1957.
80 p. 20cm.
Paris, Impr. nationale. HE1049.L58
v. 27 cm. *385.1 68-40340 J
Wienecke, Carl.
TE71.A32 56-19227
Entwicklungskritische Betrachtung des deutschen Stras-
L senwesens in den Jahren 1871-1945. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Rodgers, William Thomas.
Des rapports entre personnes administratives et services t 1956,
What shall we do about the roads? [London^ Fabian So
49 p. 80 cm. (Forschungsarbelten aus dem ciety C 1959j
Strassenwesen, n. P.,
techniques en droit routier, essai de synthese critique. Heft 28) 31 p. 22cm. (Fabian research series, 206)
Bordeaux [1955] HE363.G3W5 57-29190 J HX11.N42 no. 206
143 p. 24cm.
Routes et chemins publics et prives; regime juridique, ad-i Klenk, Helmut, 1925-
ministratif et financier. Paris, Aframpe, 1954. Die fiskalische Belastung des Kraftverkehrs und die British Road Federation.
256 p. tables. 24cm.
Strassenkosten. Mannheim, 1954.
Supplement. Paris, Editions Aframpe, 1957. Ill, 146 p. col. diagrs. (1 fold.) 21 cm.
110 p. 24cm. London.
A 55-1765 rev HE363.G7B73
v. 22cm. annual.
56-49007 J
Northwestern Univ. Library
1949- )
Institution of Highway Engineers.
Adamek, Robert
Journal v. 1-
Petot, Jean. Strassenwirtschaft und Strassenverwaltung; eia Beitrag
Histoire de 1'admiiiistration des ponts et chaussees, 1599- zur Reform der London, Contractors' record.
Strassenbauverwaltung in der Bundesre- v. Illus., parts, mapa. 22cm. quarterly.
1815. Paris, Librairie
522 p. 28<m.
M. Riviere, 1958. publik.
Wiesbaden, Bauverlag C 1966]J
Illns. 23cm.
^ TE1J453 625.70942 59-87467
A 59-4616 A oo-owi.
Harvard Univ. Library Northwestern Unlv. Library

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS Illinois. University. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Bortolotti, Giovanni.

GT. BRIT. Cooperative investigation of soil exploration and mapping. La strada di Porretta; saggio di storia della viabiliti.
Report, no. t lv- Bologna, Camera di commercio, industria e agricoltura, 1954.
(Continued) Urbana, 1951- 168 p. lllus., maps (part fold.) 24 cm.
no. 28 cm. A 55-6666
Institution of Highway Engineera no. Northwestern Univ. Library
Report for engineering soil strip map.
Year book and list of members.
London. Ente per lo sviluppo della irrigazione e la trasformarione
v. 21cm. Urbana, 1952-
no. 28 cm. fondiaria in Puglia e Lucania. Sezione specivle per la
TE1.I457 55-41950 J .

riforma fondiaria.
TA710.1 37 631.47 A 52-7392 rev 2 Strade in suolo stabilizzato. Pubblicazione a cura del Ser-
Illinois. Univ. Library
GUATEMALA vizio bonifiehe e lavori. Ban [Stab, d'arti grafiche G. La-
terza, 1954]
61 p illus., mnps, dlagrs. 30 cm.
Erdmenger, Jorge Ernesto. INDIA A 56-8398
Analisis de las soluciones de la salida al Atlantico sobre Michigan Univ. Llbr.
Rio Las Vacas. Guatemala, 1954. Indian Roads Congress.
60 p. lllus 23cm.
Road research. Bulletin, no. 1-
TE31.G8E7 57-25619 \ New Delhi, 1947- Federazione italiana della strada.
no. Illus 22 cm. 6,000 i. e. Seimilaj chilometri su strade italiane, 23 agosto-

TE103.1 5 13 settembre 1953. [Roma, 1953]

HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND 29 p. lllus. 80 cm.
HE363.I82F4 58-29402 t
Mould, Daphne Desiree Charlotte Pochin. INDIANA
The roads from the Isles a study of the north-west

land tracks. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd 1950, Giovannozzi, Giorgio.

r Baerwald, John Edward, 1925-
vHl,189p. Illus fold, map 19cm. ,
Disciplina giuridica della viabilit& vicinale. Empoli,
Rural highway classification and evaluation procedures for
DA880.H7M8 914.11 51-17043 rev Caparrini 1954]
Indiana counties. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1956] C

25 cm.
59, [8] p. (Raccolta dl studl glurldlco-ammlnlstratlvl, 8)
[University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 16,446)

Microfilm AC-1 no. 16,446 Mic 56-1454 A 55-6675

Northwestern Univ. Library
Purdue Univ.
IDAHO Library

Maracchi, Giovanni.
Idaho. Board of Highway Directors. Indiana. State Highway Dept. Costruire 1'Italia; un piano integrate per le autostrade, a
Report of the Department of Highways. Isfc- Report. cura delPUnione regionale delle camere di commercio, indus
1951/52- [Indianapolis?] tria e agricoltura delle Marche.
v. Illus. 23 cm. annual. Ancona, 1955.
[Boise, 230 p. illus., maps (part fold.) 22cm.
28 cm HE356.1 6A27 59-62538
HE356.1 2A32
v. Illus., maps. annual.
388.1 52-62009 rev
56-6931 A
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Mauro Nicotra, Giuseppe di.
ILLINOIS Indiana. Toll Road Commission. Le prestazioni d'opera per la costruzione, sistemazione e
Financial reports. manutenzione delle strade comunali ; esposizione sistematica
Barton (George W.) and Associates, Evanston,, IU, [Indianapolis] delle disposizioni relative alle prestazioni d'opera con riferi-
Highways and their meaning to Illinois citizens, a study v. 80 cm.
mento alia dottrina, alia giurisprudenza ed alia pratica, con
prepared for the State of Illinois, Dept. of Public Works HE355.4.1 65 57-63338 formulario dei provedimenti deliberated e di modelli diversi
and Buildings, Division of Highways, in cooperation with e con riproduzione delle circolari ministerial!, delle leggi e
U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads. [Spring
regolamenti generali. Parma, Casanova r!956\
field) 1958. U. S. Gongrew. Senate. Committee on Public Works. 164 p. lllus. 25cm.
35 p. Illus., maps. 22x28 cm.
Investigation of highway right-of-way acquisition, State 58-18784 t
A 59-9400 of Indiana. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Com
Illinois. Univ. Library
mittee on Public Works, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth
session Progetto dell'autostrada Torino-Genova col percorso per
Congress, first ...
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print.
Chryssafopoulos, Nicholas, 1919- Off., 1957. Chivasso, Casale Monferrato, Valenza, Alessandria, Serra-
correlation of pedologic soil types with rigid pavement 2 pts. (vi, 230 p.) form, tables. 24 cm. valle Scrivia ; comunicazioni autostradali dei porti liguri con
performance in De Witt County, Illinois. Ann Arbor, Uni HE356.5.1 5U5 57-60631 rev 1'entroterra piemontese. Questo progetto vione presentato
versity Microfilms [1956] dalle provincie orientali piemontesi di Alessandria, Novara,
[University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publicatioa no. 18423)
Vercelli, dalle rispettive camere di commercio e dall' Unione

Microfilm AC-1 no. 18.123 Mic 56-2586

Illinois. UniT. Library
IOWA FINANCE industriale biellese. [Vercelli, Edizioni S. A. V. I. T., 1951]
73 p. fold. col. maps, tables. 32 cm.
Iowa. Institute of Public Affairs. HE363.1 82P7 59-34702
Illinois. Division of Highways. Financing Iowa's highways. research report] by Clay t
Field manual. Springfield, 1946- ton L. Ringgenberg, research specialist. Prepared at the
1 T. (loose-leaf) 20 cm. request of Carl H. Ringgenberg, Iowa State representative, Spiegelberg, Alberto.
TE24.1 3A53 625.7 A 50-9434 rev 2 Story County. [Iowa City, 1954 or 5] Problem! delle autostrade italiane (dagli inizi al 1953)
Illinois. Univ. Library 70 dlagrs tables. 28 cm.
1. ,
Milano, 1956.
HE356.1 816 55-62089 119, iv p. lllus., maps. 28cm.
HE363.1 82S6
Illinois. Division of Highways.
The Illinois highway story. 1953-
v. mus. 22x28 cm.
HE356 J 3A25 A 54-9418 rev U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. see also Tokaido
Illinois. Univ. Library Highway problems in Iran; a report to Mr. Thos. H.
MacDonald, Commissioner. Prepared by Turkey Division, Japan. Road Bureau.
Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. Dept. of Commerce rWash- Roads in Japan. [Tokyo]
Illinois.Division of Highways, ington?] 1951. 67 p. lllus. (part col.) maps. 26cm.
Present and future improvement needs of the primary 127 L maps (part fold.) 27cm.
HE365.J32A55 625.7 57-33287
and Federal-aid secondary highway systems. [Springfieldj HE365.I72U5 58-38068
23 p. 2 fold. col. maps, 21 tables. 28cm.
A 52-9588 rev KANSAS
Illinois. Univ.
1951 388.1 ISRAEL

Monson, Harold M Hein, Clarence Jacob.

State-local relations in Kansas: the State Highway Com
Training of Israel highway personnel in modern road con mission.
struction methods and procedures; [Lawrence, Governmental Research Center, Uni
Illinois. Division of Highways. report to the Government
of Israel [Ministry of Commerce and versity of Kansas, 1954]
Proposed improvement program for the primary highway Industry] Technical v, 84 (I. e. 83) 1. illus. 28 cm. (Governmental Research Center,
1957- assistance program. Tel-Aviv, U. S. A. of
system. Operations Mission University Kansas. Special report #60. Research report)
to Israel, 1957. HE356.K2H4 388.1 54-63028 rev
v. maps. 22 x 29 cm. annual. 1 T. (various pagings) illus. 26 cm. (USOM
illus., industry report)
HE356.I3A26 388.1 A 57-9281 TE113J8M6 625.7
Illinois. Univ. Library

Dept. of Highway Planning.

Illinois. Division of Highway*.
Route bulletin,
ITALY Highway
sufficiency rating survey, State highway system.
t Springfield^ [Topekaj
T. 23cm, see also v. lllus. 28 cm. annual.
Strada statale 63
TE24J3A3S 56-60818 HE356.K2A33 625.76 54-63081 rev 1
AscoU Pfceno (Province) Camera di commercio, industria
6 agncoltura.
Illinois. Minnesota. University. Center
Legislative Council, II miglioramento delle comunicazioni tra
Roma e 1'Adri- for Continuation Study.
Local road administrative \mits. Bituminous conference.
Springfield [1956]
illns^maps. I cm. (7t Publication 127)
atico; yerbale del
1953. Roma, Tip. U.
convegno svoltosi in
Pinto, 1954.
Roma il 19 dicembre
no. 127 A 57-9287 55 p. illus., map. SI cm.
v. 28 cm. annual.
mine-la. Univ. Library
HE363.I82A8 TE270.M65 58-17959
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS (Continued)
Forteza, Miguel
Jammu and Kashmir. Roads and Buildings
New York (State) Long Island State Park Commission. Los aiitiguos caminos de Mallorca. Palma, 1953j f
16 p. 17cm. ( Panorama balear, n. SI)
Report on the administration. Northern State Parkway extension; Sagtikos State Park illus.

Srinagar, Printed at the Pratap Pi way; Captree State Parkway, May 22, 1950. n. p.] Long HE363.S62M35 55-20948 J
v. 33cm. Island State Park Commission, Jones Beach State Parkway
HD4295.K3A32 New York State Dept. of
Authority, Public Works 1950i
[12 )P . iiiua. 28cm.
A 55-441 t
KENTUCKY New York. State LIbr. Marin Co., Calif. County Planning Commission.
Marin County streets and highways plan, prepared for
the Board of Supervisors by the County Planning Commis
Kentucky. Dept. of Highways. Division of Planning. LOUISIANA sion and the Road Commissioner. [San Rafael, 1952.
Evaluation of adequate maintenance costs in Kentucky 145, xlvp. maps (part coL) dlagrs. 26 r 36 cm,
from a probability sample; a report prepared for the South Automotive Safety Foundation. HE356.C3M3 625.7 58-28842
eastern Association of State Highway Officials, fall Louisiana's highway problem; a summary report. Pre
1955, Charleston, West Virginia, by R. D. Medley [director
Frankfort? 1955 2,
pared for the Louisiana Legislative Council. [Baton Rouge, MARYLAND
1 v. illus. 28 cm. 20 p. col maps. 81 cm.
HE356.K4A53 388.1 57-62S96 t HE356JL8A79 388.1 55-63126 Maryland. State Roads Commission.
Detail sheets and maps showing locations of road con
struction and reconstruction in the proposed twelve year
KENTUCKY FINANCE Automotive Safety Foundation.
Louisiana's highway problem, an engineering analysis for program by] State Roads Commission of Maryland and

Kentucky. Legislative Research Commission. the Louisiana Legislative Council. Prepared by the Auto Advisory Council to the Commission. [Baltimore] 1952.
State funds for rural and secondary roads. Frankfort, 151 p. maps 29 x 46 cm.
motive Safety Foundation in cooperation with the Louisiana lllus., ( 1 fold. col. )
50 p. lllus. 27cm. (/to Research publication no. 66) Dept of Highways and the U. S. Dept of Commerce, Bureau G1271.P2M3 195" A 53-9127
JK5374.A33 no. 55 of Public Roads. [Baton Rouge, 1954] Enoch Pratt Free Libr.
388.1 58-62722 J 102 p. illus. (part col.) maps (part col.) 31 cm.

HE356.L8A8 55-62368
Maryland. State Roads Commission.
Kentucky. University. Bureau of Business Research.
Financing Kentucky's roads and streets; [report. By Louisiana. Dept. of Highways (1942-
A history of road building in Maryland. c By Charles T.
Charles R. Lockyer, assistant professor of economics and
LeVrness. Baltimore?] 1958 81959] t
Financial and statistical report 246 p. illus., maps (part fold.) 26 cm.
Eugene C. Holshouser, research associate assisted by Marga [Baton Rouge] HE356.M3A535 388.109752 59-38121
ret Conhagen, research associate] Lexington, 1956. v. 22 x 34 cm. annual.
vIH, 114 p. dtagrs., tables. 23 cni. HE356.L8A33 57-62792 ;

HE356.IC4K4 388.1 57-62885 Maryland. State Roads Commission.

State highway system study, including sufficiency ratings.
Kentucky. University. Bureau of Biuinets Saearah. Louisiana. Rev. Apr. 10, 1958. [Baltimore] 1958.
Dept. of Highways (1942- ) 1 v. (various pagings) coL maps, dlagr. 29x51 cm.
Third-structure taxes: applicability for Kentucky, Manual of procedure for administering Act 128 of 1955
Lewis C. Bell. Lexington, 1956.
by HE356.M3A537 A 59-9131
tby] parish governing authorities in cooperation with Loui Enoch Pratt Free Libr.
v, 121 p. 28 cm.
siana Department of Highways. Baton Rouge, 1955.
A 58-1968 83 p. forms, tables. 28cm.
Kentucky. Univ. LIbr.
HE356.L8A52 56-62585 Maryland. State Roads Commission.
Status of 12 year road construction & reconstruction pro
KOREA gram as of December 31, 1955. [Baltimore, 1956]
143 p. Illns., maps (1 fold.) 29 x 46 cm.
Louisiana. Laws, statutes, etc.
U. S. Army. Corps of Engineers. Long range highway program, 1955 ; compilation of Leg
HE356.M3A54 A 56-9365
Enoch Pratt Free Libr.
Highways of Korea, prepared by Engineer Research and 142 of 1955 of the
islative acts 40, 92, 128, 129, 130, 141
Office, North Atlantic Division. [Washington] Strategic Legislature of the State of Louisiana. Compiled by Louisi
Intelligence Branch, Military Intelligence Division, Office, ana Dept. of Highways. [Baton Rouge, 1955]
Chief of Engineers, U. S. A'rmy. 1945. vi, 118 p. 28 cm. MASSACHUSETTS
HI, 68, A-6 p. lllus., fold. maps. 28 cm. (Strategic
* engineering
study, S. B. S. 154) Massachusetts. General Court. Special Committee on
TA7.U53 no. 154 59-27971 LOUISIANAFINANCE Highways and Motor Vehicles.
Interim report. 1st- Dec. 30, 1947-
Louisiana. State University and Agricultural and Mechan Boston, Wright & Potter Print. Co., legislative printers.
KURDISTAN r. Illus 23cm.
ical College.College of Commerce. Division of Research. J87.M4 date g 57-35971
Hamilton, Archibald Milne. Financing highway improvements in Louisiana; a finan
cial analysis for the Louisiana Legislative Council,
Road through Kurdistan the narrative of an engineer in
pared in the Division of Research, College of Commerce,
Iraq. With a foreword by Major-General Rowan-Robinson. National highway user conference.
Louisiana State University, with the cooperation of the
[New ed.] London, Faber & Faber [1958, Louisiana Dept. of Highways and the U. S. Bureau of Highway facts of Massachusetts; a condensed summary of
ftp. illus. 28 c
Public Roads, by William D. Ross, assisted by Lee J. Mel
some comparable national totals. Wash
state statistics, with
DS51.K7H25 1958 915.66 58-4476 t
ton. Baton Rouge, 1955. ington, National highway users conference, 1945.
45 numb. 1. 28 cm.
236 maps, dlagrs., tables. 29 cm.
p. Illus.,

388.1 56-62638
A 45-3395 rev
Harvard Univ.

Lochner (H. W.) and Company, Chicago. MAINE

An improvement plan for Illinois route 42 in Lake County,
prepared for Division of Highways, Dept. of Public Works
Maine. Legislature. Legislative Research Committee.
and Buildings, State of Illinois, in cooperation with the
Maine Federal interstate
Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. Dept. of Commerce. [Spring highway system. [Augusta^
field, 111.] 1958. 30 p. tables. 23 cm. (Its Heport to ninety-eighth Legislature, Direction Pro
19 p. Illus., maps (part fold.) 28 x 44 cm. Argentine Republic (Province}
publication 98-6)
A 59-9455 JK2874.A3 no. 98-6 58-63108 %
vincial de Vialidad.
Illinois. Univ. Library Memoria.
v. lllus., fold. maps. 28 cm,
HE359.A74M4 57-16583 J
Maine. State Highway Commission.
Latvia. Soseju vn semes oeju departamentt. Highway sufficiency rating report.
Ce]5 un satiksme. [Augusta]

v. Illus., maps (part fold. In pocket) 36 cm. biennial MEXICO
T. lUua. 27 C
TE4.L3 69-57548 J
Lopez de la Parra, Manuel.
Los caminos vecinales y su influencia en el desarrollo
econ6mico de M&dco. M&uco, 1956.
LIEGE Maine. State Highway Commission. 134 p. illus, 24 cm,
Maine highway and bridge sufficiency rating report tby HE359.M4L6 57-49907 J
Vercauteren, Frans Eduardus Maria. the]Maine State Highway Commission in cooperation with
De aanleg van de straatweg 's-Hertogenbosch-Best als deel the U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads.
van de verbinding met Luik, 1740-1745. Nijmegen, 1956. rAugusta, 1956]
1 v. (unpaged) coL maps (2 fold. In pocket) 86 cm.
xvlll, 188 p. plates, maps, facslms. 28 cm.
HE363.N22V4 57-34403 HE356.M2A53 1956 56-63646 MEXICO FINANCE
LIMBURG (PROVINCE) Quintero Rivera, Nazario..
El impuesto de la gasolina dentro del financiamiento de
la construcci6n de caminos en Mexico, 1939-1953. Mexico,
Maine. Highway Commission.
Vercauteren, Frans Eduardus Maria. 1956.
Report on evaluation of State aid highways, 1954. Au*-
De aanleg van de straatweg Best-Lommel als deel van de t
1ST p. 24cm.
gusta, 1954]
verbinding 's-Hertogenbosch-Luik, 1745-1818. Nijmegen, unpaged. Illus. 28 cm. HE359.M4Q5 57-34851
Centrale Drukkerij, 1958.
121 23 cm. (Bijdragen tot de Boclale en economlsche
TE24.M2A44 3S8.1 55-62894 J
geflchledenis van het zulden van Nederland, 5)
HE363.N22V39 58-41486 t

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog


Netherlands (Kingdom, 1S1-J- ) Commissie in zake het
MICHIGAN Automotive Safety Foundation. .
Herstel van de FinanciSle Zelfstandigkeid dcr Gcmeentcn
an engineering
Moving ahead on Montana's highways: Montana Fact en ProvintiUn.
a to the
Automotive Safety Foundation. study of road and street needs; report
and Bridges. Rapport betrcffende een nieuweregeling van de uitkerin-
Modern highways for Michigan, an engineering base for Finding Committee on Highways, Streets,
Foundation; cooperat gen voor do wegen. 's-Gravenhage, Stantsdrukkerij- en Uit-
a fiscal plan a report to the Michigan Legislative Highway
; Prepared by the Automotive Safety
Commission and the U. b. geverijbedrijf, 1955.
Study Committee. Lansing, Michigan State Highway Dept, ing: Montana State Highway 50 p. tables. 24cm.
of Public Roads, [Washington,
1955. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau HE363.N22A5 56-25372
85 p. illus., maps, tables. 31 cm. 1956
HE356.M5A8 388.1 56-62778 82 *p. Illus. (part coL) maps (part col.) diagrs., tables. &*&<*
388.3 56-63663
HE356.M85A9 Netherlands (Kingdom*, 1815- ) Departement van
Verfceer en Waterstaat.
Michigan. State Highway Dept. Montana. Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman. Kosten van de weg ...; rapport de totale kosten en
Michigan State trunkline five year construction program, Rural Sociology. 1950-58
Dept. of Agricultural Economics and
opbrengsten uit heffingen.
July 1, 1957-July 1, 1962. rLansing, 1957. Benefits from highway development, user and non-user; 's-Gravenhage, Staatsdrukkerij- en Uitgeverijbedrijf.
311. illus. 23x31 cm.
24 cm.
HE356.M5A56 388.1 57-63831 1 a report to the Montana Fact Finding Committee on High v.

Ex HE363.N2A27 58-44884
ways. Bozeman, Montana State College, Agricultural
periment Station, 1956. Ex
ill, 49 1. fold, map, ([Montana.
tables. 28 cm. Agricultural
Michigan. State Highway Dept.
Report of Higgins Lake conference, May 16-18, 1956.
periment Station, Bozeman) Mimeograph circular 98)
HE333.M58 388.1
[Lansing? 1956?,
29 L illus., ports. 29cm. U. S. House. Committee on Government Opera
TE5.M43 625.7063774 56-63687
Reno-Sparks-Verdi interstate highway (Bureau of Public
L Roads, Department of Commerce) third report. Washing
Hall, William

MICHIGAN FINANCE U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959.

Financing modern highways for Montana; a report on
ill, 20 p. fold, map, table. 24 cm. (80th Cong., 1st sees House
highway finances to the Montana Fact Finding Committee report no. 292)
Frisinger, Hubert Howard, 1909- on Highways, Streets and Bridges, by Wm. L. Hall assisted HE856.5.R4U6 388.109793 59-2341
Michigan State highway expenditure policy. Ann Arbor, by Ralph D. Johnson, Daniel J. Shea and Arthur Nelson.
University of Michigan Press, 1954. [Helena? Mont, 1956]
115 p. 23 cm. (University of Michigan. Michigan governmental vi, 135 p. illus , diagrs., tables. 28 cm. NEW HAMPSHIRE
studies, no. 29) HE356.M85H3 388.1
HE356.M5F7 388.1 54-14896 J
New Hampshire. Fact Finding Committee on Highway
Montana. State Highway Commission. Land Damage Awards.
Michigan. State Highway Dept. Montana county and local road finance report
Report on thej motor vehicle highway fund.
t Report to the 1955 session of the General Court. [Con
[Lansing] T. tables. 28 cm. annual. cord] 1955.
v. Illus. 28cm. annual. 1 v. illus. 28 cm.
HE356.M85A3 HE356.N44A54
HE356.M5A35 54-63120 1 333.332 55-63082 t

Montana. State Highway Commission. E

U. S. Congress. Howe. Committee on Government Opera The Montana incremental method of determining motor- Trafford, John
tions. vehicle tax responsibility a report prepared for the Mon The town highway agent in New Hampshire. Durham,

Operations of the Federal Bureau of Public Roads: Fed tana Fact-Finding Committee on Highways, Streets and University of New Hampshire Bookstore [1955]
15 p 23 cm. (University of New Hampshire. Dept. of Govern
eral-aid highways in Michigan; thirtieth intermediate re
Bridges, by Ralph D. Johnson, research engineer. [Helena, ment Public Administration Service. Governmental series, no, 5)
port. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1956. 1957] HE356.N44T7 388.1 55-63215 J
Ill, 35 p. fold, map 24 cm. (84th Cong., 2d sesa. House report 32 p. Illus. 28 cm.
no 2953) 57-63125 J
HE5633.M9A55 388.1
HE356.M5U52 56-61967 NEW JERSEY
NATAL New Jersey. Commission to Devise and Perfect a Plan for
Zettel, Richard M the Construction and Financing of an Essex County East-
Financing modern highways for Michigan; a fiscal report West Freeway.
to the Michigan Legislative Highway Study Committee. Natal. Roads Dept.
Meeting of the Essex County East- West Freeway, Com
Assisted by Richard R. Carll. [Lansing] 1955. Report of the Provincial Roads Engineer. mission (created by Assembly concurrent resolution no. 41)
12Tp. diagrs., tables. 23cm. Pietermaritzburg, Natal Witness.
HE356.M5Z4 388.1
with members of the New Jersey State Highway Depart
HE367.N3A32 54-43216 ment. Held July 9, 1956. Trenton. 1956.
151. 28cm.

MICHIGAN MAPS HE356.N5A53 57-9056 A

New Jersey. State Llbr.

Michigan. State Highway Dept. Road Division. NEAR EAST

Trunkline atlas; road and bridge types. [Lansing?] 1954.
1 v. (chiefly maps (part fold., part coL) ) 25 r 32 cm. U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. NEW MEXICO FINANCE
TE24.M5A55 56-63036 How highway development in the Middle East can aid in
the permanent resettlement of Arab refugees; an explora
tory report to Near East Branch, D. R. N., Dept. of State.
New Mexico. State Highway Commission.
MINNESOTA Revenue and expenditures.
Washington, 1949.
2, 62, [26] 1 maps (1 fold., part col.) tables. 27 cm. t
n. p.]
HE365.A1U6 58-43044 28 cm. anuual.
Automotive Safety Foundation. 57-84757
Highway transportation in Minnesota; an engineering'
analysis ; a report to the Minnesota Highway Study Commis NEBRASKA
sion. Prepared with the cooperation of the Minnesota Dept NEW SOUTH WALES PERIODICALS
of Highways and the IT. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of
Nebraska. Dept. of Roads.
Public Roads. Saint Paul, 1954. Main roads.
106 p. Ulus., maps, tables. 31 cm, Report ... to tthej governor. 1st-
1957-58 [Sydney, Dept. of Main Roads, New South Walesj
HE356.M6A65 55-3199 v. In Illus., ports., maps, diagrs. 28 cm. Quarterly.
Lincoln. TE1.M25 625.705 57-87089
r. illus., maps, diagrs. 23 cm. biennial.
MINNESOTA FINANCE HE356.N36A3 388.109782 59-63285
Minnesota. Legislature. Interim Commission to Investiga
and Study AH
'Natters Relating to Distribution of Pr New York (State) Dept. of Public Works.
ceeds of any Gasoline Tax or Motor Vehicle License To.
NETHERLANDS Your State, your highways and you; a report to prop
Report submitted to the Legislature of the State of Minn erty owners. [Albany, 1958]
16 p. Illua. 23 cm.
sota, September 1, 1956. r St Paul, 1956j Fockema Andreae, Sybrandos Johannes, 1904-
A 58-9270 J
SO p. map. 28cm. Hessenwegen. Amsterdam, Uitg. New York. State Ubr.
Mij., 1957.
A 56-968' 19 p. maps. 24 cm. (Mededellngen der Konlnklijke Nederlandse
Minnesota. Univ. LIbr. * PPWU ** * IeUWC ****' New York (Stats) Legislature. Joint Committee on High
ways, Canals and Revenues.
n,r.,deel20,no.ll A58-1951 Interim report Albany, Williams
Chicago. Unlv. Llbr. Press, 1950.
MISSOURI 10 p. 28_cm. (New York (State) [Leglilaturej
Legislative docu
ment (1900) no. W)
Missouri. Local Road* Study Committee. HE356.N7A52 888.1 58-62091 J
A study of local road needs. [Jefferson City?
J 1954,
WisseKngh, T H van, ed.
771. Illus.. maps (part coL) 28cm. Weg en verkeer; handbook ten dienste van hen die betrok- New York (State) Long Island State Park Commission.
HE356.M8A53 65-62964 ken zijn bij vraagstukken de weg en het wegverkeer be- Captree State Parkway and Captree State Park with
treffend, onder redactie van T. H. van Wisselingh, J. Vol- shuttle ferry service to Fire Island State Park.
muller [^ A. G. M. Boost Met medewerking van J. F. L. York?, Long Island State Park Commission, Jones Beach
Missouri. State Highway Commission. van Gils t et aL,
Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf State Parkway Authority, 1954.
Report [1953] [12j p. illus. 28cm.
tJefferson Cityj 353 p. illus. 26cm.
v. 29cm. annual. HE363.N22W5 56-19759 J New York. State Llbr.
HE356.M8A36 57-63377
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS NORTH CAROLINA Ohio Highway Engineering Conference, Ohio State Univer
NEW YORK (STATE) (Continued) sity, Gduiribiis.

North Carolina. Com 1947-

State Highway and Public Works Proceedings.
New York (State) Temporary Highway Finance Planning mission. Columbus, College of Engineering, Ohio State University,
v. illus 24cm. (Ohio State University studies. Engineering
Commission. Municipal expenditures from Powell bill allocations for series)
Report. [1st]- Feb. 1954- fiscalyear ended June 30, 1955. Compilation and analysis TE5.03 625.7063771 A 47-5894 rev 2*
Ohio State Univ.
! Albanyj by Guy C. Farmer, research analyst. Edited by James S. Llbr.
v lllus 29 cm, Burch, engineer of statistics and planning. [Raleigh] Divi
HE356.N7A23 388.1 A 54-9315 rev t sion of Statistics and Planning, North Carolina State High
New York State Llbr.
way and Public Works Commission, 1955.
8L tables. 28cm. Pancoast, Donald F
HE356.N8A47 56-62767 Allocation of highway costs in Ohio by the incremental
New York (State) Temporary Highway Finance Planning method, by D. F. Pancoast for the Ohio Dept of Highways
Commission, in cooperation with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, Dept.
Report, February 1954. Albany, Williams Press, 1954. of Commerce. [Columbus^ 1953.
92 p. lllus., maps, dlagrs. 29 cm. ([New York (State) Legisla North Carolina. State Highway Commission. 78 p illus ,
tables. 23 cm.
Legislative document, 1954, no. 88)
Secondary roads: policies, procedures 1957-59 county TE24.O3P3 388.1 54-62999
HE356.N7A53 1954a 388.1 54-63104 allocations. r Raleigh] 1958.
[80] p. lllus 28 cm.
HE356.N8A5 1958 388.1 58-63223 J
New York (State) Temporary Highway Finance Planning
Commission. OHIO FINANCE
Reproductions of charts and graphs developed
by the staff
of the Temporary Highway Finance Planning Commission.
NORTH DAKOTA )hio. Dept. of Highways. Division of Planning and Pro-
[Albany] 1953.
92 1. lllus. 23 x 81 cm. Automotive Safety Foundation. Local highway finance and indebtedness.
57-5098 t A An engineering study of North Dakota's roads and streets, [Columbus Sj
New York. State Llbr. v. 23x36 cm.
prepared for North Dakota Legislative Research Committee
by the Automotive Safety Foundation, with the cooperation HE356.O3A23 58-63080
of the North Dakota State Highway Dept and the U. S.
NEW YORK (STATE) FINANCE Bureau of Public Roads. Bismarck, N. D., 1952.
183 p. lllus., maps, dlagra. 27 cm.
New York (State) Legislature. Joint Committee on Carrier A 55-255 Ohio. State University, Columbus. Engineering Experi
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. ment Station. Operations Research Group.
Ohio highway finance in 1953 a study conducted by the :

Ohio State University Operations Research Group, by L. G.
Albany, Williams Press. North Dakota. State Highway Dept,
v 28 cm annual. Mitten, Albert B. Bishop [and] Thomas A. Kuhn. Colum
HE356.N7A2 388.1 A 51-0666 rev J
Activities. 1955-56 bus, College of Engineering, Ohio State University 1956j C

New York. State Llbr. 3dv, 77 p illus., tables. 23 cm. (Ohio State University, Co
v. lllus. (partcoL) maps. 22x28 cm. lumbus. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin no. 159)
TE24.N9A33 58-C3674 A 56-5238
New York (State) Temporary Highway Finance Planning Ohio State Univ Libr.

Report, [1st]- Feb. 1954-
v. lllus. 29cm. OKLAHOMA
HE356.N7A23 388.1 A 54-9315 rev North Dakota. University. Bureau of Business and Eco
New York. State Llbr. Oklahoma. Dept. of Highways.
nomic Research.
Highway needs and cost survey, based on survey made in
Equitable lughway cost allocation in North Dakota; an
1954, prepared in cooperation with U. S. Dept. of Com
analysis prepared for the North Dakota Legislative Re
merce, Bureau of Public Roads. Survey and report under
search Committee, by William E. Koenker, professor of
New York direction of B. H. Myers and others, in conjunction with
(State) Temporary State Commission on Co economics, and Arlyn J. Larson, research assistant [Grand

ordination of State Activities. other departmental personnel f Oklahoma City, 1954,

Forks] Printed by the University of North Dakota Press, 1 T. (various paglngs) col. maps (2 fold.) tables. 21x36 era.
Preliminary staff report on a proposal for the regionaliza- 1956. HB356.O5A45 A 56-9112
tion of existing highway and bridge authorities, January 5, v, 80 1. map, dlagrs., tables. 28 <sn. (North Dakota studies In Oklahoma. State Llbr.
1955. Albany, Williams Press, 1955. public administration, no. 1)
41 p. lllus. 23cm. ([New York (State) Legislature] Legislative HE356.N9N6 388.1 56-63099
document, 1955, no. 24)
HE356.NTA54 A 55-9560 t Oklahoma. Dept. of Highways.
New York. State Llbr.
Sufficiency rating study of Oklahoma's rural state high
NORWAY ways. [Oklahoma City]
v. fold col. maps, dlagrs., tables. 28 cm.

Larsen, Thor, 1886-

HE356.05A28 388.1 A 58-9230
New York (State) Temporary Highway Finance Planning Oklahoma. State Llbr.
Ny veg; etter foredrag av vegsjef Thor Larsen. Utg. av
Opplysningsradet for biltrafikken. Oslo, 1951.
Report, February 1954. Albany, Williams Press, 1954. 44 p. illus. 21 cm. (Opplysningsradet for blltraflkken. Publi-
92 p. illus., maps, dlagrs. 29 cm. ( ( New York (State) Leglsla-
kasjoanr. 6)
turei Legislative document, 1954, no. 88) TE8LL3 Oklahoma. Dept. of Highways.
HE356.N7A53 1954a 388.1 54-63104 Sufficiency rating survey of Oklahoma's rural highways of
State highway system. Prepared by Division of Sufficiency
Studies, Statistical Dept in cooperation with U. S. Dept of
Malmstrom, Vincent Herschel, 1926- Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads. [Oklahoma Cifryj 1956.
NEW YORK (STATE) PERIODICALS A study of land transport in Norway. Ann Arbor, Uni 66 p.
lllus., fold.
coL map. 28 cm.
388.1 A 57-9588
versity Microfilms 1954] C
Oklahoma. State Llbr.
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich j
Publication 7687)

Oct. 1949-Apr. 1951.

Microfilm AC-1 no. 7687 Mic A 55-3113
Roads, v. 1-2, no. 6; [Albany, etc.]
Michigan. Univ.
2 v. In 1. lllus ports. ,
29 cm. monthly.
HE35G.N7R6 388.1 57-4730$
Oklahoma. Dept. of Highways.
Tabulation showing the primary State highway and
county road system rural and urban mileage by system and
NYASALAND surface type.
NIAGARA FALLS Poffitt, H W W [Oklahoma City?,
v. 21x35 cm. annual
Colonial road problems; impressions from visits to East HE356.O5A3 388.1 58-32714 J
Power Authority of the State of New York. Africa and Northern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland. London,
Niagara power park and arterial development. [New H. M. Stationery Off., 1954.
York, 1956j vi, 77 p. lllus , maps, dlagrs^ tables. 25 cm. (Colonial research
** U1US 28Cm - "
publications, no. 17)
A57-9336J JV33.G7A52 no. 17 56-58512 Oklahoma. Governor's Fact Finding Committee for a Long
New York. State Llbr.
Range Highway Improvement Program.
Oklahoma's highway system a condition survey of present ;

and future needs a digest of the fact finding survey, made


by a committee appointed by the Governor, and prepared

NIGERIA for his use in considering a long range highway improve
Ohio. Legislative Service Commission. Committee to Study ment program, July 1954. [Oklahoma City] 1954.
Public Works Dept 23 charts. 28 cm.
Nigeria. Highway ProHems. p. Illue.,
A 55-9729
The road guide of Nigeria. Lagos, Govt Printer, 1953. Report. [Columbus] 1957.
91 p. IS cm. 28 cm. Oklahoma. State Libr.
Illua. 14 p
HE367.N5A56 59-22106 J HE356.O3A53 388.1 57-68081

Oklahoma. State Highway^ Commission.

Quarterly report. Apr* I/June 30, 1947-
Poffltt, H W W . .
Ohio. State Highway Construction Council.
State highway classification plan for the auxiliary and [Oklahoma City]
Colonial road problems; impressions from visits to v. 28 cm.
1950. local State highway systems. [Columbus?] 1955. A 58-9519
Nigeria. London, H. M. Stationery Off., research
lv. illus. 12x28 cm.
Oklahoma. State Llbr.
36 maps (1 fold.) 26 cm. (Colonial pub-
vlll, p. lllus.,
HE356.O3A54 56-62604 t
llcations, no. 8)
JV33.G7A52 no. 8

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS (Continued) Parana, Brazil (8ta\ Departamento de Estradas de Ro-

dagem Prince Edward Island.
OKLAHOMA FINANCE Revista do D. E. R. ano 1- (no. 1- ) ;
Dept. of Highways.

jan./marQo 1951- Chariot tetown, Irwin Print. Co.

Oklahoma. Dept. of Highways.
[Curitiba] v. 24 cm. annual.
Oklahoma and the 1956 Federal highway act, prepared v. In illus., maps (part fold.) 32 cm. quarterly (Irregu-
HE357.Z6P7 58-43053
by the Oklahoma State Highway Dept of Statistics. [Okla lar)
homa City, 1956. HE359.B6P33 59-20614
12 p. lllus ,map. 22 cm.
HE356.O5A45 1956 A 57-9125 RHODE ISLAND
Oklahoma. State Llbr.
Rhode Island. Governor's Highway Study Committee.
ONTARIO Automotive Safety Foundation. Rhode Island roads a report to the Governor on highway
State highway policies and practices in Pennsylvania; an
problems. [Providence, 1958]
Ontario. appraisal. A report to the Honorable George M. Leader, 104 p. lllus., maps (part col.) 81 cm.
Dept. of Highways.
A. plan for Ontario highways ; an Governor, General Assembly of Pennsylvania, and Hon HE356.R4A55 888.1 58-63356
engineering analysis of orable Lewis M. Stevens, secretary of highways.
needs on King's highways and secondary roads; a [Wash
report to
the Government of Ontario. Toronto, 1956 ri. e. 1957, ington?, 1958.
58 p. lllus, col. maps, diagrs., tables. 24s 32 cm.
59 p.
lllus. 28 cm.
59-20474 J
HE357.Z605 388.1 58-35890
Pollitt, H W W
Colonial road problems; impressions from visits to Kast
ORANGE FREE STATE Chamber of Commerce of Greater
Philadelphia. Traffic and Africa and Northern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland. London,
Transportation Council. H. M. Stationery Of!., 1954.
77 maps, diagrs, tables. 26 cm. (Colonial research
Orange Free State (Province) Provincial Hoods Engineer. Pennsylvania keystone of the interstate highway system; vl, p. lllus.,
publications, no. 17)
Verslag. Report. a study by the Streets and Highways Committee. Phila
JV33.G7A52 no. 17 56-58512
[Bloemfonteinj delphia, 1958.
r. S3 cm annual. 141 p. lllus., maps (part fold.) 29 cm.
HE367.S607 57-34120 HE356.P4C5 388.1 5841425
Pennsylvania. State Rhodesia, Southern. Ministry of Roads and Road Traffic.
Highway and Bridge Authority.
Report of the commissioner of roads and road
Libby, Hollis W
1880- Report.

Manual of instructions for Construction Department em Harrisburg. v. 33 cm, annual.

v. 33cm. semiannual.
ployees, prepared ... by H. W. Libby [and] F. 0. Scott HE367.R5A3 51-31728 rev
HE356.P4A35 54HW452
Salem, Oregon State Highway Commission, 1053.
240 p. illus., maps. 28 cm. (Oregon. State Highway D
Technical bulletin no. 19, rev.)
TE24.08L5 625.7 57-62564 J RUSSIA
Oregon. Legislative Assembly. Highway Interim, Com FINANCE Babkov, V F
mittee. Pernambuco, Brazil (State) Laws, statutes, etc. ABTOMo<5Hjri,HLie floporu. ^ony^eito n Kaiecme yietfunKa
Report to ... c thej Governor. Regulamento da taxa rodoviaria, Decreto n. 164-D de BysoB no cneijHajiuiocTH "AuTOMotfitJiH."
fljifl Mocicna,
[Salem] 30-10-51. Taxa rodoviaria, Lei n. 1182 de 17-9-51. Adi- Haynio-Texit. HSA-BO aBTOTpaiicn. JIHT-PH, 1954.
v. lllus. 2Scm. 174 p. lllus., profiles. 23 cm.
cional para pavimentagao das
HE356.07A22 rodovias, Lei n. 1227 de 4-10- TE145.B3
388.109795 57-62879 rev J 51. Taxa de pedagio, Lei n. 1234 de 11-10-51. Contribuicao 55-36958
de melhoria, Lei n. 1257 de 20-10-51. Recife, Imprensa
Oregon. University. Bureau of Business Research. Oficial, 1951.
Electric utility non-user benefits from Oregon highwa}^.
12 p. 23 cm. Babkov, V F ed.

Prepared for Oregon State Highway Commission in coopera

57-36064 CupaBoiiioe pyKOBOflciBO #Jia ^opoHuioro Maerepa. Mo-
tion with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, by H. T. Koplin CKBa, HayiHO-iexH. mfl-BO aBTOtpancn. JCHT-PM, 1954.
450 p. lllus. 23cm.
[and] D. A. TVatson. [Eugene] 1959. Microfilm copy (negative)
51 p. tables. 28 cm.
HD9685.TJ6067 59-63210
PERU Microfilm Slavic 510 AC
TE145.B13 56-17112
Pan American Highway Congress.
OREGON FINANCE 5th, Lima, 1951.
Historia de las carreteras del Peru. Ed. oficial r Lima

Empresa Tip. Uni6n, 1952j Biruha, A K

Oregon. State Highway Dept. 43 p. lllus. (part col.) ports., maps. 34x43 cm. npoeffirnpoBanne aBTOMo6ii.i,uux jopor. IIs^. 3.,
ncnp. n
County road financial report
v. 22 x 33 <TP-
HE359.P5P3 1951 54-25666 rev 2 flon. ^onymeHo B Ea^ecTne y^eCuiiKa c^e^na.^I,IrocTH
ABTOMarncrpajii n ropo^CKiie floponi" aucmxrx aaae-
^ yie(5.
fleanfl. MocKsa, AflTOTpaHCHSAaT 1963-54
HE356.07A315 58-62798 J 2 v. lllus., maps, plans. 27 cm.
Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang, 1908- TE86 B572 -
54-32072 rev
; witb 4 ma P s a** 32
Oregon. State Highway Dept. -
pages of photos.
Record of depreciation, present worth, annual costs and Sloan and Pearce an <

annual earnings for the Oregon State

highway system. 320 p. IUu8.,maps. 22cm. Fedorovskii, N N
Salem, State Highway Commission. F3429 V6
v. fold. maps. 28 cm.
*985.01 913.85 55-10763
YcjioBiia npoeamcaeMoeru rpynronux ^opor CCCP. MIOH-
HE356.07A32 xen, 1954-
388.1 57-62607 rev v. maps. 22 cm
Illus., (HHCTHTVT no HayieHHio HCTOPHH H
rypw CCCP. MccjieAO BaHHji H MaTepHO/ibi, cep. 1, Bbin. 16
TE85.F4 55-24949
Philippines (Republic) Bureau of Puttie Highways. KudriavtSev, A S
Freund, Elmar, 1930- Report O?epKH HCTOpHH ^OpOHCHOrO CTpOHTCJItCTBa B CCCP
Das Strassenwesen in Rheinland-Pfalz ; Geschichte. Manila.
Zustand, Terkehr, Finanzierung. [Mainz ! 1955 ?,J v. diagrs., tables. 27cm. animal.
131 p. maps. SO cm. HE365.P59A27 58-45848 2 v. lllus., maps (1 fold.) 23 cm
HE363.G33P3 59-35174 TE85.K8 52-37373 rev

Moscow. Vsesoiuznyl dorozhnyi nauchno-issledovatel'skil

coBexcKOflTCXHHKH ^opoacnoro
Pari, Brazil (State) Departamento de Ettradas de Roda- ] MocKBa, flopnaAai, 1949.
67 p. 21cm.
Roteiro rodoviario. Drogownictwo w planie szescioletnim. TE85.M6 49-27991 rev*
stwowe Wydawn. Techniczne, 1953. Warszawa, Pan-
T. maps. 16x24 c
HE359.B9P3 Nekrasov, Vladimir Eonstantinovich.
58-24592 55-22597
cipOHiejibCXBe. Ha^. 2.,
nepep. ^onymeno B Ka^ecxse yie<5. nocoGux
RJtx. aaTOMO-
CiuiBHo-^opoKHMx xexHnsyMOB. MocsBa, Hay^HO-xexH.
H3#-Bo aBxoxpaHcrt. JHT-DH 1955.
TE183.N4 1955 56-39841
Paranfi, Brazil (State)
New York (State) Dept. of Public Works.
Departamento de Ettradat de Roda-
ffem. Report on State arterial route plans in the Port Jervis
urban area. Prepared in cooperation with the Bureau of Nikonov, P y
Public Roads, U. S. Dept. of Commerce. AKWH3 xoaaftcTBeHHoft eejH,HocTH
Curitiba. [Albany, 1955,
Lr. (various pagtngs) lllus., col. maps. 33 cm. AopoacH^x ascjuya-
fold. maps. Won. TannOHH H x XOS^HCTB.
HE359.B6P3 56-58175
HE872.P7 1955
New York State. Llbr.
388.1 A 57-9460 TOTpaHcn. JIHT-PK. 1956
MocKBa, HayiHO-xexH. H3A - BO IB-
198 p. tables. 23cm.

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUSSIA (Continued)
SPAIN Switzerland. Commission fur die Planung des ffauptstras-
Spain. MinLterio de Obras Publicas. Le reseau suisse des routes nationales; resume du rapport
OntiT nepejoBiiKOB ^oposcuoro ciponTe-ucTBa. BLIII. 1- Plan de modernizacion de la red de carreteras espanolas. de la Commission du Departement federal de 1'interieur
MocKBa, HayiHO-iexir. IIS^-EO aBTOipancn. .-HIT-OBI 1956- [Madrid, 1951 ?j pour 1'etude du plan d'ensemble du reseau des routes prin-
20 cm 173 p coL maps (part (part coU)
Berne, En vente k la Centrale federale des im-
v. illus. [22], Illus., col. fold.) diagrs.
33cm. cipales.
TE85.O6 57-22000
Plan de obras. primes et du materiel Berne, 1958.
S6p. maps (part fold., part col.) diagrs, SO cm.
Madrid. HE363.S9A55 59-25385
Russia (1983- U. S. S. R.) T. 17 1 25 cm. annual.
Glavnoe upravlenie shos-
HE363 S6A522
selnykh dorog. HE363.S6A52 56-38167
BpeiteHHHe nopMH z packmen na ^opoacHute pa<5oTu. SWITZERLAND FINANCE
yrsepacfleHH 4 HKDJia 1952
r. MocKsa, ^opiisAai, 1952.
Microfilm Slavic 739 AC Mic 58-6505 SPAIN PERIODICALS Keller, Hermann, of G-rossandelfingen.
Die Beteiligung des Bundes an der Finanzierung des
Carreteras. ano 1- (no. 1- ) ; oct. 1951- schweizerischen Strassenbaues. Bern, 1952.
153 p. 23 cm.
(19S3- U. 3. S. R.) Gosudaratvennyi komitet po [Madrid, Asociacion Espanola de la Carreteraj ix,

delam stroitel'&tva. 7 Iii Illus. 28cm. bimonthly. HE363.S9K4 54-43089

TE4.C34 59-22637
HopMti H texHuiecEHe yciOBHfl npoeKTiipOBaHna npo
MumjieHHtix aBTOMo<5Hj[i>HBix flopor (H H TyCII-101-51) TENNESSEE
. .
MocEsa, Toe. HS^-BO JiHT-pu no cxpoHTejitCTBy H Tennessee. Dept. of Highways and Public Works.
of Tennessee.
Report of the State Highway Commissioner
162 p. fold, map, profiles. 22 cm. Asociacion Espanola de la Carretera. Nashville.
TE85.A5 1951 Junta general. 1.- T In illus. 24 cm. biennial.
TE24.T2A3 625.7061768 57-62883
CiponxejiiCTBo flopor Ha 3 aco.neHHBix rpya-rax H IIO^BIOCHUX T. Illus. 28 cm. annual
necKax. MocKBa, ABTOTpaHcnsflar, 1953. HE363.S6A8 54-41701
202 p. illus. 22 cm, TENNESSEE FINANCE
TE85.S8 55-15481
White, Charles Pressley, 1896-
Report on financing an expanded highway program in
Volkov, A B Tennessee. [Knoxvillej Bureau of Business and Economic
OntiT nocxpoftKH rpyirroBHx H rpyHTOmetfeHOfHHX OCHO- Pan American Union. Travel Division.
Research, University of Tennessee, 1957.
Bannii, o6pa6oxaiiHBix 6iiTyuoM H aerrHMH. MocKsa, Hafl- El sistema panamericano de carreteras: breve resena de la 75 p. 23cm.
BO flOpOHCHO-TCXH. JIHT-pM, 1952. evolucion del proyecto y compilacion de datos sobre el estado HE356.T2TT5 388.1 57-62876 t
Microfilm Slavic 390 AC Mic 55-3578 actual de la carretera en las Republicas Latino americanas.
Washington [1951?,
II, 25 1. tables 28 cm. TEXAS
HE359.A2P3 1951 P A 56-76
Zamakhaev, M S Pan American Union. Library
3KOHOMiiiecEne H3tiCKaHna H npoeKTiipoisainie ^opOHLiiux McMillan, Thomas E
ceien. .Honymeuo B KaiecTse yie<5. nocotfim j.-ift cnemia.ii.- County unit road administration in Texas. Austin, In
HOCTII "ABTOMOfiu.tlbHMe flOpOFH." MOCKB.I, HayilTO-TeXII. [Pan American Union. Travel Division-^ stitute of Public Affairs, University of Texas, 1954.
ii3fl-so aBTOTpancn juix-pu, 1958. El sisterau panamericano de carreteras: breve resena de la \ii, 54 p fold maps. 23 cm. (Public affairs series, no. 20)
177 p. Illus., maps. 23 cm. evoluciou del proyecto y compilacion de datos sobre el estado JK4801.T52 no. 20 352.7 54-62857
TE170.Z28 38-48370 actual de la curretera en las Eepublicas Latinoamericanas.
"Washington, Secretaria Permanente de los Congresos Pan-
americanos de Carreteras, Departamento de Asuntos Econo- Texas. Legislative Council.
R USSIA FINANCE micos y Sociales, Uni6n Panamericana, 1955. Texas roads and highways. Austin, 1952.
Til, 184 p. maps, dlagrs., tables. 28 cm. (Its Staff research
Iv,351. tables. 28cm.
Dobrokhotov, Sergei Nikolaevich. P A 56-75 report no. 52-3)
HE356.T4A5 1952 388.109764 59-20563
Pan American Union. Library
flopor. no# o6m;efl pe#. A. C. KyApaB^eBa. MocKsa, Hayi-
HO-XCXH. H3fl-B0 aBxoxpaHcn. JIHI-PH, 1955. SWEDEN Texas Research League.
149 p. forms. 23 cm, A program for Texas highways; a report to the Texas
HE363.R92D6 56-41099
Highway Commission. Austin t 1957i
Sweden. Delegationen for oversiktlig vagplanering.
xl,119"p. tables. 28cm.
Vagplan for Sverige; betankande. Stockhohn, Iduns HE356.T4T42 388.1 57-63732
tryckeriaktiebolag, 1958.
2 v. Illus., maps (part fold., part col., 8 In pocket) dlagrs. 24 cm.
(Statens offentliga utrednlngar 1958 1-2) :

J406.R15 1958 : 1-2 58-39778 TEXAS PERIODICALS

Vizquez-Machicado, Humberto.
Los caminos de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en el siglo xn,
Mexico, Editorial Cultura, 1955. Texas. State
Highway Dept.
4S7-n551p. 28cm. Sweden. Vag- och vat Construction & maintenance bulletin.
HE359.B55S39 57-28869 t
Vintervtigdagarna i Ostersund, 1950 demonstrerade ma- ;
no. In T. Illus., ports., dlagrs. 25 cm.
skiner och redskap, foredrag och diskussionsinlagg. Stock- t
TE1.T35 625.705 57-40611
hohn, 1950]
92 p. Illus. 22cm,
SKANG, CHINA TE153.S9 57-19073 t
Hsieh, Wei-ming.
Tranaens, Gunn&r. Hsieh, Wei-ming-.
Klar sikt i vagfragan; 6 uppsatser 1955-57. cMalm6, Nya.
1955. litografen; distribution genom Seelig, 1957]
63 p. Illus., dlagrs. 23 cm.
aQ 1955.
U7p. Ulus. 18cm.
A 58-2877
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. 117 p. Illus, 18cm.

1. Boad& Slkang, China. 2. Hoada Tibet i. Title. SWITZERLAND

Title romanixed: K'ang Tsanff knng la chl hslng.
1. Boada Slkang, China. 2, Boadt Tibet r. Title.
Title romanissef: K'ang Tsangkung lu chl haing.
TE102.S55H8 C 58-5469 J Automobil-Club der Schweiz.
Die Durch- oder Umfahrung von Stadten und Dorfem. TE102.S55H8 C 58-5469
SOUTH DAKOTA Bern, Stampfli [1955]
66 p. illus. 21 cm.
A 57-2375 TUCSON, ARIZ.
Northwestern TJnlv. Library
South Dakota. Dept. of Highways.
South Dakota highway statistics. Planning Corporation of America.
[Pierre?! Economic impact of the proposed interstate program in
T. maps (part fold.) dlagra. 28cm.
the Tucson area, prepared [for the Arizona Highway Dept]
HE356.S6A3 388.1 57-62632 Egli, Rolf.
by Research, Division, Plancor, inc. Phoenix, Ariz., 1957.
Die Strassenfreiheit. Winterthur, P. O. KeUer, 1957. 54 p. nius. 28 cm.
rl, 73 p. 21 cm.
59-17070 HC108.T8P6 388.1 57-63121 J


Shell Switzerland.
Turkish highways statistical bulletin. 19ST-
Southeastern Association of State Highway Officials. Routes de demain. [Zurich? 1956]
24 Illus. 21cm. Ankara,
Proceedings t of thej annual meeting. HE363.S9S5 59-17579
[n. p.]
T lllua 23cm.
HE356.S73S62 55-32936

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS (Continued) Mason, Philip Parker, 1927- U. S. Bureau of Public Roada.

The League of American "Wheelmen and the good-roads Opportunities in the Bureau of Public Roads for young
UKRAINE movement, 1880-1905. Ann Arbor, Mich., University engineers. Washington [1955]
27 cm.
11, 14 p. illus.

Mic 58-1191 HE355.A3A515 1955b 625.706173 55-63420

Fedorovskii, N N Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-1191
Michigan. Untv Libr.
ABToryKeBHe flopora YKpaHHCicoft CCP. MIOHXCH, 1957.
98 p. fold. map. 29 cm. (HHcnnyr no HayieHHio CCCP. Hcoie- U. S. Bureau of Public Roads.
aosaHHjt H MarepHajiu. Cepwr 2 (poraTOpHbie TOAarois) Ns 62)
TE86.U5F4 Mission francaise de productivity direction des routes.
A preliminary report on highway needs for civil defense.
Routes; rapport de la mission "direction des
routes." Prepared for the Federal Civil Defense Administration.
1952 ? [Washington] 1956 i. e. 1957]
[Paris, H. Marchand, imp.,
iv, 48 p. dlagrs., tables. 24cm.
55 p. lllus , group port., tables. 31 cm.
U.S. TE23 M5 HE355.A3A515 1957 388.1 57-61408

American Association of State Highway Officials.

U. S. CoHfjrevf,. Conference Committees, 1966.
Policy on maintenance of shoulders, road approaches, and National Research Council. Highway Research Board. Federal -aid highway and Highway revenue acts of 1956;
sidewalks. Policy on maintenance of roadsides. Washing Economic impact of highway improvement; conference
ton ft 1958. conference report to accompany H. R. 10660. [Washington,
65 p. lllus. 23 cm. proceedings, March 18-19, 1957. Washington, 1956,
vl!l, 88 p. lllus. 25cm. (Its Special report 28)
TE220.A5 1958 625.76
44 p. 24 cm. (84th Cong., 2d aess. House of Representatives. Re
58-42619 J HE355.N28 388.1 57-62144
port no. 2436) t

HD7293.A1A5 1956c 388.1 56-61805

American Association of State Highway Officials.

United States numbered highways. Washington [1955- National Research Council. Highway Research Board. U. S. House. Committee on Public Works.
1 v. (loose-leaf) 23 cm. Committee on Highway Laws. Federal highway and Highway revenue acts of 195G
HE355.A616 388.1 55-3274 J Highway system classification: a legal analysis. Wash
Report to accompany H. R. 10660, a bill to amend and
ington, 1959-
v. lllus., maps, dlagrs., tables. 26 cm. ((National Research supplement the Federal-aid road act approved July 11, 191G,
American Road Builders' Association. Council] Highway Research Board. Special report 42- to authorize appropriations for continuing the construction
tlonal Research Council Publication 638- of highways; to amend the Internal revenue code of 1954
An evaluation of the ability and readiness of the engineer 388.102673 59-61583
to provide additional revenue from the taxes on motor fuel,
ing profession and the highway industry to plan, design, and
execute a program to eliminate the $101 billion deficiencies tires, and trucks and buses; and for other purposes; to

in the nation's highways in a period of ten years. Presented gether with supplemental views. Washington, U. S. Govt.
National Research Council. Highway Research Board. Print. Off., 1956.
at the association's annual convention in New Orleans,
Committee on Highway Organization and Administration. Ill, 89 p. 24 cm, (84th Cong., 2d sess. House report no, 2022)
Louisiana, January 13, 1955. [Washington] 1955. HE355.A3A516 1956b 56-61082
56 p. lllus. 23cm. Merit system provisions in State highway employment, a
TE23.A67 625.7 55-2803 t study. [Washington] 1952.
82 p. 27cm.
53-60948 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works.
HE355.N32 J
Highway amendment act of 1959. Hearings before the
American Road Builders* Association. Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives,
An evaluation of the ability and readiness of the engi Eighty-sixth Congress, first session, on H. R. 5950, to amend
National Research Council. Highway Research Board.
neering profession and the highway industry to plan, de the Federal-aid highway act of 1958, as amended, to extend
Committee on Highway Organisation and Administration.
sign, and execute a long range program to eliminate defi for one additional year the 1958 estimate of cost of complet
ciencies in the Nation's highways. Washington, 1956. Retirement provisions in State highway employment, a
ing the interstate system as a basis for apportionment of
61 p. lllus 23cm. (Its Task force reports) study. rWashingtonj 1952. authorizations therefore. May 5, 6, and 7, 1959. Washing
TE23.AG68 625.7 56-3267 J ill, 54 p. tables. 28cm.
53-61576 ton, U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1959.
HE355.N322 128 p. maps, dlagrs., tables. 24cm.

HE355.A3A516 1959a 388.102673 59-61476

Automotive industries. National Research Council. Highway Research Board.
The new America that's coming; this special report fore Committee on Highway Organisation and Administration.
casts tremendous impact of national State highway administrative bodies, a study. tWashing U. S.
superhighway program Congress. House. Committee on Public Works.
on industry, commerce and vehicle design. By the editors National highway program. Hearings before the Com
ton] 1952.
of Automotive industries. rPhiladelphia, 19861 rl,153p. tables. 28oto. mittee on Public Works, House of Representatives, Eighty-
112 p. IlliiB. 22cm. HE355.N324 53-61575 fourth Congress, first session, on H. R. 4260, to create a
HE355.A77 388.1 57-1946 J
Federal Highway Corporation for financing the construction
of the national system of interstate highways; to amend and
Ohio. Chamber of Commerce. Research Dept. supplement the Federal-aid road act approved July 11, 1916
Carroll, Philip MacDonald, 1924- Administrative practices of State highway departments: (39 Stat. 355), as amended and supplemented; and for other
Highway needs and their public financing in the postwar Ohio and six other States; analyses by John E. Senn and S. purposes ... Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955.
period. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms C 1955] B. McGavran, Research Dept., Ohio Chamber of Commerce. 2 pts. (vll, 1889 p.) illus., maps. 24 cm.
((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 11,498)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,493 Mic A 55-989 Columbus, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, 1957. HE355.A3A518 1955c 388.1
81 p. dlagrs., tables. 28cm. 55-61594
Illinois. Univ. Library
HE355.O4 388.1 57-1031
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public
Committee for Economic Development. National highway program; Federal aid
A statement on highway act of
Modernizing the Nation's highways, Severn, William. 1956. Hearings before the Subcommittee on
national policy by the Research and Policy Committee of the
Roads of the
Highways to tomorrow, by Bill and Sue Severn. Illus Committee on Public Works, House of
Committee for Economic Development New York 1956, Representatives,
r trated by Henry Billings. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Eighty-fourth Congress, second session, on H. R. 8836, to
25 p. Ulna. 28cm.
HE355.C6 Prentice-Hall t 1959 3 amend and supplement the Federal aid road act
388.1 56-8037 t 109 p. lllus. 22cm. approved
July 11, 1916 (39 Stat. 355), as amended and
HE355.S4 388.10973 59-14951 J supplemented,
to authorize appropriations for
Ford Motor Company. continuing the construction
of highways, and for other
of the American road. purposes ... Washington S U
120 p
Dearborn, Mich., 1956,
mus. (part coL) ports, (part eoL)
map. (part coL)' 33 S Society for American Archaeology. Committee for High
Govt Print. Off., ^956.
y,416p. tables. 24cm.
56-1488 HE355.A3A518
way Salvage Archaeology. 1956 888.1 56-61013
Grimond, Henri.
A guide for highway salvage programs in archaeology,
Revetements betonnes aux U. S. A; conception, execution, history and paleontology. [Compiled by Stewart Peckham
for thej Committee for U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works.
rendement, par Henri Grimond et Guy Saias. Pref. de Highway Salvage Archaeology, So Restatement of highway laws. Hearings before the Sub
Pierre Benaud. Paris, Eyrolles, 1956. ciety for American Archaeology and] Associated General t

Contractors of New Mexico. n. p., 1958. committee on Roads of the Committee on Public
220 p. lllus, dlagre., tables. 25cm. t
A 57-5426 Ill, 14 p. 23 cm. House of Representatives, Eighty-fourth Congress, first ses
HUnoIs. Univ. Library A 59-7398 sion, on H. R. 234, H. R. 235, and H. R. 2127 to revise the
Notre Dame Univ. Llbr. Federal-aid highway laws of the United States.
16 and March 9, 1955. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print.
Knnde, Hermann. 1955.
Lehren aus dem Strassenbau in den USA; Ergebnisse Tyler, Poyntz, ed. ill, 67 p. 24cm.
einerReise. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum 1956] American highways today. New York, H. W. Wilson HE355.A3A518 1955a
^ *"" C
Co., 55-60919
(Forachim* u*elten dem Strawenwewsn,
n.?Heft24" 204 p. 21cm. (The Reference shelf, v. 28, no. 1)
HE8S&K8 57-26472 t HE355.T9 388.1 57-5422 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works.
Title 23, U. S. code, entitled
"Highways." Hearing before
Laore, Andre\ the Committee on Public Works, House of
Quelquea aspects des problemes routiers aur Etats-Unis; Eighty-fifth Congress, second session, on H. R. 12776, a bill
organisation des services, financement des travaux, techniques U.S. Bureau of Public Roada. to revise, codify, and enact into law, title 23 of the United
de construction et d'entretien j rapport de mission, mai-juillet General location of national States code, entitled "Highways," June 5, 1958.
system of interstate highways, Washing
1954. tParis, Impr. nationale, 1957j including all additional routes at urban areas desimated in ton, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1958.
Sip. Dins. 2Tcm.
TE23X3 57-40757
' S ' ^^ Print * Off' < 1966 '
Ui.SSp. 24cm.
HE3fi5.A3A515 1955a 55-63360
Lewis,? C U.S. Congress. Joint Economic Committee.
Report on a tour of the United States of America and Highways and the Nation's economy report assembled by ; c

England during April-October, 1951 covering the study of U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. the staff of the^ Joint Committee on the Economic
materials, research, planning, design, and construction de in cooperation with the Bureau of Public
Roads, Washing
velopments in highway engineering. t Pietermaritzburg? ton, U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1950.
1952 i-j
151 p. (chiefly tables) dlagra. 29 cm, Ti,77p. diagrB. 24cm,
1S1L dlagrs. 38cm. HE355JL3A515 1955o 388.1
HE355.A3A5 1950 388.1 50-60182 rev
TE145X58 69_25726
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS National Highway Users Conference. Legislative Report

U. S. Dept. of Commerce. ing Dept.
U.S. (Continued)
Progress report on the Federal-aid highway program. Highwaytransportation legislation in 1957; a summary
Letter from the Secretary of Commerce transmitting a re of Federal and State activity. [Washington, National High
U. Joint Economic Committee. 1958 (72
port ... pursuant to the Act approved August 27,
S. Congress.
way Users Conference, 1958-
Highways and
the Nation's economy. [Report assembled Stat 921) Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959. pts. lUus. 28 cm.
by the staff of the]
Joint Committee on the Economic T, '35 p. fold, col map, diagr., tables. 24 cm. (86th Cong., 1st
Report 59-17787 t
sess. House document no. 74)
[in cooperation with the Bureau of Public Roads Wash 3
HE355.A3A516 1959 388.10973 59-60672
ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1950. National Research Council. Highway Research Board.
vl, 77 p dtagrs. 24cm. (81st Cong, 2d sess. Senate Document
no. 145)
U. S.
Highway right-of-way personnel salaries; an economic
General Accounting Office.
HE355.A3A5 1950c 388.1 50-60421 rev analysis. Report on a cooperative survey by the American
Review of cost estimates prepared by selected States for
Right of Way Association, Right-of-Way Committee of
completion of the national system of interstate and defense American. Association of State Highway Officials c and]
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. highways; report to the Subcommittee on Public Roads, Highway Research Board. Washington, 1958.
Control of advertising on interstate highways. Committee on Public Works, United States Senate, by the
Hearing 97 p. illus. 25cm, (It Special report 84)
before a subcommittee of the Committee on Public
Works, Comptroller General of the United States, [Washington, HE355.N29 388.313 58-60079 J
United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, second session,
on S. 963, S. 3041, and S. 3218 ... March 10, 1958. Wash 1111. fold, map, tables. 27 on.
ington, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1958. TE23.A54 388.1 58-62471
ill, 90 p. 24cm. National Research Council. Highway Research Board.
HF5843.5.U54 Committee on Highway Laws.
U. S. President, 195S- (Eisenhower) Federal-aid provisions in State highway laws, an analysis;
National highway program. Message from the President a report of the highway laws project. Washington, 1959.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Work*. of the United States relative to a national highway pro 63 p. lllus. 25 cm. ([National Research Councilj Highway
Research Board. Special report 48)
Designation of primary highway system. Hearing before gram. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955.
xiv, 54 p. lllus., maps (part fold ) 23 cm. (84th Cong, 1st sess. 388.3173 59-62300
a subcommittee of the Committee on Public Works, United House document no. 93)
States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session, on S. HE355.A3A518 1955 388.1 55-60556
2205, a bill to amend section 103 of title 23, United States U. S. Bureau of Piiblic Roads.
code, concerning Federal aid to highways. June 23, 1959. Consideration for reimbursement for certain highways on
Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.. 1959. U. S. President's Advisory Committee on a National Sigh- the interstate system. Letter from the Secretary of Com
Ill, 43 p. 24cm. way Program. merce transmitting data regarding reimbursement for cer
HE355.A3A516 1959e 38810973 59-62166 A
ten-year national highway program; a report to the tain highways on the national system of interstate and de
President. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1955. fense highways, prepared in cooperation with the several
vl, 57 p. lllus., map. 24 cm. State highway departments, pursuant to section 114 of the
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. HE355.A3A55 55-60265 Federal-aid highway act of 1956. Washington, U. S. Govt
Federal-aid highway act of 1955; report, together with Print. Off., 1958.
minority, supplemental and individual views, to accompany - U. S. BIBLIOGRAPHY v, 33 p. map, tables. 24 cm. (85th Cong., 2d sess. House docu
S. 1048. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955] ment no. 801)
51 p. 24 cm. (84th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Keport no 350) HE355.A3A515 1956b 58-60271
HE355.A3A516 1955 388.1 55-61231 U. S. Bureau of Public Roads.
Highway by the staff of the
administration. [Prepared
Division of Financial and Administrative Research, Bureau U. S. Bureau of Public Roads.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. of Public Roadsj Washington, 1957. Needs of the highway systems, 1955-84. Letter from the
Federal-aid highway act of 1956: report, together with v, 51 p. 28 cm. ([National Research Coundlj Highway Research Secretary of Commerce transmitting a report on the cost of
Board. Bibliography 19)
Supplemental views and Individual views, to accompany construction needed to modernize the nation's highways, pre
Z7295.U533 016.3881 57-61553
H. R. 10660. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.. 1956, pared by the Commissioner of Public Roads in cooperation
32 p. tables 24 cm. (84th Cong, 2d sess. Senate. Report no with the several State highway departments, and a statement
1995) U. S. Superintendent of Documents. on highway financing, pursuant to section 13 of the Federal-
HE355.A3A516 1956c 38S.1 56-61333 Roads: construction, improvement, maintenance. [Istj- aid highway act of 1954, approved May 6, 1954. Washing
35th ed. ;' !909j-Mar. 1948. Washington.

21-24 cm.
ton, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1955.
35 v. In (Its Price list 45) ill, 22 p. lllus., map 23 cm. (84th Cong., 1st sess. House docu
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. Z1223.A191 26-26173 rev 2* ment no 120)
Federal Highway Administrator. Hearing before a sub 2d set Z7295.TJ56 HE355.A3A515 1955 55-60872
committee of the Committee on Public Works, United States
Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, second session, on S. 4152, a U. S. CONGRESSES U. S. Bureau of Public Roads.
bill to establish a Federal Highway Commission, and to
Progress report of the highway cost allocation study ...
transfer to such commission all powers, duties, and functions
Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, Hartford. pursuant to section 210 of the Highway revenue act of 1956,
of the Secretary of Commerce with respect to the Bureau of
The new highways: challenge to the metropolitan region; approved June 29, 1956. 1st- Mar. 4, 1957-
Public Roads and all powers, duties, and functions delegated C
symposium, September 9-12, 1957. [Hartford] 1958. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off.
by the Secretary to, or conferred by law on, the Bureau of 1 v. ( various pagings ) 28 cm. T. 24cm.
Public Roads; S. 4164, a bill to provide for the appointment HE355.C64 1957 58-24649 HE355.A3A255 57-61483
of a Federal Highway Administrator in the Bureau of Pub
lic Roads, and for other purposes. July 23, 1956. Wash
FINANCE U. S. Bureau of Public Roads.
ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1956. U.S.
Ill, 28 p 24cm. Report submitted to the] Committee on Public Works,

HE355.A3A515 1956 56-62090 American Municipal Association. House of Representatives, Eighty-fourth Congress, by the
Local government's share of State collected highn-ay Secretary of Commerce pursuant to section 12 of the Fed
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. funds and revenues, a 1955 resurvey based upon pertinent eral-aid-highway act of 1954, and Proposed bill to revise and
clarify existing highway legislation. Washington, U. S.
Federal highways and forest roads. Hearings before a portions of a U. S. Census Bureau report, edited, up-dated,
and amplified principally through the cooperation of execu Govt Print Off., 1955.
subcommittee of the Committee on Public Works, United Tin, in p. 24 cm.
States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, first session, on S. 1136, tives of State leagues and associations of municipaliries.
a bill to authorize the appropriation of funds for carrying By John R. Kerstetter, associate director. Washington,
out provisions of section 23 of the Federal highway act, etc.; 1955. U. S. Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. Study
S. J. Res. 88, a resolution authorizing the Commissioner of 56p. 28cm,
Committee on Federal Aid to Highways.
HE355.A623 388.1 55-1252 t
Public Roads to designate and construct a highway system A study committee report on Federal aid to highways,
to be known as the Lewis and Clark National Tourway, and submitted to the Commission on Intergovernmental Rela
Association of American Railroads.
miscellaneous highway matters ... Washington, U. S. Govt tions. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off.i 1955
Print. Off., 1958. Highways: development, use, financing. Washington, via, 40 p. tables. 24cm.
Ir,620p illuB. 24cm. HE355.A3A516 1955a 55-61508
154 lllus. 29cm.
HE355.A3A516 1958a 388.1 58-60539 p.
HE5623.A76 388.1 57-259
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works.
Inter-American Highway, and miscellaneous roads on. Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America.
Amendment to Federal-aid highway act of 1958 to extend
public lands. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Com Better roads for our growing nation, discussed by national
cost estimates for
mittee on Public Works, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth leaders in government, finance, engineering, taxation; a re completing interstate system. Reimburse
ment recommendations for certain
Congress, first session, on S. 2157, a bill to authorize ap port on the national conference on highway financing, Jan highways on the inter
state system. before the
propriation of an additional sum required for completion uary 13-14, 1955, Washington, D. C. [Washington, 1955] Hearing Committee on Public
of the Inter-American highway, and miscellaneous roads on Works, House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth Congress,
iy,56p. maps, dlagrs., tables. 28cm.
HE355.C38 second session, on H. R.
public lands, August 6 and 7, 1957. Washington, U. S. 55-3693 12808, to amend the FederS-aid
Govt Print. Off., 1957. highway act of 1958 to extend for an additional 2 years the
maps, tables. 24cm.
estimate of cost of completing the interstate
ill, 58 p. Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. system; and
H. Res. 654, requiring the
TE21.A5 1957 57-61730 A dynamic highway policy for the future; a complete re Secretary of Commerce to sub
mit certain recommendations for
port on the national conference on highway financing, Wash legislation to equitably re
D. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works.
National highway program. Hearings before a subcom
ington, D. C., Dec. 10 and 11, 1953. [Washington, 1953 ?,'
12^22, p. map, diagr*, table*. 28cm.
^^ ^ imburse States for certain highways on the national
of interstate and defense highways. July 22, 1958. Wash
mittee of the Committee on Public Works, United States 388.1 55-638 ington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1958.
Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, on S. 1048, S. lil,28p. 24cm.
1072, S. 1160, and S. 1573, bills relating to the national high
HE355.A3A516 1958e
National Highway Users Conference.
way program. Washington, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1955.
lv,1072p. lllus., maps (part fold.) 24cm.
Federal-aid for highways ; what it is, how it works. [Rev.
HE355A3A518 1955b 388.1 55-61030 ed.j Washington rl959, U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works.
27p, illus. 29cm! Analysis of H, R. 8886; a bill to amend and supplement
HE355.N1543 59-1704 t the Federal aid road act approved July 11, 1916
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. (39 Stat
855), as amended and supplemented, to authorize appro-
Progress and status of the national highway program.
Ptoiations for continuing the construction of highways, and
Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Public National Highway Users Conference. for other purposes. Washington, TJ. S. Govt Print
Works, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, first Highway transportation legislation in 1955; summary of
session ... Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1957. State activity. [Washington, 1955-56] 5 p. 24cm.
IT, 882 fold. map. 24 on.
p. lllufl,,
3pts. maps. 28cm.
HE355.A3A518 1957 57-60345 56-61046
56-22732 rev

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Congress Senate. Committee on Public Works. VENEZUELA
U.S. FINANCE (Continued) Federal-aid highway act of 1958. Hearings before a sub
committee of the Committee on Public Works, United States
on S. 2939 see also Autopista Caracas -La Guaira
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works. Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, second session,
Federal-aid highway act of 1958. Hearings before the c
and bills ...
otherj Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.,
Venezuela. Consejo Nadonal de Vialidad.
Committee on Public "Works, House of Representatives, 24 cm Plan preliminar de vialidad. 2. ed.
vl, 664 p. fold map, dtagrs., tables Caracas, 1950.
Eighty-fifth Congress, second session, on H, K. 9821, a bill to HE355.A3A516 1958 388.1 58-60530 251 p. 40 fold, maps (part col.) profile, tables. 31 cm,
amend and supplement the Federal-aid road act approved HE359.V4A5 1950 55-28816
July 11, 1916, to authorize appropriations for continuing the
construction of highways . . . Washington, XI. S. Govt. Print. U. S. Senate. Committee on Public Works.
Off., 1958. Federal-aid highway act of 1958; report, together with VIRGINIA
Ill, 149 p fold, maps, tables. 24 cm.
HE355.A3A516 1958c supplemental, additional, and separate views, to accompany
388.1 58-61082
S. 3414. [Washington] 1958. Hunter, Robert Fleming, 1921-
61 p. tables. 24 cm. (85th Cong., 2d seaa. Senate. Report no.
The turnpike movement in Virginia, 1816-1860. Ann
HE355.A3A516 1958b 388.1 58-60581 Arbor, University Microfilms [1957,
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch.j Publication no. 21 116)
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works. Microfilm AC-1 no. 21,116 Mic 57-2470
Federal-aid highway act of 1959. Report of the Commit Columbia Univ.
Committee on Public Works. Libraries
tee on Public Works, House of Representatives, to accom U. S. Congress. Senate.
Highway Hearings before a subcommittee
cost estimates.
pany H. R. 8678, a bill to amend the Federal-aid highway
acts of 1056 and 1958 to make certain adjustments in the of the Committee on Public Works, United States Senate,
McMahon, John Alexander.
Eighty-fifth Congress, second session, on report of General
Federal-aid highway program, and for other purposes, to Report to the Commission Studying the Organization of
gether with supplemental views. Washington, U. S. Govt. Accounting Office on review of highway cost estimates, and the State Highway and Public Works Commission concern
H. R. 12808, an act to amend the Federal-aid highway act
Print Off., 1959. ing construction and maintenance of secondary roads in the
47 tables. 24 cm. (86th Cong., 1st sess. House report no. of 1958 to extend for an additional 1 year the estimate of
ill, p. State of Virginia. Chapel Hill, 1956 t i. e. 1957]
1120) cost of completing the interstate system; H. J. Res. 654, a 87 1. 29 cm. ( Institute of Government. University of North Caro
HE355.A3A516 1959f 388.313 59-62237 resolution requiring the Secretary of Commerce to submit lina. Special study)
certain recommendations for legislation for the purpose of HE356.V8M3 388.1 5763124
assisting Congress to determine whether or not to reimburse
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works. States for certain highways on the interstate system. August
Highway reimbursement. Hearings before the Commit 12, 13, and 15, 1958. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.,
Old Dominion Turnpike Authority.
tee on Public Works, House of Representatives, Eighty-sixth 1958. Reports. 1954/55-
Congress, first session, on H. R. 6303, to authorize appropria Iv, 263 p lllus., maps ( part fold. ) 24 cm. Richmond, Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Purchase
tions for the Federal-aid primary system of highways for HE355.A3A516 1958f 388.1 58-62098 and Print.
the purpose of equitably reimbursing the States for certain v. 26 cm.
free and toll roads on the national system of interstate and
A 56-9759
Virginia. State Library
defense highways, and for other purposes. May 19 and 20, U. Dept. of Commerce.
1959. Washington, TJ. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959. Proposed formulas for the reimbursement of the States
Ill, 83 p. tables. 24cm by the Federal Government for the cost of certain highways
HE855A3A516 1959b
Richmond-Petersburg Turnpike Authority.
388.10973 59-61667 on the national system of interstate and defense highways,
Report. 1954/55-
submitted pursuant to Public law 85-845. Committee on
Richraond, Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Pur
Public Works, House of Representatives, Eighty-sixth chase and Print.
Congress, first session. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., v. illus , maps. 26 cm. biennial.
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works.
Reimbursement of toll or free roads on the interstate sys
1959. A 56-9583
11,10 p. 24cm. Virginia. State Library
tem. Hearings before the Committee on Public Works, HE355.A3A518 1959 388.313 59-61171
House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth Congress, second
session, on H. R. 10422, to amend the Federal-aid highway Virginia. Dept. of Highways.
act of 1956 to increase the mileage of the national system of U. Comparative study, alternate routes, Interstate route 64,
Dept. of Commerce.
interstate and defense highways, and for other purposes, Public utility relocation incident to highway improvement. Richmond-Clifton Forge. [Richmond] 1958 i. e. 1959] t

and H. R. 10921, H. R. 11365, H. R. 11533, and other bills. Comminication from the President of the United States, Hip. maps (part col.) dlagrs., tables. 26x36 cm.
March 25 and 26, 1958. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., transmitting a report entitled "Public utility relocation in
59-9662 A
Virginia. State Library
1958. cident to highway improvement," pursuant to section 11 of
ill, 139 p. tables. 24cm. the Federal-aid highway act of 1954. Washington, U. S.
HE355.A3A516 1958d 388.1 58-61386 Govt. Print. Off., 1955. Virginia. Dept. of Highways.
v, 74 p tables. 24 cm. (84th Cong., 1st sess. House document
no. 127)
Manual of instructions. Maintenance Division by] S. V. c
U. S. Congress. Home.
Committee on Ways and Means. Munsey, maintenance engineer [and] W. S. G. Britton, assist
HE355.A3A516 1954c 55-61176
Highway revenue act of 1956. Hearings before the Com ant maintenance engineer. Compiled by Sallie T. Thacker.
mittee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Rev. Oct. 1955.
U. S. Treasury Dept.
1, [Richmond, 1955]
Eighty-fourth Congress, second session, on H. R, 9075, a bill 13, 117 (I. e. 128) 1. maps, dlagrs. 29 cm.
Financial condition and results of the operations of the
to amendthe Internal revenue code of 1954 to provide addi [TE220.V ] A 56-9088
tional revenue from the taxes on motor fuel, tires, and trucks Highway Trust Fund. Letter ... transmitting a report Virginia. State Library

and buses ... Washington, U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1956. 1956/57-

637 p. illus., maps (part fold.) 24 cm. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off.
HE355.A3A516 1956 56-60788 Virginia. Dept. of Highways.
HE355A3A254 58-60708
Report on the Cabin John Bridge to the Governor and the
General Assembly of Virginia. Richmond, Commonwealth
United States Conference of Mayors. of Virginia Division of Purchase and Print, 1956
14 p. 25 cm. ([Virginia. General Assembly, 1060, Aug.i Senate
TJ. S. Congress. Committee on. Ways and Means.
House. Doc. no. 2)
Report for submission to the Subcommittee on Roads of
Highway fund and Federal aid highway financing
trust the House Committee on Public Works A 56-9720
hearings on the
program. Hearings before the Committee on Ways and Federal aid highway program. Washington 1953
Virginia, State Library
a i
Means, House of Representatives, Eighty-sixth Congress, unpaged. 28cm.
first session, on financing the Federal aid
highway program. HE355.U45 54-44074 J
July 22, 23, and 24, 1959. Washington, U. S. Govt Print Virginia. Dept. of Highways.
Off., 1959.
Route numbers and descriptions of primary highways;
XT, 483 p.maps (part illus., fold.) 24 cm University. Bureau of Economic and Business Re- names of highways and bridges. Richmond, 1957.
HE355.A3A516 1959c 388.10973 59-62191 search,.
81 17cm.
te ae *** Virginia.

State Library
A 67-9848
vl, 109 p. tables. 28cm.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance.
Highway revenue act Hearings before the Committee on UTAH
Finance, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, [Virginia. Dept. of Highways^
second session, on H. R. 10660, an act to amend and
supple Utah. Highway Planning Dept. Secondary system, showing surface types, by widths and
ment the Federal-aid road act approved July 11, 1916, to trafficgroups. [Richmond f n. d.!
Utah's highways, today and
authorize appropriations for continuing the construction of tomorrow; an engineering lv. (unpaged) 33x48 cm.
evaluation of adequacy. Salt Lake HE356.V8A5312 58-37785
highways; to amend the Internal revenue code of 1954 to City ? 1954 c , 388.1
153 p. (chiefly mus., maps (part 22 r 29 cm.
col.) )
provide additional revenue from the taxes on motor fuel, TE24.U8A52 56-62849
tires, and trucks and buses; and for other purposes. May
17 and 18, 1956. Washington, U. S. Govt Print Virginia. Rochambeau Commission.
Off.,' 1956.
T,202p. tables. 24cm.
UTAH FINANCE Report to the Governor and the General Assembly of Vir
1956a 56-6126.* ginia. Richmond, Commonwealth of Virginia Division of
Purchase and Print., 1953.
Utah. State Road Commission. 10 p. 26cm. ([Virginia. General Assembly, 1954, Senate docu-
U. S. Congress. Senate.
Committee on Finance. Financing roads, streets & highways.
Highway revenue act of 1959. Hearing before the Com iSaltLakeCityl] E265.R683
Virginia. State Library
A 54-9181
v. illus. 28cm.
mittee on Finance, United States
Senate, Eighty-sixth Con HE356.U8A8 59-62648 |
gress, first session, on H. R. 8678, an act to amend the Federal
aid highway acts of 1956 and
1958, to make certain adjust Utah. University. Bureau of Economic and Business Re Virginia Council of Highway
ments in the Federal-add highway program, and for other Investigation and Research.
search. Report 1st- 1948/49?-
purposes. September 4, 1959. Washington, U. S. Govt
Highway finance in Utah, Prepared for the
Legislative Charlottesville.
Print Off., 1959. Council of Utah. rSalt Lake City, 1954. v. aim., ports. 28cm. annual.
lilt 46 p. tables. 24cm. J3
HE355A3A516 1959d 388.313 59-62165
Tl,109p. tables. 28cm.
HE356.U8U84 Virginia. State Library
A 56-9588

Library of Congress Catalog Rooks: Subjects

ROADS (Continued) Washington (State) State Council for Highway Research,

Allocation of road and street costs. C 01ympia ?j 1956. WYOMING
6 pts. in 9 v. maps (part fold.) dlagrs^ tables (part fold.) 23 cm.
Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library Wyoming. State Highway Dept.
Virginia Highway Conference, Financial report.
Virginia Military Institute
Proceedings. t Cheyenne?j
v. 28 cm. annual.
c n. p Washington (State) State Council for Highway Research.
v. illus. 28 cm. annual.
HE356.WSA3 56-63074
County gas tax allocation study, prepared for the Joint
HE356.V8V83 625.7063755 58-21759 Fact-Finding Committee on Highways, Streets and Bridges
of the Washington State Legislature. [Olympia? 1954V]
162 p. 28 cm.
Wyoming. State Highway Dept.
maps, dlagrs forms,, tables.
A 55-9476 Wyoming highway sufficiency study ( of the rural State
VIRGINIAFINANCE Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library highway system, 1957. Prepared by the Traffic and Re
search Division, Wyoming Highway Dept in cooperation
Goode, Rudyard Byron, 1925- with U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, Dept of Commerce.
e distributionand disposition of highway funds in Vir
[Cheyenne? 1958?,
ginia. Ann
Arbor, University Microfilmss [[1954^ Washington (State) State Council for Highway Research.
art, 112 p. fold col. maps (In pocket) diagrs., tables. 28 cm.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication
Pu no 796S) Equitable alternatives in highway user taxation [bj] HE356.W8A58 388.109787 58-63684
Robert G. Hennes and Richard L. Pollock. [Seattle] Uni
versity of Washington, 1958.
79 p. illus 23 cm.
HE356.W3A35 1938 388.109797 A 59-9079 ROADS, CONCRETE
Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library
Virginia. Advisory Legislative Council.
Virginia's highways; a report to the Governor and the see also Roads, Soil- cement
General Assembly of Virginia. Richmond, Commonwealth Washington State Council for Highway Research.
of Virginia Division of Purchase and Print, 1957. Nature of highway benefits, a progress report on a study Atoikn, S
IS p. 26cm. ([Virginia. General Assembly, 1958] House. Docu of tax responsibility for meeting the costs of
ment no. 4) public roads. npHMeneHHe paEyme^HBix HSBCCTHJIKOB B ac$ajii>To6eTOH-
Prepared for Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Highways,
A 58-9156 Streets and Bridges, Washington State Legislature.' Re
HHX noEptiTiiflX. MocKsa, HSA-BO MHHHcrepcTua KOMity-
Virginia. State Library Hajri-Horo xosKftcTsa PCOCP, 1953.
search Agencies: Division of Industrial
Research, State 110 p. Illus. 22cm.
College of Washington [and. Civil Engineering Depart Microfilm copy (negative )
Virginia, Advisory Legislative Council. ment, University of Washington. tOlympia?, 1954. Microfilm Slavic 416 AC
1 v. (various paging) maps (1 fold.) diagrs., forms, tables. 28 TE278JL75 55-37908
Virginia highways; engineering and economic report rby,
Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Hall & MacDonald.
[Richmond ] A 55-9475 Centre de recherches routieres, Brussels.
Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library
1 v. (various pagings) fold. maps, diagrs., tables. 28 cm.
Composition des batons de chaussee rapport de recherche :

Virginia. State Library

A 58-9493 Washington State Council for Highway Research,
(State) Bruselles 1934.
Nature of highway benefits, prospectus; a study of the 441 dlagis., tables. 28cm.
responsibility for meeting the costs of public roads. Pre TE278.C4 56-24795
Virginia. Advisory Legislative Council. pared for the Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Highways,
Virginia's highways. Supplemental report to the Gov Streets and Bridges, Washington State Legislature. [Olym Dabin, J
ernor and the General
Assembly of Virginia. Richmond, pia?, 1954. Methodes d'examen et caracte'ristiques ufeles des matieres
Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Purchase and Print 8 p. (Incl. cover) 28 cm. de scelleinent pour joints de revetements en be"ton; rapport
8 p. 26cm.
A 56-6759 de recherche. [Bruxellesj Centre de recherches routieres,
([Virginia. General Assembly, 1958j House. Docu Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library
ment no. SO) 1955.
State Library
A 589494 Washington State Council for Highway Research.

56-24439 J
Virginia. (State)
Sharing the cost of roads and streets in Washington; a
summary report of the findings made to the Joint Fact-Find
Virginia. University. Bureau of Public Administration. Forschungsgesdlschaft fttr das Strassenwesen (Germany)
ing Committee on Highways, Streets and Bridges, Wash
Cost of financing Virginia municipal highways. 1950/51-
ington State Legislature. rOlympia?, 1956 Arbeitsgruppe Betonstrassen.
23 23cm.
tCharlottesvillej p. dlagrs., tables. Beobachtungen an Betonfahrbahndecken, mit Beitragen
r. tables. 28-30 cm. annual.
von Dittrich et aLj Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1952.
59-6790 Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library 84 p. plates, dlagrs. (part fold.) tables (part fold.) 21 cm.
Virginia. State Library
A 52-7665 rev
Washington State Council for Michigan. Univ. Ubr.
(State) Highway Research.
WASHINGTON (STATE) State pre-emption of highway user taxes
t by, Leonard D
Goldberg and Robert W. Lambright. [Seattle, University
Riedesel, G A of Washington, 1958. Gregersen, Bent.
Road administration aids for Washington counties, by G.
"- (WaShtn ^n rCState), University. High.
Jord- og betonleere. 3. udg. Kjfbenhavn. Teknologisk
A. Riedesel and] c A R. S. Turner. supplement to the institutsforlag,1955-
v. mus. 22cm.
County gas tax allocation study report to help the counties
HE5633.W2A58 A 58-8914 TE278.G722
Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library 59-18050 t
make better use of their road funds. Pullman, Division of
Industrial Research, State College of Washington, 1956.
15 L 27 cm. (Washington State Institute of Technology. Bui- Hannondsworth, Eng. Road Research Laboratory.
letin 236) WASHINGTON (STATE) Concrete roads: design, and construction. London, H. M.
T7.W252 no. 236 352.7 57-62813 PERIODICALS Stationery Off., 1955.
404 p. illus. 25cm.
Washington TE278.H32 *625.7 625.84 56-3889 t
(State) Dept. of Highways. Washington (State) Dept. of Highways.
Maintenance manual. 01ympia, 1954- News. 1-
1 v.
C v. July 1951-
(loose-leaf) dlagrs. (part coL) forms, tables. 20 cm.
v. Illus .ports. 28cm. monthly.
Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library HE356.W3A34 A 54-9395 Harmondsworth, Eng. Road Research Laboratory.
Washington Univ., Seattle. Library
Concrete roads in Belgium and Western Germany, 1954:
their structural design and performance. London, H. M.
Washington (State) Dept. of Highways.
Sufficiency rating survey of the rural State highway sys
WEST INDIES, BRITISH Stationery Off., 1955.
24 p. Illus 25 cm. (Its Road research technical paper no. 35)
tem. 1953- TE7.H33 no. 35 625.84 56-21540 t
Williams, F H P
maps, dlagrs., tables. 22 r 39 cm. biennial.
v. fold,
388.1 55-9816 rev A
Report on roads and road problems in South East Asia
and the Caribbean. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1957.
Washington. Unlv, Seattle. Library vil, 88 p. illus., maps (part fold.) 25 cm. (Colonial research
publications, no. 18) lAkovlev, Alefcsel VasriTevich.
JV33.G7A52 no. 18 625.7 57-30604
Washington (State) State Council for Highway Research. THJi; XapaKTCpHCTHKa KOHCXpyKUHfi nOKpHTHfl H OJIHT HX
State of Washington engineering soils manual. npHMeHCHHJI B CTpOHXeJUbCTBe. JEeHHHrpEfl, FOC. H3fl-BO JEHT-
^lympia?] 1954- WEST VIRGINIA FINANCE PH no CTpOHTejUBCTBy H apXHTCKxype [JlenHHrpaflCKoe oxfl-
pts. Illus. 22cm. HHC] 1958.
TA710.W3 55-9110 rev A 147 p. Illus. 22 cm.
Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library West Virginia. State Road Commission. Microfilm copy (negative)
Microfilm Slavic 1028 TE
Financial and operating statements and statistical infor
TE278.1 18 59-19888
WASHINGTON (STATE) FINANCE v. tables. 22x36 cm. monthly.
HE356.W4A36 [vanov, Fedor MikhaDovich.
Kanawha Co., W. Va.
388.1 A 55-9806 6"eroH c Mo-
Max C 1917- Public Library flotf XJIOPHCTUX coJieft.
crBa, HayiHO-TCXH. HS^-BO aBTorpancn. JIHT-OH, 1956.
equitable obligation when assessed irrigation district 58 p. Illus. 22cm.
lands are taken for highway use ; a summary of findings pre TE278.I8 57-17709
pared for the Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Highways,
Streets and Bridges of the Washington State Legislature WESTERN AUSTRALIA
r by M. C. Jensen and others. Pullman^ Washington Agri
cultural Experiment Stations, Institute of Agricultural Sci Western Australia. Commissioner of Main, Roads MasIennikoT, Ivan Nfltolaevjch,
ences, State College of Washington, 1958. Report. IIocTpottKa n:reHTo6eTOHHHX sopor. Mocraa, Hayrao-
48 p. Illus., maps. 29 cm. ((Washington (State) Agricultural TCXH. H3,a;-Bo aBroipaHCir. JIHT-PH, 1957.
Perth, Govt. Printer.
Experiment Station, Pullmanj Stations circular 860) v. Ulna. 84cm. annual. 60p. illus. 20cm. (nonyjwpHW raonwecKM 6H6jraorenca pa6o-
HE368.W4A3 59-25521
HE356.W3J4 59-62656 TE278M3 57-46883

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROADS, CONCRETE (Continued) Morozov, Sergei Aleksandrovich. ROADS, TARRED

rpaunftHue flopom. MocKBa, HayiHO-Texn.
Morozov, Valentin Ivanovich. Tpancn. .IIIT-PH, 1956. Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany)
40 20 cm. (B CTpOHTC^H MeCTHblX AOpOf)
Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen.
p. Illus.
EeiOHHtte sasoflu RXX crponTejiLCTBa aBTOuofinjitHHx 56-47652
TE233.M6 Aus Praxis und Verwaltung des Asphalt- und Teerstras-
flopor. MocEsa, HayHHO-iexH. HS^-BO aBTOTpancn. JIHT-PH,
1955. senbaues; Eeferate von der Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe
79 p. dlagrs. 22 cm, (OCweH texHHiecKHM ontrroM AopoatHbtx Asphalt- und Teerstrassen am 22. September 1951. Biele
TP881.M57 56-46964 ROADS, ICE feld, Kirschbaum, 1951.
82 p. (p. 76-82 advertisements) illus., plates, maps, dlagrs., tables.
21 cm.
see also Ice crossings A 52-3379 rev
Tarashchanskil, E G Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

BaxyyHHpOBaHHiitt CCTOE B AopoxHo* c

MoCKBa, H3fl-B0 AOpOaCHO-TeXH.JtHT-pH, 1952.
Microfilm Slavic 715 AC Mic 57-5323 Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Germany)
Gough, Cyril Maynard, 1901- Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen.
The sampling and analysis of rolled asphalt and coated Asphalt- und Teerstrassenbau im Inland und Ausland;
Virginia. University. School of Engineering. macadam. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1956. Vortrage, Referate und Tatigkeitsberichte von der Tagung
29 p, illua 25 cm. (Earmondsworth [Bug.] Boad Research
Proceedings: refresher course in concrete. Sponsored by der Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen am 5. und 6.
Laboratory. Eoad research technical paper no. 86)
the School of Engineering of the University of Virginia and 57-318 t April 1951 in Koblenz. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1951.
TE7JH33 no. 36 625.8
122 p. 21 cm.
the Virginia Dept of Highways (the district materials engi plates, dlagrs., fold, table.

neers and the Division of Tests) and the Virginia Council TE270.F6 A 54^5399 rev
Michigan Univ. Ltbr.
of Highway Investigation and Research, in cooperation with
United Nations. Economic Commission for Asia and the
the Bureau of Public Roads, Virginia Road Builders Asso
Far East.
ciation [and others] Charlottesville, 1957. 1954. Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Germany)
Macadam construction. [Bangkok] ,,,,,,
rv,143p. illus., ports. 28cm. 80 p. Illus. 28 cm. (United Nations. [Document] E/CN.ll/ Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen.
Virginia. State Library
A 58-9053 Trans/sub.2/25) Neuere Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse im Asphalt- und
JX1977.A2 E/CN.ll/Trans/sub.2/25 54-14293 rev Teerstrassenbau. Vortrage und Berichte von den Tagungen
Copy2. TB243U5 der Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen am 6. Septem
Virginia Council of Highway Investigation and Research. ber 1951 in Munchen und am 25. und 26. Oktober 1951 in
The effect of commercial retarders on some properties of Bad Diirkheim. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum, 1952.
concrete. Progress report no. 1- Mar. 1959- ROADS, MILITARY see Military roads 147 p. plates, dlagrs. 21 cm.
Charlottesville. A 52-7664 rev
co. 28 cm.

A 59-9623 ROADS, MOUNTAIN see Mountain roads Michigan. Univ. Ltbr.

Virginia, Univ. Llbr.


The durability of road tar, with special reference to its use
Warsaw. Instytut Techniki Budowlanej.
in tarmucadam wearing by A. R. Lee and E. J.
pplowe przy budowie nawierzchni betono-
see also Roads Maintenance and repair surfaces,

wychj wyposazenie, zakres i metoda pracy. Warszawa,

Dickinson. London, H. M Stationery Off., 1954.
vl, 48 p. Illus, dlagrs. 25 cm. (Harmondsworth ( Bnff., Road Re
Panstwowe Wydawn. Techniczne, 1951. search Laboratory. Road research technical paper no
42, ft p. 2011LUS. 21cm. Hallberg, Sten. TE7.H33 no. 31 56-23054
TE278.W3 59-34135 Forsok med ol]"egrusvagar. Tests with oiled gravel roads.
iStockholm, 1958.
US p. illus. 24 cm. (Statens vftglnstltut, Stockholm Medde-
lande 90) Liier, Hans.
CONGRESSES TE233.H3 59-20057 J Teerbeton. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum [1956]
53 p. illus. 80 cm. (Forschungaarbelten aus dem Strassenwesen,
n. F., Heft 29)
International Concrete Road Congress, Rome, 1957.
TE244.L8 59-19492
Atti del Congresso. Comptes-rendus du Congres. Pro
ceedings of the Congress. Dokumentierung. E Bergamo, In
dustrie grafiche Cattaneo, 1958] Road tar.
327 p. illus., diagrs. 28cm. Lazebnikov, Moisei Grigor'evich. London, British Road Tar Association,
A 59-6766 O npoxoflHMOCTii aBTOMo6mieil no rpyHTOBOil n cneacHOft v. in. illus. 26 cm. quarterly.
Michigan. XTnlv. Llbr. ^eJIHHe. MocKBa, Boen. HS^-BO, 1958. TE1.A3R6 625.75 58-23663 t
157 p. illus. 21 cm.
TE245.L25 59-23174

ROADS, EARTH Temme, Theodor.

Teer- und Asphaltmakadam. Die Herstellung von Teer-

Leussink, Hans.
ROADS, ROMAN und Asphaltmischmakadam, sowie kalt- und warmeinbau-
Erdstrassenbau, von EL Leussink und E. W. Goerner. fahigen -betongomischen in stationaren Mischanlagen.
Berlin, E. Schmidt C 1949j GT. BRIT. Heidelberg, Strassenbau, Chemie und Technik Verlagsge-
70 p. Illus 21 cm. (Forschungsarbelten ana dem Straasenwesen, sellschaft, 1957.
n. P., Heft 8) 60 p. illus. 21cm.
TE230X4 56-32425 t Margary, Ivan Donald. A 58-3780
Roman roads in Britain. London, Phoenix House t !955- Wayne Univ. Library
T. maps (part fold.) 26cm.
TresMnskiS, Sergei AnatoFevich. 55-7628 A
flopora B necEax. Mo Duke TJnlr. Library
H3A-BO aBTOTpaHCH. jrax-pa, 1957. SOCIETIES, ETC.
114, [2] p. mas. 22 an.
TE230.T7 58-38420 PORTUGAL International Road Tar Conference.
Plenary session, 16th to 18th September, 1957. [London,
Saa, Mario.
As grandes vias da Lusitania, o itinerario de Antonino Pio. 1957?,
ROADS, EXPERIMENTAL 55 p. dlagrs. 81 cm.
Lisboa, 1956 ci. e. 1957- TE244.1 5 58-48977
T. Illus., fold. maps. 18 cm.
ForschungsgeseHschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Germany) DP528.S2 59-39958
Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen.
Unterbau-Versuchsstrecke Grunbach. Erster Bericht
ROADS, TOLL see Toll roads
uber Planung und Vorarbeiten, Arbeitsausschuss Unterbau-
versuche der Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen ROADS IN ART
e,V. Bielefeld,B3rschbatim E1957j
28 p. inns. 80 on. tForschungsarbelten ana dem Strassenwesen, Goodchild, R G
n. P., Heft 30) The Roman roads and milestones of Tripolitania Spinks, Charles Nelson.
TE210.F63 (discov
57-39718 J eries and researches in 1947) tTripoli] Dept. of The Tokaido in popular literature and art.
British Military Administration, Tripolitania, 1948. (In Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions. Tokyo. 22 cm. 8d
31 p. illus, fold. map. 31cm. ser.,v.8 (1964) p. 1-26. plate)
Forschungsgesellschaft fur das Strassenwesen (Germany) DT238.T8G6 58-28787 [AS552.Y8 3dser.,vol.3] A 55-10669
Arbeitsgruppe Asphalt- und Teerstrassen. Chicago. Univ. Llbr.

Unterbau-Versuchsstrecke Lahr. Erster Bericht uber die

Versuchsstrecke in Lahr der Kommission Unterbauvereuche
der ForschungsgeseHachaft fur das Strassenwesen e. V. ROADS IN LITERATURE
Bidefelo% Kirschbaum [1955,
43 p. fflu&.mp. 80cm. (Forclrangarbelten *tu dem Strawen-
wesen, n. Jr., Heft IS) Spinks, Charles Nelson.
TE210.F6 56-35578 Leyder, J P The Tokaido in popular literature and art
Stabilisation du sol an cimentj rapport de recherche, (In Asiatic Society of Japan. Transactions. Tokyo. 22 cm. 8d
BruxeUesa 1957.
ser.,v.3(1954) p. 1-26. plate)
ROADS, FOREST see Forest roads 141, 1ML lllufl., dlagra., tables. 28cm. [AS552.Y8 3dser.,vol.3] A 55-10669
TE245JL8 Chicago. Univ. Llbr.
Hallberg, Sten. American Association of State Highway Officials. Com
Portland Cement Association,
Forsok med oljegrusvagar. Tests with oiled gravel roads. Chicago. mittee on Planning and Design Policies.
t Stockholmj 1958. S^d-cement
construction handbook.
Chicago : 1956j A policy
on safety rest areas for the national system of
113 p. Illus. 24 cm. (Statena vaginstltut, Stockholm. Medde- interstate and defense
Iande90) TE278.P75" highways. Adopted April 30, 1958.
TE233.H3 59-20057 J
Washington r!958]
42p. Ulus. 28cm.
TE153.A496 625.77
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

New Brunswick, N. J. College of Engi Malcolm (C. B.) and Sons, Roanoke, Va.
ROADSIDE IMPROVEMENT (Continued) Rutgers University,
neering. Tloanoke, Virginia, and environs; street guide map.
to the modern highway;
Landscape design and its relation
Six lectures delivered at
series. map_58 x 74 cm. fold to 21 T 14 cm.
Denmark. Udvalffet vedrtfrende beplantning longs vejene. Spencer Miller Jr. lecture
Betaenkning. K0benhavn, J. H. Schultz, universitets- the College of Engineering, Rutgers University, during
the G3884.R6 1954.M3" Map 54-687
and 1952. Editors: J. Carter Hanes andj t
bogtr., 1952. years 1950, 1951,
29 p. 25cm. Charles H. Connors. New Brunswick cover 1953] t

TE153.D4 56-28742 TeSp. maps. 23cm. (It, Engineering bulletin G-S)

Ulus., ports.,
Sanborn Map Company.
TE153.R83 Insurance maps of Roanoke, Virginia. RepubHshed 1955.
New York C1956j 1955.
Egler, Frank Edwin, 1911- 3 v. col. maps. 35 cm.
Vegettition management for rights-of-way and roadsides. Salatych, Andrii Karlovych. G1294.R6S3 1956 Map 56-529
(In Smithsonian Institution. Annual report, 1953. Washington, OseJieneHae ropOACEHX yjriin;. KHCB, Foe. HSA-BO JIHT-PBI
1954. 24cm. p. 299-322. illus., map)
no CTpoiiTejibCTBy n apxnieEtype YCCP, 1957.
Q11.S66 1053 55-2695 139 22 cm.
Forschungsgesellschaft fiir das Strassenwesen (Germany)
Roanoke, Va. Ordinances^ etc.
Bepflanzung an Strassen. Berlin, E. Schmidt t 1950j The code of the city of Roanoke, Virginia, 1956. The
62 p. illua 21 cm. (Forschungsarbelten aua dem Strasaenwesen, Sarsatskikh, P I
Heft 4) Charter and general ordinances of the city. Enacted as a
CnpasoiHoe pysoBOACTBO no oaeJieHCEHH)
n. F., aBTOuoo'HJii.HH
TE153.F6 58-390T1 t 1954. whole, March 4, 1957, effective, May 1, 1957. Charlottesville,
Aopor. MocKBa, ABTOTpaHCHaflax,
188 p. Illus. 21cm. Va., Michie City Publications Co., 1957.
TE153.S3 55-35545 1 v. (unpaged) 24 cm.
fUkhimchuk, Daniil Filippovich. 352.0755 57-37910
OaeaeHCHHe aBTOMoCH^tHHX flopor mioflOBHMH flepeBE-
JIMH. no pe^;. H. H. FpHmEO. MocEsa, HayiHO-iexH. Sarsatskikh, P I

HSfl-BO asroTpaHcn. JIHT-PH, 1955. CnpaBO^HOe pyKosoflCTBO no oaejiencuuio aBTOiioCiu ROANOKE, VA. ELMWOOD
Microfilm Slavic 904 TE Mic 58-6613 flopor.2. H3A-, nepep. MocsBa, HayiHO-Texn. HB^-BO

Tpancn. JTHT-PH, 1958. Alexander, Sydney (Taylor) 1880-

115 p. illus. 22 cm. Elmwood of Roanoke; a short history of Elmwood, the
Lembke, Carl. TE153.S3 1958
Tinsley family who owned and lived at Elmwood before,
Wasser und Strasse; von Wasser-Durchfiihrungen, Stras-
during, and after the War between the States, and a de
sen-Uberfuhrungen, Bruckenkopf-Bildungen und Strassen-
scription of some of the customs of that period. Washing
raumen. In Zusammenarbeit mit den niedersachsischen
Schurhammer, Hermann, 1881-1952. ton, 1958, 1959.
Ministerien: Minister fiir Ernahung, Landwirtschaft und 24 p. Illus. 23cm.
Strasse und Landschaft; ein Beitrag zur praktischen
Forsten, Minister fiir "Wirtschaft und Verkehr, Sozialmini- F234.R6A6 59-27834 t
Landschaftspflege. Bearb. und mit Unterstutzung des
ster und Kultusminister. Hannover, Vincentz, 1954.
128 p. (chiefly tllus.) 30 cm. Bundesverkehrsministeriums hrsg. von Hermann Schurham
A 55-6466 mer, jr. Bielefeld, Kirschbaum Verlag [1955] ROANOKE COUNTY, VA.
Northwestern Univ. Library 7Tp, illus. 30cm.
A 56-2759 MAPS
Purdue Univ. Library

National Research Council Highway Research Board. Malcolm (C. B.) and Sons, Roanoke, Va,
Committee on Roadside Development.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Map of Roanoke County, Virginia. Date: Jan. 1, '56.
Planning and management of roadside vegetation; an
Roanoke, Va. C 1955]
analysis of principles. Washington, 1956. to 24 z 15 cm.
iv, 48 p Ulus, 28 cm (Highway Kesearch Board. Special re Isley, D Natelle. map 68 z 85 cm. fold,
port 23) Bibliography on the control of roadside development, pre
G3883.R5 1956.M3 Map 56-274
TE153.N35758 56-61923 pared for the Graduate City Planning Program, Georgia
Institute of Technology. [Atlanta] 1955.
National Research Council. Highway Research Board,
271. 28cm. ROANOKE RIVER
Supplement rAtlantai' 1955.
Committee on Roadside Development. 8 L 28cm.
Selective cutting of roadside vegetation for improved Virginia. Division of Planning and Economic Development.
Z7296.IT5 SuppL
highway safety, appearance, and use, prepared by Earl
A. Z7295.I75 Development of the Roanoke River. [Richmond] 1949.
36 L ill us, map profile, tables. 28cm.

Disque, Washington, 1959. TC425.R58A6 1949 627.1 A 49-10176 rev 2*

42 p. ulus. 28cm, (Highway Reaearcn Board. Special report 43)
TE153.NS5765 625.77 59-61722 J ROADSIDE MARKETING Virginia. State Library

Dalrymple, Dana G
Farmers roadside marketing associations. Storrs, Exten ROB ROY see Macgregor, Robert, called
National Research Council. Highway Research Board. sion Service, College of Agriculture, University of Connecti Rob Roy, 1671-1734
Committee on Stabilised Turf Shoulders.
cut, 1957.
28 p. Illus. 28 cm.
Concluding report of Special Task Committee on Sta
bilized Turf Shoulders. Presented at the thirty-third an S571.5JD25 631.18 57-63849 ROBACH FAMILY
nual meeting, January 12-15, 1954. Washington [National
Hector, Harry, 1898-
Academy of Sciences, National Research Council] 1954. En slaktkronika fran Smaland.
IS p. illus. 28 cm. (Highway Research Board. Special report Stockholm, Norstedt
19) Donaldson, Robert Bain, 1905-
SB433.N3 625.77 54-60861 J Profitable roadside marketing; a practical digest of prin 182 p. geneal. table. 22cm.
R. B. CS929.R6 1953 65-58626
ciples for successful roadside market operation, by
Donaldson and Wm. F. Johnstone. State College, Pa., Col
New York PvbUo Works. Bureau of
(State) Dept. of lege Science Publishers [1955]
Landscaping. 142 p. illns. 23cm.
56-35039 t
Roadside vegetative cover research project. Progress re DESTINY AND MOTIVATION IN LANGUAGE
port. 1951/52-
Albany?] Berger, Joseph, 1909-

v. illus. 28cm. annual. ROADSIDE PLANTING see Roadside improve The Destiny and motivation of Dr. A. A. Robacfc; a criti
625.77 53-62858 rev
TE153.N52 ment cal essay. Cambridge, Mass^ Schoenhofs Foreign Books,
Obolenskil, V I ROADSIDE PRODUCE MARKETING see Road 52 p. Ulus. 20cm.

KaK yxaacnsaTi. 3a uocaflKauH Ha asTOitoo'HJitHHX floporax. P85.R6D43 57-35391 J

side marketing
MocEea, IIopHSflaT, 1952.
82 p. illus.20cm. (BHCOToreica CTpOHTew MCCTHboc AOpor)
TE153.02 55-17648 J ROBARDS FAMILY
Farrior, Bessie (Robards) 1894-
Gelbach, Clyde Christian. A history of the Robards family. Oxford, 3ST. C. C1959?,
HamH 1 28 cm.
sejceHHM uarncTpajiH. tPeAasrop M. Spencer Roane of Virginia, 1762-1822, a judicial advocate

aces-flop. HS^-BO, 1949.

CS71.R6285 1959 B9-43501 t
MocEsa, Foe. xpancn. of State rights. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1955]
31 p. Illus., ports. 20 cm. ( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Kblicatlon no. 13,864)
TE153.09 59-49618 Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,864 Mic 55-1090
Pittsburgh. Univ. Llbr. ROBBERS see Brigands and robbers

Priakhin, V D ROANOKE, VA.
OsejieHeHHe aBTOMo6"HJii>Hnx sopor.
see also Brigands and robbers; Pillage;
TCXH. H3-BO aBTOXpaHCIT. JIHT-pH, 1957. Train robberies
53 p. illus. 20cm. (nonyji*pHa*TexHOTecKa6HO'JiHOTeHKapa6o- MAPS
iero AopoxCHHxa)
TE153.P73 59-48913 t CHILE
Interstate Publishing Company, inc., Everett, Mass.
Map of Roanoke and vicinity, including Salem and Yin- Camino Larre, Enrique.
ton. Everett [1954, Jurisprudencia sobre el delito do robo con fuerz* en las
Prutensldi, D mapJCT X48 cm. fold, to 22 x 11 cm. cosas ( 1900-1951) [Santiago de Chile] 195$.
B^OJIB aopor H opoca- G3884.R6 lyota. o Map 55-320 106p. 2Tcm.
66-84075 J
TejiiHOft CCTH. <I>pyH3e, 1958.
13 p. illns. 21 cm.
SB436.P7 59-4^886

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Zahniser, Clarence Howard Sonnichsen, Charles Leland, 1901-
Earnest Christian; life and works of Benjamin Titus Alias Billy the Kid, "... I want to die a free man ..."
MikhaHov, Mikhail Pavlovich.
Roberts. n. p., 1957 3 Byj C. L. Sonnichsen and] William V. Morrison. Albu
YrazoBHaH OTBCTCTBeHHocTt sa Kpaacy jiiiiHoro usiymecxna c

24 cm.

349 illus.
New Mexico
pa3(5ofi no COBCTCKOMV npasy. MocKsa, Foe. HS^-BO K>p
57-38376 J querque, University of Press, 1955.
BX8419.R6Z2 922.773 xi, 136 p. illus., ports. 24 cm.
JIIIT-PBI, 1958.
153 p. 20 cm.
F786.B72 923.973 55-5452
Burglary Craik, Will W
Bryn Roberts and the National Union of Public Em Craine, Lloyd Bascombe, 1887-
ployees. Foreword by Aneurin Bevan. London, Allen & The first of the Roberts and Crane families who settled in
ROBERT I, KING OF SCOTLAND, 1274-1329 Unwin j!955j western North Carolina and some of their descendants. t St.
238 p illus. 23cm Paul] 1955.
FICTION HD8013.G73C7 55-4246 t 148 p. Illus 24cin.
CS71.R64 1955 58-44311 J

Oliver, Jane, pseud.

The lion is come. c
lst American ed.j New York, Putnam ROBERTS, DANIEL WEBSTER, 1841- Fair, Marielou (Roach) 1883-
Roach, Roberts, Ridgeway, and allied families. rMana-
320 p. illus. 2
21cm. field?La.,1951?j
PZ3.04854IA4 57-#T34 Lackey, Bonita Roberts, 1896- 258 p. Illus. 24cm.
Stories of the Texas Rangers. San Antonio, Naylor Co. CS69.F34 55-19918 J

ROBERT, MONK OF ST. REMI see Robertus t 1955,

105 p. 22 cm.
Renaensis, monk, 12th cent. F391JL18 976.4 55-4417 J ROBERTS COUNTY, TEX.
Smedley, Ralph C
The great peacemaker. r lst ed.] Santa Ana, Calif., Campbell, Harry Modean. Mitchell Reproduction Company, Fort
Toastmasters International 1955. Elizabeth Madox Roberts, American novelist [by3 Harry Worth, Tea.
96 p. tllua. 22cm. Modean Campbell and Ruel E. Foster. With a foreword by Roberts County, Texas. Fort Worth 1954, '1953 r

JF515.R672S5 map 110 x 107 cm.

923.573 55-11372 t J. Donald Adams. (
lst ed. 3 Norman, University of Okla
G4033.R5 1953.M5 Map 54-884
homa Press [1956]
283 23 cm.
PS3535.O172Z59 928.1 56-11237 t
Antheunis, L ROBERTS, ERIC SAMUEL U. S. Treaties, etc., 1953- (Eisenhower]
Le conventional Beige Francois Robert (1763-1826) et sa Defense: transfer of property at Roberts Field. Agree
femme Louise de Keralio ( 1758-1882 ci. e. 1822] ) Wetteren, ment between the United States of America and Liberia
Editions Bracke [1955J Roberts, Eric SamueL
The distance enchanted. W.
effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington April
97 p. 25cm. Sheffield, J. Northend, 1954. and August 21 and September 22, 1956. [Wash-
123 p. illus. 20 cm. 19, 1955,
DC146.R58A55 57-23810 U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1957
PR6035.O522D5 55-21114 t ington, 3
3 p. 24 cm. (Treaties and other International acts series, 8751)
JX235.9.A32 no. 3751 57-61211
1st EARL, 1832-1914 ROBERTSON, ALBERT JAMES, 1893-
Antheunis, L
James, David, 1919- U. S. Con res*. Senate. Committee on Banking and Cur
Le conventionnel Beige Frangois Robert (1763-1826) et sa

femme Louise de Keralio (1758-1882 l e.

Lord Roberts, with a foreword by L. S. Amery. London, rency.
t 1822] ) Wetteren, Nominations of Gordon Gray, Albert J. Robertson, and
Editions Bracke [1955, Hollis& Carter tl954]
97 p. 25cm. 503 p. illus. 23cm, Paul W. McCracken. Hearing before the Committee on
DC146.R58A55 57-23810 t
DA68.32.R6J3 54-41614 rev t Banking and Currency, United States Senate, 'Eighty-fifth
Congress, first session, on the nominations of Gordon Gray
to be Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization; Albert
ROBERT A. TAFT MEMORIAL see Washington, ROBERTS, GEOFFREY DORLING J. Robertson to be a member of the Federal Home Loan
Bank Board; and Paul W. McCracken to be a member of
D.C. Robert A. Taft Memorial
the Council of Economic Advisers. March 4, 1957. Wash
Roberts, Geoffrey Dorling. ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1957.
ROBERT E. LEE (STEAMBOAT) Without my wig. With a foreword by A. P. Herbert Ill, 15 p. 24 cin.

London, Macmillan; New York, St. Martin's Press, 1957. TC106.5.A5 1957 57-61237
8 p. Illus, 23 cm.
Weltoian, Manly Wade, 1905- ROBERTSON, FRANK CHESTER, 1890-
Fastest on the river; the great race between the "Natchez*
923.442 67-14067 Robertson, Frank Chester, 1890-
and the "Robert E. Lee." [Isted-j New York, Holt rl957,
234 p. illus. 22 can. A
ram in the thicket; the story of a
roaming homesteader
VM625.M5W4 387.23 57-10428 J family on the Mormon frontier. Introd. by Mari Sandoz.
New York, Hastings House l[1959,J
ROBERTS, JOAN Slip, illus. 22cm.
PS3535.017982Z5 1959 818.52 59-7373 j
ROBERT-HOUDIN, JEAN EUGENE, 1805-1871 Roberts, Joan.
Never alone. New York, McMullen Books t1954]
Henry, Guy. ML420.R7A3 927.8 54-12242 I McFadden, IsobeL
Robert Houdin, ophtalmologiste. Pre"f. du docteur L, He belonged to the West; James Robertson. New York,
Chauvois. Rennes t 1950?j
24 cm.
ROBERTS, PAUL Friendship Press C 1958]
74, ( 2] p. port, dlagrs. 28 p. 23cm. (Frontier books, no. 14)
RE73JI4 59-42643 BV2813.R6M3 922.571
Roberts, Paul. 58-3429 %
and Bea*jolais.
1 ^211

p. Illus. 22cm.
cist ed-j New York, Holt
ROBERTO, FEDERICODE, 1861-1927 CT275J1723A3 818.5 58-11219 J U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services.
Reuben Buck Robertson, Jr., to be Deputy
, Defense. Hearing before the Committee on Armed
United States Senate, Eighty-fourth
Congress, first session,
on nomination of Reuben Buck
Catania. Tippy, Worth Marion, 1867- Robertson, Jr., of Ohio, to
Universita. BiblioUca wwersitaria e ventimil- be Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Frontier bishop; the life and times of Robert Richford July 21, 1955. Washing 6
liana. U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1955.
Verga, De Roberto, Capuana; celebrarioni bicentenarie Roberts, New York, Aiingdon Press ill,7p. 24cm.
t !958j
207 p. illus. 28cm.
Biblioteca universitaria, Catania 1755-1955.
C cura di A BX8495.R53T5 922.778
UA23.3.A62 1955 55-61695
Angelo Ciavarella. Catania, N. Giannotta, 1955] 58-5894 J
194 p. mounted Illus. 25cm.
Z933.C16 59-31811 ROBERTSON. WALFORD GRAHAM, 1866-1948
Robertson, Walford Graham, 1866-1948
Time was; the reminiscences of W. Graham
ROBERTO FRANCESCO ROMOLO BELLAR- Roberts, Ursula (Wyllie) 1887-
with a foreword by Sir Johnston Robertson;
Portrait of a parson, by Susan Miles Forbes-Robertson. London^
MINO, SAINT see Bellanoino, Roberto cpseud., Foreword JH. Hamilton r!945i
Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621
^ vUI, 343 p.
port 21cm.
1945 927.5
922.842 56-28139 t 46-5805 rev*

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, 1721-1793. THE Robeson, Paul, 1898- Howard, 1853-1911.

