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Rank IV USSR | Premium | Golden Eagles
Rank IV USSR | Premium | Golden Eagles INFO

Tu-1 Pack
This page is about the premium Japanese fighter Bf 109 E-7 (Japan). For other versions, see Bf 109

Bf 109 E-7
Japan II Rank

Battle rating: Class:

3.0 3.0 2.7
The Bf 109 E-7 is a premium rank II
Japanese fighter with a battle rating of 3.0
1 000
(AB/RB) and 2.7 (SB). It has been in the
game since the start of the Open Beta Test Show in game
prior to Update 1.27 as the Bf 109 E-3; it
was renamed to the Bf 109 E-7 in Update
1.65 "Way of the Samurai".

While essentially the same plane as the E-3, the E-7

overcomes the inadequate MgFF for MgFF/M, featuring
the fantastic minengeschoße. With two wing-mounted MG
FF/Ms with 60 rounds each, the plane has an even more 1 Description
deadly punch, attributed solely to the new installed HE-20 2 General info
mm shell. Fighting in the E-7/U2 is essentially the same as 2.1 Flight performance
with all E-frame 109s. 2.1.1 Details
2.2 Survivability and armour
Remaining a great energy fighter versus its historical 2.3 Modifications and economy
opposition, the E-7 is somewhat troubled by the fact that it 3 Armaments
often faces mid-to-later warplanes such as the P-47D. To 3.1 Offensive armament
engage these, make sure you have a clear energy advantage 4 Usage in battles
or, if attacked, fly defensively and attempt to bleed the 4.1 Manual Engine Control
enemies speed while pulling him down. The Bf 109 E-7 is 4.2 Pros and cons
often not regarded as a good turner, a reputation coming out
5 History
of the fact that its main rival, the Spitfire, simply did it
5.1 In-game description
better. However, especially with combat flaps, the E-7 is a
6 Media
respectable turner able to out turn most planes that
outperform it. Keep in mind though that one of the changes 7 See also
from E-3 to E-7 increased the frame's weight. Flat turning 8 External links
should only be reserved for extreme situations.

General info
Flight performance

Max speed
at 5 000 m 570 km/h

Turn time 20 s

Max altitude 11 000 m

Engine Daimler-Benz DB-601N

Type Inline
Cooling system Water

Take-off weight 3t

Speed Max Turn time Rate of climb Take-
Characteristics (km/h at altitude (seconds) (metres/second) off run
5,000 m) (metres) (metres)

Stock 544 532 21.3 21.8 14.0 14.0

11000 376
Upgraded 594 570 18.7 20.0 26.5 17.8



Combat Take-off Landing Air Arrestor

flaps flaps flaps brakes gear

✓ ✓ ✓ X X


Flaps (km/h)
Wings Gear Static G
(km/h) (km/h) Take-
Combat Landing + -

790 320 487 471 280 ~12 ~5

Optimal velocities (km/h)

Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator

< 370 < 370 < 420 > 250

Compressor (RB/SB)

Setting 1

Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power

4,800 m 905 hp 1,086 hp

Survivability and armour

Crew 1 person

Speed of destruction
Structural 790 km/h
Gear 320 km/h

10 mm Steel plates behind the pilot.

Modifications and economy

Repair cost
AB 2 300
RB 5 160
SB 390

Crew training 8 100

Experts 54 000
Aces 250
Research Aces 440 000

Reward for battle AB / RB / SB

2 × 70 / 240 / 250 %
2 × 124 / 124 / 124 %


Offensive armament

Weapon 1 2 x 20 mm MG FF/M cannon

Ammunition 120 rounds
Fire rate 520 shots/min

Weapon 2 2 x 7.92 mm MG 17 machine gun

Ammunition 2 000 rounds
Fire rate 1 200 shots/min

The Bf 109 E-7 (Japan) is armed with:

2 x 20 mm MG FF/M cannons, wing-mounted (60 rpg = 120 total)

2 x 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns, nose-mounted (1,000 rpg = 2,000 total)

Usage in battles
Unlike its Emil variant predecessors, the Bf 109 E-7 has improved its flying characteristics, while packing
the MG FF/M at its wings for maximum damage output. Respectable rate of climb and energy retention due
its power-to-weight ratio allow the Bf 109 E-7 to perform BnZ tactics, however due to the limited ammo of
the MG FF/M cannons, this role may be better left to more suitable aircraft, such as the Fw 190s. Instead, Bf
109 E-7 excels at energy fighting, capable of bleeding opponents of energy and quickly striking them down.
Bf 109 E-7 has good manoeuvrability, and combined with strong flaps can deal with anyone trying to
dogfight you. The Air targets belt for your MG FF/M is undoubtedly effective for most aircraft, while
universal ammo for your MG 17 provides AI and AP-I rounds which are capable of setting aflame vital part
of your opponents.

