Beyond Zombies - Chapter 1

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Roleplaying Game

Core Rulebook

BTD Press © 2017

2nd Edition Revision - 2019
Beyond Zombies
Core Rulebook


©2019 BTD PRESS - 2nd Edition

Illustrations by Federica Di Tizio

Book Design and Written by Dale Easterling

Some rules mechanics are inspired by Star Wars Galaxies developed by Raph Koster, John Donham, and Cinco Barnes of Sony Online Entertainment, and Apocalypse World
developed by D. Vincent Baker.

BEYOND ZOMBIES and its respective logos are trademarks of BTD Press in the U.S.A. and other countries. This material is protected under copyright laws of the United States of
America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of this material or network contained therein is prohibited without the express written permission of BTD Press. This product is a
work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. Printed in the USA.

Zombies! … … Page 5 Currency Page 43
What Is an RPG? Page 5 Armor Page 43
How to Use This Book Page 5 Weapons Page 44
What You Will Need Page 6 Cover Page 47
Setting Page 6 Gadgets Page 47
Sample Game Session Page 7 Shelter Page 49
The Role of the Narrator Page 10 Vehicles Page 51
A Living Story Page 10
Beyond Zombies Page 10 CHAPTER 4: COMBAT Page 52
Secrets and Intrigue Page 11 Combat Sequence Page 53
End Game Page 11 Combat Actions Page 54
Attacking and Evading Page 54
CHAPTER 1: CHARACTER CREATION Page 12 Player vs Player Page 55
Creation Outline Page 13 Exhaustion Page 55
Group Dynamics Page 14 Movement Page 55
D20 and Dice Rolling Page 14 Concealment and Cover Page 56
NPC vs Player Characters Page 16 Prone Page 56
Blessings, Curses, Boons, and Losses Page 16
Health and Will Points Page 17 CHAPTER 5: UNDEAD Page 58
Character History & Backgrounds Page 17 Origins and Behavior Page 59
Flaws Page 20 Undead Statistics Page 60
Gaining Skill Points Page 21 Shufflffllers Page 60
Runners Page 60
CHAPTER 2: SKILLS Page 22 Mutants Page 61
Skill Trees Page 23 Animals Page 61
Athletics Page 24
Charisma Page 26 CHAPTER 6: CHARACTER CODEX Page 62
Combat Page 28 Nonplayer Characters Page 63
Driving Page 30 Pregenerated Characters Page 66
Medicine Page 32
Resilience Page 34 APPENDIXES Page 82
Resources Page 36 Character Sheet Page 83
Tactics Page 38 Skill Chart Page 86
Technology Page 40

ZOMBIES! What is an RPG?
Lights flicker on a deserted street. A stray cat hisses as it runs Beyond Zombies is a tabletop roleplaying game (RPG),
for cover underneath a windowless, wrecked car. You see the which is a social game of imagination and creativity. You help
safehouse ahead, the neon bar sign glowing red in the darkness. tell a story though the actions and dialogue of a character that
Your heart races, gripping your pistol in sweaty hands. One you create. The world is yours to explore through their eyes.
bullet left. If you run, you can make it. Maybe. You kick Unlike a computer game, the only limit to what you can do
through the door and sprint down the street as fast as you can. is what you can imagine – and get away with, depending on
That’s when you hear it. Moans. Shuffling. Growling. Two your Narrator. You decide what your character says and does.
figures behind you become four. Then ten. Then fifty. They gain You also interact with other players, who help build the story
on you from behind. Soon more appear to your sides down themselves. Whereas in most games you are independent and
darkened alleys. The zombies are coming. Just as you reach often competing against other players, in an RPG they are
for the safe-house door, three of the snarling undead crash out your friends and allies. In order to survive, you must work
of the wooden frame. They have taken the bar too, and now together as a team. The Narrator keeps track of the rules,
nowhere is safe. stories and secrets – but it is the players who drive the game.
You back up, pointing your gun feebly as the zombie hoard Together the Narrator and players share laughs, screams and
surrounds you. Trembling, you raise the pistol to your head. pouts to create a rich story and a great time.
A gunshot goes off - but it is not yours. Sniper fire rains down,
and a moment later an armored truck barrels through the
street, and as the side door slides open three soldiers pour out. How to use this Book
They lay out suppressive fire, cutting down the zombie hoard. Beyond Zombies Rulebook is a set of basic rules and
As the commander checks you for injuries, the calvary rushes regulations for playing the game. Once the Narrator and
you to safety. Watching the undead fade into the distance, you players are familiar with the game mechanics and system,
nearly collapse with relief as you are saved by the living. they can play rather independently of this book – using it
only for reference. Beyond Zombies was designed with
simplicity and easiness of use in mind, without needing a
library of supplements and errata like some other RPGs.
In this book you will find rules for creating characters,
mechanics for engaging in combat and resolving situations,
and guidelines for creating and engaging in a rich story.

Like the list of rules, the list of requirements to play this While the specific locations, time period and goals of a
game is minimal. To make the most out of your gameplay campaign are widely open to imagination, there are three
experience, it is recommended that you have the following on primary setting types for Beyond Zombies.
OUTBREAK: It was an ordinary day in the city. Suddenly
Beyond Zombies RULEBOOK: Having the rulebook the news reports on a breaking story of a disease epidemic
on hand, especially one you don’t need to share with spreading faster than imagined. The infected show disturbing
others, will help you find rules or mechanics quickly behavior and symptoms. The disease itself is resistant to any
and keep the game running smoothly. form of cure. Soon people in your town begin to disappear,
either relocating or just vanishing without a trace. As you
DICE (1D20): All dice rolls in this game use a single, stock up on provisions you realize the infected are indeed
twenty-sided die known as a d20. zombies. Some of them are friends or loved ones, even those
who have been dead for years. Can you make it to safety
CHARACTER SHEET: Your character sheet lists all of before the outbreak claims you, too?
the traits and skills your character possesses. To know
what you SHOULD do, it’s wise to keep on hand what APOCALYPSE: New York was the first to go. Then Los
you CAN do. Angeles, Paris, London, Hong Kong and every other major
city in the world. You and a handful of others have been
PENCIL & PAPER: Besides your character sheet, searching for survivors since the Outbreak, years ago. Now
it’s a good idea to keep track of important nonplayer you are outnumbered thousands to one. But through old
characters (NPC’s), items, story points and other radio communication you receive a distress call from another
information on paper in case they are needed. city. There are more survivors. Even more unbelievable,
they claim to have a cure. Can you and your pack of zombie
MINIATURE: Because combat uses a 1.5” x 1.5” square hunters reach them in time?
grid map, it’s suggested that you acquire a miniature
figure to represent your character. This can be a figure LAST HOPE: No one remembers how the Outbreak
from any appropriate game system, or toy, as long as occurred. Few even know for certain when it happened.
the base is no larger than the squares. To represent Decades ago, the zombie plague destroyed everything.
the hordes of zombies, a Narrator could also use Billions have died. Massive cities lie in ruins. Technology
nondescript army men. has been knocked back half a century. Now only pockets of
survivors remain, but the undead threat seems to be past.
OTHER PLAYERS: Fighting zombies solo is neither Now is the time to rebuild. As you dig your way out of your
fun nor advised. Bring back up. bunkers and underground cities, the elders warn you about
zombies like they were boogiemen from years gone by. Soon,
however, the scent of blood revives the dormant monsters.
Which is a worse fate – waiting to die of starvation, or risking
the safety of your aging colony in search of new life?

