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Reign of Terror

Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

“O brave men, you who till then had been so patient, so pacific, who, on that day, were to inflict the heavy
blow of Providence, did not the sight of your families, whose only resource is in you, daunt your hearts?
Far from it: gazing once more at your slumbering children, those children for whom that day was to
create a destiny, your expanding minds embraced the free generations arising from their cradle, and felt at
that moment the whole battle of the future!

“The future and the past both gave the same reply; both cried Advance! And what is beyond all time, -
beyond the future and the past, - immutable right said the same. The immortal sentiment of the Just
imparted a temper of adamant to the fluttering heart of man; it said to him: ‘Go in peace; what matters?
Whatever may happen, I am with thee, in death or victory!’”

 Jules Michelet, History of the French Revolution

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death
Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Written By
Jason Pasch

Edited By
Marjorie Lewis

Special Thanks to
Colin LoCascio, Brian Moore, Simon Pasch

Dedicated To
To my children – Simon, Keziah, Salomé, and Qian – for being interested in everything I do.

To my wife – Marjorie – you told me this was a good idea.

To Dr. Cornelius Sippel, who taught History of the French Revolution during my undergraduate
studies – you sparked an interest that led me here

Rabbit Moon Games

© 2013 Rabbit Moon Games. Reign of Terror and all related original characters, marks and logos are trademarks of
Rabbit Moon Games. All rights reserved.

All art is public domain. Map of Central Europe 1789 and Map of Revolutionary Paris 1789 courtesy of Emerson-
Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Table of Contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………..……………… 9

Chapitre Un: Background of the Revolution ………………………..…………….… 15

Timeline of Revolution ……………………………………..……………….. 29

Chapitre Deux: Daily Life in the Revolution ……………………..………………… 39

Glossary of the Revolution ………………………………………………….. 94

Chapitre Trois: Basic Rules ……………………………………………………….… 103

Chapitre Quatre: Expanded Rules …………………………..…………………….… 119

Chapitre Cinq: Characters …………………………………..………………………. 131

Chapitre Six: Narrating the Revolution …………………..…………………………. 145

Chapitre Sept: Constructing the Conspiracy ……………….………………………… 161

Chapitre Huit: Personalities of the Revolution ………………………………………. 205

Annexe A: Bibliography ………………………….………………………………….. 243

Annexe B: Declaration of the Rights of Man ………………………………………… 244

Annexe C: Currency and Costs …………………………..…………………….…….. 246

Annexe D: The Revolutionary Calendar …………………..………………….......... 247

Character Passeport ………………………………………...………………............. 253

Character Record Sheet ..................................................................................... 255

Session Record Sheet ......................................................................................... 256

Signifying Cards References ………………...…………………………….………… 258

Signifying Cards References (Blank) ………………………………………………… 259

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Introduction The Story

Reign of Terror is set in France during the late 18th
A Note Century, at the time of the French Revolution. The
history our textbooks tell us about seems the same
Reign of Terror is a work of fiction set in a world as the history of Reign of Terror, but there are subtle
whose history parallels our own. Reign of Terror is differences. Dark powers are at work in
not intended to be interpreted as reality, or an actual Revolutionary France and conspiracies are in place
historical work. to prevent the powers of the Enlightenment from
achieving their goals. It is the duty of the players in
Storytelling Reign of Terror to stop these evil plots from
These were lurid affairs, featuring divorces,
bankruptcies, droughts, cheating friends, child Reign of Terror is, ultimately, a game, but a game
mortality, diseases of the breast, men cut down about telling stories. If you’ve played other role-
in their prime, failed hopes, lost beauty, women playing games, you can skip ahead to the next
who grew obscenely fat, smuggling deals, chapter. If you haven’t played a role-playing game
opium-taking poets, pinning virgins, curses, before, this section explains what it is all about.
typhoid, bandits, homosexuality, sterility,
frigidity, rape, the high price of food, gamblers, Role-playing
drunks, murders, suicides, and God.
Reign of Terror is a role-playing game. Players take
 Salman Rushdie, Shame on the roles of characters in an ongoing story. It is
similar to improvisational theater, with a dash of
As long as people have gathered, people have the childhood game of make-believe thrown in.
entertained themselves with the telling of tales. The The make-believe games you played as a child –
oral tradition of storytelling is the oldest method of cops and robbers, or cowboys and Indians – were
communicating information and entertainment in role-playing games. Reign of Terror is simply a more
the world. As society has become more diverse and sophisticated version of those childhood games.
sophisticated, so too has storytelling. Where our
ancestors took turns telling one another tales, we Still, Reign of Terror needs a few more rules than the
now watch stories on televisions, or read them in playground. Reign of Terror’s rules act as a guideline
paperback novels. to keep game “fair.” Rules guide the story,
moderating conflicts and determining the outcome
There are still storytellers among us, however. in areas of uncertainty. This book provides the basic
Filmmakers, novelists, actors, and comic book rules for play, as well as providing some more
writers are among those who maintain the ancient advanced options to add to the gaming experience.
art of storytelling. This game is about telling stories,
not just listening to them. It’s an opportunity to Reign of Terror works best when focusing on only a
create new histories – not to merely watch as the few main characters; only a half-dozen or fewer
same old stories are retold. players are recommended. Much of the game’s
intensity and excitement is lost with larger groups
in which players must compete for the attention of
the Narrator.

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Le Narateur encourage the other players to contribute.

Narrating a role-playing game is a tough job and the
Reign of Terror has more in common with plays than support of the players helps the game run smoothly.
with card or board games. Most notably, one
player, called the Narrator, serves a role similar to Role-playing games are not (usually) competitive,
that of a director in the theater. In fact, the Narrator they are cooperative. In most situations the
acts as a combination director, storyteller, and characters are intended to work together to build the
referee, creating the basics of the story through story.
which the players, in the guise of their characters,
interact with the story. Characters
If you choose to play the Narrator, you do nothing To play Reign of Terror you create a role and become
less than create the environment in which the that person within the context of the game. Just as
characters are placed. While players and Narrator actors play characters on stage, players are the
shape events together, the Narrator is responsible protagonists in an improvisational story.
for tying the story’s various threads together and
making sure the game runs smoothly. Your most While a playwright’s characters have a
useful tools in running the game are your predetermined existence, the Reign of Terror
imagination and the rules of the game. character you create develops according to your
desires, though sometimes limited by the
The Players unpredictability of the cards. The character
creation process is relatively simple; it takes only a
The remaining players assume the roles of the half-hour or so to work out the ideas and phrases
story’s protagonists. While the Narrator sets the that will describe your character.
stage for the game, it is the players who take the
stage and create the action. The Game
As a player of Reign of Terror, you create a character There are no “winners” and “losers” in Reign of
living in turbulent times. You decide the character’s Terror. The idea is not to “beat” other players but,
actions over the course of a story as if you were rather, to as have the characters unravel the story
playing a protagonist in a novel or film. Everything together. Nor is the goal to “beat” the Narrator,
you have your character say and do has an impact since the Narrator and players work together to
in the world of Reign of Terror. Your goal is to help create the best story possible. In the end, the idea is
the protagonist overcome the obstacles facing to rise to the challenge in the story, striving to
him/her, thereby achieving his/her objectives. overcome dark forces with your wits and courage.

Occasionally, after you describe “your” action, you Although the setting of Reign of Terror is the French
will play cards from your hand, or draw cards from Revolution and your character’s mission is to
the deck, to determine the outcome of your champion the ideals of the Enlightenment against
character’s action. This adds an element of the forces of darkness, this game is designed for
unpredictability to the game, as you may be players to pursue any number of goals. You can
uncertain what cards you will draw. explore any concepts that interest you. Your series
of stories many deal with this epic conflict or may
Additionally, as a player in a game of Reign of involve protecting the Revolution from outside
Terror, you have some other responsibilities. It’s is invasion, preventing the Royalists from regaining
your job to pay attention and promote the fun. This power, or investigating political maneuvering from
means being actively interested in story that the Counterrevolutionaries. As in real life, the choice
Narrator is trying to tell. As well, you should is yours.

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France
kind, but having a couple of each type of die can
Reign of Terror’s “victory conditions” are less speed up play. These can be found online or at
tangible than being the only player who isn’t shops that sell games.
bankrupt, or cornering your opponent in
checkmate. Success in Reign of Terror may come Outside of dice and a Tarot deck, you will need
about in any number of ways: defeating foes in the paper, pencils, and, perhaps, photo copies of the
course of a story, achieving fame within a political Character Passeport. You’ll also need some sort of
faction, or, perhaps, just avoiding the guillotine. tokens – glass beads or poker chips, perhaps. Now
you’re ready to get started.
There is no official “end” to a storytelling game,
merely breaks between game sessions. Each time Still, other props can make the role-playing
the players gather, the story picks up again just like experience more vivid. Mood lighting, music,
another episode in an on-going TV series or another scribbled notes or sketches; all can serve to make the
chapter in a novel. game seem more real. Remember, though, that
props are just that; it’s the story that matters.
What You Need
If you are not a native of France, you may find the
Reign of Terror is designed for play around a table. following books useful: a French-English
You will need a few things besides this book. dictionary, a travel guide to France, and a sight-
seer’s guide to Paris. Maps of these regions are also
One of the most important things you will need in a useful.
pack of Tarot cards. Tarot cards come in a variety
of designs and themes. While any Tarot deck will
work, it can add to the enjoyment of the game to
choose a deck based on a theme that relates to the
game in some manner. Evocative artwork goes a
long ways towards adding to the enjoyment of the
game. I’ve found both the Marseilles Deck (which is
the original French Tarot deck) and the Fool’s Moon
Deck add to the ambience of Reign of Terror.

In a pinch, if you don’t have Tarot cards, you can

use a regular deck of playing cards. Each of the four
suits of the Tarot can be matched up with one of the
suits of a regular deck of cards. The only thing
you’ll be missing are the Major Arcana, which are
described in Chapitre Trois: Basic Rules.

Another option is to do what they used to do in the

times of the French Revolution: make your own
cards. You can create your own designs and themes
by drawing out your own Tarot deck.

As well, you will need some polyhedral dice. These

are the kind that are normally associated with
traditional role-playing games, like Dungeons &
Dragons, and come is d4, d6, d8, d10 and d12
varieties. You will probably only need one of each

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The History of the Revolution

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

accounted for only 2 percent of the

The History of the Revolution
population, the nobles owned 20 percent of
the land and paid almost no taxes. The
In the 1700s, France was considered the most
majority of the clergy and the nobility scorned
advanced country in Europe. It had a large
Enlightenment ideas as radical notions that
population and a prosperous foreign trade. It
threatened their status and power as privileged
was the center of the Enlightenment, and
France’s culture was widely praised and
imitated by the rest of the world. However,
About 97 percent of the people belonged to the
the appearance of success was deceiving.
Third Estate. The three groups that made up
There was great unrest in France, caused by
this estate differed greatly in economic
bad harvests, high prices, high taxes, and
conditions. The first group – the bourgeoisie,
disturbing questions raised by the Enlightened
or middle class – were bankers, factory
ideas of thinkers like Rousseau and Voltaire.
owners, merchants, professionals, and skilled
artisans. Often, they were well educated and
Ancien Regime believed strongly in the Enlightenment ideals
of liberty and equality. Although some of the
In the 1770s, the social and political system of bourgeoisie were as rich as nobles, they paid
France – the Ancien Regime – remained in high taxes and, like the rest of the Third
place. Under this system, the people of France Estate, lacked privilege. Many felt that their
were divided into three large social classes, or wealth entitled them to a greater degree of
estates. social status and political power.
Two of the estates had privileges, including The workers of France’s cities formed the
access to high offices and exemptions from second, and poorest, group within the Third
paying taxes, which were not granted to the Estate – often called the sans-culottes. These
members of the third. The Roman Catholic urban workers included tradespeople,
Church, whose clergy formed the First Estate, apprentices, laborers, and domestic servants.
owned 10 percent of the land in France. It Paid low wages and frequently out of work,
provided education and relief services to the they often went hungry. If the cost of bread
poor and contributed about 2 percent of its rose, mobs of these workers might attack grain
income to the government. The Second Estate
was made up of rich nobles. Although they

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Voltaire Rousseau

Probably the most brilliant and influential Another great philosophe, Jean Jacques
of the philosophes was François Marie Rousseau was passionately committed to
Arouet. Using the pen name Voltaire, he individual freedom. The son of a poor Swiss
published more than 70 books of political watchmaker, Rousseau won recognition as a
essays, philosophy, and drama. writer of essays. A strange, brilliant, and
controversial figure, Rousseau strongly
Voltaire often used satire against his disagreed with other Enlightenment thinkers
opponents. He made frequent targets of the on many matters. Most philosophes believed
clergy, the aristocracy, and the government. that reason, science, and art would improve
His sharp tongue made him enemies at the life for all people. Rousseau, however, argued
French court, and twice he was sent to that civilization corrupted people’s natural
prison. goodness. “Man is born free, and everywhere
he is in chains,” he wrote.
Although he made powerful enemies,
Voltaire never stopped fighting for Rousseau believed that the only good
tolerance, reason, freedom of religious government was one that was freely formed by
belief, and freedom of speech. He used his the people and guided by the “general will” of
quill pen as if it were a deadly weapon in a society – a direct democracy. Under such a
thinker’s war against humanity’s worst government, people agree to give up some of
enemies – intolerance, prejudice, and their freedom in favor of the common good.
superstition. He summed up his staunch
defense of liberty in one of his most famous Rousseau argued that legitimate government
quotes: “I do not agree with a word you say came from the consent of the governed. He
but will defend to the death your right to argued that all people were equal and that
say it.” titles of nobility should be abolished.
Rousseau’s ideas inspired many of the leaders
of the Revolution.

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

carts and bread shops to steal what they sound, because both production and trade
needed. were expanding rapidly. However, the heavy
burden of taxes made it almost impossible to
Peasants formed the largest group within the conduct business profitably within France.
Third Estate – more than 80 percent of Further, the cost of living was rising sharply.
France’s 26 million people. Peasants paid Bad weather in the 1780s caused widespread
about half their income in dues to nobles, crop failures, resulting in a severe shortage of
tithes to the Church, and taxes to the king’s grain. The price of bread doubled in 1789,
agents. They even paid taxes on such basic and many people faced starvation.
staples as salt. Peasants and the urban poor
resented the clergy and the nobles for their During the 1770s and 1780s, France’s
privileges and special treatment. By the 1790s, government sank deeply into debt. Part of the
the heavily taxed and discontented Third problem was the extravagant spending of
Estate was eager for change. Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette.
Louis also inherited a considerable debt from
previous kings, and he borrowed heavily in
The Forces of Change
order to help the American revolutionaries in
their war against Great Britain – France’s chief
In addition to the growing resentment among
rival. This nearly doubled the government’s
the lower classes, other factors contributed to
debt and by 1786, when bankers refused to
the revolutionary mood in France. New ideas
lend the government any more money, Louis
about government, serious economic
faced serious problems.
problems, and weak and indecisive leadership
all helped to generate a desire for change.
Strong leadership might have solved these and
other problems. Louis XVI, however, was
News views about power and authority in
indecisive and allowed matters to drift. He
government were spreading among the Third
paid little attention to his government
Estate. Members of the Third Estate were
advisers, and had little patience for the details
inspired by the success of the American
of governing. The queen only added to
Revolution. They began questioning long-
Louis’s problems. She often interfered in
standing notions about the structure of society.
government and frequently offered Louis poor
Quoting Rousseau and Voltaire, they began to
advice. Further, as a member of the royal
demand equality, liberty, and democracy. The
family of Austria, France’s long-time enemy,
Comte D’Antraigues, a friend of Rousseau,
Marie Antoinette had been unpopular from
best summed up their ideas on what
the moment she set foot in France. Her
government should be:
behavior only made the situation worse. As
queen, she spent so much money on gowns,
“The Third Estate is the People and the
jewels, gambling, and gifts that she became
People is the foundation of the State; it is in
known as “Madame Deficit.”
fact the State itself; the…People is everything.
Everything should be subordinated to it….It is
Rather than cutting expenses, Louis put off
in the People that all national power resides
dealing with the emergency until he had no
and for the People that all states exist.”
money left. His last minute solution was to
impose taxes on the nobility. However, the
By the 1780s, France’s once prosperous
Second Estate forced him to call a meeting of
economy was in decline. This caused alarm,
the Estates-General – an assembly of
particularly among the merchants, factory
representatives from all three estates – to
owners, and bankers of the Third Estate. On
approve this new tax. The first meeting of the
the surface, the economy appeared to be

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Estates-General in 175 years was held on May that the Third Estate
5, 1789, at Versailles. delegates name themselves the National
Assembly and pass laws and reforms in the
Dawn of the Revolution name of the French people.

The clergy and the nobles had dominated the After a long night of excited debate, the
Estates-General throughout the Middle Ages delegates of the Third Estate agreed to Sieyès’s
and expected to do so in the 1789 meeting. ideas by an overwhelming majority. On June
Under the assembly’s medieval rules, each 17, 1789, they voted to establish the National
estate’s delegates met in a separate hall to Assembly – in effect proclaiming an end of the
vote, and each estate had one vote. The two Ancien Regime and the beginning of
privileged estates could always outvote the representative government. This vote was the
Third Estate. first deliberate act of revolution.

The Third Estate delegates, mostly members Three days later, the Third Estate delegates
of the bourgeoisie whose views had been found themselves locked out of their meeting
shaped by the Enlightenment, were eager to room. They broke down a door to an indoor
make changes in the government. They tennis court, pledging to stay until they had
insisted that all three estates meet together and drawn up a new constitution. This pledge
that each delegate have a vote. This would became known as the Tennis Court Oath.
give the advantage to the Third Estate, which Soon after, nobles and members of the clergy
had as many delegates as the other two estates who favored reform joined the Third Estate
combined. delegates. In response to these events, Louis
XVI stationed his mercenary arm of Swiss
Siding with the nobles, the king ordered the guards around Versailles.
Estates-General to follow the medieval rules.
The delegates of the Third Estate, however, In Paris, rumors flew. Some people suggested
became more and more determined to wield that Louis was intent on using military force
power. A leading spokesperson for the Third to dismiss the National Assembly. Others
Estate’s viewpoint was a clergyman charged that the foreign troops were coming
sympathetic to their cause, Emmanuel-Joseph to massacre French citizens. People began
Sieyès. In a dramatic speech, Sieyès suggested

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France


Jeane de Valois de St-Remy was born came from the private gatherings with
to a noble, but impoverished, family. Marie Antoinette. People were willing
She was orphaned and begged on the to make friends with someone who was
streets, was put to work in couturier a friend with the Queen. She was able
shops, but, eventually, wed Nicolas de to get some money out of them, as well
La Motte, a young man from her as hospitality.
One of the biggest fish she hooked was
The La Mottes began to refer to Cardinal Prince Louis de Rohan. He
themselves as Comte and Comtesse de was from an extremely wealthy and
La Motte, despite having no right to powerful family. He was in his early
the title. Jeanne spent many fruitless fifties, but handsome and a
years attempting to get the attention womanizer. He was also in disfavor
of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, or their with the Queen. Many years earlier, he
ministers. She failed to get more than had insulted the Queen’s mother,
a small pension, which she and her Maria Theresa, and Marie Antoinette
husband quickly spent. had never forgiven him. Jeanne told
the Cardinal that, as a good friend of
Madame La Motte pretended to have Her Majesty, she could repair the
influence with the Queen, even going broken relationship. She composed
so far as to make it look as though she forged letters to convince the Cardinal

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

to send “the Queen” money. She Cardinal to do it. All he had to do was
needed just a little loan to tide her sign his name as guarantor.
over. The Cardinal, thinking he was
patching his friendship with the The necklace was worth a large
Queen, sent the money, which went fortune. Cardinal Rohan showed some
straight into the pockets of the La signs of uneasiness. To convince him,
Mottes. Jeanne arranged for him to “meet the
queen in person.” He was told to go to
At some point, Jeanne learned about the gardens at the Chateau de
a diamond necklace created by Versailles at midnight, where the
Messieurs Boehmer and Bassenge, the queen would personally give her
royal jewelers. They had begun blessing. Jeanne hired a prostitute
assembling a huge pile of diamonds to named Nicole d’Oliva to play the part
make the most extravagant necklace of the queen.
ever produced. They intended for Louis
XV (grandfather of Louis XVI) to buy With all the niceties arranged, the
the necklace for his mistress, Madame necklace was handed off on February
du Barry. The problem is that they had 1, 1785. Cardinal Rohan was given
not been commissioned to make the the necklace by the jewelers. He took it
necklace and there was no guarantee to Jeanne’s rooms in Versailles, where
that the king would buy it. it was given to a man in livery that
Unfortunately for them, the king died the Cardinal believed was a messenger
before the necklace was finished. The from the queen. Instead, it was
new king had no flashy mistress, so the Jeanne’s secretary. Soon, Monsieur de
jewelers tried to interest Marie La Motte was in London selling off
Antoinette in the massively expensive diamonds and there was evidence of a
necklace. It wasn’t really to her taste, sudden economic upturn in the La
though, and besides, the country was Motte household.
going through economic troubles. The
jewelers had mortgaged everything By the summer of 1785, the plot was
they owned to buy the stones. Now they beginning to come to light. It took
had everything invested in a necklace some time for the queen to pay
that they couldn’t sell. attention to the strange messages
being sent by her jewelers. She
There were several very desperate continued to think that they were
people and Jeanne fit them together pestering her to buy the necklace.
like a jigsaw puzzle, seeing where she Finally, it came to light that the
could play them off one another. Cardinal had bought the necklace in
Forged letters were sent to the her name – but that the necklace was
Cardinal: the queen really would like nowhere to be found. The Cardinal
to buy the necklace, but she didn’t was arrested. So was Jeanne de La
dare do it publically. However, “the Motte. Monsieur de La Motte stayed
queen” could get an intermediary to safely in England.
buy it for her. She had chosen the

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

The matter could have been handled Cardinal into an embarrassing

quietly. Louis XVI could have position.
pronounced summary judgment, as it
was his prerogative as king to do so. Jeanne de La Motte was convicted. She
Marie Antoinette, however, wanted to was branded on both shoulders with
be publically vindicated. This was an “v” for voleuse (“thief”) and was
enormous mistake: the trial was condemned to imprisonment in a
sensational. During the entire thing, prostitutes’ prison for life, but
the queen’s name was dragged managed to escape from prison in
through the mud. The queen couldn’t 1787. She made it to England, where
be tried, but she was essentially she wrote salacious memoirs about her
deemed guilty of being loose and life.
immoral. The court acquitted Rohan.
Many people believed that Marie
Antoinette had orchestrated the entire
thing just so that she could force the

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

searching for gunpowder and arms stormed Reform and Terror

the Bastille – a Parisian prison. The mob in
Paris gathered weapons in order to defend the Peasants were not the only members of French
city against attack. On July 14, a mob society to feel the Great Fear. Nobles and
overwhelmed the guards and seized control of officers of the Church were equally afraid.
the building. The angry attackers hacked the Throughout France, bands of angry peasants
prison commander and several guards to struck out against members of the upper
death, and then paraded around the streets classes, attacking and destroying many manor
with the dead man’s heads on pikes. The fall houses. In the summer of 1789, a few months
of the Bastille became a great symbolic act of before the women’s march to Versailles, some
revolution to the French people. nobles and members of clergy in the National
Assembly responded to the uprisings in an
A Great Fear Sweeps France emotional late-night meeting.

Before long, rebellion spread from Paris into The Assembly Reforms France
the countryside. From one village to the next,
wild rumors circulated that the nobles were Throughout the night of August 4, 1789,
hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants. A noblemen made grand speeches, declaring
wave of senseless panic, called the Great Fear, their love of liberty and equality. Motivated
rolled through France. The peasants soon more by fear than by idealism, they joined
became outlaws themselves. Armed with other members of the National Assembly in
pitchforks and other farm tools, they broke sweeping away the feudal privileges of the
into nobles’ manor houses and destroyed the First and Second Estates, thus making
old legal papers that bound them to pay feudal commoners equal to the nobles and the clergy.
dues. In some cases, the peasants simply By morning, the Ancien Regime was dead.
burned down the manor houses.
Three weeks later, the National Assembly
In October 1789, thousands of Parisian adopted a statement of revolutionary ideals –
women rioted over the rising price of bread. the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the
Brandishing knives, axes, and other weapons, Citizen. Reflecting the influence of the
the women marched on Versailles. First, they Declaration of Independence, the document
demanded that the National Assembly take stated that “men are born and remain free and
action to provide bread. Then they turned equal in rights.” These rights included
their anger on the king and queen. They broke “liberty, property, security, and resistance to
into the palace, killing some of the guards. oppression.” The document also guaranteed
The women demanded that Louis and Marie citizens equal justice, freedom of speech, and
Antoinette return to Paris. Fearing for the freedom of religion.
safety of his family, Louis agreed.
In keeping with these principles, revolutionary
A few hours later the king, his family, and leaders adopted the expression “Liberty,
servants left Versailles, never again to see the Equality, Fraternity” as their slogans. Such
magnificent palace. Their exit signaled the sentiments, however, did not apply to
change of power and radical reforms about to everyone. When writer Olympe de Gouges
overtake France. published a declaration of the rights of
women, her ideas were rejected. Later, in
1793, she was declared an enemy of the
Revolution and executed.

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RÉVEILLON RIOTS Many of the National Assembly’s early

reforms focused on the Church. The assembly
The Réveillon Riots occurred between April 26 took over Church lands and declared that
and 29, 1789, and were centered in the St. Church officials and priests were to be elected
and paid as state officials. Thus, the Catholic
Antoine district of Paris where a factory which Church lost both its lands and its political
produced luxury wallpaper was owned by independence. The reasons for the assembly’s
Jean-Baptiste Réveillon. The riots were one of
actions were largely economic. Proceeds from
the sale of Church lands helped pay off
the first instances of violence during the France’s huge debt.
French Revolution.
The assembly’s actions alarmed millions of
French peasants, who were devout Catholics.
Protests began after rumors spread that the The effort to make the Church a part of the
owner had made a speech stating that workers state offended them, even though it was in
accord with Enlightenment philosophy. They
were to be paid lower wages. Workers were
believed that the pope should rule over a
concerned with food shortages, high church independent of the state. From this
unemployment, and low wages after the time on, many peasants opposed the
assembly’s reforms.
difficult winter of 1789.
As the National Assembly restructured the
Groups congregated for a series of protest- relationship between church and state, Louis
XVI pondered his fate as a monarch. Some of
marches. Though the first three marches were
his advisers warned him that he and his family
resolved peacefully, confrontations between were in danger. Many supporters of the
troops and participants in the fourth monarchy thought France unsafe and left the
country. Then, in June 1791, the royal family
demonstration led to the outbreak of violence tried to escape from France to the Austrian
in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine. Netherlands. As they neared the border, they
were apprehended and returned to Paris under
guard. Louis’s attempted escape increased the
The riot killed 25 people and wounded around influence of his radical enemies in the
the same number, although rumor caused the government and sealed his fate.
casualty figures to be exaggerated. The French
Divisions Develop
Army was used to restore order.
For two years, the National Assembly argued
over a new constitution for France. By 1791,
the delegates had made significant changes in
France’s government and society.

In September 1791, the National Assembly

completed the new constitution, which Louis
XVI reluctantly approved. The constitution
created a limited constitutional monarchy. It
also stripped the king of much of his authority.

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It created the new Legislative Assembly with Assembly wanted to influence the direction of
the power to create laws and to approve or the government too. Émigrés, nobles and
reject declarations of war. However, the king others who had fled France, hoped to undo
still held the executive power to enforce laws. the Revolution and restore the Ancien Regime.
In contrast, some Parisian workers and small
Despite the new government, old problems, shopkeepers wanted the Revolution to bring
such as food shortages and government debt, even greater changes to France. They were
remained. The question of how to handle called sans-culottes – or “those without
these problems caused the Legislative breeches.” Unlike the upper classes, who
Assembly to split into three general groups, wore fancy knee-length pants, sans-culottes
each of which sat in a different part of the wore regular trousers. Although they did not
meeting hall. Radicals, who sat on the left have a role in the Assembly, they soon
side of the hall, opposed the idea of a discovered ways to exert their power on the
monarchy and wanted sweeping changes in streets of Paris.
the way the government was run. Moderates
sat in the center of the hall and wanted some Wars and Execution
changes in government, but not as many as
radicals. Conservatives sat on the right side of Monarchs and nobles in many European
the hall. They upheld the idea of a limited countries watched the changes taking place in
monarchy and wanted few changes in France with great alarm, as they feared that
government. similar revolts might break out in their own
countries. In fact, some radicals were keen to
In addition, factions outside the Legislative spread the Revolutionary ideals across

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Europe. As a result, some countries took were members of a radical political

action. Austria and Prussia, for example, organization, the Jacobin Club. One of the
urged the French to restore Louis XVI to his most prominent Jacobins, as club members
position as an absolute monarch. The were called, was Jean-Paul Marat. During the
Legislative Assembly responded by declaring Revolution, he edited a newspaper called
war in April 1792. L’Ami du Peuple (“Friend of the People”). In
his fiery editorials, Marat called for the death
The war began badly for the French. By the of all those who continued to support the king.
summer of 1792, Prussian forces were Georges Danton, a lawyer, was among the
advancing on Paris. Under the Brunswick club’s most talented and passionate speakers
Manifesto, the Prussian commander and quickly became known for his devotion to
threatened to destroy Paris if the the rights of the Parisian poor.
revolutionaries harmed any member of the
royal family. This enraged the Parisians. On The National Convention had reduced Louis
August 10, about 20,000 men and women XVI’s role from that of a king to that of a
invaded the Tuileries, the palace where the common citizen and prisoner. Now, guided
royal family was staying. The mob massacred by radical Jacobins, it tried Louis for treason.
the royal guards and imprisoned Louis, Marie The Convention found him guilty, and, by a
Antoinette, and their children. very close vote, sentenced him to death. On
January 21, 1793, the former king walked with
Shortly after, the French troops defending calm dignity up the steps of the scaffold to be
Paris were sent to reinforce the French army beheaded by a machine called the guillotine.
in the field. Rumors began to spread that
supporters of the king held in Paris prisons The National Convention also had to contend
planned to break out and seize control of the with the continuing war with Austria and
city. Angry and fearful citizens responded by Prussia. At about the time the Convention
taking the law into their own hands. For took office, the French army won a stunning
several days in early September, they raided victory against the Austrians and Prussians at
the prisons and murdered over 1,000 the Battle of Valmy. Early in 1793, however,
prisoners. Many nobles, priests, and royalist Great Britain, Holland, and Spain joined
sympathizers fell victim to the angry mobs in Prussia and Austria against France. Forced to
these September Massacres. contend with so many enemies, the French
suffered a long string of defeats. To reinforce
Under pressure from radicals in the streets and the French army, Jacobin leaders in the
among its members, the Legislative Assembly Convention took an extreme step. At their
set aside the Constitution of 1791. It declared urging, in February 1793 the Convention
the king deposed, dissolved the assembly, and ordered a draft of 300,000 French citizens
called for the election of a new legislature. between the age of 18 and 40. By 1794, the
The new governing body, the National army had grown to 800,000 and included
Convention, took office on September 21. It women.
quickly abolished the monarchy and declared
France a republic. Adult male citizens were The Terror Grips France
granted the right to vote and hold office.
Despite their important role in the Revolution, Foreign armies were not the only enemies of
women were not given the right to vote. the French Republic. The Jacobins had
thousands of enemies within France itself –
Most of the people involved in the including peasants, who were horrified by the
governmental changes in September 1792 king’s execution, priests, who would not

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accept government control, and rival leaders,

THE AUGUST DECREES who were stirring up rebellion in the
provinces. How to contain and control these
The fall of the Bastille on the 14th of July, enemies became a central issue.
1789, was followed by a mass uproar
In the early months of 1793, one Jacobin
spreading from Paris to the countryside. Noble leader, Maximilien Robespierre, slowly gained
families were attacked and aristocratic manors power. Robespierre and his supporters set out
were burned to the ground. Abbeys and castles
to build a “republic of virtue” by wiping out
every trace of France’s past. Firm believers in
were attacked and destroyed. reason, they changed the calendar, dividing
the year into 12 months of 30 days and
renaming each month. This calendar had no
The Great Fear opened up the vulnerable
Sundays because the radicals considered
nature of the French government – there was a religion old-fashioned and dangerous. They
lack of authority at the very center of it. The even closed all churches in Paris, and cities
and towns all over France soon did the same.
prolonged riots and massacres led to a general
anxiety that things might get out of control, In July 1793, Robespierre became leader of the
and they did. Committee of Public Safety. For the next
year, Robespierre governed France virtually as
a dictator, and the period of his rule became
By late July 1789, as the peasant revolt reports known as the Reign of Terror. The
poured into Paris from every part of the Committee of Public Safety’s chief task was to
protect the Revolution from its enemies.
country, the Assembly decided to reform the Under Robespierre’s leadership, the
social pattern of the country in order to pacify committee often had these “enemies” tried in
the outraged peasants and encourage them the morning and guillotined in the afternoon.
Robespierre justified his use of terror by
towards peace and harmony. On the morning suggesting that it enabled French citizens to
of the fifth of August the Assembly abolished remain true to the ideals of the Revolution.
the feudal system, and eliminated many He also made connections between virtue and
clerical and noble rights and privileges.
“The first maxim of our politics ought to be to
The August Decrees were declared with the lead the people by means of reason and the
enemies of the people by terror. If the basis of
idea of calming the populace and encouraging popular government in time of peace is virtue,
them towards civility. However, the August the basis of popular government in time of
Decrees were revised over and over again revolution is both virtue and terror: virtue
without which terror is murderous, terror
during the next two years, and even reversed
without which virtue is powerless. Terror is
during Napoleon Bonaparte’s reign. nothing else than swift, severe, indomitable
justice; it flows, then, from virtue.”

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The “enemies of the Revolution” who

DAY OF DAGGERS troubled Robespierre the most were fellow
radicals who challenged his leadership. In
The Day of Daggers occurred on the 28th of 1793 and 1794, many of those who had led the
Revolution received death sentences – their
February 1791, when the Marquis de Lafayette
only crime that they were considered less
arrested 400 armed aristocrats in Paris. This radical than Robespierre. By early 1794, even
occurred after attempts were made on both Georges Danton found himself in danger.
Danton’s friends in the National Convention,
Lafayette's and the King's lives. afraid to defend him, joined in condemning
him. On the scaffold, he told the executioner,
On the Day of Daggers, Lafayette was away
“Don’t forget to show my head to the people.
attempting to quell a disturbance in St. It’s well worth seeing.”
Antoine. After the stopping of the St. Antoine
The Terror claimed not only the famous, such
uprising, several assassination attempts were
as Danton and Marie Antoinette, the widowed
made on the general, though none were queen. Thousands of unknown people were
successful. also sent to their deaths, often on the flimsiest
of charges. For example, an 18-year-old youth
At around ten o'clock, several hundred armed was sentenced to die for cutting down a tree
that had been planted as a symbol of liberty.
aristocrats and enemies of the Revolution,
Perhaps as many as 40,000 were executed
concerned for the safety of Louis XVI, entered during the Terror. About 85 percent were
the Tuileries. This was seen as an attempt by peasants or members of the urban poor or
middle class – for whose benefit the
the group to help the King escape from Paris.
Revolution had been launched.
Lafayette quickly returned, disarmed the
End of the Terror
crowd, and arrested many of the men. Upon
Lafayette's arrival with the National Guard In July 1794, fearing for their safety, some
many of the aristocrats refused to relinquish members of the National Convention turned
on Robespierre. They demanded his arrest
their arms, which consisted mostly of knives.
and execution. The Reign of Terror, the
Finally, the king begged the gathered nobles to radical phase of the French Revolution, ended
follow the direction of General Lafayette, in on July 28, 1794, when Robespierre went to
the guillotine.
an attempt to prevent further bloodshed. In
coming days most of nobles responsible
emigrated from France.

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French public opinion shifted dramatically In 1796, the Directory appointed Napoleon to
after Robespierre’s death. People of all classes lead a French army against the forces of
had grown weary of the Terror. They were Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia.
also tired of the skyrocketing prices for bread, Crossing the Alps, the young general swept
salt, and other necessities of life. In 1795, into Italy and won a series of remarkable
moderate leaders in the National Convention victories. Next, the young Napoleon led an
drafted a new plan of government, the third expedition to Egypt, but he was unable to
since 1789. It placed power firmly in the repeat the successes he had achieved in
hands of the upper middle class and called for Europe. His army was pinned down in Egypt,
a two-house legislature and an executive body and the British admiral Horatio Nelson
of five men, known as the Directory. These defeated his naval forces. However, Napoleon
five were moderates, not idealists of the managed to keep stories about his setbacks
Revolution. Some of them were corrupt and from the newspapers and thereby remained a
made themselves rich at the country’s expense. great hero to the people of France.
Even so, they gave their troubled country a
period of order. They also found the right By 1799, the Directory had lost control of the
general to command France’s armies – political situation and the confidence of the
Napoleon Bonaparte. French people. When Napoleon returned
from Egypt, his friends urged him to seize
In October 1795, fate handed the young political power. Napoleon took action in early
officer, Napoleon, a chance for glory. When November 1799. His troops surrounded the
royalist rebels marched on the National National Legislature and drove out most of its
Convention, a government official told members, while the remaining lawmakers
Napoleon to defend the delegates. Napoleon voted to dissolve the Directory. In its place,
and his gunners greeted the thousands of they established a group of three consuls – one
royalists with a cannonade. Within minutes, of whom was Napoleon. Napoleon quickly
the attackers fled in panic and confusion. took the title of first consul and assumed the
Napoleon Bonaparte became the hero of the powers of a dictator. The French Revolution
hour and was hailed throughout Paris as the had come to an end.
savior of the French Republic.

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The Timeline of the French Revolution


 Start of the Seven Years' War, which compounds France’ debt situation

 The future Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette

 Parlements are abolished; massive political protest

 Louis XVI comes to the throne. Parlements are restored, Turgot’s experiments in deregulation begin

 Start of the American War of Independence (1775–1783)

 Turgot removed from office. Replaced by Jacques Necker

 France declares war against Great Britain in support of the American colonies. The subsequent war worsens France’s debt
situation further

 February: Jacques Necker releases his Compte Rendu, leading ordinary French to believe that the economic situation is stable.
 The Ségur Ordinance prevents those without at least a century of nobility from entering the army officer corps.

 Treaty of Paris ends the American War of Independence. The success of the American colonists against a European power
increases the ambitions of those wishing for reform in France.

 The Diamond Necklace Affair results in the discrediting of Marie Antoinette.

 August 20: Finance minister Calonne informs Louis that the royal finances are insolvent
 December 29: The Assembly of Notables is convoked

 February 22: First Assembly of Notables meets to discuss state financial instability and general resistance by the nobility to
the imposition of taxes and fiscal reforms.
 March: Calonne's publication of his proposals and the intransigence of the Notables leads to a public clash and impasse

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 April 8: Louis dismisses both Calonne and the Keeper of the Seals, or Minister of Justice, Miromesnil, in an attempt to break
the impasse.
 April 13: Louis appoints Lamoignon Keeper of the Seals
 April 30: The Archbishop of Toulouse and vocal leader of the higher clergy, Loménie de Brienne is appointed chief minister
of state
 May 25: The first Assembly of Notables is dissolved
 June: Brienne sends edicts for tax reform legislation to the parlements for registration
 July 2: Parlement of Paris overwhelmingly rejects the royal legislation
 August 6: Legislation passed, during a special session presided over by Louis XVI. Subsequently, the parlement declares the
legislation illegal. Supported by public opinion, it initiates criminal proceedings against the disgraced Calonne
 August 15: Louis dismisses the Parisian parlement and orders the parlementaires to remove themselves to Troyes
 August 19: Louis orders the closure of all political clubs in Paris
 September: Civil unrest in the Dutch republic leads to its invasion by the Prussian army, and increases tensions in Paris.
Brienne backs down with his legislative demands, settling for an extension of the income tax, and the parlementaires
are allowed to return to Paris.
 November 19: A royal session of the Paris parlements for registration of new loans turns into an informal lit de justice (a session
presided over by the king) when Louis doesn't allow a vote to be taken
 November 20: The vocal opposition of the duc d'Orléans leads to his temporary exile by direct order of the king, and the
arrest and imprisonment of two magistrates

 May 6: Orders for the arrest of two Parisian parlementaires, d'Eprémesnil and Goislard, who are most implacably opposed to
the government reforms, are issued; the parlement declares its solidarity with the two magistrates
 May 7: d'Eprémesnil and Goislard are imprisoned
 May 8: Parlements are abolished by edict
 June 7: Day of the Tiles in Grenoble - a meeting called to assemble a parlement in defiance of government order put down by
 June: Outcry over the enforced reforms ensues, and courts across France refuse to sit
 July 5: Brienne begins to consider calling an Estates-General
 July 20: Meeting of the Estates of Dauphiné, known as the Assembly of Vizille and led by Jean Joseph Mounier, to elect
deputies to the Estates-General, adopts measures to increase the influence of the Third Estate
 August 8: After being informed that the royal treasury is empty, Brienne sets May 1, 1789 as the date for the Estates-General
in an attempt to restore confidence with his creditors
 August 16: Repayments on government loans stop, and the French government effectively declares bankruptcy
 August 25: Brienne resigns, and Jacques Necker replaces him as Minister of Finance.
 September: Necker releases those arrested for criticizing Brienne's ministry, leading to a proliferation of political pamphlets
 November 6: Necker convenes a second Assembly of Notables to discuss the Estates-General
 December 12: The second Assembly of Notables is dismissed, having firmly refused to consider doubling the representation
of the Third Estate
 December 27: Prompted by public controversy, Necker announces that the representation of the Third Estate will be doubled,
but that nobles and clergymen will be allowed doubled representation; the Princes of the Blood declare against any
concession of the rights of the privileged

 January: Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès publishes What is the Third Estate? (Qu'est-ce que le tiers-état ?). The elections to Estates-
General produce political ferment in general population, while food prices and supplies reach critical levels following
several years’ difficulties
 April 28: The Réveillon Riots in Paris lead to about 25 deaths by troops.
 May 5: The Estates-General meets for the first time since 1614 leading to a stalemate between nobles and Third Estate
deputies over forms for meeting. Riots and disturbances continue in many areas; some peasants claim that the
Estates-General has already abolished feudal abuses
 May 28: The Third Estate begins to meet on its own, calling themselves "communes"
 June 9: The Third Estate votes for the common verification of credentials (one minister – one vote), in opposition to the First
and Second Estate

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 June 13: Some priests from the First Estate choose to join the Third Estate
 June 17: The Third Estate declares itself to be the National Assembly
 June 20: Third Estate/National Assembly are locked out of meeting houses; the Third Estate accuses King Louis XVI of
locking them out and decides upon a declarative vow, known as the The Tennis Court Oath, not to dissolve until a
constitution has been established
 June 22: National Assembly meets in church of St. Louis, joined by a majority of clergy
 June 23: Two companies of French guards mutiny in the face of public unrest. Louis XVI puts forward his 35-point program
aimed at allowing the continuation of the three estates.
 June 24: 48 nobles, headed by the Duke of Orléans, side with the Third Estate. A significant number of the clergy follow
their example.
 June 27: Louis recognizes the validity of the National Assembly, and orders the First and Second Estates to join the Third.
 July 1: Louis recruits more troops, among them many foreign mercenaries
 July 9: The National Assembly reconstitutes itself as the National Constituent Assembly
 July 11: Necker dismissed by Louis; populace sack the monasteries, ransack aristocrats' homes in search of food and
 July 12: Camille Desmoulins announces the dismissal of Necker to the Paris crowd and urges the citizens of Paris to take up
arms. Karl Eugen, Prince von Lothringen-Lambesc, appears at the Tuilleries with an armed guard - a soldier and
civilian are killed
 July 13: National Guard formed in Paris composed of middle class men.
 July 14: Storming of the Bastille; de Launay (the governor), Foulon (the Secretary of State) and de Flesselles (mayor of
Paris), amongst others, are massacred
 July 15: Lafayette appointed Commandante of the National Guard.
 July 16: Necker recalled, troops pulled out of Paris
 July 17: The beginning of the Great Fear: the peasantry revolt against feudalism. As well, there are a number of urban
disturbances and revolts. Many members of the aristocracy flee Paris to become émigrés. Louis XVI accepts the
tricolor cockade.
 July 18: Publication of Desmoulins' La France Libre, favoring a republic and arguing that revolutionary violence is justified
 August 4: Surrender of feudal rights are declared in the August Decrees
 August 26: The Assembly adopts The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
 September 11: The National Assembly grants the power of veto to Louis XVI; Louis fails to ratify the August Decree of the
National Assembly
 October 5-6: Outbreak of violence among the Paris mob; A liberal monarchical constitution is passed; the Women's March
on Versailles occurs
 October 6: Louis XVI agrees to ratify the August Decrees, the Palace of Versailles is stormed. King Louis and the National
Assembly are moved to Paris
 November 2: Church property is seized by the National Assembly to solve financial crisis
 November: First publication of Desmoulins' weekly Histoire des Révolutions ...
 December: National Assembly distinguishes between 'active' (moneyed) and 'passive' (property-less) citizens - only active
citizens are allowed to vote
 December 12: Assignats are adopted as legal tender

 January: The historical Provinces of France replaced by new administrative Departménts
 February 13: Monastic vows and religious orders are outlawed
 March 5: The Feudal Committee reports back to National Assembly, delaying the abolition of feudalism.
 March 29: Pope Pius condemns the Declaration of the Rights of Man in a secret assembly of cardinals
 April – June: Counter-revolutionaries lead risings, especially in south, but are easily defeated
 May: National Assembly renounces involvement in wars of conquest
 May 19: Nobility abolished by the National Assembly.
 July 12: The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is passed. This document demands priests to take an oath of loyalty to the state,
splitting the clergy between juring (oath-taking) and non-juring priests
 July 14: “Festival of Federation” celebrates anniversary of Parisian rising with mass military-religious ceremony
 August 16: The parlements are abolished
 September: First edition of radical newspaper Le Père Duchesne printed by Jacques Hébert

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 January 1: Mirabeau elected President of the Assembly
 February 28: Day of Daggers: Lafayette orders the arrest of 400 armed aristocrats at the Tuileries Palace
 March 10: Pope Pius VI publically condemns the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
 April 2: Mirabeau dies and receives a hero’s funeral and burial in the Pantheon
 April 13: Pope Pius VI issues an encyclical, Charitas, condemning the Civil Constitution of the Clergy and the unauthorized
appointment of bishops is published
 April 18: Louis XVI and the queen are prevented, by Parisian crowds, from travelling to Saint-Cloud for Easter
 June 14: Le Chapelier law banning trade unions is passed by National Assembly
 June 20–25: Royal family attempts to escape France
 June 25: Louis XVI forced to return to Paris
 July 10: Leopold II, the Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Padua Circular calling on the royal houses of Europe to
come to the aid of his brother-in-law, Louis XVI
 July 14: Second anniversary of the fall of the Bastille is celebrated at the Champ de Mars
 July 15: National Assembly declares the king to be inviolable and he is reinstated
 July 17: Anti-Royalist demonstration at the Champ de Mars. The National Guard kills fifty people (comes to be known as
“Champ de Mars Massacre”)
 July: The remains of Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire reburied in Pantheon.
 August 14: Slave revolts break out in Saint Domingue (Haiti)
 August 27: Leopold II and Frederick William II of Prussian issue the Declaration of Pillnitz declaring their resistance to the
Revolution and their assistance to Louis XVI
 September 13: Louis XVI accepts the Constitution formally
 September 30: Dissolution of the National Constituent Assembly
 October 1: Legislative Assembly meets filled with many young, inexperienced, radical deputies
 November 9: All émigrés are ordered, by the Assembly, to return to France, under the threat of death
 November 11: Louis vetoes the ruling of the Assembly on émigrés and priests

 January – March: Growing demands for war, coinciding with widespread protests against food shortages
 February 7: Alliance of Austria and Prussia formed
 March 20: The guillotine adopted as the Revolution’s official means of execution
 April 20: France declares war against Austria
 April 25: Battle Hymn of the Army of the Rhine composed by Rouget de Lisle. First execution using the guillotine occurs
 April 28: France invades Austrian Netherlands (Belgium)
 July 5: Legislative Assembly declares that the fatherland is in danger (La Patrie en Danger)
 July 11: Assembly takes emergency powers as war crisis grows. Prussia enters war
 July 25: Charles William Ferdinand, the Duke of Brunswick, issues the Brunswick Manifesto. It warns that should the royal
family be harmed by the popular movement, an "exemplary and eternally memorable revenge" will follow
 July 30: Austria and Prussia begin invasion of France
 July: The tricolor cockade is made compulsory for men to wear. La Marseillaise is sung by volunteers from Marseilles on their
arrival in Paris
 August 1: News of the Brunswick Manifesto reaches Paris - interpreted as proof that Louis XVI is collaborating with the foreign
 August 9: Revolutionary commune takes possession of the Hôtel de Ville (Paris’s city hall)
 August 10: Storming of the Tuileries Palace and the Swiss Guard is massacred. Louis XVI of France is arrested and taken
into custody, along with his family. Georges Danton becomes Minister of Justice
 August 16: Paris commune presents petition to the Legislative Assembly demanding the establishment of a revolutionary
tribunal and summoning of a National Convention
 August 19: Lafayette flees to Austria. Invasion of France by Coalition troops led by Duke of Brunswick
 August 22: Royalist riots in Brittany, La Vendée and Dauphiné break out
 September 3: Verdun falls to Brunswick's troops
 September 3–7: The September Massacres of prisoners in the Paris prisons leaves 1,200 supposed “traitors” dead