HISTORY OF AMERICA Mein Lied meine Waffe. t Aus dem Amerikanischen von
The merry adventures of Robin Hood of great renown, in
G. F. Alexan] Berlin, Kongress- Verlag, 1958.
192 Nottinghamshire,- illustrated by Paul Busch. Racine, WV,
p. lllus. 19cm.
Humphreys, Robert Arthur, 1907- E185.97.R625
Whitman Pub. Co. [1955 3
59-33172 t 284 p illus. 21 cm. (Whitman famous classics, 1610)
William Robertson and his History of America. A lec
ture delivered at Canning House on 11 June 1954.
PZ8.1JR55P26 55-40526 t
Hispanic & Luso-Brazilian Councils] 1954. Seton, Marie.
28 p. 22cm. (Diamante, 2) Paul Robeson. With a foreword by Arthur Bryant Lon
E143.R9H8 57-36674 don, D. Dobson !958j t
254 p. lllus. 23cm.
ML420.R73S4 58-4555 t Prescott, Orvflle.
ROBERTSON CLAN Robin Hood ; the outlaw of Sherwood Forest Illustrated
by Charles Beck. New York, Random House 1959] C

Moncreiffe, Iain. 51 p. illus. 22cm, (Legacy books, Y-8)

The Robertsons, Clan Donnachaidh of AtholL ROBESPIERRE, MAXIMILIEN MARIE ISIDORE PZ8.1.P929Ro 59-6144 t
burgh, W. & A. K. Johnston & G. W. Bacon ,1954,
DE, 1758-1794
32 p. lllus. 10 cm. (W. & A. K. Johnston's clan histories)
CS479.R6 1954 55.42332 Bruhat, Jean.
Robespierre (de Maximilien Robespierre et du robespier- ROBINS, ELIZABETH, 1862-1952
risme) Paris t Editeurs frangais reunis, 1958]
44 p. 16cm. (Collection "Europe,"!)
Robins, Elizabeth, 1862-1952.
Raymond and L With a foreword by Leonard Woolf.
Randolph, Wassell. New York, Macmillan, 1956.
343 Illus. 22cm.
The Reverend George Robertson (1662-1739) rector of A Z
Manfred, F912.N7R6 1956 917.98 56-10962 J
Bristol Parish, Virginia (1693-1739) and his descendants. MaKciiiinJinaH Po6ecni,ep Biip;aiom.iiiicjr ^leai, Be.iii-
Memphis, Distributed by Cossitt Library, 1955. sott^panuyscEOft (SypacyasHOft peso-iionHn ; K 200-.ieTnra co
93 p. 27 cm.
HH poHc^enna. MocKBa, SaanHe, 1958.
CS71.R645 1955 55-3018 | 48 p. 22 cm. (BcecoroaHoe o6mectBO no pacnpocrpaHCHHio noun-
raiecKHx H aayHHbix 3HaHHfi. CepHsi i, NJ 16) ROBINS, RAYMOND, 1873-1954
DC146.R6M25 59-36081 t
ROBERTSON COUNTY, TEX. Meiburger, Anne Vincent.
Efforts of Raymond Robins toward the recognition of
Massin, Jean, 1917- Soviet Russia and the outlawry of war, 1917-1933. Wash
Parker, Richard Denny, 1878-1953.
Historical recollections of Robertson Robespierre. [Paris, Qub frangais du livre, 1957, 1956. ington, Catholic University of America Press, 1958.
County, Texas, with 315 p. lllus., ports., 4 maps on fold. L (inflerted) 22 cm. (Po Ix, 225 p. 23 cm.
biograpliical & genealogical notes on the pioneers & their traits de 1'histoire, 3)
E748.R657M4 327.73047 59-1796
families. Edited by Nona Clement Parker. DC146.R6M28 57-58011
Salado, Tex.,
Anson Jones Press, 1955.
254 p. lllus , port., maps. 26 cm.
F392.R63P3 976.4 Robins, Elizabeth, 1862-1952.
55-12295 Mathiez, Albert, 1874-1932.
Etudes sur Robespierre (1758-1794) Pref. de Georges Raymond and Ij with a foreword by Leonard Woolf.
Lefebvre, Paris, Editions sociales 1958i London, Hogarth Press, 1956.
r 343 p. Illus. 23cm.
MAPS 280 p. port. 23cm.
F912.N7R6 1956a 917.98 56-58492 J
Harvard Univ. Library
59-117G A
Love Abstract Company, Franklin, Tex. EDWARD
ROBINSON, G., 1893-
Map of ... Robertson County, Texas. 1950-
Franidin. ROBEY, SIR GEORGE, 1869-1954 Robinson, Edward G 1933-
maps 104 x 102 cm. or smaller.
My father, my son, an autobiography, by Edward G. Rob
G4033.R6year.L6 Map 51-536 rev 2 inson, Jr., with William Dufty, based on an idea by N. Peter
Wilson, Albert Edward, 1885-
Prime minister of mirth; the biography of Sir George Dee. New York, F. FeU [1958]
818 p. lllus. 22cm.
Robey, c. B. E. London, Odhams Press rl956i PN2287.R67A3
Tobin (Edgar) Aerial Surveys, San Antonio. 255 p. iUus. 23cm. 927.92 57-14113 J
Robertson County, Texas; ownership map with well data.
PN2598.R55W5 927.92 56-58888 t
San Antonio.
maps 108 x 188 cm. or smaller.
G4033.R6 year.T6 Map 50-3 rev
ROBIE FAMILY see Roby family Moon, Elmer Samuel, 1922-
Organic form in the shorter poems of Edwin Arlington
ROBIN HOOD Robinson. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms C 1957j
(tUnlTOrslty Microfilms, ,inn Arbor, Mlch.j Publication no. 18,638)
ROBERTSON PAPER BOX COMPANY, INC. Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,633 Mic 57-232
Cooke, Donald Edwin, 1916-
Michigan. TTniv. Llbr.
The silver horn of Robin Hood, written and illustrated by
Powers, Ralph Averill.
The old stone mill on the Oxoboxo; Robertson paper and Donald E. Cooke. lst ed. Philadelphia, Winston C 195]
c 3

23Sp. lllus. 24cm. Stephens, Alan Archer, 1925-

boxes since 1850. New York, Newcoraen Society in North PZ8.1.R55Co 56-9656 t Tte shorter narrative poems of Edwin Arlington Robin
America, 1957. son. Aim Arbor, University Microfilms j!954i
24 p. lllus. 23cm. (Newcomen address, 1957) Ann
(tUnlversIty Microfilms, Arbor, Men.] Publication no. S19&)
HD9829.R6P6 58-312 t Microfilm AC-1 no. 9199 Mic A 55-3392
Creswick, Paul, 1866-
Missouri. Univ. Llbr.
Robin Hood. Illustrated by N". C. Wyeth, New York,
362 p.

lllus. 24 cm. (The Scribner Illustrated classics) Stevick, Robert David, 1928-
PZ8.1.R550 10 59-355 t E. A. Robinson's principles and practice of poetry: the
Powers, Ralph Averill. effects of his principles of poetry on the technique and struc
The old stone mill on the Oxoboxo; Robertson paper and
ture of the poems. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1956]
boxes since 1850. New York, Newcomen Society in North
Disney (Walt) Productions. ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlcn.1 Publication no 19,143)
America, 1957. Walt Disney's Adventures of Robin. Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,143 Mic 56-3924
24 p. lllus. 23cm. (Newcomen address, 1957) Hood, adapted from
HD9829.R6P6 the Walt Disney motion
58-312 t picture, illustrated with scenes from
the motion picture. New
York, Simon and Schuster ^1955,
46 p. lllus. 29cm. (Walt Disney library 436)
ROBERTUS REMENSIS, MONK, 12th cent. VITA PZ8.1.D6Ad 56-13533 t Knox, Olive Elsie.
SANCTI BONONII Mrs. Minister. Philadelphia, Westminster Press t 1956]
190 p. 21 cm.
Tabacco, Giovanni. CT275J1735KS 920.7 56-5248 J
Disney (Walt) Productions.
La vita di san Bononio di Rotberto monaco e 1'abate Guido Walt Disney's Robin Hood, retold by Annie North Bed
Grandi (1671-1742) Torino, 1954. ford ipseud.j Illustrated with scenes from the motion pic
51 p. 24 cm. (Unlversltfc dl Torino. Pubblicazlont della Facolta. ROBINSON, ERIC, 1908-
di lettere e fllosofla, v. 6, fasc. 1) ture. New York, Simon and Schuster t !965j
A 55-5859 unpaged.
lllus, 21 cm. (A Mickey Mouse Clnb book, IMS)
Catholic Univ. of America. Library 55-13899 J Robinson, Eric, 1908-
Conducted personally. London, New York, S. Paul t !955j
192 p. illus. 22cm.
ML422.RG8A3 927.8 55-2558
ROBESON, PAUL, 1898- Harris, Percy Valentine, 1898-
The truth about Robin Hood ; a refutation of the mytholo-
Cforokhov, Viktor.
gists' theories, with new evidence of the hero's actual exist ROBINSON, FORBES, 1867-1904
Ich singe Amerika; ein Lebensbild Paul Robesons. c lns
ence, London [1954]
Deutsche ubertragen von Herbert Schirrmacher. Gekurzte 97 p. lllus. 23cm,
Ausg. 1. Aufl.] Berlin, Verlag Neues Leben. 1955. PR2129.H3 1954 398.22 55-24427 t
296 p. lllus. 20cm. Robinson, Forbes, 1867-1904.
E185.97.R6393 56-53358 t An inward legacy; selections from Letters to his friends.
Edited with an introd. by Gilbert Kilpack. Wallinffford.

Harris, Percy Valentine, 1898- Pa.,PendleHiH t 1956,

The truth about Robin Hood; refutation of the myfli-
36 p. 19cm.
Robeson, Paul, 1898- (APendleHlHpnphlet,no.02)
ologists' theories, with new evidence of the hero's actual
Here I stand. New York, Othello Associates t 1958j existence, ^thed.] London C19573
128p. 22 cm. BV450LR584A.4 248 87-8027 J
98 p. lllus. 28 cm.
E185.97.R62 58-2066
PR2129JS3 1957 398.22 58-38707 t
*301.451 325.260973

of Books: Subjects
Library Congress Catalog

ROBINSON, GEORGE LIVINGSTONE, 1864- Mendenhall, Samuel Brooks, 1936- . ROCAMADOUR, FRANCE
Plaxco-Robinson; being an account of two of
the ancient
families of upper South Carolina (particu DESCRIPTION
Robinson, George Livingstone, 1864- Samuel
larly situated in York and Chester Counties) by
Autobiography of George L. Eobinson, a short story of Brooks Mendenhall and William Boyce White, Jr. Fore
a long life. Grand Kapids, Baker Book House, 1957. Hill? Gorsse, Pierre de, 1903-
word C. Simms Oliphant. t lst ed. Kock
by Mary
142 p. lllus. 23 cm. Roc- Amadour, roche inspiree un haut Heu et sa couronne.

BX9225.R713A3 922.573 57-12192 t S. C.] 1958.

xvilt.ieop. group port 21cm.
Toulouse, Privat [1955!
58-12369 140 p. illus. 18cm. ( Sites de France)
CS71.P72 1958 929.2
DC611.Q4G6 57-15851 t


Ransier, Violet Eliza (Robinson) 1908- ROCCO, GENNARO ASPRENO, 1853-1922
Mann, Arthur William, 1901-
Robinson, Baldwin, and affiliated families; genealogies
Tlie Jackie Robinson story. New York, Grosset & Dunlap the following families Robinson, Baldwin, Clark, Clason,

i!956j Ransier, and Capasso, Gaetano.

Raymond, Keen, Roderick, Nixon, Norris,
253 p. tllus. 20cm. ( The Big league baseball Ubrary) C
Gennnro Aspreno Rocco, il Virgilio cristiano. Napoli,
Stratton. n. p., 1952]
GV865.R6M3 1956 927.96357 56-4193 t t
Edizioui La Fiaccola letteraria 1956] C
194 p. illus. 29 cm. 22 cm.
410 p. port.
CS71.R66 1952 A 58-324
Chicago. Univ. Llbr. PAS670
Schoor, Gene.
Jackie Robinson, baseball hero. New York, Putnam M
Robinson, 1925-
Skarda, Charles
187 p. 21cm.
The Robinson family register (Robinson clan) [Little
GV865.R6S3 927.96357 58-7454 t Rock, Ark., 1958] IN DER INNEREN MEDIZIN
958 59-27013 t
Zurukzoglu, Stavros, 1896-
Alkohol und Krankheit; neue Feststellungen aus einem
Shapiro, Milton J M
Robinson, 1925-
Skarda, Charles Kantonsspital Zusammenf assung der Arbeit von M. Roch
Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers. New York, ;

J. Messner
short pedigree of the late Senator from Arkansas, "Dor Alkoholismus in der innern Medizin." 2. Aufl. Basel,
Joseph Taylor Robinson, a descendent of English families,
190 p. Ulus. 22cm, B. Schwabe, 1946.
GV865.R6S5 927.96357 57-11511 t descendent of Edward L Little Rock, 1956- 20 p. 21 cm. (Beihefte zur Alkoholfrage In der Schweiz, Heft 4)
QP915.A3Z8 1946 59-34024 J
CS71.R66 1956 57-12020 rev 2 t


Skarda, Charles M
Robinson, 1925- Lindolfo Rocha porj Aloisio de Carvalho Filho ^t al. Rio

The late Senator; notes on the life of Joe T. Robinson of MAPS de Janeiroj Ministerio da EducaQao e Saude, Servifio de
Arkansas, 1872-1937. Little Eock, Ark., 1959- DocuraentaQao 1953) t

pts. 30 on. Mfller, Don

John, 1919- 52 p. 22cm.
E748.R66S55 59-3655 t Geolo<ry of the southeastern part of the Robinson
Moun PQ9697.R6235Z75 56-21330 J
TJ. S. Geo
tains, Yukataga district, Alaska. Washington,
logical Survey, 1957.
Skarda, Charles M
Robinson, 1925- col. map 92 x 106 cm. fold, to 30 x 24 cm. (U. S. Geological Survey.
Map QM1S7)
A short pedigree of the late Senator from Arkansas, Oil and gas
G3701S.H8 var.U51
Joseph Taylor Eobinson, a descendent of English families, DE VIMEUR, COMTEDE, 1725-1807
descendent of Edward L Little Rock, 1956-

CS71J166 1956 57-12020 rev 2 t

ROBINSONADES Preservation Society of Newport County.
Washington-Rochambeau celebration, 1780-1955, New
see also Exoticism in literature; port, Rhode Island. [Official souvenir program^ Newport

ROBINSON, MARY (DARBY) 1758-1800 Voyages, Imaginary

t !955j
40 p. Illus. 80cm.
F89.N5P7 59-35707 t
Bass, Robert Duncan. Joachim Heinrich, 1746-1818.
The green dragoon; the lives of Banastre Tarleton and
Robinson Crusoe, nach der Bearbeitung f iir die Jugend
Mary Robinson. lst ed.j c
New York, Holt [1957] von J. H. Campe. [Salzburg, Salzburger Jugend-Verlag
vlll,489p. lllus, ports., maps. 25cm. Rhode Island. General Rochambeau Commission,
DA506.T3B3 923.242 57-6183 C
'1946 T Rochambeau and Rhode Island by, Claiborne de B. Pell.
175 p. IHus. 19 cm. t

PZ32.C2 1946 56-37974 iProvidence, 1954 ?,

ROBINSON, ROBERT, 1735-1790 16 p. Illus. 24cm.
E265.R45 973.347 55-62345 t

Hughes, Graham
With freedom fired: the story of Robert Robinson, Cam ROBOT BOMBS see V-2 rocket
bridge nonconformist London, Carey Kinsgate Press Tuckerman, Arthur.
When Rochambeau stepped ashore; a reconstruction of
r !955,
123 p. 19 cm. ROBOT CAMERA life in Newport in 1780. Newport, R. I., Preservation So
BX6495.R66H8 922.642 56-27711 t e
ciety of Newport County 1955] C

24 p. Illus. 24cm.
Weiss, Heinz F F89.N5T8 974.57 56-899 t
Das Robot-Buch cvonj Heinz F. Weiss und Hendrik
Snoei. Seebruck am Chiemsee, Heering-Verlag, 1958.
ROBINSON, SIR ROBERT, 1886- 179p. illus. 22cm. Rochanibeau Commission.
TR263.R56W4 59-41624
Report to the Governor and the General Assembly of
Todd, Sir Alexander R 1907- ed.
ginia. Richmond, Commonwealth of Virginia Division of

Perspectives in organic chemistry. New York, Inter- Purchase and Print., 1953.
science Publishers, 1956. ROBOT PILOT see Automatic pilot (Aeroplanes; 10 p.
ment no 19)
26 cm. ([Virginia. General Assembly, 1954] Senate docu

x,527u. col. port. 24cm. A 54-9181

QD24&.T6 547.082 66-1081 State Library
ROBSART, AMY see Dudley, Amy (Robsart)
Lady, 15327-1560 ROCHDALE, ENGLAND
Pritchard, William Thomas, 1909- ROSY FAMILY
The riddle of Chung Ling Soo, by Will Dexter dpseud.; &
Rochdale directory; including MUnrow, Littleborough
London, Arco C 1955]
223 p. Ulus. 23cm. Schwarting, Eva Barbara (Robie) 1896- Wardle.
A 57-1942 A
genealogical history of the Robie family in England [London] Kent Service.
Cincinnati. Public LIbr. GV1545 and America [compiled by Eva Barbara (Robie) Schwart <

DA690.R55 R6 55-19954
ing and Margaret Dorothy (Robie) Ninteman] New York,
ROBINSON, WILLIAM HEATH, 1872-1944 244 L lllua. 30cm. HISTORY
CS71.R656 1956 56-2502T t
Day, Gerald William Langston, 1894- Rebe P
The life and art of W. Heath Eobinson, Taylor,
London, H. Jo Rochdale a handbook. Edited by Ernest Tay
seph [1947] ROC A GUINARDA, PEDRO, b. 1582
270 p. Ulns. (part coL) ports. 23cm. lor. Rochdale, 1956.
203 p. illus. 28cm.
NC242.R6D3 927.4 48-17642 rev*
DA690.R55T3 942.72 57-38155 J
Salvans i Corominas, Anieet
Waller, Stanley.
Perot, el bandoler. Dalmau i Jover
Edwards, William Hopple, 1900- Barcelona, Editorial Cuffs and handcuffs; the
story of Rochdale police through
Genealogical and ancestral notes. cMeriden? Conn.. 1953- the years 1252-1957. Published
T. genu.taMe. 29cm. 270p. 28cm. by the Watch Committee
PC3941.S343P4 on the occasion of the
Another issue. 57-32620 centenary of the establishment of the
OS7UKO IflCSa t Rochdale, 19573
CS7LR66 1953 54-31342 rev
HV8198.R6W3 58-1461

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Schmidt, Carl Frederick, 1894-
Rosenfeld, Leonard S
Waller, Stanley. Greek revival architecture in the Rochester area [byj Carl
Cuffs and handcuffs; the story of Rochdale
The Rochester Regional Hospital Council cbyj Leonard S.
police through
F. Schmidt. t Scottsville,
N. Y.j 1946.
the years 1252-1957. Published by the Watch Committee 4 p. L, 6-200 p. incL front, lllus., diagrs. 22J cm.
Rosenfeld t andj Henry B. Makover. Cambridge, Pub
NA735.R6S3 724.2735 46-6930 rev lished for the Commonwealth Fund by Harvard University
on the occasion of the centenary of the establishment of the
Rochdale Borough Police Force. rRochdale ' 1957, Press, 1956.
] 204 p. illus. 22 cm.
141 p. lllus. 23cm.
HV8198.R6W3 HISTORY RA982.R6R65 362.11
352.2 58-1461 J


McKelvey, Blake, 1903-
Alanne, Vieno Severi, 1S70- Rochester: the quest for quality, 1890-1926. Cambridge, New York (State) Board of Inquiry on Rochester Transit
Fundamentals of consumer cooperation. 8th rev. ed. C
Harvard University Press, 1956. Work Stoppage, May 1-&S, 1952.
xlv, 432 p. ports. 24 cm. (Eochester Public Library.
Superior, Wis., Cooperative Pub. Association r 1946, lllus.,
Kate Gleason Fund publications. Final report to the Industrial Commissioner, State of
112 23cm.
l ] Publication 3)
HD3271.A55 F129.R7M238 974.789 56-11284 New York. [Albany, 1952!
1946 334.5 47-16650 rev* vi,83p. Illus. 28cm.
HD5325.T72 1952.R62 331.892813884: 53-62023 rev
Erdman, Henry Ernest, 1884- INDUSTRIES
The principles of cooperation and their relation to success ROCHESTER TRANSIT CORPORATION STRIKE,
or failure [by H. E. Erdman [and! J. M. Tinley.
[Berkeley] New York (State) Dept. of Commerce. 1952
Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California Kew York State business facts, Rochester area, [Albany,
lllus 23 cm. (California. 1951?] New York (State) Board of Inquiry on Rochester Transit
31, (1] p. Agricultural Experiment 28cm.
Station [Berkeley, Bulletin 758)
lip. "Work Stoppage, May 1-23, 1958.
Supplement Albany, 1954. Final report to the Industrial Commissioner, State of
[S39.E2 no. 758] A 57-2505 19 p map. 28 cm.
California. Univ. Libr. HC108.R54A55 SuppL New York. [Albany, 1952,
HC108.R54A55 330.9747 A 52-9136 rev- vl,83p. Illus.

HD5325.T72 1952.R62
ROCHEBAU COURT, QUEBEC New York. State Libr. 331.892813884 53-62023 rev

Quebec (Province) Dept. of Colonization.

Aux marches du royaume de Matagami (Rochebaucourt)
Quebec, 1947. Bruce-Barker, Doris.
59 20 cm.
p. lllus. American Automobile Association. Learn to rock "n' roll London, Thorsons Publishers
F1054.R7Q8 57-26426 J
Rochester and Monroe County. [1957 :
29 p. lllus. 1& cm.
ROCHECHOUART, FRANCE sheets of <x>l. mans 61 x 97 cm. fol& to 21 1 10 cm. GV1796.R6B7 793.33 58-28536
G3804.R6 year.Ao Map 54-1491
Barbier, Edmond. ROCK ASPHALT see Asphalt rock
Rochechouart et sa region, Rochechouart, Impr. J. Du-
panier, 1956. U. S. Geological Survey.
77 p. illus 18cm. Rochester and vicinity, New York. 1952. Washington,
ROCK BOLTS see Mine roof bolting
DC801.R62B3 57-41690 t 1956.
col. map 102 x 132 cm. ROCK CARVINGS see Petroglyphs
G3804.R6 1956.U6 Map 56-584
FICTION 1952 see
STRIKE, Rochester Transit
Corporation Strike, 1952 see also Mountaineering
Hibbert, Eleanor, 1906-
Rochester the mad Evans, Charles, 1918-
earl, by Kathleen Kellow [pseud.] SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS
London, R. Hale 1957j C
On climbing. Woodstock, Vt., Countryman Press 1956?,
253 p. 21cm.
191 p. illus. 24cm.
P23.H5212R1 Gerling, Curt. [G513] 796.52 56-14369 J
58-24017 rev J
Good enough for grandpa. lst ed.j Webster, N. Y.,
ROCHESTER, MICH. Plaza Publishers l958j t

Leonard, Richard M
^Belaying the leader j an omnibus on climbing safety, by
237 p. 21 cm.
F129.R7G39 917.4789 59-17812 t Richard M. Leonard t and othersi San Francisco Sierra
MAPS Club, 1956.
Gerling, Curt. 85 p. Illus. 22cm.
Smugtown, U. S. A. Webster, N. Y., Plaza Publishers G513.L4 796.5! 56^3815 t
McAlpine (W. S.) Map Company. t 1957,
Avon Township, town 3 north, range 11 east, Oakland 22cm.
201 p. Livanos, Georges.
County, Michigan. Birmingham, Mich., 1953.
F129.R7G4: 917.4789 58-16149 t Aw deft de la verticale. tParisj Arthaud C 1958j
map 42 x 53 cm SGTp. Illus, 21cm. (SBper7lYUin,no35)
G4113.0215 1953.M2 ROCHESTER AND MANITOU RAILROAD G513X5 58-46336 t
Map 54-328
ROCHESTER, MINN. Maestri, Cesare.
Lo spigolo deU'infinito.
Gordon, William Reed, 1899- Royereto, Arti grafiche R. Man-
frini C 1955]
MAPS Manitou Beach trolley days, 1891-1925. [Rochester N" Y 201 p. Illus. 20cm.
Rochester visitor magazine.
1957, G513.M3 58-30522 J
112 p. lllus. 23cm.
Rochester visitor map :
city, Loop t and] area. HE4491.R68R544 57-38048 t
Rochester, Minn, J. S. Flynn. Uszniani, Ton!
coL maps 45 r 60 cm. or smaller, fold, to 23 x 16 cm. or smaller. Roccia e ghiaccio; guida tecnico-didattica,
G4144.R7 year.R6 Map 50-997 rev ROCHESTER, CHARLOTTE AND MANITOU Editrice arti grafiche ManfrinL 1954.
RAILROAD COMPANY 159 p. Illus. 23cm.
see Saint Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Gordon, William Reed, 1899-
Wright, Jerimiah Ernest Bamford, 1897-
Manitou Beach trolley days, 1891-1925. [Rochester, K Y, Rock climbinff in Britain. London, N". Kaye r 1958i
112 p. illus. 23cm.
142 p. illus. 22cm.
HE4491.R68R544 DA650.W73 796.52 58-44152 t
Interstate Publishing Company, inc., Everett, Mass.
Latest map of Dover, Rochester, Somersworth, New
Hampshire, with street index. Everett; distributed by
Dover News Kelly, Arthur P
Co., Dover [1955,
4 maps on sheet 56 x 71 cm. fold, to 22 x 11 cm. The R G and E story; a company dedicated to the public Illinois. Division of Waterways.
G3744.D6 1955.1 5 Map 55-887 service,
00 -
ST. Y 1957, Survey report for flood control, Rock Creek, Whiteside
lllus. 26cm.
County, 1946. [Springfield, 1946j
HD9685.U7R64 665.7065 13 p. map, diagr., plan. 23 on.
ROCHESTER, N.Y. TC425.R593A5 1946 627.4 A 47-3899 rev*

Greater Rochester commerce. ROCK CREEK PARK
[Rochester, N. Y.]
v. In illus. 24r-Sl cm. BIBLIOGRAPHY U. S. Congress. Senate.
HF1.R6 Committee on Interior and Insular
59-41651 t
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, N. T. Edu Affairs.
cational Research Office. Rock Creek Park. Hearings before the Committee on
DESCRIPTION Interior and Insular Affairs United States Senate,
Annotated bibliography of articles by Institute faculty Eighty-
members and about the Institute program. Sded. rBoches- fourth Congress, first session, on S. J. Res. 36, a joint resolu
Gerling, Curt.
Good enough for grandpa. tion for the preservation, of Bock Creek Park. February
lst ed, 3 Webster, N. Y., terj 1950.
Plaza Publishers [1958, 80 p. 23cm. 25 and 26, 1955. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955.
237 p. 21 cm. Z5055.U5R65 1950 016.607747 55-17942 t Yli,204p. folinup. 24cm.
F129.R7G39 917.4789 59-17812 J SB483JR65A52 55-61323

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Fosdick, Raymond Elaine, 1883-
ROCK-DRILLS DIRECTORIES John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a portrait. L
lst ed.) Xew York,
Harper C 1956]
Chttrin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich. 477 ports. 25cm.
Booth (R. C.) Enterprises, Earlan, Iowa. Ix, p. Illus.,

Tsep^He cimBJbi u ropnou #ejie. CBCP^.IOBCK, Toe. nayt- service. TAM

Township HD2769.04F6 923.373 56-6430
Rock Island County, Illinois,
Ho-Texu. 113^-no .inT-pu no Hepnoft HBexHon list.
maps, locating roster; alphabetical locater; mailing
1958 Newhall, Nancy (Wynne)
143 p. Illus. 23cm.
v. maps. 32 cm. A
contribution to the heritage of every American; the
TN279.C48 59-21049 G1408.R6B7 Map 55-864 conservation activities of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Prologue
by Fairfield Osborn ; epilogue by Horace Harden Albright.
Hinrichs, Klaus, engineer. lst ed.] New York, Knopf, 1957.
Hartmetall im Bergbau, beun Bohren, Schramen und MAPS t
179 p. illus. 33 cm.
Hobeln. Berlin, Springer, 1956. SB482.N4744 917 57-5655 rev t
131 p. Ulus. 24cm. Booth (R. C.) Enterprises, Harlem, Iowa.
A 56-5008 Bock Island County, Illinois, TAM service. Township ROCKEFELLER FAMILY
nilnola. Univ. Library list.
maps, locating roster; alphabetical locater; mailing
Harlan. Bealle, Morris Allison, 1891-
Markov, Ivan Aleksandrovich. v maps. 32 cm. House of Rockefeller; how a shoestring was run into 200
TeopHs n npaKTHKa npniteneHna rn^poiroHiiTopHHX 30- G1408.R6B7 Map 55-S64 billion dollars' intwo generations. Washington, All America
JIOT BCffiA no MaiepiiajiaM sapygesHOtl neiarn. MocKBa,

House [1959]
Foe. HayiHO-TexH. HSA-BO ne^xjiHOft n ropHO-Ton.inBHOft 287 21 cm,
JIHT-PH, 1958. ROCK-N-ROLL DANCING see Rock and roll p.
HC103.B39 338.80973 59-2208 J
135 p. illus. 22 cm. (SapyCeJKHast rexHHKa)
TN281.M3 59-32444
ROCK PRESSURE Gurnov, Boris Aleksandrovich.
MikhaHov, V G Bceryja no KOJICHO B Kpoitii, Bcer^a no Tpynawt amfleft . . .
CBepjieHHe mnypOB. CBCP^JIOBCK, Foe. HayiHO-Texn. H3fl-
CONGRESSES Paccicaa 06 OAHOM 113 mecrnflecflTit cewieftCTB anepHKaHCKHX
BO JIHT-PH no lepHofl H ijBeTHOtt ueiaoypriiH, 1947. MnjuriiapflepOB. MocKsa, Ilpanfla, 1957.
l&l Illus. 22 cm. 47 p. illus. 20 cm. (EHOjiHOTCKa "KoMcOMOJibCKOfl npaBAw")
p. International Strata Control Congress, Leipzig, 1958.
TN279.M5 54-44142 HC102.5.R55G8 58-33968 t
International Strata Control Congress 1958, Leipzig, Octo
ber 14th-16th, 1958. [Berlin, Deutsche Akademie der Wis-
Zenkov, F D Knoedler (M.) and Company, inc.
senschaften zu Berlin, Sektion fur Bergbau, 1958]
TpexmapomeiHue ^o.iOTa, oS.iacxL npiiMeHeinis 11
319, dip. Illus. 30cm.
family exhibit, for the benefit of the National Urban
orpaSoTKa ux. MOCKBE, Foe. Hayino-xexH. H3fl-so
TN153.1 5 1958cd 552.0153138 59^2216 League, April 6th through 25th, 1959, Knoedler Galleries,
iie$x.aHoJi n ropHO-xonviiiBHOfi Jinx-pbi, 1953. New York; selected oils, water colors, and drawings from
Microfilm Slavic 497 T Mic 56-4081 the collections of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Mauze", Mr. and Mrs.
International Strata Control Congress, Leipzig, 1958.
Internationale Gebirgsdrucktagung 1058, Leipzig, 14. bis
John D. Rockefeller, 3rd, Governor and Mrs. Nelson A.
ROCK ENGRAVINGS see Petroglyphs 16. Oktober 1958 ; Vortrage. Berlin, Akademie- V.erlag, 1958. Rockefeller, Mr. and Mrs. Laurance S. Rockefeller, Mr. and
16S,cxlp. Illus., ports. 80cm. Mrs. Winthrop Rockefeller and] Mr. and Mrs. David Rocke

TN153.1 5 1958c 59-44016 feller. New York] 1959.

ROCK-FLINT see Chert 46 p.

Ulus. 28 cm.
N5020.N4184 750.74 59-2730 J

ROCK-SALT Manchester, William Raymond, 1922-

Edwards, Alexander, 1904- A
Rockefeller family portrait, from John D. to Nelson.
Rock gardens; how to plan and plant them. New York, [1st ed., Boston, Little, Brown [1959]
Abelard-Schuman 1958j Fettke, Charles Reinhard, 1888- 184 p. Illus. 22cm.
265 p. Illus. 23cm. Preliminary report : occurrence of rock salt in Pennsylva E747.M33 929.2 59-8440 t
SB421.E3 1958 635.9672 58-3848 t nia. [Harrisburg] 1955.
sheet 77 1 61 cm. fold, to 23 x 16 cm. diagr. (Pennsylvania. Topo
graphic and Geologic Surrey. Progress report 145)
Foerster, Karl, 1874-
Der Steingarten der sieben Jahreszeiten. Eine Provinz [QE157.A293 no. 145] 55-9686 A
Pennsylvania. State University. Library Chamberlain, Samuel, 1895- ed.
aller baulichen und naturhaften Gkrtenkunst. Radebeulj c Rockefeller Center; a photographic narrative. Rev. ed.] t

Neumann [1955] New York, Hastings House [1956,

p illus.25 cm.
1955 56-23691 rev t
ROCK STREAMS see Rock glaciers 72 p. illus. 21 cm
917.471 56-1 1968 rev J
F128.8.R7C5 1956
Heath, Royton E
Shrubs for the rock garden and alpine house. With a ROCK WOOL see Mineral wool NATIONAL HEALTH BOARD
foreword by Compton Mackenzie. London, W. H. & L.
Heiser, Victor George, 1873-
Collingridge [1954, ROCKALL ISLAND AnAmerican doctor's odyssey; adventures in forty-five
191 p. Illus. 26 cm.
Fisher, James, 1912- countries. New York, Grosset & Dunlap C 1957, 1936]
SB435.H44 635.976 56-22946 t
544 p. Illus. 21 cm. (Grosset's universal library, UL-80)
Rockall. London, Bles t 1956 3

200 p. illus. 23cm. [R154] 926.1 57-4404 t

Klaber, Doretta. DA880.R6F5 Printed for A. B. P.
941.17 56-45698 %
Rock garden plants; new ways to use them around your
home. Illustrated by the author, jlsted-j New York, Holt 1873-
t !959]
178 p.
illus. 22cm.
SB454.K55 712.62 59-7101 J Rocker, Rudolf, 1873-
ROAD MAPS N t^n (pKi-rrfo) Djnttats> p
Walker, Charles Frederick. :ws*i jie .

The alpine garden. London, Collingridge [1954, Georgia. State Highway Dept.
83 p. I Hus.,coL plates. 22cm. Rockdale County, Georgia, prepared by the State 812 23 cm.
High- p. port.
A 58-547 way Dept. of Georgia, Division of Highway Planning, in co HX828.R6 A 56-70
Cincinnati. Public Libr.
operation with U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Public New York. Public Hbr.
Eoads. 1953. Rev. to show construction on State and Fed
ROCK GLACIERS eral Aid secondary routes to Jan. 1955. [Atlanta, 1955i ROCKERIES see Rock gardens
,,^p68x44cm -
(-* General hlghwav map.
* 122)
Domaradzki, Josef. Map 55-761 ROCKET- ASSISTED TAKE-OFF (AD3CRAFT)
Blockstrome im Kanton Graubunden; Untersuchung und
see Aeroplanes Assisted take-off
Beschreibung auf morphologischer Grundlage.
177-235 p. Illus. 24 cm. (Ergebnisse der wissenschaftllchen ROCKET ENGINES see Bombers Rocket
TJnterauchungeQ dee Schwelzerlschen National-parks, Bd. 3, n. F.)
43E697.D58 56-42644 t Rockefeller, Abby Greene (Aldrich) engines
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller's letters to her sister Lucy.
New York, C 1957. ROCKET FLIGHT see Space flight
ROCK HALL 328 p. 24cm.
CT275.R747A42 920.7 57-2277 t ROCKET LAUNCHERS (ORDNANCE)
Riirbairn, Charlotte Judd.
George Washington's
West Virginia;
lost plantation in Jefferson County, ROCKEFELLER, JOHN DAVISON, 1839-1937 see also Rockets (Ordnance)
illustrated by Gertrude G. Judd. Berry-
Va., Blue Ridge Press 1954]
illus. iScmT
t ^ Latham, Earl, ed.
E312.5.F3 975.499 64-42498 t John D. Rockefeller, robber baron or (Aeronautics) Launching
industrial states
man? Boston, Heath [1949]
115 p.
lected by the
24 cm. (Problems In American civilization; readings se ROCKET MAIL
Dept of American Studies, Amherst College, 7)
CT275.R75L3 923.373 59-42022 J MEXICO
Kevins, Allan, 1890- Rumbd, Oliver Keith.
Sanborn Map Company. John D. Rockefeller; a one-volume abridgement,
by Wil First international rocket mail, U. S. A.-Mexico, July 2,
Insurance maps of Rock Island, including Milan. liam Greenleaf, of Study in
Illinois, power. New York, Scribner 1936. Brownsville, Tex., Springman-Bjng Co., printers
Ed. of 1906 ; republished 1957. New York, 1957.
3 p, 83 (L e. 91) p. of col. maps. 34 cm. 871 p. illus. 22cm. 64 L illus., ports. 80cm.
G1409JR6S3 1957 Map 59-121 CT275.B75N45 923.373 59-7202 t HE6239.R6R8 58-8949
Library of Congress CatalogBooh: Subjects
KOCKET MAIL (Continued) SOCIETIES, ETC. DIRECTORIES Bidloborski, Eustachy.
Baketen, Satelliten, EaumscMfFe.Mlt einem Beitrag von
U. S..
Bridgewater, John. Diedrich Wattenberg: Kunstliche Satelliten der Erde.
Rumbei; Oliver Keith. Rocket amateur's guidebook; a guide to amateur rocketry Leipzig, Urania- Verlag 1958]
information sources for students, teachers, club sponsors, and
881 p. illus. 22cm.
First international rocket
mail, TJ. S. A.-Mexico, July 2 TL789.B49 58-39203 t
1936. Brownsville, Tex., Springman-King Co., printers public [Compiled by John Bridgewater and James

[1968] Mountain. New York, Space Products Corp., 1958,

24 p. 28cm. Bilimovich, Andy.
641. illus., ports. 30cm
Z5064.E6B7 Jets and missiles; complete pictorial and specifications of
HE6239.R6R8 383.1 58-8949
016.629134354 59-16734 t
the world's newest jet aircraft, rockets, and missiles. Los
see 128 p. illus 25cm. (Trend book 155)
Liquid propellant rockets TL670.B457 57-43260 J
see also Aeroplanes Rocket engines;
ROCKET MOTORS, SOLID PROPELLANT see Atmosphere, Upper Rocket observations;
Solid propellant rockets Ballistic missiles; Guided missiles; In Bol'shaTa sovetskaia entsiklopedifa.
terplanetary voyages; Jet propulsion; Eaketen- und Strahltriebwerke, [Deutsche Fassung:
ROCKET ORDNANCE see Rockets (Ordnance) Jupiter missile; Liquid propellant Hans-IQrich Geskej Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1958.
Sip. Illus. 21cm.
ROCKET PROJECTILES see Rockets (Ordnanci rockets; Noses (Aircraft); Nuclear TL782.B57 58-42070
rockets; Project Vanguard; Rocket mail;
ROCKET PROPULSION (AEROPLANES) see Rockets (Ordnance); Rockets, Sounding; Bonney, Everard Arthur.
Aeroplanes Rocket engines; Aerodynamics, propulsion, structures and design practice
Bombers Solid propellant rockets; Space ships;
Rocket engines Steam rockets
[by, E. Arthur Bonney, Maurice J. Zucrow andj Carl
Besserer. Princeton, N. J., Van Nostrand ,1956,
c W
595 p
ROCKET RESEARCH Abianfs, V Kh acll,

illus. 24 cm. (Principles of guided missile design, 2)
PeaETiiBHtte ABuraxejiii. *623.451 623.74 56-9727 rev
CteHorpauna nyChiiiHofl JTCK-
HHH, npointaHHOii B MOCKBC. MocKBa, SHamte, 1955.
29, 3] p
( 22 cm. (BcecowaHoe ofimecTBO no pacnpocrpaae-
illus Bowman, Norman John, 1918-
Harzer, Philippe. HWO nojiHTHsecKHX H Hayiuux 3HaHHft Cepiw 4, N2 24) The handbook of rockets and guided missiles. {1st ed.j
Be"bes lune et vrais H39.V82 1955, no. 24
satellites, notre avenir? Paris ' di 56-39038 Chicago, Perastadion Press, 1937.
tions Fleuve noir 328 p. illus. 22 cm.

TL78i H3
1 "3 '
1 P0rta " map ' dlagrs " facslma ' ^ cm -
Ahnstrom, D N TL782.BG A 57-2355
The complete book of jets and rockets. t lst ed.j Cleve *629.14353 629.13338
Iowa. State Coll Llbr.
land, World Pub. Co. 1957]
GERMANY 159 p. illus 29cm.

TL709.A4 57-5894 J Bowman, Norman John, 1918-

*629.14353 629.13435 The handbook of rockets and guided missiles. t
lst ed.j
Engel, Rolf, 1912- Whiting, Ind., Perastadion Press, 1957 t i. e. 1958,
Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutachen Eaketentechnik. Ahnstrom, D N 328 p. illus. 23cm.
German rocketry, a historical study. n. p., 1954. The complete book of jets and rockets. Eev. ed. Cleve TL782.B6 1958 58-2998
1761. dlagrs. 30cm. (Cerva-Report Nr. 6) land, World Pub. Co. C 1959] *629.14353 629.13338
TL781.E5 159 p. Illus. 29 cm.
*623.451 623.45432 57-42146
TL709.A4 1959 629.134353 59-10214 J British Interplanetary Society.
Realities of space travel; selected papers, edited by L. J.
ROCKET SHIPS see Space ships Aleksandrov, S G
Carter. London, Putnam, 1957.
cnyTHHEn H EOCMniecEaa paKeta. MocEsa. 431 p. Lllus map 23 cm. ,

TL790.A1B718 57-2474
ROCKETRY 231 p. illus. 20 cm. i
nayic CCCP. HayHHO-nonyjijtp-
*629.14353 629.1388
TL796.5.E8A66 59-36655 J
see also Lunar probes; British Interplanetary Society.
Space vehicles; Association of Missile and Rocket Industries.. Eealities of space travel,- selected papers, edited by L. J.
Space vehicles Propulsion systems Missile and rocket handbook. New
Washington, 1959- Carter. York, McGraw-Hill [1957]
1 T. (loose-leaf) 30 cm. 431 p. 23cm.
illus., map, diagrs., tables.

Ley, Willy, 1906-

UG633.A84 623.4519 59-2711 TL790A1B718 1957a *629.14353 629.1388 58-340
Rockets, missiles, and space travel Eev. and enl ed P Biideler, Werner, 1928-
New York, Viking Press, 1958. Astashenkov, comp.
ATOMHaa 3Heprn# B aBiiamtii H paiceTHOfi TCXHUKC To other worlds; telescopes, rockets, stars. Translated
xvl,528p. Illus., ports., maps, tables. 22cm. ; ctfop-
TL782.L43 1958a HHK craTea. MocKBa, Boen. HS^-BO, 1959. by A. L. Hebn. London, Burke 1954, t
58-4064 500 p. illus 21cm. 224 p. illus. 23cm.
(HayHHO-nony^npHas CnCraoTeKa)
UF767.A72 59^7927 QB44.B819 56-27387 t

Ley, Willy, 1906- Bates, David Robert, 1916- ed. Burgess, Eric.
Eockets, missiles, and space travel. Eev. and enl. ed., with Space research and exploration. Associate editor Patrick :
An introduction to rockets and spaceflight. [London]
additional satellite data. New York, Moore. Contributors : A. C. Clarke and others, London Hodder and Stoughton rl956i
Viking Press, 1958. c
96 21cm.
528 p.
xvi, Illus., ports., maps, dlagrs., tables ' 22 cm '
Eyre &
Spottiswoode, 1957.
p. Illus.

TL782.L-t;! 1958b 58-4028 224 p. Illus. 23cm. TL789.B87 1956 56-43386 J

*629.14353 629.1388 TL790.B3 1957 57-2973 J 629.14353 629.1388

Caldin, Martin, 1927-

AMATEURS' MANUALS Bates, David Robert, 1916-
Countdown for tomorrow; the inside story of earth satel
lites, rockets and missiles and the race between. American
Space research and exploration. Associate editor : Patrick
Parkin, Charles M ed. Moore. Contributors : A. C. Clarke t and others] New
and Soviet
288 p.
Illus. 21cm.
New York, Button, 1958.
The rocket handbook for amateurs; an illustrated guide W. Sloane Associates, 1958.
to the safe construction, testing, and TL796.C19 58-7818 J
launching of model 287 p. illus., dlagrs., tables. 22cm.
*629.14353 629.1338
rockets. Illustrated by H. L. Bibber. New York, J. Day TL790.B3 1958 58-5368
Co. 1959]
t *629.14353 629.1388 Coggins, Jack.
306 p. illus 22cm,
Eockets, satellites, and space travel, by Jack Coggins and
TL782.7.P3 629.134354 59-7670 J Fletcher Pratt. Edited by
Bergaust, Erik. Willy Ley. New York,Bandom
Eockets and missiles. New House
York, Putnam r!957i 64 p.
illus.. 29cm
illus. 28cm.

1958 t
*623.451 623.74 57-12205 J
RAPHY *629.14353 629.1388

Bridgewater, John. Bergaust, Erik.

Rockets around the world. New York, Putnam L 1958,i Coombs, Charles Ira, 1914r-
Eocket amateur's guidebook; a guide to amateur 47 p. nius. 28cm.
' r
rocketry Eockets, missiles, and moons. New York, Morrow, 1957.
information sources for students, teachers, club '
sponsors, and TTG630.B455 *623.461 623.74 58-10202 t
256 p. illus. 23 cm.
public officials. [Compiled by John Bridgewater and James TL782.5.C6 57-8687 t
Mountain. New York, Space Products Corp., 1958, *629.14353
24 629.1388
p. 28 cm. Bergaust, Erik.
Z5064.E6B7 016.629134354 59-16734 J Eockets of the Navy. Foreword by W. F. Baborn. New
York, Putnam C 1959] Coombs, Charles Ira, 1914-
BIBLIOGRAPHY 48 p. illus. 28cm. Survival in the sky. [Ne,w York] Morrow, 1956.
VG93.B4 623.4519 59-12946 J 28Cm '

U. S. TLMfT.oT 56_6577 t
Dept. of the Army.
Missiles, rockets, and space in war and Berkner, Lloyd Viel, 1905- ed. *629,1072 629.13072
peace. [Washing
ton] Dept. of the Army, 1959. Manual on rockets and satellites. Associate editors: Gil-
v, 94 p. diagr. 26 cm. man Eeid, John Hanessian Jr., Leonard Cormier. Crandall, Stephen H ed.
London, Random
Z5064.A8U5 1959 016.6291388 59-64067 New York, Pergamon Press C 1958, vibration, by Stephen H. Crandall and others. c

xx, 508 p. Illus., maps. 25 cm. (Annals of the International Geo- 2d ed.Cambridge] Technology Press of the Massachusetts
pnystcal Year, v. 6) Institute of Technology t C
JUVENILE LITERATURE QC801.3.S& vol.6 629.13882 59-213 423 p.
!959, 1958]
illus. 24 cm. (Technology Press boots in science and

Cox, Donald William. Besserer, C W TL67L6XJ7 1959 620.101 59-15590 J

Eocketry through the ages, by Donald Cox and Michael Missile engineering handbook.
Princeton, N. J., Ducrocq, Albert, 1921-
Stoiko. Illus. by W. A. Kocher. [1st ed.] Philadelphia, Nbetrand t !958]
Winston 1959, diagrs., tablea. 28 cm. L'age de la reaction. Paris, Nouvelles Editions latines
C (Principle, of guided miasile
41 p. illus. 24cm.
TL782.5.C68 629.134354 59-7533 J TJG630P72 vol.4 *628.451 628.74 68-8433
186 p. illus. 19cm, (La Decourerte)
TL709.D77 57-24183 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROCKETS (AERONAUTICS) (Continued) Hall, Gilbert Kaznevskii, Viktor Pavlovich.

A digital electronic data recording system
for pulse-time
HcKyccTBeHHHe cnyTimKii SCMJIH 100 BonpocoB n OTBCTOB. ;

Epstein, Beryl (Williams) 1910- telemetering. Edited by Robert

M. Slavin. Cambridge,
IIo^ pefl. B. IT. KasiieBCKoro. MocKsa, 1 959.
The rocket pioneers on the road to space, by Beryl Wil Research Directorate, Air Force Cam 95 p. illus. 20 cm.
Mass., Geophysics
liams and Samuel Epstein. Foreword by Andrew G. Haley. bridge Research Center, 1953. TL796.K36 59-47111 J
28 cm. (Instrumentation for geophysical
New York, J. Messner [1955, 47 p Illus., diagrs.

241 p. Illus. 22cm. 53-61831

TL781.E6 55-6921 J
Kaznevskii, Viktor Pavlovich.
*629.134353 629.13338
Pa3BCA^HKH MCJKnjtaHeTHoro npocxpancTBa. IIo^ nay^.
Hall, Tord. pefl. B. B. .HorfpoHpaBOBa. MocKaa, ^OCAAO, 1957.
Satelliter och rymdfarder. [Stockholm] Bonnier !958j t 103 p. illus. 21 cm.
124 p. illus. 20 cm. TL782.K39 58-19185
Epstein, Beryl (Williams) 1910- TL796.H3 58-37311 J
The rocket pioneers on the road to space, by Beryl Wil
liams and Samuel Epstein. Introd. by Wernher von Braun.
New York, Messner C 1958i Kemp, Barron.
241 p. illus. 22cm. Hansen, Leo. What makes guided missiles tick. 1st ed. New York,
TL781JE6 1958 58-14870 J Rumfart og raket-teknik. K^benhavn, H. Hirschsprung, American Electronics Co., 1958.
*629.13435S 629.13338 1958. 95 p. Illus. 22cm.
144 p. illus. 22cm. UG630.K36 58-8021
TL780.H3 59-20083 I

Feodos'ev, V I

Buefleime B paKCTHyio TexHUKy. .HonymeHO B raiecrse

yie6. nocooitK ^ix. Bwcmnx TCXH saae^ennft. Moocua, Toe. Hollinson, Harry.
Khlebtsevich, ftTril Sergeevich.
Rockets and space ships. Illustrated by Leslie Butler &
USA-BO odop. npOMHnr.1., 1936. BJieHHe KOCMH^CCKHMH paKCTaMii; no na-
875 p. Illus., ports. 23 cm. Cecil Bayly, from detail sketches & designs by the author.
TL782.F4 xepna^aM "BocicpecuHx iTeimtt" EojiHTexna^ecKoro Myaea
57-20568 [London, Perry Colour Books, 1953 ?] H3 IJHKJia "COBpeMCHHHe npO^JICMH aCTpOHaBTHKIl." Mo-
22 p. Illus, 18cm. (A Do you know book)
TL782.5.H6 55-4486 J CKsa, SnaiiHe, 1955.
30, [2j p. Illua. 22 cm. (BcecoioaHoe oOmecTBO no pacnpocrpa-
*629.14353 629.13338 HCHHIO noflHTHiecKHx H HayHHUX 3Hannft. CepHH iv, Na 39)
Fritz, Alfred, 1911- H39.V82 1955,no.39a 59-46997
Start in die dritte Dimension. Mit 52 Zeichnungen voa
Holmes, David C 1919-
p. illus.
Stuttgart. Herold-Verlag
22 cm.
!958 1
What's going on in space? A chronicle of man's explora
TL781.F7 tion into space beyond this earth. New York, Funk & Wag- Kochel, Ger. Wasserbau-Versuchsanstalt Kochelsee.
59-25544 J
nails [1958] Die aerodynamische EntwickJung der Fernrakete A9
256 p. illus. 21cm.
TL789.H6 58-7283 t (A4b) Kochel, 1945.
Microfilm 293 TL Mic 54-932
*629.14353 629.1388
Gartmann, Heinz, 1917-
The men behind the space rockets. [Translated from the
German by Eustace Wareing and Michael Glenny, New Hooftman, Hugo.
Kosmodem'ianskii, Arkadil Aleksandrovich.
York, D. McKay Co. t 1956j Start in de toekomst der luchtvaart van morgen en over- SnaMeniiTHft 3.
185 Illus. 22cm. fleaiejit nayKii K. ZJnojiKOBCKittt. 2.,
morgen. Met een voorwoord van A. Viruly. Amsterdam, iicnp. H ^on. iisfl. MocKBa, Boen. HS^-BO, 1954.
TL781.G313 56-13938 t Van Holkema & Warendorf 133 p. illus., ports, 20 cm.
[1953 3 (HayHHO-nonyjwpHajr CnCflHOTeKa
*629.14353 629.13338 234 p. plates. 23 cm. co^Aara H Marpoca)
A 55-512 TL540.T84K63 1954 55-24966
Mass lust of Teen. Library

Gartmann, Heinz, 1917- Lancaster, Otis E ed.

Traumer, Forscher, Konstrukteure: das Abenteuer der Humphries, John. Jet propulsion engines.
Princeton, N. J., Princeton Uni
Weltraumfalirt. Diisseldorf, Econ-Verlag [1955, PaKCTHwe flBHraieJiH H ynpaBJiaeiiLie CHapa^H. versity Press, 1959.
328 p. plates, ports. 21cm. c anrjinflcKoro E. T. Saxaposofl H H. A. IlaBJiOBa. Ilofl pe^.
A 55-775 K). A. A^anacteBa. MOCKBE, HSA-BO HHOCxpaHHOft JIIIT-PH,
Mass. Inst. of Tecli. Library TL709.L33 629.134353 58-5030
302 p. iUus. 21cm.
TL782.H817 59-24539
Lau, Gerhard.
Gartmann, Heinz, 1917- Die Welt wird grosser; das technische Wunder der Raum-
Humphries, John.
Traumer, Forscher Konstrukteure; das Abenteuer der Rockets and guided missiles; with a foreword by A. D. fahrt, fliegende Untertassen, Raketen, kunstliche Satelliten.
Weltraumfahrt 2. erweiterte Aufl., Dusseldorf, Econ-
Baxter. London, E. Benn .[1956] Lahr, Schwarzwald, Astra, 1956
94 p. plates, ports., dlagrs. 23cm.
Verlag t 1955! 229 p illus. 22cm
334 p. Illus. 21cm. TL782.H8 56-2762 J Mass.tnst.ofTech
TL781.G3 1955 56-25170 t Ll brary

Gatland, Kenneth Wffliam, 1924- ed.

Humphries, John. Lent, Constantin Paul, 1909-
Project satellite. Illustrated with photos, and drawings
Rockets and guided missiles. With a foreword
by A. D. Rocket-jet and missile engineering. Jacket design and
by John W. Wood. London, Wingate t 1958] Baxter. 2d (corrected) impression. New York. Macmil- illus. by the author. 1st issue. New York, Pen-Ink Pub
189p. Illus. 23cm. t

TL796.G3 1958 lan [1957, '1956] Co. [1958,

58-935 J
231 p. illus., diagrs , tables. 23 cm. unpaged. Illus. 28cm.
*629.14353 629.1388
TL782.H8 1957 *629.14353 629.1338 57-2554 TL781X33 58-1975 t
*629.14353 629.1388

Gaul, Albro Tilton.

The complete book of space travel. Illustrated by Janssen, Carl Enul Luplau, 1889- Ley, Willy, 1906-
Finlay, and including an album of historical space travel art Rockets missiles, and space travel. Rev. and
enl. ed. New
prepared by Sam Moskowitz. [1st ed.] Cleveland, World reVlu York, Viking Press, 1957.
Pub. Co. [1956! TL789 J34 ' rr,528p. lllus., ports., maps, tables. 22cm,
58-32151 J
159 29cm. TL782.L43 1957 67_
p. illus.
55_5287 + *629.14353 629.1388
*629.14353 629.1388 Jarzabek, D
Loty kosmiczne. Wyd. 2.
Warszawa, Wiedza B
popr. L&punov, V
K Powszechna, 1953.
Gfl'zin, A 168 p. Ulns. 21cm. PaKera; paEeraaa TexHHKa H peaKTHB H a
aBnarjH*. Mo-
OT paieiH AO KocHiecKoro KopafoH. C 2., nepep. HS^.J TL782.5.J32 1953 59-20054 t
CKBa, Boea. H3A-BO, 1954.
Mocssa, Toe. HS^-BO otSop. npOMLinui., 1954. (Haywo-nony^pHajt CwfijiHOTeKa cojwara n Marpoca)
110 p. Ulus., ports. 22 cm. Microfilm Slavic 419 AC
Microfilm copy (negative) Joubert de la Ferte; Sir PhiUp
Microfilm Slavic 585 AC Bennet, 1887-
Rocket. London, Hutchinson
TL782.5.G5 1954 57-33782 [1957]
180 p. lilus. 22cm LApunov, B V
UG630.J68 195T *623.451 623.74 57-1449 J PaccKasn o paKciax. 2. jon. i I3
^. Mocicna, 1'oc. 3aepr.
3J3fl-BO, 1955.
Gloria,Ruben M Joubert de la FertS, Sir Phflip Bennet, 1887-
174 p. linn., ports. 20cm.
The failure of pressurized thin-walled cylinders. Pasa- Microfihn copy (negative)
Philosophical Library t 19573 _._ _ Microfilm Slavic 504 AC
62 L illua., dtagn., tables. 29 cm. (Guggenheim Aeronautical
Bocke^ew^York, TL782.5.L5 1955
TJG630J68 1957a *623.451 628.74 57-59473 J 58-46662
Laboratory, California Institute of Tedmolo^GALCIT report)
TL67L6.G55 *629.143 629.13431 58-25373

Kalnin, Andre\ 1908-

Link, FrantiSek.
Le turborSacteur et autres moteurs a Raketove" lety a rfzkum vysokfi
Haley, Andrew Gallagher. A atmoafery. Vyd. 81

Eocketry and space exploration.

Nostrand f 1958
Princeton, N. J., Van Kalnin
Dunod, 1958.
^ reaction, par
M, Laborie. Pr6f. de M. Desbrueres.
Praha, Nakl. Ceskoslovenske" akademie v6d, 1957.
235 p. Illus. 21 cm, ^^^
(CetlcMloveoakd. flkBrt"nlf) TSd. Sekce mate,
matlcko-fyslkdlnt. V6da Tfiem, r. 17)
334p. Ulus. 27cm. 401 p. Ulna. 25cm. TL782.L5 1957 58-16049 t
TL782.5JH3 629.134354: 58-14413 t TL709.K32 59_ m49 j

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROCKETS (AERONAUTICS) (Continued) Oberth, Hermann, 1894- Stine, George Harry, 1938-
Menschen im Weltraum; neue Projekte fur Raketen- und Rocket power and space flight. [1st ed,] New York, Holt
Linke, Felix, 1879- Raumfahrt. l. Aufl.] Dusseldorf, Econ-Verkg [1954,
t t 1957j
256 p. plates, port, map, dlagrs 21cm. 182 p. Ulus. 25cm
Raketenflug ins WeltaU. Die Eroberung des Universums 57-11690
durch den Menschen. Munchen, Mass. lost of Tech.
A 55-2927 TL782.5.S8 J

278 p illus 21cm. Franzis-Verlag 1952] c Library *629.14353 629.1388

TL790.L49 57-35501
Petrov, Viktor Pavlovich. Sutton, George PauL
PaKCTii i cynyxHHKn. Rocket propulsion elements; an introduction to the engi
KIIIB, ,3[epac. BU^-BO TCXH. jrif-pn
Mallan, Lloyd. YPCP, 1958. neering of rockets. 2d ed. New York, Wiley [1956J
261 illus 20 cm. 483 p. Illus. 22cm.
Men, rockets and space rats. Foreword by T. S. Power. p. (HayKOBO-nonyjisipHa 6i6moTena)
TL782.S8 1956 56-8967 J
New York, J. Messner c TL782.5.P38 59-29251 t
335 p. Illus. 22cm. *629.14353 629.13338
TL781.M26 55-7257 J
*629.14353 629.13338
Principles of guided missile de&ign. Editor : Grayson Merrill
[Princeton, N. J., Van Nostrand, 1955- Ulanoff, Stanley.
v. iUus., diagrs., tables. 24 cm. Illustrated guide to TJ. S. missiles and rockets. t
lst ed. 3

Mallan, Lloyd. UG630.P72 *623.451 623.74 57-573 Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday r !959]
128 illus. 24cm.
Men, rockets and space rats. Foreword by T. S. Power p.
58-12817 t
TL781.U4 623.4519
New York, J. Messner [1958]
336 p. illus. 22cm.
TL781.M26 1958 58-2997 t
La Propulsion par fusees, par Marcel Barrere cet a! Pre~f. U. S. Army Ordnance Missile Command.
*629.14353 629.13338
de Maurice Roy. Liege, Sciences et lettres f 1957i General procurement information on guided missile pro
389 p. illus. 25cm.
TL782.P76 57-59506 1 grams, rockets, and target drones. Washington, Office of
the Secretary of Defense, Central Military Procurement
May, Roger. Information Office, 1959.
40.000 i. e. Quarante milk] kilometres a Pheure. niustre*
t 28p. 24cm.
de 16 pages hors-texte. Paris, Flammarion [1958j UC263.A5113 355.82 59-60958 t
268 p. illus. 22 cm. (Collection "L'Aventure v5cue") Russell, John L
TL551.5.M3 58-2184 J Destination: space. Staff editor: Arthur M. MikeselL
Chicago, Popular Mechanics Press [1959 3
160 p. Illus 24cm.
U. S. Dept. of the Army.
TL782.5JR8 629.1388 59-6856 J
Mebus, Hans Georg. Army missiles, rockets. [Washington, U. S. Govt Print.
Berechnung von Raketentriebwerken. Fiissen. C F Off.] 1958.
Winter [1957] 26cm
39 p.
120 p. Illus. 22cm. Sanger, Eugen. UG633.A482 1958 623.4519 58-61515 J
TL783.M4 59-35333 Entwicklungsstand 1957 der unbemannten Flugkorper,
Uberschall-Fluggerate und Raumfahrzeuge. Munchen, R.
Oldenbourg, 1957. U. S. Library of Congress. Legislative Reference Service.
141 p. illus. 30 cm. (MItteUungen ans dem Forechungslnstttut
Merkulov, I A lr Physlk der Strahlantriebe, Stuttgart, 12) Guided missiles in foreign countries, prepared for the
KocMiiiecKiie paiceTBi. Us ijnKj:a jreKqnfi "CoBpeneHHi>ie TL781.S3 Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate,
58-48149 t
npoCjieMti acxpOHaBTiiKii" (no MaTepiiajcau "BoctcpecuBix Eighty-fifth Congress, first session, by Eilene Galloway, na
iTCHHft" ITojiiiTexH. Mvsefl) MocEBa, Snaniie, 1955 tional defense analyst. Washington, TJ. S. Govt. Print. Off.,
31 p. Illus. 22 cm (BcecoioaHoe ofimecTBO no pacnpocrpaHCHHio 1957.
noJiHTHHecttHX H HayHHbix: SHaHHft. Cepra 4, N 36) Sanger, Eugen.
v, 73 p. illus., fold, map 24 cm.
H39. V82 1955, no. 36 56-30993 Die Wege des Strahlfluges. Munchen, R, Oldenbourg. UG630.U6443 57-61507
14 p. 30 cm. (Mittellungen aus dem Forscliungs-
diagrs., tables.
institut fUr Physik der StraUantrlebe e. V., Stuttgart, 3)
Merkulov, I A TL709.S25 58-48981
IIojieT B MHposoe npocTpancxBO. United States National Committee for the International
paser MocKsa, .HOC
AAO, 1958. Geophysical Year.
88 p. 20 cm. USNC-IGY rocketry and satellite programs. Washing
TL781.M4 59-20757 Sargeant, Charles. ton, National Academy of Sciences, National Research
How to draw rockets & spaceships. London, New York, Council, 1956.
Studio Publications t !958] 41 L 28 cm.
61 p. Illus. 18 cm. 551 56-62479
Mielke, Heinz, astronomer. ^C801.3.U64
Der Weg ins All; Tatsachen und Probleme des Weltraum- NC825.R6S3 743.8962913338 59-3351 t

fluges. [1. Aufl.] Berlin, Verlag Neues Leben, 1956. Vaeth, Joseph Gordon, 1921-
234 p illus.
200 miles up ; the conquest of the air. 2d ed. New
TL789.M5 57-23522 upper
Sears, Richard I York, Ronald Press Co. t !955]
261 illus, 24cm.
Flight determination of drag of normal-shock nose inlets p.

with various cowling profiles at Mach numbers from 0.9 to QC879.V3 1955 55-11779 t
Mielke, Heinz, astronomer.
1.5, by R. I. Sears, C. F. Merlet, and L. W. Putland. Wash
Der Weg ins All; Tatsachen und Probleme des Weltraum-
ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1956 i. e. 1957]
[Berlin] Die Buchgemeinde [Vorwort, 1957]
fluges. 19 p. diagrs. 30 cm. ([F. National Advisory Committee for
581 p. illus. 21cm. Aeronautics Report 1281 )
Vaeth, Joseph Gordon, 1921-
TL789.M5 1957 58-40035 t TL521.A33 no. 1281 200 miles up; the conquest of the upper air. 2d ed., rev.
*629.123 629.13234 57-61331
Copy 2. TL782.S44 print New York, Ronald Press Co. C 1956]
261 p. Illus. 24 cm.
Mine, Leon. QC879.V3 1956 56-58588 J
Silniki przyszlolci. [Warszawai Prasa Woiskowa C 1950i *629.14353 629.18338
187 p tllus. 25cm.
Shternfel'd, A A
Le vol dans 1'espace cosmique. Traduit du russe par Paul Zaehringer, Alfred J
Kolodkine. Paris, fiditeurs francais re*unis 1954i r
Solid propellant rockets, an introductory handbook.
195 p. illus. 18cm, (Toutsavolr)
Wyandotte, Mich., American Rocket Co., 1955 r i. e. 1956,'
Moore, Patrick. TL789.S514 55-18817 t I62p. illus. 22cm.
Rockets and earth satellites. Illustrated by Patricia TL782.Z3 56-1587 %
Cullen. London, Muller t !959, 1958; stamped: distributed *629.14353 629.13338
by Sportshelf New Rochelle, N. T.j

144 p. Illus. 19cm. ( The Mechanical age library)

Siniarev, Gennadi! Borisovich.
Zucrow, Maurice Joseph, 1899-
TL782.5.M6 629.1388 59-3196 J Aircraft and missile propulsion. New York, Wiley [1958-
^KH^KOCTHBIC paKCTHHe ^BHraicjiH ; xeopmi H npoeKTHpo- T. illus. 24cm.
BaHHe. ^onymeHO B KaiecxBe y?e(3HHKa fl TL709.Z78 58-6088 J
MocKsa, Toe. HSA-BO o(5op. npoifLima., 1955. *629.14353 629.13338
487 p. Illus. 23cm.
Najnowsze konstrukcje lotnicze; praca zbiorowa. Napedy.
TL782.S5 56-32717
t Autorzy:
Wiktor StybursH et al. Wyd. L] Warszawa,
Panstwowe Wydawn. Techniczne, 1957. AMATEUR'S MANUAL
154, cli p. Illus. 24 cm.
TL701.N3 59-20130
James, George S
Siniarev, Gennadi! Borisovich. Rocket building for students. Glendale, Calif., Rocket
3KHflKOCTHHe paKCTHiie ^BEtraiejiH; leopaa H npoeiTHpo- Research Institute t 1958]
Newell, Homer Edward, 1915-
saHHe. 2., nepep. H flon. H3fl. MocKBa, Toe. HS^-BO o5op. 80 p. Illus. 28cm.
Guide to and satellites. Illustrated with,
rockets, missiles,
npoMHnuc., 1957. TL782.5.J8 58-22704 J
photos, uucl diagrs. Diagrs. by Anne Marie Fauss. [1st ed.j 579 p. illus. 23 cm.
"629.14853 629.13338
New York, Whittlesey House [1958] TL782.S5 1957 58-34066
54 p. illus. 26cm
UG630.N44 623.451 58-13012 t BIBLIOGRAPHY
Smith, Stephen H
Rocket mail catalogue and historical survey of first experi International Astronautical Federation.
Oberth, Hermann, 1894- ments in rocketry. 2d rev. ed. ; corrections and additions by List of literature of the lAF-archives. Specification de
Man into space; new projects for rocket and space travel. Max Kronstein and J. Dellenbag. Jamaica, N. Y., F. Billig, la litterature aux archives de la IAF. Literaturverzeichnis
Translated by G. P. H. De Freville. New York, BJtrper 1955, des IAF- Archives. Baden, Switzerland, 1956.
ti282p. Illus. 22cm.
68 p.
Illus. 23 cm.
(Bung's specialized catalogues, T. 3)
18 L 30cm.
TL790.O283 56-6039
*629.14353 629.1388

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Blast off the complete book of rockets and missiles. New
BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) ;

York, Ridge Press, 1958.

Partel, Glauco.
Moscow. Publichnaia biblioteka. Dizionario di tecnica dei razzi e d'astronautica, tech

A 64 p. lllus. 21 cm.
P210.C78B1 58-2019
nical dictionary of rockets and astronautics. Roma, Istituto

oSsop jniTepaxypu. MocKBa, 1956. poligrafico dello State, 1955.

27 p. 17 cm. (HoBOCTH TBXHHKH, awn. 3)
Z5064.R6M6 57-45524 A 57-3506 Orson, Hazel W
Illinois. Unlv. Library
Peter and the unlucky rocket. Pictures by William
Marsh. Chicago, Benefic Press [1959 3

U. S. Dept. of the Army. DICTIONARIES RUSSIAN 05 p. illus. 21 cm.

Missiles, rockets and satellites. [Washington] 1958. PE1127.S3C6 629.13338 59-12336 \
5v. 26cm.
Akademiia nauk SSSR. Komitet tekhnicheskol terminologii.
Z6724.G8U48 58-61579 Mo-
Tepjiuumonia AIIJLOCTHHX paKCTKHX Acuraxeieft
*016.628451 016.62374
cKBa, Il3,VBO Aka^eMiiu nayK CCCP, 1953 Crosby, Alexander L
(It8 CfiOpHHKH pCKOMCHAyeMblX TCpMHHOB, Bbin 16) Rockets into space, by Alexander L. Crosby and
AC Mic 56-4252 Nancy
U. S. Dept. of the Army. Army Library. Microfilm Slavic 478 Larrick. Illustrated by Denny McMains. New York, Ran
Guided missiles, rockets and artificial satellites, including dom House [1959]
82 p. lllus. 24 cm.
project vanguard; a selected list of titles. [Washington!
1957. U. PZ10.C87Ro 59-12360
S. Library of Congress. Reference Dept. J
153 p 26 cm. ( Its Special bibliography no 11)
Russian-English glossary of guided missile, rocket,
Z6724.G8TJ55 57-60456 satellite terms, compiled by Alexander Rosenberg. Wash
"016.623451 016.62374
ington, 1958. Gottlieb, William P
vl, 352 p. 27 cm. Jets and rockets and how they work. Photographs by the
TL782.U5 58-60055 author. Drawings by John W. Marshall, Paul Hodge, and
U. S. Engineer School. Library.
*629.1435303 C29.1333803 Ed Dahlia. Foreword by William J. O'Donnell. Garden
Guided missiles and rockets, a bibliography, 1946-1956.
Copy 3. Books [1959]
Fort Belvoir, Va., 1956. City, N. Y., Garden City
50 p. 27cm. 55 p. lllus. 25cm.
Z6724.G8U53 56-63818 t PZ10.G577Je 59-8611
"016.623451 016.62374

Beighley, Clair Myron, 1924- Joseph, Alexander.

COLLECTED WORKS Rocket motor performance with white fuming nitric acid Rockets into space. Consulting editor: Paul F. Brand-
and jet engine fuel at high combustion pressures. Ann wein sketches by Don Merrick. Chicago, Science Research

U. S. Air Force Missile Development Center, HoUoman Air Arbor, University Microfilms [1956] Associates, "1955.
Force Base, N. M. ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 18,896) 48 p. illus. 22cm. (Modern world of science series)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,896 Mic 56-3848 TL782.J6 55-1985 %
Technical report.
Holloman Air Force Base, N. M. Purdue Univ. Library *629.14353 629.13338
v. lllus. 27cm.
UG633.A18 623.4519 59-60360 t
Knight, Clayton, 1891-
Paushkin, lA M Rockets, missiles, and satellites. New York, Grosset &
XiiMunecKiifl coerau n CBoftcTsa peaKTnuHHX xonjiiiB. Mo- Dunlap r 1958]
CONGRESSES CEua, Hs MK> AKaflewim Hays CCCP, 1958.
r 61 p. lllus. 29 cm.
375 p. lllus. 27 cm. TL782.5.K58 58-4450 t
TL785.P3 58-47175 *629.14353
ASME-ARS Aviation Conference, DaUas, 1958. 629.1838

[Papers] New York, American Rocket Society rl958i

27 v. Illus. 28cm. Penner, S S
TL505.A2 1958 *623.451 623.74 58-40037 J Chemistry problems in jet propulsion. London, New Lewis, Luther Erastus, 1923-
York, Pergamon Press, 1957. Rocket science for amateurs. Prelim, ed. Norman, Okla.,
xiv, 394 p. (International series of mono
dlagrs., tables. 23 cm. Sooner Science Publications, 1958.
graphs on aeronautical sciences and controlled flight Division 8: 501. illus. 28cm.
Congres international des matenaux pour Taviation et les propulsion systems Including fuels, v. 1)
TL782.5.L45 629.13838 69-24516 t
projectiles-fusees. 1st, Paris, 1955. TL785.P4 1957 57-14445
Materiaux et techniques pour les engins-fusees et 1'avia- *629.14353 629.13435
tion ; recueil des conferences prononcees lors du 1" Congres
international des materiaux pour 1'aviation et les projectiles- May, Julian.
fusees, Paris, Maison de la chimie, du 28 mars au I" ami U. S. Army. Chemical Corps. Chemical and Radiological There's adventure in rockets. Illustrated by Frank 0.
1955. Paris, A. E. B. A., 1956. Laboratories, Army Chemical Center, Md. Murphy. Chicago, Popular Mechanics Press t 1958]
28cm. 192 p illus. 21 cm. (Popular mechanics career book]
Storage and handling of red and "white fuming nitric acid ;
650,23&p. Illns., tables.
TL780.C64 1955 58-42327 formal report, submitted by Paul Henderson. [Washington, PZ10.M455Tk 68-6944 J
U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Office of Technical Services, 1955 ?,
Cranfield on and vi,64p. lllus., tables 27cm.
Symposium High Altitude Satellite
TL785.U52 55-61169
Rockets, Gran-field, Eng., 1957. Pratt, Fletcher, 1897-
High altitude and satellite rockets ;
a symposium held at All about rockets and jets; illustrated by Jack Coggins.
Cranfield, England, 18th-20th July 1957. New York, Random House [1955]
Aeronautical Society, 1958.
London, Royal Warren, Francis A 139 p. illus, 24cm, (Allabout books)
136 p. lllus., map, dlagrs., tables. 2$ cm. Rocket propellants. New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp. TL782.5.P7 55-6059 J
TL780.C7 1957a 629.134354 59-16251 i!968, *629.14353 629.13338
218 p. lllus. 24cm.
TL785.W3 662.666 58-13585 J
Cranfield Symposium on High Altitude and Satellite Rock
ets, Cranfield, Eng., 1957. Pratt, Fletcher, 1897-1956.
High altitude and satellite rockets; a symposium ... held
White, Wayne Bertrand, 1912- All about rockets and jets. Illustrated by Jack Coggins.
at Cranfield, England, 18th-20th July 1957. New
Calculation of specific impulse and other rocket perform t 2d ed New York, Random House [1958]
York, ance characteristics [byj W. B. White, H. K. Kallmann, 140 p. Illus. 24cm. (Allabout books, A-13)
Philosophical Library, 1959. TL782.5.P7 1958
136 p. lllus., map, dlagrs., tables. 28 cm. [and-, C. P. Bahmian. Santa Monica, Calif. Rand Corn . 629.13338 58-9735 t
TL7SO.CT 1957 629.134354 1950.
v, 23 1 tables 28 cm. ([Rand Corporation] Research memo
randum, RM-417) Taylor, John William Ransom.
Q180.A1R36 no. 417 56-18065 Rockets and satellites work like this. With 60 illus. by
Stuttgart Forschungsinstitut fur Physik der Strahlan- John W. Wood. London, Phoenix House; New York, Roy
triebe. Publishers [1959,
Internationale Tagung iiber Staustrahlen und Raketen, in FUEL BIBLIOGRAPHY 71 p. lllus. 26 cm. (The "Science works like this" series)
Freudenstadt vom 6.-8. Februar 1955, hrsg. von Eugen TL782.5.T35 629.1888 59-6658 t
Sanger und Irene Sanger-Bredt. Stuttgart, Verlag Flug- U. S. Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and
technik, 1956.
858 p. lllus 30cm. neering) O-fftce of Fuels, Materials and Ordnance.
(Its Mlttellungen 6)
TL780.S85 57-24948" Bibliography of research and development on protective
clothing for handlers of rocket fuels. Washington 1958.
15 p. 26 cm. LAUNCHING
Z6724.P57U5 016.67768 59-60755 t
DICTIONARIES Gordon, Theodore J
First into outer space cbyj Theodore J. Gordon and Julian
cJiosapb no paiceTHoft xexHHKe. CocraaHa A. M. JUVENILE LITERATURE Scheer. New York, St. Martin's Press 1959i
MypamseBHi, 19Tp. lllus. 22cm,
MocKBa, Toe. nsfl-ao $n3HEO-MaxeMaTHie-
CKOft JIIT-PH, 1958. Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, 1915-
TL799.M6G6 629.13885 59-13833 t
231 p. 17cm.
book of moon rockets for you. IUustrated by Leonard
TL782A5 59-18428 Kessler. New York, CroweU t 1959, J
unpaged, lllns. 21x23 cm.
PZlO.B65Bm 69-11294 j
Herrick, John W ed.
Rocket encyclopedia, illustrated. Chief editor: John W.
Bfideler, Werner, 1928-
Frank, Robert G
Herrick associate editor : Eric Materials for rockets and missiles c
Burgess, Illustrator : Wayne by] Robert G. Frank

Lanford. Los Angeles, Aero Publishers t 1959, Mit der Rakete zur Weltraumstation. rMuncheni F " c and] William F. Zimmerman. New York, Macmillan [1959,
607 p. mug., port*, dlagrs. 28cm. Schneider [1954j
TL780.5JI4 629.134354 59-8488
WIMC TL784.8.F7 629.13838 57-10013 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


MATERIALS (Continued)
see also Guided missiles; Rockets AHMo-pyccKnfi c-iosapt no paKWHOfi TCXKHEC. CoctaBitJi A. M.
U. S. Mr Force. Air Research and Development Com (Aeronautics); V-2 rockets MypamKCBHi. MocKsaj Foe. IISA-BO ^nsriKO-MaTeMaTHHe-
mand. CEOii JiiiT-ptr, 1958.
231 p. 17 cm.
Technical Symposium, Materials Research, Association of Missile and Rocket Industries.
Development, TL782.A5 59-18428
and Application, 9-10 July 1958, Statler-Hilton Missile and rocket handbook. Washington, 1959-
Dallas, Texas. [Technical papers. Washington, 1058, ]
1 v. (loose-leaf) 30 cm.
vi,494p. lima., dlagrs. 27cm. UG633.A84 623.4519 59-2711
UG633.A47 1958b 620.1 59-60414 JUVENILE LITERATURE
Bergaust, Erik.
Rockets around the world. New York, Putnam 1958j Buitenkant, Nathan, 1919-
MATERIALS CONGRESSES 47 p. illus. 28cm. All about missiles and satellites, by David Mark [pseud.]
UG630.B455 *623.451 623.74 58-10202 J New York, Cowan Pub. Corp. !959] t

96 p illus. 23cm.
Congres international des materiaux pour 1'aviation et les
UG633.B8 623.4519 59-14727 J
projectiles-fusees. 1st, Paris, 1955.
Bergaust, Erik.
Materiaux et techniques pour les
engins-fusees et 1'avia Rockets of the Navy. Foreword by "W. F. Raborn. New
tion; recueil des conferences prononcees lots du l er Congres Knight, Clayton, 1891-
York, Putnam [1959]
international des materiaux pour 1'aviation et les
projectiles- 48 p. illus. 28cm. Rockets, missiles, and satellites. New York, Grosset &
fusees, Paris, Maison de la chimie, du 28 mars au 1" avril VG93.B4 623.4519 59-12946 J Dunlap t 1958]
1955. Paris, A. E.R. A., 1956. fttp. Illus. 29cm.
660, 239 p. Him, tables. 28cm. TL782.5.K58 58-4450 J
TL780.C64 1955 Davis, Leverett. *629.14353 629.1338
Exterior ballistics of rockets, by Leverett Davis, Jr., James
MODELS W. Follin, Jr. and] Leon Blitzer. Princeton, N. J., Van
Nostrand [1958]
457 p. illus. 26 cm
Parkin, Charles Med. UF880.D3 1958 623.54 58-7081 J
Missile a\\ay. v. 1, no. 6-v. 5, no. 1; Dec. 1933-spring 1957.
The rocket handbook for amateurs; an illustrated guide [Las Cruces ? N. M.i
to the safe construction, testing, and launching of model v.In lUus. (part col.) ports. 80cm. quarterly.
Dow, Richard B 59-30890
rockets. Illustrated by H. L. Bibber. New York, J. Day
Fundamentals of advanced New TL780.M55 629.134354
missiles. York, Wiley
Co. [1959]
306 p illus. 22cm. [1958]
567 p. Illus 24 cm [Wiley books In space technology,
TL782.7.P3 629.134354 59-7670 J UG630.D68 623.451 58-13458 J YEARBOOKS
Canadian and rockets, v. 1-
Raketove motory. Z ruskeho originalu pfel. Ota Horik]
C r Toronto, Maclean-Hunter Pub. Co.]
29 c"i. anrT"*!.
Astronautics, v. 2- Praha, Technicko-vedecke vydavatelstvi, 1952. v. fling.

lllp. illus. 17cm. (MaliknlinleesovStskStecluiiky, ST. 31) TJG635.C2C35 623.45 59-248

Aug. 1957- TL782.5.G512 55-56345 t
[Easton, Pa.] American Rocket Society.
v. Illus., ports. 29cm. monthly.

TL787.A8 58-82155
Green, Alan H ROCKETS, ATOMIC POWERED see Nuclear
The design of constant-volume missile fuselages having rockets
minimum drag at supersonic speeds. Santa Monica, Calif.,
Rand Corp., 1948.
Missile away. v. 1, no. 6-v. 5, no. 1; Dec. 1933-spring 1957.
I, 30 L illus. 28cm. [Rand Corporation. Paperj RAOP-23)
[Las Cruces? N. Mo

v. in 80 cm. quarterly. AS36.R28 no. 23 55-22641

Illus. (part col.) ports. Newell, Homer Edward, 1915-
TL780.M55 629.134354 59-30890 contributions by R. B. Cox t and
Sounding rockets. With
Haley, Andrew
Gallagher. others] New York, McGraw-Hill, 1959.
Missiles and rockets, v. 1- Oct. 1956- vll, 334 p. illus. 24cm. (McGraw-Hill series in missile and space
Rocketry and space exploration. Princeton, N. J., Van technology)
[Washington, American Aviation Publications] Nostrand ,1958, TL785.8 S6N4 629.134354 59-1785
T. illus. (part col.) ports. 29 cm. 334 p. Illus. 27cm.
UG630.M54 623.4519 A 58-5004 rev TL782.5.H3 629.134354 58-14413 1
Louisiana. State Univ. Library
L&punov, B V
BonpocLi paKeiHofl TCXHIIKJI ; ctfopHHEii nepeso^OB H PaKera paKeinaa xexHUKa H peasrHBHa*
; aBiran;nji. Mo- MAPS
iiHOCTpaHtioft nepnofliiiecKOft .inrepaxypH CKBa, BOCH. H3fl-B0, 1954.
MoCKBa, H3fl-B0 IIHOCTpaHHOft JIIIT-pH (HayHHO-nony/isipHaji CHfijmoTeica cojiAara H Marpoca)
v. 27 cm. 6 no. a year. Microfilm Slavic 419 AC Mic 55-3836 Sanbom Map Company.
TL780.V6 55-26456 J Insurance maps of Rockford, Illinois. 1913; republished
1951, rev. to date. New York, 1951.
3 v. col. maps. 35 cm.
Liapunov, B V G1409.R7S3 1951 Map 53-1208
PaccKEou o paEerax. 2. AO n I13 A- MocEua, Toe.
RESEARCH see Rocket research - 3itepr.
H3^-BO, 1955.
174 p. illus., ports. 20 cm.
Microfilm copy (negative)
TL782.5.L5 1955 58-46662
Rockford, III. Ordinances, etc.
International Congress of Rockets and Satellites. 8d, Paris, Code of ordinances, city of Rockford, Illinois. Rev. 1955.
Petrov, Viktor Pavlovich. The
PaKCTii i cynyTHHKH. general ordinances of the city, adopted, March 5, 1956,
Sixteen years of rocket safety; the basis of educational KHIB, ^epac. BHfl-ao rexn. jriT-pn
effective, May 4, 1956. Published by order of the city coun
Sacra YPCP, 1938.
training programs, by Robert B. Lynch t and othersj 261 p. illus. 20 cm. (HayKoso-nonyjijipHa 6i6jrioTejca)
cil Tallahassee, Municipal Code Corp., 1955 t i e. 1956]-
1 v. (loose-leaf) Illus. 24cm.
mento, Rocket Research Institute, 1959. TL782.5.P38 59-29251 J
17 L Illus., diagrs., tables. 28 cm. (Rocket Research Institute. 352.0773 56-35055
Report no. 59/2)
TL780.R65 no. 59/2 629.134354 59-4204
Petrov, Viktor Pavlovich. ROCKINGHAM, CHARLES WATSON-
ynpawureiiHe cnap^ti H paKCTEt.
MocKsa, WENTWORTH, 2nd MARQUIS OF, 1730-1782
117 p. illus, 20 cm.
Sheffield, Free Public Libraries and Museum.
American Rocket Society.
Rankin, Robert Alexander, 1915- Handlist of correspondence of Charles, 2nd marquis of
Amateur rocketry a delineation of the problem, a policy
MaTeMainiecKaa xeopna ^Bnxenna HeynpaaaaeitEix paser.
statement, and a program for action. Based on a report by Rockjngham. Reproduced by the National Register of
EepeBO^ c anrjiiiacEoro A, H. PytfamoBa. MOCKBE, Ha^-so Archives from originals supplied by the Central Library,
the Ad Hoc Committee on Amateur Rocketry of the Southern
HHOCTpaHHOfl JIHT-ptl, 1951. Sheffield. [Sheffield, Eng., 1958 or 9-
California Section of the American Rocket Society. New Microfilm Slavic 542 AC 33 cm.
Mic 56-4272 T.
York,1959. Z8750.3.S5 012 59-3577
ylll, 76 p. Illus., diagrs. 29cm.
TL780.A6145 629.134354 U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Dept. of Ordnance.
Rockets and recoilless guns. [West Point] 1945.
54 p. Illus. 23cm. ROCKINGHAM, VT.
TJF880.U47 56-16897 J
Lovefl, Frances (StockweD) 1897-
YEARBOOKS History of the town of, Roddngham, Vermont: including
Uriupin, D A ed. the villages of Bellows Falls, Saxtons
River, Rockingham,
Canadian missiles and rockets. v.l- PeaKTHBHoe opyacae KanHTaaHCTH^cecKHX cxpan; no nare- Cambridgeport, and Bartonsville, 1907-1957, with family
1958- pnajtaM sapygeacHOfi neiaTH, Ofiaop cocxasjieH KOJOCCKTHBOM: genealogies, by Frances Stockwell Lovell and Leverett C
asTOpos nofl pyKOBOflciBOM ypjonnna, ,3;. A. MocKsa, Boen. LovelL Bellows Falls, Vt, Published by - 1958.
[Toronto, Maclean-Hunter Pub. Co.] j the town,
y. Illus. 29cm. annual. H3A-BO, 1957. 658 p. illus. 24cm,
UG635.C2C35 59-248 158 p. illus. 20 cm. (EnCjiHOTeHKa "B noMom> oAnuepy BM4>") F5ft.R7L6 974.39 59-21556 %
TIB767.U7 58-35650

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, N.C. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petrol Eva (Knox) 1905-
The adventure book of rocks. Illus. by Vana Earle
MAPS [Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y., Capitol Pub. Co.
03 p Illus. 27 cm
r 1955,
an an .
, t

others] 2d ed., completely rev. New York, American In QE432W5 552 55-3771 J
Rockford Map Publishers, RocTcford, stitute of Mining and
III. Metallurgical Engineers 1949
rt 24cm
Farm plat book and business guide, Rockingnam Countv TMiI?!^ 1949n>P
<Tbe Seeley W. Mudd series)
N.C. rRockford, 1953, 1952, 49-10926 rev*
52 p amps 22x28 cm. ANALYSIS
G1303.R7R7 1953 Map 54-844 Duvall, Wilbur I
Spherical propagation of explosion-generated strain pulses Akademiia nauk SSSR. Komissifa po oor'be s silikozom.
in rock, by Wilbur I. Duvall and Benjamin Petkof [Wash .
OnpeAGJiCHHe cBotfoflHOfl flayOKUCH speMuna B ropiiHx
ROCKLAND COUNTY, N. Y. ington] U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1959. nopo,n;ax H pyflHHHHott nu^n; [CfiopniiK ciaref! n iiHCTpyn-
ii, 21 p lllus, tables 27cm (U.S. Bureau of Mines Report ^IIfi. OTBeTCTBeHHHft pe^aKTOp: A. A. CKOHiincKiift] Mo-
of Investigations, 5483)
INDUSTRIES no. 5483] Int 59-83 CEBa, Hsfl-no AKa^eMHH nayK CCCP, 1958.
fTN23.U43 126 lllus. 20 cm.
U S. Dept of the Interior Library

New York TN312.A35 59-36026

(State] Dept. of Camanerce.
New York State business facts, Westchester-Rockland dis
trict Fenton, Carroll Lane, 1900-
( Albany, 1952]
II p. mus. 28cm. Rocks, minerals, and gems. [Prepared, with the coopera Blumer, Max, 1923-
Supplement. Albany, 1954. tion of the National Audubon Society] Garden City, N. Y., Zur Geochemie der Sedimentgesteine. Theoretische Un-
15 p. illus. 29cm. N. Doubleday t !958,
tersuchungen sowie Spurenanalysen schweizerischer Ge-
New York. State Llbr.
A 59-687 56 p. lllus. 21cm. (Nature program)
549 58-3082 t
steine. Basel, 1950.
QE432.F46 46-56 p. 24cm.
QE438.B5 57-38845

MAPS Fersman, Aleksandr Evgen'evich, 1883-1945.

Hearne Brothers, Detroit. BocnoMHHaHiia o icaiine. MocKBa, HS^-BO Aica^einm Brenon, Pierre.
Official Hearne Brothers sayK CCCP, 1958. Analyses des roches de Madagascar (1923-1955) Ras-
polyconic projection map of 165 p. Illus. 20cm. (AKaaeMHji HayK CCCP. HayHHO-nonyjmpHaa
Rockland County, New York Detroit 1956, semblfies par P. Brenon et 0. Orloff.
CCpH5l) [Tananarive, 1956.
col map 105 s 157 cm. Ill, 105 ]. tables. 27 cm. (Madagascar. Bureau geologioue.
QE432.F48 1958 59-32200 t Documentation no. 120)
G3803.R6 1956.H4
Map 57-521 G S 57-18
U.S.Geol. Survey. Llbr.


Rock pressure in mines. London, Mining Publications,
BOSTON 1958.
Bryan, Walter Heywood, 1891-
21cm. Radiolaria as critical indicators of
Hagemann, Henry Frederick, 1906-
212 p. illus.
deformation, by W. H.
TN153.I 8 622.2 59-29101 t Bryan and 0. A. Jones. Brisbane, University of
History does point the way! Rockland-Atlas National land Press, 1955.
Bank of Boston, 1833-1958. New York, Newcomen Society
in North America, 1958. .

2S p Kobranova, Vera Nikolaevna,

illus 23 cm. (Newcomen address, 1958) QE434.B7
HG2613.B74R63 58-3959 % Onpe^e-ieHiie $n3iriecKiix CBOflciB ropHux nopofl ^ony-
meno B KUiecTBe yicS. nocoSmi fl.ia reotjbiaiiHecKiix $aicyjii,-
texoa BxysoB. MocKsa, Toe. nayiHO-xexH. HSA-BO He^Tanofi:
H ropno-TonjiiiBHOS Chayes, Felix, 1916-
ROCKLEDGE, PA. MEMORIAL CHURCH OF 160 p. illus. 23 cm.
JIHT-PBI, 1957.
Petrographic modal analysis; an elementary statistical
THE HOLY NATIVITY QE433.K6 58-28139 appraisal. New York, Wiley [1956,
113 p. lllus 24cm.
QE434.C5 *549.14 56-9819 J
Argo, Fordyce Hubbard, 1872-
Chapters of memory; impressions, evaluations. rDelray
Muzafarov, V G
Beach? Fla., 1954, OnpeAe-iiiTejit Miinepa^oB H ropntix nopofl; nocofine #jia Chetverikov, Sergei Dmitrievich, 1885-
124 p. lUiia. 23cm. cxy,a;eHXOB ne^arorHiecKHx HHCTHTyrOB. Hs^. 3. Mocssa, MeiofliiKa KpaciafljiooiiTHTCCKax
BX5995.A65A4 922.273 56-21063 t Toe. y^eSno-neAaror. HS^-BO, 1958. HcotefloaaHHa HUH&OB
172 p. lllus. 23 cm Aonymeno
B KaieciBe
y^tec5. noco(5 Ha x reo^oro-pa 3 BeIo^ M
QE367.M87 1958 58-49862
MAPS Pearl, Richard Maxwell, 1913-
Rocks and minerals. New York, Barnes & Noble
275 p rl956, Chetverikov, Sergei Dmitrievich, 1885-
mus. 21 cm. (Everyday handbook series. 260)
Interstate Publishing Company, in<^, Everett, Mass. QE365.P34 549 56-7483 t PyKOBOflCTBo K rrexpoxiiMHHeCKHM rrepecHeraM xauiiiecKHX
anMHsoB ropajux nopo fl n onpeAe^emuo HX
Map of Gloucester and Rockport, Massachusetts. Everett, THUOB. ^onymeHO B KaiectBC
Interstate Pub. Co. distributed by W. M. Francis, yie(5. nocoCHa wa. reojioro-
Gloucester, 1953,

Ruppeneit, K pasBeflo^Hux BY30B H ^a^yjrtTeiOB.

MocEBa, Toe. Hay TOO -
MexaimiecKiie r TeXH. H3A-BO JIHT-ptt HO reOJIOfHH H
map 59x52 cm. fold, to 22x 12 cm. c a ropnux nopo ri; MocKBa, 3 me- OXpaHC
P HCJO 1956
lfo '1. '

G3764.G4 1953J 5 Map 53-641 xexira^ar, Ifl."i6.

321 p. lllus., tables
^fo,, dlagrs
( in pocket) tables. 23cm
23 cm.
QE431.5.R8 57-16998
Polk (R. L.) and Company, inc. Chirvinskii, Petr Nikolaevich, 1880-
Map of the city of Gloucester, Mass. Cpe^HHft xnMii^ecKHft cocraB wasHnx
Seaman, David M MnaepaJOB HSBep-
WCHHBIX, MeiaMop$iwecKHx n ocao<niHX nopofl.
The story of rocks and minerals, a guidebook for [XaptKOB,
maps 62x46 cm. fold, to 24 1 12 cm. or smaller. (Arrow map) young H3fl-Bo XaptKOBCKoro roc. yHHBepcmexa HM. M.
collectors. Illus. by L. Oviatt Welcome and FoptKoro,
G3764G41954.P6 Map 49-388 rev* Lewahl Studios! 1953.
Irvmgton-on-Hudson, N. Y., Harvey House rl956,J Wp. 22cm.
100 p. Illus 27 cm
QE438.C52 58-23128
QE365.S49 549 56-58422 J
Rockport, MOM. Forest Fire Dept.
Town of Rockport, Mass.; plan showing roads, paths & Choubert, Boris.
Correlation entre le nombre et 1'encombrement
water, historical points, fire and defense hazards, historical spatial dea
Sheridan, Elsie Lee. atomes dans une venue
dates. Compiled by E. H. Philbrook, warden j drawn by magmatique. Paris. 1957
tes COL map> dlagrs - t**- Mem.
W. L. Patriquin, deputy. [Rockporti 1952. The exciting world of rocks and gems. Los Angeles, <jJl2' L?^
Soci<t< geologique de France.
(M&nolres de la
Nouv. ser., t S4, fasc. 2. Memoire
map on sheet Six 139 cm. Trend Books, 1959]
G3764.R7 1952.R7 53-178 128 p. illus, 25cm. (Trend book 1ST)
Map "" r GS 58-136
552 59-4702 J U.SGeoL Survey. Libr.

Dobrokhotova, Elizaveta Sergeevna.

ROCKS HpaKTHiecKoe pyKOBO^cxBo K OCBOCHSIK) Mexo^a E. C. <De-
Virginia. Dept. of Highways. floposa B nexporpa^Hn. ^onym;eHO B KaiecxBe yiefi. noco-
Physical test results of the Virginia highway statewide
6ax fljiK cjyfleHXOB reo^oro-pasBeflOHHux syaoB H
see also Caustobioliths; Charnockite; TOB. MocKBa, Toe. nay^HO-xexn.
aggregate survey. Richmond, Commonwealth of Virginia HS^-BO JIHT-PU no reojioran
TI oxpane
Division of Purchase and Print., 1954. ne^p, 1957.
Crystallography; Geochemistry; Geodes; 68 p. ( chiefly tables) 30 cm. 78, [2] p. lllus. 23 cm.
Geology; Mineralogy; Petrology; Rock TE205.V5 QE434.D6 58-30088
State Library
glaciers; Stone

Fiister Casas, Jose Maria.

Akademiia nauk SSSR. Wayne, William John, 1922- iq^? q?S

1952. jPorj J. M. ?
c d6 "^ ^P^ 01 ^ publicados hasta
Institut gornogo dela, Fuster, E. Ibarrola y M. P. Lobato. Con
Let's look at some rocks. un prologo por Marimino San
Borrpocsi TeopHH paspynieHHa ropHHx nopofl fleftcTBHex
Illustrated by Robert E. Judah.
Miguel de la Camara. Ma-
OrBercTBeHHHft peflawop H. B. Me*t- Bloomington, 1958.
3 PillUS " ^^^ ** Cm '
(lndlana- Geological Survey. Circu-
0r& ^
H Hay* CCCP, 1958. lar no


Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROCKS Sorotchinsky, Constantin P Wfllman, Harold Bowen, 1901-

La geologie trouve les voies nouvelles. Louvain, Librairie
ANALYSIS (Continued) Stratigraphic policy of the Illinois State Geological Sur
universitaire, 1955- vey by] H. B. WiUman, David H. Swann tand John C.
t 3
v. Illus., plates, map, dlagre., profiles. 30 cm.
56-43895 Frye. Urbana, Division of the Illinois State Geological
Fuster Casas, Jos* Maria.
Survey. 1958.
Estudio petrogene'tico de los volcanes del Golfo de Guinea. 14 p. 26 cm. (Illinois. State Geological Survey. Circular 249)

Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigacionea Cientificas, QE105.A45 no. 249 A 68-9439

Institute de Estudios Africanos, 1954.
Wuerker, Rudolph George. Illinois. TJnlv. Library
152 p. illus. 25cm. Annotated tables of strength and elastic properties of
54-41038 rocks. Xe\v York 9 Petroleum Branch, AIME, 1956.
QE461.F85 J 12 p

illus, 5 tables.

QE431.5.W8 A 57-9408
Illinois Univ. Library
see also Geology, Structural
Guppy, Eileen Mary, comp.
Chemical analyses of igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks
Mikhaflov, Aleksandr Evgen'evich.
and minerals, 1931-1954; compiled from the records of the CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLA HoJieBHe MeroA" nsyneHnx Tpemmi B ropnux nopo^ax.
Geological Survey by Eileen M. Guppy, with Petrographical no reoaornn H
descriptions by P. A. Sabine. London, H. M. Stationery
TURE MocKBa, Toe. nayiHO-TexH. US^-BO JIHT-PH
Off., 1956.
oxpane ne^p, 1956.
ISO, [2, p. lllus. 23cm.
v,78p. tables. 25cm. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey, Great 57-17013
Caffleux, Andre, 1907- QE605.M5
QE438.G82 *549.13 GS 57-12 D&ermination pratique des roches cparj Andre Cailieux et
U. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr. Andre Chavan. Paris, Centre de documentation universi
taire, 1950. PERMEABILITY
2 v. (258 p.) illus. 22cm.
QE425.C3 57-20872 J
Heinrich, Eberhardt William, 1918- Bindeman, N N
Microscopic petrography. New York, McGraw-Hill 1956.
296 p. illus. 24 cm. (McGraw-Hill series In the geological Mero^jj onpeAejieHii* BOAOnpOHi^aeMOCTH ropnax no-
sciences) pOA OTKaiKaMH, naJiHBaMH n HarHeraHnaiiH. MocEBa, Yrjic-
QE434.H4 552.8 55-11171 J Fritzen, D K TCXHSflar, 1951.
The rock-hunter's field manual ; a guide to identification of 51, [1] p. diagrs. 22 cm. (rHAporeojiorMiecKHe pacierw MX
rocks and minerals. Foreword by Wesley Dexter Gordon. rHApOTexHHiecKoro crpOHTeflbCTBa, [6])
Hume, James David, 1923- QE431.5.B5 55-15515
Drawings by Lon Fox. t lst ecLj New York, Harper : 1959j
Spectrochemical analyses of carbonate rocks. Ann Arbor, 207 p. lllus. 21cm.
549.1 58-13811 t
Mich., University Microfilms C 1958] QE367.F795
Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-1312 Mic 58-1312 ROCKS, CARBONATE
Michigan. IMv Llbr.

Richard Maxwell, 1913- Berrit, G R

Etude des teneurs en manganese et en carbonates de quel-
Katchenkov, Semen Mikhaflovich. How to know the minerals and rocks. New York, Mc ques carottes sedimentaires atlantiques et pacifiques. Gote-
CneKTpajii,HHtt anajiHs ropHHx
Graw-Hill t !955j
nopofl. JleHJiHrpajr, Toe.
192 p illus 21 cm. borg, Elanders boktr., 1955.
61 p. diagrs., tables 25 cm. (GSteborgs kungL vetenskaps- och
HayiHO-TCXH. H3fl-B0 He^TflHOft H rOpHO-TOJUtHBHOft JtHT-ptl,
*549.14 53-5783 J
QE367.P36 vitterhets-samhalles handlingar, 8. faijden, ser. B, bd. 6, n:o 12)
JTeHiiHrpaflCKoe OT^-EHC, 1957.
214 p. illus., tables. 28 cm. AS2S4.G7 f6L6,ser.B,bd.6,no.l2 A 56-136
Illinois. Univ. Library
QE438.K3 57-47149

Pearl, Richard Maxwell, 1913-

How to know the minerals and rocks. New Yorkj New Biggs, Donald Lee.
Kochurova, Raisa Nikolaevna. c

American Library [1957, 1955j Chert nodules in carbonate rocks of Illinois. Ann Arbor,
192 p. lllus. (part. coL) 19 cm. (A Signet key book, KD 346)
CKoro ana/inaa ropHjax nopo^. University Microfilms [1958]
[QE367] *549.14 57-1058 ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MIclLj Publication no. 25.1&4)
65, [3] p. Illus. 22 cm.
Printed for A. B. P.
QE434.KG Microfilm AC-1 no. 25,194 Mic 58-4287
Illinois. Univ. Library

Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind, Airphoto Interpretation

Larios, Hermion. Laboratory. KapConaxHiie nopoflti JleniiHrpa^cKOft o6jracTE, CesepHoro
Interpretaci6n de los analisis de las rocas. Mexico, 1956, A manual on the airphoto interpretation of soils and rocks Kpa* H Kapeji&CKOft ACCP. Ho* o(5rqefl pefl. E. LT. Epync H
xi, p. dlagrg, tables. 23 cm. (Mexico (City) Unlversldad for engineering purposes, by the staff of the Airphoto Inter C. T. BiiraH^EOBa. JlenirHrpa^;, Foe. HajniHO-TexH. ropno-
Nacional. Institute de Geologfa. Anales, 1 11)
pretation Laboratory, Joint Highway Research Project. reojioro-He$THHoe HS^-BO, 19
GS 58-65 v. profiles. 23 cm.
U. S. GeoL Survey. Libr. [Lafayette, Ind. 3 Purdue University School of Civil Engi 59-47045
neering and Engineering Mechanics, 1953.
Ix, 206 p. 28 cm.

Moorhouse, Walter Wilson, 1913- Kentucky. Univ. Ubr. Khvorova, Irina Vasil'evna.
The study of rocks in thin section. New York, Harper Axjiac KapSonaTHEix nopo^ cpe^nero n Bepxnero EapCona
[1959] PyccKort maT$opiiEJ. MOCKBE, HS^-BO AEa^eiinii navK
514 p. lllus 25cm. (Harper's geosclence series) CCCP, 1338.
QE431.M68 552.8 59-7027 J Semenenko, N P 16& p. 67 plates. 30 cm
IlapareHeTHiecKnfi: ana-Tna n cncxeiraTnEa nexaitop$Hie- QE471.K43 50-34083
CKHX nopo^. KHCB [Hsfl-so Aica^eiim* nays Ysp. CCPj 1954.
58, t 2i p. diagrs. 22 cm. (AKajeMHjt nayK yicpaHHCKOB CCP.
Moscow. Vsesomznyi nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut Rones, Morris, 1922-
TpyAbi MHCTHryra reoJiorwiecKHX HayK. CepHSt nerporpadiHM, MHHC-
mineral'nogo syr/fiu pajiorHH H reoxHMHH, Bbin. 2) A
litho-stratigraphic, petrographic and chemical investi
HccjieflOBamifl MHHepajttHoro CHpta. j QE475.S43 56-24167 gation of the Lower Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks in
central Pennsylvania. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms
HOCBIITOB, rnaB. peflaoop] MocKaa, Toe. HayiHO-iexH. H3#-
BO JIHT-PBI no reoJiornH H oxpane ne^p, 1957. r !956j
138 p. Illus. 27 cm. (iTJnlversIty Microfilms, Ann Arbor. Mich,, Publication no. 14,879)
QE438 M6 58-35592 Shreiner, L A Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,879 Mic 57-5S7&
MexaHH^ecKHe H a6pa3HBHie Pennsylvania. State University. Library
CBOficTsa ropnux nopo^.
Ilofl o<5o(ei! pe^. J. A, mpefiHepa. MocKsa, Foe. Hay^no-
TCXH. H3-BO He$T^rHOft H ropno-xon^HBHOH JIHT-PH 1958. Tatarskil, Vitalii Borisovich.
200 polling. 28cm.
Rothlisberger, Hans. MnKpocKonniecKoe onpe^ejueHne KaptfonaiOB rpyun lajts-
Zur seismischen und petrographischen Charakterisierung 59-18538 ^HTa z aparoHHra. JTenHHrpafl, Toe. nayiHO-TexH. KS^-BO
einiger Molassegesteine, einschliesslich der Beschreibung von. He^TSHOfi H ropHO ToruiHBHOft JIHT-PH, JTenHHrpa^cKoe oifl-
Methoden der Korngrossenbestimmung in FestmateriaL HHC, 1955.
Bern, Kummerly & Frey, 1957.
Travis, Russell B
fflUAp. lUns. 22 on.
91 p. lllus., diagrs., tables, 31cm. ( Scnwelzerlsche Geotechnlsche QE389.61.T3 55-40815
Kommlsslon, Beitrftge zur Geologic der Schwelz. Geophysik, Nr. 1) Classification of rocks. Golden, Colo., 1955.
G S 57-331 v 50 no I""
8 ' *
Cm ' (Quarterlr ot *"* 0olonA9 Sch<Ml of M 11"*.
VasU'ev, P I
U. S. Geol. Survey. Libr.
TN210.C68 vol. 50, no. 1 552.012 55-1194 MCTO^H ycEopeHHoro ana-^nsa EapfioHaTHtrx nopo^. Mo-
Copy 2. QE425.T7 CKsa, Foe, HS^-BO reo.i. jiin-pH, 1951.
Russia (1923- U. S. >S. Olavnoe upravlenie geofizi- 35, t l] p. 22 cm.
QE389.61.V35 57-31548
cheskol razvedki,
HacTaaaemie onpe^eieHnio (JmaiiiecEiix csottCTB
rO<5m;ee PVEOBO^CTBO no
o(5pa3n;oB ropntix nopo^. Wahlstrom, Ernest Eugene, 1909- ROCKS, CRYSTALLINE AND METAMORPHIC
BJICHHIO npOBefleHO M. jT. OaepcKOft] MocKsa, HayiHO- New York, Wiley C 1955]
Petrographic mineralogy.
TCXH. HS^-BO HC^TflHOil n rOpHO-TOn-THBHOrt .TOT-pH, 1953. 408 p. lllus. 23 cm. see also Metamorphism (Geology);
illus. 22 cm. *549.14 55-8608
68, [4] p. QE367.W27
Microfilm copy (negative) Mylonite
Microfilm Slavic 473 AC
QE431.5.R82 Akademha nauk SSSR. Laboratory, geologn doJeembrHa.
Wanless, Harold Roffin, 1899- Mero^HiecKoe pyKOBO#CTBO no reozorn^ecKOMy saprn-
Illinois as of
Classification of the Pennsylvania rocks of pOBaHHJO MeraMOp^HstecKHX KOMnjieKcos. Ilofl pe^. B. A.
1956, by Harold R. Wanless. Correlation chart compiled by HnKOJiaeBa. t CocTaBHTejiH
B. A. HHEoaaes H AP-] Mo-:

Raymond Siever. Urbana, 1956. CEBa, Foe. sayiHO-TexH. HS^-BO JIHT-PH no reojioran n
San Miguel Arribas, Alfredo, 1917- 14 p. fold, table (In pocket) 25 cm. (Illinois. State Geologi
Circular 217) oxpane HC^p, 1957.
Representaciones gr&ficas petroquimicas. Barcelona, Imp. cal Survey.
450 p. fllus. 23cm.
Elzeviriana y Lib. Garni t 1949?] [QE105.A45 no. 217] A 56-9558 QE33A55 58-20844
126 p. illus. 24cm. Illinois. Univ. Library
QE438.S25 58-23457 t

Library of Books: Subjects
Congress Catalog

Sutton, John, geologist.

study of the matamorphic rocks of Karcma and Kungwe
TIeTpor P a<fmK iiamaTHHecicnx Buy. western Tanganyika, by J. Sutton, J. Watson, find T. C.
(Continued) noco6u* * roc. ynnBepcnterpB
JonyiSeuo B wwecxae yieS. HS^-BO Mo- James. [Nairobi, 1954,
n BHcmnx TCXK. y<S. sawweiinfl. ^OCKBE, 70 p. maps (2 fold. col. in pocket) dlagrs., tables. 25 cm. (Tan
Chenevoy, Maurice. cKoscKoro yHitBepciiTCTa, 1956. ganyika Tenltory. Geological Survey Dept. Bulletin no. 22)
Contribution a 1'etude des scHstes cristallins de la partie 411 p. illus., ports. 27cm.
6T 1VMU ' QE327.T3A32 no. 22 55-93 GS
nord-ouest du Massif central frangais. Paris, Impr. na- U. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr.
tionale, 1958.
428 p. Illus., maps (1 fold. In pocket) dlagrs., tables. 31 cm.
(Memolres pour servir a I'expUcation de la carte geologique d6talllee
de la France) Laffitte, Pierre. Taylor, Stuart Ross, 1925-
G S 59-124 dee
[QE268.A35] Introduction a 1'etude des roches metamorphiques et Geochemistry of some Now Zealand igneous and metha-
IT. S. GeoL Survey. Llbr. Physico-chimie et thermodynamique. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1954]
gites metalliferes. morphic rocks. C

1957. [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication 7546)

Paris, Masson, (

343 p. diagrs, tables. 24cm. (Monographies sclentiflques) Microfilm AC-1 no. 7546 Mic 55-3898
Christmann, Wolfgang, 1928-
Magnetische Variometermessungen bei Hauzenberg im Duke TJniv. Library
Bayrisehen Wald als Hilfsmittel bei der geologischen Kar- Weeks, Wilford Frank, 1929-
tierung im Ivristalhn dieses Gebietes. t Munchen?] 1954. A
thermochemical study of metamorphism. [Chicago,
59 1. illus., fold. col. map. 30 cm. Lang, Andrew J 1924-
Library, Dept. of Photographic Reproduction, University
the Four-mile area,
QE451.G3C5 58-42104 Geology and pegmatites of part of of Chicago, 1956]
Custer County, South Dakota, by Andrew J. Lang, and Jack Microfilm 5 142 QE Mic 58-6086
Egypt. Geological /Survey. A. Redden. Washington, 1953.
20 maps (1 fold. In pocket) tablea. 27 cm. (Geological
Rocks of Aswan area, by E. M. el-Shazly. Cairo, Govt lv, p.
Survey circular, 245)
Press, 1954.
QE75.C5 no. 245 GS 53-93 ROCKS, ERUPTIVE see Rocks, Igneous
21, (2j p. plates, fold col. map. 27 cm. Copy 2. QE461.L32
GS 56-85 U. S. GeoL Survey. Libr.
U. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr. ROCKS, GASES IN see Gases in rocks

Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, E Matthes, Siegfried, 1913- ROCKS, IGNEOUS

Die Para-Gneise im mittleren kristallinen Vor-Spessart
Onthe geology of a metamorpbic complex in West Green und ihre Metamorphose. Wiesbaden, 1954.
24 cm. (Abhandlungen
see also Anorthosite; Diorite; Grano-
land, the islands of Anarssuit, Isuamiut, and Equtit. K0ben~ 86 p Illus., plates, map, dlagrs., tables.

havn, C. A. Reitzel, 1954.

des Hessischen Landesamtes flir Bodenforschung Heft 8) diorite; Olivin- diabase; Volcanic ash,
70 p. Illus., maps (part fold.) dlagrs. 29 cm. (Meddelelser om G S 55-155
Grjinland udg af Kommisslonen for vldenskabellge understfgelser 1 U. S. GeoL Survey. Ltbr. tuff, etc.
Grtfnland, bd. 136, nr 6)
Q115.D39 bd. 136, nr. 6 54-14842 Afanas'ev, G D
Matthes, Siegfried, 1913- .ionia MarMaTiiiecicnx KO&HIJICKCOB Cciicpiioro Kauicaaa
Uber Einschaltungen von Pyroxengneismyloniten aus dem n ocHouni,ie Heptbi CRjisaimoft c im MII Miinepajinaai^ini. Mo-
Kristallin des Vorderen Bayerischen Waldes dstlich von cKBa, IIs^-BO Aica^CMim nayK CCCP, 1958.
Fyfe,W S
Kegensburg von Siegfried Matthes & Kurt Habenicht. 138 p. Illus, maps. 26 cm. (AK3ACMHH HayK CCCP. TpyAbi
Metamorphic reactions and metamorpbic facies, by "W. S. (In Geologlca Bavarica. MUnchen, 1959. 24 cm. Nr. 30, p. 29-68. HHCTHTyTa reojiorHH pyAHtix MecTopowflemift, nerporpa4)HH, MHHepa-
Fyfe, F. J. Turner, and J. Verhoogen. New York] Geologi t illus map, diagrs., tables)
jiorHH H reoxHMHH, sun. 20)
cal Society of America, 1958. QE269.G36 Nr.39 GS 59-360 QE276.A3 58-44730
xll, 259 p dlagrs., tables. 26cm. (Geological Society of America. U. S. Geol Survey. Llbr.
Memoir 73)
QE608.F9 552.4 59-97
Amstutz, Gerhardt Christian, 1922-
Oles, Keith Floyd, 1921-
Spilitic rocks and mineral deposits. Rollu, jNIissouri
The geology and petrology of the crystalline rocks of the School of Mines, 1958.
Gehman, Harry Merrill. Beckler River-Nason Kidge area, Washington. Ann Arbor, 11 p. Illus. 23 cm. (University of Missouri. School of Mines and
Notch Peak intrusive, Millard County, Utah: geology, University Microfilms [1957^ Metallurgy. Bulletin. Technical series, no. 00)
petrogenesis, and economic deposits. [Salt Lake City?- ( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 20,393) QE461.A66 552.1 A 59-9062
1958, '1957. Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,393 Mic 57-1338 Missouri. Univ. Libr.
50 p. Illus, maps, profiles, tables. 23 cm. (Utah Geological Washington. Univ., Seattle. Library
and MlneralogJcal Survey. Bulletin 62)
no. 62 557.92 58-62791 Beisler, Walter, 1925-
QE169.A3 Edward John, 1927-
Olsen, Die filkalibasaltischen Gesteine des Rossberges (ostlich
Metamorphic differentiation
during serpentinization. von Darmstadt) und ihre Mineralbildungen in Hohlraumen
Chicago fDept. of Photoduplication, University of Chicago und Kliiften. Kdln, 1956.
Gigout, Marcel.
Library] 1959. 11, 63 p. Illus. 21cm.
Les conglomerats metamorphiques des Rehamna et roches
associees. Rabat, 1956.
Microfilm 6286 QE Mic 59-7946 t QE461.B47 58-28491
Chicago. Univ. Llbr.
149 p. illus., 20 plates, maps (1 fold, col.) 25 cm. (Travaux de
nnstltut sclentlflque ch<5rtflen. SSrle gfologle et geographic physique, Boer, Johannes Cornelia den.
no 4)
Etude gdologique et paleomagnetique des montagnes du
QE475.G5 57-33145
O'Rourke, Joseph Edward, 1927- Coiron, Ardeohe, France. Utrecht, 1957.
64 p. illus., maps (2 fold, in pocket) dlagrs., profiles, tables. 80 cm.
The stratigraphy of the metamorphic rocks of the Rio de
QE268.B574 57-40512
Gradwell, R Pedras and Gandarela quadrangles, Minas
Gerais, Brazil.
The petrology of the Kholo Creek quartz-diorite. Bris Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms t 1958j
bane, University of Queensland Press, 1958. Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-1917 Mic 58-1917 Boer, Johannes Cornelia den.
19 p. illus. 25cm. (University of Queensland. Dept of Geology. Wisconsin. Univ. Libr. Etude geologique et pale'omagne'tique des montagnes du
Papers, v. 5, no. 1)
Coiron, Ardeche, France. Utrecht, Drukkerij Storm, 1957.
QE454.G7 59-24448 J 64 p. illus., maps (2 fold, in pocket) dlagrs., profiles, tables. 30 cm.
Reed, John James. ( Geologica Ultralectlna, No. 1 )
Regional metamorphism in south-east Nelson. QE1.G1342 no.l 59-24984
Guppy, Eileen Mary, comp. ton, R. E. Owen, Govt. printer] 1958.
vil, 64 p. Illus., maps (1 col.) dlagr., tables. 28 cm. (New Zea
Chemical analyses of igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks land. Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Bulletin, n. s. 60) Bowen, Norman Levi, 1887-
and minerals, 1931-1954; compiled from the records of the The
[S381.A35 n. s. no. 60] S 59-349 G evolution of the igneous rocks; with a new introd. by
Geological Surrey by Eileen M. Guppy, with Petrographical U. S GeoL Survey. Llbr. J. F. Schairer. New York, Dover Publications 1956,
descriptions by P. A. Sabine. London, H. M. Stationery [18], 332 p. Illus., map. 22 cm.
Off., 1956. QE461.B6 1956 552.1 56-14011
v, 78 p. tables. 25 cm. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey, Great
Britain) Ross, Donald Clarence, 1924-
QE438.G82 *549.13 GS 57-12 Igneous and metamorphic rocks of parts of Sequoia and
U. S. GeoL Survey. Llbr.
Kings Canyon National Parks, California. San Francisco, Brousse, Robert.
1958. Etude petrographique des trachy-ande"sites du Mont-Dore.
24 p. illus., maps (1 fold col. in pocket) dlagrs, tables. 28 cm. Paris, Societe" geologique de France, 1954.
(California. Division of Mines. Special report 53) 34 plates, dlagrs., tables. 33 cm. (Me'molres de la
Gysin, Marcel p. illus.,
M6molre no
Contribution a 1'etude du cristallin du massif de la Jung- [TN24.C2A3S no. 53] GS 59-329 SocI6t6 geologique de Prance.
Nouv. ser., t. 33, faac. 2.
U. S. GeoL Survey. Libr.
frau. Berne, Kiimmerly & Frey, 1954. GS56-9
v, 47 p, maps, tables. 32cm. (Mate"rlaux pour la carte geologique U. S. GeoL Survey. Llbr.
de la Sulsse, nouv. sr., 98 Hvr., 128. llvr. de la sSr. complete)

[QE285.A18 Lfg. 128] GS 56-314

U. S. GeoL Survey. Llbr. Semenenko, N Choubert, Boris.
LTapareHeT anajiaa n cucTenaTHKa MexaMop$iree- Correlation entre le nombre et 1'encombrement spatial des
tHafl-Bo AKEACMHH nays Ysp. CCPi 1954.
nopofl. atomes dans une venue magmatique. Paris, 1957.
Koetiiik, Vadim Pavlovich. 58, [2, p. diagrs. 22 cm. (AKaACMHji uayic VicpaHHCKofl CCP.
84 p. 8 plates, col. map, dlagrs., tables. 88 cm. (Meinolres de la
IlapareHeTiiiecKnft ana-ins KpircTa.T.iu^ecKnx nopo^ LTo^o- Tpyxw
yxw MHCTHryra reojiormecKHX HayK. CepHjt nerporpad)HH, MHHC- SocWte" geologique de France. Nouv. t Memolre
panorHH H reoxHMHH, awn. 2) ser., 84, fasc. 2.
Jinn B
panone r. BnHHnn;M. KHCB, HS^-BO As&^wa. aay no. 79)
Ysp.CCP.1955. 56-24167 G S 58-186
110, (2] p. Illus. 22 cm. U. S. GeoL Survey. Llbr.
QE475.K6 56-39916
S^rensen, Henning.
Further studies on ultrabasic rocks in Sukkertoppen dis
Knrek, N ed. N trict, West Greenland. Ktfbenhavn, F. Bagges kgl. hof- Clegg, Kenneth Edward.
ZaMeHCHHEie OKOJiopy^HHe nopo^H H HX noHCKOBoe 3na- bogtr., 1952. Igneous intrusive rocks in Illinois and their economic sig
J 230r-243 p. illus., plates. 24 cm, (Mus4om de mlneralogle et de
t nificance, by K. E. Clegg and J. C. Bradbury. Urbana, 1956.
geologle de l'UniversIt6 de Copenhague. Communications geologiques, 19 p. Illus., fold, map (In pocket) 25 cm. (Illinois. State Geo
jtHi-pH no reojiorHH H oxpaae ne^p, 1954.
271 p. 111ns., maps (1 fold.) profiles, 27 cm, (TpyAM Bcecoxa- logical Survey. Heport of Investigations, 197)
Horo HayiHo-HccjieAOBaTfc/ibCKoro reojionnecKoro HHCTHryra) [QE1.C8 no. 58] G S 55-64 QE105.A25 no. 197 552.1 56-9886 A
U. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr. Illinois. Univ. Library
QE475.K87 55-25137

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROCKS, IGNEOUS (Continued) Koenig, James B

Mielenz, Richard C
The petrography of certain igneous dikes of Kentucky. rocks.
Petrography and engineering j operties of igneous
Davis, Eleutheria N Lexington, 1056.
Denver, Technical Editorial Offi , Denver
Federal Center
56, p. Illus, maps, tables. 23 cm. (Kentucky. University.
Die jungvulkanischen Gesteinc von Aegina, Methana und flj
Series ix. Bulletin no. 21) 1948
Geological Survey.
Poros und deren Stellung im Rahmen der Kykladenprovinz. GS 57-174 19 p. Illus. 27 cm. (U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. Engineering
Zurich, Kommissionsverlag von Guggenbiihl & Huber, U.S. Geol. Smvey. Llbr. monographs, no. 1)
QE461.M5 552.1
Schweizer Spiegel Verlag, 1957.
74 p. illus., 24 cm.
fold. maps.
(Publikatlonea hrsg. von der
Stiftung "Vulkunlnstitut Immanuel Frledlaender," Nr. 6)
QE461.D3 57-31021 KueUmer, Frederick John, 1924-
Geologic section of the Black Range at Kingston, New Nockolds, Stephen Robert
Mexico; structure and stratigraphy of the Black Range, FeoxHiiniecKite HaG.TioAeHiiH; reoxnuiia neKOTOpux cepnfi
detailed petrology of igneous rocks, and general guide to n3Bepaceimtix nopop;. IlepeBo^; c aHnuilCKoro u npeAiic.i.
Dunham, Kingsley Charles, 1910- ore exploration. Socorro, New Mexico Institute of Mining A. A. JleSe^eEa-SiiHOBLena. HOA pe^. T. M. ^eM6o. Mo-
The chroraiferous ultrabasic rocks of eastern Sierra, Leone, & Technology, 1954. CKsa, IIs^. inrocTpaHiioli .IIIT-PBI, 1958.
by K. C. Dunham and others] London, H. M. Stationery
t vl, 100 p Illus, plates, maps (1 fold. col. in pocket) tables 173 p dlagrs., tables. 23 cm.

Off., 1958.
23cm. (New Mexico. State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. QE4G1.N.W 59-45903
44 p. illus. 25 cm (Overseas geology and mineral resources sup Bulletin 33)
plement series, bull, suppl. no. 8) G S 55-276
QE461.DS5 552.309664 59-33759 I U S. Geol. Survey. Llbr.

Noc-Nygaard, Arne, 1908-

Kuznefsov, E A A group of liparite occurrences in Vatnajokull, Iceland.
TleTporpa^iifl nariiarnnecKux n neTanop(|)iiiecKiix nopo^. Copenhagen, Printed by B. Luno, 1952. de
B KaiecTue yieG. noco6na A- roc VHiiBepcnTexOB 59 p illus 9 plates, maps, diagrs., tables. 27cm. (Museum
Fuster Casas, Jose Maria. /Jonymeno ,

min^ralogie et de geologic de rUnlversiW de Copenhague.
n BUCIIIIIX TCXH vied. saBe^eHiiii. [MocKsaj HS^-BO Mo- cations geologiques, 49)
Estudio petrogenetico de los volcanes del Golfo de Guinea. no-.
CKOBCKoro yHiiBepciiTexa, 1956.
[QE1.C8 no. 49] GS 55-61
Madrid, Consejo Superior de Inveatigaciones Cientlficas, 411 p illus., ports. 27 cm.
U. S. Geol Survey. Llbr.
Instituto de Estudios Africauoa, 1954. QE461.KS 57-19707
152 p. Ilhis 25cm.
QE461.F85 54-41038 t
Noe-Nygaard, Arne, 1908-
Larsen, Leonard H Materials from the eruption in Grimsvotn, VatnajofcuU,
Zircon studies in silicic igneous rocks. Ann Arbor, Uni in 1934. Copenhagen, Printed by B. Luno, 1951.
Garner, Thomas E 20 p. illus., maps, diagr., tables. 27 cm. (Museum de mlneralogie
The igneous rocks of Pendleton County, West Virginia. versity Microfilms [1956] et degeologie de mniveraltt de Copenliagne. Communications
[University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich
Publication no 17,065) ]

geologiques, no. 50)

Morgantown, State of West Virginia, Geological and Eco Microfilm AC-1 no. 17,005 Mic 56-2240 no. 50] GS 55-60
nomic Survey, 1956. Columbia Univ Libraries [QE1.C8
23 cm. (Wst Virginia. Geological and
U. S. GeoL Survey Llbr.
lii, 81 p. Illus., tables.
Economic Survey. Report of Investigations, no. 12)
[QE177.A35 no. 12] A 56-9804 A P
Kanawha Co., W. Va, Public Library Lebedev,
^Kyr^/KypcKiifi aHopTosirrosHft MECCIIB. MocKna, HS^-BO Pinus, Georgii Vladimirovich.
Aica^eMini nays CCCP, 1957 Mo-
Illus, map. 26 cm. (AKaAe.MHH nayic CCCP. Tpyflbi
riinep6a3HTH A.iTae-CaHCKOft CKJiz^aroii oGiacxif.
81, [3] p.
Graeter, Paul. HHCTHTyra reo.norHH py^Hbix MecropoiKAeHHH. neTporpatbnn, MUHB- CKsa, Il3,Ti-BO AKaAeinm nays CCCP, 19D8.
p Illus maps (part fold.) 27 cm.
Die saureu clevonischen Eruptivgesteine des Kap Frank- pajtorHH H reoxHMHH, Bbin. 15) 293, [S] ,

59-41100 QE452.S5P5 59-29645

lingebietri am Kejser Franz Josephs fjord in Zentral- QE452.S5L4
Ostgronland. K0benhavn, C. A. Reitzel, 1957.
102 p. Illus., plates, maps (part fold.) dlagrs., tables. 28 cm.
(Meddelelser om Grdnland, udg. af Kommisslonen for vldenskabellge

ungersffgelser I Grtfnland, bd. 155, nr. 3) Lengyel, Endre. Ross, Donald Clarence, 1924-
Illinois. Univ.
Copy 2
bd. 155, nr. 3
---------- A 58-1083 A Szarvasko* kornyeki titan-vanadium-vaserckutatas ujabb
eredmenyei. Gergelyffy Laszl6ne 3
[Szerkeszti Resultats
Igneous and metamorphic rocks of parts of Sequoia and
Kings Canyon National Parks, California. San Francisco,
recents de la recherche de mineral de titane-vanadium-fer 1958.
24 p maps (1 fold col. in pocket) dlagrs, tables. 28 cm.
des environs de Szarvasko'. Budapest, Muszaki Kdnyvkiado, illus.,
(Cnlifornla Division of Mines Special report 53)
Guppy, Eileen Mary, comp. 1957.
[TN24.C2A33 no. 53] G S 59-329
Chemical analyses of igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks 133 p. illus., (part fold. In pocket) tables. 25 cm.
maps (A
U. S. Geol Survey. Libr.
Magyar Allaml Fbldtanl Inte"zet 6vk5nyve, 43. kOt, 2. fiizet)
and minerals, 1931-1954; compiled from the records of the
QE1.H94 kot, 46, fiizet 2 59-28037
Geological Survey by Eileen M. Guppy, with Petrographical
descriptions by P. A. Sabine. London, H. M. Stationery Shipulin, Fedor Kuz'mich.
Off., 1956. HirrpysHBHue nopo^Li loro-BOCTOiHOro npiiMOpLJi 11 CBJISB
v, 78 p. tables. 25cm. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey, Great Levchenko, Serafim Vasil'evich. c HIIMII opy^eHCHii^. Mocssa, HS^-BO AEa^eMiiH nays
By.iKamisM n MarMaTiinecKiie ropnue nopoflti. MocKBa,
QE438.G82 *549.13 G S 57-12 HBA-BO AKaACMim nayK CCCP, 1958.
CCCP, 1957.
U. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr. 281 p. Illus., fold, map. 26 cm. (AKaflCMHS HayK CCCP. Tpyaw
101 p. maps 20 cm. (AKaACMHjt nayK CCCP. Haynno-
HHCTHTyja reojiorHH pyaHbix MecTopo*AeHHft, neTporpacpHH, MHHepa-
nonyjistpHafl cepHjt) ^orHH H reoxHMHH, Bbin. 8)
QE461.L59 58-44728 TN86.P7S48 58-39537
Hambleton, William Weldon, 1921-
Magnetic anomalies in Wilson and Woodson counties,
Kansas, by William W. Hambleton and Daniel F. Merriam. Smith, Charles Haddon, 1926-
Liapichev, Georgii Filippovich.
Lawrence, 1955. HHTpysnBHwe KOMUJieKCM flona,ieo30fl: n EeuCpii^ Bon^e- Bay of Islands igneous complex, western Newfoundland.
Ottawa, E. Cloutier, Queen's printer, 1958.
Geological Survey.
p. illus, maps (2 fold in pocket) 23cm. (Kansas. State
Bulletin 114, pt. 3, 1955 Reports of studies, pt 3) Ey.itcicoro pafiona (CeBepo-Bocxo^HHfl Easaxctan)
Ara, 1955.
vl W p
25cm (Canada Geological
Illus., maps (part fold. col. In pocket)
Memoir 290)
dlagrs., tables.