SAMPLE GAME SESSION Dean (Samuel): You all see a man wearing plain clothing
The following is a sample of what you can expect from a and a heavy jacket, but he holds himself like a fighter. He is a
typical roleplaying game session. Feel free to skip ahead to young man, Native American with short hair. He glances at
understand the game mechanics before reading this scene. everyone and heads straight for the water bottles, stocking up
like they’re going out of style.
The stage is set. You and your friends have looked over Sabrina (Proxy): Weird. Ok, so in the back by the pizza
the game rules, created your characters, and now sit down and energy drinks is a very pretty Hispanic teen. She has a strip
to play your first game session. Your Narrator has a solid of her hair dyed blue and she’s listening to techno music on
understanding of the system and game setting, and has headsets connected to her phone.
prepared her adventure. With dice and character sheets in Maggie (Kenzi): My character isn’t actually in the store.
hand, you are ready to play! She’s in the back of a limo out in the parking lot. Kenzi has
Sitting around the table, surrounded by snacks and plastic shoulder length red hair and has like a business suit on, but
miniatures, the players listen for the introduction. Christina with a skirt. She’s only 12, but she looks like she’s very mature
is the Narrator. Dean sits beside her, playing former soldier for her age. Her bodyguard is going into the store because I
Samuel Swift Cloud. Next to him is Sabrina, practicing her asked for red M&Ms - and red ones only!
techno jargon to inject a little authenticity into her hacker Dan (Thomas): Thomas is out filling up gas into a green
character, Proxy. Across the table, young Maggie nervously Hummer. He came with Samuel. He’s a younger Asian man
makes notes on her first character - the equally young Kenzi, wearing all black clothes, but the white collar on his shirt
a spoiled governor’s daughter. Rounding out the party is Dan, indicates he’s a priest of some kind. He seems to be looking
calmly prepared to step into the holy shoes of priest Thomas around all the time, rather suspicious or jumpy.
Bonhomme. Narrator: Great. Most of you have seen each other, or at
Christina has selected a handful of miniatures she bought least noticed one other player’s character, but haven’t been
last Halloween from the local crafts store to use for the party, formally introduced yet. Before that can happens, can each of
as well as a bag of beige army men as stand-ins for future you make a Perception roll for me?
foes. The figures will not only help visualize and connect Each player rolls a d20. By default, they’re all aiming to
with the characters physically, but also speed along various roll a 10 or higher to be successful. Dan tells the Narrator that
situations during play. She places the player figures on a blank since his character is paranoid of being followed, he’s going to
grid map in the center of the table, and leaves the others use an Alertness skill he has to declare a Boon on his roll. So
hidden from view on the floor. for him, he needs to roll a 5 or better.
As Narrator, Christina doesn’t have a specific character for Dean (Samuel): Sam got a 9. So close!
herself. Instead she will stand in for the various nonplayer Sabrina (Proxy): Twenty! Like a boss.
characters the party will come across.. Maggie (Kenzi): I rolled a 17.
Dan (Thomas): Thomas rolled a 6, and he thanks God for
Narrator: It is a dark and stormy night - outside of Seattle, that Boon!
so that doesn’t seem unusual. For weeks the news has been Recalling what each rolls should mean already by the
bombarded with reports of military bases around the world description of Perception rolls, Christina nods and goes
being overrun by unknown enemies. For such a major concern, around the table explaining the results.
the details have been suspiciously slim. Still, to the world at Narrator: Samuel is a little too distracted in his haste to
large these are isolated events in far away lands, nothing that notice anything amiss, but four armed men charge into the
needs to be of concern. That’s about to change. store. They look dirty and terrified, frantically shouting to the
The four of you have pulled up to the Quick Mart along cashier “Unlock the gas pumps! Hundred dollars each! We’re
the highway for various reasons. Gas. Food. Restroom break. taking the food too.” Thomas, you see people enter the store and
Rushing in to escape the rain, you all enter the convenience feel uneasy, but can’t see anything they’re doing. Kenzi, you not
store. Why don’t you describe your characters? only notice them enter but see the beat-up old blue pickup they
arrived in.

