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Good day to our esteemed adjudicator, to my fellow members of the opposition, and to the members of the government.

Now, gaining the idea of independence,

the opposition attests that Mindanao iseconomically incapable of being an independent state supported by the following resons
Mindanao Secession (Economy)



● Self-sustainability: Mindanao's resource wealth ensures economic ● Economic reliance on the Philippines.
independence. ● Security risks without Philippine military support.
● Regional Cooperation: Collaborating with nearby nations enhances ● Lack of international recognition.
economic stability.
● Mindanao lacks support from the state. How will this affect/be a loss in the country.

A. The island lacks support from the country. 1. Unconstitutional | Legal and Constitutional Challenges
a. Mindanao is underdeveloped. ● Possible rebuttals: If it's unconstitutional, then how did East Timor
b. They lacked funds. successfully do it?
a. East Timor/Timor-Leste, used to be a part of Indonesia until
I. Economic Disparities: they formally went to the UN (United Nations) to ask for a
● Mindanao has historically lagged behind Luzon and Visayas in terms of separation in the said country. If it's unconstitutional, then
economic development indicators such as GDP per capita and poverty how come Timor-Leste succeeded?
The PH Cont. affirms the unity and territorial integrity of the nation, making
According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Mindanao consistently secession a legally challenging proposition. Moreover, International law
registers higher poverty incidence compared to Luzon and Visayas. In 2018, the generally upholds the principle of territorial integrity, making it difficult for
poverty incidence among families in Mindanao was recorded at 27.2%, higher regions within existing states to achieve independence unilaterally.
than the national average of 21.0%.
● Source: PSA - 2018 Full Year Official Poverty Statistics 2. Economic Viability
● Mindanao being the second largest island in the country.
II. Infrastructure ● Mindanao may possess abundant natural resources and economic
It is uneven as rural areas lack basic infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and potential, transitioning to an independent state would present
utilities. economic challenges. The region would need to establish its
● Source: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) notes the need currency, trade agreements, and economic policies, as well as
for significant investments in infrastructure in Mindanao to develop institutions to Dmanage its economy effectively.
support economic growth and improve connectivity within the
● Economic viability and sustainability would depend on factors such as
region and with other parts of the Philippines.
the ability to attract investment, diversify industries, and manage
III. Conflict and Security Concerns: public finances.
● Persistent conflict and security concerns in some parts of
Mindanao, particularly in areas affected by insurgency and 3. Social and Cultural Dynamics
armed conflict, have impeded development efforts. [Ex. ISIS | ❖ The possibility of independence may be impacted by the diversity of
War in Marawi]. ethnic, religious, and cultural groups that call Mindanao home.
Building consensus and togetherness among the people in the region
B. Mindanao can stand on their own | ECONOMIC BASED. would require addressing issues of identity, language, and historical
grievances. A legitimate and stable independent Mindanao would
depend on maintaining inclusion and social cohesiveness.
I. Agricultural Productivity:
● referred to as the "food basket" of the Philippines due to its
significant agricultural output.
● contributes a large portion of the country's total agricultural
production. 4. International Recognition and Relations
● Mindanao produces the majority of the Philippines' banana and
pineapple exports. ❖ Gaining international recognition as a sovereign state would be a
major challenge. The majority of nations uphold the idea of territorial
Supporting Fact: According to data from the Philippine Statistics Authority integrity and are hesitant to assist secessionist movements in the
(PSA), in 2020, Mindanao accounted for 42% of the country's total banana
absence of parent state approval. It would take significant
production and 79% of its pineapple production (PSA).
diplomatic work to get diplomatic recognition and build relationships
with other countries, and the Philippine government might oppose
II. Natural Resource Wealth
these attempts. – obv. because Mindanao leaving will affect their
● Mindanao is rich in natural resources, including minerals, forests, and
marine resources.
● The region hosts significant deposits of gold, copper, nickel, and other
5. Security
minerals. ❖ Conflict and instability have occasionally affected Mindanao,
frequently as a result of problems with poverty, inequality, and
Supporting Fact: According to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau, Mindanao ancestral animosities. The process of becoming independent can
holds 34% of the country's total metallic mineral reserves and 77% of its total increase already-existing conflicts or introduce new security risks.
gold reserves (Mines and Geosciences Bureau). Establishing effective governance structures, rule of law, and security
institutions would be crucial for maintaining stability and addressing
security threats. | in connection with number 3. (Social and Cultural
III. Strategic Location for Trade:
● Mindanao's strategic location makes it a potential hub for trade and
commerce, also within the larger ASEAN region. – international CONCLUSION:
shipping routes offer opportunities for trade expansion.
The opposition side confirms that
Supporting Fact: the Davao International Container Terminal in Mindanao ____________________
serves as a major gateway for goods entering and leaving the region (Philippine
- Mindanao contributed 3.24 trillion this 2022 compared to luzon
Ports Authority). - Compared to luzon and visayas, mindanao has a higher loss
IV. Emerging Industries and Economic Zones
● Mindanao is witnessing the emergence of new industries and economic - Marawi war, cost 6 million loss, might cost more taxes??
zones, which can drive economic growth and job creation. - Cost of the wars the national government used, na dapat daw
nagamit daw siya for econmic gworth
- Wars - study made by rappler, giv 2.6 billion will not happen
Supporting Fact: The Davao Region, designated as a Special Economic - Strengthen ties of fellow countries
Zone and an Agro-Industrial Economic Zone, attracting investments in - Mindanao does not of full power of its economy,
manufacturing, agribusiness, and logistics. These developments indicate the
- The philippines
region's potential to diversify its economy and reduce dependency on traditional
1. Mindanao
V. Diversity and Tourism Potential
● Mindanao's rich cultural heritage and natural attractions; It is home to
diverse indigenous communities, historical landmarks, and pristine

