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1. Raindrop : giọt mưa
2. Thunder: sấm sét
3. Cloud: đám mây
4. Rain: cơn mưa
5. Lightning: tia sét
6. Storm: bão
7. Foggy :sương mù
8. Rainy :mưa
9. Hail : mưa đá
10. Windy: gió
11. Storm clouds: mây bão
12. Wind : gió
13. Snowflake: bông tuyết
14. Sunshine:

EXERCISE 1: Do the weather quiz in paris. Then check your answers at

the bottom of the page
1. What shape is a raindrop before it starts faling?

2. What makes the sound of thunder ?

a. Cloud b. rain c. lightning

3. You see lightning and then hear thunder six seconds later. How far
away is the storm?
a. 2km b. 3km c.6km

4. You only get foggy weather when

a. The air is cold b. it is rainy c. you are near the ocen

5. You only get hail when

a. It is windy b. there are storm c. there is no sunshine
6. In what direction does an east wind blow ?
a. towards the east -> b. towards the west <-
7. What is the maximum time a snowflake takes ot reach the ground?
a. a minute
b. five minutes
c. twenty minutes
d. an hour
8. when you are facing a rainbow, the sun is always
a. In front of you b. behind you c. to one side


Cloud storm clouds




rain rainy raindrop


sun sunshine


wind windy
3 SPEAKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions (1-4) below. Use words and
phrases from exercise 2 and the words below.
Describing temperature
It's minus ten. It's 53 degrees (Celsius). It's below zero. Ist' freezing / cold / cool
/ mild / warm /hot / sweltering.
1 What isthe weather kile today? The weather is quite warm today, around degrees
2 What is ti usuayl keil inDecember? It’s usually very cold in December, around 10
degrees Celsius below zero
3 What is it usually kilen in August ? August is usually very hot, around 35 degrees
4 Do you prefer rainy, snowy or icy weather? Why? I prefer snowy weather because it
looks very beautiful and I enjoy winter activities skiing
4 🎧1.34 Listen ot five weather reports (1-5). Match three of them with the
photos (A-C)
1……c…… 2……a……. 3……b…..…. 4…………….. 5…………….. link bài nghe

Nội dung bài nghe

1. It’s minus ten degrees Celsius and there’s a lot of ice everywhere
– on cars, on trees, on houses. The ice is 10 cm thick in some
places! In a strange way, it’s beautiful to look at. But icy roads are
dangerous for drivers and pedestrians. And there are many homes in
the area without electricity. We’re expecting a little snow this

2. There is some snow on the ground, and already, it’s impossible to

see more than a few metres ahead. There isn’t any fog, but the wind
is blowing the snow into my face. It’s difficult just to open my eyes!
It’s very cold, it’s very windy and this reporter is very glad to be going
inside now.

3. It began this morning. The sky became very cloudy and the air felt
stormy. There were a few showers and it was windy too. Everyone
knew what was happening, and many people left their homes and
went inland, away from the coast. Now there’s a lot of rain and the
wind is extremely strong. Nobody is outside; it isn’t safe.

4. link bài nghe

5. Read the Recycle! Box. Then listen again and complete these sentences from the weather reports.
Report 1
1 It’s -10 0 C and there’s a
lot of ice everywhere.
2 We’re expecting a little snow this afternoon.
Report 2
3 There is some snow on the ground.
4 There isn’t any fog but the wind is blowing the snow into my face.
Report 3
5 There’s a few showers on the grass after a cold night.
6 There aren’t in the sky.
Report 4
7 There’s in people’s gardens.
8 There’s on the pavements.
Report 5
9 There were a few showers and it was windy too
10 Now there’s a lot of rain and the wind is extremely strong.

3 Complete the table with comparative adjectives from part 1 of the

4 Read the Learn this! box. Then find examples of each rule (a-d) in
part 1of the text.
5 Read the Look out! box. Complete part 2of the text with the
comparative form of the words in brackets.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words ni brackets.
1 My brothers often fight, but Tom is much stronger than Nathan (Tom / much / strong /
Nathan) so he usualy wins
2 Delhi is bigger than Mexico City but………(it/not as/ large) Tokyo.
3 The Chelyabinsk explosion……… (much / smal) than the Tunguska Event.
4 Occasionaly, hali stones can…… (be / big / as ) tennis balls!
5 Ahurricane…..(much/ powerful) an ordinary storm
Part 1
On a clear night, you can often see meteors - space rocks - as they fall towards the
Earth. Each rock is smaller than an apple, but they look as bright as stars in the night
sky, os people cal them shooting stars! Larger meteors are much rarer, but their
effects are far more spectacular. nI 2013, a meteor exploded ni the sky above the city
of Chelyabinsk in Russia. The explosion was more powerful than the 1945 Hiroshima
atomic bomb, but its effect was not as devastating as the bomb because the meteor
exploded much further from the ground. Scientists compared the Chelyabinsk meteor
to an earlier - and far bigger - explosion: the Tunguska Event
Part 2
The Tunguska Event of 1908 was (far) from a city so (few)
people saw it, but ti was much (powerful) than the one ni Chelyabinsk. tI
destroyed more than 80 million trees in the Siberian forest, os it's lucky ti was not
(close) to a town or city. The night sky became (bright) than normal for afew
days, and people ahundred kilometres away could read a newspaper outdoors even at
midnight. Most scientists believe ti was a meteor explosion, but there are some
(unusual) theories too. Perhaps ti was a UFO!
7 Write questions beginning Which.. ?Use the comparative form of
the adjectives.

1 dangerous / ablizzard / a thunderstorm / ?

Which is more dangerous,a blizzard or a thunderstorm?

2 beautiful / snowflake / rainbow /?

3 hodilay venue / good /the mountains /the beach / ?

4 city/get/litlesnow/Warsaw /Moscow/?

5 for you personally / temperature / bad / C°5- / 35°C/?

6 typeofweather /frightening /hali /lightning /?

7 country / rainy / Spain / England / ?

8 in your country / month / hot / Juyl / August / ?

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