Kenzi, you have actually seen these men before. They are Narrator: Sure. Make a Coax roll for me.
college students that never quite fit in at your tech college. They Sabrina (Proxy): Proxy is a smooth talker, so I’m going
were the kind of country-raised, conspiracy-theorist, doomsday to use my Boon for the roll. And...I got an 11.
preppers that everyone made fun of. You notice that they Narrator: Excellent. Thanks to your Boon the men
aren’t concerned about money - they’re looking for provisions actually listen to you. Billy, who seems to be leading the
and survival gear only. What are you all going to do? You’re group, keeps his pistol on the cashier but speaks to you.
not in combat, but you can roll for Initiative just to keep your “We told y’all! We told y’all about the zombie ‘pocalypse
actions straight. Samuel, you’re too distracted. You can join in but you didn’t believe us. Well look who’s laughing now.”
if combat starts. Before he can explain further one of the other men, Jake,
Dean (Samuel): Alright. shouts as he looks out the window. “Runners!” The men
The other three players roll a d20 to determine their grab what they can and make a mad dash for the exit.
initiative order, rerolling any ties. Christina rolls a 10 for the Samuel, you can go ahead and roll to enter Initiative.
robbers. Dean (Samuel): Thanks. I got a 19.
Sabrina (Proxy): I rolled a 2. We’ll just say Proxy always Narrator: You can go ahead and act first them.
tried to avoid those guys and is hanging back. Dan (Thomas): I’d head outside. Do I see anything?
Maggie (Kenzi): I got a 14. Narrator: Yes. Down the highway, from the direction
Dan (Thomas): 17. of the city, you see a group of figures sprinting in your
Narrator: Alright Thomas, you go first. direction. They seem human at first - marathon runners,
Dan (Thomas): Well, Thomas doesn’t really know what’s perhaps - but as they get closer you see they run far faster
going on so he’s going to finish getting gas. I’ll head inside once than any athlete. The way they lurch and snarl definitely
finished, I guess. sends up red flags for you. There’s Thomas and a little girl
Maggie (Kenzi): You said I can see the truck? Then I’m on a cell phone.
going to use my contacts. Kenzi is going to call about their Dean (Samuel): Iroquois senses tingling. Got it. If
license plate to see where they live. it doesn’t look like I’ll have time to run the water to the
Narrator: Smart thinking! Kenzi uses the limo phone, and truck, I’ll drop it and yell to Thomas “Get the car started!”
they’ll dig up an address for you. Then I’ll move toward the girl and try to get her to safety.
Sabrina (Proxy): Well I don’t want anyone to get hurt and
since Proxy knows them, she’s going to try talking to them. Christina draws the area around the convenience store
She’ll walk up with her hands raised and say “What are you on the map, which uses squares roughly representing
doing? This is extreme, even for you guys. What’s going on?” about 5 feet. From where Samuel is standing, at the
entrance to the store, he is 7 squares away from Kenzi’s
limo. Samuel can only move 5 squares in a round.

Narrator: You can see the girl talking on a phone inside the Dean (Samuel): Well, I’ve already acted this round so
vehicle, but she’s a little too far for you to reach right now. I can’t do anything else.
Dean (Samuel): Alright, I’ll run as close as I can and I’ll Dan (Thomas): My turn. Since it looks like chaos
shout for the girl to run inside. broke out, Thomas is going to try to keep the peace. Coax
Narrator: Kenzi, do you go? roll?
Maggie (Kenzi): No way! I don’t know who that crazy man Dan’s character has an ability that “Blesses” his Coax
is. He could be a terrorist. rolls. So he rolls a d20 twice and chooses the higher of
Narrator: Very well. Samuel? Coax roll. the two results. In this case he rolls a 4 and a 17.
Dean (Samuel): I don’t have anything to help me out here, Narrator: Because your roll was Blessed, Thomas
so I got a 7. That’s a miss. jumps out of the vehicle with hands raised and everyone
Maggie (Kenzi): “Daddy said never talk to strangers!” seems to calm down.
Narrator: She’s not moving. Thomas, you’re next in the Dan (Thomas): “I apologize for the show of violence
initiative order. from my colleague here, but there appears to be an army
Dan (Thomas): I’ll go ahead and start the car. Can I drive of undead this way. I suggest we head inside and we can
it yet? settle our differences there.”
Narrator: Sure. We’ll treat your Hummer as a truck for Narrator: Kenzi, it’s your turn. Your bodyguard
mechanical purposes. You can get in since you’re right next to acts at the same time you do. Since Thomas’ roll was
it, and move wherever you can. successful, you are more willing to go with him this time.
Dan (Thomas): Thomas would pull up beside Sam. Maggie (Kenzi): Alright, fine. I want to go with the
Narrator: Done. Kenzi? bodyguard though.
Maggie (Kenzi): I’m rolling up the window and locking the Dean (Samuel): Yeah, I’ll let her run to him.
door. Narrator: Samuel releases Kenzi, who abruptly elbows
Dean (Samuel): Dang it, Kenzi! him in the stomach before running to her guard. To move
Maggie (Kenzi): Stranger danger! things along, I’ll say everyone can safely make it inside
Narrator: Proxy? the convenience store before the zombies arrive. We’ll
Sabrina (Proxy): So those guys are gone now? Can I see keep the Initiative the way it is, and I’ll roll to add the
anything on the store’s monitors? zombies into the order. Get ready for your first zombie
Narrator: Actually, yes. You can see the runners - very fast fight!
moving zombies. They’re coming your way. The cashier ran into
the back room to report the robbery. The rest of the scene continues, beginning with
Sabrina (Proxy): Proxy isn’t armed or anything, so I’m the arrival of the zombies. Christina describes the
going to run behind the counter and look for something. archetypal horde descending on the surrounded
Narrator: Sure. We’ll say you found a crowbar. building. Fortunately the fledgling party comes
Sabrina (Proxy): Sweet! together, using their skills ranging from combat to
Narrator: Samuel, back to you. New round. engineering to emerge victorious. Once the dust
Dean (Samuel): I’m going to try to break the window and settles the group becomes keenly aware than a zombie
grab the stubborn little girl. outbreak has occurred. They band together for survival
Narrator: We’ll say that’s a Stunt roll. Go for it. and head off in search of answers.
Dean (Samuel): I rolled a 17!
Maggie (Kenzi): Uh oh.
Narrator: Samuel rushes over and draws his pistol,
smashing the window with the handle. The little girl inside
screams as the man pulls her flailing body out of the vehicle.
Right about that time the bodyguard happens to exit. He draws
a gun of his own, yelling “Put her down!”