QE113.A2 no. 114, pt. 3 GS 55-263 134 Illus. 23 cm

552.09718 GS 59-70
U. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr.
QE185.A2 no.290
QE452.K3L5 J U.S. Geol. Smvey. Llbr.

Hejtman, Bohuslav.
System aticka petrografie vyvfelvch horain; celostdtni vy-
Marmo, Vladimir. Sobolev, N D
sokokolska ucebnice. l. vyd. 3 Praha, Nakl. Ceskosloven- Ein vulkanischer Komplex der fruh-jotnischen Zeit bei KasKasa.
t yji!Tpa(5a3HTi>i Bo.Ttnioro MocKBa, Foe. H3fl-so
sk6 akademie ved, 1957. Suoj u in Ost-Karelien. Helsinki, 1949. reoji. jiiiT-pH, 1952.
25cm. 77 p. Illus, maps. 25cm.
363 p. Illus.
57-47419 t QE461.M34 51-30679 rev Microfilm Slavic 370 AC Mic 55-3440

S^rensen, Henning.
Matkovskii, Orest Iflikrovich. Further studies on ultrabasic rocks in Sukkertoppen dis
AEqeccopHBie Jiimepa-itt rpatfiiioriAOB ocnimKoro KOM- trict, West Greenland. K^benhavn, F. Bagges kgl. hof-
Hejtman, Bohuslav. n.ieKca BOIHHII. [.TI.BOBJ 1956.
celostatni vysc- bogtr., 1952.
Veobecnd petrografie vyvretych hornin; 49, [3] p Illus. 22 cm. [230 243 p. Illus., plates. 24 cm.
r (Museum de mlnSralogle et de
kokolska ufiebnice. {L vyd. 3 Praha, NakL Ceskoslovenske* QE4G1.M43 57-36560 geologie de rUnlversite" de Copenhague. Communications geologiques,
no. 58)
akademie vd, 1956.
371 p. Illus. 25cm. [QE1.CS no. 58] G S 55-54
57-38841 U. S. Geol. Survey. Libr.
Merritt, Clifford Addison, 1899-
Igneous geology of the Lake Altus area, Oklahoma. Nor S^rensen, Henning.
The Himaussaq batholith; a review and discussion.
man, 1958
Jacobson, Reginald Ronald Eric. 70 p. illus, map (1 fold. col. in pocket) 28 cm. (Oklahoma. K0benhavn, C. A. Reitzel, 1958.
of 27 cm. (Meddelelser om GrjJnland, udg. af
Ring-complexes in the younger granite province Geological Survey. Bulletin no. 76) 48 p. Illus., maps.
Northern Nigeria, by Reginald R. E. Jacobson, William QE153.A2 no. 76 552.1 A 58-9218 Kommisslonen for videnskabellge undersjsgelser I Grtfnland, bd. 182,
Copy 2 QE154.L3M4 nr.S)
Norman MacLeod, and Russell Black. London, 1958. Oklahoma State Llbr. Q115.D39 bd. nr. 3 552.3 59-7683 A
72 p. illus., maps (3 fold.) dlagrs., tables. 81 cm. (Geological 162,
Illinois. TJniv. Library
Society of London. Memoir no. 1) nnnJJ
S^rensen, Henning.
The ultrabasic rocks at Tovqussaq, "West Greenland; a
Michel, Robert.
Contribution a I'&ude petrographique des p4p4rites et du contribution to the peridotite problem. K0benhavn, B.
Khamrabaev, Ibragim Khamrabaevich. volcanisme tertiaire de la Grande Limagne. [Clermont, G. Lunosbogtr.,1953.
86 p. illus., 9 plates, maps, tables, (Museum demln^ralc-
MarMaTH3M H nocTMamaTHiecKHe npon;eccH B
de Bussac, 1953. e et de geologie de I'TJniverslte de Copenhague. Communications
YsfieEHCTaHe. TamKCHT, Hafl-BO AjcafleMHH nays 140 p. illus., maps, dlagrs., tables. 24 cm. (Memolres de la So- Min- fin>
g^ologlaues, no. 60)

CCP, 1958.
cl&e d'hlstolre naturelle d'Auvergne, n 5, 1953)
[QE1.C8 no. 60] GS 55-97
27 cm. QE461.M496 1953 H. S. GeoL Survey. Llbr.
471 p. illus., maps (part fold.)

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROCKS, IGNEOUS (Continued) AKev, Abdul G Khramov, Alekse! Nikitich.

OcaflOHHBie nopo^ti Asepdaft^acana ; nerporpa^ir^ecEaflc najieoMarHiiTHaa KOppe.IH^IIa oca^o^H&ix TOJIOT;. JleHiiH-
Stalhos, L G HayiHO-iexH, ii3^-BO He$Tnott n ropno-Tonjiim-
rpa^;, Foe.
xapaKxepncTHKa He^TenocnHX odjiacieft. BaKy, Aaepdaft-
Kackebymassivet, ett vastsvenskt norit-gabbrointrusiv. flacancKoe roc. IIS^-BO He$T^Hoft ir HayiHO-Texn. JHT-PEI, Hort JUIT-PH, 1958.
Stockholm, Nbrstedt, 1958. 1955. 218 p. maps, diagrs. 28 cm. (TpyAW BcecoioaHoro HediTHHOro
40 p illua mays, diagrs tables. 24 era. ( Sveriges geologiska - reo^oro-paaBCAOHHoro HHCTHryra. sun.
, ,
331 p Illus., maps, 27 cm.
undersQkning. Ser, C. Avhandllngar och uppsatser, n.o 558) Arsbok 116)
52 (1958) n:o 1) QE451.A9A56 56-19385
TN860.L372 vol. 116 59-36609
[QB282.A3 ser. C, no. 558] 58-133 GS
TJ. S. Geol. Surrey. Llbr.
Blumer, Max, 1923- N V
Zur Geochemie der Sedimentgesteine. Theoretische Un- Logvinenko,
Ge- BfleflCHiie B MCTOflHicy rtcateflOBainifl ocaflOtHBix nopofl.
Sun, Ming-shan. tersuchungen sowie Spurenanalysen schweizerischer roc. yHHBepcHTCTa, 1957.
XaptKou, HSA-BO Xap&KOBCKoro
Volcanic rocks of the Cienega area, Santa Fe County, steine. Basel, 1950. 129 p. lllua. 27 cm.
46-56 p. 24cm.
New Mexico, by Ming-shan Sun and Brewster Baldwin. 57-38845 QE471.L6 57-49617
Socorro, State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New
Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, 1958.
v, 80 p. illus., maps (1 fold. col. In pocket) diagrs tables 23 cm. ,
Lombard, Augustin.
(New Mexico. Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Bulletin 54) Dreyf uss, Maurice, 1906- Ge"ologie se'dimentaire ; les series
marines. Paris, Masson,
TN24.N6A232 no. 54 *552.1 552.2 58-216 GS Le Jura dans les mers du Jurassique superieurj essai sur 1956.
U. S. Geol. Survey. Libr. la sedimentation et la paleogeographie dans leurs rapports 722 p. plates, maps, diagrs. 31 cm.
avec les deformations. Paris, 1954. QE581.L6 57-22276
60 p illus. 2 fold, plates, tables. 83 cm. (SocI<St<5 geologlque de
France! Memoires, nouv. ser t 33, fasc. 1. Memolre no. 60)

Taylor, Stuart Ross, 1925-

[QE1.S7 nouv. ser., t. 33, fasc. 1]
G S 55-103
Geochemistry of some New Zealand igneous and metha- XJ. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr. Pepper, James Franklin, 1898-
morphic rocks. Ann
Arbor, University Microfilms 1954j r Geology of the Bedford shale and Berea sandstone in the
(University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich,] Publication 7546)
Appalachian basin a study of the stratigraphy, sedimenta

Microfilm AC-1 no. 7546 Mic 55-3898 tion and paleogeography of rocks of Bedford and Berea age
Eder, Max Rudolf, 1927-
in Ohio and adjacent States, by James F. Pepper, Wallace
Geologische und Sedimentpetrographische Untersuchun-
gen des Jungtertiars im Eaum von Passau. [Munchen?
De Witt, Jr., and David F. Demarest. Washington, U. S.
Usenko, I S Govt. Print. Off., 1954.
ApxencKire MeTa6a3nTtr is yjitxpafiasnTH yKpanHCKoro HI, 90, Iv p Illus., maps (1 fold.) 21 cm. vl, 111 p. Illus., maps (part col.) 29 cm. (U. S. Geological
Survey. Professional paper 259)
EpucxajuniecKoro MaccHBa. KHCB, HS^-BO AEa^euEtn nayK QE691.E3 59-32711
Yicp. CCP, 1953. QE75.P9 no. 259 GS 55-264
100 p. Illus. 22cm. Copy 2. QB672.PS8
U. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr.
QE451.TT4U8 55-33072
Graham, Charles Edward, 1919-
A chemical and Pettijohn, Francis John, 1904-
petro^rnphic study of carbonate constitu
ents of sedimentary rocks. Ann Arbor, University Micro Sedimentary rocks. 2d ed. New York, Harper [1957,
Vsesoiuznoe petrografichesko* soveshchanie. 718 p. Illus. 25cm. Harper's geosclence series)
1st, Moscow, films [1954,

1953. QE471.P46 1957 552.5 56-11820 1

([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich |
Publication 7562)
MaruamsM n CBHSI, c HUH no.ie3rii.ix HCKonaeMHx; Tpy^u Microfilm AC-1 no. 7562 Mic A 54-947
coBemanuH. [OTBeTCTBCHHtifi pe^aKTOp F. A^anactes. J Iowa. Univ. Library H. H. ^o-trono-iOB] MocEBa, IIs^-so Asa^e- Preobrazhenskii, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 1878-
MUH nayK CCCP, 1955. MHHepawtM oca^OHHtix nopofl (npHMennTe^r>HO K myie-
483 p. Illus., maps 27 cm. HHJO He^TenocHHX OTJiojKeniitt) MocKna, Toe. nayHHO-iexH.
QE461.V8 1953 56-41083
Grimm, Wolf Dieter, 1928-
H3fl-B0 Iie$TflHOft H TOpHO-TOnjIHSHOft JIHT-pU, 1954.
Sedimentpetrographische Untersuchung der Molasse-Boh- 462 p. Illus., maps. 27 cm.
rungen Schwabmiinchen 1, Siebnach 1 und Rieden 1 (unter 55-20755
Westerveld, Jan, 1905- QE471.P73
besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schwermineral-Analyse
Radio.ictivity and chemistry of some Indonesian eruptive von Spiilproben) Miinchen, 1957.
rocks. In cooperation -with the Physical Laboratory of the 35 p. map, diagrs., tables. 25 cm. (Geologlca Bavarlca, Nr. 83)
Free University ("Vrije Universiteit") at Amsterdam. QE269.G36 Nr.33 GS58-5 Shvetsov, Mikhail Sergeevich, 1885-
U. S. Geol. Llbr.
Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co., 1954. Survey. HeTporpa^Hfl ocaflonHHx nopofl. 3. nepep. H3fl.
52 maps, diagrs. 26 cm. (Verhandellngen der Konlnklijke
rnjeHO B KaiecxBe yie6. nocoCaa nxx ciy^eHTOB reojioro-
Nederlandse Akademle van Wetenachappen. Afd. Naruurkunde 1.
reeks, deel 20, no. 4} paase^oiHtix Byaos H (JiaKyjrtTCTOB. MocKBa, Foe. nay^HO-
Q57.A532 deel 20, no. 4 A 55-3182 Groot, Johan Jacob, 1913- TCXH. HSfl-BO jiHT-pii no reo^omH H oxpane Heflp, 1958.
Illinois. Univ. Sedimentary petrology of the Cretaceous sediments of 415 p. Illus., 89 plates. 27cm.
northern Delaware in relation to paleogeographic problems. QE471.S5 1958 59-40968

Winkler, Helmut G F 1915- Newark, 1055.

157 p. Illus, maps (2 fold. In pocket) diagrs, tables 23 cm.
DerKristallisationsverlauf in einem tholeiit-basaltischen (Delaware. Geological Survey. Bulletin no. 5)
G S 55-324 Somaliland Oil Exploration Company,
Magma uml seine petrogenetische Bedeutung. Gottingen, QE95.A353 no. 5 *551.76 551.77 ltd.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1949. U. S. Geol. Survey. Llbr. Ageological reconnaissance of the sedimentary deposits
42, [1] p diagrs tables. 25 cm. (Abhandlungen der Akademle of the Protectorate of British Somaliland. Pub
t London,

der Wlssensdiaften in Gottingen, Mathematlseh-Physlkallsche Klasse,

lished by the Cro\vn agents for the Colonies on behalf of the
S. Folge, Heft 24)

[AS182.GS11 3.F., Heft 24] A 57-2045 Hagn, Herbert. Govt. of the Somaliland Protectorate, cover
Fazies und Mikrofauna der Gesteine der bayerischen vll, 41 p lllus.. maps (1 fold, col.) profiles (part fold., part col.)
Columbia Univ. Libraries
Alpen. Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1955.
x, 174 p. 71 plates, tables, 25 cm. (International sedimentary
QE327.S7S6 552.5 55-25931
petrographlcal series, v. 1)
ZavarifskS, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1884-1952. QE471.H25 56-354
Einfuhrung in die Petrochemie der Eruptivgesteine, von
A, N. Sawarizki. tJbers. aus dem Russischen von Friedrich Soveshchanie po mineralogii
t osadodmykh obrazovantf, Lvov,
Krantzj Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1954. Hansen, Kaj, 1896-
445 p. Illus. 25cm. ... The middle and upper Cambrian sedimentary rocks of lesncu ^oKJia^oB. [OTBeTCTBeHHMft pe^aicrop $.. H. Bo- r

QE364^Z314 56-29788 1 Bomholm, by Kaj Hansen. "With 4 plates. K#benhavn, I JtBOBj ZSA-BO ,1r,BOBCKoro ynnBepciiTCTa, 1955.
kommission hos C. A. Reitzel, A. Sandal, 1945.
81, jlj p. Illus (Incl. maps) diagrs. rv pL 25i cm. (Denmark.
QE47LS593 1955c 57-42514
Geologiske unders^gelse. [Skrllterj n. raekke, nr. 72)
Zavaritskii; Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1884-1952.
QE278.A14 2. rsekke, nr. 72 551.72 GS 46-95 rev 2 Soveshchanie po osadochnym porodam,
EtaBepaeesHBie ropniie nopo^a. Mocssa, 1955. TJ. S. Geol. Survey Llbr. Moscow, 1958.
479 p. Illus. 27cm. ^OK^aAH. MocKsa, HS^-BO AKa^eMita HayK CCCP, 1962-
QE461.Z29 55-59677
2 v. illus , maps ( part fold. ) 27 cm.
Hattin, Donald E Microfilm copy (negative-)
Depositional environment of the Wreford megacyclothem Microfilm Slavic 608 AC

see also Conglomerate; Diagenesis;

(lower Permian) df Kansas. Lawrence, 1957.
150 p.
Illus, maps, diagrs. (3
State Geological Survey.
fold. In pocket)
Bulletin 124)
tables. 28 cm. nayjc
rt ^.
CCCP, 1953.
Mocjcaa, HSJC-BO

Microfilm Slavic 381 AC


QE113.A2 no. 124 *551.72 551.75 GS 57-192 QE47LS6 1952c 54-19709 rev 2
U. S. Geol.
Sandstone; Sediments (Geology); Survey. Llbr.

Tillite pyKOBO^CTBO no nexporpa$HH ocaflo^tniix -

^, Toe. Btajmno-TexH. HS^-BO He$THOft H

Horstman, Elwood Louis. ropno-
Akademiia nank SSSR. GeologiohesMi institut. The
distribution of lithium, rubidium, and cesium in 2r. Illus., plates. 27cm,
MerojH H3yTCHHs ocafloiHiix nopofl. H. M. CtpaxoB r
igneous and sedimentary rocks. Ann Arbor. University QE471.S64 58^31157
Microfilms 1956j
(oTBercTBCHHHtt pe^aETop)] MocEsa, Toe. HajnHO-Texa. C

no reojtoraH H oxpane Hejrp, 1957- ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch.j Publication no 15 977)
HSfl-ao JiHT-pHt
T. Ulna., 74 plates. 27cm.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 15,977 Mic 56-1143
J*uc oo-jj. Stier, Karl, 1924-
Minnesota. Univ. Llbr. t?1ber das Vorkommen des Urans in schweizerischen
QE47LA5 58-31154
Sedimentgesteinen. Basel. I960.
7p. 23cm.
Akademtta nauk SSSR. OtdeUnlt gtologo-gcogrcrficketktkh TN490.U7S77 57-35483
nauk. fUrkevich, losif Andreevich.
no OCAJOIHHIC nopoAaii. Mocraa, ES^-BO
H nayi CCCP, 1952- Hay^eHiw ocafloiHBix nopo^ (B npnjioaceHHH x aaflaiaif reo-
T. IlluB^mapi. 27cm. jtornH HC^TH) MocKsa, HS^-BO AKaaeitHH nayK CCCP, Teodorovich, Georgii Ivanovich.
PemeHHe coBemaHiut, Mocrsa, Ha^-so Aica^exHK 1958. AyTHreHHtie MHHepaurti ocaflo^ . MocKs
nay* CCCP, 1953. 112, [4j p. map, diagra. 26 cm. BO Aia^eMHH aaya CCCP, 1958.
Microfilm Slavic 381 AC QE471J83 59-24701 224 p. Illus. 22cm.
QE471JL55 64-19709 rer QE389.T4 59-36127
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Trails unlimited. Photos, by the author. Mountain View,
Bonpocu Miinepajionm ocafloiHux ofipaaoBaHHHfl. KH. 1- Perkin, Robert L 1914-
Press Pub. Association [1955j
Calif., Pacific
The hundred years; an informal history of Denver
150 p. illus. 23cm.
[JTfcBOB] n^
v. Illus., maps. 25 cm. and the Rocky Mountain news. With a. foreword by Gene F1011.C6 917.123 55-11539 J
QE471.V6 58-49873 Fowler. lst ed., Garden City, !N Y., Doubleday, 1959.

624 p illus 24 cm
PN4899.D45R6 071.88831 59-9786 t Eipper, Paul, 189 1- .

Hundert Tage in den Rocky Mountains; mein Kanada-

ROCKS, SILICEOUS Erlebnis Mat 86 Fotos, damnter 16 farbigen Aufnahmen
ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION von Eugen Schuhmacher und Veronika Eipper. Munchen,
Lowry, Wallace Dean, 1917-
Silica sand resources of western Virginia. R. Piper 1958,
Hoffmeister, Harold Arthur, 1900-
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1954. A59-5700
62, [1] p. Illus.,fold map (Inserted) 23cm. (Virginia Engineering The Mountain States: [Colorado, Wyoming, Montana.
Purdue Univ. Library
Experiment Station. Engineering Experiment Station series, no. 96) Prepared with the cooperation of the American Geographi
TA7.V5 no. 96 A 54-9840 cal Society] Garden City, N. Y., N. Doubleday [1958,
Virginia. State Library 64 p. illus. 21cm. (Know your America program)
F721.H68 917.8 58-3496 t Frebold, Hans, 1899-
The Jurassic Fernie group in the Canadian Rocky Moun
ROCKVIEW FARM PRISON, BELLEFONTE, tains and foothills. Ottawa, E. Cloutier, Queen's printer,
PA. see Pennsylvania. State Penitentiary INDUSTRIES PERIODICALS 197 p plates, maps, 2 fold, dlagrs. (In pocket) 25 cm. (Can
atRockview, Bellefonte ada. Geological Survey. Memoir 287)
Intermountain industry. QE185.A2 no. 287 551.76 GS 57-142
Lake Copy 2. QB68LF68
[Salt City, GeoL Survey.
ROCKVILLE, MD. v. in illus, ports., dlagrs. 29 cm. monthly.
U. S. Llbr.

HC10T.A17 1 65 57-43863
MAPS Gowland, John Stafford, 1898-
ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER TICK Sikanaska trail. Illustrated by Christopher Brooker.
Ciysel, Richard Humphrey, 1917- London, W. Laurie t 1956]
207 p. illus. 23cm.
Street map of Rockville, Montgomery County, Maryland, William Livingston, 1906-
Jellison, 58-34606 J
F1090.G6 634.9069
county seat. t Rockvillej 1952. Tularemia in sheep and in sheep industry workers in
map 38 x 50 orn. western United States [by William L. Jellison [and] Glen M.

G3844.R6 1952.C5 Map 53-52 Kohls. [Washington, U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1955 :
lv, 17 p map, tables 27 cm. (U. S. Public Health Service. Gowland, John Stafford, 1898-
Publication no. 421. Public health monograph no 28) Smoke over Sikanaska; [the story of a forest ranger]
SF968.J4 55-60031 Illustrated by Spencer Roberts. London, W. Laurie [1955!
Cissel, Richard Humphrey, 1917-
224 p. illus. 22 cm.
Street map of Rockville, Montgomery County, Maryland, SD129.G6A3 634.9069 56-16958 t
county seat.
map 43 x 60 cm.
3d revision, Feb. 1954. [Rockville! 1954. ROCKY MOUNTAINS
G3844.R6 1954.C5 Map 54-1494 Gowland, John Stafford, 1898-
Colorado Mountain Club, Denver.
Guide to the Colorado mountains, edited by Robert M, Smoke over Sikanaska. Illustrated by Spencer Roberts.
Onnes. Denver, Sage Books [1952] New York, I. Washburn 1957, 1955j
ROCKWALL COUNTY, TEX. 230 p. illus. 17cm. 224 p. illus. 23cm.
52-3522 rev J SD129.G6A3 1957 634.9069 57-11044 t
F782.R6C712 1952 917.88
Tobin (Edgar) Aerial Surveys, San Antonio. VIEWS
Colorado Mountain Club, Denver.
Rockwall County, Texas ownership map with well data.
Guide to the Colorado mountains, edited by Robert M,
San Antonio.
maps 91 x 91 cm Onnes. 2d, rev. ed. Denver, Sage Books 1955] C
Gibbons, Bffl J L
247 p illus. 17cm.
G4033.R7 year.T6 Map 53-54 55-2942 Photographing the Canadian Rockies. [Banff, AIta>, Brit
F782.R6C712 1955 917.88 t
ish Photographic Laboratories of Canada : "1948.
56 p. (chiefly plates) map, tables. 30cm.
F1090.G5 917.12 55-41651
Hewitt, Alba Ashby.
MAPS Riding the Rockies. c
lst ed.] New York, Vantage Press
Sanborn 231 p 21 cm
Map Company. 917.8 57-8398 J N.C.
Insurance maps Rocky Mount, North Carolina, includ
ing Battleboro, Lcggett, Sharpsburg, Whitakers
& parts of
Edgecomb no. 12 & Stony Creek Townships. Ed. of 1923; Spence, Thomas Hugh, 1899-
Sage, Rufus B 1817-1893.
republished 1956. New York, 1957. Rufus B. Sage: his letters and papers, 1836-1847; with
The Presbyterian congregation on Rocky River. Concord,
2 p., 63 ( I. e. 60) 76-80
, p. of col. maps. 85 cm. N. C., Rocky River Presbyterian Church, 1954.
an annotated reprint of his "Scenes in the Rocky Mountains,
G1304.R7S3 1957 Map 58-162 238 p. illus. 25cm.
and in Oregon, California, New Mexico, Texas, and the BX9211.C14R6 285.1756 55-19724 J
Grand Prairies." With an introd,, biographical sketch, and
notes by LeRoy R, Hafen and Ann W. Hafen. Glendale,
A. H. Clark Co., 1956.
William Sheridan, 1877- 2 T. Illus., px>rts., 2 fold. maps. 25 cm. (The Far West and the ROCOCO ARCHITECTURE see Architecture,
Rockies historical series, 1820-1875, T. 4-5)
F591.F35 vols.1-5 917.8 56-3475
ROCOCO AfiT see Art, Rococo
Brandborg, Stewart M Schiel,Jacob Heinrich Wilhelm, 1813-
Life history and management of the mountain goat in Journey through the Rocky Mountains and the Humboldt
Idaho. Boise, State of Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game !955, r
Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Translated from the Ger ROCOCO FURNITURE see Furniture, Rococo
142 p. Illus. 23 cm. (Idaho. Fish and Game Dept. Wildlife man and edited by Thomas N. Bonner. lst American ed.j t
bulletin no. 2)
Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1959!
QL737.U5B73 56-62670 xxl, 114 p. illus, fold. map. 24 cm. (The American exploration ROCOUYENNE INDIANS see Oyana Indians
and travel series, 27)
F59S.S334 917.8 59-7490
Idaho. Wildlife Restoration Division.
Job completion reports for Project no. 98-R-2, Man W
agement study of Rocky Mountain goat; period: 10-24-51 Schiel, Jacob Heinrich Wilhelm, 1813- Enipe, James Lloyd, 1894-
to 3-31-54. A Pittman-Robertson Project, by S. M. Brand- The land between; Dr. James Schiel's account of the Tixe families of Louis Hartman and Peter Rodenhauser
[Boise, 1954 ?
Gunnison-Beckwitn expedition into the West, 1853-1854. of Columbia, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, tLancaster,
foorg, project leader. 3

146 p. illus. 28cm. An edited and annotated translation by Frederick W. Bach- Pa.,1952j
>QL737.U5 1 35 599.73584 56-63404 Microfilm 4340 CS Mic 58-6234
mann and William Swilling Wallace. Los Angeles, Western-
lore Press, 1957.
162 p. illus. 21 cm. (Great West and Indian series, 9)
CITY PLANNING see Cities and
towns Planning Rocky Mountain BRIDGES
House, Alberta
Denkschrift zur Verkenrsubergabe der wiederhergeatellten.
Black, Samuel, 1780-1841. Autobahnbriicke fiber den Rhein in Rodenkirchen bei Koln
ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK A journal of a voyage from Rocky Mountain portage
am 9. Dezember 1954. Der Bundeaminister fur Verkehr, der
Peace Iliver to the sources of Finlays Branch and norti Minister f iir Wirtschaft tind Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-
Cargo, David N west ward in summer 1824. Edited by E. E. Rich, assisted
Westfalen undj der Direktor des Landschaftsverbandes
A. M. Johnson, with an introd. by R. M. Patterson.

Rocky Mountain National Park, an outdoorsman's guide, by Kheinland. Bonn, 1955.

by David N. Cargo and Richard M. Chisholm. 1st ed. London, Hudson's Bay Record Society, 1955. 92 p. Illus., map. 30cm,
Pueblo, Colo., Printed by O'Brien Print and Stationery Co.
c, 260
p. Illus.,
Bay Record
fold. map.
Society, 18)
25 cm. (The publications of the A 55-6708
Illinois. Univ. Library
1956. F1001.H8 vol.18 56-779
80 p. illus. 23 cm.
F782.R59C3 917.8 56-3818 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Bacon, Marion, 1914-
see also Beavers; Chinchillas; Hoploym Comparative susceptibility of various species of mice
Marmots; Mice; Microtinae; Phyllotis; native to Washington to inoculation with virulent strains of
Pocket gophers; Porcupines; Prairie- Pasteuretta pestis. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1957 r
Rodez, France.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MIch.j Publication no. 20,474 Comptes consulaires de la cite et du bourg de Rodez. Par
dogs; Rats; Squirrels Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,474 Mic 57-1145 H. Bousquet. Rodez, Impr. P. Carrere, 19
Washington. State Coll., Pullman. Library v. 26cm. (Archives hlstorlques du Rouergue,
CD1216.R6A7 no. 17, etc.
Bischoff, Norbert, 1927-
Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber das Waclistum de
Rattenschneidezahnes. Mainz? 1953 ?j E
PARASITES see Parasites Rodentia
611. mounted illus., mounted dlagrs 30cm.
QL858.B55 57-2668
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public
Curtin. Constance O'Hara. Fields,Robert William, 1920- Welfare.
Studies on the fate of a.scorbic acid-l-C 11 in the rat. Nomination. Hearing before the Committee on Labor and
Ann Hystricomorph rodents from the late Miocene of Colom
Arbor, University Microfilms t !955j South America. Berkeley, University of California Public Welfare, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress,
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 12,331) second session, on Philip Ray Rodgers to be a member of the
Press, 1957.
Columbia Unlv.
AC-1 no. 12,331 Mic A 55-1559 273-403 p. Illus., map. 26 cm. (University of California publica National Labor Relations Board. June 30, ,1958. Washing
Libraries tions in geological sciences, v. 32, no. 5)
ton, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1958.
QE1.C15 vol. 32, no. 5 569.32 A 57-9802 ill, 35 p. tables. 24cm.
Copy 2. HD5503.A415 1958 *331.899 331.154 58-61834
Davis, David Edward, ed. California. Unlv. LIbr.
Manual for analysis of rodent populations. Baltimore
82 p? illua. 22cm. RODGERS, RICHARD, 1902-
QL737.R6D3 Hrubesch, Karl.
599.32 57-7458 Zahnstudien an tertiaren Rodentia Beitrag zu deren als
Stammesgeschichte. Uber die Evolution der Melissiodonti-
Ewen, David, 1907-
1 ew Yorkj Holt
dae, eine Revision der Gattung Melissiodon. Munchen, Ver-

Hrubesch, Karl. TO 5? rai2 c1957'

Zahnstudien an tertiaren Rodentia lag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ; in Kom- ML410.R6315E9
Beitrag zu deren als 927.8 57-10418
mission bei Beck, 1957. J
Stammesgeschichte. Uber die Evolution der Melissiodonti-
100, [1] p. lllus., 4 plates, map, dlagrs., tables. 31cm. (Bayerlsche
dae, eine Revision der Gattung Melissiodon. Munchen, Ver- Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematlsch-Naturwlssenschaft-
lag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Kom- llche Klasse. Abhandlungen, n. F., Heft 83)
Rodgers and Hammerstein fact book. New York, R. Rod
mission bei Beck, 1957.
A 59-399 gers and 0. Hammerstein, n r1955,
100, [I, 4 plates, map, dlagrs., tables. 31 cm. (Bayerlsche
p. Illus., Illinois. Library
Akademie der Wissenschaften. 678 p. lllus. 24cm.
Uche Klasse. Abhandlungen, n. F., Heft 83) MT95.R63 782.8 56-7012
A 59-399 Landry, Stuart Omer, 1924-
Illinois. Univ. Library
The interrelationships of the New and Old World hystri-
comorph rodents. Berkeley, University of California Taylor, Deems, 1885-
Press, Some enchanted evenings
Landry, Stuart Omer, 1924- ; the story of Rodgers and Ham
The interrelationships of the New and Old World hystri-
117 p. illus., tables. 26 cm. (University of California publica
merstein. London, Macdonald t 1955i
tions In zofilogy, v. 56, no. 1) 195 23cm.
p. illus.
comorph rodents. Berkeley, University of California Press, QL1.C15 vol. 56, no. 1 599,32 A 57-9594 ML410.R6315T3 1955 927.8 65-4784 t
Copy 2. QL737.R6L17
117 p. Illus., tables. 26 cm. (University of California publica California. Unlv. Ltbr.
tions In zoOlogy, v. 56, no. 1)

QL1.C15 vol. 56, no. 1 599.32 A 57-9594 RODHE, EDVARD MAGNUS, BP. , 1878-1954
copy 2 .
California. Untr. LIbr. Beeder, William Glase, 1929-
A review of tertiary rodents of the family
Lundblad, Emil, 1887-
Minnestal over biskopen Edvard
Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms [1958] Magnus Rodhe vid
Mohr, Enuu Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-976 prastmotet i Lund den 18. September 1956. [MalmS,
Mic 58-976
**wo-iMv Gleerup
Die freilebenden Nagetiere Deutschlands und der Nach- Michigan. Unlv. LIbr. t 1956]
16 p. port. 24cm.
barlander. 2., uberarbeitete Aufl. Jena, G. Fischer, 1950.
152 p Illus. 24cm. BX8080.R615L8 A 58-1287
Minnesota. Univ. Llbr.
QL737.R6M68 1950 55-20058 J Wood, Albert Elmer, 1910-
The rodents of the Deseadan Oligocene of Patagonia and
the beginnings of South American rodent
Moss, Melvin Lionel. evolution, by
Albert E. Wood and Bryan Patterson. Cambridge The RODIERE, ROGER
Growth of the
calvaria, the nature of the suture and '

Museum, 1959.
its role a a a bite of growth. Ann Arbor, University Micro [279j-428 p. Illus. 24 cm. (Bulletin of the Museum Commission departementale des monuments historiques du
of Compara
films [1954, tive Zoology at Harvard College, v. 120, no. 3) Pas-de-Calais.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 8740) QL1.H3 vol. 120, no. 3 569.32 A 59-5763 Etudes historiques dfidiees a la nicmoire de M. Roger
Microfilm AC-1 no. 8740 Mic A 55-3369 Harvard Unlv. Library Rodiere. Arras, 1947.
Columbia Unlv Libraries 212 p. illus. 28cm.
DC4.C6 56_ 184U
Petry, Wolfgang 1926-
Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber das Wachstum der
Nagetierschneidezahne bei Meerschweinchen und Kaninchen.
Chitty, Dennis, ed. LODIN, AUGUSTS, 1840-1917
Control of rats and mice. Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1954.
t Mainz i 1953?, 3 v. Illus., tables. 24 cm.
72, [5] 1, mounted Illua, 30 cm. Cladel, Judith, 1873-
RC117.R2C45 55.773
QL858.P48 55-56482 Rodin. Photos, par
Renfi-Jacques. Paris, A. Somogy
ip. SOplatea. 19cm.
Storer, Tracy Irwin, 1889- (Arsmundl)
Zbirovsltf, Miroslav.
Controlling field rodents in California. ( Berkeley] Divi
Insekticidy, fungicidy, rodenticidy. Miroslav Zbirovskf
Harvard Unlv. Library
A 57-1551
sion of Agricultural Sciences, University of California
Jaromir Myka. c
l. vyd.,
Praha, Nakl. Ceskoslovenske aka-
11958, demie vSd, 1957.
48 p. fllus. 24 cm, (California Agricultural Experiment Sta
tion [and California Agricultural] Extension Service Circular 484)
S39.E25 no. 434 A 53-10080 .
Elsen, Albert Edward, 1927-
California. TTnlv, Llbr. d S GateS f heU '"
"s 195 5"
^^ Arb r' Universifcy M*" "

Tobias, Phillip V RODEOS ^>fihnA_

Columbia Unlv.
Chromosomes, sex-cells, and evolution in a mammal; based
mainly on studies of the reproductive glands of the gerbil, Lamb, Gene, 1912-
and a new list of chromosome numbers of mammals. Fore
word by Theodosius '

Dobzhansky. London, Published for GV1834.L3 ,

the South African Council for Scientific 79L8 Nostitz, Helene (vonHindenburg) von, 1878-1944.
and Industrial Re-
Sftflren Vv Tirmi^ TTntnWknaa
^956 GeSprachen Und Briefen Dresden, - W. Jess

Toktosunov, A
Lamb, Gene, 1912-
Rodeo cowboy. San Antonio, Naylor
Co. fl
[NB43 R7N

Harvard Unlv.
P rt
- ^^

rpusynu JCuprHSHH. 68_ 59730

Opynae, 1958.
169, [3] p. lllns^ maps, tables. 23 cm.
QL737.R6T6 59-36396
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926.
Reynolds, Florence (MeOong) 1897-
The rawhide tree; the story of Florence nsrnnnw qwrn oain .nn
Vinogradov, Boris Stepanovich, 1891- Reynolds in rodeo,
by Cleo Tom Terry and Osie Wilson. tlst ed. Clarendon!
KparKHft onpejeairrejii, rpswvHOB $ayHH CCCP. MocKsa,
Tex., Clarendon Frees, 195T. [Tel-Aviv, 1951/52j
H nay* CCCP, 1956. 256 p. illus. 23 on. 63 p. plates. 24 cm.
GV1834.R4 *791.8 79L8 NB553.R7R658 57-50360
W-1781S J
QL737.R6V54 56-35472 J
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

1819 1917-1947
Schmoll gen. Eisenwerth, J Adolf, 1915-
Der Torso als Symbol und Form; zur Geschichte des Conrad, Barnaby, 1922-
Otero Mufioz, Gustavo, 1894-
Torso-Motivs im Werk Rodins. The death of Manolefce, Boston, Houghtoa Mifflin, 1958.
Baden-Baden, B. Grimm Don Manuel del Socorro Rodriguez; homenaje en el n.
[1954] 148 p. illus. 26 cm.
centeaario de su nacimiento. [Bogota^ Banco de la Repu-
83 p, 42 plates. 24 cm. GV1108.R6C6 927.918 58-5451 t
blica 1956]
Harvard Univ
A 55-1246 rev 29 p. Ulua. 25cm.
PN5053.K608 57-30121 t Ruiz, Joaquin Salvador.
El, solo. Porj Joaquin Salvador Ruiz tf: Polo D. Guz

man. Prologo de Manuel Barbadillo Rodriguez. [Jerez de

RODNEY, JONATHAN, pseud see Bernstien,
Abraham Emmanuel, 1921- RODRIGUEZ, PEDRO, CONDE DE CAMPO- la Fronteraj Jerez Industrial, 1955.
ilv, 165 p. 17cm.
MANES see Campoznanes., Pedro Rodriguez
A 66-2257
conde 1723-1803 Otlo State Univ. GV1106

Rennell, Francis James Rennell Rodd, laron, 1895- ABP, ,
Valley on the march; a history of a group of manors on Capo, Jose Maria.
the Herefordshire march of Wales. Nunez y Dominguez, Jose de Jesus, 1887-
New York London, Bolivar, su maestro y su amante. Habana, Editorial Lex,
La expulsion del obispo Rodriguez Zorrilla y su
Oxford University viaje por
Press, 1958. 1956.
128 p. lllus. 19cm.
Mexico en 1826; discurso pronunciado en el acto de incor-
F2235.3.C19 57-30436 t poracion a la Academia Chilena de la Historia, como miem-
DA740.R3R4 942.96 58-4686 bro correspondiente, que se efectuo en el salon de honor de
la Universidad de Chile. [Santiago del N"uevo Extremo?
Chile, 1956 ?3
74 p. Illus. 26 cm.
Pic6n-Salas, Mariano, 1901-
RODO, JOSE ENRIQUE, 1872-1917 Simon Rodriguez (1771-1854) Caracas, Fundacion Eu- BX4705.R64N8 58-33433 t
genio Mendoza, 1953.
Iduarte, Andres, 1907- no. 5)
p. illus. 17 cm. (Biblloteca escolar; "Colecclon de blograffas,"
Sarmiento, Marti y Rodo ; trabajo leido en la sesion publica F2235.5.R6P55 55-25583 t
celebrada el dia 18 de agosto de 1055. Presentado por Eme- Vogelgsang, Margarete, 1901-
terio S. Santovenia Habana, Impr. "El Siglo xx," 1955. Rodulfus Glaber; Studien zum Problem der cluniacensi-
35 p 25cm Romero Luengo, Adolfo. schen Geschichtsschreibung. [Miinchen, 1962.
F2846.S2521S 56-24579 IT, 183 L 29cm.
J Simon Rodriguez, silueta. aumentada con el infonne
3. ed.
sobre reforma de la educaci6n presentado al Ayuntamiento
Sanchez, Luis Alberto, 1900- de Caracas por Sim6n Rodriguez. Marucaibo, 1956.
164 p. illus. 23cm.
jTuvimos maestros en nuestra America? Balance y F2235.5.R6R6 1956 57-32280 1 ROE, SIR ALLIOTT VERDON see Verdon-Roe,
liquidation del novecientos. Buenos Aires, Editorial Raigal
SirAUiott, 1877-
192 p. 21 cm. (BIblloteca "Nuestra America," t. 3) Vasquez, Emilio.
D421.S3 1956 57-17589 Sim6n Rodriguez, y un elogio del Libertador, lea, Peru, ROEBLING, JOHN AUGUSTUS, 1806-1869
Tip. "La Cultura," 1952.
162 p. 17cm Harrod, Kathryn E
RODO, JOSE ENRIQUE, 1872-1917. ARIEL F2235.5.R6V3 55-17199 J Master bridge builders; the story of the Roeblings. New
York, J. Messner t 1958]
192 p. Illus. 22 cm.
Diez de Medina, Fernando, 1908- TG140.R6H3 926^ 58-10928 J
Sariri una replica
; c
al "Ariel" de Rod63 La Paz c Boliviaj
Venezuela (Federal District) Oonsejo Municipal,
A. Tejerina, 1951 Simon Rodriguez, escritos sobre su vida y su obra, Cara
274 p. 20cm. cas, 1954. FICTION
PQ8519.R6A86 296 p. 24cm
F2235.5.R6V4 57-36666
Browin, Frances (Williams) 1898-
RODRIGO DE LA CRUZ, 1637-1716 Big bridge to Brooklyn; the Roebling story. Illustrated
>y Lili Rethi. lst ed.. New York, Aladdin Books, 1956.
Illus 21 cm. (American heritage series >
Garcia de la 1720. 1810 PZ7.B7999Bi 55-11908 J
ConcepcijSn, Joseph, ft.
Historia belemitica; vida ejemplar y admirable del
venerable siervo de Dios, y padre Pedro de San Jose" Betan- FICTION ROEBLING, WASHINGTON AUGUSTUS, 1837-
cur, fundador de el regular Institute de Belen en las Indias
Occidentales; fnitos singulares de su fecundo esplritu, y
sucesos varies de esta religi6n. Prologo del doctor Cannelo Cox, Patricia.
Alconedo (biografianovelada) Mexico, Unidad Mexicana
Saenz de Santa Maria. 2. ed. Guatemala, 1956. Harrod, Kathryn E
x, 662 p. ports., facslms. 26 cm. (BIblloteca "Goathemala" de la de Escritores 1955- t Master bridge builders; the story of the Roeblings. New
Socledad de Qeografla e Historia de Guatemala, v. 19) v, lllus. 20cm. (Coleccltfn TehntU, 3)
BX4705.B45G3 1956 York, J. Messner r!9583
PQ7297.C72A8 55-57254 192 p. lllus. 22cm.
TG140.R6H3 926.2 58-10928 I
Browin, Frances (Williams) 1898-
Paz-Andrade, Valentin.
Rodrigues, Leda (Boechat) 1917- oomp. Pranto matriciaJ. Version castelan de Maria de Villarino. Big bridge to Brooklyn; the Roebling story. Illustrated
Bibliografia de Jose" Hon6rio Rodrigues. Rio de Janeiro, Dibuxos de Colmeiro, Maside, Souto e Torres. Buenos Aires, by Lili Rethi. c lst ed.j New York, Aladdin Books, 1956.
1S2 p. Ulus 21 cm. (American heritage serle*-)
1956. Ediciones G-alicia del Centro Gallego 1955, 55-11908 J
60 p. 22 cm.
85 p. Illus. 24 cm.
Z8752.5.RS 58-16201J PQ9469.P3P7 57-30091 rev J


Pimentel, Antonio Fonseca, 1916- ANTONIO, CONDE DE SAN BARTOLOME Moomaw, William Hugh.
O teatro de Nelson Rodrigues. Capa de Mauricio Maga- DEXALA, 1738-1800 The naval career of Captain Hamond, 1775-1779. Ann
Ihoes. Rio de Janeiro, Edifices "Margem," 1951.
126 p. 19cm.
Arbor, University Microfilms [1956j
( (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch.j Publication no. 13,844)
57-35669 J Romero de Terreros y Yinent, Manuel, morgues de San Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,844 Mic 56-820
Virginia. Univ. Llbr.
Francisco, 1880- ed.

1889-1919 Una cusa del siglo xvm en Mexico; la del conde de San
RODRIGUEZ, ANTONIO, Bartolome de Xala. Resena, seleccidn de documentos y notas
de Manuel Romero de Terreros. M&rico, Impr. Universi-
ROEDEAN SCHOOL see Brighton, England.
Rufino, Ricardo. Roedean School
taria, 1957.
Julio Antonio, el Ariel de la escultura, Sevilla, Imp. O. 83 p. plates, ports., plan. 28 cm. (Bstodlos y fuentes del arte en
Acuna, 1953. Mexico, 8)
78 p., [45] p. of lllus. ports. 17 cm. N6230.E6 58-17882 R^DOVRE, DENMARK
NB813.R6R8 55-26131
RODRIGUEZ, JOSE MARIA, 1849-1903 Denmark. State* tigmngsdirektorat.
Danckert Castillo, Maria Estela. Grundvffirdikort over R0dovre kommune ved vurderingen
Piedra-Bueno, Andres de, 1903-
Ignacio Kodriguez Galvin y su obra. Mexico, 1956. pr. L oktober 195a K^benhavn, Engelsen & Schroder. 195L
Mayia. Habana, 1957. 12Tp. 23cm. [23j p. maps. 32 cm.
101 p. 18cm. G205aR57D4
F1783JR64P5 A 58-2555 PQ7297.R7165Z64 57-35674 t 1951 Map 55-284
Florida. Univ. Library

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


MAPS (Continued) Entdeckung neuen Lichtes; eine historisch-biographische
Erzahlung iiber Wilhebn Conrad Rontgen. l. AufL] t
Denmark. Staiens ligningsdirektorat, lin, Rutten & Loening [=1956]
Grundvserdikort over R0dovre kommune ved vurderingen 127 p. lllus. 17cm. (GrosaePatrloten) Jaskowiak, Franciszek.
QC16.R47H4 57-26684
pr. 1 September 1956. Kjzibenhavn. Engelsen & Schr0der. Kornik Rogalin. Tekst: F. JaSkowiak
c i A. Dubowski.
1957. Warszawa, Kraj, 1952 }

19 p. of maps. 30 cm. 15 p 17 crn

G2Q59.R57D4 1957 Map 59-663 ROENTGEN RAYS see X-rays DK651.K59J3 55-26746 J


Edschmid, Kasimir, 1890- see Radiologists
In Memonam Dr. Otto Rdhm. Zum SOjahrigen Bestehen ROENTGENOLOGISTS Leskovar, Rudolf.
Station d'eaux mineralea RogaSka Slatina; bref apergu
der chemischen Fabrtk Rohm & Haas, Darmstadt du developpement de la station d'eaux minerales,
[Darm historique
stadt, Hoppenstedts Wirtschafts-Arcbiv, 1957j
75 p. lllus. (part coL) ports., facslms. 2d cm,
ROERMOND description de ses ressources curatives avec courte explica
tion de leur action, instructiones g6n6rales sur leur mode
Wayne Univ. [Ljubljana, Glavna uprava za turizem in
Library COMMERCE d'emploi.
gostinstvo, 1951j
48 p. lllus. 20cm.
ROHM UND HAAS G. M. B. H. Thurlings, Th L M RA887.Y8L4 59-37295 J
De Maashandel van Venlo en Roermond in de 16e eeuw,
Edschmid, Kasirair, 1890- 1473-1572. Amsterdam, H. J. Paris, 1946.
In Memonam Dr. Otto Rohm. Zum SOjahrigen Bestehen vi, 160 p. fold. map. 23 cm. (Bijdragen voor economische ge- ROGATORY LETTERS see Letters rogatory
der ch.emisch.en Fabrik Rdhm & Haas, Darmstadt
[Darm HF3620.V4T4S 57-21305 ROGENT PERES, RAM6N, 1920-
stadt, Hoppenstedts Wirtschafts-Arcbiv, 1957]
75 p. lllus. (part coL) ports., lacslms. 28 cm.
Salisachs, Mercedes.
Wayne Univ.
A 59-465 ROESCH, CARL, 1884- Arte y humanidad.
Library [Barcelona, 1957 ?,
lip. illus. 21cm. (Cuadernos de "La Jlrafa cuaderno no. 1)
ROK STONE INSCRIPTION Knoepfli, Albert. ND813.R54GS8 57-48521
Carl Roesch; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Malerei seit
1900. Frauenfeld, Huber 1958 a
HoEer, Otto, 1901- C

265 p plates (part col.) 25cm. ROGER, SUZANNE, 1899-

Der Runenstein von Rok und die germanische Individual-
Tveihe. Tubingen, M. Niemeyer, 1952. Galerie Louise Leiris, Pcvris.
3dx, 412 p. 7 plates 22 cm. (His Germanlsches SakralkSnlgtum,
Bd.1) Suzanne Roger, peintures 1923-1958; Galerie Louise
A 55-10205 ROESELARE, BELGIUM Leiris, 18 avril-17 mai 1958. [Paris, 1958,
Harvard Unlv Library t 13) p., 64 lllus. (part col.) 17 cm. (Its Catalogue. S<5rie A,
no 7)
Denys, D&ire.
Van en over Maurice Roelants c doorj Anton van Duinkerken Het Roeselaarse volkaleven. Roeselare, 1955. ROGERS, BRUCE, 1870-
t pseud., et aL, Brnssel, A. Manteau, 1956. 261 p. 24cm.
48 p. ports. 19cm. DH811.R6D38 57-15211 J Shapiro, S R 1911-
Harvard Univ.
A 58-15 A check-list of the rarest and most valuable Bruce
imprints. New York, 1956.
Denys, Desire".
t!2, p. IGcm.
Toponymie van Roeselare. Roeselare, 1952. Z232.R67S5
ROELOFS, AR JEN ROELOFS, 1754-1828 467 p lllus., fold, maps (4 in pocket) 24 cm.
013.655 56-4709
DH811.R6D4 55-32773
Bilt, Jan van der, 1876-
De grote spiegelkijkers van Roelofs en Rienks; een episode ROGERS, CARL RANSOM, 1902-
uit de geschiedenis der Leidse en Utrechtse sterrewachten SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS
(1821-1840) Leiden, Universitaire Pers Leiden, 1951. Sonne, Thomas Raymond,
xi, 182 p lllus ports., maps 25 cm. 1910-

Denys, Desire. AH experimental investigation of the preferences of au

Het Roeselaarse volksleven. Roeselare, 1955. thoritarian und equalitarian
personalities for Rogerian and
261 p. 24cm. uon-Rogerian counseling. [Buffalo, 1956,]
DH811.R6D38 57-15211 J lv.1081. tables. 27cm.
R0LVAAG, OLE EDVART, 1876-1931 BFG37.L4S65
Buffalo. Unlv. Libr.
Stevens, Robert Lowell, 1921-
Ole Edvart Rolvaag: a critical study of his STREETS
American novels. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1956i ROGERS, DALE EVANS
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 15,276 )
Microfilm AC-1 no. 15,276 Mic oo-lo*
56-1523 Denys, Desire.
Illinois. Unlv. Library Davis, Elise Miller.
Toponymie van Roeselare. Roeselare, 1952.
467 p. lllus., fold, maps (4 in pocket) 24 cm The answer is God; the inspiring personal story of Dale
DH811.K6LH 55-32773
Evans and Roy Rogers. New York, McGraw-Hill 1955i t
242 p. lllus. 22cm.
ROENTGEN, ABRAHAM, 1711-1793 BR1725.R63D3 927.92 55-9539 J

Kreisel, Heinrich, 1898-

Mobel von Abraham Roentgen. Darmstadt. F * Schnee,- ROETHLISBERGER, FRITZ JULES. Rogers, Dale Evans.
To my son: faith at our house.
31 21 cm. (Wohnkunst und Hauarat,
p. plates. elnst und jetzt.
142 p. 22cm.
NK2554Jt6K7 55-28667 Landsberger, Henry A BR1725.R63A4 57-6856
Hawthorne revisited. Management and the worker: its
and developments in human relations in industry-
ROENTGEN, DAVID, 1743-1807
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University [1958,
T 9?
9 P ' M
Cm (0orne11 ttoMes In Industrial and labor
relations, Garrison, Maxine.
Huth, Hans, 1892-
Mobel von David Roentgen. Darmstadt, F. Schneekluth T58.R622L3 The Angel spreads her wings. t Westwood, N. J. 3 Bevell
658.3 58-63022 J
21 cm.
158 p. 22cm
D* lllua. (Wohnkunst and Hauarat, einst und Jetrt,
B( S|2 BR1715.R6R65 244 65-8762
NK2554.R6H83 59-40640 J
RONTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD, 1845-1923 Rofe, Cyril, 1916- U.S. 83d Oong^Sdsw., 1964.
London, Hodder and Stoughton 1956] Memorial services held in the House of
Gbaser, Otto, 1895- '
and Senate of the United States,
Dr. W. C. Rontgen. D805.G3R54 1956 940.547243 together with remarks
2d ed. Thomas 56-12977 J presented in eulogy of Dwight Laing Rogers, late a Repre
Springfield, 111.,
11958] sentative from Florida.
169 p, lllus. 22 cm. Eighty-third Congress, second ses
sion, Washington, U. S. Govt. Print.
QC16.R47G48 1958 925.3 Off.,' 1955.
58-6382 J
ROGALAND, NORWAY 2p. port 24cm.
E748.R675U5 923.273 55-61076

Glasser, Otto, 1895- ROGERS, GUY
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen nnd die Geschichte der
Rogers, Guy.
Rontgenstrahlen. Mat einem Beitrag: Personliches fiber Norway. Kontoret for omrddeplanieffgmg
W. C. liontgen, von Margret Boveri. 2. Aufl. Berlin,
i Bogaland. A rebel at heart; the
autobiography of a nonconfonning
Roala; en statistisk-^konomisk
analyse. rOslo, Ar- Ne
Springer r 1959, **
881 p. nn
26cm. Illua
QC16J147G52 1959 HC867JK6N6 BX5199.R728A3
925.3 59-65088 J 58-34499
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Rogers, Lindsay, 1902-
Guerrilla surgeon. t
lst ed.i Garden City. N. T.. Double- Greene, Jay Elihu, 1914- ed. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and In
day, 1957. Four biographies. [School ed.] New York, Globe Book sular Affairs.
280 p. 22 cm. Co. 1956j The Al Sarena Joint hearings before a Special Sub

R674.R6A3 940.5476394 57-5526 J 490 p. Illus. 21cm. committee on the Legislative Oversight Function of the
CT106.G65 920.02 56-2582 t Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States
Senate, and the Subcommittee on Public Works and Re
ROGERS, PAUL, 1917- sources of the Government Operations Committee, House of
Williamson, Audrey, 1913- Representatives, Eighty-fourth Congress, first and second
U. sessions, pursuant to Public law 601, 79th Congress, Legisla
Paul Rogers. Loadon, Rockliff 1956]
S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary.
23cm. (Theatre world monograph no tive reorganization act of 1946 ... Washington, U. S. Govt.
p. illus. ' 5) Nomination of William P. Rogers. Hearing before the
PN2598.R64W5 1956 Print. Off., 1956.
927.92 56-3753 J Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-
vt, 860 p Illus., fold. map. 24 cm
fifth Congress, second session, on nomination of William P.
HD242.A515 1956 56-61691
Rogers, of Maryland, to be Attorney General of the United
ROGERS, ROBERT, 1731-1795 States. January 22, 1958. Washington, U. S. Govt Print
Off., 1959. U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interior and Insular
Cuneo, John R ili,8p. 24cm.
Robert Rogers of the rangers. New York, Oxford Uni 347.9 The Al Sarena, case. Report submitted to the Senate
versity Press, 1959. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, and the House
308 p illus. 21 cm.
1732 Committee on Government Operations, by the Senate Sub
E199.R74 973.26 59-7507 J ROGERS, WOODES, d.
committee on the Legislative Oversight Function, and the
Manwaring, George Ernest, 1882-1939.
House Subcommittee on Public Works and Resources, pur
Baha suant to Public law no. 601, 79th Congress (Legislative reor
ROGERS, ROBIN ELIZABETH, 1950-1952 Woodes Rogers, privateer and governor. Nassau, U. S.
mas, Deans Peggs Research Fund, 1957. ganization act of 1946, 31 U. S. C. 60). Washington,
48 p.23cm. Illus. Govt. Print. Off., 1956.
Garrison, Maxine. 58 tables. 24 cm.
F1656.R6M3 1957 58-31473 J
ii, p.
The Angel spreads her wings. [Westwood, N. J.j Revell HD242.A515 1956a 56-62150
159 p. 22cm. U. S. Pacific Northwest Region,
Forest Service.
BR1715.R6R65 244 55-8762 J
Rogue River National Forest. [Washington, U. S. Govt.
Sone, Guy McClure, 1893- Print. Off.] 1952.
Genealogy of Rogers, Peyton, Owens, Sone, Marrs, Jen M cm, fold, to 21 x 14 cm.
ROGERS, ROY, 1911-
nings, Jouett, and allied families. [Jefferson City? Mo.,
coL map. 82 1

Davis, Elise Miller. 1958. SD428.R55A5 1952 917.952 Agr 52-395

189 L illus. 29cm.
The answer is God; the inspiring personal story of Dale
CS71.R73 1958 58-51474 J
Evans and Roy Rogers. New York, ^ McGraw-Hill l*wfJ
1955i r
0/40 111.,
242 ,,00 TT.S.DeptofAgr. Libr. lF769Roa 1962
p. Illus. 22cm.
BR1725.R63D3 927.92 55-9539 J
Smith, Bradford, 1909-
Garrison, Maxine.
Rogers' Rangers and the French and Indian War; illus
The Angel spreads her wings. [Westwood, N. J.j Revell trated by John C. Wonsetler. New York, Random House U. S. National Park Service.
C 1956j Recreation resources of the Rogue River Basin, Oregon.
150 p 22cm. [1956]
184 p. illus. 22cm ( Landmark books [68, ) [Washington] Region Four, National Park Service, Colum
BR1715.R6R65 244 55-8762 J E199.S635 bia Basin Recreation Survey Division, 1954.
973.26 56-5455 J
Iv, v, 129 p. Illufl., maps (part foltL, part coL) 28 cm.
F882.R6U5 917.952 57-61605


Roy Rogers and the mountain lion. Pictures by Mel ROGUES AND VAGABONDS
Crawford. New York, Simon and Schuster [1955] MAPS
unpaged, illus. 21cm. (Uttle golden library, 231)
PZ10.3JM155RO 55-3190 J
see also Brigands and robbers; Gipsies;
Sidwell Studio.
Official atlas of Rogers Park Twp. West Chicago, HI. Picaresque literature; Tramps
Rasky, Frank. lv. (loose-leaf) maps. 76cm. (Its Clear view maps) Arnold, Hermann, physician,
Roy Rogers, king of the cowboys. New York, Messner G1408.C77S5 1957 Map 50-623 Vaganten, Komodianten, Fieranten und Brigantenj
189 p. illus. 22cm. Untersuchungen zum Vagantenproblem an vagierenden
PN2287.R73R3 927.92 55-9865 J Bevolkerungsgruppen vorwiegend der Pfalz. Mit einem
Geleitwort von 0. Frhr. v. Verschuer. Stuttgart, G. Thieme

J rt 1 8
k, J p^ mw ' 24 ^ (Schrlftenreihe aus ctem Gtebiete des

FICTION BIBLIOGRAPHY gffentllchea Gesundheitswesens,

Heft 9)
Roget, Jean.
Fannin, Cole. Titres et travaux scientifiques du docteur Jean Roget Martin, Norman F
Roy Rogers and the brasada bandits; an. original story Los vagabundos en la Nueva Espana, sigio 2^1. t l. ed. 3
featuring Roy Rogers, Kg
of the Cowboys, the famous
motion picture, radio, and television star, as the hero. Illus
[Grenoble? 1955]
108 p. 27 cm.
58-49018 J
Mexico, Editorial Jus, 1957.
2QQp. 24cm.
trated by Michael Arena. Authorized edL Racine, Wis., HV4526A3M3 58-21677 J
Whitman Pub. Co. C 1955j
282 p. illus. 21cm. ROGGEN, DOMIEN ENGELBERT, 1886-
PZ7.F222Ro 55-3580 J Michener, James Albert, 1907-
Rascals in paradise, by James A. Michener and A. Grove
Miscellanea Prof. Dr. D. Roggen. tAls huldeblijk ter gele- New Random House
Day. York, [1957,
genheid van zijn emeritaat door vrienden, collega's en ve- 874 p. 24cm.
Rivers, Jim.
reerders aangeboden, Gent, 1956 3 Antwerpen, De Sikkel, DU21.M5 990 57-5364 J
Roy Rogers and the enchanted canyon; an original story 1957.
featuring Roy Rogers, king of the Cowboys, the famous mo xxi f 304 p. illus , port. 26 cm.
tion picture, radio, and television star, as the hero. Illus
A 57-6688
trated by Roy Schroeder. Authorized ed. Racine, Wis., Harvard Univ. Library
Whitman Pub. Co. [1954] Radin, Paul, 1883-
282 p. Illus. 21cm. Der gottliche Schelm ein indianischer Mythen-Zyklus von
PZ7.R58Ro 55-21028 t
ROGOFF, HARRY see Rogoff, Hillel, 1882- ;

Paul Radin, Karl Kerenyi [iind] C. G. Jung. Zurich, Rhein-

Verlag [1954]
ROGOFF, HILLEL, 1882- 219 p. illus. 23cm.
A 55-2345
Watson, Jane (Werner) 1915- Harvard "Univ. Library
Rogoff, Hillel, 1882-
Roy Rogers and the new cowboy, by A. N. Bedford &D:I
ipseud.] Pictures by Hans Helweg and Mel Crawford. JIB yv^vy* ijn TC j^xnyoKD) "DB-ijnnB" JIB IJ;T
Vexliard, Alexandra
New York, Simon and Schuster [1953] JIB jajttyjDTiN /pnK^T'a (ypnynK px yojni
21cm. 1954.
Introduction a la sociologie du vagabondage. Paris,
unpaged. Illus. (A Little golden book, 177) [New York] Librairie M. Riviere, 1956.
PZ7.W3274Ro 53-4351 rev J
283 p. 21 cm. 244 p. nioa. 19 cm. (Petite bibUoth*qne aociologique Interna
A 55-7788 HV4493.V4
r. A:Acteanjcontemporalnfl,8)
. .

57-29174 J
New York. Public Llbr.


Rogers, Samuel, 1763-1855. Vexliard, Alexandra
Samuel Rogers and William Gilpin: their friendship and Le clochard: ^tude de psychologie sociale. Avant-propos
Jeshurin, Ephim H 1885-
d'Henri Ey. [Bruges] DesclSe, De Brouwer t 1957j
correspondence rbyj Carl Paul Barbier. London, New York,
Published for Glasgow University by Oxford University Harry Rogoff bibliography. SIT p. 24 cm. (Bibliotheqtie neuro-paychlatrKiue de langne toto-
New York, 1958. caiae)
Press, 1959. 32 p. 23 cm. HV4493.V39 58-21414 J
HI, 106 p. ilium port. 22cm.
Z8755.J4 58-54167
PR5235.A4 1959 928.2 59-3366

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Melichar, Alois. Uslar Pietri, Arturo, 1906-
Szulc, Tad.
Uberwindung des Modernismus; konkrete Antwort an Aristides Rojas, 1826-1894. Caracas, Ediciones de la
einen abstrakten Kritiker. Frankfurt a. M., J. Weinberger "Fundacion Eugenic Mendoza," 1953, TwDight of the tyrants. c
lst ed. New York] Holt rl959,
312 p. lllua. 22 cm. J

62 p. illus 17cm. (Bibliotecaescolar; "ColeccI6n de blograffas,"

F2237.S9 980.03 59-11747
126 p. 23 cm. J
F2325.R729 55-25590 J
Harvard Untv.
A 55-2506


CARDINAL see Sandoval y Rojas, Bernardo
MacCurdy, Raymond R
DRAMA de, Cardinal, 1546-1618
Francisco de Eojas Zorrilla and the tragedy. Albu
querque, University of New Mexico Press, 1958.
Cech, Svatopluk, 1846-1908. iIH, 101 p. 23 cm. (University of New Mexico publications in
Eohlc" na Sione; dramaticka bdsen. t K vyd. pfipravil a ROJAS, FERNANDO DE, d. 1541. CELESTINA language & literature, no. 13)

doslov napsal Vaclav Stejskal. Vyd. l.j Praha, Ceskoslo-

vensky spisovatel, 1951. AyU6n, Candido, 1929-
254 p. 21cm. (Narodnfklenotnice,S7.52) Pessimisin in the Celestina. Ann Arbor, University
PG5038.C45R6 55-56177 J Microfilms 1956] r
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 18,870)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,370 Mic 56-3908 Agudas Israel
ROHDE, JOHAN GUDMANN, 1856-1935 I nvtfin ;
[Jerusalem, 1957j ". on"
Rohde, Johan Gudmann, 1856-1935. Criado de Val, M 2G p. Illus. 26 cm.
Journal fra en rejse i 1892. Udg. af H. P. Kohde, med Indice verbal de La Celestina. Madrid, 1955. BM755.R53A6 59-56605
266 p 23 cm. (Revlsta de fllologfa. Anejo 64)
indledning af N. Gr. Sandblad. tKjfoenhavn] Forening for
boghaandvEerk, E. Paludan, 1955.
A 57-6432
227 p. Ulna. 23cm. Indiana. Univ. Llbr. PQ6003 ROKTA (STEAMSHIP)
Harvard Univ.
A 57-126
Ljone, Oddmund, 1917-
Garrido Pallardd, Fernando.
Los problemas de Calisto y Melibea, y el conflicto de su
' Eide '

ROHE, LUDWIG MIES VAN DER see Mies van autor. rl. ed M Figueras, Canig6, 1957. G530.L7
der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886- 108 p. 23cm. 57-23847 :

A 58-4067
Illinois. Univ. Library
Gilman, Stephen.
Vogt, Paul, art historian. Tbe art of La Celestina. Madison, University of Wis Harrington, Michael.
Christian Eohlfs: Aquarelle und Zeichnungen. Keckling- consin Press, 1956. Blaye, Eoland, Eudel and the Lady of Tripoli; a study
hausen, A. Bongers (1958T ix,261p. plate. 24cm. in the relations of poetry to life, A. D. 731-1950. Salisbury
217 p. Illus. (part mounted, part col) 27 cm. PQ6428.G5 862.2 55-9089 [Eng.] Bennett Bros., 1953.
A 59-1687 xvl, 242 p. Illus., maps, facalms. 26 cm.
Harvard Univ. Library PC3330.J3B3 849.129 55-1806
HiHard, Ernest H Kilgore, 1922-
ROHN, ARTHUR, 1878- Spanish imitations of the Celestina. Ann Arbor, Univer
sity Microfilms 1958] r
Priiser, Friedrich, 1892-
[University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.]
Publication no. 25,229) Eoland und Rolandia; zur Aufrichtung eines Bremer
Arthur Rohn. Ansprachen gehalten am 15. Januar 1949 an Microfilm AC-1 no. 25,229 Mic 58-4335 Eolandes im brnsilianischen Rolandia. Bremen, E. Barg-
der Abschiedsfeier zu seinem Rucktritt als President des Illinois. Univ. Library
mami, 1957.
Schweizensclien Schulrates von H. Pallmann t et al. 3 Zurich, 161 p. Illus., maps (on lining papers) 25cm.
Polygraphiselier Verlag, 1949. A 59-5570
44 p. 21 cm. (Eldgenassische Teohnlsche Hochschule. Kultur- Harvard Univ. Library
und Staatswlsseascliaftltche Schrlften, Heft 70)
Laza Palarios, Modesto.
T40.E55A8 56-51315 J El laboratory de Celestina. Malaga, A. Gutierrez, impre-
220 p. illufl. (part coL) 22cm.
Illinois. Univ.
A 59-7048
Library Davis, John Eisele.
Rey, Robert, 1888- Recovery from schizophrenia; the Roland method.
Georges Eohner. 24 photos: Marc Vaux PariS] Flam- Qui jano Teran, Margarita, Springfield, 111., Thomas C 1957]
marion ,1957] La Celestina 182 p. illus. 24 cm.
Otelo; estudio di literatura dramatica
16 tllus. 19cm. EC514.D3 616.8982 57-12544
p. (Objectlvement) comparada. t l. ed.j M&saco [Universidad Nacional Aut6- J
ND553.E625K4 57-46610 J noma de Mexico, Direcci6n General de Publicaciones, 1957.
179 p. 17cm. (mdlclones Filosofla y letras, IS)
PQ6428.Q5 58-84296 J
ROLAND, PAULINE, 1805-1852
ROJAS, PEDRO SOTO DE see Soto de Rojas, Thomas, Edith.
Mathie, Hermann.
Heimatbuch des oberen Miihlviertels (Bezirk Rohrbacb) Pedro, 1585 (ca. )-1658 Pauline Eoland; socialisme et feminisms au xix* siecle.
Linz, Oberosterreichischer Landesverlac, 1951 Paris, Librairie M. Eiviere, 1956.
155 p. illus. 26cm.
222 p. 22 cm. (Blbllotheque d'hlstolre economlque et soclale)

DB879.E67M3 55-23475 J
ROJAS, RICARDO, 1882- HQ1615.E6T5 57-32341 J

Comision Popular Ejecutiva de Homenaje a Ricardo

Homenaje a Ricardo Rojas. Tucumin lmpr. Editorial
La Raza, 1955,
(PHLIPON) 1754-1793
Moller, Hans, 1907- ed. 79 p. lllns.,
llus., po
ports. 18cm.
Beitrage zur Versicherungswissenschaft Festgabe fur PQ7797.R7Z66 57-15046 Huisman, Georges Maurice, 1889-
Walter JtJohrbeck zum 70. Geburtstage.
Hrsg. von Hans La vie privee de Madame Eoland.
tPariSj Hachette 1955,
Holier fur die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der 254 p. 19cm. (Les VIesprlv4es)

senschaftler an deutschen Hochschulen unter
Lizarralde, Fernando. DC146.E7H8 56-17955 J
der Kolner Versicherungswissenschaftlichen El Ollantay argentino;
Vereinigung. ensayo sobre la tragedia andina
Berlin, Duncker & Humblot C 1955j
de Ricardo Eojas.
Eva Per6n, Eepublica Argentina,
Hv,S02p. port 24cm. Ediciones Termino 1958j
118 p. Ulu. 21cm.
New York Univ. PM6808.06L5
Libraries HG8062 66_1T888 ,
Hachey, Mary Mercedes.
Soler Canas, Luis, 1918-
An investigation and evaluation of two interpretations of
ROIG SOLE, JOAN see Rolg y Soler, Juan, St Thomas' doctrine on the objectivity of the concept. Ann
San Martin, Eosas, y la falsificacidn de la
^ historia; las Arbor, University Microfilms [1957]
1835-1918 inezactitudes de Ricardo Rojas. Buenos
Aires, Latitud 84, ( tUQlveralty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 20,220)
1951. Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,220
128 p. 20cm.
Mic 57-1084

Iglesies, Josep. ROJAS GONZALEZ, FRANCISCO, 1903-1951 Sotemann, Gnus.

L'escultor Joan Roig Sole*, 1835-1918. Reus, Asociaci6n A. Eoland Hoist en de mythe van lerland. [Amsterdam,
de Estudios Reusenses, 1955. Lowe, Mary- Ann.
151 p. iUus., plates, portfc 25cm. J.M.Meulenhoff,1950j
(Aaodadtfn de Estndloa Beu- Francisco Eojas Gonzalez; novelista. 63 20cm.
easea. PubUcadfin no. 10} Mexico,' 1957. p. (DeBIk.14)
lp. 21cm. PT5868.R48Z8 A 51-8020 rev
NB813^64I3 55-59502 PQ7297Jt74Z75 59-26781 HarvartMJnlv. Library

Library of Congress Catalog Booh: Subjects


Scanno, Teresa di.
( Continued) Romain Rolland, 1'uomo e I'opera, [Parmaj Guanda
Balakhonov, Viktor Evgen'evich.
Stenf ert Kroese, Willem Herman, 1917-
POUCH Pojuran z 1914-1924 ro^a. t ^eHHHrpa^j 1958. 306 p. 20cm. ( Uominl e Idee. NOUT. ser.,1)
De mythe van A. Roland Hoist.
227 p. 23cm,
A 58-6171
Amsterdam, De Bezige PQ2635.O5Z557 58-49826 IHlnola. Unlv library
Bij, 1951.
109 p. 24cm.
PT5868.R48Z83 A .^.LWWJ.
Harvard Univ. Library Gugenheim, Susanna, 1894- Starr, WflHam Thomas, 1910-
Romain Rolland e 1'Italia. [Saggioj Milano, Istituto edi- Romain Rolland and a world at war. Evanston, 111.,
toriale cisalpino [1955] Northwestern University Press, 1956.
143 p. 22 cm 223 24 cm. Humani
ill, p.
ties series, no. 31)
(Northwestern University studies.

SCHALK) 1869-1952. DE NIEUWE GEBOORT Illinois. Univ. Library PQ2635.05Z84 928.4 56-1981

Weevers, Theodoor, 1904-

Vanovskaia, T V
Dberg, Werner. POMCH Po-i-iati, 1866-1944. JTeHEHrpaA, HcKyccxBO, 1957.
Beeldspraak, klank en bouw van "De nieuwe geboort" Der schwere Weg; Leben und Werk Romain Rollands. 175 p. lllus. 17 cm. (lOiaccHKH sapyGeKHoS
Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mil., 1957. Schwerin, Petermanken-Verlag C 1955]
31 p. 24 cm. (Mededelingen der Koninklijke PQ2635.05ZS6 58-33502
Nederlandse 4-ka- 245 p. illus. 20cm.
demle van Wetensehappen. Afd. Letterkunde. Nleuwe
reeksTdea 20, PQ2635.05Z724 57-22793 t
AS244.A51 n.r.,deel20,no.7 A 58-1650
Copy 2 PT5868.R5Z9
Chicago. Unlv, Libr. Weiss, Hansgerhard, 1902-
Karczewaka-Markiewicz, Zofia. Romain Rolland. Berlin, Volk und Wissen [1948!
Teatr Romain Rollanda. tWyd. l.j Wroclaw, Zaklad 104 D. lllus. 15 on. (Volk tmd Wlasen KurzblograpbJen, Leben
im. Ossolinskich, 1955. una JScnaxren)
ROLANDIA, BRAZIL 833 p. Illus. 22cm.
PQ2635.05Z89 57-19152 t
PQ2635.052735 57-48252 t
Priiser, Friedrich, 1892-
Roland und Rolandia; zur Aufrichtung eines Bremer
Rolandes im brasilianischen Rolandia. Bremen, R.
Barg- Koremblit, Bernardo EzequieL ROLLE, RICHARD, OF HAMPOLE, 12907-1349
mann, 1957. Romain Rolland ; humanismo, combate y soledad. Buenos
161 p. illus., maps (on lining papers) 25cm
Aires, Argos t 1953 3 Hettich, Blaise.
Harvard Univ.
A 59-5570 461 p. Illua. 20 cm. (BIblioteca Argos. Hombres e Ideas)
A critical study of the lyrics of Richard Rolle. Ann
Library PQ2635.05Z75 56-21491 t
Arbor, University Microfilms 1957] t

[University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich

( Publication no. 22,141) j

Microfilm AC-1 no. 22,141 Mic 57-3214

ROLANDOLIED see Chanson de Roland Krampf, Miriam.
La conception de la vie heroique dans Preuvre de Romain
Rolland. [Parisj Cercle du livre 1956]
ROLAND'S COLUMNS 152 p. 26 cm ( Les Grandes Etudes, 4 )
Wilson, Richard Middlewood.
A 57-2287 Three Middle English mystics.
Rostermundt, Max. Illinois. Univ. Library (t/n English Associatloa. Essays and studies. London. 22 cm.
Bad Bramstedt; der Roland und seine Welt. Neumunster new ser , v. 9 ( 1056) p. ( 87r-112)

in Holstein, K. Wachholtz, 1952. [PR13.E4 n.s.,vol.9] A 56-6650

79 p. illus. 19cm. Pennsylvania State University. Library
DD901.B63R6 55-36276 t Peguy, Charles Pierre, 1873-1914.
Une amitie frangaise; correspondance entre Charles Peguy
et Romain Rolland. Presentee par Alfred Saffrey. Paris, ROLLE, RICHARD, OF HAMPOLE, 1290?-
ROLDAN, PEDRO, 1624-1699 A. Michel r !955] 1349. MELOS CONTEMPLATIVORUM
356 p lllus. 21cm. (Cahiers Romatn BoIIand. 7)
PQ2635.05A19 voL7 55-57293
Salazar y Bermudez, Marfa de los Dolores.
Breves aportaciones a la escultura reHgiosa en Andalucfa Liegey, Gabriel Michael, 1904-
a traves de una figura representativa, Madrid, 1955. The rhetorical assets of Richard Rolle's Melos con-
67 p. plates, port, facslma, 26 cm. Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. templativomm. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1954i
NB813.R66S3 57-16460 Correspondance, 1894-1901; Romain Rolland etj Lugne*- c ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no 8716)
Poe. Presentee avec une introd. et des notes par Jacques Microfilm AC-1 no. 8716 Mic A 54-2048
Robichez. Paris, L'Arche 1957i Columbia Unlv. Libraries

238 p. 23cm.
Illinois. Unlv. Library ROLLEICORD CAMERA
Heering, Walther, 1902-
Roe (L.) Directory Service. Holland, Romain, 1866-1944. The Rollei book; a textbook for the use of Rolleiflex and
Rolette County. Sioux Falls, S. D. [1954?] Jean-Christophe et Annel, correspondance entre Romain Rolleicord. 6th ed. [English translation: Fred Willy
55 p. (p. 5-29 maps) 32cm. Rolland et Jean Bodin. Lyon, A. Brachet t 1955j Frert: Vaduz E Liechtenstein] Heering Publications; sole
G1443.R6R6 1954 Map 55-1000 189 p. 19cm.
U. S. agency: Rayelle Publications, Philadelphia, 1954
A 56-2378 r i. e.

Illinois. Univ. Library 1956?]

272, 20 p. Ulus. 22cm,
TR263.R6H413 1956 770.2 56-13564 J
Roe (L.) Directory Service.
Rolette County. Sioux Falls, S. D., 1957.. Holland, Rpmain, 1866-1944.
83 p. illua., maps ( part coL ) 29 cm.
Memoires, et fragments du Journal. Paris, A. Michel Pearlman, Alec.
G1443.R6R6 1957 Map 58-275 t 1956j Rollei manual; the complete book of twin-lens photog
333 p. 21 cm. 2d ed.j London, Fountain Press C 1955]
raphy. C

PQ2635.05Z5325 66-4475 882 p. illua. 23cm. (A Fountain photoboofc)

TR263.R6P4 1955 770 55-56328 t
Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944.
Roe (L.) Directory Service.
Printemps Romain; choix de lettres de Romain Rolland & Pearlman, Alec.
Rolette County. Sioux Falls, S. D. [1954?]
sa mere ( 1889-1890) Paris, A. Michel 1954, Rollei manual; the complete book of twin-lens photogra-
55 p. (p. 5-29 maps) 82cm.
856 p. lllus. 21 cm. (Gaolers Romain Holland, 6)
G1443.R6R6 1954 Map 55-1000 , , C
3ded. : London, Fountain Press [1957i
PQ2635.05A19 vol. 6 54-44679 J 895 p. illus. 23cm. (A Fountain photobook)
TR263JB6P4 1957 7705 57-3866
Roe (L.) Directory Service.
Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944.
Rolette County. Sioux Falls, S. D., 1957.
38 p. lllus., maps (part coL) 29cm.
Romain Rolland par lui-meme images et textes pre"sentes ; ROLLEIFLEX CAMERA
G1443.R6R6 1957 Map 58-275 par Jean-Bertrand Barrere. Paris, Editions du Seuil [1955]
189, t 3] p. lllus., porta., facslms 18 cm. (ficrlvalna de tou-
joura) Emanud, Walter Daniel, 1908-
A 56-4303 RoUeiflei guide, how to make full use of your rolleiflex.
ROLFE, FREDERICK WILLIAM, 1860-1913 lUlnols. Univ. Library American editor, Norman Rothschild. New York, Amer
ican Photographic Book Pub. Co. [ e1957]
128 p. Ulna. 20cm. (An Amphoto Focal book)
Symons, Alphonse James Albert, 1900-1941. TB263J16E5 1957 770.2 57-14617 J
The quest for Corvo. "With an introd. by Julian Symons. Holland, Romain, 1866-1944.
East Lansing, Michigan State University Press Retour au palais Farnese ; choix de lettres de Romain Rol
vi, 814 p. port. 22cm. land & sa mere, 1890-1891. cTexte Stabli par Marie Romain
PR5286.R27Z8 1955 928.2 55-11687 Holland] Paris, A. Michel t 1956j
866 p. Ulus. 21cm. (Cahlera Eomaln Holland, 8) Heering, Walther, 1902-
PQ2635.Q5A19 voL 8 57-20461 J The Rollei book ; a textbook for the use of Rolleifler and
BIBLIOGRAPHY Rolleicord. 6th ed. [English translation: Fred Willy
Frerkj Vaduz [Liechtenstein] Heering Publications; sole
Woolf, CetiL
Holland, Romain, 1866-1944. TL S. agency : Rayelle Publications, Philadelphia, 1964 i e. t

Le voyage
A bibliography of Frederick Eolfe, Baron Corvo. Lon
de textes inedits.
inte'rieur (Songe d'une vie) Nouv. e<L, augm. 1956 ?j
272,20p. illus. 22cm.
Paris, A. Michel C 1959]3
don, Hart-Davis, 1957. 896p. Ulus. 21cm. TR263JR6H413 1956 770.2 66-13564 J
186 p. lUmj., port, facalma. 23cm. (The S oho bibliographies, 7)
Z8756.7.W6 012 57-4288
PQ2635.O5Z5 1959 59-33019 t

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog


(Continued) Popovich, Boris Grigor'evich.
PoJiHKOBiie nOAnmnHinji (5HcrpoxoflHHX H TOHHHX
flJifl The effects on dynamic lateral stability and control of
neTaJiJiope.Kymiix cxanKOB. MOCKBE, Foe. HayiHO-xexH. H3fl- large artificial variations in the rotary stability derivatives,
Henle, Fritz, 1909- by Robert 0. Schade and James L. Hassell, Jr. Washing
BO siamHHOCTponT JIHT-PBT, 1956.
Guide to Rollei photography. With the editorial assist 108, 4, p. illus. 23 cm.
t ton, U. S. Govt Print Off., 1953 i. e. 1954] t

ance of George B. Wright New York, Studio Publications TJ1185.P59

57-20520 II, 24 p. Illus., diagrs. 30 cm. (tU. S.] National Advisory Com
mittee for Aeronautics. Report 1151)
206 p. Illus, 27cm, TL521.A33 no. 1151 54-30920
TR263.R6H45 770.28 56-10900 J *629.123 629.13236
Russia (1983- Z7. S. S. R.) Glavnoe upravlenie podship- Copy 2. TL574.S7S35
nikovoi promysJdennostL
KaiaJior. Mo-
Pearlman, Alec. niapiiKOBtie, po-iHEOBtie noAmHnHHKH ;

1946, Sternfield, Leonard.

Rollei manual; the complete book of twin-lens photog CEBE, Toe. HayiHO-iexH. HS^-BO MaraHHOCTpOHT. JHT-PH,
raphy. [2d ed.j London, Fountain Press [1955j
llil. (chiefly illus., tables) 26cm. A simplified method for approximating the transient
882 p. Illus. 23cm. (A Fountain photobook) TJ1071.R77 motion in angles of attack and sideslip during a constant
TR263.R6P4 1955 770 55-56328 \ rolling maneuver. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off.,
II, 11 p. dlagrs. 80 cm. ([U. S.] National Advisory Committee
U. S. S. .ff.) Ministerstvo Usnol pro- for Aeronautics. Report 1344)
Russia (1923-
Pearlman, Alec. f^entral'noe tekhnichesJcoi informa- TL521.A33 no. 1344 *629.123 629.13236 58-61615
myshlennosti. Copy TL574.M6S67
Rollei manual; the complete book of twin-lens photogra 2.
phy. r3ded.] London, Fountain Press t !957] CnpaBOiHHE no noAnrimHiiKaM Eaiennfl ^ecosaroTOBM-
895 p. illus. 23cm. (A Fountain pnotobook)
57-3866 t rejibHoro oSopy^oBaniiH. CocTEBHTe^t B. A. Me^Be^es.
TR263.R6P4 1957 770.2
MocEBa, roc-iecSyMiisAaT, 1956 ROLLING (METAL-WORK)
95, [1] p illus. 22x29 cm.
TJ1071.R8 57-33032 Balin, Andrei Fedorovich.
MocEBa, Mamma, 1959.
see also Ball-bearings Russia (1923- U. S. S. ^.) Vsesovuznyi Jcomitet stan-
74 p. illus. 23 cm.
dartov. TS340.B3 59-42254
IIIapiiEOBBie H poJiHEOBBie no^iuHnHHEH. rOCT 3189-46j
Anderson, William J
Hsfl. o$H^HaJI^,Hoe. MOCEBE, 1956
Comparison of performance of experimental and conven 222 p. illus. 29 cm.
tional cage designs and materials for 75-millimeter-bore TJ1071.R83 57-29630 Bel'gol'skii, B P
cylindrical roller bearings at high speeds, by William J. HepepjOBEie MCTO^H rrpoKaTEii HS ontira paCotH EOJI^CE- ;

Anderson, E. Fred Macks, and Zolton N. Nemeth. Washing THBa pejttco-Ca^OHHoro ii;exa saso^a HM. HeTpoBCEoro. KUCB,
Foe. H3fl-B0 TCXH. JIHT-PW YCCP, 1955.
ton, U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1954 [i. e. 1955j Stankoimport, Vsesoiuznoe eksportno-importnoe ob"edi-
II, 15 p illus., diagrs. 30 cm ([U. S.j National Advisory Com
39 p dlngrs, 21 cm (06MCH nepeAOBUM onuroM)
mittee for Aeronautics. Eeport 1177)
nenie. TS340.B34 56-36979
TL521.A33 no. 1177 55-60746 Ball and roller bearings. [Moscow, n. d.j
241 p. illus. 26 cm.
*629.14353 629.13435
Copy 2. TL709 5.B4A6 TJ1073.S793 58-18446 t Chekmarev, A P
Conti, Giovanni. FIo^ pefl. A. II. HeKMapeaa. MOCEBE, Foe. nay^no-Texn. H3fl-
I cuscinetti a rotolamento. BO jTiiT-pu no qepnoft n ijBeTHOft MerajijiyprHH, 1957.
Milano, U. Hoepli, 1952- 125 22 cm.
v. Illus. 25 era. Vinograd, M I
p. illus.

TJ1071.C6 57-22111 HeMeTajijruiecEiie BEjraqeHHJi B mapnEonoflmHnHHEOBOft
erajrn. MocKBa, Foe. HaystHO-rexn. ns^-ao JIHT-PU no lepnoft

Dommain, J G H HBCTHOft MCTajuiyprHH, 1954

Roulements a billes et a rouleaux. Paris, Revue d'optique,
123 p. Illus. 26 cm.
Chekmarev, A P
TN693.I7V53 55-35577
YcoBepnieHCTBOBaime npoiisBO^CTBa rpy<5; ontiT paCoxn
v. Illus. 27 COL TpyConpoKatHOro 3auo/i;a HM. Jlenuna. ITofl pefl. A. II. HeE-
TJ1071.D6 57-21408 t Mapesa 11 n. B. CasEHna. MocEBa, Foe. uaytno-TexH, H3fl-
ROLLER -SKA/TING BO Jiir-pH no 'lepuort n ^BeTHor^ Meiaj:^:yprini 1954. f

159 p. illus. 23cm.

Frohlich, Jan.
United States Amateur Roller Skating Association. TS280.C46 55-41077
Valiva loziska. c Vyd. Praha, Statni nakL technicke'
The amateur roller skaters handbook. 3d ed. New Tork,
literatury, 1957.
TJ. S. Amateur Roller
359 p. illus. 24cm. Skating Association C 1959? stamped:
TJ1071.F7 58-39201 distributed by Sportshelf, New Rochelle, N. Y. 3
280 p. Illus. 23cm. Chehustkin, A B
Heidebroek, Enno, 1876- GV851.U55 1959 796.21 59-3789 I ABTOMarn^ecEoe ynpasjieHHe npoEaxHtiMH cTanaMn. Hafl.
Tragfahigkeitswerte fur Lagerstoffe und Konstruktiona- 2.,nepep. n flon. MocKsa, Foe. nay^Ho-Texa. HS^-BO JIHT-PK
no ^epnoft H jjBCTHOft MerajijiyprHH, 1955.
beispiele; Walzlager/Gleitlager. Erganzte Neuausg. der ROLLING (AERODYNAMICS) 614 p. diagrs. 23 cm.
1950 erschienenen Richtlinien fur den. Austausch von Walz-
TS340.C5 1955 56-32714
lagem gegen Gleitlager. Berlin, Verlag- Technik, 1954. Bobbitt, Percy J
95 p (p. 21-95 Illus., diagrs.) diagrs. 21 cm.
Linearized lifting-surface and lifting-line evaluations of
55-5363 A sidewash behind rolling triangular wings at supersonic
Univ. Libr.
Michigan. Chursinov, Ivan Ivanovich.
speeds. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print, 1957 i. e. 1958, t
Mott OHHT patfoTH no cEOpociHOtt npOKaTKe Tpy<5. Mo-
ii, 19 p. diagrs. 30 cm. (ft. S.j National Advisory Committee

Hungary. Magyar Ssabvdnyugyi Hvoatcd.

A Szovjetunio golyos- es gorgSscsapdgyai ; kezikonyv,
osszeallitotta a Magyar Szabvanyiigyi Intezet Tanulmanyi
for Aeronautics.
Copy 2,
Report 1301)
no. 1301 *629.123
TL574J 5B6
629.13236 58-60147
CKBE, SHaane, 1955.
23 p. illus. 22 cm. (Bceco3Hoe oCmecrao no pacnpocrpaHeHHio
H39.V82 1955, no. 29
CepH 4, N 29)
Osztalya, Voros Imre kozremfikddesevel. Budapest, Terv-
gazdasagi Konyvkiado, 1951- Diederich, Franklin Wolfgang.
Iv. (loose-leaf) diagrs. 31cm.
Calculation of the lateral control of
swept and unswept Danilov, F A
52-64007 rev flexible wings of arbitrary stiffness.
Washington. U. S. Govt. HpoHSBOACTBO cTajitHtix ipy<5 ropa^ett npoEaxEofi. Mo-
Print. Off., 1951 ri. e, 1952j
CEBa, Foe. HaynHO-xexH. HS^-BO jcax-pu no lepnoii H r^BexHOft
fAgnatinskil, S icexajuyprHH, 1954.
AsxoMaxHiecEHe .KHHHH fljia nuiH$oBaHHJi #erajrett 615 p. Illus. 23 cm.
msnHHEOB. CsepflJiOBCE, Foe. nayiHO-xexH. HSA-BO
31 p. illus. 20 cm. (Oo*MeH TCXKHHCCKHM OHUTOM)
-- no. 1024

Copy 2.
TS280.D3 55-18159

TJ1071.1 13 55-28550 Dzugutov, Mikhail fAkovIevich.

BnyxpeHHHe paspHBH npn o6pa(5oxKe wexa.i.TOB ^asjre-
Martina, Albert P HHCM. MocEBa, Foe. HayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO .iiix-pu no ^epHoil
International Wagon Union. Method for calculating the rolling and yawing moments H usexHOfc MexaJuryprHH, 1958.
I cuscinetti RIV nelle macchine agricole. Torino, Officine due to rolling for unswept wings with or without flaps or 207, flj p. illus. 23 cm.
ailerons by use of nonlinear section lift data. TS225.D9 59-36053
120 ulna.

24cm. (Oollana tecnlca)

p. U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1954.
A. 58-2876 II, 16 p. illus. 30cm. ( C T7. S., National Advisory Committee for
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. Aeronautics. Report 1167) Emel'ianenko, P T
TL521.A33 no. 1167 54-63347 Teopaa Eocoft ir naJiHrpHMOBOft npOEaxEH. MocEBa, Foe.
Copy 2. TL574.M6M4 HayiHO-xexH. HSA-BO JIHX-PH no icpHOflt H nserHOft Mexajjyp-
Mfcgkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich. ran,1949.
491 p. Illus. 23cm.
PcotHKOBiie cocraae VSEOKO- Pritchard, Ernest IngersolL
JreftHHx aceaesHHx aopor.
TS340.E52 55-41090
MocKBa, Foarec<5yMH3flaT, 1957. Upwash and sidewash induced by certain control surfaces
85,$] p. Ulus. 23cm. in a supersonic flow. Pasadena, 1948.
TF389.M5 57-38517 801. diagrs. 29cm.
TL574M6PT 56-17318
fipshteln, V S
Eanecxso nposaxa; H3 onutxa Hosaxopos Jle-
Queijo,M J
Falmgren, Arvid, 1890- HHHrpaflCEoro aasofla HMCHBC BoporaHJOBa. MocEsa, Foe.
Theoretical span load distributions and
IHapHKOBue H pojiHiOBHe no^mHUHHEii. HepCBOfl c aa- rolling moments
for sideslipping wings of HayiHO-iexH. HSS-BO JtHx-puc no lepnoft H usexHofi icexaa-
rjMflcioro H. H, TpeneneHKOBa, no^ pe^. P. B. Kyreju. Mo- arbitrary plan form in incompres
sible flow. jiyprHH, 1954.
Washington, U. S. Govt Print
CKaa, Toe. nayiHo-TexH. HSA-BO ManrHHOcrpoaT. JIHT-PH, 1949.
i68jL Ulna. 25x30 cm. foA^autS!
^^) 011 ' 3 - 1 N^^ Off., 1956.
Advisory Committee
38 p. illus 20 cm.
(ITepeAOBbie Mexoxu rpy^a)
55-28523 J
TJ1071.P278 55-50615 TL521.A33 no. 1269 57-60176

Library of Congress Catalog Booh: Subjects

ROLLING (METAL- WORK) (Continued) Larke, Eustace C

Neumann, Horst, engineer.
The rolling of strip, sheet, and plate. With a foreword
Grundlagen der Walzwerkstechnik und Kalibrierung.
by Maurice Cook London, Chapman and Hall,
Ewing, John Frederick, 1922- 404 illus. 23 cm. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1954.
p. 216 p. lllus. 24cm.
Factors of hot working which influence the *671.32 57-4649 J
ture strength of a
high-tempera TS340JL3 A 55-5781
solution-strengthened, heat-resistant alloy. Illinois Univ. Library
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1954,
((University Microfilms. Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no 8299)
Microfilm AC-1 Mic A 54-1552 Litovchenko, Nikita VasU'evich.
O6pa6oTica UBCTKHX neTajuos n
no. 8299 cn.iasoB Aa.B.ieHHeM. yxsep-
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. ropaiaa nposaiEa TO.TCTHX n cpe^Hiix .IIICTOB. 0^o6peno ac^eno B Kaiectse yieCniiEa ji TexHiiKVMOB. MOCKBE,
B KanectEe yieS. nocoSiiH A-ia ECIKO.T O3O. MocEBa, Toe. no =tepHOil n naeTitott Mera-Tiyp-
Hayrao-Tcxn. ii3^-BO .IHT-PH
nayiHO-TexH. IIS^-BO ^HT-PBI no icpHOft n ^BeTHOft iierajLiyp- THH, 1955
Filipov, Sergei Nikolaevich. nin, 1955. 486 p. Illus. 23cm.
170, 2j p. tllus. 23 cm. TS370.032 56-36994
npoflaitnaa nposaxKa nepiiOAniecKiix npo$iuett. Mo- (

TS340.L527 56-37671
CEBa, Toe. HayiHO-TexH. US^-BO JHT-PBI no lepnort ir userHOfl
MeTaurypniH, 1956.
124, [4, p. lllus. 23 cm.
TS340.F54 56-5756T Ostrenko, V fA
Litovchenko, Nikita VasiTevich. rpy6 na aBTOMamiecKiix ycraHOBEax.
npiiMeneHiie BHCOEHX oCacaTinl na fijiyniiHrax. MocKsa, XaptKOB, Foe. Hay^HO-iexH. IIS^-BO .ini-pw no ^epnoii n
Foe. Hay^HO-texH. USA-BO JIHT-PH no lepiioa H xjBCTHOfi ne-
jjBCTHOft MftTajLiyprHH, 1958.
Ginfsburg, fA S Ta.oyprBtn, 1956. 133, A
p lUus. 22 cm.
FIponaTsa KaiecTBciiiiofi 67, diagrs. 22 cm. 59-36012
Mocicua, Foe. iiayino- [5j p. TS280.072
TCXII. ii3 fi,-BO .iiiT-pti no n ijBeTHOfi 'MeTajiiyprnii TS340.L529 57-25810
Microfilm Slavic 1072 TS Mic 59-7168 Palme, R B
Boiling of metals, final report submitted to the Research
Litovchenko, Nikita VasU'evich. Committee on Plastic Flow of Metals of the American So
npOKanca nepno^n^ecKux npo<J)meii apiiarypHoil: era in. ciety of Mechanical Engineers, by K. B. Palme
and C. W.
Gonchar, V V MocKBa, Foe. HayHHO-TexH IISA-BO im-pu no nepHoil n n;BeT- MacGregor. New York, American Society of Mechanical
AiJiac HOMorpauM no nposaiEe. MocKBa, Toe.
Hofi Mera-nyprnii, 1955
TCXH. H3A-BO JIHT-pH no HCpHOfi H rjBeXHOit 46, [2] p. diasrs tables , 20 cm Iv, 56 p. lllus /diagrs., tables. 28 cm. (An ASMB research pub
1954. TS340.L53 56-35220 lication)
47 p. diagrs. 41x58 cm. TS340.P22 *671.32 58-1507
TS340.G6 55-28488

Panasenko, Fedor Lavrent'evich.

Gruner, PauL Litvishko, V N HposaTEa n TepMiiiecEaa o<5pa6oTEa TO.TCTHX JIHCTOB.
Das Walzen von Hohlkorpern und das Kalibrieren von O lyryne, n npOKatKe. t Csep T;.iOBCEj
MoccBa, Toe Hay^Ho-iexH. HS^-BO .inT-pu no lepnoft H ^BeT-
Werkzeugen zur Herstellung nahtloser Rohre. Mit einem 1959.
EHmicnoe UJ^-BO, 1935. Hofit MerajiJiyprzH,

152, [Sj p. diagrs. 26 cm.

Beitrag Spaniuingszustand und Verformungseifekt massi-
i Microfilm Slavic 765 AC Mic 57-5710
TS360.P3 59-33884
ver Rundblocke im Schragwalzprozess, von Walther Loh-
mann. Berlin, Springer, 1959.
vlll, 301 p lllus., diagrs., tables. 24cm,
TS280.G75 A 59-5675 Manenc, Jack. Pavlov, Igor' Mikhaflovich.
IlUnoIs. Univ. Library tude des textures cristallines obtenues par laminage pro- Grundlagen der Metallverformung durch Druck (aus:
gressif de monocristaux d'aluminium. Pref. de K. Jacques-
Theorie des Walzeus) t)bersetzung aus dem Eussischen:

SOIL Paris, En vente au Service de documentation et d'in- Gregor Pa nschin 3 Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1954.
formation technique de 1'aeronautique, 1954.
2 v. Illus 23 cm
Gunther, Ernst, engineer. 116 p. lllus. 27 cm. (Publications scientlflques et techniques du TS340.P27 56-35572 t
Mlnlstfere de 1'air, no 2^)
Herstellung warmgewalzter Feinbleche. Berlin, Verlag
Technik, 1956.
TL502.F77 no. 293 55-1609 t
265 p lllus. 25cm.
Pavlov, Igor' Mikhallovich.
TS340.G76 57-34546 J
O6pa6oTKa neTa.riOB ^aBjeHiieii. Ffo^ aayi. pep;. E M.
Mayer, Josef. FlaBJioBa.^onymreno B EaiecTBe yieSHHEa X.IH Merajotyprn-
Giinther, Ernst, engineer. Valcifska abecedaj zikladni pfirufika pro valcifske ucne a HCCKHX syaoB. MocRsa, Foe. HayHHO-Texn. IISA-BO .inr-pH no
Herstellung warmgewalzter Feinbleche. 2. erweiterte nove zamestnance ve valcovnach. Upravil Josef Mayer za ^epaoft H ^BeTHOfi ateTajuiyprnn, 1955
483 p lllus. 2Scm.
Aufl. Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1958. spoluprace s Jifim Fridmanem a Aloisem BartoSem, s pou-
326 p. lllus., diagrs. 25 cm. zitim sovetskych i nasich pramenu. TS205.P36 56-36993
c Vyd. l.j Praha,
[TS340.G ] Prace; vydavatelstvo ROH, 1952.
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. 151 p. Ulus. 21 cm. (Technlck<5 pMruCky Price, sv. 147)
TS340.M3 59-23499 t Pavlov, Igor* MikhaHovich.
PyEOBO^cTBo E y^e^HOity jtafiopaiopHOMy npaKXHEyiiy no
npOEETKe. 2., nepep. H3fl. ^onymeHO B KaseciBe y^:e6. no-
Gurevich, David fAkovlevich. co6na p,]iz cTy^eHTOB MerajuiiyprH^ecKHX sysoB. MocEsa,
OCHOBH npoicaTHoro npOHSBOflCTBa. O^ofipeHo B Eaie- Mirenskil, Mikhail L'vovich. FOC. Hay^UO-TCXH. H3^-BO JtHT-pH HO ^CpHOtt H ^BeTHOfl MC-
CTBC y^e6. nocoCmi fljui TCXH. yimiHm;. MocEaa, Toe. Etayi- Pa6oTa Ha MWCEOCOPTHOM npOEaiHOw CTane yiefiHoe no-
TajuryprHH, 1957.

HO-TCXH. H3fl-BO JIHT-pH HO ^CpHOft H IJBCTHOft MCTaJUiyprHH, coSue J^TK raEOJi H Kypcos iracrepoB. MocEBa, Foe. nay^HO- 253 p. Illus. 23cm.
1956. TCXH. II3^-BO JIHT-pH no ^tCpHOH H HBCTHOtt MCTajLiyprHH, TS340.P3 1957 58-18619
254 p. lllus. 23cm. 1957.
TS340.G79 57-29717 263 p. Illus. 23cm.
TS340.M48 57-42446 Polukhin, Petr Ivanovidu
Hoff, Hubert, 1870- UpOEaTEa H Kajin6pOBEa AByxaBpOBLix (SanoE. MocEaa,
und Theodor FOC. Hay^HO-TCXH. H3A-BO JIHT-ptI HO ICpHOfl H ^BeTB:Ott
Walzen und Kalibrieren, von Hubert Hoff
Dahl. DUsseldorf, Verlag Stahleisen, 1954. Moscow. Moskovskoe vysshee tekhnicheskoe uchilishche. MerajuyprnH, 1956.
175, 27 cm.
216 p. tllus. 24cm. (Stahletsen-Btlcher, Bd. 12) IIpoEaTHHe cTaHH H TexHOJiorna npOEaiEH. ITofl pe^. [1] p. diagrs.

TS340.H58 56-37063 t A. H. DjejiHEOBa. MocEsa, Foe. nay^HO-TCXH. USA-BO uainH- TS350.P6 56-39131
HOCTpOHT. JTHT-pH, 1955.
181 p. Ulus. 23cm. ( It* tTpyAWj 62)
Istomin, Petr Stepanovich, ed. TS340.M63 58-21227 J
Rogov, Matvel Benfsianovich.
HpoKaxKa HBCTHHX MerajuiOB. ^onymeno B E OHHT paSoTu Tpy6oBoio^mbm;iiEOB BD^HOTpyGnoro sa-
yieCmiEa MCTajuiyprHiecEnx BTysoB. MocEsa, Toe. BO^a. MocKsa, Foe. HayiHO-rexH. IISA-BO .iiir-pti no lepnoit
TCXH. H3fl-B0 no lepuoft H n;BeTHOft MCTajuiyprHH, 19 n nscTHOfl MeTa-T-Tj-prnii, 1955.
Moscow. Moskovskoe vysshee tekhnicheskoe uchilishche.
Microfilm Slavic 265 TS Mac 55-^3046 1
32 p. diagrs. 20 "cm. (nepeflOBue MCTOAU TpyAa)
Rafedra "Mashmy i tekhnologtia, prokatki i voloch&niwJ TS280.E56 56-37682
FIpOEaTHue CTanu n Texnojioraa npOEaiEHj cCopHHK cra-
Tett. FJofl pe^. M. JI. SapomHHCKoro. Mocicsa, Mamrag,

Ivanov, VasilH Vasil'evich.

Sheftel', N I

ynpoiHCHHe fleiajieft noflBHscnoro cocTasa HaEaiKOfi.

Illus. 22 cm. (MoCKOBCKoe Bbicaiee rexHHHecKOe

MOCKBE, Foe. nay^Ho-TexH. E3fl-so JIHT-PH no lepnofi H ^BeT-
MocEBa, Toe. Tpancn. aceji-flop. HSJJ-BO, 1956.
1ST p. illus. 22cm. HOft MerajuiyprHH, 1956
TF377.1 9 57-39169 250p. lllua. 23cm.
TS270.S55 56-57770
Moscow. Moskovskoe vysshee tekhnicheskoe uchilishche.
Kafedra "MasJdny i tekhnologim prokatTd i volocTi&iitiL"
Eonig, Helmut. UpOEaTHHe CTanH 11 TexnoJioma npoEaiEH cCJopnHE cia- ; Shevchenko, A
und xeft. Iloff peA. A. H. DiejrHKOBa. MocKBa, MamrH3, 1958- npOEarsa Xaptsos, Foe.
Glattwalzen. Stuttgart, Deutscher Fachzeitschriften- 208 22 cm TexHmecKoe
p. Illus. (MocKOBCKoe Bticuiee TCXH. H3fl-B0 JIHT-pH no ICpHOfi H HBCTHOft StCTajI
Fachbuch- Verlag, Das Industrieblatt tl954]
70 p. lllus 2lcm. (SchrlftenrelheFelnbearbeltung) 1954.
TS340JM65 59-38844
A 55-1820 267 p. lllus. 23cm.
Illinois Univ. Library TS340.S49 55-28479

Moscow. f&entraTnyi institut informafsii chernol metal-

N N Shubin, Gavrffl Nikolaevich.
Kreindlin, lurgii.
CsepflJOBCK, Foe. nay^HO-iexH. BCS^-BO JIHT-PH no lepnofl H
CEsa, Toe. Hay^HO-iexH. HSfl-ao JIHT-PH no icpHOfi:
H ^BeT- CKaa, Foe. nay^HO-TexH. HS^-BO JIHT-PH no lepnofl: H
iTBCTHOft jteraxryprHH, CsepffiOBCKoe OTA-HHC, 1955.
HOft MeiajuiyprHH, 1957. HeraoyprHH, 19 116, [4, p. lllos. 22 cm.
810 p. lllus. 28cm. Him. 23 cm.
58-21869 TN705.M7 57-33817 TS360.S55 56-37000

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROLLING ( METAL -WORK) (Continued) ROLLING-MILL MACHINERY Serovatin, Andrei Ivanovich.

Berechnungsverfahren der Haupt- und Transportaus-
Smirnov, Vasiltf Sergeevich. riistungen von Walzwerken. Ubersetzt aus dem Russischen
see also Rolling (Metal-work) von Erich Keissner] Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1955.

FIonepeiHaff npOEaTKa; OCHOBH xexHO.iorniecKoro npo-

92 p. illus 23cm.
n,ecca. MocEBa, Foe. HayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO Mamnnocxponx. TS340.S385
JIHT-pH, 1948. Bogdanov, Viktor Mikhaflovich, writer on electric control. 57-33055 t

194 p. 6 plates, dlagrs. 28cm. KoHraKTOpnoe ynpaaaeHHe 3j;eKTponpHBOflaMH npOKaxHtix

TS340.S6 50-28018 rev cxanoB MocKBa, Foe. Hayiiio-xexH. H3fl-so jtHx-pu no ^ep-
Hoft n ECBCTHOft MexajiJiyprHH, 1958. Serovatin, Andrei Ivanovich.
228 p. dlagrs, 23 cm. Mexo^nica paciexa ocnoBHoro n ncnouoraxejii.Horo oCopy-
TS340.B6 58^1571 ^OBaHHii npOKaxHtix U.CXOB. ^onynteHO B Ea^ecxse yie(5.
Starchenko, D I
nocofina xnx MexajuryprHHecKHx TexEHKywoB. XapBKOB,
Foe. Hayino-xexH. H3fl-BO jiiix-puc no lepaott H ^BexHoa MC-
Foe. na\4Ho-xexH. US^-BO :. i H rjBCXHOft MC-
xaJiJiyprHn, 1955.
tayprnn, 1952.
- 105 p. dlagrs. 22 cm.
247, |lj p. Chelftstkin, A B TS340.S4 56-38986
TS340.S8 56-25707 ABioMatn^ecEoe ynpaB-ieuHe nponaxHtrMH cxanaMii. Hs^.
2., nepep. u ^on. MocKBa, Foe. nayiHO-xexn. HSA-BO zax-pH
no nepnofl H rjseTHOft MexajutyprHit, 1955.
614 dlagrs. 23 cm. Shum, Boris Maksimovich.
Tarnovskii, I iA p.
Kpynnocopxnux cxanoB.
TS340.C5 1955 56-32714 ApMaxypa pejitcoCaJco^Hux
,2;e<|)0psiaijiifl iiexajua npu npOKaxice. FTofl oiSmeft pe^. no icpnofl H ^Bex-
MocKaa, Foe. nay^tHO-xexH. USA-BO Jiiix-pu
H. R. TapHOBCKoro. CBepfl^OBCK, Toe. nayiHO-xexH. IIS^-BO HOft Mexa^jiyprHH, 1956.
JIIIT-PH no lepnoft n usexHOfi nexajuyprHn, CsepAJiOBCKoe 218 p. dlagrs. 22cm.
Druzhinin, Nikolai Nikolaevich.
oxfl-mie, 1956. TS340.S498 57-25892
287 p. lllua. 23 cm. SjieKxpoodopyflosaHHe npOEaxHax ^exoB. Flofl pefl. ^. H.
TS340.T36 57-24682 Mopososa. flonymeno B Eaqecxse yie<5. nocodaa f(na Mexaa-
Bysos. MocKBa, Foe. nay^HO-xexH. HS^-BO Smirnov, VasilH Sergeevich.
jmx-pH no icpHoft H qsexHOft MexajijryprHH, 1956. KaKHfipoBEa npOEaxHtix sajiEon no MexoAy cooxBexcxBCH-
456 p. lUus. 23 cm.
Tarnovskii, I f\ TS340.D78 57-31455
Hoft HOIOCH. Flofl pe#. B. C. CMHpHOsa. MocKBa, Foe.
<DopMort3MeHeHne npn rmaciiiiecicoft oCpatfoiEe uexajuiOB ; nayHHO-xexH. HS^-BO JIHI-PH no sepHOft H HBexnoft Mexajwyp-
KOBKa H npoEaxica. MocKBa, Toe. naymo-xexH. HSA-BO JIHX- THH, 1953.
Painberg, Itriii Mironovich. 328 p. dlagrs. 23 cm.
PBI no ^epnoft H usexHoft MeTa^vprira, 1954.
534 p. Illus. 28cm. Pery.iitpoBaHHe 3JieExponpnBOfla HenpeptiBHiix cxaHOB TS340.S59 53-40351 rev
TS460.T3 55-15462 t ropaiefi npoKaxKH. XaptKOB, Foe. nayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO JIHI-
pti no lepnoft H ^BexHOft vexajuiypraH, 1956.
239 p illus. 23cm. Trishevskii, Igor' Stefanovich.
TS340.F25 57-29715 FJpOBOflEH npoKaxuHx cxanoB. XaptEOB, Foe. nayiHO-
Tiagunov, V A XCXH. H3fl-Bo jtiix-pii no ^tepiiofl H HBexHoft MexajijiyprnH
PeacuMH npoEaxEH na pesepCHBHEtx cxanax. , 1957.

Toe. HayiHO-xexn. HSA-BO JIHT-PH no lepnofl: H iiBeiHOft MC- Ffflpov, Sergei Nikolaevich. 283 p. Illus. 23 cm.
TaouryprHH, 1954. Hacxpoflna npOEaxnux cxanos. XapLEOB, Foe. HaynHO- TS340.T715 58-25576
133, tSj p. dlagrs. 22 cm. XCXH. H3/J-BO jinx-pu no ^epnoft H usexHOtl MexajiJiyprHH,
TS340.T5 55-21426 1950.
179 p. Illus. 23cm.
TS340.F52 51-28311 rei , A I
Lehrbuch des Walzwerksbaus.
Treffikov, Andrei Vladunirovich. Berlin, Verlag Technik,

IIpoKaxEa xoH^aftmeft jreHxti. Mocssa, Foe. 538 p. Illus. 25 cm.

H3-BO jinx-pit no iepHofi H jqBexHOfi MexaajiyprHH. 1957. Fischer, Erich, engineer. TS340.T7514
96, |4j p. IlluB. 22 cm. Walzarmaturen. Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1958.
TS340.T67 67-46887 170 p. illus. 21cm.
TS340.F55 59-23535
United States Steel Corporation.
Trofimchuk, V D RoUingmiUs. 2ded. iPittaburgh, 1957-
z uepa (5op60*H c HHMH. Mo-
S 29cm ( steel Pl^t deslg7serlea)
' ' '

,2je$eKxu npOEaiHOft cxajia Konig, Helmut.

672 32
CKBa, Foe. nayHHO-xexH. H3fl-BO JiET-pst no icpHOtt H ^BeT- Glattwalzen. und 57-58532 t
Stuttgart, Deutscher Fachzeitschriften-
HOft MerajiJiyprHH, 1954,
631 p. mas. 23 cm.
Fachbuch-Verlag, Das Industrieblatt ,;1954j
70 p. illus. 21 cm. (Schriftenreihe Feinbearbeltung)
TS360.T7 55-29819 A 55-1820 ROLLING-MILLS
Illinois. Uiilv. Library

A see also Pipe mills; Rolling (Metal-

, I ed.
FIoirepe^Haa npOKaiEa B MamHHocTpoeHHH. ITo^ o5rqett work); Rolls (Iron mills)
pefl. A. H. njejiHEOsa H B. C. CuHpHOsa,
Kogos, Aizik Markovich.
JlenHHrpa^, Manr- MexaHHiecEoe o6opy^OBaHHe BOJIO^HJIBHHX H jeHxonpo-
TH3 iJIeHEHrpaflCKOe OTfl-HHC, 1957.
375 p. Ulus. 23 cm. EaTHKx ^exoB. ^onynjeno B Ka^ecxse y^efiHHEa RXS. Mexaa- Aleksandrov, P A
TS340.T7447 58-32865 jryprniecKHX xexHHEyMOB. MocEBa, Foe. nay^HO-xexH. H3fl- npoxHBOpeijm B coBpeneHHOic HanpaBJteHHit pasBBxna
BO jtHX-pii no lepnoft H usexHofl MexajuryprHH. 1957. 6jriOMHHroB H uyiH
*V paspemeHHa HX. Mocssa 1956
338, [2, p. Ulus; 27 on. 22 p. dlagrs. 22 cm.

TS340.K55 58-35231 TS340.A484 59.40521

Tsymbal, I V
flocBifl potfoxH Bajt^MBajctHHKa O. M. FyceHH^. KHIB,
.Hepac. BHfl-BO xexH. jrir-pn YPCP, 1952 Amchislavskii, Natan Veniaminovich.
21 p. lUus. 20cm. (OCftdH CTaxaHOBCbKHM AOCBUOM) Ligerman, losif Izraflevich.
PCSIHE Meiajrjia B upoEaxHHx nexax; yiednnE
TS340.T755 BaHHe aJieKxpoycxaHOBOK npoKaTHiuc cxanoB. RXX npo-
55-34097 HSBOACxBCHHo-xexEH^ecKoro o6y^eHHa pa<5o<mx. MocEBa,
Mocjcsa, Foe. Hay^no-xexH. HSA-BO JIHI-PH no lepnoft E Foe. naytcHo-xexH. nsfl-so no nepHOtt H ^BexHofl MC-
i^BerHoft MexajuyprHH, 1957. jrm-pu
828 p. dlagrs. 23 cm. TajuiyprHH, 1957.
TS340X62 124, [8] p, dlagrs. 22 cm.
TJ1230.A48 58-21238
Tnrtanov, I I
Ha 6jiaro PO^HHU. [MocKBaj npoAHSflat, 1950, Maschinenfabrik Meer Aktiengesellschaft
Moderne Robrreduzierwakwerke. American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum
Microfilm Slavic 438 AC Mic 55-4111 Engineers. Iron and Steel Division.
TJ130.M3A3 no.' 116
(In Metals technology. New York. 23 cm. v. 15, no. 8, Dec.
1948. 5 p.)
Moscow. fSentral'nyi [TN1.A5255 vol. 15, no. 8] P 050-209 rev
nauchno-issledovaterskii institut U. S. Patent Office. Library
chernoimetallurgii. .

Zamkovsku; V R HBOA peaepcHBHHx npoEaxHMx cxanoB c ajies-

a iceiajtia K npOEaiice H OTfleaEa nposaxa ; 0606- M ynpaBjieHHeM.
MocEBa, Foe. Hay, H o-xexHH-
nepe^OBoro onHta. [CociasHJiH: E. P. SaiiKOBCKHtt 06 " <
Bel'gol'skii, B P
H B. E. CBCE(3 XapBKOB, FOG. Hay^HO-TCXH. H3A-BO 1958 FIoBMmeHHe
JHHT-pH npoH3BOflHxejn.Hocxn npoEaxHtix cxanos.
no HepHOft H nBCTHOtt XaptEos, Foe. HayrcHO-xexH. HS^-BO jinx-pn no ^epnott H
279 p. Ulos. 23 cm.
n,BexHOft MexaJwyprHH, 1957.
TS340.Z26 188 p. dlagrs. 22cm. (RepeAOBMe MexoAM Tpy^a)
TS340.B343 58-38410
Prival'skii, Boris iAkovlevich,
ABxoMaxH*ecKoe ynpasjieHHe sJceExponpHBOAaicn
HHX cxaHos. Csep^jioBCE, Foe, nay^HO-xexH. HS^-BO
PROBLEMS, EXERCISES, ETC. no Hcpnoft H ^BexHoft Mexa*syprHH, JIHX-PH
Budapest. Orszagos Mfiszaki Konyvtdr.
1954. Mit olvasson a hengeresz? t Osszeallitotta az Orszagos
Gurevich, David fAkovlevkh. MuszaM Konyvtar Dezs5 Laszld
i H ynpaacHCHHtt no
Microfilm Slavic 559 AC Mic 56-5266 bibliografiai csoportja,
npoxaTKe. kozremukodes^vel; szepirodalmi r&z osszeallitasaban
kozremiikodott a Ffiviroai SzaW Ervin K6nyvtar Biblio-
jtyprHHecsoft npOMMnueHKOCTH. Mocrsa, Foe. KarL
Reintsch, Priedrich grinai Osztalya, Budapest, Tervgazdasagi K6nyvkiad6,
TCXH. H3A-BO JIHT-pH HO ^CpHOft H IJBCTHOft Walzwerkaofen und Nebenanlagen. 1953.
1953. Leipzig Faxshbuch.- 26 p. 10 cm.
verlag, 1956. (OtttUo* Mflwrnkl ECOnyrtir ajanld blbllogriflal,
128p. dlagre. 23cm. 91 p. Illus. 23cm.
TS340.G8 54-80285 rev TN677J138 TS340.B8 59-334M
57-45597 J

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROLLING-MILLS (Continued) Kuinbachnyi, I G Simurzin, T T

Maschinelle Ausriistung von Walzwerkeiu ttlbersetzung OHHX op^aH^3a^HII rpy^a na npOEaxnoM cxane. POCXOB
Centro Laminadores Industrials Metalurgicos Argentines. aus dem Russischen : Clans Fritzschej Berlin, Verlag Tech- H-^., 1932.
Memoria. nik, 1954. Microfilm Slavic 706 AC Mac 57-5336
Buenos Airesj 1034 p Illus. 25 cm.
v. 22cm. TS340.K815 A 55-821
HD9524.A9C4 Illinois. Unlv Library
59-40737 t
Timofeev, Dmitrii DJarionovich.
BaJiBi^oBm;HE jiEccxonpOEaTHHX cxaHOs; yiefinoe
Cherniavskii, fA M Kuni^kii, Nikolai Petrovich. flna npOHSBO^cTBCHHO-xexHHiecEoro ofiy^enHH pafio^nx.
Koun.ieKCHaa paijuoHajiHsaxopCEaa 6purafla B npOEaxnoM MocEsa, Foe aayiHO-xexH. HSA-BO jiax-pu no lepaofi H n.Bex-
SjieExpOManiHHHoe ynpasjieHHe pesepCHBHUMH nponax-
n.exe; 113 onaxa saaofla "CntfiaacMam." CBCPAJIOBC.E, Toe. HHMH cxanaiiH; y^eCaoe noco6He #JLH ntEOJi n Eypcos Ma- Hofi Mexajutyprnn, 1955.
no iep- 236 p. illus. 23cm.
nayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO ManzHHOcxponx. JIHX-PH [YpaJio-CHdHp- cxepOB. MocEBa, Foe. Hayino-iexH. HS^-BO JIHT-PH 56-35240
HOft H HBCTHOft MCXajIJiyprHH, 1957.
CKOC oxA-HHC] 1954.
19 p. illus 20 cm. (06M6H TexHHiecKHM onwxoM) 826 p. dlagrs. 23 cm.
TS340.C515 56-17132 TS340.K83 58-32287
Trofimov, Valerian Vaafl'evich.
OTK npoEaxnoro ^exa. Y^efi. nocotfne RZX
Chizhikov, Itl M Litovchenko, Nikita VasH'evich. HHO-TexH. ofiyHCHHa: pao'OHHX. MocKsa, Foe.
. aafl-so JHX-PBI no nepEoft H n,BeTHOfl
FTpOEaxHoe nponsBO^CTBO. ,3jonyin;eHO B Eaiecxse yie<5- FIoBttnieHne npOH3BOflHxejii,HOCxH npOEarntix cxanos.
HHKa MeiajuiypmHecKHx xexnaEyMOB. USA. 2., nepep. n
MocEBa, Foe nay^no-xexH. HS^-BO jnx-pii no nepnoft H HH, 1956.
MocEBa, Toe, nayiHO-xexH. HSfl-so jrax-pti no ^epnoft 166 p illus. 23cm.
flon. HOft MexajuiyprHH, 1958.
TS340.T72 57-38413
H n.BexHOft MexajuiyprHH, 1958. 178, [2j p. diagrs. 23 cm.
612 p. illus. 28 cm. TS340.L528 59-26167
TS340.C52 1958 59-19028
fSelikov, A I

Martinez, Boni P HpoEaxHue ^onynteHO B Eaiecxse yneiSHnEa RXZ

MexajJiyprmecEiix cnennajtHOcrefi: syaos. MOCEBE, Foe.
Feigin, V I Abating stream pollution by recovering waste oil from no ^epHOft n ipexHOtt iiexa.i-
steel rolling mills. [Washington] U. S. Bept. of the Interior, nayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO ^nx-pa
3jeKTpoMaraHHHHC yCHjTHxejra B npOEaxsHX n,exax. Mo-
Bureau of Mines, 1959. aypriiH, 1958.
CKBa, Foe. nayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO JIHI-PH no lepuoft H n.BexHOft 432 p. Illus. 2Tcm.
II, 21 p. Illus tables. 27 cm.
, (U, S. Bureau of Mines. Infor
MexajiJiyprHH, 1954. mation circular 7894) TS340.T752 59-24571
83 p. diagrs. 20cm.
[TN295.U4 no. 7894] Int 59-44
TK2665.F4 55-38846
U. S. Dept of the Interior. Library

United States Steel Corporation.

Feigin, V I Mirenskii, Mikhail I/vovich. Rolling mills. 2ded. Pittsburgh, 1957- t
T. illus. 29cm. (Steel plant design series)
3jteKrpOMamHHHBie yciuurrejiH B nposaxHtix n,exax. Hsfl. Bajii>n,OBiE(HK copxonpOEaxHBix cxanoB. ,Honyni;eHO B sa- 57-58532
TS340.U55 672.32
^ecxse yneS. nocoSna fljia HIEOJI O3O. MocEBa, Foe. nayiHO-

2., flon. MocKBa, Toe. nayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO .uix-pti no icp-

HOtt H ijBexHOft MexajiJuyprHii, 1957. XCXH, H3fl-B0 jinx-pu no icpnoft H n.BefHOft iiexaxnyprHH,
101, t3j p. dlagrs. 22 cm. 1954.
TK2665.F4 1957 57-43400 187, [1] p Illus. 23 cm.
TS340.M5 55-41082 Verry, Maurice.
Les laminoirs ardennais; declin d'une aristocratic profes-
sionneDe. Pref. de Georges Friedmann. Paris, Presses uni-
Furman, fAkov Borisovich.
versitaires de France, 1955.
UoflpyiHHft Bajibn.OBin.HKa copxoBux cxanos. PeEOMeH^o- Neumann, Horst, engineer.
viil, 155 p. illus,, map, diagrs. 23 cm. (Biblioth&iue de sodologie
Bano B Ka^ecxBe y^e6. noco6n RKX mKOJi <X>3O. Mocssa, Grundlagen der Walzwerkstechnik und Kalibrierung. contemporalne. S6r. B: Travaui du Centre d'4tudes sodologiaues)
Toe. nayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO JIHX-PH no nepHOtt n n,BexHort MC- Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1954. HD8039.M52A856 A 56-3064
216 p. Illus. 24cm. New York Univ. Libraries
xaJiJiyprHH, 1956.
220, & p. Illus. 23 cm. A 55-3781
TS340.F88 57-32890 Illinois. Unlv Library
Wusatowski, Zygmunt, engineer, ed.
Warmofen fur Walzwerke und Schmieden rvon einemj
Gurevich, Azriel' Efimovich. NflcolaevskiJ, G M Autorenhollektiv [TVitold Sobiepan et al. Ubersetzung
Mexoflti iiccjieflOBaHHJi npOEaxHHX cxanOB. MocKBa, Foe. O6oiy2CHBaHHe EpanoBor aus dem Polnischen und deutsche Redaktion: Gustav
HayiHO-rexH. IIS^-BO JIHT-PLI no HepHOft H usexHOft MexaJi- ^exOB. HSA 2., nepep. H son. MocEsa, Foe. nayiHO-xexn. ZouhaT] Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1959.
612 illus. 25 cm.
jryprnH, 1957. H3^-BO JIHX-PH no ^epnott H usexHOft MeiajiJiyprHH, 1952. p.
494 p. Illus. 23 cm. Microfilm Slavic 364 T Mic 55-3495 TS340.W815 59-32953 J
TS340.G77 57-45374

Gurevich, David fAkovlevich. Prival'skii, Boris fXkovlevich.