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 September 19: Dissolution of Legislative Assembly
 September 20:The National Convention convenes. The French Army stops the advance of Coalition troops at Valmy
 September 21: The Abolition of royalty, and proclamation of the First French Republic, occurs
 September 22: Frances declares itself a Republic – this becomes the first day of the French Revolutionary Calendar (hereafter,
September 22, 1792 will be Day One of Year I)
 December 3: Louis XVI brought to trial. He appears before the National Convention (11 & 23 December). Robespierre
argues, "Louis must die, so that the country may live!”
 December 4: A Belgian delegation visits the National Convention to declare independence for Belgium

 January 21: Citizen Louis Capet (formerly known as Louis XVI) guillotined
 February – March: War is declared on Britain, Spain and Holland. Austrians and Prussians counter-attack French forces
 March 7: Rebellion in the Vendée breaks out
 March 11: Revolutionary Tribunal established in Paris
 April 5: Defection of Girondin general Dumouriez to the Austrians
 April 6: Committee of Public Safety established
 May 30: Revolt breaks out in Lyon
 June 2: The arrest of Girondist deputies to National Convention by the Jacobins
 June 10: The Jacobins gain control of the Committee of Public Safety
 June 24: The new constitution by National Convention is ratified, but not yet announced. Slavery is abolished
 July 3: Louis XVII, the Dauphin of France, is taken from his mother, Marie Antoinette, and is given over to a cobbler
named Antoine Simon, to serve as his ward
 July 13: Jean-Paul Marat is assassinated by Charlotte Corday
 July 17: Charlotte Corday is guillotined, after her trial for murdering Marat. All feudal dues abolished without compensation
 July 21: Plans to divide émigré lands among poor forwarded
 July 27: Robespierre elected to Committee of Public Safety
 July 28: The Convention announces 21 Girondist deputies as enemies of France
 August 23: The Convention orders Levee en Mass, or Conscription, of 300,000 unmarried men between the ages of 18-25
 September 5: The Reign of Terror begins
 September 9: The Revolutionary Armies are establishment – composed of sans-culottes paramilitary forces
 September 17: The Law of Suspects is passed
 September 29: Convention passes the General Maximum, fixing the prices of many goods and services
 October-December: Violent repression of Lyon and Toulon, where Federalism has merged with royalist revolt
 October 10: The 1793 Constitution put on hold and it is decreed that the government must be "revolutionary until the peace"
 October 15: Queen Marie Antoinette is impeached and convicted of treachery against the country and incest with her child,
the Dauphin. She is found guilty and condemned to be executed in the Place de la Revolution
 October 16: Marie Antoinette is guillotined
 October 21: An anti-clerical law is passed. Priests and their supporters are sentenced to death on sight
 October 24: Trial of the 21 Girondist deputies by the Revolutionary Tribunal
 October 31: The 21 Girondist deputies are guillotined
 November 3: Olympe de Gouges, champion of rights for women, is guillotined for her Girondist sympathies
 November 8: Madame Roland is guillotined as part of purge of Girondists
 November 10: Celebration of the Goddess of Reason at the Temple of Reason (formerly the Church of Notre Dame)
 December: First issue of Desmoulins' Le Vieux Cordelier
 December 4: The Law of 14 Frimaire (Law of Revolutionary Government) is passed. As a result, power becomes centralized
with the Committee of Public Safety
 December 23: Anti-Republican forces in the Vendée are finally defeated and 6000 prisoners are executed

 February: The final 'pacification' of the Vendée – involving mass killings and a scorched earth policy – is complete
 March 13: Last edition of Jacques Hébert's Le Père Duchesne produced
 March 19: Hébert and his supporters are arrested
 March 24: Hébert and the leaders of the Cordeliers are guillotined

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 March 28: Philosopher and mathematician, Marquis de Condorcet, dies in prison
 March 30: Danton, Desmoulins and their supporters are arrested
 April 5: Danton and Desmoulins are guillotined
 May 7: The National Convention, led by Robespierre, passes a decree to establish the Cult of the Supreme Being
 May 8: Antoine Lavoisier, a chemist, is guillotined as a traitor
 June 8: Festival of the Supreme Being
 June 10: The Law of 22 Prairial instituted. The Revolutionary Tribunal is now a court of condemnation, without the need
for any witnesses
 June 26: French forces defeat the Austrians at the Battle of Fleurus
 July 25: André Chenier, a poet, is guillotined for conspiring against the Revolution
 July 27-28: Night of 9-10 Thermidor. Robespierre is arrested and guillotined without trial, along with other members of the
Committee of Public Safety. Commune of Paris is abolished. The Reign of Terror ends
 Latter half of 1794: The White Terror (a reaction against the remaining Jacobins) occurs
 November 11: Gilded Youth attack Paris Jacobin Club, it is ordered to close

 May 31: Suppression of the Paris Revolutionary Tribunal
 July 14: Le Marseillaise is accepted as the French National Anthem
 August 22: The 1795 Constitution is ratified. It introduces a bicameral system and the executive Directory
 October 5: 13 Vendémiaire : Napoleon's "whiff of grapeshot" quells the Paris insurrection
 October 26: The National Convention dissolved
 November 2: The Executive Directory takes on executive power

 March 9: Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine are married
 May 10: Napoleon fights the Battle of Lodi, in Italy
 June 4: The Siege of Mantua begins

 April 18: The Peace of Leoben
 July 8: The Cisalpine Republic is established
 September 4: The coup d'état of 18 Fructidor revives Republican measures
 October 17: The Treaty of Campo Formio signed

 February: The Roman Republic proclaimed
 April: The Helvetian Republic proclaimed
 May 11: Law of 22 Floréal, Year VI: Council elections are annulled and left-wing deputies are excluded from Council
 July 21: The Battle of the Pyramids
 August 1: The Battle of the Nile: Nelson's victory isolates Napoleon in Egypt
 December 24: Alliance between Russia and Britain begins

 June 17–19: At the Battle of the Trebia, Suvorov defeats the French Army
 June 18: Coup of 30 Prairial,Year VII: Directors are removed from power. Sieyès is left as the main leader in government
 August 24: Napoleon leaves Egypt
 October 9: Napoleon returns to France
 October 22: The Russians withdraw from coalition
 November 9: The Coup d'État of 18 Brumaire: The Directory ends
 December 24: Constitution of the Year VIII: Napoleon is established under the Consulate. The French Revolution ends

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Chapitre Deux

Daily Life in Revolutionary France

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Daily Life in Revolutionary The Social Order

Traditionally, France had been divided into
The 1780s and 1790s, in France, were classes – or Estates. The term “First Estate”
tumultuous times. The social order was being indicated the clergy; the “Second Estate” was
overthrown. The way life had been, for composed of the nobility, and the rest of the
centuries, was rapidly changing. In this population constituted the “Third Estate.”
section we will take a brief look at what life From these terms came the name of the
was like for the average citizen of medieval French national assembly: the
Revolutionary France. Estates-General. Although the National
Assembly abolished the class system, and the
privileges that accompanied membership in
The Weight of Numbers
the First and Second Estates, many
individuals continued to pay allegiance to the
During the Revolution, France had a
Estate they had previously belonged to.
population of approximately 27 million.
Roughly 80% of that population lived as
peasants in the rural provinces of France. The The First Estate
city of Paris, France’s largest metropolitan
area, had a population around 600,000 people The First Estate, or the clergy of the Catholic
– although the population steadily declined Church, were composed of a wide range of
throughout the Revolution (finally bottoming formal and informal clergy positions,
out around 540,000 by the reign of Napoleon). including parish priests, deacons, bishops, and
France’s bourgeoisie numbered around two-
and-a-half million, outnumbering the First and Priests: The connection most people had to
Second Estates by roughly two-million. the Church was through the priesthood. The
presence of a priest was mandatory for a
parish to function fully. In Church traditions
only men who met certain requirements could
become priests. The minimum age was 30, but

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enforcement of this canon was at the bishop's

discretion and ordination of men in their mid- Patriarchs are the heads of certain ancient
twenties was common. Priests, traditionally, autonomous churches. Some of these churches
were not allowed to marry and were required call their leaders Catholicos. While most
to remain celibate. When the National patriarchs in the Roman Catholic Church have
Assembly outlawed parishes they required jurisdiction all patriarchs, except for the Pope,
many priests to show their loyalty to the are honorary.
Assembly by taking oaths and marrying.
During the Revolution, most of these positions
Deacons: In the Church, deacons assisted had been abolished, particularly within the
priests in their pastoral and administrative Parisian region. In the south, and other
duties, but reported directly to the bishop. rebellious regions, the people continued to
They had a distinctive role in the liturgy, their support the Catholic Church and many of
main tasks being to read the Gospel and assist these positions were continually upheld. In
in the administration of the Eucharist. some areas, the leadership of the Church also
led the Counter-revolutionary forces.
Bishops: Bishops represented the
administrative strata of the Catholic Church. Religious Orders
Bishops were generally responsible for leading
a large or heavily-populated area (a diocese, Within the Catholic Church there are a
sometimes also called a bishopric or eparchy) number of influential and powerful religious
and all the churches contained therein. There orders. Religious orders are organizations of
are a number of divisions within the ranks of laity and clergy in the Church who live under
Bishops: a common rule. By 1790, all orders were
outlawed in France.
An archbishop is a bishop in charge of an
archdiocese, which is a prestigious diocese. The Benedictines: A Benedictine is a person
The title is purely honorific and carries no who follows the Rule of Saint Benedict, a text
extra jurisdiction, though some archbishops written by Benedict in the 7th Century. Also
are also metropolitan bishops. known by the initials OSB (Ordine Sancti
Benedicti), the Benedictine motto is: pax
A metropolitan bishop is an archbishop in ("peace"), traditionally also ora et labora ("pray
charge of an ecclesiastical province, or group and work"). The Benedictines are one of the
of dioceses, and exercises some oversight over oldest and most respected of the monastic
the other dioceses. Sometimes a metropolitan orders.
bishop may also be the head of an auto-
cephalous, sui juris, or autonomous church. The Dominicans: The Order of Preachers
(Ordo Praedicatorum), is more commonly
A suffragan bishop is a full-time assistant known as the Dominican Order. The
bishop (as opposed to an assistant bishop Dominicans are commonly referred to as
which is usually an honorary post for retired “Blackfriars” on account of the black cowl, or
bishops), or a bishop responsible to another cloak, they wear over their white habits.
bishop. Founded by Saint Dominic in the early 13th
century, the Dominicans are one of the great
A primate is the bishop of the oldest church of orders of mendicant friars that revolutionized
a nation. Sometimes this carries jurisdiction religious life in Europe during the middle ages.
over metropolitan bishops, but usually it is The Dominicans were a major force in the
another honorific.

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development and maintenance of the Church’s hierarchy. As a result,

Inquisition. Protestantism is now practiced openly in the
republic and many followers of the Catholic
The Franciscans: The Order of Friars Minor is faith hide their beliefs.
a mendicant religious order of men tracing
their origin to Francis of Assisi and following One particular group of Protestants deserves
the Rule of St. Francis. The official Latin particular mention: The Huguenots. The
name is the Ordo Fratrum Minorum (literally, Huguenots are French Protestants who are
"Order of Little Brothers"); Francis thus members of the Reformed Church. Because
referred to his followers as "Fratricelli", the Reformed Church was established in 1550
meaning "Little Brothers." A male member of by John Calvin, the Huguenots are also
the order is nicknamed a friar. As Franciscans known as Calvinists. The French Protestants
pledge themselves to extreme poverty and themselves preferred to refer to themselves as
often fight for the rights and privileges of the réformees (reformers) rather than "Huguenots.”
Third Estate, many found themselves on the
side of the Revolutionaries. Due to state sponsored massacres of the
Huguenots in the 16th and 17th Centuries, at
The Hospitallers: The Knights Hospitaller least 200,000 French Huguenots fled to
(the Order of Knights of the Hospital of St. countries such as Switzerland, Germany,
John of Jerusalem, or Knights of Malta or England, America, and South Africa, where
Knights of Rhodes) is a tradition which began they could enjoy religious freedom. Between
as a Benedictine nursing order founded in the 1618 and 1725 between 5,000 and 7,000
11th century. Based in the Holy Land, they Huguenots reached the shores of America.
soon became a militant chivalric order under
their own charter, and were charged with the Now, with the establishment of religious
care and defense of pilgrims. They were freedoms, many Huguenots have sought to
believed to maintain a powerful, but invisible, return to France, their homeland, and openly
presence in France. practice their particular brand of
Protestantism. The cornerstone of Calvin’s
The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus — also theology is the belief that God possesses all-
known by its Latin name Societas Iesu — is a encompassing power and knowledge. Calvin
religious order in direct service to the Pope. Its contended that God alone directs everything
members are often called the “Foot soldiers of that has happened in the past, happens in the
the Pope” due in part to the order's founder, present, and that will happen in the future.
the Spanish soldier Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Thus, he argued, God determines the fate of
Based in Rome, the Jesuits (despite being every person – a doctrine commonly called
banned in France) serve to fight against the Predestination. As well, followers of the
anti-Church agenda of the Revolution. Reformed Church attend church several times
a week and prohibit fighting, swearing,
Protestantism drunkenness, gambling, card playing, and
While the majority of French citizens,
traditionally, were followers of the Catholic The Cult of Reason
faith, in some provinces Protestantism has had
a strong following. Despite France’s long and A rationalist religious philosophy known as
sordid history of violence against followers of Deism flourished in Europe in the seventeenth
the Protestant faith, during the Revolution and eighteenth centuries. Deists held that a
many have turned against the Roman Catholic certain kind of religious knowledge, or natural

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religion, is either inherent in each person or characteristics other than being opposed to
accessible through the exercise of reason, but priests and monarchs and in favor of liberty.
they denied the validity of religious claims
based on revelation or on the specific The festival of the Supreme Being was set for
teachings of any church. Deists advocated June 8, 1794, and Robespierre laid out an
rationalism and criticized the supernatural, or elaborate series of somber, mandatory
non-rational, elements of the Judeo-Christian observances, which largely involved everyone
tradition. dressing in uniforms with the colors of the
new French flag and marching around in
Practitioners of reason opposed fanaticism and formation.
intolerance and viewed the church, especially
the Roman Catholic Church, as the principal Other cities and villages staged similar
agency that enslaved the mind. Many ceremonies and added a few twists of their
intellectuals believed that knowledge comes own. The only tenets of the cult were that the
only from the experience, observation, reason, Supreme Being existed and that man had an
and proper education, and through these immortal soul. Despite the blessing of the
methods humanity itself could be altered for Supreme Being, Robespierre did not survive
the better. This approach was considered more two months after the first celebration of the
beneficial than the study of dubious sources, feast. When Robespierre went to the
like the Bible. Advocates of reason further guillotine, the cult went with him.
believed that human endeavors should be
centered on the means of making this life more The Second Estate
agreeable, rather than concentrating on an
afterlife. The church, with its wealth and The Second Estate is the class of persons
suppression of reason, was ferociously distinguished by high birth or rank and, in
attacked. France, includes the titles Duc and Duchesse,
Marquis and Marquise, Comte and Comtesse,
In April 1794, Robespierre proposed a new Vicomte and Vicomtesse, and Baron and
state religion – the Cult of the Supreme Being Baronne.
– based around the worship of a Deist-style
creator god. It had few distinguishing Nobility was usually a hereditary
characteristic, but some forms of nobility

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could not be transmitted. When it was In times of financial distress, the often king
hereditary, nobility usually came from the sold such letters of nobility, sending them
father, but sometimes a higher percentage of blank to his provincial administrators for
distribution in return for financial assistance to
the state.
noble blood might be required (counted in
number of "quarters") or that the family be Generally speaking, there tended to be a great
ennobled for a certain number of generations. division among nobility between those who
A nobleman marrying a commoner did not saw themselves as “Nobles of the Sword” –
lose his nobility, but a noblewoman who traditional nobility – and “Nobles of the
married a commoner lost it, as long as she was Robe” – those who have received nobility
married to the commoner. There were also more recently as a gift of office by the King.
two other ways in which one might become a While the commoners saw these two groups as
member of the Second Estate: one and the same, many “Nobles of the
Sword” found the very idea that less
By Office: depending on the office, the holder established families could obtain aristocratic
of the office became noble either immediately status an insult.
or after a number of years. There were about
4000 offices conferring nobility of some kind At the outbreak of the Revolution, France had
before the Revolution. Nobility thus attained as many as 350,000 members of the Second
was called noblesse de robe (for judicial offices), Estate. During the course of the Revolution,
or noblesse de cloche (for municipal offices). however, that number was drastically reduced
Offices were usually bought and oftentimes – through both emigration and the dreaded
they were sold once ennoblement had guillotine.
occurred. Some common offices which
provided ennoblement were: city aldermen, The Third Estate
judicial courts, military commissions,
secretaries in the King’s court, and members The term “Third Estate” generally indicated
of the tax courts and state auditors, senior tax the masses of people which were not part of
collectors and the like. the clergy (the First Estate) nor of the nobility

By "Letters": That is, by royal grant. The

king could always ennoble anyone he wished.

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(the Second Estate). In other words, the third

estate was made of everyone else. Typically
the third estate could be divided into four

Bourgeoisie: The bourgeoisie were one of the

wealthier classes of French urban society. The
bourgeoisie had long been seen as the ideal of
republicanism and had, since the beginning,
been the leaders of the Revolution. Doctors,
lawyers, politicians, and independent
merchants, or shopkeepers, were members of
the bourgeoisie.

Sans-Culottes: Literally meaning, “without

trousers,” this title referred to members of the
working class in Revolutionary France.
Under the rule of the Montagnards, the sans-
culottes became increasingly powerful. They
often exercised their might in numbers on the
streets of Paris.

Lumpen Proletariat: The lumpen proletariat traditionally been three ways to make a living:
(from German Lumpenproletariat, meaning Working the Land, Trades, and Professions.
“the rabble") is a term used to describe the
section of the underclass that could not find Working the land included fishing, farming,
legal work on a regular basis. The Lumpen and the raising or capturing of animals. The
Proletariat could be prostitutes, beggars, term “trades” can be used to describe any of
organized bandits or homeless people. the skilled labor jobs that existed at this time.
Lastly, professions are any of several jobs that
Peasantry: A peasant, from the countryside or require a more extensive education and tend
outlying regions, was an agricultural worker to place an individual strongly into the
with roots in the countryside in which he/she bourgeoisie class. Each of these categories
dwelled, either working for others or, more will be described in more detail below.
specifically, owning or renting and working by
his/her own labor a small plot of ground. The Working the Land
peasant class was largely illiterate and
superstitious. They were typically dismissed Farming: The vast bulk of the population in
by urban dwellers as unimportant to the goals Europe at this time was farmers. In a good
of the Revolution. year it took seven farmers to grow food for
every ten citizens of France. Changes had
Occupations begun to be made at this time in agriculture,
including the beginning of crop rotation and
Among the Third Estate, where the people early study of fertilizing, but these ideas were
were expected to provide for themselves (as slow to catch on.
opposed to the other two estates, where the
people provide for their livelihood), there had Both subsistence farms and commercial farms
were generally small, about 25 to 30 acres in

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size. Larger tracts did exist but were often Most livestock was allowed to run wild,
confiscated and divided up by the rounded up and harvested as needed. Both
Revolutionary government. Fields on small wild and domestic hogs were raised and
farms were planted right up to the door of the farmers remained on constant lookout for
house, as labor to keep the grass mown was predators. Many small farmers had a milking
expensive. If the farm kept sheep or goats, cow. This usually required owning at least
they were used to keep the lawn cropped. one other animal, be it a goat, horse, or cattle,
as cattle are social animals. Milk cows were
Tending the fields meant keeping weeds from kept contained and required milking morning
growing in the food cultivation areas. The and night.
remainder of the fields could be ignored, and
tree stumps could be left in place. This saved Sheep were shorn each spring after the
labor. Farming required only minimal tools: weather warmed, allowing them comfort
hoes and digging sticks. With these and an ax, during the summer and a reasonable growth of
saw and froe, a farmer could survive. wool by fall. It was the job of children to pick
dung out of the sheep’s fleece before shorning.
If stock was kept, hay might be grown, and Goats were common for providing both meat
hay forks or pitchforks with two tines and and milk. Goats are hardier than cattle and
dung forks with three were used. These were they do not mind being alone the way cows
typically made out of saplings split at the end do.
and splayed out. Shovels or spades with
wooden blades and iron shoes were also Livestock was marked with ear and sometimes
common. Hay and grains were cut with nose notches, which were recorded at the
scythes or reaping hooks, bound into shucks or county courthouse, so the herd could be
stacked, and cured. Placing green or wet hay properly divided. Each farmer in an area had
in a barn could cause spontaneous his own pattern of notches.
combustion. Most period stacks were made
around a pole, and during the winter the Farmers also raised a large amount of fowl for
animals ate from the bottom until the stacks the table and for eggs. Pigeons (squab),
look like giant mushrooms. chicken, guinea hens, Cornish hens, and ducks
were all domesticated. They were kept in
Rats and mice were common problems to fenced yards with henhouses attached, or
grain farmers, who used both cats and snakes dovecotes built either as freestanding buildings
to keep them at bay. Some granaries were or in the gable ends of stables and other
built off the ground, allowing easy viewing of outbuildings. Fowl were killed by wringing
pests trying to climb in, and some farmers their necks or chopping off their heads, then
fenced cats underneath. Blacksnakes were the bird was then scalded, plucked, cleaned,
recruited by placing out a tray of milk, which and readied for cooking.
attracted the snakes’ prey. Birds destroyed
grain on the stalk and so were vigorously Fishing: The coasts of the Republic were
hunted, with the take added to the stew pot. populated with poor fishermen. Most fishing
Still, huge flocks could strip a field bare in a was done from small boats, often rowed by a
matter of minutes. A single deer could single fisherman.
devastate a wheat field, but, as long as the
mast crop was good, they tended to stay in the The fish were then sold to sack ships which
woods. delivered the product to market. Fishing was
done with baited set lines and some nets.

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The fisheries were often seen as a major source varied widely among areas and economic
of manpower for the French navy. By law, levels.
one-third of the crew of by-boats needed to be
fresh men – either novices or one-year Most servants were employed in fields. On
veterans – while sack boats were required to small commercial farms, servants sometimes
have 20 percent fresh recruits. In times of war, lived among the family, in their one-room
enemy navies preyed upon the fishing fleets, house, and work alongside the family in the
and there was stiff competition from foreign field. For these owners, a servant represented
fishermen. one to five years’ gross income.

A seasonal whaling industry also existed along On large commercial farms, field hands might
the Northern coasts. Whaling was an industry live in the field buildings or in quarters. Here,
dominated by the Dutch and British, who took they were a relatively autonomous work force.
thousands of whales each year and supplied
most of the whale bone and oil needed for Servants often slept in the passage outside the
cloth industries, lighting and soap. rooms they were responsible for – on mats that
rolled up during the day. Kitchen staff lived
Oysters and clams were harvested by tonging – upstairs in the kitchen, stable hands in the
using long-handled rakes doubled like pliers to stable. Apprentices lived in the shops.
grab the shells on the bottom and pull them
into small boats. Unskilled Labor: Most laborers, other than
farmers, worked in other occupations. Carters
Fur Trapping: Traditionally, the law allowed and teamsters loaded, unloaded and drove
only members of the Second Estate to hunt on carts and wagons. Sailors sailed ships and
French lands. Often times, under the cover of loaded and unloaded them. Housewrights
darkness, the poorer classes would hunt game needed laborers to dig foundations, miners
birds or, rarely, deer to feed their families but dug ores and axmen cut timber for sawyers,
did so under the threat of imprisonment or, charcoal burners and others.
worse, death. After the institution of the
Revolutionary government, these restrictions Trades
were lifted and the Third Estate was allowed
to legally hunt throughout the Republic. Apprenticeships: Skilled labor produced all
the goods needed. A young man learned his
Most fur was shipped to France from the trade by being apprenticed to a master
colonies, where it was a major industry. Fur craftsman, which as a contractual obligation
had traditionally come from Russia and had bound him until its completion. Usually, he
been an upper-class product but during the apprenticed between his fourteenth and
17th-century the ready availability of sixteenth birthday and was bound until his age
American furs made them more of a bourgeois of majority (twenty-one). In exchange for
product. Beaver fur was felted into material teaching him his trade the apprentice lived
for hats. Felting had centers in Amsterdam, with and worked for the master – who
Paris, and London. provided him with room, board, clothing and,
upon completion of the apprenticeship, a set of
Servitude: “Servant” is a generic term used for basic tools and often a small cash payment.
paid staff, apprentices, indentures, and slaves.
In general, servants lived and worked in a As with other servants, the apprentice usually
specific area. The experience of servants slept in or above the shop and was responsible
for opening it, lighting the fire in the morning,

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gathering wood and water, and performing tools, shoes, textiles, and other goods at low
other necessary chores. prices making much of the local trade in
repairs – the materials in the item being more
At the end of the apprenticeship, the expensive than the cost of labor to fix it.
apprentice produced a proof piece, which will Within each region there existed a need for
be shown to the elders of the guild for the made items and a pool of skilled artisans up to
trade. If the proof piece passed inspection for the task of providing them.
competence, apprentice would be awarded the
title of journeyman and would be free to work Tanning: Leather was to people of the 18th
for anyone for wages. It was typically at this century what plastic is to us. The primary raw
time that the journeyman would undergo the material came from meat animals and was
“Tour de France” – a year of traveling about the tanned, or treated by immersion in a slurry of
country plying their trade and perfecting their tanback, containing tannin derived from oak
skills. Often journeymen travelled in groups bark. The rather smelly process was usually
and were notorious for their wild behavior – located in tanyards outside of town, on the
drinking, carousing, and causing general prevailing downwind side, preferably.
disruption everywhere they’d travel.
Tanners first flesh the raw material, remove
Under the guild system, the craftsman had to the hair if desired, and then immerse the
remain a journeyman for three to five years, material in successively stronger baths of
after which he could produce a masterpiece for tannin. They also dyed and curried it with
review. If this was found to be of adequate waxes or grease. When finished they had
quality, the aldermen next reviewed the leather. All leatherworkers risked potential
business environment to determine if their exposure to hoof and mouth disease and
market had room for another shop. If so, the lockjaw.
journeyman was accorded the title of Master –
which conveyed the right to open a shop. Shoemaking: Shoemakers were the most
important lerather tradesmen. A shoemaker
Because of the strained economy, many was not the same as a cobbler – who was a
journeymen could not become masters and simple repairman. To call a shoemaker a
many were unwilling to marry the master’s cobbler was an insult. Shoemaking took about
daughter (finding her, for one reason or five more years of training than cobblers
another, unsuitable as a wife) and wait for him received. Shoemakers made shoes, but also
to die to inherit his shop. The master may made many other leather products, like
have a son in the business, as well, negating saddles and harnesses.
even that.
Shoemakers used blunt needles for sewing,
The lack of opportunity sends many to the which they often ordered from Germany
colonies. Many journeymen could afford to where they were made. Some boot and
immigrate to the colonies where they were shoemakers did very fine work that required
needed. There the guild system did not exist using hog-bristles waxed to a cord.
and any journeyman with the means could
become a master. Additionally, in 1791, the Harness Making: Harness makers specialized
Revolutionary government abolished the guild in strap-work, including harnesses and springs
system – identifying it as a system of privilege. for carriages. They usually also provided
saddles – since their clients were those with
Still, labor was the least expensive part of a horses. A set of harness was primarily
product. Mass-production shops produced comprised of three parts: the collar, which

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allowed the animal to pull the vehicle, the helmets, and pistolbuckets (holsters).
breeching, which stopped it and the reigns, Travelers needed bottles; taverns needed jacks,
which allowed control of the animal. bombards and dice cups; craftsmen needed
Carriages used breast collars (straps across the aprons; and homes needed fire buckets.
chest), which cut into the windpipe, while
draft animals used neck (horse) collars, which Metalworking: Metalworking covered a wide
went around the neck and provided greater range of trades, from the production of raw
pulling strength. materials to the creation of delicate and
sophisticated products in precious metals. In
Saddlers produced hunt saddles; dragoon, general, any name with smith in it means to
hussar or military saddles; pack saddles; and, “forge” (hammer) the product. Blacksmiths
for ladies, sidesaddles. If lower-class women hammered black metals (iron); whitesmiths
rode, they did so with a regular saddle. Some worked pewter, silver or filed iron until it was
saddles were elaborately embroidered, often in bright, which was also called brightsmithing.
silver wire. Goldsmiths hammered gold and other
precious metals. Founders cast metals;
Most leatherworkers also made a variety of machinists tooled metal without hammering.
other needed items. Portmanteaus were Certain specialty smithing trades used their
suitcases, cylindrical in form with handle on products in their name – such as locksmiths.
the end, designed to be carried behind a saddle
or on a strap. Trunks were made over a Blacksmiths tended to perform repairs, as the
wooden frame, lined with paper or newspaper, industrial shops of England produced name-
and covered in leather. Riders might use brand tools and items of generally higher
saddlebags; hunters used hunting and bullet quality at a lower price. Local craftsmen
bags. The military required cartridge boxes, made or repaired all manner of iron tools
bayonet and sword scabbards, cross straps, needed by other trades: axes, plows, hoes,
drum and musket slings, fife cases, hats and froes, cutlery, gun parts, architectural

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hardware, carriage fittings and, often in tinker’s dam was a brass patch placed over
specialized shops called naileries, nails, which holes in pans. The saying “not worth a tinker’s
were quite cheap and common. A good nailer dam” meant that the mentioned item was
could make three thousand nails a day. One worthless.
thing blacksmiths did not do was shoe horses.
That was the job of a farrier. Woodworking: Wood is the principal craft
material, used for everything from building
Silversmiths were more common than construction to tools and small boxes.
goldsmiths because the material was more
readily available. Even so, they were not Coopers: Coopers make items out of wooden
common – limiting their clientele to those staves, such as the barrels used to ship and
wealthy enough to have good credit or able to store goods. They also make much more:
hoard what cash came their way. Silversmiths buckets, churns, laundry tubs, powder buckets,
made items in silver, pewter, Britannia metal piggins (small, scooplike buckets with one
(a lead-free pewter), German silver (also called longer stave as a handle) and handbarrows (a
Trade silver, or nickel), occamy (a silver-like wooden deck made of slats between two poles
alloy), and, sometimes, brass. They made with a handle at each end). Some ships had
teapots, coffeepots, chocolate pots, porringers coopers who travelled with them, especially
(small handled bowls), caudle cups (double- those engaged in fishing or whaling.
handled porringers), tumblers, beakers,
Communion service and censers, tankards, Lumber: A variety of craftsmen procured
monteith bowls, bowls and covers, strainers, lumber products – axmen cut trees, cedar
colanders, plates, casters, trenchers, humidors, miners dug trees out of swamps, and sawyers
flatware, salt dips, bottle labels, jewelry, cut them into boards. A pitmen’s job was to
epergne, candlesticks, candelabra, chandeliers, stand in a pit that ran the length of the timber
clocks and clock parts. and pull the heavy two-man saw (pit saw)
down, guiding it. The sawyer stood on top,
Gunsmithing: Gunsmiths were among the pulling it up. Logs could be squared by use of
most esteemed tradesmen of the period, a scoring ax, which cut into the bark
because in one or another aspect of their work perpendicular to the grain, and broadaxes or
they did most other craftsmen’s work. They adzes (an ax shaped like a hoe) were used to
cast various gun fittings; smithed (hammering cut off the material between scores leaving a
up the barrel from a flat piece of iron, welding slab side. Some places had up and down
it into a tube and then straightening it); water-powered sawmills, but they were no
machined parts (including the barrel itself, faster than man-powered cutting.
bullet molds and screws); case-hardened and
heat-treated various parts (the frizzen and the Furniture Construction: A number of trades
lock springs); carved (inlets) and inlayed the dealt in furniture construction. Joiners were
wooden stock. They then finished all the artisans who made joined work – worked that
components, like a fine piece of cabinetry. utilized mortise-and-tenon joints and floating
They worked in silver, brass, iron, various panels, including paneled interiors, turned
woods, ivory, and bone. When they were furniture and house frames. Carpenters also
done, the work had to be worth the price – did house framing and joinery. Undertakers
which was at least a year’s wages for a skilled were contractors – undertaking to complete
craftsman. work. Many undertakers, and some cabinet
makers, also made coffins (simply a name for
Tinkering: Tinkers were travelling repairmen a box).
of metal goods, particularly pots and pans. A

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Turners were those who turned wood on

lathes. Many furniture styles used turned legs Miscellaneous Cloth Workers: Wool was
and other components. They also made felted, wetted and dried with heat to cause it to
banisters, balusters, newel posts, chandeliers, shrink and close grain. Cottons were
musical instruments, and walking sticks. copperplate printed with designs, painted or
Bodgers were turners who worked with green glazed with heat and pressure or resins. Linen
wood, building their simple lathes in the was bleached in the sun with sheep urine.
Upholsterers covered not only chairs and
Cabinetmakers were a more sophisticated sofas, but also headboards and footboards of
crew, assembling their work with fine dovetail bedsteads and provided drapes and covered
joints, inlay, veneer and other intricate window valances.
constructions. Cabinetmakers were also
responsible for building chests, sofas, desks, Carpets were tied with individual knots.
bookcases, and decorative mirrors. Carpets tended to be rare and used more on
top of tables than on the floor, where they
Textile Making: The making of woolen receive excessive wear. Often they were called
textiles was usually produced in a cottage Turkey-work – in imitation of Turkish carpets.
industry, where individuals completed The term rug was reserved for a beg rug, or a
products in their homes. The production of bedspread.
fabric first required the raw materials: fleece
from sheep, flax, cotton or silk (cotton would Pottery Making: Potters used foot-powered
not be common until the 19th-century). Wool wheels to throw wares and wood-fired kilns to
and flax were relatively inexpensive local fire them. In the kiln stacked pieces were
products. separated by three-legged saggers. Many
pieces crack or warp and become wasters,
Creating usable fabric required fiber which are broken and used for paving walks or
preparation, spinning, dyeing, and weaving. discarded on-site. Glazes are made of several
Completed cloth was very expensive. A fine materials, and some have underglaze
dress, with yards of fabric, had a value decoration.
equivalent to that of an automobile today.
Most people owned only two or three changes Transportation Building: A variety of
of clothes. Dresses were intended to last craftsmen were used to build transportation.
fifteen years or more. Mending and updating Carriage makers used wood-working skills to
the trim, cut and styling of clothes was a job build the body of a carriage, blacksmithing
for a tailor, seamstress, mantua or milliner, skills to build springs and other fittings, and
who also made clothing. leatherworking skills for other strappings and
covers, as well as upholstery. Often the shop
Because clothing was so expensive, stores did was an assemblage of individuals with the
not stock pre-made clothing. Most material necessary skills. One of these was the
was imported when needed. The latest wheelwright – who built the hub and axels, as
fashion was shown with intricately detailed well as the spokes and the rim. Obviously, the
dolls and fashion plates, from which the demand for these shops was small, relegating
customer could select a style. The customer them to those areas with enough demand to
selected the cloth and had the clothing made. support a shop.
Gentlemen, as well as women, were quite
finicky about their clothes, lace, embroidery Shipyards were frequently built along many
and fine trims. ports and became centers of activity during the

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Revolution. Shipwrights worked largely with with ink from a plate. The inked type was
axes and adzes, and it is said a good wright covered with a frame containing a piece of
could do all the work with one or the other. paper, run in under the press and printed. As
For speed, many other tools are used. Iron slow as the process was, two good pressman
fittings were kept to a minimum because they could produce 180 impressions per hour.
stressed the wood and would corrode. More than one page could be printed at once,
Ropewalks and sail lofts provided necessary then the sheet folded and cut.
goods for the nautical trade.
Type was bought from type-founders in
Paper-working: Papermaking was an London and Scotland. Sets of type called
important, and often indeed strategic, trade. fonts were stored in type-cases and manually
Papermakers were exempt from military composed into texts. This process took some
service. Without paper for cartridges and getting used to, as the type was upside down
wadding, military rounds could not be made. and backwards.
Without paper, accounts could not be kept.
Paper was made by creating a slurry of beaten Printmakers were also responsible for printing
and bleached linen fibers and then gathering broadsides, or broadsheets, which were small
them together on screens, pressing the sheets posters placed on doors and trees around the
and allowing it to dry. community.

Bookbinders took paper and finish it into Glassblowing: Glass production was a
books. Sometimes these were printed, but as crucial, but expensive, industry. Sand, soda
often as not they were blank accounting ash (from burned seaweed), potash (from
books. Binders used needles and thread to burned wood), and lime were combined in a
bind signatures of pages together or a series of crucible and heated until they melted. A small
signatures were placed in a sewing frame and amount, called a gather, was picked up on the
bound together. The bound signatures were end of a blow pipe, which was then rolled on a
trimmed with a plough, then the binding was marvering table to form a slightly hard surface.
stitched to the book. Bindings could be At that point, a bubble was blown and
stitched books (equivalent to our paperbacks) manipulated by drawing it out into a cylinder,
or fully bound books with cardboard and or other shape, or cutting it open. Other
leather. Small cheap books were called bubbles could be attached, building up the
chapbooks. product. Bottles were blown into rough
wooden molds, and then finished by hand.
Printing was an important trade, as well. When finished, the product was placed in a
Governments needed forms, reports and more, Lehr Oven to cool slowly overnight, which
and printers provided them. They also printed prevented shattering. Glass was naturally a
laws. The printing press was a heavy, screw- shade of green, but by the addition of certain
driven device, with power provided by the trace metals could be turned clear (manganese
pressman leaning on a long lever. Printers oxide) or colored (red from gold dust, blue
often looked for stocky, young apprentices, form cobalt).
because the pressman needed his body weight
to pull the lever. Milling: Mills were necessary to convert
grains to flour. In settled areas, with
Type was composed, or set up, in a composing significant drops in elevation along
stick, set into galleys, then put into a chase, waterways, water-powered mills were
locked up and placed on a sliding bed where it common. In coastal areas with strong
was inked with leather-covered balls coated offshore winds, windmills were more

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prevalent. In a few coastal areas with large sales area, with an office in the rear. Storage
bodies of tidal water connected by narrow for goods was upstairs and in the basement.
straits, tide mills – water mills operated by the Large merchants might have complexes of
flow of the tide were used. more than one warehouse.

Milling involved storing the grain in a hopper, Professions

feeding it between two stones – one stationary
and one rotating – then removing the flour and Medicine: Most physicians in Revolutionary
sifting and grading it through a series of shaker France still subscribed to the old humoral
screens into collection bags. The skills theory, and modern scientific theories are just
involved were in cutting the stones and beginning to penetrate the profession. Doctors
adjusting the correct balance of feed and stone of the age do not enjoy
spacing to keep from burning the grain or
having it run too coarse.

Milling was one trade in which barter was

common, the miller taking out his fee in a
percentage of the ground flour.

Merchants: Although influential and crucial

to the day to day operation of the commercial
culture of Revolutionary France, merchants
made up only a small part of the population.
The richer merchants held a status second
only to the richest landowners.

Merchants required good Italian bookkeeping

(double entry) skills; fairly advanced
mathematics, especially for navigation; a good
communication network; the ability to raise
capital by selling stock; laws to protect their
contractual interests and their ability to collect
on debts; insurance; and secure shipping lanes.

In addition, merchants often served as the

sources of information about the rest of the
world for a clientele that could not travel. The
ships brought the news as fast as any other
means and tied together a network as large as
Paris, the Caribbean, the Americas, and

Merchants, or clerks, were trained by

apprenticeship, but most commonly
represented an extended family raised to the
trade. Their storehouse or counting house was
usually set gable end to the street and
constructed so the front two-thirds was the

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Humoral Theory
According to the humoral theory, the body
was held to be comprised of four humors Common diseases of the time were flux
equating to the four elements. These were
(dysentery, particularly common in
blood, black bile, yellow bile (pus) and
phlegm. Personality was thought to be military camps), ague (fevers), dropsy or
determined by the dominant humor in a
cachexes (accumulation of water in body
healthy body and sickness resulted from an
extreme imbalance in humors. cavities), consumption (tuberculosis),
gout, scurvy, intermittent fever (malaria),
Cures concentrated on restoring the natural
balance, both with physic (drugs) and direct pleuretick fever (pleurisy), scarlet fever,
measures – such as bloodletting or
measles, mumps, King’s evil (scrofula),
expectorants. Diagnosis was made by
examining the illness. Most infections and whooping cough, quinsy, griping
fevers were hot and dry, revealing an excess
(flatulence), colick, palsey (stroke),
of hot, dry yellow bile. Urine samples were
also taken and examined in a looking glass. epilepsy, yellow jaundice, diabetes, stone
Color, cloudiness and other features were
in the bladder, gravel (kidney stones),
rupture (hernia), yaws (African disease
Once a diagnosis was made of the
often confused for syphilis), and cancer.
problematic humor, two distinct theories
existed about how to deal with it. One, the
doctrine of similiars, used treatments similar
Epidemics of yellow fever and pox
to the problem: feed a fever and starve a cold.
The doctrine of opposites did the opposite to (smallpox) often ran through the country.
restore the balance: feed a cold and starve a
Yellow fever, known as Barbadoes fever
or black vomit, is usually limited to small
Treatment to balance the humors might use a
areas near docks. The worst months for
lancet to pierce a vein, a scarificator (spring-
loaded set of razor blades with a depth disease were August and September, but
control) to cut the surface of the skin, leeches,
outbreaks could occur between June and
or blistering (the use of a hot glass cup to
cause a blister around the wound, which the first frost of the year.
could then be pierced). Expectorants,
diuretics, and emetics were also used,
depending on the humor to be purged.

Surgery was undertaken at a patient’s home.

Because there were no anesthetics, limited
ability to control blood loss and no ability to
replace lost blood, surgery was performed
done very quickly.

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the prestige of today. Physicians were represent themselves. The primary duty of a
technically internists – apothecaries practiced lawyer was, therefore, to draw up legal
medicine and made drugs. documents – such as marriage contracts and
wills – and serve as mediators in cases of
Most people, particularly those who cannot common law disagreements. The majority of
afford a doctor’s fees, treat themselves. A do- common law was based on Roman law, much
it-yourself book, Every Man his own Doctor, was of which was not actually written down but
published in 1736 and is very popular. studied through ancient Latin texts.