THE ROLE OF THE NARRATOR Part and parcel with player choices are repercussions,
Behind the excitement of the players and their characters including the game-world results of player decisions. If a
is the Narrator. As Narrator, if that is your role, you are the party returns to a city they decided wasn’t worth protecting,
storyteller and game master, the referee and scribe, creator have that city become overrun by zombies. Let them see
of worlds dark and terrible, secret puppeteer of the pious, familiar places and how they change, the lives of familiar
master of militaries, and hidden guardian of the innocent. non-player characters affected or even ended, or important
Your primary role as Narrator, as the title would suggest, resources now compromised. Often it is dire consequences
is creating and presenting missions and adventures in that have a more lasting impact on player psyche than forced
which the other players can play their heroes. This generally decisions.
requires a good amount of preparation time to develop and As important as change and flexibility are to narrating,
rehearse your stories. It is one thing to know the locations consistency is also a good baseline for players to follow.
and important names your players will encounter - which is When the heroes go back to a survivalist camp for supplies,
a great start. It is quite another to have that assembled world they should encounter some of the same characters they had
at a moment’s recall, able to improvise on the spot when met before. They may soon learn the camp leader’s name –
your players’ actions through a wrench into your carefully and the leader will remember them as well. Even in a world
laid plans. T his will come with time and practice. Don’t be of darkness and decay, having a reliable set of faces or place
intimidated, especially as you build an in game history with they can feel safe can be invaluable to player morale.
your friends, this will become easier. Players may be the stars, A skillful Narrator will make the players feel challenged
but you are the director. and present a real threat of death to the characters while still
Often times it falls on the Narrator to teach newcomers allowing players to feel their characters are effective.
how to play the game. Rather than treat it as a burden,
however, consider it a two-fold opportunity. On the one
hand, you get to introduce a beginner into the exciting BEYOND ZOMBIES
and challenging world of tabletop gaming. Through their One the most fundamental elements about Beyond Zombies
enthusiasm may be tinged with uncertainty or nervousness, is that it’s not just about the undead. From the skills to the
you can start them on a long and unpredictable path. One the equipment to the narrative itself, the game is designed with
other, you get to explore your own imagination and expand the human element in mind. In any catastrophic or post-
the boundaries of your creativity. Players who are guided by apocalyptic scenario, it is the human dynamic that makes
a good Narrator are more likely to stick around for the long the story interesting. Living non-player characters, whether
haul, and therefore become more enjoyable and interactive friend or foe, make lasting impacts and relatable faces. Below
for you as a Narrator. are a few examples of individuals and groups that can help or
hinder your players, as well as flesh out a world just waiting
to be explored.
Though your job as Narrator is to describe the story and • Civilians: Ordinary people thrust into extraordinary
act out the parts of the non-player characters the party will circumstances, civilians will often need to be protected
encounter, it is important not to become a steel-fisted tyrant. or rescued by brave heroes.
The players are just as integral to shaping the story as you • Criminals: Even before the apocalypse there were those
are. Though you should strive to keep them on track, it is who preyed on others. From escaped inmates to wanted
a valuable skill to be able to adapt and adjust the campaign felons, they can be an unpredictable and numerous lot.
story around their decisions. Embrace the odd decisions or • Government: Both entrusted and untrusted by the
random choices, the player who builds a mechanically-inept people at large, the seemingly omnipotent government
character so they can have more fun in their choices, the provides a vast network of information – or make that
group which needs a slight push to keep them motivated. info disappear.

• Military: Whether a government military force or an Beyond the stereotypical arenas of politics and scientific
independent militia, these trained soldiers make deadly research, Beyond Zombies also focuses heavily on the
combatants. action of spies. Agents infiltrate military organizations to
• Police: Trying to serve and protect while the world steal classified records. Moles hide within the halls of power
falls apart can either forge valiant heroes or frantic to relay information back to their controllers. Turncoats
antagonists. and saboteurs wreak havoc in factories and laboratories,
• Survivors: Desperate for food and water, even the most uncovering or sabotaging research that could have caused
good-hearted civilian can take drastic action to protect the zombie outbreak in the first place. Each character
themselves and their loved ones. involved in a Beyond Zombies campaign has his or her own
motivations, adding additional layers of complication and
conflict to a scenario and making a great adventure.
The world of Beyond Zombies and the myriad of people
in it are bound together in an intricate web of deception END GAME
and intrigue. Things are rarely point and shoot. Seemingly Even before you begin your campaign, it is very important
obvious villains could simply be despairing leaders of ragged to have an end game in mind. If you start of strong but start
survivors. Kind-hearted friends could turn on the players to improvise, you could find yourself painted into a corner.
when the situation looks dismal. By the time the first undead You should start your campaign with a solid description of
rises and walks among us, the strings of secrecy begin to tie the setting, the world, and the stakes. While definitely players
together. A plot might be as benign as a mayor’s reelection have a hand in shaping the direction of the campaign it is up
campaign or as overt as a government hit to eliminate to you, the Narrator, to ensure there is a definitive beginning
witnesses. A hero may owe a favor or report to superiors and ending to your grand adventure.
and in turn hand over control, or wield that control over There are no coincidences in a well-planned campaign.
others. Because of this underlying current, a Beyond Zombies Every NPC encounter, every mission, every seemingly
campaign can quickly move from small to planetary scale, random discovery, should all fit into the purpose of the
depending on how involved and wide-you want to make campaign. This is where the end game becomes so important.
the campaign. Even a small town can have a corrupt mayor, Slight hints dropped throughout the game, or bits of evidence
secret-stealing Sheriff, gossip-spreading shop owner, or discovered, should tie into the underlying story and lead to a
paranoid group of recluses. specific finale. Just how the players get there, however, can be
In a Beyond Zombies campaign, deception and lies delightfully unpredictable.
are vital. As the heroes progress through encounters and
missions, each conclusion brings with it a number of
additional questions to be answered, providing motivation The CORE Rule
for even more ventures. Heroes peel back the veneer that
surrounds the forces of society, revealing hidden secrets, The most important thing to
old rivalries, and insidious plots that threaten to shift power emphasize for any Beyond
in massive and dangerous ways. In turn, the heroes’ goals
should influence the world around them. Over time, the campaign is the Core Rule:
heroes might begin to question the truth of the facade Every player character has a
presented before them. Allies might turn out to be opponents purpose . There are no background
and vice versa. The motives of even the most altruistic group
or individual can become misguided, while the actions of the
characters in a party.
enemy might, in fact, hold a noble purpose.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

It is recommended you read Chapters 1-4 before utilizing
this character creation outline. Make a copy of the character
sheet from the rear Appendix of this book, or print one from
online, to use as a record for your character and reference
through this outline.

Starting player characters have the following basic statistics,
unless and until built upon by Skills, Backgrounds, and other

Health Points 20
Will Points 20
Speed 5 Squares
Carrying Capacity 8
Food Requirement 2 Units per Day

Every character has a history, and yours determines
their starting skills and proficiencies. Choose one of 13
Backgrounds: Celebrity, Civilian, Doctor, Government Agent,
Farmer, Infiltrator, Inmate, Leader, Nomad, Priest, Soldier,
Survivor, or Technician.
Backgrounds grant a package of three predetermined
Skills, except for the Civilian background - which grants any
two of your choice.

Though optional, Flaws provide not only provide a character
with very human quirks and flair, but provide a player with
additional Skill Points. Choose up to two of the following
Flaws: Bad Luck, Beacon, Child, Death Wish, Easily
Distracted, Frail, Glass Jaw, Glutton, Infected, Loved One,
Not a People Person, Pacifist, Phobia, Tech Challenged,
Under Contract, Visually Impaired, and Weak Constitution.


