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Final Project Idea Based Black and White Photography 25%

and applying Texture, Tone, Contrast

Project Description
For this project, you will take a conceptual approach to creating a series of 5 photographs by
letting an idea or action lead the inspiration of the project.

Choose 1 of the following approaches:

1. A play on words: Photograph a word to change its meaning - create a photo series of 5 prints
based on this. This should create a commentary or new meaning.

2. Make a portrait of someone without them being in the picture. Build a photographic series of 5
prints from this.

3. Keep walking until your surroundings become unfamiliar. Take a photograph the moment you
realize you have never been to that place before. Build a photo series of 5 prints based on this.

To Do: Idea development

- Brainstorm ideas for each of these approaches.
- Chose the approach that is the most interesting to you.

Project execution
- Photograph 1-2 rolls of film for the approach of your choice.
- Edit your photo series picking the strongest images from your contact sheet.
- Print 5 enlargements in the darkroom.

Technical Requirements (see Rubric for more details)

- Photographs must be properly exposed and developed, negatives must be properly processed.
- Photos are sharp, in focus with consideration to texture, framing and composition.
- Apply dodging and burning and contrast filters where appropriate.
- The prints should have full tonal range with detail in darks and light areas.
- Prints are 8 x 12 or square 8 x 8inches with even boards around the edge.

Hand-In (a folder or book with sleeves):

Contact sheet(s) and test strip(s), sharp and properly exposed. Circle or mark the images
you are interested in printing.

5 Photographs - 8 x 10” or 8 x 8” enlargements. Your prints should be properly exposed,

in focus, have even boarders. Label f-stop and time increment on back. (see Rubric for
more details)

5 Test Strips one from each enlargement that clearly show time increments labeled with
f-stop and number of seconds on back.
24-36 Negatives: properly developed and in plastic sleeves labeled with your name and
title of project. Do not submit negatives that are not stored in sleeves.

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