Apothecaries: Drugs were not regulated. Women

Apothecaries sold both components and
finished concoctions. Advice cost extra. In the 17th and 18th centuries, a growing
Many drugs were obtained from the garden number of French intellectuals began to
and the woods. Others, such as opiates, were question the existence of inequalities between
imported. Herbal remedies were quite men and women. While intellectuals had
common. begun to deal with some of the these issues
during the Renaissance, the debate over these
Treatments by drugs employed a wide variety issues, often referred to as the “querelle des
of materials, including herbs, animal parts and femmes,” (or “woman question”) reached a
metals. Many essentials were distilled and fevered pitch by the onset of the Revolution.
then combined for treatment. Tinctures were In 1792, Olympe de Gouges, in her Declaration
suspensions made with alcohol, extracts were of the Rights of Woman and Citizen, argued for
distillations, tisanes were teas, and poultices the extension to women of French
were applied directly to an infected area. revolutionary freedoms and political rights.
Ingestible treatments were ground in mortars,
combined with binders and rolled out on a pill Writers arguing for and against women’s
tile, then cut and given final form. emancipation contributed to an explosion of
publishing, with pamphlets, plays, and
The drugs most commonly used were: treatises that attempted to answer the question
foxglove plant, used for heart conditions; of difference by making a case for the
ipecacuanha made into a syrup as a laxative; superiority, inferiority, or equality of women
Jesuit’s bark (quinine) for malarial conditions; to men. Those who argued that females were
chalk settles upset stomachs; dandelion is a naturally subordinate to males also tried to
tincture for the gout, dropsy, worms, pleuritic demonstrate that restrictions on women’s
fever and the bits of snakes; licorice for rights to own property, conduct business, and
helping broken bones heal; wild onion for participate in political life were warranted.
colds; mugwort for dysentery; hepatica for These arguments, often based on the biblical
convulsions; sumac for dysentery; currants for account of Creation found in Genesis, argued
urinary trouble; hemlock for hemorrhages; that women were lustful and idle creatures of
peppermint for stomach ailments; chamomile whim, the restraint of whom ought to be the
as a sleeping aid; yarrow for poultices for task of unemotional and rational men.
wounds; lamb’s ear root as a purgative.
Writers who supported the raising of a
Practitioners at Law: The job of a barrister in woman’s place in society used the newly
Revolutionary France was to, primarily, serve developed language of human rights to argue
as a consultant in cases of common law. In that as persons, women, as men did, had
French courts, those accused of a felony were claims to equal treatment and would, if
not allowed counsel and were forced to properly educated, be as capable as men in

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contributing to public life. Some writers went they believe had been corrupted by the Ancien
even further and argued that women were not Regime.
merely equal to men but even morally superior
– capable of greater self-sacrifice and more While the political realities of a woman’s life
control over their passions. They pointed to may have been subject to some changes during
the poor education of young women was the the Revolution, her economic situation
primary reason for their lowered station. remained, relatively, the same. Many women
took in work to raise money in hard economic
During, and immediately preceding, the times, but still women earned only roughly
Revolution, women had begun to influence half what a man did.
society and politics through the institution of
the salon. Although aristocratic salons, which Children
were intended to provide training in courtly
behavior, had existed since the 16th century, Just as women’s lives were subject to
they grew increasingly important in the 18th philosophical discussion, and in some cases,
century. Previously, a few noble hostesses not political alteration, the Revolution brought
only facilitated political and philosophical some change to the way children were viewed
conversations, but also acquired a reputation and treated.
for their wit and banter, all while promoting
the careers of their favorite writers, artists, and In 17th-century France, parents from all walks
musicians of life routinely shipped their newborn
children off to be nursed and cared for by
Those that stood against the uplift of women complete strangers, who would swaddle the
in society often pointed to the Revolution as babies and hang them on hooks in the wall so
the cause of the decay of the family structure. that the nurses could go about their daily work
The Revolution had instituted liberal divorce without the burden of their charges. Child-
provisions, undermined the power of parents, rearing manuals of the period demonstrated
and made marriage a purely civil act. that it was the rare mother who visited her
Revolutionaries believed the purpose of these children, even if she had the leisure and means
reforms was to “regenerate” the family, which to do so. Those who did visit were generally

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less worried about the conditions in which appropriate subjects and methods for each
their children lived than about ensuring that child. While the pre-Revolutionary system
their payments were being used for a child was primarily intended to train children to be
who was still alive. good Christians, the new education promoted
the goal of creating valuable citizens. A
By the time of the Revolution, the tables had practical curriculum, based on reading French
turned. Tributes to breast-feeding and authors, spending time in physical exercise,
“natural” mothers made nurturing a priority. and exploring the natural sciences made
Children were no longer seen as beasts tainted education constructive and concrete.
by original sin but as unique individuals in
need of personal attention and love. Not Revolutionary children’s fashions reflected an
surprisingly, mothers who refused to fulfill attempt to be “natural,” and clothing became
their God-given obligations to breast-feed, looser and less restrictive. The swaddling and
love, and educate their children could find corsets that had restricted children gave way to
themselves castigated by husbands, neighbors, more freeing styles that allowed children to
or even legislators who wished to protect the roam and explore. Things once regarded as
health of the future citizens. frivolous, such as the time spent taking long
walks, playing with toys, or inventing games
Childhood began to be seen as a time of with friends, were cast in a new light. Walks
innocence – a time before one was subject to provided an ideal time to teach natural science
corruption by society. As this shift occurred in and to strengthen a child’s body, while games
the perception of childhood, a selflessly allowed the young mind to relax and opened
nurturing and domestic mother displaced a new pathways for thought. A growing
distant and controlling father as the ideal emphasis on toys was part of a new focus on
parent for early childhood. Women were both play and relaxation as necessary
often seen as uniquely capable of giving young activities.
children the love and attention that they
would need to become moral adults. No Before the Revolution, children were given
longer was the well-being of the family the traditional names such as Jacques, René,
sole responsibility of the male breadwinner Antoine, Sophie, and François. Saints’
and official head of the household. names, once so popular and widespread, were
Previously, women, of any social class, had now out of favor, so others had to be found to
been able to justify sending their children far replace them. Names of heroes of the
from home to a wet nurse. Once the Revolution, or taken from the much-admired
Revolution was in full swing, however, a Romans and Greeks, began to be used, and
woman who danced the night away at a ball, names like Brutus and Epaminondas became
while a nurse watched over the child in the widespread. One female infant was registered
family home, would be berated for her as Phytogynéanthrope (which means “a
“unnatural tendencies.” Women were woman who gives birth only to warrior sons”).
expected to stay home with their children, to Other babies were given names containing
love and nurture them. Marat or August the Tenth, Fructidor, or,
even, Constitution.
Once people came to believe that children
were naturally capable of rationality and good Law and Order
actions with a proper upbringing, the ideal
education became less a matter of having Traditionally, France did not have a single set
children memorize prayers and study Latin of laws. Laws depended on local customs,
and more of searching out the most and often on exceptions, privileges and special

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charters granted by the king or other feudal

lords. During the Revolution the vestiges of In theory, the revolutionary government of
feudalism were removed and an effort to France was a democracy, ruled by the
consolidate the legal system throughout the National Convention. Originally created as a
nation began. constitutional monarchy and ruled primarily
by the members of the bourgeoisie, during the
The most important reform was the new Terror the sans-culottes have rose to power.
criminal code that was presented to the
National Assembly in 1791 by Louis-Michel Inflamed by their poverty and hatred of
Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau. The criminal wealth, the Sans Culottes insisted that it was
code outlawed only “true crimes” and not the duty of the government to guarantee them
“phoney offenses, created by superstition, the right to existence. Such a policy ran
feudalism, the tax system, and royal counter to the bourgeois aspirations of the
despotism.” Crimes of superstition were those National Assembly. The sans-culottes
previously outlawed by the Church and the demanded that the revolutionary government
Christian faith and included blasphemy, immediately increase wages, fix prices, end
heresy, sacrilege, and witchcraft. Open to food shortages, punish hoarders and most
debate was whether or not incest, bestiality, importantly, deal with the existence of
and same-sex sexual acts – none of which counter-revolutionaries. In terms of social
were mentioned in the new Penal Code – were ideals, the sans-culottes wanted laws to
decriminalized or not. Before the Revolution, prevent extremes of both wealth and property.
sexual conduct had been regulated by Their vision was of a nation of small
medieval ecclesiastical law. When the shopkeepers and small farmers. They favored
National Assembly abolished ecclesiastical a democratic republic in which the voice of the
courts in 1791, it, in effect, decriminalized common man could be heard.
male homosexuality.
The Jacobin platform represented the sans-
The only other revolutionary document to culottes. The Jacobins were tightly organized,
influence the law would be The Declaration of well-disciplined and convinced that they alone
the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which were responsible for saving and "managing"
declared that suspects were presumed to be the Revolution. On June 22, 1793, 80,000
innocent until they had been declared guilty by armed sans-culottes surrounded the meeting
a court of law. Of course, during the Terror, halls of the National Convention and
this right was largely ignored. demanded the immediate arrest of the
Girondin faction. The Convention yielded to
During the Revolution, many ordinary the mob and 29 Girondin members of the
citizens took it upon themselves to police the Convention were arrested.
streets, as was their right, given the following
stricture: During the Terror, the Jacobins had firm
control not only of the Convention, but the
The proof necessary to convict the enemies of the French nation as well. They were the
people is every kind of evidence, either material government and they had to deal with many
or moral or verbal or written. . . . Every citizen pressing problems: civil war was everywhere,
has the right to seize conspirators and counter- economic distress had not been lifted, they had
revolutionaries and to arraign them before to keep the sans-culottes satisfied, they
magistrates. He is required to denounce them suffered continued threats of foreign invasion
when he knows of them. and the nation’s ports had all been blockaded.
 Law of 22 Prairial Year II They lived, dreading the possibility that if they

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failed, so too would the Revolution. It was enforced by the Revolutionary Tribunal.
seen that only strong leadership could save the “Representatives on mission,” who were
Revolution. agents sent out by the Committee of Public
Safety – had absolute power to enforce the
The Committee of Public Safety assumed terror, including the establishment of special
leadership in April 1793. As a branch of the courts.
National Convention, the Committee of
Public Safety had broad powers which The counterrevolutionary uprising in the
included the organization of the nation’s Vendée, and revolts against the Convention in
defenses, all foreign policy, and the Lyon and several other cities, had served as a
supervision of ministers. The Committee also backdrop to the intensification of the terror.
ordered arrests and trials of counter- In Nantes, mass drownings had claimed at
revolutionaries and imposed government least 3,500 lives.
authority across the nation. What was
amazing was that only twelve men controlled In June, the Committee of Public Safety
the CPS, although the CPS was ultimately led introduced a new law, which strengthened the
by Maximillien Robespierre. power of the Revolutionary Tribunal. The
court could return only verdicts of either
Initially, the Committee of Public Safety was acquittal or death. Executions, as a result,
created to preserve the reforms of the French increased greatly.
Revolution. Its membership included Bertrand
Barère de Vieuzac, Lazare Carnot, Georges The machinery of government had been
Couthon, M. J. Hérault de Séchelles, centralized in the hands of the Committee of
Maximilien Robespierre, and Louis de Saint- Public Safety. Military mobilization, planned
Just and the Hébertists, J. N. Billaud-Varenne by Carnot, and based on the levée had been
and J. N. Collot d’Herbois. followed by a complete reorganization of the
armed forces.
Responsibility for the police measures taken
also lay with the Committee of General In the field of economics, the demands of the
Security, which had control over the local Enragés in Paris had brought strict controls.
committees formed to ferret out treason. The The Law of the Maximum, and other
Law of Suspects defined those who could be measures, set price and wage ceilings, forbid
arrested for “treasonable” activities and it was hoarding and withholding from the market,

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On 10 October 1789, Doctor Joseph- During the Terror, the Revolutionary

Ignace Guillotin, a French physician, Tribunal sentenced thousands to the
stood before the National Assembly guillotine. Nobility and commoners,
and proposed the following, in favor of intellectuals, politicians and
the reformation of capital prostitutes, all were liable to be
punishment: “Whenever the Law executed on little or no grounds –
imposes the death penalty, irrespective suspicion of "crimes against liberty"
of the nature of the offence, the was enough to earn one an
punishment shall be the same: appointment with "Madame
decapitation, effected by means of a Guillotine.”
simple mechanism.”
During the Terror, Paris executions
In 1791, as the French Revolution were carried out in the Place de la
progressed, the National Assembly Revolution. The guillotine stood in the
researched a new method to be used corner, near the Hôtel Crillon.
on all condemned people, regardless Executions were a popular
of class. Their concerns contributed to entertainment that attracted great
the idea that the purpose of capital crowds of spectators. Vendors would
punishment was simply to end life sell programs listing the names of
rather than to inflict pain. A those scheduled to die. Many people
committee was formed under Antoine would come day after day and vie for
Louis, physician to the King and the best locations from which to
Secretary to the Academy of Surgery. observe the proceedings. Knitting
women formed a cadre of hardcore
Laquiante, an officer of the Strasbourg regulars, inciting the crowd in the
criminal court, made a design for a role of cheerleaders.
beheading machine and employed a
German harpsichord maker, to
construct a prototype. The machine
was successful as it was considered a
humane form of execution,
contrasting with the methods used in
pre-Revolution France.

Having only one method of civil

execution was seen as an expression of
equality among citizens.

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requisitioned food and supplies for the army, best way to keep law and order. The
and had instituted rationing. Land purchases Feuillants had opposed the republican
by the peasants had been made easier, yet inclinations of the Jacobins and Cordeliers
despite these measures, economic problems and, because of this, lost a lot of power to the
continued to intensif Gironde and the Montagne.

Political Parties & Affiliations In the wake of the destruction of the

monarchy, most Feuillants were forced into
Royalists: Louis XVI was the 66th King to hiding, having been accused of being
reign over France and, despite their high politically reactionary.
idealism and sense of mission, most
revolutionaries were forced to come to terms Girondins: The Gironde, so called because
with the widespread loyalty to the monarchy most of the original party members came from
that continued to exist in France. The that region of France, were known as a
peasants, who made up 97% of the population, particularly effective group of orators. Beyond
fiercely supported the monarchy, and though this, however, they tended to have little
few leading intellectual and political minds of cohesiveness as a group.
the day would accept the traditional
arguments for a king, many defended the right The Gironde, obsessed with Plutarch and the
of a monarch to rule on the grounds of public values of the Ancients, favored a republican
order and national tradition. government such as existed in Rome before
the Empire. The Gironde were federalists,
Jacobins: The Jacobins got their name from meaning they believed that the central
the Jacobin Club – a political group of mainly government and the provincial governments
middle-class lawyers who meet at the former should each have a sphere of power and that
Convent of St. Jacques. The group started as the power of the central government should
a debate society and included revolutionaries not interfere with those of the provincial
of all stripes. Later, many of these groups governments. They wanted a confederation of
were ousted from the Club as the Jacobins united areas, such as exists in the United
became the center of power for the States and Switzerland. For this reason, the
Montagnards. Gironde is identified with the provinces and
used the appeal of representing “the true
The Jacobins were composed of many people of France” in the face of the
subgroups: the Feuillants, Girondins, Montagnard’s obedience to the Parisian
Dantonists, Hebertists, and Enragés. population.

Feuillants: The Feuillants started out as The Gironde were an extremely idealistic
members of the Jacobin Club but, being more group and believed that the blessings of the
inclined to a constitutional monarchy, Revolution should be spread outwards among
separated from the Jacobin Club after the the people of all nations. The Gironde were
Jacobins drafted a petition asking for the king the chief advocates of a widespread European
to step down. “holy war” to extend the cause of liberty.
They had been opposed in this, not by
The Feuillants believed in The Rights of Man aristocrats or royalists, but by the most radical
and Citizen, freedom of the press and speech, Montagnards – such as Robespierre and
and a property qualification necessary for Marat.
voting. However, they also supported the
monarchy – believing that a monarchy was the

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Montagnards: La Montagne (“The of France. To the Hébertists, “enemies of the

Mountain”) was the name given to the group people” was a pretty wide term encompassing
of extreme radical delegates who, in 1792, just about everyone disliked, for any reason,
began sitting in the highest seats of the by the Parisian populace.
Convention. In the beginning, the various
factions of the Montagne worked together in Enragés: The Enragés were not so much a
ordering the arrest of the Girondins and the political party as a mob movement, as they did
institutionalizing of the Terror, but had not have seats in the Convention and they
afterwards began to splinter into a variety of represented the desperation of a population
factions. angered by rising prices, fear of aristocratic
conspiracies and disappointment with the little
Dantonists: Sometimes called the material benefits the Revolution had brought.
“indulgents,” or moderates, the Dantonists The Enragés have been called “mad dogs” for
were the followers of Georges Danton. Under rampaging through the streets and sometimes
Robespierre’s Terror they, like most other into the Convention itself, demanding food.
organized political clubs, found themselves
under political persecution. The Dantonists – The Enragés were mainly concerned with the
while early allies with the dominant political fight against hoarders, who were believed to
parties – were accused of betraying the be the cause of much of the misfortune in
Revolution when Danton advocated a Paris – as well as the high cost of living. The
conciliatory foreign policy. Enragés were known to favor state-owned
businesses that could keep the cost of
Cordeliers: Founded as the Society of the necessities down to a minimum. The Enragés
Friends of the Rights of Man and of the were bitterly anti-aristocratic and favored
Citizen, they became known as Cordeliers death for all those who supported the
after its original meeting place – the monarchy. Although they sometimes allied
suppressed monastery of the Cordeliers. Early with the Montagnards in the Convention, the
on, the Cordeliers provided a political base for Enragés tended to be somewhat skeptical of
Georges Danton and Jean Paul Marat. In bourgeois lawyers and often fought against the
1792, after Danton left the club, it was Jacobins. They dreamt of direct democracy
instrumental in the destruction of the run by the sans-culottes.
Girondists. After Marat's assassination, the
club was led by Jacques René Hébert and it Another notable aspect of the Enragés was the
drifted to the extreme left. fact that they were allied with the
Revolutionary Republican Women – the most
Hébertists: Controlling the Paris commune, progressive and militant of women’s groups
the Hébertists became a threat to the power of that demand female suffrage.
Maximilien Robespierre, who had many
executed during the Terror. Relations with Foreign Nations
The Hébertists, a popular-based group, tended By the time the Terror was in full swing,
to excite trouble whenever possible. Unlike France had alienated and isolated itself from
the Enragés, however, the Hébertists did not most other nations in Europe. During this
agree with the complete government take-over time France was officially at war with every
of industries, or with the fixing of food prices. country in Europe, except Sweden and
The main goal of the Hébertists revolved Switzerland. In the last months of 1792, the
around the execution of aristocrats and armies of Austria, Holland, Prussia, and
“profiteers” as well as the “dechristianization” Sardinia had advanced on the French

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Republic. Relations with other nations were, radicals from all over Europe and the
likewise, cold. Americas to France.

A great fear of foreigners had begun to spread The Material Life

throughout France – particularly after the
issuance of the Brunswick Manifesto, The Livre tournois was the base coin of
threatening to exact “memorable revenge” if exchange in France. It was named after the
the royal family was threatened. city of Tours, where the coins were minted.
Each Livre was worth 20 sou which, in turn,
Nevertheless, France’s borders were not was worth 12 deniers.
entirely closed. British, Italian, Spanish, and
Dutch subjects, in particular, often visited 1 Livre = 20 sous
France to conduct business for many 1 sou = 12 deniers
international trading houses. Immigrants 1 Livre = 240 deniers
from Prussia, Russia, and Poland were
common but the Revolution had also brought

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Other, rarer, coins that were used in France of trade throughout the centuries, in Europe,
were the Louis d’or and the Écu. An écu was had led towns to construct covered market
worth 3 Livres and the Louis d’or was worth 20 halls that were then surrounded by open-air
Livres. markets. The halls tended to represent
specialized markets – such as grains, leathers,
To redeem the huge public debt, and to wine, shoes, and furs – while the open-air
counter-balance the growing deficit, the markets remained open to a variety of goods.
Assembly issued, in 1789, Assignats, as
treasury notes, to the amount of 400 million The chief competition to the markets in towns
Livres at 5% interest. These were intended as came from shops. While markets tended to be
short-term obligations pending the sale of held at intervals and supported a rotating cast
confiscated crown and church land. By 1790, of merchants, shops were open all the time
Assignats were made legal tender and and remained in one location. Shops tended
subsequent issues bore no interest. Assignats to be the primary location for artisans of all
were found in the form of paper currency that types.
bore a variety of Livre values. The currency
rapidly became inflated. Stringent financial Peddlers were merchants, usually poorer ones,
measures during the Terror temporarily who carried their meager stock on their backs.
stabilized the valued of the Assignat at one- Peddlers were primarily responsible for
third of its face value (In 1793, a 100-Livre traveling set routes that brought goods to
Assignat note was worth 23-Livre). many smaller villages and hamlets. The
spread of literature and almanacs to the
Due to the economic depression, many countryside was almost exclusively the doing
citizens had begun to hoard what little of peddlers. Many peddlers followed routes
currency they came into contact with. that crisscrossed the roads throughout Europe
Because of this, and the general lack of income and they remained a strong source of
by many citizens, the practice of barter had information from outside France.
become common throughout the Republic.
Many citizens would trade what little they had The last source of commercial goods for the
for flour or a handful of beans or grain a day. residents of Europe was the seasonal fairs.
It was also common for people to work for The fair provided a variety of distractions for
bread or wine. The Assembly has attempted the average citizen – entertainment, long-
to combat this problem by instituting wage distance trade goods, and the opportunity to
freezes and price ceilings on most consumer socialize outside one’s normal social group.
goods. As well, the Committee of Public There were fireworks, bonfires, and
Safety sentenced citizens for hoarding specie drummers; jokers, sellers of miracle-cures and
and sacrificing the safety of the Republic drugs, fortune-tellers, jugglers, tumblers,
through their personal greed. tightrope-walkers, tooth-pullers, and traveling
musicians and singers. The low-life were
Merchants, Fairs, Shops, and attracted as well: Gambling and easy women
attracted many takers. The “blank lottery”
Traveling Salesmen was all the rage – it gave out a large number of
white or blank tickets and a few black tickets.
Most of the purchases made in 18th Century Those who obtained a black ticket won a small
Europe were made in community markets. In sum of money. Many gambled away their
small towns markets were generally held once hard earned wages on the blank lottery.
or twice a week. In big cities, however,
markets tended to be held daily. The growth

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The fairs also provided a yearly opportunity was increasingly common for one to make a
for farmers and wealthier peasants to bring fortune one day only to lose it the next.
extra sale goods (grains, cloth, cotton, etc) to
show at market. Food and Meals
There also existed, in Paris, the Labor Market. In France, at least four dishes were presented
This was a place where out-of-work men at meals and a modest French table was
gathered to offer their services to any who incomparably better than its equivalent
might willing to employ them. The men who anywhere else in Europe. In addition, every
gathered in the Labor Market came from all dinner included dessert – even if it consisted
over France – and even all over Europe – to be only of an apple or a bunch of grapes. No
inspected for their intelligence and strong meal was complete without it. While dining,
backs. Men, often, brought their tools and in high society, a servant stood beside the
oxen with them to show the particular chair when the wine was served and added to
resources they could bring to a job. it the desired amount of water. A separate
glass was set out for each variety of drink.
By the time of the Revolution, a small meal,
“Paris contains nothing but sellers and stirrers- the déjeuner (breakfast), consisting of at least
up of money, bankers, people who speculate in café au lait or plain milk and bread or rolls and
paper, state loans and public misery” butter had become common throughout
 Roland de la Platiére, 1791 France. Workers and others whose days began
early had their déjeuner about nine in the
An exchange was a meeting place of bankers, morning. A more substantial breakfast might
merchants and businessmen, currency dealers include cheese and fruit and, on occasion,
and brokers. The first exchanges met in local meat.
taverns or coffee houses but by the 17th century
most began to organize and assemble public Some of the most common foods during the
meeting buildings. In the 18th century most Revolution were, including drinks (tea,
major cities hosted an exchange building. chocolate, coffee), butter, breads (wheat, milk,
black rye), eggs, cream, sugar (powdered,
The exchange became a necessity for any lump, sugar candy), salt (coarse or fine),
township that wished to participate in pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, mustard,
international trade. The Exchange served as anchovies, capers, chopped herbs, radishes,
an important meeting place for businessmen, cheese (soft, cream, gruyere, Gloucester,
as well as a place where business of all sort dutch, or parmesan), artichokes, sausages,
could be transacted: operations in ham, bacon, cold meats (veal, mutton) for
commodities, currency exchange, sandwiches, fruits (lemons, oranges), biscuits,
shareholding, maritime insurance where the cakes, jams, almond milk, oysters, wine, beer,
risk could be spread among several guarantors; and pastries.
and also a money market, a finance market
and a stock market. Chocolate had been introduced into France in
the previous century, brought to Europe from
In Paris, in particular, stock-market the Americas by the Spaniards. But, by far, the
speculation became very popular. Perhaps as most popular drink for all classes and in all
a result of the paranoia of the age, it seemed households was coffee. It was to be found not
that every Parisian wanted to “find their only in coffee shops, but also in markets, and
fortune” in the risky venture markets, where it it was sold on the streets. Cafés sprang up in

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Paris and became the place for fashionable The Daily Bread
men to meet, as well as refuges for poor
people, who used them as shelters. Bread was regarded as a public service
necessary to keep the people from rioting.
In the provinces, coffee was not so welcome. Bakers, therefore, were public servants, and so
In Limoges, for example, coffee was only the police controlled all aspects of bread
drunk as a medicine. The equivalent to coffee production, including making sure that it
houses was chocolate houses that served continued. Bakers had to get permission from
chocolate with vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon. the police if they wanted to go into a different
By midcentury, this drink was added to the profession. Sometimes the police helped
breakfast – although wine and brandy were bakers. For example, when merchants
still consumed for breakfast by many workers. hoarded yeast to create an artificial shortage
and jack up the price, the bakers’ guild had the
A typical dinner for the elite class was police search the merchants’ homes and shops
comprised of a first course (entrée) of one or and confiscate the yeast.
more soups and plates of roasted or stewed
meat, served along with similar dishes of Master bakers exercised very tight control over
poultry or seafood. The second (main) course the journeymen through a certification system.
contained the largest dishes of meat and After 1781, every journeyman baker had to
poultry, accompanied by various vegetables register with the guild and get a Livret –
and salad, and this was followed by the third booklet – which was the equivalent of a
course, comprising cheese, fruit, pastries, and passport. The journeyman had to show their
often pâtés. Livret to rent a room or get food in a tavern.
When he went to work, he gave the Livret to
By 1793, affluent Parisians were eating dinner the master. If the journeyman changed jobs,
around three or four o’clock. It included soup, he had to inform the guild within 24 hours and
lamb or cold beef, beet salad, fish (such as sole pay a fee. He also had to show in the Livret
or skate), turnips, potatoes, and, on occasion, that the master had given permission. Some
a ham omelet. Dessert included fruit (such as masters forced journeymen to work for them
apples or pears) or cherries in brandy, cheese, by keeping the Livret. If he left without it, the
and jam. journeyman was unable to secure new work.
Police frequently raided shops where
The diet of the peasants had little in common journeymen were working illegally. Illegal
with that of the bourgeoisie and the wealthy. journeymen could be sent to jail or back to
Even though many people raised animals, their former masters.
these were used mostly for milk, cheese, and
wool. The poor ate practically no meat. The bakers, like the grain and flour merchants,
Instead, a kind of gruel made from boiled were presumed to be greedy and selfish.
grain formed the center of their diet – People accused them of numerous crimes:
especially in the winter. Some eggs, fruit, or adulterating bread with wood chips, soap, or
vegetables were consumed at home, but the rotten grain, or baking underweight loaves.
best produce was taken to be sold in the They made bitter jokes about it: “weigh a dead
markets. Encouraged by the government, baker and he’ll come up short weight.” The
people began eating more potatoes, one of the bakers complained that it wasn’t their fault – it
principal healthy food items of the rural was impossible to get absolutely uniform
population. loaves. The police always knew who was
responsible because a baker had to carve his
initials into every loaf. Making an anonymous

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loaf was also a crime, but, of course, harder to vineyards, and “French” wines – those
prosecute. produced in Ile-de-France and in Champagne
– enjoy a reputation for excellence. When
Punishments for bakers included fines, having weather favored a good harvest, wine
their ovens destroyed or their shops walled up, appeared on every table. Workers, students,
having their crimes published in the paper or artisans, and, of course, the wealthy
being forced to wear them on a sandwich bourgeoisie and landowners all drank wine –
board and march through the streets. For and often in excess. Individual consumption
serious or repeat offenses there was jail time, rarely fell below a quart a day, and often
loss of master status, or even expulsion from exceeded half a gallon.
the guild. Sometimes the police just looked
the other way and let angry customers – often Despite the “democratic” nature of wine-
women – beast the bakers up. At the bread drinking in France, there was good and bad
market, stalls often displayed 1500 pounds of wine on the market. When supplies were
bread, or more. Competition for customers sufficient, ordinary townspeople could afford
was fierce. The bakers – and sometimes low-quality wines produced locally using high-
bakers’ wives – got into fist or knife fights. yielding grape varieties. Peasants often had to
Women also worked as delivery people – make do with the cheap stuff squeezed out of
porteuses, or female porters. On their backs the leftovers of the harvest – which had
they carried baskets with as much as 100 already been crushed once to make the first-
pounds of bread long distances and up four or pressing wines for the master and for the more
five flights of stairs. affluent. Sometimes this was little more than
vinegar mixed with water.
French bread was made from flour, water,
salt, leavening, and massive amounts of Some foreign wines did make it onto the tables
human labor. The leavening was a starter that of the more fortunate. Falerno, from Italy,
took up to 15 hours to ripen, had to be fed and enjoyed a certain standing in France and was
rested three or four times during kneading, often associated with the ancient glory
and made a bulky dough that wore the bakers associated with the fame of the Falernian
out wrestling with it – they had to knead 200 wines of classical times. All of western
pounds by hand in 45 minutes. Sometimes Christendom imported the sweet wines of
they jumped on the dough and kneaded it with Crete, Tyre, and Cyprus. The sweet wines of
their bare feet. When some bakers switched to southern Italy and Sicily were often available
barm – brewer’s yeast – because it rose faster to the minor bourgeoisie, the artisan, and the
and made the dough easier to work with, there wealthy peasant. No celebratory dinner was
was a public outcry. Physicians declared that complete without a final glass of malvasia
brewer’s yeast “shocked” the flour into rising (sweet wine).
instead of leading it gently, that it made the
bread less white, and that it would have the Unlike today, the citizens of the Revolutionary
same toxic effects on the human body as beer. era were not obsessed with matching wines
and foods. People choose their wines on the
basis of their social standing, their occupation,
Drinking their age, and their constitution. Whites and
clairets – lighter and more delicate – were
Grape growing began in the Mediterranean, more appropriate for the higher classes, who
and by the Middle Ages had spread to the were seen as more “delicate” and “refined”
most northerly of French lands. Lille, Caen, and who made more use of their brains than
Beauvais, and Rennes were surrounded by their muscles. Red wines were believed to be

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

more nourishing and had benefits for manual high society had ceased, and the privilege of
labors. They were also the cheapest. Young wearing clothes made of fine materials, with
people were to opt for young, white wines, feathers, red heels, and other such attire, now
which they diluted with water according to extended to all citizens, but such finery was
their constitution, while the elderly drank aged scorned by most.
red wines. Physicians often prescribed red
wines to be drunk undiluted to warm and The fashion center moved from Versailles to
nourish the body and drive out melancholy. Paris – where political opinions were
expressed through dress. Those loyal to the
Arms & Armaments monarchy wore cockades that were white on
one side (to represent the monarchy) and
The most popular firearm in France, during tricolor on the other (for the Revolution) –
the Revolution, was the Musket Model 1777 presumably as insurance against the outcome,
Charleville. The Charleville was a .69- caliber, whichever way it went!
(although sometimes made in .70 or .71
varieties) 5-foot-long, muzzle-loading, Although many of the bourgeois leaders
smoothbore musket. Properly trained French continued to wear the old-style breeches and
infantry were expected to be able to fire three shirts with ruffles, the official costume for a
volleys a minute. A trained soldier could hit a “true patriot” required the substitution of
man-sized target at 80 yards, but anything trousers for breeches (or culottes), which
further required an increasing amount of luck, created a new trade – the manufacture of
as the musket was wildly inaccurate at long suspenders and shortened stockings. Pants
range. Also common among Revolutionaries opened in front with a panel attached to the
were a variety of flintlock, muzzle-loaded vest by three buttons. These were called

At 10 inches shorter, the musketoon was less

cumbersome, making it more suitable for the
mobility that horseback riders required. For
this reason, the musketoon was commonly
used by messengers and carriage-drivers to
protect their charges.

Besides guns, the Revolutionary citizen had

access to a variety of swords, bayonets and
pikes. Former cavalry, officers, sergeants and
other higher-ranking military officials often
owned swords.

Houses, Clothes and Fashion

After 1789, it became dangerous to display
elegance and affluence in public, and hoops,
paint, powder, beauty spots, artificial flowers
and fruit, and all the trappings of the Ancien
Regime in costume disappeared. By the time
the court lost its influence, the social life of

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

pantalons á pont (bridge trousers) because the

panel opened like a drawbridge. Previously,
these had been used only by British sailors, but
in Revolutionary France, those who wore
them – the sans-culottes were completely set
apart from the aristocrats. They also wore the
red bonnet, or cap, with the cockade - one of
the primary symbols of liberty. In addition,
patriots wore either a vest or a short, blue
jacket called a carmagnole.

Early in 1790, a “constitutional costume” was

also prescribed for women. To be stylish now
THE TRICOLOR COCKADE meant that patriotism had to be displayed, and
militant women used badges and symbols to
show their support for the Revolution.
Sometimes, especially at festivals, they wore
The royal government of France used
only white – with tricolor cockades in their
many flags, the best known being a blue hair. Others appeared in the uniform of the
National Guard, while some women armed
shield and yellow fleur-de-lis on a white
themselves with pistols or sabers. The
background. Early in the Revolution, the everyday clothing of working-class women
included a striped skirt, an apron, and clogs.
Paris militia, which played a prominent
role in the storming of the Bastille, wore a The tricolor became obligatory in everything
from gloves to shoes. For women, this meant
cockade of blue and red, the city's
red-white-and-blue cotton dresses (often
traditional colors. According to Lafayette, printed with Revolutionary symbols with the
requisite colored stripes), sashes, shawls,
white, the "ancient French color", was
shoes, hats, and even bouquets of flowers
added to the militia cockade to create a (daisies, cornflowers, and crimson poppies)
placed to the left side above the heart. The
tricolor, or national, cockade. This
tricolor was used by everyone, of all ages, in
cockade became part of the uniform of the all levels of society. The cockade in particular
was worn all the time.
National Guard, which was commanded
by Lafayette. The colors and design of the A ban against luxurious materials, such as silk
and velvet, led to the increase of simple,
cockade are the basis of the Tricolor flag,
figured cotton and linens. Satin, now used
adopted in 1790. A modified design by more rarely, was brownish-green or dull blue.
Later, ostrich plumes reappeared.
Jacques-Louis David was adopted in
1794. Embroidered handkerchiefs and fans were
frequently carried, but, in place of the
exquisite and costly works of art in ivory,
tortoise shell, or mother-of-pearl common
before the Revolution, fans were now made of

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

wood or paper and embellished with brilliant Denis, rue Foch, and rue Antoine. The
designs depicting, for instance, the National cathedral of Nôtre Dame became the Temple
Guard, Lafayette, or the Estates-General. of Reason. Provincial towns with names of
saints or royalty sometimes changed their
Because they had operated under royal name completely; for example, Saint-Lô
patronage, the lace factories were torn down became known as Rocher de la Liberté.
and demolished. Some of the lace-makers
were put to death and their patterns destroyed. The Arts and Literature
The Fashion of Language The two leading dramatists of the period were
Pierre de Marivaux and Pierre Augustin
To conform to the egalitarian spirit of the Caron de Beaumarchais (The Barber of Seville
times, the familiar second-person singular, tu, and The Marriage of Figaro). The greatest novel
was used instead of the formal vous throughout of the era was Les Liasons dangereuses written by
much of the country. Now the baker’s Choderlos de Laclos. Other writers of prose
apprentice could address his master and clients romances were Abbe Prevost and Alain Rene
in a familiar form – a practice that had been Lesage. The major lyric poet of the age was
strictly forbidden. Within a short time, people Andre Chenier.
in Paris were speaking to one another as if
they were family, or long-time intimate Music of the Revolution
friends. Anyone who continued to use vous
was treated as suspect. Among the towering musical figures of the era
was Johann Sebastian Bach. A devout
Similarly, the forms of address Monsieur and German Lutheran, Bach wrote complex and
Madame were replaced by Citoyen and beautiful religious works for organ and choirs.
Citoyenee, with the same objective of Another German-born composer, George
eliminating class distinction. All over the Frederick Handel, spent much of his life in
country, “Citizen” was the only recognized England. There, he wrote Water Music and
form of address. Plays already being staged other pieces for King George I, as well as
and works in the offing had to have their many operas.
wording changed to conform to the new
usage. When a player at the Opéra-Comique In 1762, a six-year-old prodigy, Wolfgang
inadvertently used the old forms in a speech, Amadeus Mozart, burst onto the European
he was not excused for a lapse of memory and scene to gain instant celebrity as a composer
had to duck out of the way as the seats were and performer. Over the next three decades,
thrown at him. his brilliant operas, graceful symphonies, and
moving religious music helped define the new
The names of places also changed to match style of composition.
the Revolutionary spirit of the times. All
streets and squares in Paris that had been During the Revolution, the democratic spirit
named for the king, court, or someone who led to the popularity of many more “folk”
had served the monarchy were changed to songs, or songs of the common people. Many
honor the Revolution: Place de Louis XV of these songs could be found being sung in
became Place de la Révolution, rue de Bourbon taverns and inns by working people or being
became rue de Lille, and rue Madame was performed at Republican parties and dances.
changed to rues des Citoyennes. In addition, Some common Sans-culottes songs were:
streets previously named for Saint Denis, Saint
Foch, and Saint Antoine became simply rue

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

 “Funeral Hymn for General Hoche”: sung to a tune already familiar to

This hymn was performed at the state many French. The song honored
funeral held in Paris for Lazare journalist Jean-Paul Marat and
Hoche. Only twenty-nine when he deputy Michel LePelletier, both of
died, Hoche was already famous for whom had been assassinated and
his daring military leadership against were considered martyrs to the
the Prussians in 1793 and for the role Revolution.
he played in helping quell counter-  “Song for the Festival of Old Age”:
revolution in the west of France. This song was composed for one of
 “Hymn for the Festival of Marriage”: the many Directorial festivals that
Although festivals drew much smaller were not overtly political. Several,
audiences during the final years of the like the festival for which this song
Revolution, the government was composed, celebrated important
continued to celebrate them. Now, moments in the life cycle.
however, they tended to  “Song of the Marseillaise of the
commemorate apolitical events: thus Federation of 10 August, Year II”: One
a festival, and hymn, devoted to the of the many hymns that was
subject of marriage. composed by rhyming new lyrics to
 “Hymn of 21 January”: With lyrics the wildly popular tune of the
drawn from a Republican Ode “Marseillaise,” this song was
composed by the revolutionary poet performed at the festival celebrating
Lebrun in 1793, this hymn the first anniversary of the Republican
commemorated the execution of Revolution on August 10.
Louis XVI.  “Te Deum for the Federation of July 14,
 “It’ll Be Okay”: Popular during the 1790 at the Champ de Mars”: A hymn
early years of the Revolution, this written by François Joseph Gossec to
song’s lively tune and repetitive celebrate national unity on the first
chorus expressed revolutionaries’ anniversary of the taking of the
hopefulness about the future. Singers Bastille. Combining old and new,
manipulated its malleable lyrics to Gossec sets a traditional Latin text to
address a broad range of topical music scored for wind instruments
issues. (rather than the common organ) – the
 “Oh Richard, Oh, My King!”: This sound of which carried well at
aria from the André Gretry opera, outdoor festivals.
Richard Coer-de-lion, was adopted by  “The Carmagnole”: Sharing its name
royalists during the early years of the with a popular dance, this song
Revolution. The song’s accusations heaped scorn upon the Queen
that the king had been abandoned by (Madame Veto), believed to be a
all but his most devoted followers traitor, and the aristocrats who
made it a suitable counter- supported her. Like “It’ll Be Okay”,
revolutionary anthem. the simple tune of the “Carmagnole”
 “Patriotic Song on the Unveiling of the permitted even the illiterate to learn
Busts of Marat and Le Pelletier”: This lyrics with which to proclaim their
song illustrated the fluid boundary conviction to the Revolution’s
between “high” and “popular” progress.
musical forms. Although the lyrics
were set to a new composition by
Joseph Gossec, they could also be

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

On April 25th, 1792, the mayor of Strasbourg requested his guest Rouget de Lisle
compose a song "that will rally our soldiers from all over to defend their homeland
that is under threat". De Lisle wrote “The War Song for the Army of the Rhine.” The
melody soon became the rallying call of the Revolution and was adopted as “La
Marseillaise” after the melody was first sung on the streets by volunteers from
Marseille. The Convention accepted it as the French national anthem in a decree
passed on July 14th, 1795.
Spreads desolation far and wide
Ye sons of France, awake to glory,
With crimes and blood his hands imbruing?
Hark, hark! what myriads bid you rise!
Your children, wives and white-haired
To arms, to arms, ye brave!
With luxury and pride surrounded
Behold their tears and hear their cries!
The vile insatiate despots dare,
Their thirst of power and gold unbounded,
Shall hateful tyrants, mischiefs breeding,
To mete and vend the light and air!
With hireling hosts, a ruffian band,
Affright and desolate the land,
Like beasts of burden would they load us,
While peace and liberty lie bleeding?
Like gods would bid their slaves adore,
But man is man, and who is more?
To arms, to arms, ye brave!
Then shall they longer lash and goad us?
The avenging sword unsheath,
March on, march on!
To arms, to arms, ye brave!
All hearts resolv'd
O Liberty, can man resign thee
On victory or death!
Once having felt thy generous flame?
Now, now, the dangerous storm is rolling
Can dungeons, bolts or bars confine thee
Which treacherous kings confederate raise!
Or whips thy noble spirit tame?
The dogs of war, let loose, are howling,
Too long the world has wept, bewailing
And lo! Our fields and cities blaze!
That falsehood's dagger tyrants wield,
But freedom is our sword and shield,
And shall we basely view the ruin
And all their arts are unavailing.
While lawless force with guilty stride
To arms, to arms, ye brave!

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

establishments and had enough clout to have

these competitors closed down by the police if
Leisure Activities and they attracted large audiences. In addition, a
complex set of rules restricted the activities of
smaller theaters. For example, in some
theaters, the characters could be wounded and
What games entertained the Revolutionary
faint or bleed, but they were not permitted to
French? Whist, a card game similar to bridge,
die on stage; in others, only acrobats or
was popular. So was faro, another card game
pantomime could be staged; in one theater, the
that was like a smaller game of baccarat. As
number of acts put on was restricted, and in
for dice, hazard was a game that evolved into
another, a gauze curtain was hung between
our game of craps. Some games played during
the audience and the actors to reduce the effect
the Revolution era are still popular today,
of the production.
such as chess and backgammon. Also, vingt-et-
un – French for "twenty-one" – was the 1700s
Before the Revolution, censorship was heavy
equivalent of blackjack.
on playwrights, who had to submit their
manuscripts for approval, and the police were
Tennis was a popular sport during this era, as
quick to suppress political material that did
was horse racing. Hunting continued as a
not reflect well on the royal government or the
favorite pastime for the former nobility.
church. Nevertheless, theater in France had a
Billiards was also played (Louis XVI and
fine reputation.
Marie Antoinette would often play against
each other). Fencing was highly regulated,
Revolutionary Paris, as well as other large
with fencing masters required to belong to the
provincial towns, stood against monopolies of
French Fencing Academy. However, as the
any kind and forced the major theaters to be
Revolution progressed, the academy
more egalitarian and to present a variety of
disbanded and fencing was discouraged. For
works, plays, operas, and farces to appeal to
hot air enthusiasts, ballooning had become a
the general public. More boulevard theaters
popular entertainment (the first recorded
sprang up, giving performances aimed at the
manned flight occurred in Paris in 1783).
tastes of the average, working people.
Not long before the Revolution, popular
As the Revolution moved on, so did the
theater had evolved from fairground spectacle
theater. On January 13, 1791, the National
to become a staple of city life. Audiences were
Assembly passed the Chapelier Law, which
a mixture of all classes and prices for seats
abolished the restrictions that had previously
were assigned a value according to their
limited the productions put on by smaller
location in the theater. The poor sat in the
houses. At the same time, the Office of
peanut gallery, up high and in the far back,
Censor was also done away with, and many of
while the well-to-do had the option of the best
the new plays were written with anti-clerical
seats, or private boxes.
and anti-monarchical views.
Of the many theaters in operation at that time,
the Comédie Francaise, the Comédie- Transport and Travel
Italienne, and the Opéra produced works
written by some of Europe’s finest writers. As In Revolutionary France, people traveled for
major national theaters, they enjoyed a near- many of the same reasons we travel today –
monopoly on the best dramatic material. business, pleasure, or to visit friends and
They competed only with smaller family. Most 18th-century travelers were men
from the middle- and upper-levels of society.

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Women and children travelled much less often purchased elaborate vehicles. Some public
than men did. transportation was also available, as
stagecoaches, infrequently, offered a transport
People moved around the country by foot, along routes between Paris, provincial
wheeled-vehicle, horse, or small boat. The capitals, and, sometimes, smaller towns.
least expensive and most common way to get Variations of coaches included the light, one-
from one place to another was by foot. horse, two-wheeled cabriolet, with a removable
Walking was the most common mode of top and room for two passengers. The cabriolet
transportation for the poor and working-class. was often used as a taxicab in the cities, as was
The average walker could cover 30 miles in a the four-wheeled fiacre, with a high chassis for
day of moderate walking. better viewing, glass windows, and room for
four people. The deluxe, four-wheeled berline,
The first step up for a traveler with extra with good suspension, comfortable seats, and
money would be the purchase of a horse. glass windows, was pulled by six horses and
Horses, during the Revolution, sold for as little was often employed for long-distance travel,
as 25 Livre, but a fine racehorse could cost as along with the six-horse diligence – a kind of
much as 1,000 Livre. On horseback a traveler stage-coach with room for passengers and
could move 50 to 60 miles in a day. goods, which traveled at about six miles per
Many upper-class, or well-to-do, also acquired
some type of vehicle. Farmers and small By the late eighteenth century, the region of
planters often found carts or wagons useful. Ile de France had the best-constructed roads in
These all-purpose work vehicles hauled Europe, greatly admired by foreigners.
produce to market and carried families on However, when travelling by horse drawn
journeys. Wealthier individuals might buy vehicles over large distances, travelers often
riding chairs, carriages, or coaches. A new found that the roads sometimes became just
riding chair, or lightweight two-wheeled bumpy tracks and that the journey became
vehicle could cost between 45 and 150 Livre, a slow and tedious. Going to Bordeaux or
used chair as little as 2 Livre. The gentry often Strasbourg from Paris took six days; traveling

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

to Toulouse took seven or eight days, and to and variably (and often highly) priced. Many
Marseille, nine days. Most of the time, it was a traveler had to be content to rent a space in a
impossible to move heavy loads conveniently farmer’s barn or stable or offer up more coin
outside the well-paved postal roads and to than reasonable for very little food.
travel on horseback was difficult.
Life in Paris
Water travel was another important, albeit
seldom used, mode of transportation. Ships “The city that awaited the return of the king
sailed the coastal route between major French sprawled for miles along the banks of the Seine,
ports. As well, major rivers in France, such as and housed more than six hundred thousand
the Seine, Loire, Saône, Rhône, and Garonne, people. At its heart it remained a medieval
had long been used as a means of metropolis, a dense maze of tiny streets, paved
transportation. To supplement the river
with mud and overhung with timber-frame
system and move cargo, some important
houses that reared unevenly to five or six storeys
canals were built in the 1600s – including the
(and occasionally collapsed on themselves
Brienne, Orléans, and Languedoc. The Canal
du Midi, running from Toulouse to Béziers, without warning). These streets bore names
made it possible to link the Atlantic Ocean redolent of an earlier era of narrow economic
with the Mediterranean, through southwest specialties and tight-knit communities – the
France. Arrangements for private travel on Street of the Weavers (rue de la Tixeranderie),
commercial barges or riverboats over long the Quay of the Leather-dresses (quai de la
distances did seem not to appeal to many Mégisserie) – and others that reminded the
whom, for whatever reason, preferred to travel walker constantly of the profusion of religious
by horse and carriage. houses and orders – the Street of the Girls of St.
Thomas, of the Unshod Carmelites, of the Little
Foreign travelers in France were always Fathers…Traditionally, the ground floors of such
surprised by the great distances and the residences were given over to workshops, with
plethora of internal customs houses. Not only people of means renting large apartments on the
were foreign travelers inconvenienced by the first couple of storeys above. As the buildings
numerous custom stops, but also the French rose, so rooms become smaller and more
businessman, trader, migrant worker, or numerous, cheaper to rent, and home to more
tourist would have to waste time having bags and more impoverished workers.”
examined by petty officials, or, alternately,  David Andress, The Terror
reach deep into their purses. The country was
plagued with such customs barriers, both A hub of activity, Paris was busy most of the
official and private, and various fees on time. At one or two in the morning the day
persons and goods passing from one region to began for many farmers living in the outskirts.
another were collected in excise taxes or Along the main thoroughfares into the city,
tariffs. Duties on goods shipped down the residents had to contend, long before
Saône and Rhône Rivers from Franche-Comté daybreak, six days a week, with the plodding
to the Mediterranean were paid at 36 separate hoovers of the farmers’ horses and mules,
customs stations linked by a stone wall. echoing on the cobblestone streets as they
pulled produce-laden carts towards the central
The traveler in France would, as well, be market.
disappointed to discover that inns were few
and far between in the countryside. Those An earlier riser, strolling through the avenues
accommodations which could be located were in 1789, a little before the 5:00 a.m. Mass,
often poorly attended, lacking in amenities, would encounter lines of people already in

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

front of the bakers’ shops waiting for them to little lime covered the corpses decomposing in
open. Those in line were mostly servants of large pits, permeated the area. From the
the wealthy, poor working women, and the slaughterhouses in the city, the blood ran
wives of laborers. Mingled with the pleasant down the streets into the sewers, some drying
aroma of fresh bread from the bakers’ ovens – on the pavements and giving off an appalling
loaves of four, six, or eight pounds – was the smell. The air was pungent along the Seine
scent of hot coffee from the carts of the street from the great sewers that flowed into the
side vendors. river, and, even in the lovely gardens of the
Tuileries, by the river, multitudes of people
Suddenly, one’s attention would be captured defecated regularly.
by the tolling of bells of the numerous
churches and monasteries in the city, each The flower market on the bank of the river
claiming a voice in the early dawn. The crow presented an enjoyable interruption, radiating
of roosters and barking of dogs joined in. At perfume and color. Markets specializing in
this early hour, agreeable smells emanated specific products could be found throughout
onto the streets from the monasteries in which the city – for instance, on the left bank of the
the monks were already cooking, and from the Seine stood the market of la Vallée, crowded
homes of the well-to-do, where servants were with shoppers buying cooked or fresh poultry.
beginning to prepare the afternoon meal – the
primary one of the day. Between six and When the wind blew from the southeast, it
seven, the streets were filled with laborers on filled the streets with smells from the distant
their way to the workshops. About nine or Montagne Ste. Geneviéve and the tiny river
ten, the wine shops opened for business, and Biéve, where breweries processed hops for
workers emerged from their workshops and beer and starch factories emitted their strong
storefronts to have a little bread and wine after odor along with the rank of drying hides from
putting in several hours on the job. tanneries. On the slope of Ste. Geneviéve was
the University of Paris, with its faculty of
The fragrance of fresh apples, pears, peaches, theology, called the Sorbonne. Around the
and apricots filled the street, if the season was university were numerous bookshops,
right, from a grocer’s store or a corner market monasteries, and convents. The tomb of the
in the heart of the city, but then further on the patron saint of Paris – Genevieve – who
powerful smell of fish, already too long in the inspired the city’s defense against the Huns in
open air, would take over, followed by the 451 A.D., lay in the mausoleum on the
satisfying aroma of brie or goat cheese from a summit. The site was important to Parisians
fromagerie and, still later, that of roasting meat as a place of pilgrimage.
and stale beer. From a dark alleyway, the
foul odor of urine and feces, human and Those people with money frequented the
animal, assailed the senses. Reaching Les affluent areas of the western part of the city of
Halles – the central market – everything the aristocratic foubourg St. Germain or the
combined into one homogenized essence of foubourg St. Honoré, close to the Tuileries
vegetables, grain, fruit, herbs, cheese, and fish, palace. Here, they were ideally situated to
along with the odor from the sweat of attend the opera and the best theaters. They
hundreds of horses, donkeys, and mules, were also near the rue St. Honoré, with its
excrement, and decayed food. The pink shops selling luxury furniture and clothes, and
carcasses of skinned hogs, speckled with black a short carriage ride from the rue St. Denis
flies, hung from hooks above some stalls. and its display of exquisite lacework and
Nearby, the overwhelming stench of rotting beautiful cloth.
bodies from the Cimetiére des Innocents, where a

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Visitors and residents alike enjoyed the gothic shortages led to higher prices, rents went up,
cathedral of Nôtre Dame (during the or a cold spell increased the price of firewood.
Revolution it was called the Temple of
Reason) on the Ile de la Cité, an island in the To the east, beyond the huge fortress of the
river Seine reached by bridges. Nearby was Bastille, lay the foubourg St. Antoine, where
the enormous central hospital, l’Hôtel-Dieu, many thousands of artisans worked and lived.
and also on the island stood the ensemble of Workshops crowded into narrow streets, as
law courts, the Palais de Justice, former home much of the city’s manufacturing took place in
of the parlement of Paris. neighborhoods seldom visited by most people.
To leave the main thoroughfares and venture
Within working sections of the city, the into the labyrinth of back streets was always a
residents were familiar with the sounds of challenge for the uninitiated. Only those
cobblers hammering at their benches, lathes people who had lived in the area for many
humming in the workshops of the years could find their way around.
woodworkers, and the raucous cries of the
street vendors offering for sale tobacco, Daily Life: People in the city who were not
brandy, ribbons, religious objects, bracelets, employed in some kind of paid work often
earrings, necklaces, and sundry bits of food. spent time on the streets of their
Tables were set up for this purpose on busy neighborhoods. Woman gossiped while
corners. Even a deaf resident who lived close waiting in line to collect water at fountains
to the river would feel the vibrations of the (about one-third of houses had wells, and the
blows of the 2,000 or so washerwomen affluent had water delivered) or sat on chairs
hammering the linen with wooden batons. On outside their doors, embroidering or sewing.
the bridges over the Seine, musicians and Some kept an eye on their small children as
ballad singers congregated, and makeshift they played in the street. The women of the
outside theaters often drew a crowd. quarter saw one another again and again at the
Sometimes citizens might amuse themselves fruit market, the baker’s, the grocer’s, or the
tormenting the prisoners in the market pastry shop, where, for a couple of sous, they
pillories, where convicted criminals were could indulge in a small cake.
forced to spend two hours a day in the stocks
for all to mock. The neighborhoods were not unlike villages.
Everyone knew everyone else’s business,
Shops that lined the poorer streets habits, daily activities, movements, and
accommodated various tooth pullers, sellers of moods. Residents knew who was profiting,
poultices and ointments, shoe menders, who was not, who was courting whom, and
bakeries, and second-hand dealers of what progress was being made. Thin walls
everything – including clothes, paintings, and and narrow streets allowed for little privacy.
books. The urban lower classes comprised Who drank too much, which couples fought
laborers in building construction, carpenters, all the time, when people went to bed, what
street cleaners and vendors, shop assistants, time they got up – all was common knowledge
servants, water or wood carriers, street in the quarter.
performers, men and women of the market
stalls, factory workers, stagehands, laundry Quarrels and complaints between neighbors
women, and a host of other poorly paid people were often aired in the street, drawing a crowd
with no skills and little or no education. They that listened to the curses and insults and
lived in the impoverished sections of the cities passed judgment. A neighbor had borrowed
and were the first to suffer when food some firewood and never returned the
equivalent. A young girl snatched the doll of

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

another and tried to keep it. The couple in the woman. Bailiffs coming to seize goods or
apartment above was always falling about apprehend someone who could not pay his
drunk, causing great thumps in the night. The debts often encountered resistance from the
washing hanging from a window obstructed neighbors who drove them off, forcing them to
someone else’s view of the street. Sometimes try another day. What appeared to be an
the arguments went on for years. The unjust arrest in some quarters might well
onlookers were often amused by the degenerate into a local riot in support of the
wrangling, but they were also ready to prevent victim. People also kept an eye on one
physical encounters that might lead to injury. another’s property: a stranger in the building
was cause for alarm and was watched closely.
The people might be ground down by poverty
and have their petty quarrels and lives exposed In their leisure time, men could generally be
to the intrusive scrutiny of neighbors, but such found playing a card or board game at the
closeness could be beneficial. A master local wine shop or spending time with the
craftsman and his wife who lived on the family sitting by the fire, but, with the price of
ground floor in comparative luxury, a wood, this could be more expensive than
journeyman on the next floor with his small drinking with the boys. Some days, time
family, a laborer on the third level with his might be spent visiting friends and relatives to
working wife, and a penniless widow in the dine and play cards, dominos, or
attic who made a few sous mending shirts – all backgammon or just to talk and catch up with
were polite to one another and exchanged the latest news. On holy days, they strolled
greetings. If the widow had not been seen on along the avenues or besides the river with
her daily walk to the grocer’s, someone would their wives or girlfriends. On Sundays,
check to make sure she was alright. If a residents, especially courting couples, liked to
violent quarrel seemed to put a woman in leave the city for the villages a little beyond the
danger from a brutal husband, it would not be customs houses, where prices in taverns were
uncommon for the neighbors to knock on the cheaper and the air and surroundings more
door to inquire about her and even break it pleasant. Neighborhood groups often went
down if the situation seemed desperate for the out together to the vineyards and open fields

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

and enjoyed the quiet and serene environment. not wise to reveal any subversive
characteristics or thoughts to anyone at any
The executions were an occasion for fellow time. To be denounced as a traitor could
workers, as well as the women, to go in their mean a place in the tumbrels.
groups to watch the gruesome public act.
Even the back streets served as places of The Faubourgs: Not unlike many other large
outdoor entertainment; men played skittles European cities, Paris was composed of many
while the women watched. Children ran wild districts or quarters, each with its distinct
in the streets chasing each other or engaged in people and atmosphere. The wealthy middle
mock fights using sticks as muskets or swords class and the nobility occupied the foubourg St.
or amused themselves with spinning tops or Germain, as well as the Marais, the Temple,
playing quoits, skittles, or ball games. and the Arsenal districts.