Choose any 1 additional Level 1 Skill. If you chose Flaws, use
1 Skill Point per Flaw gained to select any Skill or Skills you
can afford. See Chapter 2: Skills for Skill descriptions.


Depending on the Skills you acquired, you may have Boons Before going into detail on the mechanics of character
available that can be applied to any of the basic Rolls: Attack, creation, you should first develop a theme and overall sense
Coax, Evade, Perception, Resist Contagion, Resist Fear, Stunt of self. What do (or did) you do for a living? What has your
(Athletics), Stunt (Driving), or Tech Mastery. life been like? Have you lost any loved ones? What are your
To mark your Boons, fill in the empty circles on your strengths and skills? What do you hope to accomplish in
character sheet in the Boons section - to a maximum of 10 life? These personal questions will help mold the concept of
per skill. your character, and you can put pencil to paper as a means to
bring them to life. Trying to build a personality and history
around a pre-written character can potentially make them
6. CHOOSE STARTING EQUIPMENT shallow or mechanical.
Your carrying capacity determines your starting equipment, Beyond your own abilities and history, the next important
because currency becomes irrelevant in a crisis. Choose your consideration is how you fit into a group. Are you the
weapons, armor, or gear. mechanic who keeps the weapons and gear in working
Starting characters possess items based on a weight score, condition? Are you the medic who treats the injured while
and be default can carry a max combined score of 8. searching for a zombiism cure? Are you the soldier who
protects fellow survivors with brute strength and a keen shot?
Knowing your place in a group will not only put the finishing
touches on your character, but can allow you to fall into a
niche during combat or stressful situation. Knowing your role
could mean the difference between life and death.


As with other roleplaying games, Beyond Zombies carries an
element of uncertainty in the actions of the characters. There
is a risk of failure, and hope of success, in the more vital
choices a player and their character may make. Jumping over
a deadly chasm, shooting at an enemy, or trying to hack into
a secure mainframe all require skill to accomplish. However,
there is little need or reward in requiring rolls for every
trivial reason. Characters with the appropriate skill set and
background are presumed to be talented in certain fields. A
doctor knows medical procedures and doesn’t need to roll to
remember them. A former football player can not only tackle
someone easily enough, but can recite past football scores.
A licensed electrician should have no fear of electrocuting
herself on the job.
There are 8 core situations that necessitate the roll of a
d20 – Attacking, Coaxing, Evading, Resisting Contagion,
Resisting Fear, using Stealth, performing a Stunt, and
showing Tech Mastery. Specifics of each use are listed below.


If your total for the roll is 9 or lower on the die, then EVADE: Whenever you are subject to an attack or an area
whatever action you were attempting fails. A result of 10-14 effect – such as falling debris or an explosion, roll a d20
is considered a minor success. A result that is 5 more than to evade it. On a minor success, you take half damage,
a minor success (15-19 by default) is considered a major rounded up (though effects such as poison or Contagion,
success. apply as normal). On a major success, the attack misses
A result of 20 is always considered a critical success. you completely. On a critical success, you can move up to
Certain Skills (detailed in Chapter 2: Skills) can raise or your base movement speed as part of your reaction. On a
lower the target number required for a success, as well as give critical failure, you take double damage and secondary effects
unique options for each roll. automatically apply.
If you roll a 1, conversely, it is considered a critical failure. Anything targeting a Player with an attack does not need
On a critical failure, something catastrophic happens. If to make an Attack Skill roll. It is trumped and replaced by the
a critical failure is not detailed under a particular Roll, Evade maneuver only. See the next section of Player vs Player
the Narrator can and should come up with the tragic interactions in this regard.
happenstance instead.
Unless otherwise specified, there are no rerolls or PERCEPTION: Whenever you are attempting to notice
additional attempts at a failed roll. Failure is failure, and there something specific – such as the presence of enemies or
are no second chances. Depending on the situation, however, the truthfulness of someone’s words - roll a d20 to notice
a Narrator may make exceptions. it. On a minor success, you detect the presence of danger
or falsehood, but not the specifics. On a major success, you
ATTACK: Whenever you want to attack a target, regardless know general information – such as the location and number
of the weapon, you roll a d20. On a minor success, you of nearby enemies, or the difference between truths and lies
deal normal damage. On a major success, you deal double in the same statement. On a critical success, you know subtle
damage. On a critical success, you can choose to either deal details – such as the names of enemies nearby or the reason
four times normal damage or only twice normal damage for a target’s attempted deception.
with an additional effect (such as knocking your foe down or
disarming them) as approved by your Narrator. On a critical RESIST CONTAGION: Any time you come into contact with the
miss, you either fall prone (melee), your weapon becomes bodily fluids of the Undead – whether second-hand through
inoperable until fixed (ranged), or some other detrimental touching blood on the ground, or first-hand through being
effect as determined by your Narrator. bitten – roll a d20. On a minor success, you fall ill but recover
with a night’s rest. On a major success, you recover within
COAX: Roll a d20 to persuade a target into doing something an hour. On a critical success, you suffer no ill effects at all.
it wouldn’t normally do, such as risk danger to run toward On a miss, you are infected and will become a zombie within
you or forget its target to attack you instead. On a minor hours. On a critical miss, you become a zombie within 1
success, your target approves of the action but may take its round.
time in reacting. On a major success, the target immediately The Narrator is encouraged to make this roll for the Player
stops what it is doing to follow your command. On a critical in secret. This builds the fear and suspense over wondering
failure, the target either runs away from you or is enraged whether or not they are infected before they can be treated.
into further attacking its prior target. On a miss, the resulting number is how many hours it takes
Unless specifically stated, Coax rolls have no effect on for the Contagion to claim its victim.
the undead. General Coax rolls also do not affect Player
Characters, though special uses of Coax Rolls granted by RESIST FEAR: Most enemies – especially undead – possess a
acquired Skills can (such as the Charisma Skill tree). Fear Factor (see Chapter 5). This is the potential Will Point
damage they can inflict on players by their mere presence.
To resist being frightened by this trait, roll a d20. On a minor


