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Year 10

Edexcel Science
iGCSE Physics

M. Radioactivity

Physics Teacher:______________

House CG Test Score

Specification Checklist
7.01 use the following units: becquerel (Bq), centimetre (cm), hour (h), minute (min) and
second (s)
7.02 describe the structure of an atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons and
use symbols such as 6C to describe particular nuclei

7.03 know the terms atomic (proton) number, mass (nucleon) number and isotope
7.04 know that alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, and gamma (γ) rays are ionising
radiations emitted from unstable nuclei in a random process
7.05 describe the nature of alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, and gamma (γ) rays,
and recall that they may be distinguished in terms of penetrating power and ability
to ionise
7.06 practical: investigate the penetration powers of different types of radiation using
either radioactive sources or simulations
7.07 describe the effects on the atomic and mass numbers of a nucleus of the emission
of each of the four main types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and neutron
7.08 understand how to balance nuclear equations in terms of mass and charge
7.09 know that photographic film or a Geiger−Müller detector can detect ionising
7.10 explain the sources of background (ionising) radiation from Earth and space
7.11 know that the activity of a radioactive source decreases over a period of time and is
measured in becquerels
7.12 know the definition of the term half-life and understand that it is different for
different radioactive isotopes
7.13 use the concept of the half-life to carry out simple calculations on activity, including
graphical methods
7.14 describe uses of radioactivity in industry and medicine
7.15 describe the difference between contamination and irradiation
7.16 describe the dangers of ionising radiations, including:
• that radiation can cause mutations in living organisms
• that radiation can damage cells and tissue
• the problems arising from the disposal of radioactive waste and how the
associated risks can be reduced.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Key Definitions
Key Word Image Definition

Atomic Number The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom,

which is characteristic of a chemical element and
determines its place in the periodic table

Contamination Occurs when material that contains radioactive

atoms is deposited on materials, skin, clothing, or
any place where it is not desired.

Electron A (subatomic) particle with a negative charge that

orbits the nucleus of an atom.

Half Life The time taken for the radioactivity of a specified

isotope to fall to half its original value.

Ionisation The process by which an atom or a molecule

acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or
losing electrons to form ions

Irradiation The process by which an object is exposed to


Isotope Different atoms of a chemical element in the periodic

table all have the same number of protons, but may
have a different number of neutrons in their nuclei.

Geiger-Müller An instrument for detecting ionizing radiations


Mass Number The total number of protons and neutrons in a


Neutron A (subatomic) particle with a no charge (neutral) that

0 is found in the nucleus of an atom.

Nucleus The positively charged central core of an atom,

consisting of protons and neutrons

Proton A (subatomic) particle with a positive charge that is

+ found in the nucleus of an atom.

Radiation the emission of energy in the form of waves or

particles from the nucleus of an atom.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
1: The Atomic Model and Radiation
Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the structure of the atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons.
2. Define the terms ‘atomic number’, ‘mass number’ and ‘isotope’ and link them to
symbols such as 6C .
3. Define ‘radiation’ and give two methods of detecting it.

The Structure of an Atom

Elements are found in the periodic table. We often see them denoted like this:

I can find out the number of neutrons in an atom by subtracting the atomic number from
the mass number.

Key Ideas

1. On the periodic table, an element is found using its ‘element symbol’.

2. The mass number (number of protons and neutrons – nucleons) and atomic
number (number of protons) of the element is also found on the periodic table.
3. An isotope is an atom (of the same element) with the same number of protons but a
different number of neutrons.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Practice with Isotopes
Can you complete the table for the different Isotopes using the knowledge you have of
Atomic Number and Mass Number?
1. Assume all atoms are neutrally charged unless otherwise indicated (they are not
2. You may wish to use the Periodic Table on page 4 of this booklet to help you.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
What is Radiation?
Isotopes can be unstable and emit ___________________ from their ___________. We say
that these isotopes are __________________.

This process is known as radioactive ___________.

There are four main types of radiation:


Radioactive decay is a random process. Can you explain what this means?


Background Radiation
In your own words, describe what is meant by ‘Background Radiation’.
Background radiation comes from a number of sources (see table below). Can you represent
the information in the table in a pie chart?