On feast days and Sundays, everyone The working-class areas had their special
disgorged from their dingy, crowded occupations: the masons lived in St. Paul; the
apartments and took to the streets, hailing furniture and construction industries were
friends and acquaintances as they passed. situated in Croix-Rouge; and milliners,
Most of the people in rundown quarters of the haberdashers, and producers of other
city were laborers – just above the beggars on fashionable goods inhabited the rue St. Denis
the social ladder. and the rue St. Martin.

The inhabitants of a poor quarter worked 14 To the north of the city, the residents of the
or 15 hour days; a single shop girl might rise at suburbs of Montmarte, St. Lazare, and St.
four in the morning, spend all day in the shop, Laurent were engaged mainly in the sale of
and come home about seven to prepare a little cloth. In Chaillot, to the west, were ironworks
food and eat alone. and cotton mills, while the suburb of Roule,
known as Pologne (as it was the home of
Walking through the streets of Paris during the many Polish immigrants) was one of the
time of the Terror could be a traumatic poorest neighborhoods in Paris. East of the
experience, especially for young girls or boys city on both banks of the Seine lay the suburbs
straight from the country. Cattle carts passing of St. Antoine and St. Marcel, where furniture
by on their way to the river were sometimes workshops were situated, along with the
piled high with the bodies of men and women Gobelins tapestry works, dye works, and
recently butchered. As the wagons bounced Reveillons wallpaper factory.
over the cobblestones, arms and legs dangled
from the sides like puppets on a string, trickles Doing the same jobs, frequenting the same
of fresh blood falling on the roadway. At the taverns, and marrying local girls, the workers
river, the bodies and their separated heads seldom ventured beyond their districts. Events
were thrown into the water to drift happening in one section of the city were not
downstream toward the ocean. Only a short even known about in others, as people were
time before, the victims had made the journey generally indifferent to what was going on
in the same tumbrels down the rue St. Honoré elsewhere. Difficulties of transportation and
to the guillotine. traffic compartmentalized the city, and
reactions to political events were different in
When people went into the streets of Paris, various sections.
they made sure they were wearing the tricolor
cockade on their hats, which identified them Housewives shopping at the local market
as patriots, whether they were or not. It was might be totally unaware that people were

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

being massacred nearby. News, spread by fine brandy from the provinces was its
word of mouth, could take several days to trademark.
reach all parts of the city, and everything was
extremely susceptible to exaggeration and In the rue des Bons-Enfants stood the Café de
rumor. Valois, frequented by many of the Feuillants
reading the Journal de Paris, while the Jacobins
Meeting Places: For those curious people were regular patrons of the Café Corazza, where
willing to travel further afield to hear the most François Chabot and Collot d’Herbois often
recent news, there were meeting places where held the floor. In the rue de Tournon was the
discussions took place. The Jardin des Tuileries, Café des Arts, the focal point of the extremists
earlier used as a fashionable parade grounds, from the Odeon district, while more moderate
became the open-air anteroom of the types congregated at the Café de la Victoire, in
Assembly, and the Place de la Greve was used the rue de Sévres. The differences in clientele
for executions, mass gatherings, and parades could be striking. At the Régence, on the right
of the National Guard. The most popular bank of the Seine, Lafayette was greatly loved,
meeting place was the gardens of the Palais but at the Café de la Monnaie, on the rue de
Royal. Here was the center of café life, Roule, the sans-culottes burned him in effigy.
restaurants, entertainment, and the favorite The Café de la Porte St. Martin attracted quiet,
haunt of agitators, soapbox orators, rabble- respectable people out for an evening stroll.
rousers, scandalmongers, prostitutes, and As varieties of opinion were expressed, a man
demagogues. The galleries along the arcaded was judged by the café of his choice. Rarely
sidewalks had been rented out to tradesmen by seen in cafes before, women began to follow
the duke of Orleans some years before and had the example of men and appeared in the
become the noisiest and, for the future of the evenings at the popular gathering places. They
royal crown, the most dangerous place in the were welcomed, as it was good for trade.
Paris was not alone in the development of café
In the summer of 1789, café society was in full society. All the major cities and towns of the
swing, and there was more to discuss and country began to enjoy the companionship
argue about than ever before. The tables on and the stimulation of discussion in their
the sidewalks were packed with people sipping favorite bistros. Owners were exposed to
everything from English and German beer to certain occupational risks, as, on occasion,
liqueurs from the French West Indies, fruit heated discussions led to dishes and cutlery
drinks, wine, Seidlitz water, and a host of being hurled across the tables. Major topics
other cathartic and herbal tonics, as well as under discussion in the news sheets and by
coffee and chocolate-flavored drinks. sidewalk orators were the Revolution, politics,
Signboards advertising the cafes were on every members of government, trade, colonies,
corner, gallery, and arcade. In front of the finances, taxation, and the national deficit.
famous café Caveau, great throngs gathered
until two in the morning. Each establishment Village Life
was well known for some specialty: the Grottes
Flamande for its excellent beer, the Italien for Up to the time of the Revolution, agriculture
its beautiful porcelain round stove, and the provided some three-quarters of France’s gross
Café Mécanique for the mocha pumped up into national product. Only about a million
patrons’ cups through a hollow leg in each inhabitants lived in the large cities, and
table. Of the many and varied places, the Café another 2 million populated the smaller towns.
de Foy was the most popular of all, with its The remaining 23 million lived in the
gilded salons and a pavilion in the garden. A

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

countryside – either on farmsteads or in small permitted. While nearly half the land was
villages and hamlets around which they owned by peasants (with certain restrictions),
worked the land. the land itself usually amounted to a small
patch whose yield was barely big enough to
With no political power, the peasants were feed the family. In the vicinity around
nevertheless heavily burdened by taxes – on Orleans, for example, some 80 percent of the
income for the king (taille), on land and on peasants owned less than 10 acres, and around
their crops for the lord of the manor, and, Limoges about 60 percent owned and
through the dime, for the church. In addition, cultivated less than 5 acres. In winter, many
there were taxes on wine, cider, tobacco, and went to the towns and cities in search of any
salt. If a peasant sold a piece of land, he paid kind of work to help sustain their families.
a sales tax. He also had to provide free labor Similar circumstances occurred in most
about 10 days a year for the crown, a system regions of the country. The most fortunate
known as the corvée. He was forbidden to kill peasants could find some kind of industrial
any game animals, such as deer, boar, rabbits, work near home. By the end of the 1700s,
and birds, even as they ate the crops and his textile manufacturing for export had grown
family was starving. When his sons reached considerably. In Flanders there was a long
manhood and were needed on the farm, he tradition of woolen manufacturing, and, in
could expect to see them forced into the army. southern Anjou, there was a center for the
Sometimes, desperation led to protests and textile industries. In these and other places,
violence. peasants could find extra work.

Taxes had always imposed a hardship on the Land use differed considerably from region to
peasants, but toward the end of the eighteenth region. The Paris basin had a zone of about
century peasants’ growing resentment began to 100 kilometers extending out from the city of
be aimed at the seigneurs, who often left the large farms where high-quality grain was
land in the hands of an agent while they lived grown for the city bread consumers. These
in town. Frequently, peasants did not know farms generally belonged to absentee landlords
their lord personally. Seigneuries could also be who rented them to farmers. They in turn
bought and sold, and wealthy bourgeois hired landless laborers, who made up the
sometimes purchased them, being more majority of the rural population, to work
interested in making the maximum profit them. Interspersed in this area, also within a
possible than in honoring traditional day’s travel from the city, were patches that
obligations. Such changes were always a grew fresh produce for the Parisian markets.
problem for the peasant, who then had to Along the sides of valleys, there were vines
adjust to new ways and to new lords who, too growing on numerous small holdings whose
often, raised the rents. proprietors, like the landless workers, were
forced to buy their food from markets or
Relief from pressing duties and from taxes was farms. North of Paris, in the region of
the hope of every peasant. It was no secret Beauvais, peasants cultivated small holdings
that elegant and costly entertainment at of rye and oats for their own consumption and
Versailles filled the frivolous lives of the king’s supplied cheese, hemp, flax, pigs, and cattle
pleasure-loving courtiers while the peasants for the markets.
toiled from dawn to dusk, in any weather, to
pay for it. In the Cévennes, north of Nimes, another kind
of agriculture was practiced. Here, groves of
To survive, much of the rural population mulberry trees produced the leaves that fed
undertook nonagricultural work when time silk worms. Thousands of families reared

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

these worms, unwinding the silk from their which belonged to the lord but which the
cocoons. This job was generally done by peasant farmer needed to process the wheat;
young women, who worked with their hands he also had to press his grapes, as well as
in the scalding water needed to soften their apples for cider, on the seigneur’s press; bread
silk. could be baked only in the lord’s oven. For all
these activities, a fee was charged. In Brittany,
Ancillary jobs associated with silk included the peasants were sometimes ordered to beat
mining coal from shallow pits to provide the the waters of the marshes all night to keep the
fuel to heat the water. Wagon-men hauled the bullfrogs silent so that the lady of the manor
coal from the open mines to its place of use. could sleep peacefully.
Coal was also delivered to nearby low-land
towns; on the return journey, the same horse- The lord had the exclusive right, or banvin, to
drawn wagons carried wheat to the hills to sell his wine at his price in his parish; there
feed the silk-producing inhabitants. were many other rights particular to certain
locations that weighed on the peasant – the
Feudalism: The seigneurial regime of France bardage, or transport duty; the fouage,
had been steadily eroding, and, by 1789, only siegneurial taxes on fires; the vingtaine, or the
relics of it remained in existence. In most siegneurial right to one-twentieth of the
areas, the lords had become landlords, and the peasants’ produce; a tax on fishing in the
relationship of lord to tenant resembled a rivers and streams – all this in addition
business transaction involving rent, a share of payments to the lord of the manor for every
the harvest, and fees for transfer of property, change of property.
rather than feudal obligations.
Most peasants were never full owners of land
In some outlying regions, remnants of the in the modern sense, but, nevertheless, the
feudal system still applied, however. In land they occupied may be regarded as their
Burgundy, for example, the villages had the land, since it could be willed to the peasant’s
obligation to give the tongue of every ox children or transferred to other occupants,
slaughtered to the lord of the manor for his usually for a fee.
table. In the Vosges, the bull’s testicles had to
be handed over. The concept of mainmorte, Unsteady Employment: Peasants who held
which required that a peasant obtain some land but not enough for their family
permission from his lord to sell his land or needs (about 10 acres) often had to find jobs
bequeath it to anyone but a direct relative who on larger farms or perform nonagricultural
had lived on the land with him, was still alive work in families, mills, or mines in order to
in some regions. subsist. They could find such work in the
months that did not require planting and
In many out-of-the-way places such as harvesting. For agricultural day laborers who
Normandy, Burgundy, Brittany, and the possessed nothing more than a vegetable patch
Franche-Comté, peasants experienced brutal, and a shanty, life was exceptionally difficult.
arbitrary tyranny from aristocratic authority. They had to be mobile and travel where the
There was no justice in the manorial courts in work was to be found, and many hours of
disputes between peasants and their lord, since work (and pay) could be lost if bad weather
the judges in such courts were dependent on ruined the harvest. Day workers could also
the lord of the manor for position, power, and seek employment as weavers and spinners in
pay. The peasant paid fines or charges around industry when there was no fieldwork, but
every corner. Peasants had to pay the banalité, such jobs paid a pittance.
or rent for the use of the flour-grinding mills,

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Migrant workers from neighboring regions or brought in more. For instance, a single cow
countries who worked in the vineyards, olive could fetch 60 to 70 Livres, a sow 30 to 45.
groves, orchards, and wheat fields were Lambs were worth 7 Livres and a sheep about
particularly hard hit in bad times, with not 15. The premature death of a peasant’s cow or
enough money to feed their families or even to pig could bring on financial problems that
travel home again. Starving to death was a might force him to sell off a little of his land to
distinct possibility. replace the animal.

If a peasant farmer required help, he had to Housing: Peasants engaged in agriculture

find someone to work for him, although it was dwelt in farmhouses or in hamlets, villages, or,
not easy to produce the cash to pay him, and it sometimes, substantial small towns. Often the
sometimes turned out that the laborer had to fields were some distance from their dwellings,
work for credit. A male servant in Normandy and much time was spent going to and fro.
was paid 60 Livres per year, or roughly 100 Their households included a servant or two (if
sous per month. Female servants on a they were well of), unmarried children, elderly
farmstead were paid about a third of what a parents, or other relatives. Several families
man earned. Typical daily salaries for short- might share the same dwelling and work the
term labor were 9 sous and dinner for an same land. Most peasant families had to make
ordinary day worker, 12 sous for a thatcher, 13 do with a one- or two-room house with dirt
sous for a plowman, and up to 15 sous for a floors, which they also had to share with any
reaper or a carpenter. Grain crops were taken livestock. The houses, or hovels, were often
in dues and rents, and surplus vegetables sold dark, windowless, and poorly ventilated places
in the market brought in only trivial amounts where disease could easily breed, particularly
of money. Stock rearing for urban markets when the walls were of dung and mud, as

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

often was the case. If windows existed, they ready, since all hands were needed to get the
were without glass. Throughout the crops in before they rotted in the ground.
departments of Maine and Loire, many people
lived in caves or troglodyte villages hollowed The men, meanwhile, worked in the fields
out of tufa rock. repairing fences, cleaning tools, digging
irrigation ditches, and tending to the animals.
Life was particularly hard for rural women, Depending on the type of farm, the man might
who often worked both in and outside the have to spend months away with his sheep in
house, tending vegetables, which they sold the alpine pastures or weeks and months as a
along with eggs, gathering firewood, taking migrant laborer in addition to planting and
the cow or goat to pasture on common land, harvesting his own fields. He also had to leave
and feeding chickens or geese. In times of to fulfill labor obligations to the seigneur and to
need, mother and daughters also helped in the the government – the detested corvée, buying or
fields and with the plowing. At other times, selling livestock, dealing with taxes, or
there were meals to be prepared and laundry negotiating a new lease. Children were put to
to be washed and laid out in the field to dry in work by age six or seven, or as soon as they
the sun. could understand instructions.

Lack of privacy was taken for granted. A Superstitious Lives: Cats have always been
recently married couple usually had to sleep in animals of superstition and are associated with
the same room as other members of the witchcraft in many cultures; France was no
household, and their emotional and sexual exception. It was believed that cats possessed
relationships were a matter of gossip. Village occult powers and that drinking their blood
women gathered at the public well or at could cure various illnesses. If a man treated a
washing sites along streams to act as tribunes, cat well, he would have a pretty wife. On the
casting moral judgment on the housekeeping, other hand, to maim or kill a cat would
farming practices, or business astuteness of a prevent its association with witches, whose
young couple. Young unmarried men in the power would thus be diminished.
community also exercised their tongues in
making fun of husbands suspected of being Death among the peasant population was as
henpecked or cuckolded. Widows or much part of daily life as everyday toil. The
widowers who married a second time, specter of death hovered above all beds in
choosing a younger person as a mate, could be which a mother gave birth to a child. It was
subjected to harassment by hostile young men not uncommon for the mother to die or the
and women who saw their supply of eligible child to be stillborn, or both. The fear of
partners in the villages diminished. damnation after death was so strong that
midwives were empowered by the church to
Daily Life: The wealthier peasants could baptize unhealthy infants if death seemed
afford to educate their children, but for most, imminent and no priest was close by. If they
life was something to be endured, with a could not save the baby, they could at least
constant worry about the future. A bad save its soul. An emerging hand or foot could
harvest meant little food and even starvation be baptized if it was thought that the baby
for those living on the edge of subsistence. would die in the womb.
Gathering the harvest was the dominant factor
in their lives, for only if the harvest was If alone at the time of birth, the parents were
successful could they pay their taxes and dues permitted to perform the baptism.
and feed the family. The entire household Complications with newborns were generally
would be called upon when the harvest was caused by the mother’s overwork, poor diet,

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

and illness. About one-fifth of all babies died their number came up, had to serve. Other
within the first year or so. Fewer than half of duties of the villagers included helping with
all children reached their fifteenth birthday. communal projects, such as making repairs to
With scant knowledge of hygiene, a multitude the church, well, water troughs, laundry sites,
of diseases breeding in unsanitary conditions, and buildings, for which extraordinary local
and no money for medicine, there was about a taxes might be assessed. The town council
50-50 chance that a baby would survive to might also decide when the harvest, which
adulthood. The worst time to give births was required the participation of all village hands,
in the months of August through October, would begin. As well, it managed the use of
when breast-feeding mothers toiled in the common land or woodland that fell under its
fields and the only food was the fast- authority. This sometimes meant entering
deteriorating remnants of last year’s crop. litigation with neighboring communities. The
stones of one village that were used to
Community Ties: People tended to remain demarcate its common pastureland might be
loyal to their villages and helped one another moved by the people of another village – an
in times of need. Men often bonded though act that would lead to conflict. Open conflict
group drinking. When men of different could break out when a herd of animals
communities met at fairs, hostilities could strayed and was found eating grass that
easily flare up, resulting in brawls, with the belonged to another village or when firewood
name of the village as a rallying cry. In some was collected in woodland whose ownership
regions, violence among the men and a sense was disputed. Young men sometimes took
of solidarity among villagers resulted in contentious matters into their own hands and
vendettas in which knives or guns were used attacked neighbors with fists or clubs.
to even a score. Urban authorities showed Sometimes the disputes went to court, where
little inclination and had little opportunity to they often remained for decades.
investigate murders in remote, clannish, tight-
lipped country communities. Offices of Importance: Depending on the size
of the community, one or more persons ran
The village or hamlet usually formed a parish the administration and represented the local
of the Catholic Church, and the local priest interest with regard to the seigneur, the state,
looked on the inhabitants as his flock. The and the church. More and more, however,
community might form the jurisdiction of a throughout the eighteenth century, the state’s
court and also regulate its own collective regional official, the intendant, and his
affairs. Some communities in the Pyrenees deputies supervised the work of the town
valleys, run by the elders of the village, joined councils, laying down the rules for their roles
with other villages to resist outside intrusion. and managing tax assessments. In some
In other regions, the communities were places, the intendant, and his deputies
encouraged by the state to elect town officials supervised the work of the town councils,
and to meet regularly to conduct local laying down the rules for their roles and
business. Some of this had to do with state managing tax assessments. In some places,
demands, such as the taille, as the officials had the intendant appointed the town councils,
to decide how much each resident owed to the while in others the seigneur appointed the
king. members, and in others, members were voted
into office by the community.
There was also a regular lottery for service in
the militia, the country’s military reserve. As expected, village political life tended to be
This service was loathed as much as the corvée dominated by the wealthier members of the
by both parents and then sons, who, when community. The village of Cormeilles-en-

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Vexin, north of Paris, with just over 200

households by the late 1780s, was in the habit During the afternoon of July 28, dust seen in
of electing an official – the syndic – who was the distance aroused the citizens of
the equivalent of a mayor and a town clerk, Angoulême. Every able-bodied man was
who might be a farmer, an artisan, or even an called upon to defend the city. Thousands
innkeeper. took up arms (whatever they could find) and
scoured the area for culprits. There were
Besides having rights over common land and rumors that nearby towns had already been
game, in many regions lords had other burned to the ground. When no brigands
privileges, including the right to harvest timber were found, after several days of searching, it
on common lands, to ride over peasants’ fields was concluded that the swirl of dust seen
in pursuit of game, such as deer, without earlier had been created by the mail coach on
paying compensation for destroyed crops; the the high road to Bordeaux.
right to a special pew in the local church; the
right to have special prayers said for his health The alarm created by this incident induced the
and wealth; and the right to a weather cock on city of Angoulême to take steps toward the
the manor house. Sometimes his rights formation of a citizens’ army to protect itself
involved the dispensing of justice in a and the countryside. Other towns followed
seigneurial court. In some places, he chose the suit, putting themselves on a military footing.
village officials or convened the village It was also noticed that the nobility had failed
meetings, with himself or his agent in charge. to perform its traditional role of protecting the
peasants, who, turning against their masters,
By the late eighteenth century, more and more called again for the abolition of noble
peasants were challenging their lords and privileges.
taking them to court, backed by royal justice,
to contest required payments such as those From then on, everyone anticipated the arrival
imposed to maintain the lord’s fortifications, of bandits coming to ravish their fields and
the exaction of extra dues for the use of the steal their property. As rumors spread from
communal bread ovens, and the payments village to village, peasants fled into the hills at
demanded for festivities and dowry when the any sign of strangers approaching their farms
seigneur’s daughters were married. and hamlets. Armed with pitchforks, axes,
and knives, the inhabitants of one village went
The Great Fear: In the summer 1789, after to the aid of another nearby that they had
the fall of the Bastille, and as harvest time heard was under attack. The inhabitants of
approached, what became known as the Great the village supposed to be under siege thought
Fear began to envelop the countryside. Many those coming to help them were the
peasants were aware that the National anticipated brigands. Those who fled the
Assembly was doing nothing to promote their besieged village rushed on to the next one to
interests, and rumors circulated that the report the attack. And so panic based on
aristocrats were sending an army of brigands rumor and mistaken information spread
against them. In panic, villagers armed throughout entire regions.
themselves, attacked and burned chateaus,
and destroyed the records of taxes and duties The Great Fear was an illusion, but
they owed to the local landlords. Nobles who nevertheless it was very real to the people. The
resisted were killed or driven from their aristocrat brigand or the vagrant in his pay
homes, and another wave of aristocratic was a phantom figure, but revolutionaries
refugees streamed across the borders of France nonetheless helped spread the rumors of an
to join other self-exiled émigrés. aristocratic plot. The threat helped unite

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peasants and their villages against the the property of the lord of the manor, with
aristocracy. newly acquired firearms that they had up to
now been forbidden to possess.
On August 4, 1789, the viscount de Noailles,
brother-in-law of Lafayette, proposed the The rents on land were just as legal under the
abolition of seigneurial feudal rights. The revolutionary government as they were under
Assembly wasted no time in passing the the Ancien Regime, but under the new
legislation. By late August, the chaos in the circumstances they were not paid regularly.
countryside had eased, and the Great Fear had
passed. It had left its mark, however: The Counter-Revolution: The French
Revolutionaries in the towns had sent out their government’s declaration of war on Austria, in
newly created National Guard to protect crops April 1792, and Prussia’s declaration of war
and property, and the rebellious peasants had on France less than two months later, on June
forced the National Assembly to take notice 13, had strong repercussions in rural areas.
of, as well as action on, one of the France needed soldiers. The lottery system
fundamental issues of the Revolution – the used to induct young men from the regions
ancient privileges of the nobility. became a nightmare for many families.
Farmers struggling to make a living could ill
Over the next few years, the Revolutionary afford to lose the labor their sons provided,
spirit wholly changed the countryside. The and the young men of the country did not
peasants now stopped removing their hats, want to fight in a distant war.
lowering their heads, and addressing their
masters as Monsieur le comte. They often Preparing for the upcoming struggle, on
increased their small plots of land by February 24, 1793, the Girondins ordered the
confiscating and taking over parts of recruitment of 300,000 more troops.
abandoned noble estates and began killing the Enrollment began in March in the Vendée, the
rabbits, chickens, geese, and ducks that had department of the Atlantic coast at the mouth
eaten their cabbages and lettuces in the past of the Loire. The region was one of the most
while they watched helplessly. Similarly, they wretched in France, with rocky hills, deficient
began to hunt wild animals and birds, all once soil, and poverty-stricken, illiterate

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

inhabitants. The locals were also fiercely Louis XIV, about a third of whom were
religious - they protected nonjuring priests, mercenaries, and much public dissatisfaction
supported the monarchy, and wanted no part was focused on the dismal record in the wars
of the Revolution, or the despised republic for of the mid-eighteenth century. Under Louis
which they were being forced to fight. XVI, soldiers were volunteers, and 23
Enraged and encouraged by priests, they rose regiments were made up of foreigners,
in revolt on March 11, 1793, a few days after including Italians, Germans, and Irish. The
France declared war on Spain. At first using best regiments, the Swiss Guards, formed part
only farm implements as weapons, the rebels of the king’s household. But, swept from the
defeated a detachment of National seas by the British and far outclassed on the
Guardsmen sent to deal with them. The battlefield by the Prussians, the military
aristocrats of the Vendée, many about as poor inspired little confidence.
as their peasants, joined the movement and
helped shape the rebels into a fairly efficient Conscription was used only to recruit for the
army of irregulars who, supplied with hunting militia, a reserve army for use in wartime.
guns or stolen or captured weapons and Potential recruits drew lots in each district,
knowing well the rugged terrain, engaged in and the unlucky ones were forced to enroll.
guerrilla tactics and easily put to flight Exemptions abounded, however, and only the
additional National Guard units sent to crush poorest of men were actually obliged to sign
them. The counterrevolution spread rapidly up. Any military commitment was bitterly
as the Vendeans cut the Guard to pieces in resented in the rural areas. These reserve
several towns, raided supply depots, and units, comprising about 75,000 men,
disrupted enemy communication lines before performed a few weeks’ training a year in
retreating to their isolated farms and hamlets. peacetime.
The Girondist government was faced with an
internal threat as dangerous as the foreign A volunteer force, the regular Royal Army,
enemies of the Revolution. The rebel force contained about 250,000 men assigned to
that called itself the “Royal and Catholic cavalry, infantry, and artillery units. Most of
Army” was defeated by government troops in them were drawn from the lowest echelons of
December 1793. The army then carried out a society, generally from the northern border
scorched-earth policy against the remnants of districts, where invasion was most likely and
the peasant resistance. In Nantes, some 3,000 where the recruiting sergeant used the
people accused of participating in the rebellion inducements of a life of adventure, better
were executed. Scattered conflicts continued wages than many were used to, the excitement
for years – the region lost a third of its of wine and women, and maybe even a chance
population through fighting and the to plunder.
subsequent Terror. Peace was not restored
until 1801, under Napoleon. Before the Revolution, it was nearly
impossible for a poor commoner or even for
Military Life the poorer members of the provincial nobility
to enter the officer caste. In 1789, out of a
About 1 in 20 men served in the army under total of nearly 10,000 army officers, more than
the Ancien Regime, and even in Paris there 6,500 were of noble birth. Many who had the
were barracks in the foubourgs, for about 8,000 appropriate ancestry simply bought their
soldiers patrolled the city at night. commissions. In fact, the army law of 1781
(Loi Ségur) stated that anyone promoted to the
The size of France’s armed forces had steadily rank of captain or above must have at least
declined from the superb million-man army of four quarters of aristocratic blood in his veins,

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

which excluded all commoners as well as the The sans-culottes did all in their power to
newly ennobled. prevent the wearing of any distinctive uniform
in the army. They believed that privileged
The Revolution: The Royal Army was units, such as the grenadiers and infantry,
intimately involved in the events of the should not be singled out by their special
Revolution from the beginning. Regular clothes – equality was the rallying cry. Both
troops that were in sympathy with the militants and journalists emphasized the
Revolutionaries often disobeyed the orders of importance of equality in the army. In his
the aristocratic officers, setting the pattern for newspaper, L’Ami du Peuple, on August 14,
insubordination and conflict. Defiant 1793, Jean-Théophile-Victoire Leclerc
behavior became a political issue tied to suggested that the Revolutionary army provide
patriotism and was sanctioned by the the same pay for commanders, officers, and
Revolutionary government in the summer of soldiers, who should all eat the same bread so
1789. Mutinies broke out in several places. In that differences in rank would not lead to
Nancy, a revolt was put down by extreme vanity on the part of those who had the better
force after bitter fighting. The king’s flight to situation.
Varennes, in June 1791, and his subsequent
arrest and suspension led to a great exodus of The National Guard was formed by popular
military officers, who resigned, deserted, or mobilization in the early summer of 1789 and
emigrated. Those that remained at their posts was ratified by decree of the Legislative
were subject to more intense resistance from Assembly a few months later, on August 10,
the soldiers, which encouraged a further inspired by the Great Fear and by the
exodus of officers. The defections were gathering of the king’s troops in the vicinity of
worrisome for the Revolutionary government Paris. Municipal councils were ordered to
and the military as the danger of a foreign war oversee the creation of National Guard
intensified in early 1792. The three military companies. Made up of volunteers, they were
field commanders, Luckner, Lafayette, and created as a defensive force against
Rochambeau, knew the army was not ready counterrevolutionary backlash and also served
for war. When it came, on April 20, 1792, to keep order among the unruly masses.
when France declared war on Austria, they Placed in charge of this body was the popular
were proved right. The French assault on and liberal marquis de Lafayette.
Tournai, in the Austrian Netherlands, was a
disaster. On April 29, the French troops Recruitment: All over France, the district
panicked and streamed back into Lille in an municipal councils were charged with
attempt to escape the slaughter. recruiting, equipping, and organizing the
volunteers. On Sunday, June 26, registers
Invading armies now entered France, and were opened at town halls to record the
more officers became émigrés. names, ages, professions, and residence of
Noncommissioned officers with solid military those wishing to join. The frenzied activity
experience replaced the aristocrats, and there went on for several weeks as young men and
was a large influx of recruits from urban areas their families discussed the pros and cons of
to fight against the foreign threat to the enrolling and made their decisions.
Revolution. Nearly every aspect of daily life
in France during this period of the Revolution The recruit supplied his own uniform of royal
was deeply influenced by war and the blue with scarlet and white trimmings, as well
accompanying military demands. as his own weapons. The guard was made up
primarily of sons of the bourgeoisie and, as
first, only active citizens, those who each year

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paid the equivalent in taxes of at least three In the west, the danger seemed less
days’ work. Many rushed to join. This threatening, and the recruiting went on in a
patriotic gesture posed little threat to their festive atmosphere. The mayor of one village,
well-being. They could strut around wearing for example, went down to the meadow where
the national cockade on their caps, stop the townsfolk were dancing (since it was the
civilians for questioning, and attend the feast day of the town’s patron saint). Beating
elaborate outdoor soirees looking smart in a drum, he read the mobilization order,
their uniforms. They elected their own exhorting the young men to enlist. They were
officers, and each battalion carried a flag promised good pay, higher than that of the
reading on one side “For the People of regular army, a one-year tour of duty, relaxed
France” and on the other side “For Liberty or discipline, holidays, and rapid promotion.
Death.” Within a few months of the king’s attempted
flight, the 100,000 had been enrolled. Many
When little skirmishes, fracases, or street could not afford to buy their boots, rifles, and
demonstrations occurred in Paris, the National clothes, so collections were taken to help
Guard was sent out to quell the disturbance. them, while administrators from city to hamlet
They were responsible for firing on the crowd tried to find money and purchase equipment.
in the Champ de Mars, July 17, 1791, killing Once outfitted, the men were given a little
about 50 people. Most of the time they were training by former militia men, and, with the
idle, spending time in their favorite cafes. blessings of constitutional bishops (those who
had signed loyalty oaths) and supplied with
Other cities and towns soon created their own their new flags and colorful uniforms, the men
National Guards, especially during the Great were sent off toward the frontier, finding a
Fear of late summer 1789. In the provinces, party in every town on the way to welcome
they were used to parade at local celebrations, them.
show a martial spirit in accordance with the
changes taking place in the capital and in the The volunteers now included the spectrum of
government, and, if required, protect the town society, from middle-class lawyers, merchants,
officials and local property. artisans, priests, and workers to even a few
noblemen, but few young farmer peasants
Following the king’s attempt to escape the answered the call. Taking care of their land
country, in 1791, the National Assembly was more important than fighting in distant
ordered mobilization of all National places.
Guardsmen in the frontier zones and asked for
a further 100,000 Guard volunteers from other The Regular Army vs. The National Guard:
regions to mobilize and protect the nation. The regular army (or whites) and the volunteer
army (the blues) were generally hostile to each
When the dispatch calling for volunteers other. The regulars considered the volunteers
reached the villages of the northern frontier, overpaid, inept, poorly trained, badly
church bells rang. The National Guard equipped, and, sometimes, incompetently led.
assembled there, bearing arms; police and In the opening campaigns against Prussia and
detachments of regular army blocked the Austria, in the summer of 1792, they proved to
roads. Many people barricaded themselves in be correct. The blues were driven back in
their houses or fled to the woods – all Belgium, and the fall of the fortress town of
expecting an invasion of Austrians, which Longwy opened the road to Paris. The
royalist sympathizers had predicted was popular slogan “la patrie en danger!” swept the
imminent. nation, and the sans-cullotes joined the army
and the National Guard in droves. Forty

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thousand enlisted in the departments close to expected to make bandages. State workshops
the frontier, and another 20,000 were brought were set up to produce arms for nearly a
from Paris to halt the Prussian advance. The million men. Everything was subject to
famous battle of Valmy, on September 20, requisition, from gold to grain. Even church
1792, turned the tide and saved France and the bells were melted down into cannon. On June
Revolution. 26, 1794, in the decisive battle of Fleurus, the
army soundly defeated the Austrians, who
Other victories soon followed, leading to the were driven from French soil. But there was
conquest of Belgium by General Dumouriez trouble brewing on the home front: the
in the winter of 1792-1793. In December, Girondist citizens of Lyon and other sections
many retired from the volunteer army, as they of the south overthrew their Jacobin
were entitled to do, despite appeals to their authorities and took up arms against the
patriotism from the government. On February Convention.
1, 1793, France declared war on England, and
again the military situation gradually reversed. Organized for the most part in the fall of 1793
On February 21 – another critical time for in Paris, a new force evolved at the initiative
France – the regular army and the volunteers of the popular societies, the most influential of
were combined. Their previous differences in which were the Jacobin clubs. This
recruitment, promotion, pay scales, and revolutionary or people’s army (armées
uniforms were now all standardized into one révolutionaires) was not associated with the
armed force. regular army but consisted of militias formed
from ordinary citizens, mostly sans-cullotes, to
Levee en Masse: On August 23, 1793, the combat counterrevolutionary activities and
Convention ordered a levee en masse of the grain hoarders as bread prices rose and to
entire French nation. The youth would go to enforce the policies of the Terror in the
battle, married men would forge arms, and old provinces. They scoured and despoiled
men were to engage in repairing public villages for hidden caches of wheat. The
buildings and squares of the cities and inspire largest was the army of Paris, which contained
the young to bravery by preaching unity of the more than 6,000 men of sans-culotte
republic and hatred for the monarchy. extraction and a mixture of civil servants and
Women were to stitch tents and uniforms and ex-soldiers. More than 50 such so-called
work in military hospitals, while children were armies were organized in the provinces, but

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most numbered under 100 men. They were killing, or the threat of being killed, changed
paid a generous daily wage. Their mission their lives, and they were never the same after
was to enforce the Maximum (prince controls having been in battle.
on wheat and flour), to supply the urban food
markets with grain (often requisitioned from Long marches from one battlefield to another
hostile peasants), and to supply the military in all weather, carrying a rifle, ball, powder,
commissaries of the regular army. Because of and other necessities, such as water and
the policy of de-Christianization, they also biscuit, left soldiers exhausted. Rest was,
indulged in appropriating parish churches to generally, out of the question until a new
use as stables and supply depots and camp was made secure and livable, with
destroying the idols. As conflicts with pickets posted, latrines dug, and tents erected.
peasants became more common, as the local Guard duty required the soldier to stand, or
inhabitants fought back to protect their crops walk, for many hours along the perimeter of
and their Catholic faith, the Montagnard the camp – sometimes in freezing weather,
leadership in the Convention decided that blistering winds, or the unpleasant heat of the
these people’s armies were causing more afternoon sun. At night the sentries struggled
trouble than they were worth. They were constantly between the need to be alert and the
abolished in December 1793. overwhelming desire to sleep. Desertions
were frequent.
Daily Life: There were, of course, some men
who preferred the military life, enjoying the When supplies were slow in arriving, or did
glory of belonging to what they considered the not come at all, soldiers were often compelled
finest army in the world. Others found having to live off the land and eat whatever they
regular meals and pay more desirable than could find. The Convention passed a law in
having to think for themselves as civilians, in 1793 that included the death penalty for
spite of the hard and, at times, dangerous life soldiers found guilty of indiscriminate pillage
of a soldier. and repeated desertion – a penalty that was
sometimes carried out by officers as an
Recruits spent a little time in the barracks example to the rest of the men. Usually,
(usually a converted monastery or church) however, a blind eye was turned to pillage on
learning the basics of warfare before joining long marches when supplies lagged behind
their regiment. On the campaign trail, the and the men were hungry.
soldier passed most of his time in the open,
sleeping in tents. Officers might find lodging Angry citizens sometimes complained to their
in the house of a wealthy bourgeois, where mayor about the behavior of soldiers camped
they ate well and often had company in bed. in the vicinity or in the villages, where
drunkenness and attacks on peasants were
The men almost never changed their clothes rampant. Theft and rape were all too often
and often slept on the same patch of ground considered, by soldiers, to be part of their
for several months. Military life could be unofficial wages.
extremely monotonous, more so perhaps for
those who were illiterate, with the boredom Efforts to supply the army were not wanting.
alleviated now and then by card games and From 1793 on, with the nation under arms,
gambling and, sometimes, by the intense the French people were nearly permanently in
adrenaline rush of battle. Tactics of the time a state of requisition. The wealthy were forced
included massed musket fire and case shot to loan money to the government, bells were
with cannon rounds at close range, followed taken from the churches, and the peasants had
by a bayonet charge. For many, the trauma of to provide horses, mules, and donkeys.

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Everything was nationalized. In Paris,

workshops hammered out bullets and rifles THE NAVY
and cast cannons. People were told to search
in their cellars and outhouses for saltpeter, Like the army, the ranks of officers were
which was needed to make gunpowder.
theoretically restricted to those of noble birth,
Behind every regiment stretched a line of but most nobles were not interested in the
women. Some were washerwomen, some
provided food and drink for the soldier with a navy, preferring not to risk the rigors of the
few coins in his pocket to pay for them, some sea. Competition for places in the navy was
were wives who on occasion gave birth along
the route, and other were prostitutes, whose thus much less keen than that in the army,
numbers swelled when the pay arrived. Most even though there was no purchase price – at
women did not shun battle, and they were
there in the heat of the fight, giving a sip of least for ranks below that of admiral. In
brandy here or an encouraging word there. times of shortage, officers had to be selected
Some women were determined to do what
was considered a man’s job, and at least 40 from commoners.
women and perhaps many more donned the
uniform and went off to fight in the army.
When some soldiers were identified as There was a type of naval conscription
women, a decree of April 30, 1793, ordered all according to which men under 60 years of
women home from the ranks. This order was
largely ignored, and some women managed to age who lived in coastal districts or along
continue without being found out. navigable rivers had to register in the naval

Émigrés: The defection of numerous officers reserve if they had any experience afloat.
from the regular army led to the formation of They also had to be available for call-up in
an émigré army, the first of which was created
in The Grand Duchy of Baden in September times of crisis. The system was as unpopular
1790. Called the Black Legion, it was with fishermen and bargemen as was the
commanded by the younger brother of
militia lottery with the peasants.
Mirabeau. This unit was absorbed into the
army led by the counts of Provence and Artois
– brothers of the king – who had their
A good deal of money was spent on the navy,
headquarters at Koblenz, in the Rhineland.
Other units were formed by the prince of for Louis XVI wanted to keep France a
Condé and by the duke of Bourbon. The three
strong sea power. Building new frigates and
forces reached their maximum strength of
nearly 25,000 by the summer of 1792. They ships of the line was not cheap, and a new
were financed, in part, by the courts of Spain,
naval harbor under construction at
Austria, and Prussia, but the funds were never
adequate. A major problem was the lack of Cherbourg, employing 3,000 men just before
rank and file to serve under the aristocrats,
the Revolution, played its part in the huge
who all insisted on
and growing deficit.

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being officers. The result was companies of

gentlemen who demanded the same pay that
they had received in the French royal army, a
bone of contention with the donor countries.
Insolent and irresponsible behavior reduced
their effectiveness as a fighting force.

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Glossary of the Revolution

Ancien Regime Term to describe politics and society before the Revolution.

Aristocrats In a precise sense, the high nobility such as those who led the émigrés, but
more generally used in the Revolution to designate anyone apparently in
favor of a return to the Ancien Regime of privilege and inequality – thus, over
time, it became an increasingly non-specific term of abuse and vilification.

Assignats Paper currency of the Revolution, originally intended in 1790 as state bonds
backed by national property, but in use as money for everyday transactions,
and subject to increasing inflation, by early 1791.

Brissotins A name initially applied in 1791-1792 to members of what became more

widely identified as the Girondins. The name was derived from the leading
figure Jacques-Pierre Brissot, a journalist, activist and member of the
Legislative Assembly.

Chouans Anti-revolutionary guerillas that attracted widespread sympathy from the

rural populations of Brittany and Normandy. Some Chouns were committed
royalists, while others were more concerned with evading the conscription
laws. As a result, they rendered much of north-western France ungovernable
through and beyond the Terror.

Committee of General The “police committee” of the Convention, taking responsibility for internal
Security security of the country. Their duties increasingly overlapped with the
expanding powers of the Committee of Public Safety, causing tensions and
resentments that would be part of the process that led to the fall of
Robespierre and the end of the Terror.

Committee of Public The powerhouse of the Revolutionary Government, created by the

Safety Convention in the spring of 1793 to co-ordinate the war effort, becoming by
the autumn the effective executive power of France, responsible for
authorizing all the major initiatives of the Terror. The Committee was
composed of twelve members of varying political persuasions, united by the
war effort, but eventually splintering in the face of Robespierre’s fall from

Cordeliers Club Most prominent radical political club in Paris, founded in May 1790. Its
membership was less elite than the Jacobins but largely confined to radical
activists, journalists, and municipal politicians. The Cordeliers were strongly
associated with the ultra-radicalism of Hébert by 1793, leading to its
discrediting and closure in the spring of 1794.

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Counter-Revolution An amorphous term, closely associated with the aristocratic émigrés and their
allies within the royal court, seeking to overthrow the Revolution and return
to the Ancien Regime. By the time of the Terror, the label was applied to
anyone who dissented in any way from the ruling powers – including,
eventually, Robespierre and the “terrorists” themselves.

Departménts County-sized administrative units, created in 1790, departments were the

centerpiece of the administrative reformation of the early Revolution.

Émigrés The term refers, specifically, to nobles who left France after the popular
uprisings of July 1789, with the explicit intention of fomenting opposition to
the Revolution, and if possible, overthrowing it by force. The émigrés were
led by the king’s own brothers.

Enragés A loose grouping of Parisian ultra-radicals active in campaigning for stricter

controls on prices and supplies in the first half of 1793. Initially supported by
Marat and the Cordeliers, but became marginalized by the summer of 1793
by the Montagnard and sans-culotte leadership.

Estates-General The historic representative assembly of France, last summoned in 1614. The
three Estates were the Catholic clergy, the nobility, and the rest – which had,
by 1789, come to resent the privileges of the others. They met in May 1789
and transformed into the National Assembly in June.

Federalists Name given to those who revolted against the “anarchist” purge of the
Girondins from the Convention in June 1793, especially in the centers of
Caen, Lyon, Marseille, and Bordeaux. The term became a catch-all for those
who sought resisted centralized authority (and the domination of politics by
Parisian radicals). They were often associated with overt counter-revolution.

Feuillants A group that broke away from the Jacobin Club in July 1789 to form a new
club, representing the bulk of its membership in the National Assembly, and
committed to the constitutional monarchy. They attempted to control the
course of politics through the summer of 1791, both in the Assembly and by
covert negotiations with the royal family. The Feuillants were discredited by
the autumn of 1791, and lost control to the Jacobins – especially as the mood
in favor of war grew stronger. The “Feuillant Club” itself, which like the
Jacobins took its name from the monastic hall where it met, was driven into
closure at the end of 1791.

Girondins A political faction, originally representing the left of politics and associated
with the Jacobin Club in late 1791. Superceded on the left by Parisian

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radicals and individual Jacobins such as Robespierre – the Girondins

effectively became the “right wing” of the Convention by late 1792. Their
leaders were purged on June 2, 1793 with the help of a massive sans-culotte
mobilization. This spurred Federalist revolt in several major centers. They
were named for the Gironde department, where several of its leaders
originated from.

Indulgents Name given to those Convention deputies who seemed to want to relax the
Terror in late 1793 and early 1794. The Indulgents became associated with a
series of corruption scandals. With the former Cordeliers leader Georges
Danton, the Indulgents were condemned and executed as a “Dantonist
faction” in April 1794.

Jacobins Members of the “Societies of the Friends of the Constitution,” renamed

under the Republic the “Friends of Liberty and Equality.” The original
“Jacobin Club” was formed by members of the National Assembly and met
in a monastic building that gave it its name. By the end of 1790 there were
hundreds of provincial affiliates to the Jacobins. The Jacobins were closed
down in a right-wing backlash in November 1794.

Legislative Assembly Elected under the Constitution of 1791, sat from October 1791 to September
1792. The Legislative Assembly was rendered near-irrelevant by the
dismantling of the monarchy on August 10, 1792, and shared power,
thereafter, with the “Insurrectionary Commune” until the meeting of the

Mass Levy Decreed in late August 1793, the mobilization of the entire population for the
war effort – placing essential industries under tighter discipline, compelling
military service from all young men, and summoning a spirit of total national
commitment. It was also responsible for creating widespread resistance,
especially in rural areas – including the guerilla chouans of Brittany and

Montagnards The radical side of the Convention, named for their habit of sitting high on its
tiered benches. The “Mountain” grew in adulation in radical rhetoric
throughout 1793-1794, although the Montagnards themselves were subject to
increasingly bitter disputes. Their membership overlapped extensively with
the Jacobin Club.