Zlukov, Nikolai Andreevich.
KpaxKHft cnpaso^HHE npoicaxiaEa. MocEBa, Foe. nayHHO- ABxoMaiH^ecEoe ynpaazteHne B^eEXponpHBOflaMH nposax- Cxajri,Hue apxepnn. [JTnxepaxypHaji aannct A. H. Myxa-
TCXH. H3^-BO JIHX-PH no ^epHOfi H n,BeiHofi iiexaxiypriiH, HBIX cxanoB. CBCPAJIOBCE, Foe. nay^HO-xexH. HS^-BO jrHX-pti
peBofl] MocEBa, TpyjrpeaepBHSflax, 1955.
1955. no nepHOfl H ^BexHOft Mexajuiypran, CsepA-zoBCEoe OIA-HHC, 61 p. 20 cm.
Illus. (BocnHTaHHHKH rpyAOBbix peaepBos: pac-
415, [1] p. Illus. 15cm. 1954. CK33U HOBaTOpOB)
TS340.G78 56-24025 241 p. dlagrs. 23cm. TS340^48 57-24751
TS340.P7 55-41070

Russia (1923- U. S. S. 8.) Minitteratvo airoitel'stva.

Ignatenko, Dmitrii Grigor'evich. TekJmichesJeoe upravlenie. AUTOMATION
MamiiHHCx-onepaxop ITOCXOB ynpasJieHiia npOEaxnoro HncxpyEnna no ^EC^JIyaxa^HH cxaHOB MA-49, MA-50 H
cxana; yieSnoe nocofiae fljra npOHSBOflcxBeHHO-iexHHie- EA-49 fljia npoEaxa xoaoAHOcnxomeHHOft cxaJiH nepnOAH-
Kafsnel'son, Moisel Efimovich.
CEOro oSyieHiiJi pa<5oinx. Oflo6peno B EanecxBe y^e6. noco- ^ecEoro npo|zJta (Z 191-54) /MnHcxpofi. [Paapafioxana
6na AJI xexH. yHEurnm. MocKsa, Foe. nayiHO-iexH. HS^-BO AsxoMaxHsanHfl xpy6onporaTHix cxanos. MocKsa, Foe.
Bcec. HayiHO-Hcai. HH-IOM no CTpOHTCJiBCXBy] MocKsa, Foe.
HayiHO-xexH. HS/^-BO ^ni-ptt no ^epnofl a HBCXHOH itexaji-
JIHT-PH no iepHoa n ^BexHOH MeiajuiyprHH, 1957. H3fl-B0 JIHX-PH no cxponxejitcxBy H apxHxemrype, 1954,
246 p. illus. 23 cm. 18 p. dlagrs. 20 cm. jcypraH, 1954.
109 p. Illus. 22 cm.
TS340.I35 58-30207 TS340J18 56-19446
TS340.K38 56-19449

Ruvinskii, Semen MikhaDoyiclu

Karpyshev, MikhaU Sergeevich.
cratfOB. Mocxsa, MoflepHHsanna ysjios TpeHH npoKaTHHX cxanoB. Mo-
Bafiop otfopyflOBanH KpynHOCOpiHsix
CEsa, Foe. nay^HO-xexs. HS^-BO JIHX-PBI no nepnoft H i^BerHott Muzalevskii, Oleg Georgtevich.
Mamma, 1958. Kexajunypmn, 1957. AaxoHaxzaanH* npoKarHnx cxaHOB. MocKsa, Tpy^pe-
51, il] p. Illus. 22 cm.
189 p. Illus., tables. 22 cm, 3epsH3Aax, 1958.
TS840.K33 58-16484 87 p. illus. 22cm. (Hoaajt rexHraca H nepeAOBMe MCTOAU Tpyjw)
TS340.M8 59-39822

Saf'ian, Matvei Matveevich.

Kas'ianov, Serge! Fedorovich. HenpepUBHHe JUHCXOBHC ciana ropa^efl npOEaxEH. Mo-
MexaHH3an,n* OTACJEII npoEaxa HS onwxa siexajuiyprnie-,
CEBa, Foe. nayrao-xexH. HSA-BO JIHX-PH no nepHOfl E ^BeIHoS Vladimir Liudvigovich,
CKHX saso^oB. XapbEOB, Foe. Hayino-xexH. HS^-BO JCHT- MexajuiypraH, 1956. OniiT aBIOMaxH3a^HH xpyCfonpOEaxnofl: ycxaHOBEH.
no icpHOft n r^sexHOft MCTaJUiyprHn, 1955. 239, [1] p. Illus. 23 cm.
243 p. Illus. 23 cm. TS340.S3 56-S7564 XaptEOB, Foe. Ha}mHO-iexH. ECS^-BO JIHI-PH no *epHOft H
TS340JK34 56-37655 i^BCTHOft MexaJuiyprHH, 1959.
79 p. Illus. 23cm.
Shlionskil, Mikhail Semenovich. TS280.O9 59-47773 J
ITepe^OBHe MCIOAM pa^oxat npn sa^ncxEe Mexajora. Mo-
Korolev, A A CKsa, Foe. nay^HO-xexH. HS^-BO JIHI-PH no nepnofi H n.BexHOfl
EjuoMHHr 1000. MocEBa, Foe. nayrao-xexH. H3,a;-BO uamn- nexajtiyprHH, 1955.
HOCXpOHX. JIHX-pH, 1955.
32 p. dlagrs. 20 cm.
TS340.S52 55-56039
271 p. illus. 27 cm,
TS340.Z597 56-24035 Rolling (Aerodynamics)
Shveikin, Viktor Vasfl'evich.
TexHOJOrna npOEaxnoro npOHSBOflcxsa. ^onymeno B sa-
Korolev, A A HCCXBC y?e(5. nocoCnafljoc MeiajuyprmcecEHX sysos. CsepA- ROLLING- STOCK see Electric railroads
HpoKaTHKce cianH : KOHCipyEnna H paciei. JLOBCE, Foe. nayHHO-xexH. H3fl-so Jiax-psi no ^epnofi H H.BCT- Locomotives; Railroads
xa^ecTse yHefiHUEa fljw aamHHOcrpOHX. iexHHKyMOB. Mo- Rolling- stock;
sott iiexajuryprHH, CaepAJOBCKOe orfl-HHC, 1956.
CEsa, Mamnsa, 1958. 444 p. illus. 23 cm. Rolling- stock
450 p. illus. 27 cm. 56-42094

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROLLINS, CARL PURINGTON, 1880- Protasov, Anatolii Aleksandrovich. ROMAIC LANGUAGE see Greek language,
Kajin6pOBKa BOJIKOB fl^a npOEaxKH ducxpopeHcymieft cxajia. Modern
A Printer's solutions of some printers' problems. [55 books MocKBa, Foe. nay^HO-xexH. HS^-BO Jtin-pu no ^epHOft H
designed by Carl Purington Rollins at Yale. New Haven, ^BeTHOi t MexajrjiyprHH, 1956.

176 p. Illus. 22 cm.

facslms 22 cm. TS340.P72 57-24706 ROMAIC LITERATURE see Greek literature,
[42) p. port.,

A 55-6591 Modern
Tale Univ. Library
Suiarov, Dmitrii D'ich.
ROLLS (IRON MILLS) CfiepflJOBCK, Foe, Hay^HO-xexH. HS^-BO Jinx-pu no nepnoft EC
r^BexHoft MexajtjiyprHH, 1958.
60, [2j p. illus. 22 cm. Cuisenier, Andre, 1886-
see also Rolling (Metal-work) TS340.S9 59-24537 Jules Remains et 1'unanimisme. t
Paris, Flammarion
8 T. 10 cm.
Beshlyk, Aleksandr Sergeevich. v, A I PQ2635.O52Z6 840.81 35-17897 rev'
^yrynHBie npOKaxHLie sajiKH. Mocssa, Toe. HayiHO-xexi Hilfsmaschiuen der Walzstrassen vonj A. I. Zelikow. c
H3 lepHOft H xjBeiHOfi
291 p. aiiy-pa ^no
mus. 23cm.
iiexaajiyprHH, 1955. [tTbersetzung aus dem Kussischen: Hans Kriigerj Berlin,
TS340.B45 Verlag Technik, 1954. Norrish, P J
56-27347 297 p. Illus 25 cm, Drama of the group; a study of unanimism in the
TS340.T744 56-29357 plays
J f
Cambridge t Eng. 3 University Press, 1958.
Chekmarev, A P PQ2635.052Z8 842.91 68-14844 J
HSHOC nposaTHHx BOJEOB. Xaptsou, Foe.
H3fl-B0 JIHT-PH no lepnoft H HBeiHoft MexajrjiyprHH 1955 Zaroshchinskii, M L
22 cm. Romains, Jules, 1885-
146, (2j p. nius. Walzstrassen. [tlbersetzung aus dem Kussischen: Mari
TS340.C49 Souvenirs et confidences d'un ^crivain.
56_ 36952 anne Wollmannj Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1954. Paris Librairie
216 p. dlagrs., tables. 30cm. A. Fayard [1958,
TS340.Z325 239 p. 19 cm. (Collection Lea Quarante, 4)
PQ2635.052Z52 58-2068 rev
Filipor, Sergei Nikokevich, t

HacxpoftEa npoEaxHtix cxanoB. XaptKos, Foe. Hayino-

179 p. Illus. 23 cm. Rolls-Royce, the living legend, as reflected by half a century ROMAINS, JULES, 1885- LES HOMMES DE
TS340.F52 51-28311 rev of contemporary British and American sales and institu BONNE VOLONT
tional literature. Arcadia, Calif., Post Motor Books, 1958
384 p. LUus. 24cm. 1

Francois-Poncet, Andre, 1887-

TL215.R6R58 629.2222 59-27344 |
Frumin, I I Cinquantenaire du 6 t i. e. siz, octobre. Textes de Andr6
AaxoiiaTunecEaji namiaBEa ctaJi&HHx npOKaxntrx sajcKos ;
Frangois-Poncet, Andrg Maurois, Jules Eomains. Introd
npaEXHHecEoe pyEosoflciBO. Xap&Kos, Toe. naysHo-xexn. ROMA par GeYard Bauer. [Parisj Flammarion [1958,
HSA-BO JIHT-PH no TCpHOft H ^BexHOfi MexajuiyprHH
*V 1956
114, 2j p. illus
( 22cm.
A 59-6312
TS340.F8 Davila Garibi, Jose Ignacio Paulino, 1888- Illinois. Univ. Library
El capitan D. Diego de Ochoa Garibay, conquistador de
Nueva Galicia y poblador muy antiguo en la Provincia de
Michoacan, avecindado en Zamora, y relaci6n genea!6gica ROMAKO, ANTON, 1832-1889
Krivosheev, Andre! Evdokimovich. entre este y el Lie. D. Guillermo Romo Cells. Estudio leldo
JTniHe BajtKH xeopexa^ecKHe H xexnojiorHiecKHe OCHOBH
; en la Academia Mexicana de GenealogJa
y Herildica, en la
irpOHSBOACTaa. MOCKBE, Foe. Hayrao-iexH. HSA-BO JHT-PH sesifin del 12 de mayo de 1954. Novotny, Fritz, 1902-
no ^epsoft H ijBeTHOft icexajLiypriiH. 1957, 1955.
Mexico, Editorial Cultura, ^ Anton Romako.
860 p. inns, 26cm. Wien, Bruder Rosenbaum ["1956,
26 p. lllus. 20cm.
TS340.K7 58-20733 F1231.03D3 56-37107 t

Konifsyn, N M ROMA ORE 11 (MOTION PICTURE) Novotny, Fritz, 1902-

FasomiaMeHHaa nosepxnocxHaa sasa-isa nposaxHHX uaji- Der Maler Anton Romako, 1832-1889.
EOB. MocKsa, Foe. HayHHO-xexH. HS^-BO JIHT-PH no Wien, A. Schroll
nepnoft Petri, Elio, 1929- [1954]
H EtBCTHOft MexajiJiyprHH, 1953.
Eoma ore 11. Pref. di Cesare Zavattini e
Giuseppe de
Microfilm Slavic 369 T Mic 55-3487 Itch'unsV^^^^
Santis. Milano, Avanti, 1956. ND538.R65N6
144 p. 17 cm. (Collana del gallo, 27) Harvard Univ. Library

A 56^=386
Univ. Llbr.
Matveev, itT M
KaiHt5pOBKa Bassos H nncxpyiteHxa xpydHHX cxanoa. ROMAN, JOHAN HELMICH, 1694-1758
MocKBa, Toe. Hay^HO-xexH. HS^-BO JIHI-PLC no lepnoft H
^BeIHoa uexajLiyprHH, 1951. ROMAGNA Bengtsson, Ingmar.
H. Roman och hans
Microfilm Slavic 827 T Mic 58-6422 instrumentalmusik: kail- och stil-
kntiska studier. J. H. Roman and his
Matteini, Nevto.

^ Romania ^personaggi,loughi,fattieleggende,
^ ^,
^ of s011 ^
instrumental music
3 ^d style. Uppsala, 1955

322p. 22cm. ML410.R657B4

Merzliakov, Vladimir Ivanovich.
DG975.E71M3T 58-16534 J
O5pa6oxKa H pestoHx npoEaxHtix BajiKos. Mocssa, Foe.
nay^HO-xexH HS^-BO jtHi-pti no ^epHOft n ^BexHOft nexajr-
JtyprnH, 1957.
224 p. diagra. 23cm.
TS340.M4 57^0209 BOOKS
Bengtsson, Ingmar
Osterreichisches Propagandabfiro.
Moscow. Moskovskoe vysshee tekhnicheskoe nchilishdie. Keisefuhrftr mviera
Adriatica, Fotos: Hans Frank
HpoKaxHiie cxanu H lexnoaorHa nposaxKH. Ho^ eff. t. TXT ,..,.
A. H. DjejHEOBa. MocKsa, Foe. Hay^HO-xexs. HSA-BO
tJniv.. BucMr
socxpoHx. anx-pH, 1955.
381 p. Ulna. 28cm. (It* [

ESSAYS, LECTURES Oregon. Univ. Llbr.
A 55-5438
Moscow. Moskovskoe vysshee tekhnicheskoe uchffishche.
Kafedra "MatMny i UJcTinologiXa. proJcaiki i volocheniia."
Gasperoni, Gaetano, 1879- OMAN ALPHABET see Alphabet
&l solco delle grandi memorie:
npozaxHHe cxanuc H xexHo^orHa nposaxsH cCopHHE cxa- ;

tilfin01 Garzanti 1955 i

problem! di cultura in ROMAN ANTIQUITIES see Classical
Teft. EGA pefl. M. JL. Sapon^HHCEoro. MocKBa, Mamrna, c
1957. Roads, Roman; Rome Antiquities Rome
125 p. Ulna. 22 cm. (MoocoBcxoe sucniee TexronecKoe y^Hjmme
HMCHH BayMaaa. (TpyAW] 80) (City)Antiquities; and subdivision Antiq
TS340Jk464 58-29068 uities, Roman under names of
cities, etc.


Moscow. Moskovskoe vysshee tekhnicheskoe nchilishche. Roman
Zafedra "Uathvny i telcTinologtia, proTcatU i voloohen&a" Lotti, Lnigi
npoEaxHHe cxanti n xexHOJoraa npoKaxKH ctfopmix cxa- I repubblicani in
Eomagna dal 1894 al 1915. Pref di Gio- OMAN ART see Art, Roman
n A peA -
^H -

Q^HKOsa. MocxBa, Mamrns, 1958. TanniSpadobm. rA cura dell'Associarione cnltnnk,(



59-38844 JN5657JEUL6 Church

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROMAN CEMENT Suetonius Tranquillus, C Cavestany, Francisco.

Leben der Caesaren. Eingeleitet und fibers, von Andr Notes on Roman law. Manila, Philaw Pub. Co., 1951.
Vaivads, Alberts. 264 p. 26cm.
Lambert. Zurich, Artemis- Verlag [1955,
544 p. 18cm 54-41503 1
^ojiOMHTOBbie Bfl3Kymne Bem;ecTBa. Pnra, ZSA-BO Asafle-
MIIIInayi: JlaTBuftCKOft CCP, 1958.
A 56-5624
258 p. diagrs., tables. 23 cm. PiincetonTJnlv. Llbr. Chamoun, Ebert
TP884.E7V3 59-18406 Instituic.5es de direito romano. Prel do Prof. San Tiago
Dantas. 3. ed., rev. a aumentada. Rio de Janeiro, Revista
Suetonius TranquiHus, C.
The twelve Caesars. Translated by Robert Graves. Forense, 1957.
531 p. 24 cm.
ROMAN COINS see Coins, Roman [Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Baltimore] Penguin Books 68-18042 J
C 1957]
315 p. lllus. 19cm. (The Penguin L72)
ROMAN CULTUS see Cultus, Roman DG277.S7T5 1957 [878.7] 937.07 57-9665 Coquia, Jorge Rioflorido, 1918-
Principles of Roman law. Manila, Quisumbing Publica
tions [195-?j
ROMAN DE LA ROSE Suetonius Tranquillus, C
143 p. 23 cm
56-35862 t
Le vite dei Cesari, a cura di Italo Lana. [Torino] XJnione
Taras, Anthony F tipografico-editrice torinese t!952j
The Roman de la Rose unity or confusion ? rPocatello ? 585 p. facsima., geneal table. 24 cm. (Classic! latlni, 7. 6) Corpus juris civilis.
Idaho, 1958] PA6701J8L3 55-28297 Corpus iuris civilis. Berolini, Apud Weidmannos, 1954.
121. 28cm. ST. 27cm.
PQ1529.T3 841.1 59-63290 J
Babelon, Jean, 1889- Corpus juris Institutiones.
ROMAN DE LAURIN Imperatrices syriennes. Paris, A. Michel [1957]
lustinianus Institutiones. Turkge metin: Ziya Umur.
299 p. 22cm. Akbasan Matbaasi, 1955.
Thorpe, Lewis G M 1913- DG276.5.B25 57-39610
xn,182p. 25cm. (btaobul tnlTenrttMl yayinlan no. 641)
Le roman de Laurin, fils de Marques le senechaL first A 58-18T6&
contribution to the study of the linguistics of an
thirteenth-century prose-romance. Cambridge, Bowes & ROMAN ETHICS see Ethics, Roman Correia, Alexandre.
Bowes t 1950] Manual de direita romano c por] Alezandre Correia c e]
xlU, 327 p. facslma. 22 cm. (University of Nottingham research Gaetano Sciascia. Sao Paulo. Edicao Saraiva, 1949-51.
publication, no. 1) ROMAN FORUM see Rome (City) Forum 2v. 24cm.
PQ1532.R63T5 64-43062 Romanum 60-23597 rev 2

ROMAN DE RENARD see Reynard the Fox

ROMAN GAMES see Games, Greek and Correia, Alexandre.
Manual de direito romano por, Alexandre Correia 6]

Gaetano Sciascia. 2. ed., rev. e aumentada. Sao Paulo,


EdiQao Saraiva, 1953-55.

Graven, Jean, 1899- ROMAN LAW 2 v. 24 cm.
Le proces critninel du Roman de Renart; etude du droit 56-44148
criminel feodal au xn" siecle, suivie d'un hommage et re-
see also Civil law; Civil law systems; Ermini, Giuseppe.
merciement a 1'UniversitS de Rennes. Geneve, Librairie de
Fiducia; Law, Byzantine; Renunciation Corso di diritto comune. 3. ed. Milano, Giuffre, 1952-
1'Universite, 1950. v 26cm.
158 p. Ulus. 21cm.
(Law); Roman-Dutch law; Tribunus plebis; 59-25512 t
55-33887 rev
Universitates (Civil law); also special
ROMAN -DUTCH LAW legal headings and subdivisions with Francisco, Vicente J
Roman law added in parentheses, e.g. Roman law. Manila, East Pub., 1960.
832 p. 24cm.
see also Children (Roman-Dutch law); Abuse of administrative power (Roman 56-41488

Unjust enrichment (Roman- Dutch law) law); Forestry law and legislation
(Roman law); Obligations (Roman law) Giffard, Andre Edmond Victor.
Precis de droit romain. 4. ed. Paris, Dalloz, 1951
Voet, Joannes, 1647-1713. 2r. idem. (Pettts preVSs Dalloz)
The selective Voet; being the Commentary on the Pan Andreev, Mikhail.
52-36699 rev
dects, Paris edition of 1829, and the Supplement to that work PHMCKO nacrno npaao. Co$na, Hayna it IISEVCTBO, 1958.
858 28 cm.
by Johannes van der Linden. Translated with explanatory x, p.
Gioffredi, Carlo.
notes and notes of all South African reported cases by 59-26402
Diritto e processo nelle antiche forme giuridiche romane.
Percival Gane. Durban, Butterworth, 1955-
v. 25 cm. Arias Ramos, Jose. Romae, Apollinaris, 1955.
318 p. 25 era. (Pontiflcltnn Instttutum Utrlnajue Inrls. Stndla
55-4881 Derecho romano. 6. ed. Madrid, Editorial Revista de et documenta, 1)
Derecho Privado C 1954j 58-41902
T. 24 cm. ([Blblioteca de la Revista de
derecho privadoj Serle G: Manuales de derecho, economia y
hacienda, v. 1-3) G<Smez Otalora, Hernando.
Bell,William Henry Somerset, 1856- 57-26843 Derecho privado romano. Bogota, 1957-
South African legal dictionary. 3d ed. by Alexander v. 24cm.

Milne, Clifford Cooper [and] Brian D. Burne. Durban, Aubert, Jean Marie.
Butterworth, 1951. Le droit remain dans 1'oeuvre de saint Thomas. Pre"f. de
894 p. 25cm. Gabriel Le Bras. Paris, J. Vrin, 1955.
Eight year cumulative supplement 1956. Com 162 p. 25cm. (Blbllotheque thomlste, 30)
Gualandi, GiovannL
piled by J. J. L. Sisson. Durban, Butterworth, 1957. A 55-4751 Glosse preaccursiane al "Digestum novum" in frammenti
222 p. 24 cm. St Mary's College, SL Marys, Kan. Llbr.
347.03 53-16222 rev 2 membranacei della Bibliotheque royale di Bmxelles (Ms. n,
1768) Roma, 1956.
Biondi, Biondo, 1888- 290-342 p. 4 facslms. 27 cm. (Attl della Accademla nazlonale del
LInceL Memorie. Classe dl sclenze morall, rtoriche e fllologlche, aer.
ROMAN EMPERORS Istituzioni di diritto romano. 3. ed. riv. ed ampliata.
8, v. 7, fasc. 6)
Milano, A. Giuffre, 1956.
761 p. 25cm. [AS222.R645 ser. 8, voL7,fasc,6] A 57-180
see also Consilium principis nitaola. Univ. Library
58-44924 J

Beranger, Jean. Bonfante, Pietro, 1864-1932. Guarino, Antonio.

Recherches sur 1'aspect idfologique du principal Basel, Instituciones de derecho romano. Traduccion de la 8. ed. Diritto private romano; lezioni istituzionali di diritto
F. Reinhardt, 1953. italiana por Luis Bacci y Andres Larrosa, revisada por Fer romano. Napoli, E. Jovene, 1957.
318 p. 24 cm. (SchwelzeriBche Beltrttge znr Altertumswissen-
nando Campuzano Horma. (Publicaciones del "Institute 635 p. 24cm.

JC89.B4 65-3914 Cristo'foro Colombo" de Koma) 2. ed.] Madrid, Institute C

58-32180 J
Editorial Reus cover 1951] t

x, 711 p. 23 cm. (BIblioteca jurldlca de autores espafioles 7

ertranjeroe, v. 133) Guarino, Antonio.
Ussner, Ivar, 1909- 57-34156 L'ordmamento giuridico romano. Lezioni raccolte dal
Die Casaren; Macht und Wahn. Olten, Walter C 1956] dott Santi di Paola. Napoli, E. Jovene, 1949-
389 p. 1 11 us., ports., maps. 23 cm.
A 68-2034 BrasieHo, Ugo, 1905- v.

Harvard Univ. Library Problemi di diritto romano esegeticamente valutati. Bo 64-42374 J

logna, E. Patron C 1964^
v. 24cm.
Ltasner, Ivar, 1909- t Horvat, ManJan.
The Caesars: might and madness. Translated from the Rimsko pravo. Zagreb, Skolska knjiga, 1952-
German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. New York, Putnam r. 24cm,
Ugo, 1905-
66-56468 J
11958] Problemi di diritto romano esegeticamente valutati. 2. ed.
377 p. Ulna. 22 cm.
DC270JL513 93T.06 68-11670 J Bologna, R. Patron t !954-
r. 25cm. (Lezlonl di esegeal) Iturralde, Augusto.
Readings on Roman law i, by Augusto Iturralde, Bicardo
Lisener, Ivar, 1909- C. Puno [and] Desiderio P. Jurado. IstecL Manila, Philtw
Power and folly; the story of the Caesars. Translated Calasso, Francesco. Pub. Co., 1950.
from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. London, J. Introduzione al diritto comune. Milano, Giuffre, 195L 290 p, 26cm.
Cape C1958] 891 p. 24cm. 66-39236 t
884 p. Ulna. 24cm. 55-29275 J
DC270X613 1968 987.06

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROMAN LAW (Continued) Peizoto, Jos4 Carlos de Matos, 1884- Victor, Martin.
Curso de direito romano. t 3. ed. 3 Rio de Janeiro, Had- Institucie rlmskeho prava. 2., roz. vyd.
Bratislava, Slo-
Jhering, Rudolf von, 1818-1892. dad [1955- vensk6 pedagogicke nakl., 1955.
Geist des romischen Eechts auf den versehiedenen v. 24cm. 155 p. 29cm. VysokoSkoIs^ uCebnfi texty)
Stufen 56-15383 t
Aufl. Schwabe 19 57-33495
9. Basel, B. |
seiner^Emwwklung. C ,

56-35499 J Petit, Eugene Henri Joseph, 1850-1931.

Tratado elemental de derecho romano, contiene el desa-
Victor, Martin.
rrollo hist6ricoy la exposici6n general de los principles de Zaklady rlmskeho siikromn6ho pniva.
Jhering, Rudolf von, 1818-1892. romana desde el origen de Roma hasta el empe-
t Vyd. 1. 3 Bratis
la Iegislaci6n lava, SlovenskS pedagogicke nakladatel'stvo. 1957
Geist des romischen Rechts auf den versehiedenen Stufen
rador Justiniano. Traducido de la 9. ed. fraucesa y aumen- 191 p 30 cm. Vjsoko3kolsk<5 uCebn<5 texty)

Basel, B
seiner Entwicklung. 1. Teil- t 3.
Toil, 1. Abtj tado con notas originales, muy ampliadas en la presente ed.
Schwabe !953-55, T. 1954,
59-21989 t
por Jose" Ferrindez Gonzalez, con un pr61ogo del Dr. don
t 3,
Sr.ln4. 22cm.
Jos6M.Rizzi. Mexico, Editora Nacional, 1953.
5IM4896 717 p. 28 cm.
Vinogradoff, Sir Paul, 1854-1925.
Diritto romano nell'Europa medioevale. 2.
ed., curata da
Jorquera F , Francisco. F. de Zuluet, tradotta da S. Riccobono.
Milano, Giuffrt,
Derecho romano. [Santiago^ Editorial Juridica de Petit, Eugene Henri Joseph, 1830-1931. 1950.
Tratado elemental de derecho romano desarrollo historico ;
114 p. 23cm.
2 v. 23 cm. (Facultad de Derecho de la Universldad de Chile. los principles de la Iegislaci6n ro
Colecclta de eattidios jurfdlcos y soclales, r. 81-32) y exposicion general de 55-33775
mana desde el origen de Roma hasta el emperador Jus
55-35719 t tiniano. Con una introducci<Sn sobre la importancia del Voci, Pasquale.
derecho romano por Rudolf von Ihering. [Traducido de la Istituzioni di diritto romano. 3. ed. rifatta.
Kagan, Kopel Kahana, 1895- 9. ed. fraucesa y aumentado con copiosas notas por Jose"
Three great systems of jurisprudence. With a foreword Ferrindez Gonzalez] Buenos Aires, Editorial Albatros 676 p. 23 cm.
by Harold GreviUe Hanbury. London, Stevens.* 1955. t 1954, 56-56165 t
HI, 199 p. 22cm. 979 p. 24cm.
340.5 56-227T 56-25530
Zevenbergen, Christiaan, 1897- comp.
Puhan, Ivo. Teksten ten gebruike bij de studie van het Romeinse recht.
Kaser, Max, 1906- PHMCKO npaso; npHspeMCH yne<5HH:K. CKonje, H3,a;. Ha Utrecht, H. de Vroede, 1953-
Das rcimische Privatrecht. Miinchen, Beet, 1955- v. 25 cm.
v. 29cm. 58-34215 t
Rechtsgesc^^ 57-49640
PA25.H24 Abt.lO,T.3,Bd.3,etc. 55-12898
Puhan, Ivo.
PHMCKO npaso; npnspeMeH tSniiK. 2. 113^;. CKOHJC, Cosentini, Cristoforo.
Hs^;. na PercropaTOT na yHnnepa eTOT, 1956- Miscellanea romanistica.
KoroSec, Viktor, 1899- v. 20cm. Catania, Tip. dell'Universitk.
Ocrt rimskega prava. Ljubljana, 19 1956.
57-47968 265 p. 24 cm.
v 24cm. (trniveraUA dl Catania. Pubbllcazlonl deUa
FacoltA di glurlsptudenza, 26)
57-44996 J
Rabel, Ernst, 1874-
KoroSec, Viktor, 1899- Grundzuge des romischen Privatrechts. 2. Aufl. Basel,
Zgodovina in sistem rimskega zasebnega prava. Spisala B. Schwabe, 1955.
241 p. 23cm. Ferrari dalle Spade, Giannino, 1887-1943.
Viktor Korosec in Gregor Krek,
Celju, Druzba sv V 56-26750 J Scritti giuridici. Pref. di Salvatore Riccobono.
Mohona, 19 Milano,
v. 22cm. ( knj. Znanstveae knjlf nice) Giuffre, 1953-56.
3 v. 25 cm.
Raveau S , Rafael 57-15379
Derecho romano privado. 3. ed. [Santiago, Chile, 1948-
lapicki, Borys. t v.
1, 1950j
Prawo rzymsMe. [Warszawaj Ksiazka t 1948j
T. 20cm.
449, C2] p. 24cm. (Podrecznlklunlwereyteckie) 56-35758 Herdlitczka, Arnold Rudolf.
55-33939 Vom fas und jus zur lex. [Innsbruck, 1955?,]
17 p. lllus. 30cm.
Roberto, Sabatantonio, 1887- 57-20619 t
Elementi di diritto romano. Napoli, Pellerano-Del Gau-
Lee, Robert Warden, 1868-
The elements of Roman law, with a translation of the diojigse?,
290 p. 21cm. Iglesias, Juan.
Institutes of Justinian. 4th ed. London, Sweet & Maxwell,
57-25149 t Derecho romano y esencia del derecho.
1956. Barcelona Edi-
xrvill, 499 p 22 cm. ciones Ariel, 1957.
48 p. 19cm.
349.37 56-28460 Saavedra, Maria Josefa.
Manual de derecho romano, destinado a servir de 58-17876 1
gufa a
los estudiantes de la Facultad de
Derecho. & ed. La Paz,
LosTcyi, Kost', 1874-
Editorial U. M. S. A., 1954.
Iciopia i CHCteica pHMCtKoro rcpHaaTHoro xrpaaa. [Itpara, 169 p 28 cm. ~ Rudolf
Jhering, " von, 1818-1892.
BH^-BO YKp. ymBepciTery, 19 estudos de direito.
v. 80cm. 56-35489
55-53876 56-15384
Sdascia, Gaetano.
Milan. Universita cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Moya, Jose. Sinopse de direito romano, com tibuas. ,Sao Paulo'
Oficmas Grificas de Saraivaj 1955. Scritti in onore di Contardo
Roman law Ferrini
Readings on
228 p. 26cm.
n. Manila, Philaw Pub Co., lOOp. 24cm.

57-40039 t
11008 -
^^ pubblicati in occasione
Sociea edarioe " Vita e

(It * Pubb" cazl nuova set., v. 17-18, 23, 28)

66-39236 t
A A Qooo
AS222.M63 M?' n. vol. IT, etc,

Sis<Sn, Angel s., 349.3704 48^12345 rev 2*

Nobrega, Vandick Londres da.
A guide to the study of Roman law i. Rev. ed. Manila '
Philaw Pub. Co., 1952.
Historia e aistema do direito Paris. University Institut de droit romain.
privado romano. Rio de 240 p 27cm.
Janeiro, Livraria Freitas Bastos, 1955. Conf&-ences f aites k PInstitut de droit romain.
658 p. 23cm. 56-39394 t Paris.
56-24567 J v. 25 cm. (Itt Publications, 6
55-36495 %
Stojcevid, Dragomir.
Ivan Borisovich, 1880-
Novifslri!, PHMCKO npaso. 6. Eeorpafl, Hay^na Kanra, 1957-
OCHOBH pHMCKoro rpaac^aHCEoro npaua. T. 24cm. Sciascia, Gaetano.
.HonymeHO B
Kaiecrue yietfHHKa RJLX JOpHfl. fcaKyjitieTOB roc. 58-25689 Varieta giuridiche; scritti brasiliani di diritto romano e
TOB. Mocsua, Foe. HS^-BO x>pHfl. JIHT-PH. 1956. moderno. Milano, Giuffre, 1956.
225p. 23cm. 896 p. 25cm.
57-44199 Taubenschlag, Rafal, 1881- 57-16626 J

Studi in memoria di Emilio Albertario.

Milano, A. Giuffre,
Oderigo, Mario Nicolas.
Sinopsifl de derecho romano.
Buenos Aires, R Depalma, 56-44374
2r. port. 26cm.

555 p. 24cm. A 55-5748

58-18808 t Tanbensdtlagr, Rafai, 1881- Library
BzymsMe prawo prywatne na tie praw antycznych.
[Wyd. l.j Warszawa, Pansfcwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1955.

ooo 29 <*p,
Stndi in onore di
Ugo Enrico Paoli Firenw, P. Le Mbn-
OurKac, Paul mer, 1956.
Droit romain et ancien
Malafosse. c l. eU 3
par Paul Ourliac et J. de
Paris, Presses univerataires de France, Vaneora, Josef.
verslti T H^^,p
v studl di l,
ve5tii degll Blrenze.
tes> P01^ M cm (Pubbllcazlonl della Unl-

Facolta di lettere e fllosofla. Serle

1957 TJvod do studia soukromeho prava Hmsk6ho. ^222^5
18 Cm ~ (4<Th6nl8
; Jurldlquw, Sconomlqaes et

vlastm*m;knihtisk. "Typus"
'* r !9
Princeton Unlr.

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROMAN LAW (Continued) Eisenstadt, Samuel, 1886- Muzaffar, Jamal.

.tasBran nN*in ^-QK^n .irnim -'sonn Bstron Role of the church in preserving Roman, law. c m p.]

Tel Aviv, 1953j 1958.
241 ^^
319 p 25 cm.
(naifc pro nee nurap .soirtna riafxhi ^ maan naon na) 58-28453 t
Stelling-Michaud, Sven, 1905-
Catalogue des manuscrits juridiques (droit canon et droit Petit, Eugene Henri Joseph, 1850-1931.
romain) de la fin du xn* au xiv* siecle conserves en Suisse. Francisci, Pietro de, larone, 1883- Tratado elemental de derecho romano, contiene el desa-
Geneve, Libr. Droz, 1954. Sfntesis histonca del derecho romano. Prologo del Prof. rrollo historico y la ezposicion general de los principios de
129 facslms. 28cm. (Travaux d'humanisme et renaissance, 11)
la legislacion romana desde el origen de Roma hasta el empe-
Ursicino Alvarez. Madrid, Editorial Revista de Derecho
A 55-3744 Privado rador Justiniano. Traducido de la 9. ed. francega y aumen-
Catholic Univ. of America. [1954]
Library 817 p. illus.23 cm. ([Blblioteca de la Eevista de derecho prt-
Serie C: Grandes tratados generales de derecho privado y tado con notas originales, muy ampliadas en la presente ed.
publico, T. 43) por Jos Ferrandez Gonzalez, con un pnSlogo del Dr. don
Wallach, Eate. 56-56204 t Jose M. Rizzi. Mexico, Editora Nacional, 1953.
717 p. 23 cm.
Bibliographical history of Louisiana civil law sources: 56-25528
Roman, French, and Spanish, with an added section oa
modern French research materials. Baton Rouge, Louisiana Gaudemet, Jean.
La formation du droit seculier et du droit de I'Eglise atir
State Law Institute, 1955.
80 23cm. rv- et v4 siecles. tPariS] Sirey, 1957. Petit, Eugene Henri Joseph, 1850-1931.
220 25 cm. (Instttnt de droit romain de rUntversIte" de Paris.
p. Tratado elemental de derecho romano j desarrollo historico
56-62655 [Publications] 15)
58-48722 t y exposicion general de los principios de la legislacion ro
mana desde el origen de Roma hasta el emperador Jus
Wallach, Kate.
Research in Louisiana law. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State tiniano. Con una introduction sobre la importancia del
derecho romano por Rudolf von Ihering. [Traducido de la
University Press [1958] Guarino, Antonio.
xi, 238 p. 25 cm. Storia del diritto romano. 9. ed. fraiicesa y aumentado con copiosas notas por Jose"
(Louisiana State University studies. Social 2. ed. riv. Milano, A. Giuffre,
science series, no. 6)
1954. Ferrindez Gonzalez] Buenos Aires, Editorial Albatros
345.32 57-12098 553 p. 22cm. (Manuall Giuffre) [1954]
58-44928 t 979 p. 24cm,
Jhering, Rudolf von, 1818-1892. Readings in Roman law L
Kunkel, Wolfgang, 1902- Geist des romischen Rechts auf den verschiedenen Stufen. 135 L 27cm.
Herkunft und soziale Stellung der romischen Juristen. seiner Entwicklung. 9. Aufl.
Basel, B. Schwabe [19]
v. 22cm.
Weimar, H. Bohlaus Nachfolger, 1952.
xi, 405 p. 23 cm. (Forschungen zum rflmlachen Recht, Abhand- 56-35499 t
lung 4) Riccobono, Salvatore, 1864-
55-29346 Roma madre delle leggi. [Palermo] Palumbo [1954j
Jhering, Rudolf von, 1818-1892. 104 p. 22cm.
Geist des romischen Rechts auf den verschiedenen Stufen 56-43037
COMPENDS seiner Entwicklung. 1. Teil- 3. Teil, 1. Abt 3 Basel, B.
Oven, Julius Christiaan van, 1881- Schwabe [1953-55, v. 3, 1954]
3v.In4. 22cm. Smits,N
Overzicht van Romeins privaatrecht, leidraad bij een in-
55^4896 Compendium der Romeinse en Oud-Nederlandse rechtsge-
leidingb-college. 5. druk. Zwolle, W. E J. Tieenk Willink,
1954. schiedenis. 2.druk. Haarlem, H. D. Tjeenk Willink, 1947.
126 19 cm. 136 p. 20cm.
Jolowicz, Herbert Felix, 1890- 55-25342 J
58-17861 t Roman foundations of modern law. Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 1957.
Sinossi dei diritti: Diritto romano t di] Luigi Aru t ej Ric- 217 p. 23 cm.
cardo Orestano; Diritto costituzionale C di 3 Salvatore Car- 349.37 57-1506 J Wieacker, Franz, 1908-
bonaro ; Diritto internazionale pubblico e private di] Michele tJber das Klassische in der romischen Jurisprudenz ; eine
Vocino; Diritto ecclesiastico c dij Pio Fedele. 2. ed. aggior- Antrittsvorlesung. Tubingen, Mohr, 1950.
nata e ampliata con un indice alfabeticc-analitico diviso per Koschaker, Paul, 1879-1951. p. 23 cm. (Recht und Staat In Geschichte und Gegenwart,
materia. Roma, Editrice "La Navicella," 1957. Europa y el derecho romano. Version completa y directa 55-29706
247, 1&4, 144, 129 p. 18 cm. (Manuall "Minerva" per gli esaml del aleman por Jose Santa Cruz Teijeiro. Madrid, Editorial
e i concorsl, 2) Revista de Derecho Privado [1955]
59-42580 J 516 p 23 cm. ( t BIblloteca de la Re7ista de derecho privadoj
Ser. C: Grandes tratados generales de derecho privado y pdblico, Wieacker, Franz, 1908-
T.47) Vulgarismus und Klassizmus im Recht der Spatantike.
57-30030 t Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1955.
HISTORY W D. ?fl cm. rsitoingsberichte der Heidelberger Akademle der
WlflaenschatTen. Pnilovaiacli-HItoriBche Klaase, Snheg. 1953, 8.
Kunkel, Wolfgang, 1902- Abhandlong)
see also Glossators; Roman law Herkunft und soziale Stellung der romischen Juristen. LAS182.H44 1955, Abh, 3] A 55-8416
Influence;Roman law Reception Weimar, H. Bohlaus Nachfolger, 1952.
Chicago. Univ. Libr.

xl, 405 p. 23 cm. (Forschungen zum rfimlschen Recht, Abhand-

Arangio-Ruiz, Vincenzo, 1884-
Zacharia von Lingenthal, Earl Eduard, 1812-1894.
Storia del diritto romano. 6. ed. rir. Napoli, E. Jovene, Geschichte des griechisch-romischen Rechts. Tim ein Vor-
1953. Kunkel, Wolfgang, 1902-1954, wort von M. San Nicolo vermehrter Neudruck der 3. Aufl.
431 p. 24 cm. Romische Rechtsgeschichte; eine Emfuhrung 2 er- Aalen in Wurttemberg, Verlag Scientia, 1955.
54-41659 weiterte Aufl. Koln, Bohlau-Verlaff, 1956. xxvll, 424 p. 22 on,
161 p. 21cm. 55-34931
Balogh, Elemer, 1881- 57-22360 t
Adaptation of law to economic conditions according to
Roman law. Milano, A. Giuffre, 1951. Lee, Robert Warden, 1868- HISTORY ADDRESSES, ESSAYS,
[263)-355 p. 25 cm. Historical conspectus ot
jn-isLuriuai Roman law.
of JXOEQ Rev. impression. LECTURES
55-35265 $ London, Sweat. & Maxwell,
London. Sweet Ma-Twal!. 1956.
1 ftSfi
48 p. 20cm.
L'Europa e il diritto romano; studi in memoria di Paolo
58-28755 J
Koschaker. Milano, Giuffre, 1954.
Bonilla, Evangelic. 2v. port 25cm.
Historia del derecho romano, Montevideo, Casa del 56-15454
Maffei, Domenico.
Estudiante, 1954.
301, xxxril p. 22 cm. Gli inizi dell'umanesimo giuridico. Milano, Giuffre, 1956.
57-25579 { 206 p. 24cm.
56-47998 t

Maschi, Carlo Alberto.

see also Civil law systems
Chicca, Giuseppe.
Orientamenti per la storia del diritto romano delle origin!
II diritto romano nella prospettiva storica della giuri-
sprudenza classica. MOano, A. Giuffre, 1957.
(fine alia legislazione decemvirale) Napoli, E. Jovene, 1956. 267 p. 23cm, Jolowicz, Herbert Felix, 1890-
196 p. 24cm. Roman foundations of modern law.
58-25809 Oxford, Clarendon
57-26868 t
Press, 1957.
Mendes, Joao de Castro. 217 p. 23 cm.
Historia do direito romano ; apontamentos das ligoes dadaa 349.37 57-1506 J
ao 1. ano juridico de 1955-1956 pelo Dr. Joao de Castro
Mendes, como assistente do titular da cadeira, Luis Pinto
Collinet, Paul, 1869-1938. Coelho. Lisboa Associacao Academica da Faculdade de
Ricca-Barberis, Mario, 1877-
Etudes historiques sur le droit de Justinien, par Paul Direito, 1955. To
Diritto romano e tradizione nell* 1egifllftTionp> cavile.
Collinet ... Paris, L. Larose & L. Tenin, 1912-52. 572 p. 22 cm.
5v. 23cm, rino, G. Giappichelli t!956,
58-43542 t 51 p. 26cm.
14-1267 rev 56-46495 t
Mendes, Joao de Castro.
Histoiia do direito romano. Apontamentos das liooes
Dulckeit, Gerhard, 1904-1954. dadas ao 1 ano jurfdico de 1956-1957. Lisboa, Associacao Riccobono, Salvatore, 1864-
Romische Rechtsgeschichte; ein Studienbuch. 2., neu-
bearb.Aufl. Mfinchen, Beck, 1957.
Academica da Faculdade de Direito,' 1956 l[Cover 1968]
560P, 22cm.
^ Roma madre delle leggL
104 p. 22cm,
t Palennoi Palumbo t 1954]

296 p. 23cm. (Kuralehrbudier fur das Jurirttache Studlum) 58-38591 1 56-43037 J

58-25011 J

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


INFLUENCE (Continued)
Arias Ramos, Jos& ROMAN PHILOSOPHY see Philosophy,
Yntema, Hessel Edward. Compendio de derecho publico romano e historia de las
El derecho romano y su Ancient
influencia en la civilization occi fuentes, como introducci6n a un curso de instituciones. 5.
dental Version castellana de P. N. Tablante Garrido. ed. Min6nj 1953,
Prologada y anotada por Luis Spinetti-Dini. Merida, Uni- 200p
23cm. ROMAN PORTRAITS see Portraits, Roman
versidad de los Andes, Facultad de Derecho, 1951. 56-47820 J
22 p. 24 cm. (UnlYersldad de loa Andes, Publleaclonee de la
Facultad de Derecho, DO, 1)
Guarino, Antonio. ROMAN POTTERY see Pottery, Roman
55-56128 Guida allo studio delle fonti giuridiche romane. 2. ed.
riv. Napoli, Pellerano-Del Gaudio [ 1951-1 ROMAN PRIESTS see Priests, Roman
59-17062 J
Piano Mortari, Vincenzo. Paradisi, Bruno, ed.
Ricerche sulla teoria dell'interpretazione del diritto nel Esempi testuali; raccolta di fonti giuridiche dei secoli n-
D d. C. see also Popes Temporal power
secolo xvi, Napoli, labreria Liguori [1956j
Milano, Giuffre, 1956- Til, 733 p. 25 cm.
v. 25cm.

57-28434 J
59-17072 ROMAN REPUBLIC, 1798-1799

Rome. Sovereigns etc., WS-%11 (Severus)

Wai, Nicolaas van der.

Apokrimata: decisions of Septimius Severus on legal mat

Les commeutaires grecs du Code de Justinien. 's-Graven-
ters. Text, translation, and historical analysis by William
hage, Excelsior 1953, r
Linn Westermann legal commentary by A. Arthur Schiller.
ISO p. 24cm. ;

New York, Columbia University Press, 1954. Giuntella, Vittorio Emanuele.

57-33434 della romana del
x, 110 p. facslm. 28 cm. (Columbia bicentennial editions and Bibliografia Repubblica 1798-1799.
studies) Roma, Istituto di studi romani, 1957.
54-6485 adili, 195 p. 28 cm.
Harvard Unlv Library
Daube, David. Sierl, Lorenz E
Forms of Roman legislation. Oxford, Clarendon Press, Nachtrage zu Lenel's Palingenesia iuris civilis anhand der
1956. Papyri. 1
K(ihin958? ]
Ill p. 22cm. 80 p. 21 cm.
MANUSCRIPTS La Repubblica romana del 1849, con appendice di docu-
Gnomon of the Idios Logos. menti. Pisa, 1955.
Rome. Sovereigns, WS-211 (Severm) II Gnomon dellTdios Logos. rPalermoi Palumbo 1950i
325 p. 22 cm. (Pisa. Domus mazzlnlana. Oollana sclentlflca, 2)
etc., r

Apokrimata : decisions of Septimius Severus on legal mat ill, 281 p. fold table. 23 cm. JN5431.A5R6 57-20774
ters. Text, translation, and historical analysis by William
A 57-2931
Harvard Unir. Library
Linn Westerraann ; legal commentary by A. Arthur Schiller.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1954. ROMAN ROADS see Roads, Roman
T, lip p. facslm. 28 cm. (Colombia bicentennial editions and
studies) STUDY AND TEACHING ROMAN SCULPTURE see Sculpture, Roman

-ME THODOLOGY Koschaker, Paul, 1879-1951.

ROMAN SNAIL see Helix pomatia
Europa y el derecho romano. Version completa y directa
Mctte, Hans Joachim, 1906- ROMAN TEMPLES
del aleman por Jose Santa Cruz Teijeiro. Madrid, Editorial see Temples, Roman
lus civile in artem redactum, Gottingen, Vandenhoeck A Revista de Derecho Privado [ C 1955j
Ruprecht, 1954, 516 p 23 cm. (jBlblloteca de la Revtsta de derecho prlvadoi
73 p. 25cm. Ser. G: Grandes tratados generates de derecho prlrado y pilbllco, ROMAN TERRA-COTTAS see Terra-cottas,
55-18448 v.47)
57-30030 t
Bologna och Norden intill Avignonpavedomets tid.
[Lund, CWK Gleerup [1957, SCOTLAND
vll, 303 p. illus. 25 cm. (BIbllotheca hlstorlca Lundensls, 5)
Koschaker, Paul, 1879-1951.
Europa y el derecho romano. Versi6n completa y directa 57-35907
del aleman por Jose" Santa Cruz Teijeiro. see also Antonine Wall
Madrid, Editorial
Kevista de Derecho Privado te1955]
516 p. 23 cm. (cBlblloteca de la Rertsta de derecho privado,
Grandes tratados general* de derecho privado y publlco, ROMANCE LANGUAGES
Correia, Antonio Simoes.
57-30030 t Dicdonirio de adagios e principios juridicos. Bogoroditskil, Vasilii Alekseevich, 1857-1941.
Lisboa. Liv-
raria Ferin, Depositaria, 1958- BaefleHHe B HsyHCHEte coBpejieHHiix pouaHCKirx H rep-
RECEPTION ADDRESSES, ESSAYS, T. 22cm. nancKHx asHKOB. MocKBa, HS^-BO am-psi na HHOCrpanEHX
58-38173 asNKax, 1953.
LECTURES 182 p. mus. 20cm. (BriimoTtKa. tpHJiojiora)
PC43.B6 55-59932 t
L'Europa e il diritto romano; studi in. memoria di Paolo Dmube, David.
Koschaker. MHano, Giuffre, 1954. Fonns of Roman legislation. Oxford, Clarendon Press,
2v. port. 25cm. SergievskH, Maksim Vladimirovieh, 1892-
56-15454 Hip. 22cm. BBe^eHHe B poiiancroe 3HEO3HaHne. HSA. 2.
B. <I>.
ffiHraMapeBa. Pe^aKTop H, A. KaiaromtHHa] ,3iony-
56-58684 J
80p. 28cm.
Chevaffler, Laurent ROMAN LITERATURE see Latin literature PC53.S4 1954 55-23163 J
Recherches sur la reception du droit romain en Savoie des
origines Jt 1789. Annecy, Gardet t !953] ROMAN MUSIC see Music, Greek and Roman
ROMAN MYTHOLOGY see Mythology, Roman
Etude du son "S" en latin et en romanj des origines aux
ROMAN NOSE, CHEYENNE CHIEF, d. 1868 langues romanes, de la phonfitique au style. [Parisj Presses
Biondi, Biondo, 1888-
universitaires de France [1955]
cristiano. 242 p. mus. 25 cm. (PubUcations de la FaculW de0 lettres de
Milano, Giuffre, 1952-54. FICTION I'Unlversltfi de MontpeUIer, 6)
55-19781 PA2129JV15 59-41989 J
Daly, Robert Welter, 1916-
Guns of Roman Nbee. New York, Dodd, Mead, 1957.
179 p. 21 cm. DIMINUTIVES
Salazar Arias, Joel V P27.Dl72Gr 57.7164 j
Dogm :s y canones de la Iglesia en el derecho romano Hasselrot, Bengt
(apuntes historicos) Madrid, Institute Editorial Etudes sur la formation diminutive dans les langues
romanes. Uppsala, Lundequisteka bokhandeln t !957]
358 p. 25cm. ROMAN NUMISMATICS see Numismatics, 844 p. 25cm. (Uppeala unlTersttets arsskrlft, 1957: 11)
Catholic Cnlr. of America.
Roman [AS284.U7 1957, no. 11] 58-2615 A
Library Harrard Unty. Library

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


ETYMOLOGY Malkiel, Yakov, 1914- see also Romance languages; Romance
Studies in the reconstruction of Hispano-Latin word
Malkiel, Yakov, 1914- literature; also languages and litera
families, i. The Romance progeny of Vulgar Latin (re)pe-
Studies in the reconstruction of Hispano-Latin word
dare and cognates, n. Hispano-Latin *pedia and *mania. tures belonging to the Romance group
families, i. The Romance progeny of Vulgar Latin (re)pe-
m. The coalescence of expedire and petere in Ibero-Romance.
dare and cognates, n. Hispano-Latin *pedia and *mania.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1954. Marie Elizabeth, 1922-
m. The coalescence of expedite and petere in Ibero-Romance, vl, 223 p. 27 cm. (University of California publications In lin Goff,
The language of the eighth-century documents of central
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1954. guistics, v. 11)
vl,, 223 p.. 27 cm. (University of California publications In lin [P25.C25 vol.11] A 55-8602 Italy. Ann Arbor, Mich,, University Microfilms 1958j
guistics, v. 11) California. Univ. Llbr. Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-5224 Mic 58-3224
[P25.C25 voLll] A 55-8602 Columbia Univ. Libraries
California. Univ. Llbr.

Rohlfs, Gerhard, 1S92- Wartburg, Walther von, 1888-
Die lexikalische Differenzierung der romanischen Spra- Dardel, Robert de. Von Sprache und Mensch, gesammelte Aufsatze; mit
chen. Versuch einer nxmunischen Wortgeographie. Miin- Le parf ait fort en roman commun. Geneve, E. Droz, 1958.. einer Bibliographie der Publikationen des Verfaasers,
172 26 cm. de publications romanes et franchises sammengestellt von Kurt Baldinger
und Alfred Thierbach.
chen, Verlag der Buyerischen Akademie der Wissenschaf-
p. (Socle'te"
tPubllcation, 62)
ten ; in Kommission bei C. H. Beck, 1954. Bern, Francke [1956,
108 p. maps (part col ) 23 cm. (Sltzungsberichte der Bayeri-
A 59-4704 279 p. maps. 21cm.
schen Akademie der Wissenschaften Phllosophlsch-Hlstorische
Illinois. Univ Library 56-6135 A
Klasse, Jahrg. 1954, Heft 4) Temple Univ. Library P2T
AS182.M823 1954, Heft 4 A 55-104T3
Brown Univ. Library
GRAMMAR, COMPARATIVE Recherches sur la structure et 1'origine des vers romans.
Baldinger, Kurt, 1919-
Geneve, E. Droz, 1957. 1
Die Arbeiten des Instituts fur Romanische SprachTvissen-
188 p. 26 cm. (SociSte de publications romanes et francalses.
Crabb, Daniel M cPubllcationsj 59) schaft; zur Geschichte der franzosischen Urkundensprache
A comparative study of word order in Old Spanish, and A 58-2634 (mit 4 Karten) zum altgaskognischen Worterbuch, Ono-
Old French prose works. Washington, Catholic University Illinois. Univ. Library
masiologie und hohere Sachkultur t^on^ Kurt Baldinger,
of America Press, 1955. Kurt Lalla und: Alfred Rommel. Berlin, Akademie-Ver-

xvill, 66 p. facslm. 23 cm. (Catholic University of America.

Romance languages and lag, 1956.
Studies In
PC213.C7 1955
literatures, v. 51]
467.01 A 55-4943 VOCABULARY 66 p. 4 fold, maps (In pocket) 21 cm. {Sltzungsberichte der
Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse fur Spra
Catholic Univ. of America. Library chen, Literatur und Kunst. Jahrgang 1955, Nr- 1)

Schneider, Oskar, 1913- PC2013JL48B3

Das Feld inteUektueller Begriffe und ihrer sprachlichen
Wiedergabe in der Fruhepik Spaniens und Frankreichs
LEXICOGRAPHY am Main?j 1955. Bruneau, Charles, 1S83- ed,
01,. 20& p. 21 cm Studia Romanica ; Gedenkschrif t fur Eugen Lerch, hrsg.
PC307.S3 57-34054 von Charles Bruneau und Peter M. Schon. Stuttgart, Port
Rohlfs, Gerhard, 1892- Verlag r!955,
Die lexikalische Differenzierung der romanischen Spra- 498 p. 23 cm.
chen. Versuch einer ramanischen Wortgeographie. Miin-
chen, Verlag. der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaf- Illinois. Univ. Library
ten in Kommission bei C. H. Beck, 1954.

108 p. maps (part col.) 23 cm. (Sltzungsberichte der Bayeri

Haerle, Philipp, 1921-
schen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Phllosophlsch-ffistorlsche Leningrad. Universitet
Klasse, Jahrg 1954, Heft 4) Captivus, cattivo, chetif; zur Einwirkung des Christen-
A 55-10473 tums auf die Tenninologie der Moralbegriffe. Bern, A. PoMaHO-repMaHCEaa <|>HJiojrorHx; ctSopHHE CTaxeft B ^ecit
AS182.M823 1954, Heft 4 B. O. IIInmMapeBa. OTB. peflasropH : M. n. AjteKcees, T. B.
Brown Univ. Library Francke, 1955.
z,100p. diagrs 24cm. (Romanica Helvetica, v. 55) GrenanoB. JleHHHrpaA] 1957.
A 58-6251 350p illus. 2Tcm.
57-45437 J
Northwestern Univ. Library PC14.S5
Hubsdunid, Johannes. Lommatzsch, Erhard, 1886-
Braun, Karl, 1921-
Schlauche und Fasser; wort- tmd sachgescnichtliche Un-
Die reziproke von Lauten und Lautverbia- EHeinere Schriften zur romanischen Philologie. Berlin,
tersuchungen mit besonderer BerucMchtigung des romani
dungen in den romanischen Sprachen. [Munchen? 1955 ?j Akademie- Verlag, 1954.
HI, 103 1. 29 cm. schen Sprachgutes in und ausserhalb der Romania sowie der 248 p. Illus. 25cm.
PC76.B7 59-33037 turkisch-europaischen und turkisch-kaukasisch-persischen PC15X6 55-24559 J
Lehnbeziehungen. Bern, A. Francke, 1955.
171 p. 24cm. (Romanica Helvetica, v. 54)

Fischer, Walter, 1921- Northwestern Univ. Llbr. Naples. University. Istitvto di glottologia.
Kriterien zur Bestimmung der Aussprache in vergangenen loanni Dominico Serra ex munere laeto inferiae. Itaccolta
Sprachstufen, dargestellt am romanischen Lautstand. cEr- di studi linguistic! in onore di G. D. Serra. tNapolij Libreria
langen? 1954^ Liguori, 1959.
xvl, 101 1. 30 cm. ROMANCE LITERATURE 402 p. port, maps. 24cm.
PC76.F5 AB9-7888
Univ. Llbr. PO14

Reichenkron, Giinter, ed. Terracini, Aron Benvenato, 1886-

Jungemann, Fredrick Henry, 1911- Formen der Selbstdarstellung. Le
Analekten zu einer Ge- Pagine e appunti di linguistica storica. Firenze, F.
The substratum theory and the Hispano-Romance and
some schichte des literarischen Selbstportraits. Festgabe fur Fritz Monnier [Cover 1957]
Gascon dialects; a functional-structural analysis of xx, 303 p. 26cm.
Ann Neubert, ord. Professor der romanischen Philologie an der
phonological problems. Arbor, University Microfilms,
Freien Universitat Berlin, anlasslich seines siebzigsten Ge-
A 57-4380
1953. Chicago. Univ. Llbr. P27
dUnlverelty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch-i Publication 5198) burtstages am 2. Juli 1956. Mit einer Gluckwunschadresse
Microfilm AC-1 no. 5193 Mic 55-3253 von Maurice Boucher und einem Briefe von Jean Cocteau.
[Hrsg. von Gunter Reichenkron und Erich Haase] Berlin, BIBLJOGR A PHY
Duncker & Humblot 1956] C
496 p. port 24cm.
A 57-1313 Golden, Herbert Hershd, 1919-
Jungemann, Fredrick Henry, 1911- Modern Iberian language and literature; a bibliography
La teoria del sustrato y los dialectos hispano-romances y
BIBLIOGRAPHY of homage studies, by Herbert H, Golden and Seymour O.
gascones. [Versi6n espanola por Emilio Alarcos Llorach] Simches. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1958.
Madrid, Editorial Gredos 1956, 1955 C ]
x,l84p. 23cm.
454 p. maps. 21 cm. (BIblloteca romanlca hlspanlca, 1. Trata-
targflsson, I>6rhallur. Z7031.G6 016.46 58-12978
doe y monograffas, 7)
PC76.J86 57-1455 Drog aS skra um ritverk a islenzku aS fornu og nju af
latnesktun e5a romonskum uppruna. Reykjavik, Landsb6ka-
safn Islands, 1954-
v. 26 cm. (Blbllographlae Latino-Romanlco-Islandicae ten- Paiva Boko, Manuel de, 1904- ed.
Michel, Louis. tameo. Fasc. i : Scripta e fontibus G&lllcls) Os estudos de lingnfstica romajoica na Europa e na, America
Etude du son "S" en latin et en roman; des origines aux Z2590.T45 56-26076 desde 1939 a 1948. Coimbra, Casa do Castelo, 1951.
xl, 521 p. ports. 25 cm. (Suplemento blbllograflco da Bevlsta
langues romanes, de la phonfitique au style. [Paris] Presses
portoguesa de fllologla, T. 1)
iiniversitaires de Franc 1955] 55-59981
242 p. lUus. 25 cm. (Publications de la Faculte" des lettres de PC25.P3
rUniverslte' de MontpelUer, 6)
Pisa. UnirersitJu Istituto di flologia wmanaa. P*>
Weinrich, Harald. Studi mediolatini e volgari. Spain. Conaejo Superior d* Inotttiffoeione* Oienttfoat.
Phonologische Studien zur romanischen Sprachgeschichte. tronato Marc&M MenSndea y Peteyo.
Bologna, Libreria Antiquaria Pahnaverde,
Munster, Westfalen, Aschendorff, r!958] V. 25cm. flnnTial. EstudiosdedicadosaMenendezPidftL Madrid, 1950-
v, 289 p. illus., maps. 25 on. (ForBChtingen znr romanischen lllus.. port, maps, (part fold.) 26cm.
PA8035.P5 58-275M 50-59804 rev
Phllologle, Heft 6) 479J04
A 59-3174
Illinois. Univ. Library

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects



Paiva Boleo, Manuel de, 1904- ed. Romanesque
Os estudos de lingufstica romanica na Europa e na Amdric Bordman, Gerald Martin.
The folklore motifs in the Matter of England romances.
desde 1939 a 1948. Coimbra, Casa do
xl, 521 p. ports. 25 cm.
Castelo, 1951.
(Suplemento bibllografico da Revist
Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms !958] t
portuguesa de fllologla, v. 1) Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-1829 Mic 58-1829 see Decoration and ornament, Romanesque
PC25.P3 55.3998


Burger, Michel.
Recherches sur la structure et roman Sanctis, Francesco de, 1818-1883.
1'origine des vers
Geneve, E. Droz, 1957. La poesia cavalleresca e scritti ROMANI, ANGELO, 1934-
vari; a cura di Mari
(SOd6t' de "ubllcatl * <* t franchises Petrini. Ban, G. Laterza, 1954.
rPulSSc&oS 59^ 379 p. 22 cm (ffw Opeie, 9)
Cavallari, Claudio.
Illinois. Univ. Library Illinois,
6 28
nu^S? '?tuiv Library
ru 54-6017 re A Eomani. t SenigaUia, Jollypubblicita, 1955,
[18] p Ulus. 30cm

Ohio State Unlv

A 57-3363
Llbr. GV837
Loomis, Roger Sherman, 1887- ed. Leite de Vasconcellos Pereira de Mello, Jos, 1858-1941, ed
ROMANIA see Rumania
Medieval romances, edited by Roger Sherman Loomis an Romanceiro portugues. Noticia preliminar de I
Laura Hibbard Loomis. [1st Modern
library ed., New Menendez Pidal. [Coimbrai Por ordem da Universidade ROMANIAN LANGUAGE see Rumanian
York fRandom House, 1957]
26 PV 19 cm> (The Modem library of the world's
1958- language
-^t best books ,133, v. lllus. 26 cm. (Acta Unlveraltatls Conlmbrlgensls)
PN683.L6 398.22 57-11169 PQ9160.L4 58-33159
Flor de romances, glosas, canciones
y villancicos (Zaragoza
Arthos, John, 1908- 1578) Fiehnente reimpresa del ejemplar unico, con un pr<5- Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America.
On the poetry of Spenser and the form of romances Lon logo de Antonio Rodriguez-Monino. Oxford, Dolphin Book Album aniversar, 1929-1954; un sfert de veac.
don, Allen & Unwin C 1956, Episcopiei "Vatra Romaneasca" 4 9 i 5 lulie 1954.
207 p. 23 cm. xvi, 263 p. facslm. 18cm. ( Floresta ; joyas po^tlcas espaflolas, 3)
3, %. p.,
PR2364.A8 821.31 56-13931 t
PQ6183JZ2F6 1954 56-3441 P 15Cl " 183adVertl9ements) "I" 8 - Ports., facstms.
TJV?-,O ! ;r 28cm
BX713.A45 56-33043

Guyer, Foster Envin, 1884- Rodrigruez Monino, Antonio R 1910-

Chre'tien de Troyes: inventor of the modern novel.
Cancionerillos goticos castellanos, ahora fielmente reim ROMANOFF, ALEXIS LAWRENCE, 1892-
York, Bookman Associates C 1957: presos con una noticia preluninar. Valencia, Editoria
247 p. 23cm. Castalia, 1954. Kinkead, Eugene, 1906-
PQ1448.G77 841.14 58-373 t 18cm -
<0ancioneros espafioles, 10) Spider, egg, and microcosm; three men and three worlds
of science. Introd. by E. B. White. lst ed.i New
t York,
Knopf, 1955.
Guyer, Foster Erwin, 1884- 243 p. 22cm.
Romance in the making; Chretien de Troyes and the Selva Geridn, Narciso de la. QH1.K47 504 55-9287 J
earliest French romances. New
285 p. 23cm.
York, S. F. Vanni [1954, G*** Dalnmu Carles, Pla, 1942.
PQ1448.G8 841.14 55-15115 t A 59-7051 ROMANOS, MESONERO see Mesonero y
Illinois. Univ. Library Romanes, Ramdn de, 1803-1882
Ker, William Paton, 1855-1923.
Epic and romance; essays on medieval literature. New
York, Dover Publications t 1957,1 SHva de varies romances (Barcelona,
1561) Por vez pri- ROMANOV, HOUSE OF
398 p. 21cm. mera reimpresa del unico ejemplar conocido. Con un estudio
preliminar de Antonio Rodriguez-Monino. Valencia Edi
Pridham, Sir Francis.
torial Castalia, 1953.
Close of a dynasty. With a foreword
by Her Imperial
Nolting-Hauff, Dae. Highness the Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Rus
Die Stellung der Liebeskasuistik im hofischen Roman. PQ6183A61 1953 sia. London, A.
Wingate rl956i
176 p. liius. 23cm.
Heidelberg, C. "Winter, 1959.
184 p. 24 cm. (Hetdelberger Forschungen, a Heft)
DK258.P74 929.7701 56-58349 t
PN689.N6 59-3795 J

HISTORY AND CRITICISM Romanov, Gavriil Konstantinovich, Jcntaa', 1887-

Richthofen, Erich, Freiforr van. B MpaMopHou fluopEce; HS XPOHHKH naineft CCMLII. Htio-
Estudios epicos medievales, con algunos Alvar IxJpez, Manuel
trabajos in&iitos. fiopK, Hafl-BO HM. ^exosa, 1955.
[Traduccion del aleman por Joee" Perez Riescoi Madrid, ^^ ^ Granada y el romancero.
cGranadaj Universidad de
410 p. 22 cm.
DK37.8.R6R6 56-17010
348 p. 20 cm. Granada, 1956. t
(Blblloteca rorainlca hlapinlca. 2. Ertudlo* y 105 p.
eosayos, 14)
tlJus. 18cm.

lUInols. Univ. Library


Menendez Pidal, Ramon, 1869- Semenchenko, Z p


CODQO vive un romance, dos nepeflOBHKOB poManoBCKoro OB^eBo z^CTBa MocKsa
ensayos sobre tradicionalidad
ROMANCES, CATALAN 1 d (1920) tyi Die ^ Cata1 ^ -u> TOG. H3fl-B0 Ce*LX03. JTHT-pH, 1950

r T3
?' /
Gahnfes S
Madnd, 1954
y 52p. lllus. 20cm.
SF373.R6S4 59-19110
Amades, Joan. 11001 ^ 26m ' (Revlsta de
Els cent minors romances Catalans.
Editorial Selecta t!955j
t l. ed.j Barcelona,^ A 55-227 ^OMANOVSKlT ZERNOSOVKHOZ
^ (BlbUoteca ^^^ m Secdtf: Folklore,
Rochester. Univ. Llbr. PQ6089.M24

9JL55 ShanTco, Ivan Ignafevich.

Richthofen, Erich, Freiberr von. B HOBOM cOBxose; HS onutTa npo$coio3Hofl
pa6oxH B Po-
Estudios gpicos medievales, con waHOBCKOM aepHocoBxoae AjiraftcKoro Kpaa rMocssai
algunos trabajos ine<litos.
tTraduccion del aleman por JosS Perez Hpo$H3flaT, 1955.
Riesco, Madrid, 84p. lllus. 20cm.
Orredos t 1954

CBL (BIbUoteca ""A^ca S469.R92B6 57^6574

btepAnlca. 2. Eatudloe y

Cloaset, Fnmjois, ed. and tr. [PN689.R .

] A
Joyaux de la litterature flamande du
Moyen-Age. Bru-
xelles, Editions Lumiere t 1949 :
189 p. 20cm.
see Bible. N.T. Romans
Harvard Unlr. tecture,
Library Romanesque
OMANS A CLEF see Livres a clef

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROMANS IN GERMANY see Germany International Centre of Arts and Costume. Gerard, Albert.
Antiquities, Roman Les grands romantiques franc,ais a Venise. (Exposition] L'idee romantique de la poesie en Angleterre; etudes
aout>-octobre, 1951, Palazzo Grassi, Venise, {a. p., 1951] la theorie de la poesie chez Coleridge, Wordsworth,
GREAT BRITAIN 43 p. 9 plates. 21cm. Kt Shellev Paris. Les Belles Lettres, 1955.
ROMANS IN see Gt. Brit. 56-1527 A .6 p 25 cnV (BitStheque dete Facultfi de philosophic
et lettres

Antiquities, Roman Harvard Univ. Library derUniveralt^deLIfege,fasc.l38)

A 57-183
Duke Univ. Library
ROMANSH LANGUAGE see Raeto -Romance Lankheit, Klaus.
language Das Freundschaftsbild der Romantik Heidelberg, C.
Gomes, Engenio, 1897-
Winter. 1952 1951] r
romantismo ingles. tPorto Alegre, Institute Estadual
200 p plates. 25 cm. (Heldelberger KanstgeschlchtUclie Abhand-
lungen.L N.F.,
do Livro, Divisao de Cultura, Secretaria de Educacao e Cul-
PN754.L3 54-43555 tura [1956j
55, [Sip. 19cm. (Caderno8doRloGrande,2)
Owen, Theodore Chauncey, 1902- PR571.G6 58-45325
The uses and meanings of the word "romantic" in Eng
Mazzali, Ettore, ed. ,-
land, 1650-1800. Chicago, 1956. dt
Microfilm 4941 PE Mic 57-5452 Discorso di un Italiano intorno aUa poesia romantica, Guthke, Karl Siegfried, 1933-
Giacomo Leopardi. Con una antologia di testimonial^ Englische Vorromantik und dentscher Sturm und Drang;
Francesco Flora.
romanticismo e un saggio introduttivo di M. G. Lewis' Stellung in der Geschichte der deutsch-engli-
A cura di Ettore Mazzali. cBologna 2 Cappelli ^957] schen Literaturbeziehungen. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck &
ROMANTICISM Ixvl, 599 p. 20 on.
5-^iu< Ruprecht, 1958.
PN603.M36 231 p. 24 cm. <Palaestra ; Untersuchnngen aus der deutschen nnd
see also Naturalism in literature; englischen PMlologie und LlteratarsescbJcbte, Bd. 22S)
Realism in literature; Romantic Melian Lafinur, Alvaro, 1891- [PD25.P3 no. 223] A 59-7954
Eochester. Univ. LIbr.
El romanticismo literario. Buenos Airesj Editorial Co-
(The word) t

lumba t 1054]
79 p. Illus. 21 cm.
Babbitt, Irving, 1865-1933. 5&-3?990 t ffoutchens, Carolyn Washburn, td.
Rousseau and romanticism. [2ded.i New York, Meridian PN758.M4 The English romantic px>ets and essayists; a review of re
Books, 1955 L 1947j search and criticism, by Northrop Frye t and othersj Edited
324 p. 18cm. (Meridian books, MS) by Carolyn Washburn Houtchens and Lawrence Huston
[PN603] 809.03 55-5986 J Menendez y Pelayo, Marcelino, 1856-1912. Houtchens. New York, Modem Language Association of
Printed for U. S. Q. B. R. Menendez Pelayo y el romanticismo. Porj Hans Juret- t
America, 1957.
schke. Madrid, Editora Nacional, 1956. 863 p. 21cm. (Revolving fund series, no. 20)
..... ~
305 p. 22cm. (LIbros de actualldad Intelectual, 23) PK590JH6
Boccalaro, Mario A A 57-7139
Poeti e prosatori romantic! ; origine e svolgimento del Illinois. Univ. Library
romanticismo. [Milanoj Cappelli [1951]
64 p 22 cm. (Le Yoci del grandl, anallsi e slntesl di opere dl Kroeber, Karl, 1926-
letters tura e dl fllosofia) Praz, Mario, 1896- Romantic narrative poetry, 1790-1825. Ann Arbor, Uni
55-22349 J The romantic agony. Translated from the Italian by versity Microfilms rl956j
Ann Arbor,
Angus Davidson. [2ded.j New York, Meridian Books, 1956. ([University Microfilms, Mlcluj Publication no. 17,064)
502 p. Illus 21cm. (Meridian books, MG5) Microfilm AC-1 no. 17,064 Mic 56-2262
Chaffiol-Debillemont, Fernand. 56-7807 J Columbia Univ. Libraries
[PN755] 809
Suicides et miseres romantiques. c Parisj R. Cayla t 1957] B R
Printed for U. S Q.
125 p. iilus. 19 cm. (Les Amis de I'origlnale, 16)
58-1814 A Pipes, Bishop Newton, 1022-
Illinois. Univ. Library the English romantics and early
The poetry and drama of
Romera Vera, Angela.
Victorians, as seen, by the Revue des deux moudes, 1831-1848.
Romanticismo y nacionalidad. Santa Fe, Ministerio de
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms r !95Tj
Cortejoso, Leopoldo.
Educaciou de la Nacion, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication DO. 10.028)
El poeta y su secreto; psicopatologia dela lirica romantica. 1955. Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,028 Mic 57-578
27 p. 23 cm. i Universidad Nacional
del Literal. SodaL
Madrid, Editorial Sever-Cuesta t 1955] PN603.R6 57-31849 \
252 p. 18 cm. ( Coleccifo El Libro de la vlda, 1 )

PN768.C6 A 56-511 Praz, Mario, 1896-

Illinois. Univ. Library The hero in eclipse in Victorian fiction. Translated from
Turk, Henry Charles, the Italian by Angus Davidson. London, New York, Ox
German romanticism in. Gustavo Adolfo Becquer^s short ford University Press, 1956.
stories. Lawrence, Kan., Allen Press, 1959. 478 p. Illus., ports. 23 cm.
Emery, Leon. 71 p. 22 cm. PR871.P712 823.809 56-13817
L'age romantique. Lyon, Cahiers libres C 1957- PQ6503.B3Z87 863.5 59-14750 J
v. 26 cm.
A 58-2413 Raysor, Thomas Middleton, 1895- ed.
Univ. Library
BELGIUM The English romantic poets; a review of research, by
Ernest Bembaum and others] t
Rev. t L e. 2dj ed. New York,
Fehrman, Carl Abraham
Daniel, 1915- Marck, Jan Henri Marie van der. Modern Language Association of America, 1956.
Kuinernas romantik ; en litteraturhistorisk studie. t
Stock- Romantische boekillustratie in Belgie; van de Voyage .Wp. 21cm. (Revolving fond series, no. 18)
PR590JR3 1956 016.8217 57-4146
holmj Bonnier !956, r
pittoresque au royaume des Pays-Bas (1822) tot La legende
187 p. illua. 19cm. et les aventures heroiques, joyeuses et glorieuses d'Ulenspie-
A 58-959 gel et de Lamme Goedzak au pays de Flandres
et ailleurs
Minnesota. Univ. LIbr. Thorpe, Clarence De Witt, 1887- ed.
1869) Roermond, J. J. Romen, 1956.
294 24 cm.
The major English romantic poets; a symposium in reap
p. plates, facslms.
praisal, edited by Clarence D. Thorpe, Carlos Baker t andj
NC984.M3 59-25259 Bennett Weaver. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University
Filippo, Luis di, 1902-
Press, 1957.
La gran contienda del Romanticismo; chilenos y argen-
BOHEMIA rvil,26dp. 24 cm,
tinos disputan en Chile. Santa Fe, Argentina, Libreria y PR590.T5 1957 821.709 56-9840
Editorial CasteUvl [1956]
58 p 17 cm. (Colecclon Ensayos, 1) SoucTcova, Milada, 1899-
PN603.F5 58-39395 The Czech romantics. VGravenhage, Mouton, 1958. Varma, Devendra P
168 p. 25 cm. (Slavlstlc printings and reprinCngs, 17) The Gothic flame, being a history of the Gothic novel in
A 58-3867 England: its origins, efflorescence, disintegration, and re
Harvard Univ. Libr.
Foster, Richard Jackson, 1928- siduary influences. London, A. Barker [1957]
a study of the 264 p. 23cm.
Modern critics and romantic sensibility,-
PR830.T3V3 823.609 57-4264 t
romanticism of the new criticism. Ann Arbor, Mich., Uni
versity Microfilms [1958]
Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-2300 Mic 58-2300
Bayley, John, 1925-
The romantic survival; a study in poetic evolution. Lon
don, Constable C 1957; label: Fair Lawn,
Grass!, Anton.
Die Romantik, ein Gegenpol der Technik; geschichts- Books] Chyznevs'kyi, Dmytro, 1894-
231 p. 23cm.
philosophische und kulturgeschichtliche Betrachtungen PR590.B27 821.9109 57-3061 J On romanticism in Slavic literature. rTranslation by D.
einer Kulturbewegung. Bonn, H, Bouvier, 1954. S. Worth] 's-Gravenhage, Mouton, 1957.
107 p 23 cm. (Mensch und Welt; elne Schrlftearelhe zu den 63 p. 23 cm. (Musagetes; contributions to the history of Slavic
FragenunsererZeit, 1^) A 55-1862
literature and culture, 1)
Bush, Douglas, 1896- PG503JR6C52 891.709
Harvard Univ. Library
Mythology and the romantic tradition in English poetry.
New York, Pageant Book Co., 1957 t'1937]
rvl, 647 p. 24 cm. (Library of literary history and criticism)
Gurewitch, Morton L 1922- .

European romantic irony. Ann Arbor, University

Micro- [PR508]
Printed for A, B. 'P.
82L709 57-9385 FRANCE
Publication no. 21,607)
^UnlSty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Mic 57-2492 Bisi, Akeste.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 21,607 Foakes,R A L'ltalie et le romantisme francaos. Roma, Societa editrice
Columbia Univ. Libraries
The romantic a study in the language of nine
assertion; Dante Alighieri, 1955.
teenth century poetry. New Haven, Yale University Press, 281 p. 21 cm.

Hugo, Howard E ed. 1958.

Illinois. Univ. Library
The romantic reader. New York, Viking Press [1957]
821.709 58-5717 J
621 p. 21 cm. PE5MXBF?"
PN6014.H84 808.8 57-9490

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROMANTICISM Die Deutsche Romantik im franzosischen Deutechlandbild; Tymms, Ralph.

FRANCE (Continued) Fragen und Fragwurdigkeiten. Braunschweig, A.
Lim- German romantic literature, London, Methuen [1955]
vii, 400 p. 23 em.
bach [1957]
Schulbuchlnstl- PT361.T9 830.903 55-2893
122 p 24 cm. ( Schrlftenrelhe des Internatlonalen

Ceffler, Leon. tuts, 2. Bd.)

L'epopee romantique. Paris, Presses universitaires de PT361.D4 58-29055

France, 1954. Ussleber,Hermann, 1925-
276 p. 22cm. (University de Grenoble. Publications de la Faculte"
Das Bild des Erziehers im Spiegel ausgewahlter Prosa-
lettres, 11)
A 55-7735 Doderer, Otto, 1892- ed,. dichtungen der deutschen Romantik. Munchen, 1953.
1701. 30cm
Temple TJnlv. Library PQ434 Brentanos im Rheingau; am Urquell der Bheinromantik.
Henn PT363.E3U8 55-26813
r2. Aufl.i Ratingen, A. ( 1955,

212 p. lllus., ports. 19 cm. (Khetnlsche Blicherel; Kulturdoku-

mente des deutscaen Westena)
George, Albert Joseph* 1913- A 56-4848
The development of French romanticism; the impact of Harvard Univ. Library
Wiesmann, Louis.
Das Dionysische bei Holderlin und in der deutschen
the industrial revolution on literature. [Syracuse, N. Y.j
Romantik. Basel, B. Schwabe, 1948.
Syracuse University Press, 1955. 149 p. 25 cm. (Easier Studien zur deutachen Sprache und
183 p. 22 cm. Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856. LIteratur, 6)
PQ287.G4 840.903 54-12585 t Die romantische Schule. Eingeleitet von Hans Kaufmann. A 57-7455
Hrsg. vom Ministerium fur Kultur. Dresden, Verlag Wisconsin. Univ. Llbr.

Kunst, 1955)
150 p 21 cm. (Studlenmaterlal fflr die kflnstlerlschen Lehran-
Huyghe, Ren& stalten. Aesthetlk, Heft 6, 1955) GT. BRIT.
L'esthetique de 1'individualisme k travera Delacroix et N25.S72 1955, Heft 6 59-38189
Baudelaire. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1955. Battenhouse, Henry Martin, 1885-
20 p. 22 cm. (The Zaharoff lecture, 1955)
English romantic writers. Great Neck, N. Y., Barren's
ND553.D33H8 56-57446 t
Heuschele, Otto, 1900- ed,. Educational Series 1958] t

822 p. 20cm.
Erzahler der Romantik. Munchen, Winkler-Verlag 1953] C

453 p. 17cm. [Werke der Weltllteraturj PR457.B3 820.903 58-2823 t

Jensen, Christian Andrew Edward, 1920- PT1316.H4 A 55-1638

Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
L'evolution du romantisme; 1'annee 1826. Chicago Dept c

of Photoduphcation, University of Chicago Library! 1957. Brand, Charles Peter.

Microfilm 5587 PQ Mic 58-6649 J the Italianate fashion in
Italy and the English romantics,
Chicago. Univ. Llbr. Holzer, Erika, 1923- Uni
Das Bild Englands in der deutschen Romantik. Inter- early nineteenth-century England. Cambridge [Eng.]
versity Press, 1957.
laken, 1951. ri, 285 p. plates. 23 cm.
90 p. 28 cm.
Jourda, Pierre, 1898- DG499.G7B7 327.450942 57-4911
PT363.E5H6 55-57833
L'exotisme dans la literature frangaise depuis Chateau
briand. Paris, Boivin, 1938-56.
2v. 25cm.
PQ283.J68 840.903 39-4133 rev* Kluckhohn, Paul, 1886- Jamison, William Alexander.
Tubin Arnold and the romantics. Copenhagen, Rosenkilde and
Das Icleengut der deutschen Romantik. 3. Aufl.
Bagger. 1958.
gen, M. Niemeyer, 1953. 167 25cm. (Angllstlca, V. 10)
198 19 cm. ( Handbticherel der Deutschkunde.
Bd. 8) p.

1953 55-960 \ PR4024. J3 821.709 A 58-1966
Le Sage, Laurent, 1913- Harvard Univ. Library
Jean Giraudoux, surrealism, and the German romantic
ideal. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1952.
(Illinois studies In language and literature, v. 36,
Kohlschmidt, Werner, 1904r-
x, 80 p. 26 cm.
und Kline, Alfred Allan, 1920-
Fonn und Innerlichkeit; Beitrage zur Geschichte
The English romantics and the American Republic; an
PQ2613.I74Z69 840.904 52-10464 rev Wirkung der deutschen Klassik und Romantik. Bern,
America in the work of Blake,
Copy 2. P25.I3 vol. 36, no. 3 Francke analysis of the concept of
268 p. 18 cm. ( Sammlung Dalp, Bd. 81) Burns, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, and Shelley. Ann
A56-578 Arbor, University Microfilms 1954j t

Harvard Univ. Library ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication 6647)
Moreau, Pierre, 1895- Microfilm AC-1 no. 6647 Mic 55-3400
Le romantisme. Paris, Del Duca 1957]
470 p. Ulus., ports. 23 cm. (Hlstolre de la literature francalse

A 59-1036 Le Sage, Laurent, 1913- Noyes, Russell, ed.

[PQ101JH47 vol.8] Jean Giraudoux, surrealism, and the German romantic
Illinois. Univ. Library English romantic poetry and prose, selected and edited
ideal. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1952. with essays and notes. New York, Oxford University Press,
x, 80 p 26 cm. (Illinois studies In language and literature, v 36,
no. 3) 1956.
52-10464 rev JS23p. 20cm.
Paribatra, Marsi, princesse. PQ2613.1 74Z69 840.904
Le romantisme contemporain ; essai sur I'inquie'tude et Copy 2. P25.1 3 vol 36, no. 3 PR1139.N6 820.82 56-5118 J
1'evasion dans les lettres franchises de 1850 a 1950. Paris,
Editions polyglottes, 1954.
190 p. 24cm. Liibeck. St. Annen-Museum. StepanOc, Earel.
A 56-296 Die Bildniszeichnung der deutschen Romantik, 30. Juni English literature from the American Revolution to
Cornell Univ. Library chartism. Praha, Statni pedagogiskS nakl., 1962.
bis 15. September 1957. [Katalog bearb. von Jens Christian
137 p. 29cm. (Ucebnf texty vysoktfch Skol)
Jensen] Liibeck [1957, 55-15788 t
20 plates. 21cm.
t 16i,82p.
Sicfflano, Italo, 1895- N7605.L8 59-22401
Romanticismo francese t
da Prevost ai nostri giornij
Venezia, La Goliardica tl955j
494 p. 22cm. Muller, Andreas, 1901- ITALY
A 55-8440 Landschaftserlebnis und Landschaftsbild; Studien zur
Illinois. Univ. Library deutschen Dichtung des 18. Jahrhunderta und der Roman
Avitabile, Grazia, 1916-
tik. [Stuttgart] W. Kohlhammer t 1955] The controversy on romanticism in Italy : first phase, 1816-
247 p. 23 cm.
Teichmann, Elizabeth. A 56-7003 1823. Now York, S. F. Vanni, 1959.
La fortune d'Hoftmann en France. 148 p. 21 cm.
Chicago cDept. of Rochester. Univ. Llbr. PT86S
PQ4086.A85 850.903 59-16856 I
Photoduplication, University of Chicago Library] 1958.
Microfilm 5852 PT Mic 59-7023 J
Chicago. Univ. Llbr.
Reiss, Hans Siegbert, ed. A
Boccalaro, Mario
The political thought of the German romantics, 1793-
Poeti e prosatori romantici; origine e svolgimento del
GERMANY *1815.
211 p.
York, Macmillan, 1955.
21cm, (Blackwell's political texts)
romanticismo. rMilanoj Cappelli [1951]
64 p. 22 cm. (Le Vocl del grandl, anallsl e slntesl dl opere dl
JA84.G3R4 1955a 320.943 56-3735 letterarura e dl fllosofia)
AUemann, Beda. 55-22349 J
Uber das Dichterische. Pfullingen, G. Neske [1957]
88 p. 21 cm.
A 57-5344 Reiss, Hans Siegbert, ed.
Illinois. Univ. Library
The political thought of the German romantics, 1793- Marcazzan, Mario.
1815. Oxford, Blackwell, 1955. Dal romanticismo al decadentismo. Appunti dalle lezioni
vll,2Up, 20cm. (Blflckwell'a political texts) per 1'anno accademico 1955-56. Venezia, La Goliardica
JA84.G3R4 320.943 A 56-1270 t
1956? 3
ITS 25cm.
Bochester. Univ. Llbr. p.

Benz, Richard Edmund, 1884- ed. A 57-241

Illinois. Univ. Library
Romantik, aus Schriften, Briefen, Tagebuchern; ein Lese-
buch. Munchen, Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung [1955] StenzeU Gerhard, ed.
308 p. 23cm. Die deutschen Romantiker; bearb. und gedeutet fur die
[PT1172.B ] A 56-5036 Gegenwart. [Salzburg, Verlag Das Berghxnd-Buch, 1954]
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. 2v. lllus. 19cm. (Die Bergland-Bach-Klasslker) MEXICO
PT1136.S7 56-32008 J
Brushwood, John Stubbs, 1920-
The romantic novel in Mexico. Columbia, University of
Thornton, Karin (Stuebben) 1929-
Brink, Michael, pseud., ed. Missouri Studies, 1954.
Deutsche Gedichte der Romantik. Heidelberg, L. Schnei Religion in early romantic novels. Ann Arbor, Univer 98 27 cm.
p. lllus., ports. (The University of Mlwwuri studies,
sity Microfilms f !955] v. 26, no. 4)
der, 1955. Ann Arbor, Publication no. 12,477)
860 p. 17 cm, ([University Microfilms, Mich.! PQ7197.B7 863.09 54-12168
56-36258 \ Microfilm AC-1 no. 12,477 Mic 55-243 Copy 2. AS36.M82 4
PT1171.B7 Columbia Univ. Libraries

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Pelles, Geraldine. ROMERO, ELENA
SILESIA Thepassionate men; a study of romantic neoclassic
painters in France & England in the early nineteenth cen
Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms [1958j Stepanow, GiovannL
Lubos, Arno. Die Macht der Tone; GesprSche,
Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-1355 Mic 58-1355 Erinnerungen an eine
Die schlesische Romantik. Wurzburg, Hokner-Verlag Columbia Univ. Libraries grosse Kunstlerin, 1914-1S30. Frauenfeld, Huber [1954,
4S2p. illus^ ports. 21cm.
u (Ostdeutsche BeltrSge aus dem GSttlnger Arbelts
Reith, B Ub,
Romantische vluchten, Haarlem, Drukkerij De Spaar-
nestad ,1959j

2 v. Illus. 22 cm. (Uit de schatkamers van de beeldende kunst) ROME
A 59-7075
Harvard Univ. Library
Artigas-Sanz, Maria Carmen de. Davis, Charles TilL
El libro romantico en Espafia. Dante and the idea of Rome. Oxford, Clarendon Press,
3 v. in
Madrid, 1953-55 1957.
4. lllus ports., facsims. 17 cm.
(Consejo Superioi 302 p. 19cm.
.entfflcas. Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes" Ck ROMANTICISM IN MUSIC 85L15
PQ4422.D3 58-334 J
PQ6070.A7 56.4060
Beaufils, MarceL
Le Lied romantique allemand. [Parisj Gallimard 1956j C ^ANTIQUITIES
Diaz Plaja, Guillermo, 1909- 322 p. illus. 21cm. (Pour la musi<iue,2)
Introduccion al estudio del
romanticiamo espafiol. l. ed.
ML2529.B4 57-28712
Aalders, Gerhard Jean Daniel, 1914-

Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe Argentina t 1953,

207 p. 18 cm. (Colecci6n austral, no. 1147) Mensen als wij, en toch. anders, beschouwingen over het
PQ6070.D5 1953 verstaaii van mensen uit de oudheid. Groningen, J. B.
56-27921 J Brion, Marcel, 1895-
Schumann & the romantic age; translated by Geoffrey Wolteis, 1957.
S3 p.
D. 24 cm.
Sainsbury. New York, Macmillan t 1956j A 59-3023 rev
Jcffers, Coleman Reynolds, 1927- vih, 371 p. ports. 22 cm.
Princeton Univ. Libr.
Medievahsnis in the writings of the Spanish romanticists. [ML410.S4B ] A 57-5755
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms !954, Brown Univ. Library

([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 9581) Bernhard, Maria Ludwika.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 9581 Mic A 54-2527 Lampki starozytne. Warszawa, Szfcuka, 1955.
Iowa. Univ. Library Chantavoine, Jean, 1877-1952. 384p illus 25cm.
L'ere romantique le romantisme dans la musique europe-
NK4680.B44 58-42092 t
enne, par Jean Chantavoine et Jean Gaudefroy-Demombynes,
Juretschke, Hans, 1909-
Paris, A, Michel, 1955. Camuntum-Tagung, 1955.
Origen doctrinal y genesis del romanticismo espanoL Ma 611 p. illus. 21 cm. (L'lSvolutton de rhumanitS, synthese collec
76 ter. t 4- section,) Carnuntina; Ergebnisse der Forschung fiber die Grenz-
drid, Ateneo, 1954. tive,
47 p. Illus (laid in) 18 cm. (Coleccldn crece o muere, 72) ML196.C5 55-39100 J provinzea des romischen Reaches; Vortrage beim Interna-
A 55-5677 tionalen Kongress der Altertumsforscher, Carnuntum 1955.
Illinois. Univ. Library Hrsg. von Erich Swoboda. Graz, H. Bohlaus Nachl, 1956.
vl, 201 p. illua., maps, plans. 24 cm. (ESmlsche Forschungen In
Einstein, Alfred, 1880-1952. NIederOsterreich, Bd. 3)
La musiqueromantique. Music in the romantic era, tra-
DG12.C35 1955o 58-16273
Peers, Edgar Allison. duction de 1'anglais par Jacques Delalande. [Parisj Galli
Historia del movirniento romantico espanol. [Traduccion mard [1959} Carrata Thomes, Franco*
del ingles por Jose M.a GimenO] 485 p. Illus., ports. 21ciiL (Ponrlamnsloae)
Madrid, Gredos r!954, Contributi sulla ronmniti
2 v. 21 cm. ( BLblioteca romdnlca hlspanica. 1. Tratados y mono- [ML196.E ] A 59-6778 nell'agro meridionale del
graffas, 4) Oregon. TTnlv. LIbr. Bagienni. Torino, SocietJt editrice internazionale, 1953.
88 p. maps. 20cm.
Illinois. Unlv
] A 55-1415 illus.,

55-768 A
Frank, Paul Leslie, ,
Princeton. Univ. Libr.
The concept of musical romanticism in the light of the
comparative criticism of style. Superior, Wis., Research
Winn, Conchita Hassell, 1923- Microfilm Publishers, 1953. Essen, Carel Claudius van.
The historical tale in Hispanic literature. Ann Arbor, (RMP studies in musicology, series A, in) De kunst van het oude Rome. Den Haag, Servire, 1954.
University Microfilms r!954j Microfilm ML-19 Mic 56-4888 t 105, [1, p. plates. 27 cm.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 10,277) A 55-4049
Microfilm AC-1 no. 10,277 Mic A 54-3499 Princeton Univ. Libr.
Columbia Univ. Libraries
Guichard, Leon, 1899-
La musique et les lettres au temps du romantisme, t l. ed] Garcia y Beflido, Antonio, 1903-
SPAIN MADRID Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1955. Arte romano. Madrid iConsejo Superior de
428 p. 22 cm. (Unlversitfi de GrenoWe. Pnbllcattons de la
ciones Cientificas, Patronato aMenendez y
Faculty des lettres, 12) Pelayo"] 1955.
Sanchez de Palacios, Mariano. XT, 648 p. lUna, maps. 29 on. (Bnddopedla daalca, no. 1)
El Madrid romantico. Madrid, Instituto de Estudios N5760.G3 A 57-6992
Madrilenos, 1953. Mellers, Wilfrid Howard, 1914-
34 p. Ulus 22cm. (Itineraries de Madrid, 7) Homanticism and the 20th century, from 1800. Fair Lawn,
DP357.S3 54-43289 J N. J., Essential Books, 1957.
236p. illus. 23cm. (Man and Ms music, 4) Lugli, Giuseppe, 1890-
ML196.M52 780.903 57-4580 | La tecnica edilizia romana, con particolare riguardo a
SPANISH AMERICA Roma e Lazio. Roma, G. Bardi, 1957.
Mellers, Wilfrid Howard, 1914- 2 v. lllus., plates. 3$ cm.
Suarez-Murias, Marguerite, 1921- Romanticism and the 20th century, from 1800 London. A 57-5525
La novela romantica en Hispanoamerica, Aim Arbor, Rockliff
Harvard Univ. Library
r 1957,
University Microfilms [1957] 236 p. illus. 23 cm. (Man and Ms music, 4)
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MIch.j Publication no. 22,066) ML196.M52 1957a 780.9034 59-27370 J
Microfilm AC-1 no. 22,066 Mic 57-3243 Opuscula romana. v. 1-
Columbia Univ. Libraries
Lund, C. W. K. Gleerup, 1954-
Spire, The*rese (Marix) T. lllus. 31 -cm, (Skrifter utg. ar Svenska Institntet 1 Rom.
Les romantiques et la musique: le cas George Sand, 1804- Acta Instltutl Romanl BegnE Sueciae)
1838. Paris, Nouvelles Editions latines 1954,
DG12.S815 55-12947
Winn, Conchita Hassell, 1923- 710 p. Ulus ports., music. 23cm.

The historical tale in Hispanic literature. Ann Arbor, A 55-5439

University Microfilms Oregon. Univ. Libr.
r !954j
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch.j Publication no. 10,277) Paoli, Ugo Enrico, 1884-
Microfilm AC-1 no. 10,277 Mic A 54-3499 Strumi&o, Tadeusz.
Vita romana. 7. ed. ampliata. Firenze, F. Le Monnier
Columbia Univ. Libraries t 1955 3
2rodla i pocz%tki romantyzum w muzyce polskiej ; studia 445 p. Illus. 23 cm.
imaterialy. cWyd.l. Krafcowj PolsMe Wydawn. Muzyczne DG90.P3 1955 55-40247 J
207 p. port, music 25cm. (Studia 1 materlaly do dilejow moryId
polflldej, 1 3)
see also Naturalism in art; Realism Richmond, Ian Archibald, 1902-
Dodatek nutowy. t Krak6w] Polskie Wydawn. The archaeology of the Roman
in art Empire, a scheme of study.
Muzyczne [195^ Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957.
score (96 p.) 18x25 cm. 21 p. 22cm.
Gmndmann, Giinther, 1892- ML306.S77 57-49006
Das Riesengebirge in der Malerei der Romantik. 2.
iiberarb. Aufl. Munchen-Pasing, Bergstadtverlag t !958j
202 p. Ulus. 26cm. ROMANUSBUCHLEIN
ND1357.G76 1958 59-42740 t
Spamer, Adolf, 1883-1953. ARMY
Romanusbiichlein : Kommentar
zu einem deutschen ZauberbucL Ans seinem Nachlass, Birley, Eric.
Hnyghe, Rene\ bearb. von Johanna NickeL Berlin, Akademie-Yerlag, 1958. Senators in the emperors' service.
L'esthftique de 1'individualisme a travers Delacroix et via, 446 p. illus., 7 plates. 25 cm. (Deutsche Akademle der Wls-
Baudelaire. Oxford, Clarendon Pwas, Ifl55. senschaften zu Berlin. VerOffentllchungen des Instftuts IQr Deutsche
20 p. 22cm. (The Zaharofl lecture, 1955) Volkskunde, Bd. 17)
ND553.D33H8 56-67446 J BF1583.S6 59^3945

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROME CHURCHES MansuelU, Guide Achille.

ARMY (Continued) Element! della romanizzazione nolle provincie europee;
lezioni tenute alia Facolta di letters dell'Universita di Bo
Marin y Pena, Manuel, 1900- Santini, Adriano.
Bologna, R. Patron
. .

logna nell'anno accademico 1954-55.

Guida, ricordo delle Basiliche giubilari e costautmiane,
Instituciones militares romanas. Consejo Su Madrid t
Anno Santo 1950. Roma, Arte della stampa [1949, t
156 p. 25cm.
perior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Patronato "Menendez 207 p. lllus.port. 21cm.
(Lezioni distorla romana)
y Pelayo"] 1956. 56-40388 DG211.M28 56-47265 t
nil!, 511 p. illus., fold. map. 22 cm. (Enclclopedla cMsica, no. 2)
U35.M33 A 57-3161
Princeton Univ. Llbr. Mattingly, Harold, 1884-
CITY PLANNING see Cities and Roman imperial civilisation. London, E. Arnold t 1957]
312 p. plates, maps. 28cm.
Parker, Henry Michael Denne. towns Planning Rome
The Roman "With a bibliography by G. R. Wat [DG77.M ] [912.37] A 58-5448
legions, Rochester. Univ. Llbr.
son. [Reprinted, with corrections] New York, Barnes &
296 p. maps. 22 cm.
[DG89.P ] A 59-8201 AaWers, Gerhard Jean Daniel, 1914- Mattingly, Harold, 1884-
Arizona. Univ. Llbr. Mensen als wij, en toch anders, beschouwingen over het Roman imperial civilisation. New York, St. Martin's
verstaan van mensen uit de oudheid. Groningen, J. B. Press, 1957 t i. e. 1958,
Wolters, 1957. 812 p. lllus. 28cm.
23 p. 24 cm. DG77.M38 913.37 58-14525

DECORATIONS, ETC. Princeton TJnlv. Llbr.

Paoli, Ugo Enrico, 1884-

Andre". Cane del popolo; uomini e cose del mondo antico. 2. ed.]
Bfittner, Anita, 1924- Aymard, C

Rome et son empire, par Andre* Aymard et Jeannine Firenze, F. Le Monnier t !958]
Untersuchungen uber den Urspmng und die Entwicklung xx, 644 p. lllus plates, ports., maps. 22 cm.
Auboyer. [1. 6d.] Paris, Presses universitaires de France,

von Auszeichnungen im romischen Heer. jMainz ?, 1955. A 58-5910

95,26,19,1. 80cm. [DE71.P ]
1954. Princeton Univ. Llbr.
U35.B8 68-35911 798 p. 48 plates, maps, plans. 24 cm. (Hlstolre g<5nerale des
civilisations, t. 2)
A 55-4935
Harvard Univ. Library Paoli,Ugo Enrico, 1884-
BIBLIOGRAPHYYEARBOOKS Die Geschichte der Neaira und andere Begebenheiten aus
der alien Welt. [Aus dem Italienischen iibers. von Ernst
Bailey, Cyril, 1871- ed,
Bibliografia romana. Schneider, Bern, Francke t 1953]
The legacy of Rome; essays by C. Foligno and othersj c 233 p. IHua., map. 24 cm.
Roma, Staderlni
v. 21 cm. annual. With an introd. by H. H. Asquith. Oxford, Clarendon A 55-927
Z2357.B5 58-22999 Press tl951] Cornell Univ. Library
xlli, 512 p. lllus., maps, plans. 19 cm,
DG77.B3 1951 937.004 57-26321
BIOGRAPHY Paoli, Ugo Enrico, 1884-
Uomini e cose del mondo antico. Firenz t e] F. Le Mon
Plutarchus, Brnwaene, Martin Tan den. nier [1947]
vli, 342 p maps. 22 cm.
Fall of the Roman Republic; six lives: Marius, Sulla, La societe romaine. Bruxelles, Editions universitaires
illus., plates,
DE71.P3 A 49-2246 rev*
Crassus,Pompey, Caesar [and] Cicero. Translated by Rex [1955- Harvard Univ. Library
v. map. 23 cm. (Hit La eocl6t6 et lee Institutions
Warner. [Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Baltimore] Pen de l'antlqult
lllus., fold.
C classique, 3)
guin Books r!959, 1958] DG77.B75
820 p. 18cm. (The Penguin classics, L84)
Revelli, Mariz, 1884-
DG254.2.P553 937.05 59-478
Romanitk cristiana. Torino, Societal editrice inter-
nazionale t 1954]
Borckhardt, Jakob Christoph, 1818-1897. 188 p. plates. 22cm.
The age of Constantino the Great. Translated by Moses A 55-1317
t]DT> ,nnym xno epDim ^mvi iipono Qnn .
Hadas. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1956 [ C 1949 3 Catbolic Univ. of America. Library
[Jerusalem, 1954- .p^K^S 1D1D Ix, 386 p. map, geneal. table. 18 cm. (Doubleday anchor books,
v. 24 cm. (a^jrn nniiDB na nco) A65)
PA4381.H5A3 1954 57-51309 [DG315] 937.08 56-74
Printed for U.S.Q.B.R. Rotondo, Domenico.
Orbis et urbsi'quae vita exculta hominum debet Romae.
Messina, V. Ferrara t 1953?,
24 p. 22cm.
Cowell, Prank Richard, 1897-
Cicero and the Roman Republic.
A 56-568
nxfiv Jra n :rp-oy .nani [Hammondsworth, Mid Princeton Univ. Llbr.
dlesex] Penguin Books ^956]
rvli, 308 p. 18 cm. ( Pelican books, A. 820)
[Tel-Aviv, 195 [DG231.3.C ] A 57-5675
v. 18 cm. Kentucky. Univ. Llbr. Sullivan, Margaret Mary.
PA4381.H5A3 1953 57-50766 Roman tradition and Greek influence; moral and cultural
attitudes of some prominent Romans of the second century
Plutarchus. Gage", Jean. B. o. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1954] C

Legon inaugurate faite le jeudi 8 decembre 1955. Nogent- ( lUniverstty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 8842)
The lives of the noble Grecians and Romans. Translated c

le-Rotrou, Impr. Daupeley-Gouverneur, 1956i

Microfilm AC-l no. 8842 Mic A 54-2511
by John Dryden. Rev, by Arthur Hugh Clough. Chicago, 88 p. 25cm. Columbia Univ. Libraries
Encycloptedia Britannica !955, !952]
A 57-2383
vil, 897 p. 25 on. (Great books of the Western World, v. 14) Princeton Univ. Llbr,
AC1.G72 vol.14 [888.8] 920.03 55-10323 Tazerout, Mohand.
La philosophic amoureuse de Pantiquite*. Rodez, Editions
Subervie 1956] C
278 p. 23 cm. (Bis Au conjres des clvllisee, 1 3)

Phitarchus. Kahrstedt, Ulrich, 1888- Univ.

A 57-2759
Chicago. Llbr.
Zywoty slawnych me.z6w. Mieczyslaw Brozek. Przel. Kulturgpschichte der romischen Kaiserzeit. -

2., neubearb.
Aufl. Bern, Francke 1958,
Wstejpem obja^nieniami zaopatrzyl Tadeusz Sinko. Wyd.
i t
440 p. lllus., plates. 24cm.
3., zmienione. Wroclaw, Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossoliiiskich
DG272.K15 1958 A 59-996
t 1958j
bdv, (2j, 647 p. 17 cm. (Biblloteka narodowa. Serla 2, nr. 3)
Harvard Univ. Library Heyden, A A M van der, ed.
PA4380.P7B7 1953 56-25103 Atlas van de antieke wereld. Samengesteld door A. A. M.
van der Heyden, met bijzondere medewerking van K. Sprey,
A, R. A. van Aken ten] P. Dr. Calasanctius. Amsterdam,
Lewis, Naphtali, ed.
Elsevier, 1958.
Roman civilization; selected readings, edited with an 221 p. lllus., col. maps. 85 cm.
BIOGRAPHY PORTRAITS and notes, by Naphtali Lewis & Meyer Reinhold.
introd. A 59-7307
New York, Columbia University Press. 1951-55. Harvard Univ. Library
2 v. 24 cm. (Hecords of civilization: sources and studies, no
Harrison, Evelyn Byrd. 45)
Ann Arbor,
DG13 L4 -
Roman portraits from the Athenian Agora.
University Microfilms t1952j
([Unlrenlty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 4101) see also Consilium principis
Microfilm AC-1 no, 4191 Mac 58-6140 Linkomies, Edwin Johan HUdegard, 1894-
Keisari Augustus ja rooman perinto. Martino, Francesco de.
Helsingissa, Kus-
Storia della costituzione romana.
tannusosakeyhtio Otava [1946, Napoli, E. Jovene,
255 p. Illus. 21cm.

BOUNDARIES DG279.L47 54-40870 t

Degress!, Attffio, 1887-

Sallustius Crispus, C. Spurious and doubtful works.
confine nord-orientale dell'Italia romana, ricerche
MacKendrick, Paul Lachlan, 1914- Epistulae ad Caesarem senem de re publica; edidit Al-
storico-topoffrafiche. Bernae, A. Francke t 1954]
189 p. IUOBL, fold. map. 22 cm. (Dlsaertationea Bernenses his- The Roman mind at work Princeton. N. J.. Van Nos- phonsus Kurfess. Ed. 4., aucta et emendata. Lipsiae, In
torlam orbls antiqul nascenttsque medll aeri elncubrantes, aer. 1, trand !958] aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1955.
fasc.6) 192 18cm. Till, 27 p. 20 cm. (Blbllotheca scrlptorum Graecorum et 1
p. (An Anvil original, no. 85)
A 55-5030 BG13.M3 913.37 58-14436
arum Teubnerlana, iScrfptonsi Rom*nl,)
DAaiA/4 OnoK inerl **
"Wisconsin. Univ. Llbr. J [PA6104.S235 1955]
New York Univ.
57-4275 A

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY Bruwaene, Martin van den. MasbJan, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, 1900-1950.
La societe romaine. Bruxelles, Editions universitairea A. F.
(Continued) HcropHfl ApesHero Pasta. OxBercTBeHHMft pe^acrop
v. illus., fold. map. 23 cm. (His La sodas' et lefi institutions 6Up. Ulus^map. 23cm.
de 1'antt quits classiojie, 3) 57-32971
Siber, Heinrich, 1870-1951. DG2103I29 1956
DG77.B75 55-57075
Romisches Verfassungsrecht in geschichtlicher Entwick-
lung. Lahr, M. Schauenburg, 1952.
434 illus. 23 cm.
p. Carrata Thomes, Franco. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903.
56-23844 t Contributi sulk romanitil nell'agro meridionale dei The history of Rome. ^Translation] Glencoe, HL, Free
Bagienni. Torino, Societa editrice internazdonale, 1953. Press 1957]
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 86 p. Illus., maps. 20 cm. 5 v. map. 20 cm.
A 55-768 DG209^E7444 937 57-7123
Arias Ramos, Jose".
Princeton. Univ Libr.

Compendio de derecho piiblico romano e historia de laa

fuentes, como introducci6n a un curso de instituciones. 5 Cary, Max, 1881- Mommsen, Theodore, 1817-1903.
ed. [ Valladolid,Min6n] 1953. A
history of Rome down to the reign of Constantine. 2d The history of Rome; an account of events and persons
200 p. 23 cm. ed. London, Macmillan: New York, St. Martin's Press, from the conquest of Carthage to the end of the Republic.
56-47820 t 1954. A new ed. by Dero A. Saunders & John H. Collins. [New
820 p. Illus. 19 cm.
York] Meridian Books cl958 3
DG210.C3 1954 937 55-4171 J 600 p. Illus. 22cm. (Greenwich editions)
DG209M7445 937.05 58-12948
Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903.
Romisches Staatsrecht. Unveranderter, photomechani-
scher Nachdruck der Cessi, Roberto, 1885-
3. Aufl. Graz, Akademische Druck- u.
Verlagsanstalt, 1952- Saggi romani. Roma, Edizioni di Storia e letteratunu Regibus, Luca de, 1895-
r. 22 cm (Handbuch der rOmischen Alterttlmer, von Joachim 1956. Storia romana, Genova, M. Bozzi, 1957.
Marquardt und Theodor Mommsen, Bd. 1- 102 p. 26cm ( Storia e letteratura, 62) 237 p. 21cm.
57-33411 A 59-1846 DG210.R4 59-20184
Harvard Univ. Library

Schnider, Hans. Romische Geschichte. 2. neubearb. Aufl. Freiburg, Herder,

Aeltere Quellen zum romischen Staatsreclit Winterthur 1951-
Chapot, Victor, 1873-
P. G. Keller, 1955. v. plates, ports. 23 cm. (Oeschlchte der fQhrenden VoTker)
115 p. 21 cm. Ls monde remain. Edition rev. et corr., avec un appen- DG209.R62 56-16542
56-38194 dice, 2 planches hors teste, 11 cartes dans le texte et 1 hors
texte. Paris, A Michel, 1951 !927]
Scullard,Howard Hayes, 1903-
507 p. Illus. 20 cm. (L'fivolution de I'tinmantt^, synfliese collec
tive, 22) From the Gracchi to Nero; a history of Rome from 133
Siber, Heinrich, 1870-1951. DG209.C5 1951 57-16253 t B. A. D. 68. New York, F. A. Praeger C 1959 :
Romisches Verfassungsrecht in geschichtlicher Entwick- 450p. illus. 21cm.
lung. Lahr, M. Schauenburg, 1952. DG254.S35 937 59-7729 J
434 p. illus. 23cm. Giannelli, Giulio, 1889-
56-23844 t
Trattato di storia romana c di] Giulio Giannelli & Santo
Mazzarino. Roma, Tununinelli [1953-56]
2v. 25cm. LECTURES
Camuntum-Tagong, 1955.
Knowlton, Daniel Chauncey, 1876- Camuntina; Ergebnisse der Forschung fiber die Grenz-
Reference map of the Roman world. Byj Daniel C. Grant, MichaeL provinzen des romischen Reiches; Vortrage beim Interna-
Knowlton andj t T. Walter Wallbank. Chicago, A. J.
Roman history from coins ; some uses of the imperial coin tionalen Kongress der Altertumsforscher, Carnuntum 1955.

Nystrom [1955, age to the historian. Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, Hrsg. von Erich Swoboda, Graz, H. Bohlaus Nachf., 1956.
vi, 201 p. maps, plans. 24 cm.
col. map 87x120 cm. (Knowlton-Wallbank world history maps. 1958. Illus., (JWralsche Forsclmngen In
NJederfisterreich, Bd. 3)
Map no. K.W. 5) 96 p. plates. 20 cm.
G6700 300.K5 Map 56-322 A 58-5633 DG12.C35 1955o 58-16273
Wisconsin. Univ. Libr.

Fraccaro, PUnio, 1883-

ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Opuscula. Pavia, Presso la rivista "Athenaeum," 1956-57.
and 3 v. in 4. 51 plates (incl. fold, maps) port 25 cm.
Hadas, Moses, 1900- ed. tr.
A history of Rome, from its origins to 529 A. as told by
A 57-2548 rev 2
Rostovfsev, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1870- r>.,
Chicago. Univ. Libr. DG15
The social and economic history of the Roman Empire. the Roman historians. r lst ed.j Garden City, N. Y., Double-
2d ed. rev. by P. M. Fraser. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957. day, 1956.
2 v. (cod, 847 p.) Ulna., ports. 25 cm.
305 p. illus. 18cm. (Doubleday anchor books, ATS) HISTORY CHRONOLOGY
DG27LR6 1957 987.06 58-863 DG207.A1H3 937 56-7540 J
Die Datierung der kapitolinischen Fasten. Tubingen, M.
KalUstov, D ed.
Niemeyer, 1957.
Sallostius Crispus, C. Spurious and doubtful works. PHM; KHara fljia ^Teniui. [Haniicana M. H.
Biriift 70 p. 23 cm. ('Anocxol Untersuchungea zur klasslschen
Philologle und Geschichte des Altertums, 1. Bd.)
Epistulae ad Caesarem senem de re publica; edidit Al- BOTBHHHHKOM H flp.j Hofl pe^;. ^. II. KajuincTOBa n C. Jl.
phonsus Kurfess. Ed. 4., aucta et emendata. Lipsiae, In YTieHKo. 2 HSA., nepep. MocKBa, Toe. y^efiHO-neflaror.
A 58-1268
Chicago. Univ. Libr.
aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1955. H3fl-B0, 1955.
Till, 27 p 20 cm. (Blbllotheca scrtptorum Graecorum et Roma- 270 p. Illus. 23 cm.
norum Teubuerlana. cScriptorea Roman!]) DG213.K3 1955 56-44287 J
[PA6104.S235 1955] 57-4275 A HISTORY HISTORIOGRAPHY
New York Univ. Libraries
Briessmann, Adalbert.
Tacitus und das flavische Geschichtsbild. "Wiesbaden, F.
Kovalev, Serge! Ivanovich.
OiepKH ncxopHH flpCBnero Pniia ; nocoSne 105 p. 26 cm. (Hennas; Zelischrlft fUr klasaische Philologie,
AIocsBa, Toe. yiefiHO-neflaror. HSA-BO, 1956. EinzeLschriften, Heft 10)
Schmitt, Hatto Herbert. 333 p. Illus., maps. 23 cm. A 56-4473
DG210.K85 Duke Univ. Library
Rom und Rhodes, Geschichte ihrer politischen Beziehun- 56-42864
gen -seit der ersten Beruhrung bis zum Aufgehen des
Inselstaates im romischen Weltreich. Munchen, Beck, 1957.
223 p. 23 cm. (Mtlnchener BeltrSge zur Papyrusforschung und Chambers, Mortimer.
antiken Rechtsgeschichte, 40. Heft) Greek and Roman history.
Levi,Mario Attilio, 1902- Washington, Service Center
DS53.R4S27 59-37491 t Lineamenti di storia romana jdij Mario Attilio Levi t e] for Teachers of History rl958j
Alfredo Passerini. 2. ed. riv. e ampliata. Milano, Istituto 28p. 23cm.
editoriale cisalpino [1954j DE8.C5 58-12238 t
HISTORY 701 p. maps. 21 cm. (Blbltoteca storica unlversitaria. Ser. 1:

Altheim, Franz, 1898- A 55-10319 Walser, Gerold.

Romische Geschichte. 4. erweiterte und erganzte Harvard Univ. Library
Frankfurt am Main, V. Klostermann [1951-53]
Rom, das Reich und die freTiden. Volker in der Geflchichts-
2v. 2lcm. schreibung der fruhen Blaiserzeit ; Studien zur Glaubwurdig-
DG211.A62 52-25708 rev keit des Tacitus. Basel, 1951.
Livius, Titus. 179 p. 24cm.
Romeinsche geschiedenis Boeken T-TTT. Uittreksels. In DG205.W3 5^-29314
het Nederlandsch vertaald door J". Verdyck. Antwerpen,
Aymard, Andre".
Rome et son empire, par Andre" Aymard et Jeannine Standaard-Boekhandel, 1946.
100 p. 18 cm. (Ooze reeks klassleke vertalingen)
Auboyer. t
l. ed.j Paris, Presses universitaires de France, PA6457.D7V4
793 48 platea 'naps, plans. 24 cm. (Hlatolre generate des
,no f
* *>\ ETC.
A 55-4935 Fieri, Piero, 1893-
Harvard Univ. Library Mansuelli, Guido Achflle.
Element! della romanizzazione nelle provincie enropee; Corso di storia romana*: le origin! di Roma e i sette re.

lezioni tenute alia Facolta- di lettere dellllniveraiti di Bo tTorino, Gheroni, 1953]

Book, Arthur Edward Romilly, 1888- logna nell'anno accademico 1954-65. Bologna, R. Patron
ISO p. 2* cm.
A history of Rome to 565 A. D. 4th ed. New York, Mao- [1956]
A 54-7930
Princeton Univ. Libr.
millan t 1955i 156 p, 25cm. (Lezioni dl storia romana)
568 p. illua. 25 on. DG21LM28 66-47265 J
DG210.B6 1955 937 56-1876 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROME (Continued) Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus.

ions; Rome et
1'hellenisme au temps de Pharsalia; dramatic episodes of the Civil Wars. Trans
B Paris, Aubier, 195S. lated by Robert Graves. [Baltimore] Penguin Books C
288 p. 22cm.
229 p. 19 cni (Collection hlstori<iue)
Orley, Richard van, 1665-1732. ^ 55_3439 PA6479.E5G7 1957 873.2 57-9664
L'accroissement de Rome. Soixant-quatre dessins identi Harvard Univ. Library
fies et commentes par Louis Lebeer. t BruxelleSj Edition de

la Cambre, 1950 c i. e. 1951] HISTORY EMPIRE, 30 B. C. -476 A. D.

IT. (unpaged) plates 33cm. Marsh, Frank Burr, 1880-1940.
NC1135.07L4 56-31130 Ahistory of the Roman world
from 146 to 30 B. c.; rev.
Methuen Angelo Comneno, Mario Bernardo, 1914-
with additional notes by H. H. Scullard. London, La vita economica e politica dell'Impero Romano durante
Methtien's history of the Greek and Roman
maps. 22cm. (
il terzo &ecolo dopo Cristo.
24 p. 22cm.
Roma, A. Urbinati, 1954.


v. 5)

A 55-8628
A 55-5139 rev
Library Princeton Untv. Libr.
Bryn Mawr College.
Calendre, ISfh cent.
Les empereors de Rome; edite par Galia Millard. Ann
Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1957. Smith, Richard Edwin. Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794.
vl, 179 p 28 cm. ( University of Michigan contributions In modern
The failure of the Roman Republic. Cambridge tEng.] The decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Chicago,
philology, no. 22)
PB13.M5 no. 22 56-13081 University Press, 1955. Encyclopaedia Britannica !955, 1952) t

201 p. Illus. 23cm. 2 v. maps (2 fold.) 25 cm (Great books of the Western World,
DG250.S6 937.04 56-119 t v. 40-41)
AC1.G72 vol. 40-41 937 55-10347

Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794.
Degrassi, Attilio, 1887- ed.
The triumph of Christendom in the Roman Empire.
Inscriptiones latinae liberae rei publicae. t l. ed. 3
Edited by J. B. Bury. New York, Harper 1958j t

renze, La Nuova Italia t !957- xtil, 411 p. Illus., maps. 21 cm. (Harper torchbooks, TB46)
v. 17 cm. (Biblioteca dl stadl superiorl, 28. Storla antlca Duggan, Alfred Leo, 1903- DG271.G5 937 58-10154
ed eplgrafla)
Winter quarters. New York, Coward-McCann [1956j
A 59-7410
Wisconsin. Univ. Libr. 56-10499 J
Kate, Solomon, 1909-
The decline of Rome and the rise of mediaeval Europe.
Ithaca, N. Y., Cornell University Press C 1955,
Lewis, Naphtali, ed. Hardy, William George, 1896- 164 p. illus. 22 cm. (The Development of Western civilization)
Roman civilization; selected readings, edited "with an
The city of libertines. New York, Appleton-Century- DG311.K38 937.06 55-1500 t
introd. and notes, by Naphtali Lewis & Meyer Reinhold. Crofts 1957,
New York, Columbia University Press, 1951-55. 57-12735
2 24 cm. t
v. (Records of civilization : sources and studies, no. 45)
DG13X4 937 51-14589 rev Lissner, Ivar, 1909-
Die Casaren; Macht und Wahn. Olten, Walter t !956j
Williamson, Joanne S 389 p. Illus., ports., maps. 23 cm.
The eagles have flown ;
illustrated by George Fulton. t
lst A 58-2034
Harvard tfnlv. Library
HISTORY ABORIGINAL AND ed.j New York, Knopf, 1957.
211 p. Illus. 22cm.
EARLY PERIOD PZ7.W672Eag 57-9195 J
Lissner, Ivar, 1909-
Homo, Leon Pol, 1872-
The Caesars: might and madness. Translated from the
Ltttalie primitive et les debuts de l'impe*rialisme remain. German by J. Maxwell Brown John. New York. Putnam
ed,, rev. et augm. d'un suppl. bibliographique et his-
877 p. 22 cm.
torique. Paris, A. Michel, 1953 C 1925]
71 B.C. illus.

453 p. illus. 20 cm. (LM&volutton de l'humanlte\ aynthese col

DC270X513 937.06 58-11670 J
lective, 1. sect, 16)
Karysnkovskii, Petr Osipovich.
DG209.H65 1953 56-56997 1 BoccTanne CnapTasa. MocKBa, Toe. HS^-BO DOJIHT. JIHT-
Lissner, Ivar, 1909-
PH, 1956. Power and folly; the story of the Caesars. Translated
62p. Illus. 20cm.
DG258.5.K3 57-49324 t from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn. London, J.
HISTORY Cape f!958j
REPUBLIC, 510-30 B. C. 884 p. Illus. 24cm.
DC270.L513 1958 937.06 59-963
Cowefl, Frank Richard, 1897-

Cicero and the Roman Eepublic. [Hanttnondsworth, Mid CATILINE, 65-62 B.C.
dlesex] Penguin Books t 1956] RoBtovfsev, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1870-
xvH,396p. 18cm. (Pelican books, A 320) Sallustius Crispus, C.
[DG231.3.C ] A 57-5675 Catilina, Jurgurtha, fragmenta ampliora, post A. W.
Kentucky. Univ. Libr.
Ahlberg. Edidit Alphonsus Kurfess. Editi6 altera aucta et
2ded,rev.byP.M.Fraaer. Oxford, Clarendon Preas, 1
2 T. (ml, 847 p.) Ulu*., port*. 28 cm.
emendata. Lipsiae, in aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1954. 68-862
200 p. 20 cm. (Bibllotheca acrlptorum Qraecorum et Romanorum
DG271.R6 1957 987.06
Teubnerlana. (S. K,])
[PA6104.S ] A 56-6198
Gelder, Jan van, ed. Mount Holyoke Coil. Library HISTORY EMPIRE, 30 B. C. -284 A, D.
Latijnse geschiedschrijvers; bloemlezing uit de werken van
Sallustius, Caesar, lavius en Tacitus in nieuwe vertaling,
Beaujeu, Jean.
samengesteld en ingeleid. Haarlem, Drukkerij de Spaarae-
La religion romaine a Tapogee de 1'Empire. Paris, So-
325 p. illus., ports., maps, table. 20 cm. (Klasalelce blbltotneek,
Sallustius Crispus, C. ci^t^ d'6dition Les Belles lettrea, 1955-
Catilinae coniuratio.Bellum lugurthinum. Mit Einlei- v. plates. 25cm. ( Collection d'tftudesanclenneB)
DG207.A1G4 57-30296 tung und Namensverzeichnis von Matthias Gelzer. Heidel BL801.B42 57-33563
berg, F. H. Kerle, 1947.
p. fold. map. 21 cm. (Heldelberger Texte. Latelnlsche
Belhe.1 Carcopino, Jerome, 1881-
PA6653.A2 1947 Passion et politiqne chez les Cesars. [Paris] Hachette
50-16410 r
Polybius, 222 p. lllug. 21 cm,
DG276.5.C3 58-33708 J
The histories. With an English, translation by W. E.
Paton. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1954.
6r. 17cm. (The Loeb dastfeal library. [Greek author*) HISTORY CONSPIRACY OF
Salmon, Edward Togo.
[PA3612.P ] 58-5098 A CATILINE, 65-62 B.C. FICTION A
history of the Roman world from 30 B. o. to A. D. 138.
Harvard Unit. Library
(3d ed,i London, Methuen rl957i
xlii, 365 p. mapa (1 fold.) geneaL table. 22 cm. (Methuen'a his
Anderson, Paul Lewis, 1880- tory of the Greek and Boman world,
orld, 8)
A slave of Catiline. Illustrated by Norman L. Roberts CDG276.S ] A 58-2165
New York, Biblo and Tannen, 1967 t
!930] Columbia Univ. Libraries
254 p.. illua. 21cm, (Hi* Roman life and times aeries, v. 2)
-HHISTORY--REPUBLIC, 265-30 B.C. [PZ7] 57-9446 t
Printed fo Suetonius TranquiUns, C
see also Illyrian wars ; Macedonian Leben der Caesaren. Eingeleitet und fibers, von Andre"
Lambert KI[1955,
Zurich, Artemis-Verkg
War, 1st, 215-205 B.C. M4p. 18cm.