Source of Background % of Angle for

Radiation Total Chart

Radon gas (air around 42


Buildings and 18

Cosmic Rays 14

Medical Equipment 14

Food and Drink 11

Other Artificial Sources 1

(inc Nuclear Power)

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Detecting Radiation – Photographic Film

Use the information in the above paragraph to answer the following questions:
1. What happens to photographic film when it is exposed to radiation?


2. What element was contained in all the fluorescent compounds used by Becquerel?


3. How did Becquerel know that the paper had not been darkened by sunlight?


4. Can you come up with any disadvantages of using photographic paper as a means of
detecting radiation?


5. Where photographic film used to detect radiation today? (Use your computers to
research this)


Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Demonstration – Measuring Background Radiation
Your teacher is going to demonstrate how to measure background radiation. Use what you
see and hear to complete the questions below.

1. What is the name of the detector in the above set up?


2. What did you observe on the counter when radiation was detected?


3. Did the count increase at a constant rate? How would you describe it?


4. Why is it important to measure background radiation before measuring the radiation

given out by a radioactive source?


5. What should you do to any measured results of an experiment to account for

background radiation?


6. Describe a method for measuring the background radiation in the room.


Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
2: Alpha, Beta and Gamma
Knowledge and Understanding Quiz

Use the knowledge you have gained since Shell to answer the following questions.

1. Name the two forces acting on a parachute jumper as they fall through the sky.

……………………………………………………………… (2)

2. What is radioactivity measured in?

……………………………………………………………… (1)

3. What is the law of conservation of energy.

………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)

4. A cyclist accelerates from 1m/s to 6m/s over 10 seconds. Calculate the acceleration
of the cyclist.

………………….. (3)

5. What are the three methods of heat transfer?

………………………………………………………………………………………… (3)

6. Sketch in the space below a circuit which would allows you to obtain results to plot
the I-V curve for a fixed resistor.


Score [ /15]
Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the nature of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma after they are
emitted from the nucleus of an atom.
2. Explain the different penetrating power and ionising ability of alpha, beta and
gamma radiation
3. Describe a practical to investigate the penetration powers of the different types
of radiation using a radioactive source.

What is an Ion?

What is Ionisation?
Ionisation is the _____________ or ____________ of an electron to create an ion.
______________ can be lost from an atom because of ___________ ___________.

Key Ideas

1. An ion is an atom which is not neutrally charged (i.e. the number of protons is not
equal to the number of electrons)
2. Ionisation is when an atom becomes an ion by losing or gaining an electron.
3. This can be caused by ionising radiation (alpha, beta or gamma).

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Demonstration: Penetrative Powers of Alpha, Beta and Gamma
Your teacher is going to bring out different sources of radiation and demonstrate their
penetrative powers.

HEATH AND SAFETY: Radioactive sources are hazardous to health. Do not get to close to
the source and allow your teacher to handle sources in the way they have been trained.

Use your observations to complete the table below:

Name Symbol Nature Range in Air

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
What piece of equipment is your teacher using to measure the count rate of the different
types of radiation?

What are the radioactive sources kept in?


Stopped By Penetrative Power Ionising Ability

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Summarising the 4 types of Radiation
Work with your teacher or your textbook to complete the table below.




Effect on Nucleus
Ionising Ability

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Worksheet: Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation

(a) From the results, what can James conclude about the type of radiation being emitted
by the source?

(b) Explain your answer.


(c) What would we expect to see if the source had been emitting gamma radiation?

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
3: Nuclear Decay Equations
Knowledge and Understanding Quiz
Use the knowledge you have gained in the previous few lessons to answer the following

1. A wave is travelling at 460m/s and has a frequency of 5kHz. What is the wavelength
of the wave?

………………….. (3)
2. Complete the table below:


Score [ /15]

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Learning Outcomes:

1. Explain the effects on the atomic number and mass number of an atom when it
emits alpha, beta or gamma radiation.
2. Describe neutron radiation and explain its effects on the atomic number and
mass number of an atom.
3. Understand how to balance nuclear equations for alpha, beta and neutron
Nuclear Decay Equations – Symbols

Much like elements in the Periodic Table, we can represent alpha, beta and neutron
radiation with symbols. These symbols also include the mass number and atomic number of
the radiation.

