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Unit 3 Test Name…………………………………………

Vocabulary (15 marks)

1. Traduce al español.. (8 marks)

1) Ice Skating 5) Goggles
2) Running 6) Wetsuit
3) Scuba diving 7) Hoop
4) Swimming 8) Belt

2. Completa las siguientes palabras con las letras que faltan. (7 marks)

1. PL_ _ GR_ _ _D. 2. C _ _ _ _ E N. 3. G _ _

4. L _ B_RA _ _ _Y. 5. L _ C _ E _ R_ _ M
6. T_ _ _ _ TS 7. SCH_ _ _ OF _ _ C_

Grammar (15 marks)

3. Pon el adverbio de frecuencia en su lugar adecuado. (10 marks)

He listens to the radio. (often)

They read a book. (sometimes)
Pete gets angry. (never)
Tom is very friendly. (usually)
I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)
My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
Unit 3 Test Name…………………………………………
4. Ordena las palabras para formar frases. Recuerda la posición del adverbio. (5 marks)

usually - in the morning - reads the newspaper - Tom

He -frequently - is - for class - late
always – They - happy - are
study - You – rarely - for the exam.
by 11:30 - is - Ann -generally -in bed.

Reading (10 marks)

Hi. I’m Peter. I’m twelve years old and I study at Shakespeare school in
Birmingham. I study in the morning. I get up at six o’clock; have
breakfast e go to school. I walk because I live nearby. Many children go
by car or by school bus.
I don’t use a uniform, only when I have physical education. Then I have
to wear a white T-shirt with the school's name, blue shorts and white
I study English, Spanish and German. My favorite subject is English. I
hate mathematics because it is very difficult and the teacher is very
strict. School starts at half past seven. We have two classes and then we
have a break. We play football in the football field.
My school is well equipped. There is a laboratory for experiments, a library, a music room
where we can play instruments, and a computer room where we learn how to use a
computer. We have also a canteen where we can have lunch when we have classes in the
When the teachers are not in the classrooms, they stay in the teacher’s room next to the
principal’s room, not far from the secretary’s room. In each floor, there are toilets.

5. Lee el texto y contesta True or False. (5 marks)

a) Peter studies in London. _________

b) They don’t use uniforms. _________
c) He doesn’t like math. _________
d) He studies two foreign languages. _________
Unit 3 Test Name…………………………………………
e) The teacher’s room is next to the bathrooms. _________

6. Contesta con la información del texto. (5 marks)

When does he use a uniform?

What subject does he like?
What do they do in the laboratory?
When do they go to the canteen?
How many languages do they study?

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