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Dc Generator

In this part we will study the various types of Dc generators
and their terminal characteristics (Vt , IL ) curve

1- Magnezation curve
2- Types of Dc generators
a- Separately excited shunt
b- Self excited series

3- Power flow diagram of Dc generators

Dc Machines

. carries the field winding (exciter )
. Field winding is connected to Dc voltage source
. Field winding produces the magnetic flux
. Carries armature winding
. Rotor has a cylindrical shape with slots
. the conductors are placed in these slots
. e.m.f is indused on the terminals of armature winding

. Rotor is laminated to reduce eddy losses

. It’s a copper cylinder divided into isolated segments
. It’s connected to armature winding terminals
. It’s a rotating part
4-Carbon brus
. They are fixed contacts
. They are in direct contact with the commutator

5- Air gap
. It’s the clearance between stator and rolor

a-commutator is used to
convert Ac voltage to Dc voltage in case
of Dc genarator .
producer unvdirctional torque in Dc motor
b-the horizontal axis is called pole axis , the vertical axis
is called interpole axis .
Type of Field Windings
1-Shunt field
. Field winding is connected in parallel with the armature
. Rshunt f numper of turns
Small cross section area

2-series field
. field winding is connected in series with armature

. Rseries f numper of turns

Large cross section area

Rotor (Armature) is laminated to reduce eddy currents

Roto (Armature) is made of silicon steel lamination to
reduce both eddy current & hysteris loss
Emf equation
Ea= Induces emf emf in armature
=No-load voltage

Ea= nᴓp

Ea= kg nᴓp

p: no of poles
a: no of parallel paths
z: no no of conductors
n: Rotor speed in rpm
ᴓp: flux per pole
Kg: Back emf constant Kg=

We have 2 schems for armature winding

a- Lap winding a=p
b- Wave winding a=2
Lap winding large No of porallel patl
Lower voltage
Higher current

Wave winding a=2

Higher voltage
Lower current
DC Generator
Magnetjation curve : “open circuit clc”
Curve btn induced E.M.F & If “field current”
at constant speed

2𝑃 𝑧
EHic = 2𝑎 𝑥 2𝜋 E
=Ka*ᴓ* ա N”constant”
=(Ka*ա) * ᴓ

. constant speed ա is contsnt

And ᴓ 𝛼 If

:. Ehlc = K * If

N ա k
E(vs)If Non – Linear curve

For constant field current

E=Kg ᴓ n= Kn

(speed in rpm)


E(Vs) n
E (Vs) speed linear relation
Types of Dc generators

Separately excited self excited

Shunt series compound

Commulative different

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