Complete the Definitions:

Mass Number: …………………………………………………………………………………………


Atomic Number: ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Use your definitions and knowledge from last lesson to complete the table:

Radiation Atomic Number Mass Number Symbol




Write the symbols (including atomic number and mass number) for each of the radiations

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Nuclear Decay Equations

Key Ideas

1. The sum of the mass numbers on both sides of the equation must be equal
2. The sum of the atomic numbers on both sides of the equation must be equal.
3. An element is identified on the Periodic Table by its atomic number.

Worked Examples:

1. Complete the decay equation to identify the missing element.

235 ❑ 4
92 U → ❑❑ + 2α

2. Complete the decay equation to identify what type of radiation has been emitted.

32 32 ❑
15 P→ 16S + ❑❑
3. Write the decay equation for 6C decaying by beta emission.

Nuclear Decay Equations Worksheet

Use the worked examples to help you complete the following decay equations.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
1. Americium- 241 decays by alpha emission.

241 237 ❑
95 Am → ❑ Np + ❑α
2. Bismuth – 211 decays by alpha emission

211 ❑ ❑
83 Bi → ❑Tl + ❑α
3. Polonium – 204 decays by alpha emission
204 200 ❑
84 Po → ❑ ❑+ ❑α
4. Uranium – 235 decays by alpha emission
235 ❑
92 U → ❑❑ +¿
5. Strontium – 90 decays by beta emission
90 90 ❑
38 Sr → 39Y +❑ β
6. Phosphorus – 32 decays by beta emission
32 ❑ ❑
15 P→ ❑S + ❑β
7. Nickel – 63 decays by beta emission
63 ❑
28 ¿ → ❑❑+¿
8. Neptunium – 237 decays by neutron emission
237 ❑ 1
93 Np → ❑Np + 0n
9. Lead – 209 decays by neutron emission
209 208 ❑
82 Pb → ❑ ❑+ ❑n
10. Hydrogen – 3 decays by neutron emission
1 H →+ ¿

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Nuclear Decay Equations Worksheet - Harder
Can you complete these nuclear decay equations (you may wish to use the Periodic Table
on page 4 to help you)?

Write the Nuclear Decay Equations to represent the following processes:

1. Uranium-235 undergoes an alpha decay to produce thorium-231.

2. Lanthanum -144 becomes cerium-144 when it undergoes a beta decay.

3. When protactinium-229 goes through two alpha decays, francium-221 is formed.

Use Nuclear Decay Equations to answer the following Questions:

4. What new element is formed when curium-244 emits two alpha particles?

5. What new element is formed following the beta decay of dysprosium-165?

6. What atom produces scandium-47 when it goes through a beta decay?

7. What new element is formed when Uranium-238 undergoes an alpha decay and
produces two beta decays?

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
4: Half Life
Knowledge and Understanding Check
Use the knowledge you have gained in the previous 3 lessons to answer the following

1. What is the unit we use to measure the activity of a radioactive source?

……………………………………………………………… (1)

2. What 2 pieces of equipment can be used to detect radiation?

………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)

3. Where is radiation emitted from?

………………………………………………………………………………………… (1)

4. What is the definition of an ‘isotope’?

………………………………………………………………………………………… (2)

5. The oscilloscope display below has a time base of 3ms. What is the:
a. Time period

b. The frequency


Score [ /10]

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Learning Outcomes:

1. Understand that the activity of a radioactive source decreases over time.

2. Define the half-life of a radioactive isotope.
3. Carry out calculations involving half-life and the activity of a radioactive isotope
(graphically and non-graphically).


Key Ideas

1. The activity of a radioactive source is the number of atoms that decay each second
(often referred to as the count rate).
2. The activity of a source decreases as time passes, because when a decay occurs,
there are then fewer atoms remaining to decay. However, the probability that a
nucleus will decay remains the same.
3. The half-life is the average time it takes for the activity/count rate to half.
4. Half-life is different for different radioactive isotopes.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Worked Examples

1. There are 128 nuclei of a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 3 hours. How many
nuclei will be remaining after 12 hours?

