vAC Teaching Demonstration Lesson Template

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Applicant Name:

Date of vAC:

Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Nabibigkas nang wasto ang letrang __*.
2. Natutukoy ang pangalan ng letrang __*.
3. Nasusulat nang wasto ang letrang __*.
4. Nakikilahok at gumagaling sa pagtitiwala sa sarili sa isang remediation class.

*Applicants can choose any letter to teach except for letter N

Instructions Time Teacher Activity Student Activity

Activity 1: Opening

Use a short
activity/message to
welcome the students
and prepare them for

Activity 2: Introduction

Use a short
activity/material to
introduce students to the
letter of the day.

Activity 3: Present &


Present the letter name,

sound, and writing form.

Provide students with

activities to practice the
learning goals.

Activity 4: Closing

Use a short
activity/message to end
the class.

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