success, take only half of the Fear Factor damage (rounded TECH MASTERY: Roll a d20 whenever you want to wrest control
down). On a major success, you suffer no damage at all. On of a computer system or mechanical device without the
a critical success, you not only take no damage but heal lost knowledge of the owner. On a minor success, the opponent
Will Points equal to the Fear Factor damage. You cannot heal notices someone is tampering with the tech but may take
more than your maximum Will Points by this method. On a some time to locate you. On a major success, the opponent
critical miss, you take twice the Fear Factor damage and are could take quite a while or simply think it’s a glitch in the
considered Frightened of the target or targets until calmed. system. On a critical success, the opponent has no idea that
the tech is compromised. On a critical failure, the tech shuts
SNEAK: Roll a d20 when you are trying to avoid detection. On down or immediately alerts the opponent to your presence
a minor success, you are hidden as long as you don’t move. and location.
On a major success, you can move normally without being You also roll an opposed Tech Mastery roll when an
detected. On a critical success, you can not only move but opponent attempts to regain control of the compromised
perform a single Action (including attack) without being Tech. The higher of the two rolls maintains control, and the
detected. On a miss, the surrounding enemies notice you loser cannot try again for at least 24 hours.
and will likely come to investigate. On a critical miss, you are
spotted and the enemies immediately give chase.
Once hidden, you remain hidden unless you do something
to reveal your presence – such as attack, make a noise or NPCs vs player characters
move across light. You can also make a Sneak roll to represent As a general rule, monsters and NPC’s do not roll dice to
how easily you make it across long distances, such as a city, attack or affect players, nor do they roll to defend themselves
without running into a zombie encounter. In this situation, a from players. Only players make die rolls to verify success
minor success indicates nearly a day of stealthy travel. On a or failure at an action. When attacking, intimidating, or in
major or critical success, the distance is cleared within mere any other way exerting their will onto others they roll and
hours or less. determine their success. Conversely, the players roll to avoid
getting hit or affected by such targets.
STUNT: Sometimes desperate times call for desperate When one player character chooses to attack or affect
measures. Roll a d20 any time you want to accomplish a another player character for whatever reason, both the
physical stunt that is beyond your normal means. This could aggressor and the defender roll. The player with the higher
include a civilian jumping across a gap between buildings, a roll is the victor, and the result of the d20 roll is determined
driver swerving to avoid a bystander who fell into the road, appropriately as normal. See Page 53 in Chapter 4 for more
or disarming a bomb with mere seconds to go. Unlike other information on Player vs Player combat.
uses of a d20, Stunts are almost entirely narrative. A minor
success could include accomplishing the task but with some
detriment – such as landing the jump across rooftops but
painfully twisting your ankle. A major success would have no BLESSINGS, CURSES, Boons, AND LOSSES
detriments. A critical success should include an appropriately There are four ways in which d20 rolls can be altered for
epic addition – such as not only disarming the bomb on your favorable or negative conditions. Blessings and Curses can be
vehicle at the last moment, but attaching it to your enemy’s either temporary or permanent. When a roll is Blessed, roll
as he speeds away. A critical failure would also entail an two d20 dice instead of the usual 1, and pick the die with the
appropriately catastrophic result – such as not only failing the higher result. If a roll is Cursed, you must choose the lower of
driving stunt, but launching yourself through the windshield the two rolls. Numerous skills grant or remove Blessings and
in the process. Curses, and remembering to utilize these abilities can mean
the difference between life and death, success and failure.
Boons and Losses work a little differently. A Boon on a
roll lowers the minimum target number for a minor success


from 10 on a d20 down to 5. This effectively doubles the CHARACTER HISTORY & Backgrounds
target range of a major success. A Loss, conversely, raises Everyone has a past. Some are thrust into roles of leadership
the minimum to 15 – effectively eliminating the chance of or heroism by extraordinary circumstances. Some have
a major success. A player with a Loss on their roll can only clawed their way up to positions of authority by years of
make due with a minor success or hope for a lucky critical perseverance. Still others were menial citizens, absently
success. Boons typically have a limited amount of daily uses, marching to and from office cubicles every day until the
determined by skills. world suddenly went to Hell. Your character’s background
Blessings and Curses cancel each other out, as do Boons says more about you than simply what you did for a living.
and Losses. For example, if a person with the Not a People It represents your basic skill set, your core abilities and
Person flaw (Coax rolls are Cursed) has the Pacifism skill trait strengths as a person. Your background can either set you
(Coax rolls are Blessed if not attacking) then when not in apart from others or make you feel a stronger connection
combat their Coax rolls are standard, and are neither Blessed to similar strangers. Perhaps you were a soldier, having to
nor Cursed. defend yourself against an undead horde as your comrades
fell around you. You could have been a medical student
HEALTH AND WILL POINTS working on a virus that got rapidly out of control. You might
Besides Skills, the other important traits to know are your have been a doomsday prepper, one of the few who saw the
Health Points and Will Points. Health Points represent end of the world before it happened.
your vitality, whereas Will Points denote bravery and Your background also shapes your personality to an
determination. extent, raising the question of whether your skills and life
Health is simple enough to visualize. If you take damage, direction have changed or if you still adhere to your past
you lose Health Points. If you are reduced to 1 Health Point ways. Are you proud of what you did for a living? Do you
you are considered Incapacitated. You fall unconscious, aspire to do something else with your life? What do your
cannot take any actions, and any beneficial effects you were skills bring to a group? What have they done to keep you
receiving end. If you are reduced to 0 Health Points you alive so far?
are considered Dying. You have 3 rounds to be healed or
stabilized or you bleed to death at the end of your turn. These BACKSTORY: You should come up with a character
rounds can be extended by a number of rounds equal to the profile and backstory before choosing a Background.
number of Resilience skill levels you possess (maximum 10). This way your Background reflects who you are, instead
Will is a bit more conceptual than Health. The mere of the other way around. Even seemingly trivial details
presence of zombies and the unholy carnage they wreak can provide great roleplaying opportunities and elements of
traumatize the feeble soul. Some types of zombies, enemies personality. Where were you born? What was, or is, your
and even NPC’s can target the Will instead of the body. If you family like? What do you value most? What do you fear?
are reduced to 1 Will Point you are considered Shocked. You Above all, what is the goal you hope to accomplish?
are conscious but cannot take any actions besides a single
move action per round. If you are reduced to 0 Will Points EXPOSURE: At some point, everyone has encountered
you are considered Petrified. You cower, fall prone or are zombies. Did they emerge from nowhere, throwing your
otherwise rendered immobile. You cannot take any actions or predictable life into utter chaos? Were they already a
make any movement. part of the world, monsters in the dark that your parents
Presuming you are not suffering recurring damage, Health warned you of as a child? Did zombies claim someone
Points heal naturally at a rate of 1 per hour and Will Points at you loved? Have you ever been face-to-face with one, or
a rate of 1 per minute. have you only heard of their horrors second-hand?