Supporting Example:
Mindanao's Siargao Island is becoming well known throughout the world as a
top surfing location. Mindanao may utilize its natural and cultural resources to
draw tourists from both domestic and foreign markets, creating jobs and income
through appropriate infrastructure development and tourism promotion.

Cross Dressing


Opening Statement Opening Statement

Cross-dressing refers to the act of wearing clothing typically associated with a
• dep ed has directed the strict implementation of it executive order protecting gender different from one's own. It involves wearing clothing, accessories, or
the community against gender based violence and discrimination other items that are culturally or socially designated as being for individuals of
a different gender.
• dep eds memo reminding regional directors and school heads
: E.O. 32 series of 2017, or the Gender Responsive Basic Education Policy in In line with this, this house stands that cross dressing shouldn’t be
line with the gradual return to in-person classes. implemented in senior highschool of the School of St. Anthony as —-
1. Anthonians should abide by the Student Handbook of SSA
Hence, this house stands that cross dressing should be implemented in senior specifically on page 43, Section 1, tackling the regular uniform.
highschool of the School of St. Anthony as —- 2. SSA is a catholic school, cross dressing may be a violation of
1. As per the 1987 Constitution Article III, Section 4, of Bill of Rights religious values.
that states “No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of 3. Lack of protection for LGBTQ+ Individuals.
expression, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to 4. May lead to transvestic disorder, affecting oneself and their
assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.” relationship with other people.

2. Promotion of Inclusivity and Acceptance SSA Student Handbook

"Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity" attests that that ● As per Section 1. Regular uniform, the student handbook states the
fostering inclusive settings—which includes supporting gender nonconforming prescribed daily uniform.
behaviors like cross-dressing—improves students' mental health and general ● For male students, they are required to wear a maroon shirt with logo
wellbeing. It lessens feelings of loneliness and promotes a sense of belonging and gray pants. As for women, they are required to also wear a
among people of different gender identities. maroon polo shirt with logo and a gray pencil-cut skirt or pants.
● The student handbook also states that a student who fails to wear
3. Respect for Individual Autonomy his/her complete uniform will not be allowed to enter the campus.
The American Psychological Association (APA) emphasizes the importance of
respecting individuals' autonomy and self-expression, including their gender Contradiction with Religious Doctrine
identity and expression. Allowing cross-dressing in religious private schools ● Catholic teachings often uphold traditional gender norms and may
aligns with this principle and supports students' rights to express themselves view cross-dressing as contrary to these beliefs.
authentically. ● The problem of transvestism, or men dressing as women and vice
versa, is addressed in Deuteronomy 22:5. The Hebrew word
translated as "abomination" means "a disgusting thing, abominable,
4. Alignment with Religious Values of Love and Compassion: in the ritual sense (of unclean food, idols, mixed marriages), in the
Certain theological doctrines place a strong emphasis on accepting, loving, and ethical sense of wickedness." God commands in this passage that a
caring for others. Cross-dressing is acceptable in religious private schools and woman is not to wear that which pertains to a man, and a man is not
may be seen as an extension of these ideals, encouraging tolerance and to wear that which pertains to a woman, for all who do so are an
compassion for those who identify as other genders and express themselves in "abomination."
different ways. ● This is the truth for the Catholic people

Supportive evidence: Gender and Development (GAD) clubs that are practiced Lack of protection agains’t LGBTQ+ Individuals | Are they accepted or
in Public Schools. tolerated?
● According to the Human Rights Watch in a report, Students across
5. Alleviates Gender Dysphoria: the Philippines experience bullying and discrimination in school
Cross-dressing can reduce distress associated with gender dysphoria, because of their sexual orientation and gender identity.
enhancing well-being. (from the "International Journal of Transgender Health.") ● In line with this, the Fuller Project Organization states that there is
currently no national legislation that would protect LGBTQ individuals
6. Fosters Community Support from discrimination in the Philippines, as the Sexual Orientation and
Engaging in cross-dressing connects individuals with supportive communities, Gender Identity and Expression or more commonly known as the
combating isolation. (Supported by organizations like "Transgender Law Center" SOGIE Bill is yet to be passed
and "GLAAD.")
Transvestic Disorder
● Transvestic Disorder, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), is a psychiatric diagnosis
characterized by recurrent and intense sexual arousal from
cross-dressing. They also added that Transvestic Disorder can cause
significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning.
● As per the Psychology Today website, An individual with transvestic
disorder may experience depression, guilt, or shame because of their
urge to cross-dress.
○ This interferes with their romantic relationships or marriages
with women.

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