2. Calculate the half-life of an isotope if its activity falls from 1600 counts per second to
400 counts per second after 60 days.

3. Calculate the half-life of an isotope if its activity falls from 515 counts per minute to
140 counts per minute after 24 hours during which time the background count
(included in these figures) was 15 counts per minute.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Worksheet – Half Life Calculations

1. The half-life of radium-226 is 1600 years. If a sample of radium-226 has an original

activity of 200 Bq, what will its activity be after 4800 years?

2. Sodium-24 has a half-life of 15 hours. If a sample of sodium-24 has an original

activity of 500 Bq, what will its activity be after 60 hours?

3. Thorium-234 has a half-life of 25 days

If a sample of this isotope has an activity of 600 counts per second today:
a. What should the activity of this sample be in 25 days’ time?

b. What should the activity of this sample be in 50 days’ time?

c. What should the activity of this sample be in a 100 days’ time?

d. What would the activity of this sample have been 25 days ago?

4. The half-life of protactinium-234 is 6.75 hours. What percentage of a sample will

remain after 27 hours?

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
5. The half-life of radon-222 is 3.8 days. What was the original activity if it has an
activity of 10 Bq after 7.6 days?

6. After 42 days the activity of a sample of phosphorus-32 has decreased from 400 Bq
to 50 Bq. What is the half-life of phosphorus-32?

7. Calculate the half-life of an isotope if its activity falls from 8000 counts per second to
500 counts per second after 10 minutes.

8. Calculate the half-life of an isotope if its activity falls from 145 counts per minute to
55 counts per minute after 20 hours during which time the background count
(included in these figures) was 25 counts per minute.

9. A rock once contained 1.0 mg of uranium-238, but now contains only 0.25 mg. Given
that the half-life for uranium-238 is 4.5 x 109 (4.5 billion) years, how old is the rock?

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Investigation – Simulating Half Life Measurement Health and Safety Check!
In this investigation you are going to represent radioactive
Dice may be a trip hazard
atoms using dice.
if dropped on floor
1. Choose a number between 1 and 6 to represent your ‘decayed atoms’
2. Count your starting number of dice and fill in the table.
3. Roll all of the dice (in a tray)
4. Remove any dice that are ‘decayed atoms’ (have landed on your chosen number).
Note: These dice should not be rolled again.
5. Count the number of remaining dice and complete the table. Decayed atom
6. Repeat steps 3 -5 until all dice have ‘decayed’. Number:

Add your results to the table below.

[Note: You may run out of dice before you finish the table!]

Dice Dice
Roll Number Roll Number
Remaining Remaining
0 15

1 16

2 17

3 18

4 19

5 20

6 21

7 22

8 23

9 24

10 25

11 26

12 27

13 28

14 29

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Now plot a Graph of your results (Roll Number on the x-axis and Dice Remaining on the y-


1. Describe the shape of your graph


2. What quantity in our investigation is equivalent to ‘time’ in a real half-life experiment?


3. What quantity in our investigation represents the number of radioactive nuclei



4. How could you use the readings from everyone in the class to get a better graph?


Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Half-Life Graphs

Key Ideas
1. A graph for radioactive decay has a special shape which we call ‘exponential’
2. We can use these graphs to find the half-life of a radioactive isotope.
3. We must take multiple readings from the graph to ensure we have an average half-
life for the radioactive isotope.
4. A different isotope would have a different half-life.

Worked Example

What is the average half-life of the following radioactive isotope?

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Worksheet – Half-Life Graphs

For each of the graphs below, find the Half-Life of the Radioactive Isotope:



Radioactivity – Science (Physics)

4. The table below shows how the activity (in counts per minute) of a sample of
radioactive material varies in time. The activities were measured with a background
count of 20 counts per minute. Allowing for the background count, plot a graph of
activity against time and so determine the half-life of the material.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
5: The Uses and Dangers of Radioactivity

Knowledge and Understanding Quiz

Use the knowledge you have gained since Shell to answer the following questions.

1. Which heat transfer can occur in a vacuum?

……………………………………………………………… (1)

2. A radioactive source has a half life of 60 days. What will its activity be after 180 days
if its current activity is 800 Bq?