DARK SECRET: Everybody has secrets. Having a secret DOCTOR: Your many years of medical and scientific training
that your character hopes never to reveal to others have placed you into the academic elite. Unfortunately this
provides you with an anchor in your mind, holding has created a love-hate relationship among the populace. As
true to one element that is integral to your character’s a medic, your skills are valued in any group. As a scientist,
personality and behavior. Perhaps you had to kill a the blame for the zombie disease outbreak falls squarely on
loved-one-turned-zombie, fostering both a grudge and your robed shoulders. Perhaps you were a surgeon who came
hesitation to do the same again. You could have had too close for comfort to the reanimated bodies of the undead.
a hand in spreading or even causing the contagion, Maybe you had a private practice, complete with a chemical
prompting a desire to redeem yourself. Maybe you killed lab of your own. You could have been a medical student,
other survivors over resources, realizing you are not far forced to apply your training much sooner than you had
from the psyche of a zombie yourself. anticipated
BONUS SKILLS: Charisma (Peace), Medicine (First Aid),
There are 13 Backgrounds to choose from. Each has a set of Medicine (Prevention)
Level 1 Skills granted by default on choosing them. Once
selected, these Skills cannot be changed. In addition to these GOVERNMENT AGENT: CIA. FBI. Homeland Security. The police
bonus Skills, you also receive 1 skill of your choice. By adding department. Your training and position placed you at the
a Flaw to your character (see the section later in this chapter) forefront of the zombie threat, and also afford you a degree of
you may also choose one additional skill. authority even with the degradation of society. You are used
to having a badge, either using it as a shield or a license. Were
CELEBRITY: You come from a place of wealth and prestige, you privy to government secrets and files? Did you uphold
when suddenly you found your fame suited you little and you your position with honor, or use it to sate your thirst for
couldn’t eat your money. While you may not necessarily have power? Do you have connections with the government, and if
been rich, you certainly commanded a following of fans and so how are you still beholden to them?
admirers. Perhaps you were an actor or singer, accustomed to BONUS SKILLS: Charisma (Intimidation), Combat
being waited on and driven from place to place. Perhaps you (Pistols), Tactics (Maneuvers)
owned a gentleman’s club, an establishment you converted
into a hazard shelter. You could even have been a politician, FARMER: While others pushed pencils and cursed getting
using your connections and deep pockets to buy the stuck in traffic, you got your hands dirty providing food to
compliance of others. the people. Your blood and sweat have provided a life and
BONUS SKILLS: Charisma (Peace), Resilience (Recovery), income for yourself and your family. You were likely among
Resources (Contacts) the last to hear of the zombie outbreak, or the least likely to
encounter them later on. Still the horde was inevitable, and
CIVILIAN: Like billions of others, you come from the now your green thumb could mean the only hope for survival
common stock of society. You could have been a teacher. A when food is in short supply.
clerk. A cashier. A student. A sewer worker. A bus driver. BONUS SKILLS: Athletics (Stamina), Resources (Farming),
Your skills may not seem as specialized as other professionals, Resources (Hunting)
but you have a versatility of your own. No two civilians are
alike, and you are no less determined to survive.


INFILTRATOR: It’s not so much the dead that concerns you. PRIEST: When the dead walk and the End Times have come,
It’s the living. Even with monsters prowling the darkness, it is to be expected that many flock to the promise of divine
there are human threats and obstacles to overcome. You may deliverance. You were raised to fear the day that darkness
need to get into a food bunker protected by angry shut-ins spreads over the Earth, and that day has finally come. You
with shotguns. You may find yourself imprisoned by a sheriff could have been a Catholic priest with aspirations of rising
with nothing better to do. Perhaps the greatest threat to the the ranks of your Church. Perhaps you were a voodoo
people is the local military base. In these cases, you will need practitioner, someone ideally suited to combat the Zombie
an infiltrator, someone trained in stealth and espionage. After curse. Regardless of denomination, your faith gives you
all, someone needs to protect the people from themselves. strength and others salvation.
BONUS SKILLS: Combat (Rifles), Tactics (Stealth), BONUS SKILLS: Charisma (Peace), Charisma (Religion),
Technology (Surveillance) Tactics (Willpower)

INMATE: At some point in your life, or most of it, you ran SOLDIER: You were born a fighter. Whether you were drafted
afoul of the law. Your time in prison hardened your mind or voluntarily enlisted, the military fostered that instinct and
and toughened your body. It takes a lot to shake you, and you built you into a war machine. You could be a rookie recruit,
couldn’t care less how concerned or uncomfortable others your basic training cut short be an invasion for which no one
are in your presence. Now that you’re out, you’re determined had prepared you. You might be an aged veteran, picking up
never to go back – even if it means silencing those who might weapons that have collected dust for decades. Perhaps you
turn you in. aren’t even a member of the armed forces, instead a self-
BONUS SKILLS: Athletics (Strength), Resilience taught roughneck with an itchy trigger finger. One thing is
(Toughness), Tactics (Willpower) certain, you know how to fight.
BONUS SKILLS: Combat (Any Three)
LEADER: In any stressful situation, you find that others flock
to your banner. You have a way with words that comforts SURVIVOR: They all laughed at you. The crazy, gun-toting,
others and a knack for social organization. Perhaps you paranoid whack-job living along out in the woods. Well,
were an office manager of a large company. Maybe you were who’s laughing now? You tried to warn them, and they
a college teacher, known for turning at-risk students into ignored you. Now you fight against the doomsday you’ve
promising graduates with sheer persistence. Whatever your been prepping for all these years. Through wit and rugged
history, people are your resource – and survival. ingenuity, you managed to create a haven of your own.
BONUS SKILLS: Charisma (Leadership), Resources BONUS SKILLS: Combat (Rifles), Resilience (Toughness),
(Contacts), Tactics (Maneuvers) Resources (Armory)

NOMAD: If Zombies are running to the left, you’re running to TECHNICIAN: Mechanics. Engineers. Electricians. Those who
the right. Let others lock themselves into their own coffins were adept with the technology of the modern era have found
if they want, but the undead are coming – and you won’t be their skills both rarely used and desperately needed in the
there when they do. You’ve been on the move for as long as post-apocalypse. Vehicles still need to drive. Weapons and
you can remember, either because you love the open road or gear need to be repaired. Holes in shelters need to be patched
because it’s the only safety you know. up. When the world starts breaking down around you, it’s up
BONUS SKILLS: Athletics (Speed), Driving (Light), Tactics to you to keep it running.
(Awareness) BONUS SKILLS: Technology (Craft), Technology (Modify),
Technology (Repair)