A 56-5624
Princeton Univ.
Caesar, C. Julias.

Alexandrian, African and Spanish wars. "With an Eng

lish translation by A. G- Way. Cambridge, Harvard Uni Suetonius TranquiHoa, C.
Lucanus, Marcos Annaeus.
versity Press, 1955. The twelve Caesars. Translated by Robert Graves.
xlr, 426 p. fold, coL map*. 17 cm. (Loeb classical library.
Pharsalia; dramatic episodes of the Civil Wars. TVans-
Latin authors, no. 402)
[Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Baltimore^ Penguin Books
PA8156.C17 1955 878.1 A 56-1906 t
815 p. Ulua. lcm. (The Penguin clawlcs, L72)
Copy2. . 19cm.
Harvard Unlv. JXJ277.S7T5 1957 937.07 57-9665
Library PA6479.E5G7 [878.7]

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Bury, John Bagnefl, 1861-1927.
HISTORY EMPIRE, 30 B.C. -284 A.D. 14 A.D. FICTION History of the later Roman Empire from the death of
(Continued) Theodosius L to the death of Justinian. New York, Dover
Publications [1958,
Solon, Gregory, 1923-
Suetonius Tranquillus, C The three legions. New York, Random House e
1956, DG311.B98 1958
804 22 em,
t 937.08 58-11273
Le vite del Cesari, a cura di Italo Lana. Unione
tTorinoi PZ4.S6885Th 56-S211
tipografico-editrice torinese C 1952:
535 p. facsims., geneaL table. 24 cm. (Classlcl latin! v 6) Haywood, Richard Mansfield, 1905-
PA6701.I8L3 The myth of Rome's fall. New York, Crowell
55-28297 HISTORY AUGUSTUS, 30 B. C. - 178 p. Illus. 21 cm.

14 A. D. SOURCES DG311.H37 937.08 58-12290 t

HISTORY EMPIRE, 30 B. C. -284 A. D.
Lot, Ferdinand, 1866-1952.
SOURCES Stroux, Johannes, 1886- La fin du monde antique et le debut du Moyen Age. fid.
Das historische Fragment des Papyrus 40 der Mailander rev. et corr., avec des notes additionnelles. Paris, A. Michel,
Ehrenberg, Victor, 1891- Sammlung. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1953. 1951 1'1927!
oomp. 24 p. 2 col. plates. 21 cm. ( Sitztrngsberichte der Deutschen Aka-
Documents illustrating the reigns of Augustus & Tiberius demie der Wlssenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse ftlr Sprachen, Llteratur 558 p. Illus. 20 cm. (L'fivolution de ITimnanlt^ synthese
collected by Victor Ehrenberg and A. H. M. Jones. 2d ed.' tmd Kunst, Jahrg. 1952, Nr. 2)
collective, 2. sect, 31)
PA3323.M5S8 56-1367 DG311X6 1951 57-28334 t
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1955.
ill, 171 p. 23cm.
PA3416.Z5H5 1955 937.07 55-14697
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 1846-1916.
68 A.D. Hunt, Barbara, 1907-
Quo vadis. [Wyd. 6. Warszawaj Panstwowy Instytut
Wydawniczy The_villajind
the horde. London, Macdonald [1957]
1953] 6 p. 21cm.
Bokshchanin, A
PZ3JI905Vi 57-37936 t
Co^ajIBHHft EpHSHC PHMCKOfl HimepIIH B I BCEC H. 3. PG7158.S4Q4 1953 56-35599 t
[MOCKBE] H3fl-B0 MoCEOBCKOro VHHBepCHTeTa, 1954.
286p. Illus. 22cm.
White, Helen Constance, 1896-
DG281.B6 55-43245 J Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 1846-1916. The four rivers of Paradise. New York, \fa/i1Tiv 1955.
Quo vadis.
Translated by Jeremiah Curtin. WithiUua. 246 p. 22cm.
of the author and the setting of the book PZ3.W58365Fo 55-14609 J
Tacitus, Cornelius. together with an
introd, and descriptive captions by Allen
The annals andThe histories. Translated by Alfred Klots, Jr. New
York, Dodd, Mead t 1955]

John Church and William Jackson Brodribbj Chicago, 422 p. Illus., ports. 22 cm. HISTORY, NAVAL
Encyclopaedia Britannica !955, 1952] r PZ3.S57Q 35 55-13893
v, 313 p. 25 cm. (Great books of the Western World, v. 15) Thiel, Johannes Hendrik, 1896-
AC1.G72 vol.15 878.6 55-10324 A history of Roman sea-power before the Second Punic
War. Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co. 1954,
HISTORY FLAVIANS, 69-96 vlil,387p. Illus. 24cm.

Tacitus, Cornelius. PG89.T48 55-31934

The annals of imperial Eome. new translation with an A Briessmann, Adalbert.
introd. by Michael Grant.
[Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Tacitus und das flavische Geschichtsbild. Wiesbaden, F.
Baltimore^ Penguin Books C 1956]
447 p. illus. 19cm. (The Penguin classics, L60)
Steiner, 1955. Wallinga, Herman Tammo.
105 p. 26 cm. (Hermes; Zeltschrlft ftlr kJasslsche Phllologie, The boarding-bridge of the Romans: its construction and
[DG207] [937.07] 878.6 57-2305 *1 EInzelschriften, Heft 10)
Printed for A. B. P. its fuuaioii in the naval tactics of the first Punic War.

Duke Univ.
A 56-4473 Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1956.
vill, 96 p. illns. 23cm.

V755.W2 623.825 58-360

Tacitus, Cornelius.
The histories, with an English translation by Clifford H. Tacitus, Cornelius.
Moore. The annals, withan English translation by John The annals and The histories. [Translated by Alfred
Jackson. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1951-52 John Church and William Jackson Brodribbj Chicago, INTELLECTUAL LIFE
t v. 1, 1952j Encyclopaedia Britannica C 1955, 1952j
4 v. fold, maps (part col.) 17 cm. (Loeb classical library. t Lattn T, 318 p. 25 cm. (Great books of the Western World, v. 15)
Clarke, Martin Lowther.
authors) ) AC1.G72 vol.15 878.6 55-10324
[PA6156.T ] A 56-2503 The Roman mind,- studies in the history of thought from
Harvard Univ. Library Cicero to Marcus Aurelius. Cambridge, Harvard Univer
Tacitus, Cornelius. sity Press, 1956.
& Edited by A. L. Irvine. London, vU,168p. 22<m.
HISTORY THE FIVE Histories, books i n.
JULII, 30 B. C. Methuen ^952] A' 56-3113
Harvard Univ. Library
-68 A. D. FICTION T, 186 p maps. 18 cm. (Methnen's clamtcal texts)
PA6705.H5 1952 55-20543
Graves, Ralph A 1924-
The lost eagles. c lst ed.j New York, Knopf, 1955. Ferrabino, Aldo, 1892-
392 p. 21 cm.
Tacitus, Cornelius. L'essenza del romanesimo. rRoma] Tumminelli fl957i3
PZ3.G7865Lo 55-9260 The histories, with an English translation by Clifford
H. 291 p. 25cm.
Moore. The annals, with an English translation by John BG8LF4 57-39331 J
Jackson. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1951-52
jv. 1, 1952j
14 A. D. 4v. fold, maps (part coL) IT cm. (Loeb classical library. (Latin
authors]) Klingner, Friedridi, 1894-
[PA6156.T ]
A 56-2503 Romische Geisteswelt. C
3. verm. Aufl.] Munchen, H.
Augustus, Emperor of Some, 63 B. c.-14 JL. D. Harvard Univ. Library Rinn, 1956.
693 p. 20cm.
Res gestae divi Augusta. Das Monumentum Ancyranum,
hrsg. und erklart von Hans Volkmann. Berlin, De Gruyter, Untv. Llbr.
1957. HISTORY PROBUS, 276-282

63 p. 20 cm. (Klelne Teite fflr Vorlewmgen und tJbungen, 29-30)

[DG279.A ]. A 59-119
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. Kennedy, Myron Leo. Novakova, Julie.
The reign of the Emperor Probus, 276-282 A. D. Ann Devet kapitol o tak zvanem stfibrnem vSku MmskS sloves-
Arbor, University Microfilms t !955] nosti. t l. vyd.j Praha, Nakl. CeskoslovenskS akademie vSd,
Gelder, Jan van, ed. ( (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 18^58)
Latrjnse geschiedschrijvers ; bloemlezing uit de werken van Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,358 Mic 55-1654 141 p. 25 cm. (Price z Kablnetu pro atndla fecka, rfmaka a
Univ. Llbr.
Sallustius, Caesar, Livius en Tacitus in nieuwe vertaling, latlnska)
samengesteld en ingeleid. Haarlem, Drukkerij de Spaarne- PA6042.N6 65-15258
stad, 1952.
325 p. Illus., ports., maps, table. 20 cm. (Klassleke bibllotheek,
DG207.A1G4 57-30296 Steinby, Torsten, 1908-
Romersk publicistik; skriftlig nyhetstjanst och
Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly, 1888- tinder Ciceros tid. Helsingfors, 1956.

Maier, Franz Georg. Manpower shortage and" the fall of the Roman Empire in,
the West Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1955.
Augustin und das antike Rom. [Stuttgart] W. Kohl-
rt, 169 map 21 cm.
p. (on lining papers) (The Jerome lectures,
hammer [1955] Sdser.)
221 p. 24 era. (Tflblnger Beltrftge zur AltertmnswlaBenschaft, 39) DG312.B58 937.08 55-14610
A 57-7309
Smith College. Library
Mashkin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, 1900- Burckhardt, Jakob Christoph, 1818-1897.
Visceglia, Enzo.
Zwischen Republik tmd Kaiserreich; Ursprung und The age of Constantine the Great Translated by Moses Guida toponomastica di Roma. Roma. Istituto geografico
sozialer Charakter des Augusteischen Prinzipats. [Uberset- Hadas. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1956 t1949j c
ViscegHa t 10fili
zung aus dem Bussischen von Martin Brandt] Leipzig, ix, 386 p. map, geoeaL table. 18 cm. (Doubleday anchor books, 72 p^ 70 p. of cot map*, 24cm.
Koehler & Amelang, 1954. A66)
628 p. Ulna. 21cm. [DG315] 937.08 56-74 1951 Map 59-893
Printed for U.S.Q.B.R,
DG279.M334 57-31035 1

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROME (Continued) Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903. Romanelli, Pietro.

Storia delle province romane dell'Africa. Roma, L'Erma
Romisches Staatsrecht. Unveranderter, photomechani-
di Bretschneider, 1959.
MORAL CONDITIONS scher Nachdruck der 3. Aufl. Graz, Akademische Druck- u.
r.720 p. fold. map. 20cm. (Studl pubbllcatl dnll'Istltuto Itallimo
Verlagsanstalt, 1952- per la storia antlca, fasc. 14)
22 cm. (Handbuch der rOmlschen AltertUmer, von Joachim
Sullivan,Margaret Mary.
Marquardt und Theodor Mommsen, Bd. 1-
A 59-6045
Roman tradition and Greek influence; moral and cultural Harvard Unlv. Library
attitudes of some prominent Romans of the second
B. c. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1954i t PROVINCES DANUBE VALLEY
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 8S42) Putorti, Nicola, 1877-
Microfilm AC-1 no. 8842 Mic A 54-2611 L'organizzazione romana dell'Italia e delle province,
Columbia Univ. Libraries
particolare riguardo ai Bruttii ed
alia Sicilia. Messina, V.
Ferrara !9 r Kudriavtsev, Oleg Vsevolodovich, 1921-1955.
v 22cm
HccjieflOBairiifl no iicTOpim <5ajncaiio-,n;yiiaflCKHX oSjiacxeft
B nepucvj PuMcicort minepmi n cratm no o6m;iiM npofS^ewaM
Uceffl, Guide, 1885- ,n;pcBHeti iicropini. MocKBa, HS^-BO Aica^eMini uayic CCCP
Le navi di Nemi. t
cura dell'Istituto nazionale
2. ed.
Sallustius Crispus, C. Spurious and doubtful works.^ 410 p. port. 21 cm.
d'arclieologia e storia dell'artej Roma, La Libreria dello Epistulne ad Caesavem senem
de re publica; edidit Al- DG59.D3K8 58-44573
Stato, 1950. emendata. Lipsiae, In
ill, 475 p. Illus. (part fold., part coL) ports., maps, dlagrs., facslms.,
phonsus Kurfess. Ed. 4., aucta et
plans. 29cm. aedibus B. G Teubneri, 1955.
vlll, 2T p 20 cm. (Blbllotheca scrlptorum Graecorum et Roma- PUBLIC LANDS
DG89.U23 1950 59-24008 norum Teubnerlana. [Scrlptorea Romanlj)
[PA6104.S235 1955]
57-4275 A
NOBILITY New York Unlv. Libraries
Vegting, W G
Domaine public et res extra commercium; fitude historique
du droit remain, franc.ais et neerlandais. Alphen aan den
Lewis, Martha Wilson (Hoffman) 1922-
The official priests of Rome under the Julio-Claudians; a POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Rijn, N, Samson [I960]
203 25 cm.
xvl, p.
study of the nobility from 44 B. c. to 68 A. D. Romej Ameri c
510-30 B. C. 55-33860
can Academy in Rome, 1955.
186 p. 25 cm. (Papers and monographs of the American Academy
In Rome, v. 18) Stetsftk, V RELIGION
BL805.L4 292 A 56-2111 H.QHXTIX. pecny6;iiKH i
^eMOEparii B cTapomiHuojiy Puid.
Smith College. Library MiOHxen, 1956.
14 p. 24 cm see also Census (Roman
JC88.S7 58-45602 t Faunus (Roman deity); Ops (Roman
Sabbatucci, Dario. 265-30 B.C. Bayet, Jean, 1892-
L'edilita romana: magistratura e sncerdozio. [lioine, Bastoire politique et psychologique de la religion romaine.
[256j-333 p. 28 cm.
(Attl della Accademla nazlonale del Llncel. Utchenko, S L ana, jrnyot, 1957, '1956.
334 p. 23cm. (Blbllotheque historique)
Memorle, Classe di sclenze morall, storlche e fllologlche, ser. 8, v. 0, Der weltanschaulich-politische Kampf in Rom am Vora-
fase. 3)
bend des Sturzes der Republik. [Ubers. aus dem Russischen 57-34183
von E. SalewsM] Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1956.
Illinois. Univ Library 240 p. 25cm.
Beaujeu, Jean.
DG254.2.U815 57-43818 J La religion romaine & 1'apogee de 1'Empire. Paris, So-
POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT ci6t6 d'6dition Les Belles lettres, 1955-
v. plates. 25cm. (Collection dMtudes anclenues)
Adcock, Sir Prank Ezra, 1886- 30 B. C. -68 A. D.
Roman political ideas and practice. Arm. Arbor, Univer
Bomer, Franz, 1911-
sity of Michigan Press [1959]
120 p. 21 cm. Jerome lecture, 6th ser.)
( Untersuchungen uber die Religion der Sklaven in Grie-
JC83.A19 Mashkin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, 1900- chenland und Rom.
342.3703 59-5264 J
Zwischen Republik und Kaiserreich; Ursprung und Mainz, Akademie dor Wissenschaften
und der Literatur; in Kommission bei F. Steiner, Wiesbaden
sozialer Charakter des Augusteischen Prinzipats. Uberset- t
zung aus dem. Russischen von Martin Brandtj Leipzig, v. 25 cm. (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur
Barley, Eric. Koehler & Amelang, 1954.
Senators in the emperors' service. 628 p. Illua. 21cm. '

(/n British Academy, London (Founded 1901) Proceedings, 1953. DG279.M334 57-31035 t AS182.M232 1957, Nr. 7 59-3404
London. 26 cm. v. 39 (1954) p. [197,-214)
[AS122X5 vol.391 A 55-930 Cumont, Franz Valery Marie, 1868-1947.
Wisconsin. Unlv, Llbr.
POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT The Mysteries of Mithra; translated from the 2d rev.
284-476 French ed. by Thomas J. McConnack. New York, Dover
Publications fl956!
Sinnigen, William Gurnee, 1928- xlv, 239 p. Illus., fold. map. 21 cm.
Ferrabino, Aldo, 1892- BL1585.C83
The officium of the urban prefecture during the later 1956 295 57-3150
L'essenza del romanesinio. rRomai Tumminelli r 1957i
291p. 25cm.
Roman Empire. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 11954,
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 3 Publication no. 8411)
DG81.F4 57-39331
Microfilm AC-1 no. 8411 Mic A 55-3178 Cumont, Franz Valery Marie, 1868-1947.
Michigan. Unlv. Llbr. The Oriental religions in Roman paganism. With an
introductory essay by Grant Showerman. Authorized trans
Fnstel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, 1830-1889. lation. New York, Dover Publications 1956i
Sinnigen, WiDiam Gurnee, 1928- 296 p. 21 cm.

The ancient city; a study on the religion, laws, and insti The officium of the urban prefecture during the BL805.C8 1956 292 58-269 t
tutions of Greece and Rome. Garden later
City, N. Y.. Double- Roman Empire. fRomej American Academy in Rome, 1957.
day, 1956. * *
396 p. 18cm. (A Doubleday anchor book, A 76) ne Dill, Sir Samuel, 1844-1924.
JC5LF95 1956 342.3809 55-12307 JS58.S5 1957 352.037
Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. New York,
Meridian Books, 1956.
xxil,639p. 21 cm. (The Meridian library, ML1)
Fnstel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, 1830-1889. POPULATION DG78.D58 1956 987.07 56-10024

Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly, 1888- Gag, Jean.

Manpower shortage and the fall of the Roman Empire in Apollon romain; essai sur le culte d'Apollon et le deVelop-
the "West. Ann Arbor, pement du "ritus Grsecus" & Rome des
University of Michigan Press, 1955 origines k Auguste.
P '
aP ( n UninS papers) 21 CBL (The J ome lectures, Paris, E. de Boccard, 1955.
3d ser)
ST. 19cm. DG3kB58 937.08 55-14610
Translation of La cite"
D5.B4 fasc. 182 57-88132

PROVINCES Grant, Frederick Clifton, 1891-
' ome-Pol. & govt S.Greece-
4. Civilization, Greco-Roman. i. Title Ancient Roman religion. New
Title romanized: HsI-la Lo-ma ku tal she hnl *hlh. Richmond, Ian Archibald, 1902- York, Liberal Arts Press
JC51.F93 The archaeology of the Roman Empire, a scheme of study. 252 p. 21cm. (The Library of religion,
C 58-7498 Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1957.
no. 8)

BL801.G7 57-3661
Unlv. Llbr. 21 p. 22cm. J

Kansas. Unlv.
A 68-5535
Larsen, Jakob Aafl Ottesen. Library Grant, Robert McQueen, 1917-
Representative government in Greek and Roman history. The sword and the cross. New York. Macmillan, 1955.
144 p. 22cm.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1955.
vi,249p, 24cm. BL805.G7 270.1 55-806
(Satber classical lectures, v. 2$)

Albertini, Eugene, 1880-1941. Reiine, John E

Lftbtow, Ulrich von.
Das romische Volk, sein Staat L'Afrique romaine. t
Mis a jour en 1949 par Louis Leschi. Religion in Plato and Cicero. New York, Philosophical
und sein Recht, Frankfurt
Alger, Impr. officielle, 1955i Library 1959j
am Main, V. Klostermann [1955, 126 p. llliiB. 25cm. 72 p.

21 cm.
716p. 24cm, DT170.A5 1955 57-16256 B398.R4R43 184 59-16450 J
JC83X8 56-18701 t 3

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROME Eleberg, Tonnes, 1904-

RELIGION Hotels, restaurants et cabarets dans I'antiquite' romaine;
etudes historiques et philologiques. Uppsala, Almqvist &
Rose, Herbert Jennings, 1883- Wiksellsboktr. [1957j Viglino, Carlo.
xi, 163 p fold, col, map, diagrs. 26 cm. (Bibliotheca Efcmnnlana Chiese di Roma; 56 disegni, di Carlo Viglino. Pref. di
Religion in Greece and Rome, with a new introd by the Unlversltatis Regiae Upsallensls, 61) S. E. il cardinale Clemente Micara. Presentazione di Carlo
author. New York, Harper 1959,
312 p 21 cm
t DG97.K55 57-4724 Alberto Petrucci e Piero Scarpa. Note indicative di Cecca-
Harper torchbooks, TB55
( )

BLT22.R66 292 59-11124 \

rius. Roma, La Feluca, 1957.
20 p plates, 34 cm,
Ortmann, B NC1155.V53P4 A 58-3324
Sabbatucci, Dario. Vegetarisme in de oudheid. [Soest, J. H. Littooij, 19561] Harvard Univ. Library
16 p. 18x19 cm.
L'edilita romana: magistratura e sacerdozio.
A 58-4828
Princeton Ualv. Libr.
i256j-333 p. 28 cm. (Atti della Accademia nazlonale del LlnceL
Meinorie, Classe dl scienze morali, storlche e aiologtche, ser. 8, r 6,
fasc. 3)
Paoli, Ugo Enrico, 1884-
Illinois. Unlv
A 56-3098 Vita romana. 7.-ed. ampliata. Firenze, F. Le Monnier Rome (Province) Camera di commercio, industria e agri-
Library coltura.
445 p. illus 23 cm. La Camera, di commercio di Roma nei centoventicinque-
Schilling, Robert, 1913-
DG90.P3 1955 55-40247 J anni di vita (8 luglio 1831-8 luglio 1956) a cura dell'aw.
religion romaine de Venus, depuis les origines jusqu'au Romolo Astraldi. Roma, Fratelli Palombi, 1956.
249 p. plates. 25 cm,
temps d'Auguste. Paris, E. de Boccard, 1954 ti. e. 1955j
442 p. places. 25 cm. ( Blbllotheque de3 Ecoles francaises Yawetz, Zwy. A 59-6570
d'Athenes et de Rome, fasc. 178) nj?n 'tai
New Y.ork Unlv. Libraries HF312
A 56-5902 [Tel- Aviv, 1958] .n
Harvard Univ Library 183 illus map. 22 cm.
p. ,


Wagenvoort, Hendrik, 1886- Rome (Province) Camera di commercio, industria e agri-
Studies in Roman literature, culture, and religion. Leiden, SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS coltnra.
E.J. Brill, 1956. JUVENILE LITERATURE Elenco degli importatori ed esportatori di Roma e pro-
vlil, 316 p. illus,, port., map. 25 cm. vincia. 3. ed.] Rilevazioni al 31 maggio 1956. Roma, Tip.
PA27.W3 870.4 A 57-199 Coolidge, Olivia E U. Pinto, 1956.
Chicago. Unlv, Libr. 568 24cm.
Roman people. Illustrated by Lino Lipinsky. Boston, 58-30428 J
HF3590.R6R6 1956
Houghton Mifflin, 1959.
243 22 cm.

PZ9.C427Ro 59-7481 t DESCRIPTION

Bokshchanin, A G
ConnaJifcHHft KpasHC PiiHCKOft HMnepnu B i BCKC H. 3. Aldao, Martin.
[MocKsaj Hafl-BO MOCKOBCKOFO yHHsepCHTexa, 1934.
ROME (CITY) La Roma oculta. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Estrellas [1951j
236 p. Illus. 22 cm. 317 p. 19cm.
DG281.B6 55-43245 J: Beyle, Marie Henri, 1783-1842. DG806.A49 55-17757
Roman journal, by Stendhal t pseud.] Edited and trans
lated by Haakon Chevalier. New York, Orion Press; dis
Monier, Raymond. tributed by Crown Publishers [1957! Bomans, Godfried Jan Arnold, 1913-
xxtli,854p plates (part col.) ports., map. 25cm.
Cours d'histoire des institutions et des faits sociaux; redige Wandelingen door Rome. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1956.
DG805.B5715 914.56 57-13279 216 Illus. 22cm.
d'apres les notes et avec 1'autorisation de M. Monier. Licence-
DG806.B597 59-33572 J
1" annee, 1955-1956. Paris, Cours de droit [1956]
571 p. 25 cm.
57-35200 J Floriani Squarciapino, Maria.
Pannelli decorativi del tempio di Venere Genitrice. Corradi Cipriani, Deha.
Rostovf&ev, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1870- Roma, 1948. Soste romane. Disegni di Ivan Mosca. Roma, A. Signo-
The social and economic history of the Roman Empire. 62-118 p illus 2S cm fAtu della Accaclemln nazinnale del relH [1952]
Ltncei. Memorie, Classe di scienze morali, storiche a filologiche, ser.
2d ed. rev. by P. M. Fraaer. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1957. fasc. 2)
80 p. illus. 19cm.
8, v. 2,
2 v. (xxxl, 847 p.) 25 cm. DG806.C63 57-22772 J
DG271.R6 1957
illus., ports.
987.06 58-362 [AS222.R645 ser. 8, vol. 2, fasc. 2] A 51-5750 rev
Illinois. Univ. Library

Wu, Yu-chiiu
Irwin, Samuel W
The Mlla of Rome. Washington, Sligo Press [1958]
ANTIQUITIES 50 p. 22cm.
DG806.I65 58-14103
164 p. 19 cm. Accame, Silvio.
Le origini di Roma. Napoli, Libreria scientifica editrice
t !95-]
343 p. 25cm
59-31175 t Kaschnitz, Marie Luise, 1901-
Engelsbriicke; romische Betrachtungen. Hamburg,
Claassen [1955]
293 p. 21cm.
1. Greece 4jsoc. condit 2. Rome Soc. condit
Title romanized: Ku tal
i. Title.
ho Lo-ma,
Curtius, Ludwig, 1874-1954 A 56-6949
ti Btel-la Das antike Rom. 3. AufL, neu bearb. und hrsg. von Ernest Rochester. Unlv. Libr. DG806
Nash. Wien, A. SchroU C 1957, 1944]
DF78.W8 C 59-798 67 p. 182 Illus., 4 ports., plans. 31 cm.
DG63.C8 1957 59-34259
Labande, Yvonne.
SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS Rome [by] Y. and E.-R. Labande; translated and adapted
Duran, Frederique, 1921-
Sir Samuel, 1844-1924. by George MiUarcL Cover painting by Yves Brayer; 203
Dill, Dans les pas des Cesars. Texte de Pierre Grimal. Photos illus. in heliogravure. Fair Lawn, N. J., Essential Books
Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. New York, de Frederique Duran. [Parisj Hachetfo 1955j
Meridian Books, 1956. 126 p. illus., 8 col. plates, 30cm. [1956J
269 p. Illus., maps. 28cm.
3ndi,639p. 21cm. (The Meridian library, ML1) DG63.D87 55-34511 rev N6920X273 1956 91456 56-^59163
DG78.D58 1956 937.07 56-10024:

Duran, Freclerique, 1921-

Rome of the Caesars. [With an introd. by Pierre Grimal ;
Lyall, Archibald, 1904-
Franzero, Charles Marie, 1892- English translation by Lucy Norton. London] Phaidon
Redman Rome sweet Rome. Illustrated by Eugenio Dragutescu.
The life and tunes of Nero. London, A. rl954r, [1956,
334 p. illus. 22cm. 117 p. Ulus., 8 coL plates. 31 cm. London, Putnam C 1956]
224 p. illos. l&cm,
DG285 J7 923.187 55-16780 DG63.D872 56-13924
DG806X93 91456 56-58299 t

Franzero, Charles Marie, 1892- Gatteschi, Giuseppe, 1862-1935.

La vita e i tempi di Nerone. Milano, CorticeUi 1954, C Rome, past and present. Edited by G. Nicotra di Leo- Mais, Stuart Pctre Brodie, 1885-
342 p. illus. 23cm. ( Sirio, biografle e ritratti, 4) poldo. London, P. Owen 1956i t
Roman holiday, by S. P. B. Mais and Gillian Mais. Lon
[DG285.F ] A 56-4507 126 p. Illus 28cm.
don, A. Redman 1957]
Princeton Univ. Library DG63.G253 1956 *937.6 918.376 57-36867 t 264 p. Ulus. 22cm.
DG806.M25 914.56 57-44849 J
Grimal, Pierre. Gjerstad, Einar, 1897-
La vie a Rome dans I'antiquite'. t
l. &L, Paris, Presses
Early Rome. Lund, C. W. K. Gleerup, 1953-
universitaires de France, 1953. v. Illus. (part coL) 30cm. ( Stricter utg. af Svenska institutet
Mattel, Rodolfo de, 1899-
127 p. Illus. 18 cm. ("Que saia-Je?" Le point des connalasances i Horn. Acta Instituti Roman! Regnl Sueciae, 4, xvn : 1 Labirinto romano. rFirenzei Vallecchi rl954:
55-18753 414 p. lllua. 22cm.
actueiles, DG12.S8 vol.17
A 55-649 A 56-4112
Rochester. Unlv. Ubr. DG78.G7 Harvard Univ. Library
Vipper, Robert ftTr'evich, 1859-
Morcinek, ttastar, 1891-
Johnston, JUary, 1883- Listy z mojego Rzymu. Rzym tBiuro Prasowe Biskupa
Romfc life. Prepared under the supervision of Eleanore PolowegoW.P.]1946.
H. Cooper. Chicago, Scott, Foresman [1957] nays: CCCP, 1954. 147
266 p. 28cm. p. illus. 17cm.
478 p. Illus. 25 cm. DG806J^67 55-20988 t
57-14022 t BR878.R7V56 55-35459 J
DG90.J73 *937 918.37

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROME (CITY) Grieben, ;?rm, publishers.

Jahan, Pierre.
DESCRIPTION Munchen Rome. Introd. de Wladimir
(Continued) Rom, Latiumund Abruzzen [1958] d'Ormesson; photos de
288 p 2 maps (In pocket, 1
1UU8., col.) plans. IT cm. (Grleben- Pierre Julian. Paris, Panoramas [1953]
Relseftihrer, Bd. 202) unpaged. Illus. 18 cm.
Morton, Henry Canova Vollam, 1892- DG792.G7 59-19168 DG800.J28
Atraveller in Rome. London, Methuen r!957]
432 p. Illus 22cm.
DG806.M69 1957 914.56 57-4725
Maury, Jean. Molinard, Patrice.
Itineraires remains c parj Jean Maury t et] Rene Percheron. The Rome I love. Photography by Patrice Molinard
[Nouv. eel., rev. et augm.] Paris, P. Lethielleux [1958] Introd. by Jean Giono. Titles by Felicien Marceau. Text
Morton, Henry Canova Vollam, 1892- 747 p. illus. 18 cm.
A traveller in Rome. With photos, and endpaper maps. DG804.M36 1958 59-24293 t
by Georges Pillement. [Introd., titles, and text translated
New York, Dodd, Mead t
1957 3 by Ruth Whipple Fermaudj New York, Tudor Pub Co
374 p. lllus. 22cm. r 1958]
DG806.M69 1957a lv. (unpaged) lllus. (part col.) 27cm.
914.56 57-12695 Muirhead, Litellus Russell, 1896-
Rome and Central Italy.
DG806.M613 914.5632 59-1803
London, E. Benn, 1956.
Lxivl, 502 p maps (part fold., part col ) plans (part fold.) 16 cm
Miiller,Wilhelm, 1794-1827. (Tbe Blue guides)
Rom, Romer, Rdmerinnen; eines deutschen Dichters DG416.M86 914.56 56-3390
Italienbuch aus den Tagen der Romantik. [Neu hrsg. von Scherer, Margaret Roscman.
Christel Matthias Schroder^ Bremen, C. Schunemann [1956,
Marvels of ancient Rome. Edited uncl with a foreword
263 p. lllus. 10cm. by Charles Rufus Morey. New York, Published by the
Paglia, Joseph.
A 57-3346 What to see in Rome and environs; a guide to the most
Phaidon Press for the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1955
Harvard TJmv Libiary ir, 430 p. Illus. 26cm.
interesting places in the pagan, Christian, and modern city. NA310.S4 *722.6 722.7 56-1344
Rome [195-1
399 p. Illus. 16cm.
Raffalt, Reinhard.
DG804.P3 914.56 57-20088
Concerto romano; Leben mit Rom. Munchen. Prestel- Vaudoyer, Jean Louis, 1883-
Verlag [1955] Rome. Photos, de Fr&lerique Duran et Emmanuel Bou-
464 p. illus. (part coL) fold. coL map. 19cm.
Paglia, Joseph. dot-Lamotte. [Parisj Hachette 1956i
Harvard Univ.
A 56-2675 What to see in Rome and
environs a guide to the most
126 p. lllus. 22cm.

(Lea Albums des Guides bleu)

Library ;
interesting places in the pagan, Christian and modern city. 57-15224 t
tNew ed.] Rome [195-?]
394 p illus. 16 cm.
Sarazani, Fabrizio. DG804.P32 DIRECTORIES
914.56 57-24306 t
Roma per bene. Roma, Fratelli Palombi t 1956i
287p. 21cm.
DG806.S22 57-24301
Rome (City] Servisio toponomastica.
Dizionario toponomastico di Roma. {Romaj 1954.
SchuUer, Sepp. 16 cm.
oocvl, 849 p. fold. col. maps.
Rome. [Translated by Lawrence Atkinson] Baltimore, DG804.A38 59-37215
Schindler, Peter, 1892- Helicon Press [1958j
128 p. Illus., maps. 17 cm, (Christian Italy, v. 1)
Dage i
Rom; en billedbog med text. K0benhavn, H. FOUNTAINS
DG804.S413 914.56 58-10747
Hirschsprung, 1955.
193 p. illus. 24cm.
DG806.S29 Onofrio, Cesare d'.
56-28824 t
Le fontane di Roma, con document! e disegni inediti.
-DESCRIPTION- POETRY Fotografie di Max Dellacher. Roma, Staderini 1957, C
306 p. 251 lllus., maps (on lining papers) 32 cm.
Su, Hsiieh-lin, 1897- NA9415.R705 58-26148
Benhez, Eugene.
Roma mater; pelerinages et loisirs romains, Lxxvm son
1957. nets d'Aymon, le compagnon de route. Paris, Revue mo-
derne [1959] Schlavo, Armando.
160 p. Ulu. IS cm. (
99 p. 20cm. La fontana di Trevi e le altre opere di Nicola Salvi

Illinois. Univ.
A 59-6945 Roma,
301 p.
Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, 1956.
lllus., plates (part col.) mapo, plans. 30 cm.
A 58-367
Harvard Univ. Library

1. Borne (City) Descr. 2. Caen, France Descr. r. Title.

Title romanized: San ta sheng tl tt hsttn IL
Comitato olimpico nazionale italiano. HISTORY PICTORIAL WORKS
DG800.S82 Roma per le [Roma, Arte della stampa, 1954]
C 59-2487 1 v. (unpaged,) Olimpiadi.^
col. Illus. 29cm. Negro, 1897-
A 55-5971 Album romano. [Romai G. Casini r 1956i
Wiesel, J M Ohio State Univ. Llbr. GV722 1960.06 253 p. Illus. 36cm.
Rom; ein Kunstfuhrer. C
2. verb. Aufl. bearb. von Vera DG809.N4 67-48720 t
Hell. Stuttgart] W. Kohlhammer t !958, 1954 ]
286 p. illus. 18cm. Curtius, Ludwig, 1874-1954.
N6920.W5 1958 59-24969 t
Das antike Rom. 3. Aufl., neu bearb. und hrsg. von Ernest
Nask Wien, A. Schroll t !957, 1944] HISTORY 1798-1870
67 p. 1S2 illus., 4 ports., plans. 31 cm.
Wohl, Cele. DG63.C8
Roamin' forum; a guide to the back streets and
1957 59-34259 see also Italy History Revolution of
of Rome and its environs; illustrated 1848
by Gillian Rogers.
Rome, Daily American, 1957.
100 p. illus. 22cm. Duran, Frede"rique, 1921-
DG806.W75 914.56 58-24566 J Caracciolo, Alberto.
Dans les pas des Cesars, Texte de Pierre Grimal.
de Fredenque Duran. [Parisi Hachette r!955,
Photos Roma capitale dal Risorgimento alia crisi dello Stato
hberale. Roma, Edizioni Rinascita, 1956.
DESCRIPTION- BIBLIOGRAPHY 126 p. lllus, 8 col. plates. 30cm.
* }

55-34511 rev
^^ < Nuo ^ blblloteca dl cultura. 16)
56-47903 1
Lugli, Giuseppe, 1890- ed.
Fontes ad topographiam veteris urbis Romae
pertinentes. Duran, Frede*rique, 1921-
Romae, Universita di Roma, Istituto di topografia antica,
Rome of the Caesars. ( With an introd. by Pierre Grunal-
v. plates, plans. 25cm. English translation by Lucy Norton. London, Phaidon HISTORY 1870-
Z2364JR7L8 56-36611 [1956]
117 p. Illus., 8 col. plates. 31 cm.
DG63.D872 56-13924 Caracciolo, Alberto.
Roma capitale dal Risorgimento alia crisi dello Stato
^DESCRIPTIONGUIDE-BOOKS bberale. Roma, Edizioni Rinascita, 1956.
Gatteschi, Giuseppe, 1862-1935. 294 p. Illus.23 cm. (Nuova blblloteca di
culture. 16)
Rome, past and present. Edited by G. Nicotra di Leo- DG813.C3 56-47903 t
Brighton, John.
poldo. London, P. Owen rl956,
A short guide to Rome. With maps by B Gerry
d: d*5 11 fey
126 p. Illus. 28cm.
DG63.G253 1956 *937.6 913.376 57-36867 J Natoli, Aldo.
153p. H
sacco di Roma; la speculazione edilizia all'ombra del
DG804.B4 59-1998 Campidoglio. Discorso pronunciato al ConsigKo comunale
nella discussione suirurbanistica di Roma (febbraio 1954)
Horgan, Paul, 1903- [Roma? 1954i
Gessi, Leone. Rome eternal.
Photography by Joseph Vadala, New 109 p. 21cm.
Rome, the city and environs. York, Farrar, Straus and Cudahy [1959, DG813.N3 66_ 17606 ,
its Rome, Libreria dello
State c*1949j p. illus. 24 cm,
248 p. mas, maps (1 fold. coL In pocket) 19cm, BG63.H6 914.5632 59-6587 t
DG804.G413 56-52556
Porena, Manfredi, 1873-1955.
HOrlimann, Martin, 189T- Roma capitale nel decennio della sua adolescenza (1880-
Gessi, Leone. Premessa di Pietro Paolo Trompeo.
Rome. 100 pictures in 1890) Roma, Edi
The Vatican photogravure with


4th ed. t
Istitruto Poli grafico dello
Translted by Michael
State c'1954]
SS g S
mu? '26 c^
W Y Tk) Studi Publicati

^ ^ full
accom- zioni di storia e letteratura. 1957
152 p.
lllus. 22cm.
DG806JI8ll 914. 56 58-48592 J
DG800.G36 1954 914.56 55-3455 J 65-14349 J

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

HISTORY 18 70- (Continued) Ghosts of the Spanish steps. c
lst ed. 3 London. Murray

Scarpa, Piero. 213 p. illus. 23cm. Fiorini, Guido.

Sessant'anni cli vita romana ; aspetti, figure e awenimenti DG813.V37 55-27958 J La casa del Cavalieri di Rodi al Foro di Augusto. Roma,
clal1895 al 1055. Con illustrazioni e disegni original! del- LibreriadeUoStato C 1951,
1'autore su tavole fuori testo. Eoma, E. R. S. r 1956-
Ulp. illufi^ port, maps. 28cm.
NA7595.C3F5 56-40740
v. lllus. 22cm
58-236T5 J

Rome (City) U-fticw statfatica e censimentL

LEARNED INSTITUTIONS AND Annuario statistic della cittS, di Roma, AGRICOLA E FOREST ALE
Ente nazionale per la cellulosa e per la carta.
HA1379.R7A35 55-17786
Centro di sperimentazione agricola e forestale. jRoma,
Accademia nazionale del Lined, Some.
Problem! attuali di scienza e di cultura; quaderno. 1956j
n. 1- 67 p. Illus. (part coL) 24cm.
Roma, 1947- STREETS A 57-4728
no. In v. Illus. 27 cm. Seattle. Library
Washington. Univ.,
BeHo, Bartolomeo.
Lo sviluppo ed il miglioramento delle strade di Roma.
MAPS Roma, Fratelli Palombi 1955]C
141 p plates, fold map, tables. 24 cm DI MUSICA POPOLARE
Istituto carto'grafico italiano, Rome.
A 56-3397
Univ. Llbr.
Gmda toponomastica di Roma e suburbio.
Michigan Rome (City) Centro nazionale studi di musica popolare,
Ed. agjrior- II Centro nazionale studi di musica popolare e gli studi
natissinm. (Roma, 1951]
SO p. 125 maps. 22 x 27 cm. fold, to 22 x 14 cm. etnomusicologici in Italia dal 1948 al 1958. Roma t lnstituto
G1989.R7I7 1951
SUBURBS AND ENVIRONS MAPS grafico tiberinoj 1958.
Map 57-230 66 p 19 cm.
Istituto cartografico italiano, Rome. A 59-6614
Visceglia, Enzo. Guula topoiiomasticu di Roma e suburbio. Ed. aggior- Oregon. Univ. Llbr.
Pianta di Roma e suburbio, scala 1 : 3000. [Roma, Istituto natissima. [Romzi, 1951]
cartografico Visceglia, 195-?] 86 p. 125 maps. 22 x 27 cm fold, to 22 x 14 cm.
187 (I. e. 186) maps (2 fold. col. on 1 sheet) 42 cm. G1989.R7 1 7 1951 Map 57-230
G1989.R7V5 195- Map 57-173 CINEMATOGRAFIA
Visceglia, Enzo. Rome (City) Centro sperimentale di cinematografia.
MONUMENTS Piantu di Roma e suburbio, scala 1 : 3000. [Roma, Istituto D. Centre sperimentale di cinematografia di Roma.
cartografico Visceglia, 195-?] c Roma, 1956]
187 ( I. e 186 maps (2 fold. col. on 1 sheet) 42 cm.
Paflla, Fabio, 1917- )
55 o. "s. 24cm.
G19S9.R7V3 105- Map 57-173
Gli obeliscbl Presentazione di Renato Giani. Roma, De
Luca, 1954. [PN1995.R ]
A 57-5838
41 p. 15 plates (part col.) 22cm.
A 57-9 TRANSIT SYSTEMS Southern Calif., Univ. of. Library
Harvard Univ. Library

Rebecchini, Salvatore, 1891-

PALACES II problema della metropolitana e quello delle comunica- ROME (CITY) CENTRO SPORTIVO ITALIANO
zioni extraurbane di Roma. [Romaj Istituto di studi ro- see Centro sportivo italiano, Rome
Magnuson, Torgil. mani, 1954.
Studies in Roman Quattrocento architecture. 38 24 cm. (Quadernl dl studi romanl, ser. X n.
p. Illus.
Almqvist & Wiksell ^958,
xv, 389 p. lllua., 6 fold, plates (In pocket) plana. 27 cm. Northwestern Univ. Library STATI UNITI
(Flgura, 9)
N25.F5 no. 9 724.145
ROME (CITY) ARA PACIS AUGUSTAE McNamara, Robert Francis, 1910-
Tlie Anierican College in Rome, 1855-1955. Foreword by
Budde, Ludwig. Edward Cardinal Mooney. Koehester, N. Y., Christopher
POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Ara Pacis Augustae; der Friedensaltar des Augustas.
Press, 1956.
Hannover, Tauros-Presse C 1957] radii, 858 p. illus., ports , maps (on lining papers) 24 cm.
Fabiani, Pier Giorgio, ed. 13 p. plates. 24 cm. (Das Meiflterwerk) BX920.R66M35 207.45 56-7591
Roma capitale: ordinamento amministrativo delle cittS.
A 58-4037
Princeton Univ. Llbr.
capitali del mondo; prowedimenti straordinari per Roma,
dal 1870 ad oggi ; proposte di legge speciale per Roma com ROME (CITY) COLLEGIO DI S. GIROLAMO
mentate da Ceroni [et al. Roma! Ruggeri t !957]
Jocelyn M
368 p. 21cm.
59-20208 Toynbee, C
The Ara Pacis reconsidered and historical art in Roman Magjerec, Giorgio.
Istituto di S. Girolamo degli Ulirici (1453-1953) Roma,
\Jn Academy, London (Founded 1901) Proceedings, 1953.
British 1953.
Italy. Laws, statutes, etc. London. 26cm. v. 39 <1954) p. t67j-95. illus.) Tip. della Pontificia Universita gregoriana,
144 p. illus. 22cm.
La legislazione sul comune di Roma dal 1870 al 1955, [AS122.L5 vol.39] 55-629 A BX920.R77M3 55-18125 t
raccolta e coordiuata a cura del dott. Alfredo Lucente, Wlsconain. Univ. Llbr.

[Roma] C. Colombo t !955j

1069 p. plates, maps (1 fold.) 25 cm.
SIEGE, 1527 Berenson, Bernhard, 1865-
The Arch of Constautirie,- or, The decline of form. Lon
Valdes, Alfonso de, d. 1532.
don, Chapman & Hall, 1954. Besatti, Giuseppe Maria.
Dialogo de las cosas ocurridas en Roma. Introd., edici6n 80 p. SOplatea. 22cm. H "Reggimento e costume di donna" ed altre opere tre-
y notas de Jose" F. Montesinos. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe [1956-j NA9370.R6B43 729.336 A 55-1152 centesche in un codice della Biblioteca S. A, Falconieri
166 p. 20cm. (Claslcoscastellanos,89)
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. S. ML," 1956.
DG812.12.V3 1956 58-42258 t Roma, Edizaoni "Studi storici 0.
24 p. 25cm.
PQ4249.A2B4 58-46078 t
Giuliano, Antonio.
SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS Arco di Costantino. Milano, Istituto editoriale Domus
Wilhelm, 1794-1827.
Miffler, (8j p. plates. 39cm. (Album d'ltalla, n. 2)

Rom, Romer, Romerinnen; eines deutschen Dichters A 56-3009 HISTORY

Princeton Univ. Ubr.
Italienbuch aus den Tagen der Romantik. tNeu hrsg. voa
Christel Matthias Schroderj Bremen, C. Schunemann C 1956j Garcia Villoslada, Ricardo.
ROME (CITY) CAPITOL Storia del Collegio romano dal suo inizio (1551) alla-sop-
Harvard Univ. Library pressione della Compagnia di Gesu (1773) Romae, Apud
aedes Universitatis Gregorianae, 1954.
Siebenhuner, Herbert 856 p. lllus., ports., facslms. 24 cm. (Analecta Gregoriana, T. 66.
Series Facultatis Historlae Ecdeslasticae, sectio A, n. 2)
Praz, Mario, 1896- DasKapitolinRomrldeeundGestalt Munchen, Kosel- A 55-1695
La casa della vita. Con 24 fflustrazioni fuori testo in nero Verlag [1954, St Mary's College. St Marys, Kan. Libr.
145 p. plates. 2T cm. (ItaUeniache ForaclHingeii, 8. F^ 1. Bd.)
e a colon. l.ed. MilanO] A. Mondadori 1958j t
N6911.A1I7 64-44627
395 p. Ulus. 25cm. (I Dlamantl)
La Colonna Marco Aurelio
di C. Caprino aLj HIu-
"REGINA COELI" strata a cura del comune di
Scarpa, Piero. Roma, "L'Enna" di
Sessant'anni di vita romana; aspetti, figure e awenimenti Bretschueider, 1955.
Ruinas, Stanis. 322 p. (p. f 12Ti-t309, plates) Ulus maps 27 cm.
dal 1895 al 1955. Con illustrazioni e disegni originali del- , (Stndl e mate-
Gente di Bottega, Led. Roma, Corso t !957j rlall del iluseo dell'Impero romano, n. 5)
I'autore su tavole fuori testo. Roma, E. R. S. t !956- 180p. 21cm.
v. lllus. 22cm.
NA9340Jt6C63 56-31539
DG813.S35 58-28675 J

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Essen, Carel Claudius van. Huetter, Luigi.
La topographic de la Domus Aurea Neronis. Amsterdam, Picone, Mauro, 1885- S. Giovanni Calibita di] L. Huetter R. U. Montini.
c t ej
Noord-llollandsche Uitg. Mi]., 1954. Sur 1'oeuvre mathematique de 1'Institut national italien
le quart de sifecle tRoma, Edizioni "Roma," 1957 3
28 p. 3 plates, plan, 24 cm. (Mededelingen der Konlnklljke pour les applications du calcul pendant 86 p. lllus. 18 cm. (Le Chiese di Roma illustrate, n. 37)
Akademle van "Wetenscnappen. Afd. Letterkunde. conference donnee aux A 68-3394
naguere passe de son existence. D'une
Nleiuve reeks, dee! 17, no. 12) et le 21
n. r., deel 17, no. 12 A 55-4932 Ecoles polytechniques de Vienne et de Graz le 16 Oregon. Univ. Libr.
Univ. Libr. avril!952. Roma, 1953.
37 p. 25 cm. ( Pubbllcazlone D. 361 dell'Istltuto nazionale per le

IDROCARBURI applicazlonl del calcolo)

A 55-459
Princeton Univ. Llbr.
see Ente nazionale idrocarburi
Pecchiai, Pio, 1882-
PER LA RICO- La chiesa dello Spirito Santo dei Napoletani e 1'antica
ROME (CITY) FORUM BOARIUM ROME (CITY) ISTITUTO chiesa di S. Aurea in via Giulia; monografia documentata e
STRUZIONE INDUSTRIALS, ROME see illustrata. Roma, U. Pinnard, 1953.
Lyngby, Helge, 1900- Istituto per la ricostruzione industriale, x 213 p. plates. 25 cm.
Beitrage zur Topographie des Forum-Boarium-Gebietes A 55-10684
in Rom; Testimonien nebst Kommentar und kritischem Rome Catholic Univ. of America. Library

Apparat. Lund, C. W. Gleerup, 1954.K ROME SUPERIORS

xxvi, 167 p. plates. 25 cm. (Skrifter utff. av Svenska Instltutet (CITY) ISTITUTO DI
1 Bom, 8, vn)
DG12.S82 vol.7 55-28879

Gotta, Mario. Stern, Henri.

ROME (CITY) FORUM ROMANUM La seconda gymnaestrada e la partecipazione dell'Istituto Les mosai'ques de
(In Dumbarton Oaks papers.
1'oglise de Sainte-Constance a Rome,
Cambridge, Mass. 80 cm. no 12
10-14 luglio
superiore di educazione fisica di Roma, Zagabria (1958) p. 157r218. 61 illus.)

Stucchi, Sandro. 1957.. c Roma,l958] , N5970.D8 no. 12 58-4255

I monumenti della parte meridionale 25 illus. 22 cm.
del Foro romano. p.
A 59-2635
Roma, Ateneo 1058j t
Ohio State Univ. Llbr.
105 p. illus. 23cm. (Nuovi saggi, 22)
Harvard Unh. Library
Welin, Erik. Cecchelli, Carlo, 1893-
Studien zur Topographie des Forum Romanum. Lund, Steinby, Torsten, 1908-
I mosaici della basilica di S. Maria Maggiore. [Torino]
C.W.K. Gleerup, 1953. P3, Gianicolo; vanskrift till Amos Anderson. [Helsing-
ILTE [1956,
232 p. illus. 25 cm. 342 p. 88 plates (part col.) 80cm.
fors, 1958,
DG66.5.W4 1953 55-32520 134 p. Illus ,
col. plate, col. port. 2T cm. NA5620.S6C4 56-56410 rev
DG815.S73 59-30428
Welin, Erik.
Studien zur Topographie des Forum Romanum. Lund,
C. W. K. Gleerup, 1953.
232 p. Illus 24 cm. (Skrifter utg. av Svenska Instltutet I Rom, (CITY)
8*. vi)
Prandi, Adriano.
A 55-3171 Bosticco, Sergio.
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. IIcomplesso monumentale della basilica celimontana dei
Musei capitolini : i monumenti egizi eel egittizzanti. Roma SS. Giovanni e Paolo, nuovamente restaurato per la muni-
[Istituto gvafico tiberinO] 1952. ficenza del cardinale titolare Francesco Spellman arcivescovo
44 p. plates, 20 cm
ROME (CITY) GALLERIA E MUSEO BORGHESE (Cataloghl del musei comunall di Roma.
A 55-10203
di New York. [Citta del Vaticanoj Tip. poliglotta vaticana,
Cincinnati, llutv. Llbr. N2830 1953.
Faldi, Italo, 1919- xli, 647 p. lllus., 29 fold, plates (plans, profiles (part col.) ) dlagrs.
Galleria Borghese. Le sculture dal secolo xvi al xix.
A 55-347
tRomaj Istituto poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato
ROME (CITY) PALAZZO BARBERINI Catholic Univ. of America. Library
83 p. plates. 27cm. (Cataloghl del musei e gallerie d'ltalia)
A 56-3377 Associazione bancaria italiana.
Art Institute of Chicago. Kyerson Library
Palazzo Barberini. Roma [1951] ROME (CITY) SANTO SPIRITO DEI
22 p. 36 plates (2 col.) 28 cm. NAPOLETANI (CHURCH)
N2815.A87 59-43274

Ferrara, Luciana. Pecchiai, Pio, 1882-

Galleria Borghese. Novara, Istituto geografico De Ago- La chiesa dello Spirito Santo dei Napoletani e 1'antica
strni C 1956j
156 p. ( chiefly, coL Illus.) 27 cm. (Musel e monumenti)
ROME (CITY) PALAZZO DELLA chiesa di S. Aurea in via Giulia;
monografia documentata e
A 57-2738 CANCELLERIA illustrata. Roma, U. Pinnard, 1953.
x, 213 p. plates. 25 cm.
Wellesley College. Ltbr.
A 65-10684
Catholic TJnlv. of America. Library
Toynbee, Jocelyn C M
The Flavian reliefs from the Palazzo della Cancelleria in
Rome. London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1957.
Pergola, Paola della. 24 p illus. 26cm. (Charlton lectures on art, 39th)
La Galleria Borghese in Roma. 3. ed. Roma, Libreria NB133.T6 730.945632 59-1429 t
dello Stato, 1954, Re, Niccold del.
130 p. Illus. 18 cm. (Itlnerari del muael e monumenti d'ltalia
La Curia capitolina. ' Roma, "Regionale" ed. t !954 }
56 p. 27cm.
N2820.P468 1954 58-43986
A 55-4675
America. Library
Budde, Ludwig.
Severisches Relief in Palazzo Sacchetti. W. de
vlii, 71 p. lllus., 15 plates. 28 cm. (Jahrbuch des Deutschen
Archaologlschen Institute, 18. BrganzungBheft)
Cappella sistina
DE2.D52 Heft 18 55-12821
Zeri, Federico.
La Galleria Spada in Roma; catalogo dei dipinti. Fi- ROME (CITY) VILLA FARNESINA
renze, Sansoni [1954!
204 p. plates. 27 cm. (Blblloteca dl "Proporrlonl") ROME (CITY) PONTLFICIO ATENEO "ANGELI-
A 55-338 CUM U Ancona, Paolo d', 1878-
Harvard Univ. Library Gli affreschi della Farneaina in Roma. [Milanoj Edizioni
del Milione C 1955]
Walz, Angelus Maria, Father, 1893- 95 p. mounted lllus. (part coL) col plates, plan. 30 cm.
n Pontificio Ateneo Angelicum; storia e descrizione. ND2757.R6A6 56-30424
ROME (CITY) IL GESfr (CHURCH) Roma, Angelicum 1950j t

Sip. lllus. 25cm.

Pecchiai, Pio, 1882-
BX920.R88W3 55-18124 J
n Gesu di Roma descritto ed illustrate. Con pref del
Pietro Tacchi Venturi. Roma c Societa grafica romana, 1952
rrn,88&p. 38 plates. 27cm. DIRECTORIES
Harvard Univ. Library
Rinaldi, Giuseppe, 1883-1961.
Boyd, Maurice James, 1911-
The p'orticoes of Metellus and Octavia and their two Clero, comunita religiose, chiese di Roma. C cura della A
Pia Opera delle vocazioni ecclesiastiche. Roma 3 Tip. poli
ROME (CITY) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE temples a re-examination of the texts.

(In British. School at Borne. Papers. London. 2Tcm. v. 21 (new glotta vaticana, 1949.
ON PRIVATE AIR LAW, 1952 see Inter aer., v. 8, 1963) p. 152]-159. plan)
A 56-3565
54 (I. e. 254) p. illus., col. map* (part fold.) 22 cm.
BX1547.R6R5 64-41422
national Conference on Private Air Law, Chicago. Univ. Libr.

Rome, 1952

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Rondon, Candido Mariano da Silva, 1865-1958.
Morris, Owen James. Rondon conta sua vida, por Esther de Viveiros. Rio de
Rome (Province) Camera di commercio, indostria e agri- The world's smallest public railway. London, I. Allan, Janeiro, Livraria Sao Jos4, 1958.
coltura. 1946. 638 p. Illus. 23cm.
Eaccolta di usi e di consuetudini vigenti nella provincia di 64 p. illus 19 cm (ABC locomotive series) F2537.R66A3 59-18943 t
Koma. Roma, I. T. E. R., 1951. TF64.R6M6 625
x, 310 p. 24 cm
A 56-2621 RONGA LANGUAGE see Thonga language
New York Univ. Libraries HF8590
ROMUALDUS, SAINT, 951 (ca.)-1027
Pietro Damiani, Saint, 10071-1072.
COMMERCE DIRECTORIES Vita beati Romualdi, a cura di Giovanni Tabacco. Roma, Lembaga Kebudajaan Indonesia,
1957. Bingkisan budi; een bundel opstellen aan Dr. Philippus
Rome (Province) Camera di commercio, industria e agri-
Lslv,123 p. geneal. table. 26 cm. (Fontl per la storia d'ltalla Samuel van Ronkel door vrienden en leerlingen aangeboden
coltura. pubblicate dall'Istituto storico itallano per 11 Medio Evo, no 94)
DG403.R6 58-41969 op zijn tachtigste verjaardag 1 Augustus 1950. Leiden,
Elenco degli importatori ed esportatori di Roma e pro no. 94
A. W. Sijthoff, 1950.
vincia. [3. ed.] Rilevazioni al 31 maggio 1956. Roma, Tip. 356 p illus port 25 cm.

U. Pinto, 1956. PL5051.L4 53-20128 rev

568 24cm.
HF3590.R6R6 1956 58^30423 t
Nuwe en minder bekende Romulea-species van die Rogge- 1946-1948
(In Stellenbosch, South Africa. University. Annale. Stellen-
bosch. 24 cm. jaarg. 28, reeks A, no. 3 (1952) p. 59-80. illus., map) Darlington, Jennie, 1925-
Martini, Stelio, ed. AS613.S8 vol. 28, sect. A, no. 3 55-10717 rev A My Antarctic honeymoon: a year at the bottom of the
Giulietta e Romeo di Reuato Castellani. [Bologna] Cap- Ohio State Univ. LIbr. world. As told to Jane Mcllvaine. Illustrated by Peter
pelli t !956, Spier. c
lst ed.j Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1956.
214 p. Illus. (part coL) ports. 22 cm. (Dal soggetto al film, 1) 284 p. illus. 22 cm.
56-10758 t
A56-4244 G850 1947.D3 919.9
Southern Calif Univ. , of. Library

FICTION Darlington, Jennie, 1925-

ROMERIKE My Antarctic honeymoon; a year at the bottom of the
Duggan, Alfred Leo, 1903- world. As told to Jane Mcllvaine. London, F. Muller [19673
HISTORY Children of the wolf. c
lst American ed. 3 New York, 256 p. illus. 21 cm,
G850 1947.D32 919.9 58-21197 t
Coward-McCann [1959;,
283 p. 21cm.
Halbo, Sverre Matheson, 1899- PZ3.D8789Ch 59-12491 t
Toreid-setten fra Romerike, Toreid-linjen og Sagen-linjen.
Oslo, J.Dybwad,
284 p. Illus , ports.,maps. 25cm. Duggan, Alfred Leo, 1903-
CS919.T68 1945 55-57928 Karlskrona, Konneby, Karlshamn, Solvesborg, med omgivnin-
Founding fathers. London, Faber and Faber 1959j
283 p. 21cm. gar. Uppsala, Ringstrom & Ringstrom [1956]
PZ3.D8789Fo 59-4257 300 p illus., ports. 29 cm. (Svenska stadsmonografier)

ROMERO, JOSE RUBEN, 1890-1952 59-7109 A

Minnesota. Unlr. Libr.

Arce, David
Jos6 Rub4n Romero conflicto y logro de un romantieismo.
POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Karlskrona, Eonneby, Karlshamn, Solvesborg, med omgivnin-
[Conferencia sustentada la noche del 7 de octubre de 1952, ear. Uppsala, Ringstrom & Ringstro'm t 1956]
en la sala "Manuel M. Ponce," del Palacio de Bellas Artea 376 D illus /ports. 29cm. (Svenska stadsmonografier)
Ronceverte, W. Va, Ordinances, etc. 58-2837 rev A
en el homenaje que la Universidad Nacional AutxSnoma tri- The code of the city of Ronceverte, West Virginia, 1957, Minnesota. Univ. LIbr.
buto al escritor] Mdxico, Graf. Herber, 1952.
including the City charter. [Codified, edited and prepared
23-^7 p. 30cm.
for publication by the "Walter H. Drane Company. Cleve
PQ7297.R75Z57 55-58155
land, W. H. Drane Co., 1957-
1 v. (loose-leaf) SO cm.
352.0754 57-30944
ROMERO, SYLVIO, 1851-1914
Cohen, Gustave, 1879-
Gustave Cohen. Nouv.
Brandao, Octavio.
Os intelectuais Tavares Bastos, Tobias RONCHAMP, FRANCE. NOTRE-DAME DU Bonsard, sa vie et son ceuvre cpar/]
PariS] Galliraard [1956,
progressistas ; 4d., refondue, coir, et augm,
Barreto, Silvio Romero, Euclides da Cunha, Lima Barreto.
HAUT (CHAPEL) 301 p. 21 cm.

Rio c de Janeiro] Organizasao Simoes, 1956. PQ1677.C6 1956 56-36290

164 p. 18cm. (Colec.SoRer.8) Les Chapelles du rosaire a Vence par Matisse et de Notre-
PQ9511 B7 57-34925
Dame-du-Haut a Ronchamp par Le Corbusier. Paris Edi
: T

tions du Cerf 1955,

109 p. (chiefly
Memorial de Pierre de Ronsard, cure commendataire de
Illns.) 29 cm. ( Sous le del)
NA5551.V43C5 56-58945 Mareuil-les-Meaux ; 16 mai, 1954. [Mean*! Socie^ dToistoire
Segadas Machado-Guimaraes, Argeu de, 1892- et d'art du diocese de Meaux 1954j
Presenga de Silvio Romero. Rio de Janeiro,
[32] p. 24 cm.
Simoes, 1955.
240 18cm.
A 55-6985
p. iilus. (Oolecao "Rex," 7) Illinois. Univ. Library
PQ9509.5.R6S4 55-56644 J Le Corbusier: Chapelle N.-D. du Haut a Ronchamp. Photos t

de Bernhard Moosbrugger et aL Dessins et croquis de Le

Corbusier, pseud. Paris, Desclee, de Brouwer, 1957,
22 cm. (Cfehlere Forces vlves, 8) Raymond, Marcel, 1897-
Illus., port*, facslm.
58-4630 Baroque & renaissance poe"tique. Pr^alable a Texamen du
CONSERVADOR ANTE LA HISTORIA baroque litte'raire frangais. Quelques aspects de la poeaie
de Ronsard. Esquisse d'un Malherbe. Paris, J. Corti, 1955.
172 p. 19cm.
Grisanti, Angel.
El proceso contra los asesinos del gran mariscal de Aya-
A 56-2105
Jeanneret-Gris, Charles Edonard, 1887- Illinois. Univ. Library
cucho. Refutacion al presidente de la Academia Colombiana The chapel at Ronchamp cbyj Le CJorfmsier
de Historia, D. Luis Martinez Delgado; y al Dr. Alfonso New York, Praeger t !957j
Romero Aguirre, autor de la obra "El Partido Conservador : 185 p. Illus. 21cm. (Books that matter)
ante la historia," patrocinada por la Direcci6n Naciona] KA5551.R55J4 726.41 57-12654 t RONSELE, BELGIUM
Liberal. Caracas, Ediciones Garrido, 1955.
402 p. Ulna., ports., facalms. 24cm.
Ryckaert, Maurice.
Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van Ronsele. Gent, Druk-
RONDEAU -LUZEAU, LUCIE kerij A. Cosyn-Minne, 1950.
ROMILLY-SUR-SEINE, FRANCE 157 p. Illus. 20cm.

Grosclaude, Pierre.
DH811.R65R9 54-44806 J
Tout Troyes et Romilly historique, touristique, industriel,
Rondeau-Luzeau. Parish
- -
Femme de science et poete, Lucie
commercial. [Lyon, 1949]
208 Illus. 21cm. (LesVll!
Vlllesde France) Nouvelles Editions latines C 1958]
57-29288 J 126 p. ports., facslm. 19 cm.
PQ2635.05415Z65 A 59-1168 ROOD, JOHN, 1902-
Ullnolfl. Univ. Library
ROMMEL, ERWIN, 1891-1944
Schneider, Bruno F
RONDEBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA John Rood's sculpture. Translated from the German by
Dupays, PauL
Desmond and Louise Clayton. Minneapolis, University of
Rommel, renard du desert et sa debacle, chronique histo
Wagener, Frederick J ed. Minnesota Press C 1958j
rique; 1'armee du desert de Libye, decembre 1940-avril 1943, 112 p, illns, (part coL) 28 cm.
victoire eclatante de Montgomery. t n. p.j
Editions de la Rondebosch down the years, 1657-1957. Bondebosch, 1957 58-1053 A
47p. Illus. 26cm. NB257JB68S3 [735.73] 927.3
Critique; depositaire a Londres: Hachette [1953?] DT848JB6W3 57-43724 t Minnesota. Univ. Llbr.
2SOp. 18cm.
D766.93JD87 55-21650

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

institut po
ROOD FAMILY Moscow. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatel'sfcu Toropov, A S
113A- 0.,
n C. K.
Bano B Ka'tecTue yic6 nocoCua A-"^ crpOHT, nrico^ Mocictia,
PERIODICALS nepep. n flon. [CocxaBieno H. B. MnxaftjioctiM TpyApe3ep B "3Aa.x, 1955.
HOCKOBHM] MoCKBa, p. illua.

The Rood-Rude record, v. 1- NOT. 195- H apxnxeKxype, 1957. TH2431.T6 56-36967

181 p. illus. 18 cm.
Prairie du Sac, Wis. 58-29089
v. 28cm. Irregular. TH2431.M67 1957
CS71.R775 1953 57-68661 Villa, Carlo.
Mulder, J writer oti technical subjects.
Coperture. iMilanoj A. Vallardi t 1950-52i
Dakbedekkingen constructieleer voor loodgieters t doorj 2 v. (chiefly lllus., plans; in portfolios) 33 cm. (Document! dl
archltettura, coraposlzlone e tecnlca moderna, n. 15, 18, Ser. 0, fasc
ROOD-LOFTS see Church architecture J. Mulder en H. Boes. Haarlem, H. Stum 1946]
t 3
25cm. 4,6)
287 p. Illus.
55-41965 J NA2600.D57 n. 15 51-38286 rev
ROOF-TRUSSES see Roofs; Trusses
Neufert, Ernst.
ROOFING Wdl-Eternit Handbuch cvouj Ernst Neufert mit Paschen Washington (State) State College, Pullman. Division of
von Flotow, im Auftrage der Eternit Aktiengesellschaft. Industrial Research.
see also Shingles; Tiles, Roofing School maintenance series. Pullman, 1956-
Wiesbaden, Bauverlag 1955j C

182 p. illua 30cm. v. lllus. 28 cm. (Washington State Institute of Technology.

55-40327 J Bulletin 233
Arkhangel'skii, K P TA434.N4
T7.W252 no. 233 57-62656
CKBJI-2. Jlofl pe,z<. A. B. ^CyKoaa KHCB, Foe. n3fl-BO JIHX-
PH no cTponrejitCTBy n apxtrxCExype VCCP, 1955. Neufert, Ernst.
78 p. illus. 22 cm. (CwtbCKOiwy crpoHxejibCTBy) Well-Eternit Handbuch t von] Ernst Xeufert mit Paschen Zollinger, Rudolf.
TH2451.AT 5&-47003 von Flotow, im Auftrage der Eternit Aktiengesellschaft. 2. Bauformen.
t Dacher; Bauarten, Baustoffe, Stuttgart,
erweiterte Aufl.] Wiesbaden, Bauverlag [1956] Konradln-Verlag 1957] C
102 p. lllus. 30cm. 278 p. illus., tables. 81 cm,
Chikida, I T [TA434.N J A 56-3151 A 58-1245
Illinois Univ Library Uulv
O(5opyflOBaHiie KpoaeJitHtix aaBo^os. IIoA pe#. M. Si. Illinois. Library
CartoacHiTKOBa. MocKsa, Foe. HS^-BO JIHT-PM no cxpOHT.
MaxepnaJiaM, 1954.
283 p. dlagra. 22 cm.
Microfilm copy (negative) Neufert, Ernst. PERIODICALS
Microfilm Slavic 871 AC Well-Eternit Handbuch [Von] Ernst Neufert mit Paschen
TH4541.C5 55-57459 von Flotow, im Auftrage der Eternit Aktiengesellschaft. 3. C

neu bearb. Aufl.] Wiesbaden, Bauverlag 1958] C

The Journeyman roofer & watorproofer.
212 p. illus (part fold.) 30cm. [Milwaukee]
Gribov, E I [TA434.N ] A 58-3982 v. In Illua., ports. 80 cm. monthly
Illinois. Unlv
alv Llbi
Ibrary TH2430.J6 695.05 56-34698
KpOBeifcHHtt icapxoH. MocERa, Toe. US^-BO JIIT-PM no
CTpoiiTen.HUii siaxepnajaM, 1956.
207 p. Illus. 23 cm
Nielsen, Fleming.
TH2451.G7 57-24741 ROOFING, ASPHALT see Roofing, Bituminous
Valg af dsek; en praktisk anvisning i valg af da&k til
etagehusbyggeri. Udarb. pa grundlag af en unders^gelse
Kamin, Josef. af anlaegs- og driftsomkostninger, arbejdskraft- og valuta- ROOFING, BITUMINOUS
Tvrde" krytiny; odborna pMru5ka pro pokryvace. [Vyd, forbrug m. m. for f orskellige dsekkonstruktioner i etagehus
1., Praha, Statni nakL technicke literatury, 1957. byggeri. K0benhavn, I kommission hos Teknisk forlag, Canada. Restrictive Trade Practices Commmion,
256 p. illus. 21 cm. (Odborne" pflruCky pro stavebnlctvf) 1952.
TH2431.K3 59-17670 J 48 p. illus. 21 cm. (Statena byggeforskningsinstitut anvisiiing Report concerning an alleged combine in the manufacture,
nr. 12) distribution and sale of asphalt and tar roofings and related
TH2431.N55 57-31892 J products in Canada. Combines investigation act. Ottawa
c Dept. of Justice, 1955.
Kolodei, A P xl, 282 p. 25 cm.
Noskov, Sergei Kleonikovich. HD9585.B53C33
Kpose.iLHne pa<5oxti B CC.ILCKOS! cxponxejitcTBe. MocKsa, 56-4358
Foe. H3,VBO Jinx-pBi no cxponxejitcxay it apxnxeKiype, 1954. YcxpOftCTBO pyJOHHHX KpOBCJII, B 3IIMHHX yCHOBHJIX. Mo-
122 p. Illus. 20 cm. (B noMOWb cejibCKOMy cxpOHT&nio) CEBa, Foe. u3^-Bo jnx-pBi no cxpoiixe-itcxBy H apxnxeKxype,
TH2431.K6 55-58020 t 1954.
80 p. Illus 21 cm. Rick, Anton Wilhelm.
TH2431.N6T 55-33030 Dachpappon. Heidelberg, Strassenbau. Chemie und
Technik Verlagsgesellschaft, 1956.
Eozlovsku, A S 212 p. Illus. 22 cm.
e pa(5oxH B cejttcKOM cxpOHxe;n,cxBe
Rick, Anton Wilhelm.
B EaiecTBe yietf. noco6njr no no^roxoBKe icp Wayne Unlv. Library
Ursachen, Vermeidung und Beseitigung von Wellen,
centcEoro cxpOHxejitcxsa. MocKBa, Foe. nsfl-so Jinx-pn no und anderen Mangeln bei der Eindeckung
Falten, Blasen
crpOHxejibCTBy H apxHxeExype, 1956. mit Dachpappe. Heidelberg, Strassenbau, Chemie und
98, [4] p. Illus. 22 cm.
Technik Verlagsgesellschaft [Vorwort 1954] U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary.
TH2431.K68 57-39131 51 21 cm
Administered prices: asphalt roofing. Report, together
A 55-5780 with individual views, of the Subcommittee on Antitrust and
Illinois Univ. Library
Monopoly of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States
Traite pratique de couverture: ardoise, tuile, zinc, plomb, Senate, pursuant to S. Res. 231, Eighty-fifth Congress,
cuivre ct autres materiaux [parj A. Magne" cetj H. Somme. second session study of administered prices in the asphalt

Ruderman, Arkadu Georgievich. roofing industry. December 15, 1958. Washington, U. S.

Paris, Garnier freres [1947]
305 p. illua, 19cm. CoBpewenHHe MCXO^H KpOBCJiBHitx paCox. MocKBa, Tpy^- Govt. Print. Off., 1958.
TH2431.M3 57-48212 t esepBua^ax, 1955. v, 56 p. maps. 24 cm.
58, p. lllus. 22 cm. (Hoaaa xexaHKa H nepexoBbie
HD9715.U52A5736 1958 338.47676289 59-60897
TH2431.R8 56-21921

Moscow. fSentral'nyi institut informatsii po stroitel'stvu. ROOFING, CONCRETE

Russia (1923- U. S. S. K.) Ministerstvo stroitel'stva.
CoBpeMCEHne EpoBCJitHBie MaxepnajiBi u irs^ejiHa (BH^H,
Tekhnicheskoe upravlenie,
xapaKxepncTiiEa H npiiMeaeHHe) (Epomiopa-flOK.ia^ cocxa- Conference on Thin Concrete Shells, Massachusetts Institute
Bjena ex. nayi. coxpy^HHEOM IJEHHC H. A. KoBejnicaHOMj HncxpyKHHa no ycxpoficxsy py^OHHHX jcposejii, H rn-
ApOH30.IirHHH B of Technology, 1954..
MocKsa, Foe. HSfl-so jini-pH no cxponxeai-cxBy H apxnxeK-
MCHMXH) YtBepaweKa 9 cenx. 1954 r. PeflaKxop C. K. Proceedings. Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of

xype, 1955. t

SO. C 2] p. Illus. 22 cm. HOCKOBJ MocKsa, Foe, HS^-BO JIHI-PM no cxponxejiBcxBy H Technology, 1954 D
188 p. H1U3. 28cm.
TH2431.M64 56-24033 apxHxesxype, 1954. A 56-871
17 p. dlagrs. 22cm. Mass. Inst. of Tech. Library
TH2431.R92 56-17102

Moscow. Vsesoftznyi nauchno-issIedoyatel'skiJ institut po

Sachs, Gerhard, writer on roofing. G
Dobson, Charles
ipHXHJt. [Pe^aExop B. H. Kay4>MaH] MocKBa, Foe. Handwork in Wolken und Wind. c l. Aufl.] Berlin, H. The history of the concrete roofing tile: its origin and
JIHI-PH no cxponxeJttCTBy H apxaxesxype. 1952. Gros t lD56?i
124 p. illuH. 22cm. 212 p. illus., facaims. 22cm. development in Germany. With technical notes by F. L.
TH24313I66 54-175 A 57-4762 rer Brady. London, Batsford r!959]
118 p. illus. 19cm.
Illinois. Unlv. Library
TH2451JD6 695.3 59-39611 \

Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut po

Samodaev, E Hudak, V J
PyKOBO^CTBo no ycxpoflcxay PVJIOHHHX Kposejt HOBHMH
padoxti. MocKBa, Foe. na^-so JIHI-PH no HoKpHBaH-e xajracacxH* njtowuca "Cajtonnx.
Mexo,a;aMii. Hsfl. 2, nepep. [Paspatfoxano H. B. MH H apxHieKxype. 1954. Beorpafl,
BHM, O. E. POSCH n C. K. HOCKOBHM] MocEsa, Foe. FpafceBHHCKa Kaura, 1950.
270 p. lllus. 23cm. Sip. illua. 21cm.
crpOHxejij.cxBy apxHxeKxype, 1951. TH2431.S25
174 p. mas. 17cm,
55-19618 TH2451JH8 59 ^ 8206
TH2431JSd:67 1951 56-27004 rev

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Daidbekov, S D U. S. S. #0 Ministerstvo stroitel'stva.

ROOFING, CONCRETE (Continued) tix nepeEptiTHfl. Mo-
npHeifti BoceraHOBJieHHx Aep Tekhnicheskoe upravlenie.
U. S. S. R.}
CKBa, HeyxetuienHue nospuxnx HS ac6ecxon;eMeHTHHx
Russia (1923- Ministerstvo stroitel'stva
CTHX JHC1OB ycH-ieHHoro npoAiiJia BY %xx npOMtimaeHHtix
predpriiatn metallurgicheskol i khimicheskoi promyshlen- Microfilm Slavic 545 AC Mic 56-4109
sflaHiift; THnoBBie nepxexH MCnTO PaspafioxanM Foe. -

nosti. T ckhnicheskoe upravlenie.

IlHCXpyEIJIIfl npoeKTHHM HH-TOM npoMCTpofinpoeKT F^aBCTpottnpoeEra.
asTOKJiaBHoro neHoCcTOHa fljis noicptiTHft npoMBim^eHHtix YTBepzcfleHH 2 Hrajw 1952 r. c PesaTOp
Eichler, Friedrich.
SAanna. (H-194-54/MCIIMXII) PaspaCoTana IJeHxp. Das koustruktive Flachdach; Bauregeln. Baufehler. Ber MocEsa, Foe. HSA-BO JIHT-PH no cxpOHXCJibCTBy n apxaxeE-
HayiHO-ncci. HH-TOM npoMumji. coopy;KeHnft. [CocxaBJieHa lin, Verlaj? Techmk. 1956.
22 p. chiefly dlagrs. ) 44 cm.
H. T. KyflpHmeBUM. Hayi. pe^aKTop H. O, Tlep^miOBj 228 p. illus 21 cm. (

MocKBa, Foe. USA-BO JHT-PH no CTponTC-ibCTBy n apxHTCK- TH2409.E5 57-24950 t TH2451.RS5 55-23325
xype, 1954.
89 p. Illua 20 cm.

TH2451.R85S 55-56078 Gray, Gordon Miles, 1927- (19SS- U. S. S. 8.) Ministerstvo stroitel'stva.
A study of the minimum-weight proportions for a double- Tekhnicheskoe upravlenie.
cantilever trussed roof system. Ann Arbor, Mich., Univer BpeMenna-a HHcrpyKuna no npoeBTrHposaHHiQ
H ycTpoft-
ROOFING, COPPER sity Microfilms [1958] ctBy HeyTenJieHHHx noKpHTiift HS acfiecTOiieMeHTHtix

Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-5421 Mic 58-5421 EiicTiix jnicroB yciuieHHoro npo^HJis c EOMnencai^HOHHBiMH
Copper Development Association. Univ. Library
PaapaSorana EjeHTp. Hayino-uccJi. HH-
Economy copper roofing; a practical handbook. London f^g^^l
TOM npOMKtnur. coopyacennfi. YTBepKAena 7 A eE 1^53 r. -

60 p. lllus. 22cm. (Its Publication no. 53) no

Herfurth, Ernst. tPe^aETOp JI. E. TeMKHH] MocEsa., Toe. H3,a;-BO JIHT-PH
TH2458.C58 695.4 58-33284 t Der Abbund mit Winkeleisen und Tabelle, von Ernst Her- CTponTeJii,CTBy H apxHTepiype, 1954.
1952. 20 cm.
furtb. und Alwin Mascher. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, SI p. illus.

55 illus, tables 23cm. (Der Technische Fortschritt) 55-23328

A 55-3783 TH2451.E855
Illinois. Univ Library
Golant, Sh N
OicpacKa CTajitHHX KpoBCJit. MocEsa, HS^-BO MHHHCiep-
Schneider, Hermann, 1887-
cxBa EOMMynajibHOro xosaflciBa POX>CP, 1954. Eozlovskii, A S Der praktische Klempner. Handbuch fiir die gesamte
MoCKBa, FoC. HS^-BO JIHT-pI HO Blechbearbeitunpj im besonderen fiir Industrie- und
50. A p. illus. 22 cm. YcTpOftCTBO EpOBCJIB.
TH2457.G6 56-17140 cTpoHTe.ii.CTBy a apxnTeErype, 1956. klempner, Flasclmer, Spengler, Bleclmer,
fiir Installateure,
251 p. lllus. 21 cm. (CnpasoHHwe nocofiHji MS. paCoiHX H Berufe sowie fur
MacrepoB) Kupferschmiede, Gurtler und verwandte
TH2431.K69 57-37268 Techniker und Berufsschulen, von Hermann Schneider und
Il'ina, N P Eduard Eisele. 5. neubearb. und erweiterte Aufl. Stuttgart,
Kopposiifl cxaiLHiJX KpoBCTi, n 6opi,6a c nefl. MocEsa, F. Mittelbach r 1955j
419 p. illus. 30cm.
USA-BO MiiHiiCTepCTBa KOiiMynajtbHoro xosafterBa PC<X>CP, Krichevskaia, E I
56-30458 t
n pesiOHT H.IOCEHX Kpam TS250.S3 1955
1955. TexHiiiecKaa SKCn.iyaTanns
69 dlagrs. 22 cm. KOM-
rpaacAancKiix s^aHiift. MocEBa, HSA-BO MiiHiiCTepCTBa
TH2457.1 5 57-16939
MynajiBHoro xosaftCTBa PCOCP, 1953. Sherenfsis, A A
AC na KOH-
Microfilm Slavic 473 Mic 55-4138 HTOTII OTKPHTUX BCCCOHDSHHX KOHEypcos 1956 r.

H noicpMTHfl aajroB
CTpyiojnn fl^a 3:n.inm;Horo CTpoiiTC-ifcCTBa
MaHk, FrantiSet IHKO.I, K,iy6oB n EiiHOTeaTpOB.
A .A. ^[IepeH^ac H H. T.
Stavebni Hempifstvi. [Vyd. l.j Praha, Statni nakL tech- Kuhnlein, Elarl Heinz. MocKBa, Foe. USA- BO airr-pH no cipOHTe-ibCTBy H
nickS literatury, 1958. Berufskunde fiir Dachdecker, von Karl-Heinz Kuhnlein
482 illus. 21 cm. (OdbornS pHruCky pro stavebnlctvf) apxHTCKType, 1957.
und Gerliard Ro'ssger. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1957- 81 p. illus 22 cm.
TH2457JM3 59-18724 J 31 cm. 59-46494
v. lllus. TH4820.S45
A 58-1259
Univ. Library
Semfachkin, S E Illinois.
CBapHiie EPOBJIH. MocEsa, TpyApeaepBnaflaT, 1956. How to build patio roofs. [1st ed. 3 Menlo Park, Calif.,
41 p Illus. 22 cm (HoBaji TexHHKa H nepCAoewe MCTOAH Tpyaa
TH2457.S4 57-29760 Ossenberg, Horst.
Lane Pub. Co, [1956 3
96 p Illus. 28cm.
Fenster im Dach; Oberlichter, Gauben, Fensterbander 56-10350 I
TH2431.S8 695
[Vonj Horst Ossenberg undj Rolf Schneider. Stuttgart,

Urban, Leonard. Hoffmann C 1957]

Krycie dachow blacha. Wyd. 2. 3 Warszawa, Budow- 152 p. (chiefly lllus M dlagrs ) 35 cm.
nictwo i Architektura, 1955.
TH2275.O74 A 58-4572
Illinois. Univ. Library Zollinger, Rudolf.
103 p. illus. 2icm. Bauformen.
Dacher; Bauarten, Baustoffe, Stuttgart,
TH2457.U7 1955 56-36143 }
Konradni-Verlag [1957 3
278 p. lllus., tables. 31 cm.

Pinskii,E A A 58-1245
ROOFING, SLATE CfiopHBie nepeKpuTH* H3 EepanniecKHX nyciOTCJiMx
Illinois. Univ. Library

Hett. MocKBa, yrjterexH3AaT, 1955.

Dement'ev, Petr Trofimovich. 145 p. diagrs. 23cm.
npOH3BO#cTBO EHpuHia H nLnaEOijeMeHTHoro ma$epa na TH1083.P5
cesoHHHX EiipriHiHHX sasoflax. MocEBa, 1958.
45 p. illus. 21 cm. Sachs, Gerhard, writer on roofing.
59-49619 t Handwerk in Wolken und Wind. l. Aufl.] Berlin, H.
TP827.D4 t

Gros l5G?j c

Podlipskil,Aleksandr ilekseevich.
CTajitHHe npyTElteiie KOHcrpyEHHH nOEpHTHft. MocEBa,
Univ Library
IIpOH3BOflHTeJI,HOCTi Toe. H3A-BO ^HT-pu no erpOHTejitCTBy H apxHTCErypc, 1954. Illinois.

onHTa nra$epHHEOB Epoi^eHCKoro KOMCHHara CTPOHTCJIBHHX 141, [3, p. illus.. 22 cm.

no crpOHT. TG500.P6 55-36918
MaxepHajiOB. MoCEBa, Toe. HS^-BO JIHT-PBI
pHajiaM, 1953.
24 (1. e. 42) p. illns. 19 on. (HoBaropbi npOMnnweHHOCTH crpon- TABLES, CALCULATIONS, ETC.
rejibHNx MarepHajiOB)
Pratt, A W Ivanin, Ivan fAkovlevich.
Condensation in sheeted roofs. London, H, M. Stationery OnpeflejieHHe ycnjinft B crponHJttHtix ^epitax; cnpaBOi-
HOC nocofiEce. MocEsa, Toe. HSA-BO JIHT-PH no crpOHTejri,-
40 p. lllus. 23 cm (National building studies. Eesearch paper CTsy H apxHTeEType, 1955.
no 23) 126 p. dlagrs. 22cm.
TH2454.P7 TG507J8 55-43040
Golant, Sh N 695.4

OspacKa crajn&HHX Kposejii.. MocKsa, HSA-BO MHHHCTCO-

cxBa KOMMynajiBHoroxoajiftCTBa PCOCP, 1954.
50. (2, p. lllua. 22 cm. M A
56-17140 ROOFS, SHELL
Rick, Anton Wilnelnu
Das flache Dach; baustoffliche, bauphysikalische und aus see also Roofs, Suspension
fuhrungstechnische Gedanken zur Gestaltung flacher Dacher
ROOFS Heidelberg, Strassenbau, Chemie und Technik Yerlagsge-
Cement and Concrete Association, London.
sellschaft, 1958. shell roof con
156 p. (p. 140-156 advertisements) illus. 22 cm. Proceedings of a symposium on concrete
see also Arches; Domes; Girders; TH2431.R5 A 59-4092 2-4 July, 1952. Organizing secretary: P. H. T.
Graphic statics; Gutters; Trusses; Illinois. Univ. Library Gooding. Editor P. J. Witt. London, 1954,

258 p. lllus., diagra^ plans, tables. 26 on.

Vaults 1952 695.6 56-25
. (1988- U. S. S. JS.) Mvrdsterstvo stroteel'itva.
Ashdown,A J
Lon Tekhnicheskoe upravlenie.
The design of prismatic structures. Eev. and enL] ~
ci^na no npoeETHposaHHio H ycxpoftcxsy HOE

don, Concrete Publications t 1958] THft

85 p. lllus. 24cm. (Concrete series) np
TH2416.A8 1958 624.9 59-1637 t Chronowicz, Albin. T , r
rxorax ^HH:^C a practical approach, London, O.
The design, of shells:
npOMHniJi. coopyKCHHfi. YTBepac^eHa 1? Lockwood, 1959.
Copper Development Association. H0a6pa 1953. Pe rT;aETOp .1. E. TCMEHH] MocEsa, Foe. H3- 202 p. illus. 26cm.
Additional copper flashings and weatherings; a supple BO aax-pH no CTpOHieJifcCXBy H apxjaxeKiype, 1954. TH2416.C45 1959a 624,9
ment to C. D. A. publication no. 42. London
D. tl^
Tip. illus. 21cm.
Ulns. 25 cm. (Itt C. A. publication
1 v. (various paglngs) TH2451.R845 55-23318

Tm493.C6 695.4 53-24228 rev

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROOFS, SHELL (Continued) Torroja Miret, Eduardo. Steinberg, Alfred, 1917-

Cubiertas laminares de hormigon armado. Madrid, Insti Eleanor Roosevelt Illustrated by Andrfi Le Blanc New
Chronowicz, Albin. tute Tecnico de la Construcci6n y Edificaci6n C 19 j
York, Putnam r !959]
The design of shells: a practical approach. New York, 27 p. 28 cm. (Consejo Superior de Investlgaclones Ciontffl-
Illus. 127 p. illus. 21cm. (Lives to remember)
cas. Institute Tecnico de la Construccio'n y Bdlflcacl<5n. [Publlca- E807.1.R58 920.7
F.UngarPub.Co.,1959. 59-6508 J
202 p. Illua. 26cm. ciones] no. 11)

TH2416.C45 624.9
TH2416.T6 57-48086
Steinberg, Alfred, 1917-
Mrs. R, the life of Eleanor Roosevelt. New York, Putnam
Conference an Thin Concrete Shells, Massachusetts
of Technology, 1954. 384 p. illus 22cm.
Proceedings. .
see also Bridges, Suspension E807.1.R59 920.7 58-10758
[Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of
[ J
Technology, 1954,
133 p. illus 28 Otto, Frei, 1925-
A 56-871 Das hiingende Dach: Gestalt und Struktur. Mit 560 JUVENILE LITERATURE
Mass. Inst. of Tech.
Bildern. [Berlin] Bauwelt Verlag C 1954 3
160 p. illua. 31cm.
Hickok, Lorena A
TH2417.O8 55-17948 The story of Eleanor Roosevelt. Illustrated by William
Gibson, John Edward, 1921- Barss. New York, Grosset & Dunlap rigfify
380 p. Illus. 22cm. ( Signature boohs, 48)
The design of cylindrical shell
roofs, by J. E. Gibson and ROOKS COUNTY, KAN. E807.1.R535 920.7 59-12012 t
186 p. ^-
Lond n,E.&F.N.Spon,lW4.
23 cm. (Spon's civil
TH2416.G5 1954 "624.177
engineering series)
695.6 55-406 t
Kansas Blue Print Company, Wichita. Harrity, Richard.
liooks County, Kansas. Information by M. Andlerson, Eleanor Roosevelt : her life in pictures, by Richard
Gibson, John Edward, 1921- Harrity
register of deeds. Ab
Stockton, Kan., H. C. Sweet Abstract and Ralph G. Martin. c lst ed. 3 New York, Duell, Sloan
The design of cylindrical shell roofs, by J. E. Gibson and r\~ CIOK/I
Co., and Pearce [1958]
D. W. Cooper. New York, Van Nostrand [1954,

183 p. illus. 23cm.

J map 96 x 88 cm 212 p. Illus. 26cm.
G4203.R7 1954.K3 E807.1.R53 920.7
695.6 Map 54-423


Gogoberidze, fA A ROOMING HOUSES see Hotels, taverns, etc.
U.S., 1882-1945
HepeEpHTHa: "flaptfasH." T^HJIHCH, TexHHKa
277 p.
illus., plates. 25cm.
TH2416.G6 55-41074
NIJMEGEN, NETHERLANDS see Nijmegen, Franklin D. Roosevelt as Governor of New York. New
Netherlands. Roomsch-Katholieke Universi- York, Columbia University Press, 1955 t1952]
illi, 338 p. 24 cm. (Columbia studies In the social sciences, no.
Lebedev, Valentin Aleksandrovich. H31.C7 no. 585 923.173 55-6181
ToHKocresHLie soHTH^ime OO"OJIOHEH. Toe.
-ZEeHnnrpafl, ROOP FAMILY Copy 2.
Englar, Herbert G 1881-
TepnajiaM, 1958.
169, A p. dlngrs. 22 cm. Genealogy of the Roop family; the descendants of Chris Besaon, Waldemar.
TH2416.L4 tian Roop, 1733-1810, traced down for five Die politische Terminologie des Prasidenten Franklin D.
59-19059 generations from
1733. Westminster, Md., Press of the Times Print. Co. Roosevelt eine Studie uber den
Zusammenhang von Sprache
t 19 i und Politik. Tubingen, Mohr C 1955]

MacNamee, John. 87 p. 23cm. r, 205 24 cm.

p. (TUblnger Studlen zur Geschlcate und Politlfc,
CS71.R779 58-52192 t
Analysis of symmetric cylindrical shells, its application to
civil engineering design.
London, H. M. Stationery Off., Rochester. Univ. Libr.
A 57-559
TG260.M17 55Ht836 WILLEM, 1825-1887
Burns, James MacGregor.
Roosevelt: the lion and the fox. lst ed.. New
Veer, Paul van 't t York,
Martingek, Gustav. Geen blad voor de mond; vijf radicalen uit de Harcourt, Brace t 1956,
negenti- 553 p. illus. 23cm.
Prizmaticke lomenice a valcovl gkrupiny. ende eeuw, geillustreerd met reprodukties van foto's schil- E807.B835
Bratislava, 923.173 56-7920 t
Tydavatel'stvo Slovenskej akademie vied, 1958. derijen en prenten. Amsterdam, Arbeiderspers, 1958.
174 p. 134 diagrs. 24 cm. (Slovensbd akadtoia vied. Prfice m '

Ufltavu stavebnlctva a archltektuir, zoSit 3) DJ219.A1V4 59-31971 t

TA4.S3824 no. 3 59-21353 Cameron, Turner Christian.
The political philosophy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
ROOS, JOHANN HEINRICH, 1631-1685 Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1952,
Pfliiger, Alf, 1912- (tUnlrerslty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich./ Publication no. 2026)
Elementare Schalenstatik. Microfilm AC-1 no. 2926

Mic 55-3032
2. erweiterte Aufl der Ein- Jedding, Hermann.
fuhrung in die Schalenstatik. Berlin, Springer, 1957. Der Tiermaler Joh. Heinr. Roos, 1631-1685.
112 p. illus. 24 cm. Strasbourg,
Librairie Heitz, 1955.
TH2416.P43 1957 24 on. Carlson, Earland Irving, 1925-
vil,384p. plates. (StudienzxirdeutschenKunstgeschichte,
Franklin D. Roosevelt's fight for the
ND588.R58J4 presidential nomina
58-26156 tion, 1928-1932. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms ^956,
Microfllms, Ann Arbor, Mich, Publication no. 15,190)
Rudiger, Dieter. .Uniyersity

Kreiszylinderschalen; ein Tabellenwerk zur Berechnung

kreiszylmdrischer Schalenkonstruktionen beliebiger Abmes- ROOSE, THORKILD, 1874-
sungen, von Dieter Rudiger cundj Joachim Urban. c Uber-
setzung ins Englische durch H. Straube^ Leipzig, B. G. Bjfrge, Vagn, 1904-
Thorkild Roose som teatrets kunstner.
Clauss,Max, 1901-
Teubner, 1955. K0benhavn, Nyt
J Der Weg nach
270 p. illus. 24cm. nordisk forlag, 1954. Jalta; Prasident Roosevelts Verantwor-
TH2416.R8 41 p. ports. 25cm. tung. Heidelberg, K. Vowinckel, 1952.
56-31313 J 276 p mus. 21 cm.
Minnesota. Univ. Ubr.
A 55-2159 E806.C58 55_15679 j
Spampinato, Agripino R
Teorfa y calculo de las bovedas cascaras cilindricas.
Buenos Aires Libreria y Editorial Alsina, 1953
280 p. illus. 24 cm, (Biblloteca
integral de dencia y t<5cnica-
moderafcima colecclon de obriu tecnlca. y dentfflcas) '
Roosevelt's road to Russia.
Chicago, H. Regnery Co.,
TH2416.S6 Economist Technologisch Instituut voor Noordbrabant. 1959.
57-23303 J
312 p. illus. 21cm.
karakteristiek van de
Sociaal^conomische gemeente E744.C845
**** Pr blematiek 59-13049 t
Tao, Ch'i-fc'an, 1911-
An investigation of continuous cylindrical shell roof struc 2v. tables. 82cm.
number of spans with different
tures of any HN520J159E3
types of loading
and boundary conditions. Ann Arbor, Universitv Micro Crownover, A
films C 1954, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the
primary campaigns of the
t T3ai7ersity Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 8423) ROOSEVELT, ELEANOR (ROOSEVELT) 1884- 19318congressional election. { Princeton 3 1955.
177 p. 29 cm.

Eaton, Jeanette. E806.C8 65_67896 j

The story of Eleanor Roosevelt. Illustrated with photos.
New York, Morrow, 1956.
Tetadaff,Woldemar. 251 p. illua. 22cm.
Die praktischen
Berechnungsverfahren fur tonnen- und
E807.1.R5 920.7 56_6740 t Cuevas Cancino, Francisco M
Schalen. 2., durchgwehene Aufl. Roosevelt y la buena vecindad. 1. ed.j Fondo
Berlin, Verlag Me"xwo,
tec^rtige de Cultura Econ6mica rl954,
14Sp. illus. *25cm, Roosevelt, Eleanor (Roosevelt) 1884- 551 p. 21cm.
TH2416.T4 1959 59-32958 J Onmyown. New E806.C83 56-23448 t
[Isted.^ York, Harper lt !958jJ
Hi, 241 p. illua, ports. 25cm.
E807.1.R424 920.7 57-8179

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN DELANO, PRES. U.S., Michels, F W Three Presidents and their books; the reading of: Jefferson
L Bahasa Indonesianja
Franklin Delano Roosevelt dila-
1882-1945 (Continued) c [by Arthur Bestor; Lincoln [bjj David C. Mearns;
kukan oleh Amal Hamzah. Djakarta] Djambatan C 1951j lin D. Roosevelt [byj Jonathan Daniels. Urbana, University
123 p. lllus. 20cm. (TJermin kehldupan, 7)
Dagan, Peretz, 1892- E807.M5 55-56782 J of Illinois Press, 1955.
Is, 129 p. 24 em. Fifth annual Windsor lectures)
cTel-Aviv, 1945] .p^X'S .1 ^K-fa .a^lim (

146 p. ports. 19 cm. E176.1.T4S 923.173 54-12305

E80T.D3 48-36765 rev* Naef, Bianca.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, a graphobiography, by Bianca Naef Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 1891-
and Rudolph S. Hearns. Reproductions of manuscripts, The art of politics, as practised by three great Americans :
their graphological elements and
analyses. New York, Kent Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Luis Munoz Marrn, and Fiorello
Dahms, HeBmuth Giinther, 1918- Associates r !955] H. La Guardia. c
lst ed.j Garden City, N. Y.. Doubleday,
Roosevelt und der Krieg; die Vorgeschichte von Pearl unpaged, port, facalms. 25cm. 1958.
Harbor. Miinchen, R. Oldenbourg [1958] E807.N24 923.173 55-7146 295 p. 22cm.
95, [1] p. 19 cm. ( Janus-Biicher ; Berlchte zur Weltgeschlchte, JF2051.T8 329 58-12056 t
Bd. 8)
E806.D3 59-19552 OUivier, Georges, 1898-
Franklin Roosevelt, ITiomme de Yalta. Tugwell, Rexford GUF, 1891-
Paris, Diffusion:
The democratic Roosevelt; a biography of Franklin D.
Librairie franchise [1955]
Einandi, Mario, 1904- Roosevelt. c lst ed.j Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1957.
246 p. 19cm.
The Roosevelt revolution, c lst ed.] New York, Harcourt, E806.05 55-43366 t
712 p. lllus , ports. 25 cm.
Brace [1959]
r 1959i E807.T76 923.173 57-7290
872p. 22cm.
E806.E5 973.917 59-7535 1
Perkins, Dexter, 1889-
Waller, George Macgregor, 1919- ed.
The new age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1932-45. [Chicago] Pearl Harbor Roosevelt and the coming of the war.
: Bos
Flynn, John Thomas, 1883- University of Chicago Press [1957}
ton, Heath 1953j
The Roosevelt myth. Rev. ed. New York, Devin-Adair 193 p. 21 cm. (The Chicago history of American civilization) t
112 p. 24 cm. (Problems In American civilization ; readings
E806.P465 973.917 56-11263 t selected by the Department of American Studies, Amherst College)
Co., 1956.
465 p. lllus. 21cm. E806.W22 973.917 53-1342 rev
E807.F59 1956 973.917 56-59122 t

Perkins, Frances, 1882-

Roosevelt (The Roosevelt I knew) Traduction de Jacques Wartenweiler, Fritz, 1889-
Fusfeld, Daniel Roland, 1922- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1882-1945. Ich werde damit
Vallette et Marie Bonnet. Paris, Livre du jour r !947]
The economic thought of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 424 p. Umschlagbild von Marthe Keller-Eaefer.
ports 23 cm. fertig \\erden.
origins of the New Deal. New York, Columbia University E807.P413 923.173 57-i6l79 Olten, Hauenstein-Verlag 1957]
Press, 1956 t l954] 87 p. 2lcm.
337 p. 24 cm. Columbia studies In the social
( sciences, no. 586) E807.W33 57-46182 t
H31.C7 no. 586 330.973 55-9065
Ragland, James Franklin.
Franklin D. Roosevelt and public opinion, 1933-1940.
Fusfeld, Daniel Roland, 1922- Arm Arbor, University Microfilms 1957j Water, Hendrik J de.

Roots of the New Deal ; the economic thought of Franklin ([University Microfilms, Ann
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Met bandtekening en illustra-
Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 23,226)
AC-1 ties van F. Wijnand. Hoorn, U.-M. "West-Friesland" r !955]
D. Roosevelt to 1932. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms Microfilm no. 23,226 Mic 57-4159
155 p. 21 cm.
illus. ( Klimop-reeks, no. 7)
1954] E807.W35 57-20308
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication 8621)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 6621 Mic 55-3411 Range, Wfflard, 1910-
Franklin D. Roosevelt's world order. Athens, University
Whitehead, Donald F 1919-
Gerberding, William P 1929- of Georgia Press [1959]
219 p 25 cm. The making of foreign policy during President
Franklin D. Roosevelt's conception of the Soviet Union xili,

in world politics. Chicago Dept. of Photoduplication, Uni E806.R2G 973.917 59-15539 first [Chicago, Library, Dept. of Photo
term, 1933-37.

graphic Reproduction, University of Chicago, 1951?]

versity of Chicago LibrarV] 1959.
Microfilm 6142 E Mic 59-7420 t
Microfilm 4375 E Mic 59-7223
Chicago. Univ. Llbr.
Reenen, Gijsbertus van.
De staatkundige en staatsrechterlijke sic, betekenis van c

President F. D. Roosevelt. Leiden, Gebroeders Van der

Wilson, John Fletcher, 1923-
Greer,Thomas H Hoek [1948,
An analysis of the criticism of selected speeches by Frank
What Roosevelt lin D. Roosevelt Ann Arbor,
thought; the social and political ideas of 245, [I, p. 24cm. University Microfilms r !955,
^University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no 14 786)
Franklin D. Roosevelt. cEast Lansing] Michigan State Uni E807.R37 49-17099 rev*
Copy 2. Without thesis statement and "Stellingen."
Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,786 Mic 55-1801
versity Press, 1958.
rv,244p. 24cm.
E807.G7 973.917 57-12521
Robinson, Edgar Eugene, 1887-
The Roosevelt leadership, 1933-1945. t
lst ed., Philadel DRAMA
Hassett, William D
1880- phia, Lippincott [1955j
Off the record with F. D. R., 1942-1945. With an introd. 491 p. 22cm. Schary, Dore.
E806.R722 973.917 54-10698 Sunrise at Campobello; a play in three acts. New York]
by Jonathan Daniels. New Brunswick, N. J., Rutgers Uni t

versity Press, 1958. SOL 29cm.
60, 49,
366 p. lllus. 25cm.
923.173 58-10832 rev PS3537.C253S8 812.5 58-19715
E807.H34 J Robinson, George William, 1926-
Right of Roosevelt: negativism and the New Deal, 1933-
1937. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t !956]
Hoffmann, Alexander von, 1924- ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.j Publication no. 17,340)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 17,340 Mic 56-3887 Schary, Dore.
Prasident Roosevelt und die amerikanischen Gewerfc-
schaften im Jahre 1936. Gottingen, 1953.
Sunrise at Campobello; a play in three acts. New York.
Random House !9S8]
Iv, 196 L 30cm. r
109 21cm. ( A Eandom House play)
p. illus.
HD6508.H64 56-57948
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Pres. U. &, 1882-1945. PS3537.C253S8 1958 812.5 58-7672 t
The Roosevelt reader; selected speeches, messages, press
Josephson, Emanuel Mann, 1895- conferences, and letters of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Edited
The strange death of Franklin D. Roosevelt; history of
and with an introd, by Basil Rauch. New York, Rinehart FICTION
the Roosevelt-Delano dynasty, America's royal family. t New t 1957,
391 p. 21 cm.
and rev. ed. 3 New York, Chedney Press t 1959] Hickok, Lorena A
283 p. illus. 22 cm. ["Blacked out" American history series]
E742.5.R65 973.91T 57-3088 t
The story of Franklin D. Roosevelt Illustrated by Leon
E807.J65 1959 923.173 59-2419 J
ard Vosburgb, New York, Grosset ft Dnnlap t 1956]
177 p. Illus. 22cm. (Signature books, 39)
PZ7JB[5S15St 56-10729 t
McClelland, Robert Crawford. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Pres. U. S., 1882-1945.
President Roosevelt's recognition of the Soviet Union, Selected speeches, messages, press conferences, and letters.
November, 1933. [Norfolk, College of William and Mary Edited with an introd. by Basil Rauch, New York, Kne-
and Virginia Polytechnic Institute] 1956. hart [1957]
29 1. 29 cm. ([College of William and Mary-V. P. L] general 391 p. 19cm. (Blnebart editions, 88) ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, PRES. U.S., 1858-
publications series) E807JS6483 928.173 56-12049 t 1919
A 57-9034
Virginia. State Library

Beale, Howard Kennedy, 1899-

Mackenzie, Sir Compton, 1883- Theodore Roosevelt and the rise of America to world
power. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1956.
Roosevelt, James, 1907- 600 p. 23 cm. (The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic history,
36 1947]
Affectionately, F. D. R.; a son's story of a lonely man, by 1953)
297 p. James Roosevelt and Sidney Shalett New York, E757JB4 973.911 56-10255 J
port 18 cm, t lst ed,]

Translation of Mr. Roosevelt Harcourt, Brace [1959 :

394p. lllus. 23cm.
E807JR657 923.173 59-10248 J
1. Booeevelt, Franklin Delano, Pres. U. S., 1882-1945. Brooks, Chester L
Title romanized: Lo-ssQ-fu tsung t'ung chuan, Theodore Roosevelt and the Dakota Badlands, by Chester
FM name: Sir Anthony Edward Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, 1917-
L. Brooks and Ray H. Mattison. Washington, National
Montagu Compton Mackenzie. Park Service, 1958.
The age of Roosevelt. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1957-
6Q P. lllus., ports., maps, facsims. 24 cm.
C 58-7613 E757.B86 078.4 58-60504
E806.S34 973.917
Hoover Institution

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, PRES. U.S., Putnam, Carleton, 1901-

New A Theodore Roosevelt round-up, a biographical sketch by
Theodore Roosevelt, a biography. York,. Scribner,
1858-1919 (Continued) Hermann Hagedorn, together with selections from his writ
v. Illus., porta., maps. 24 cm. ings and speeches, views of his contemporaries, and cartoons
Clarke, Charles F 1883- 928.173 58-6735 of the period. Compiled and edited by Sidney Wallach.
Theodore Roosevelt and the great adventure. t DesMoines, New York, Published and distributed by the Theodore
Roosevelt Association for the Theodore Roosevelt Centen
251 p. 28cm.
nial Commission, 1958.
E757.C58 923.173 59-2301 Roosevelt, Theodore, Pres. U. S., 1858-1919. 184 p. illus. 18cm.
Autobiography. Condensed from the original ed., supple A 59-855
mented by letters, speeches, and other writings, and edited Mount Holyoke Coll. Library
with an introd. by Wayne Andrews. Centennial ed. New
Outright, Paul Russell, 1897- York, Scribner C 1958]
Theodore Roosevelt, the naturalist. Foreword by Fairfield U. S. Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission.
ad, 372 p. 22cm.
Osborn. t lst ed.. New York, Harper t 1956 T E757.R794 923.173 68-11634 A compilation onthe life and career of Theodore Roose
297 p. Illus. 22cm. velt, relating to the celebration in 1958 of the hundredth
QH31.R72C8 923.173 56-6914 J anniversary of his birth. Washington, U. S. Govt Print
Off., 1958.
Roosevelt, Theodore, Pres. U. 3., 1858-1919. x, 49 p. Illus. 24 cm. (85th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Document
no. 82)
The Theodore Roosevelt treasury a self-portrait from his ;

Johnston, William Davison. E757.U53 923.173

writings Compiled and with an introd. by Hermann Hage- 58-60719
T. R., champion, of the strenuous a photographic
life; dorn. Ne\v York, Putnam [1957]
biography of Theodore Roosevelt. New York, Farrar, 342 p poit. Uo cm.
Straus and Cudahy 1958, U. S. Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission.
r E660.R885 923.173 57-11713
141 p. lilus. 2Tcm. Report relating to a celebration in 1958 of the hundredth
E757.J6 923.173 58-14286 % anniversary of the birth of Theodore Roosevelt, made pur
suant to Public law 183, of the Eighty-fourth Congress.

Sadler, David Francis. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1956.

ill, 12 p. illus. 24 cm. (84th Cong., 2d sesa. Senate. Docu
Lorant, Stefan, 1901- Theodore Roosevelt: a symbol to Americans, 1898-1912. ment no. 102)
The life and times of Theodore Roosevelt [1st ed.. Gar Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1955 3 E757.U54 923.173 56-60917
den City, N. Y., Doubleday [1959, ( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 13,366)
640 p. illus., ports facslms. 28cm.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,366 Mic 55-533
E757.L85 923.173 58-10732 BIBLIOGRAPHY
American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Sellen, Robert Walker, 1930- Theodore Roosevelt, man of letters,- a centennial exhibi

Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson as "world poli tion of books, manuscripts and related
Mowry, George Edwin, 1909- literary material ' De
The era of Theodore Roosevelt, 1900-1912. rlst ed., New- ticians."Chicago [Dept. of Photoduplication, University of cember 6, 1957 to January 6, 1958. c New
York, 1957, ]

Chicago Library] 1958. unpaged. 24' cm

York, Harper [195&
830 p. lUus. 222 em. (The New American Nation
Microfilm 5831 E Mic 58-6996 t Z8767.3.A5 58-8563
Chicago. Univ. Llbr.
E756.M85 973.911

Murray, James Edward, 1876-
U. S. Office of Armed Faroes Information and Education.
Theodore Roosevelt and the conservation Teddy Roosevelt (Washington, 1957?, Lorant, Stefan, 1901-
movement; ad 25 p. Illus. 21 cm.
dresses in the United States Senate, The life and times of Theodore Roosevelt, rlsted.. Gar
May 13 and March 4 E757.U49 923.173 57-61747 J
1958. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. den City, N. Y, Doubleday 1959]
Off., 1958. C
26 p. 24 cm. (85th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. 640 p. Illus., ports., facslms. 28 cm.
Document no. 121)
HC103.7.M8 58-61973 E757.LS5 923.173 58-10732
U. S. Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission.
Final report relating to a celebration of the hundreth
anniversary of the birth of Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1958,
New York (State) Bureau of Elementary Curriculum De pursuant to Public law 183, of the Eighty-fourth Congress.
velopment. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959. JUVENILE LITERATURE
lac, 219 p. Ulna 24 cm. (86th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Docu
Theodore Roosevelt centennial, October 27, 1957 to Octo ment no. 86)
ber 27, 1958 [prepared by the Bureaus of Elementary Cur E757.U534 923.173 59-62241 Thomas, Henry, 1886-
riculum Development and Secondary Curriculum Develop
Theodore Roosevelt. Illustrated by Albert Orbaan, New
ment) Albany, 1957.
[8j p. Illus 28 cm. York, Putnam 1959! r

Wagenknecht, Edward Charles, 1900- 128 p.

New York.
A 59-4980 t The seven worlds of Theodore Roosevelt. lst ed.] New E757.T46
illus. 2lcm. (Lives to remember)
State LIbr c 923.173 59-3609 t
York, Longmans, Green, 1958.
xvll,825p, port. 22cm.
E757.W14 923.173 58-12762
New York (State) Dept. of Commerce. PORTRAITS
Theodore Roosevelt in New York State;
places in the Em
pire State associated with the 26th President which may be Weilenmann, Alex, 1926- Johnston, William Davison.
visited by the public. Albany, 1958. Theodore Roosevelt und die T. R., champion of the strenuous
14 L 28cm. Aussenpolitik der Vereinigten life; a photographic
Staaten von Amerika, eine
E757.2.N54 923.173 58-9643 A A Untersuchung von Roosevelts biography of Theodore Roosevelt. New York, Farrar,
t aussenpolitischer Konzeption als Beitrag zum Verstandnis Straus and Cudahy r!958i
New York. State Libr.
der amenkanischen 141 p. illus, 27cm.
Aussenpolitik. Zurich, Europa Verlag,
E757.J6 923.173 58-14286 J
I39p. 21cm.
E756.W4 56-16534
Peirce, Clyde, 1900-
The Roosevelt Panama libel cases; a factual
study of a
controversial episode in the career of
Father of the Panama Canal.
Teddy Roosevelt,
Williams, Cleveland 1921- A
wich Book Publishers C 1559,
: lst ed.. York, Green Theodore Roosevelt: Civil Service commissioner. ,Chi- ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, 1887-1944
150 p. 21cm. cago Library Dept. of Photographic Reproduction, Univer
E756.P4 973.911 sity of Chicago, 1955 1 3 Roosevelt, Eleanor Butler (Alexander)
59-12546 J
Microfilm 4790 E 56-6217 M^ Day before yesterday; the reminiscences of Mrs. Theodore
Roosevelt, Jr. t lst ecL 3 Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday
478 p. Illus. 25cm.
Pringle, Henry Fowles, 1897- Zwierlein, Frederick James, 1881- E748JR68R6 920.7 59-8270 t
Theodore Roosevelt, a biography. t
Rev New York,
TTaiwviiT+ "Rrvnrta _eiOK
arcourt, Brace !956i i
435 p. 19cm. (A Harveat boofe, 1
E757.P967 923.173 56-13739 Ul. 802 p. 24cm,
Josephson, Emanuel Mann, 1895-
The strange death of Franklin D.
Roosevelt; history of
Pringle, Henry Fowles, 1897- the Roosevelt-Delano
ANNIVERSARIES, ETC. dynasty, America's royal family. t New
andrev. ed.j New York, Press
Chedney C 1959,
Cuba. Common Organisadora del Oentenario del Nawmiento _ 283 ? illus 22 cm. "Blacked out" American history eerleaj

de Teodoro Roosevelt. E807.J65 1959 923.173 59-2419 J

Teodoro Roosevelt, homenaie en el centenario de su nata-
licio. Habana,1958.
15ft p. ports,, facalm. 24 cm.
E757.C92 59-34851

Roosevelt, James, 1907-

Guerra y Sanchez, Ramiro, 1880-
1. Booeerelt, Theodore, Pre. U. 8 18S8-119. Affectionately, F. D. R. ; a son's story of a lonely man, by
Teodoro Roosevelt: 27 octubre 1858-6 enero 1919: un James Roosevelt and Sidney Shalett [1st
ed., New York,
Title roaumtied: Hal-ao-f Lo-Mfi-fa chuan.
Bough Rider que Iuch6 por Cuba libre. Habana, Editorial Harcourt, Brace 1959j
E757.P9672 C 58-7630 Lex, 1958. mp. Ulna. 28cm.
173 p. lllua. 25 cm. E807.R657 923.173 59-10248 t
E757.G88 59-34849 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROOSEVELT FAMILY (Continued) ROOT -ROT Nederlandsch Genootschap voor Landbouwwetenschap.

De plantenwortel in de landbouw; voordrachten, ge-
DRAMA see also Fusarium orthoceras
houden op de A-cursus van 14-16 September 1954, uitgaande
van het Nederlands Genootschap voor Landbouwweten-
schapp, het Nederlands Instituut van Landbouwkundig In-
Senary, Dore. Burke, Douglas Winston, 1920-
Sunrise at Campobello; a play in three bean genieurs, het Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij en Yoedsel-
acts. New York! Soil raicroflora relationships in the development of
voorziening en de Landbouwhogeschool.
1957. root rot in Columbia Basin soils. Ann Arbor, University Ministerie van Landbouw, Visserij en Voedselvoorziening
60,49,301. 29cm. Microfilms 1955] C

PS3537.C253S8 58-19715 ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich,] Publication no. 14,225) t !955]
204 p. Illus. 24 cm.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,225 Mic 55-1442
Washington State Coll., Pullman. Library

Schary, Dore. Nieman, Richard H 1922-

Sunrise at Campobello; a play in three acts. New The
York, Echandi, Eddie, 1926- influence of salt on respiration in roots of the garden
Random House !958]
Pectolytic enzymes in relation to parasitism of certain soft pea. Cuicugo [Library, Dept. of Photographic Reproduc
21cm. (A Random House play)
109 p. illus.

PS3537.C253S8 1958 rotting bacterial and fungus plant pathogens, Ann Arbor, tion, University of Chicago] 1955.
812.5 58-7672 J
University Microfilms C 1956] Microfilm 4596 QK Mic 57-5504
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 14,691)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,691 Mic 56-963
"Wisconsin. Univ. Libr. Taranovskaia, Mariia Grigor'evna.
Kanfmann, Maurice John, 1929- BO cejitxos. JIHT-PH, 1957.
U. S. Treaties,1958- etc.,(Eisenhower) Eoot and stem rot of soybean caused by Phytophthora 215 p. illus. 20 cm.
Relocation of Roosevelt Bridge. Agreement between the sojoe n. sp. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms QK644.T3 59-41189
t 1957j
United States of America and Canada, effected by exchange ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mica.] Publication no. 23,343)
of notes, signed at Washington October 24, 1956. [Wash Microfilm AC-1 no. 23,343 Mic 57-3867
ington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1956 3 Illinois. Univ. Library Troughton, Arthur.
S p. 24 cm. (Treaties and other international acts series, 3668) The underground organs of herbage grasses, jFarnham
JX235.9.A32 no. 3668 56-63836 Eoyal, Bucks, Eng.j Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau
OstazesM, Stanley Anthony, 1926-
The initial symptoms of red clover root rot; associated 11957,
ii, 163 p. Illus., tables. 26 cm. (Commonwealth Bureau of Pas
fungi, and the effect of inoculation methods on their patho- tures and Field Crops, Hurley [Eng., (Berkshire) Bulletin no. 44)
genicity. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1957j A59-S53
ROOSEVELT LIBRARY, HYDE PARK, N. Y. ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mien.,
Publication no. 23,367) Arizona. Univ. Llbr.
see Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Microfilm AC-1 no. 23,367 Mic 57-3870
Illinois. Univ. Library
Weber, Hans, Oct. 6. 1911-
Park, N. Y.
Wurzelstudien an tropischen Pflanzen. Mainz, Verlag
ROOT-ROT OF PEAS see Aphanomyces der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; in
ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FOREST, COLORADO Kommission bei F. Steiner, Wiesbaden !955- t

v. Illus 26cm. (Akademie der Wissenschaftemmd der Lite

ratur. Abhandlungen der Mathemattsch-Naturwlssenschaftlichen
MAPS ROOT-TUBERCLES Klasse, Jahrg. 1954, Nr. 6
Q49.M22 1954, Nr. 6, etc.
see also Micro-organisms, Nitrogen-
U. S. Forest Service.
Roosevelt National Forest, Colorado. Compiled 1955 at
fixing; Nitrogen Fixation
Denver, Colo. Washington ? 1955.
r ,
Wilson, Shirley Lane, 1918-
coL map 63x57 cm,
G4311.K9R6 1955.U5
ROOTS (BOTANY) Root illumination in relation to photoperiodic flowering
Map 55-1098 Ann Arbor,
responses. University Microfilms t !954j
((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 9165)
see also Root-crops
ROOSEVELT NATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK see Microfilm AC-1 no. 9165 Mic A 54-2225
Illinois. Univ. Llbr.
Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park
Bussen, Margrit, 1923-
Untersuchungen uber die Bewurzelung der Keimpflanzei
ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY, CHICAGO im Verwandtschaftskreis der Monocotylen, Mainz, 1951.
181. 2 plates. 30cm.
STUDENTS QK644.B8 58-23771
Hurst, Fannie Mae, 1914-
The vegetative anatomy of the genus SmUax with particu
Paster, George Nicholas, 1915- Crider, Franklin Jacob, 1883- lar reference to the endodennis. Aim Arbor, University
Evaluation and analysis of student participation in out-of- from defoliation of
Root-growth stoppage resulting grass. Microfilms C 1956]
class activities at a city college. Chicago [library, Dept. of S. Govt Print Off.! 1955. Ann Arbor,
Washington U. t
( [University Microfilms, Mich.! Publication no. 14,403)
Photographic Reproduction, University of Chicago] 1952 23 p. illus. 24 cm. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Technical bulle Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,403 Mic 56-22
r i. e. 1957!
tin no. 1102) Purdue Univ. Library
Microfilm 5479 LB Mic 58-6358 J
S21A72 no. 1102 Agr 55-142
U. S Dept. of Agr. Libr. !AgS4Te no. 1102
Chicago. Univ LIbr.
Mozingo, Hugh Nelson.
Jacobs, Donald Glenn, 1930- Changes in the three dimensional shape during growth
The electrochemical behavior of excised pea roots. Ann and division of living epidermal cells in the apical meristem
Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms [1958] of PKLeum praiense roots. r n- P- 5 1951]
BIBLIOGRAPHY Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-1707 Mic 58-1707 t495j-511 p. diagrs., tables. 27 cm.
Illinois. Univ. Library QK725.M78 A 55-6548
Columbia Univ. Libraries
Lnndqvist, Maja.
Bibliographia Roosvaliana; fullstandig fortedbiing over Joachim, Hans Friedrich.
professor Johnny Roosvals tryckta skrifter, 1897-1954 Untersuchungen fiber die Wurzelausbildung der Pappel
Stockholm [Nordisk rotogravyrj 1954. und die Standortsanspruche von Pappelsorten,
79 p 23 cm.
Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften zu
55-3996 A Berlin [1953] Garrett, Stephen Denis,
Minnesota. Univ. Llbr.
208 p. illus. 25 cm. (Wlssenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Bd. 7) Biology of root-infecting fungi. Cambridge l .j Uni
A 55-392 versity Press, 1956.
Washington (State) Univ. xi,292p. 22 on,
ROOT, ELIHU, 1845-1937 Library
A 58-4808
Davis, Jack, 1930- New York Univ. Libraries QB145
The Latin American policy of Elihu Root Ann Arbor, Kandler, Otto, 1920-
University Microfilms [1957: Entwicklungs- und stoffwechselphysiologische Untersu
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.j
, Publication no. 19,812) chungen an pflanzlichen Organ- und Gewebekulturen, aus
Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,812 Mic 57-554 Palti,J
den botanischen Staatsanstalten Munchen. Munchen, 1949.
Illinois. Univ. Library 107, [5] L mounted Illns,, mounted dlagrs. 31 cm.
A'airtn .limn j nsnjo .731 mv ^rp cnwn ^

QTC720.K3 56-46144 tTei Avir, 1948. Jt*n "rr

87, vU p. illus. 22 on.
SB605.P3P3 56-C6481
Eohnlein, Johannes, 1898-
ROOT -CROPS Ernterucfcstande und Wurzelbild; Menge und Nahrstoff-
gehalt der auf dem Acker verbleibenden Beste der wich-
Agapov, S tigsten Kulturpflanzen, von Johannes Kohnlein und Heinz ROOTS OF EQUATIONS see Equations, Roots
OrcaoBtie Mocrsa, Toe, KSA-BO ceatxos. Vetter. Hamburg, P. Parey, 1953. of
JCIT-PH, 1954.
188 p. illus. 28cm.
283 p. Ulna. 21cm, S603JK63 55-42852 J
SB209.A34 55-43165 J
Margot, Louis. Ibert, Jacques, 1890-
Becherches cyto-histo-physiologiques sur lee racines du Notice sur la vie et les.travauz de Guy Bopartz (1864-
Lens culinaris Med., tradtees par Pacide tf-indolyl-ac&ique
1955) par Jacques Ibert, lue a Toccasion de son installation
Schoth, Harry August, 1891- et 1'hydrazide maleique. Lausanne, Soci&6 vaudoise des comme membre de la Section de composition musicale, seance
Root crop production for livestock. [Washington, U. S. sciences naturelles, 1956. du mercredi 6 Juin
278-850 p. lllus. 24 cm. (Memoir* d* la SodA vaudotoe del
1956. Paris, Typ. de Firmin-Bidot, 1956.
Govt Print Off., 1957, 10 p. 28cm.
8 28 cm. (U. sciences naturellee, v. 11, fasc. 6 (no 72) )
p. Ulns. S. Dept of Agriculture. Leaflet no. 410) ML410.R686 1 2
[S21.A483 no. 410] Agr 57-112 [Q67JL33 vol. 11, fasc. 6] A 58-1638 58-45105 J
U.S. Dept of Agr. LIbr. no. 410 Ohio State Univ. Llbr.