National Agents Administrators placed in districts and municipalities by the Revolutionary

Government at the end of 1793, charged with overseeing the implementation
of the Terror. Although nominally under control from Paris, many were
local appointees, and their influence was highly variable in practice.

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National Assembly Name taken on by the Third Estate in the Estates-General in June 1789, and
subsequently made official in July as the “National Constituent Assembly.”
They produced the Constitution of 1791, but were continually driven by
disputes between extremists of left and right. It barred its members from
election to the successor Legislative Assembly.

National Convention The Convention, elected in September 1792 after the fall of the monarchy to
write a republican constitution. It had 745 deputies, divided between radical
Montagnard and more cautious Girondin factions, with a large “Plain”
(uncommitted members) in between. The Convention ruled France
throughout the Terror, exercising power with no checks and balances.

National Property The property of the Catholic church effectively nationalized in November
1789. The term also refers to the confiscated property of émigrés, and of the
royal domains. Early in Revolution, national property was used to back the
assignat paper currency, and later it formed part of an ambitious, but
unfulfilled, plans for the redistribution of property to “poor patriots.”

Non-jurors Catholic priests who refused a loyalty oath imposed in January 1791 –
around half of all priests. Initially non-juroring priests were allowed to
continue ministering to the faithful, but by early 1792 they were widely
viewed as potential counter-revolutionary traitors and subjected to
increasingly punitive measures.

Maximum Controls on the price of “goods of the first necessity” introduced as an

emergency measure under sans-culotte pressure in September 1793.
Connected with wage controls, the Maximum was an effort to keep
supposedly artificial and nefarious price rises under political and popular
control. The measure was applied heavy-handedly, and with massive
evasion, the measures nonetheless were seen by urban populations as vital to
their survival.

Paris Commune The municipal government of the city, which after the fall of the monarchy,
and under the influence of leading sans-culottes and ultra-radicals, became a
significant force on the national stage. The Paris Commune led calls for the
purging of the Girondins, and used physical force to ensure it was carried out.
It then did likewise for the installation of major measures of social and
economic Terror.

Patriots Initially a term designating those in favor of the general program of the
Revolution, but, like many such terms, exhausted by over-use by the time of

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the Terror.

Representatives-on- Members of the Convention sent out in waves from March 1793, with
mission effectively unlimited powers, to combat counter-revolution and support the
war effort. The abuses of their power became legendary, but they were prime
engines of the massive mobilization that won the internal and external
conflicts of the Terror.

Revolutionary Armies Sans-culotte militias raised after September 1793 to police the food supply
and hunt down counter-revolutionary sympathizers. The Revolutionary
Armies were initially effective, their enthusiasm and initiative resulted in
widespread violence and the alienation of the rural population.

Revolutionary Special court set up in Paris in March 1793 to judge enemies of the
Tribunal Revolution. Its only sentence was death, although it did not develop into a
truly indiscriminate killing-machine until the spring of 1794. The
Revolutionary Tribunal was closed down in the Thermidorian reaction, and
its leading personnel executed as counter-revolutionaries.

Sans-Culottes “Without Breeches” – originally a satirical term designating the disreputable

nature of the supporters of radicalism. By 1792 it was taken up as a badge of
honor by radicals and their urban supporters, becoming by late 1793 a term
designating any and all revolutionaries of lower-class origins.

Sections Administrative districts of major cities, sections were neighborhood councils

and assemblies, in effect. They were granted the right to meet daily in the
run-up to the fall of the monarchy, though this was cut back to twice-weekly
in September 1793. The forty-eight Sections of Paris were the home of the
sans-culotte militants so influential in many of the measures of the Terror. In
the Federalist cities, the Sections produced many of the most ardent anti-
Parisian activists.

Supreme Being A cult inaugurated in May 1794 which was intended to replace what
Robespierre saw as the “aristocratic” atheism of dechristianization with a
more moral worship of the divine and the celebration of festivals to a series of

Surveillance Formed in every community by order of the Convention in March 1793, the
Committees purpose being to monitor the movements of outsiders. The Surveillance
Committees acquired greater police powers as the Terror evolved.

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Thermidorians Those who overthrew Robespierre and his associates in the “Thermidorian
Reaction” of late July 1794. The leaders, figures like Tallien, Barras and
Fouché, had been Montagnards who fell foul of Robespierre’s obsession with
personal virtue, a quality they tended to lack, and struck him down in self-

Ultras A group of politicians associated with the Paris Commune and the Cordeliers
Club, who pursued an extreme policy of sans-culotte revolution from 1793 to
1794. Due to their increasing opposition to the policies of the Revolutionary
Government, they were branded as counter-revolutionaries, and executed as
the “Hébertist faction” in March 1794

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Chapitre Trois

Basic Rules
Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

The system of Reign of Terror is based on

Tarrochi, or Jeu de Tarrot, a card game based How the Game Starts
around the use of Tarot cards. A tarot deck is
composed of two types of cards: the Major Each session of the game starts with the
Arcana – or trumps – and the Minor Arcana – Narrator putting out the story map. The story
which corresponds with the four suits found in map is a sequence of cards that each represents
typical playing cards. The entire deck of tarot a “scene” in the game. The term scene is not
cards – both Major and Minor Arcana – is one with a strict definition, but rather a
used in Reign of Terror. If you don’t have sequence of events that have a common
access to tarot cards, the Minor Arcana can be thematic element. Maybe a single scene is the
emulated using regular playing cards, to a evening spent at a ball or maybe a scene is a
limited extent. three minute sword fight.

Card Values Here is how to set up the Story Map: Separate

all the Trumps from the other cards. Shuffle
Cards are designated as Pips, Royalty, or them and then draw the cards, one at a time,
Trumps. Pips are the numbered cards of the and place them in the formation that
four suits (10 of Swords, 5 of Wands, 3 of resembles a cross, like so:
Cups, or 9 of Pentacles are all Pips). Pips are
worth one point. Royalty are the Page,
Knight, Queen, and King of the respective
suits (Page of Swords, Knight of Wands,
Queen of Cups, or King of Pentacles, for
example). Royalty cards are worth 2, 3, 4, or
5 points, respectively. Lastly are the Trumps.
The “Major Arcana” of the Tarot deck is
made up of twenty-one (sometimes 22) unique
cards called the “Major Arcana.” Besides
specific symbolic meanings in the game, a
Trump card is worth 6 points.

Additionally, in Tarrochi, there are three

special cards – called The Honors. The
Honors are The Fool, The Angel, and The
Pagat. We’ll discuss these in more detail later.

Other Stuff
Besides a deck of Tarot cards, the group will
want a small bowl of tokens (white and black
beads work well), hereafter called Chance This represents the flow of the game – each
Tokens. Also, a number of polyhedral dice in card is essentially a single scene. The game’s
the values of d4s, d6s, d8s, and d10s will be first scene begins on Card One, progresses to
necessary. Lastly, it is usually helpful for each Card Two, and then Card Three. At Card
player to have a Character Passeport (or Three (sometimes called the Crossroads Card)
character sheet) – found in the Reference the characters can split up and take one of
section at the end of the book. three different paths. As the character’s

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actions in the scenes progress they move their automatically. As well, whenever a character
Character Marker from one Scene Card to the feels the effect of a Trouble (T) phrase, they
next. A character is guaranteed 5 scenes per immediately gain a Chance Token. Whenever
session and a character’s session ends when a player spends a Chance Token the Narrator
they reach one of the three Finale Cards (cards then gains a Chance Token that can be used
3, 7, or 9). on behalf of the NPCs.

Additionally, when the Story Map is placed, Chance Tokens can be spent for the following:
two additional cards are dealt to spot #5. The
top two cards become The Angel and The 1. Spend a Chance Token to play a card out
Pagat. The Angel is the top Trump card in the of your Fate Hand (see Playing from the
session and The Pagat is the lowest Trump Fate Hand, below).
card in the session. After The Angel and The 2. Spend to invoke a card’s effect (see
Pagat are identified (and written down by the Invoking an Effect, below).
Narrator, for future reference) they are 3. Spend to bloody a condition (see
shuffled back into the Draw Deck. Bloodying a Condition, below).
4. Spend to trade chairs with any other
The Fate Hand player (see Initiative and Time
Management, below).
After the Story Map has been set up, the 5. Spend to Burn an Experience Line (see
remaining Trumps are dealt back into the deck Chapitre Cinq: Characters).
and the deck is shuffled. Each player draws 6. Stake Your Reputation (this is described
ten cards, looks at them, and, then, returns in Chapitre Quatre: Expanded Rules)
five to the deck. This gives each player a five- 7. L’accusation (this is described, as well, in
card Fate Hand for the player to use during Chapitre Quatre).
the session.
Players and Narrators are not limited in the
The Narrator, at this time, also draws two number of Chance Tokens they can spend
cards per player. The Narrator may keep one each round, however, they may only spend 1
card per player in his Fate Hand and returns Chance Token on each option per round. In
the rest to the pile. other words, a player could, if they had the
resources, spend one Chance Token on
The pile of returned cards is now shuffled with playing a card out of their Fate Hand, another
the remainder of the unused cards and Chance Token on Invoking a card’s Effect,
becomes the Draw Deck. The Draw Deck is and a third Chance Token on making a
placed in a location easily accessible to all the condition Bloody. The player could not,
players and the Narrator. however, spend one Chance Token on playing
a card out of their Fate Hand and then spend 2
Chance Tokens Chance Tokens on Invoking two cards’
At the beginning of the game, during the first
scene, all players begin the game with 2 Brian, not wanting to lose the
Chance Tokens. The Narrator begins with no conflict, pays one Chance Token and
Chance Tokens. Additional Chance Tokens plays the King of Coins from his Fate
can be accumulated during the game. Hand. This has a value of 5, which
Whenever a character progresses to a new beats Simon’s Queen of Cups. Brian
Scene Card they gain one Chance Token has now won the conflict.

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spending Chance Tokens and Invoking an

The Basic Mechanic
As cards are used they are placed in the Scart,
During the game, at various points of conflict, or discard pile. If, at any time, the Draw Deck
the Narrator may call for a player to “flip” a is exhausted the Scart is shuffled and placed
card from the Draw Deck. Typically, this is back in the Draw Deck.
when a character is involved in contested or
dangerous behaviors – actions where the Determining Success
outcome may be questionable. When the
Narrator calls for a Flip, the player draws the When the Narrator calls for a flip, both sides
top card from the Draw Deck and uses the draw a card from the Draw Deck and add any
result of that card. Again, the values of drawn, relevant modifiers before comparing the
or flipped, cards are as follows: results. The highest total wins. The initiator of
the action needs to beat the “defender” to win
Card Value the challenge; therefore, ties “go to the
The Pagat 0 defender.”
All Pips 1
Page 2 A 10 of Swords would beat a 7 of
Knight 3 Wands, of course.
Queen 4
King 5 Synergy Modifiers
Trumps 6
The Angel 7 Certain suits of cards align themselves with
The Fool Wild Card certain types of actions. If a flipped card
aligns with the purpose of the action, the
player automatically adds a +1 to the value of
The player’s card is then compared to a the card.
second flip, called The Challenge. The
Challenge might represent the difficulty of the SUITS SYNERGY
task or perhaps an opponent’s attempt to Pentacles/Coins Physical, Combat
prevent the character’s success. The Narrator Wands Creativity, Mystical
may decide to modify the Challenge flip based Cups Emotion, Social
on the perceived difficulty of the task. Some Thought, Mental,
common modifiers may be: Swords

+1 if the task is moderately challenging Simon wants to find the professor’s

+2 if the task is immensely difficult notes on his cluttered desk. He flips a
+3 if the task is nearly impossible 5 of Swords. Since Swords represents
“observation” and “mental” effort,
Brian flips a 4of Swords(with a value
Simon can add +1 to the flip’s value of
of 1). Simon flips a Queen of Cups(with
1, generating a total of 2.
a value of 4). Simon wins the conflict.

The final result of a Flip can be altered by

applying a phrase, spending Chance Tokens
and substituting cards from the Fate Hand, or

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Special Cards
Brian’s character, François, has the
The following cards have special effects during phrase “will avenge my father’s death
the game: (M)” on his passeport. While being
attacked by his father’s murderer,
The Fool: This card is a wild card and as such Brian argues that he should get to
is allowed to take on the role of any particular direct that phrase when counter-
suit you want (which helps gaining a +1 bonus attacking. The Narrator agrees, and
for synergy). Additionally, it can be turned Brian gains a +3 on the total of his
into any other card when invoking for effect. flip.
When the Fool is played, face up, on the table
it is placed in the Scart and the Scart is re- Lastly, all characters have a phrase called the
shuffled into the Draw Deck. As such, the Trouble (T) on their passeport. During play the
Fool is always in play. Narrator may offer the player a bonus Chance
Token to apply his Trouble (T) phrase to his
The Angel: The Angel is the top trump in the most recent flip. The player has the privilege
game and it automatically wins any contest it of turning this down, but they must remember
is involved in (unless it encounters the Fool). that this is one of the few ways in which they
The Angel changes from game session to can obtain more Chance Tokens. If they
game session as it is determined during the accept, the value of their flip is reduced by -1.
game set up (see above).
When François attempts to impress one
The Pagat: The Pagat is the lowest card in the
of the ladies at a dance, the Narrator
game (and, subsequently, is worth 0 in a
offers him a Chance Token to apply his
conflict). Like the Angel, it is chosen at the
beginning of the game, and will change from Trouble phrase, “Two Left Feet.” Brian,
game session to game session. François’s player, decides this is a
good opportunity to score an
Both the Angel and the Pagat can be invoked additional Chance Token and he
for effect. applies a -1 to his flip to impress the
Directing a Phrase
Pressing Your Luck
Take a look at your character’s passeport.
You’ll see that it is made up of several If a player runs out of Chance Tokens, he can
statements that describe your character – these “borrow” one and only one, once per round.
are called “phrases.” Some of these phrases This is called “Pressing Your Luck.” When
are Novice (N) phrases and some of these this happens:
phrases are Master (M) phrases. If you can
describe how your character’s actions are 1. Immediately place a black Chance Token
influenced by a Novice phrase on their on the character’s Passeport. This shows
passeport, the player may add +1 to the value that the character has “pressed his luck.”
of their flip. If the player can relate the action 2. As soon as possible, the Narrator must use
being taken to a Master phrase, the player may that Chance Token to act against the
add +3 to the value of the flip. The Narrator player.
has final say on whether the phrase in question
relates to the character’s action.

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3. If, during their next action, the Narrator Trumps and so, can only be replaced with a
finds multiple uses for that Chance Token, Trump from your Fate Hand.
they can decide what to use it for.

Simon runs out of Chance Tokens and Invoking an Effect

decides he really needs to bloody his
opponent’s wounds to get out of this One of the more interesting things that can be
predicament. He “presses his luck,” done with Chance Tokens is invoking a card
borrows a Chance Token, bloodies his for effect. This means that, after spending a
opponent’s wound, and then places a Chance Token, the player can utilize the
meaning of a Trump card in a particular
black Chance Token on his character’s
narrative way.
passeport. The next round, Simon’s
opponent (who happens to still be
Using the suggested meanings (or visual cues)
standing, unfortunately for Simon) the player proposes an effect that applies to the
attacks him. The Narrator, here, has scene or a character in the scene. The effect
lots of options. He can freely use that can be invoked for Description or for a Bonus
Chance Token to add to a flip, invoke (and, occasionally, both).
the opponent’s card for effect, or,
maybe, bloody any wounds that Brian’s character arrives at Scene 4,
Simon’s character takes. The choice is which is represented by the card, The
up to the Narrator, but the bonus Hierophant. The Narrator decides
Chance Token must be used in that that this card represents Brian’s arch-
turn by the Narrator. foe, the Bishop of Dupont. Brian has
decided that his character is
Playing from the Fate Hand unprepared to deal with this foe, at
this time, and spends a Chance Token
After spending a Chance Token, the player to replace The Hierophant with a card
may decide to play a card from his Fate Hand. from his own hand – and as it must be
This may be done once per round. a Trump card – he, instead, places The
Sun. Now, the Narrator must decide
When a card is played from the Fate Hand it how this changes the scene.
is used to replace any card currently face up
on the table. Most often this will be done to When invoked for description, the effect of the
replace a lower scoring card from a flip but, in card changes the description of the scene. For
actuality, it could be used to replace any card example, if a card signifies “darkness,” it
on the table that is sitting face up – this could be invoked for description to make all
includes Bloodied Wound cards, magic Costs the lights in a scene go out.
or Effects, etc. As well, a Fate Card can be
used to retro-actively replace a card that When invoked for a bonus, the player
already had an effect earlier in the game – as attempts to align the theme of the card with a
long as the card is face up. character action or depiction. If, by the
Narrator’s standards, he successfully does that,
Additionally, although rarely, a Fate Card he can apply a +2 bonus to the value of the
could be used to replace a card that is flip.
currently representing a scene in the Story
Map. However, Story Map cards must be

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Additionally, the following rules apply to A session is composed of one set unit of play
invoking for effect: time – perhaps, one to five hours. During a
session the players will seek to complete a set
1. An individual card may be invoked number of scenes (as determined by the Story
for effect only once per scene. Once it Map). The Narrator may structure a single
has been invoked it cannot be invoked session around one particular narrative goal or
for Description or Bonus again that may let the Story Map dictate the action.
scene. During a session, several factors are set for the
2. Any card face up on the table may be game – for example, The Angel and The Pagat
invoked for effect. Therefore, a scene are set as a constant during the session and
card, another player’s flip, etc, are all will not change again until the next session.
possible targets to invoke for effect. Additionally, a player only gets one Fate
3. If multiple players attempt to invoke, Hand per session. At the end of the session,
order is decided by the Narrator – the Narrator will often award the characters
usually starting to the Narrator’s with a form of advancement called Histoire
immediate left and proceeding (also called Experience Lines).
clockwise. The Narrator is the final
arbiter of the order in which invokes A session is made up 5 scenes, typically. Each
take place. scene is represented by a card on the Story
4. The Narrator is the final arbiter of all Map (as discussed earlier). A scene is not
card meanings and interpretations. necessarily a set amount of time (like 5
minutes) but, rather, is thematically set by the
Simon’s character is trying to walk events that occur. One scene may last three
across a dangerous precipice. He hours as the characters take a coach ride out of
applies his Temperance card, which
Paris, while another scene my last two
minutes as two characters face off in a pistol
has the theme of “balance.” The
duel. Likewise, the transition between scenes
Narrator agrees that this might apply
can vary, as well. Perhaps two hours passes
and, so, he adds +2 to his flip to not between scene one (the coach ride) and scene
fall off the building. two (the night at the rural inn) or, alternately,
maybe only a minute or two passes between
Initiative and Time Management scene one (the pistol duel) and scene two
(medical help arrives).
Typically, a game of Reign of Terror is broken
down into a number of discernable units of During a single scene, characters are limited in
time: the story, the session, the scene, and the one major way: an individual Trump may
turn. only be invoked for effect once per scene.

A story (sometimes called a campaign) is a Lastly, the shortest increment of time is the
series of session that culminate in a coherent, turn. During a turn (which could reasonably
completed storyline. This is, ultimately, the be said to last about 5 to 10 seconds) every
goal of any game of Reign of Terror. Typically, player at the table gets to take an action with
a story will end in the revelation of a their character. Action generally starts to the
conspiracy of some sort. This is discussed in immediate left of the Narrator and then
more detail in the Chapitre Six: Narrating the proceeds clockwise around the table, or
Revolution. A story may be made up of half a seating area. For this reason, the Narrator can
dozen, or more, sessions. choose to assign seating, if he desires, or, at
the very least, seat the person who initiates

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action at the beginning of a scene to his with the “Doesn’t Know What He’s
immediate left. A player has the option of Talking About” condition.
spending a Chance Token to switch seats with
any other player at the table, once per turn. It is often convenient to write the condition on
a post-it note, or, perhaps, a note card.
During a turn a player can spend any number
of Chance Tokens, but can only complete one Once a condition has been placed on a
of each effect (list previously) once per round. character, they take a single card from the top
of the Draw Deck and place it face down next
Creating a Condition to the condition. Each card represents a -1
modifier to all relevant actions until the end of
As characters engage in challenges and the scene.
contests with other characters (or, even NPCs)
they will create conditions on one another. Some conditions, and their modifiers, may
Most practically, a condition may be an injury stack. What this means is that two, or more
or wound given in combat. But, conditions conditions, that can impede the same action,
are not necessarily physical – they may be add their modifiers together.
mental distractions, emotional set-backs, or
even social insults. All conditions are handled If, in the example above, the
in the same fashion. swordsman inflicts a “Flesh Wound” at
-1 and then, later, his opponent
If on turn 1, a character inflicts his obtains a “Sprained Ankle” at -1, they
opponent with “Wounded Pride” -1 could, potentially, combine to create a
and, on subsequent turns, they hit -2 modifier to physical actions taken
their opponent with “Wounded Pride” by the swordsman’s opponent.
-2, and so on. Every time the
character then takes an action where
Sample Conditions
having a “wounded pride” could
affect their outcome they have to Listed below are some examples of conditions
adjust their total by -2. that could be placed on a character.

Whenever a character initiates a challenge and Physical Conditions:

wins that contest against another character  Bloody Nose
they may immediately declare a condition on
the other character. A condition is a statement
 Sprained Ankle
that describes some sort of set back their rival  Gushing Wound
has experienced due to the contest they’ve  Obstructed Vision
engage in with the other character.  Punctured Lung
 Sliced Muscle
A swordsman who wins a dueling  Severely Scratched
challenge this turn may declare a  Broken Ribs
“Flesh Wound” condition on their
 Dislocated Elbow
 Knocked Off-Balance
Two political rivals, debating in the
 Concussed
Assembly hall, could tag one another
Mental Conditions:

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 Hesitant value of the card is used to represent the

 Confused modifier inflicted by the condition. The
 Mistaken condition is now “permanent” until action is
taken to remove it from play. Bloodied
 Dazed Conditions can, as well, be cumulative.
 Tongue-tied
 Can’t Wrap My Head Around It Note that once a condition card has been
 Deaf to the Truth turned face up (or, alternately, been
 Flumuxed “bloodied”) it can be, by playing a Chance
 Clueless Token, replaced with another card from a Fate
 Got a Headache
 Can’t Concentrate Simon has inflicted a “gushing
wound” on his enemy and that
Emotional Conditions:
condition has three cards (thus, -3
 Frightened modifier) attached to it. He decides
 Depressed to bloody the condition and spends a
 Skittish Chance Token and flips over the top
 Embarrassed card on the condition. It’s a Queen of
 Unsure of Yourself Wands – worth 4 points. Simon’s
 Inflated Sense of Self opponent now has a -6 modifier on his
 Tearful “gushing wound.”
 Mixed Feelings on This
 Frustrated Enough’s Enough, Already
 Fightin’ Mad
 Seeing Red So, how many conditions can a character
have? How long before they are unconscious,
Social Conditions: or dead, even?
 Everyone’s Looking The answer depends. Whenever a character
 Refuses to Compromise takes a condition, at any level, they must make
 In a Compromising Position a Resistance Flip to avoid being taken out.
 Untrustworthy When a character is “taken out” they are
 Bald-faced Liar unable to act for the remainder of the scene.
 Laughing Stock
 Butt of the Joke To make a Resistance Flip, the player flips the
top card on the Draw Deck and applies any
 Social Pariah relevant modifiers (for “Directing a Phrase” or
 Unfairly Judged Synergy, perhaps) and then subtracts the
 Unsavory Reputation modifier for the immediate condition that
provoked the Resistance Flip. If the total is
Bloodying a Condition less than 0, the character is Taken Out.

A player may spend a Chance Token to If Brian’s character gets hit with
convert a condition to a Bloody Condition. another “flesh wound” condition
When a condition is bloodied, the card that (and now the modifiers up to -3) he
represents the condition is flipped over and the has to make a Resistance Flip. He flips

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the Page of Coins (worth 2 points) and Alleviating a Condition

when the condition modifier is
subtracted, the total is -1. That means Wounds heal over time and embarrassing
that Brian’s character is Taken Out social blunders are, eventually, forgotten. All
for the remainder of the scene. basic conditions are removed at the beginning
of a new scene. “Bloodied” conditions are
It should be noted that not all Taken Out more permanent and are removed under the
conditions are physical in nature. A character following rules.
can just as easily be taken out by emotional
trauma (too stunned to act), mental strain (too At the beginning of a scene:
distracted, perhaps), or social pressure
(everyone is pointing and laughing). 1. Flip one of the bloodied conditions back
Additionally, physical conditions can cause a over (making its value -1). This includes
character to actually die. bloodied conditions that already have a -1
value – it is still flipped over and continues
Death and Dying to carry a -1 value. Although the
condition is now “un-bloodied” it remains
If a character obtains a Taken Out result from until the end of the scene.
a physical condition when one of their 2. If more than one bloodied condition
modifier cards was bloodied (see above) they exists, the one with the lowest value must
are now dying. Each turn that a character is be flipped first.
dying they must flip the top card of the Draw 3. When there are no more remaining cards
Deck. If the total of their flip cards becomes 8 on a condition, the condition is removed
the character shrugged off their mortal coil. completely.
Likewise, if any of their flips generate the
Death trump or the Hanged Man trump, they Players should keep track of their conditions
die instantly. between sessions. At the beginning of a new
session each character may remove (or flip)
Alternately, if the player draws the Wheel of two cards from their collected conditions.
Fortune or the Strength trumps, the character is
stabilized and does not need to draw any more
dying cards. They will remain unconscious
until the end of the scene.

A character that is dying can stabilize their

condition by receiving medical attention from
another character. The character giving
medical assistance must flip and apply the
modifier of the wound that is killing the dying
character. If their total, after all modifiers, is
zero or greater, the dying character is
stabilized and remains unconscious until the
end of the scene.

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Example Conflicts
Following are a number of extended examples showing how the conflict system works in Reign of

Physical Conflict

This scene takes place on the Story Map card of The Devil (XV). Brian’s character,
François, draws his sword on a National Guard member who is protecting a rival’s
chambers. Currently, Brian’s Fate Hand consists of The Magician (I) trump, the
Three of Cups, and the Seven of Rods (for this game we are using the Marseilles Deck,
which is composed of Cups, Coins, Swords, and Rods).

During François’s action he decides to go for a swift blow with his sword. He flips a 5
of Coins, for a value of 1. Since Cups are aligned with Social Actions, Brian gains no
synergy bonuses for this flip. He does, however, have the phrase “Good in a Sword
Fight (N) on his passeport, so he can add 1 to the value of his flip. Narrator flips for
the guard and gets a Page of Rods, worth a value of 2. A tie results in Francois
unsuccessfully attacking the Guard.

Next it is the Narrator’s action. He decides that the Guard is not going to stand for
this. He takes a swing at Francois. The guard flips a Seven of Swords, a value of 1,
but the Narrator plays a token to lay down a Queen of Cups (worth 4 points).
Brian’s flip is an 8 of Coins, normally worth 1 point, but with synergy (since Coins
represent physical actions) and his Novice phrase, it gets a boost to 3 points. Still not
enough to beat the Guard’s flip. Brian decides not to spend any Chance Tokens yet.
He takes the condition, “Just a Flesh Wound” and places a card off the top of the
Draw Deck, face down, next to a post-it with “Just a Flesh Wound” on it. Now, any
physical action that Francois takes will be with a -1 modifier. Additionally, Brian
makes a flip (and gets a King of Swords, worth 5 points). This flip is enough to
prevent Francois from being Taken Out of the scene.

Next, it’s Brian’s turn again. He decides that he can’t keep pushing his luck, so he
formulates a strategy this round. Francois attacks the Guard again, this time
flipping a King of Coins! The Guard flips a 4 of Swords. Kings are worth 5 points and
Brian takes an extra +1 for Coin’s synergy (combat) and his phrase, “Good in a
Sword Fight”. The Guard’s flip is only worth 1 point and Brian tags him with a
“Deep Laceration” condition. Additionally, Brian spends a Chance Token to
“bloody” the wound and the condition card is flipped to reveal the Queen of Swords.
This condition is now worth a -4 to all future flips. The Guard flips a 7 of Coins,
worth 1 point plus a point of synergy, for 2 point value. However, 2 points minus 4
points for the condition result in a -2. That’s less than 0 so the Guard is Taken Out.

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It is possible to use the Conflict system for all sorts of scenes – not just combat. The Conflict, and
Condition, system can be used for Social Scenes, like judicial debates and so-called “social combat.”
In the Expanded Rules (Chapitre Quatre) there are rules for a very important form of social conflict
called L’accusation.

Social Conflict

This scene takes place on the Story Map card of The Moon (XVIII). Simon’s
character, Demoulins, is debating the legality of the new curfew laws with a rival at
the famed La Lune Club. Simon’s Fate Hand is down to one card: The Judgment
(XX) trump. Demoulins has agreed to allow his rival, Leonard-Marie, to take the
podium first.

Leonard-Marie announces that he believes the Assembly has only the best interests in
mind and that the new curfew laws are completely justified. The Narrator flips for
this argument, and gets an 8 of Coins (value = 1).

Now, Demoulins takes the stand. He puts his all into his rhetoric and argues that
his phrase “stunning intellect (M)” will give him insight into defeating his
opponent. The Narrator agrees. Simon flips and gets a Ten of Rods (worth 1 point)
and adds +3 for his directed phrase, for a grand total of 4 points. The Narrator
decides that since Simon won the first round, he can assign a condition to his
opponent. He decides on “Unsure of Himself” and a face-down card is assigned.
Simon wants to speed this debate along, so he spends a second Chance Token to
“bloody” the condition and it’s flipped over to reveal “Justice (XI).” This makes the
condition worth -6 to all of Leonard-Marie’s future social interactions. The
Narrator flips for Leonard-Marie and gets “The Magician (I).” This card is also
worth 6 points, so Leonard-Marie remains in the scene.

Leonard-Marie declares that Demoulins, himself, supported such legislature just a

couple of months before. He flips a King of Swords, worth 5 points, and the Narrator
argues that Swords (attached to “observation”) grant a +1 synergy since Leonard-
Marie is stating that he observed the described behavior from Demoulins. This gives
his argument a value of 6, but he must subtract 6 from his value (due to his
condition). The total value of his argument is now 0.

Detecting he has the upper hand, Demoulins makes another argument – that
Leonard-Marie is secretly a royalist! He flips a 6 of Swords (value 1 plus Simon
requests the +1 synergy for “challenging” Leonard-Marie’s reputation). The
Narrator grants this and the value becomes 2. Since 2 beats a 0, Simon decides the
condition is “The Crowd Turns Against Him” and a card is placed next to the
condition. That means that the Narrator must flip for a value of 7 or greater to
keep Leonard-Marie in the scene. The flip is “Strength (VIII)” – The Angel!! – it has a
value of 7. The debate continues…

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Social Conflict

Francois spots his hated rival, the Duc d’LaMat, across the crowded ballroom. To
make matters worse, he is in the company of Francois’s former lover, Madame
Dorsette. Francois decides he must have words with the couple. He storms across the
rooms and says, “I suppose it’s no surprise to see you with him, Dorsette. After
leaving me, there is nowhere to go, but down.” Brian flips “The Chariot (VII)” with
a value of 6. After examining his “cheat sheet” Brian asks the Narrator if he can
purchase an effect based on “The Chariot’s” meaning of “overcoming past adversity.”
The Narrator agrees – giving Francois the +2 bonus for effect. This gives him a total
of 8. Dorsette flips a 3 of Coins, for a value of 1. Brian pays the Chance Token and
the Narrator describes that Madame Dorsette’s face goes bright red and she runs
from the room, in tears. Now, of course, Francois must deal with the Duc d’LaMat.

The conflict system can also be used to simulate mental challenges – like puzzles, the search for clues,
or trying to piece together a mystery.

Mental Conflict

In an example from earlier, Demoulins was searching a professor’s desk for clues.
Now that he has found several scraps of paper, each containing a part of a key
equation, Demoulins must piece them together in the correct order. Simon decides
to apply his phrase, “pursuit of knowledge (N).”

Simon flips to solve the mystery: Ace of Coins – only worth 1 point, plus his Novice
phrase for 2 points. The Narrator flips the challenge and gets a Page of Rods, also a
2 point card. It’s a draw. Since neither is aligned with “mental tasks” the Narrator
judges that the results are neutral. Demoulins will need further study to reveal the
mystery of the professor’s equations.

Next round (which the Narrator judges to be 1 hour later), Simon flips King of
Swords. Awesome!! The card has a value of 5, plus the synergy bonus of +1 and his
Novice phrase, for a total of 7. The Narrator’s challenge flip is Ten of Cups, worth
only 1 point. Demoulins solves the puzzle and is able to place the equations in the
correct order!

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Chapitre Quatre

Expanded Rules
Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Once you’ve got the basic rules down, there during this time period, illnesses could be
are many more situations that can arise in a quite deadly.
game of Reign of Terror. This section tries to
provide an outline for how to deal with some Cannonade: One of the most dangerous things
of those situations. about getting hit with cannon fire is the
explosive decompression caused by the
Environmental Hazards explosion. Actually, this Environmental
Hazard can be used to cover any type of area
There are some encounters that a character effect attack – an explosion, like a cask of
might have that are particularly dangerous. In gunpowder being set off, for example.
Reign of Terror these are referred to as
“Environmental Hazards” and they operate The Narrator should feel free to use these rules
under a slightly altered set of rules. There are a to cover additional types of Environmental
number of different types of Environmental Hazards not covered here. In fact, the type of
Hazards: Environmental Hazard is really just for flavor
– it helps the Narrator describe what is
Poison: Any type of toxin, from drugs to happening to the character. Perhaps, the
deadly venoms, is classified as poisons. Narrator wants to use these rules when a
Poisons might be administered in any number character experiences extreme deprivation –
of ways – imbibing them, being bitten by an like dying of thirst or hunger, exposure to
animal or stabbed by a weapon that has been extreme temperatures, or torture.
coated in poison.
The actual mechanics of Environmental
Fire: Fire hurts. Sometimes, it hurts a lot. Hazards are the same for all hazards,
Any application of extreme heat – from falling regardless of the type. Each Environmental
into a bonfire to being put to the torch to being Hazard is described by type, then is followed
trapped in a burning building can be modeled by two numbers: such as Poison (1/3). The
with the Fire Environmental Hazard. first number is the Strength of the attack and
the second number is the Duration.
Drowning: This one seems obvious. A
lungful of water is bad for your health. The Strength of an Environmental Hazard
Perhaps your character has fallen through the describes the power of the attack. Strength is a
ice into the frigid Seine River, or they are number between 1 and 8, typically, and that
being tortured by having their head held in a number serves as the Challenge value that
bucket of water. This Environmental Hazard must be overcome by a Resistance Flip
has that covered. (Resistance Flips are described in greater detail
in Chapitre Quatre: Basic Rules). Each turn
Falling: It’s not the falling that hurts, really. that a character fails a Resistance Flip they
It’s the landing. Falling damage is probably suffer a single condition (with a -1 value). If
the most straight-forward of the the Strength value has an asterisk (*) is
Environmental Hazards to deal with. The particularly powerful. Instead of taking a
farther you fall, the more hurt you will be. regular condition upon a failed Resistance
Flip, the afflicted character takes an
Disease: The Hazard rules can be used to automatically Bloodied Condition. As usual,
simulate the damage caused by any form of the character may add any applicable phrases
serious or extended illness. Particularly, to their Resistance Flip.

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Duration measures the number of turns that a exposed

character must continue to resist the Hazard. Each turn
Each turn the character must continue to Burning House 4*
make Resistance Flips against the Strength of Poisoned Wine 4 2
the Hazard.
Poisoned Blade 3* 1
Demoulins drinks a poisoned cup of Snake Venom/
3 4
wine. The poison’s rating is 4/2. This Scorpion Sting
means that Demoulins must resist a Cannon Fire 6* 4*
value 4 Challenge for two turns. On Barrel of
5* 5*
his first turn he flips a 6 of Coins. This Gunpowder
has a value of 1 and doesn’t overcome Immersed in a Each turn
the Challenge, so Demoulins takes a Cold Lake exposed
condition. He must make another Immersed in a
1 2
Resistance Flip on his next turn to Bucket of Water
avoid adding to his condition. 1/10 feet
Some Environmental Hazards might be Once the
Falling from a
accompanied by an Effect Phrase. If the Strength 1
Great Height
character fails any of the Resistance Flips for reaches 5
the Hazard they must also, temporarily, take it becomes
on the Effect Phrase. This Effect Phrase 5*
remains attached to the character until any 1/day for 4
conditions caused by the Environmental Influenza 2
Hazard are removed. An Effect Phrase is 1/day for 2
always a Trouble (T) phrase and can be The Plague 4*
exchanged for a Chance Token whenever the
player is confronted with a -1 modifier.
Positive Conditions (Optional)
The poison in Demoulins’s drink has
The Narrator may agree to add the option of
the Effect Phrase, “Drowsy” attached to
Positive Conditions to the basic rules of Reign
it. Since he failed his first Resistance
of Terror. Typically, when beating an
Flip he now has the condition
opponent in a challenge, the player may assign
“Poisoned” and the Effect Phrase a condition to their opponent. These
“Drowsy” attached to his character. conditions will represent some sort of negative
aspect that the opponent is under the effect of,
The Environmental Hazard rules can be temporarily (or, in the case of “Blooded
applied to any number of scenarios, but the list Conditions”, semi-permanently).
below gives some very basic and common
examples of Environmental Hazards. Positive Conditions allow the player to add a
temporary condition to their character, rather
Environmental than a temporary condition to their opponent.
Strength Duration
Hazards The difference is that the condition will be
Each turn Positive (an advantage of some sorts), rather
Small Bonfire 3
exposed than negative (an injury or disadvantage). For
Large Pyre 2 Each turn

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the next applicable flip the character will The way this works is as so: if a player (or the
receive a +1 to their value. Narrator) spends a Chance Token to change a
card, bloody a condition, or any other
Demoulins is engaged in fisticuffs with accepted use of a Chance Token, the Narrator
the villainous Comte de Mille. may then provide an opportunity for any other
Demoulins wins the exchange and has person at the table to spend a Chance Token
the option of placing a negative to negate the effect of the spent token.
condition on his opponent. Simon Starting immediately to his left, the Narrator,
decides, instead, to place a positive
in turn, asks each player if they would like to
spend a token. If someone agrees, they spend
condition on his character. He gives
one token and the effect is prevented from
Demoulins the condition, “Has the
occurring. If no one wants to spend a Chance
Upper Hand” which will grant his Token, then the purchased effect takes place,
character a +1 on the next round. as usual. If canceled, the original spent token
remains spent.
Unlike negative conditions, positive
conditions cannot be “bloodied,” and can The Narrator decides that the evil duc
never last more than a single round. As well, d’Montagne will bloody the condition
a character can never have more than one he just inflicted on Brian’s character.
positive condition at a time.
The Narrator spends a Chance Token
and then, turning to the players, asks
Examples of Positive Conditions if anyone would like to spend a token
to cancel this effect. Brian, eying his
Listed below are some examples of positive
dwindling supply of Chance Tokens,
conditions that could be placed on a character.
decides this would be an effective use
Positive Conditions: of his resources and says, “yes, I cancel
 It All Becomes Clear that” and hands his Chance Token to
the Narrator. The duc’s Chance Token
 Burst of Energy
remains spent and play continues.
 Grabs the Initiative
 Have My Opponent in a Compromising
Mob Mechanics
 Emotionally Unattached
 Crystal-Clear Insight History has often been the byproduct of the
 Inner Strength actions of large groups of people, acting in
 Resolved to Succeed unison. During the Revolution, in particular,
the actions of large mobs were quite
Cancelling Chance Tokens significant. In this section we’ll discuss how
to manage large groups of people in your
game of Reign of Terror, as well as how player
characters can attempt to sway those groups.
Another optional rule that the Narrator may
choose to employ allows players and the
All groups in Reign of Terror are defined by
Narrator to spend Chance Tokens to cancel
the use of Chance Tokens spent by other three characteristics: Mood, Commitment,
players, or NPCs. and Descriptive Phrase. The Mood of a
crowd is a description of the general demeanor

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the group of people. We can generally Commitment Description

designate the Mood in one of four ways: 1 Weak, the Mood is barely
present. Members of the
Mood Description group can easily be swayed
Pentacles Happy, Joyous, to a different mood.
Celebratory, “A Parade” 2 The Mood of the group is
Wands Angry, “Riled Up”, mixed. Many members of
Vengeful, “A Riot” the group support the general
Swords Passive, Indifferent, Lazy, Mood but there are some in
“A Day in the Park” the group who are hesitant to
Cups Reflective, Observant, speak up or act out.
Inquisitive, “A Debate” 3 The group has strong feelings
for their cause and has,
The Mood of a crowd helps determine what generally, accepted the Mood
sort of action that crowd may be spurred into. of the group. They will
The crowd’s Mood can be determined in a speak up for their cause and
number of ways. Primarily, the Narrator will encourage others to follow.
probably assign the crowd a Mood based on 4 “Impassioned,” the group is
the story being told. If, however, a more roused into strongly
random determination is sought there are two expressing their Mood. They
ways this could be done: 1) assign a Mood will be willing to take
based on the Scene Card; or, 2) draw a card at moderate action in regards to
random from the Draw Deck. Based on the their emotional state.
value and the suit of the card you can 5 Classic “mob mentality” –
determine the Mood and the Commitment of the members of the group
the mob. will engage in behaviors they
generally wouldn’t.
Jason, the Narrator, needs to The members of the group
determine the Mood of the crowd are so caught up in the Mood
gathered at the Assembly’s chambers. and the moment that they
He doesn’t have anything in will act without regard to
particular planned so he draws a consequences or their own
card from the Draw Deck. He gets an safety. However, when
Eight of Wands – the crowd is in an confronted with the truth of
angry mood, but with a Commitment their actions they will
of 1, just barely angry. generally come to their
Sometimes the crowd is really mad and, 7+ “Frenzied” – in the grips of
sometimes, the crowd is barely angry. The strong emotion to the extent
Commitment of a crowd is a measure of the that the crowd’s actions are
strength of their mood. Commitment is out of their own control;
measured in points, like the value of a card afterwards the members of
draw, between 1 and 7, generally. The higher the crowd may not remember
the Commitment value of the group, the what they did or why they
stronger the Mood of the group. did it. Mass Hypnosis.

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The Commitment of a group tells you how crowd, reduces the value of the Commitment
likely they are to act on their Mood. A group by 1. When the Commitment value of the
with a Commitment of 1 or 2 will not be likely crowd is reduces to 1 the player may introduce
to act on their feelings. A group with a 5, or a new Mood (which, then, takes on the value
higher, will be nearly unstoppable when riled of 1).
into action.
As established earlier, the crowd in the
Additionally, every crowd or group is also Assembly Hall is angry, but just barely
described by a phrase. The phrase is similar to (a value of 1). When François gets up
a phrase that would be used to describe a to speak he decides it’s his goal to shift
character. These phrases can be used, in the the Mood of the crowd to laughter –
same way they are for characters, to add a +1 which should be a fairly easy task.
(for Novice phrases) or +3 (for Master
After a few bawdy jokes he flips a King
phrases) to the flip of a crowd when
of Swords, with a value of 5. He
appropriate. Typically, a crowd will only have
a single phrase describing it and, usually, no announces that the Mood has shifted
more than two phrases. to Pentacles 1 (barely happy).

The Assembly, described above, has the Frequently, the character will want to push the
phrase “No Taxes are Good Taxes (N).” crowd into an action of some sort. They may
When debating the most recent
do this by issuing orders, tricking them into a
course of action, or simply convincing them
legislature on raising taxes for
that a certain activity is in their best interest.
farmers, the Narrator draws a card
To incite action from a crowd, the player
for the members of the Assembly makes a special draw called a Motivation
against the new measures. He draws a Draw. After the character has engaged in an
Six of Coins. Because the group is appropriate action (i.e., telling the crowd to do
against taxes, he adds +1 to the value. something) the player may make a Motivation
Draw. It should probably go without saying
that the action asked of the crowd must be an
Influencing Mood & Inciting appropriate action – meaning it must have
Action synergy with their Mood. The value of the
Motivation Draw must be less than the
In Reign of Terror, Mood and Commitment Commitment value of the crowd. If these
only matter because often a character will conditions are met, the crowd will engage in
want change the Mood of a crowd, or, the action.
alternately, push the Commitment of a crowd
into action. Here’s how that is done: WAR!

When attempting to change the Mood of a During the game, the crowd may get ugly. Or,
crowd, the character must reduce the alternately, characters may witness, first hand,
Commitment of the current Mood to 1. Once the horrors of warfare. This system is in place
that that is done, a new Mood can be to handle those scenes.
introduced and raised, from its starting
Commitment of 1. Each action that a The rules for group behavior can be adapted to
character takes to change the Mood of a handle violent conflict between large groups.
crowd that has a value equal to, or higher, Sometimes those groups might be a mob
than the current Commitment value of a turned violent and other times those groups

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might be units of well-trained soldiers. Either group of poorly supplied and

way, this system is used to moderate those disgruntled soldiers
conflicts. 5 Typical, professional army
who are fighting for pay
When moderating a conflict the group’s Mood 7 Elite and dedicated,
becomes the group’s Mission. The group’s professional soldiers;
Commitment becomes the group’s Morale. religious zealots;
Just as in the regular group behavior rules, brainwashed members of a
each group in a conflict has a Description secret society.
Phrase, as well, that provides some descriptive
terms that can be tapped when the group flips The Morale level of the group comes into
for success. Additionally, the group is rated on effect two ways when the group enters a
their Size. conflict. First, the Morale rating is the
number of turns that the group can remain
Mission is rated by suit – just as Mood is. The committed to their struggle. Secondly, the
suit of the group is determined by the orders Morale rating is added to the flip of a group
they are operating under (in regards to a when determining their success on each turn
military unit) or by the actions they are of the conflict.
provoked to (as is the case in a spontaneous
uprising, for example). The chart below Typically, during a group conflict, each turn
shows the corresponding suits and Missions: represents one hour of time. Each turn the
groups involved will engage in a contest to
Mission Description determine the winner of that turn. This is
Pentacles Daring/Dangerous done is normal fashion – with each side
Maneuver; Action Against flipping a card from the deck and adding their
the Odds; Cover Territory Morale value to the flip. Additionally, if
Quickly applicable, the group can add bonuses from
Wands Attack; Destroy relevant phrases or synergy bonuses from their
Swords Defend; Hold Position Mission. The group with the highest value is
considered the winner of that turn’s conflict
Cups Forward Reconnaissance; and can place a Condition on their opponent.
Intelligence Gathering; That condition can, as normal, be bloodied for
Scouting Mission; Move additional effect.
The French and the Austrians meet
The group’s Morale is a measure of both their
each other on the battlefield. The
commitment to the unit or cause, as well as
French Revolutionary Army has a
their level of training. Morale is used to
measure both their effectiveness at their Morale of 3. The professionally-
mission and their commitment to that mission. trained Austrian army has a Morale
Example levels of Morale are seen on the of 5. In the first turn, each
following chart: commander draws a card and adds
their Morale to the flip. The French
Morale Description draw a 7 of Swords (value 1). The
1 Completely Untrained; Austrians draw a Page of Wands
“Green” recruits (value 2). Their initial values are
3 A “Citizen’s Army” of French, 4 (3 + 1) and Austrians, 7 (5
poorly trained soldiers; a +2). It’s not over, yet, however. The

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French commander points out that his could have continued for 2 more turns
forces have the phrase “Committed to before being exhausted.
the Cause (M)” which the Narrator
accepts for an additional +3 to their Alternately, the riotous crowds in
value. This gives them a total of 7, Paris have a Morale score of 5. The
tying the conflict. Unfortunately, for Narrator determines that they will
the French, the Austrian commanders continue their rioting and looting for
points out that his units are on an five hours before the rioters calm down
attack mission and his draw of and return home.
Wands gives a +1 synergy bonus. This
gives the Austrians a final value of 8 – The last value of importance is Size. Size,
they win this turn of conflict. The predictably, determines how large the
Austrian commander issues the crowd/military unit is.
Condition, “Ranks Broken in
Confusion,” Next turn, the French will Size Rating Approximate Group Size
have a -1 modifier to their total due 1 Under 100 members
to this condition. 2 A couple hundred members;
no more than 400
Just as in regular conflicts, as the losing side 3 Between 500 and a 1,000
starts accumulating conditions they will need 4 Between 1,000 and 5,000
to check for removal from the conflict, in the
5 Between 5,000 and 10,000
normal fashion.
6 Over 10,000, but less than
Since the French combat units lost the 20,000
first turn of the conflict, they must 7 Over 20,000, up to 50,000
check for removal from the conflict. 8 Between 50,000 and 75,000
The French player makes a Resistance 9 Over 75,000 and up to 100K
Flip. He draws a Knight of Swords. A 10 Over 100,000 members
Knight has a value of 3, minus the -1
from the condition, and ends up with Each turn that the group remains in action its
a total value of 2. The French stay in Size is reduced, automatically, by one.
the conflict for another turn. Additionally, if the group loses its conflict, its
Size is reduced by an additional amount equal
When a number of turns have passed equal to to the value of the Condition that is placed on
the value of the group with the lowest Morale it. Therefore, a basic condition will reduce the
value, the conflict comes to an end. This group by an additional value of one, but if that
represents the motivation of the group petering condition is bloodied, the value of the size will
out, or the group dissipating as the conflict be reduced by that additional amount. If, at
wears on. At that point, whichever group has any time, the group’s Size is reduced to zero –
the largest Size value remaining can be regardless of Morale rating – the group is
determined to be the winner of the conflict. disbanded and ceases functioning.