Remember, altitude is everything, so make sure you are above your opponents. Thankfully the engine
provides excellent speed and energy retention which makes climbing even higher without losing much speed
easy. Once you are at altitude and found your opponents, analyze the situation and pick the right target to
deal with. However if someone is above or has same altitude with you, don't attempt to head-on as your MG
17 cannot do much damage while the MG FF/M is less accurate at longer ranges. Instead, evade any shots
from them by doing a barrel roll. If they try to turn vertically, you can turn in aggressively and attempt to
shoot them down. After any engagement, regain your altitude ASAP. You don't want the opponent above
your plane and destroy you without letting you to counter-attack. Be careful not to dive towards your
opponents too steeply (600+ km/h), or you will crash without getting kill at all.

The 2,000 rounds in the pair of MG 17 are sufficient for sustaining battles, but the amount of MG FF/M
rounds is a different story. Its cannon still utilizes the 60-round drum magazine, and its accuracy is mediocre
at best. Once again, picking the right target can prevent you from burning through the cannon ammo in no
time. Adjust your gun convergence to 250-400 m to maximize the effectiveness of MG FF/Ms. Refrain from
attempting to catch bombers as the armament is not strong enough to reliably down them quickly, and also
could get you killed from its defensive gunners. If your cannon has run out, the pair of MG 17 is still capable
doing its job despite its low damage output. Most important of all: don't destroy ground targets as you don't
have any kind of ordnance and save your ammo for your actual role: killing fighters.
Overall, Bf 109 E-7 is fun to play, combining a stable platform, power-to-weight ratio, improved overall
performance, and devastating armament. However, trigger discipline is mandatory as cannon ammo amount
is limited. As long as you have enough energy in your Bf 109 E-7, this plane can overcome anything without
worrying about being overtiered as this plane provide stable performance characteristics.

Specified enemies worth noting:

Spitfires: The bane of your existence. Not only boasting an extremely tight turn radius, but its
armament (8 x 7.7 mm or 2 x 20 mm + 4 x 7.7 mm) is capable of shredding you if you are
unaware of its presence. Its performance in low alt is excellent, and the opposite. If you find one
on your six, do a barrel roll to make them overshoot at you. Climb slightly, and attempt to
scissor as the Spitfire's roll rate is mediocre at best. Once they have bled most of their energy,
rolling over and shooting them down should be easy as their wings are fragile even towards your
7.92 mm MG 17. If you are both at altitude, you can also lure them higher, as the Spitfire's
engine begins to choke above 3,000 m. While so, if they force you into a sustained dogfight, pop
your flaps to takeoff mode, and you may be able to outturn them. Also, remember the Spitfire
engine is prone to overheating, and will soon have to break off from the fight. If they attempt to
do straight flat evasion, use your speed and armament to take him down with ease. However, as
a general of thumb, never attempt to dogfight Spitfire under any circumstances without proper

LaGG-3: LaGG-3s has devastating armament placed in its nose. Avoid head-ons as your MG 17
are inadequate to do this task. LaGG-3 has mediocre manoeuvrability, lousy energy retention,
and inadequate rate of climb. Dogfighting LaGG-3 is a good option to exploit its weaknesses.
Or, if your teammate has engaged with LaGG-3, don't miss the opportunity to destroy LaGG-3.
You should outclimb him, and force him into dogfight where its engine performance is
significantly worse once hit and the aircraft becomes a flying brick.

F4U-1 Corsair: Known for its gull-like wing, F4U Corsair has powerful M2 Browning which
capable to shred your Bf 109 with single burst at well-placed aim. If its not enough, the Corsair
could outrun and outdive you, so special awareness must be taken. However its strength has
significant drawbacks: low rate of climb, poor manoeuvring energy retention, and poor
performance at lower speed, making the Corsair nothing but an easy sitting duck in your sights.
It should be noted despite the inverted gull wing being strong during steep dives, is actually not
durable against enemy fire, especially 20 mm. If they are above you, make sure to lure them to
your current altitude and provoke them into dogfight. Usually, most Corsair player will extend
away if they couldn't hit you, however if they turnfight against you, pop your flaps into takeoff
mode. Once they lose energy and prefer to run away, use your MG 17 to damage, or if lucky, set
him on fire. If below you, watch your speed and decrease the throttle to prevent control
stiffening during engagement. At this point, you have not only secured your altitude, but have
greater energy to make another kill if you miss it. Low-altitude Corsair is dead Corsair, so don't
miss this opportunity to secure your kill.