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

HOPS, FELICIEN VICTOR JOSEPH, 1833.-1898 Ames, Louise (Bates)

ROPARTZ, JOSEPH GUY MARIE, 1864-1955 Adolescent Rorschach responses; developmental trends
(Continued) Pie*rard, Louis, 1886-1951.
from ten to sixteen years [byj Louise Bates Ames, Ruth W.
Mini- M&raux and] Richard N. Walker. New York, P. B.
Felicien Rops. Anvers, Edit6 par De Sikkel pour le t c

Lamy, Fernand, 1881- Hoeber C 1959,

stere de 1'instruction publique C 1952, "1949] 313 p. 24cm.
J. Guy ' Ropartz, I'homme et rceuvre. Pans, Dunind, 1048. 15 p. 25 plates (1 col.) port. 25 cm. (Monographies de 1'art beige.
109 p. illus,, ports., facslm. 21 cm. BF724.A4 137.842 59-6148
ML410.R686L3 A 49-4845 rev*
Oregon. Untv Libr
Appleby, Lawrence, 1930-
ROQUEFORT, FRANCE see Roquefort sur The relationship of a Rorschach barrier typology to other
ROPE Soulzon, France
behavioral measures. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms
[University Microfilms, Aon Arbor, MIch.j Publication no. 10350)
see also Cables; Hemp; Knots and (

Microfilm AC-1 no. 19,350 Mic 56-5322

splices; Wire rope ROQUEFORT CHEESE Houston, Tex. Univ. Libraries

Bundesverband des Deutschen Seller-, Segel- und Netzma- Pourrat, Henri, 1887- Beier, Helen.
cher-Handwerks. L'aventure de Roquefort. Illus. de Yves Brayer, gravees
sur bois en couleurs par Gerard Angiolini. [Roquefort-sur-
Summary of responses to the Rorschach test of former
Denk stets daran: aufs Soil kommts anl Ein. technisches Soviet citizens. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., Air Re
Taschenbuch f iir die Kunden des Seller-, Netz-, und Segel- Soulzon] Societe anonyme des caves et des producteurs search and Development Command, Human Resources Re
macherhandwerks. Ulm, Aegis-Verlag, 1956] de Roquefort !955] t
search Institute, 1954.
108 p. dlagrs. 15cm. 235 p. Illus. (part col ) 24cm. *,.
A 59-3575 9 1. 27 cm. (tU. S| Human Resources Research Institute. Re
A 57-6484 [SF272.R6P
Illinois. Univ.
search digest no 5)
Georgia. lust of Tech. Library BF755.R8B4 54-63293 t

Grigor-ev, V V
Frederick Burness, 1918-
Cy^OBHe Hs^. 2., nepep. n
TaicejiajKHtie pafioTu; arjac.
Pourrat, Henri, 1887-

flon. A. H. IHjeTHHHiioft. YTBep^eno B KaiecxBe

Ilofl pefl.
Somerelationships between Rorschach responses and form
L'aventure de Roquefort. Paris, A. Michel t 1958i
ysteC. noco<5na p.xst Bucmnx siopexo^Htix yiiuum; n cpe^anx 259 p. illus. 19cm: or color choices. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t !956]
((University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 18,829)
cneijHajiMiiJtx y?e6. sase^eHHtt MiiHucrepcTBa jiopcicoro SF272.R6P6 58-42050
Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,829 Mic 56-5310
ijtoTa. JleuHHipaA, Mopcsoft TpaHcnopT, 1957. Purdue Univ. Library
195, (Ij p. illus. 23 xSO cm.
VM533.G65 1957 58-47291
ROQUEFORT SUR SOULZON, FRANCE Benveniste, Samuel J 1928-
Pourrat, Henri, 1887-
study of shading responses on the Rorschach ink-blot
Himmelfarb, David. L'aventure de Roquefort. Illus, de Yves Brayer, gravees test. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms 1956, t

The technology of cordage fibres and rope. n. p. 3 Textile ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MIch.j Publication no 16 503)
t sur bois en couleurs par Gerard Angiolini. [Roquefort-sur-
Book Publishers t !957j
870 p. Illus. 28cm. Soulzonj Societe anonyme des caves et des producteurs reunis
TS1785JI5 677.71 68-357 :
de Roquefort [1955]
235 p. illus. (part col.) 24cm.
[SF272.R6P ]
A 59-3575 Blum, Lucille (Hollander)
Himmelfarb, David.
Illinois. Univ. Library A Rorschach workbook, by Lucille Hollander Blum, Helen
The technology of cordage fibres and rope. London, L.
H. Davidson and Nina D. Fieldsteel, with the assistance of
C 3

Hill, 1957.
Louis Getoff. Foreword by Bruno Klopfer. New York, In
Pourrat, Henri, 1887-
370 p. illus. 22cm. ternational Universities Press t !954]
L'aventure de Roquefort. Paris, A. Michel C 1958]
TS1785.H5 1957a 677.71 58-24141 J 259 p. Illus. 19cm. lC6p. Illus. 22cm,
SF272.R6P6 58-42050 t
BF431.B026 137,8 54-14952 rev J

Kimber, John, 1905-

Colliery rope haulage and rope splicing. Illustrated by Bohm, Ewald Bernhard, 1903-
the author. London, Colliery Guardian Co. C 1952) ROQUES, MARIO LOUIS, 1875- Lehrbuch der.Rorschach-Psychodiagnostik f iir Psycholo-
195 p. Illus. 22cm. gen, Arzte und Padagogen. Mit 10 Hilfstafeln fur die
TN803.K55 622.67 55^-34325 J Institut universitaire roumain Charles l , Paris. er
Lokalisieruug in Mappe. 2., neubearb. und erweiterte Aufl.
Pour un cinquantenaire scientifique: Mario Roques et les Bern, H. Huber !957, 1951] t

Lebedev, Nikolai Nikolaevich. xriv, 441 p. illus., 10 plates (In portfolio) 25 cm.
Etudes roumaines. Paris, 1953. A 57-4804
222p. 25cm [BF431.B ]
Harvard TJnlv. Library
cKsa, Toe. HayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO MHEHcrepcxBa npoitiimji. PC609.I 5 56-31260 t
xosapoB mnpoKoro noxpefijteHHfl CCCP, 1954.
94 p. Illus. 22 cm. Bohm, Ewald Bernhard, 1903-
TS1785.L35 55-44281 ROQUETTE-PINTO, EDGARDO, 1884- A
textbook in Rorschach test diagnosis for psychologists,
physicians and teachers. Translated by Anne G. Beck and
Samuel J. Beck. New York, Grune & Stratton. 1958.
McCahnont, James Robert, 1904- Lins, Alvaro. 322 p. illus. 24cm.
Discurso de posse na Academia Brasileira, estudo sobre
Rope on the farm. [Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., BF431.B6273 137.842 55-6011 t
1959) Roquette-Pinto, sessao solene da Academia Brasileira de
16 p. illus. 24cm. (U.S. Dept of Agriculture. Farmers' bul Letras, na noite de 7 de julho de 1956. [Rio de Janeiro]
letin no. 2130)
Ministerio da Educagao e Cultura, Servigo de Documentacjk) Bruhn, Karl, 1894-
S21A6 no. 2130 631.3 Agr 59-114
U.S. Dept of Agr. Libr. !Ag84F no. 2130 C 1956j Blackflacksforso'k med barn och ungdom. Helsinfffors,
206 p. 25cm. 1953.
GN21.R6L5 57-25629 215 p. iiius. 24 cm. (Socletas Scientiarum Fenntca Commenta-
tlones humanarum litterarum, ra, i)
Pnertolas, E
Practica marinera t porj E. Pue"rtolas & F. Gim&iesr.
P9.F5 t!9,no.l A 57-5233
Barcelona, Editorial Reverie", 1956.
RORSCHACH, HERMANN, 1884-1922. Illinois. Library

216 p. Illus 23cm. PSYCHODIAGNOSTICS

VM851.P8 56-34018 J
Chambers, Guinevere Strickler, 1917-
Dr. Hermann Rorschach. An investigation of the validity of judgments based on
Psychodiagnostics. Bibliography.
New York, Grune & Stratton c
C 1954iJ "blind" Rorschach records. Ann Arbor, University Micro
64 p. 25cm.
films C 1954j
ROPE JUMPING see Rope skipping New York Univ. A 56-5218 ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.! Publication no. 9964)
Libraries Z5814 Microfilm AC-1 no. 9964 Mic A 54-3571
Pittsburgh. Univ. Llbr.

ROPE SKIPPING Cleveland, Sidney Earl, 1919-

The relationship between examiner anxiety and subjects'

Auernheimer, Arthur.
RORSCHACH, SWITZERLAND Rorschach scores. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms C 1951]
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 2388)
Spielturnen am Tau. Bonn, F. Dummler rl958i Microfilm AC-1 no. 2388 Mic A 51-132
40 p. Illus. 18cm. HISTORY Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Ohio State Univ.

A 59-2864
Rorschach, Switzerland. Heimatmuseum. Davidson, Kenneth Simon, 1924-
Eorschach; kleine Stadtgeschichte in alten Bildern. Ror Accuracy of self-appraisal and clinicians' interpretations
of Rorschach protocols. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms
schach, Druck: E. Lopfe-Benz il954]
31 p. Illus, 24cm. C1954,
Evans, Patricia Heajy, 1920- DQ851.R7R6 ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 8290)
58-20164 t
Jump rape rhymes, compiled and illustrated by Patricia Microfilm AC-1 no. 8290 Mic A 55-3398
Evans. San Francisco, Porpoise Bookshop, 1954. Michigan. Univ. Llbr.
2 p. illus. 14cm.
GK485.E9 796.21 55-66 J RORSCHACH TEST
Delay, Jean Paul Louis, 1907-
Adcock, C J The Rorschach and the epileptic personality (Le test de
Personality and physique; a Eorschach study of Maori
Rorschach et la personnalite e*pileptique) tbyj J. Delay tand
Nasmark, Anna Lisa. and Europeans tbyj C. J. Adcock [and othersj othersj Translation by Rita and Arthur L. Benton. With
Med hopprep Wellington,
oclx tunnband. ^^ Almqvist
Stockholm, * & N. Z., Dept of Psychology. Victoria University, 1958. an introd. by Arthur L. Benton and a commentary by Zyg-
85 p.
Illus. 21
98 p. Ulns. 21cm. (Victoria TJnlTMaHy of Wellington. Publlca-
tions in psychology, no. 12)
^^ munt A. PiotrowsM. New York, Logos Press, 1958.
xx, 265 p. tables. 22 cm. (A Logos publication In behavioral
Ohio State Unly. Ubr.
A 57-4180 BF432^3A3 136.49931 59-54198 t science)
RC373.D413 132.153 58-11009

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects
RORSCHACH TEST Kramer, George Harvey, 1924- Powers, William Thomas, 1923-
(Continued) f .

The influence of training and personality characteristics comparative analysis of deviant Rorschach response
of the examiner on Rorschach scores. Ann Arbor, Univer- Ann Arbor, University Microfilms C 1956]
De Vos, George. Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 15.102)
([University Microfilms,
A quantitative Rorschach assessment of maladjustment ([Unlverslt}- Microfilms,
Ann Arbor, Mich.j Publication no. 154293) Microfilm AC-l no. 15,102 Mic 56-258
and rigidity in acculturating Japanese Americans. Microfilm AC-1 no- 15,293 Mic 56-905 Pittsburgh Univ, Llbr
(In Genetic psychology monographs. Provincetown, Mass. 25 cm. Houston, Tex Uuiv Libraries
v. 52 (1955) p i51|-87)
LB1101.G4 vol.52 56-45
Ray, Joseph Bland.
The meaning of Rorschach white space responses, Ann
luhn, Roland.
Arbor, University Microfilms [1956]
Maskendeutungen im Rorschachschen Versuch. 2. verb.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mieh.j Publication
no. 14,018)
Drey-Fuchs, Christel. Aufl. Basel, New York, S. Karger, 1954. AC-1 no. 14,018 Mic 56-915
Der Fuchs-Borschacli-Test (Fu-Ro-Test) Einfuhrung in 156 p. 23 cm.
Oklahoma. Univ. Libr.
die Technik des Versuchs. Gottingen, Verlag fur Psycholo-
A 55-3684
Harvard Univ. Library
gie, C. J. Hogrefe t 1958]
65 p.. 24 cm.
BF431.D79 59-18627 Ritchie, James E
Ledwith, Nettie H Basic personality in Rakau. Wellington, Dept. of Psy
Rorschach responses of elementary school children; a
chology, Victoria University College, 1956.
normative study. [Pittsburgh] University of Pittsburgh 21 cm. (Victoria University College, Wel
Eeden, H van.
Press [1959]
187 p.
lington, N. Z.
dlagrs., tables.
DepL of Psychology. Publications in psychology, no. 8)
Rorschach-proef en de verbeeldingsphenomenologie Is, 185 p. illus., tables. 29 cm. BF432 M3R5 57-31393
van Jean-Paul Sartre. Nijmegen, Dekker & Van de Vegt, BF431.L4324 137.842 58-59653
82p. 24cm.
B2430.S34E4 55-19439 t
Leiman, Charles John, 1917-
Robbertse, P M
An Personality structure of socially adjusted and socially
investigation of the perception of movement on the
Ann maladjusted children, according to the Rorschach. test.
Eschenbach, Arthur E Rorschach ink-blots. Arbor, University Microfilms
American Psychological Association, 1955.
A review of some major Rorschach scoring categories and [1958,
Ann Publication no. 23,026)
20 p. 2(5 cm (Psychological monographs: general and applied,
(tUniversity Microfilms, Arbor, Mich., v. 69, no. 19 whole no 404)
hypothesized personality correlates, by Arthur Eschen .

Microfilm AC-1 no. 25,026 Mic 58-4739


BF1.P8 vol. 69, no. 19 136.7 56-13555 J

bach and Edgar F. B.orgatta. Maxwell Air Forc6 Base, Ala.,
Air Research and Development Command, Human Resources
Research Institute, 1953 t
i. e. 1954j
v, 41 p. 27 cm. ([U. S.j Human Resources Eesearch Institute.
Research memorandum DO. 19) Lely, Cornells, 1914- Rohrer, John Harrison, 1914-
BF431.E83 55-60212 De
toepassing van het psychodiagnostisch. onderzoek yol- The group-administered Rorschach as a research instru
gens Rorschach bij de geneeskundige keuring van het marine- ment: reliability and norms, by J. H. Rohrer and others. t

personeel. Leiden [1952] Washington] American Psychological Association, 1955. v.

Ewert, Otto Maximilian, 1928- 109, [S| p. dlagrs. 25 cm. 13 p 26 cm. (Psychological monographs : general and applied,
Methodenkritische Untersuchungen zum Rorschach-Test VB275.N4L4 55-59280 69, no. 8; whole no. 393)
auf korrelationsstatistischer Grundlage. tMainz? 1953?] BF1.P8 vol. 69, no. 8 137.8 55-14525
1541. Olagrs. 30cm. Copy 2. BF48LB673
BF431.E9 59-40601
Loosli-Usteri, Marguerite, 1893-
Manuel pratique du test de Rorschach. Paris, Hermann
Ross, Harvey L 1927-
Fleischer, Murray S rl958i
Differential Rorschach configurations of suicidal psychiat 218 p. tables. 24 cm. (Actualltes sclentifiques et industrielles, The sources and reliabilities of interpretations in Ror
126B) schach test analysis. Los Angeles, University of California,
ric patients; a psychological study of threatened, attempted, A 59-860
Q111A3 no. 1262 Library Photographic Service^ 1953.
and successful suicides. Ann Arbor, Mich,, University Brown Univ. Library Microfilm 4756 BF Mic 57-5250
Microfilms C 1958j
Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-2823 Mic 58-2823
Lundin, William H Salk, Lee, 1926- . .

Fowler, Raymond D 1930- Protective techniques and psychotherapy : examination

of The relationship of elaboration on the Rorschach inquiry
a therapy process through the use of the protective movement to continuance in psychotherapy. Ann Arbor, University
Psychopathology and social adequacy: a Rorschach de
Ann for Microfilms 1955i
velopmental study. Arbor, University Microfilms sequence and Rorschach technique. [New York] Society r

Ann Publication no. 11,352)

(tUniverstty Microfilms, Arbor, Mich.j
Projective Techniques and Rorschach Institute, 1951.
Mic A 55-830

([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.j Publication no. 20,957) 39 p. dlagrs., tables. 23 cm. ( Project! ve techniques monographs, Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,352
Michigan. TJnlv. Llbr.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,957 Mic 57-1793 no. 1)

Pennsylvania. State University. Library BF175.L8 137.8

Kahn, Samuel, 1898- Scales, Margaret Beron, 1925-

Rorschach resume; Rorschach ink blot personality test Miller, Hubert, 1923- A study of intellectual functioning in terms of Rorschach
Das Tierprozent im Rorschach'schen Formdeutversuch. location scores and free verbal expression. Aim Arbor, Uni
ing. t Ossining? N". Y., 1956]
63 p. 22cm. Zurich, 1953. versity Microfilms C 1955]
32 p. 22 cm. Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 11,468)
BF431.K35 137.8 56-526 t (tUniversity Microfilms,
BF431.M49 58-48147 Mic 55-118
Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,463

Schmeidler, Gertrude RaffeL

Kaplan, Bert, 1919- MiHer, Wilfred Theodore. Freshman Rorschachs and college performance tby3
study of Rorschach responses in four cultures.
Cam Perception of apparent depth as a function of illumination Gertrude Raffel Schmeidler, Marjory J. Nelson and Mar-
bridge, The Museum, 1954. intensity in the case of a relatively unstructured stimulus. jorie Bristol.
Ix 44 p 28cm. (Reports on the 6)
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1955] Genetic psychology monographs. Provincetown, Mass. 25 cm.
[E51.H337 vol. 42, no. 2] A 55-980 ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 14,016) T.
59 (195&) p. [Sj-43, tables)
Harvard Univ. Library Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,016 Mic 55-1329 LB110LG4 voL59
Oklahoma. Univ. Llbr.

Kijm, Jan Marie. Shipman, William Gibson, 1926-

Devarianten der intentionaliteit bij de Rorschach-test. The validity of the interpretation of scope and differentia
Barend Frederik, 1905- tion responses to the Rorschach, Ann Arbor, University
Nijmegen, Dekker & Van de Vegt, 1951.
150 p. tables. 24cm.
n Inleiding tot die Rorschach-inkvlefctoets, dear B. F. Nel Microfilms [1955]
BF43LK445 55-21008 en P. M. Robbertse. Amsterdam, Swets & Zeitlinger t !954] dUnlversity Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 11,836)
vill,119p. 20cm. Microfilm AC-1 no. 11,836 Mic 56-5201
A 65-6245 Pennsylvania. State University. Library
Harvard Univ. Library
King, Gerald F
A theoretical
and experimental consideration of the Ror
Small, Leonard, 1913-
schach human movement response. [WasMngtonj American Nunez, Kafael Borschach location and scoring manual. New York, Grrune
Psychological Association, 1958. El psicodiagn6stico de Rorschach aplicado a ninos; una
23 p. tables. -28 cm.
(Psychological monographs: general and &Stratton,1956.
contribuci6n al estudio de la personalidad. Mexico, 1954.
T.- 214 p. Illus, 29cm.
applied,72, no. 5 whole no.
T. ; 458)
BF1.P8 vol. 72, no. 5 137.8 58-3853 5p. illus. 23cm. BF431JS56 187.8 55-10398 t
Copy 2. BF481K47 BF721.N8 55-43367 }

Spaner, Fred E 1918-

Klingensmith, Stanley Wachter. Ogdon, Donald Potter, 1923- between some RorschacH
Rorschach relationships with, intelligence among familial An
analysis of the relationship
study of the effects of different methods of structuring determinants and subtest scores on the Wechsler-BeUevue
the Rorschach inquiry of determinant scores. Ann Arbor mental defectives. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t 1956] test

( [University Microfilms,
Ann Arbor, Mictuj Publication no. 14,866} adult scale. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms tl955j
University Microfilms [1956] Publication no. 18.821)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,966 Mic 56-912 dUnlversity Microfilms, Jinn Arbor, Mich.,
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 18^40)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,821 Mic5S-180T
Missouri. UnlT. Ubr.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,240 Mic 56-5330 Purdue Univ. library
Pittsburgh. Univ. Llbr.

Piotrowski, Zygnrant A L 1904- Spital, Charles.

Klopfer, Bruno. Prediction of emotional control in children with the Ror-
Perceptanalysis; a, fundamentally reworked, expanded,
Developments in the Rorschach technique cby: Bruno and systematized Rorschach method. New York, Macmil- achach test. Aim Arbor, University Microfilms t 1956,
Klopfer and others] Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y., World
t ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlcb, 3 Publication no. 16^00)
lan, 1957. AC-1
Book Co. c !954-56] 605 p illus 22 cm. Microfilm no. 15,800 Mic 5^-917
2 v: Illus. 23 cm. Joint University Libraries, NaahriHe
BF431JP492 137.8 57-5067 t
BF431.K52 137.8 54-8471 rev J

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

Cloriviere, Pierre Joseph Picot de, 1735-1820.

RORSCHACH TEST (Continued) ROSA, MARGARITO Vie intc'rieure de la Vierge. Les quinze mysteres du
Rosnire. Textes inedits presentes par Andre Rayez. Paris,
Tycko, Millicttit. Editions de 1'Onmte [1954J
Rorschach. responses as a function of exposure tune. Ann 199 p. 17cm.

Arbor, University Microfilms C 1957-| Rosa, Marco Antonio. A 55^667

( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 20.297) Tio Margarito, historia novelada folk!6rica. 2. ed. Te St. Mary's College, St. Marys, Kan. Llbr.

Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,297 Mic 57-1432 gucigalpa [Honduras] 1954.

184 p. 21cm.
57-18503 J Godefroid, Jean.
PQ7519.R65T5 1954
Catechese biblique du rosaire. Bruges, Apostolat li-
Van Metre, Dorothy Ackerman, 1928- 1

An turgique, Abbaye de Saint-Andre 1958. ,

investigation of the relationship between inkblot color 96 p. 24 cm.
. (Paroisse et Hturgle, collection de pastorale
and certain personality traits. Ann Arbor, University ROSA, MARIA CROCIFISSA DI, SAINT see llturgiqne, no 34)
Microfilms [1954] BX2163.G6
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch-i Publication no. 10,246) Maria Crocifissa di Rosa, Saint, 1813-1855 59-18628 J

Microfilm AC-1 no. 10,249 Mic A 54-3581

Iowa. Univ. Library Guardini, Romano, 1885-
ROSA, NOEL, 1910-1937 The rosary of Our Lady. Translated by H. von Schueck-
ing. New York, Kenedy !955j

94 p. Illus 20 cm.
Vayhinger, John Monroe. Pacheco, Jacy.
Noel Rosa e sua epoca. l. ed. 3 Rio de Janeiro, G. A. BX2163.G8 248 55-6637 t
Prediction from the Rorschach of behavior in a group t

situation. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [1956] Penna, 1955.

([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mlch-j Publication no. 16,912) 186 p. illus. 24cm.
Mic 56-2026 MX410.R695P3 55-56497 J Moffatt,John Edward, 1894-
Microfilm AC-1 no. 16,912
Ave Maria; thoughts on the mysteries of the holy rosary.
Milwaukae, Bruce Pub. Co. C 1957]
64 18cm.
Webb, Eugene J 1933- ROSA, SALVATORE, 1615-1673 p.
BX2163.M55 1957 248 57-543 J
Statistical selection of individuals
forming groups using
Rorschac-lv tests. Chicago [Library, Dept. of Photographic BIBLIOGRAPHY
Reproduction, University of Chicago] 1956.
Microfilm 5251 BF Mic 58-6278 Limentani, Uberto. Your way. Translated from the French by a sister of
Bibliografia della vita e delle opere di Salvator
Xotre Dume dc Nnmur. Milwaukee, Bruce Pub. Co. [1955]
[Firenzej Sansoni [1955! 78 17 cm,
Wysocki, Boleslaw A
79 p. port, facsims. 17 cm. ("Amor di llbro." Plccole mono- 248
BX2163.S333 56-968 t
Rorschach card preferences as a diagnostic aid. [Wash grafle blbllopraflche, 19)
Z8757.46.L5 56-47429
ington] American Psychological Association, 1956.
16 p.26 cm. (Psychological monographs: general and applied,
T. 70, no. 6 whole no. 418)
Shaw, James Gerard.
BF1.P8 vol. 70, no. 6 137.8 56-14060
Copy 2. , BF4SLW8 ROSACEAE The
175 p.
story of the rosary.
21 cm.
Milwaukee, Bruce [1954 3

BX2310.R7S47 247.9 54-9337 rev

see also Prunus virginiana; Sorbus ;

Reznik, Hans Heinrich, 1922- Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Dr. Hermann Rorschach. Psychodiagnostics, Histogenetische Untersuchungen an Bliitenachsen von Hail Mary, full of grace. Still River cMassj 1958.
New York, Grune & Stratton ^1954] Rosoideen, unter Berucksichtigung der Becherbildung bei 116 p. illus. 22cm.
04 p. L'5 cm. Calyoanthus, Ficus und Pints. [Heidelberg, 1950] BX2163.S6 248.3 58-14484
63 mounted 30 cm.
A 56-5218 1. illus.
New York Univ. Libraries Z5814 <QK653.R46
Ward, Maisie, 1889-
The rosary. New York, Sheed and Ward !957?]
ROS, AMANDA M'KITTRICK ROSADO FAMILY 98 p. 18cm. (Canterbury books)

BX2163.W32 264.02 57-4635

Rosado, Vingt-un, 1920-
Loudan, Jack. Alguns dados genealogicos sobre a familia Rosado.
rare Amanda! the life of Amand*. McKittrick Bos. Mossoro, Tip. e Papelaria "Globo," 1958.
London, Chatte & Windus, 1954j 29 p. 23cm. (Coteytto moesoroense Serie B (Folhetos) no. 41) MEDITATIONS
200 p. plates, ports. 20cm. CS309.R6 1958 59-37613 J
A 56-4631 Luff, S G A
Northwestern Univ. Library Silent bedes practical meditations for the mysteries of the

Rosary. [London] Longmans [1959]

fcOSAE CRUCIANS see Rosicrucians 98 p. 17cm. (Inner life series)
[BX2163] 242 59-4990 t

Saint, 1586-1617
HARBOR Wallace, W J
Meditations for five Saturdays devotion; spiritual reflec
ROSA OF LIMA, SAINT, 1586-1617 tions for public and private use. t lsted.] New York, Expo
CorbeUini, Enrique C
La concesion del puerto de Rosario y los honorarios por sition Prees [1955]
88 p. 21cm.
Roberto, Brother, 1927- consulta jurfdica. Buenos Aires [1950j 55-10307 %
223 p. 20cm. BX2163.W25 242
The girl who laughed at Satan; a story of St. Rose of
56-20555 t
Lima. Illus. by Elaine Smith. Notre Dame, Ind., Dujarie
Press [1956, POETRY
922.285 56-42846
Maynard, Theodore, 1890-
LITORAL. ESCUELA DE SALUBRIDAD The fifteen mysteries. Paterson, N. J., St Anthony Guild
Press, 1956.
66 p. illus. 23cm.
Vargas Ugarte, RuMn, 1886- Pandolfo, Pio, 1892- 56-26968 t
Vida de Santa, Rosa de Santa Maria. 2. ed.
PS3525.A9803F5 811.5
tLima, 1951] Cronicas de un estudiante.
222 p. lllna., ports. 17 on. Santa Fe, Republic* Argen
BX4700J16T3 1951 56-46403 tina, 1949.
83 p. 28 cm. (Univewldad Nadonal del Literal. Pacultad de
Hlgiene y Medidna Preventlva. Bucuela de Salobrldad. Publicadtfn
no. 15)
Tansey, Anne, ed.
The poets' rosary, anthology. St. Meinrad, Ind., Grail
RA440.7.R62P3 56-16354
Publications [1955]
ROSA, ENRICO, 1870-1938 195 p. 21cm.
BX2163.T3 248 55-9133 1
Fiocchi, Ambrogio M
P. Enrico Rosa a. L, scrittore deUa "CiviltA cattolica,'
1870-1938; il suo pensiero nelle controversie religiose e poll
tiche del suo tempo. Roma, Edizioni "La Civilta cattolica,'
1957. Bedier, Mary Juliana, Sitter, 1896- DE, 1793-1877
832 p. illus. 21cm.
Pray the Rosary. t Young Catholic Rosary book] Illus
BX4705.K718F5 59-18637 trated by Lois Maloy. St. Paul, Catechetical Guild Educa Arana, Enrique, 1883-
tional Society c '1954] Juan Manuel de Rosas en la historia argentina, creador y
46 p. illua. 20cm. (A GuUd-tert series) Beaten de la unidad nacional. [Buenos Aires, Institute Pan-
BX2163.B34 247.9 55-21713 J americano de Cultura, 1954]
3 v. Illus., ports, maps, coat of arms, facslms., geneaL table.

ROSA, JOAO GUIMARSES, 1908- GRANDE F2846.3.R7A7 55-43960 rev

SERTAO: VEREDAS Callan, Charles Jerome, 1877-
Spiritual riches of the Rosary mysteries, by Charles J.
Proenca,M CavakantL Callan and John F. McConnell. New Busaniche, Joee* Lois, 1892- ed.
York, J. F. Wagner
Trilhas no Grande sertao. Rio de Janeiro] Ministerio Rosas visto por sus contemporaneos. Buenos Aires, G.
c C1957J
da Educacao e 196 p. Ulna. 21cm, Kraft t 1955,
Cultura, Servigo de Doctunentacao C1958j
101 p. 20cm. (OsOaderaoedecaltara,114) BX2163.C32 248 58-1174 J 250 p. lllus. 21cm. (Oolecdon Odpola)
PQ9697J176G76 F2846.3.R7B8 56-15523 J
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROSAS, JUAN MANUEL JOs DOMINGO ORTIZ Perez, Luis, ft. 1830-1834.
Luis Perez y la biografia de Rosas escrita en verso en 1830 1861-1942
DE, 1793-1877 (Continued)
tpor] Ricardo Rodriguez Molas. Buenos Aires, Clio,
Rose, Mary (Tweedie-Stodart)
43 p. 22cm. Alexander Rose, geologist, and his grandson Robert Traill
PQ7797.P5128L8 58-23928 J
Capdevila, Arturo, 1889- Rose, artist Edinburgh, C. J. Cousland r 195-i
Nueva imagen de Juan Manuel Rosas. Buenos Aires
67 p. Illus., 19 on.

[Editorial Atlantidai 1956. QE22.R75R6 925.5 58-28552 J

150 p. 23cm. ROSAS DE TERRERO, MANUELA DE, 1817-
F2846.3.R7C3 57-43248 t 1898
ROSE see Roses
Dellepiane, Antonio, 1864-1939. Dellepiane, Antonio, 1864-1939.
Rosas; ordenamiento, notas y conclusion por Antonio De El testamento de Rosas. La hrja del dictador. Algunos ROSE CLOVER
llepiane Avellaneda. E Buenos Aires ?, Editorial Oberon documentos signifieativos. Notas y comentarios por Antonio
tl956j Dellepiane Avellaneda. Buenos Aires, Editorial Oberon
284 p.20cm Love, Robert Merton, 1909-
F2846.3.R7D4 57-16692 199 p. illus. 20 cm. Rose clover, a new winter legume cbyj R. Merton Love
F2846.3.R7D43 57-48961 t tandj Dorman C. Sumner. [Berkeley] College of Agricul
ture, University of California ,1952]
11 p. Illus., coL maps, 24 cm. (California Agricultural Experi
Dellepiane, Antonio, 1864-1939. ment Station [and California Agricultural] Extension Service. Cir
El testamento de Rosas. La hi] a del dictador. Algunos
S39.E25 no. 407
documentos significativos, Notas y comentarios por Antonio California. Univ. Libr.
Dellepiane Avellaneda. Buenos Aires, Editorial Oberon Rosebraugh, Wilson F 1899-
The Roseborough family. [Newark? Ohio, 1955]
199 p. Illus. 20 cm. Ul. map, geneal. tables, 20cm.
F2846.3.R7D43 57-48961 t
CS71.R795 1955 56-28141 ROSE -COLD see Hay -fever


Ezcurra Medrano, Alberto.
Las otras tablas de sangre. 2. ed. notablemente aumentada. Losada, Benito RauL Edwards, John Paul
Buenos Aires, Editorial HAZ [1952] eTuan German Roscio, How
147 p. 18cm.
1763-1821. Caracas, Ediciones de to grow roses, by John Paul Edwards and the edi
la "Fundacion Eugenio Mendoza," 1953. torial staffs of Sunset magazine and books. [1st ed. 3 Menlo
F2846.3.R7E9 1952 55-16319 t 60 p illus. 16cm (Bibllotecaescolar: "Coleccita de biograffas,"
no. 10) Park, Calif., Lane Pub. Co. (1965,
88 p. illus. 28cm. (A Sunset book)
F2324.R78L6 55-25770 J
Giovannoni, 6 Jose. SB411JE3 635.93337 55-11802 J
Historin del ilustre restaurador; cronologia federal t

ed.] Mendoza, 1954 c i. e. 1955]

395 p. 20 cm. ROSCOE, JOHN, 1861-1932. THE BAHIMA Flower grower.
F2846.3.R7G5 56-25320 t How you can grow beautiful roses. Ray Gill, editor.
Maksimov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1872- Greenwich, Conn., Fawcett Publications, 1959.
148 p. 24 cm. (A Fawcett how-to
IIoJiiaHflpi HI A$pHrf.
illus. book, 401)
L n, p., n. d.]
3 p. 26cm. SB41LF55 635.9333 59-9555 J
GN480.6.M3 55-468
Flower grower.
253 p. iy c
How you can grow beautiful roses. John R. Whiting,
F3095.P863 ROSCOMMON, MICH. editor. New York, Arco Pub. Co., C 1959.
148 p. illus. 25cm. (The Do-lt-yonrself series)
MAPS [SB411] 635.9333 59-16326 t
Printed for A. L. A,
Irazusta, Julio.
Las dificultades de la historia cientifica y El "Rosns" del
Dr. E. H. Celesia. Buenos Aires, Alpe 1955] C
Henning, George Dewey.
158 p. 20 cm. (Btblloteca de estudlos amertcanos. Serle menor) Westcott, Cynthia, 1898-
Village of Roscommon. Jan. 1, 1952. Roscommon, Mich,, 2d enL
F2846.3.R7C43 57-16677 t C
Anyone can grow roses; the plant doctor's book.
ed., Princeton, N. J., Van Nostrand [1956,
map 102 x 77 cm. 159 p. illus. 22cm.
G4114.R66 1952.H4 Map 53-473 SB41LW48 1956 635.93337 56-59237 t
Laferrere, Roberto de.
El nacionalismo de Rosas. Buenos Aires, Editorial Haz ROSCOMMON COUNTY, MICH. ROSE GROWING see Rose culture
C 1953i
136 p. 18cm. (OoleccIdn"NnestraUstorIa,"t2)
F2846.3.R7L3 55-17553 MAPS ROSE HAWS see Rose hips

McAlpine (W. S.) Map Company.

Levene, Ricardo, 1885- Map of Roscommon County, Michigan. ROSE HIPS
La anarquia de 1820 y la iniciacion de la vida pubHca de Birmingham, Mich.
Rosas. [2. ed. corr. y aumentadaj Buenos Aires, Union de col. maps 42 r 39 cm, fold, to 24 x 11 cm.
Balduf, Walter Valentine, 1889-
Editores Latinos rl954] G4113.R6 year.M2 Map 51-817 rev Obligatory and facultative insects in rose hips: their rec-
330 p fold, map, facaims. 21 cm. (ColeccWn hlst6rica amerl-
ognitioa and bionomics. Urbana, University of Illinois
F2861.L38 1954 55-57258 Press, 1959.
194 p. 26 cm.
ROSE, ALEXANDER, 1781-1860 Illus. (Illinois biological monographs, no. 26)
QL509.B3 595.7 58-6993 t
Ruiz Moreno, Isidore, 1876- Rose, Mary (Tweedie-Stodart)
En torno a Rosas y el revisionismo, por Isidoro Ruiz Alexander Rose, geologist, and his grandson Robert Traill
Rose, artist. Edinburgh, C. J. Cousland t !95-, Ignat'ev, B D
Moreno, Jos6 Antonio Ginzo tfj Lisandro de la Torre. munoBHEK n ero HcnoatsoBaHne. I!OA pe#. <X>. B. Ejepe-
Buenos Aires [Editorial, Bases, 1954!
87 p. 18cm. (Bases,!)
QE22.R75R6 925.5 58-28552 {
320 p. iflus. 21cm.
TX553.V5I35 57-42450 t
Soler Canas, Luis, 1918- Zakordonets', A I
San Martin, Rosas, y la falsification de la historia; las Subl Yuri, 1908- Kyjtrypa BHCOKOBrraiciaHux mmrmnH. KniB, BH^-BO
inexactitudes de Ricardo Rojas. Buenos Aires, Latitud 34,
Ernestine L. Rose and the battle for human rights. New AxaflCMu nay* Yip. PCP, 1953.
1951. York, Reynal [1959, Microfilm Slavic 446 AC Mic 55-3784
810 p. Illus. 22cm.
123 p. 20cm. (Colecd<5nLatitnd'S4,T.l)
HN57.S9 920.7 59-8324 t
ROSEBERRTES see Rose hips


McQuiston, Julian Raymer, 1926- Graham, Jane Kirkland.
Galvez, Manuel, 1882- George Rose and William Eden; a study in the relation Viola, the duchess of New Dorp; a biography of Viola
Y asl cay6 don Juan Manuel . . . (1850-1852) [Novel*. of party management to national economics. Arm Arbor, Roseboro'. rDanville? HL, 1955]
1. edo Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe Argentina rl954i University Microfilms t!954j 2T.Inl. Illu8.,ports. 28cm.
289 p. 18cm. (ColeccKJn austral, 12*) ([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 8726) PN4874J159G7 920.5 55-13808
PQ7797.G25Y2 55-56527 J Microfilm AC-1 no. 8726 Mic A 54-2025
Columbia Univ. Libraries
ROSEBOROUGH FAMILY see Rosbrugh. family
Masefield, John, 1878-
El poema Rosas de John Masefield; 1& leyenda del Rest
Rose, Leonard John, 1862-
L. J. Rose of Sunny Slope, 1827-1899, California, pioneer,
Vaughn, J W
aurador cantada por el poeta nacional de Inglaterra. With Crook at the Rosebud, t lst ed.j Harrisburg. P*-
fruit grower, wine maker, horse breeder. San Marino, Calif.,
StackpoleCo. I 1956
[Buenos Aires, Ediciones Peuser rl955i Huntington Library, 1959. 245 p, illus. 2$ cm,

186p. Illus. 24cm. 235 p. 24cm.

PR6025A77R66 E88.876.V3 973^2 56-11277 t
1955 56-80596 J CT276Jt7826R6 920 59-13180 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROSEBUSH FAMILY 1893-1946 Wesley, John.

ROSENBERG, ALFRED, The judgment of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. lst ed.j t

Now Yoi-k, Cameron & Kahn distributed by Cameron Asso ;

Rosebush, Waldo Emerson, 1889- Rosenberg, Alfred, 1893-1946.
The Rosier-Rosebush family with alUed families Burdick- ciates, 1955.
Letzte Aufzeichnungen Ideale und Idole der nationa ;
672 p. lllus. 23 cm.
Hubbard, Peckham, Sheldon, Perkins, Richmond, Finkle soEialistischen Revolution. Gottingen, Plesse Verlag 1955 C *364.13 351.74 55-2993 J
and others. : Appleton, Wis., Published 343 p Illus., ports 21 cm.
by Badger Print

A 56-571
mus ports " maps Duke Univ. Library
n?, *
CS71.R7985 1954
(part fol(L > facslms. 28 cm. FICTION
Scheer, Maxuuilian, 1896-
ROSEFISH Ethel unfd Julius, Roman eines Prozesses. Berlin
Motta, Giuseppe. Aufbau
Kelly, George F Gli eretici del bolscevismo. Siracusa, R. Mascali, 1946.
280 p/ 1 cm. ( Deutsche Volkeblbllothek)
84 22cm.
r.^F g^th the redfish (Sebastes f
marinus) in the HX40.M66
PT2638.E38E8 67_28 535
Gulf of 57-21240 J J
Maine, by George F. Kelly and Robert S. Wolf
Washington, U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1959
6 CBU (U S and Wildlife ' ' ^ ROSENBERG, BENJAMIN, 1918-1947
[SH11.A25 vol. 60, no. 156]
J ^^Q-^7
Int 59-87
TJ.S.Deptofthe i ate rlor. t n. p., 1947 ?j /a nsin,
Library c
281. lllus. 16x21 cm. MiUet, Martha, ed.
CT1919.P3R6 58-50937 J
ROSEGGER, PETER, 1843-1918
unpaged. 21cm.
Latzke, Rudolf.
Peter Rosegger, sein Leben und sein ROSENBERG, ERIK, 1902- PS595.H5M48 811.5
57-33258 J
Schaffen, nach den
Quellen dargestellt. Weimar, Bohlau, 1943-53
2v. port 24cm.
' Svenska naturskyddsforeningen.
PT2458.R4Z85 Pestskrift tillagnad Erik
49-35243 rev* Rosenberg pa 50-arsdagen, 17/8
1952. [Redaktor: Kai Curry-Lindalil, Stockholm r !952, ROSENBERG, ISRAEL, 1875-1956
109 p. lllus., col. plates, port 23 cm
ROSELINE, SAINT see Rosselina, Saint, 1263- Ezrath Torah, New York.
1329 QL673.S93 56-17631
rta HTDU nnin mrjn

._ _ riml ;n"jnn
ROSENBERG, ETHEL (GREENGLASS) 1916- .inT'BB "ry iDion wiwi nmn mrj;
1953 t
New York, 1956]
MAPS 124 p. ; 132 p. 24 cm.
A 58-4327
Desanti, Dominique. Hebrew Union College.
Price and Lee Company, inc.
ariS ' Editions
sociales, 1955.
inden, Roselle Park,
HX23.D4 KK mKQo
AA 55-10582
New Haven Harvard UnJv. Library Rand, Oscar Z ed.
maps 69 x 85 cm. or smaller, fold, to 23 x 11 cm. (Arrow map )
:ny:uj;mT ^n ^>-its "i tnpio .
,pn-> KU .min mrjn i^i i^t?
Goldfinger, E New
c York, 1949?]
ITO pxts 296, iH4>. port. 24 cm.
tWarszawaj 1953. ^ BM7553J55R3 57-54386
47 p. ports. 21 cm.
HX84.R6G6 58_ 51181
Price and Lee Company, inc. National Committee to Secure Justice in the
New map of Elizabeth, Hillside, Case. Rosenberg, James Naumburg, 1874-
Linden, Roselle Park,* Requete adressee a la Commission de justice du Senat des Painter's self-portrait. Edited with an introd.
and Roselle, N. J. by Milton
New Haven. Etats-Unis demandant 1'ouverture d'une S. Fox. New York, Crown
enquete sur les Publishers, 1958.
6x 65 cm. or smaller, fold, methodes employees par les Services de llu* (part mounted P rt
maps to 23x 11 cm. (Arrow map) PAttorney General XY-^? coM Prfr. 82 cm. :

0381^5 year.P7 dans le proces Rosenberg-Sobell. ND237.R72F6 759.13 58-11411

Association in-
Map 49^55 rer- ternationale des juristes d^mocrates, 1954?,
36 p 2lcm.
ROSELLL, PIETRO, 1808-1885
Goldfinger, E
Price, Frank James, 1917-
Morelli, Emilia. The Rosenberg case in four selected French and Italian
t^i pB ; ti

Tre profili Benedetto xrv, Pasquale Stanislao daily newspapers. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms [Warszawaj 1953. .T
Mancini, r 1956, 47 p. portfl. 21 cm.
1 Edizioni del
( Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 16,127)
162 p 25 c?' ^a l'Ateneo, 1955. ttJnlyerslty
McrofUmAC-1 no. 16,127
HX84.R6G6 58-51181
Mic 56-1167
' Iowa. Univ. Library
57-15189 J Committee to Secure Justice in the
CaT^ Rosenberg
ROSEMOND DE BEAUVALLON, JEAN Rosenberg, Ethel (Greenglass) 1916-1953. Requete adressde a la Commission de justice du Senat des
BAPTISTE DE BEAUPIN DE, b. 1823 ,DU-ir] .roim ^nxi DI^TI nDi nnon-n^D n^nsa Etats-Unis demandant 1'ouverture d'une
enquete sur les
t Tel-Aviv, 1953] j^n ,TmDn pis'pn nNxin t n j .D m&hodes employees par les Services de
1'Attorney General
197 p. 20 cm. dans le proces Rosenberg-Sobell.
Hastier, Louis, 1879- c Bruxelles, Association in-
Un duel romantique. 56-48569 ternntionale des juristes
democrates, 1954?,
oo p. 21 cm.
Sharp, Malcolm Pitman, 1897- 58-22856
[PQ1141.04 vol.345] Was justice done? The Rosenberg-Sobell

Northwestern Univ.
^ case. With an
Library introd. by Harold C.
Urey. New York, Price, Prank James, 1917-
Monthly Review The Rosenberg case in four
*ress, 1956. selected French and Italian
ROSEN, ERIK, 1910-
216 p. lllus. 22cm.
*364.13 351.74 56-10953 J
t&Wi^^ J

Rosen, Erik, 1910-

U. S. Congress. House. Committee on
^ Un-American
K^benhavn, Rosenkilde OR Bigger, ,
^anskkirurgiKina. Rosenberg, Ethel (Greenglass) 1916-1953.
100p. lllus. 21cm. Investigation of communist activities (the Committee to -

R542.R58A3 Secure Justice in the

Rosenberg Case and affiliates) Hear
ings before the Committee on Un-American Activities
House of Representatives,
Eighty-fourth Congress, first ses- HX84.R6A354
ROSEN, JOSEPH, 1858-1936 s 56-48569

Sharp, Malcolm Pitman, 1897-

Grossberg, Moshe. HX84.R6U5 W"" ""*'" J
anm /
>? The Rosenberg-SobeU
C. Urey. New
case. With an '

U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Ac- York, Monthly T
140 p.
t Jerusalem, 1958,
16, 24cm. ttvitzes. 216 p. lllus. 22cm.
BM755.R54G7 59_ 57060 Trial by treason, the National Committee to
Secure Justice

^^.srSfjss^? " ^W^.MM.

*364.13 351.74 56-10953
80 1-

' '

ROSENBERG, ALEXANDER, 1896- HX84.R6A516 335.4 r

ongre88 ' Hou8e
56-62142 -
Committee on Un-American

KUusner, Joseph, 1874- ed. Varlin, Catherine, ed. Investigation of communist activities (the Committee to
rrtorn TTM^K Y'i man Le chant interrompu: histoire des becure Justice in the
Rosenberg Case and affiliates) Hear-
xon Rosenberg. Textes de
, reunm et pr&ent& par Catherine Varim
. .
ings before the Committee on Un-American
eJ Activities,
86 Kepl e8entativeB Ei gtty-fourth
Congress, first ses-
268 p. lung. 22 cm. sion
300 p. ports. 21c
U Hi^Reur
2257 ' 75 " 111U8 - ^^ '


Library of Congress Catalog Rooks: Subjects

ROSENBERG, JULIUS, 1918-1953 (Continued)

U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Un-American Ac Filip,Helmut, 1927- see also Rose culture; Rose hips
Untersuchungen zu Hans Rosenphlt Munchen [1952?]
Trial by treason, the National Committee to Secure Justice 130L 30cm. Allen, Raymond Clayton, 1907-
for the Rosenbergs and Morton Sobell. Washington, 1956 PT1643JZ5F5 56-27479 Roses for every garden. Drawings by Richard L. HouseaL
a ~i
vl, 137. xx p. illus., ports. 24cm. New York, M. Barrows t
HX84.R6A516 335.4 218 p. illus. 21cm.
56-62142 ROSENFELD, MORRIS, 1862-1923
SB411A3 1956 635.93337 56-10028 :
Varlin, Catherine, ed. Rosenfeld, Morris, 1862-1923.
Le chant interrompu: histoire des Rosenberg. Textes de fi TB^-IK ? ans ,IVD DTtyfijyrKn onnn
Anderson, Wallace LoweQ, 1913-
Aragon et al.j reunis et presented par Catherine Varlin et

Rene Guyonnet. 2 illustrations de Picasso. 6. eel. PariS]

ly^n" .ojn^N-DRjjna JIB .r^ "*

The multiflora rose for fences and wildlife c by Wallace

cBuenos Airesj 1955. .KIT" .DWB L. Anderson and Frank C. Edm faster. Washington, U. S.
Gallimard 1955] t 185 p. port, facsims. 22cm. (16 .1: ,pjnaRifairwi" njwyyuO
300 21 cm. Govt. Print. Off., 1954]
p. ports.
58-605 A 8 p. Ulna^ map. 24 cm. (U. S. Dqrt. of Ajprlcnltiire. Leaflet
55-41866 Hebrew Union CoUege. Library
S21A483 no. 374 634.956584 Agr 55-112
Wexley, John. U.S.DeptofAgr. Llbr. 1A84L no. 874
The judgment of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. lst ed.] c
New York, Cameron & Kahn ; distributed by Cameron Asso Edited by H.
Encyclopedia of roses and rose culture.
ciates, 1955. Rosenfield, Joe.
672 p. lllus. 23 cm. The happiest man Champneys. Rev. by Carl L. Withner. Englewood Cliffs,
in the world. t
lst ed.] Garden City, N. J., Prentice-Hall C 1957]
*364.13 351.74 55-2993 J N. Y., Doubleday, 1955. 226 p. iUus. 24cm.
292 p. 22cm. SB411JP34 1957 635.93337 57-6172 t
FICTION HY5060.R68 *177 178.6 55-9240 t

Scheer, Maximilian, 1896- Fagerlind, Folke, 1907-

ROSENHEIM, JACOB, 1871- Influence of the pollen-giver on the production of hips,
Ethel und Julius, Roman eines Prozesses. Berlin, Aufbau-
achenes and seeds in the "canina roses." Uppsala, Almqvist
Verlag, 1956. Rosenheim, Jacob, 1871-
289 p. 19cm. (Deutsche Volksblbliothek) &Wiksell,1951.
PT2638.E38E8 57-28535 J
tTel-Aviv, 1955] .r"BtWl ,D^iy ^Mrtn JIUTttt 122-168 p. lllua. 29 cm. (Acta Horti Berytnnt, bd. 16, n:o 4)
324 p. illus. 23 cm. QK495J178F29 55-17268 J
BM755.R58A3 57-50251 t
Fairbrother, Fred.
ROSENIUS, CARL OLOF, 1816-1868 Roses. Prepared in conjunction and collaboration with
Mfflet, Martha, ed.
The Rosenbergs; poems of the Royal Horticultural Society. tHarmondswortih, Middle
the United States. New York, Linge, Karl, 1879-
Sierra Press C 19573 Carl Olof Rosenius; Sveriges framste lekmannapredikant sex] Penguin Books C 1958]
ISO p. illus. 18 on. (Penguin handbooks, PHS7)
unpaged. 21cm,
Uppsala, J. A. Lindblad r 1956 7 SB411.F3 635.93337
PS595.H5M48 811.5 57-53258 J 155 p. Illus., ports., facslms. 19 cm. 58-3146 t
BX8080.R66L5 Ati6-6276
Minnesota. Univ. Llbr.
Gordon, Jean.
ROSENBERG, SHOSHANAH (ISAAKOWIT.Z) Rose recipes: customs, facts, fancies. Woodstock, Vt,
1908-1953 Lodin, Sven, 1896- Red Rose Publications C 1958]
C. 0. Rosenius; hans liv och gaming. Stockhohn] Evan- 100 p. illus. 22 cm.
.tninn rv roam nww ,ju nos -art geliska fosterlands-stiftelsens bokforlag [Forord 195Q] TX814.5JS6G6 641.6382 58-14188 t
Ein Hahoresh] 1953. SSip. 23cm.
38 p. lllus. 24 cm. BX8080.R66L58 56-47447
CT1919.P3N6 59-57121 J
HeHyer, Arthur George Lee, 1903-
Simple rose growing. C 3d ed., rev. : London, W. H. & L.
ROSENKRANZKAPELLE, VENCE, FRANCE Collingridge; New York, Transatlantic Arts t 1954j
ROSENBERG FOUNDATION, SAN FRANCISCO see Vence, France. Couvent dominicain. 112 p. uius. 20cm.
[SB411] 635^3337 56-2846 t
Chapelle du roaaire Printed for A. B. P.
Ellsworth, Mabel L
An evaluation of the grants of the Rosenberg Foundation,
Izhevskii, Sergei Aleksaadrovich.
from January 1947 to April 1955. p3an Francisco, Rosen
berg Foundation, 1958j
ROSENPLUT, HANS see Rosenblflt, Hans, HapSOBHC p03H. MoCKBa, FOG. H3fl-B0 ceJttX03. JHT-pH,
119 p lllus. 23cm. 15th cent. 1955.
45p. llloa. 20cm.
HV97.R63E4 59-3079 t
SB411J9 56-57789J
ROSENBERGER, HOMER TOPE, 1908- Jarvesoo, Ehnar.
Rosenstein, Paul, 1875- Marketing the Kew England rose crop j a study in market-
BIBLIOGRAPHY ing of agricultural products tby ELoiar Jarvesoo and Robert

Narben bleiben zuruck; die I^benserinnerungen des gros-

A. Fitzpatrick, Washington, U. S. Dept of Agriculture,
cMunich] Kondler und Schier-
sen judischen Chirurgen.
Rnbincam, Milton, 1909- ed. meyer C 1954j Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Research Divi
Homer Tope Rosenberger; a bibliographical record, edited 316 p. illus. 21 cm, sion t 1958!
R512.R6A3 v, 9 p. diagrs., tables. 26 cm. (U. S. Agricultural Marketing
with an introd. Foreword by Millicent Barton Rex. Wash 59-37723 J
Service. AMSno.257)
ington, Pennsylvania Historical Junto, 1958. [HB1751.A9184 no. 257] Agr 58-227
58 p. 23cm. U.S. Dept. of Agr. Libr. A280^9M54Am no. 257
Z8757.6.R8 012 58-13947
ROSENSTOCK-HUESSY, EUGEN, 1888- Jenkins, Dorothy Helen, 1901-
ROSENBERGER FAMILY The complete book of roses. New York. Bantam Books
114 p. illus. 19cm. (Bantam books, A 1418)
Baker, Robert Helsley, 1895-
SB411.J55 635.93337 56-593T J
Genealogy of the Baker family; descendants of John
Nicholas Baker, 1701-63 (a native of Germany, he came to Bibliography: Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy c and] biography tby
the United States in 1754) with some connecting lines. Kurt Ballerstedt; translation by Robert G. Heath] Includ Hordes, Wilhelm John, 1891-
Assembled in 1952-53; rev. in 1954. Strasburg, Va., 1955. ing a meditation by Rosenstock-Huessy entitled: Bibliono- Das Rosenbuch; Anzucht, Pfiege, Verwendung der Rose.
2331. illus. 29cm. mics. New York, 1959. 7. Aufl. Hannover, M. & H. Schaper, 1956.
-The Rosenberger 88 p. 24 cm.
family; an addition to the Baker, 232 p. Ulus. (partcoL) 23cm.

Strasburg, Va., "1956.

Z8757.6 012 A 57-3136
^ 29cm, OSTLB17 1965 SuppL Purdue Unlv Library
CS71.B17 1955 35^1264 rev J
ROSENTHAL, LEONARD L'Aigle, Ahna de, 1889-
Begegnung mit Rosen. Hamburg, Hanseatische Drackan-
Roeenthal, Leonard.
stalt t !957]
837 p. IUus. 26 cm.
The pearl and L [1st ed.] New York, Vantage Press A 59-258
ottf JKWT-DJU i&Dpnsjn r 1955]
Purdue Univ. Library
223 p. 21cm.
tLos Angeles, 1948. OSJHMtttp
116 p. ports. 24 cm.
HD9678.P4R6 923.844 55-8626 t Leroy, Andre\ of Satoum.
PJ5129.R59Z6 55-47268 History of roses. Paris, J. B. Bailliere t1954,
66 p. illoa., 15 coL plates. 31 cm.
QK495.R78L383 55-36712


1837-1916 B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at the Hebrew University, A
monograph of the genus Rosa in North America east of
Jerusalem. the Rocky Mountains. A^n Arbor, University Microfilms
Ben-Ezra, Akiva, tl957j
riNxin a'wfri .n B'i:miD

^"a "i K"y ( tUniversity Microfilms. Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 22.898)
n ,D Microfilm AC-1 no. 22,898 Mic 57-3858
iTei-Aviv, 1957/58] .n'Mwi tJernsalem, 1956j Virginia. Univ. Ubr.
63 p. lllus. 21cm. 84 p. 22cm. Qbrtm '31 n)
BM755.R556B4 59-56493 J BM755.R6B57 57-50233

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROSES U. S. Congress. House. Committee on House Administra C M. Wright and

(Continued) by R. New
tion. Roges,
c othersj "wwu
York, Abelard-
C 1958j
Lindholm, Lena.
National floral Hearing before the Subcommit
emblem. 160 p. illus. 20cm.
En bok om tee on the Library of the Committee on House Administra SB411.R66 635.93337
rosor (
av Lena och Folke Lindholni] Stock sec 58-3850 J
tion, House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth Congress,
holm, Bonnier 1955i
ond session, on H. J. Res. 465 and various resolutions
174 p. illus. 24cm.
flower or floral emblem.
A 55-6857 proposing to designate a national Shewell-Cooper, Wilfred Edward, 1900-
Purdue Univ. Library June 30, 1958. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1958. The ABC of roses.
34 24cm. London, English Universities Press
Ill, p.
58-62053 C 1957j
QK85.U58 190 p. Ulus. 19cm. (The ABO of gardening series)
McCarthy, Jessie (Stubblefield)
SB411.S538 635.93337
Painting roses on china. Fort Worth, Tex. 1957, t
illus. 29cm.
NK4605.M187 Uota, Masami, 1918-
58-18000 J Commercial packaging and storing of bare-root rose
bushes [by M. Uota, John M. Harvey and Robert W. Lateerj Sitwell, Sacheverell, 1897-
Park, Bertram, 1883- Washington, Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Old garden roses, by Sacheverell Sitwell & James
The guide to roses. 130 roses illustrated in Research Division [1959] With 8 reproductions from paintings by Charles
colour, 32 31 p illus. 27 cm. (U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Marketing re Raymond'
and a foreword by Graham Thomas.
%: m^?!^-^ *
York Vatt Nostrand <
' search report no. 308)
HD1751.A91S3 no. 308 635.9333 ACT 59-74 rev
London, G. Rainbird,'

Kentucky. Univ. Llbr.

A 56-8637 Dept of Agr. Libr.
IT. S. !Ag84Mr no. 308
SB411 S58
col, plates. 43 cm.


Poulsen, Svend, 1884- Wilson, Helen Van Pelt, 1901-

Roser omarb. udg. New York, Thomson, Richard.
141 p.
[I^benhavnj Gad, 1955. Climbing roses. Drawings by Leonie BelL Old roses for modern gardens. All color
Illus. 27cm. M. Barrows, 1955. photos, taken
A 55-6852 212 p. illus. 21cm. by the author in his own garden. Princeton, N J Van
Purdue TMv. Library Nostrand !959,

SB411.W55 635.93337 55-5603 J t

154 p. Ulus
SB411.T512 635.9333 59-11114
Redoute", Pierre Joseph, 1759-1840. j
Roses. Selected and introduced
Woessner, Dietrich.
by Eva Mannering Lon Buch der Rosen; ein Buch iiber die Anzucht, Verwendung
don, Ariel Press C 195
v. illus., col. 41 cm.
und Pflege der Rosen fur Liebhaber und Fachleute, mit Thomson, Richard.
QK495.R78R27 einer Einleitung von Hermann Hiltbrunner. 2. neubearb. Roses for pleasure; how to select, grow, use, and enjoy
635.93337 57-4456
Aufl. Frauenfeld, Huber C 1957] them, by Richard Thomson and Helen Van Pelt Wilson.
243 p. illus. (part col.) 24cm.
Drawings by LSonie Bell. Princeton, N. J., Van Nostrand
Redout^, Pierre Joseph, 1759-1840. A 59-4863 [19573
Purdue Univ. Library
Roses; selected and introduced by Eva Mannering. New 207 p. Illus. 24 cm.
York, British Book Centre [19543 SB411.T513 635.93337 56-13238 J
xv p. 24 col. plates. 41 cm.
Zirrunermann, Georg Albert.
A. Das Rosenbucblein. [Berlin] Deutscher Bauernverlag
Wilson, Helen Van Pelt, 1901-
108 p. illus. 20cm. by Leonie BelL New
Clirabing roses. Drawings York,
Rockwell, Frederick Frye, 1884- Purdue Univ.
M. Barrows, 1955.
Library 212 21 cm.
The Rockwells' complete book of roses; a practical p. illus.
guide SB411.W55 635.93337 55-5603
to the uses, selection, t
planting, care, exhibition, and propaga
tion of roses of all types, by F. F. Rockwell and Esther C.
Grayson. With 147 photos. (44 in color) and 29 line draw
ings. [1st ed.]
332 p.
Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday,
22 cm.
1958. see also Diplocarpon rosae YEARBOOKS
Illus. (An American Garden Guild book)
SB411.R64 635.93337 58-11937 J
Reynolds, Harold William, 1907- The Rose annual.
Root-knot nemntode development and root tissue
M. Wright c and responses
by R.
Roses, C. othersj New York, Abelard- of the rose. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms rl956, [London]
v. lllus (part col.) 21cm.
Schuman t 1958j ([University Microfilms, Aim Arbor, Mlch.j Publication no. 13,818)
160 20cm. SB411.A1R6 635.93337 57-33648
p. Illus. Microfilm AC-1 no. 13,318 Mic 56-675
SB41LR66 635.93387 58-3850 J Purdue Unlv Lilnary

Sharp, Morrie Le Grand, 1907- ed.

Roses illustrated and how to grow Weatcott, Cynthia, 1898-
them, edited by Morrie
L. Sharp and Dean Collins, under Anyone can grow roses; the plant doctor's book t 2d enl. Seward, Barbara, 1928-
sponsorship of Portland
Rose Society. t New enl. ecLj Portland, ed.! Princeton, N. J., Van Nostrand [19561 The
Or., Western-Trail 159 p. illus. 22cm. symbolic rose. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms
Publishers t 1957j QKA
160 p. illus. 22cm.
SB411.W48 1956 635.93337 56-59237 J [1954]
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication 6708)
SB411.S5 1957 635.93337 57-58525 J Microfilm AC-1 no. 6703 Mic 54-920
Violant y Simorra, Ramon.
Shewell-Cooper, Wilfred Edward, 1900- Fairbrother, Fred. tradici6
The ABC of roses. London, English Universities Preis Roses. Prepared in conjunction and collaboration with
Barcelona [Editorial
[1957] the Royal Horticultural
Society. iHannondsworth, Middle- (Blblioteca folklorlca Barclno, T 13)
190 p. illus. 19cm. (The ABC of gardening series)
sexjPenguin Books tl958j
SB411.S538 635.93337 57-1792 J
SB411 -F3
1UUS 18 cm (Pen
n handbooks, PH87)
^ 67-27114 J

635.93337 58-3146 J
ROSES, WARS OF THE see Gt. Brit. History
Tantau, Mathias,
Die Rosej ihre Kultur und Germain Seed and Plant Company.
Wars of the Roses, 1455-1485
Verwendung, von Mathiaa
Tantau und Karl Weinhausen. 2. neubearb. und erweiterte The Queen Elizabeth rose. Los
AufL Stuttgart, E. Uhner [1956j t Angeles, 1954,
146 p. Ulus. (partcoL) 21cm.
Purdue TJnlv. Library CITY PLANNING see Cities and
Jenkins, Dorothy Helen, 1907- towns Planning Rosetown,
complete book of roses. New York, Bantam Books
Thomas, Alfred Strickland. ^e
Better roses; 114 p. 19 cm. (Bantam books A 1418)
rose-growing for everyone. t Rev. ed.,

Sydney, Angus and Robertson r 1955 1 SB411J55

*v,808p. HIM. 28cm.
635.93337 56-5937 J aOSGARTEN- MUSEUM, KONSTANZ see
[SB411.T ] A 55-8061 Constance. Rosgartenmuseum
Purdue Unlr. Library
McFarland ( J. Horace) Company,
Harritiurg, Pa.
Modern roses v; a concise descriptive list of all roses in OSHHA-SHANAH
commerce or of historical or botanical importance, compiled
Thomas, Graham Stuart.
The old shrub roses. With chapters on the evolution of by J. Horace McFarland Company in cooperation with the
American Rose Society. Edited Hirsch, Samson Raphael, 1808-1888.
our garden roses by C.C. Hurst Foreword
by V. Sackvffle- by Roy E. Shepherd and
Catherine E. Meikle. Rose Selected essays on Rosh Hashana,
West London, Phoenix House l56] species list prepared by Gordon Edited and translated
224p. illus. 22cm.
Rowley. Hamsburg, 1958. ^
^P 901"11*' New York Atereth Tz'vi Publication,
xv, 471 p. Illua. (part eoL) porta. 21cm. 1954
SB411.T49 635.93337 56-4382 t SB411.M25 1958 635.9333 62*p, 24cm.
Adolsraeicongrega. tion. Library
Thomson, Richard.
Roses for pleasure j how to
select, grow, use, and enjoy Jews.
them, by Richard Thomson and Helen Van Pelt WUsoi Liturgy and ritual. High Holy Day prayer*.
tmjD ^p> njn tfivn ts>&"a nay WTS of ,i5 to IITHD
Drawings by Leonie Bell. Princeton, N. J., Van Nostrand
.y^D a^K-^n .ntsnn ntin .dyu noi .anp 11

207 p. fllus. 24 c Tel-Aviv 195-] C

SB411.T513 635.93337 56-13238 Kentucky.

A 56-6687 2v. 24cm.
BM675.H5A3 58-52069

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROSH HA-SHANAH (Continued) Rijckenborgh, J van. ROSLAGEN, SWEDEN

The coming new man. Haarlem, Rozekruis-Pers, 1957.
Jews. Liturgy and ritual. High Holy Day prayers vlll, 378 p. 24 cm. ( Benova Ubrary, no. 1 )
Horn, Vivi (Ankarcrona) 1877-
n*r 'Bip5 Bjn a ton an&^a nnj? PITS DJ? ,n 53 nirnn BF1623.R7R482 212 58-17188 Roslagstull. StockhoLm, Wahlstrom & Widstrand r !958,J
.^a ,3'QK-^n .TiflB rtDu .ayu ""IDKI ,a"np^
114 p. illus. 22cm.
Tel-Aviv C 1957] DL97l.RcJH6 59-31119 t
2 v. 23 cm. Rijckenborgh, J van.
BM675.H5A3 1957 Light over Tibet. [Translated from the Dutch] Haarlem,
58-52071 Malm, Einar, 1900-
Rozekruispers, 1956.
42 p. 20cm. Lagtryck over kustbandetj rapporter och minnesbilder
Jews. Liturgy and ritual. High Holy Day prayers.
BF1623.R7R512 57-21599 t Mn KsiUe Schevens skargard. Stockhohn, Wahlstrom &
no: .D'nsaTa ^N^B nn tnsoi a;nno .o^n mrnn Widstrand r 1954]
156 p. lllus ports. 22 cm.
[New York, 1958 3 .ip JHB na^n ,p1T>Ti .nan

2 v. 21 cm.
Schrodter, Willy.
A 55-4972
BM675.H5B52 Minnesota. Univ. Libr.
59-55832 Geschichte und Lehren der Rosenkreuzer. rVUIachi 1956.
175 p. illus. 21cm.
BF1623.R7S45 57-32393 J
Jews. Liturgy and ritual. High Holy Day prayers. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL
& i"y MBl-ft DJIinD ;BmB^D DT>1 TO^.T ? limD W1 1

Mahzor; prima traducere Romaneasca. .|j?3J?ni2 Steiner, Rudolf, 1861-1925. Malm, Einar, 1900
[Tel-Aviv, 1957 ?j .^3 X) Theosophy of the Rosicrucians j a course of fourteen lec Alle mans skargard. Stockhoko, Wahlstrom & Widstrand
577 p. 18 cm. tures given at Munich, 22nd May-6th June, 1907. Author i!958,
A 59-5145 ised translation from shorthand report unrevised by the lec 181 p. lllus., ports , map. 22 cm .

Hebrew Union College. Library turer [by M, Cotterell and D. S. Osmond] London, Rudolf
A 59-5179
Minnesota. Unir. Libr.
Steiner Pub. Co.. 1953 [1954,
168 p.
Mowinckel, Sigmund Olaf Plytt, 1884- BF1623.R7S733 212 55-25538 J
Zum israelitischen Neujahr und zur Deutung der Thron- HISTORY
besteigungspsalmen zrwei Aufsatze. Oslo. I kommisjon hos
Vingedal, Sven Erik Axel, 1906-
J. 1952.
Dybwad, Weinfurter, Karel, 1876-1942. Pa Roslagens troskel; Taby, Danderyd, Vallentuna,
68 cm.
p. 24
(Avhandlmger utg. av det Norske videnskaps- Mystische Fibel; ein Handbuch fur die Schuler der prak- 2. uppl. grundligt omarb. och fcompletterad.
akademi u. Historlsk-filosoflsk klasse, 1952, no 2)
Oslo. Angara. (
tischen Mystik. [Ubersetzt von Maria Purgert; Deutsche

[AS283.054 1952, no. 2] A Taby, Taby hembygdsforening, 1956]

Minnesota Univ. LIbr.
56-180 Bearbeitung von Erich Soppj Sersheim (Wttbg.) Osiris- 42 p. lllus., maps. 21 cm. (Taby hembygdsfSrenings skrlftserie,
Verlag C 1954-
T. lllus. 21 c, [DL971.R6V ] A 57-5858
BF1623.S9W43 55-24279 I
Minnesota. TIntv. Ubr.
Weintraub, Noach.
.rwn mm ty rw *TBH ,^o nj? Wallert, Evert
(Jerusalem, 1949/50 3 ROSIER FAMILY see Rosebush family Det hands i Roslagen; till Norrtelje tidnings 75-arsjubi-
24 p. 22 cm.
BM695.N5W37 leum den 15. maj 1955. [Nontalje, Norrtelje tidnings boktr.,
ROSIN see Gums and resins 1955]
77 p. Ulus., ports. '.

A 56-2007

Simon, Norma. Harva,01avi

Rosh Hashaaah, Ulus. by Ayala Gordon. t New York] The properties of tall oil rosin soap and its mixtures with
United Synagogue Commission on Jewish. Education, 1959. fatty acid soaps in aqueous solutions. Abo, Abo akademi,
unpaged, lllus, 25cm. 1951. Lundberg, Gunnar W
BM695.N5S5 296.431 59-12528 I 130 p. lllus tables. 24 cm. (Acta Academiae Aboeosls MatHe-
, Roslin; liv och verk. Avec un resume en frangais et le
matica et physlca, xnr, 4)
catalogue des ceuvres. [Malmoi Allhems forlag C 1957i
[AS262.A35 vol. 17, no. 4] ^ 57-5217 3 v. In 2. Illus ports, (part coL, part mounted) facslma. (part
. . , , ,

ROSH HA-SHANAH SERMONS Ohio State Uolr. Ltbr. col., part mounted) genea.1. tables. 31 cm.
Abraham ben David, of Posguiere^, 1125 (eo.)-1198.
crroK T ty T ana TIHD "n5 KXi 11
.rutwr mrfr mm ROSIS, GIOVANNI DE, 16th cent. ROSMINI SERB ATI, ANTONIO, 1797-1855
^London, 1954] .VfittH ^TO'fr .""fin WBT
55 p. 22 cm. RotiH, Mario. Benvenuti, Sergio.
BM740.A33 55-50220 U cortile del Salvatore. Roma, Fratelli Palombi, 1955.
45 p. 12 plates. 21 cm.
Saggi critici sulla filosofia di Antonio Rosmini Trento,
(Saggi e stud! deU'Istituto dl storia
Tip. edit
ip. editrice Temi, 1957.
dell'arte dell'UnlTeralta dl Napoll)
is, 216 p 25 cm.
Harvard TTnlv. Library
Chicago. Univ. Libr.
Roshal', Mikhail Grigor'evich.
Ha nyrax peBcuiiomra ; BocnoMHHaHHs gojrtmeBHEa. Mo- ROSKILDE, DENMARK Congresso internazionale di filosofia Antonio Rosmini, Streta
CKBa, BOCH. H3fl-B0, 1957. and Rwereto, 1955.
229 p. lUufl. 21 cm.
DESCRIPTION Atti del Congresso internazionale di filosofia Antonio
58-27273 J
Rosmini, Stresa-Rovereto, 20-26 luglio 1955. cura di A
RoskQde touristforening. Michele F. Sciacca. e sotto gli auspici del Comitato nazio-
RosMlde. [Tekst: Arthur Fang. RosMlde, 195-] nale per le onoranze centenarie. Firenze, G. C. Sansoni
ROSICKY, VOJT^CH, 1880-1942 1 v. (unpaged) illus., maps. 21 cm.
DL291.R6R58 57-41450 2 v. (xxxiii, 1253 p ) 24 cm.
Slavik, FrantiSek, 1876- B3640.C63 1955 A 57-6403
Vojtech Rosidrf. Vyd. 1., V Praze, NakL Cesk6 aka- Chicago. Univ. Libr.

demie ved a umeni, 1946. ROSKILDE, DENMARK. DOMKIRKEN

23 p. port 22 cm.
QD903.6.R6S55 59-36880 Gaddi, Alessandro.
ORGAN n carattere pedagogico-niistico della filosofia di S. Bona-
ventura, ed altri saggi filosofici con prefazione di Bona-
Friis, Niels,
ROSICRUCIANS Roskilde domkirkes orgel
ventura Tecchi. [Bagnoregio, Centro studi bonaventuriani.
i 400 aar. [Kongens Lyngbyj
c 1958]
T.Frobenius,1957 [ 19581 169 p. 20cm.
40p. Ulus. 22cm.
Arnold, Paul, 1902- ML594JE16D6
A 59-6148
68-42081 t Chicago. Unlr. Libr. B763
Histoire des rose-croix et les origines de la franc-magon-
nerie. Ouvrage publie avec le concours du Centre national
de la recherche scientifique. Paris, Mercure de France, 1955.
344 19 cm. GaIli7 Dario.
BF1623.R7A7 56-21482 t
BYS SYGEHUS f? "S"? 1111
^ ^r^ -^ ^^^ 1967 -

storia della

B3647.G3 6S-30369 J
Hutin, Serge. Basthohn, Eyvind B^rge Martin Marias, 1904-
Histoire des Rose-Croix Paris, G. Mzet C 1955] Eoskilde amts og bys sygehus. 1. april 1857-1957. Af
89p. Illns. 19cm, Christieiisen. Ove Hvid-
Eyvind Basthohn, Helge [Og,
BF1623JS7H86 EDansen, Udg. af Bestvrelsen for Eoakilde amts og bys syge Garioni Bertolotti, Giuditta, 1893-
hus. [Roskildej 1957. Antonio Rosmini. Torino, Societa editrice internazionale
206p. fling. 29cm.
RA989JD44R6 57-40922 J 440 p. illus. 22cm.
Lewis, Harve Spencer, 1883-1939. B3646.G3 57-44574
Self mastery and fate, with the cycles of life. 14th ed-j
San Jose, Calif., Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC cl954j
271 p. lllus. 20cm. (Roslcrudan library, v. 7) ROSKILDE, DENMARK, PEACE OF, 1658
BF1623.R7R65 voL7 1954 212 55-16785 J Incontro internazionale roeminUno, Bolzano, 1954.
La problematica politico-soci&le nel pensiero di
Weibull, Carl Gustaf.
Rosmini E a cura del Grappo amici rosminiani di Bolzanoj
Lewis, Ralph Maxwell, 1904- Freden i RosHlde den 26. Februari 1658. Stockhohn.
The conscious interlude. [1st ecLj San Jose, Calil, Su Bokforlaget Gothia, 1958. Roma. Fratelli Bocca r 1955,
411 25cm.
preme Grand Lodge of AMORC t !957, 206 p. 22cm. p..
890 p.20cm. (Roetcraclan
lllus. library, v, 26) DL192.W4 58-42249 J A56-W1*
Wisconsin. Unlr. Libr.
BF1623.R7R65 vol.26 212 57-8541 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROSMINI SERBATI, ANTONIO, 1797-1855 ROSS FAMILY Kansas. University. Museum of Art.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti and his circle; a loan exhibition
(Continued) of paintings, drawings, and decorative objects
MacKinnon, Donald, 1890- by the pre-
The clan Ross. W. & A. K. Johnston & G. W. Raphaelites and their friends, the University of Kansas
Edinburgh, Museum of Art, November 4 to December 15, 1958 [Law
Jolivet, Re-gis, 1891-
Bacon [1957,
De Rosmini a Lachelier; essai de philosophie
comparee. 32 p. Illus. (part col.) map, col. coat of arms. 19 cm. (W. & rence] 1958.
A. K. Johnston's clan histories) unpaged Illus 23 cm.
Suivi de L'idee de la sagesse t par] Antonio Rosmini; traduc-
CS479.R83 1957 58-26271 :ND497.R8K2 759,2 59-62664
tion de Marie-Louise Roure. Paris, E. Vitte r 1953, J
254 p. 19cm. (Probltaieset doctrines, 6)

TJniv. Llbr.
A 55-305 YEARBOOKS Lo Schiavo, Renato.
La poesia di Dante Gabriele Rossetti. Roma, Edizioni di
Clan Ross in America. storia e letteratura, 1957.
[Annualj 105 p. 21 cm. (Letture dl pensiero e d'arte, 28)
Leetham, Claude Richard Harbord. A 59-3916
Rosmini, priest, philosopher and patriot With an iatrod. v. illus., ports. Harvard Univ. Library
by Giuseppe Bozzetti. [Isted.] London, New York, Long CS71.R825 1914
mans, Green C 1957]
rrill, p. port, map, facsim. 28cm. FICTION
General Theol, Sem
Shute, Nerina, 1908-
MAPS Victorian love story; a study of the Victorian romantics
Leetham, Claude Richard Harbord. Thomas Brothers, map publishers. based on the life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. London, Jar-
Rosmini priest, philosopher, and patriot. With an introd.
Map of Marin County cities: San Rafael, San Anselmo, rolds [1954]
296 p. 21cm.
by Giuseppe Bozzetti. Baltimore. Helicon Press 1958, r
Fairfax, Larkspur, Corte Madera, Ross, Kentfield. Los An
508 p. illua. 23cm.
PZ3.S5633Vi 55-22840 J
geles [1955]
B3646.L4 1958 921.5 58-10748 J map 52 x 69 cm. fold to 22 x 13 cm
G4364.S66 1955.T5 Map 56-161
Luciani, Albino. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL, 1828-1882.
L'origine dell'anima umana secondo A, Rosmini; esposi- ROSS WILLIAMSON, HUGH, 1901- THE HOUSE OF LIFE
zione e critica. 2. ed. Padova,
Tip. del Seminario, 1958. Ross Williamson, Hugh, 1901-
152 p. 25 cm.
The walled garden; an autobiography. Boyd, Evelyn Mae.
London, M.
Chicago. Univ. Libr. B3648 Dante Gabriel Rossetti 's The house of life; a study of its
Joseph [1956,
231 p. 21cm. illus. Italian background. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms
BX4668.R57 1956 922.242 57-16733 t [1964]
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 8614)
Milan. Universita cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Faooltd di Microfilm AC-1 no. 8614 Mic A 55-3180
letters e filosofia. Columbia Univ. Libraries
Antonio Rosmini nel centenario della morte: Ross Williamson, Hugh, 1901-
saggi van a The walled garden; an autobiography.
cura della Facolta di filosofia. New York, Mac- ROSSETTI, GABRIELS PASQUALE GIUSEPPE,
Milano, Vita e pensiero 6
millan, 1957 [ 1956j
[1955] 281 p. Illus. 22 cm. 1783-1854
^'** *i deU'UalversIti cattolica del S.
CiSS nov 1957 922.242
AS222.M63 n.s., vol.57 58-22T18
Giannantonio, Pompeo.
Piovani, Pietro.
Bibliografia di Gabriele Rossetti, 1806-1958. Firenze,
La teodicea sociale di Rosmini. Hofmann, Johannes, 1888
nix, 417 p. 22 cm.
Padova, CEDAM, 1957.
Hundert Jahre Rossberg'sche Buchhandlung und Ross- Sansoni antiquariato, 1959.
250 p. illus., ports., facslms. 26 cm. (Blblloteca blbllograflca
A 57-4135 berg'scho Verlagsbuchhandlung in Leipzig, 20. Februar 1854 Itallca, 16)
Chicago. Univ. Llbr. B3648 bis 20. Februar 1954. [Leipzig, 1954] Z8760.G5 A 59-5705
34 p. Illus. 25 cm. Harvard Univ. Library
Z315.H6 55-29415 |
Riva, Clemente, ed.
Antonio Rosmini nel primo centenario della morte. Fi~ ROSSBERG'SCHE VERLAGSBUCHHANDLUNG,
renze, Sansoni 1958]
vW,274p. port 24cm.
LEIPZIG Cappi Bentivegna, Ferruccla.

A 59-6143 Alessandro Rossi e i suoi
tempi. Firenze, G. Barbera,
Chicago. Libr. BS846 Hofmann, Johannes, 1888- 1955.
Hundert Jahre Rossberg'sche 388 p. 23 cm.
Buchhandlung und Ross- plates.

berg'sclie Verlagsbuchhandlung in Leipzig, 20. Februar 1854

New York Univ. A 56-676
bis 20. Februar 1954. Libraries CT11S8
[Leipzig, 1954]
Solari, Gioele, 1872-1952. 34 p. illus. 25cm.
Studi rosminiard, a cura di Pietro Piovani. Milano A. Z315.H6 55-29415 J
Giuffre,1957. ROSSI, KARL IVANOVICH, 1775-1849
H, 281 p. 25 cm.
**" -" t - - -
(Pubbllcazlonl deU'Istttuto dl filosofla del
dirltto deU'Unlverstta di
""Roma, 6) ROSSELINA, SAINT, 1263-1329 Taranovskaia, Marianna Zenonovna.
Chicago. Univ. Libr,
A 58-2067 K. POCCH. AEafleMHiecKoro Teaipa
Sabatier, Pierre. i HMCHH A. C.
Sainte Roseline, moniale-chartreuse
nyraKHHa (6*. AjieKcaHflpHHCEHft) B Jle-
(1263-1329) Paris .ujampafle. JleHHHrpa#, Toe. HS^-BO JIHT-PH no cxpOHTCJir,-
Editions de la Plume d'or C 1954j CTBV H apXHTCKType, 1956.
Tubaldo, feinp. 189 p. 19cm.
(naMjrrHHKH pyccKofl apxHTeinypbi; offMepw
La dottrina cristologica di Antonio Rosmini. A 55-1066 H McaieioBaSi)
Domo- Catholic Univ. of
dossola, S. A. L. E. "Sodalitas" C 1954]
America. Library NA6840.R9L47 58-31182
199 p 23 cm. (Collaaa di studi flloaoflcl
rosmlolanl, 5)

Catholic Univ. of America.


Harwich, Heinz, ed. Ghislanzoni, Alberto.

Das Zentralinstitut fur Kernphysik am Beginn seiner Luigi Rossi (Aloysius de Rubeis) Biografia e analisi delle
ROSS, DOROTHY Arbeit [Vonj Barwich, Schintlmeister t
und] Thummler; hrsg. osizioni. (Led., Milano, Fratelli Bocca
t 1954]
von Heinz Barwich. Aus Anlass der Inbetriebnahme des p. illus , ports., music. 25cm. (Storia della mualca, ser. 2,
ersten Forschungsreaktors der Deutschen Demokratischen
Ross, Dorothy.
Republik gehaltene Vortrage, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, A 56-1680
Stranger to the desert Kew York,
^ W. Funk ^959,J
Or.gon. Univ. Llbr.
249p. 22cm. 60 p. Illus. 24cm,
CT275JR789A3 630.1 59-11832 <QC789.R6B3 59-38526 t
ROSSI, MARIANO, 1731-1807
ROSS, HAROLD WALLACE, 1892-1951 Scaturro, Alberto.
La vita e 1'arte di Mariano Rossi
Sawtell, Margaret Bologna, Cooperative
Christina Rossetti, her life tipografica Azzoguidi, 1958.
Thurber, James, 1894- and religion. ^
London, Mow- 85 p. 8 plates. 25cm,
ra [1955!
bray 1955 !
A 59-8170
- ist 160 p.
p Ulus. 21cm,
PR5238.S35 928.3 56-1648 t
Harvard TJnir. Library

920.5 58-11443 J
ROSS, J.K.M. Doughty, Oswald.
Dante Gabriel Rossero, Emilio.
Ross,J K M Rossetti. London, New York, Published
for the British Council Rugiada di luce nella vita di mons. Umberto Rossi,
Boots and saddles; the by Longmans, Green [1957,
story of the fabulous Ross Stable
w^ iP'xJ^
^ cm B1Wloraphlcal l,
< eerie* of rapplement* to
scovo di Asti. Pinerolo,7 _
Edizioni Alzani r 1954i
268 p. plates, ports. 20cm.
golden days of racing. ^ed., New British book news on writem and their work,
Dutton York, no. 85)
57-6481 Catholic Unlr. of
272p. fflufc Eochester. Univ. Libr. PB5246 America. Library
SF836.R57A3 798.4 5 <NJ319

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

lOSSlH, KOLKHOZ (NOVO-ALEKSANDROVSKIY Kiev. Instytut istorii partii.

Lenin, Vladimir E'ich, 1870-1924.
RAYON) Eo-KtmeBHCxcEHe opraHHsaunn yKpaaHU B ro^si nepsofl
IQar snepeA, Asa rnara naaaA (Epiianc B namefl napxim)
pyccEOfi peBOJiK)E(HH. [Asxop ex. Hays. coxpy^HUK HH-xa
M. HfifopryH. I!OA p^A- M. C. KjinuEOj MocEsa, Foe. [JTeHHHTpaA, Foe. HSA-BO no.inx. inx-pti] 1952.
Lyskin, N P II.
357 p. 21cm.
PasBHxne MHorooxpaoieBoro xosflftcxsa EOJixosa "Poc- H3A-BO IIOJIHX. JIIIT-ptI, 1955.
229 p. 21 cm. JN6598.R6L46 1952 56-39047
illus., ports
CHfl" HS onHTa KOJixosa "Poccna" cxanHijH
FpHropHnojinc- DK264.2.U4K49 5^45862
CEOH HoBO-AjieEcanApoBCEoro paftona CxasponojitcEoro
spa*. MocEBa, SnanHe, 1956. Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924.
p. 22 cm. (BcecorosHoe OOUWCXBO no pacnpocxpaHCHmo
noJiHTHHecKnx H HayiHtix sHaHHft. CepHjt v, Ns 28) Kiev. Instytut istonl partii. lllar BuepeA, Aa raara nasaA (EpHsnc B Hamefi napTEH)
S405.V822 1956, no. 28 ,Ho icTopii 6L7LraOBiiD;LE.iix opraHisai^ifi Ha YKpaiHi B ne- MocEBa, Foe. HSA-BO HOJIHT. Jinx-pn, 1955.
58-28096 J 210 20 cm.
pio,; nepmoi pociflctKOi peBo.iK>nii, 1905-1907 pp [SGipiiuc p.

eraxeft. Pe^arci^iftHa KO-ieriH M. P. ^onift xa inmi] Kms,

JN6598.R6L46 1955 56-42895 J

LOSSIISKAIA flepac. BII^-BO no.TiT. Jiix-pn, 1955.
381 p. 21cm. Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924.
RABOCHAIA PARTHA DK264.2.U4K5 56-44973 rev To the rural poor. New York, International Publishers
Aleksandrov, Mikhail Stepanovich, 1863-1933. C 1954j
72 p. 21cm. (Little Lenin library, 37)
Us snoxit "SBCSAH" n "FIpaBAH" (cxaxtn 1911-1914 rr.) Kiriaev, N M DK254.L3A56 vol.37 323.33 55-23158 J
MocKBa, Foe. USA-BO no;mx. jinx-pn, 1956. PaspaSoxEa B. H. jlenuHuM xaErn^ecEux OCHOB icapEciicx-
166 p. port. 21 cm. CKOfi napxnn B nepnoA nepsoft pyccEOil pesoJiiontHH. Mo-
DK262.A55 1956 57-22629 CEBa, Foe. USA-BO nojiux. JIHT-PLT, 1955. Leningrad. Institut istorii partiL
51 p. 20 cm.
nexepgyprcEHe SoJi&ineBHEH B nepnoA nepBOE pyccsoa
Alekseeva, N JN6598.R6K5 56-29977 J:
PCBOJIJOHHU 1905-1907. [Fjnasa nepsaa Hanncana JI. C. Kya-
Cxparenia n xaEXHEa CoJibmeBHEOB B nepsoft pyccEOil He^OBOH, Bxopaji T. H. EoHAapeBCEOtt, TpeTta B. E. EOH-
pCBOJIIOUHH. MoCEBa, FOG. H3A-BO HOJIEX. JIHT-pH. 1956. Kommunisticheskaia partiia Ukrainy. Stalmskzi oblastnoi AapeacEHM. JleHHHrpaA] JteHHSflaij 1956.
167 p. 20cm. 302, [2: p. Ulos., ports. 23 cm.
komitet. Otdel propagandy i agitafisti.
DK263.A696 57-15770 DK264.2.L4L4 57-39190
Counaji-AeMOEpaTHiecEHe op^aHH3a^HH ^OHfiacca B 1901-
1904 roAax MaxepnajiBi B nouomi. HsynaromHit Bxopyu oaBy

Bakhshiev, D ftT KpaxEoro Eypca ncxopHH KTECC. [CocTasaji H. H. Ma- Leningrad. Institut istorii partii.
KaE fiHJia cos^aHa jieH naprna. MocEsa, Toe. ijeHEO. CxajiHHOj CxajtHHCEoe ofijr. HSA-BO, 1954. neTepSyprcEHe 6ojiBineBHKH B nepnoA noAteiia nepsofl
29 p. Ulus. 20cm.
BO IIOJIHT. JIHX-pH, 1958. pyccEOfi peBO^K>^HH 1905-1907 rr. cCopHHE AOKyMenxoB H ;

157, [3j p. ports. 20 cm. (B noMouy> HaynaroiuHM HCTOPHKJ KFICC) JN6598.S6K6 58-33588
naxepnajioB. [PeAaEXEpoeaHHe ocy^ecTEJiajioci, KoHCiaHTH-
JN6598.S6B32 59-32503 HOBHM A. FT. JleHHHrpaA] JTeHHHrpaACEoe rasexHo-acypHaari.-
HOC H EHH^HOe H3A-BO, 1955.
Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924. 60S p. 23cm.
Borisov, Sergei Polikarpovich. The agrarian programme of social-democracy in the First DK264.2.L4L42 57-39206
Eopb6"a 6oJn>meBHKOB upoxus BoeHHO-npoMnmieHHiix EO- Russian Revolution, 1905-1907. Moscow, Foreign Lan
MHXCXOB, 1915-1916 rr. [MocKsa] Toe. HSA-BO ITOJIHT. JIHX-PH guages Pub. House, 1954.
1948. 370 p. 17cm. ( Library of Mantet-Lenlnlst classics) Liadov, Martyn Nikokievich, 1872-1947.
88 p. 20 cm. HD715X3533 55-16219 1 Hs KHSHii napriiii B 1903-1907 roAax; BOcnostHnaHH^.
HC334.5.B6 51-21027 rev MocKBa, Foe. nsA-BO HO.TIIT. .irix-ptr, 1956.
222 p. port 21 cm.
Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924. JN6598.R6L4S 57-25982
Chenuavskii, L\ Arpapnaji nporpauMa coiiHaji-AewoKpaxiiH B nepBOft pyc-
Eopi>6a B. It, .TeHHHa sa oprannsaiqiiOHHMe npiiHminM CEOfl pesoJiionHH 19051907 TOAOB. [.JlennHrpaAj Foe. HSA-BO
LJndau, Rudolf.
MapECHCxcEott rrapxHH. MocEBa, Snaane, 1954. noJinx. JTHX-PH, 1952.
46 p. 22 cm. (Bcecoio3Hoe oCmecreo no pacnpocrpaHeHKio IKWIH- 214 p. 20 cm.
Zwei Parteien, zwei Wege, zwei Welten, Zum 40. Jahres-
THHCCKHX H HayHHWx 3HaHHfi. Cepn 1, N 44) HD715.L353 1952 56-37847 tag der Formierung der BolschewiM iu einer selbstandigea
JN6598.R6C45 56-39044 J Partei. Berlin, Verlag Kultur und Fortschritt, 1952.
22 p. 21 cm. (Vortrage im Hans der Kultur der Sowjetunlon,
Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924. JN6598JR6L49 56-42385 J
Dobrodomova, L F b? HaCojcesmHe Bonpocti namero ABH/KeHtix.
Eopto'a 6oJibnieBHKOB B ro^H cxoJiHUiiHCKOil peaKt^nn sa Foe. HSA-BO HO.IHT. .lax-ptij 1952.
coxpaneHHe H yEpemieHHe HCJierajisHoft pesoJiionHOHHOft 342 p. mounted port. 21 cm. Lopatkin, A N
HX314.L34 1952 56-37882 Arpapnaa nporpaitHa 6"o:itmeBHEOB B nepsofl pyccEOft
napTHH; JieEn,na. [MocEBa] HSA-BO MOCEOBCEOFO yniiBep-
CHTCTa, 1955. PCBOJUOHHH 1905-1907 FOAOB. MocEBa, SnanHe, 1955.
38 p. 22cm. (BcecoiosBoe oftuecTBO no pacnpocrpaHeHHio ncwm-
39, [1] p. 22 cm.
Lenin, Vladimir ITich, 1870-1924. xHHecKHX H HayrHiix 3HaHjriL CepH 1, Ni 10)
JN6598.R6D6 57-21106
Hxo A eji a-XB? naCo-ieBiniie sonpocn Hamero ABHSKCHnfl. HD715X625 56-20696 J
MocEsa, Foe. IIS^-BO no.inx. JIHT-PH, 1955.
191 p. 20 cm.
Dobrotvor, Nikolai MikhaDovich.
Pa<5oHne Aenyxaxu B in 1'ocyAapcxBeHHOft ,3jyMe. Fopt-
HX314.L34 1955 57-22520 Meshkov, N M
EoatmeBHEH EejiopyccHH B nepnoA BcepoccnHCEOfl OE-
KHft, H3^. FoptKOBCKoro neflaror. nn-xa, 1957.
247 p. 23cm. Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924. Ta6piCEOfi HOJIDTHHCCEOH cxa^EH 1905 roAa. MHHCK, 1955.
57-46930 51 p. 20 cm.
JN6554.D6 J
flse xaEXHKii co^^a.T-AeMOEpaxII^ B AenoKpaxn^ecKolt pe- JN6598.S6M4 59-23255 t
BOTK)^II^. [-TeHHHrpaA] Foe. IISA-BO rro-iiix. JTHX-PH 1950.

Dvinov, Boris L.
125, [3j p. 20 cm.
Mikhlin, E
HX314.Z7L4 1950 56-37834
OT jrerajiLHOcxn K no^rtoJiBH), 1921-1922; 3annc,EH. Ht
Hops, 1955. 41 p. 20cm.
183 p. 28cm.
DK254.D8A3 57-31607 J Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924. JN6598.R58 1905d 56-44927
^se xaExnEH coi^Haj-ACMOEpaxnii B ACMOEpaxH^ecEott pe-
BO^JO^H^. [MocEBa, Foe. HSA-BO nojinx. ^HT-PKI 1952 Minsk. Instytut history! partyi.
Girshovich, Evgenil Isaakovich. 214 p. 21cm. EoJitni3BiEi EeJiapyci y nepmatt
pycEaft psaoJiKHHi.
B. H. JEeHHHHM ncxopa^ecEoro M
: HX314.Z7L4 1952 56-379ir tKnira nanicana H. M. MeniEOBHM, M. E. IHEzapaM i B. B.
B npon.ecce 6opB6n c MenuneBnEaMH, 1905-1907 rr.
CEapa(SaraxHM naA EipayHiEtTBait <I>. A. HoBiEaBaft] MIHCK,
rpaA, 1958. ^sapxayHae BUAaBenxBa ECCP, 1955
43 p. 20 cm. Lenin, Vladimir D'ich, 1870-1924. 211 p. illus., port, fold. map. 21cm.
B809.8.G44 K AepeaeHCEOH fieAHOxe e A-I Epecxtas, iero DK507.M5218 57-39195

F I JHT-pH, 1952. Minsk. Instytut history! partyi

Kalinychev, 69p. 20cm.
EoiiineBHEH EeaopyccHH B nepsoft pyccEon PCBOJIBUHZ.
JN6598.R6L42 1952 56-39032
MaxepnajioB. Mocssa, Foe. HSA-BO K>PHA. JIHI-PH, 1957. tKHHra HanHcana MemKOsuM H. M., Mjoxpoif M. E., Cro-
645 p. 23cm.
potforaTHM^ B. B., HOA pysoBOACxaoM HOBHKOBOH <P. A.j
JN6554.K3 58-31128 MocEBa, Foe. HSA-BO DOJIHT. JLHT-PH, 1955.
Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924.
ISOp. Ulus. 21cm.
O $paEn.nH CXOPOHHHEOB oxsoansKa n 6qocxponTejiLCXBa. DK507JVI52 57-27596 J
MocEBa, Foe. USA-BO no.-rnx. jinx-ptr, 1954.
38 p. 20cm.
Kiev. Instytut istoru partii. HX312X38 1954 56-37877 t
Moscow. Akademtta obshchestvennykh nank.
BiatruoBHEH yjcpaiHH B <5opOTi,6i sa nepewory ZCoBXHenoi
EoJitmeBHEH BO riase nepsoH pyccEOH PCBOJCUI^HH 1905-
pesojiioAii i scxaHOBJieHHa paflHCiKoi BJiaflu, (Sepeseni,
1907 roAOB. HOA PCA- <X>. A- Kpexosa H
1917 p.-.iioxnft 1918 p. sCipHHE cxaxefl. [PeflaEniftHa EO.te- { Ap. COO P HHK co-
Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924.
ria I. ^. HasapCHKO xa inmi]
KHIB, ,3[ep3K. BH^-BO no^ir.
rXoieMy connaJi-ACMOEpaxiui AOJiacna odtJtBHxt peranxejit- AeitnH, nocBamcHHOH 50-JieTH nepsoH pyccKott
Hyio H 6*e3nomaAHyio BOftny conna-iHCTau-peBOJiioi^HOHepaK?
409 p. 21cm. HHH, B HoaCpe 1955 TOA^I MocKBa 1956
DK265.8.U4K49 58-45606
jiHx-pM, 1954. DK263.M56
31 p. 20 cm.
HX312X415 56-37876 t
Moscow. Institut Marksa-fingel'sa-Lenina-StaliniL
Kiev. Instytut istorii pajrtii. TpCTHft C-BCSA PC^n ; COOpHHE AOEVKCHTOB H J
ELz&moBHijLEi opranisai^ii Ha YspaiHi B nepio^ nepmoi Lenin, Vladimir n'ich, 1870-1924. JIOB. [FIoAroTOBHTejii, cdopHHEa M. A. SOTOBJ MociBa, Toe.
pociftctKoi pcBOJiionu, 1905-1907. [Asxop ex. nayEOBHft HpoCET ycrasa PC^PFI. ^oKiaA ycTase naprna aa n
06* H3A-BO HOJIHI. JIHT-pH, 1955.
cniBpotfiTHHK iHCTHTyxy IT. M. UTicopryH. 3a pe^. M. C. c%e3Ae PC,ZrjPn 29 HJOJIJI (11 asrycxa) 1903 r, K napTHH. 720 p. 21cm.
KaHiiKa] KHIB, .Zljepac. BH^-BO noaix. JTIT-PH YPCP, 1955. MocKsa, Foe. HS^-BO UOJEHT. jiHT-pn, 1958. JN6598.R58 1905a 56-41071
244p. IllM. 21cm. 126 p. 21cm,
DK264.2.U4K492 58-38467 JN6598.S6L36 58-42788 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Eoj.nieBHKH EeaopyccHH B nepHOA Tpeii-ero ctesfla nap-
42 p. 20cm. Frid, Liubov' Solomonovna.
JN6598.S6S45 58-15753 t
Nikolaev, Andrei Demenfevich. Ky^ixypHo-npocBemxejii.Haa pa6oxa B POCCHH B TOAH pe-
Ha cxpaace napiHHHocm; HS ncxopHH 6opb6tr B. H. Jle- BOJK)^^H 1905-1907 TOAOB. MocKsa, Foe. HSA-BO KyjttxypHO-
HHna sa ocymecxBJieHHe npHHn,Hiia ACMOKpaxH^ecKoro nenx- npoCBCinxejibHOtt jinx-pu, 1956.
Sorin, ftru Nikolaevich. 46 p. 22 cm.
pajiHSita B napxHH, 1895-1917. MocKBa, Foe. HSA-BO HOJHX.
Ha sape; o^epic o peB0.1E)^HOHHOM ABHKCHHH MOJIOACIKH DK263.F7 57-21120
JIHX-PH, 1958.
127 p. 21 cm. (Bonpocu napTHftHoro crpoHrejibCTBa) K>ra Poccim B na^ajie xx Beica. [MocKsa] MojioAaa rsapAna,
JN6598.S6N5 59-23452 1 1958.
78 p. illus. 20 cm. Kapshukov, Stepan GavrUovich.
DK262.S57 59-48994 J EopBfia So^tmeBHCxcKoft napxnn sa apMHio B nepHOA Ilep-
Novgorodov, Afanasii Innokenfevich. Boft MnpOBOft BOHHH, 1914 r.-napx 1917 r. MocKBa, BOCH.

KoHMyHHcxH^tecKaa napxaa BAOXHOBHXCJII, H opraHHsa- H3A-BO, 1957.

Stalin, losif, 1879-1953. 162 21 cm.
rop nofieABt BejiHKOft OKxafiptcsoft co^HajiHCXH^ecKOft peao- PoccnilcKaa cot^Haai- xHiecKaji napxna H ee Cjiii-
DK264.8.K3 58-53491 t
JIOI;HH. MocKBa, SnaHne, 1957. acartrane sa^aiii. [JleH ]
Foe. H3fl-so no.iiiT. jmx-pti,
46 p. 22 cm. (BcecoiosHoe oCmecrso no pacnpocrpaueHHio HCMH-
nwecKHx H HayiHboc snaHfift. Cepwt i, N 8) 1951.
18 p. 20 cm.
DK265.17.N6 57-49355 t Smirnov, Aleksandr Sergeevich, writer on communist propa
JN6598.S6S818 59-29854 J
Ostroukhova, K A^Hxa^Ila H nponaraHAa CojitniesHKOB B AepesHe B ne-
IlapTHa CoaBmeBH B H FOAM HOBOIO peBOJnon;HOHHoro PHOA noAroxosKH OKxafipbCKOfl peBOJuorjHH (Mapx-OKxaCpt
Stalin, losif, 1879-1953.
1917 r.) MocKBa, Foe. HSA-BO nooiHi. JIHX-PH, 1957.
noAT-CMa, 1912-1914 r H. MocKsa, Toe. HSA-BO HOJIHX. JIHX-
BoopyaceHHoe soccxaHEie H nama xaKinna ^ne 107 p. 20 cm.
PH, 1954. (no rcoBOfly 9 ansapa) [MocKBa, Foe. HSA-BO no^tnT.
95p. 20cm. DK265.9.P7S5 57-49441 t
JN6598.K7O8 55-33111 rev 124 p. 17cm.
in CT,e3A PQZEPH. Krara B. H. JTeH Stepanov, Mikhail Pavlovich.
ETapTHa CoJitmesHKOB B OKradptcKOft peBOjnomm. Mo-
COHHaS-ACMOKpaTHH B AeOKpaXHCEOfi peBOJHQUHH." Spandarian, Suren Spandarovich, 1882-1916.
148, t*] P. Illns^ port, facalms. 20 cm. (B noMOWfa HayiaiomHM CxaxbH, nncBMa H AOKyMCHXH, cBcxyrt. cxaxi-a Hanncana
HSA-BO MocKOBCKoro yHHBepcHxeia, 1955.
3 KnCC)
MCTopHio cocxaBJixejieM ctfopHHKa F. C. AEonanou]
24p. 22cm. 59-32406
MocKBa, Foe. HSA-
DK265.S745 BO nojtnx. JIHX-PLI, 1958.
JN6598.R6P3 58-25522 869 Illus. 21 cm.
Temkin, fX 59-29509 t
Petrov, Sergei MikhaHovicn. EojtfcineBHKH B 6op(5e aa A eMOK P aTH1iecK1I S; Map (1914-
IlepBHft ctesA PC,3|PII. CxenorpaMua nyfijiHHHOH JTCJE- 1918 rr.) MocKBa, Foe. HS^-BO HOJIHX. ^nx-pti, 1957.
Z;HH, npoinxanHOtt 12 icapra 1948 r. B MOCKBC. MoCKsa 434 p. 21 cm. ROSSIISKAIA SOT^IAL-DEMOKRATICHESKAIA
t npaBAa] 1948. DK264.8.T4 57-47062 J RABOCHAfA PARTlfA. KAZANSKII
JN6598.S6P43 52-30455 rev
Tiusin, Pedor Stepanoviclu
Die militarische Tatagkeit der Bolschewiki in den Jahren Khammatov, Sh Eh
1905 bis 1907. t t)bersetzung aus dem Eussischen] KasancKaa opraHnaai^Ha CoJttmeBHKOB B TOAH nepsoft pyc-
Piatnifskii, Osip Aronovich, 1882- Berlin,
Verlag des Ministeriums fur Nationale Verteidigung, 1956. CKOii PCBOJIIOHHH. Kasant, TaxKHHroasAax, 1955.
SanBCEH (SojismeBHEa. HSA. 5. MocKBa, Foe. HSA-BO 76 p. 21 cm. 125 p. 20cm.
noJtHi. jmx-pH, 1956. DK263.T565 DK264.2.K37K45 57-15774
226 p. port 21 cm.
57-58644 J
HX313.P5 1956 57-25980
Tiusin, Fedor Stepanovich.
B pesojnoi^HH 1905-
Riabfsev, I 79 p. 21 cm.
Paspatfoxica B. H. JICHHHBIM H H. B. CxajiHHtiM HfleojiorH- DK263.T56 56-57494 M
Bondarenko, I
iccKHX OCHOB MapKCHCTCEOtt rrapTHH 1902-1905 ro#H. Mo-
CKBaj TOC. H3J-BO HOJ1HT. JfHT-pH, 1951.
; t
KmBCBKa coniaji-AeMOKpam^Ha opranisania Miac i i m
86 p. 20 cm. (B noMomb toyiaiou^MM MapKcn3M-^eHHHH3M>
3 iSAami PC^PH. KHIB, ^epac. BHA-BO noJiix. aix-pn YPCP,
Ugriumov, Aleksandr Leont'evich. 1957.
HX312.R5 56-37881 99 p. Ulua. 20cm.
Eopt(5a sa coaflaHHe MapKcacxcKott napxan B POCCHH.
JN6598.E6B6 58-17385 t
O6pa30Banue PC^PH. BosHHKHOBCHHe Co^tmeBHSna,
Rfadnina, Uliana Ivanivna. 1894-1904 rr.MaxepnajiH K JIeK^HaM no Kypcy "HcxopHa

BiJII.^IOBH^bKi opraniaanil yicpaiHii B JKoBTHesift peBO- KUCC." MocKsa, CosexcKaa Haysa, 1959.
JIK)^^. KHIB, ^epa:. BH^-BO no.iix. jrix-pir YPCP. 1958. 150 p. 22 cm. ROSSnSKAIA SOfsiAJL-DEMOKRATICHESKAIA
881 p. 21cm. HX312.TJ34
TJgnumov, Aleksandr Leontfevich.
Roesiiskaa sotsial-demokraticheskaia rabochaoa paxtiA,
Piaskovskii, A V
f&entral'nyi Komitet.
HpoxoKOJiH, asrycx 19l7-$eBpajtt 1918. MocKBa, 1958. M
FlepsaH (TaMMep^opccKaa) icoH$epenmi PC^PH. Mo-
807 p. 23cm. nayica, 1957. CKBa, FOG. II3A-BO nOIHT. JCIIT-pM, 1955.
47 p. 20 cm. (ObesAW H KOHACPCHUHH KHCC)
JN6598.S6A45 59-45405 J
59-23442 JN6598.R58 1905 56-39762 t

Vasin,! N
(19S9- U. S. S. R.) Upravknie prepodavaniia
Co^Ha.I-AeMOKpaxH ^ecKoe ABH^enne B MOCKBC l
obshchestvennykh (1883-
1901 rr.) (Moczaaj MocKOBCKHft paCoiiifi, 1955. RABOCHAIA PARTIIA, 2. KONFERENTSDA,
KoMuyiiHCTH^ecsax irapTHs B nepno^ noflroxOBEn H npo- 70 p. illufl. 20 cm.
BeflCHHil BejIHKOfi OKTACptCKOft COIJHajIHCTHHeCEOft pCBOJIXt- DK601.V3 56-32838
HHH c6opHHK cxaxeft. (PeAaKiopH : A. H. Hyjurx, M. B.

TapnCoBa] MocKsa, CoBe-rcxa* naysa, 1958. Semenov, Viktor Georgievich.

370 p. 23 cm.
59-46413 t
Voronovich, A A Bxopaa KOH$epeH^Ha PC^Pn (IlepBaa BcepoccHflcKaa)
Arpapnaa nporpaMMa (JojttraeBHKOB B nepaoft pyccKoft MocKBa, Foe. USA-BO nojinx. Jinx-pti, 1956.
22 p. 20cm. (Ciewu H KOH(J)epeHUHH IOTCC)
peBOJ^lo^HH; MaxepnaJiH K JieiniHaM no Kypcy "Zcxopua
KUCC. JN6598.R58 1906 57-17134
Saat, J MocKaa, CoBeicsaa nayrn, 1957.
46 p. 22 cm.
HCKOe roc. HS^-BO, 1956.
238 p.
JN6598.S6S3 57-49466 \
Voronovich, A A KOTKA, 1907
Eop&(5a aa cosAaHne MapKCHCxcKofl napina B POCCHH
CcsacTonojucKoe aoopyxcHHoe BoccraHne B aoa<5pe 1905 ro^a; OopaaoBaHHe PC^PH. BosHHKHOBCHHe 6ojitnieBH3ua Novgorodov, Afanasii Innokent'evich.
AOByMCHxti H HaiepHajii. tPeAaimtHOHHaa KOJuerBta : A. M. 1894-1904 rr. MocicBa, 1958. Tperta KOH^epeH^Ha PC^PH (Bxopaa
HaHicpaioBa, A. JL CH^OPOB, T. M. ^epeHKOBCKHft. Hoflro- 66,i4 ]P 20cm. .
craa) MocKsa Foe. HSA-BO noanx. JIHX-PH, 1955.
JTN6598.S6V64 37 p. 20cm.
TOBHJI K ne^axn B. B. 59-19065 (CTe3AUHKOH(J)epeimHHKnCC)
MaKcarosj MocKBa, BOCH. HSA-BO JN6598.E6N6
1957. 56-39030 t
C65p. 28cm.
Shafir, lAkov Moiseevich, 1887-
Secrets of Menshevik Geor^aJ the plot
Kiev. Instytut istoru partii. HELSINGFORS, 1907
against Soviet ELitnioBHKH YzpaiHH B dopottfii sa BcxauoBjenHa
Eussia unmasked, with authentic copies of documents taken CfcKOl RJtaAH, KOBXCHI, 1917 p.-cil6HB 1918 p.; AOKyMCHX
from the archives of the late Menshevik governors of Gal'perin, Matvei ftfl'evich.
KHIB, ,Z(epac. BHA-BO rtoJiiT. Jiix-pn YPCP, 1957. ^exsepxaa KOH$epeH^Ha PCflPE.
Georgia. [London] Communist Party of Great Britain 124 p. 21 cm. MocKBa, Foe. HSA-BO
noj(Hi. JIHX-PBI, 1956.
DK265.8.U4K493 59-21821 81 p. 20 cm. (GbesAW H KOH(J)epeauHH
lOOp. 22cm. KTICC)
JN6598.R58 1907 56-44928 t
DK511.G46S48 57-47461 \

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


H Maxcpna-
[noAroxoBiixe-if. c(5opHnEa M.
A. SOXOBJ MocKsa, Foe.

H3fl-BO nOJIHX. JIHX-pK, 1955.

Barchugov, P 720 p. 21 cm.
ILrraK EOH$epetmn;t PQUPFI (o6jn;epoccnflcEafl 1908 r.) Fadeev, V P JN6598.R58 1905a 56-41071 rev
MoCKBa, FOG. H3^-BO IIOJIIIX. JIHT-pH, 1955. O^epKH no HCXopHH HoaeropoAcioft
61 p. cm (CT.C3AW
20 H KOH<J>epeHUHH KHCC) op^aHH3a^HH, 1901-1907. t rop&EHfij Fopb
JN6598.R58 1908d 56-20719 J H3fl-B0, 1956.
249 p. lllus., ports. 21 cm. ROSSnSKAJA SOT^SIAi-DEMOKRATICSESKAlA
DK264.2.N5F3 58-17375 RABOCHAIA PABTnA, 4. S M EZD,
PRAGUE, 1912 JleHHHCEaa "ZcEpa" n HHBceropo^cEaJi op Belousov, fA E
ojitmeBHEOB. MocEsa, Foe. HSA-BO anx-pti, 1956. iv n v cxesAH PC^PH. nopaaceHUH nepsoft
151 p. 20 cm. HSA-BO MOCKOB-
Lenin, Vladimir H'ich, 1870-1924. pyccKoQ peBO.^Io^IIII. (JleKij KBa]
DK511.N3M8 58-34028
B. H. JlestHH o vi (EpaaccEOH) BcepoccuflCKofi EOH^epen- CKoroynHBepcuxexa 1955.
27 p 22 cm.
IJHH PC^PII. C6opHHE cocxaaieH peflaExopoM JL. Eapy-
DK263.B45 56-47132
118 p.
20 cm.
58-40983 t
Korablev, itlrii Ivanovich. Hexsepxtift (05-E.e^nHnxe.ifcHiJtt) C^CSA PC^PII. MocEsa,
Moscow. Institut marksizma-Ieninizma. BoeHHaa 6oitmeBUEOB B peBo.iio- Foe. HS^-BO rroiHT. .^nx-pH, 1955.
patfoxa nexepSj'prcEiix 93 p. 20 cm. (C-besAW H KOH(f>epeHUHH KFICC)
6 (npajKCEaa) BcepoccnflcKa^t KOH^epennHJi PQZ^PII, 18-
H.IIH 190.V1907 rr. MocKsa, Foe IISA-BO .tiix-pH, 1955. JN6598.S6M3 56-34167
30 (5-17) flHsaps 1912 r. c6opHHE cxaxefi H flOEyiteHioB. 1955 J
; 158 p. 20 cm.
[IIoflroTor.iiTejir, c(5opHHKa K. A. OcxpoyxoBa. JleHHHrpafl] DK264.2.L4K6 56-28308
423 p. ports 21cra.
Ostroukhova, K A
ffiecxax (UpaaccEaa) BcepoccaftcKaa Petrov, Sergei MikhaOovich. Belousov, IA E
PC^PII. MocKBa, Toe. HSA-BO noJiHT. JTHT-PH, 1957. IlepBHfi ctes^ PC^Pn. MocKsa, Foe. H3fl-B0 HOJIHT. JHT- iv n v ctes^M PC^PFT. IIpnqnHH nopaxeHna nepsoft
98 p. (C-besAw H KOH<t>epeauHH KOCC)
20 cm. pti, 1955. pyccEofi peBO.^K)^^H. (JeEnnji) [MocEBaj Ha^-so MOCEOB-
JN6598.S608 1957 57-49460 34 p 20 cm. (CtesAw H KomfcepeimHH K11CC) CEoro ynHBepcnxeTa, 1955.
JN6598.K6P4 1955 56-47733 J 27p. 22cm
DK263.B45 56-47132
Petrov, Ivan Fedorovich.
HcTopHiecKoe snaieHiie npaaccEofi napxnftHOft EOH$C-
penijHH. MocKsa [SnaHiie] 1952. RABOCHAIA PARTIIA. 2.S"EZD, M
39 p. 22 cm.
JN6598.V7P45 52-32182 rev
BO noJtHx. JIHX-PH, 1956.
B T 92 p. 20cm. (C-besjtbi H KOHtjjepeHiiHH KI1CC)
JN6598.R6S75 1956 56-57614 J
Rozanov, Mikhail Dmitrievich. HcxopniecKoe snaieHiie n ctea^a PC.HPII. Ilepcp. cxe-
a napxHftHaa EOH^epemiii*. [JleHnnrpaflj Jle- HorpaMica nvG.iuiHOfi: .leKitnii, npoirixaHHOft E MocEse.
e rasexHO-acypnajbHoe H KHIIKHOC nsfl-so, 1949. MocKsa, Snanne, 1954.
189 p. facsims. 20 cm. 30 p. 22 cm. (BcecoKD3Hoe oOnxecxBo no pacnpocrpaHeHmo HOJIH- ROSSIISKAIA SOfsIAL-DEMOKRATICHESKAIA
JN6598.R58 19l2c 55-27642 nnecKHx H naynHbix 3Hannft. CepH 1, Ns 12)
GRAD, 1917
Bxopoil CT.C3A PCflPII. MocKsa, Foe. HSA-BO HOJIHT. JIHT- Baglikov, B T
RABOCHAIA PARTITA.. 7. KONFERENTSIIA, pu, 1956. C^esfl noflxoxosEH BeatHEOro OEra5pa; o mectOM crteaAC
LENINGRAD, 1917 94 p. 20cm. (CT,eMUHKOH<J>epeHioiHKnCC) (SojiLmeBiicxcEoa napiHH. MocicBa, Foe. ESA-BO HOJCHT. JCHI-
JN6598J158 1903 57-17133
PH, 1957.
37 p. 20 cm. (IIonyJuipHwe oponnophi no HCTOPHH KIICC)
Volin, Boris Mikhaflovich, 1886-
Mo- JN6598.S6B3 58-27315 t
CeflLJias (anpe.ttCKaa) EOH^epeniiH
GunTco, Grigorii Semenovich.
CEBa, FOG. II3fl-BO nOJIIIT JIHT-ptl, 1955.
83 p. 20cm. (C*e3Abi H KOHcJiepeHUHH KOCC) n ctesfl PC^PII. OCpaaoBajacHe PC^PIL BosHHKHOse-
JN6598.R58 I917f 56-35306 J HHC 6oJiE,meBH3ua, EaE xeieHH noJHrrHiecroft MHCJIH H xas
nojiaxH^ecEOft napxHH. (Hs Eypca jtesi^zft no ncxopHH Belousov, &. E
KHCC) cMocrsaj 1958. Kypc napiHH CoJitraesHEOB na no^roxoBEy soopyaeHHoro
88p. 22cm. vi CT.e3 napTHH; HS
Eypca jreKmrft no ncxopza
JN659aS6B37 1917 58-49464

Lenin, Vladimir IHch, 1870-1924.

Safronov, Viktor Petrovich, ed. IHar snepeA, flBa mara Hasa^ (xpH3HC B sarnefl napxHH)
CiasHoe copoEa-ieTHe HS HCTOPHH KpacHoapcEOft napiHft- Petrov, Ivan Fedorovich.
MocEsa, Foe. HS^-BO nojizx. jrax-pn, 1955. ffiecxoH cxe3A 6ojitmeBHCxcEOH napxan.
HOft opranHsanHH, 1917-1957 rr. [KpacnoapCEj Kpacnojip- 210 p. 20cm. t tfocEaaj Foe.
CEOC EHHKHOC HSfl-BO, 1957. JN6598.R6L46 1955 56-42895 J HSA-BO nojiiix, JIHX-PH, 1952.
62p. 20cm.
646 p. Ulus. 21cm.
JTN6598.R58 19l7b 54-17821 rev
DK771.K75S3 58-35510 t

Petrov, Ivan Fedorovich.
1905 jHX-ptr, 1949.
KOMITET Elizarov, Nikolai Vasil'evich.
JN6598.S6P4 1949 51-26655 rev
TpexHft ctes^ PC.2CPII E ero Hcxopz^ecroe 3HaieHHe.
Gavrilov, Boris Aleksandrovich.
MocEOBCKne (So^bmesuKii B 6opt6e sa apunio B 1905-1907
MocKsa, SnaHHe, 1955,
62 p. 22 cm. (Bcecoio3Hoe oCmecTBO no pacnpocrpaueHMio HOJIH-
rr.; HS onuxa Boennoft paCoxu MocEOBCEOft opi THHCCKHX H HayHHba sHaHHft. Cepwi 1, NiNi 19-20)
PC^PII. MocEBa] MocKOBCEnft pa6oiiift, 1955. JN6598.R58 1905c 56-20716 J Rossilskil, Nikolai A

166 p. lllus. 21 cm Keue Horizonte. Arbeit nnd Friede. rBucuresti] Verlajr

CarteaRusa" c 1951L
98 p. 18cm. (Arias BlbUothek, 21)
TJ140.R6A325 57-164T8
Gavrilov, Boris Aleksandrovich. Kosul'nikov, A P
BoercHa* patfoxa MOCEOBCEHX <5ojinneBnEOB B ro^ti nep- TpeiHtt (rte3ff PC^PIL Mocrsa, Toe. USA-BO HOJHT. *HT
Boft pyccEott peBO^^o^H^. [MocKBaj MocEOBCEnlt patfoinft, PH, 1954.
1950. 157 p. 20cm. Carlo, 1872-1949
162, t 2] p, lllus., port 20 cm, J^6598Jt6K6 1954 56-44339
DK264.2.M6G35 51-15403 rev

Lenin, Vladimir H'ich, 1870-1924. Beyle, Marie Henri, 1783-1842.

KoUleneta, AnatolH Ivanovich.
Bo rjiase peBOJlB^HOHHO^o KpecxtJiHCXBa ; <5opt6a MOCKOB- Tpexntt cte3A PC^PH; C^OPHHK Life of Rossini j by Stendhal [pseod,} translated by filch-
MCHTOB. MoCKBa, FoC. H3fl-B0 nOJtHI. ardK.Coe. London, Calder 1956j
cxofl o^jJibineBHCTCKOfi opranHsaijHH sa KpeciBXHCKne icaccu 2Son.
zxUi,C22p. port.
B 1917 r. tMocKsaj MocKOBcratt paooHHtt, 1957. 56-39043 ML410JR8B513 1956 927^
122 p. 20cm.
DK265.8Jii6Z6 58-49833

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Soziale, politische und religiose Auseinandersetzungen in
(Continued) Rosso, Giovanni Battista. den Hanscstadten Stralsund, Rostock und Wismar im
Reminiscenze; quarantacinque anni di lavoro nel diario di Drittel des 16. Jahrhunderts.
Weimar, H. Bohlaus Nach-
Beyle, Marie Henri, 1783-1842. un operuio. Genova rScuola tip. Derelitti, 1956] folger, 1959.
Life of Rossini, by Stendhal 118 p. 21cm,
[pseud.] Translated by Rich zur an -
und Sozlal-
ard N. Coe. New York, Criterion Books
A 58-453 t Bd. 2)
xxiii,522p. port 23cm. WlBconsln, Univ. Libr. DD801.H24S3 59-41813
ML410.R8B513 1957 927.8 57-6600
Bonaf 1956 Rostock, eine deutsche Seestadt. Fotografiert von Angela
, Felix.
Unzner. Dresden, Sachsenverlag, 1957.
Rossini et son ceuvre, Le Puy~en-Velay. La Main de 04. ,100] p. lllua. 25 cm.
bronze, 1955. Calendoli, Giovanni. DD901.R8S7 59_ 19221
55 II teatro di Rosso di San Secondo. j
p. ports. 23 cm. : 2. ed. Roma, V.
Bianco t !957 :
Oregon. Univ Libr. 151 facslm. 21 cm. (Oollana "Spettacolo," 1)

PQ4839.O8Z64 1957 58-31236

Rognoni, Luigi.
Rossini. Con un'appendice comprendente docu- Rostock. Universitat.
menti, testimonianze. 105 esempi musicali e 16 tavole fuori
lettere, ROSTAGNI, AUGUSTO, 1892-
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift; gesellschafts- und
testo. [Modenaj Guanda t !956] wissenschaftliche Reihe. Jahrg. 1-
413 p. Iilus , ports., music. 24 cm. (Blblioteca dl cultura musi- BIBLIOGRAPHY
A 57-647 Rostock.
Oreson. Univ. Libr. Rostagni, Augusto, 1892- T. in Illus. 80 cm.
Scritti minori. Torino, Bottega d'Erasmo, 1955- AS182.R74 56-42454
v. 25 cm.
Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio, 1792-1868. A 56-3755
Rossiniana; contribute all'epistolario di G. Rossini c a cura Cincinnati. Univ. Libr. PA3003
di] Franco Schlitzer. Siena t Ticci] 1956. ROSTOCK. UNIVERSITAT. BIBLIOTHEK
32 p. facslin. 25 cm. (Quaderni deU'Accademia chiglana 36)
no. 35]
A 57-649 ROSTAND, EDMOND, 1868-1918
Libr. Roloff, Heinrich.
Beitrage zur Geschichte der Universitatsbibliothek Ro
Cuzacq, Ren. stock im 19. Jahrhundert.
Schlitzer, Franco. Les ecrivains du pays basque et bayonnais. Rostand ^ Leipzig, 0. Harrasowitz, 1955.
66 Illus. 24 cm.
Mobili e inunobili di Rossini a Firenze; lettere inedite a Cambo et Loti & Hendaye, les ancetres des
p. (Zentralblatt fur Blbllothekswesen, Seft
temps romanti-
un awocato. Firenze, L. Lapiccirella, 1957 ques. Mont-de-Marsan, J.-Lacoste, 1951. Z671.C39B no. 79
58-33080 t
22 p. illus. 25 cm. 77 p. 22 cm.
PQ2635.08C8 59-S0293 J
Oreson. Lib,
Schlitzer, Franco.
Pollatschek, Walther, 1901-
Rossini e Siena e altri scritti rossiniani Delaunay, Albert, 1910-
(con lettere Uber vier Meere; ein Reisebuch vom
inedite) Siena t Ticci] 1958. Jean Rostand. Paris, Editions universitaires Handelsdampfer
t!956] "Rostock." Halle (Saale) Mitteldeutscher
Cm" (Qaademl Ml'Accademla 123 p. porta. 18cm. (Temolns du xx 244
Verlag, 1955
slecle, 5) p. llius. 25 cm.
G464.P6 56-39702
Illinois. Univ. Library t

Hnant, Ernest. ROSTOPCHINE, SOPHIE see Se"gur, Sophie

Toye, Francis, 1883- Le "credo"
de Jean Rostand; responses et critiaues (Rostopchine) comtesse de, 1799- 1874
Rossini; a study in tragi-comedy. rNew ecLi London, A. jTournaijDesclee/1955]
102 p 18 cm. (Le Monde et la fol, 267)
p. Illus. 57-42079 t
ML410.R8T73 1954 927.8 55-3363 J
Rognoni, Luigi.
H3A-BO, 1957.
Rossini. Con un'appendice comprendente lettere, docu- 88 p. illus. 18cm.
Thierfelder, Hildegard, ed.
menti, testimonianze. 105 esempi musicali e 16 tavole
fuori Rostock- Osloer Handelsbeziehungen ini 16. Jahrhundert; DK651.R7M3
testo. [Modenaj Guanda [1956, '
die Geschaftspapiere der Kaufleute Kron in Rostock und
IUus ' ports -' muslc- ^o" 1-
(Blbiloteca dl cultura mufll-
caleV' Bene in Oslo. Weimar, H. Bohlaus Nachfolger, 1958.
Oregon. Univ. Libr.
A 67-647 und
vill, 256 p Illus., facslms.
Sozialgeschlchte, Bd. 1)
25 cm. (Abhandlungen zur Handels- DIRECTORIES
HF3570.R6T5 59-37960
Beet POCTOB na
FICTION ^ony (c rrpnropo^aMH) ;

Gozzano, Umberto. DESCRIPTION POCTOB ua ^oay.