After two more turns of combat, the The group of rioters is Size 3.
French have met their total of 3 Unfortunately, the Parisian Militia
Morale and the soldiers are pushed are only Size 2. At the end of the first
back to their own lines. The Austrians round of conflict, both have their Sizes

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reduced by one. Skillfully, the Militia lower than their opponent or the Narrator’s
won the first round conflict and with flip) they not only fail in their action but, also,
the condition of “Dispersed the Crowd” have their Reputation trait lowered by one die
they reduced the rioter’s Size by level. Thus, a d12 becomes a d10, a d10
another one-point, making their Size becomes a d8, a d8 becomes a d6, and a d6
a value of 1 for the next turn.
becomes a d4. If the player is already at a d4
Reputation their trait cannot be lowered any
The Reputation System Simon’s character, Demoulins, is
running for his life. He needs to scale
Each character is described by a trait called
the wall ahead to get away. Simon
Reputation. Reputation is represented by a
decides that he really needs to succeed
die, either d4, d6, d8, d10, or a d12.
Reputation stands for how others perceive the at this action. He decides to stake his
character – their honesty, integrity, and Reputation on this flip. He flips a
general view by the public. This trait’s Page of Wands – a value of 2. His
beginning value is determined during Reputation is d6, so he rolls a six-
character creation, which is described in detail sided die and gets a result of 4. His
in Chapitre Cinq: Character Creation. total value for the flip is 6. The
Narrator draws the challenge flip and
A character’s Reputation serves two functions. gets a Knight of Swords (with a value
First, and probably more importantly, it serves of 3). Simon succeeds (whew)!
as a form of social defense. In the time of the
French Revolution, one’s reputation could A player must decide to stake their Reputation
mean the difference between life and the before their opponent reveals their flip or the
guillotine. The use of Reputation, in this Narrator reveals the challenge flip.
manner, is described in more detail under
L’accusation! (described below).
Secondly, Reputation can be used to enhance
France, during the turbulent Revolution, was a
a flip during a particularly important action. A
dangerous place. One often found their life
player, during their action, may opt to “stake
was forfeit because of the accusations of
their Reputation” on their success. To do this,
others. This is modeled in the game by
they must first pay a Chance Token. Then
L’accusation – a way to use your Reputation
they roll their Reputation die and add the
trait as a weapon.
value to their flip. Note that “staking their
Reputation” may be combined with other uses
When one scene has ended, and before the
of Chance Tokens, such as bloodying a
next scene has begun, a player, or the
condition or replacing a flip with a card from
Narrator, can declare that they are making an
the Fate Hand.
Accusation. In the game fiction this amounts
to turning someone into the proper authorities
When the final totals are tallied, the player
for treason against the Revolution, or counter-
must take note of whether he/she succeeded
revolutionary activities. In the game,
on the action or not. If the player succeeded
however, you must make a challenge to
on the action, then they keep their Reputation
another character’s Reputation trait. It works
at its current level. If, however, they
in the following way:
ultimately fail in their action (i.e., they scored

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1. The challenger must, first, pay a Swords) and his Reputation roll (a 7)
Chance Token. for a total of 9. The duc must apply
2. The challenger generates a total based his negative condition (-1) for a total
on a flip, a roll of their Reputation, of 6. François succeeds and the duc
and a single positive condition (if d’LaMat faces Les Consequénces.
applicable). Within three scenes the duc may face
3. The challenged generates a total
the National Razor!!
based on a flip, a roll of their
Reputation, and a single negative
condition (if applicable).
4. If the challenger wins the contest,
their opponent faces Les
Consequénces (this is described in
more detail in Chapitre Six: Narrating
the Revolution).
5. If the challenger loses the contest,
they have their Reputation tarnished
and their Reputation trait is reduced
by a single die step (in the same
manner as described when “staking
your Reputation”).

L’accusation is a very powerful weapon, but

very risky, as well. A successful use of
L’accusation can send one’s opponents to an
appointment with the guillotine. Success,
however, is not guaranteed and failure can
mark one as a target for future uses of the

After the second scene, Brian decides

it’s time for François make his move
against his enemy, duc d’LaMat.
François has been working hard to
build his Reputation in Paris and
Brian believes he can probably pull
this off. The duc d’LaMat has a
Reputation of d8 and, last scene, was
given the consequence of “Resistant to
Change (-1)” which François is going
to, hopefully, use against the duc.
Brian declares his intention to use
L’accusation against the duc. He flips
a card and gets the Knight of Coins.
He adds to that his Reputation roll, on
a d10, of 7, for a total of 10. The duc
makes his flip (and gets a Page of

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Characters as a player to make sure you don’t create a

character concept that will always be at odds
In order to play Reign of Terror, each player with the other players and their characters.
must have a character. This chapter will
explain how a character is created and what The second step in the character creation
traits typically define the abilities of a process is the defining of the Phrases of a
character. The rules for making a character in character. Phrases are statements that define a
Reign of Terror are meant to be straight-forward characters background, interests, talents, and
and quick, so if a new player were to join up, motivations. These are filled out by answer
or a previous character were to need to be the statements found in the character’s
replaced, a new character can be generated Passeport. After they have been filled out they
very rapidly. are prioritized by ranking some of them as
Novice (N) phrases and some of them as
What Defines a Character? Master (M) phrases. This will be discussed in
more detail, below.
When it comes down to it, all characters are
defined by 3 characteristics: The third trait that is used to describe a
character is their Reputation rating. This is
1. Concept rated as a die-type (either d4, d6, d8, d10, or
2. Phrases d12). The Reputation rating describes how
others see the character. Reputation can be
3. Reputation
seen as representative of not just reputation,
but also integrity, social standing, and
To begin with, all characters start with a
honesty. At various times in the game, the
concept. This is the general overview, or
character sketch, of the character you want to player can use their Reputation rating as a
device to succeed against poor odds. At other
play. Maybe you are interested in playing an
times it is used as a form of social defense
investigator for the Revolutionary
against opponents who seek to have the
government. Or, perhaps you’d like to play a
character branded an enemy of the
spy for the British that has infiltrated French
society. Secretly you are a Monarchist who
disguises himself as a Revolutionary in order
to help free noble prisoners. There are an The Passeport
unlimited number of character concepts out
there. If you are stuck for an idea you could The Passeport is the document that contains the
think about a character you enjoyed in a descriptions of your character’s most basic
movie or a book. Lastly, check with your traits. The Passeport is designed to resemble an
Narrator. Your Narrator may have an idea actual document from the Revolution and, as
that he/she wants to center your campaign such, players are encouraged to think like their
around and would like you to consider a character as they fill it out.
specific type of character.
Below are descriptions of the various parts of
This is also a good time to discuss with your the Passeport, as well as some advice on ways
fellow players what types of characters they to answer the questions posed in the Passeport
will be playing. Although a game of Reign of for character creation.
Terror could be set up around intra-character
conflicts, usually the Narrator would prefer
the characters work together. It is your duty

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

This is where your

character’s full,
Christian, name is

Write down any aliases,

or pseudonyms, perhaps,
that your character goes
by. You know, like,
Voltaire or The Scarlet

Here you can record

when your character was
born and where they
originate from.

Record the location of

your character’s current
residence. Use a map of
Passeport – Page One Paris – or get creative!

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

The crux of character

creation is completing these
statements, which are then
rated as Novice (N) phrases
or Master (M) phrases.

Every character has a

special phrase – called the
Trouble (T). This phrase
can cause problems, but
you’ll benefit from any
trouble it causes.

The last step of character

creation is to determine
one’s Reputation rating.
This will be either d4, d6, Passeport – Page Three
d8, d10, or d12.

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

This page of the Passeport

is for recording your
Experience Lines. These
give you the opportunity to
improve your character,
change your phrases, and
apply your character’s
history directly to the story!

Passeport – Page Four

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Mandatory Phrases Character Creation

Creating a character for Reign of Terror is an
The Narrator may decide to employ the use of exceptionally simple process. The first, and
Mandatory Phrases. These are phrases that probably most difficult step, is thinking of a
character concept. Once that is done the rest
must appear on a character’s Passeport in order of the steps should fall right into place.
for that character to have access to certain
abilities, talents, or contacts.
The rest of the steps simply involve filling out
your character’s Passeport. In some ways, the
Narrator has very little to do during character
For example, the Narrator might decide that in creation. After the player has developed a
concept, they simply need to answer the
order for a character to be a member of the
questions put forth on page three of their
Committee of Public Safety (one of the Passeport.
important government bodies in France during
After these questions have been answered,
the Terror) the character must have a phrase
they have now become Phrases. The phrases
that describes how they obtained that office. on a character’s Passeport become an integral
The player takes the phrase “favored by part of playing Reign of Terror. Once the
player has finished filling these out they
Robespierre” and the Narrator agrees that the
should have ten positive phrases and one
phrase meets the requirements. Trouble (T) phrase.

The player now has the opportunity to rank

Most commonly Mandatory Phrases will come
five of the phrases on his Passeport. This is
into play when the Narrator decides to done by placing an N – for Novice – in three
introduce elements of the supernatural to the of the phrase spaces and an M – for Master –
in two of the phrase spaces.
game – things like magic abilities or
supernatural skills. These are discussed in What Do N, M, and T Do?
greater detail in Chapitre Sept: Conspiracies,
Secrets, and the Supernatural. That chapter Each of the phrase labels – “N” for Novice
phrase, “M” for Master phrase, and “T” for
offers suggestions on Mandatory Phrases for Trouble phrase effect the character in different
access to certain magical traditions, as well as ways.
membership in secret societies and
While in play, anytime a character encounters
organizations. a situation that might be affected by their
Novice (N) phrase they are allowed to add +1
to their result total.
Narrators might consider using Mandatory
Phrases to restrict access to certain Likewise, anytime a character encounters a
occupations or equipment, as well. situation that might be influenced by their
Master (M) phrase they may add a +3 to their
result total.

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

two Novice (N) phrases or two Master (M)

Both François and Demoulins phrases at the same time. Likewise, a
encounter a groups of royalist character cannot benefit from a Novice (N) or
bodyguards that are, clearly, up to no Master (M) phrase at the same time they take
good. It looks like this is going to a negative modifier from a Trouble (T) phrase.
erupt in a sword fight. Luckily,
François has the phrase “Handy in a Strategies for Phrases
Sword Fight (N)” on his Passeport.
This means that throughout the fight There are really two ways of looking at the
he’ll gain a +1 to the total of his result
phrases on a character’s Passeport. The first
way of choosing which phrases will be ranked
as Novice or Master phrases is based on talent.
On the other hand, Demoulins has the A phrase based on talent is one where the
phrase “Hatred of the Monarchists player is emphasizing his/her character’s
(M)” on his Passeport. Since the fight abilities, or what they are good at
is against Monarchists he argues that accomplishing. If the player decides that they
he should get to apply this phrase – the want their character to be really good at
Narrator agrees. Now, he can add a smooth talking people they would choose a
+3 to the total of his results against phrase that emphasizes this.
this enemy.
The second method for ranking phrases has to
The last phrase presented on a character’s do with their importance to the story. These
Passeport is their Trouble (T) phrase. This might include memberships in organizations,
phrase operates differently than the other relationships with other characters, or places
phrases on a character’s Passeport. If the and items that are important to the character.
character encounters a situation where the
Trouble phrase comes into effect, the player If a player wants to emphasize his character’s
may choose to take a -1 to their final result relationship with his parents, he might build a
total. If they make this choice they are phrase that describes that relationship:
rewarded by gaining an additional Chance something like “The Prodigal Son” or “Will
Token every time they apply the negative Fight for My Parents’ Honor” would be
modifier to their result. appropriate.

During the fight, François finds Demoulins’s player, Simon, wants

himself fleeing on the wet Parisian everyone to know that his character is
streets. The Narrator remembers that really, really smart. So, in response to
François has the Trouble phrase of the question “I am probably known
“Two-Left Feet.” He lets François’s best for …” Simon fills in, “my
player, Brian, know that if he accepts stunning intellect and scientific
a -1 to his total to escape the achievements.”
Monarchist guards he’ll gain an
additional Chance Token. Brian, the player of François, wants to
make sure his character can hold his
Only one phrase can be applied in a single own in a fight. For the statement
turn. This means that a character cannot use “However, I carry a reputation for…”
both a Novice (N) and a Master (M) phrase, or

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Brian writes down, “using my fists to Terror is very open and freeform – and, as a
settle arguments.” result, can be easily abused. Try your best not
to take advantage of the system. The goal is to
Simon thinks it would be interesting create an interesting and well-rounded
to play in a game that centers around character, not a Superman who can run
various members of the Freemasons roughshod over everything and everyone.
and their role in the Terror. To
emphasize this, Simon writes down, on Reputation
his character’s Passeport, “I always
The final step in character creation is to
have my eye on the Freemasons.”
calculate the character’s Reputation score.
This is done after the character’s concept, past
Brian, as mentioned earlier, wants to
history, and phrases have all been sketched out
be certain that the game will have and filled in.
plenty of action in it, so he writes
down, in response to the statement To calculate Reputation, the Narrator will ask
“Most typically, I am found in the the player to answer the following questions:
company of…” – “ne’erdowells and
ruffians.”  Was the character born into a Bourgeois
There is a tendency to want your character to  Does the character work in an
be good at everything. Avoid this. It’s fun to occupation that earns over 10 Livres a
play a flawed character. And, remember, the week?
more frequently you can expose your  Does the character hold a position in
character to his/her weakness (their Trouble government?
(T) phrase) the more likely you are to gain  Does the character live in an urban
Chance Tokens. area?
 Has the character (or do they currently)
On the other hand, you don’t want the threats serve in the Revolutionary army?
to your character to be omnipresent –
everyone needs a little peace and safety, For each question above that the answer is
occasionally. To avoid this predicament, don’t “yes,” the player may add one point.
make your Trouble (T) phrase too vague.
“The Government,” “the poor”, or Now, answer the remaining questions:
“aristocrats” might not be specific enough.
Phrases like “duc d’Orleans,” “I never trust  Is the character a member of the Lumpen
my neighbors,” or “a blood feud with the Proletariat (criminal class)?
Girondists” might be more appropriate.  Is the character a member/former
member of the clergy?
Narrator Approval  Is the character a former member of the
1st Estate?
The last thing to keep in mind is that  Does the character live in a rural area?
everything on your Passeport is subject to the  Does the character possess a trait phrase
approval of your Narrator. Specifically, the that expresses ownership of a weapon or
Narrator will be looking to make sure you proficiency with a weapon?
haven’t written a phrase like “I am probably
best known for … being good at everything.” Each “yes” response to the above questions
The character creation system for Reign of subtracts 1 from the character’s total.

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

So, a player, when instructed to record an

Now add 4 to the result of the above “yes” Experience Line, cannot write, for example,
and “no” questions. The final total is “that other character hates me.” Why?
compared to the chart below to determine the Because that Experience Line describes the
character’s Reputation score. reality of another character – not the player’s
character. As well, the player could not write
Value Reputation Score about something that occurred two or three
0–5 d4 sessions ago – only events that occurred in the
6–7 d6 current session.
8–9 d8
10 – 11 d10 At the end of the current session, the
12 + d12 Narrator instructs Simon to record an
Experience Line. Simon thinks back
To finish up character creation, Brian over the current session and decides to
answers the Reputation questions. He write “Demoulins crosses swords with a
adds his question total to four and group of Girondin bodyguards.” The
gets a final total of 7. This gives him Narrator looks it over and notes that
a final Reputation score of d6. it meets the three criteria of an
Experience Line.
Character Advancement
Once a character has accumulated Experience
The back page of every character’s Passeport is Lines, they have a number of uses. For the
labeled “Histoire,” or character history. This is cost of a Chance Token, a character may burn
where the player will record information about a single Experience Line as a Novice (N)
the trials and travails the character has gone phrase. Burning a line means that it must then
through. be crossed off the character’s Histoire and
cannot be used for any future purposes.
Throughout the characters adventures the
player will be instructed, by the Narrator, to If a character has accumulated five or more
Experience Lines, they can be traded in for
record Experience Lines. To do this, the
player, on the back of the Passeport, writes a other uses (described below).
full sentence that describes something that has
happened to the character in the adventure. Trade-Ins

There are a number of rules that must be For every five Experience Lines that a
followed when writing an Experience Line: character burns, they may choose one of the
following effects:
 Experience Lines must have a subject, a
verb, and another subject (a complete  Replace an existing (non-rated)
sentence). phrase on their Passeport with a
 Experience Lines must be written from different phrase.
the perspective of the character.  Raise a currently existing, non-rated
 Experience Lines must be written about phrase to the rank of Novice (N).
an event that occurred in the current  Remove a bloodied condition
session. automatically.

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

When a character accumulates ten Experience

Lines they may burn ten lines to create the
following effects:

 Raise a Novice (N) ranked phrase to

the Master (M) rank.
 Add a single point (not die type) to a
character’s Reputation score. If this
increase raises the character’s
Reputation score to the next die type
they then record the new die type on
their Passeport.

If the character has enough Experience Lines

to burn, the player may opt to obtain these
effects at any point in the game – they need
not wait between scenes or sessions, unless the
Narrator specifically requests that they do.

As Demoulins gains the Experience

Line “Demoulins crosses swords with a
group of Girondist bodyguards,”
Simon realizes that this is his fifth
Experience Line. He decides to spend it
immediately to raise his phrase “I am
never, publically, seen without
my…trusty walking stick” to the Novice
(N) level. Now, next time he has to use
the walking stick to defend himself he
can take a +1 bonus to his result

After accumulating ten lines of

Experience, Brian decides to spend
those ten lines to increase François’s
Reputation score by one point. His
previous Reputation score was 7, but
now, by burning ten Experience Lines,
Brian raises it to 8. This, in turn,
raises his Reputation score to d8. He
marks that on his Passeport.

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Chapitre Six

Narrating the Revolution

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Narrating the Revolution Emperor of France! As well, this opens

opportunities for player characters to fill some
A role-playing game operates a lot differently of their roles. What if Saint-Just doesn’t
than most standard, board-type games. declare for the execution of Louis XVI but,
Additionally, Reign of Terror operates instead, the characters do?
somewhat differently than other role-playing
games. This chapter seeks to address some of So, in summary, don’t worry about following
those differences and give the Narrator some the actual history of the French Revolution.
advice on running a game of Reign of Terror. Chapitre Un and Chapitre Deux are there to
provide a reference for players and the
Narrator – not to direct the action and limit
Real History vs. Storytelling
the story. The world of Reign of Terror is a
sandbox for you to play in – make it your
One of the biggest differences between Reign of
Terror and other role-playing games is that
Reign of Terror is strongly based on actual,
As Narrator, it may help to inform the players
historical events. Many, if not most, role-
that Reign of Terror is not the actual history of
playing games take place in a fantasy world or
the French Revolution but a “what if,” or
an imagined future. In these types of games
alternate history role-playing experience.
the players and Narrator feel completely
liberated from the reality of the past or
present. Themes

This is where this game can encounter a As a Narrator, one of the first decisions you
problem: some players and Narrators are have to make is what theme, or themes, you
afraid that the actions of the characters could want your game of Reign of Terror to follow.
“derail” history. What if Robespierre is killed The setting for Reign of Terror is wide open and
before the Terror? What if Napoleon never there are endless possibilities when setting up
gets back from Egypt? What if Louis XVI is the storyline for such a game. By choosing a
not executed? There is a fear among many theme that you, as the Narrator, want to
players that if the history that was is altered it concentrate on it will help you limit the
will destroy the game. options for your story as well as focus the
mood of the game. For each theme, a number
This is not a problem. This is your game and of sample campaign ideas are provided – feel
any changes that occur only need occur in free to think of your own, as well.
your game. That means that players and
Narrators should feel free to mess with history. A game of Reign of Terror could be centered on
Changing history allows players to take one of a number of themes: Action, Mystery,
ownership of the story – it makes players feel Horror, or Politics, to name just a few. Each
that their characters can have an actual impact of these themes represents a different approach
on the world around them. to playing and narrating Reign of Terror and
will color the types of stories you tell, as well
Additionally, by removing constraints on the as the types of characters players will be
story, it also removes “script immunity” from interested in playing.
many of the non-player characters – i.e.,
historical figures – that exist in the world of Action
Reign of Terror. Imagine the surprise when the
players realize that Napoleon Bonaparte just A large number of role-playing games are
died, ten years before he’s supposed to become based around the theme of action. An action

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

game is one that features characters that squash the Revolution’s ideals. An adventure-
engage in heroic adventures to defeat themed military game should emphasize the
decidedly evil villains. The conflicts in such winning actions of the characters rather than
games will often involve sword-fights, daring the actual, real, horrors of warfare on the
athletic events, and exciting, cliff-hanging front.
endings between sessions. Characters in an
action-themed game will want to emphasize  The characters are commanding officers
the physical – combat abilities and athletic at the Battle of ________. Supplies are
talents. dwindling, as is morale. The characters
must help turn the tide of the upcoming
There are a number of types of Action games battle by rallying the troops and leading
that can be played with Reign of Terror: them forward to a decisive victory!
 The characters are rank and file
Swashbuckling: The literature of France is members of citizen militia in Paris.
steeped in stories of gallant, handsome men Word reaches them that foreign agents
jumping into action to rescue the damsel in have infiltrated the city. Of course, their
distress. Look no further than the works of incompetent officer doesn’t believe them.
Dumas, such as The Three Musketeers or The It is up to the characters to single-
Count of Monte Cristo. The French Revolution handedly find the foreign agents and
could easily serve as the backdrop for a stop their evil plot to bring down the
swashbuckling adventure game. In such a Revolution!
game you want to choose an obvious villain –
someone like the King’s advisors or maybe Mystery
Some say that the first mystery novel was
 The King’s evil advisor, Jacques Necker, Edgar Allen Poe’s “Murder at Rue Morgue.”
has kidnapped several very important Since then, Paris has been a natural setting for
philosophes in an attempt to prevent the mystery stories. Mystery stories are tales that
Revolution before it even begins. The pose a question for the characters to answer.
characters must expose his dastardly plot Maybe they need to discover the identity of a
and bring Necker to justice! murderer, or find the location of a stolen
 The dastardly Committee for Public museum piece. Reign of Terror lends itself
Safety is arresting innocent men and naturally to these types of stories as conspiracy
women and executing them without a (the ideas that there is a secret motivation
fair trial. Now the character’s loved behind the events that are occurring) is an
ones have been arrested. The characters important part of the game.
have only a few days to secure their
freedom from Conciergerie prison. This Mystery-themed games are a little more
will demand decisive action! difficult to put together than an action-
oriented game. To start, the Narrator must
Military Adventure: The Napoleonic-era, the develop a series of clues for the players (and
historical period immediately following the their characters) to encounter throughout the
Revolution, is ripe for adventure. But, during story. It can be quite a balancing act to come
the Revolution, the nation was equally up with clues that are challenging enough
embroiled in military conflict. Characters without being too difficult for the players to
could play heroic citizen-officers in the figure out.
Revolutionary Army trying to fend off the
advances of the Prussians as they attempt to

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The other challenge with a mystery-centered Committee of Public Safety or rising leaders in
game is to pace the story appropriately. If the the National Convention. A View From the
clues, and thus the resolution, are revealed too Top game deals with such questions as, “how
quickly the game may not last a full session. do you control others?” and “how to do I stay
On the other hand, you don’t want to drag the at the top?”
story out too long. Some further advice on
pacing can be found later in this chapter in the  The characters serve beside Maximilien
section on Scenes & Scene Cards. Robespierre on the Committee of Public
Safety. As the last days of the Terror
Like other themed games, the Narrator will draw near, and the public are beginning
need to direct the players in their character to turn against Robespierre, how can the
concepts. Why are they the ones to characters save their own necks from the
investigate the mystery? Are they constables or turning tide and the guillotine?
have they been hired by benefactors to find the  Things have started to move in pre-
answers? Revolutionary France as King Louis
XVI’s power is slipping. The characters
 The night before an important vote in are all aristocratic members of the
the Assembly, one of the deciding voters King’s Council and they must advise
is found dead in his chambers. Although him on the best course of action. What
there are no signs of foul play everyone can be done to prevent France’s slide
suspects it is murder. Who is into chaos and preserve Louis XVI’s
responsible? The characters are chosen to authority?
investigate this untimely death.
 A number of important pieces of artwork The Long Climb: In this type of politics game,
have begun to disappear from the newly the characters are “up and comers.” They
created Louvre Museum. Who is taking might be members of a neighborhood political
them? Could it be connected to the recent club (the sections) or recently elected members
execution of King Louis XVI (the of the Assembly. The goal is to build power
Louvre and its contents were previously and trade favors as they try to establish
the property of the former King). themselves in the power structure of
Revolutionary France.
 A character has been given a low-level
Given the nature of the French Revolution, a bureaucratic post in a small village of a
game about the French Revolution – like Reign recently reorganized départment.
of Terror – is a perfect fit for the theme of Unfortunately, the region is rife with
politics. A political game is one that is counter-Revolutionary sentiment. Is the
centered around debate, backstabbing, and character merely a fall-guy for his
power grabs. In a politically themed game, political superiors, or can he turn the
the characters will want to emphasize social situation around?
connections and bureaucratic intrigue over  The characters are collecting signatures
athletics and swashbuckling. The Narrator, to to be on the ballot for the next round of
start with, will need to decide on the scope of Assembly elections. Do they have what
the politically-themed game: it takes to become a representative in
Revolutionary France? What happens
The View From The Top: The characters are when the powers-that-be take an interest
movers and shakers, top-dogs in the political in the characters and want to make a
landscape. Maybe they are members of the deal for the election?

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

More so than other types of games of Reign of The Horror That is Ourselves: Although
Terror, the politically-themed game relies many horror stories deal with the “alien”
heavily on Reputation. In order to succeed threat of the supernatural, there is much fuel –
and thrive in the political world, characters particularly during the French Revolution –
need to guard their Reputation ratings for portraying humans as the true monsters.
carefully. As well, political games lend During the Terror, alone, over 30,000 people
themselves much more to player versus player were murdered and the descriptions of the
conflicts. Player versus player conflicts are carts of dead being rolled through the streets of
described in greater detail below, in the section Paris are some of the worst psychologically-
on Moderating Conflict. scarring descriptions. Additionally, during this
time, the French developed a police state
Horror centered on intense feelings of paranoia – no
one could be trusted, the Surveillance
A horror story is defined, according to the Committee’s “eyes” were everywhere.
Webster Dictionary, as a story that is
“calculated to inspire feelings of dread or  It used to be that everyone in the
dismay.” While the feelings of horror are neighborhood knew each other and
often difficult to transmit in a game, a horror- trusted each other. Since the
themed game, if done correctly, can be an Revolution, all of that has changed.
exciting experience. There are a couple of People don’t talk anymore. When one
ways to present a horror-themed story: goes out on the street there is the feeling
that a thousand eyes are watching. Now
The Supernatural: Probably the most people are disappearing – including
common type of horror story has mankind people you know. What happens when
confronted that which is not natural. they come for you?
Vampires, werewolves, the undead, and users  The characters were minding their own
of witchcraft are all examples of the business (even if that business was
supernatural. Usually, these supernatural illegal) when the recruiting sergeants
elements are presented as some form of evil rounded them up and put them in the
element that must be overcome by the back of a wagon. Now they are on the
characters. Some examples of supernatural front lines of the war and there is no way
threats can be found in Chapitre Sept). to get home. Everyday thousands die –
and not just from the wounds of war. At
 Children have been disappearing into night the screams of the dying can be
the catacombs below Paris for months. heard. Tomorrow will be your day at
Now a beloved niece or nephew has battle – are you ready?
disappeared. What could be lurking in
the ancient tunnels under Paris? What is While a horror-themed game can be most
it collecting these children for? rewarding, dramatically, it is also one of the
 For years there have been rumors of the most difficult themes to portray successfully.
giant “wolves” attacking people and All of the players must be willing to commit to
animals in the department of Gévaudan. the story as jokes and light-hearted humor can
In the last five years almost one-hundred often quickly kill the atmosphere of a horror
people have disappeared, or been found game.
dead. Now the government is being
called upon to put an end to this most
“unnatural” threat.

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Location Mixing Themes

One decision the Narrator needs to make early on While each of these themes can be used by
is where to set the game. During the Revolution themselves, the most interesting stories usually
combine elements of two or more themes. A
there was plenty going on, both in the capital of
game that centers on putting down the newly
the Revolution, Paris, and the rural areas of risen dead would combine elements of both
France. action and horror. A campaign where the
characters try to save their political careers, all
while trying to locate the powers behind the
The benefits to an urban game (a game set either scenes that are seeking to usurp their offices
in Paris or the Faubourgs or one of the other would have elements of both a mystery-
themed game and a political-themed game.
urban centers) is that the large populations makes
There are endless examples of how to mix and
these locations ideal for games centered around match the different themes of Reign of Terror.
action or politics. As well, an urban game of
 The characters are newly appointed
horror can be great for creating the feeling of
officers that have been sent to the front.
claustrophobia. What they encounter there is nothing
short of incompetence and bureaucratic
bumbling as they find they have to work
A rural game – a game set in a small village or in
their way through mounds of red tape
the countryside – can be ideal for creating a and still prepare the troops for battle.
variety of moods, like isolation or separation from What will kill them first: the
incompetency of their inferiors or the
the familiar.
Prussians (Action/Politics)
 Throughout Paris the dead are rising
The setting can also help the Narrator determine again. People who’ve been executed are
seen the next week walking the Champs-
the basic plot of the campaign. Paris and its
Éylsées. All evidence points to a person,
surroundings suburbs were the hotbed of the or group of people, who are using the
Revolution and would serve as the centerpiece to Terror to fuel their own dark designs.
Who is behind it? How can they be
a story about the radical overthrow of traditional
stopped? (Mystery/Horror)
society.  The race is on!! Two rival political
factions are racing to win as many
supporters to their side before the big
On the other hand, much of the counter-
election as possible. The characters must
revolutionary movement was based in the rural make their way across France,
provinces – such as the Vendée, Britany, and mustering support for their cause and
preventing their opponents from scoring
Maine. If the Narrator wanted to tell a story
victories among the commoners. At
about resistance to the Revolution, a rural-based every stop the enemy has set traps (both
game might be the best choice. physical and political) and it seems it’s
anybody’s game at this point.

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Conspiracy spontaneous or haphazard actions. A

conspiracy is product of secretly planned
The appalling thing in the French Revolution is action.
not the tumult, but the design. Through all the
fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of  The Revolution is an opportunity
calculating organization. The managers remain for modern ideals and values to be
studiously concealed and masked; but there is no shaped into a contemporary
doubt about their presence from the first. government. Unfortunately, the
 Lord Acton King, with the help of the
Freemasons, is plotting to bring the
At the center of all games of Reign of Terror is downfall of the Revolution and use
the theme of conspiracy. A conspiracy could it as an opportunity to discredit the
probably best be described as “secret military, philosophies of the enlightened
banking, or political actions aimed at ‘stealing’ thinkers and philosophes.
power, money, or freedom from ‘the people.’  Every time a riot breaks out or a
Conspiracy theories are based on the notion protest hits the streets of Paris, some
that complex plots are put into motion by have noticed that the same groups of
powerful hidden forces. And while Reign of individuals seem to be leading the
Terror is intended as a work of fiction, it mob. And no matter how peaceful
doesn’t take much looking to see that for the the marches begin, they inevitably
past two centuries historians and politicians end in bloodshed. What if the mob
have suggested that the real French action is not spontaneous but,
Revolution was the byproduct of a number of instead, the planned activity of a
conspiratorial plots. group of “monsters” that feed off
the violence and anger of the mob?
When designing a game of Reign of Terror it is
important for the Narrator to remember the Scenes & Scene Cards
role of conspiracy in their game. The
conspiracy (whatever the nature of that Unlike many role-playing games, Reign of
conspiracy may be) should serve as the engine Terror is based around a predetermined pacing
that drives the other themes – whether it is mechanism – namely, that each session has a
action, mystery, politics, or horror. set number of scenes. These scenes are tracked
through the use of Scene Cards.
How to design a conspiracy-laden story is
discussed in greater detail in Chapitre Sept: As explained in Chapitre Trois: Basic Rules, the
Conspiracy, Secrets & the Supernatural. The game begins with the Narrator laying out the
basics, however, are presented here: historians Scene Map. A complete session of Reign of
have generally noted that a conspiracy is made Terror is made up of five scenes for each
up of four parts. First, all conspiracies are character. In this section we will discuss how
made up of groups, not isolated individuals. to use those five scenes to pace the game and
Again, in Chapitre Sept a number of potential create a full story each session.
conspiratorial groups are presented. Secondly,
a conspiracy has illegal or sinister aims. The
purpose of a conspiracy is not to benefit
society but to, rather, allow the
aforementioned group to gather power,
money, or access to some sort of resource.
Conspiracies are not composed of

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players may be given the opportunity to

express why their characters are there, the
Narrator should still keep the overall storyline
in sight. During this scene, the Narrator needs
to introduce to the players the long-tern goal
of the session: find Monsieur Fleming not
guilty of counter-revolutionary activities;
locate the stolen jewels before nightfall;
prepare the troops for the assault on the
Prussian position.

In Scene Two, the Narrator needs to advance

the plot and emphasize more details on the
objectives of the session. This can be done in a
couple of ways. First, the Narrator can
introduce additional clues or information
about the conflict at hand. Maybe the
characters stumble across a diary which
explains the villain’s plans and motivations, or
maybe the characters get a chance to see the
battle plans of their enemy before the big

Another option in Scene Two, is for the

characters to be faced with an additional
challenge. If in Scene One they find out that
they have to defend Monsieur Fleming in
Each scene in a session of Reign of Terror serves court, perhaps in Scene Two they discover that
a particular purpose. Scene One serves as the he is a counter-revolutionary, but just not
introduction to the session. This scene has guilty of the specific charges put against him.
two primary objectives: introduce the setting Maybe the characters discover that the
and introduce the objectives. By” introduce Prussian forces aligned against them are twice
the setting,” we mean that the Narrator should the size they originally thought. This is what
set up the location of the scenario. Does this we call a “Furthermore” scene – as in, “here’s
session’s story begin in a fancy ballroom? A what you learned in Scene One,
Parisian back alley, perhaps? Or, maybe the furthermore…here are more facts to add to
story begins on the floor of the National what you know.”
Convention hall. While the Narrator may find
it their duty to set the location, they can turn Scene Five is the crossroads. In this scene the
the tables on the players at this point and ask characters need to be confronted with a
them to describe why their character is at this decision. The decision should be such that it
location. “You are all sitting in the courtroom will possibly divide the characters into more
at the Palais de Justice. Why? What are you than one group. In the above example, some
there for?” of the characters may decide that Monsieur
Fleming cannot be helped and they join the
In this first scene the Narrator wants to put prosecution (mainly to protect their own
forth the reason for this location being the Reputation), while the remainder of the
opening location. What is the agenda or the
objective of this session? Even though the

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character continue to search for witnesses to

defend Monsieur Fleming’s actions. Different Scene Set-ups
Note that at this point the characters are not
forced into splitting into multiple groups, but If the Narrator isn’t interested in using the
they are presented with that option. Many
cross-pattern scene map there are other
groups of players will insist on sticking
together. If this is the case, the Narrator may options:
find it is their job to act as a wedge – provide
incentives to split the group apart. If all the
players insist they can’t work against The Unrevealed Map: This operates the same
Monsieur Fleming’s defense, the Narrator fashion as the standard cross-pattern story map
may need to remind a few players that his but remains unrevealed to the players. Before
continued defense could endanger their
already pitifully low Reputation score. While the game the Narrator deals the cards, as
this may seem cold-hearted to place the normal, and records them on a Session Sheet
characters in increased danger, it is the duty of before returning the cards to the Draw Deck
the Narrator to challenge players. One way to
increase that challenge is by splitting the and reshuffling. This scene map lends itself to
characters up and even turning some of the less strategic play on the part of the players.
player characters against one another (at least
The Narrator could introduce the option that a
player may pay a Chance Token to reveal the
At the end of Scene Five, the Narrator is current scene card.
encouraged to reward each player with an
Experience Line. This is described in greater
detail in the section below entitled Rewards. One Card at a Time: Instead of drawing all
nine cards of the scene map, the Narrator
Although they are labeled separately, Scenes
draws a single card at a time (they continue
Four, Six, and Eight are all “furthermore”
scenes. These scenes give the players the drawing until they’ve drawn a Trump, or
opportunity to explore the decisions made by Major Arcana, returning lesser cards to the
their characters in Scene Five. The Narrator,
Scart). This adds an element of unpredic-
essentially, needs to ask the question: “you’ve
made this decision, how does that play out?” tability and improvisation to gameplay

During these scenes the Narrator should keep

the end of the session in sight. The characters The Straight Set: This set-up works well when
should be making decisions, and witnessing there is only a single player. The Narrator
results, which make the final scene seem simply sets out five cards in a straight line.
conclusive and reasonable.
Since there will be no splitting of characters
during the session, there need not be any splits
in the scene map.

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this chapter, or the Trumps Cheat Sheet.

The final scenes are unveiled in Scene Three, Comparing cards to either of those charts can
Seven and Nine. These scenes – much like the spark the Narrator’s imagination and give
conclusion of a novel or a film – should them ideas for additional meanings and
provide a satisfactory end to the session. symbolism within each scene.
That’s not to say that the final scene should
wrap up the entire story. The conclusive scene If an idea doesn’t come to you right away,
may, and probably should, leave some don’t fret. Feel free to improvise as that scene
questions unanswered. Unanswered questions comes up. And steal ideas from your players!
draw the players back for the next session. If a player suggests that a card might mean
something, agree with them. Take a few
As well, at the end of the final scene of the minutes and adjust your story, if necessary, to
session the Narrator is again encouraged to fit the player’s conception of the scene card’s
offer the players an Experience Line. By this meaning.
pacing mechanism, characters should have the
opportunity to spend those advances every Moderating Conflict
two-and-a-half to three sessions.
A large number of role-playing games use dice
Scene Meanings & Signifiers to moderate the conflict system. Reign of
Terror uses tarot cards – which provide for
The scene map and scene cards can help the some unique opportunities in the narrating
Narrator decide on the locations, important and telling of stories.
characters appearing, and general events of
each scene. One of the chief advantages to the use of Tarot
cards in Reign of Terror, is that it allows the
When first setting up the Scene Map, at the players and Narrator to make use of the
beginning of the game, it is recommended that symbolic meanings of the cards. There are
the Narrator record these cards on a Session generally two ways to look for meaning in a
Sheet (see the Reference section, at the end of Tarot card:
the book). After this is done, the Narrator
should take several minutes to brainstorm 1. The Historical Meaning – over
what each scene card might represent. Does it the centuries mystics and scholars
stand for a significant individual (or group of have identified the implied
individuals) that will be appearing in the meaning of the Tarot based on
scene? Does the scene card represent unique the history of each card and the
conditions that are present in the scene (a identified symbols and imagery of
lighting-storm, an abandoned dungeon, or a each card. Many of these
glitzy ballroom)? Perhaps the scene card is meanings can be found on the
indicative of an important event (an execution Trumps Cheat Sheet. Almost all
or assassination) or clue that will be Tarot decks come with a booklet
discovered there (the name of the murderer or that explains the meanings of the
the location of an important piece of cards. If you are still looking for
information). help, any decent bookstore will
carry different “how to” books on
The Narrator is encouraged to spend ten, or the Tarot that will describe not
so, minutes contemplating these meanings. If only the history of the cards, but
stuck, the Narrator can check out the the meaning of the symbols, as
Signifying Cards Chart, located at the end of well.

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2. Personal Insight – ask yourself,

“What thoughts and meanings do
Different Scene Set-ups these images conjure for me?”
(Optional) Personal imagination is a
completely valid way to use the
The Tree of Life: card in Reign of Terror. If the card
shows a man with a sword and
that makes you think of a sword
fight – then use it!

In many games, the randomness of a dice roll

(or even a card flip, for that matter) can often
derail the storyline of the session. The use of
the Tarot helps moderate the randomness.
Perhaps the value of a flip throws the storyline
for a loop, the Narrator can always find
options using the meanings of cards to put the
story back on track. Additionally, the use of
the Fate Hand serves to give both players and
Narrator more direct control over the story.

During play-testing, some players and

Narrators seemed hesitant to use the meanings
of Trumps in play. “They seem too broad and
vague,” some said. There were worries that a
player could abuse their ability to draw on the
meanings of cards over the absolute values of
cards. There are two possible solutions to this
(perceived) problem. First is that it requires
In this alternate scene map, characters are free to Chance Tokens to use the meanings of cards
in conflict resolution. This is intentional in
start in Scene One, Scene Six, or Scene Nine. From
that it limits the number of times a player may
those scene cards they can only move to one of the use this option. The Narrator must remember,
most immediate scene cards adjacent to their current as well, to ask the player whether they are
invoking effect for a bonus (a +2 to their
card (so, Scene One can move to Scene Three or overall value) or a description. Invoking for
Scene Two; Scene Six could move to Scene Five, description really only adds to the description
Scene Four, Scene Eight, or Scene Seven). When
of the scene, it doesn’t ensure automatic
their scene has ended the character may move to any
other center scene card. After four scenes of play, all Secondly, there are other (admittedly optional)
rules that give the Narrator the opportunity to
characters end the session on Scene Ten.
cancel the effects of a Chance Token. If the
Narrator really feels that the player is abusing
This scene map gives players more choice and the rules in this way, they should simply offer
the player a Chance Token and say, “no.”
creates a more free-flowing play style.

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Ideally, the players and the Narrators – back token is added to the Narrator’s pool for use
during character creation – should have by the NPCs. The Narrator may accumulate
worked out a “contract” for play. What this additional Chance Tokens by having non-
means is that prior to the game play player characters take negative total modifiers
beginning, the participants in the game have from the application of their Trouble (T)
come to an agreement as to the type of play phrases.
they would enjoy. Maybe the group is
interested in over-the-top and unrealistic It is from this collection of Chance Tokens
action. If this is the case, certain uses of that the Narrator must run the entire pool of
Chance Tokens and card meanings would be NPCs. The Narrator may not take temporary
completely acceptable. Having that Chance Tokens if they run out, like players
discussion with players before the game can may.
prevent a lot of the problems that could,
potentially, develop during the game. Lastly, the Condition system in Reign of Terror
can be very lethal. The Narrator should deal
Player vs. Non-Player Conflict out death only very sparingly. While the
death of a character can, potentially, be a very
In a typical game of Reign of Terror, the powerful moment in a game, most players do
Narrator controls the actions of all characters not sign up for a game to see their character,
that are not run by the players (known, more with which they’ve devoted time and
commonly, as the non-player characters, or emotional energy, simply killed at the drop of
NPCs). When dealing with conflicts that arise a hat. Remember that characters, when
between NPCs and player characters, the defeated, may better serve their enemies as
Narrator has a number of important things to captives and hostages. Many enemies would
keep in mind. rather see their opponents humiliated than
At the most basic level, NPCs should be
treated as most regular, player characters are. One suggestion, when the possible death of a
They should be seen as well-rounded, realistic player character seems imminent, is to simply
individuals. They are motivated by real ask the player if they would be comfortable
interests and, generally, shouldn’t be portrayed with the character dying. Under the right
as flat, black-and-white villains. That doesn’t circumstances, a player may feel that the tragic
mean, however, that each NPC has been fully death of a character could fit well into the
generated, using the all the character creation story.
rules. If you take a glace in Chapitre Huit: A
Cast of Characters, you’ll see that all the NPCs Player vs. Player Conflict
there are described with, at most, a paragraph
or two of description and three trait phrases – At a certain level, player versus player conflict
one Master (M) phrase, one Novice (N) fits in exceptionally well in Reign of Terror.
phrase, and a Trouble (T) phrase. This is all Narrators may often find it quite exciting to
that’s generally needed to describe and play a run a game where players represent rival
NPC. political or conspiratorial factions. This level
of competitive role-playing can be fun – but
Additionally, NPCs do not get a separate pool not without its pitfalls.
of Chance Tokens to play the game with. At
the beginning of the game, the Narrator starts The Narrator, first of all, must be very careful
the game without a single Chance Token. not to favor one group of players over another.
When a player spends a Chance Token, that This is the quickest way to ruin a fun game.

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This means that player versus player games Reputation, and a single negative
work best when each side of the conflict is condition (if applicable).
given equal access to in-game resources and 4. If the challenger wins the contest,
time to “be on stage.” If one group is given all their opponent faces Les
the money, all the political connections, and Consequénces.
all the playing time, the other side will 5. If the challenger loses the contest,
probably not find much fun in the game. they have their Reputation tarnished
and their Reputation trait is reduced
Another important issue that the Narrator by a single die step.
may have to deal with is character death at the
hands of another player character. This can be So, what happens when a character faces Les
a very heated situation and emotions may run Consequénces? Glad you asked.
high in this situation. It will probably be
necessary to set guidelines, before the game The process of L’accusation represents an
starts, as to how this situation will be dealt enemy tarnishing the victim’s reputation and
with. In some games, the players had drawing the attention of the powers-that-be to
previously decided that player characters were the character as a counter-revolutionary. The
not allowed to take the lives of other player consequences are, then, drawn out over three
characters. That didn’t prevent the use of scenes.
assassins and other devious non-player
characters, however, which led to many other In the scene immediately following the
interesting situations in the game. successful use of L’accusation, the accused is
arrested. If the accused is a non-player
L’Accusation character the Narrator may simply want to
narrate the arrest and detention of the victim.
Within the game there is a certain “social If the accused is a player character, the
weapon” that needs further explanation. Narrator may find it fair to give them the
Throughout the French Revolution, many opportunity to submit to arrest, resist arrest,
found themselves labeled and decried as make a run for it, or play the scene out
“counter-revolutionaries.” When this however they like. If the player character
happened it was generally a short trip to the were to escape, they will be hounded as a
guillotine. This phenomenon is represented in wanted fugitive until such time as they are
the game by the L’accusation rules. caught.

L’accusation is a form of social attack on the Two scenes after the successful use of
Reputation of another character. In the game, L’accustation, the accused character will face
both player characters and non-player trial. In the time of Revolutionary France –
characters can initiate L’accusations. To particularly during the Terror – the guilt of
reiterate, the rules for L’accusation are: most the accused had been pre-decided. Most
victims of L’accusation have little opportunity
1. The challenger must, first, pay a to win their cases. Nevertheless, a scene based
Chance Token. around the defense of a player character may
2. The challenger generates a total based make for some fun and interesting role-
on a flip, a roll of their Reputation, playing.
and a single positive condition (if
applicable). The third, and final, scene after the
3. The challenged generates a total L’accusation is the execution. Inevitably, the
based on a flip, a roll of their character was found guilty during the trial (if

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they weren’t – for whatever reason – then Les

Consequénces end there). This is the end of Methodical Development
the road for most characters. Give the player (Optional)
the stage and let them narrate the long, slow
walk to the guillotine and give them a chance
One option, which slows down character
to address the crowd before the end. While
development significantly, but provides for a
players may consider escape a possibility,
more focused form of development, is to
remember that executions were heavily
require that players apply specific Experience
attended by the public with thousands of
Lines to their applied increases. In this
spectators and dozens of militia in attendance.
system, a player must still burn five
Experience Lines to get an advance, but those
Although harsh, the use of L’accusation adds
five Experience Lines must apply directly to
greatly to the deadly atmosphere of Reign of
the advance being taken. If a character wants
Terror. The Narrator should be warned about
to increase the phrase “I’m talented with a
using this device too frequently in the game, sword” from Novice (N) to Master (M) the
but should a player character repeatedly flaunt lines they burn must relate directly to events
the law or be reckless about making enemies, that involved the use of the character’s sword.
the Narrator should, perhaps, not hesitate to Likewise, if a character attempts to raise their
introduce them to Madame Guillotine! Reputation score, they must burn ten
Experience Lines that are directly related to
Rewards their use of social reputation, their honesty,
and their integrity.
The final duty of the Narrator is to distribute
and manage the reward system in Reign of Under this system of character development, a
Terror. Players like to see their characters character will often have to accumulate far
develop and grow. The Narrator sets the pace more than the basic five Experience Lines to
for the rapidity with which characters will gain earn and burn an advancement.
experience and develop.
It is recommended that Narrators give out
Experience Lines during Scene Five and Scene
Three, Seven, or Nine (these are the third and
final scenes in a typical session). Since players
can trade in five Experience Lines for
advancement, this gives the characters
advancement every two-and-a-half sessions.