MiG-3: This Soviet fighter has same armament as LaGG-3s. You'll mostly find it above your
current altitude, so evade its guns and attempt the same as against LaGG-3. Fortunately, its
manoeuvring capability is much worse than F4U and LaGG-3, so countering with a dogfight is
the best option and you can secure the kill much easier even if they attempt to run away.
ITP (M-1): Another worst nightmare beside Spitfire, this Soviet fighter not only has faster speed
than most Soviet fighters, but also sports 2 x 20 mm ShVAK and a 37 mm NS-37 which can
provide devastating damage to your fuselage in a very short burst. Worse still, the player with
ITP will outclimb you by a large margin, and once that happens, he will perform BnZ at you
without giving you room to evade if you are caught. Maintaining your energy is the only key to
fight against ITP, and never attempt to head-on at any cost as it will end badly. Although ITP is
manoeuvrable at high speed, it will not lose energy easily unless it attempts hard manoeuvring.
If you find an ITP ground-pounding, analyze the situation before ambushing. Decrease your
throttle if your speed is more than 450 km/h. If he notices you and pulls manoeuvres, pursue
them and pepper them with your armament.

Manual Engine Control

MEC elements

Mixer Pitch Supercharger Turbocharger
Oil Water Type

Controllable Controllable Controllable Not

Not Not
Auto control Not auto Not auto Separate controllable
controllable controllable
available controlled controlled 1 gear

Pros and cons


The latest Emil variant provides improved overall performance

Respectable amount of light machine gun ammo for sustained engagements
MG FF/M has Minengeschoss ammo which proves deadly against any aircraft
Can endure negative Gs without the engine dying (Realistic and Simulator battles)
Better cockpit visibility than Bf 109 Fs


Less than average instantaneous turn rate

Hard to control over 500 km/h
MG FF/M has low ammo capacity (60 rpg), and low velocity compared with Hispanos and other
20 mm cannons
Relatively poor durability
No suspended armament, limiting its ground attack capabilities

Although Imported, Japan decided to not pursue a license agreement with Germany over the Bf 109E. The
Emil, (Nicknamed Mike) would stay in Japan until the end of the war.

In-game description

Messerschmitt Bf 109E "Emil" single-engine front-line fighter

In 1941, a Bf 109E prototype fighter was sold to Japan as a part of the German-Japanese military technical

The aircraft was delivered to the Land of the Rising Sun without armament for flight tests. Japanese
Hinomaru markings and a tail number of "1" were applied to the fighter, and then the machine underwent a
complete cycle of flight tests at the Kawasaki Company's factory airfield. Comparative tests of the Bf 109E
were also performed, with Japanese army fighters involved, such as the Nakajima Ki-43 Type 1 Hayabusa,
the Nakajima Ki-44 Type 2 Shoki, and the Kawasaki Ki-61 Type 3 Hien prototype. The aircraft was piloted
not only by the Japanese but also by a German test pilot named Willy Stor.

The Japanese were most of all interested in the Messerschmitt's DB 601 engine, whose licensed production
was being mastered by the Japanese industry at the same time and which was to be mounted on the Ki-61
Hien, the newest fighter being developed in Japan. That is why the Bf 109E itself, as well as any prospects
of its licensed manufacture, aroused minimal interest among Japanese specialists.


Skins and camouflages for the Bf 109 E-7 (Japan) from (https://live.warth


Old camouflage scheme of the Bf 109 E-…


Japanese Opinion on the Bf 1…

Japanese Opinion on the Bf 109 - Military Aviation

See also
Aircraft of comparable role, configuration and era

Kawasaki Ki-61
Macchi C.202
Macchi C.205

External links
Official data sheet - more details about the performance (

Bavarian Aircraft Corporation (BFW*) [Expand]

Japan fighters [Expand]

Japan premium aircraft [Expand]

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This page was last edited on 11 September 2021, at 23:00.

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