T. 17 cm. annual.
Rossini; il romanzo dell'opera. c l. ed. 3 B
Torino, G-. Kulturbund zur Demokratischen Erneuerung Deutschlands. DK651.R73V4
Jraravia t 1955] 57-57511
199 p. mus. 22cm. (La Rostocker Heimat. Erarbeitet von den Natur- und Hei-
matf reunden des Kulturbundes zur Demokratischen Erneue
Oregon. Univ. Libr.
A 56-3015 rung Deutschlands, Rostock] Leipzig,
Malvern, Gladys. P" iUUS " PlatS> maPS (part f ld<)

Blithe genius; the story of Rossini Decorations
by Don DD901.R8K83 56-25058 rev
ald Bolognese. t
lst ed.j New York, Longmans, Green, DIVISIONS
202 p. ulna. 21cm. DESCRIPTIONVIEWS
ML3925JR7M3 Rostov on the Don, Russia (Province) Ollastnoi ispolntitl'-
59_11263 j
Stiibe, Gerhard. nyi Jeotnitet.

ROSSINI, GIOACCHINO ANTONIO, 1792-1868. flCJieHHe na 1 Hioja 1950 rofla. POCTOB n-IT., POCTOBCKOC o6a.
DD901 E8Sr 290p. 21cm.
Khokhlovkina, A

Himn JS6070.R6A55 55-34209

Toe. Myamcaji&Hoe
HS^-BO, 1958.
Kulturbund zur Demokratischen Erneuerung Deutschlands. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS
MT100.R6K5 e9_4 5839
Rostocker Heimat. [Erarbeitet von den Natur- und Hei-
matfreunden des Kulturbundes zur Demokratischen Erneue Gozulov, Avde! H'ich.
rung Deutschlands, Rostock] Leipzig, Bibliographisches HaacHna Ron (PocroBCKaa H KancHCKaH otfjiaciH) np-
po^a, HacejeHHe, xosattcrso.
ROSSMASSLER, EMIL ADOLF, 1806-1867 Institut [1955] XaptKOB, HSA-BO Xaptio-
CKoroyHHsepCHTera, 1956.
208p. 28cm,
DD901.R8K83 56-25058 rev HC337.R6G6 58-15738
Rossmasder, Emil Adolf, 1806-1867.
Das Rossmassler-Buchlein, von Karl Friedel trad Reimar
Gilsenbach Hrsg. zur 150. Wiederkehr des ^HISTORY
von EmU Adolf Rossmassler am 3. Marz 1956
3 Berlin, Kul- Bernitt, Hans.
turbund zur Demokratischen
Erneuerung Deutschlands. P -'B- H a-AoHy,
Zentrale Kommission Nator- und Zur Geschichte der Stadt Rostock. Rostock. C. Hinstorff
155 p.
Heimatfreunde, 1956.
Ulus. 22cm. 1956?j
817 p, 22cm. HC337.R6R6
QH3LR75A5 57-16359 J 58-33995
DD901.R8B4 56-45216

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

(Continued) Rotary and American culture; a historical study of
ideology. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms f!956!
( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 1&918) see also Companion crops
INDUSTRIES Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,918 Mic 56-3883
Minnesota. Unlr. Llbr.
Afcademiia nauk SSSR. Street po teuchenim proizvoditel'-
Abroskin, Pavel Ivanovich. nyJch sU. Ardlo-Kaspwforia kompleknma efapedi&ifa,
HepEHfl 1-03; ti3 sairacoK npeflceflaiejia coBnapxo 1948-1950.
PocTOB-na-#OHy, PociOBCKoe KHHJKHOC nsa-so 1958 Bernard, Ayme. TpaBonojitt CHCTena aeMJte^ejraa B pecnyo'jrHEax Cpe^-
129 p. illus. 21 cm.
Pour une sociologie rotarieane; expose presente au Rotary- HCflA3HH. jOTBeTCTBCHKLie peAa.KTOpI B. A. KoBfli, H. A. :

HC337.R6A6 Club de Lyon, le 2 fevrier 1954 et repete a k Conference du ^eryHOBj MocKsa, HSA-BO Asa^eKHH nays CCCP, 1953.
73* district a Tours, le 24 mars 1954. Lyon, Impr. de Audin, 197 p. fflra. 23cm. (Its TpyAM, Bun. 1)

S603.A35 58-34124
25 p. 24 cm
ROSUEL, YVES A 56-5843
Wisconsin. Univ. Llbr. Andreae, Bemd.
Die Feldgraswirtschaft in Westeuropa;
Lacroix, Simone, 1895- Formeu, Probleme und Entwicklunestendenzen. Hamburc-
Yves Rosuel, gue"risseur. Persan (S.-O.) Impr. de Persan-
Michelini, Raul Tomas, 1903- P. Parey ^1955,
Beaumont !954] Palabras en Rotary; de la vida de un club en Chascomus. 138 p. illus., maps, tables. 26 cm.. (Bericite ilber Landwlrtschaf t
Zeltechrift for Agrarpolltik nnd Landwlrtschaft, n. F.
149 p. illus. 20 cm. Chascomus, Editorial del Lago t 1955j Sonderheft
RZ999.L14 54-42616 J Tip. 18cm. ( Biblioteca deChascomoXv. 6)
HF5001.R79M5 SB187.E9A6 57-58343
58-28816 t


Andreae, Bernd.
crucians ROTARY INTERNATIONAL. GREAT Fruchtfolgen und Fruchtfolgesysteme in Niedersachsen.
BRITAIN AND HIE LAND Bremen-Horn, W. Dorn, 1952.
ROSZAK, THEODORE 119 p. fold. coL map, diagrs. 25 cm. (Nlederafichslsches Amt fflr
Landesplanung und Statlstlk. VerSffentllchungen. Belhe A1 : Natur,
Hewitt, Cecfl Rolph, Wlrtschaft, Siedlung und Planung, Bd. 42)
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Towards my neighbour; the social influence of the Rotary HC287.S3A3 Reihe A 1, Bd. 42 56-40490
Theodore Roszak byj H. H. Arnason. Club movement in Great Britain and Ireland. London, New
Walker Art Center in collaboration with the
Whitney Mu York, Longmans, Green [1950] Blomkvist, B L
seum of American Art, New York [1956} vll, 166 p. Illus., map. 22 cm.
54 p. illus, (part col.) port 28cm. A 51-4268 rev OpraHiiaaniiH EopaosEix ceBooCopoiOB B sojixoaax. Mo-
N6537.R6W3 Wisconsin. Univ. Llbr. CKBa] MoCKOBCKHfi eOlLmCBHE, 1945.
[735.73] 927.3 57-925 38 Illus. 20 cm.
S603.B47 57-25911 t
ROTARY KILNS see Kilns, Rotary
Chizhevskii, Mikhail Grigor'evich, 1896-
Vaccari, Pietro, 1880- ed. ROTARY PUMPS TpaBono-ibHas cncreua semxe^ejina n ee ocBoenne; nay^-
Studi di storia medievale e moderna, in onore di Ettore HO-nony.iKpHaH aeKuna (EOJixosnaa cepii) Mocssa
Rota, A
ctuni] di P. Vaccari e P. F. Palumbo. Roma, Edi-
see also Gear pumps .lECpas^aj 1949.
zioni del Lavoro, 1958. 26 p. 22 cm.
rvi, 610 p. 25 cm. (Biblioteca storica, 3} S603.C53 50-38180 rev
ROTATING AEROFOILS see Rotors (Helicop
Harvard Univ.
A 59-1178
Library ters)
Chizhevskii, Mikhail Grigor'evich, 1896-
ROTATING AMPLIFIERS B-BBeac^ane na npaBKHHH ceHT<5oo<5pam;eHza B EOJxo3Hre.
npeBC-i OT pycitH F. MnOTCB. Coj&HJi, ScMcsaS, 1948.
ROTALIIDAE Friedrich, Helmut. 62 p. illus. 17 cm. (EuCjiHOTexa IlonyjijnJHa arpOHOMHjr. Ns 22)

Dreistufige Querfeldverstarkermaschine fur Gleichstrom.

S603.C542 59-38748 t
Voorthuysen, Johannes Henricus van. Karlsruhe, C. F. Muller [1956,
Les foraminiferes mio-pliocenes et quaternaires du Kruis- 39 p. illus 21 cm. (Abhandlungen des Instituts fQr Blektrische
Anlagen und Hochspannungstechnlk, Nr S)
schans, par Johannes H. van Voorthuysen. Suppl&nent sur TK2699.F7 59-27746 t
Drogalin, P V
quelques rotalides, par Jan Hofker. Bruxelles, 1958. TpasonojiBHEre ccBoofiopoTH B sojixosax Ky5anH. IIo^
63 p. 10 plates, diagrs. 33 cm. (Institut royal des sciences
otfn^efl pes. M. F. ^HacescKoro. KpacnoAap, Kpaesoe roc.
naturelles de Belglque. Memolres. Memoire no 142)
[QH3.B85 no. 142] A 59-5685 Loocke, G H3fl-B0, 1951.
Stanford Univ. Library Elektrische Maschinenverstarker. Berlin, Springer, 1958. Microfihn Slavic 426 AC Mac 55-4073
294 p. Illus. 24cm.
TK2851X6 58-4208 t
CesooSopOTii Ha TOp$xHO-6ojOTHiix nossax. MUIICK, Foe.
Schler, Alfons. Sandmeier, Armin Henri, 1920- H3A-BOECCP, 1954.
25 [i. e. Ftinfundzwanzig] Jahre Rotary-Club Baden- Metadyn-Schnellerregung yon Synchronmaschinen. Zu Mcrofihn Slavic 552 AC Me 56-4337
Baden; nach Quellenangaben von Altprasident Eduard rich, Juris- Verlag, 1954.
108 p. diagrs. 22cm.
Baser verfasst. Hrsg. im goldenen Jubilaumsjahr von Koch, Volkward.
TK2699.S25 56-18788
Rotary International. [Baden-Baden, E. Koelblinj 1955. Feldfutter- und Zwischenfruchtpflanzen; ertragsokologi-
56 p. (on double leaves) Illus. 22cm. sche Untersuchungen in Niederungs- und Hohengebieten des
HF5001.R715S3 58-22653 {
mittelhessischen lUumes. Hrsg. vom Bundesministerium fur
Shangin, rtrrii Aleksandrovich.
TemiOBos c
Ernahrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, in ZusammeDar-
3^eErpoManiHHHHM beit mit dem Land- und Hauswirtschaftlichen
ROTARY CLUB, BOLOGNA Toe. Tpaacn. xrejr-,a;op. HSA-BO, 1956. Auswertungs-
und Informationsdienst e. V. (AID) Hiltrup bei Munster
25 p. diagrs. 20 cm.
Pasquini, Pasquale, 1901- TJ619.S47 (Westf.) Landwirtschaftsverlag r1955i
68 p. 21 cm.
H Rotary Club di Bologna, nel cinquantenario del Rotary Ulna. (Landwlrtacnaft-Angewandte WIssensciaft,

internazionale, 23 febbraio 1905-23 febbraio 1955. t Com-

pilato da Pasquale Pasquini, con la collaborazione di Al ROTATING DISHPAN see Geophysics S405X33 Nr.44 57-34599
fonso Pini e Giuseppe Bertolini. Bologna. 1955] models
72 p. Illus. 24cmT
HF5001.R83I8 59-34340 J Kohnlein, Johannes, 1898-
ROTATING MASSES OF FLUID Emteruckstande und Wurzelbild; Menge und Nahrstoff-
gehalt der auf dem Acker verbleibenden Eeste der wich-
ROTARY CLUB, LIMA G N tigsten Kulturpflanzen, von Johannes
Kohnlein und Heinz
Lance, Vetter. Hamburg, P. Parey, 1953.
The steady, anally symmetric flow of a viscous fluid in a 13Sp. illus. 26cm,
Mariitegui Oliva, Ricardo.
deep rotating cylinder heated from below, by G. N. Lance S603.K63 55-42852 J
Historia del Rotary Club de Limn, 1920-1955.
Lima, and E. C. De Land. Berkeley, University of California
205 p. illus. 22cm. Press, 1957.
15^-176 p. diagrs. 26cm. (University of California publication*
HF5001.R712M3 59-21478 t In engineering, T. 5, no. 6) Kotor, P p
vol.5, no. 6
A 68-9085 HoacHUBHue HOCCBH lopKosmc ryjrtTyp. Ha^. 2. Mo-
CKBa, FOG, H3A-BO CCJIMC03. JMT-pH, 1954.
S603JC67 1954 54-42772 J
Grigor'ev, Vladimir Nikolaevich.
Kojr&ijeBHe neTH fljui Harpesa Meiajrjia. MOCKBE, Toe. Schoenberg, Erich, 1882-
nayiHO-TexH. ns^-so JTHT-PH no lepnoft H nBexnofl MeraMvp- Eine hydrodynamische Theorie der aquatorialen Be-
THH, 1958. schleunigung der Sonne und der Bildung von Sonnenflecken. Knska, Joseph Benjamin, 1890-
282 p. Illus. 23cm. Munchen, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- Dryhxnd crop-rotation and tillage experiments at iha
TN677.G73 59-27562 schaften ; in Kommission bei Beck, 1958. Colby (Kans.) Branch Experiment Station, by J". B. Kuska
22 p. plate, diagrs., tables. 31 cm. (Bayertsche Akademie der and O. E. Mathews. U. S. Dept of Agriculture, in coopera
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL WlBsenschaften. Mathematis<A-NaturwlssenflchafUlclie Klasse. Ab-
uandlungen, n. F^ Heft 85}
tion with the Kansas Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Assac, J P tf.
AS182.M817 n.F.,Heft85 A 59-4998 Washington tTJ. S, Govt. Print Off.i 1956.
Illinois. Univ. II, 87 p. Illus. 24 cm, (U. S. DepL of Agriculture, drcolar
Tres estudos politicos: Nacionalismo. Amaconaria. Do-
cumentos para a hist6ria do rotarismo. Lisboa cEditorial SB110.K8 Agr 56-225
Copy 2. S21 A48 no.97
Vanguarda,] 1956. ROTATING WINGS see Rotors (Helicopters)
88p. 22cm.
TT. S. Dept of Agr. Ubr. lAg84O no. 979
HS405A73 57-38044 t

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog


ROTATION OF CROPS (Continued) see Polarization (Light)
Lagnert, Folke,
Syd -och mellansvenska vaxtfoljder. tLund] Gleerupska
ROTATION SPECTRA see Molecular rotation
universitetsbokhandeln i distribution [1955-56] Schnizlein, August, 1855-
2 T. maps. 25 cm. (Meddelanden fran Lunds unlveraltets Geo- Fuhrer durch Rothenburg ob der Tauber, mit einem Stadt-
grafiska institution. Avhandllngar, 29, 32) ROTATORIA see Rotifera plan und uber 60 Abbildungen, einem Bild- und einem Sach-
SB187.S8L3 58-29045
weiser. 22. verb, und verm. Aufl., besorgt von H. Giessber-
Rothenburg ob der Tauber, J. P. Peter, 1951.
78 Illus. 19 cm.
Letedevich, N P DD901.R85S43
1951 55-55934
TpasonoJitHOft cncTCMti aeMJiefle-iiia na Top$H Lennon, Robert Earl, 1918-
noHsax MIIHCK, Toe. HS^-BO ECCP, 1931 The reclamation of Indian and Abrams Creeks, Great
Microfilm Slavic 540 AC Mic 56-4118 Smoky Mountains National Park, by Robert E. Lennon and DESCRIPTION VIEWS
Phillip S. Parker. Washington, U. S. Dept. of the Interior,
Fish and Wildlife Service, 1959. Gall, Ernst, 1888-
Novskov, F A iv, 22 p. tables. 27 cm (Special scientific report fisheries, no. Rothenburff ob der Tauber. Aufnahmen von Helga
BBCfleime cenooSoporoB B Exuxosax na rtpuiiepe KO.TXOSOB 306) Schmidt -Glassner. [Miinchen] Deutscher Kunstverlag
[SH11.A335 no. 306] Int 59-89
BopoHe/i.cKoft o6.iacTH. MocKsa, Toe. HS^-BO cear.xoa JIHT-
U. S. Dept of the Interior. Library r

PH, 1952. 29 p. illus. 26 cm. (Deutsche Lande, deutsche Kunst)

93 p. maps C part fold ) 20cm. DD901.R85G3 56-45263 J
SC03.N6 57-17641
OHHT ocBoeHiia cesooSopOTOB. [CocTaBHJiH no MaiepHajiait Diinow, Hermann.
HapEOM3CMa CCCP ^HacescKHft, M. T., H Ap.j MocKBa, Der Rote Frontkampferbund die revolutionare Schutz- ; Verein Alt-Rothenburg.
CeJitxosriis, 1945. und Wehrorganisation des deutschen proletariats in der Jahresbericht.
118 p. lllus. 20 cm. (HepeAOBoft onstr B CWBCKOM xosaflcTBe) Weimarer Republik. Hrsg. von der Gesellschaft zur
Rothenburg ob der Tauber, c Ger.]
S603.06 57-25701 J 22cm.
Verbreitung Wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse, Prasidium, v. illus

Sektion Militarpolitik] Berlin, Verlag des Ministeriums DD901JR85V4

fiir Nationale Verteidigung, 1958.
Oram, P A 101 p Illus, 21 cm. (Schrlftenrelhe zu Fragen der Milltttr-
und Heft 2)
Pastures and fodder crops in rotations in Mediterranean Ideologie
agriculture. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations, 1956.
via, 40 p. tables. 23 cm. (PAO agricultural development paper
U. S. Congress. Senate. OommMtee on Labor and Public
no. 57) Welfare.
S401.U6A13 no. 57 57-1259 ROTH, EUGEN, 1895- Nominations. Hearing before the Committee on Labor
and Public Welfare, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth
Fliigel, Rolf.
Congress, first session, on Stuart Rothman to be general
P A Eugen Roth. Munchen, G. Olzog 1957
counsel, National Labor Relations Board ; Edwin R. Price to
C 3
Oram, 42 p. ports. 19 cm. (MUnchner Portrats, Bd. 4)
Paturages fourrageres d'assolement dans la
et cultures
PT2635.O834Z65 be a member of the Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Re
region mediterraneenne. Rome, Organisation des Nations view. May 13, 1959. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.,
Unies pour 1'alimentation et ^agriculture. 1956. , 1959.
vl, 57 p. tables. 23 cm. (Collection FAO: progres et mtee ea Ill, 6 p. 24cm.
valeur, agriculture, cahler no 57) HD8051.B56 1959b 331.154 59-61452
S401.F6 no. 57 57-3234 Roth, Eugen, 1895-
Sammelsurium; Freud und Leid eines Kunstsammlers.
Munchen, C. Hanser 1955, C ROTHSCHILD, EDMOND, BARON DE, 1845-
Osborn, Walter M 95 p. lllus. 21 cm.
A 55-10692 1934
Crop rotation, tillage, and fertility experiments at th Harvard Univ. Library
Lawton, Oklo,, Field Station, 1917-19, by W. M. Osbora, and
Kressel, Getzel, 1911-
O. R. Mathews. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture in coopera
tion with the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station.
:nrpns nm
[Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1955. 139
[Haifa, 1954] ".p
Ii, 58 p. lllus. 24 cm. (U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Circular no. p. Illus., port, map. 18 cm.
Roth, Lillian, 1910-
S603.O68 Agr 55-130 Beyond my worth. New York, F. Fell C 1958j Hebrew Union College. Library
Copy 2. S2LA48 no. 961 817 p. Ulus. 22cm.
US. Dept of Agr. Llhr. lAgMO no. 951 PN2287.R76A32 927.92 58-8740 J

Margalith, Israel, 1920-

Plaxico, James Sam, 1924- Le baron Edmond de Rotliscluld et la colonisation juive
Alternative crop-pasture systems for grade "A" dairy en Palestine, 1882-1899. Pr6f. de David Ben-Gourion.
farms in northern Virginia. Blacksburg, Virginia Agricul ROTH, WILLIAM EDWARD Introd. de G. Bourgin. Paris, Librairie M. Riviere, 1957.
tural Experiment Station, 1955. 238 p. maps. 23 cm. (Bibllotheque d'hlstolre economique et
51 maps, dlagrs., tables. 23 cm. (Virginia. Agriniltural
Experiment Station, Blacksburg. Bulletin 474) Roth, William Edward. JV8749.P3M3 1957 A 59-1124
Reminiscences on Juneau County and other matters. Harvard Univ. Library

[S123.E2 no. 474] A 56-9069 Austin, Tex., Aus-Tex Duplicators, 1959.

297 p. Illus 29cm.
Virginia Pols, Library CT275.R7947A3 917.7555 59-33807
Rothschild, Edmond, laron de, 1845-1934.
Shepherd, Joseph Benjamin, 1892-
si yn^n nn^n n^tyiDn m
Permanent pasture compared with a 5-year crop-and-pas- . .

ture rotation for dairy cattle feed [by J. B. Shepherd and xnsnnm T^nn TIWD riKSin jsmv .y ^"y ITTIDI
others] Washington U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1956,
ROTH FAMILY t n. p., 195-j
"44 24cm. 78 p. ports., map. 28 cm.
p. lllus. (U.S. Dept of Agriculture. Technical
bulletin no. 1144) Roth, Ruth Caroline, 1926- DS151.R6A3 56-48496
genealogical study of the Nicolaus and Veronica (Zimer-
LS21.A72 no. 1144] Ar 56-166 man) Roth family, 1834-1954, by Ruth C. Roth in collabora
U. S. Dept of Agr. Ubr. !Ag84Te no. 1144 tion with Roy D. Roth. Elkhart, Ind., 1956.
for Library of Congress 331 p. illus. 28cm. ROTHSCHILD, LOUIS S. , 1900-
CS71.R8293 1955 55-43959 t
U. S. Congress. /Senate. Committee on Interstate and For
Skachkov, I A eign Commerce.
KoMEmcEC ^OEy^a Nominations Commerce Department (Rothschild, Moore
CTCIIH. [BopOHCSCj 1949.
ROTHACKER, ERICH, 1888- and Ray) Hearings before the Committee on Interstate
55 p. lllus., ports. 21 on. and Foreign Commerce, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth
S603.S53 57-15572 Congress, first session, on nominations of Louis S. Roths-
Funke, Gerhard, ed,
Konkrete Vernunft; Festschrift fiir Erich Rothacker child, of Missouri, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for

Bonn, H. Bouvier, 1958. Transportation, February 23, 1955; George T. Moore, of

Bonpocu TpaBOno.ibnott CHCTCMH seMJie^ejrHJi. T. 1-
be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Febru
444 p. port. 24cm. Illinois, to
MOCKB&, USA-BO AKa^eMHH nays CCCP, 1952-
v. illus, 23 cm. ary 9, 1955; Philip Alexander Ray, of California, to be
Chicago. UniT. Llbr. B23
S603.V6 53-24038 rw General Counsel of the Department of Commerce, January
26, 1955. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1955.
HI, 14 p. 23cm.
Wittmuss, Howard Dale. HF73.U53 1955 *353.82 55-60596
Soil structure in a Sharpsburg silty clay loam as
by grasses and cropping systems. Ann Arbor, Uj^.vj
Microfilms C 1957]
< (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 17,370
Microfilm AC-1 no. 17^70 MIA K7_fttt Boalch, Donald Howard. Katcher, Leo.
Nebrankn. TTnlv, Ubr. The Manor of Rothamsted. Harpenden, Rothamsted Ex The Big Bankroll; the life and times of Arnold Roth-
perimental Station, 1953. stein. [Isted.] New York, Harper [1959]
72 p. lllua. 23 cm. 869 p. illus. 22cm.
NA7625.R6B6 56-41843 HV6248.R7K3 923.4173

Library of Congress Catalog Books; Subjects


Beach, Neil William, 1928-
American Society for Testing Materials. Committee A-t
Astudy of the planktonic rotifers of the Ocqueoc River on Steel. Subcommittee vi on Steel
Forgings and Bidets. Liverant, Shephard.
system, Presque Isle County, Michigan. Ann Arbor Uni
' Symposium on brittle failure of rotor forgings; presented The use of Rotter's social learning theory in
versity Microfilms 195T, t at developing a
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication
t a] special meeting for delegates to World Metals Congress, personality inventory. [Washzngtonj American Psychologi
American Society for Testing Materials, cal Association, 1958.
no. 21,143 Philadelphia, Pa.,
Nov. 11, 1957. Philadelphia, American Society for
Testing ^^
Canella, Mario F
Ricerche sulla microfauna delle
acque interne ferraresi-
iv, 43 p.

nical publication no. 231)

1958 7
lllus., port., dlagrs., tables.

1957 621.24
23 cm. *^
(ASTM special tech

BF1JP8 vol. 72, no.
Copy 2.
2 137.8
58-14786 t

introduzione allo studio dei Ciliati e dei Rotiferi.

154 p. illus 45 plates, maps. 25 cm.
(Pubbllcazionl del Clvlco
museo dl storla naturale dl Ferrara, 4)
Coleman, Robert P
QL143.C25 57_29400 Theory of self-excited mechanical oscillations of heli
Pattist,J M
Het Rotterdam der herinnering. Rotterdam, Wyt [;1953j
copter rotors with hinged blades, by Robert P. Coleman and 192 p. illus 27cm.
Dormer, Josef, 1909- Arnold M. Feingold. Washington, U. S. Govt Print Off DJ411^8P3 57-41751 J
Radertiere (Rotatorien) 1958.
Stuttgart, Franckh rl956, lv, 39 p. 30cm. ([U.S.]
54 p. lllus. 24 cm. (EInftihrung in die Klelnlebewelt)
illus. National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, Report 1351)
QL391.R8D65 56-43223 J TL521.A33 no. 1351 Reinhardt, Hans, writer on Rotterdam*
629.13335 59-60206
Copy 2. TL716.C62 The story of Rotterdam, the city of today and tomorrow.
Kulamowicz, Antoni. tRotterdam, Public Relations Office, 1955]
48 p. Ulus. 23cm.
Badania nad wrotkami planktonowymi staw6w rybnych w
2lerommie pod todziq,. t Wyd. l.j Lodi, 1956.
Heyson, Harry H DJ411.R8R38 57-41463 t
47 p. lllus. 25 cm. (Ltfdzkle Towarzystwo Nauiowe. Wydzlal
Induced velocities near a lifting rotor with nonuniform
nr. Prace, nr. 42) disk loading, by Harry H. Heyson and S. Katzoff. Wash
QL391.R8K8 59-40508 1 ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1957 CL e. 1958, CHARITIES
111, 88 p Illus. 30 cm. ( U. S.j National AdvWi*y Committee
for Aeronautics. Report 1319) Rotterdamsche Stichting Ongeorganiseerde Jeugd.
Pawlowski, Leszek Kazimierz. TL52LA33 no. 1319 58-60686 Met het oog op de clufahuizen. Rotterdam t 1951 ? 3
Wrotki (Rotatoria) rzeki Grabi. 9 L 34 cm,
v. lllus 25 cm.
t Wyd l.j Lodl 1958-
Copy 2.

(JWdzkle Towarzystwo Naufcowe. Wydzial
m. Prace, nr. 50)
QL391.R8P3 59-23701 J
Prouty, Raymond W Voorst van Beest, Cornells Weraard van, 1914-
second approximation to the induced drag of a heli De katholieke armenzorg te Eotterdam in de iTe en de 18e
Pejler, Birger. copter rotor in forward flight. The instantaneous induced eeuw. 's-Graveniage, Excelsior rlflSS,
Taxonomical and ecological studies on planktonic Rota velocity at the blade of a finite-bladed rotor in forward 148p. port, fold. map. 2Scm.
from central Sweden. Stockholm. Almqvist & WikselL ^^ flight Pasadena, California Institute of Technology, 1958.
6$ L dlagrs. 29 cm. (Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology. GALOTT report)
52 p. map, dlagrs., tables. 30 cm. (KungL Svenaka vetenskaps- TL716.P73 *629.1335 629.13335 58^3410
akademlens handllngar, 4. ser., bd. 6, nr. 7) CITY PLANNING see Cities and
Q64.S85 ser. 4, bd. 6, no. 7 595.18 58-2305 A towns Planning Rotterdam
Chicago. TJnlv. Llbr.
Pejler, Birger. Castles, Walter. Verseput, Jan, 1906-
Taxonomical and ecological studies on planktonic Rota The normal component of the induced velocity in the Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Rotterdam,
toria from northern Swedish Lapland. Stockholm. Almqvist vicinity of a lifting rotor and some examples of its appli 1928-1953; gedenkboek in opdracht van de Earner geschre-
&Wiksell,1957. cation, by Walter Castles, Jr. and Jacob Henri De Leeuw. ven. Rotterdam, W. L. & J. Brusse, 1955.
68 p. lllus., dlagrs. 30cm. (Kungl Svenska vetenskapsakademiens Washington, 1954 l e. 415 p. Lllus. 28 Ym.
t 1955j
handllngar, 4. ser., bd. 6, nr. 5) II, 15 p 30 cm.
illus. { ( U. S.j National Advisory Committee for HF316.R86V4 S7-18040 J
Q64.S85 ser. 4, bd. 6, no. 5 595.18 A 58-2127 Aeronautics. Report 1184)
Chicago. Univ. Llbr. TL521.A33 no. 1184 55-61270
*629.1335 628.13335
Copy 2. TL716.C35
Rauh, Fritz, 1927- Boer, Jan Wfflem de, 1893-.
Untersuchungen tiber die Variabilitat (Zyklomorphose) Hartje stad; sentimentele herhr ingen van een Botter-
der Radertiere. Beobachtungen im Freiland und experi- ROTORUA, NEW ZEALAND damse journalist. Rotterdam, A. Donkey 1953. ^^
mentelle Untersuchungen. Miinchen, 1954. 9CpL fltaa. 27cm.
Microfilm 4158 QL Mic 55-3524 Reed, Alexander Wyclif. DJ41LR8B6 55-15349 J
Legends of Rotorua and the hot lakes. With illus. by
Dennis Turner. Wellington. A. H. & A. W. Keed fl958i
163 p. lllus. 23cm.
Voigt,Max. , .

Rotatoria, Radertiere Mitteleuropas.

die Berlin-Niko- GR375.R38 398.230993122 59-32802 J Rotterdam. Photographs by L. en T. van
lassee, Borntraeger, 1956-57 rV. 1. 1957]
Text by D. Eoodenburg Vermaat.
Eotterdam, Xd. Donker
2v, lllus. 25cm t 1958]
QL391.R8V6 A 58-25 rev DESCRIPTION GUIDE- BOOKS 78 p. fflua. 18cm.
Nebraska. Univ. Llbr. DJ41U1808 914^2 59-34273 J

Richards, James Harray, 1921- ed.

Rangi and Rotorua; an illustrated guide to the thermal
ROTOGRAPH see Photostat
region. c lst ed. Wellington, A. H. and A, W. Reed, 1952,
48 p. Ulna. 25cm. Klein, Aart
ROTOGRAVURES DTJ430JR6R5 919.31 55-57065 t Amste^am,Rottrdam,tweestedenrapsodie. Foto'svan
Aart Klein; tekst van Herman Besselaar. Baarn, In den
Cartwright, Herbert Mills. Toren [1959,
125 p. (chiefly inns.) 27cm.
Rotogravure; a survey of European and American meth ROTTAL AG. > RUSWIL, SWITZERLAND DJ411-A53K53 59-43376 J
ods, by H. M. Cartwright and Robert MacKay. Lyndon,
Ky., MacKay Pub. Co. tl956]
303 p. Illus. 29cm. Koch, EmiL
Oorthuys, Cas.
TR980.C32 *655.32 777.1 57-13537 J
Die Automobilunternehmung im offentlichen Verkehi-
Bit is onze havenstad Eotterdam. Foto's door Caa
dienst, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Eottal AG. Ros-
Oorfhuys en Aero-photo "Nederland." Tekst van Ch. A.
wiL Ruswil, 1952. Cocheret Amsterdam, Contact [C1952
PERIODICALS 95 p. map. 23 cm. ]
HE5683Ji6K6 55-5627 T>UiU$5
yfflaiL) ***VKW.)
58-21748 J
Gravurej monthly magazine for management and. plant oper
ating personnel
tGarden City, N. Y., Wijk, Eduard van.
v. lllus., ports. 31 on, ROTTENBURG, GERMANY (DIOCESE) Rotterdam. Photos, by Ed van W5jk. Text by A. J.
TR980.G7 655.327 59-30660 rTranaIated fWthe Dutch by Rora
ROTORS DJ41LE8W513 914,82 59-59676 t
Hagen, August, 1889-
Geschichte der Diozese Rottenburg. Schwa-
Severov, Nikola! Nfltiforovich,
benverlag [1956=-
ITepejioira^HBaHHe poiopos naposiix MoocBa, v. 19 cm.
Toe. 3Hepr. USA-BO, 1957. BX1538.R6H3 59-33500 t Belgisch-Nederlands* Bjjnmdere C e TOOT de Water.
334, t2] p. lllus. 20cm. enF
TJ737.S4 58-34065
Willburger, August. landse Brjzondere Commiaaie TOOT de
Waterwegen en Haven-
Alefi. Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Wurttemberg t voH] problemen.
E^taiuerotorovsneroviiakoutuhostouhriadera. Brati August Willburger tund3 Hermann Tuohle, Rottenburg,
akademie vied, 1958. Bader'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung {L9S4^
slava, VydavateTstvo Slovenakej
115 p. lllus. 24 on. HE672.B4 5640422
TA355.T6 69-40059 t America.
Catholic Univ. of Ubrary

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Guide pratique: Rouen et sa banlieue. 6. e"d. c Lyon.j
Dirkzwager's guide to the New Waterway, Rotterdam and Verseput, Jan, 1906- R. L. Boiveau [1056]
Dordrecht. Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Rotterdam, 526 p. Illus. (part col.) fold. col. maps. 14 cm.
Earner geschre- DC801.R85G8 1956
Rotterdam, Wyt 1928-1953; gedenkboek in opdracht van de 57-19097
v. art fold.)
mapss (part 28 cm. ven. Rotterdam, "W. L. & J. Brusse, 1955.
55-40199 J 415 p Illus. 28cm.
HF316.R86V4 57-18040 J
-,* Rouen, par Jean-Valery Helot Paris, Hachette, 1949.
63 p. Illus., maps. IT cm. (Les Guides bleus Illustr6a)
Router, F den. DC801.R85R6 914.425 49-53355 rev*
Rotterdam en de nieuwe waterweg. Amsterdam, C. de ROTTERDAM. LEENBANK see Gemeentelijke
Boer Jr., 1956.
Crediet- en Voorschotbank, Rotterdam
136 p. illus., map (on lining papers) 19 cm. (Serle "Sehlp en Rouen. Paris, Hachette, 1955.
haven," 3)
HE558.R75H65 59-38957 ROTTMANN, CARL, 1797-1850 64 p.
llua., maps ( 1 fold.
col. ) 17 cm. (Les Guides bleus lllustrfe)

Decker, Hugo.
Loohuis, Johannes Gerardus. Carl Rottmann. Berlin, Deutsdier Verein f iir Kunstwis-
Rotterdam als petroleumhaven in de negentiende eeuw. senschaf t, 1957.
190 illus. (part col.) maps. 31 cm. (Denkmaler deutscher
Rotterdam, A. Donker, 1952. p.
154 p. 17 cm. (Roterodamum, een reeks boekjes over Rotterdam KU "" > Annuaire de Rouen; edition commerciale et industrielle.
la verleden en heden, 7) A5T-5204
HD9575.N63R65 55-57745 t Harvard Univ. Library v. 24cm.
DC801.R84A7 55-26739
Nieuwenhuis, 3
Da haven van Rotterdam in verleden en heden. Gronin-
gen, J, B. Wolters, 1952. Salzburg. Residenzgalerie.
88 p. Illus. 23 cm. Johann Michael Rottmayr Werk und Leben, Gedachtnis-
HE558.R75N5 55-43784 J Rouen. Direction du port de Rouen.
Ausstellung zum 300. Geburtstag in den Prunkraumen der
Salzburger Residenz vom 4. Juni bis 31. August 1954.. Bear- c
Statist ique du port de Rouen et annexes.

Overbeeke, Kees. beitung des Katalogs: Franz Fuhnnann. Salzburg, 1954] [Rouen, Impr. Lecerf ]

80 p. map. 21cm. v. dlagrs., tables. 32 cm. annual.

De Rotterdamse haven. Assen, De Torenlaan, 1956. plates,
146 p. Illus. 19 cm. (Nederland, net land waarin wlj wonen,
A 57-844 HE668.R6A35 55-21875
deel) Harvard Univ. Library
HE558.R7509 59-38986 t
ROTUNDA, CARACAS see Caracas. Rotunda
HISTORY Herval, Rene", 1890-
ROUAULT, GEORGES, 1871-1958 Histoire de Rouen. Rouen, Maugard,
Koopmeiners, R J v. plates (part col.) 24cm.
DC801.R85H45 55-23114
Oorsprong, ontwikkeling en betekenis van het middel-
eeuwse Rotterdam; waarin wordt aangetoond dat de huidige Belgrad. Narodni muzej.
opvatting te dien aanzien onhoudbaar moot worden geacht Georges Rouault, 1871-1958; izlo2ba graAke. Beograd,
Aalten, De Graafschap [1956] 1958.
79 p Illus 25cm. 11 p., 15 plates. 25 cm
DJ411.R8K6 NE650.R67B4 59-38475
Compte d'ordre et d'administration present^ au Conseil
Traa, C van, ed. municipal par le maire de la ville de Rouen.
de geschiedenis van tien jaren wederopbouw.
Cinotti, Mya. Rouen.
Rottei-diim ;
Rouault. Introd. e note di Mia Cinotti. Novara, Istituto
Met een voorwoord van G. E. van Walsum. Onder redactie
geografico De Agostini J1954, JS18.R78 55-54026
van C. van Trna met medewerking van R, Blijstra et al. ( : 26 p. 10 col. lllua. 32 cm. (Gallerla antica e moderna)
Rotterdam, A. Donker, 1955.
291 p. Illus. 27cm.
A 55-1358
Harvard Univ. Library
DJ411.R8T7 56-36040
ROUEN. PARLEMENT see France. Parle-
DorivaL Bernard. ment (Rouen)
Veldhuizen, G van, ed, Cinq Etudes sur Georges Rouault Paris, Editions uni-
Het nevelgordijn opgetrokken, de Classis Rotterdam der versitaires C 1957, "1956]
Nederlandsch Hervormde Kerk tijdens den oorlog. Rotter 108 p. 12 plates. 18cm. (Temolnsduxxslecle,6) ROUERGUE
dam, W. L. & J. Brusse, 1946. A 58-4842
96 p. 25 cm. Harvard Univ. Library
BX9477.R6V4 55-22771
Dorival, Bernard. A
Georges Rouault, Images de Roger Hauert. Geneve, R L'appel du Rouergue; poeme-chant.
Paroles et musique.
30 p. Illus., ports. 27cm. (Lee Grands pelntres) Rodez, Editions Subervie [1958]
[15] p. music. 19 cm.
Aarse, J A 57-6535 A 59-6899
Prentenboek van Rotterdam; een wandeling door de tijd Harvard Univ. Library
Illinois. Univ. Library
en door de stad [doorj J. Aarse, H. C. Hazewinkel [
Alfred Kossmann. Amsterdam, Arbeiderspers, 1954.
160 p. Illus. 26cm. Dorival, Bernard.
DJ411.R8A6 57-42888 Georges Rouault Portraits by Roger Hauert Trans Fabre, Marc Andre*, 1894-
lated by F. E. Richardson. Geneva, R.
Kister, 1957.
Au pays des chardons et des geneVriers; poemes du
30 p. illus. 27 cm. (Great painters)
Rouergue. Villefranche-de-Rouergue, Impr. Salingardes
SOCIAL CONDITIONS ND553.R66D63 [759.4] 927.5 58-235 J [1954]
126 p. port. 19cm.

Bouman, Pieter Jan, 1902- Paris. Mnsee national

A 55-6147
d'art moderne. Illinois. Univ. Library
De groei van de grote werkstad; een studie over de Georges Rouault. r Exposition] 9 juillet-26 octobre.
bevolking van Rotterdam [doorj P. J. Bouman en W. H. [Paris] Editions des Musics nationaux, 1952. ROUFFIGNAC CAVE, FRANCE
Bouman. 2. druk. Assen, Van Gorcum, 1955. 40 p. 20 plates. 25cm.
142 p. 22cm.
HN520.R6B6 1955 58-188T8 t Harvard Univ. Library Noogier, Louis Rene\ 1

The cave of Rouffignac, by Louis-Rene Nbugier and Ro-

main Robert. Translated by David Scott from the French
ROTTERDAM. ACADEMIE VAN BEELDENDE Venturi, LioneUo, 1885- Rouffignac; ou, La guerre des mammouths. London, G.
KUNSTEN EN TECHNISCHE WETEN- Rouault, biographical and critical study. Translated Newnes t 1958]
from the Italian by James Emmons. [Parisi Skira C 1959 280 p. illus. 28cm.
SCHAPPEN 141 p. mounted col. Ulna. 19 cm. (The Taste of our time, v. 26) GN784.8.R6N613 571.7094472 59-1076 t
ND553.R66V433 759.4 59-7253
Maas,F N Nougier, Louis Ren^.
Honderd jaren Academie van Beeldende Kunsten en Tech- Roumgnac; La mammouths par] Louis-
guerre des
nische Wetenschappen. Rotterdam, Donker, 1951. A ROUCOUYENNE INDIANS see Oyana Indians Ren$ Nougier
et Romain Robert

Paris, La Table ronde

106 p. illus. 17 cm.
-'- (Roterodaxmun, eea reeks boekjes over
Rotterdam In verleden en hedea.8) 1957j
N332.R85M3 56-29712 J ROUEN Slip. Illus. 21cm.
GN784.3.R6N6 58-46939 %
Autin,Marc*L Zudaire, Crisanto.
Hazewinkel, Hendrik Cornelia, 1896- Jeanne d'Arc a Rouen; son proces, sa mort. Guide du Quijotes a lo divino. Diario intimo del P. Rogatien, sacer-
Honderd jaar gemeentelijke MDOOCLVH/
arcbiefzorg, tLe Havre, 195- Ij
touriflte et du Rouennais. dote obrero de Paris. Apologia de ese nuevo genero de
MOKLvn. [Rotterdam. 1967-1 56 p. UluB. 20cm.
142 Ulna. 25cm. apostolado. Barcelona, Editorial Franciscana, 1956.
p. DC105.6A82 56-24610 J xx, 122 p. llluJi, port IT cm. (CJoleccWn "Frandscftlln," 2)
CD1708.R6H3 58-48519 HN39JF8Z8 58-19934

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

VALLEY see also Waltz Albornoz Ibanez, Alejandro.
La limitacion del poder del estado en la doctrina de
Ontario. Dept, of Planning and
Development. Rousseau. Santiago c de Chile] 1951.
Hunt, PauL

R. D. H. P. Valley conservation 1956. 45p. 27cm.

report, Toronto, Calico rounds; the round and folk dance teacher, by Paul 57-28870 t
1956. JC179.E9A39
L (J^
^ P^SS) m as., mai (part fold., part coL (I fold,
Hunt and Charlotte Underwood. Illustrated with photos,
in pocKet) ) 55 cm.
by Charles Underwood. New York, Harper r!955i
HC117.062R6 59-31514 105 p. Ulus. 20cm. Atene, Paolo.
GV1755.HS 793.33 55-65S3 J Gian Giacomo Rousseau; la vita e le opere, il pensiero
filosofico, politico, pedagogico e religioso. Genova, Fides,
ROUGE -ET NOIR see Trente-et-quarante 1954.
275p. 22cm.
Osgood, Bob, ed.
A 5^4638
ROUGET, MARIE MELANIE, 1883- American round dance handbook; the rounds and mixers Harvard Univ. Library
compiled from the 1948 through 1956 issues of Sets in order
Escholier, Raymond, 1882- and the round dance library. Edited by Bob Osgood, with

427 p
fo ^ brflle : Marie NogL Paris -^ Fayard r !957j help by the whole staff of Sets in order and special thanks
to Joe Fadler, Jeri Stave, and Frank Hamilton. Los An t
Chapman, John

'William, 1923-
totalitarian or liberal? New York, Columbia
57-44449 J geles, Sets in order, 1957j y no.
234 p. Ulus. 21cm. ^U^4 p. 2?cm. (Columbia studies la the social sciences,
GV1755.08 793.33 57-48097 %
H31.C7 no. 589 320.15 56-5885

1836. LA MARSEILLAISE Theriot, Marie del Norte.

Les danses rondes. Louisiana French folk dances, col
Chapman, John William, 1923-
Cavard, Pierre. lected,arranged and edited by Marie del Norte Theriot and Rousseau and liberalism. Ann Arbor, University Micro
L'Abbe" Pessonneaux et la Marseillaise. Catherine Brookshire Blanchet. Abbeville, La., R. E. films [1054,
Vienne, Syndicat
d'initiative, 1954. Blanchet, distributor, 1955. (ttJnlverslty Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 8627)
147 p. 20cm. 32 p. lllus. 28 cm. (Southwest Louisiana French folk series) Microfilm AC-1 no. 8627 Mic A 54-3549
GV1755.T4 793.31 55-965
A 55-6730 Colombia Univ. Libraries
Catholic Univ. of America. Library

ROUND STAGE see Arena theater
Delfolie, Deregibus, Arturo.
Marseillaise, paroles et musique de Rouget de Lisle. II problema morale in Jean- Jacques Rousseau e la validit&
Essai de reconstitution Mstorique et de critique litte"raire.
ROUND TOWERS dell'mterpretazione kantiana. Torino, G. Giappichelli tlQlfti
232 p. 25 cm. (Unlversita dl Torino. Pubbllcazlonl della Facolta
Montmorillon, A. Rossignol, 1956.
10 p. music. 27 cm. see also Sun-worship di maglstero, 8)
A 58-^3546 Harvard Univ. Library
Oregon. Univ. Llbr.
Rounders. [Published] in collaboration with the Na Emery, Leon.
Gel, FrantiSek.
tionalRounders Association. t lst ed. London] Educational
Internncionala a Marseillaisa; dve vitezne* pisne. Rousseau, 1'annonciateur. Lyon [Audin, 1954j
(Vyd. 1 3 Productions 1957,
Praha, Mir, 1952. 33 p. lllus

14 1 21 cm. (Know the game series)

170 p. 26 cm. (m Cahlers Ubres)
303 p. lllus., ports. 21 cm. GV1017.E6R68 796.35 57-3457 t A 55-5267
Illinois. Univ. Llbr.
ML3545.G4 54-i3854

ROUNDS, JAMES BURLEY, 1876- GInm, Friedrich, 1891-

Gel, FrantiSek. Jean Jacques Rousseau, Religion und Staat j Grundlegung
Sapp, Phyllis Woodruff, 1908-
Internationale und Marseillaise; Lieder, die Geschichten einer demokratischen Staatslehre, [Stuttgartj W. Kohl-
machten. Zwei Reportagen aus einemhalb Jahrhunderten, The ice cutter; the life of J. B. Bounds, missionary to the hammer [1956j
Indians. Atlanta, Home Mission Board, Southern Baptist 418 p. 23cm.
die Einleitung nicht zu vergessen. [Deutsche Fassung von
Hans Gaertnerj Prag, Artia, 1954.
Convention [1948]
99 p. Ulus., ports. 20 cm. (Graded aeries on frontiers) Univ. Llbr.
A 57-2034
344 Chicago.
p. plates, ports., facslms., music. 23 cm.
ML3545.G414 922.673 48-1931 rev*

Green, Frederick Charles, 1891-

ROUNDUP CONFERENCE OF THE NORTHEAST Jean- Jacques Rousseau; a critical study of his life and

ROUILLIER, CHARLES, 1814-1858 ERN STATES see Regional Roundup Confer writings. Cambridge [Eng.j University Press, 1955.
376 p. port. 23 cm.
ence of the Northeastern States PQ2043.G75 [921.4] 928.4 56-16
MikulinsJoi, S R
K. <I>. PyJt&e H ero yneHEe o PESBHTHH opraHH^ecKoro KHpa.
MocKBa, HS^-BO AEafleMHH nays CCCP, 1957.
ROUNTREE FAMILY Guarnieri, Primo.
353 p. illus., ports., facslms. 21 cm. L'educazione femminile nel pensiero di G. G. Rousseau.
QH31.R77M5 58-35576 Rountree, Joseph Gustave, 1879-
Rowntree and Rountree family history, 1521-1953. Adria, Arti grafiche Succ. Zanibelli, 1955.
r Bee- 74 p. 20cm.
ville? Tex., 1959, LB519.G8 56-19941 J
ROULETTE HHvlp. 28cm.
CS71.R8636 1959 59-33192 t

Radner, Sidney H
How to win at roulette and other casino games. n. p., ROUSSEAU, FELIX, 1887- Healey, F G
Rousseau et NapolSon. Geneve, E. Droz, 1957.
Key Pub. Co., 1958 3
vul, 105 p. 25cm.
96 p. lllus. 23cm. Etudes sur 1'histoire du pays mosan au Moyen Age, Melan A 57-6799
GV1309.R2 795.01 59-19273 J ges Felix Rousseau. t Kecueil offert en hommage a Monsieur Harvard Univ. Library
Felix Rousseau par ses collegues, ses anciens eleves et ses
amis] Bruxelles, Renaissance du livre, 1958.
Szabo, Aly, 1895- rrt,688p. Ulus^ maps, geneaL table*. 26cm. Krafft, Olivier.
The gambling, and how to avoid them. tPont-
pitfalls of
Harvard TJnlT. Library
59-19 A La politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau; aspects meconnus.
1'Eveque, France, D'Auge-Tribune, 1954] Paris, Librairie generale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1958.
129 p. lllus. 16cm.
GV1309.S9 1954a 795.2 55-15670 J
JC179.R9K67 A 58-6299
Harvard Univ. Library

Gauthier, MaxuniUen, 1893-

ROULETTES (GEOMETRY) Le douanier Rousseau. [Paris, Les Gemeaux, 1949] Lang, Linde, 1923-
23 21 plates (IncL port) 16 cm.
p. [Collection to-16, 1] Jean-Jacques Rousseau; der Sturz des Menschen. Mun-
ND553.E67G38 52-44083 rev
chen, 1950.
see also Cycloids 104, t 3]L 30cm.
PQ2053X3 56-30108
Perruchot, Henri, 1917-
ROUMANIA see Rumania Le douanier Rousseau. Paris [Editions universitaires,
Machado, Lourival Gomes.
116 p. 13 plates. IS cm. (Temoln8daxxslftcle,9)
Homem e sociedade na teoria politica de Jean-Jacques
A 58-4895 Rousseau. Sao Paulo, 1956 ti. e. 1957j
141 p. 24 cm. (Unlversldade de 8So Paulo. Faculdade de Fllo-
Harvard tTnlv. Library
aofla, ClSndaa de Letrsa. Bolettm n. 196. Polfttca, n. 2)
language JC179J19M3 59-43607 J


Shattadc, Roger.
Bonnet, MarceL The banquet years; the arts in France, 1885-1918 : Alfred Mirabella, Tommaso.
Un aspect familier de Joseph Roumanille.
Saint-Remy- Jarry, Henri Rousseau, Erik Satie, Guiflaume Apollinaire, Fortuna di Eousseau in Sicilia, Caltanissetta, S. Sciascia
de-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhone, Escolo dia Aupiho, 1956. t lst ed.j
New York, Harcourt, Brace C1958j t 1957,
306 p. Ulns. 25cm. 324p. 20cm.
DC338.S48 914.4 58-8578 J Chicago. Univ. Idbr. B21S7
PC3402.R6Z65 57-31759 J

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES, 1712-1778 Vertsman, fcrail' Efimovich. ROUSSET, DAVID, 1912-
(Continued) 3Kan-)KaK Pycco. MocKua, Toe. H3fl-uo xyAoac. JIHT-PK,
Le Proces des camps de concentration sovifitiauea
269 p. illus. 21 cm. 1951.
Morando, Dante. PQ2053.V4 59-24585 t
128 p. 19cm.
J. J. Rousseau. r Bresciaj La Scuola ,-1958]
HV8931.K8P68 55-40627
171 p. 19cm (Pedagoglsti ed educator!)
Voisine, Jacques.
Harvard TJniv. Library J.-J. Rousseau en Angleterre a 1'epoque romantique; les
cents autobiographiques et la legende. Paris, Didier, 1956.
s, 482 p. lllus. 24 cm. (Etudes de lltterature Strangere et com-
Nemo, Maxime. paree[31,) Visages du Roussillon. Par Andrfi Marez et al. 3 Edi
LTiomme nouveau: Jean- Jacques Rousseau. Paris, La A 57-561 tions des Horizons de France 1952j
t Paris,

Colombe 1957]
Duke Univ. Library 177 lllus. 24 cm.
p. (Collection "Provinciates," 27)
178 p. 23 cm. DC611.R86V5 55-26053
A 57-7655 t
HUnol*. Univ. Library
Volpe, Galvano delta.
Rousseau e Marx e altri saggi di critica materialistica. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL- VIEWS
t Roma] Editorial riuniti C 1957j
Petruzzellis, Nicola. 162 p 23 cm. Nuova blblloteca di cultura, 18 )
n pensiero politico e pedagogico di G. G. Rousseau. 2. ed.,

A 57-6318 Pyrene'es-Orientales, France (Dept.) Ofltce

riv. e ampliata. Bari, Adriatica ed., 1958. Chicago. Unlr. Llbr. B825 du tourisme.
vlil,lSSp. 25cm.
Images du Eoussillon. [Perpignan, 1953!
JC179.R9P4 1958 A 59-1492 unpaged. Illus. 30 cm.
Harvard Univ. Library INFLUENCE DC611.R86A5 56-20967

Ravary, Berthe, 1886- Babbitt, Irving, 1865-1933.

Un conscience chre"tienne devant la pensee
religieuse de
Eousseau and romanticism. t 2d ed.j New York, Meridian ECONOMIC CONDITIONS
J.-J. Rousseau. Pref. de Pierre Moreau.
Paris, B. Gras- Books, 1955 1947j
324 p. 18cm. (Meridian books, MS)
6trl956] France. Institut national d>gtude9
61, [1) p. front 17 ci [PN603] 809.03 55-5986 J demograpMquet.
Printed for U. Q. B. B. Region Languedoc-Roussillon: economie et population.
Illinois. Univ.
A 57-2129 S.
(Paris] Presses universitaires de France, 1957.
Library 327 p. lllus. 24 cm. (Itt Travaux et
documents, cahler no 80)
Rohrs, Hermann.
Jean- Jacques Rousseau; Vision und Wirklichkeit. Hei
delberg, Quelle & Meyer [1956, 1957]
246p. port 23cm.
A 57-1221 Federation historique do Languedoc mediterranean et da
Harvard Untv. Library Saussure, Hermine de. Roussillon.
Kousseau et les manuscrits des Confessions. Paris, E. de Congres.
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1712-1778. Boccard, 1958. Montpellier.
384 p. facalm. 23cm. v. lllus. 25cm.
Confessions; the anonymous translation into English of
1783 & 1790, rev. and completed by A. S. B. Glover, with a PQ2036.S3 A 59-3966 DC611.L285F4 58-15467
Illinois. Univ. Library
neTT introd. by Mr. Glover. Illus. by William Sharp. New
York, Limited Editions Club, 1955.
xvlll,635p. illus. 26cm. ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES. CONTRAT
PQ2036A5 France. Institut national d>etudes d&mographiquet.
1955 [921.4] 928.4 55-1690 SOCIAL
Region Languedoc-Roussillon: exsonomie et population.
[Parisj Presses universitaires de France, 1957.
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1712-1778. 327 p. LUus. 24 cm. (Itt Travaux et documents, cahler no 80)
Schwanenflug, Carl Christoph von, 1921-
Confessions. Edited, rev., and prefaced by Lester G. HC277.R7F7 58-22515 1
Crocker. c New York, Pocket Books, 1957, '1956,
Die Idee der Volkssouveranitat in Rousseau's Contrat
351 p. 17 cm. The Pocket library, P. social und in der hessischen Verf assung von 1946. Munchen,

1957 928.4
vlll, 115 L 29cm.
JC327.S42 56-57932 Nelli, Rene".
Saussure, Hermine de. Le Languedoc et le Comtc" de Foix, le Roussillon. t PariS]
Rousseau et les manuscrits des Confessions. Paris, E. de Gallimard
lllus. 23cm. (Les Provinces franchises, 4)
8S4p. facslm. 23cm. HELOl'SE DC611.L295N4 58-45958 t
PQ2036.S3 A 59-5966
Illinois. Univ. Library
Jones, Clelland Evans, 1917-
L'art de la phrase dans La nouvelle Helo'ise de Jean- STATISTICS
Seer, Michael, 1902- Jacques Rousseau. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t !955] France.
mtnon Ann Institut national de la statistique et des etudes eco-
ID ion P'T ([University Microfilms, Arbor, Mich.) Publication no. 14,122)

?vr(* .Oi
Microfilm AC-1 no. 14,122 Mic 55-1135 nomiques.
Iowa. Univ. Library Tableaux demographiques et ^conomiques du Languedoc-
ppn niuniwrn rwpjtn nrnnonn Roussillon. Montpellier, 1958.
^Jerusalem, 1951/52] 84 p. maps (part col.) 34 cm.
75 p. 17 cm.
1 ,D )

Stankov, Sergei Sergeevich, 1892-
Ragner, Jacqueline, 1924-
Pycco. JIaMapK. MocEua, CoseiCKaa nayna, L'art de la phrase dans Les reveries d'un promeneur soli
1955. Routal, Paul, 1884-
138 p. Illus. 20cm. taire de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Ann Arbor, University La grande soif, vie authentique de Paul Routal.
r Par,
QK26.S8 Microfilms 1955] Benjamin Vallotton.
56-41203 J t
Avant-propos de Pierre Bovet
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 9592) 1

Lausanne, Librairie de 1'Universite Lr!947,]

Microfilm AC-1 no. 9592 Mic 55-85 174 p. 19cm.
Starobinski, Jean. HV5553.R6 59-23805 J
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, la transparence et Pobstacle, ROUSSEAU, VICTOR, 1865-
Paris, Plon [19571 ROUTE DES HOMMES
S40p. 2Sck Dupierreux, Richard, 1891-

Illinois. Univ.
A 68-5551 Victor Rousseau. Anvers, Edit6 par De Sikkel
pour le Lambot, Paul
Library Ministere de I'lnstruction publique C 1950, C 1949,
15 p. 28 plates, port. 25 cm. (Monographles de 1'art beige. 8.

Temmer, Mark J NB673.R6D8

Time in Rousseau and Kant; an on French pre- 54-40674
essay 56^8793 t
romanticism. Geneve, E. Droz, 1958.
TOp. 25cm.
B2138.T5T4 194 59-2453 J
Pincherie, Marc, 1888-
Albert RousseL Deutsch von A. H. Eichmann. Genf R. see also Railroads
Surveying; Roads
t 1957]

Testa, Aldo. 159 p. lllus. (part coL)

jwrts^ moslc. 19 cm. (Die Grossen Kom- Surveying
ponirten des 2o'. Jahrhunderts, 2)
II dialogo sociale. ,,, 1957,
205 p. 22cm. (BIblloteca dl
Oregon. Univ. Llbr.
A 59-3316 Rubey, Harry, 1886-

Univ. Ubr.
A 59-2044 Route surveys and
construction; a pocket and reference
Chicago. book with tables for the
ROUSSELOT, JEAN, 1915- survey, and construction of
highways, railways, airways, tramways, beltways, canals,
MarisscI, Andr6. flumes, levees, pipe lines, transmission lines, and other route
Thomas, Jacques Francois. Jean Rousselot, poete et romancier. Trois poemes. Une constructions for students, professional
engineers, construc
tion engineers, and contractors. 3d ed.
LepelagianismedeJ.-J.Eousseau. Paris, Librairie Nizet bibliographie. Rodez, Editions Subervie t 1956j New York, Mac-
47 p, port. 19cm. (Collectioo Vl.agw o> c* temp., 2) millan t !956,
P UUS- 18cm
Harvard Univ.
A 57-2822 UllDoU. Unlr. Library
A. 58-102 '

surveys erl)
Library 56-7331 J

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

ROUTES OF TRADE see Trade routes ROWE FAMILY Porter, Colin.

Bowing to win. London, S. Paul t!959; stamped:
ROUTES OF TRAVEL see Air travel; Ocean Coffin, Velma (Rowe) 1890- by Sportshelf, New Rochelle, N. Yo
travel; Voyages and travels Guide-books; The descendants of Franklin and Mary Noyes Bowe of 158 p. Illus. 22cm.
59-4125 t
and subdivision Description and travel Humboldt County, Iowa, with some notes on their ancestors. GV79LP6 797JL23
Storm Lake ?Iowaj 1955.
Guide-books under names of countries or t
87 p. lllns. 24 cm.
regions, e. g. France Description and CSTLB878 1955 56-17866 J Russia (1923- Z7. 8. S. S.) Komitet po -fLsichedeoi fatf-
travel Guide-books ture i aportv,
Rowe, Charles, 1842-1902. Tpefijia:; npaaaja copesHOBaHHft. Mocssa, <X>H3KyjrtTVpa
Pioneer tales. Compiled, by Annie Bowe Shepherd, With H cnopT. 1957.
ROUVROY, LOUIS DE, DUG DE SAINT SIMON illus. by Charles Alfred Rowe. tn.p.,19 j
24p. 20cm.
see Saint Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, due de f 186 p. lllus., ports. 22cm, GV791.E8 58-48424 t
F731.R6 929.2 59-43505
Shvedov, Aleksandr Mikhaflovich.
AzaflCMHiecEaji rpe&aa; B noiconjB Tpenepy. MOCKBE,
ROUX, EMILE, 1853-1933 ROWELL FAMILY $H3EyjiLTypa H cnopi, 1957.
191 p. Ulus. 20cm.
RoweH, Melvm Weston, 1868- GV791.S45 57-40466 J.
Lagrange, Emile.
Monsieur Eoux. The register of Eowells; a brief record of male Rowells
Avant-propos du professeur F. Duran-
Reynals. Bruxelles, A. Goemaere !955] t
with years of birth, death, and marriage, with maiden name HISTORY
251 p. lllus. 18 cm. of wife, of children, of places lived and of principal activi
R507.R68L3 56-57304 J ties. 2ded. Concord, N. H., Printed by the Concord Press, Norsen, Irene (Ward)
1957. Ward brothers, champions of the world. t lst ed., New
37 p. 23 cm.
York, Vantage Press C 1958]
Supplement. Concord, N. H., Printed by the 76 p. illus. 20cm.
ROUX, GEORGES, OF MONTFAVET Concord Press, 1959. GV791.N6 797.123 58-14028 t
23 p. 23 cm.
Bedarieux, Pierre. CS7UR881 1967 StippL
La secte tragique des Temoins du Christ, une enquete. CS7LR881 1957 59-4424 t

Paris, Editions de I'Arabesque 1954- Haig-Thomas, Peter.

r, illus. 19cm.
(Collection eclectlque)
57-19880 J
ROWFANT CLUB, CLEVELAND The English style of rowing new light on an old method,

by Peter Haig-Thomas ~and M. A. Nicholson. London,

Anderson, Russell Howard, 1896- Faber and Faber [1958!
ROUX, MARIE, MARQUIS DE, 1878-1943 The Rowfant Club, a history. Cleveland, 1955.
164 p. illus. 23cm.
101 p. lllus. 21cm. GV795JS2 797.123 58-43958 J
Z1008.E884A5 010.62771 55-42172 J
Glandy, Anne Andre*.
Le marquis de Roux, RUSSIA
1878-1943. Pre"f . par le due de Le*vis-
Mirepoix. Poitiers, S. F. I. L. et Imp. M. Texier reunies ROWING E
Kabanov, L
217 p. lllus. 19cm. SaHHstaftTect rpednuM citoproK. MocEsa, <3>H3Kyjrtxvpa H
Bauman, Karlo. cnopx, 1955.
DC342.8.R75G5 58-46855 J
Tuma5 regatnih pravila. tZagreb1 BrodarsM savez 50p. illus. 20cm.
Hrvatske, 1954. GV797.R8K3 56-39909 t
62 p. illus. 21 on.
ROVE -BEETLES see Staphylinidae GV791.B3 59-52779 J
Eomarov, Aleksei Fflippovich.
ROVELSTAD, TRYGVE A, BoctuepKa flpysnux. MocKsa, <E>H3EyjiTypa H cnopx,
BurneIl,R D 1957.
on training and rigging. 94p. illus. 20cm.
Sculling, with notes London,
Rovelstad, Anna Matilda Karolin (Evenson) New York, Oxford University Press, 1955. GV797.R8K6 57-46059 J
My sculptor son. t Elgin?HL,1958 : 110 p. illns. IS cm.
Pakhomov, Petr Alekseevich.
14 p. lllus. 19cm. GV791JB86 797.122 55-14699 J
NB237.R72R6 927.3 59-19562 \ Tpefijur. MocKBa, Toe. H3fl-so ryjctTypHO-npocBerHTeaB-
HOtt JtHT-pH, 1956.
23 p. ulna. 22 cm. (HascTpeqy CnapraKHaxe mpoxoB PC<frCP)
China (People's Republic of China, 19jfr- ) ZS yu yun GV797JE18P3 57-17739 t
ROVENSKY, JOSEF, 1894-1937 tuny wei yuan hui.
Wasserman, Vaclav, ed. U. S. S. R.)
Josef Rovensky. t Vyd. l.j Praha, Statni pedagogicke* ture i tportv.
nakl., 1957. PpefiHOft cnopr; napo^aa
57 p. ulus. 80cm. (TJcebnf terty rysoltfch flkol) Ha K&HO3. nporpaKita. [CocraajceHa F. M. KpacHonemcBUK]
PN1998.A3R68 58-41317 J
Mocxsa, C>H3ryjitTypa H cnopr, 1955.
85 p. 20 cm. (flporpaMMa AM cnopTMsitux ceumft xoguerraioB
qMomecKoA xyjibTypu)
ROWAN, ANDREW SUMMERS, 1857-1943 GV797.R8A55
L Bowing. L Title. Title romantecd: Hua ch'uan koel trt.
Slivko, B N
Tosquella, Max, 1890- rpefinoft cnopr B CCCP. [XyfloscmiK M. JI. Kol^IaHee^.
The truth about the message to Garcfa. English transla GV791.C5 C 59-1891 J MocKBa, <&H3Eyjii.Typa H cnopT, 1956i
tions by J. F. Berndes and Charles Dujol. 1st ed. La unpaged (chiefly nius.) 23 cm.
Habana [1955, Fattori, Giorgio. GV797.R8S55 59-24660 t
lv. (unpaged) illus^ ports., maps, facsims. 22cm. 2. ed.j Hanno collaborato : Giuseppe Frat
Canottaggio C
E714.6.E8T6 56-44157 tini ^t al.j Milano, Sperling & Kupfer C 1955, ROWLANDS, SAMUEL, 15707-1630?
140 p. illua., tables. 23 cm. (tCollana sportivai 27)

ROWAN COUNTY, N. C. A 56-4230 Dickson, Sarah Augusta.

Ohio State Univ. Ltbr. GV7&1 The "humours" of Samuel Rowlands.
(In Bibliographical Society of America. Papers. New York.
24 cm. T. 44 (2d quarter, I960) p. I01-U& facsUn*)
Z1008JB51P voL44 60-12157 rev
La preparazione ginnico-atletica del canottiere. Napoli,
Brawley, James S 1918- Hermes t 1954]
Old Rowan views and sketches. [Salisbury! N. C., 1959] 51 p. lllus. 24 cm.
Sip. ilhis. 81cm. A 55-4005 ROWLEY, HAROLD HENRY, 1890-
59-35703 t Ohio State Univ. Llbr. GV71LI5
Society for Old Testament Study.
HISTORIC HOUSES, ETC. Ivanov, Aleksandr Andreevlch. Wisdom in Israel and in the ancient Near East. Presented
Cy^eftCTBo copesHOBaHHft no rpe6noiy cnopry. Mocrsa, to Professor Harold Henry Rowley by the Society for Old
Brawley, James S 1918- <I>H3KyjrE>Typa H cnopi. 1957. Testament Study hi association with the Editorial Board of
Old Rowan views and sketches. Ill p. Illns. 20cm.
[Salisbury! N. C., 1959j Vetus testamentum, in celebration of hia-surty-fifth birthday,
81 p. inns. 81 cm. GT791JC87 59-47803 t 24 ^iarch 1955. Edited by M. Noth and 0. Winton Thomas.
F262JE18B69 59-35703 t
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1955.
xlx, SOI p. lllus., port. 25cm. ( Supplements to Vetus twtmmea-


Bibliographical footnotes.
Eholodkovskaia, Ekaterina Ivanovna.
Masters, William Murray, 1927- Bpa^etfHiift KOHipoiB npH sanaritax rpe<SHsnc oxoproH. BS410.V452 voL 221.04 56-58170
Rowanduz: a Kurdish administrative and mercantile MociBa, C&H3syjiiTypa H cnopi, 1957.
center. Ann Arbor, University Microfilms t !954] 106 p. forms. 20 cm.
Ann Publication 7689) GV791.K5 58^1113
( [University Microfilms, Arbor, Mich.]
Microfilm AC-1 no. 7689 Mic A 55-3111
ROWE, "RASTT. L,. Pfiitze, Werner. Twitciett, P G
Wir rudern ; Lehranleitung
fur Skullen und Eiemenrudeni A short history of Rowley Baptist Ghurcli, 1652-1952.
Werner Pfutze tundj Ernst Herberger. Berlin, Sport- Gateshead Eng.j Printed by Howe Bros^ 1952.
Rowe, Basil L [Vonj
verlag t !954j 44 p. Ulos. 22cm.
Under my wings. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [1956]
286 p. 23cm. 2S4P. BX6490.R6R6 286.142 55-tf8706 J
TL540.B67A3 92&2913 56-13275 t
Ohio State UnlT. Llbr.

of Books: Subjects
Library Congress Catalog

ROY, ROB see Macgregor, Robert, called ROYAL BALLET SCHOOL, LONDON
Rob Roy, 1671-1734 Capon, Naomi.
Dancers of tomorrow ; the story of a girl's training at the
Foulds, Elfrida Vipont (Brown) 1902-
Arnold Eowntree; a life, by Elfrida "Vipont ROYAL ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ART, Eoyal Ballet School. With a foreword by Arnold L. Has-
kell. [1st American ed.] New York, Harcourt, Brace C 1957.
London, Bannisdale Press [1955] LONDON e
128p, tnua. 22cm. !956j
DA566.9.R6F6 923.242 56-45697 J 92 p. lllns. 23 cm.
GV1754.E7C3 1957 792.8 57-10349 J
Barnes, Sir Kenneth Ralph, 1878-1957.
Welcome, good friends; the autobiography of Kenneth
ROWNTREE, JOSEPH, 1836-1925 Barnes. Edited by Phyllis HartnolL London, P. Davis
Vernon, Anne.
237 p. Ulna. 23cm. Royal Canadian Air Force
PN2598.B425A3 792.0942 59-249 J
A Quaker business man; the life of Joseph Bowntree,
1836-1925. London, Allen &Unwin c 1958] ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY PAY CORPS see
207p. Ulos. 22cm.
HD9200.G74E69 926.542 59-360 J ROYAL AFRICAN COMPANY OF ENGLAND Canada. Army. Royal Canadian Army Pay
Davies, Kenneth Gordon.
ROWNTREE, LEONARD GEORGE, 1883- The Eoyal African Company. London, New York, Long
mans, Green 1957] E
lr,390p. 2 maps, tables. 22cm.
Rowntree, Leonard George, 1883- HF486 JR6D3 326.1 A 57-6673 Canada. Royal Canadian Dental Corps
Amid masters of twentieth century medicine; a panorama Univ. LIbr.
of persons and pictures. With an introd. by George F. LttlL
Springfield, HL, C. C. Thomas [1958j
ROYAL AIR FORCE see Gt. Brit. Royal Air
684 ix. lllus. 24cm. Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police
E154J&77A3 1958 926.1 58-8432 t Force


see Stockholm. Karolinska mediko-
GtBrit Exchequer and Audit Dept. kirurgiska institutet
ROWNTREE AND COMPANY, LTD. Royal Air Force Prize Fund account ... together
with the
Report of the Comptroller and Auditor
General thereon.
A Quaker business man; the life of Joseph Eowntree, London, H. M. Stationery Off. GYNAECOLOGISTS, LONDON see London.
25cm. annual.
1836-1925. London, Allen &TJnwin t 1958i T.
55-37754 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynae
207 p 111"" 22 T" UG635.G7A2985
HD9200.G74E69 926.542 59-360 t cologists
of Arts and Sciences EDINBURGH. LABORATORY
The Plate of pewter. cn. p- 1954,
,13] p. nias. 24cm. ROYAL AND ANCIENT GOLF CLUB OF ST. Ritchie, John, 1882-
Z1008.R896 55-25350 J
ANDREWS Histovy of the Laboratory of the Eoyal College of Physi
cians of Edinburgh. With a foreword by W. A. Alexander.

ROXBURGHSHIRE, SCOTLAND Salmond, James Bell, 1891- Edinburgh, Eoyal College of Physicians, 1953.
3d, 158 p. ports. 22 cm. (Royal College of Physicians of Edin
The storyof the K. & A., being the history of the first two burgh publications, no. 1)
hundred years of the Eoyal and Ancient Golf Club of St. R775.E39 no.l 616.072
ANTIQUITIES Andrews. With a foreword by Bernard Darwin. London,

Macmillan; New York, St Martin's Press, 1956.

Scotland. Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical 2S6p. tllus. 22cm. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF EDIN
Monuments and Constructions. GV969J16S3 796.352062421 56-4833 t BURGH. PHARMACOPOEIA
An inventory of the ancient and historical monuments of
Eoxburghshire, with the fourteenth report of the commis BIBLIOGRAPHY
sion. Edinburgh, H.M. Stationery Off., 1956.
ROYAL ARCH MASONS see Freemasons.
Cowen, David Laurence.
2 v, (xrxtl, 505 p.) Illus., platea, maps {part coL, 1 fold. In Royal Arch Masons
pocket} plans. 29cm. Library holdings of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. New
DA880JB8S3 *941 913.41 56-37179 Brunswick, N. J., Dept. of History and Political Science,
ROYAL ARTILLERY BAND see Gt. Brit. University College, Eutgers, 1957.
Band 14L 26cm.
Army. Royal Regiment of Artillery. 26675.P5C6 016.61511 58-63060
ca. 1505-ca. 1561
Australia. Royal Australian Air Force
Gt. Brit. East Africa Royal Commission
Nazaruk, Osyp, 1883- see Australia.
PoECotJiHa, ariHKa xa:ii$a ft na^nmaxa Cy.ieflMaHa Be-in-
roro, aasoflOBHHEa i aaKOHO^asrtJt; icTOpn^Ha irouicxb 3 16-ro Nursing Corps AND SCIENCES see Canada Royal 1

croairra. 2. HesHiHCHe BH^. t New Yorkj FoBepJui, 1955. Commission on National Development
301 p. 18cm,
PG3948.N36E6 1955 57-17680 J ROYAL BALLET in the Arts, Letters and Sciences

Davis, Mike.
ROXLO, CONRADO NALE see Nale Roxlo, Moke Davis at the Royal Ballet
Conrado, 1898-
1ST p. lllus. 26cm.
G-V1786JR6D3 792.80942 59-2008 t Royal Commission on Taxation of Profits
and Income


Fiaher,Hugh. ROYAL CORPS OF SIGNALS see Gt. Brit. Army
The story of the Boyal Ballet Bev.ed. London, A. and Royal Corps of Signals
BIBLIOGRAPHY d Black [1959,
Sip. illu. 21cm.
GV1786JEWF5 1969 79&8
WHa, Patrkfc, 1927- 59-4149 J ROYAL DANISH BALLET see Copenhagen.
A checklist of the writings of M. N. Soy. Ber, ed.
Kongelige Teater og Kapel. Kongelige Ballet
Berkeley, Sooth Ask Studies, Institute of International
Studies, University of California, 1957. Hmrl, John, 1921-
ML 28cm. (Modern India Project. BO>liocrphletl itudy now 1, The Eoyal Ballet in performance. r lst American
New York, Coward-McCann 1959J [ 1
ROYAL DEMESNE see Crown lands
Z8763.77.W5 1967 012 67-62746 J IWp. illus. 28cm.
GT1786^6H3 792.84084 58-13220 t
Wlbon, Patrick, 1927-
A preliminary checklist of the writings of M. N. Roy. Hart, John, 1921- White, Terence De Vere.
Berkeley South Asia. Studies, Institute of East Asiatic The Eoyal Ballet in performance at Covent Garden. Lon The story of the Eoyal Dublin Society. Tralee, Kerry-
Studies, University of California [1955, don, Faber & Faber t 1958] man [1955? 3
12 p, 28cm. ([California. Unlrenttr. Inrtttnte of Bast Aalatt loo p. nioL seem, 228 p. lllus. 23 cm.

to^^AAjrta Studi^ Modem Sdla Pwjrt. SwS GV1786^6H3 1968 792^4084 59-4376 t Q41JR758 58-49096 t
Z8763.77.W5 012 56-62671

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Koninklijke Nederlandsche Petroleum naval and military tournament
Maatschappij, N. V. Davidson, Maurice, 1SSS-
The Royal Society of Medicine : the realization of an ideal,
ROYAL MINING ACADEMY, FREIBERG, GER 1805-1955. Written at the request of the president and Coun
ROYAL FAVORITES see Favorites, Royal MANY see Freiberg, Germany. Berg- cil. Loadonj Eoyal Society of Medicine, 1955.
201 p

facsims. 25 cm
plates (part col.) ports
akademie E35.R736

610.6242 56-2415
The Royal Festival Hall organ, a symposium by Laurence
Swinyard and others] -with four photographs by Gilbert
Benham. London, Musical Opinion [1954] SHIPWRECK, LONDON ROYAL VISITS see Visits of state
32 p. 4 plates. 25 cm.
ML594.L62R77 786.6
Howarth, Patrick.
ROYAL FLYING DOCTOR SERVICE OF The life-boat story. With a foreword by H, K. H. the see Gt. Brit. Army. Royal West African
Duchess of Kent. London, Eoutledge and K. Paul 1957, Frontier Force
AUSTRALIA 203 p. illus 23 cm.

VK1357JH6 614.868 58-328 J

Cleary, Jon, 1917- ROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN see Wor
Back of sunset. New York. Morrow, 1959. cester porcelain
PZ3.C5SBac 59-7398 J
Binns, Percy Lester.
ROYAL FOREST OF LANCASTER. England The story of the Eoyal tournament. Aldershot lEng.] LAND
see Lancaster, Forest Gale & Polden, 1952.
of, England 156 p. Illus. 22 cm. Heckstall-Smith, Anthony, 1904-
U328.G7B5 355.17 57-42207 J Sacred Cowes; or, The cream of yachting society. Lon
152 p. Illus.
23 cm.

Mead, William Richard.


G. A. Wallin and the Royal Geographical Society. Hel ENGLAND see Dartmouth, England. Royal
sinki, 1958. Naval College ROYALISTS, 1642-1660
10 p. 25cm. (Studia orientaUa, 23:3)
[PJ9.S86 vol. 23, pt. 3]
Yale Univ.
A 59-5643 ROYAL NAVAL DENTAL SERVICE see Hardacre, Paul H
royalists during the Puritan Revolution. The Hague,
Library The
Gt. Brit. Royal Naval Dental Service Nfijhoff, 1056.
ROYAL HUNGARIAN STATE RAILWAYS see xlv, 185 p 25 cm (International scholars forum; a series of
books by American scholars, 6)
Magyar AUamvasutak ROYAL NAVAL MEDICAL SERVICE see DA405.H3 942.06 56-58179


Gt. Brit. Royal Naval Medical Service
Indian Marine ROYALTY see Kings and rulers; Princesses;
ROYAL NAVAL PRIZE FUND Queens; and subdivisions Kings and rulers
ROYAL INSIGNIA see Regalia (Insignia) and Queens under names of countries
Gt. Brit. Exchequer and Audit DepS.
ROYAL INTEROCEAN LINES see Koninklijke Eoyal Naval Prize Fund account ... together with the ROYAUME FAMILY
Java-China-Paketvaart Lijnen, N. V. Eeport of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon.
1940/50- Werner-Flournoy, Alice Berthe.
London, H
M. Stationery Off. Genealogies de quelques descendants de la Mere Boyaume
25cm. annual.
et de Nicolas Bogueret. Geneve, 1954.
SOL 29cm.
Belvefer, B de. CS999.K68 1954 56-57035 t
La gelee royale des abeilles: son histoire et ses propri6t&, ROYAL NEW ZEALAND AIR FORCE see New
sa composition, ses utilisations en di&etique et therapeutique
Zealand. Royal New Zealand Air Force ROYCE, JOSIAH, 1855-1916
humaines. Paris, Librairie Maloine, 1958.
470 p. Illus. 25cm.
SF539.B4 59-25286 t
ROYAL OAK, MICH. Loewenberg, Jacob.
Eoyce's synoptic vision. Published for the Dept, of Phi
MAPS losophy of the Johns Hopkins University, on the occasion of
DuBois, Raymond, 1918- the centennial of Eoyce's birth, November 20, 1955. Balti-
The miracle of royal jelly. Pref. by Bernard Desouches. morel 1955,
Translated by Carl Demrick. t Hartford, Conn.] L. E. Smith Sip. 23cm.
McAlpine (W. S.) Map Company. B945JR64L6 921.1 55-12062
95 p. Ill us. 21 cm.
EM666.R6D83 615.39579& 56-7357 J
Map of Detroit Ts northern suburbs, showing Royal Oak,
Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge, Huntington Woods, Birmingham, Blared, Gabriel, 1887-
Berkley, Clawson, Hazel Park and Oak Park; also showing Koyce's metaphysics. Translated by Virginia and Gordon
Rembold, Heinz, 1928- Ringer. Chicago, H. Kegnery Co., 1956.
adjoining Oakland County development including South-
Zur T^ftTintnis des Weiselzellenfuttersaftes (Gelee royale) 180p 22cm.
der Honigbiene. [Munchenj 1957.
field area. Birmingham, 1951.
col. map 46 x 44 cm. fold, to 25 x 11 o B945JR64M33 19L9 66-11854 t
42 p. 21 cm.
G4114.D4A1 1951.M3 Map 54-377
Santayana, George, 1863-1952.
ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM see Toronto, Character and opinion in the United States. Garden City,
Royal Ontario Museum N.Y.,Doubleday,1956.
ROYAL LIBRARY OF THE NETHERLANDS see 144 p. 18 cm. ( Donbleday anchor books, ATS)
191.9 56-181 J
Hague. Koninklijke Bibliotheek [B945]

see London. Covent Garden Theatre

Royal Lincolnshire Regiment
ROYAL PREROGATIVE see Prerogative,
Royden, Sir Ernest Bland, 5or. r 1873-
Brit. Army.
Royal Thomas Eoyden & Sons, shipbuilders, Liverpool, 1818-
1893. i West Kirby?Eng.j 1953.
ROYAL MARINE FORCES see Gt. Brit. ROYAL SCOTS GREYS see Gt. Brit. Army. 56 p, Illus, 20 cm.
2d Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys) VM301JR6E6 55-27236 J
Royal Marine Forces
Norman, Marion, Sister, 1914-
Boyds, Thomas Fletcher, 1880-
Came, William Albert Shaping factors in the History of the Eoyal Society.
A Chicago [Library, Dept. of Photographic Reproduction, Uni Haughton Rectory j or, Four country parsons. Shrews
century of harmony; the official centenary history of
the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society. With a fore versity of Chicago] 1955. bury, Wilding, 1953.
190 p. Illus. 23cm.
word by Sir Bernard Heinze. Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Microfilm 4649 Q Mic 58-6075 BX5199.R779A3 54-41928 J
Philharmonic Society, 1954.
305 p. Illua., ports. 23cm.
A 56-2979 Sprat, Thomas, Bp. of Rochester^ 1635-1713. ROYEN, ASTRID VAN
Oregon Univ. Libr. History of the Royal Society; edited with critical appa
ratus by Jackson I. Cope and Harold Whitmore Jones. St. Royen, Astrid van.
Louis [Washington University] 1958. Awake, Monique; translated by Era Johnson. [1st ed.;
(Washington University studies)
(438 p. coat of arms) 78 p. front. 2i cm. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearoa MtSTj
AUSTRALIA see Canberra, Australia. Q41X86S7 1667a 506.242 A 59-1067 P2tB8894Aw
57-11054 t
Royal Military College Univ., St. Jjouls. Library

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Netherlands (Kingdom, 1815- Eoonormsche Voor~


R "Wenken voor exporteurs. Belgisch Congo en Ruanda
Langeron, Roger, 1882- Bourgeois,
TJn conseiller secret de Louis xvm: Royer-Collard. Urundi. 6. druk. ['s-GravenhagO] 1954.
52 p. illus. 29cm.
iParisj Hachette il856 3 in-8.
HC591.C6N42 1954 55-18228 J
253 20cm. Classe des sciences morales et politlqnea.
colon ialeb.
p. port
A 58-2905 Nouv. ser', 1. 15, fasc.
Indiana. TJnlv. Llbr. DC255 DT641.A27 n. s., 1. 15, fasc. 1
ROYERE, JEAN, 1771- Centre d'information et de documentation du Congo beige Cauvin, Andre, 1907- .

et du Ruanda-Urundi.
Bwana Kitoko; un livre reaUse au cours du voyage du roi
et sur le Ruanda- des Beiges au Congo et dans le Ruanda-Urundi. Bruxelles,
Aper^u general sur le Congo beige
Carl, Ralph Fletcher, 1916- Urundi. Bruxelles, 1955. New York, Elsevier [1956,
Jean Royere and La Phalange. Ann Arbor, University 18 p. 24cm. (Pour connaltre le Congo, faac. 3) 104 p. illus. 27cm. ---*
DT646.C36 57-1113 t
Microfilms [1956] DT643 Clt 56-24615 J
{[University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.} Publication 17,422)
Microfilm AC-1 no. 17,422 Mic 56-2273
Michigan. Univ. Llbr. Henry, Bernard.
S M. Baudouin au Congo beige et au Kuanda-
Trusteeship Council. Visiting Mission le roi
United Nations.
Urundi. Album edite sous le patronage du Royal Touring
Trust Territories in East Africa.
de S. M.
club du Congo beige en souvenir du voyage
le roi
ROZANOFF, KOSTIAW. , 1905-1954
Rapport sur le Ruanda-Urundi, et documents y afferenta.

New- York Baudouin au Congo beige du 15 mai au 12 juin 1955. Textes

Rozanoff, Kostia W 1905-1954. T
maps. 32cm. ( Nations Unies. [Document]!) par Bernard Henry et Jean Francis. 2. ed., rev. et corr.
Double bang, ma vie de pilote d'essai; souvenirs ecrits en. JX1977.A212 56-3037
Anvers, Sheed & Ward C 1955i
collaboration avec Marcel Jullian. Paris, Amiot-Dumont unpaged, lllns. 25cm.
1955 57-44921 J
188 p. iUua. 21cm. (Bibllothfeque de 1'a-rtation) United Nations. Tittsteeship Council. Visiting Mission to
TL540.R7A3 55-58871 J Trust Territories in East Africa. Meyer, Roger de.
with related docu
Report on Ruanda-Urundi, together Introducing the Belgian Congo and the Ruanda-Urundi.
ments. 1948- Pref. by A
Moeller de Laddersous. Bruxelles, Office de
ROZANOV, VASILlY VASIL'EVICH, 1856-1919 New York retc.]
publicite, 1958.
(Document] T)

Leskovec, Paolo.
Basilic Rozanov
e la sua concezione religiosa. Roma,
v maps

28-32 cm. (United Nations.

53-3732 rev
134 p. Illus., ports
Harvard Univ.
, maps (part col.) diagrs. 19 cm.
A 59-3497
Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1958.
H, 238 p 24cm. Orientalla Christiana analecta, 151)
BX101.OT no. 151

58-6054 A BIBLIOGR AP HY Meyer, Roger de.

Chicago. UnSv. Libr. Introduction au Congo beige et au Ruanda-Urundi Pr&f.
Heyse, Theodore, 1884- de A Moeller de Laddersous. Bruxelles, Office de publicity
Bibliographie du Congo beige et du Ruanda-Urundi t !955]
ROZMBERK FAMILY (1939-1951) Documentation generals: folklore, philatelie, 128 p. illus., maps (part coL), ports., diagrs. 19 c~

sports, tourisme. Repertoire suivi d'un complement final

a la DT646.M4 55-57073

Rofrnberk family. "Politique indigene," periode anterieure a 1940. Bruxelles,

Rofcnberske dluhopisy z let 1457-1481. c l. vyd.j Praha,

G. Van Campenhout, 1952.
40 p 23 cm. (Cahiers beiges et congolais, no 20)
NakL Ceskoslovenske akademie ved, 1953. 55-30298
Mohn, Albert Henrik.
XT, 289 p. 22 cm. Studle a prameny k Ceskym dSjlnim, sv. 4)
( Kongo kaller. Oslo, Gyldendal, 1955.
DB2Q2.3.R7 56-38096 178 p. illus., ports., map. 24 cm.
A 56-3642
Heyse, Theodore, 1884- Minnesota. Univ Libr.
Bibliographie du Congo beige et du Ruanda-Urundi
RUA, MICHELE, 1837-1910
(1939-1951) L'Afrique centrale dans le conflit mondial.
Ceria, Eugenio, 1870- Bruxelles, G. Van Campenhout, 1953.
don Michele Rua, primo successore 2 v. 23 cm. (Cahlers beiges et congolais, no. 21-22) Valloton, Henry, 1891-
Vita del servo di Dio,
di San Giovanni Bosco. Torino, Societa editrice interna-
Z3631.H427 016.91675 53-37097 rev Voyage au Congo et au Ruanda-Urundi ; carnet de route.
M. Weissenbruch, imprimeur du roi [1955,
zionale C 1949] 112 p. Ulus. 21cm.

A 55-3403 Heyse, Theodore, 1884- DT646.V3 56-56313 t

CathoEcUniv.of America. Library Documentation generale sur le Congo et le Ruanda-Urundi,
1950-1953. Bruxelles, Commission beige de bibliographic, DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL
RUANDA, AFRICA 31 p.21 cm. (Bibliograpbia Belgica, 4) BOOKS
Z2407.B5 no. 4 55-36430

Maquet, Jacques Jerome Pierre, 1919- Belgium. Office de ^information et des relations publiques
Le systeme des relations sociales dans le Ruanda ancien. Heyse, Theodore, 1SS4-
pour le Congo ~belge et le Ruanda-Urundi.
Tervuren, 1954. Documentation generale sur le Congo et le Ruanda-
221 p. lllns., maps. 28 cm. (Annales dn Musee royal dn Congo Congo beige et Ruanda-Urundi, guide du voyageur. 4.
Urundi, 1953-1955. Bruxelles, G. van Campenhout, 1956.
beige, Tervuren (Belgiqoe) S4rie ln-8. Sciences de rhomme. Etb.- ed. Bruxelles, Office de 1'information et des relations publi
56 p. 23cm. (Cahlers beiges et congolais, no. 26)
nologfe, v. 1)
Z3631.H43 56-44303 ques pour le Congo beige et le Ruanda-Urundi, m" Direction
DT449.R8M3 55-57137
"Tourisme," 1958.
rrt, 798 p. illus. (part col.) ports^ maps (part fold., part col.)
Heyse, Theodore, 1884- 20 cm.
DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL VIEWS Documentation generale sur le Congo et le Ruanda- DT646A53 1958
Urundi ( 1955-1958) Avec la collaboration de Jean Berlage.
Maquet, Jacques Jerome Pierre, 1919- Bruxelles, G. van Campenhout, 1958. Belgium. Office du tourisme du Congo beige et du Ruanda-
84 p. 23 cm. (Canters beiges et congolais, no 31) Urundi.
RpflTiifla.*photographioue sur une soci^te ajEricaine
en transition. Avec la collaboration de Denyse Hiernaux- Z3631.H44 59-40571 Guide du voyageur au Congo beige et au Ruanda-Urundi.
LTHoest Prel de Jean Paul Harroy. c Bruxelles] Elsevier 3. ed. Bruxelles, 1954.
Heyse, Theodore, 1884- 33cdx, 766 p illus. (part coL) coL plates, ports., maps (part fold.,
partcoL) 21cm.
192 p. illna. 28cm. Documentation generale sur le Congo et le Ruanda-
DT665Jt8M3 58-41912 J Urundi (1955-1958) cparj Th. Heyse avec la collaboration DT646A53 1954 56-19185
de Jean Berlage. Bruxelles, Commission beige de biblio-
graphie, 1958.
82 p. 21cm. (BlbllograpMa Belgica, S9)

TEXTS Derkinderen, Gaston.

CLIMATE Atlas du Congo beige et du Ruanda-Urundi. Pref. de
Pierre Ryckmans. Paris, Elsevier C 1955]
Kagame, Alexis, 1912- Institut national pour F^tude agronomique da Congo beige, viii, 204 p. (chiefly illus., ports.) col. maps. 36 cm.
La divine pastorale. Traduction francaise, par 1'auteur, de Brussels. Bureau climatologique. DT646.D48
la premiere veillee d'une epopee ecrite en langue ruandaise, Bulletin climatologique annuel du Congo beige et du
Dix linos d'Ant de Vinck. Commentes par Jean-Marie Ruanda-Urundi. 1950-
Habig. Bruxelles, Editions dtt Marain, 1952. Bruxelles.
lOftp. Dins. 25cm. T. in charts, tables. 29 on. (/** Communication)
PL8608^77K3 55-40675 QC991.C7I46 57-45757
Centre d'information et de documentation da Congo beige
COMMERCE et da Ruanda-UrundL
RUANDA POETRY Repertoire du Congo beige etdu Ruanda-UrundL Reper-
Congo, Belgian. Secretariat general. torium van Belgisch Congo en van Ruanda-UrundL 1952-

Kagame, Alexis, 1912-

La. divine pastorale. Traduction francaise, par l'attteur,de
la premiere veillee d'une epopee ecrite en langue rnandnfoft.
Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur du
et du Ruanda-UrundL

Congo beige
Maandelijfcs buUetiin van de buiten-
landse handel van Belgisch-Congo en Ruanda-Urundi 1.-

mai 1956-
v. tables. 28 cm.
Supplement. cno.] 1-

Dix linos d'Ant de Vinck. Commentee par Jean-Marie tLeopoldville,

tables. 28 cm.
Habig, Bruxelles, Editions du Marais, 19C2. dlagra. (p*rt fold.) tablet. 26cm. (T. 1-2: 30 cm.)
W&p. mtffl. 25cm. monthly (irregular)
DT643.C45 55-43434 rev
PL8608.277K3 55^40075 J HF27LA46 53-18016 rev
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUANDA -URUNDI (Continued) Du Pont de Nemours (E. L) and Company, Wilmington,

The language of rubber. Wilmington l957j t
Journees d'etudes coloniales, Institut unvoersitaire des terri
Belgium. Ministers des colonies. Direction des Studes eco~ toires d'outre-mer^ Antwerp, 1957.
72p. Illus. 23cm.
57-58773 t
nomiques. Promotion de la societe rurale du Congo beige et du
Belgian Congo and Ruanda-TJrundi economic survey. Ruanda-Urundi; rapport general des Journees d'etudes
coloniales tenues a 1'Institut universitaire des territoires
v. Illus. 29cm. annual. Fisher, Harry Linn, 1885-
d'outre-mer a Anvers, les 23, 24 et 25 avril 1957. Bruxelles, New York,
HC591.C6A3 58-25117 Chemistry of natural and synthetic rubbers.
Direction de ragriculture, des forets et de 1'elevage, 1958. Reinhold Pub. Corp. t !957j
282 p. tables. 27cm.
208p. inns. 24cm.
Belgium. Ministere des colonies. Direction des etudes eco- HN819.J6 1957c TS1892JF5 *678.64 57-12995 t
Belgian Congo and Ruanda-TJrundi, economy in graphs,
1950-1955. fBruxelleS] 1956.
Flemmert, Gosta.
33 L tllus. 30cm reference
Studies on inorganic rubber fillers, with special
HC591.C6A54 57-20764 t
Centre d'information et de documentation du Congo beige to the relationships between the properties of fillers
and the
et du Ruanda-Urundi. vulcanized rubber. ^Stockholm,
properties imparted to
Lefebvre, Jacques, economist.
Social action in the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-UrundL 1953]
New 124 p. Illus. 25cm.
Structures economiques du Congo beige et du Ruanda- York, Belgian Government Information Center, 1954. 55-3714
128 p. illus. 21 cm. TS1892.F55
Urundi. Bruxelles, Editions du Treurenberg C 1955j HV460.C42 360.9675 55-16218 t
142 p. maps. 25 cm.
HC591.C6L4 56-37434 Genin, Georges, ed.
Marie Andre du Sacre Coeur, Sister, 1899- Encyclopedic technologique de 1'industrie du caoutchouc,
Civilisations en marche. Paris, B. Grasset t!956] publiee sous la direction de G. Genin et B. Morisson ...
Meerhaeghe, M van, 252 p illus. 20 cm. Paris, Dunod, 1956-
De economische toestand van Belgisch-Kongo en Ruanda- DT434.U2M35 5^44004 t T. illus. 25cm.
Urundi in 1950. iRotterdam, 1951]
A 56-5968
Georgia. InstofTech. Library
11 p. 21 cm.
HC591.C6M4 55-19852 J STATISTICS
Imperial Chemical Industries, ltd. Dyestufis Division.
Congo, Belgian. Secretariat general. Rubber chemicals for cables. [1st ed. London3 1958.
Netherlands (Kingdom, 1815- ) Economische Voor- Bulletin mensuel des statistiques generales du Congo beige 138 p. tables 24cm.
et du Ruanda-UrundL Maandelijks bulletijn van algemene TS1920J53 678.4 59-34162
Wenken voor exporteurs. Belgisch Congo en Ruanda statistieken van Belgisch-Congo en Ruanda-UrundL L-
Urundi. 6. druk. C 's-Gravenhagej 1954. annee;]"an. 1955-
52 p. Illus. 29cm.
[Leopoldville] Kashin,V A
HC591.C6N42 1954 55-18228 t T. In diagrs., tables. 26cm. HsroTOBjreHiie H npuMeneHiie pesHHti B Ea6e.ii.HOM npo-
HA2031.A3 58-24040 HSBOflCTBe. MocEBa, Toe. anepr. HSA-BO, 1956.
327, [1] p. Illus. 21 cm,
INDUSTRIES TS1920JI3 56-37925
Congo, Belgian. Secretariat general.
Bulletin mensuel du commerce exterieur du Congo beige
Belgium. Ministere des colonies. Direction des etudes econo-
et du Ruanda-Urundi. Maandelrjks bulletijn van de buiten-
Kuz'minsku, A S
landse h an del van Belgisch-Congo en Ruanda-Urundi. 1.- OKHC-ienne Kayi>-EOB H pe3HH. MOCEBE, Toe.
Investments in the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi:
annee; 1950- TCXH. H3A-BO XHM. JIIIT-pH, 1957.
prospects and regulations. Brussels, Belgian Congo and SIS Illus. 23 cm.
Ruanda-Urundi Information and Public Relations Office 58-23172
v. In diagrs. (part fold.) tables. 26cm. (T. 1-2: 30 cm.) TS1892^I8
C 1956, monthly (irregular)
111 p. Illus. 26cm. HF271.A46 53-18016 rev
HC591.C6A545 57-42865 J McPherspn, Archibald Turner, 1895- ed.
Engineering uses of rubber, edited by A, T. McPherson
RUBAN, IGOR' PAVLOVICH and Alexander Klemin. New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp.
Ol'shevskfl, 490 p. Illus. 24cm.
ECropt UaiuiOBHi Pytfan. [Mocssa, CoBercKHft xyAoac- TS1890.M22 678 56-12484 J
Academic royale des sciences coloniales, Brussels.
SHK. 1958,
Atlas general du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi Bruxelles, 61 p. Illus., ports. 21 cm.
1948- ND699.R686O5 59-19948 Mflosovich, George, 1931-
pta. fold. col. maps. 89 cm. Ann Arbor,
Stability of rubber closures for injections.
G2600.A32 1948 Map 51-544 rev Mich,, University Microfilms C 1958j
RUBASCHOW, SALMAN, 1889- Microfilm AC-1 no. 58-965 Mic 58-965
Michigan. Univ. llbr.
Centre d'information et de documentation du Congo beige
Rubaschow, Salman, 1889-
et du Ruanda-Urundi.
Cartes geographiques du Congo beige
DJ? /3 2K*^n
.ions' mts"3B ^j? ^nsn noo 'is"
et du Ruanda-
Urundi. 2.eU Bruxelles, 1953. t Tel-Aviv, 1955j Moscow. Aviafsionnyi institut imeni Sergo OrdzhoniMdze.
472 19 cm.
5 maps (part coL) 24cm. p. Banna HCEOxopux peanHoeux n n.iacm^ecEirx iia-
G2600.C4 1953 DS151.R7A3 56-51312
Map 55-41 TCpnajioB. CcSopHHK craTefl no^ pe^. H. IO. HEeft^eMaHa.
MocKsa, Toe. IISA-BO o<5op. npoMHma., 1957.
79 p. IHus. 22 cm. (Its TpyAW, Bun 93)

Centre d'information et de documentation du Congo beige Rubaschow, Salman, 1889- TL507JM64 no. 93 59-36378
et du Ruanda-Urundi.
Cartes geographiques du Congo beige et du Ruanda-
3. ed., mise a jour en juil. 1954. Bruxelles, 1954.
Nannton, WIDiam Johnson Smith.
6 coL maps. 24 cm. What every engineer should know about rubber. [Lon
jBuenos Airesj 1952.
G2600.C4 1954 Map 57-508 270 p. (p. [286r-270 advertisements) don] British Rubber Development Board t 1954i
128p. Ulna. 22cm.
DS151JR7A437 55-55407
TS1890.N3 678 55-231 J

Roucfc, Renfi de.

RUBBER Pan American Union.
Rubber. Washington tl954j
Atlas geographique et historique du Congo beige et des see also Elastomers; Guayule; Hevea; IS p. Illus. 23cm. (/fr Commodity aeries)
territoires sous mandat du Ruanda-Urundi, comprenant 45 PA 55-29
cartes et plans en 12 planches et un index alphabe'tique de Latex; Rubber plants; Vulcanization Pan American Union. Library JX1S90.58.C831B97
5691 noms. 4. &L Bruxelles t !95-?]
[1 3 p., 13 coL mat*. tlj, n p. 86 on. Amborski, Leonard Edward.
G2600JR65 195- Map 54-1124 Mechanism of rubber reinforcement m viscosity of carbon Paris* Institut francais da caoutchouc.
black suspensions in GR-S solutions. A.TITI Arbor, Univer- Rubber j fundamentals of its science y-Tict technology by
siirv Microfilms, 1 952. Jean Le Bras, general scientific inspector. Pref. by H. F.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 3663) Mark. Translated by Irene E. Berck. clst American ed.j
Microfilm AC-1 no. 3663 Mic57-501 New York, Chemical Pub. Co., 1957.
POPULATION 494 p. Illus,, ports. 23 cm.
TSlcmP273 678 57-2030
Hiernaux, Jean. Canada. Division of Botany and Plant Pathology.
Les caracteres physiques des populations du Ruanda et Rubber and resin content of native and introduced plants Piantanida, Cesare.
deHJrundi. BruxeUes, 1954. of Canada tby3 William Harold MinaTm.n Ottawa, Canada Lagommaelaatica;cMmicaetecnologUL Firenze, C. Cya,
Ill 5 plates, tables, dlagra. 88 cm. (Institut royal des sciences 1952.
p. Dept. of Agriculture t!95-j 879 p. -Ulna. 25cm.
naturellea de Belgtque. M&nolres. 2. B&-., fasc. 62) 53 p. (chiefly tables) 28<an.
[QH3.B852 fasc. 52] A 57-6816 SB289.C3 58-40543 TS1890JP4 67-4WTO J
Stanford TJntv. Library
Dean-Averns, R The trail to new frontiers. t lsted.] New York, Vantage
Press 195^
Le Ruanda-Urundi; aes resources naturelles, ses populations. Rubber in automobile engineering. Londonj Katur!

ParJ.P.HarroycetaLj BruxeUes, Les Naturahstes beiges, Rubber Development Board t 1956j 75 p. Ota*. 21cn.
1956. 208 p, Illus. 22cm.
nmP<!' TL240.D4 629^3282 56-69085 t SB10745JE6 58L6 5-7518 t

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

Du Pont de Nemours (E. L) and Company, Wilmington,

RUBBER (Continued) Eubber natural and synthetic a special subject
list. Lon-
Del Elastomer Chemicals Dept.
The language of rubber. Wilmington C 1957]
72 p. lllua. 23cm.
Rossem, Arnold van. 59-18295 TS1890.D86 *678.54 57-58773 t
Rubber winning, eigenschappen, verwerking. Den Haag,
Sevire [1958,
170 p. illu3 ports., dlagrs., tables. 24 cm.
Frank, Karl, 1906- ed.
TS1880.R58 A 59-4106 CHEMISTRY see Rubber Analysis
Priifungsbuch fiir Kautschuk und Kunststoffe. Stuttgart,
Georgia. Library
Berliner Union [1955]
CONGRESSES 140 p. illus. 23cm.
TS1892.F7 56-23545 J
Rossem, Arnold van.
Rubbertechnologie; wetenschappelijke grondslagen en Natural Rubber Development Board, London.
conference held
moderne grondstoffen. Delft, Waltman, 1958. Proceedings of the rubber in engineering Constantinus Florentius van.
Pul, Bernardus Isabella
28 p. Illus. 25 cm. at the Institute of Electrical Engineers, London, on Septem van
A 59-2729 ber 26, 1956. London !957]
Onderzoek naar factoren, die de ozonbestendigheid
natuurrubbervulcanisaten beinvloeden. 's-Gravenhage, Ex
Georgia. Inst. of Tech. Library
v,160p. Illus., dlagrs. 23cm. *,,
678.06342 58-21720 celsior [1956]
96 p. illus. 24cm.
Scott, John Richard. DICTIONARIES
Ebonite, its nature, properties and compounding. Lon Russia (1923- U. S. S. R.) Vsesomsnyt komitet standar-
don, Maclaren rj-958] American Society for Testing Materials. Committee D-ll tov.
on Rubber and Riibber-like Materials. Pesima, IICTO^H iicnHtaiiiin. TOCT 208-41211-41;
TS1890.S32 *678.24 58-30036 ma
Glossary of terms relating to rubber and rubber-like
252-41 272-41 408^1 426-41. ; Ha^; o$imna,ibHoe. [Mo-
terials. Philadelphia, American Society for Testing
Ma CKBa CTaHflapTriis, 1947.

terials rl956i 128 p. illus. 29cm.

Springer, Arthur. 57-32925
iv, 121 p. 23 cm. (American Society for Testing Materials. Spe TS1892R8 t
Werkstofikunde und fidlgemeine Einfuhrung in die Gum- cial technical publication no. 184)
mitechnologie. 2., verb, und erweiterte AufL Leipzig, TS1875.A5 678.03 56-14327
Fachbuchverlag, 1957. Soden, Andrew Lewis.
847 p. Illus. 24 cm. (Fachkunde fUr die Gummllndustrle) A practical manual of rubber hardness testing. London,
TS1892.S67 1957 59-31320 t DICTIONARIES POLYGLOT Maclaren [1952?]
49 p. illus. 23cm.
55-38332 J
Imperial Chemical Industries, ltd. Dyestufis Division. TS1892.S64
A vocabulary of technical terms used in the rubber indus
Stephanowitz, Peter.
try: French-English, German-English, Spanish-English. Service.
Kautschuk, vom Rohstoff zur Fertigware. Berlin, Auf- U.S. Federal Supply _
Manchester t Eng., 1955 ?] [Washmgtonj 1955-
bau-Verlag, 1952 E
1951j 127 p. 14cm. Rubber sampling and
: testing.
83 p. illus. 19 cm. Cmasenschaft and Tedmik veretandllch lv. (looBeieaf) illoa. 27cm.
TS1875J5 678.03 55-31243 K U51A
dargestent, 7) TS1892.U63
TS1890.ST2 55-20297 t
Treloar, L R India (Republic] Rubber Board.
ynpyrocTH IlepeBOfl nofl pefl. E. B. Bulletin, 1- v.
Resins, rubbers, plastics yearbook. 1954-
KyBmHncKoro. Mocr -BO HHOcrpaHHOtt JIHT-PH, 1953. Jan./Mar. 1951-
Microfilm Slavic 366 T Mic 55-3507 N"ew York, Interscience Publishers.
[Kottayani] v. Illus. 25 cm.
T. in 25 cm.
59-17707 TP977.R4 668.4058 56-756
Treloar, L R G
The physics of rubber elasticity. 2d ed. Oxford, Claren Plaste und Kautschuk. 1.- Jahrg.;
don Press, 1958. Jan. 1954- INDIA
342 p. Ulna. 23 cm. (Monographs on the physics and chemlfltry Technik
of materials) Berlin, Verlag
v. Illus. 30 cm. montnly. India (Republic) Plantation Inquiry Commission.
TS1892.T7 1958 *678,64 58-3843 J
TP986A1P4 57-47679
Report. Delhi, Manager of Publications, 1956-
v. dlagrs., tables. 25 cm.
U. S. Army. Ordnance Corps.
Ordnance materials handbook : rubber and rubber-like ma Union of serials relating to fields of rubbers, resins,
terials. (Washington] 1956 L e. 1957]
plastics, and textiles held by the technical libraries of
4&p. Illus. 26cm. (Jrt Ordnance Con* pamphlet, ORDP20-310)
UF7.U65 no. 20-310 678 57-61390 t Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, General Tire & Rubber
Company, B. F. Goodrich Company, Goodyear Tire & Rub Dutch East Indies. Departement van Landbouw, Nijverheid
ber Company, University of Akron, Dupont Laboratories of en Handel.
Jackson, Glenn L. Martin Company. De bevolkingsrubbercultuur in Nederlandsch-Indie.
ANALYSIS [Akron?] Weltevreden, 19
no. 23cm. T. illna. 27 cm.
Alphen, Jan van. Z7914.C4U514 55-33979 t SB291.H4D8 55-55674
Rubber chemicals, by J. Tan Alphen in cooperation with
W. J. K. Schonlau and M. van den TempeL Amsterdam, RECLAIMING see Rubber, Reclaimed
New York, Elsevier Pub. Co., 1956. SPANISH AMERICA
164 p. 24cm.
TS1892A35 678 55-11999 J RESEARCH see Rubber research
Rands, Robert Delafield, 1890-
SOCIETIES, ETC. Progress report on the cooperative Hevea rubber develop
Hummel, Dieter.
und ment program in Latin America, by R. D. Rands and Loren
Kunststoff- Lack- und Gwrnnn- American Chemical Society. Division of Rvbler
G. Polhamus. Washington t U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1955.
irdErarotspektroskopische Methoden. Munche.n r C. i*try. 79 p.
iv, illus. map. 24 cm. (U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Cir
1958. Program and abstracts of papers jof thej meeting, cular no. 976)
2 T iUus., dtagrs 25 ""_ SB29LH4R36
TP149.E8 A 59-1915 in. p.j 634.973951 Agr 55-364
Copy 2. S2LA48 no. 976
Wayne TJnlY. Library U.S. Dept of Agr. Libr. !Ag84C no. 976
TS1870.A63 55-37934 J

Paris. Institut francais du caoutchouc.

Shcherbacheva, Margarita Avgustovna. Reunion du conseil supeneur en Indochine L-
aay^HO-texH. HS^-BO XHSC. JIKT-PLI, 1957. Saigon.
122 p. Illus. 23cm. Babek, Miroslav.
TS1892.S43 57-40218 TSISTOI^T Svitpren. tVyd. Lj Praha, Statni nakL technick^ litera-

tury, 1957.
146 p. 4S illus., 87 tables. 21cm. (Makromolekularnl latky, BT. 2)

Wake, WJJ'fa"! Charles. Rubber-Stichtiiis, Delft. TS1925.B2 59-18211

The analysis of rubber and rubber-like polymers. London, Report.
Maclaren il58] iDelft?j
237 p. Illus. 23cm. v. inua. 24 a
TS1892.W25 *678.4 58-4701 TS1870JR874 55-50824 t Bovey, Frank Alden, 1918-
Emulsion polymerization by] F. A. Bovey t and c others]
New York, Interscience Publishers, 1955.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 445 p. ulna. 24 cm. (High polymen ; a series of monographs on
TESTING the chemistry, physics, and technology of nigh polymeric substancea,
Union of books relating to fields of rubbers, resins, plas

tics, and
textiles held by the technical libraries of the Fire American Society for Testing Materials. Committee D-ll QD281.P6B67 *547.013 541.7 54-7992 t
stone Tire & Rubber Company, General Tire and Rubber on Rubber and Rvbber-ttke Materials.
company, B. F. Goodrich Company, Goodyear Tire and Symposium on effect of ozone on rubber; theld] at a meet Breuers, Wilhelm.
Robber Company, University of Akron, Dupont Labora ing in St. Louis, Mo., February 10, 1958. Philadelphia, Buna: Herstellung, Prufung, Eigenschaften cvon] W.
tories of Jackson, Glenn L. Martin Company. American Society for Testing Materials r!958i
Breuers und H. Luttropp. Berlin, Verlag Technik, 1954.
T, 130 p. tables. 24 cm. (ASTM special techni
[Akron!] cal Ulu^dJagrt,
427 p. illus. 25cm.
no. 28cm. publication 229)
TS1892.A454 1958 678.4
TS1925.B67 55-30828 t
Z7914.C4U512 56-36828 58^59472

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUBBER, ARTIFICIAL (Continued) Whitby, George Stafford, 1887-
U. S. Army. Ordnance Corps. ma- CHHTCTHiecEHtt sayry. PeAasuHOHHaa
EO.mern*: r.C.

der Produktion
205 p.
Hills G.

26 cm.
m. b. H., Marl, Ger.

iiber ein neues Werk.

September 1958.
Zum Beginn
n. p., 1958]
^ fi-^J^^
Ordnance materials handbook rubber and rubber-like

UF7.U65 no. 20-310


678 57-613901
y HT <5 H (was. peAaicrop), K. K. ASBHC, p. <D. ^aHtfpyK.
peBOA c aHHHftcBoro no* peA H. B. TapMOHOBa.
rpaa Foe, Hay^HO-iexE. HSA-BO
:dli.988p. Ulna, tables. 27cm.

XHM. JIHT-PH, 1957.


TS1925.B85 59-40628 t TS1925.W459
U. S. Congress. House. Committee
on Armed Services.
does not favor
Declaring that the House of Representatives ABSTRACTS
sale of the facilities as recommended in
the report of the
Evstratov, Vasilii Pedorovich, ed.
Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission submitted
HoBiie KaynysH CBOftCTsa npuMeHCHHe. CCopnHE ne-
: is.
to ac
to the Congress on January 24, 1955; adverse report Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Office of SyntTietic
peBOflOB ciaieft as HHOCTpanHOii nepaoflHiecEOft JurrepaiypH U. S. Govt Print Off.,
company H. Res. 170. [Washington, Rubber.
HOA o6mefi pe^. B. O. EscTpaTOBa H <I>. H. ftmyncKon Mo- Abstracts of technical papers from the Government syn
CEBa, H3A-BO HHOCTpaHHOft JIHT-pU, 1958. 24cm. 84th Cong., 1st sess. House of Representa
33 p tables thetic rubber program. [Abstracts by Madeleine H. Forsythe,

500 p. illos. 21cm. tives. Report no 225)

TS1925.E8 59-17300 HD9161.U52A5 1955a 5o-6Qb6S chemist, and Stella C. Wacker, chief, Technical Publications
Branch, under the supervision of Paul S. Greer, chief, Re
search and Development Division] Washington [1953j
4v. 30cm.
Gamba, Charles. U. S. Congie^s. House. Committee on Armed Services. TS1925.R425 54-60657
Synthetic rubber and Malaya. Singapore, D. Moore, 1956. Disapproving proposed sale to Shell Oil Co. of certain
43 map (on cover) tables. 22 cm. (Background to Malaya
p. recommended by the Rubber
synthetic rubber facilities as
series, no. 11)
A 58-1409 Producing Facilities Disposal Commission report; adverse BIBLIOGRAPHY
171. [Washington, U. S. Govt.
er. Univ. LIbr. HD9161 report to accompany H. Res.
Print. Off., 1955,
33 p. 24 cm. (84th Cong, 1st sess. House of Representatives,
Yescombe, E K
Rubber natural and synthetic ; a special sub] ect list. Lon
Houghton (E. F.) and Company.

HD9161JC52A5 1955 55-60666

A handbook on synthetic rubber packings, prepared by don, Library Association, 1958.
10 p 26cm (Library Association. A special subject list, no. 27)
the Hydraulic Engineering Dept. 1st ed. Philadelphia,
26297.Y45 59-18295 t
1947. U, S. Congress. Hou&e. Select Committee on Small Busi
100 p. Hlus 24 cm. ness.
TJ840.H58 1947 621.195 48-12579 rev* rubber facilities.
Disposal of Government-owned synthetic
Staff report to the Select Committee on Small Business, RESEARCH see Rubber research
House of Representatives, on the facts concerning the plan
Houghton (E. P.) and Company. for disposal of Government-owned synthetic rubber facili
A handbook on synthetic rubber packings, prepared by ties, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, pursuant
the Hydraulic Engineering Dept 3d ed. Philadelphia, Res. 114. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print Off., 1956.
v, 27 p Illus 24 cm.
1950. Chudzynski, Stefan.
110 illus. 24 cm. HD91 61.1752 A513
Regenerat kauczuku. t Dla technikow i majstroV oraz
p. la-
TJ840JH58 1950 621.195 50-1935 rev
borantoMr zatrudnionych w przemylle gumowym. Wyd, L]
Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Techniczne, 1953.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Cur 86 p. Ulos. 21cm.
fAshunskaia, F I
TS1892.C5 59-22620 t
Eayiys H ero npHMeneHiie B napoAHOit Disapproval of proposed sale of Government-owned
xoaaftcxse. MocKBa, Toe. nayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO XHM. am-pa, ber-producing facilities; adverse report, together
with the
1958. U. S. Evstratov, Vasilii Fedorovich, ed.
20 cm. minority views, to accompany S. Res. 76. [Washington,
78, [2, p. Illus.
Govt. Print. Off., 1955] Kay^ys H peanna; sonpocti otfm;eJl xexnojiorHH H perene-
TS1925.I2 59-36480
24 p. dlagrs. 24 cm. (84th Cong, 1st sess. Senate. Report no.
panHH peaiiHH. CdopHHK nepeso^OB cxaieft us nHOCTpaH-
EOfi nepno^iiiecKOfl ^HTCpaTypLi. MocKBa, ESA-BO HHO-
HD9161.U52A5245 1955a 55-60674
CTpaHHOft .THT-pEI, 1954.
Kriuchkov, A P 158 p. lllns. 23cm.
2. TS1892.E8 55-30609 rev
O<5maa xexHOJiornH CHHTeiirjecEiix EayiyKOB. HSA.
flonymeno B KaqecTBe yie<5. noco(5nfl X.T.X npOH3BO^CTBCHHO- U. S. Senate. Committee on Banking and Cur
XHM. npouHimi. MocEsa, Foe. HayiHO-xexH. H3fl-B0 XHM. Rubber facilities disposal Hearings before a subcom Rogov, Nikolai Alekseeyich.
JIHT-PH, 1954. mittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United
BOSCTBO perenepaTa. ^onymeHO B Eaiecrae y^efi.
23cm. PJLSI noflrOTOBZH E nosumeHKH KRS
324 p. illus. TTH jiHKanHH pa-
55-34110 States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, on S.
TS1925.K65 1954 orax e^npHarHfl raHHHOfi H pcamtoBOfi npOMHUta. Mo-
691, a bill to permit the disposal of Plancor 877 at Baytown, XHK.
CKsa, Foe. Hay^Ho-TexH. HSA-BO jrar-pn, 1957.
Tex. and the report of the Rubber Producing FacDities 246 p. illus. 23cm.
Disposal Commission to Congress. Washington, U. S. Govt. TS1892.R62 58-15593
Palmgren, Hans. Print Off., 1955.
Investigations on polybutadiene rubber and
some buta 260 la-12Sa Ulns, maps (part fold.) 24cm.
lv, p.

diene-styrene and butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymers.

Com HD9161.U52A5245 1955 55-60624
munication from the Division of Applied Organic Chemistry Rubber Reclaimers Association.
Manual of reclaimed rubber. Edited by J. M. Ball New
the Royal Institute of Technology. Stockholm [1953j
155 p. 25 cm, U. S. Dept. of Justice. York, 1956.
dlagrs., tables.
TS1925.P3 56-32241 Report of the Attorney General on competition in the 57-3115 \
synthetic rubber industry. 1st-
Vadim Alekseevich. May-Dec. 1955-
[Washington, U. S. Govt Print. Off.j
ToKcnEcwioniK H iHnieHa npOHSBO^cxBa cHHieiinecKor 24 cm.
KayryEa. MocEBa, Toe. HSA-BO MCA. jmx-pH, 1955.
56-61215 J
RUBBER, SYNTHETIC see Rubber, Artificial
258 Illus.
p. 21 cm. (BH6/moTCKa caHHrapHoro spaia H 3raw-

TS1925P6 56-2431
U. S. Rubier Producing Facilities Disposal Commission.
RUBBER ARTICLES see Rubber goods
of Govern
Repoit to Congress recommending disposal
Reconstruction Finance Corporation. ment-owned synthetic rubber facilities (Public law 205, 83rd RUBBER BEARINGS
The Government's rubber projects; a history of the U. & Congress) [Washington] 1955.
Government's natural and synthetic rubber programs, Hi, 47, ISA p. Ulus.,map. 28cm. Davydov, Aleksandr Pavlovich.
1955. VoL 2. [Washington] 1955. Supplement. Report to Congress recommending PesHHOBtie no^mnnHiiBai &.T.X H. MocEBa, Toe,
348-662 L dtagrs., tables. 29 cm. rubber producing facilities ..-
57-38655 posal of Government-owned snepr. H3^-BO, 1958.
HD9161.U52R36 [Washington, 1955] ISO, [2] p. Hlos. 22 cm.
1I1.241P. 28cm. TJ1073.R8D3 59-19883
HD9161U52A574 SuppL
Smirnov, Nikolai Ivanovidu 338.47678 55-60658
CHHTCTHiecKHe EayHyKH. Hsfl. 2,, nepep. H AOH. Aony-
meno B KanecTse y^eo*. nocotfiui flJi* xHMHKO-TexHOJtor U. S. Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission.
CSHX By30B. JlenHHrpafl, Toe. nayroo-iexH. HS^-BO
XHH of the Gov see also Rubber to metal bonding
Report to Congress, recommending disposal
JIHT-pH, 1954. ernment-owned synthetic rubber plant at Baytown, Texas.
456 p. dlagrs. 28 cm. [Washington] 1955.
55-28474 (Public law 19, 84th Congress) Vanderbilt (R. T.) Company, inc.
TS1925.S6 1954 14,50Ap. map. 28cm.
55-614M Sugestiones sobre la fonnulacion de compuestos y proceso
BD916LU53B32 de elaboracion para industrias dedicadas al ahulamiento de
Solo, Robert A .
telas. New York t 1946j

in technological develop
U. S. Rubier Producing Facilities Disposal Commission. 46 p. 22cm.
Synthetic rubber: a case study of the Govern, TS1892.V318 57-53093 J
ment under Government direction; study of the Committee Report to Congress recommending disposal
on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Con ment-owned synthetic rubber plant at Institute, West Vir
to S. Res. 236. Washington gink (Public law 336, 84th Congress) tWashington3
gress, second session, pursuant
21,41Ap tlluflvmap. 28cm. RUBBER GOODS
U. S. Govt Print. Off., 1959. 56-6073
130 P tables. 24 cm. (Study of the Subcommittee
on Paten HD9161.U52A575
Bosch, Fritz.
A Streichen und Tauchenj'Herstellung von gestncnenen und
Volzhinaldi,! aus Gummilosung. Leipsdg, Fachbuch-
saaaTHflic B getauchten. Artikeln
PyKOBO^CTBO r nparrHiecKHK
c t

tTweedie, Adelbret Thomas, 1931- CHHTCTHHecKiix rayiysoB. HenHnrpaj, Toe. HayiHO-xex ^^65*?' llloa. 23 cm. (Fachtaxnde fur die Gummllndoatrie, Bd. 4)
Copolymerization reactions of l^-di(2-pyridyl)ethylene. H3A-BO XHSt. JHT-pH, 1955. TS1892.B8 58-28935 J
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms E 1956j 220, A P. lllua. 23cm.

( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. TS1925.V6

Microfilm AC-1 no. 18,209 Mic56-322'
Illinois. Univ. LIbr.
Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUBBER GOODS (Continued) G6nin, Georges, ed. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE

Encyclopedic technologique de
Industrie du caoutchouc,
Gobel, Ernst Friedrich, 1909- publiee sous la dii-ection
de G. Genin et B. Morisson ... Ohio. State Service.
Berechnung und Gestaltung von Gummifedern. neu- Paris, Dunod, 1956- At work in the rubber industry.
bearb. und erweiterte Aufl. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1955.
" mus ' ^^ A56-5968
[Columbus] 1957-58.
3 v. illus., diagrs. 28 cm. (/* Employment Information series
86 p. lllos. 24cm. (Konstruktlonsbucher, 7) a counseling aid, occupational guide)
TJ210.G6 1955 58-21721 % Georgia. InsLofTeclL Library TS1892.05 331.7678 59-62548

Gobel, Ernst Friedrich, 1909- Instrument Society of America. AMAZON VALLEY

Gummifedeni. Berlin, Springer, 1945 t i. e. 1948] ISA national symposium on instrumentation in the rubber
58 p. Illns. 23cm. (Konstrufctionsbucher, 7) and plastics industry. [Proceedings} 1957- Ferreira Reis, Arthur Cezar, 1906-
TJ210.G6 50-30881 rev O seringal e o seringueiro. Rio de Janeiro, Ministerio da
v. Illus^ diagrs. 29 cm.
Agricultura, Servigo de Informaao Agricola, 1953.
TA165.I59 620.78 58-1520 149 p. illus. 28 cm. (Documentdrlo da vlda rural, no. 5)

KovaHk, Antonin. F2546.F48 57-30515 J

Pryz ve strojlrenstri. t Vyd. 1.] Praha, Statni nakL Koshelev, F F
technicke literatury, 1953.
183 p. illus. 21cm. (Kni2nicekovoprumyslu) O6maa: TexHO-iorna pesnHBi. flonymeHO B KanecTue y^e(>. AUSTRALIA
TS1920.E6 59-26792 t nocoSna fl.ia xHMHKO-TCXHOJiorH^ecKHx sysoB H $asyjii>Te-
TOB. MocKsa, Toe. HayiHO-xexH. HS^-BO XHM. JIHT-PH, 1958. Australia. Diviai&n, of Industrial Development.
480 p. Illus. 23 cm. Brief review of the Australian rubber industry. Mel
TS1890.K62 58-32305
Macbeth, Colin. bourne, 1948.
Rubber in textile factories. 19 p. 25cm.
London, British Rubber De
F F HD9161.A82A52 56-17319 J
velopment Board [194-5 Koshelev,
135p. Illus. 22cm. TexHOJioriui pesiiHti. ^onynreHo B Ea^ecTBe yiefiHHKa
TS1920.M15 57-41431 t flJW XHMIIKO-TeXHOJIOrHHeCKHX By30B H (^aEyjIBTCTOB. MO-
CEsa, Foe. HayiHO-TexH. HS^-BO XHM. jcax-pH, 1951.
Microfilm Slavic 320 T Mic 55-3182
Man, Karl, ed. Banco de Credito da Borracha, S. A.
Gewichtsberechnung technischer Gummi waren; Anleitung Reiner, Stefan.
und Tabellen. 3. umgearb. und verb. Aufl. Stuttgart, Ber Laboratoriumsbuch fur die Gummi-, Kabel- und deren Para [Brazil]
liner Union 1953 T. 26 cm. annual
I 1
verwandte Industrien. 2. Aufl. Halle (Saale), W. Knapp,
248 p. ( p. 245-248 advertisements} 19 cm. HG2890.P34C73 49-21675 rev*t
TS1892.M37 1953 A 54-3969 rev 167 p. illus 24 cm. (LaboratoiiumabQcher iir die chemlschen
Georgia. Inst. of Tech. Library und verwandten Indugtrlen, Bd. 27)
TS1892.R4 1953 56-35582 t Townsend, Charles Henry Tyler, 1909-
Report on the Brazilian rubber situation. rBelterra?
Molokov, M N Brazil, 1958,
SniSek, Rudolf. 151. 28cm.
npoH3BOCTBO pesHHOBHx HrpjTneE. MocKsa, Bcec, Gumarenska pfirucka. Praha, Stitni nakL
tVj<L l.j HD9161.B8T6 338.1749865 58-61696 t
KOonepaiHBHoe HS^-BO, 1954. technicke literatury, 3,956.
147 p. Illus. 22cm.
202 p. Illus. 21 cm.
TSS301.T7M67 55-44224 J TS1890.S55 57-30411 J
National Industrial Conference Board. Springer, Arthur.
Eubber products industry; a statistical compendium. WerkstoSkunde und allgemeine Einfuhrung in die Gum- Syndicat national du caoutchouc, des plastiques et des in
dustries qui s* y rattachent.
KOT York [1959] mitechnologie. 2., verb, und erweiterte Aufl. Leipzig,
93 diagrs., tables. 28 cm. Statistics of
Annuaire officiel.
p. (lit manufacturing Fachbuchverlag, 1957.
HD916LU52N3 338.476783 59-4855
347 p.
Illus. 24 cm.
(Facatunde fiir die Gummllndustrte)
59-31320 1
TS1870.S9 57-36294
Stephanowitz, Peter.
Porayski, Tadeusz. Kautschuk, vom Rohstoff zur Fertigware. Berlin, Auf-
Guma i -wyroby gumowe; materialoznavretwo, przecho-wy- bau- Verlag, 1952 te 1951 3 GERMANY
wanie i konserwacja, Warszavra, Polskie Wydawn. Gospo- 83 p. Illus. 19 cm. (Wlssenachaft und Technik verstfindlich
dargestellt, 7)
darcze, 1954. Treue, Wilhehn, 1909-
94 p. Illus. 21 cm. (Biblloteka gospodarki magazynowej, nr. 2)
TS1890.S72 55-20297 t
Gummi in Deutschland. Die deutsche Kautschukversor-
TS1890JP65 59-20135 \
Jan Willem Hendrik, 1927-
gung und Gummi-Industrie im Rahmen weltwirtschaftlicher
Entwicklungen. Hrsg. im Auftrage der Continental
Toepassing van de papierchromatographie bij de identifi- Gummi- Werke AG
Hannover. Munchen, F. Bruckmann
Roma, Angelo dL catievan in de rubberindustrie gebruikelijke versnellers en.
Lo stampaggio degli articoli in gommaj manuale pratico antioxydanten. 's-Gravenhage, Excelsior C 1955j 347 p. plates. 22cm.
133 p. Illus. 24cm.
con 38 figure e ricettario completo. Note suUo stampaggio
TS1892^5 57-23548 New York Univ.
A 56-5755
delle gomme al silicone. Torino, G. Lavacnolo r1954i Libraries HD9161
84 p. Illus. 25cm.
Wayne Univ. Library
Gonzalez Anchondo, Juan. Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers.
Sistema de costos estimados para las pkntas renovadoras
Sava, Tovarna gumijeyih izdelkov, Kranj. Intelligence Division.
dellantas. Mexico, 1954.
Tovarna gumijevih izdelkov Sava, Kranj, British compounding ingredients for rubber, compiled by
Slovenrja, 87 p. Olus. 28cm.
Brian J. Wilson. Cambridge, Published
by W. Heffer for
Jugoslavia, t Kranju, 1952- V HF5686JR8G6 57-34827 t the Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers,
1 T. (looae-leaf ) 25 cm.
TS1893.S3 57-23186 J CATALOGS Shawbury t 1958i
XT, 528 p. 24 cm.
TS1885.G7R4 *678.23 58-2185
HoEbrook, Frederick L ed.
INSPECTION Naugatuck rubber chemicals and ParacriL Naugatuck,
. Woodruff, William.
230 p. tables. 25cm. The rise of the British rubber industry during the nine
U. S. Bureau, of Ships.
TS1893H7 *678.72 55-34340 teenth century.
Visual inspection guide, for rubber molded items. Wash [Liverpool] Liverpool University Press.
ington, 1955. 1958.
124 p. (chiefly mas.) 28 cm. DIRECTORIES rvll, p. llhuL, ports., map, diagrs., facslms., tables. 23 cm.
VC279.R8U6 359.8 65-60519 HD916LG72W6 678.0942 59-415
Recuea international du caoutchouc,
Paris, Rousset, 19 GT. BRIT. DIRECTORIES
RUBBER INDUSTRY AND TRADE Directory of British rubber manufacturers and products
see also Boots and shoes, Rubber; MACHINERy see Rubber machinery
Hose; Rubber, Artificial; Rubber, 55_18815

Reclaimed; Rubber goods; Rubber

industry workers; Rubber machinery Rubber news sheet v. 1-
Julyl$48- India (Republic)
Aronaon, A S London, Secretariat of the fiubber Study Group. ^^
Rubier Board.
TexHOJoras noAroroBHTejii,Horo npOHaBOflcrsa B pesHHo- v. In S4n. Bulletin,v. 1-
sofl HD916LA1K78 Jan./Mar. 1951-
npoicHtnjteHHOCTH. JleHHErpa^, Foe. Hayrao-TexH. HSA- 55-36517
BO XHX. JHT-pH, 1955. tKottayam.]
T. In 25cm.
185, {Sj p. lUojB. 23 cm.
TS1890A7 56-47627 SOCIETIES, ETC. SB290J46 59-17707

British Rubber Producers Research Association. INDIA PERIODICALS

Str&ichen und Tauchen ; Hersteflung von gestrichenen und
London. Rubber India, v.l-
getauchten Artikeln aus Gummilosung. Leipzig Fachbuch.- T. Illus. 24cm. annuaL Jan.1949-
verlagt 1965. TS1870.B724 55-25905 t
flSp. lllna. 23cm. (Pachknnde fQr die Gnmmllndustrie, Bd. 4) v. In Ulna. 25cm.
TS1892.B8 TS1885J5R8 678.05 5745845

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUBBER INDUSTRY AND TRADE U S Contfiete llou^e. Committee on Armed Services,^

(Continued) Panfilova, Anastasiia Mikhaflovna.
sale to Shell Oil Co. of certain
HeropHa 3aBO,a;a Kpacniifi doraiHpi,, 1887-1925 rr. Mo- Disapproving proposed
as recommended by the Rubber

LIBERIA synthetic rubber

CKsai Hsfl-BO MOCKOBCKOTO VHHBepCHTera, 1958. adverse
225 p. illus. 22 cm. Producing Facilities Disposal Commission report;
HD9161.R82P3 58-49785 t report to accompany
H. Res. 171. Washington, U. S. Govt. t

Firestone Plantations Company. Pr t 55

Liberia and Firestone; the development of a rubber in 33 p24 J m '(84th Cong, 1st sess. House of Representatives.

dustry, a story of friendship and progress. Harbel, Li- SINGAPORE Report no. 227)
KK cnftfiff
beria, Akron, Ohio [1956?,
44 p. illus. 28 cm
Wilson, Joan,
HD9161.L54F53 56-4362 t
The Singapore rubber market Uni U. Senate. Committee on Banking and Cur
Singapore, Eastern S. Congress.
versities Press, 1958. .
rency. ,

of Government-owned rub
ill, 75 p. diagrs. 22 cm. (Malayan Btadlet series, no. 1)
Disapproval of proposed sale
Taylor, Wayne Chatfield, 1893- HD9161.S5W5 A 58-6254 ber-producing facilities; adverse report, together
with the
The Firestone operations in Liberia. Na Rochester. Univ. Llbr. HD9161 76. tWashington, U. S.
[Washington, minority views, to accompany S. Res.
tional Planning Association, 1956]
Govt. Print. Off., 1955]
xti, 115 p. ill us., col. maps (on cover) 23 cm. (Case study in an no. Senate. Report
24 p. diagrs. 24 cm. (84th Cong., 1st sess
NPA series on United States business performance abroad, 5th) SLOVENIA
HD2709.N322 no. 5 57-706 1955a 55-60674
Sava, Tovarna gumijevih izdelkov, Kranj.
Tovarna gumijevih. izdelkov Sava, Kranj, Slovenija, U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Cur
MALAY PENINSULA Jugoslavia. V Kranju, 1952- t
1 v. (loose-leaf) 23 cm Rubber facilities disposal. Hearings before a subcom
TS1893.S3 57-23186 t
Malayan Rubber Advisory Committee. mittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United
Report on rubber policy. Kuala Lumpur, Printed at the States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, on S.
Malayan Union Govt. Press, by H. T. Roes, Govt printer, 691, a bill to permit the disposal
of Plancor 877 at Baytown,
1947. SPANISH AMERICA Tex. and the report of the Rubber Producing Facilities
13 p lllus. 34 cm. U. S. Govt.
Disposal Commission to Congress. Washington,
HD9161.M32M3 55-20965
Phelps, Dudley Maynard, 1897- Print. Off., 1955.
Rubber developments in Latin America. Ann Arbor, Bu Iv, 260 la-128a p. Illus., maps (part fold.) 24 cm.
1955 55-60624
reau of Business Research, School of Business Administra HD9161.U52A5245
tion, University of Michigan, 1957.
MALAYA 174 p
vi, diagrs., tables. 24 cm. (Michigan business studies, U. S. Dept. of Justice.
v 13, no 3) in the
HD9161.A2P4 338.47678 58-62709 Report of the Attorney General on competition
Bush, Wfflard C Copy 2. HF5006.M5 voL 13, no S synthetic rubber industry. 1st-
Pahang; quatre annees d'aventures dans la jungle de May-Dec. 1955-
Malaisie. Paris, Payot, 1950.
fWashington, U. S. Govt Print. Off.]
272 p. map. 23 cm. (Collection de documents et de t&noignages U.S. v illus 24 ci".
pour servir & 1'nistoire de notre temps) HD9161.U5A385 56-61215 t
SB290.B884 55-35297 American Hard Rubber Company.
-106th; -1956.
New York] U. S. President, 1953- (Eisenhower)
v. lllus. 26-28 cm. annual. Report concerning the Nation's rubber requirements and
Gamba, Charles. HD9161.U54A5 48-^35614 rev*J ... pursuant to section 10 of the Rubber
resources; message
Synthetic rubber and Malaya. Singapore, D. Moore, 1956.
43 p. map (on cover) tables. 22 cm. (Background to Malaya producing facilities disposal act of 1953. t Washington,
series, no. 11) Donnithorne, Audrey Gladys.
A 58-1409 British rubber manufacturing; an economic study of in
52 p tables 24cm. (S4th Cong., 2d sess House of Representa
Rochester. Univ. Libr. HD9161 tives. Document no 391)
novations. London, G. Duckworth ^958] HD9161.U52A52 1956 56-61324
169 p. 23 cm (Industrial innovation series)
HD9161.G72D6 338.47678 59-3047 J
Malayan Para Rubber Company, ltd. Commission.
U. S. Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal
Malayan Para Rubber Company Limited. [Report] of Govern
London. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company. Repo.t to Congress recommending disposal
aim rubber facilities (Public law 205, 83rd
ment-owned synthetic
Pioneer and pacemaker; the story of Firestone. Akron, 1955.
Ohio Congress) [Washington,
[1953?, iii, 47, ISA p illus, map. 28cm.
59 28cm. dis
p. illus., ports.
55-1137 Supplement. Report to Congress recommending
HD9161.U54F52 rubber producing facilities ...
posal of Government-owned
Mission of Enquiry into the Rubber Industry of Malaya.
1954. du caou [Washington, 1955j
Report. Kuala Lumpur, G. A. Smith, Govt. printer, Mission francaise de productivite de 1'industrie 111.241 p. 28cm.
liii, 75 p. diagrs., tables. 25cm. HD916LU52A574 SuppL
tchouc. ,
HD9161.M33M5 59-22173 HD9161.U52A574 338.47678
Industrie du caoutchouc, mission francaise aux Etats-
1952. Paris, Syndicat national du
Unis, janvier-fevrier
Rubber Producers' Council of the Federation of Malaya. caoutchouc [1953? 3 U. S. BIBLIOGRAPHY
186 p. Illus., group port, diagrs^ tables. 27cm.
Monthly statistical bulletin, v. 1- 56-34363
Jan. 1952- TS1885.U6M5
U. S. National Archives.
Kuala Lumpur] Commit
v. diagrs. 25-27 cm. Mitchell, Robert Victor. Inventory of the records of the Rubber Survey
A August-September 1942. Compiled by Philip P.
HD9161.M32R8 338.47678 58-34210 study of countervailing power with special reference to tee,
the tire and tube industry. Ann Arbor, University Micro 47^ inventories of World War
films [1957]
NETHERLANDS {(University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 23358)
n records, no. 1)
A 59-9436
Microfilm AC-1 no. 23,358 Mic 57-3985 Library
U. S. National Archives
Illinois. Univ. Library
Netherlands (Kingaom, 1815- )
Centraal Bureau voor
de Statistiek.
Productiestatistiek van de rubberindustrie.
National Industrial Conference Board. YUGOSLAVIA
Rubber products industry; a statistical compendium.
Utrecht, W.deHaan. VindiS,Fran.
T. 29cm. New York t 1959j
HD9161.N4A3 57-18002
Textile industry. Beograd, Federal Chamber of Foreign
industries) Trade 1956 or 7j
HD916LU52N3 338.476783 59-4855 62 p. illus. 29 cm. (Yugoslav, 7)
HD9865.Y82Y5 58-19729
PAHANG Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
The Government's rubber projects; a history of the U. S.
Government's natural and synthetic rubber programs, 1941
Bush, Willard C
de 1955. Vol. 2. tWashington] 1955.
Pahang; quatre annees d'aventures dans la jungle 29 cm. EXAMINATIONS
348-662 L diagrs tables.
Malaisie. Paris, Payot, 1950. ,

HD9161.U52R36 57-38655
272 p. map. 23 cm. (Collection de documents et de temolgnages
pour servir a Fhlstolre de notre temps) TJporpaMH sa naaaraBte crpy^nor Hcnara npnvHCHnx pa^-
SB290.B884 55-35297
U. S. Business and Defense Services Administration. Chem HHKa 33. ssase EBajtH^HsoBanor paAHHKa Eozapcse H ryicap-
ical and Rubber Division, CKC crpyEC. (UPSBHJIHHK o nojaraiby cipyiHHx HCHHTa sa
Chemical and rubber industry report, v. 1- KBajH^HKOBane z BHCOsoKsajiH$HKOBaHe paflHHKC Ci. raac-
PARA, BRAZIL (STATE) Nov. 1954- EHK H. P. CpCnje, 6p. 29/53) Eeorpas, Fpa^esHHCKa sanra
Washington. [19-1 27cm. monthly. Sip. 21cm.
Murphy, Robert Francis, 1924- 59-33701 HD8039JL42Y67 59-17250
The rubber trade and the Mundurucu village. Ann Arbo HD965L:LA33
University Microfilms C 1954]
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Micn.j Publication no. 8741
Congress. House. Committee on Armed
U. S. Services.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 8741 MicA54-21
Columbia Univ. Dbraries Declaring tha't the House of Representatives
does not favor YEARBOOKS
sale of the facilities as recommended in the report of
International Federation of Industrial Organizations and
RUSSIA Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Commission submitted
to the Congress on January 24, 1955 ; adverse report to
ac General Workers Unions.
in the
Manvelov, Ivan Mirzoevich. company H. Res. 170. jWashington, U. S. Govt.
Print Off., Report on wages and conditions of employment
OOBO H rubber and rubber products industry of some countries.
ffezo; o TOM, KIK soxieKTHB sasofla "Kayr^K
sannct K) 33 p. tables 24cm. (84tnCong^ latsess. House of Representa Amsterdam.
yflsoHJi BHnycic npoAVKmiH. tJEHTCpaTypHaa tives. Report no. 225)
JLanynoBa. Mocssa] MocKOBCKHtt patf o^stt, HD9161.U52A5 I955a 55-60668 HD8039.R9I5 57-31964
86 p. lllus. 21cm.
HD9161JE182M2 59-45077

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUBBER INDUSTRY WORKERS (Continued) Paris. Institut f rancais du caoutchouc. Millar, Oliver.
AMAZON VALLEY Reunion, du conseil superieur en Indochine. Rubens: the Whitehall ceiling. London, New York, Ox
1949- ford University Press, 1958.
25 p illus 26 cm. (Oharlton lectures on art, 40)
Meflo, Alcino Teixeira de. Saigon.
ND673.R9M725 [759.9493] 927.5 58-3821 J
Nordestinos na Amazonia, [Bio de Janeiro^ Institute Na- 57-37084
cional de Imigrasao e Colonizacao, Departamento de Estu-
dos e Planejamento, 1956. Miserey, Marie de.
129, [2] p. maps, dlagrs. 28 cm. Rubens. Pref du R. P. de Parvillez. Paris, Caritas rl956i

HD8Q39.R92B76 58-41423 Rubber-Stichting, Delft. 125 p. Illus. 19cm. (Collection Visages et souvenirs)

Harvard Univ. Library
RUSSIA v. illus. 24cm. an
TS1870.RS74 55-30824 J
Muls, Jozef, 1882-
Len'shin, Ivan Filippovich, Peter Paul Rubens als le-venskunstenaar.
HTO Aaer xospacie-r; as onLtia pa<5oTii KOJueETiiBa Amsterdam,
Mo- Wereldbibliotheek, 1956.
CKOBCEoro rnHHHoro saBO^a.
U. S. Special Commission for Rubber Research.
t MocsBaj MOCEOBCEHS pa<5o-
Recommended future role of the Federal Government with
147 p, 16 plates. 20cm.
HHfi, 1954.
87 p. 20cm. respect to research in synthetic rubber. [Washington]
1955. A 57-7179 rev
Harvard Univ. Library
21 p. 26cm.
BD8039.R92RS5 57-49276 56-60105 t
Ripley, Elizabeth.
Rubens, a biography. With drawings and paintings by
RUBBER MACHINERY PERIODICALS Rubens. New York, Oxford University Press, 1957.
68,i3jp. illus. 27cm.
Eichstadt, Hans. Agalawatta, Ceylon. Rubber Research Institut. ND673.R9R5 927.5 57-11450
Maschinenkunde. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1953. Quarterly circular.
253 p. Illus 24cm. (Fachkuadefflr die Gummllndustrie, Bd. 2) [Colombo]
In 26 cm. Rubens, Sir Peter Paul, 1577-1640.
TS1892.E45 56-33200 T. Lllus
TS1870.A32 634.986505 Letters. Translated and edited by Ruth Saunders Magurn,
52-23801 rev
Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1955.
ilv, 528 p. Illus , ports., facsim. 26cm.
ND673.R9A43 927.5 55-5223
(1983- U. S. S. R.} Glavnos upravlenie Mimi- SOCIETIES, ETC. [759.9493]
cheskogo mashinostroeniw.
OoopyAouaHire flJts o6pa<5oTEH pesHHOBtix cuecefi H njia-
British Rubber Producers' Research Association.
CTHICCKHX stacc; KaTaaor-cnpaBO^HHE. CocTaBHJni: H. M.
Summary of the report of the director of research.
KopeijEHft H n. H. E$peMOuaj Mocssa, Mantras, 1957.
105 p. Illus. 27 cm. London.
v. 24 cm, annual Harsanyi, Zsolt, 1887-1943.
TS1893.R8 58-19174 Das herrliche Leben; der Lebensroman des P. P. Rubens.
TS1870.B72 55-18810 rev J
t Aus dem Ungarischen iibertragen und bearb. von Gitta
RUBBER STAMPS Heinig und Horst Wolf] Wien, P. Neff, 1953 [ 1942]
RUBBER -METAL BONDING see Rubber to 883 p. 23cm
metal bonding PH3241.H32E435 55-59493 J
see also Hand stamps
Warner Electric Company, inc., Chicago, RUBERY, OWEN AND COMPANY, LTD.
How to make rubber stamps for pleasure and profit.
Chicago, Warner Electric Co., Rubber Stamp Division
Rainsbury, John Philip.
There's life in the old dog yet ...
Darlaston, South
RUBBER PLANTS 109 L illus. 28cm. Staffs., Rubery, Owen, 1954.
45 p Illus. 24cm.
TS1920.W3 *678.3 55-3685 J
HD6280.R3 331.113 57-37867 t
see also Cryptostegia grandiflora;
Goldenrod; Guayule; Milkweed RUBBER TIRES see Tires, Rubber
Canada. Division of Botany and Plant Pathology. RUBBER TO METAL BONDING
Rubber and resin content of native and introduced plants see also Galium
of Canada [hy3 "William Harold Minshall. Zherebkov, Serafim Konstantinovich.
Ottawa, Canada Kpen-ienne pesunu E ireTajLiau. MocEsa, Toe. nayiHO-
Dept of Agriculture [195-] TCXH. H3-BO XHM. JIHT-pH, 1956. Comyn, Jean.
53 p. ( chiefiy tables) 28 cm.
SB289.C3 147, [1, p. dlagrs. 21 cm. Principaux aspects de 1'appareil libero-ligneux foliaire des
58-40541 TS718.Z45 rubiac^es.
(In Annales des sciences naturelles. Botanique et blologie v^gg-
tale. Paris, 1957. 26 cm. 11. s6r^ t 18 (1957) p. 27j-70. illus., t
Polhamus, Loren George, 1895- RUBBER WORKERS table)
see Rubber industry
Rubber content of miscellaneous plants. t Washington]
workers [OJH3.A61 Il.ser.,tl8] A 59-46
Illinois. Univ.
Agricultural Research Service. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Library
25 p. tables. 23 cm. (Production research report no 10) RUBBING CORROSION see Fretting corrosion Institut francais
d'Afrique noire.
S21.Z2382 no. 10 633.89 Agr 57-224 rev
U.S. Dept. of Agr. Llbr. A281.9Ag8 uo.10 Tardieu.Blot : et aL,
RUBEIS, ALOYSIUS DE see Rossi, Luigi
27<an Memolres, no 50)
1598-1653 - (

COMMISSION see Rubber Producing U.S. RUBENS, SIR PETER PAUL, 1577-1640
Facilities Disposal Commission Blartinez, Maxinuno, 1888-

Eigenberger, Robert.
Familia de las rubiaceas del Estado de Mexico.
Peter Paul Rubens, 13 p.
RUBBER PRODUCTS see Rubber goods 45 p. 48 plates (part coL)
Wien, Kunstverlag Wolfrum
21 cm.
Illus. 23cm.
(Wolfrumbticher,' 18) 57-32493 J
Harvard Univ. Library
A 57-1659
Weber, Hans, Oct. 6, 1911-
RUBBER RESEARCH Uber die Blutenkelche tropischer Rubiaceen.
Harvard University. Wffliam Hayes Mainz, Ver-
Fogg Art Museum. lag der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; in
Agalawatta, Ceylon. Rubber Research Institute. Drawings & oil sketches by P. P. Rubens, from American Kommission bei F. Steiner, Wiesbaden l955, r
Report collections, [Exhibition] Fogg Art Museum, Harvard Uni 20 p. illus, coL plate. 25 cm. (Aiademle der Wissenschaften
(Colombo, versity Jan, 14-Feb. 29j and the Pierpont Morgan Library
c ^ ^r Literatur. Abhandlungen der Mathematiscli-Naturwissen-
scnaftlichen Klasse, Jahrg. 1955, Nr. 11)
T. 23 em_ annual. cMar. 20-Apr. 28.
SB290A4 32
& 1956.
Catalogue. Cambridge] J Q49^I22 1955, Nr. 11 57-1726
59-25283 42p., plates. 28cm.
NC266.R8H3 [759.9493] 927.5

Jurgeleit, Herbert Frederick, 1905-
The organization of research development and Lehmann, Friedrich Robert, 1903- Horstman, Blwood Louis.
manufac The
ture as applied to the rubber Rubens und seine Weltj ein Zeitgemalde des Barodc distribution of lithium, rubidium, and cesium in
industry. Ann Arbor, Mich,,
University Microfilms [195S] igneous and sedimentary rocks. Ann Arbor, University
Microfilms [1956j
Mic58-2467 ( [University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Publication no. 15,977)
Harvard Univ. Library Microfilm AC-1 no. 15,977 Mic 56-1143
Minnesota. Univ. Llbr.

Koala Lumpur, Malaya. Rubber Research Institute of

Malaya. Maranesi, Francesco.
MacGregor, Malcolm Herbert, 1926-
Planters' fcilletiiL na 1-18, Feb. 1339-Nov. 1941; new La Nativita di P. P. Rubens.
Fenno, Scuola tip. artigia- The decay of rubidium 87. Ann Arbor, University Micro
ser.,no.l- May 1952- nelli del Sacro Cuore, 1954. films J1954]
40p. 7 plates. 21cm.
([University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich , Publication 7685)
no. in 25 cm.
Mic A 55-3115
T. UlTtt.
Harvard Univ.
Microfilm AC-1 no. 7685
SB290.K834 678.072 43-38199 rev* Library
Michigan. Univ. Llbr.

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Stammbach, Klaus, 1924- Figuerola-Ferretti, L Ruck, Berta, 1878-
Zur Analyse von Radiumemanation und Bestimmung von. Rubio-Camin o la madura juventud. Madrid, Ateneo, A smile for the past. London, Hutch in son [1959 3
Kalium und Kubidium auf Grund ihrer naturlichen Radio- 1957. 240p. 22cm.
aktivitat Innsbruck, Universitats-Verlag Wagner, 1951. unpaged, illus. 22cm. (Cuadernos dearie, 23) PR6035.U3Z52 828.912 59-65094 J
67 p. illus., dlagrs. 24cm. ND813.R7F5 58-46284 t
QC796.P6S8 58-17095

Williams, Dale Gordon, 1929-

The crystal structure of rubidium hydrogen croconate.
Ann Arbor, University Microfilms fl957j
[University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.] Publication no. 20,935)
Guflleumas, Rosalia.
La llengua catalana segons Antoni Rubio i Lluch. Barce
1856-1937 RUDAKI,
Mirzoev, AM 10th cent.

Py^aKH a paasHTiie raaean s s-xv BB. tllepeBOA

Cia-iiiHaeaA, Ta ^EKrocH3^aT, 1958.
H. Ocaa-
Hosa] r

Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,935 Mic 57-1581 lona, Editorial Barcino, 1957.
Iowa. Univ. Library 88 p. 17 cm. (CoMecd6 popular Barcino, v. 179) PK65303lT 59-42456 J
PC3815.G8 58-46098 t


Rubincam, Milton, 1909-
Ahnentafel or, Table of ancestors of the Rubincam family
, ii
Crenan Py^aHctKHfl; napnc a:nTra i Tsopiocri. ICaTs,
of Green Meadows, Maryland. rHyattsville?, 1954. Honduras. Direction General de Educaci&n Media. ,3jepa:. BU^-BO xy^oK. Jiix-pn, 1956.
381. 28cm. 114 p. Ulna. 21cm,
Evaluacion del trabajo del equipo de profesores hon- 56-45817 t
CS71.R886 1954 55-19908 J PG3948.R7SZ85
durenos, egresados de la Escuela Normal Rural Interameri-
cana. Washington, Union Panamericana, 1957.
Rubincam, Milton, 1909- i,51p. chart, tables. 28cm.
Origin of the Revercombs of Virginia. t
n. p., 1955 3 P A 57-150 RUDDACH FAMILY
77-83 p. 26 cm. Pan American Union. Library JX198O29
CS71.R886 1955a 56-56140 J Bobinger, Mildred (Ruddach) 1906-
Ruddach family. [Arlington? Ya.j 1956.
RUBOTTOM, ROY RICHARD, 1912- 16 L 29cm.
CS71.R8875 1956
Rubincam, Milton, 1909- 50-44907 t
Studies in ancestral biography. n. p.] 1955
no 27 cm.
U. S. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations.
CS71.R886 1955 56-33577 Nomination of Roy R. Rubottom, Jr. Hearings before RUDDER see Steering-gear
the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate,
Eighty-fifth Congress, first session, on the nomination of Roy
RUBINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, 1794-1854 R. Rubottom, Jr., to be Assistant Secretary of State for RUDE, FRANCOIS, 1784-1855
Inter-American Affairs. May 29 and June 10, 1957. Wash
Traini, Carlo. ington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1957. Dijon. Musee municipal.
H cigno di Romano Giovan : Battista Rubini, re del tenori, II, 99 p.

Illus. 24cm.
57-60546 Francois Rude, 1784-1855. Commemoration du cente-
[Bergamo, Tip. scuole professional! orfanotrofio m., 1954] naire. [Exposition Dijon, Musee des beaux-arts, Palais
204 p. illus ports. 22 cm.
des Etats de Bourgogne, 1955. r Dijon, 1955]

A 55-2463
Oregon. Univ. Llbr. RUBOW, PAUL VICTOR, 1896- 49 p. 20 plates. 19cm.
A 57-1657
Harvard Unlv Library
Fenger, Henning, ed.
RUBINSTEIN, ANTON, 1829-1894 Festskrift til Paul V. Rubow, 18969. januar 1956. Fra
og elever. Redaktion: Henning Fenger et aL
fagfseller c
Park, Julian, 1888-
Barenbolm, Lev Aronovich. K0benhavn, Gyldendal, 1956. "A soldier of Napoleon" Noisot and Rude. : [Buffalo] Uni
415 24 cm.
AHTOH rpnropteBHi PyfiHHnrrefiH XH3Ht, a ;
p. illus., port.
versity of Buffalo, 1955.
PT7049.F4 57-28544 no. 6)
nyrL, TBOpnecTBO, MysHtKajzi.HO-oo'mecTBeHHaa &4-114 p. lllus. 23 cm. (Monographs la history,
AS36.B95 vol. 22, no. 3 923.544 56-351 t
JleHHHrpafl, Foe. MystiEaJi&Hoe nsfl-so, 1957-
v. illus., ports., facsims., music. 23 cm.
MI/410 R89B25 58-15025 RUBUS
RUDE FAMILY see Rood family
Beijerinck, WiHem, 1891-
Rubinstein, Anton, 1829-1894. Rubi Neerlandici; bramen en frambozen. in Nederland,
EsCpaHHtie nnctMa. [ITofl o^mefi pefl., co Bcxyrt. eraT&e hun bouw, levenswi]'ze, verwantschap, verspreiding en ge- RUDEL see Jaufre Rudel, 12th cent.
H KOMMeHxapHffKH Jl. A. BapeH6oftica] MocKBa, Foe. Mysn bruik. (With a summary in English). Amsterdam, Noord-
KaatHoe H3fl-BO, 1954. HoDandsche Uitg. Mij., 1956.
101 p. lllus. 17cm. 156 p. Illus., 82 plates. 26 cm. (Verhandellngen der Koninklijke
Nederlandse Akademle van Wetenschappen. Afd Natuurfcunde. 2.
ML410.R89A16 55-44553
reeks, deel 51, no. 1)
[Q57A533 deel 51, no. 1] A 56-7023 Bliithgen, Joachim.
Illinois. Univ. Library
Greifswalder Oie und Ruden; eine vergleichende Studio
RUBINSTEIN, ARTUR, 1886- zur Inselkuude der Ostsee. Mit 5 Reproduktionen nach
Gemalden von Fritz Tischendorf. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1952.
Gavoty, Bernard. Berger, Xaver, 1924- .
Tl, 70 p. coL plates, maps (part foldL, part col.) dlagrs. 28 cm.
Arthur Rubinstein. Portraits de Roger Hauert; texte de (Erganzungsheft Nr. 248 zu "Petermanns GeograpMsclien Mlt-
Untersuchungen uber die Embryologie partaell apomikti- tellnngen")
Bernard Gavoty. Geneve, R. luster, 1955. scherRubusbastarde. Bern, 1953.
30 27cm. (Les Grands Interprets)
G1.P44 Nr.248 57-1861
p. photos 224-267 p. Illus. 23cm.
ML417.R79G3 56-138 56-20511
Gavoty, Bernard. Lilly, Percy Lane, 1927- DES NAUENN BREYTHBERUFFEN BERCK -
Artur Rubinstein. Portraits by Roger Hauert Trana- A
taxonomic study of the genus Rubus in Pennsylvania, WERGKS SANCT JOACHIMSTHAL
lated by F. E. Richardson. Geneva, R, Kister, 1956. Ann
Arbor, University Microfilms 1957j t

SO p. Illus. 27cm. (Great concert artiflts) Ann Arbor, Mich., Publication no. 20,964)
([University Microfilms,
ML417.R79G32 927.8 56-59175 J Microfilm AC-1 no. 20,964 57-1516 Me Wilsdorf Helmut. ,
Pennsylvania. State University. Library
Praludien zu Agricola. Berlin, Akadenoie-Verlag, 1954.
224 p. lllus^ ports. 24 cm. Kultur
(Frelberger Foradinngshefte.
und Technlk, D5)
Watson, W C R TN144.W6
Harvard Univ. Library
Gavoty, Bernard. Handbook of the Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland.
Arthur Rubinstein. Portraits de Roger Hauert; texte de With 50 drawings by Ruth M. Ball & A. W. DarnelL Cam
Bernard Gavoty. Geneve, R. Kister, 1955. bridge cEng.T University Press, 1958.
30 p. photos. 27cm. ( Les Grands Interprets) ii,27Sp. Illus. 25cm. RUDIAE
ML417.R79G3 56-138 583.37 58-1684
Bernardini, Mario.
La Rudiae salentina. con pref. di Pietro RomanellL X^ecce.

RUBINSTEIN, NIKOLAI, 1835-1881 RUCABADO, LEONARDO, 1876-1918 Editrice salentina, 1955.

172 p. plates, map, plans. 25cm.
Riancho, Javier G A58-4458
Balakirev, Milii Alekseevich, 1836-1910.
M. Leonardo Rucabado; selecci6n y estudio de Javier G. Princeton Unlr. Ubr.
lEepenncKa c H. T, PyfinHmxefiHOM H c IT. BeaaesHic.
Riancho. Santander, Imp. de la Libreria Moderna, 1949.
MocKBa, Foe. MysiiKajitHoe IIS^-BO, 1956. id, 64 p. Illus. 18 cm. (Antologla de escritares y artistas
101 p. illus. 20 cm.
monta&eses, 4)
ML410.B175A4 57-19863 J 56-39470 rev \
Chubb, Lawrence John.
Rudist assemblages of he Antillean Upper Cretaceous.
Rubio, Enrique. Ruch'evskafi, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna. Ithaca, N. Y.. Paleontological Research Institution^ 1956.
Tras el suceso, los sucesos mas sensacionales de los ultimos EDpntt BjiaflHHHpOBHi KoHypos; KpHTHKO-6Horpa$Hie- 23 D. 23 cm. (Bulletins of Jonerlcan paleontology, v. 37, no. 181)
anos relatados por un periodista, C L ed- 3 Barcelona, Edi cEHft oiepK. JleHHHrpaj, Toe. jcysHKaJtBHoe HSA-BO, 1958. GS 56-305
121, r3, p. port 15cm. (CoBercitHe KOMn03HTOpH) TJ. S. CfoL Survey. Llbr.
torial Planeta [1956!
ML410.K7315R8 59-29679
818 p. 17 cm.
A 57-3522
Illinois. Univ. library

Books: Subjects
Library of Congress Catalog

RUDOLF, FRITZ, 1882-1943 USTOW, WILHELM, 1821-1878

RUDISTAE (Continued)
Wiede, Peter, 1928-
Chubb, Lawrence John. Bern, Wilhehn Rustow ( 1821 bis 1878 ) Ein Militarschriftsteller
r der Heimat: Fritz Rudolf, 1882-1943.
Some rarer rudists from Jamaica, B. W. I. Ithaca, N. Y., der deutschen Linken. [Miinchen? 1957 ? 3

Blaukreuzverlag [1958^ 458 p. 21cm.

Paleontological Research Institution, 1956. 75 p. port. 19cm.
30 p illus^ plates. 31 cm, (Palfceontographica amerlcana, v. 4, oonoi DD86.7.R8W5 59-24019
' 59-28221
- 26)
G 356-16
D. S, GeoL Survey. Llbr.
Hess, Josef Hermann.
Chubb, Lawrence John. Rutli. Hrsg. im Auftrag der Riitlikommission. Basel,
Thyrastylon, a new rudist genus from the Upper Cre Schoenichen, Walther, 1876- Hess [1954]
taceous of Guatemala, the Antilles, and Persia, with a dis durch Ernst 40 p. 20cm.
Naturschutz, Heimatschutz ihre Begriindung : illus.
cussion of the functions of rudist oscules and pillars. DQ841.B8H4 57-31037 J
Rudorff, Hugo Conwentz und ihre
Vorlaufer. Stuttgart,
Ithaca, M". Y., Paleontological Research Institution, 1956. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1954.
86-46 p. plates. SI on. (Palaeontograpnica Americana; nit-
trated contributions to the invertebrate paleontology of America. Slip. Illus. 22cm. (Groflse Naturforscher, Bd. 16)
55-15226 t
T. 4, no. 27} QH75JH287
[QE701.I82 vol. 4, no. 27] 56-253 GS Frommhold, Alfred.
U. S. Geol. Survey. LIbr.
RUDYARD, THOMAS Hundertundzehu Jahre Verlag Riitten & Loening, Berlin,
1844 bis 1954. [Berlin, Rutten & Loening, 1954]
Pchelinfsev, V F Braithwaite, Alfred William.
95 p. illus. 20 cm.

Thomas Rudyard, early Friends' "oracle of law.' Lon Z232.R92F7 56-33452

Py^ncTEi ite303ox ropnoro KpHMa. .TennHrpa^, Etefl-so t
AraAeBiun HayK CCCP rJEeHnnrpajCEoe ox^-maei 1959. don, Friends' Historical Society, 1956.
ITS p. Ulus., maps. 27 cm. (AKiieMH* nay* CCCP. reoflonne- 19 p. 23 cm. (Journal of the Friends' Historical Society. Sup-
RUFF, ETHEL, 1910-
CKHH wyaeg HM. A. ft. KapnHHcKoro. Cepiut MOHorpadwiecKaa, Ma 3) n
QE812JRSP35 59-43941 BX7"95 .R74B7 922.8642 A 57^236
Newberry Library Ruff, Ethel, 1910-
When saints go marching; the memoirs of a Baptist evan
lsted.] New York, Exposition Press 1957i
RUDKHANEH-YE KARAJ, IRAN RUE, PIERRE DE see La Rue, Pierre de, d. gelist.
260 p.
21 cm.
1518 BV3785JR8A3 922.673 58-74 t
U. S. Bureau, of Reclamation.
Karaj River project, Iran; evaluation report prepared (FISH) see Acerina cernua
for the Foreign Operations Administration, Denver, As
Strutz, Edmund.
sistant Commissioner and Chief Engineer, 1954.
1 v. (various paglngs) illus^ maps (part fold.) 27 cm. Geschichte der Rubel von Elberfeld. Hrsg. von der ,UFFED GROUSE
54-60593 Helene und Cecile Riibel Familienstiftung. Neustadt an der
TC508JR8U5 627.1
Aisch, Degener, 1956. Hungerford, Kenneth Eugene, 1916-
736 illus. (part coL) ports., maps (part coL) geneaL tables.
p. The ecology and management of the Idaho ruffed grouse
U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, 30 cm. (Bibliothek famtliengeschlchtlicher Arbeiten, Bd. 18)
Karaj River project, Iran ; supplemental report to Evalu CS999.R8 1956 57-38159 (Bonasa umbelly-t phaia) Ann Arbor, University Micro-
ation report dated May 1954. t Prepared
for the Foreign Publication no 3583)
( [Unlversitj- Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich.]
Denver, Assistant Commis A 53-72 rev
Operations Administration]
sioner and Chief Engineer, 1955.
RUBENKAM FAMILY see Rubincam family Microfilm AC-1
no. 3583
1 v. (various pagings) illus., 27 cm.
TC508.R8U513 627.1 55-60494 RUEDA SANCHEZ, RICARDA, 1922-1952
RUFFINI, PAOLO, 1765-1822
Vargas Carrillo, Antonio.
RUDNICKI, KAZIMIERZ Por la Iglesia: Ricarda Rueda Sanchez. [Toledo, 1955j Barbensi, Gustavo.
170 p. port. 17cm. Paolo RufSni. Modena, Accademia di scienze, lettere e
A 56-4946
arti, 1956.
Wspomnienia- prokoratora, Pizedm, napisal Waclaw Catholic tJniv. of America. Library
127p. illus.
BarcikawsfcL [Wyd, 2. WarszawE] Czytelnik, 1957.
255 p. 20 on. QA29.R8B37 56-42635 t
Die Rudersdorfer Kalkberge; Einfuhrung in ihre Geo-
see Ricasoli-Firidolfii, Laura (Ruffo di
1889 Guardialombarda) 1921-
logie. Berlin, Aufbau-Verlag, 1952:19511
131 p illus. 19 cm. (WiasenBchaft und Technifc verstttndUch
Barkeley, Richard.
dargefltellt, 9)
55-23723 J
The road to Mayerling; life and death of Crown Prince
Rudolph of Austria. New York, St Martin's Press, 1958. INDIA
2S2p. fflns.

923.2436 58-14865 t
India. Labour Investigation Committee.
Report on labour conditions in carpet weaving, by
Polzer, Wilhelm.
Mukhtar. Delhi, Manager of Publications, 1945.
Licht liber Mayerling; Kronprinz Rudolf nennt die
Rudolph, Wolfgang, 1923- 56-43734
Griinde seines Scheidens aus dieser Welt (Zur Veroffent- HD8039.T42I416
Die Insel Rugen ; ein Heimatbuch, Illustriert von Georg
lichung nach 65 Jahren nun freigegeben) Neu prominente Hulffe. Hrsg. von Kathe Miethe. [Neu-Aufl.] Rostock, C.
Zeitgenossen-Berichte mit 65 authentischen Photos. t
Hinstorff t 1954,
Aufl.! Graz, O. Karinger 11954] 270 p. Illua. 21cm.
252 p. illus. 22 cm.
DD491.R94R8 55-15347 t
DBS9.R8P6 55-37364 % The Shuttle.
[Carlisle, Pa,j
v. illus 23 cm. monthly (irregular)
Rudolph, Wolfgang, 1923-
DRAMA Die Insel Rugen ; ein Heimatbuch. Illustriert von Georg
HD9937.U54M3 55-21595

Hulffe. Hrsg, von Kathe Miethe. Rostock, C. Hinstorff

Ronald Frederick, 1912-
The Mayerling a play in three acts. 288 Ulus. 21 cm.
affair, London, p.

French [1958i
DD491.R94R8 1954a 56-29132 rev
86 22cm. (French's acting edition
p. illus. no. 2) Symonds' reference directory of the carpet and upholstery
PR6007.E36M3 1958 822.91 58-36951 t trades of the United States.
Rudolph, Wolfgang* 1923-
Boston, J. H. Symonds.
Die Insel Rugen; ein Heimaibuch.
Hrsg. von Kathe v. 24cm.
Mie|he. Illustriert von Georg Hulsse, Rostock, C. Hinstorff
^^ HD9937.U5S9 56-19808 t

291 p. 21cm. Ilius.

DRAMA DD49LR94R8 1956 57-36186 RUG INDUSTRY see Rug and carpet industry
Braun, FeKx, 1885-
Rudolf der Stifter, ein dramatisches Gedicht in einem Vor- RUSSELSHEIM, GERMANY RUG MANUFACTURE see Rugs; Weaving
spiel und funf Aufzugen. [Salzburg, Verlagsgemeinschaft
Weigand, KarL
Stifterbibliotlvek," 1956,
164 p. 17cm. (StlfterWbliochek, Bd. 60. Dicetang der Zelt) Busselsheim und die Funktion der Stadt im Rhein-Main
PT2603.R34R8 56-40059 J Gebiet; mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Pendelwande- RUGBY, ENGLAND
rung. Frankfurt am Main, W.Kramer, 1956.
200 p. iUus^ maps (part fold.; part in 24 cm.
pocket) diagrs
RUDOLF VON PFULLENDORF, GRAF, fl, 12th ( Rh^dn-mainiscne Foruchungen. Heft 44)
cent. HC289J173W4 57-26541
Rugby School.
Scfamid, Karl, kutorum.
RUSTOW, ALEXANDER, 1885- Rugby School register, 1911-1946.
Rev. and annotated for
the Old Kugbeian
Graf Rudolf von Pfnlkndorf und Kaiser Friedrich x, Eisennann, Gottfried, ed. Society by Alan H. Maude and Allan
Archer. Rugby, G. Over, 195'
Frabargi.Br.,E. Albert, 1954. Wirtschaft und Kultursystem. tAlexander Rustow zum 616 p. 22cm.
8U5 p. Hint, mp. 23 on. (Fonchraigen zor oberrhelnischen siebzigsten Geburtstagj Erlenbach-Zurich, E. Rentsch, 1955. LF795JR87 1957 58-40079
330 p. 22cm.
DD14&7.S28 A 56-482 H35.E45 55-30130

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUGBY, TENN. CHRIST CHURCH, Tilbnan, H Lanz, Hans, writer on art.

EPISCOPAL New Chnst- Gotische Bildteppiche. Bern, Hallwag [1955J

Great men of Zealand Rugby. t
lst ed. 3
19COU11US, 19cm. (Orbis pictus, Bd. 20)
9, ,38, p.
church, Lancaster Press [1957] A 56-2712
ill p. illus. 19 cm.
Oregon. Univ. Libr.
Wichmann, Patricia Guion. GV945.T5 796.33 58-19626 J
Christ Church, Episcopal, Rugby, Tennessee; a short his
C Marinoff, Kaihryn Andrews.
tory. [Rugby ? 1959. j
Handmade rugs, Milwaukee, Bruce Pub. Co. t !957j
47 p. Ulos 21 cm.
BX5980.R8C5 283.76874 59-30503 J
Thomas, John Brinley George.
Great Rugger players, 1900-1954. With a foreword by S
PaUadov, S
RUGBY FOOTBALL Rhys T. Gabe. London, New York, S. Paul [1955]
TsaHH, ruBeftHBie tosapH, Kospa. PeEOMeHAOBano B sa?e-
192 p. Ulus, 22 cm.
CTBC yse<5. nocoSn* flJia TOBapOBCAHBix orfl-HHfl xexEHsyMOB
GV945.T45 55-37954 t
see also Football coBCTCKOft TOproB-iH. MocKsa, Foe. H3A-BO TOproBOft .HKT-PH,
Craven, Danie. HISTORY 344 p. illus. 23 cm. (ToBapOBftHCHHe npoMKrajieHHboc Tosapos)
Springboks down the years. Wellington, A. H. & A. W. TS1765JP32 59-39929 J
Reed [1956,
203 p. illus. 23 cm. Marples, Morris," 1901-
GV945.C712 796.33 57-30907 t A London, Seeker & Warburg, 1954 Paternayan Bros^ inc, New York.
history of football
276 p. illus. 23cm. Hand knotted rug weaving. New York [1957,
56-1449 J 47 p. illus. 23cm.
GV945.M35 796.33
International Football Board.
Rugby TS1777.P3 746.72 57-30206 t
Regole del gioco di Rugby. Edizione 1954. t Roma, 195*!
64 p. illus. 18cm.
A 55-5969
Ohio State Dnlvr. Libr. GV945.I5 1964
Owen, O L Erdmann, Kurt, 1901-
The history of the Rugby Football Union. London, Pub Oosterse tapijten, 16e-19e eeuw, 9 Juni t. m. 15 Juli 1951.
lished for the Rugby Football Union by Playfair Books Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
Lalanne, Denis. t !951]
Le grand combat du quinze de France. Pref. de Jacques [1955, 68 p. illus. 23cm.
368 p. Illus. 23cm. NK2808.E7 56-40714 t
Ferret. Paris, La Table ronde [1959,
GV945.086 796.33 57-17504 t
240 p. 21cm. (Collection "L'Ordre <iu jour")
A 59-7742 Hamburg. Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe.
Ohio State Univ. Libr. GV945 RUGBY PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY, LTD. Orientalische Teppiche aus vier Jahrhunderten.

lung im Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, 22.

Reddish, Halford Walter Lupton, 1898- August bis 22. Oktober 1950. [Hamburg, 1950,
McCarthy, Winston John.
This is industrial partnership. London, Staples Press 110 P . 40 Illus, map 21cm.
Round the world with the All Blacks; the story of the *~-ARVr9
5 < -48372
[1955] NIv2S08.H2S
New Zealand tour to the British Isles, France, Canada, and 34 p. 19cm,
America, 1953-54. Wellington, Sporting Publications; dis HD3028.A1R86 56-23229 t
tributed by Truth (N. Z.) ltd. C 1954j
166 p. illus. 22cm.
Toronto. Royal Ontario Museum.
Oriental rugs; the Kalman collection. [Exhibition. To
55-19227 t
GV945.M32 796.33
RUGENDAS, JOHANN MORITZ, 1802-1858 ronto, 1956?]
47 p. illus. 24 cm.
Richert, Gertrud, 1885- NK2808.T65 746.75 59-41658 t
McLean, Terry.
The battle for the Rugby crown. 2d Wellington,
Johann Moritz Rugendas; ein deutscher Maler in Ibero-
A. H. & A. W. Reed 1957, Amerika. Munchen, Filser-Verlag, 1952.
239 p. Illus 22cm. 148 p. illus 21cm Vereniging voor Oosterse Tapijtkunde, Amsterdam.
GV945.M322 1957 796.33 58-16022 1 ND588.R8R5 56-29713 J Catalogue van de tentoonstelling van oostersche tapijten
in het Rijksmuseum van 13 Juli tot 3 September. Amster
dam, 1946.
RUGOSA see Tetracoralla 56 p. Illus 20cm.
McLean, Terry. NK2808.V4 57-18827 t
Bob Stuart's All Blacks. Wellington, A. H. & A. W. Reed RUGS
E 1954]
216 p. illus 23 cm.
GV945.M323 796.33 55-19228 J
see also Carpets; Rug and carpet PRIVATE COLLECTIONS
Moloney, John Keith, 1893- Toronto. Royal Ontario Museum.
football in Canterbury, 1929-1954. [Christchurch, Broden, Marta. Oriental rugs; the Kalman collection. [Exhibition, To
Trasmattor och andra mattor t av] Marta Broden cochj ronto, 1956?
N.Z...C.R.F.U. [1954]
47 illns.

24 cm.
115 p illus. 24 cm. Gertrud Ingers. Vasteras, ICA-forlaget rl955] p.

GV945.M6 796.33 58-40022 t 16T p. illus. (part coL) 21 on. (ICA-fBrlagets Tttvbtbllotek, del NK2808.T65 746.75 59-41658 t
A 56-366
Oregon. Univ. Libr. TARIFF see Tariff on carpets and
New Zealand. Education Dept.
Rugby football; a guide book for teachers, coaches, and Christopher, Rosemary Brinley, 1918- rugs
players. [Prepared and edited in the Head Office of the Kugmaking. Edited by Marjorie O'Shaughnessy. New
Physical Education Branch. Wellington, 1956j
32 p. illus. 18x25 cm.
York, Dover Publications 1952j
87 p. illus. 20 cm.

(Dover-Foyle handbook)
GV945.N45 796.33 57-33531 TT850.C48 746.7 53-10111 rev 1
Heinz, Dora.
Osma (Palmer) Linzer Teppiche; zur Geschichte einer osterreichischen
Gafflnger, Couch, 1895-
Rug weaving for everyone, by Osma Couch Gallinger and Teppichfabrik der Biedermeierzeit Hrsg. vom Kulturamt
Reichenbach, Manfred. Josephine Couch Del Deo. Illustrated by Dorothy Helen der Stadt Linz. Wien, A. Schroll t !955j
Rugby, von Manfred Reichenbach tund] Heinz Hendel. McCloud and Carolyn Fiedler. Milwaukee, Bruce Pub. Co. 68 p. ill us. (part col.) 25cm.
Berlin, Sportverlag 1955j E
C 1957]
A 56-2719
59 p. illus. 21 cm. (Klcine Sportbuchreibe) Oregon. UnlT. Libr.
294p. illus. 26cm.
A 57-665 TT850.G3 746.7 57-10825 J
Ohio State Univ. Libr. GV945 RUGS, BRAIDED
Rugby Football League. Grierson, Ronald.
Manual of Rugby League football for referees, players, Woven rugs. [1st ed.] Leicester Eng.] Dryad Press Feeley, Helen Howard.
[1952 ; label : Peoria, HL, C. A. Bennett Co.] The complete book of rug braiding. New York, Coward-
clubs, and spectators. Written and illustrated by W. Fal-
52 p. Illus. 22cm. McCann [1957,
lowfield, secretary. [Leeds, Eng., 1958?] 55-4310 J
64 p. Illus. 21 cm. TT850.G7 746.72 176 p. IlluB. 22cm.
59-30549 t TT850JF4 746.7 57-10713 J
Hamann, Artur.
Musterhandbuch der Webwarenkunde, von Helmut Ha
Rugby Football Union. mann und Paul Hoff. 2. neubearb. Aufl. der beiden Werke RUGS, EGYPTIAN
Rugby Union football. Rev. ed. [London, Published by
Educational Productions, 1958*
Webwarenkunde und Neue Webwarenkunde von Artur Ha
Niblick Pub. Co. for
Y. mann. Wiesbaden, Steiner 1955j Washington, D. (X Textile Museum.
stamped: distributed by Sportshelf, New Rochelle, N. :

369 p. fflus. 14 plates. 28cm.


Cairene rugs and others technically related, 15th century-

48 p. illus. 14x21 cm. (Know the game series)
GV945.RS6 1968 796.33 58-49007: [TS1445 JS ] A 55-8314 17th century, by Ernst Kuhnel. Technical analysis by Luisa
Georgia Inst of Tech. Library Bellinger. Washington National Pub. Co., 1957.
00 p. 49 plates (part coL) maps (on lining papers) tabte.
Scott, Robert William Henry, 1921- SI cm. (lit Catalogue ralsonnfi)
Bob Scott on Rugby, in which is expressed the conviction Harti, Albert. NK2809.E33W3 *746.7 745.52643 57-12104
that attack is the art of Rugby football, by R. W. H. Scott Teppich-KunsL Emden, Kulturverlag Kunst und Leben,
and T. P. McLean. London, N. Kaye [1955j
155 p. 21cm. 55 p. Illua. (part coL) 22cm.

GV945.S35 796.33 57-17507 A58-260

Oregon. Univ. Libr.

McGown, Pearl Kinnear, 1892-

Thomas, John Brinley George. Klaubert, Hermann.
Persiaa patterns. West Boylston, MASS., P. K McGown,
Great Rugger matches; forty-one historic matches from e
1955 3
Teppiche mechanisch gewebt Essen, E. Heyer t inc. 1958^
1871 to 1958. London, S. Paul [1959; stamped: distributed 108 p. illus. (part coL) map. 22cm. 69 p. inns. 28 on.

by Sportshelf, New RocheUe, N. T.j A 56-3267 T46.74 58-13526 t

Oregon. Univ. Libr.
796.333 59-16749

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUGS, HOOKED (Continued) Vereniging voor Oosterse Tapijtkunde, Amsterdam. BIOGRAPHY

Catalogue van de tentoonstelling van oostersche tapijten
Stratton, Charlotte KimbaH. in het Rijksmuseum van 13 Juli tot 3 September. Amster
Rug hooking made easy. New York, Harper [1955] Pudor, Fritz.
dam, 1946.
214 p. illus. 24cm. 56 p. illus. 20cm. Nekrologe aus dem rheinisch-westfalischen Industriege-
TT850.S8 746.74 55-10704 J ]STK2808.V4 57-18827 t biet, Jahrgang 1939-1951. Dusseldorf, A. Bagel, 1955.
246 p. Illus. 23cm. (Schrlften der Volks- und Betrtebswlrtschaft-

RUGS, ORIENTAL Washington, D. C. Textile Museum. Ha,

lichen Verelnlgung lm Rhelnlsch-Westfailschen Industrlegeblet n F
auptreihe, Heft 16)
HC282.5.A2P8 58-30440 J
Cairene rugs and others technically related, 15th century-
17th century, by Ernst Kuhnel. Technical analysis by Luisa
Bode, Wflhelm von, 1845-1929.
Vorderasiatische Knupfteppiche aus alter Ziet, von Wil- Bellinger. Washington National Pub. Co., 1957.
helm von Bode und Ernst KuhneL 4., vollstandig umgearb.
vll, 90 p. 49 plates (part coL) maps (on lining papers) table. COAL MINERS' STRIKE, 1905 see
31 cm. (Its Catalogue ralsonnS)
Aufl. Braunschweig, IQinkhardt & Biennann, 1955. 748.52643 57-12104 Coal Miners' Strike, Ruhr Valley,
NK2809.E33W3 *746.7
167 p. illus. (part coL) 27cm. 1905
[NK2808.B ] A 56-520
Chabari, Sahameddin.
Budde, 6 W Le tapis Persan; techniques de fabrication et commerce. Bechthold, Gerhard.
Unsere Heimat: das Revier; Landschaft, Natur, Xvunst-
Die Kunst der orientalischen Teppich-Knupferei. Geneve, E.Droz, 1957.
Schmidtheim (Eifel) 142 p. Illus. (part coL) port, maps. 25 cm. denkmaler im Umkreis des Ruhrgebiets. Hrsg. von Gerhard
96 p. illus., map. 22
A 57-6319 Bechthold und Bernd Lohse. Eingeleitet von Helmut
A 58-1670 Oregon. Univ. Llbr. Domke. Frankfurt am Main, Umschau Verlag 1958, r

Oregon. Univ. Llbr. 148 p. (chiefly lllus.) 27cm.

DD801.R8B4 59-31173 t
Hfldebrand, Henri.
Calatchi, Robert de. Der persische Teppich und seine Heimat. Zurich, Lee-
Antichi tapped orientali della collezione Robert de mann ["1951]
CalatchL Milano, Silvano editoriale d'arte c l958] 68 p. Illus. 24 cm. Busch, Harald, 1904- ed.

55 p., 74 p. of illus. (part coL) map. 24 cm.

NK2809.P4H5 55-34831 t Land an Rhein und Ruhr. 88 Bildseiten der Fotografen :
A 59-7197 Abel und anderer. Mit einer Einleitung von Otto Brues und
Oregon. Univ. Libr. Erlauterungen von Helmut Domke. Zusammenstellung und
McGown, Pearl Kinnear, 1892- Bildunterschriften von Harald Busch. Frankfurt am Main,
Persian patterns. West Boylston, Mass., P. K. McGown, Umschau Verlag C 1955j
Dflley,Arthur Urbane, 1873-
inc. [1958, 104 p. (chiefly lllus.) map (on lining paper) 27cm. (DieDeut-
Oriental rugs and carpets; a comprehensive study. Rev. 69 p. illus. 28cm. schen Lande; elne Eelhe der TJmschau-BUcher, 8. Bd.: Nordrheln-
by Maurice S. Dimand. t Rev. ed. : Philadelphia, Lippin- NK2795.M22 746.74 58-13526 t Westfalen i)
cott 11959, DD801.R74B78 56-39217
ni, 288 p. 75 plates (part coL) maps. 29cm.
NK2808D5 1959 746.75 59-13247
Dreczko, Werner. TexHOJrorna Kospoflenaa PC<C>CP. MocKsa, Bcec. Eoone-
Teppiche des Orients. Recklinghausen, A. Bongers t 1957] v
paxHBHoe HSA-BO, 1955.
42 p. IScoLUlns. 18cm.
229, p. lllus. 23 cm. Essen. Industrie- und Handelskammer fur die
A 58-3398 TS1777.B47

55-56113 Essen, Miihlheim-Ruhr und Oberhausen.

Oregon. Univ. Llbr.

Erdmann, Kurt, 1901- fAkovIeva, E G v 80 cm. semimonthly.

Oosterse tapijten, 16e-19e eeuw, 9 Juni t. m. 15 Juli 1951. KypcEHC KospH. jMocKBaj KOHS, 1955.
63 p. Illus. 30 cm.
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum C 1951]
68 p. Illus. 23 cm. NK2869.I3 56-30073 ;

NK280S.E7 Essen. Industrie- und Handelskamnter fiir die Kreise

56-40714 J
Essen, Miielheim-Ruhr und Oberhausen.
Wirtachaftliche Nachrichten.
Erdmann, Kurt, 1901- RUGS, SPANISH Essen.
Der orientalische Knupfteppieh, Versuch einer Darstel- v. illus. 30cm. semimonthly.
Wasmuth r 1955j Perez Dolz, Francisco. HC288.R8E83
lung seiner Geschichte. Tubingen, E. 56-41655 J
Tip. lllus. (part coL) 28cm. El arte del tapiz la alfombra en Espana. Barcelona Ciba
A 56-2196 1952,
Oregon. Univ. Llbr. 118 p. mounted coL iUus. 27cm. HISTORY
NK3062.A1P4 56-39723
Haack, Hermann. Hennicke, Otto.
Echte Teppiche j Emfuhrung in die Die Rote Ruhrarmee. Bfcrlin,
Orientteppichkunde. Verlag des Ministeriums
Munchen, F. Bruckmann t 1956, RUGS, TURKISH fur Nationale Verteidigung, 1956
85 p. mus. tpart coL) fold. map. 25cm. UTp. lllus., mips. 21cm.
A 56-6466 Mustafa, Muhammad. A 57-7473
Univ. Llbr. Wisconsin. Univ. Llbr.
Turkish prayer rugs; t translated into English by Abd
El-Rahman r.Mohamedj Cairo, 1953.
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe. 78 p. map. 25 cm. (Collections of- the Museum of Islamic
Hamburg. illus.,

Orientalische Teppiche aus vier Jahrhunderten. Ausstel-

NK2809.T8M8 745.52643 57-48464
lung im Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, 22,
August bis 22. Oktober 1950. tHamburg, 1950! Herchenroder, Karl Heinrich.
119 p. 49 Illus., map. 21cm.
HK2808.H28 57-48372
RUHNKENTUS, DAVID, 1723-1798 Die Nachfolger der Ruhrkonzerne ; die
"Neuordnung" der
Montaniudustrie, von K. H. Herchenroder, Joh, Schafer
Hulshoff Pol, Elfriede, 1910- t und, Manfred Zapp.
Dusseldorf, Econ-Verlag ^953,
888 p. (p. 361-388 advertisements) dlagrs. 21cm.
Studia Ruhnkeniana,; enige hoofdstukken over leven en
Hosain, AIL werk van David Ruhnkenius. 1723-1798. Leiden r !953i New York Univ. Wash.
A 551398
Orientteppich-Brevier. Klinkhardt & 215 p. facsim. 24cm. Sq. Library HC288J18H4
Biermann [1955] PA85J18H8 57-29304
48 p. inns, (part coL) 20cm.
Oregon. Univ. Dbr. Herchenroder, Karl Heinrich.
RUHR VALLEY Neue Manner an der Ruhr. Mit einer Einfuhrung von
Wilhehn Zangen. [l.Aufl.j Dusseldorf, Econ-Verlag t 1968j
Paris. MusSe des arts decoratifs. 194 p. ports. 21 cm.
Mel'nikov, Daniil Efimovich.
Le tapis, art abstrait Collection Robert de Calatchi
Pyp H no.raTHKa aMepnraHCKnx KOHonojmft B Espone.
Harvard Univ.
A 59-3759
Paris, 1955. Library
i38jp. Uloa. (parto&L) maps: 21cm. CTCHorpauMa nytfjrmmofi ae^nn, upo^nTanHofi B MOCKBC
MocsBa jLTpaB^ai 1949
,. jfc 2lp. 22cm.
DD801.R8M4 Das Neue Revier. des vestischen
52-15788 rev Wirtschaftspanorama
Landes. The economic structure of the new coal-mining
district. La structure economique du nouveau bassin ldee c
Ropers, Hinrich. Steinhauer, Gerhard. und Gestaltung: Aurel Bongers und Albert Urmes.
MorgeiJiindische Teppiche; ein Handbuch fur Sammler graphMche DarsteUungen und Portratskiz2en Heinz Rid- :
tmd Laebhaber. 6, von R, Dieke voflfcommen neu bearb. Aufl. der. Ubersetzungen: Charles Williams und L
M. Gaspar]
Braanschweig, KJinkhardt & Biarmaim 1W5, 1954j Recklinghausen, A. Bongers C 1954]
Slfl p, lllnt, coL plata^ foU. mtp. 36 em. (BIbttodidc fttr '
Kmwt- n. Antiqnitittn-I'rtondei Bd. 1) 59-38381
HK2808JEt65 1955 56-56064 HD9553.7.R8N37 58-29403

Thumm, GaroW Wesley, 1915-

Toronto. Tiie Western European
powers and international control
Das Sperial-Archiv der deutschen Wirtschaft
Boyal Ontario Museum.
of the Ruhr. Ann Die Ruhr-Montan-Konzeme; em Uberblick iiber die Ent-
OrwaUI rugs; the Kalman To Arbor, University Microfilms ,19
ronto, 1956!,
*TI, nh. 24cm.
colfeetion. ^Exhibition.

Mic 55-3750
vricklung seit 1945.
Sdp. 30cm.
2, Aufl. Berlin, Hoppenstedt Ct 1950?i
' ^^ 3

HC288.R8S58 1950 55-31394
59-41658 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUHR VALLEY (Continued) RUINS IN ART Fitzmaurice, Sir Gerald Gray, 1901-
The general principles of international law considered
LEARNED INSTITUTIONS AND Vogel,Hans Martin Erasmus, 1897- from the standpoint of the rule of law.
Die Ruine in der Darstellung der abendlandischen Kunst. (In Hague. Academy of International Law. Secaell des cours,
SOCIETIES DIRECTORIES 1957, n. Ley den. 25cm v.82 (195S) p. 1-227. port.)
KasseljK. Winter, 1948.
44 lllus. 26 cm.
A 59-5649
p. Sch.ofLaw. Library
Northwestern Tniv.
Dabritz, Walther, 1881- ND1460.V6 704.944 50-33041 rev
Die Forschungsinstitute im Ruhrgebiet innerhalb der
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, der Naturwissen- Hayek, Friedrich August von, 1899-
The political ideal of the rule of law. Cairo, 1955.
schaften, Medizin und Technik; eine Ubersicht von. CW.] RUISSEAU CARENA VALLEY 60 p. 25 cm, (National Bank of Egypt fiftieth anniversary com
Dabritz und t W. L Stupp. Dusseldorf, A. Bagel, 1956 memoration lectures)
128 p. 24 cm. (Schriften der Volks- und Betriebswlrtschaitlichen 56-26965 1
Verelnigung im Rhelnlsch-Westflllisdieii Industriegebiet N. F., Llopis Llado, NoeL
Hauptreihe, Heft 18)
AS178.D3 59-35419 J
Alto valle de Caranca. c
l. ecL 3 Barcelona, Editorial ADDRESSES, ESSAYS, LECTURES
Alpina 1946j t
64 p. lllus. 16 cm. (Galas monograficas)
MAPS DC611.R88L5 55-26043 J Harvard University. Law School.
Government under law; a conference held at Harvard Law
Falk Verlag, Hamburg. School on the occasion of the bicentennial of John Marshall,
Stadteatlas Ruhrgebiet
RUIZ, JOSE MARTiNEZ see Martinez Ruiz, Chief Justice of the United States, 1801-1835. Edited by
2. Aufl.) Hamburg [19558]
fold. col. map, 74 p. 26 cm. (Falk Plan) Jose, 1873- Arthur E. Sutherland. Cambridge, Harvard University
G1922.R8F3 1955 Map 57-172 Press, 1956.
ad,58Tp. ports. 24cm.

Leo, Ulrich, 1890-

Brepohl, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1879- Zur dichterischen Originalitat des Arcipreste de Hita. Harvard University. Law School.
Vom Industrievolk an der Ruhr. Essen, West-Verlag Frankfurt am Main, V. Klostennann t 1958j Government under law; essays prepared for discussion at a
[1957] ISO p. 26 cm. (AnaTecta Bomantca ; Belhefte zu den Romanischen conference on the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary
73 p. 21cm. (SchriftenreiheRuhr und Rheln, Heft 4) Porsdrangen, Heft 6) of the birth of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United
HB3596.R83B7 58-28246 J A 58-6310 States, 1801-1835, to be held at Harvard
Law School, Cam
Univ. LIbr. PQ6430
bridge, Massachusetts, September 22, 23,
and 24, 1955. [Cam
265 p. 26cm.
340.04 55-3997
Brepohl, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1879- EL LIBRO DE BUEN AMOR
Industrievolk im Wandel von der agraren zur industriel-
len Daseinsform, dargestellt am Ruhrgebiet. Tubingen, Pereda, Clemente, 1903-
Mohr, 1957.
El canto de buen amor. Caracas, Tip. Vargas, 1953.
400 p. nius. 24 cm. (Sozlale Forschung und Praxis, Bd. 18)
112 p. 23cm.
HN458.R8B7 58-22184 J 57-32196
PQ6430.P4 International Congress of Jurists.
RUHR POCKET, BATTLE OF, 1945 RUIZ, SEBASTIAN JOSE see Lopez LOPEZ Gesamtbericht, referate, protokolle.
Ruiz, Sebastian Jose, 1741-1832 v. IIIus 34 cm.
56-33379 J
Briggs, Richard Arthur, 1926-
The Battle of the Ruhr Pocket, a combat narrative. West RUIZ DE ALAR CON Y MENDOZA, JUAN, d.
International Congress of Jurists.
Point, Ky., Tioga Book Press 1957) C 1639
84 p lllus. 23cm. KeporL 1952-
D756.5.R8B7 940.542 57-43649 J The Hague, International Commission of Jurists*
Granados, Juana. r. Illns. 24-34 cm.
Juan Ruiz de Alarcon e il suo teatro. Milano, Istituto 66-3089
editoriale cisalpino [1954]
RUI see Barbosa, Ruy, 1849-1923 149 p. port. 22cm. (BlbUoteca hlspanica)
Illlnola. Untv. Library
RUIJS DE BEERENBROUCK, CHARLES JOSEPH International Commission of Jurists (Founded 1958)
MARIE, 1873-1936 RUIZ DE ARCE, JUAN, b. ca. 1507
International Commission of Jurists. tTh Hague, 1956J
23 p. 20 cm.
Canilleros, Miguel Munoz de San Pedro, conde de, ed.
57-38713 t
Verhagen, J A H Tres testigos de la conquista del Peru : Hernando Pizarro,
De totstandkoming van het eerste ministerie Ruijs de Juan Ruiz de Arce y Diego de Trujillo. t l. ed. popular3
Beerenbrouck. 's-Hertogenbosch, L. C. G. Malmberg, 1952. Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe Argentina [1953] GERMANY (FEDERAL REPUBLIC,
vill, 139 p facalms. 25 cm. 146 p. 18cm. (Coleccifo Austral, 1168) 1949- )
DJ281.V45 55-32255 F3442.C23 58-29671 J

International Commission of Jurists (Founded 1958}

RUIZ SOLER, ANTONIO, 1921- Deutsche Sektion.
RUIMTE The rule of law in the Federal Republic of Germany a
BruneUeschi, Elsa. statement. The Hague tl958j
Antonio and Spanish, dancing. London, A, and 0. Black 41 p. 2Scm
Passel, Frans van.
Het tijdschrift Ruimte, 1920-1921, als brandpunt van t
96 p. lllua. 26 cm.
humanitair expressionisme. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, 1958. GV1785.R8B7 927.933 59-4474 1
11,162 p. Ulus., ports. 24cm. (Nieuwelnzichten)
A 59-7074 GT. BRIT.
Harvard Univ. library RUIZ FAMILY
Lapeyre, Henri. Inns of Court Conservative and Unionist Society, London.
Une famille de marchands: les Ruiz. Contribution a Rule of law; a study. [London, Conservative Political
RUIN, HANS VALDEMAR, 1891- 1'etude du commerce entre la France et I'Espagne au temps Centre [1955]
de Philippe n. Paris, A. Colin, 1955. 64 p. 23cm. (a P. a [publications, no. 142)

671 p. lllua, maps. 25 cm. (Affaires et gens d'affaires (81) 58-35986 t

Hjorth, Daniel, 1931- ed.
A 57-3039
Hans Ruin, 19 f 56. Lund, Malmo nation Cornell Univ. Library
100 p 24 cm.
: 1956]
poit (Malmo nations skriftserie, 10)
A 57-5083 RULE, GOLDEN see Golden rule
Minnesota. Univ. LIbr. Associazione italiana ginristL
RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES see Per The rule of law in Italy; a statement by the Italian. Na
Verser och vetande; en vanbok till Hans Ruin den 18. juni petuities tional Section of the International Commission of Jurists.
1951. E
Av Holger Arbman efc al. Malmoj Gleerup [1951] The Hague r 1958]
227 p. illns 23cm. 23cm
PT9550.V4 56-37529 RULE MAKING, ADMINISTRATIVE see 46p.
Administrative procedure
Sassen, Albert. Mendkati Negrete, Jorge.
see also Act of state; Administrative El principio de la legalidad en el derecho administrativo
Het Brents van Ruinen. Van Gorcum tl9533
discretion; Due process of law; Ex post
887 p. maps. 25cm. mexicano. Mexico, 1956.
PF847.S3 56-56216 6Tp. 28cm.
facto laws'; Judicial review; Judicial 57-33681 t
review of administrative acts; Political
questions and judicial power RUSSIA
RUINS see Archaeology; Excavations
(Archaeology); Ruins in art; and sub Vfesor, Valerian Andreevich.
division Antiquities under names of Baumlin, Richard. OcJecneieHHe conHajtHcrireecEOft saxoHHOCTH B COBCTCXOH
Die rechtsstaatliche Demokratie. Zurich, Polygraphi-
countries, cities, etc., e.g. Rome scher Verlag, 1954.
rocyflapcxBCHHOM yupaiweHHH ; y^etfHoe nocotfae. Mocxsa,
Antiquities; and names of particular 160 p. 23 cm. 65p. 22cm.
56-15145 58-48399

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects


Stewart, William
Brown's rule of the road manual; the rule of the road
SOUTHERN STATES sea, also the uniform system
of maritime buoyage, wreck- Bischof, CarL
[llth ed. 3 Glas Die Geschichte der Marktgemeinde Ruma.
marking, regulations for light vessels, etc.
McGffl, Ralph Emerson, 1898-
gow, Brown, Son & Ferguson [1954! Pannonia-Verlag, 1958.
A church, a school. New York, Abingdon Press rl959i Io2 p ilus. 18 cm. 176 p. lllus. 21 cm. (Donauschwablsche Beltrfige. Heft 25)
92 p. 20cm. 54-40954 I DR396.R8B5 59-39153 1
E185.61.M135 301.451 59-14855 1
U. S. Coast guard. , ,

... Comparative rules of the

road and how to obey them. RUMANIA
American Bar Association. Section of International and
HJ6645.A313 no. 143 656 47-32630 rev "Benvenuti a Sinaia ! ... " (Note di viaggio sulla Romania
Comparative Law. Committee to Cooperate with the In
ternational Commission of Jurists. d'oggi) Roma, Editrice Italia-Romania, 1954.
126 p. Illua., ports. 21cm.
The rule of law in the United States; a statement. t New A 55-2126
U. S. Coast Guard.
Yorkj American Bar Association, Section on International Wisconsin. Univ. Libr.
and Comparative Law rl958i Rules of the road, international-inland, May 1, 1959.

lOSp. Sscm. "Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959.

x, 85 p. 24 cm.
Cretzianu, Alexandre, ed.
Dickinson, John, 1894- Captive Rumania ; a decade of Soviet rule. Contributors :
U. S. Coast Guard.
Administrative justice and the supremacy of law in the Romulus Boila and others] Kew York^ Praeger [1956j
Rules to prevent collisions of vessels and pilot rules for xvl, 424 p. 24 cm. [Books that matter,
United States. New York, Russell & Russell t !959,
403 p. 24cm. certain inland waters of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and DR267.C7 949.8 56-10254
350 59-6791 rev 1 of the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.
Washington, U. S. Govt Print Off.
v. Illus. 24 cm,
23 asryci cnerjuajiiio m^anue no c-iysaft Ha^HOHaJ!IHHfl npas-
RULE OF THE ROAD AT SEA *623.892 656 47-32679 rev J


HHTC t sicj pa(5oxH] 1948.
see also Collisions at sea Zwanenburgf, J van 63 p. ports map. 29 cm.

Buku pengadjaran untuk djuragan locale vaart, djalan DR205.D84 53-28126 rev
Brans, A ed. pantai. Medan, Varekamp t
Het nieuwe zeeaanvaringsreglement. Die nieuwe bepalin- 116 p lllus. 24cm.
gen ter voorkoxning van aanvaringen op zee, met toelichtin-
VKL55.Z9 55-39678 J Fischer-Galati, Stephen A
gen en aanschouwelijke voorstellingen, Uitg. in a.Tnim- Romania. New York, Published for the Mid-European
werking met de Centrale van Kapiteins en Officieren ter Studies Center of the Free Europe Committee by F. A.
Koopvaardij. Haarlem, EL Stam t1954j
RULERS see Kings and rulers; Queens; and Praeger [1957]
2T. coL plates. 22cm. subdivisions Kings and rulers and Queens xv, 399 p maps, tables. 24 cm. (East-Central Europe under the
55-28700 Communists)
under names of countries, e.g. Gt. Brit. DR205.F5 949.8 57-9335

A Kings and rulers

Brans, ed.
Het nieuwe zeeaanvaringsreglement. De nieuwe bepalin- Liber, Benrion, 1875-
gen ter voorkoming van aanvaringen op zee, met toelich- RULES, ADMINISTRATIVE see Delegated The new Rumania: communist country revisited after
tingen en aanschouwelijke voorstellingen. 2. druk. Uitg. in. legislation sixty years. New York, Rational living rl958]
190 p. 21cm.
samenwerking met de Centrale van Kapitebs en Officieren
ter Koopvaardij. Haarlem, H. Stam DR267X5 949.8 58-14688 t
2r. Illus,
L, coL plates.
plat 22 cm,
~ t 19~56T
1 RULES FOR EMPLOYEES see Employee rules
RULES OF COURT see Court rules Roumania at the Peace Conference, Paris, 1946. t
n. p.,
Denmark. Udvalget angdende Danmark* ttttrceden of de 1946,
Internationale a&oejsregler 1948. 145 6 fold, maps., dlagrs. 28 cm.
RULES OF ORDER see Parliamentary practice p.
D814.9.R6R83 1946 940.5314 47-19675 rev*
Betsenkning. Ktfbenhavn, J. H. SchultZj universitets-
Up. 25cm.
9ip. f RULES OF SPORTS see Sports Rules
Rumanian review. t v. lj-

FarweH, Raymond Forrest, 1893- RULES OF THE AIR see Air traffic rules May 1946-
The rules of the nautical road. Rev. ed. Rev. by Alfred jBucharest]
v. IlloB., ports. 24 cm.
Prunski "With illns. from the Walt Disney training film RULLAN, ILDEFONSO, 1856-1911 DR201.R8 57-41719
drawn by Howard Dunn. Additions and revisions by W. M.
Shannon, J. L. Phipps, and A. J. HalL Annapolis, United Bordoy Cerda, Miguel
States Naval Institute ^959, La traduccion mallorquina del Quiiote. rPalma de Ma- Valev, fi B
577 p. Ulos. 24cm.
llorca, 1956j BojtrapHa. PyicHHHx. tAsiopH OTCPKOB: 3. B. Bajies,
16 p. illus. 17 cm. (Panorama Balear; monograffas de arte, H.
Ttfla, literatnra y palsaje, no. 55)
T. ,2j6pOBCKaa H B. B. ITarHpeB] Mocssa, Toe. H3^-so
PQ6334JJ6 reorp. JIHT-PH, 1958.
International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, London. 57-34331 J 23 p. maps. 20cm. (CTpaHu Esponu; reorpa4iinecKHe cnpasKH)
1948. DR55.V3
International convention for the safety of life at sea, Lon
don, 10th June, 1948. Irish instrument of acceptance de ADMTNISTRATIVE AND POLITICAL
posited 19th August, 1953. Dublin, Stationery Office [195^
112 p. 24 cm ([Ireland (ElreJ Treaties, etc.] Treaty series, Uittenbogaard, Leo, 1915- DIVISIONS
1963, no. 13) Jeus.
JX640J7A3 DenHaag,A.M.C.Stok [ 1947 JI
1953, no. 13 55-24935 274 p. lllus. 21cm. Indicator alfabetic al localitatilor din
Republica Popu-
BF1027.R8U4 lara Romina.
56-47450 t Bucuresti, Editura de Stat pentru Literatura
$tiintifica, 1954.
459 p. 2 fold. coL maps. 25cm.

International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, London,

RUM DR204J5 55-27904
International regulations for preventing collisions at sea, Biaggi, Nelson, 1916-
Studies on rum distillery wastes in Puerto Indicator alfabetic al localitatilor din Republica Popu-
1948. Approved by the International Conference on Safety Rico. Ann
lara Romina. Bucuresti, Editura $tiin$ifica, 1956.
of Life at Sea* at London, June 10, 1948, proclaimed by the Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms [1958j 591 p. fold. coL map (in pocket) 25 cm.
President of the United States of America August 15, 1953, MIcrofihn AC-1 no. 58-883 M3c 58-883
JUcnigan. "Only. Llbr.
DR204.I5 1956 57-19520
entered into force January 1, 1954, t Washington,
U. S.
Govt Print. Off., 1955j
20 p. 24 cm. (U. S. Dept of State. Publication 5468. Treaties
and: other International acts series, 2896)
Soci^te d'e"tudes et de documentation ANTIQUITIES SOCIETIES, ETC.
JX235.9JL32 no. 2899 341.57 55-60740 economiques, industri-
eDes et sociales.
Le rhum et le sucre dans les territoires
Academia Republicii Populare Romlne. Inatitutul de Arheo-
frangais d'outre-
International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, London, logie.
101 p. plat^, maps. 21 cm. Studii si cercetari de istorie veche.

e cTcaxHOBeHaa cyflos B nope ; KOKJteHra- Bucurestij

New York Univ. Libraries HD98&4 v. Illus. 24 cm. semiannual.
PHH. Ho* pe*. B. <&.MeAaeACBa. MocsBa, Mopocoft Tpanc- DR211.A6 55-15697 rev t
nopr, 1955.
241 p, utes. 21cm, U.S. Infernal Revenue Service.
Regulations 16. Denaturation of rum. Washington, U. S. BIBLIOGRAPHY PERIODICALS
Govt. Print Off., 1950.
r.SSp. 24cm. Bucharest Biblioteca Centralft de Stat
Navarro Dajnino, Juan. HD9394.U5A5 1950 338.476635 50-61565 rev Bibliografia Republicii Populare Romine, car^i, albume,
El regkmento de tbordajea. 2, ed^ rer. y pueet* ml dla. harti, note muzicale.
Barcelona, Editorial G. (HE, 1957. [Bucuresti]
IB* Utes. aoem. RUM (GAME) see r.ln 21cm. emlmoatblr.
YK87LHS 1967 59-30451 J Rummy (Game) 57-22962 rer

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUMANIA (Continued) COMMERCE PERIODICALS Pagirev, Boris Valentinovich.

PVKHHIIJI-, 3KOHOMHKO-reorpa$H^ecEHfi oiepE.
BIOGRAPHY interior. Toe. HSA-BO reorp. JIHT-PH, 1955.
2S2p. Illus, maps (1 fold.) 21cm.
[Bucuresti] 56-36.58
Caranfil, Andrew G no. In v. Illus. 30 cm. monthly.
Biographical information of members of the Eumanian HF37.C6 55-S9064
Grand National Assembly. New York, U. S. Joint Publica Pefina, Ev2en.
tions Kesearch Service, 1957. VyprivSni o rumunske zemi. t
l. vyd.] Praia, Mladi
a-d, 103 27 cm.
(U. S. Joint Publications Research Service

report no. 26)

251 p. Illus. 22cm. (Edice Globus, sv. 14)
AS36.U57 no. 26 328.498 58-60889 Hanga, Vladimir. DR209.P45 58-20158 t
Istoria statului si dreptului R. P. R. 3. ed. revizuita si
intregita cu indica^ii bibliografice. Bucuresti, Litografia-
Plavka, Andrej.
inva^amintului, 1957-

BOUNDARIES v. 30cm. Rumunska jar. t Vyd. 1. Bratislava] Slovensky spiso-

58-43612 vatel', 1954.
105 p. illus 21 cm. (Edlda P6rodn6 [Sid prfaa, sv. 47)
Dianu, Nicolas, 1889- lonescu, Dionisie. DR209.P55 56-16585 t
La principale revendication de la Roumanie devant la Dezvoltarea constitu^ionala a Statului rornin Dionisie
Conference de la paix: frontiere nord-orientale de la Rou-
lonescu, Gheorghe Tu$ui [?i] Gheorghe Matei Bucuresti, Rumania. Mvrd&terul tnvafomdntului Public.
manie, la Bessarabie et la Bukovine du nord; apergu histo- Editura Erdkunde der Rumanischen Volksrepublik. Lehrbuch
Stiinftfica, 1957.
rique, geographique, Sconomique, ethnographique et poli- 597 p. 25cm. fur die vn. laasse, c
n. p.j Staatsverlag fur Didaktische
tique. l5d. pour TO. N. U. rParis? 1946, 59-17907 und Padagogische Literatur, 1954-
96 p. 29cm.
v. Illus 20 cm.
D821.R8D5 54-53910 DR209.A52 55-27301
CENSUS, 1948 lonescu, Dionisie.
Slepian, S G
Dezvoltarea constitutaonala a Statului romin t de] Dionisie
PyitHHcsaji Hapo^naa PecnySjiHKa. MoCKsa, Boen. HS^-
Golopentia, Anton. lonescu, Gheorghe Tti^ui [Si 3 Gheorghe Matei. Bucuresti,
BO, 1953.
Editura Stiinftfica, 1957.
Populatia Republicii Populare Romane la 25 lanuarie 597 p. 25 cm
110 p. Illus., fold. map. 20 cm. (BeceAW y Kapru MHpa)
1948 ; rezultatele provizorii ale recensamantului c dej A. Golo- HC407.R8S55 56-19401
pentia si D. C. Georgescu. Bucuresti, Institutul Central de
Statistica, 1948.
48 p. maps, tables. 30cm. Rumania. Laws, Stranka, Walter.
statutes, etc.
HA1646.G6 55-38634 Reisenotizen aus der Volksrepublik Rumanien.
CKOft HapoflHoft Pecny&iHEH. Hepeso^ c pyaHECEoro B. Verlag Xeues Leben, 1952.
82p. illos 20cm.
Eo^EOBOii H O. KosajieBoft. IEo pea. B. d>. Koiosa. Mo-
DR209.S78 56-24623 t
663 p. 21 cm. (SaxOHOAaTejibCTBO crpan Hapo^Hofi AeMOKparaH)
Gherman, Pierre. 55-43091 Vorob'ev, Evgenii Zakharovich.
L'ame roumaine ecartelee; faits et documents, Pref. de
JIH^01I K cojiimy nyiesHe o ; MocEsa,
Jean Rupp. Paris, Editions du Cedre t !955]
258 Illus., ports,, map. 22 cm.
p. 325p. 21cm.
BR926.G5 57-38237 DK408.V6 57-17772
Almanah turistic. [Bucuresti] Editura Consiliului Central al
CIVILIZATION Sindicatelor, 1954.
347 p. Ulus 24cm.
DR209.A6 56-38700 t
Klochko, Valentin Fedoseevich. ETTEERS
KyjotsrypHoe CTPOHTCJU-CTBO B PyMtiHCEofi Hapo^soa Pec-
nyfijiHKe. MocKBa, Toe. na^-so EyjitTypHO-npocBemTejisHOft Bogza, Geo.
Indicator alfabetic al localita^ilor dia RepubHca Popu-
JIHT-pH, 1956. Geographical survey of the Rumanian People's Republic, lara Romina. Bucuresti, Editura de Stat
74 p. 22 cm. pentru Literatura
t Bucharestj Pub.
House of the Rumanian Institute for Cul
DR212.K56 57-34968
tural Relations with Foreign Countries C 1953 3 StiinfcLfica, 1954.
459 p. 2 fold. col. maps. 25 cm,
46 p. illus. 20cm.
DR204.1 5 55-27904
DR209.B59 55-18100 t
INFLUENCES Indicator alfabetic al localitatilor din Republiea Popu-
Bogza, Geo. kra. Rominii. Bucuresti, Editura Stiintifica, 1956.
Ducroux, Joseph. Tableau geographique de la RSpublique populaire rou 591 p. fold. coL map (In pocket) 25 cm,
La culture franchise dans la Roumanie nouvelle. Paris, maine. [Bucarestj Editions de Hnstitut roumain pour lea DR204J 5 1956 57-19520
Association France-Roumanie [1952? 7 relations culturelles avec I'Stranger C 1953i
48 p. 20cm.
SOp. Illus. 20cm.
DR229.F7D8 56-45266 J
Bogza, Geo.
Tablou geografic. 2. ed. [Bucurestij Editura TmeretoM, Rumania. (Contributors: Constantin Daicoviciu and othersj
Menzel, Eberhard, 1911- 1956. Bucharest, Foreign Languages Pub. House, 1959.
Die Forderungsverzichtsklausebi gegenuber Deutschland 70 p, Ulns. 20cm. (PaManoartrS) 861 p. nius. 17 cm.
in den Friedensvertragen von 1947; Rechtsgutachten. DR209.B62 1956 58-37994 J DR204.5.R8 914.98 59-65105 t
Hamburg, 1955.
(Hektographlerte VerOttentllcliungen der For-
46 L 30 cm.
schungsstelle fQr VSlkerrecht und Auslfindlsdies Offentllches Eecht
der Universltlt Hamburg, Nr. 20) Bunke, Hartmut.
JX698.R9M4 56-22744 Rumanien. Mit einem Vorwort von Martin Niemoller. Institutul Roman pentru Relatfile Culrutale cu Strainatatea.
t l.Anfl.i Berlin, Kongress-Verlag:, 1957. Bilder aus der Rumanischen Volksrepublik. tn. p., 1952 ? 3

92p. Ulus. 24cm. folder (chiefly Illus.) 16cm,

COMMERCE DR209.B8 57-43637 t DR206.I 53 54-22929 rev t

Alexe, N D InstitutulRoman pentru Relate Culturale en Strainatatea.

Statistica cheltuielilor de circulate in R. P. R. Bucu Grebnev, A V
Ha Excursions, recreation, sports in the Rumanian People's
resti, Editura Stiintifica, 1957.
pyitsiHCKott aeiuie; nyreBiie OTCprH. MocKBa, ESBC-
Republic. Bucharest, 1952.
85 p. Illus. 20 on. CTHK, 1957. unpaged (chiefly Illus.) 22 1 31 cm.
HF3546.A7 59-35208 t 94 p. lUos. 17cm.
GV115J5 914.98 53-36877 rev 1
DR209.G74 58-17365
Rumania. Camera de Corner^ a Republicei Populare Ro- Peter, Richard.
mane. Institutul Roman
pentru Relate Culturale cu Striinitatem. Rumanien. M5% einer Einfuhrung von Eduard ^Jr,
Aspects du commerce exterieur de la Rfipublique populaire Twenty days across Rumania, Bucharest, 1955. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1958.
47 p. Illus. 20cm. 142 p. (chiefly Illus., part coL, col. maps on lining papers) 31 cm,
roumaine. Bucarest, 1955,
62p. Illus.
16i23cm. DR267J54 55-42336 t DR209JP46 59-25056
HF3746.R8 56-38499
Institutul Roman pentru Rela{iile Culturale cu Striinatatea. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS
Schimbul de marfuri dintre ora si sat, temelia econo Les visiteurs Strangers parlent de la. Republique populaire
mics, a alianfei clasei muncitoare cu Jaranimea muncitoare. roumaine. [Bucarest, 1952] Geografia economica a R. P. R. Prezenta lucrare a fost
161 p. 24cm.
tBucurestij Editura de Stat pentru Literatura Politica,
1954, intocmita de un colectdv sub conducerea conf. Mihail Hase-
DR267.1 57 54-27681 rev J
47 p. 21cm.
ganu. Bucnresti, Editura Stiintffica, 1957.
HF3746.S3 56-34318 J 534 p. Ulus., maps (part fold.) dlagrs. 24cm.
HC407JK8O37 59-24508
Matveeva, Taisiia Vladimirovna.
COMMERCE HANDBOOKS, Ji, 1957. GheorgWn-Dej% Gheorghe. .

MANUALS, ETC. 63 D lllua 20 cm. Ninth anniversary of the liberation of our homeland; ex
DBS&JI83* 58-30148 J pose" at thesolemn meeting of August 22, 1953. tBucharestj
Rumania. Camera de Corner^ a Repnblicii Populare no Pub. House of the Rumanian Institute .for Cultural Rela
mine. tions with Foreign Countries [1953!
Commercial guide to Rumania, tBucuresti] 1958. Mel'nikov, Petr Ivanovidu
174 p. cm. 25 H&&.R8G453 se-sene t
illus., map (on itning paper) coL dlagrg., tables. lEoroacee yrpo ; t Mocrsa, UpaSfla, 1957.
HF3547.R8 59-40180 194 p. 21cm.
DR209.M4 58-48385

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUMANIA. Tkachenko, V Rumania. Ministerul Invafamdntuhti Public.

ECONOMIC CONDITIONS (Continued) PynHHHjr na nyra: E co^HaJIH3My. MocKsa, Foe. HSA-BO Geschichte der Rumanischen Volksrepublik Lehrbuch ;

nojiHT. JiuT-pH, 1954. fur Mittelschulen. Unter der Redaktion von Mihail Roller.
Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe. 78 p. IUus. 20cm, n. p.] Staatsverlag fiir Didaktische und Padagogische Lite-
A 9-a [i. e. nouaj aniversare a elibferarii patriei noastre; DK267.T55 55-32383
ratur, 1956.
expunere facuta la adunarea solemna din 22 August 1953. 954 p. Ulus. 21cm.
[Bucuresti, Editura pentru Literatura Politica, 1953. DR217.A545 58-23693 t
44p. 20cm. U. S. Joint Publications Research Service.
HC407.R8G45 56-26782 Economic report on Rumania. NY-131/1- Romania. Ministerul tnvfyamantului Public.
Sept. 12, 1958- Istoria R. P. R. ; manual pentru
New York. inva^amantul mediu. Sub
28cm. redac^ia acad. Mihail Roller. c Ed. noua. n. p. : Editura de
Pe drumul indnstrializarii socialiste a patriei. Bucuresti, no. (Its JPRS/NY report)
AS36.U57 58-62213 Stat Didactica si Pedagogica, 1952.
Editura de Stat pentru Literatura Politica, 1956. 7S2 p. Illus.. 21 cm. .

66 p. 20 cm. (Biblloteca popular! de matilsni-lenlnism)

DR217.A54 1952 54-41465 J
HC407.RSP4 58-32110 t
Schwabe, Gerda.
Materiale in ajutorul celor care studiaza probleme eco- Rumanien gestern und heute; ein kurzer Uberblick iiber
Despre rolul forfcelor de productie in dezvoltarea istorica
nomice. Bucureti] Editura Consiliului Central al Sindi-
t die Geschichteund deii Aufbau der Rumanischen Volks-
a Rominiei. jBucure^ti] 1955.
117 p. Illus^ maps, dlagrs., facsims. 21 cm. (Colectia SoctetatU
catelor, 1954. republik. Leipzig, Urania- Verlag, 1956.
210 p. 21 cm. (Biblloteca activlatuloi alndlcal) 12 p. Illus. 18cm.
peatru Eisplndlrea ttlntel 9! Culturii, nr. 175)
HC407.R8S62 58-31893
HC407.R8M375 55-42806 DR218.S3 57-19101

Rumuiiske hospodafske plany. [Sbornlk projevu a textu LECTURES
BIBLIOGRAPHY o hospodaf skem planovani v Lidove republice rumunske. 1.
Romania. Comisiunea de Stat a Planificaru. B&lioteca. vyd.] Praha, Orbis, 1951.
200 p. 21 cm. (Knlhovna StdtnQio ilfadu planovacflio, 14)
Academia Republicii Populare Romtne.
Buletin bibliografic.
HC407.R8M55 54-43658 Nouvelles etudes d'histoire presentees au x8
Congres des
25cm. weekly. sciences historiques, Rome, 1955.
v. La 1955
479 p. Ulua., plates, map, facslm, 25Bucarest,
Z7165.K8R8 58-20606 J Partidul Muncitoresc Romin. Institutul de Istorie a Par- DR203.5.A58 56-22250 rev
U.S. Dept. of State. Library Division. P. M. R., conducatorul poporului muncitor in lupta pentru Academia Republicii Populare Romine.
Rumanian imprints, 1945-1952,- a bibliography of selected construirea bazelor economice ale socialismului Seofia de Stiwt*
(1951-1956) Istonce, Filosofice i Economico-Jundice.
economic and social publications. [Washington! 1952. Elaborat de un colectiv al Institutului de Istorie a Partidului Studii si referate privind istoria Rominiei: din
11 L 27cm. (Its Bibliography no. 62) de pe linga C. C. al P. M. R. Bucuresti, Editura de Stat lucrarile
sesiunii largite a Sec^iunii de
Z7165.RSU5 016.3309498 53-61608 rev Stiinfe Istorice, Filozofice si
pentru Literatura Politica, 1956.
58 p. 20 cm, (In ajutorul celor ce urmeazi cercurile de studlere Economico-Juridice, 21-24 Decembrie 1953. c Bucurestij

a Istoriel P. M. R.)
^^ (part fol<L) <UagrB- facsims" *****

CALS 55-16749 rev

Rumania. Laws, statutes, etc.
Probleme economics, anul 1- Legisla^ia economiei planificate, 13 Aprilie 1948-30 lunie Balcescu, Nicolae, 1819-1852.
ian./mar. 1949- 1949. [Bucuresti] "Editura de Stat" Literatura Juridica,
Opere. [Bucuresti?] Editura de Stat pentru Literatura
iBucharest] 1949.
T. In 24 cm. 575 p. diagrs. 23 cm. siArta,1952.
253 p. port. 21cm. (ClasIcII romanl)
57-20187 DR218.B34 55-22756
Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe. Pensees concernant la Roumanie. t n. p.i 1952.
24 L 27cm.
Concerning the foreign policy of the Government of the
Acaderaia Republicii Populare Romine. Institute! de Cer- Rumanian People's Republic; speech delivered at the 5th DR218.B57 55-26754 J
cetari Economice* session of the Grand National
Assembly, February 22, 1955.
Dezvoltarea economiei RPR pe drumul socialismului, [Bucharestj Pub. House of the Rumanian Institute for Cul
1948-1957. [Bucurestij Editura Academiei Republicii Po tural Relations with Foreign Countries t 1955,
pulare Romine, 1958. Si p. 20 cm.
426 p. col plates (maps, dlagrs.) tables. 25cm DR267.G46 Academia Republicii Populare Romtne. Institutul de Istorie.
56-22849 t
HC407.R8A68 Studii si materiale de istorie medie. v. 1-
Bogza,Geo. T. lllua. 25cm. annual
Annees de tenebres. Traduit du roumain par L Ben- DR203.A13
t Hfflgruber, Andreas. 58-17624 rev
gesco; choix des textes: Ion Ghimepinj Bucareet, Editions
n Hitler, Konig Carol und MarschaJl Antonescu; die
"LeLivre, 1955. deutsch-rumanischen Beziehungen, 1938-1944.
354 p. Ulna. 21cm. Wiesbaden,
Revue des etudes roumaines. 1-
Lesakov, V
A 55-5737 Paris, 1953-

v. Illus. 26cm.
PyifUHCsaa Hapoanas PeoryfijinEa B 6opt6e sa conna- BR201.R47
JH3. Mocjcsa, SnaHHe, 1955. 55-43433
39 p, fold. map. 22cm. (Bcccowaaoe oCmecrBO no
TOHwonojwTOTeaaneHHayTOMxaHaBifi. Cepra 1, Ni 16)
Cretrianu, Alexandra. Rumania today. Jan, 1955-
La politique de paix de la Roumanie a 1'^gard de ITTnion [Bucharestj
sovietique. Paris. 1954.
A 16p. 25cm.
Merfralov, 57-43144
PyacHHHJi Ha rryrn CTpoHxejitcrBa 3KOHOJfH^ecocx OCHOB
con;iKurH3ata. MocxBa, Toe. HSA-BO ncunr.
JIHT-PH, 1954.
189 p. 21 fm_ JeJavici, Barbara (BrightfieJd) HISTORY SOURCES
HC407JK8M4 Russia and the Rumanian national
cause, 1858-1859.

Pagirev, Boris Vakutinovidu

I Bloommgton,Ind.,1959]
EaS^p^S, v^ST*
^^ "***' **> *
Veress, Endre, 1868-
Documente privitoare
le istoria
Ardealului, Moldovei si
327.470498 59-63274 Bucure?ti, M. O., Imprhneria Na^ionala,
PyKHHKJt; 3roHOXHio-reorpa$H*ecKHft oiep*. Mocrma, T^ru-Romanesti.
Foe. H3A-BO reorp. JHT-PH, 1955. v Ulus, port, coats of arms, facsims. 26 cm.
262 p. iDns, map* <1 fold.) 21cm.
HC407JR8P3 56-36758

Rumania. Mvtixterul AfacerZor Stri&M.

The aggresaive policy and machinations of American HISTORY CHARLES I, 1866-1914
penahsm against the Rumanian People's Republic, Bucha
Planned development of the Rumanian People rest, 1952. SpivakovskH, Evsel faaakovich.
2pt*,C10Cp.) 33cm. HOA^CM peaoJUDirHOHHoro ABHaceHHH B PyMHHHH B na^ajic
151 p, im%,pocte. 25cm. DR287^54 58-45995 xx BCKa. MOCKBE, HS^-BO conHaJtsHO-3KOH.
* ' 1958.
A 58-4408 225,i8, p. fold. map. 21cm.
Ute*T DR257.S63 59-20737
Bestin de la Roumanie, 1918-1954. Frit d'AIbert Mous-
Pyioiiicjca* HapoAHaa PecnyMxa. Mocraa, Boca. MJ- set Paris, Matd, Gheorghe, ed.
o,lW5. Berger-Lavrault, 1964.
* W "^
' 20cm- W y wprui|>)
<Bec i

1907 en Roumaniej recueil de
66-1M01 HarrmrdUniT. Lfbmy

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

PyMHHUJt Ha nyrn E con;Ha.iii3M} .

1907 (Continued) noJiHT. Jinx-pa, 1955. Chiffres et aspects dans le domaine de la demographic
77 p. Illus. 20cm. et de la protection de la sante dans la R. P. R. Figures and
DR267.L47 1955 56-27162
aspects in the field of demography and healii protecting
Vinogradov, Vladlen Nikolaevich.
work in the R. P. R. [n. p., 1954]
KpecTtflHCEoe BoccraHHe 1907 ro^a B PyMHHnn. MocEBa, 33 p Illus. 21 cm.
H3A-BO AKaflCMHH HayK CCCP, 1958. Partidul Muncitoresc Roman. 54-43772 J
826 p. fold. map. 21 cm.
c Documents concerning right deviation in Rumanian
DR257.V5 59-41243 Workers' Party. [Bucharest?! Rumanian Workers' Party
Pub. House, 1952.
JN9639.A5M8 55-23089 t
Partidul Muncitoresc Roman. Institutnl Roman pentru Rela^iile Colturale cu Strainatatea.
InstitutuI Roman pentrn Relate Cultorale cu Striinatatea. Rezolufti si hotariri ale Comitetului Central al Partidului Impressions of Rumania. Bucharest, Foreign Languages
Tenth anniversary of the Pub. House of the Rumanian Institute for Cultural Rela
liberation of the Rumanian Muncitoresc Roman. Ed. 2. [Bucuresti?j Editura pentru
tions with Foreign Countries [1954?]
people, August 23, 1944-1954. [Bucharest, 1954 ?, Literatura Politico, 1952-
unpaged (chiefly Lllns.) 81cm. 83 p. Illus. 21 cm.
v. 21 cm.
DR267.I 53 55-34436 DR267.I 5 56-43949 J
949.8 56-25911 t JN9639A5M814

Partidul Muncitoresc Romin. Institutul de Istorie a Par- RELATIONS (GENERAL) WITH RUSSIA
Theo, Rene\
La Roumanie sous la botte soviStique. Pre"f. de Pierre
Lupta P. C. R. pentru consolidarea regimului democrat- Asocia^ia Romana pentru Legaturfle de Prietenie cu Unin-
CaiUe. Paris, Editions "B. I. R. E," 1952.
Sip. 22cm. popular si trecerea k revolutia socialists, (6 Marti e 1945-30 nea Sovietica.
DR267.T48 57-58009 J Decembrie 1947) Elaborat de un colectiv al Institutului de Activitatea ARLUS-ului factor de seama !n adancirea
Istorie a Partidului de pe linga C. C. al P. M. R. Bucure$ti, prieteniei romano-sovietice in lupta pentru construirea
Editura de Stat pentru Literatura Politica, 1956. socialismului ?i pentru apararea pacii. [Bucuresti? Editura
50 p 20 cm. (In ajutorul celor ce ormeaza cureurile de studlere ARLUS-Cartea Rusa, 1951 ?,
INDUSTRIES a Istorlel P. M. B.) 29 p. 21cm.
JN9639.A5M9 58-28514 rev DR229.R8A9 54-44810
Pomazanov, S I
IIpOMHmjieHHOCTt PyifHHCEOfi HapOAHOft Pecny6JHEH H Rumania. Constitution.
ee pa3McmeHne. MOCEBE, Toe. USA-BO reorp. JIHT-PH, 1954. KoHCTHTynHJi PynHHCKOtt HapoAHOfi Pecny6JHEH (13 RELATIONS (GENERAL) WITH SPAIN
230 p. Illus., maps (1 fold.) 21 cm.
anpeJta 1948 r.) [PeAaETop nepesoAa ^ypAeneBCEHft, B. H.]
HC407.R8P6 55-29895
MoCEBa, TOC. H3A-BO lOpHfl. ZHT-pH, 1952. Uscatescu, Georjre.
34 p. 17cm.
Relaciones culturales hispano-rumanas, Madrid, Centre
53-18345 rev
Radoi, Athena. de Estudios Orientales cover 1950] c

The 92 p 22cm.
geography of Rumania in the first and
second five-year plans. New York, U. S. Joint Publications Rumania. Laws, statutes, etc. DP86J18U8 57-35350 t
Research Service, 1958. KoHCTHTynHS H OCHOBHHC saEOHOAaxejrtHHe aKTii PVMHH-
391. illus.. maps. 27cm. (JPRS/DC-188) csoft HapoAHoa PecnygjiHEH. HepesoA c pyMHHCEoro B. RELATIONS (GENERAL) WITH THE
AS36.U56 no. 188 338.4 58-61463 EoiEOBoa H O. KosaaeBoa. Hos pe^. B. KoioEa. Mo- >.


683 p. 21 cm. (SaKOHOAarejibCTBO crpan HapOAHofi ACMOKparHH)
Romania. Camera de Comer} a Republicei Populare Ro- 55-43091 Sokolyshyn, Alexander.
yEpaiHCBKe nHiaHH^ y csiuii pyKyH
Economic development of the Rumanian People's Repub
pH MoI nayEn. J!OHAOH, HaEJi. 7Ep.

lic, an active factor in extending world trade. [Bucharest, U. S. Congress. House. Select Committee on Communist 1957.
1954 ?j Aggression. 40 p. Illus. 23 cm.
151 p. Illus. 33cm. DR229.U4S6 58-38446
Investigation of Communist aggression. Tenth interim
HC407.R8R74 55-58073 |
report of hearings before the Select Committee on Com
munist Aggression, House of Representatives, Eighty-third
Spiru, BasiL Congress, second session, under authority of BL Res. 346 and SOCIAL CONDITIONS
Freiheit, die sie meinen . . . Rumanien unter der eiser- H. Res. 438. Poland, Rumania, and Slovakia, Washington,
nen Ferse der City und der Wallstreet, 1918-1938. t
l. D. C., December 1, 2, and 3, 1954. Washington, U. S. Govt Bogza, Geo.
AufL] Berlin, Dietz, 1957.
Print Off., 1954. Annees de tenebres. Traduit du roumain par L Ben-
29* p. lUus. 21cm. 174 24cm. gesco; choii des textes: Ion Ghime?anj
vii, p.
Bucarest, Editionf
HC407.R8S63 1957 58-31892 t DK441.U65 943.8 55-30159 "Le Livre," 1955.
354 p. Ulus. 21cm,
POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT -1945- DR267.B614 58-38002
Mitskevich, Aleksei Valentinovich.
Lesakor, V
Cassian, Nina. rocyAapCTBCHHiift cxpott PystHHCEOfl HapOAHOfi Pecny-
CJIHKH, PynEiHCKajr HapoAnaa PecnyfijiHEa B 6opi>6e aa coi?na-
Literary creation homes for writers in RumanijL [Bucha MocEBa, Toe. HSA-BO K>PHA. JTHT-PK, 1957.
89 p. Illus. 20 cm. (rocyAapCTBeHHbifi crpofl crpaH MHpa)
JH3M. MocKsa, SnasHe, 1955.
rest, Pub. House of the Romanian Institute for Cultural 89 p. fold, map, 22 cm. (BcecoiosHoe o6m,ecTBO no pacnpocrpa-
Relations with Foreign Countries, 1955]
JN9623 1945.M5 HeHHio nojnmnecKHx H HayraBK 3HaHtdL Cepns 1, N 16)
unpaged. Ulna. 20cm. DR267X48 55-59982
DR212.C3 56-15534 J

Rumania. Ministerul Afacenlor Strain*. Mel'nikov, Petr Ivanovich.

Institutul Roman pentru Relate Culturale cu Strainatatea. norozee yrpo ; [OiepKHj Mocssa, UpasAa, 1957.
Culture in the Rumanian People's Republic, an asset of
The aggressive policy and machinations of American im 194 p. 21cm.
the people. [Bucharest, 1953] perialism against the Rumanian People's Republic. Bucha DR209>M4 58-48335
61 p. illus 20cm. rest,^.
DR212.I5 55-18250 2pts. (105 p.) 33cm.
DR267.A54 58-45995 People's Rumania.
The new life in the Rumanian People's Republic. t n. p..,
A Kultura fejlSdese a Roman Nepkoztarsasagban. Budapest, 1953,
211 p. Illus. 20 cm.
Szikra, 1950.
130 p. 19 cm, (Mandsta Ismeretek IdakSnyvtara, 111. Irodalml Tykhonova, ffc DR212P46 54-39421 rev t
6s Kultnralls K^rd&cfc)
(ZtepacaBHHft j PyicysctEoI HapOAnoi Peary OZIEH.
DR212.K8 55-19689 KHIB, BHA-BO Axa uu nays Yrp. PCP, 1959.
175 p. 21 cm, Tkachenko, V
JN9623 1959.T9 59-46969 t na nyrn i co]jHajrH3My. MocKBa, loc. E3fl-BO
MAPS nOJIHT. 3HT-pH, 1954.
78p. lllns. 20cm.
Orbis, firm, lookseUers, Prague.
Lidova republika rumunska. t l. vycL Praha, 1953] POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT
coL map 60 r 83 cm. fold, to 21 1 15 cm. ~ 1945- ADDRESSES, ESSAYS,
Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe. U. S. Dept. of State. Library Division.
Artikel und Reden; Auswahl aus den Jahren 1945-1952.
Coste, Brutus. Rumanian imprints, 1945-1952; a bibliography of selected
Democracy in Romania. Part Foundations of the mod i : [LAufL, Berlin, Dietz, 1955.
396 p. lUus. 21 -COL economic and social publications. [Washington3 1952.
ern Romanian state. rWashington, Photoduplication Serv
DR267.G44 56-86W8 t
UL 27 cm. (It* Bibliography no. 2)
ice, Library of Congress, 1955} Z7165JR8U5 016.3309498 53-61608 rev
<[National Committee for a
i Free Europe] Mid-European Studies
Center. Research documents [no.] 252)
Microfilm 2551 no. 252 DR Mic 59-7184 STATISTICS
<Jheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe. Rumania. Direcfiunea Centrald fc Statistics.
CiaTtH H pCTH. MoCKBa, FOG. H3A-BO nOJIHT. JTHT-ptl, 1956.
Karra,V A 2 v. port. 21 cm. Rumanian quarterly statistical bulletin, no. 1-2, 1957.
HotfeAa ^eKOKpaicrax CHara y Py*yHHjH. EeorpaA, 1947. DR267.G48 57-36436 New York, U. S. Joint Publications Research Service, 1958.
22 p. 22cm. (flcunrnraca fiHCjmoTeica, 23) an3, 79 p. maps, dlar^ tables. 27 cm, (JPBS/DO-1)
DR267.K37 AS36.U56 no.l 314.98 58-60870

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

RUMANIA RUMANIAN ART see Art, Rumanian Glrleanu, Emfl, 1878-1914.

STATISTICS (Continued) Pagini alese. Ed. rngrijita fi pref. de Virgiliu Ene.
RUMANIAN AUTHORS see Authors, Rumanian [Bucure^tij Editura Tineretului, 1956.
267 p. lllus. 20cm. (Btblloteca colarului)
Rumania. Instituiul Central <U Statistics,.
PC839.G55P3 59-18570 J
Comunicari statistice. nr. 1
Bucures^i, M. 0., Impr. Nationals. t etc.) Pas, Ion.
Y. tables. 23cm. Irregular.
no. In
see also Folk-songs, Rumanian Languid, roman. tBucure^ti] Editura de Stat pentru Lite
HA164LA33 58-21527
ratura ?i Arta C 1951-
T. lllus. 21cm.
RUMANIAN CHURCH see Orthodox Eastern PC839P34L3 55-20799
Rumania, ^finisterul Comertului Interior, Church, Rumanian
Manual de calcula^i economice si financiare.
Sadoveanu, Mihail, 1880-
tBucuresti, Editura Tehnica t !9
v. tables. 21 cm.
RUMANIAN COMMUNIST PARTY see Partidul Nicoara Potcoava ; povestire istorica. t Bucuresti, Editura
HA37.RS14 Comunist din Romfnia Tineretului a C. C. al U. T. M. t !952j
431 p. 20cm.
VoronkoT, Fedor Nflcolaevich.
PasBHTHe naoo^Horo xosaficxsa PyioiHCEOfl Hapo^nofi Alecsandri, VasOe, 1821-1890.
erbu, leronim.
Pecnytf.iiiKH; craTHCTHiecKHe noKasaxeJra. Mocssa, BHem- Teatru. Cu o introducers de G. Orzea si F. L Bociort
Izgonirea din ral [Bucurepti] Editura de Stat pentru
xoprHSAar, 1958. [Bucure^ti] Editura de Stat pentru Literatura si Arta, 1952- Literatura 9! Arta [1956]
154 p. 23 on. v. Ulna, port, facslms. 21 cm. (C3asIcU romftni)
497 p. 20cm.
HA1646.V6 58-49773 PC839A5A19 1952 55-20800
PC839.S44 1 9 58-49992 J

Papilian, Victor.
STATISTICS YEARBOOKS Teatru. Sibiu, Editura "Dacia Traiana," 1945- Stancn, Zaharia.
Desculf, roman. Ed. 4. c Bucure?tij Editura de Stat
Instifatul Central de Statisticd.
PC839!p3A19 1945 54-44050 pentru Literatura 91 Arta !952i
520 p. 20cm.
PC839.S75D4 1952 55-20791
HA1641A47 53-27151 rev
Stancu, Zaharia.
Caragiale, Ion Luca, 1853-1912.
Dulaii, roman. [Bucure^tij Editura de Stat pentru Litera
The lost letter, and other plays. [Translated by Frida tura ?i Arta t !952]
RUMANIA. GRAND NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Knight] London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1956. 296p. 21cm.
see Rumania. Marea Adunare National^ 181 p. Illos. 23 cm. (Library of Rumanian literature) PC839.S75D8
P0839.C33S323 859^ 55-20790
57-18164 t

RUMANIA. INSTITUTUL DE CERCETARI Sebastian, Mihail, 1904-1946. Vilmaru, Nicolae.

AGRONOMIC E Stop news; a comedy in three acts. Bucharest, "The Capriciile lulianei.
188 p. 17 cnx
c Bucure9ti?j E. S. P. L. A. t !957j
Book" Pub. House C 1954,
192 p. 17cm. PC839.V3C3 58^8793
Institntul Roman pentru Relate Culturale cu Strainatatea. t
PC839.S37A73 57-19267 t
La science au service de la vie, 1'Institut de recherches
agronomiques de Roumanie. [Bucarest, 1954 ?j
unpaged. lllus. 20cm.
S265.I 514 55-37351 t

NoTikov-Priboi, Aleksel Sflyeh, 1877-1944.

InstitutulRoman pentru Relatfile Culturale cu StrSinatatea, Alecsandri, Vasfle, 1821-1890. Dincolo de oraf. Traducere din limba rusa de R. Teo-
Science in the service of life, the Rumanian Institute for KaMCHb B floue o^noaKTHaa KOMCAHK c HCCHJIMH. MysuKa
; dorescu i Alex Novaru.
iBucureftii Editura A. S. RLU
Agronomical Researches. t Bucharest, 1954j B. K)mHHy. HepeBOfl c pyMUHCKoro A, KoitapoBCKoro. "Cartea Rusa," 1953.
unpaged, lllus. 20cm. 68 p. 17cm. (Literatura pentru
S265J5 MocKsa, HcKyccxBO, 1957. totl, 85, set. 2.)
55-37347 J 65 p. Ulus. 21 cm, (PMiepryap xyAOxecrBCHHofi caMOArrenb- PG3476J^67A58 58-48803
PC839A5P57 57-43429
Wilkinson, Laurence. Sebastian, Mihafl, 1904-1946. Luca, Remus.
No fruit more bitter. Melbourne, Heinemann t 1958i Ee3MM*HHaa SBea^a; EOMCflHa B Tpex fleftcrBaax. [Ilepe- Ana Nucu; a novel [Translated from the Rumanian by
252p. lllus. 22cm. Sanda
BO/I; c pywHHCEoro H. KoHcranTHHOBCKorO] Mocsrsa, Hcicyc- Stolojanj Bucharest, "The Book" Pub. House, 1955.
DR267.W5 949.8 58-2161 t 283 p. 21cm.
CTBO, 1956.
82 p. 22cm. PZ4.L93An 58-25185 J
PC839.S37B4 57-42459 t
Petrescu, Cezar, 1892-
Sebastian, Mihail, 1904-1946.
Gathering clouds ; a novel. Bucharest, Foreign Languages
BIOGRAPHY nocie^Haji cencanaa ; KOMCAH B ipex AeacxBHJDC. t
ne- Pub. House, 1957.
peso^ c pyjtHHCKord H. KoHcraHTHHOBCKorO] MOCKBE, ST. 21cm.
HcKyccTBO, 1954. PZ4JJ498Gat 58-33837 t
Caranfil, Andrew G 13Tp. IT cm.
Biographical information of members of th<* Rumanian PC839^37A77 56-20663 rev t
Grand National Assembly. New York, U. S. Joint Publica
tions Research Service, 1957. Popovici, Titus.
a-d, IDS L 27 cm. (U. S. Joint Publication* Research Service. RUMANIAN FICTION The stranger, a novel. tTranslated from the Rumanian by
tJPES,/NTi report no. 26) Lazar MarinescU] Bucharest, Foreign Languages Pub.
AS36.U57 no. 26 328.498 58-60889 House, 1957.
Under this heading are entered individual 670 p. 21cm.
works of fiction and collections by one PZ4.P828St 859.3 58-47580 t
Sadoveanu, Mihafl, 1880-
ELECTIONS see also Short stories, Rumanian Ancuta's Inn. Translated from Rumanian. Bucharest,
"The Book" Pub. House [1954*3
Marinesoi, Georg G 1916- 175 p. 17 cm.
Die Entwicfclung des parlamentarischen PZ3.Sl274An 56-43886 t
Wahlsystems in Calogaru, Jon.
Ruminien. Munchen, 1954.
X.4ISL ioW.tabte. 30cm.
. . Sadoveanu, Mihafl, 1880-
PC839.C2608 Tales of war. [Translated from Rumanian! Bucharest,
RUMANIA. PROCURATURA "The Book" Pub. House C 1954j
19Gp. 17cm.
Bteeaua, Grigore. PZ3.Sl274Tal 56-33335 t
ProeurstnraR. P. R^ organ de aparare a
legality popu- Fulga, Lauren^iu.
JM tw, Grigore
Rj^eanu, Constintin Mineaca rsij Mrhi
mci. BOU Editant de Stat pentra LiteraturiL Editura Tinereiolui, Sahia, Alexandra, 1908-1937.
Short stories. Bucharest, "The Book" Pub. House 1952j
74p. inni. 137p. Ulna. 17cm.

127 p. 21cm.
PC839JF8O2 68-49993 t PZ3.Sl2963Sh2 56-30512 t


JUiia, Akxandra, 1908-1987.
Editara de Stat pentru Literaturl
Short stories. Bucharest, The Book" Pub. House t !953,
128 p. illui. 17cm.
287 p.
PZ3.Sl2&6SSh 54^1325 t

Library of Congress Catalog Books: Subjects

Dic^ionarul limbii romine literare contemporam tBucnresti]

RUMANIAN FICTION Editura Academiei Repnblicii Populare Romine, 1955-57. FOREIGN ELEMENTS SLAVIC
PC775JD5 Petrovici, EniiL
(Continued) Kann das Phonemsystem einer Sprache durch fremden
Einfluss umgestaltet werden? Zum slavischen TCinflngg auf
Slavici, loan, 1848-1925.
Dic{ionarul limbii romine moderne. EBucuresti] Editura Aca das rumanische Lautsystem. 's-Gravenhage, Mouton, 1957.
Short [Translated from the Rumanian by
stories. Ana demiei Republicii Populare Romine, 1958. 44 p. 22 cm. (Janna lioguarnm; stadia memoriae NIcolal ran
Cartianu] Bucharest, "The Book" Pub. House 1955 961 p. illus., coL plates, coL maps. 27cm. Wljk dedlcata, nr. S)
Slip. 2lcm. A 58-5451
PZ3.S63194Sh 57-27402 t Bochester. Univ. Ubr. PO641


Hounds. Bucharest, "The Book" Pub House rl954,]
325 p. 21cm.
PZ4.S787Ho Amaudov, Valentin.
55-39740 Lozovan, Eugene.
PyM-iHO-6-LJirapcKH PCIHHK. GtcraBasn: BajeHTffH Ap-
nayAOB *i .TyspemM Mmny, Pe#aETOpn: n. Hefties, AJI. Le partage politique de PEurope et la scission lingnistique;
les tendances actuelJes de la langue roumaine. Freiburg i
PyHTOBa, n. Tpy$KHH. [Co$iui] Haysa z HSKycTso [1954]
TRANSLATIONS INTO FRENCH 920 p. 18 cm. Bn, Germania, Biblioteca Romana, 1954.
PC781.B8A8 56-32823 J 18 p. 28 cm. (Foadul Aolgoara Stan. fPublicatiunl] 41)
P380.L6 56-56958
Eliade, Mircea, 1907-
Foret interdite (Noaptea de sanzienne) Traduit du rou- DICTIONARIES ENGLISH GRAMMAR
main par Alain Guillermou. Paris, Gallimard t 1955j
640 p. 21cm. (Du Monde entter)
PC839.E38N614 56-17205 t U. S. Army Language School, Monterey, Calif. Academia Repnblicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Lin
Romanian: military terminology word list Presidio of
Sadoveanu, Mihail, 1880- Monterey, 1957. Gramatica limbii romine. t
Dimitrie Macrea, redactor re-
46p. 27cm.
L'auberge d'Ancoutza. [Traduit du roumain] Bucarest, U25.U5383 355.03 57-61556 t sponsabil. Bucuresti] 1954.
2 v. Ulos., dlagra. 25 cm.
Editions Le Livre 1953j
179 p. 17cm.
PC631^3 55-22419 rev
PC839.S3H34 55-26238 J
U. S. National Security Agency.
Romanian-English dictionary, prepared by NSA 762 Dic Agard, Frederick Browning, 1907-
Sadoveanu, Mihail, 1880- Isted. Washington, 1953.
tionary Unit. Structural sketch of Rumanian. Baltimore, Linguistic
Eecits de guerre. Bucarest, Editions "Le Livre" C 1953] 2 v. 27cm.
215 p. 17 cm. Society of America 1958] C
PC779.U5 459.32 127 p. 26 cm. (Language monograph no. 26)
PC839.S3P64 55^39406 J A 59-1197
PC631.A35 459.5
Columbia Univ. Libraries
Schechter-Haham, Mayer. Manuel de langue roumaine, Paris, Librairie C. EHinck-
Sadoveanu, Mihail, 1880- sieck, 1953.
Mitrea Cocor. [Traduzione di Giuseppe Petronio, Roma, [Tel-Aviv, 1953j 285 p. 19 cm. {Les Langnes de I'Europe orientale, 5)
Edizioni di cultura sociale, 1952. 276 p. 22 cm. PC635.G8 55-29629 J
206 p. 20cm. (LeOpereeIglornI,2) PJ4835.R8S35 56-49293
PC839.S3M56 55-21513
lordan, lorgu, 1888-
DICTIONARIES HUNGARIAN linba romina contemporanS. Ed, noua. Bucuresti j

TRANSLATIONS INTO UKRAINIAN Editura Ministerului Invatamintului, 1956.

Dicjionar romin-maghiar. Roman-magyar szotar. [Redactor 830 p. 24 cm.
principal: Kelemen Bela; redactor! : Yasile Breban et al. PC631.I6 1956 58-46519 t
Kanna, Ion, 1902- Bucure?tij Editura Stiin^fica, 1957.
PaHOK sa ^nicTpi pOMan. 3 MOJiflaBCBEOi.
1275 p. 17cm.

1954. PC781^[8D5 59-27392 U. S. Army Language School, Monterey, Calif.

HoBHUbsorO] KHIB, ,3jepa:. BH^-BO XVAOJK. jrix-pn,
~202"pr4Hus. 20 cm. Romanian basic course. Presidio of Monterey, 1955-
PC839.K3R3 56-30933 v. Illus. 27cm.

DICTIONARIES POLYGLOT PC635.U5 459.8242 55-61209

RUMANIAN FOLK-LORE see Folk-lore, Asociajia Stun^ifica a Inginerilor ?i Tehnicienflor din Re-
U. S. Army Language School^ Monterey, Cattf.
Ruin.cLD.icUi publica Popnlara Romana.
Lexiconul tehnic roman. Aceasta lucrare este elaborata Romanian basic course. Presidio of Monterey, 1958-
T. Illus. 27 cm.
de catre Asocia^ia Stiintifica a Tehnicienilor din R. P. R. 459^242
PC635.U52 58-60443 t
RUMANIAN FOLK-SONGS see Folk-songs, Bucuresti?] Editura Tehnica, 1949-
25 cm.
Rumanian v. illus. (part coL) fold. map.
T10A73 51-34211 rev HISTORY
RUMANIAN INSTITUTE FOR AGRONOMICAL Asociafia Stiin|ifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Re- Rosetti, Alexandre, 1895-
RESEARCH see Rumania. Institutul de publica Populara Romani Limba romina in secole al zm-lea-al xvr-lea. t Bucuresti]
Cercetari Agronomic e Lexiconul tehnic romfn. Elaborare noua intocmita
Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romine, 1956.

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