If the Narrator would like to speed up

character advancement, he/she may consider
giving out Experience Lines every two scenes.
Or, alternately, the Narrator could give out
three Experience Lines every session.

If, on the other hand, the Narrator would like

advancement to move more slowly, he/she
could consider giving only a single Experience
Line every session (usually at the end of Scene
Three, Seven, or Nine).

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Chapitre Sept

Conspiracies, Secrets, and

the Supernatural
Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Conspiracy, the Supernatural, controlling the military, economic, or political

and Secret Societies devices in a society.

Why? What is the purpose of the conspiracy?

The primary theme of Reign of Terror is that,
For what reason would someone attempt to
ultimately, the Revolution in France (and,
pull “behind-the-scene” strings? The definition
perhaps, elsewhere) was not accidental. Forces
clearly tells us: for “power, money” or other
conspired to put events in motion that led to
people’s “freedom” (i.e., control of other
the downfall of the Ancien Regime. Those
people – which is usually a means of gaining
same forces have worked to elevate particular
power or money). And how will they go
individuals and certain groups to positions of
about doing that? Through “theft”, of course.
Here’s where the conspirators run into trouble.
In this section we will explore what it means
They could simply try to take that power and
to say that the Revolution is the product of a
money in plain sight of those who currently
conspiracy. As well, we’ll look at options for
have it. But, typically, theft is illegal – or will
adding both magick and other supernatural
certainly upset those who currently possess it –
elements to your game.
so it has to be done in secret. The attempt to
gain this power must be underhanded, in some
What is a Conspiracy? way. It is important that those who have the
money or power not realize they are losing it
In Chapitre Six: Narrating the Revolution, we until it is too late. Otherwise, they might use
provided a basic definition for a conspiracy. their money or power to prevent the
Let’s restate it: “A conspiracy is the use of secret conspiracy from taking it. Unfortunately,
military, banking, or political actions aimed at secrets get out and, in this, lies the plot of our
‘stealing’ power, money, or freedom from ‘the game. How do the characters act to stop the
people.” theft of power, money, or freedom from those
who deserve it?
Let us examine this definition in greater
detail. To start with, a conspiracy involves
secrecy. Ben Franklin once, ingeniously,
How to Build a Conspiracy
stated that “three people can keep a secret, if
To begin with, history is chocked full of
two of them is dead.” Now, this leads us to
conspiracy theories, particularly about the
two important parts of the conspiracy: 1)
French Revolution (we’ll explore a couple of
conspiracies are attempted under the cover of
those, below, in Revolution & Secret Societies).
secrecy, but, 2) they are inevitably discovered.
But how do we create our own conspiracies
for a game of Reign of Terror? It’s really not as
Next we see that a conspiracy is perpetrated
difficult as it might sound.
using a variety of means. Those means, since
the attempt is to be secret, are typically not
The first step is to think about the definition of
overt. The conspiracy will, however, utilize
conspiracy. Again, looking back to Chapitre
the various devices in society which can bring
Six, we see that historians have identified a
about sudden change – the armed forces or
few characteristics of conspiracies:
police, the monetary and exchange system, or
political systems and laws. Adding that to the
1. All conspiracies are made up of
first part of the conspiracy means that
groups, not isolated individuals.
someone is seeking to, secretly, alter the
2. A conspiracy has illegal or sinister
current state of things by altering or

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3. A conspiracy is a product of secretly

planned action. 3 Steps to Building a
So, start with asking, “who is involved?”
What group, or groups, is planning this A quick internet search yields many pages of
conspiracy? Later in this chapter we’ll give advice on how to create your own
you some “organizations” that could conspiracy. Here’s some advice that I liked:
potentially serve as your conspiracy groups.
Or, you could create your own. Part of 1. Define your Conspiracy Subject
choosing the group is populating that group a. Choose something people find puzzling
with interesting characters, imagined or (How did France, Europe’s richest
historical. Who’s purposes does this group country, go bankrupt?)
serve? The King? Robespierre? The British? b. Or, alternately, pick bad thing X that
happened (the Dauphin died – but did he
really die?)
Now you have to ask yourself, “why are they
doing it?” What is the goal of this nefarious 2. Identify the Agents responsible for the
organization? Remember the definition of Conspiracy
conspiracy – most are centered on the a. Pick a Villain
obtaining of money, power, or some other b. Hand them a Motive
important resource. Maybe the conspirators
plan to get their hands on the keys to France’s 3. Connect the Dots
treasury. Perhaps the Civil Constitution of the a. Evidence (how do we know they are doing
Clergy is the best way to steal the power of the it?)
Catholic Church. b. Reasoning (why does this explanation
make more sense than the usual
Lastly, and this is probably the most difficult
part, you need to figure out how they plan to
do it. To do this, simply look at the history of Another way to put together a conspiracy is
the Revolution. Find an event and connect it through the use of Tarot cards. Using the
to your conspiracy. Maybe the Day of
signifiers’ chart, at the end of Chapitre Six, and the
Daggers wasn’t about defending the
Revolution. Maybe it was really about Tarot Cheat Sheet, found in the reference
arresting and removing individuals that stood section, simply draw six cards and compare them
in the way of the success of the conspiracy.
to the charts. The first three cards answer the
Perhaps there was an important prisoner in the
Bastille that day it was stormed – a prisoner question of “Who is doing this?” The next three
who held the key to the rest of the cards’ meanings are examined to answer the
conspirator’s plot.
question, “Why are they doing this?” Now, look
Uncovering conspiracies requires investigation over your results and start brain-storming your
and discovery of clues. You want your conspiracy. If you don’t like one of your results,
conspiracy to be connected to several events –
have many tentacles that reach into the plot of or you feel that one of your results doesn’t make
your game. sense, discard a card and draw again.

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Revolution & Secret Societies

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of
actual conspiracy theories about the French
Revolution. Probably the most popular is the
belief that the Freemasons, led by the Duke
d’Orleans, was behind the Revolution in an
attempt to remove Louis XVI from the throne
and place himself on it. Of course, history
tells us how that turned out for him. The Freemasons
Another conspiracy theory states that while The origins of Freemasonry are unclear – it
the Freemasons appeared to be the driving has been linked with Rosicrucianism and the
force behind the Revolution, there was, in fact, Knights Templar, but nothing is known for
a more sinister purpose to the event. The certain.
Freemasons, some argue, had been infiltrated
by the Bavarian Illuminati – an organization The history of Freemasonry is entwined with
that sought to promote its own power and the Hermetic and Kabbalistic traditions, which
prestige through the abolition of all order, all were studied in England during the second
laws, and all power. In this goal they half of the sixteenth century. In 1717 the first
succeeded in the French Revolution by tearing Grand Lodge was formed, using a system of
down all semblance of the Ancien Regime and symbolism based on ancient societies of
letting anarchy reign. stonemasons, together with ideas from the
Western mystical tradition.
Maybe the true conspiracy was a combination
of the above. The hundreds of Masonic According to the Freemasons, a human being
temples in France had been penetrated by a is made up of a body, a soul, a spirit, and a
number of secret societies – the Gnostics, the contact with his divine source. Freemasonry
Cabalists, and the Templars, to name just a offers an individual the opportunity to connect
few. The byproduct was a war, under the the mind to the divine, through ritual.
cover of revolution, where the various sects
fought one another for control of society. This, Freemasonry consists of three basic degrees:
too, by the way, is a conspiracy theory that Entered Apprentice; Fellow Craft; and Master
has been put forth by historians. Mason – as well as “higher” and “side”
degrees of the Rose Croix. In addition, there
In the following section, a number of is a Knight of the Pelican and Eagle and
“historical” secret societies – particularly Sovereign, Prince Rose Croix of Heredom,
societies that have been connected to the Grand Elected Knight Kadosh and Knight of
French Revolution – are presented for use in Black and White Eagle. There are also many
your game of Reign of Terror. Some of these offices within a lodge, such as Worshipful
societies represent powerful influences on Master Deacon and Wardens – which are
French society of the 18th-century and some positions rather than levels of initiation.
represent “minor players” on the scene.
 The Ultimate Western Tradition
 Of Ancient Origins
 All Religions are Equal

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

The Illuminati The Rosicrucians

Perhaps the most hidden and powerful of The Order of the Rosy Cross was founded in
secret societies, the Illuminati – or 1188 by a Templar named Jean de Gisors, a
“illuminated thinkers” – were founded in vassal of English King Henry II and the first
Bavaria in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt with the independent grand master of the Order of
goal of perfecting humanity. Sion.

The Illuminati believe in guiding the evolution The years 1614 and 1615 saw the publication
of mankind towards the “inevitable” patterns of two short pamphlets, the Fama and the
of progressivism, rationality, and liberalism. Confessio, which became known as the
Their general technique in this quest is to Rosicrucian manifestos. They were utopian
infiltrate other, lesser secret societies – namely, myths about bringing humanity back to its
the Freemasons – and subvert those societies divine state before the Fall, and made the
towards their goals. The ultimate goal of the stirring announcement of the dawn of a new
Illuminati is the creation of a completely enlightenment. Their message was framed in
anarchical, new-age society. Their short-term an allegory in which the central message was a
goals involve the dismantling of medieval spiritual opening to divine inner experience.
tradition, religion, and aristocratic privilege.
A third volume, published later in the 1600s,
Members of the Illuminati are only allowed to was The Chemyical Wedding of Christian
know two other members. This keeps the full Rosenkreuz. This book contained secret
agenda and membership a secret to all. esoteric knowledge and would inform every
mystical tradition in Europe thereafter.
The Illuminati embrace many esoteric The Roscrucians operate on a 108-year cycle
traditions and knowledge. Their connection of activity and secrecy. The lodges have
to all other secret societies – and their elaborate rituals of admission. There are
seemingly ubiquitous infiltration of society as many symbols, including a glass globe
a whole – gives them an immense amount of standing on a pedestal of seven steps and
undetectable power. It can be predicted that divided into two parts, representing light and
there is typically an Illuminated hand in nearly dark.
all that occurs in Revolutionary France.
 Keeper of Secret Knowledge
 The Eye Sees All
 Hunted by the Church
 A Hand in Every Plot
 Highly Symbolic
 We Are Connected to Everything

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

The Knights Templar The Assassins

A religious-military knighthood called the The secret society of the Assassins was
Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the founded as a religious order in the late 11th
Temple of Solomon was formed in 1118 when century in the near east. Hassan-i-Sabbah,
nine French crusaders appeared before King whom the crusaders called the Old Man of the
Baldwin of Jerusalem and asked to be allowed Mountain, seized the castle of Alamut in
to protect pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land. northern Persia in 1090, and from there he
They also asked permission to stay in the ruins directed his sect until his death in 1124. By his
of Solomon’s Temple. death he had amassed many more castles and
fortresses in secret and remote locations.
Their requests were granted and the order
became known as the Knights of the Temple, The Assassins are best known for their use of
or Knights Templar. But the Templars had murder to further their political ends. It is
little interest in guarding the roads to the Holy rumored that the Assassins take hashish in
Land – rather they excavated the grounds of order to steel themselves for their grisly task
the ancient temple and, reputedly, discovered (the word “assassin” comes from the word
scrolls of great and ancient knowledge. “hashishim”). To prepare them for the
murderous tasks – and give them a taste of
Over the centuries the Templars continued to paradise – initiates are taken to a secret valley
gain in wealth and power (largely by where they are entertained by wine, hashish,
becoming heavily invested in the burgeoning and beautiful virgins.
banking industry) until, in 1307 they were
hunted down and destroyed by alliance of
From the 12th century on, the Assassins and
French King Philip IV and Pope Clement V.
the Templars shared a very close relationship.
Of course, there are many who believe the
The nature of that relationship remains
Templars, and their secrets, are still a power in
Europe – perhaps they have merely infiltrated
other, secret, organizations.
 Masters of the Murderous Art
 Protector of Holy Land Secrets  Drug-Induced Mania
 Believed to be Eradicated  Given a Taste of Paradise
 Wealth of the Banking Industry

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Priory of Sion The Benandanti

The Priory of Sion may have been founded at Their origins traced back to the 1500s in rural
any time between AD 20 and AD 1099, but Italy, the Benandanti are a group of
regardless of its age, it is considered one of the supernaturally powerful witch hunters. From
most powerful secret societies in history. It is the Italian word for “good walkers,” the
a religious secret society, international in Benandanti claim to travel outside their bodies
scope, but based principally in France. to battle malevolent witches.

Over the centuries the Priory has been Born with a caul on their head, the
connected to almost every other major secret Benandanti are capable of taking the form of
society known and it is alleged that the small animals in the night, as well as use their
organization has in its possession either the special abilities to heal the sick. Although
Templar treasure, or is the protector of the they are dedicated to fighting the use of evil
Merovingian bloodline – the bloodline of magick, they were branded heretics in 1575 by
Christ, himself (the Merovingian Dynasty is the Catholic Church and were then hunted,
described in greater detail, below). nearly to extinction.

It is known that the Priory is divided into two Although they can be traced back to the
branches – the Legion and the Phalange but it Italian countryside, they have since spread
is unknown what the purpose of each branch throughout the rural areas of Western Europe.
is. Largely a mystery, the Priory is a pagan They remain firmly, although secretly, rooted
society despite its avowedly Catholic mission. to their communities where they keep a
The Priory has been described as having been watchful eye on anything, oranyone, which
behind most “major moments” in European would threaten the well-being of the people or
history. As well, they take great interest in crops under their protection.
maintain the ancient royal bloodlines
throughout Europe.
 Benevolent Witch Hunters
 Born with a Caul-ing
 Protect the Bloodline
 Branded a Heretic
 The Men Behind the Curtain
 Monarchist Agenda

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

The Merovingians The Annunaki

The Merovingian dynasty of Franks was the Some believe that the Merovingians were, in
first race of kings in France. France was fact, descended from an extraterrestrial race of
named for the Franks and their first ruler, super-beings. The Annunaki (from the
Francio, was a descendent of Noah. Francio’s Sumerian term, meaning “Those Who Came
people migrated from the city of Troy, to Earth from Heaven”) first visited our
bringing their royal bloodline to Gaul. The ancestors nearly 500,000 years ago in the
name Merovingian refers to Merowe, ruler of ancient Middle East. They introduced our
the Franks. Merowe traced his lineage back forbearers to advanced science, astronomy,
through Joseph of Arimathea to Jesus. mathematics, architecture, and the esoteric
The Merovingians continued to rule France
until AD 750, when the throne was usurped The Old Testament refers to these ancient
by the Carolingian dynasty, with the help of visitors as the Nefilim (“Those Who Were Cast
papal officials. Since then a variety of secret Down”) and Book of Genesis states that the
and religious organizations have kept tabs on Nefilim bred with humans in the Fertile
the Merovingian bloodline and continue to Crescent. The Annunaki took on the role of
plot to place the Merovingian back in control “gods” to the prehistoric humans there, and
of France. In fact, Marie-Antoinette – a their offspring became the first “demi-gods” in
Hapsburg, and, through marriage, a member human mythology.
of the house of Lorraine – would be a distant
connection to the Merovingian bloodline. The true story of Earth’s original masters is
detailed in various esoteric texts, especially the
The Merovingian, through their holy sacred Sumerian tome, the Enuma Elish.
bloodline, represent a threat to both the Although the Annunaki appear to be absent
religious authorities (the Catholic Church) and now, various sects await their return and seek
the political authorities (as they represent true, to prepare conditions on Earth for that day.
enlightened monarchy).
 Earth’s True Masters
 The Bloodline of Christ  Lords of Super Science
 Born to be King  The True Immortals
 Watched Over & Protected

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

fire in order to reveal the hiding place of their

Other Secret Societies valuables. The order had one, strict, rule: you
may steal from outsiders, but never – under
There are any number of historical societies penalty of death – from fellow Chauffeurs.
that can be adapted for use in Reign of Terror as The Chauffeurs reached the pinnacle of their
secret societies with their own hidden agendas. power during the Terror.
Consider some of the following:
Confraternite du Grand Chêne Celte: A very
The Academy of Sublime Masters of the small organization of pagans that concentrated
Luminous Ring: The academy was a blend of chiefly on the conjuration of spirits and
the teachings of Freemasonry and Platonic astronomy.
philosophy, founded in France by Baron
Blaerfindy – a Grand Officer of the The Fendeurs: Founded in Paris, as an
Philosophic Scotch Rite of Freemasonry. alternate to the ubiquitous Freemasons, the
Blaerfindy taught that Freemasonry was Fendeurs celebrate a golden, pastoral age of
directly descended from the teachings of Plato. the past. Their primary attraction is that they
were open to both sexes and promoted
Society of the Sirloin: A secretive group of equality and brotherhood of all. They were
anti-Revolutionary aristocrats who claim to apolitical to the point of being anti-political
have unearthed a number of documents and they held their lodges in open-air gardens
pertaining to the truth about the Templars. and parks. They frequently disregarded
bourgeois conventions and were generally
The Society of Amicists: A secret society devoted to Bacchanalian pleasures.
made up of Parisian college students whose
sole goal appears to the unification of students The Foresters: Much as the Freemasons have
under a chosen political agenda. a pretention to the occupation of masonry, the
Foresters – founded in England in the
Order of the Blazing Star: A branch of the medieval times – claimed to be descended
Freemasons, founded in Paris in 1766. The from the trade of woodcutters. And, just like
symbol of the Blazing Star means, depending their Masonic cousins, they had, over the
on who you ask, Divine Providence, the Star years, divided themselves into dozens of
of Bethlehem, Prudence, or, simply, the Sun. lodges and branches (no pun intended).
This branch of Freemasonry connected itself
directly to the Crusades and promoted a The Society of Goats: Often referred to
system similar to medieval chivalry. simply as “The Goats,” this anti-feudal,
peasants’ secret society operated with
The Carbonari: The Carbonari – meaning overtones of Satanism. Members wore goat-
“charcoal burners” – were a Revolutionary like masks as they terrorized the bourgeoisie
political society, seeking the overthrow of and aristocracy, sacking churches, burning
government and the rebuilding of society chateaus and manors, and killing the wealthy.
along the lines of their “10 Articles,” which In some rural areas they were so numerous
included conservative religious practice and that it was assumed they were in league with
strong family structures. the Devil, as he must transport them from
place to place.
The Chauffeurs: From the French word for
“warmers,” the Chauffeurs were a secret The Ancient & Noble Order of Gormogons:
society of criminals. Their name derives from Founded in 1724 and devoted to the
their practice of putting a victim’s feet to the destruction of Freemasonry, Gormogons

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

renounced their Masonic membership upon his society was revealed, Oudet changed the
initiation. Beyond that, little is known of this name of the group to Les Olympiens – “The
very secretive society. Olympians” – to escape persecution.

The Hellfire Club: Dedicated to most The Society of the Sun of Mercy: This very
notorious of activities, the Hellfire Club was secretive and little understood society was
founded in 1746 by Sir Francis Dashwood dedicated to the complete understanding of
(later known as “Hell-fire” Francis). It’s chief the Hermetica and esoteric knowledge.
concerns were black magic, sex, and politics,
and it boasted a membership that included The infiltration of secret societies in
Ben Franklin, George Wilkes, the Earl of Revolutionary France had become so
Brute, and the archbishop of Canterbury’s son. complete, that by the institution of the Terror,
The Hellfire Club was decidedly anti-Catholic in 1793, one of the first tasks of the Committee
in its attitude. of Public Safety was to outlaw all secret
societies. The Narrator should feel free to use
The Society of Jehu: Formed during the many of these societies as a means of depicting
Revolution to avenge the Terror, it took its the complete infiltration of French society by
name from the Biblical king who slayed the clandestine organizations.
priests of Baal. The Society of Jehu – which
had unknown links to the Jesuit order – Membership has its Privileges
hunted down and assassinated agents of the
Terror. Each of the major secret societies depicted
above contain three Organization Phrases.
The Mercelots: Originating during the These phrases can be used by the Narrator – or
Hundred Years’ War between France and members of these societies – to represent the
England, the Mercelots were a “vagabonds’ abilities, resources, and powers these groups
organization” dedicated to maintaining its represent. Once per session, a member of
members’ criminal lifestyle. Five “tribes” these groups can use the Organization Phrase
were recognized: Soldiers, Peddlers, Beggars, as a Novice (N) phrase – granting them a +1
Gypsies, and Robbers. to an applicable flip result. By paying a
Chance Token, a character may use the
The Oriental Rite of Memphis and Mizraim: Organization Phrase as a Master (M) phrase
This branch of Freemasonry was founded in (giving them a +3 to an applicable phrase).
Italy by the infamous Comte de Cagliostro. Again, this may only be done once per
After he was accused of heresy in Italy, he session.
relocated his lodge to France, in 1791. His
brand of Freemasonry involved a combination The Narrator may provide player characters
of Egyptian mystic lore and Scottish Rite, but with the option of starting the game as
remained split from the Grand Orient Lodge, members of a secret society. It is
as they failed to ever, officially, recognize recommended that if this is allowed, the player
Cagliostro’s lodge. must, during character creation, choose a
Mandatory Phrase (see Chapitre Cinq:
Les Philadelphes: Founded, originally, as a Characters for a fuller description of this
social club, the name means “brother-lovers.” process) that connects their character to the
Shortly after its founding, the society was secret society. This option then allows the
taken over by Colonel Jacques Josephe Oudet, character, once per session, to utilize an
who used the organization to promote his pro- Organization Phrase as a Novice (N) or
Monarchist agenda. When the true nature of

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Master (M) phrase during the game (see If you draw a high level card (i.e., a card with
above). a relatively high value) you may want to
The Arts of Magick consider looking for ways to replace that card.
Now the player flips a second card – the Effect
Card. This card represents the overall power
Magick is the science and art of causing change to
occur in conformity with will. of the magickal effect the character seeks.
Compare the Cost card to the Effect card. If
 Aleister Crowley
the Cost card is higher in value than the Effect
card, you’ve failed and must “pay the price”
Before the birth of the age of science, the
(more on this below). If the Effect card is
majority of people saw the world in an
higher, or “overpowers,” the Cost card the
animistic way – everything was alive, all that
magickal effect is successful. Now the
was below was merely a reflection of what was
Narrator will apply the effects to the scene that
above. As an option, the Narrator may wish
is being described.
to infuse a bit of this “magickal thinking” into
the world of Reign of Terror. If so, the
Note that this is the basics of the system. Each
following section provides a plethora of
of the more detailed “historical” magickal
“historical” magickal styles and rules for
systems provided in this chapter have add-on
adding those styles to your game.
rules which will enhance or modify the way
the basic “cost vs. effect” system works.
The System Additionally, there are a number of modifiers
that may change the results of either a Cost
At its base all the magick styles presented in flip or an Effect flip – those are also described
Reign of Terror use the same, basic system. below.
This system is called the Cost-Effect system
since, in brief, it requires that a character make
a result flip to determine the cost of the magick
Paying the Price
and a second result flip to determine the effect
Magick is dangerous. When dealing with the
of the magick. Presuming the right conditions
supernatural forces in the universe you must
are met the magickal power works. If those
be prepared to get hurt sometimes. If a
conditions are not met, the magician may find
character fails to summon their magickal effect
that all power comes at a cost – sometimes
– thus, drawing a higher Cost total than an
Effect total, they “pay the price.”
Cost vs. Effect Paying the price means that the character
automatically takes a “bloodied” condition
The first step in using magickal power is to equal in value to the Cost card that was
determine the cost of that power. This is drawn. The nature of this condition is
simply done by flipping a card from the Draw determined by the Narrator and it may
Deck. As usual, the player – if unhappy with represent an actual physical injury, a mental
his/her draw – may substitute cards from the condition, or an embarrassing social situation
Fate Hand, at the cost of a Chance Token. brought on by the character’s failure in the
mystical arts. Like all “bloodied” conditions,
The Cost Card, as the name describes, the condition stays with the character until it
represents the price of using magick. The has been successfully resolved (see Chapitre
goal is for the Effect Card to “overpower” the Trois: Basic Rules).
Cost Card. In other words, you typically want
the cost of the power you are using to be low.

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Regardless of the outcome of the Cost-Effect

flips, the magician will always have to take the Each level of Gnosis grants a character a
cost, to some degree. Utilizing supernatural particular benefit.
energy is taxing and so they must take a single
condition, which will last for one scene. This Level One: When drawing a card for a
can be represented by simply flipping the Cost magickal power, you draw one card and look
card (face down) by the character’s Passeport. at it. You may decide if you would like this
card to represent your Cost flip or your Effect
Overcoming the Difficulty flip. Once you have decided, you then flip a
second card from the draw deck and that card
Should the Effect Card overpower the Cost the becomes either the Cost or the Effect,
magickal effect may have been successful – but depending on the choice the player made with
most magickal effects will probably require the first card drawn.
that the Effect Card value overcome a
difficulty rating of some sort. When this is the Level Two: When using a magickal ability,
case, compare the Effect Card value draw two cards, as usual. After you have
(regardless of the value of the Cost Card) to drawn and examined them, you may decide
the difficulty rating. If the Effect card’s value which will be used as the Cost card and which
is higher than the difficult rating the magickal will be used as the Effect card.
effect is successful. If the Effect card’s value is
lower than, or equal, to the difficult rating the Level Three: When drawing for Cost and
magickal effect does not work but the Effect of a magickal power, you may draw
character does not need to “pay the price” three cards and examine them. Discard one of
since the Effect Card was still higher than the the cards to the scart and decide which of the
Cost Card’s value. remaining two cards will be the Cost and
which will represent the Effect.
Mandatory Phrases
If the magick art requires multiple phases (a
Gaining access to magickal knowledge or series of Cost-Effect draws), you may only use
abilities always requires that the character take the Gnosis ability on one of those draws.
one or more Mandatory Phrases during
character creation (Mandatory Phrases are Gnosis is a very difficult attribute to gain. To
discussed in greater detail in Chapitre Cinq: obtain a single level in Gnosis the character is
Characters). In each of the individual required to burn ten experience lines – and all
magickal style sections, below, the specific of them must be related to mystical knowledge
Mandatory Phrases necessary to use that or the use of magick. Optionally, a Narrator
magickal art are discussed. may allow a character to start the game with
one level of Gnosis if they meet the following
requirements: 1) They have a Master (M) level
Gnosis in a phrase that describes magickal knowledge;
and 2) they sacrifice their second starting
Gnosis, from the Greek term for “hidden Master (M) level phrase in lieu of taking Level
knowledge,” represents a character’s further One in Gnosis.
initiations into a deeper understanding of
magick and the supernatural. Gnosis, in Reign
of Terror, is represented by one of three levels
of esoteric knowledge. A character, over the
Unlike the sorcerers of fantasy fiction, the
course of a campaign, may gain further levels
magickal arts of history were ritualistic in
of Gnosis.

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

nature. Magickal action was deliberate and contain implicit magickal instructions to use a
time-consuming. In fact, the attraction of variety of magickal abilities. A focus is a
most of the Low Arts is that they operate with permanent ritual item, like a wand, rod, orb,
moderate rapidity – compared to most of the or staff, for example. Lastly, components are
High Arts. expendable products – gems, herbs, scented
oils, etc, that are used in magickal ceremonies.
As a ritual, all use of magick in Reign of Terror, Each of type of item provides a different
requires a minimum of one full scene to use. benefit to the ritualist.
Some specific magickal arts (like the
Kabbalah, for instance) may, in fact, require Before any item’s benefit can be applied to a
multiple scenes to implement. magickal act, the item’s symbolic resonance
must be in alignment with the nature of the
While the character is engaged in the use of magickal ceremony. In other words, the
the magickal arts, they must remain correspondence of the item must match the
completely devoted to the implementation of purpose of the magickal act.
their magickal rituals – lighting candles,
chanting, drawing magickal circles or tablets, The village witch is concocting a
meditation and prayer. If the character healing tincture for an injured
encounters any outside interferences or, animal. The witch uses juniper in her
alternately, becomes distracted and focuses recipe, and since juniper is connected
their attention on something not connected to to the correspondence of “good health”
their ritual the ritual fails and they must start the Narrator lets her use it as a
the entire process over again to succeed. In
beneficial item in the process.
some cases, the Narrator may decide that the
ritualist must still “pay the price” of the ritual
Spell books provide the most potent benefit to
without gaining the benefit of the magickal art.
the magickal practitioner. The use of a spell
This makes the use of magick particularly
book, in any form, during the use of a
magickal power grants the caster a +1 Gnosis
bonus. If the ritualist has no levels of Gnosis,
For this reason, most practitioners of the High
the use of the spell book grants Level One
and Low Arts maintain a very private and
Gnosis. However, there are a number of
secure study, or lodge, for the practice of the
restrictions on the use of spell books: 1) the
mystical arts. Many ritualists may even
character must be able to read the book –
employ supernatural protections to keep their
which can be quite tricky, as many are written
body, and soul, secure during their practices.
in archaic and dead languages; 2) using a spell
book is a slow process and it adds an
Items additional scene to the length of the time
necessary to complete the ritual.
The practice of magick is usually accompanied
by a plethora of mystical and supernaturally- Benshimi, in his Kabbalistic practice,
aligned objects. Some of these items may be consults the Elder Scrolls of Rabbi Levi,
religious relics, ancient tomes, or blessed
which allow him to engage in his
natural items that secure the correspondence
ritual magick at a higher level of
between the magickal and mundance reality.
Gnosis. However, the ritual now takes
Magickal items come in three varieties: Spell four scenes to complete (instead of the
Books, Focuses, and Components. Spell usual three for Kabbalistic magick)
books are tomes, grimoires, or scrolls that

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

and requires that Benshimi be able to secret societies, guarded jealously. And for
read Yiddish. good reason – a Relic provides its user with an
automatic Gnosis Level Three ability when
Focuses allow the magickal ritualist to pour used in conjunction with a magickal
more of their mystical energy into an effect ceremony. Additionally, unlike other uses of
they create. As a result, the use of the right Gnosis, a Relic’s Gnosis may be used in every
focus item grants the user a +1 to the value of stage of the magickal ritual.
their Effect flip. If a magickal process requires
multiple Cost-Effect flips, the user must Low vs. High Arts
decides which of the flips to apply the modifier
to, as a focus can only be applied once per Some uses of magick are described as High
ceremony or use of magickal ritual. Arts. The term High Arts is used to describe
magick that is intended to bring about the
The aforementioned witch uses her spiritual transformation of the person who
rowan wood wand in the creation of practices it. This form of magic is designed to
her healing tincture. Her Effect flip channel the magician’s consciousness towards
had been a Knight of Cups (value of 3) the sacred light within, which is often
but her use of the wand grants her a personified by the high gods of different
final Effect value of 4.

By contrast, the Low Arts are magicks that are

Lastly, a ritualist can use components in their
intended to produce a utilitarian, material
magickal ceremony. The uses of symbolic
effect only. Examples of Low Arts would be
ritual components help alleviate the drain
the use of magick to create immediate wealth
caused by the use of mystical powers. The
or make someone fall in love with you. While
use of an aligned component allows the caster
many of the High Arts may bring about some
to reduce the value of a Cost flip by one. The
sort of benefit (why else use them), they will
component modifier may only be applied once
also promote the transformation of one’s self
per magickal ceremony, regardless of how
towards a higher evolution. The use of the
many components are used. Also, components
Low Arts, however, will only lead to the
are expendable – once they are used they are
degradation of one’s soul.
gone and must be purchased again, if they are
to be used in another ceremony.
Typically, the use of the High Arts is a slower,
more deliberate process – a ritual magick that
The witch uses the juniper in her
requires several scenes to execute, whereas,
healing poultice and is able to reduce
the Low Arts will provide a more immediate
the Cost value from 2 to 1. However, benefit, while leaving the user a worse person
the juniper is now used up and will in the long run.
have to be re-purchased, or gathered
up again, before it can be used on Hermetica (High Art)
another healing tincture.
The High Arts, which can collectively be
At the Narrator’s preference, those called the Hermetica, represent a certain way
accustomed to the mystical arts could gain use of viewing the universe. In brief, that view is:
of a fourth type of magickal item – the Relic.
A relic is an item of ancient, and possibly 1. The World is a Living Being: To
religious, significance. They are exceedingly Hermeticists, all of the world,
rare and are often found in the possession of including rocks and streams, is alive

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and possesses a soul. In alchemy, the removes the psychic barriers that
physical world is believed to be made separate an individual from the entire
of four physical elements: earth, air, creation.
fire, and water. Through four shared 5. The Perennial Philosophy: This is
qualities, hot, cold, moist, and dry, the belief that all cultures and
they can be transformed from one religions share common traits or
into another, keeping the world in a patterns and the same yearning for the
constant state of flux. However, the mystical experience. It is believed
elements would scatter and the entire that all cultures stem from one
world would fall apart if they were culture, which existed in an ancient
not held together by the mysterious golden age.
fifth element, the World Soul, or 6. Spiritual Truth is gained through
Anima Mundi – also known as the Transmission or Initiation: This idea
Quinta Essentia. stems from the ancient mystery
2. The Power of Imagination: In tradition in which one received gnosis
scientific reasoning, the imagination by undergoing a secret ritual
is a contaminant to be weeded out of initiation. It is the reasoning behind
one’s experiment. It takes one out of the structure and purpose of occult
reality. To the Hermeticist, the fraternities and secret lodges.
imagination is valuable. It is the door Initiation is often accomplished by a
for entering the reality of the soul and reenactment of the myth of the hero’s
unconscious mind. Without journey. Through this reenactment of
imagination the soul is not the hero’s myth becomes a personal
perceptible. The imagination is experience.
encountered in dreams and visions
and disciplined through the practice What all High Arts have in common, in Reign
of meditation. of Terror, is the manner in which they shape
3. The Idea of Correspondence: This is the way a character records their Experience
the Hermetic view that there is more Lines. Since the High Arts are dedicated to
than a symbolic connection between the shaping of one’s spiritual insight and inner
celestial and terrestrial objects or the power – towards a higher evolution of one’s
macrocosm and the microcosm. It is soul – the character must reflect this in their
what is expressed in the axiom “as use of the High Arts. Under each of the High
above, so below.” To the Hermeticist Arts, explained below, it will describe how the
the planets are gods and angels and use of that art of magick directs the characters
they are also alive in animals, Histoire.
minerals, and plants as well as in
heaven. The Kabbalah (High Art)
4. The Belief in Transmutation: The
world is alive and the goal of all life is The Kabbalah has informed nearly every
to grow and change, to become a new European occult tradition since the
and better being. Lead can be turned Renaissance. The history of the Kabbalah is
into gold and a common man into a difficult to trace back to its beginnings, owing
sage. Ultimately, the goal of life and to the oral tradition of Judaism, but the word
the greatest good is gnosis, or “Kabbalah” means “to receive” in the sense of
enlightenment – a mystical a receiving a tradition of knowledge.
transformation that awakens one to
the truth of spiritual oneness and

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The oldest texts related to Kabbalistic creation emanates from the infinite, all-
mysticism date from the Roman Empire. encompassing divine realm, down into the
These documents describe the practices of an earthly, material world. Kabbalists present
early group of Hebrew mystics, a group which this structure as the Tree of Life.
used shamanic practices to ascend through the
seven divine realms and achieve the “throne- According to the Kabbalah, and the Old
chariot of God.” In each divine realm, the Testament, in the beginning, there was God.
mystic would have to pass terrible trials and God was infinite and omnipresent – all that
wrathful guardian angels that would only let was, was God, and God was all that was.
the most worthy pass into the presence of God desired to have a Creation that was
God. separate and apart from the God, and so
within the endlessness of God, a single point
The next major building block in the of something was formed out of nothing.
development of the Kabbalah, the Sefer
Yetzirah, was written in the sixth century. The In order to make a “space” for the new
Sefer Yetzirah describes how God made the Creation, God pulled away, creating an empty
universe through the power of written Hebrew space that was surrounded and encapsulated
numbers and letters, and implies that a by God but not truly a part of it. The raw,
knowledgeable man can use the same tools to creative power of God could then flow forth
achieve magical ends. into the universe, creating the world as it is
During the Middle Ages, the famous Jewish
mystic Isaac the Blind wrote the Bahir. The In order to create a universe truly separate
text was comprised of a series of parables from God, however, the power of God had to
elucidating Kabbalistic concepts and be channeled through a series of progressively
philosophy. It was in this text the first more-refined filters, which constrained and
conception of the sephiroth – the emanations of focused that pure, creative energy into a less
the Divine – were recorded. divine and more mundane, earthly form. In
much the same way a carver takes wood as a
At the end of the 13th century, Moses de Leon raw material and shapes into a usable product,
wrote the Zohar, considered by most to be the the divine energy of Creation had to be shaped
core text of the Kabbalistic practice. into the “things” of the material world. These
tools through which God did this are called
In 1569, Isaac Luria, a Jewish mystic, began sephiroth (singular sephira), which means
to teach a new school of Kabbalah with an “emanations.” Sephiroth can be defined as
emphasis on ritual and self-development. both processes and as actual realms. As the
During this time, Lurianic Kabbalah became divine power of God flows through each
the most popular school of Kabbalistic sephiroth, it is changed and channeled before
mysticism. emanating along down the Tree of Life to the
next sephira, and so on until it reaches the
Up to this point, the Kaballah had been an bottom of the tree, which is the physical
integral part of mainstream Judaism, but over world.
the next century it began to experience a
decline as Judaism moved away from Kabbalists divide the Tree of Life into three
Kabbalah’s mystical overtones. distinct paths, or pillars, which correspond to
the three basic precepts of creation: Force,
The Kabbalah provides a way of defining the form, and balance. Force can best be
universe in terms of understanding how described as the raw energy of creation.

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Form, conversely, is that which the power of

creation is shaped into. Finally, balance is the
point at which form and force come together
and create.

According to Kabbalists, mankind’s fall from

divine favor came in the form of the
blossoming of self-awareness. This caused the
mundane world – the Malkuth – to fall from its
exalted state. Now, instead of a direct
connection to the divine, the mortal world
has, in its place, a hole, Daath, into to which
the uninitiated often find false knowledge in
the place of true wisdom.

The ten sephiroth are arrayed in three

columns, associated with the three aspects of
creation – force, form, and balance. On one
side is the Pillar of Severity, made up of the
sephiroth of Binah, Gevurah, and Hod. These
sephiroth are considered to have a feminine
aspect. On the other side of the Tree of Life is
the Pillar of Mercy, encompassing the
masculine sephiroth Hokhmah, Hesed, and
Netsah. Finally, running straight down the
center, the Pillar of Balance is Daath, which is
not a sephira at all, but a sort of “false
enlightenment” – a trap that exists within our Each of the sephira contain important hermetic
reality. Daath is, in fact, the hole left by the symbology that the Kabbalist uses to enact the
physical world (Malkuth) when it fell from change in the real world they seek. Here is a
exaltation. brief description of some of the symbols that
each represents:
Between each of these sephiroth, twenty-two
paths connect the Tree of Life into a Malkuth: The tenth emanation of the Tree of
symmetrical structure (see the diagram below). Life, Malkuth represents the Fallen World of
It is by these paths that the energy of creation Man – the mundane, non-divine world we all
pours into the world, following a crooked live in. Malkuth is the domain of the
route as energy moves between the sephiroth. manifested universe – the immediate
Each of the twenty-two paths is associated environment, the plane of physical reality. As
with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet and is the a consequence, all “inner journeys of
means by which the Kabbalist attempts to consciousness” begin symbolically in
ascend the Tree of Life. Malkuth. Associations: earth goddesses, like
Persephone, Proserpina, and Geb;
Correspondences: rest, sense organs, the
skeleton, ordinary life, minerals, air, water,
earth, Cherubim; Tarot: The World

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Yesod: The ninth emanation on the Tree of beauty, harmony, spiritual rebirth, the central
Life. Yesod is associated with the moon and nervous system, the teacher, the Earth,
the element of water. Regarded as a female Malachim; Tarot: Temperance
sphere, it is the seat of the sexual instinct. On
the Tree of Life, Yesod has the function of Gevurah: The fifth emanation on the Tree of
channeling the energies of the higher planes Life. Gevurah represents severity and justice.
down to the earth below. It is associated with The destructive forces of the sphere of
the Astral Plane and represents the most Gevurah are intended to have a purging,
accessible parts of the human mind. Because cleansing effect on the universe.
Yesod is the sphere of fertility and lunar Associations: the Creator God, Mars or
imagery, it is identified with witchcraft and Areas; Correspondences: justice, destruction,
goddess worship. It is seen as the seat of the cleansing fire, discipline, strength, fear,
so-called “animal soul.” Associations: moon anabolic bodily processes, the planets,
goddesses; Correspondences: beasts, cattle, Seraphim; Tarot: The Charioteer
the nervous system, students and learning,
vegetation, reflection of the divine, Ishim; Hesed: The fourth mystical emanation on the
Tarot: Nines Tree of Life. It is identified as the ruler (but
not creator) of the manifested universe and is
Hod: The eighth emanation of the Tree of characterized as stable, wise, and merciful.
Life. Hod allows for true understanding and Associations: Zeus and Jupiter;
the use of language and numbers. Hod is Correspondences: stability, wisdom, mercy,
related, by Kabbalists, to the story of Adam, catabolic bodily processes, love, kindness,
when he defined all living things in the grace, greatness, the Sun, Hashmalim; Tarot:
Garden of Eden by naming them. Fours
Associations: Mercury and other messenger
gods; Correspondences: the rational mind, Binah: The third mystical emanation of the
intellect, reverberation, voluntary muscles, Tree of Life, following Kether and Hokmah.
theoretical knowledge, glory, hierarchy, Beni Binah is attached to the symbol of the Great
Elohim; Tarot: Judgment Mother in all her forms. She is the womb of
the forthcoming, the source of all the great
Netsah: Netsah is the seventh emanation of images and forms that manifest in the universe
the Tree of Life. Netsah is regarded as the as archetypes. Binah is also the supreme
sphere of creativity, subjectivity, and the female principle in the process of creation.
emotions – a clear contrast to the sphere of Associations: Rhea, Isis and Demeter, as well
Hod. Associations: Aphrodite, Venus, as the Virgin Mary; Correspondences: Great
Hathor; Correspondences: feminine, victory, Mother, supreme female principle,
endurance, creativity, love and passion, understanding conscious thought, the left eye,
eternity, practical knowledge, nature, anarchy, or the left-side of the brain, the written word,
sensitivity, Tarshishim; Tarot: Sevens literacy, conceptual frameworks, the Stars,
Arelim; Tarot: The Priestess
Tifereth: The sixth mystical emanation of the
Tree of Life. It is the sphere of beauty, Hokmah: The second mystical emanation of
harmonizing the forces of mercy (Hesed) and the Tree of Life, following Kether. It is
judgment (Gevurah), higher on the Tree. identified with the Great Father, the giver of
Tifereth is the sphere of spiritual rebirth. the seminal spark of life which is potent only
Associations: Solar deities of various until it enters the womb of the Great Mother.
pantheons – Apollo, Ra, and Mithra, as well Associations: Kronos, Saturn, Thoth, Atum-
as Osiris and Jesus Christ; Correspondences: Ra, and Ptah; Correspondences: Great

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Father, wisdom, the oral transition of Characters). The phrase must show one of the
knowledge, revelation, life, the Galaxy, following characteristics:
Ophanim; Tarot: Twos
 The character has trained as a rabbi or
Kether: The first mystical emanation on the other scholar of the Torah and
Tree of Life. Kabbalists identify Kether as the Talmud.
state of consciousness where creation merges  The character is a scholar of Christian
with the veils of non-existence associated with Gnosticism.
Ain Soph Aur – the limitless light. Kether lies  The character is a member of a
on the Middle Pillar and transcends the mystery tradition that embraces secret
duality of Hokmah (male) and Binah (female), knowledge of the Hermetica.
which lie immediately below it on the Tree. It  The character owns, or has access to,
is, therefore, symbolized in the mystical a number of secret and forbidden
tradition by the heavenly androgyne, and tomes that contain Gnostic or
represents a state of mystical transcendence Hermetic knowledge.
and union with the supreme One Reality.
There are no Associations or Correspondences Additionally, the player must rank one of
with Kether, as Kether is the starting point of these phrases as either Novice (N) or Master
all uses of Kabbalistic magick. (M) during character creation.

Daath: While Daath represents “knowledge,” Colin decides that his character,
it is actually the false knowledge of the Benshimi, will be a Kabbalist. During
physical world that it stands for – not useful, character creation he takes the phrase
pure knowledge. Daath is the hole in the “Scholar of the Chosen People” and he
divine created by the fall of the physical reality places a rank of Master (M) in that
from the divine realm of God. When a phrase. This now qualifies him for
character fails their attempt to use Kabbalistic access to Kabbalistic magick.
magick they find themselves in the realm of
Daath (the effects of this are described below).
If, later in the campaign, a character wishes to
obtain access to Kabbalistic knowledge they
Tools: Kabbalism draws upon the same
will have to burn a number of Experience
tradition as most European ceremonial magic,
Lines to gain a Novice (N) phrase that
and, therefore, uses many of the same tools.
connects them to one of the Mandatory
Altars, candles, incense, as well as ritual
Phrases described above. The Narrator may
circles are common. Wands, cups, and knives
decide that the character will have to seek out
are also frequently used. The use of gematria
special training from knowledgeable people to
– the occult method of turning words or
learn the Kabbalah.
phrases into a numerical equivalent by
assigning numbers to letters – is frequently
used. Intense meditations often precede the The System for Kabbalah
ritual castings.
Like all uses of magick, the system for using
Kabbalah is based on the Cost-Effect system
Becoming a Kabbalist presented above, with some small
adjustments. The goal, ultimately, in
In order for a character to gain access to
Kabbalah is to move from the divine realm
Kabbalistic magick they are required to take a
(Kether) to the mundane, every day mortal
mandatory phrase (for an explanation of
realm (Malkuth). In between that, the
Mandatory Phrases, see Chapitre Cinq:

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Kabbalist tries to find a form for their magick, between Netsah and Malkuth is only
based on one of the other sephirah. one, so Benshimi need only beat a
value of 1 on his result flip for that
The pattern followed for the Kabbalist is to stage.
succeed at an attempt to gather force, create
form, and then bring balance by generating When tracking the distance between two
that force-form recipe in physical realm. Each sephira on the Tree of Life, the Kabbalist may
of these stages (Force, Form, Balance) requires never move directly between Kether and
a successful use of the Cost-Effect mechanic. Tifereth, as between the two lays the invisible
sephira of Daath. Daath is a trap and
For each result flip the minimum necessary Kabbalists must seek to avoid it at all costs if
result is based on the distance between the they wish to be successful. If the Kabbalist
pervious sephira and the target sephira on the seeks to move through Daath they
Tree of Life. Gathering divine energy, the immediately fail at their task.
Force stage, always requires a value of 6 be
generated to be successful. Then the Kabbalist In the above example, Benshimi had
finds a sephira that represents the effect he/she
to move the long-way from Kether to
would like to generate (the Form stage). The
Netsah (a distance of three sephirah)
Kabbalist counts the number of steps, or
sephira, between Kether and the sephira they instead of the shorter distance of two
are attempting to generate. This represents the sephirah, because the shorter distance
number of steps up the card value chart would move the Kabbalist through
necessary to be successful (the card value chart Daath – and that represents instant
is found on in Chapitre Three: Basic Rules). failure.
Lastly, the Kabbalist needs to manifest the
effect in the mortal realm, called Malkuth. If at any point in the process (Force, Form, or
Again, count the number of sephria between Balance), the Kabbalist fails in their attempt
the Form sephira and Malkuth. This is the (their cost exceeds their effect, as described
number of steps on the card value chart to above) they immediately have encountered
determine the difficulty of the result flip. Daath. This means their spell has failed at
whatever stage Daath was encountered. The
The Kabbalist, Benshimi, decides to further effect of Daath is described below
consult with divine forces to find out under Experience Lines.
the location of his enemy, the
dastardly Duc Manheim. To begin The use of Kabbalistic magick is ritualistic in
with he must gather divine energy for its use and each stage – Force, Form, and
the use of his powers. This requires a Balance – requires a full scene to complete. If
draw of a trump to be successful. Next Daath – and, thus, failure – is encountered,
the Kabbalist must still use the remainder of
he identifies the Sephira of Netsah as
that scene working out their magickal ritual.
his target as he seeks “practical
knowledge.” There are three sephira
Lastly, while each sephira represents the effect
between Kether and Netsah . Looking the Kabbalist seeks to create, the Kabbalist can
at the card value chart means that also gain synergy bonuses to their flip from a
the result flip must beat a value of 3. number of sources: the Kabbalist can apply a
Lastly, Benshimi must manifest the Novice (N) or Master (M) phrase, they can
divine energy in the real world, the burn an Experience Line (if appropriate), or
sephira of Malkuth. The distance apply the meaning of a card, as usual. In order

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to gain the synergy bonus (a +1 to the value of immediately take an Experience Line
the result flip) the phrase must be connected, that represents false, or incorrect,
in some way, to the knowledge. Colin, Benshimi’s player,
associations/correspondences of the sephira decides on “The only way to the divine
the Kabbalist is working with. Note, that is through self-indulgence.” This shows
successful use of any of these “tools” only Benshimi’s wrongful belief that
grants the character a +1 synergy bonus, not
egotistical behavior can lead to
the normal +3 phrase bonus for a Master (M)
divine power.
phrase or +2 bonus connected to invoking the
meaning of a card. When using these for the
Kabbalistic magick they only gain the basic All Experience Lines drawn from the sephira
synergy bonus. Daath must be marked with a T (for Trouble)
and they act exactly as a Trouble (T) phrase.
Experience Lines: The use of Kabbalah has a They may not be spent to increase other
special effect on how a character obtains phrases, Reputation, or gain Gnosis. They
Experience Lines. As a “high art,” the may only be burnt, individually, to apply a -1
purpose of the Kabbalistic arts is to shape the result modifier and gain a Chance Token.
user’s soul towards greater enlightenment.
Each phase of the use of the Kabbalah (Force, Alchemy (High Art)
Form and Balance) the character takes a line
of experience. The line, however, must be Alchemy, a hermetic art, draws on ancient
directly related to either an association or a Greek and Egyptian esoteric teachings.
correspondence connected to the sephira the Alchemy was founded, it is believed, by
character has just successfully worked with. Hermes Trismegistus. Alchemy combined
elements of metallurgy, Hermetic and
Benshimi successfully resolves his use of Neoplatonic philosophy, and Christian
Form (from the example above) and Gnosticism.
now receives an Experience Line.
Looking over the correspondences and Trismegistus taught that the world was created
associations connected to Netsah, by divine force out of a chaotic mass called
Benshimi’s player sees that Netsah is prima material, or “first matter.” Additionally,
connected to the theme of nature – alchemy can reduce all things to the first
matter through solve et coagula, “dissolve and
and advocates for the Experience Line
combine,” and transmute that base material
“Benshimi sleeps outdoors – regardless
into something more desirable. Specifically,
of the weather.” The Narrator accepts
alchemy could transmute material through the
this as an appropriate Experience Line. joining of opposites.