………………….. (3)

3. What name is given to the point on a object through which weight always acts?

………………………………………………………………………………………… (1)

4. On the longitudinal wave below, label the wavelength in two different places.


5. Sketch the shape of the orbit of a comet around the star in the space below.
Add a comet to your orbit and draw it’s tail.


Score [ /10]

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Learning Outcomes:

1. Define the words ‘contamination’ and ‘irradiation’

2. Describe the dangers of ionising radiation
3. Explain some different ways that radioactivity can be used in industry and

Dangers of Ionising Radiation to Health

Ionising radiation can damage the molecules that make up the cells of living tissues. The
different types of ionising radiation present different risks,








Beta and Gamma:







Key Ideas
1. Alpha has the most ionising effect but cannot penetrate the skin (must be inhaled or
2. Beta and gamma can penetrate skin but have a lower ionising ability that alpha.
3. The longer the exposure time to radiation, the greater the risk of serious cell damage.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Contamination vs. Irradiation

Disposing of Radioactive Waste

Delete the incorrect words.

One of the major problems with nuclear materials is (long/medium/short) term storage.
This is because some radioactive isotopes have very (long/medium/short) half-lives. These
can be over ten thousand (hours/days/years)!

Nuclear waste must be stored in (sealed/open) containers that are capable of containing the
radioactivity for long periods of time.

Key Ideas
1. Contamination occurs when material that contains radioactive atoms is deposited on
materials, skin, clothing, or any place where it is not desired.
2. Irradiation is the process by which an object is exposed to radiation.
3. Radioactive waste can be had to dispose of due to the excessive half-lives of many
isotopes. This means that the waste is potentially dangerous for thousands of years.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Use of Radioactivity – Industry

1. Gamma Radiography


2. Gauging


3. Pipe Tracers


Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Use of Radioactivity – Medicine

1. Medical Tracers


2. Medical Treatment (Radiotherapy)


3. Sterilisation


Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Uses – Radioactive Dating (Carbon Dating)

All living things ___________ and __________ radiation and so maintain a constant
level while they are living.

When they _______, this level is no longer _________. The carbon-14 isotope that was
present at death ___________ over time.

Because we know the ______-_______ of carbon-14, we can measure the radioactivity

of a fossil/skeleton and estimate how long it must have been _________.

Worked Example

The half-life of carbon-14 is 5700 years. If a fossil bone has a count rate of 25, and a piece
of bone from a living body has a count rate of 200, how old is the fossil?

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Stretch Worksheet – Chernobyl

You may have heard about the catastrophic nuclear accident that happened in Ukraine. Use
your computer to research the incident. Below are some prompt questions to get you started.
Note your findings below. Try to summarise in your own words, not just copying a website!

 What happened at Chernobyl?

 Why did it happen?
 What have been the long term effects of the disaster?

[Stuck: Try visiting the websites below to get you started!]





















Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Stretch Worksheet – Nuclear Power

Nuclear power has been used for years all across the world. See if you can find the answers
to the following questions:

 Where is your closest Nuclear Power Station?

 How much of the UK’s energy is supply by nuclear power?
 How much of the World’s energy is supplied by nuclear power?

[Stuck: Try visiting the websites below to get you started!]





















Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Stretch Worksheet – Nuclear Energy Debate

Below are links to two conflicting YouTube videos.

1. Watch each video.

2. Take notes of the key ideas in each one.
3. Decide which video you agree with most and give
your reasons.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Which video do you agree with the most? Give reasons for your answer.









Radioactivity – Science (Physics)

Past Paper

Q1. A teacher shows his class how to investigate the half-life of a radioactive source.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
(a) The readings from the counter need to be corrected for background radiation.
(i) State one source of background radiation.

(ii) Describe the method the teacher should use to correct for background radiation.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
(b) Every half a minute, the teacher records the count rate.
He corrects for background radiation and produces this results table.

(i) Draw a graph of corrected count rate against time for these results.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
(ii) Use your graph to estimate the half-life for this material.

Half-life = ........................................................... minutes

(c) The isotope technetium-99 is a gamma emitter with a half-life of 6 hours. It is

used as a radioactive tracer in medicine.

The technetium-99 is injected into a patient's bloodstream and carried around the
body by the blood. The radiation it emits is detected outside the body.