FLAWS EASILY DISTRACTED: Focus and attention aren’t your forte.
Nobody is perfect. Greed, frailty, cowardice and all kinds of Whenever you fail a Perception roll, you spot something
inadequacies are part of what defines humanity. It is in these else that intrigues you. You try to investigate at your earliest
flaws that you can flesh out a more realistic and interesting convenience. If it was a critical failure, you drop everything
character. Flaws do more than just hinder your character, you’re doing to go check out the phantom interest.
they shape their personality and abilities. When you think
of your strengths, try to think of an equal and opposite FRAIL: You’re skin and bones, elderly, or in some other way
weakness that corresponds with those strengths. Maybe your physically challenged. You cannot take any more than two
by-the-book Government Agent is still employed, unable to Athletics or Resilience skills in any individual branch.
wipe their nose without first clearing it through the proper
channels. Perhaps your timid Priest only joined the church GLASS JAW: You have what some may call a delicate frame,
because out of fear of the undead, fleeing at the first sign or an allergy to pain. You fall unconscious and become
of trouble. Your lonely Survivor could have a loved one Incapacitated at 5 Health Points, instead of the usual 1.
who sent for help. Your Technician could be confined to a
wheelchair, dispensing advice more often than getting your GLUTTON: You need to eat. You love to eat. Your appetite is
hands dirty yourself. seemingly unquenchable. You require 4 Food Units per day
At character creation, you can choose up to 2 Flaws. For for optimal health, instead of the usual 2.
each Flaw you select, you receive 1 extra Skill Point to put
where you wish. You can only select Flaws for Skill Points at INFECTED: You have been bitten by a zombie or somehow
creation, though your Narrator may bestow or remove them exposed to Contagion, an exposure that has left you tainted.
later, depending on your character portrayal. Any time you see blood from a living person, roll a d20 or
have the Narrator roll. On a miss you try to consume the
BAD LUCK: Things just never seem to go right for you. Any blood as soon as you can, but discretely as possible. On a
time you roll a critical success, roll again. You must take the critical failure, you launch into a frenzy and attack the bleeder
result of the second roll, even if it is worse. immediately. On any success, you suppress you urges for a
number of minutes equal to the roll result.
BEACON: Some group – be it undead or living – always seems
to know where you are, and will not stop hunting you. LOVED ONE: Somewhere out there is a friend, family member,
Any time you are in a location for an extended period, the or loved one that constantly occupies your mind. You cannot
Narrator secretly rolls a d20. On a minor success the enemy willingly leave a loved one behind, or go to any location other
force will come knocking within hours. On a major success, than where they likely are, and must be successfully Coaxed
they arrive in minutes. On a critical success, they arrive by someone else to take a different course of action.
NOT A PEOPLE PERSON: Your bedside manners and social
CHILD: You are far too young to see the horrors you’ve seen. graces suck. Your Coax rolls are Cursed.
Your movement speed is 1 square less than others, and any
melee damage you deal is halved (rounded down). PACIFIST: Violence is never the answer, even if it’s snarling in
your face. You cannot take Combat skills.
DEATH WISH: You’re tired of running. You would rather
die with a weapon in your hand than a gash in your back. PAIN INTOLERANCE: You hate getting hit, especially in the face.
You cannot willingly disengage from combat, and must Any time you take Health Point damage, you also take Will
be successfully Coaxed by someone else to flee from an Point damage equal to half the damage (rounded down). If
encounter. you reach 1 Will Point before you reach 1 Health Point, you
surrender or flee if at all possible.


PHOBIA: You are terrified of a particular location, situation, or GAINING SKILL POINTS
thing. When you encounter your Phobia, you must make a Generally speaking, characters gain experience and skill
Resist Fear roll with an automatic Loss. On a miss, you freeze simply by living our their lives and going on missions.
in place and cannot move or act until Coaxed by someone Character advancement is unnecessary in a short adventure,
else to do so. On a critical miss you flee at top speed until wherein premade characters can be satisfactory, but during
safely far away. a lengthy campaign players may wish to improve their
characters’ Skills beyond the basics. Advancement is not
TECH CHALLENGED: Some would-be gardeners are said to a requirement, but it can reflect the characters’ earned
have a “black thumb.” You have the tech equivalent of that knowledge through conflicts with the environment, other
affliction. Electronics don’t like you, and you don’t like them. characters, or even with themselves.
You cannot purchase any Technology skills, and your Tech The Narrator is encouraged to award all characters one
Mastery rolls are Cursed. bonus Skill Point roughly every other role-playing session.
The Narrator may also reward exceptionally talented or active
UNDER CONTRACT: You belong to an organization or group players with an extra Skill Point. Each player can assign
with strict rules and miles of red tape. You cannot perform these Points to Skills immediately or accumulate them for
any major decisions, travel, or eliminate any living enemies future use. Each Skill level purchased costs the number of
without their permission. You cannot openly disobey orders, experience points equal to the level you are purchasing.
and must be successfully Coaxed by someone else to do so. For example: Purchasing level 1 of Combat (Pistols) costs
1 Skill Point. Level 2 costs 2 Skill Points. Obtaining all 5 levels
VISUALLY IMPAIRED: Whether you have one good eye or two of the Pistols skill branch would cost a total of 15 Points.
terrible ones, your eyesight is not the best. Your Perception Players are encouraged to assign Skill Points to Skills their
rolls are Cursed. If your eyesight is corrected by glasses, it characters have used often. The Narrator can accept the idea,
removes the Curse. Without glasses, however, the Curse reject it, or require the character to perform certain game
returns and Perception checks also have an automatic Loss. activities in order to support the acquisition of a new Skill. At
the Narrator’s discretion, characters can also use bonus Skill
WEAK CONSTITUTION: You can’t stand the sight of blood, Points to remove Flaws that are no longer appropriate to their
especially your own. Any time you perceive blood, entrails, character concept.
or anything else comparatively nauseating within 6 squares, If characters gain or lose equipment, during adventures
make a Resist Contagion roll. On a miss, you vomit – losing or due to changing Skills, the Narrator can make them wait
half of any Food Units you consumed that day. On a critical a session or so to reacquire it or force them to make do with
miss, you lose all Food Units. inferior equipment unless circumstances allow a replacement.


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