Explain why technetium-99 is suitable for use as a tracer in this way.


(Total for question = 13 marks)

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Q2. Alpha and beta particles may be emitted by unstable nuclei.
(a) (i) When an unstable nucleus emits an alpha particle, its atomic (proton) number
A increases by 1
B stays the same
C decreases by 2
D decreases by 4

(ii) When an unstable nucleus emits an alpha particle, its mass (nucleon) number
A increases by 1
B stays the same
C decreases by 2
D decreases by 4

(b) Compared to a beta particle, an alpha particle

A causes less ionisation
B has less charge
C has less mass
D has less penetrating power

(c) Describe how a teacher should measure the activity of a radioactive source using
a Geiger-Muller detector.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)

(Total for question = 7 marks)

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Q3. The grid shows the number of neutrons and the number of protons in some isotopes
formed during successive radioactive decays.

(a) (i) What are isotopes?


(ii) Why are some isotopes described as stable?


(b) (i) Use the grid to calculate the number of neutrons in a 210Po nucleus.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
number of neutrons = ......................................
(ii) Describe what happens to the number of protons and the number of neutrons
when a nucleus of 210Pb decays to form 210Bi.

(iii) State the type of decay that occurs when 210Pb decays to form 210Bi.

(c) Explain why the mass (nucleon) number and the atomic (proton) number do not
change when a gamma ray is emitted from a nucleus.

(Total for question = 9 marks)

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Q4. This question is about the use of radioactivity to treat tumours.

(a) Iridium-192 is written using this symbol

(i) How many protons does a nucleus of iridium-192 contain?


(ii) How many neutrons does a nucleus of iridium-192 contain?


(b) Iridium-191 is a different isotope of iridium.

What are isotopes?

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
(c) When iridium-192 decays, a beta particle is emitted and the iridium changes into

Complete the nuclear equation that shows this decay.


(d) The tumour in the horse is several centimetres across.

Explain why beta radiation is more suitable than alpha or gamma radiations for this

(e) The energy from the beta radiation is expected to destroy the cells in the tumour over
a period of several weeks.

(i) The most suitable half-life for the radioactive source would be
A 75 minutes
B 75 hours
C 75 days
D 75 years

(ii) Explain your choice.


Radioactivity – Science (Physics)

(Total for question = 12 marks)


Spec Point
Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Radioactivity Specification Notes
7.01 use the following units: becquerel (Bq), centimetre (cm), hour (h), minute (min) and
second (s)
7.02 describe the structure of an atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons and
use symbols such as 6C to describe particular nuclei

7.03 know the terms atomic (proton) number, mass (nucleon) number and isotope

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
7.04 know that alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, and gamma (γ) rays are ionising
radiations emitted from unstable nuclei in a random process

7.05 describe the nature of alpha (α) particles, beta (β−) particles, and gamma (γ) rays,
and recall that they may be distinguished in terms of penetrating power and ability
to ionise

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
7.06 practical: investigate the penetration powers of different types of radiation using
either radioactive sources or simulations

7.07 describe the effects on the atomic and mass numbers of a nucleus of the emission
of each of the four main types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and neutron

7.08 understand how to balance nuclear equations in terms of mass and charge

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
7.09 know that photographic film or a Geiger−Müller detector can detect ionising

7.10 explain the sources of background (ionising) radiation from Earth and space

7.11 know that the activity of a radioactive source decreases over a period of time and is
measured in becquerels
7.12 know the definition of the term half-life and understand that it is different for
different radioactive isotopes

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
7.13 use the concept of the half-life to carry out simple calculations on activity, including
graphical methods

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
7.14 describe uses of radioactivity in industry and medicine

Source =

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
7.15 describe the difference between contamination and irradiation

Contamination: Occurs when material that contains

radioactive atoms is deposited on materials, skin, clothing,
or any place where it is not desired.

Irradiation: The process by which an object is exposed to


7.16 describe the dangers of ionising radiations, including:

• that radiation can cause mutations in living organisms
• that radiation can damage cells and tissue
• the problems arising from the disposal of radioactive waste and how the
associated risks can be reduced.

Radioactivity – Science (Physics)
Radioactivity – Science (Physics)

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