If, at any step in the use of the Kabbalah, the Throughout the medieval era, a variety of
user fails, they fall into the trap of Daath – the Christian and Muslim scholars added to the
sephira of false knowledge. Not only does their growing library of alchemical knowledge.
use of the Kabbalah fail, but they must Alchemy reached its pinnacle during the
immediately take an Experience Line that Renaissance when alchemists began to seek
reflects their acceptance of Daath. the elusive Philosopher’s Stone – a mysterious
substance that could transmute base metals
During his next use of the Kabbalah, into precious metals – like silver and gold.
Benshimi fails to draw energy from The Philosopher’s Stone could also serve as
Kether (the Force stage). He must the “elixir of life,” a means to eternal life.

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require that the character obtain an

In order to secure this very powerful apprenticeship with a Master (M)-level
knowledge, alchemists often wrote in an alchemist.
obscure and symbolic manner, using
metaphors and allegory to describe their
The System for Alchemy
processes. Frequently, each alchemist used
their own system of symbols and terminology,
Like the Kabbalah, the practice of alchemy is
making it difficult for one to comprehend the
a three-part process, involving Dissociation,
writings of other alchemists.
Elaboration, and Composition. Dissociation
is the beginning stage where materials are
Alchemists believe that all things have a
broken down into their most basic
hermaphroditic composition of two
components. This is followed by Elaboration,
substances: sulfur, which represents the soul
where the now dissociated material is made
and the fiery male principle; and mercury,
into its purest, most perfect form. The process
which represents spirit and the watery female
then ends with Composition – here the pure
principle. Later alchemists added a third
components are re-fused to create a final
principle – salt – which corresponds to the
body. The transmutation process involves
separating these three elements and
Each of these stages (Dissociation,
recombining them into a different form. The
Elaboration, and Composition) requires a
process must be done according to astrological
successful use of the Cost-Effect mechanic to
complete the stage and move on to the next
stage. Each stage takes one full scene to
Becoming an Alchemist complete. Once all three stages are
completed, the character has in their
To work the High Art of Alchemy, a character possession a fully realized product.
is required to take a mandatory phrase (for an
explanation of Mandatory Phrases, see The goal of alchemy is, ultimately, to create a
Chapitre Cinq: Characters). The phrase must product – a potion, solution, powder, salve, or
match one of the following guidelines: other concoction that can be used to create a
condition in the person that applies the
 The character has apprenticed under a product. When the first stage is initiated the
Master (M) alchemist. player must announce what the end product
 The character is a member of a he/she is seeking is – both in form and
mystery tradition that embraces secret purpose. Form should be one of the
knowledge of the alchemical arts. following:

Additionally, the player must rank one of  Potion (swallowed)

these phrases as either Novice (N) or Master  Powder (applied)
(M) during character creation.  Ointment (applied)
 Vapor (breathed)
If, later in the campaign, a character wishes to  Oil (ignited)
gain access to alchemical powers, they will
have to burn a number of Experience Lines to The purpose of the product is the condition
gain a Novice (N) phrase that connects them that it is intended to create. The condition can
to one of the Mandatory Phrases described be either a positive condition (detailed in
above. As alchemy is a very secretive and Chapitre Four: Expanded Rules) or a negative
difficult art to master, the Narrator may

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condition (as discussed in Chapitre Trois: Basic Note: The use of alchemy never gains a bonus
Rules). for the use of components when moving
through the three phases of creation. In fact, it
Benshimi uses his alchemical arts to is required that alchemists use at least two
create a strength potion. He decides it components in every creation – typically a
will be a potion – so it must be drunk metal (see the Alchemical Significance Chart)
to gain its effect. Benshimi also and another component, as well.
decides that the condition will be a
positive condition called “Strength of Experience Lines: As a “high art,” the
Many Men”
alchemical arts serve as a metaphor for the
soul’s movement towards higher planes of
understanding and enlightenment. As such, a
Once the product is successfully created, the
character takes a line of experience after the
alchemist possesses one dose of the product.
successful completion of an alchemical
One dose is enough to produce the condition,
creation. The line, however, must be directly
for one target, for a whole scene. An alchemist
related to either an association or a
may attempt to produce multiple doses by
correspondence connected to the purpose of
increasing the Effect difficulty by one for each
the alchemical creation.
additional dose. This must be decided before
the alchemist makes their first Cost-Effect flip.
Goetia & Enochian Magick
Once the product is ready it can be consumed
by anyone who has access to it – not just the Based on a number of tomes, such as The
alchemist who made it. Unfortunately, many Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia can be either a
of the concoctions made with alchemy High Art or a Low Art, depending upon how
resemble poisons – even if they are intended to it is used. Goetia, derived from the Greek
have beneficial effects. As a result, when word for “sorcerer”, is used to describe the
consuming/imbiding/applying an alchemical practice of summoning and dealing with
product the character must first resist the supernatural entities – be they demons or
strength of the product – this is represented by angels, or other spirits.
the character making a flip (modified by any
conditions or phrases that imply a healthy Published in the seventeenth-century, the
immune system) and compare the flip to the Lesser Key of Solomon, also commonly known
final Effect flip of the Composition phase. If as the Legemeton, contains the descriptions and
the character fails this flip, the potency of the instructions for the summoning and
alchemical creation is too much for their controlling of 72 different demons. The book
system. Instead of giving them the positive claims to have been written by King Solomon,
effects of the concoction, they receive a single although this is certainly not true as it ranks
negative condition called “sick.” This demons in the terms of medieval France and
condition will stay with them until the end of England, and includes prayers to Jesus Christ
the scene. If the character succeeds in their (who lived 900 years after Solomon).
resistance against the potency of the
alchemical formula, they immediately gain the The other side of Goetia, known as Enochian
positive condition of the recipe. If the purpose Magick, is described in the works of John Dee
of the alchemical formula is to cause harm (a and Edward Kelley. Dee and Kelley met in
negative condition) the character need not 1581 and worked together to transcribe
resist illness first – they may merely take the communications from divine messages they
negative condition. had received. Their seminal work is Liber
Logaeth, also known as the Book of Enoch,

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

which contains 101 magic squares that are  The character owns, or has access to,
used to derive the Keys to summoning and either The Lesser Key of Solomon or The
communicating with Angels. Book of Enoch.

Typically, the use of Goetia – the summoning The player must also rank one of these phrases
of spirits and demons – is seen as a Low Art, as either Novice (N) or Master (M) during
while the use of Enochian magick – character creation.
summoning angels – is classified as High Art.
Although the two operate by a very similar A character can gain knowledge of Goetia, or
method (at least mechanically) they produce Enochian magick, later in the campaign, if
very different outcomes. they burn a number of Experience Lines to
gain a Novice (N) phrase that connects them
Tools: Enochian magick is unique in that it to one of the Mandatory Phrases described
requires the use of several very specific items, above. The Narrator may require that the
without which the summoning of angels character seek out a master to train them in
cannot be accomplished. First, the summoner these supernatural arts.
must have “The Holy Table” – a table with a
top engraved with a hexagram and
surrounding border in the Enochian language.
The System for Goetia &
Second, the conjurer needs “The Seven Enochian Magick
Planetary Talismans,” made of tin and
containing the names of the Angels placed on Mechanically, both Enochian magick and the
the center of the Holy Table. Each of the legs Goetia work in a similar fashion. Again, the
of the table must be set on the “Seal of God.” system for these forms of magick uses the
Lastly, the magician needs a special ring basic system of Cost-Effect described earlier in
engraved with the god-name Pele and a three- this chapter, with the following additions.
section rod painted in red and black.
The first step for either a Enochian magician
The use of Goetia also requires certain or a Goetian (sometimes called a diabolist) is
ceremonial equipment – primarily a magickal to identify the particular spirit, angel, or
circle, the use of black candles and censors of demon they wish to contact, communicate
smoke, and often a ritual sacrifice of some with, or summon. A list of sample angels and
sort. their correspondences and demons and their
correspondences can be found in this chapter.
Becoming a Goetian/Enochian
Once the player has identified their target,
they must succeed in a two-part process. The
In order for a character to gain access to either
first part is the ritual set-up, or the Procedure.
Goetia or Enochian magick, they are required
For a Goetian diabolist this involves creating
to take a mandatory phrase to show one of the
the magickal circle, placing candles properly
following characteristics:
and memorizing the appropriate prayers and
recitations. For the Enochian magician it is a
 The character has apprenticed under a
matter of intense study of the magickal squares
Master of Goetia or an Enochian
and practicing the spell-phrases in Enochian –
the language of the angels. The first phase is
 The character is a member of a
successful if the character succeeds in his Cost-
mystery tradition that embraces secret
Effect flip. Either way, success or failure, the
knowledge of the Hermetica or the
procedure takes a full scene to accomplish. If
sacrilegious art of Goetia.

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

this phase is a failure the character cannot  Taking on a Bloodied Condition (the
move on to the second phase. card is randomly chosen and then
flipped for the Bloodied Condition
The second phase is the Bargain. Now that the level)
character has succeeded in casting the ritual  Allowing the otherworldly being
and bringing about the presence of a complete control over the character’s
divine/diabolic entity, the character must seal body for one full scene
the deal – provide an enticement to the other-
worldly being to make them act according to If the character fails at their Bargain the
the character’s wishes. This is also divine/diabolic being takes its wrath out on
represented by a Cost-Effect flip. In this case, the summoner before fleeing this reality. The
success means the character may request one character must take a Condition and gains no
lesser service from the entity. The following services of any kind from the being (unless the
are available as lesser services: character chooses to make a sacrifice and
chooses to cancel the failure – in which case
 One piece of knowledge that is useful they gain a single lesser service).
 One secret that is powerful
 One positive condition that will last a It is important to note that whenever the
scene character gains a positive condition or
temporary phrase, they get to choose the
 One negative condition on any target
condition or phrase, provided it matches up, in
that will last one scene
some way, with the correspondences of the
 One temporary phrase that is ranked entity summoned. As usual, the Narrator gets
Novice (N), that lasts one scene final approval on all conditions and phrases.
If the character receives a negative phrase it is
If the player offers a major sacrifice (described chosen by the Narrator.
below), they can request one of the following:
For Goetia, the difficulty of both the
 The cancellation of a failure on a flip, Procedure and the Bargain is set by the rank of
including the flip for the Bargain the entity the diabolist is attempting to
 One positive condition that will last a contact.
full session
 One negative condition on a target
Rank Difficulty
that will last a full session
 One temporary Master (M) phrase King Trump - 6
that will last one scene Prince King - 5
 The opportunity to bloody a Marquis Queen - 4
condition on a target Duc Knight - 3
 Two lesser services Comte Page - 2
President Pip - 1
In order to obtain a greater service, the
Likewise, for the use of Enochian magick, the
character must offer a sacrifice. There are four
difficulty is based on the type of angel being
available major sacrifices:
contacted. In Enochian magick each
level/type of angelic being is connected to a
 The death of a sentient being (in other
sephira on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (see the
words: a human sacrifice) – this is
above description of Kabbalistic magick). The
only is available for bargains struck
with demons difficulty of both the Procedure and the
 Giving up three Chance Tokens Bargain is determined by tracing the number

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of sephira between the beings origin (the sephira often a female, frequently old, although she
they are aligned with) and Malkuth – the real may be especially beautify and lure
world. The number of moves is compared to unsuspecting men with her charms.
the Card Value chart in Chapitre Trois: Basic Additionally, she may shift between different
Rules to determine the difficulty needed to be guises to trick and deceive. Witches are
overcome by the result flip. Just as in almost always credited with the ability to
Kabbalistic magick, you may never move change shape or cause others to change shape.
between Kether and Tifereth as that way lies By changing her form she can appear in
Daath – Instant failure. human form, or as an animal. Witches also,
often, have the capability to become invisible
Type Difficulty and to fly (sometimes with the aid of a
Ophanim Queen - 4 broom).
Arelim Queen - 4
Hashmalim Knight - 3 A witch was often believed to be capable of
Seraphim Knight - 3 being in two places at once – for example, they
Malachim Knight - 3 could act at night, while their physical body
Tarshishim Page - 2 lay sleeping at home. Witches were associated
Beni Elohim Page - 2 with the dark and with the night. Witchcraft
frequently represented greed, depravity,
Ishim Page - 2
corruption, or unrequited love. Witches were
Cherubim Pip - 1
accused of turning against their neighbors and
delighting in “unnatural” practices, such as
Experience Lines: The use of Enochian
incest or bestiality. Witches, according to
magick is considered a High Art, and as such,
popular opinion, might eat their own children
the use of this art will result in the uplifting of or dig up corpses.
the character’s soul. When a character uses
Enochian magick successfully they gain a Witches often have supernatural power of
single Experience Line. The wording of that
strength, and frequently have knowledge of
Experiene Line should reflect the nature, or
herbs and plants. How a witch’s power was
correspondence, of the angelic
acquired varied: to Christians it was derived
communication. from a pact with the Devil; sometimes it was
gained through an association with
Conversely, the use of Goetia is a dark art that
carnivorous predators or it was just a skill that
denigrates one’s spirit. Any use of Goetia –
can be learned through apprenticeship. In
successful or not – causes a Trouble (T)
some cases, a witches’ power was believed to
Experience Line to be marked. Trouble be inherited.
Experience lines act exactly like a Trouble
phrase. They may not be spent to increase
Witches could be recognized by many
other phrases, Reputation, or gain Gnosis.
different signs, such as a red eyes or some kind
They may only be burnt, individually, to apply
of devil’s mark, or they may have a snake in
a -1 result modifier and gain a Chance Token. their belly. Admittedly, the difference
between sorcery and witchcraft was almost
Witchcraft (Low Art) impossible to distinguish.

The word “witch” comes from the Old The three most famous witches in the ancient
English wician – meaning “to cast a spell.” world were Hecate, Circe, and Medea. They
The meaning of witch and witchcraft has were the witch-goddesses that were also
changed greatly over time. A witch is most associated with darkness and the night. These

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Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

magickal beings were not completely evil hags Outside of the Church’s teachings, ordinary
that witches were accused of being (primarily people often relied on the services of “cunning
by the Christian Inquisition), but represented a men and women” – wise folk and witches.
necessary component of the life and death These magickal practitioners were to be found
interaction that went back to much earlier in every village, and it was common for them
times. Witches were believed to be able to call to be consulted for help in identifying the
down the moon from the sky with chanting, to supernatural, fortune-telling, finding lost or
make waxen figures move, to invoke the stolen goods and identifying those who had
spirits of the dead and to make love potions. taken them, and for providing remedies for a
wide range of illnesses, both human and
Hecate, arguably the most important witch- animal.
goddess, was called “Queen of the Night” by
the poet Sappho and she looked upon as the Cunning folk often wore strange costumes, for
queen of the spirits of the dead – she lived in example dressing in scarlet or all in black.
tombs, although she might also sit by the They were aided by magickal spells and
hearth. She was believed to be present at a oracles. It was common for people to consult
person’s birth and death, when the spirit cunning men and women about evil
entered and left the human body. occurences – they were “unbewitchers.”
However, to unbewitch entailed knowing
Hecate appeared at crossroads on clear nights enough about magick to bewitch, and cunning
with a following of spirits and dogs. Her folk were feared as well as respected for their
power was threefold and extended to heaven, magickal powers. If someone was possessed
earth and the underworld. Witches were said by a spirit they would often consult the
to gather at crossroads and invoke Hecate, and cunning folk before turning to a priest.
offerings of the remains of purifying sacrifices
were placed each month at crossroads to Oracles were also consulted by witches to
appease her. The women invoked Hecate in determine the location of stolen goods. Subtle
this manner were held to be experts in the questioning and sleight of hand could be used
manufacture of poisons. to influence an apparently objective test.
Hidden thoughts could be brought into the
In Europe, between the fifteenth and open and made to appear as if they were
eighteenth centuries, the figure of the witch dictated by an external power. Oracle were
known in the pagan Greek and Roman view often mirrors, basins of water, or other
took on a different character – one reflective surfaces.
superimposed by the Christian interpretation
of the world. Previously, witches were a The cunning man or woman frequently
normal part of everyday life for most people. diagnosed bewitching or “overlooking” as the
During the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries cause of a patient’s illness. The patient might
the Christian church claimed that witches have been haunted by an evil spirit, a ghost or
were members of a devil-worshipping cult who a fairy. The methods used by witches to
flew to night Sabbaths to feast on the bodies of diagnose the supernatural were diverse. They
children and indulge in orgies. Witches were might use a technique such as boiling the
accused of all sorts of misfortunes, and they victim’s urine, or burning a piece of thatch
were tried and condemned to death for their from the suspected witch’s house to see
supposed evil ways. Ideas about witches whether this brought her running to the scene.
became deeply embedded in folklore, Alternatively, they would use a mirror, crystal
literature, and fairy tales. ball, sieve and shears, or a familiar spirit.
Sometimes witches were said to commune

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

with fairies that told them the answers to their  The character is a woman who was
questions. born into an established witch-clan
with a hereditary pedigree in
Both cunning men and women and witches witchcraft. A man can only use a
(although the difference between the two, at hereditary connected to witchcraft if
this point, should be difficult to discern), were he can trace his lineage to a demon,
said to have special spirit animals, or familiars, or the Devil himself.
that performed special services for them. In  The character is a man or woman that
return, the familiars demanded milk, or has apprenticed under an established
sometimes to suck a witch’s blood. Familiars witch, or cunning person.
often helped diagnose illness or assist in  The character was raised in the wild
locating the source of a bewitchment. They by either devils or carnivorous beasts
were also used for divining and finding lost – wild dogs, wolves, or predatory cats
objects. will suffice.
 The character owns, or has studied,
Sometimes familiars were locked into bottles, various books for forbidden and
rings, or stones and then sold to common folk outlawed lore – such as The Book of
as charms. Some familiars were said to be Shadows.
fairies. There were believed to be three types
of fairies – the white, the green and the black. The player must also rank one of these phrases
The black were the worst and were found to be as either Novice (N) or Master (M) during
indistinguishable from malignant demons and character creation.
Witchcraft, which at its heart is a practical art,
To the witch, the spirit world was at one with is the easiest of the magickal arts to learn.
the material, everyday world – the two were Unlike alchemy, goetia, or the Kabbalah, there
interconnected. Witches could use fingernails, is little “philosophical framework” that the
hair, amniotic membranes (called cauls) and individual must absorb. In fact, many
such to heal, protect from harm or cause common people throughout eighteenth-
harm, bring luck or cause some sort of century France know bits and pieces of the
magickal transformation. Discarded or stolen cunning art – particularly the use of herbs and
pieces of a person’s body or clothing were seen medicinal craft.
to be invested with their owner’s spiritual
essence and might be used in a magickal way
to identify that person in the spirit world for
The System for Witchcraft
beneficial or malignant purposes. Many spells
Witchcraft is, in fact, the most straightforward
relied on the unauthorized use of Christian
mystical ability to use. To succeed at
prayers, which were thought to give magickal
witchcraft you need only make a single Cost-
Effect flip. If you succeed, as per the Cost-
Effect rules above, your witchcraft works. As
Becoming a Witch/Cunning Folk per the ritual rules, it takes an entire scene to
use witchcraft.
To play a character that has access to
witchcraft, the character must be designed There are, typically, a number of effects that
with a Mandatory Phrase that shows at least can be used with witchcraft – hexes, potions,
one of the following characteristics: and divinations.

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Hexes: A curse on another character is simply are immediately traded in for a Défiguration.
a straight-forward condition that lasts the A Défiguration is a permanent Trouble (T)
remainder of the session. phrase that is added to the character’s
passeport. The Défiguration represents a mark
Potions: similar to the way alchemy works, a on the characters body, soul, or reputation that
witch can choose a form and a purpose to identifies them as a practitioner of black
their concoctions (they need not be potions, magic. Défigurations also prevent a player from
per se – they could be ointments, oils, powders, ignoring the accumulation of Trouble (T)
etc.). Like an alchemical formula, the finished Experience Lines, as they will create more
product grants either a negative or a positive problems over time.
condition. Unlike alchemical creations, the
target need not resist the toxicity of the potion Other Supernatural Abilities
if it produces a positive condition.
The above supernatural systems barely scratch
Divination: Often a witch’s powers are used the surface of total number of mystical
to determine the identity or location of a perspectives that existed in eighteenth-century
person or item. Just like all uses of witchcraft, Europe. The Cost-Effect system, however,
this is resolved with a simple Cost-Effect flip. can be used to represent almost any system of
Success means the location or identity is magick, mysticism, or supernatural ability.
correctly obtained. A failure means that false Additionally, many of the “powers” listed
information is gained. below can be folded into the previous mystical
traditions – for example, a Kabbalist might be
While these are the most typical uses of able to Astral Travel, or a witch capable of
witchcraft, the powers of the witch are not shape-changing.
limited to the above. A quick perusal through
the literature of the period will show that Psychic Visions & Auras: It is a common
witches were accused of having a number of belief that both animate and inanimate objects
powers – shape-changing, communication cast a “shadow” into the spiritual world. This
with animals, and flight, to name a few. All of “aura” can be dull or brightly colored, and
these abilities can easily be simulated with the those who can perceive this aura interpret the
normal Cost-Effect flip resolution rules. condition or state of the person or object
according to the energy vibrations emitted.
Experience Lines: While it is the easiest to Occultists distinguish four auras: the health
use – and perhaps must advantageous – aura, the karmic aura, the character aura, and
supernatural power, witchcraft is also a Low the aura of spiritual nature. To distinguish an
Art and, thus, leads to the downfall of the aura and gain valuable information from it,
mortal soul. the character need merely succeed in a Cost-
Effect flip. Failure on this flip gives the
All Experience Lines drawn from the use of character inaccurate or misleading
witchcraft are marked with a T (for Trouble) information.
and they act exactly as a Trouble (T) phrase.
They may not be spent to increase other Astral Travel: The astral plane is thought to
phrases, Reputation, or gain Gnosis. They be another layer of reality that is separate from
may only be burnt, individually, to apply a -1 the everyday world that we inhabit. Astral
result modifier and gain a Chance Token. Travelers can project their astral body into that
realm – leaving their physical body behind.
If, at any time, the witch gains five Trouble (T) Many who walk the paths of mysticism –
Experience Lines that remain “unburnt,” they whether it be the Kabbalah or witchcraft – are

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

believed to be able to travel at will in the astral will never stay in your pocket,” for instances.
realms, leaving their physical body Like all conditions, if an enemy really desired
unprotected and connected to their astral body it, they could seek to “bloody” the condition
by an invisible “umbilical cord.” While in the of a curse. A curse ends at the end of a
astral realm mystics can read the aura of campaign or at the death of the instigator.
others, perceive the symbolic connections Alternately, conditions could be set that would
between people and places, and move through allow the curse to end earlier.
solid, physical objects. While engaged in
Astral Travel, however, the traveler’s physical Mesmerism: Also known, at the time, as
body is in grave danger and if the astral body animal magnetism, Mesmerism (named after
fails to return to the physical body within an Franz Anton Mesmer – see Chapitre Huht:
allotted time period the physical body will die. Characters) is the precursor to modern-day
hypnotism. Through the use of magnets, the
Dream Travel: Some mystics are capable of mesmerist can heal ills, implant suggests, and
entering the dreams of other – whether to find hidden, subconscious information.
communicate with them, or plant hidden Unfortunately, mesmerism only works on the
suggestions. In order to enter the dreams of willing. Successful use of mesmerism could
another, the practitioner must enter a deep add or remove a condition. That condition
state of meditation and, then, overcome the would then last until it is resolved (“Quack
various subconscious guardians that protect like a duck until Robespierre arrives”) or it is
the dreamer’s mind. To expedite this process, used a single time (“You are stronger than an
the Narrator could merely call for a simple ox”).
Cost-Effect flip. If the flip fails, the dreamer’s
defenses have blocked the infiltrator’s Animal Communication: Both witches and
attempts. the Benandanti (see earlier, under Revolution
& Secret Societies), are believed to have the
Divination: One of the most common uses of ability to converse with animals of various
supernatural abilities is to read the future, sorts. This communication is largely psychic
identify unknown individuals, or locate the in nature and doesn’t involve actual
lost. Almost all mystical perspectives provide verbalization. Again, this ability can easily be
this ability – Kabbalah, Enochian and Goetic modeled with a simple Cost-Effect flip.
magicks, and witchcraft. Also, a variety of Failure at an attempt to communicate with an
cultures are credited with having this knack, animal could turn an entire species against the
like Gypsies, for instance. The use of communicator.
divination is simply resolved. The character
makes a simple Cost-Effect flip, regardless of Shape-Changing: Another ability that is often
how they divinate (whether it be Tarot cards, credited to users of black magick, as well as
palm reading, reading the innards of a goose, the witch-fighting Benandanti. It is also
or talking with Angels). A successful use of frequently seen as a curse, such as in the case
divination grants the user the correct – or of werewolves. Shape-changing can be a
useful – information. Failure gives false powerful ability and should be monitored
information. closely by the Narrator. While in their animal
form, a character should have a special set of
The Evil Eye: Whether it’s called a hex, the phrases that describe their abilities and
evil eye, or a curse, many traditions and drawbacks – one Master (M) phrase, one
cultures believe that bad luck can be wished on Novice (N) phrase, and one Trouble (T)
a person. Curses are easily modeled by giving phrase. For example, a witch who can take
a character a negative condition – “Money the form of a black cat might replace their

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

phrases with: “Small and stealthy (M),” “Bad

Luck (N),” and “No Hands (T)” while they
are in the form of an animal.

Supernatural Protection: The superstitious

will often seek means to protect themselves
from the dangers of black magick and
witchcraft, whether it takes the form of a lucky
horsehoe, a blessed cross, or a passed-down
ritual. These items – if believed in strongly –
work by implementing a -1 modifier to the
value of an Effect flip.

The Celtic Hero: The area that is now

France was once home to the Celtic people of
Europe. Their ancestors are still found among
the rural peoples of the Republic, in regions of
northern France, like Brittany. In ancient
times the Celtic heroes were distinguished by
their almost supernatural traits. Perhaps,
among the rural population, there still exists
people descended from these heroes and demi-
gods (as well, the ancient Celts possessed a
strong belief in reincarnation – perhaps these
great heroes have been born again). All Celtic
heroes have two traits – a Master (M) phrase
that describes their unusual ability and a
Trouble (T) phrase that shows their human
weakness. As well, Celtic heroes were known
for their unusual traits – like “Handsome as a
Horse (M)” or “Very Stretchy Arms (M).”

The hermetic view of the world is based on the
belief that “as above, so below.” In the next
few pages are charts that show the
correspondent connections between various
items and their symbolic meanings.

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The First 36 Entities from the Lesser Key of Solomon

Number Name Correspondence Tarot Card
1 King Baël Marriage, sex, ownership, strength, fertility, flies King of Wands
2 Duc Agares Earthquakes, return of lost things, immorality Queen of Wands
3 Prince Vassago Past, future, find the lost Knight of Wands
4 Marquis Samigina Liberal sciences, souls, sins, drowning Page of Wands
5 President Marbas Secrets, disease, mechanical arts, shape-changing Ten of Wands
6 Duc Valefor Temptation, to steal, traps Nine of Wands
7 Marquis Amon Fire, past, future, feuds, reconciliation Eight of Wands
Kings, understanding animals, hidden treasures,
8 Duc Barbatos philosophers, reveal the invisible
Seven of Wands

9 King Paimon Obedience, art, philosophy, science, Earth, wind, water Six of Wands
10 President Buer The Sun, natural/moral philosophy, logic, herbs, plants Five of Wands
11 Duc Gusion Past, present, future, the meaning of questions, honor Four of Wands
12 Prince Sitri Love, nudity, mockery, secrets of women Three of Wands
13 King Beleth Music, the Flood, mathematics, fear, satisfaction Two of Wands
14 Marquis Leraje Great battles, disputes, gangrene, bows and arrows King of Cups
15 Duc Eligos Wars, soldiers, nobility, serpents, ghosts Queen of Cups
16 Duc Zepar Love, fertility Knight of Cups
17 Comte Botis Past, future, reconcile foes, swords Page of Cups
Virtue, stones, herbs, instant transportation, astral
18 Duc Bathin projection
Ten of Cups

19 Duc Sallos Pacifism, love Nine of Cups

20 King Purson Hidden things, treasure, past, present, future Eight of Cups
21 Comte Marax Astronomy, wisdom, herbs, precious stones, delay Seven of Cups
22 Comte Ipos Revelation, wit, bravery, past, present, future Six of Cups
23 Duc Aim Strength, fire, privacy, cities, castles Five of Cups
24 Marquis Naberius Cunning, rhetoric, dignity, honor Four of Cups
25 Comte Glasya-Labolas Manslaughter, bloodshed, homicide, invisibility Three of Cups
26 Duc Buné The Dead, eloquence, wisdom, wealth Two of Cups
27 Marquis Ronové Rhetoric, language, loyalty, harvester of souls King of Swords
28 Duc Berith Truth about past, present, future, transmutation of metals Queen of Swords
29 Duc Asatroth Laziness, vanity, rationalized philosophy, mathematics Knight of Swords
30 Marquis Forneus Rhetoric, languages, good reputation, sea monsters Page of Swords
31 President Foras Logic, ethics, herbs, wit, eloquence, long life Ten of Swords
32 King Asmoday Strength, power, dragons, fire Nine of Swords
Water, love, hate, insensibility, invisibility, instant
33 Prince Gäap transportation
Eight of Swords
34 Comte Furfur Lies, storms, thunder, lightning, secrets, the Divine Seven of Swords
35 Marquis Marchosias Strength, fighting, false hope Six of Swords
36 Prince Stolas Astronomy, poisonous plants, herbs, precious stones Five of Swords

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List of Enochian Aethyrs and Guardians

No. Aethyr Guardians Correspondences Sephirah
Occodon, Pascomb, Purity, innocence, completeness, wholeness,
1 Lil Kether
Valgars satisfaction, sublimation
Doagnis, Pacasna, Joy, bliss, happiness, harmony, meaning of
2 Arn Kether
Valgars the universe
Samapha, Virooli,
3 Zom Creativity, control, mastery, willpower Hokmah
Thotanf, Axziarg, Love, positive relationships, the attraction of
4 Paz Hokmah
Pothnir opposites, desire, duality
Lazdixi, Nocamal,
5 Lat Truth, success, infinity, boundlessness Hokmah
Saxtomp, Creative power, acting without consequence,
6 Maz Hokmah
Vavaamp, Zirzird detachment
Obmacas, Genadol,
7 Deo Freedom, love for others Hokmah
Amfres, Todnaon,
8 Zid Truth, identity, reality, light, masculinity Binah
Oddoiorg, Cralpir,
9 Zip Bliss, ecstasy, youthful feminity Binah
Lexarph, Demons, chaos, confusion, incoherence,
10 Zax Binah
Comanan, Tabitom madness, insanity, dissolution, menace
Molpand, Anticipation, hope, readiness, expectation,
11 Ich Binah
Vanarda, Ponodol fire, air, tension
Tapamal, Gedoons, Compassion, love, sacrifice, dedication to
12 Loe Binah
Ambrial others
Gecaond, Laparin, Service, duty, love, compassion,
13 Zim Binah
Docepax responsibility, dedication to duty, practice
Tedoond, Vivipos, Selfishness, egoism, lack of caring, aloofness,
14 Vta Hesed
Ooanamb absence of desire, darkness, lifelessness
Tahando, Nociabi,
15 Oxo Joy, happiness, dances, songs, music Hesed
Cocarpt, Lanacon, Foreknowledge, adjustment, spiritual
16 Lea Sochial impulse, change for the better, enchantment, Hesed
seeing through illusion
Sigmorf, Aydropt,
17 Tan Morality, ethics, harmony, balance, justice Hesed
Nabaomi, Zafasai,
18 Zen Sacrifice, crucifixion, selflessness Gevurah
Torzoxi, Abaiond,
19 Pop Change, struggle, impulses, life & death Gevurah
Zildron, Parziba, Cycles of nature, spirals, repetition, destiny,
20 Chr Gevurah
Totocan fate, karma
Chirspa, Toantom, Cause, purpose, significance, ego,
21 Asp Tifereth
Vixpalg reincarnation, emptiness, visions of past lives
Ozidaia, Paraoan, Meditation, ideas, music, transcendence,
22 Lin Tifereth
Calzirg formlessness

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

23 Tor Energy, force, labor, toil, work, endlessness Tifereth
Onizimp, Zaxanin
Orcamir, Chialps,
24 Nia Freedom, movement, travel, astral projection Netsah
Mirzind, Obuaors, Intuition, inspiration, insight, humility,
25 Vti Netsah
Ranglam reflection, pride
Pophand, Nigrana, Logic, reason, intellect, rationality,
26 Des Hod
Bazchim frustration, limitation
Saziami, Mathvla, Solitude, loneliness, separation, isolation,
27 Zaa Hod
Orpamb emptiness, solitude, deep sleep
Labnixp, Focisni,
28 Bag Guilt, doubt, mistrust, sin, fear Yesod
Vastrim, Odraxti, Judgment, purification, decision, evaluation,
29 Rii the Elements, dream state
Restriction, desire, silence, fear, the
30 Tex Gemnimb, Malkuth
limitations of language
Advorpt, Dozinal

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Metals, Crystals, Elements & their Alchemical Significance

Metal or Element Correspondence Tarot/Tool
Intuition, psychic ability,
fertility, the feminine, High Priestess -
Moon Silver Pearl Water wishes, intuition, lucid chalice, cauldron,
dreaming, confidence, mirror
inner wisdom
Garnet, Strength, power, authority,
ruby, banishing, conflicts, war, The Tower –
Mars Iron bloodstone, Fire concentration, reasoning, candles, lanterns,
haematite memory, self-discipline solar icons
Travel, communication,
Opal, beryl, writing, teaching, speaking, The Magician –
Mercury Quicksilver agate, Air learning, studying, dagger, athame,
carnelian confidence, courage, sword
Luck, prosperity,
employment, opportunities,
Amethyst, Wheel of Fortune
travel, money, justice,
Jupiter Tin lapis lazuli, Fire wealth, peace, protection,
– candles, lanterns,
aquamarine solar icons
meditation, truth, psychic
Love, friendship, marriage,
beauty, harmony, The Empress –
Venus Copper peridot, jade Water creativity, artistic chalice, cauldron,
endeavors, clarity, justice, mirror
peaceful sleep
Clearing of obstacles,
Jet, onyx, restrictions, patience, The World –
Saturn Lead obsidian Earth protection from negative pentacle, wand
energy, emotional stability
Good fortune, health,
Diamond, success, prosperity, pure
The Sun – dagger,
The Sun Gold amber, Air power, strength, purity,
athame, sword
topaz wisdom, confidence, light,
warmth, love
Death, the Underworld,
Minor Arcana –
The Earth All Metals Agate Earth inspiration from the
pentacle, wand
spiritual realm

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Trees, Plants, Herbs, and Animals & their Magickal Significance

Trees Herbs Incense Animals Correspondence

Intuition, psychic ability,
Aspen, willow, Jasmine, fertility, the feminine,
lemon, poppy, white Cat, frog wishes, intuition, lucid
eucalyptus lily dreaming, confidence, inner
Strength, power, authority,
Larch, Tobacco,
banishing, conflicts, war,
hawthorn, coriander, Tobacco, pine Lizard, snake
concentration, reasoning,
dogwood garlic
memory, self-discipline
Travel, communication,
Caraway, writing, teaching, speaking,
Ash, hazel lavender, Mastic, lavender Birds, bats learning, studying,
marjoram, dill confidence, courage,
Luck, prosperity,
employment, opportunities,
Almond, Nutmeg, sage, Cedar, travel, money, justice,
Lion, ram
chestnut, oak star anise, clove honeysuckle wealth, peace, protection,
meditation, truth, psychic
Love, friendship, marriage,
Apple, fig, Hyacinth, rose,
Turtle, dolphin, beauty, harmony, creativity,
magnolia, pear, iris, vervain, Rose
whale artistic endeavors, clarity,
elder myrtle, yarrow
justice, peaceful sleep
Clearing of obstacles,
Alder, beech, Evergreen, restrictions, patience,
Myrrh, cypress Ox, dog, wolf
holly, elm, yew asafetida protection from negative
energy, emotional stability
Good fortune, health,
Bay laurel,
Acacia, bay, success, prosperity, pure
birch, cedar, Frankincense Winged insects power, strength, purity,
cinnamon, bay
walnut, lime wisdom, confidence, light,
warmth, love

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

The Moon and Magickal Correspondences

Correspondences Tarot
of Moon
Beginning a new cycle, development,
growth, new opportunities, knowledge,
Waxing (New) Moon health, personal issues, putting plans into
Fertility, gathering of energy, manifestation,
Bright (Full) Moon expansion, daily affairs, personal power, Cups
personal magnetism
Release, letting go, courage, the past,
Waning (Old) Moon healing, insight, psychic power
Retreat, withdrawal, recharging energy,
learning, silence, invisibility, insight,
Dark (No) Moon contemplation, meditation, guidance,
destructive magic

Energy, starting new projects, leadership,

Moon in Aries goal-setting
The Emperor
Moon in Taurus Dependability, love, money, material things The Hierophant
Communication, talking, writing, short
Moon in Gemini journeys
The Lovers
Nurturing, home, family, support,
Moon in Cancer motherhood
The Chariot
Moon in Leo Courage, creativity, fertility, risk-taking Strength
Self-improvement, work, health, attention to
Moon in Virgo detail
The Hermit
Balance, harmony, giving and receiving,
Moon in Libra artistic and spiritual work, legal matters
Moon in Scorpio Transformation, life, sexuality, desire Death
Moon in Sagittarius Exploration, long journeys, spiritual values Temperance
Achievement, organization, career
Moon in Capricorn ambitions, status, reputation
The Devil
Revolution, freedom, originality, creative
Moon in Aquarius expression, problem-solving
The Star
Compassion, healing, dreams, clairvoyance,
Moon in Pisces telepathy, intuition, trust
The Moon

Magickal Tools and their Symbolism

Item Correspondence
Amulets/Crosses Fire, Female
Cauldron Earth, Female
Chalice Water, Female
Crystal Orb/Ball Air, Female
Hand of Glory Earth, Male
Rods/Staves Water, Male
Swords/Athame/Daggers Air, Male
Wands Fire, Male

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Unfortunately, for those who try to catch them

Supernatural Monstrosities – these children combine the instinct and
might of animals with the keen cunning of a
(Optional) human being. Like some sort of Rousseau-ian
dream turned nightmare, these wild children
The horror in Reign of Terror is man-made. of Aveyron have outsmarted all of the search
The Terror is the manifestation of the worst of parties that have been sent to look, and
human nature – betrayal, deceit, greed and capture, them. In some cases, entire search
murder. Not only are those features of the parties have gone missing, only to have piles
human experience manifest, but they are of bones discovered later.
institutionalized. However, a Narrator may
wish to introduce a decidedly non-human Where these children come from – or why
element to their horror in Reign of Terror. they have been raised alone, in the woods – is
That’s what this section is for. Below are unknown.
described five possible “supernatural” (or, at
least inhuman) threats that characters can face Major Arcana: The Hermit – Outsmarted –
in the game. the character has stepped into a trap set by the
Wild Children. As a result, they automatically
Besides a general description of the threat, gain the bloodied condition, “Ensnared!”
each entry also includes a Major Arcana and a They can remove that condition once they find
Minor Arcana suit. These represent the a way to break out of the Wild Children’s
unnatural power of the threat. When the traps.
Narrator flips for any action by the threat and
draws a matching Major Arcana, it unleashes Minor Arcana: Swords
the described ability. Any action that matches
the Minor Arcana suit gains an automatic
Master (M) bonus to the flip total. The The Beasts of Gévaudan
purpose of these rules is to add an element of
fear to the actions of the supernatural The region of Gévaudan – now the
monstrosities let loose in Revolutionary departménts of Lozére and Haute-Loire – has,
France. for over a century, been terrorized by large,
man-eating wolf-like creatures. Although one
has never been caught, or killed, they are
The Wild Children of Aveyron described as having reddish fur, formidable
teeth, immense tails, and emitting an
In 1797, in the woods near Aveyron, a wild unbearable odor. The beasts – as it is assumed
boy was spotted. The people of Aveyron spent that there is a pack of them – have been held
months trying to catch the boy, and when they responsible for hundreds of victims over the
succeeded they discovered that the boy – last half-century, or so.
whom they named Victor – was little more
than a wild animal. Despite their best Some have argued that the Beasts are actually
attempts to socialize and educate the boy, they werewolves – men who have been cursed to
could not break him of his wild, animalistic take the form of a carnivorous wolf. Others
habits. believe they are the alchemical cross-breeding
of a lion and a massive dog. Regardless of
What the people of Aveyron do not know is what they are, the Revolutionary government
that the woods of France are thick with wild, has been consistently petitioned to deal with
untamable children. What’s worse – these this threat. The army, conscripted civilians,
children are unnaturally strong, have the and even former members of the royal
instincts of wolves, and are cannibals.

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

huntsmen have been dispatched to investigate

the threat, but as of yet nothing has been The Enraged
found but partially consumed victims.
It has been suggested that a mob is not truly in
Major Arcana: The Tower – Ravaged – the control of its own actions. What if this were
use of Ravaged automatically “bloodies” any true, but in a more sinister way than we
condition placed on their victims, without the suspect? No one is certain where the Enraged
use of a Chance Token. originate from. But one thing is certain – they
feed on raw human emotion, and the more
Minor Arcana: Pentacles people in the grip of that emotion, the better.

The Vampires of the Undercity The Enraged appear as emaciated humans.

They are often found leading large crowds –
Beneath the street of Paris the firmament is angry crowds – in riots and protests. Their
riddled with the remnants of ancient Roman chief goal is simple: violence for violence’s
catacombs. For centuries the catacombs have sake. Once the crowd has been pushed to the
served as a rendezvous for forbidden lovers or breaking point, they retreat to the back of the
radical revolutionaries. What most don’t mob to feast on the raw anger generated by the
know is that the catacombs have also served as crowd.
a home for a fallen race of monstrous humans,
known as the Vampires. Major Arcana: The Magician – Inflamed – a
victim of inflamed gains the condition
Unlike the romantic tales of foreign nobility or “Angered to Action!” The Enraged will then
Eastern European tyrants, the Vampires of the seek, through conversation or any other form
undercity have more in common with beasts of provocation, to bloody that condition.
than men. Centuries of darkness and a diet Once the affected character fails their
composed primarily of rodents has left the Resistance Flip they are driven to blind rage
vampires thin and pale. They have evolved and will act violently towards any target the
long, sharpened teeth to suck the blood from Enraged directs them at.
their victims. The residents of Paris know
little of their existence – save for the Minor Arcana: Cups
occasional missing child or family pet that
disappears into the dark catacombs. Those Daemons, or the Sin-Eaters
familiar with the denizens of the dark say that
vampires live in clans – some say they It is said that the practitioners of the dark arts
resemble packs of rats – and they wait for can see and converse with the Damned.
victims to lose themselves in the pitch-black Sometimes they strike deals with the demons
catacombs before they pounce.
of Hell and, in exchange of supernatural
power, will allow those devils access to the
Major Arcana: The Moon – Feasted On! – mortal world. What if someone struck such a
when Vampires play The Moon card they deal and, as a result, emptied the contents of
swarm-attack their victim and automatically Hell into Revolutionary France?
give them the condition “Feasted On!.” The
vampires will then seek to feast on their victim Daemons exist solely to provoke human
again (and again) until they have the action towards the darkest, most malignant
opportunity to “bloody” that condition. tasks – rape, torture, murder, and worse.
When a Daemon takes hold of your soul you
Minor Arcana: Pentacles have no choice but to condemn yourself to

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

eternal damnation. Fortunately, there are

those born who can see the stain on your soul
of corruption and possession by the Daemons.
It is said that those individuals can battle the
Daemons and drive them back to Hell, thus
reclaiming their human victims.

Major Arcana: The Devil – Corrupted – when

a Daemon strikes with Corrupted, their victim
gains a permanent Trouble (T) phrase. This
phrase is capable of growing over time. Each
time the character uses any Trouble phrase on
their passeport and gains a Chance Token, the
value of that phrase increases by one. When
the value of the Trouble phrase reaches 8, the
victim’s soul is lost forever. The only way to
remove the Trouble phrase, and thus banish
the Daemon, is to sacrifice (burn without
benefit) three Experience Lines for each point
of the Trouble phrase.

Minor Arcana: Wands

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Chapitre Huit

A Cast of Characters
Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

A Cast of Characters Making Your Own NPCs

Revolutionary France was filled with colorful,
interesting personalities. In this section we’ll give Making your own NPCs is exceptionally easy in
you a small taste of some of those people, both Reign of Terror. Like with player characters, you’ll
historical and fictional, that populated the want to start with a concept. For the characters
Republic. here their concept was based on the history of the
individuals. If there is a historical character you’re
For each non-player character (NPC) there is a trying to re-create, simply get on the internet, or go
short biographical sketch. Each biographical to your local library, and find out about their life.
sketch is followed by three trait phrases – a Master
(M) phrase, a Novice (N) phrase, and a Trouble Once you know a little bit about them, the rest of
(T) phrase. the process is simple. Take the concept, or their
biography, and put together three Phrases for the
What About Reputation? character. The first Phrase should represent
something very important about the character – a
Like all characters, the historical personalities have talent, or what they were best known for. This will
a reputation score. At various points in the serve as their Master (M) Phrase.
Revolution their Reputation may have been at
different levels. Consider the following rules for Now choose another important fact about them –
determining an NPC’s Reputation rating. perhaps not nearly as important as their primary
concept, but something the character would be
Before the Revolution: known for. This is their Novice (N) Phrase.

 First Estate: d10 or d12 Lastly, the Trouble (T) Phrase represents
 Second Estate: d8 or d10 something that the character struggled with,
 The Bourgeoisie: d6 or d8 something that caused them problems – or, simply,
 The rest of the Third Estate: d4 or d6 a flaw the character demonstrated. The Narrator
can trigger this flaw to gain a Chance Token to
The Early Part of the Revolution (pre-1793): add to the Narrator’s Chance Token pool during a
 First Estate: d6 or d8
 Second Estate: d6 or d8 Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time.
 Third Estate: d8 or d10 Feel free to tweak your character write-ups
 Monarchists: d6 between sessions. If you discover that your NPC
never had a use for their Master Phrase, you can
During the Terror: always replace it with a more applicable Phrase for
the next session.
 Third Estate: d8 or d10
 All others: d4 or d6

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Charles, Comte d’Artois Charles Augereau,

Charles was the youngest brother of Louis XVI Born the son of a Fruit Vender in the Faubourg
and the uncle of the Dauphin. Bearing an Saint-Marceau, he joined the army at age
uncanny resemblance to his grandfather, Louis seventeen. A renowned duelist and swordfighter,
XV, Charles “The Beloved” was considered the Augereau had to flee France after he killed an
most handsome member of the royal family. officer in the Dragoons. While in exile, he served
Charles was a famous womanizer with many with both the Russian and Prussian military – only
mistresses and was known to be a close friend of returning to France as a member of the volunteer
his sister-in-law, Marie Antoinette. Charles spent German Legion when the Revolution came.
enormous sums of money on frivolity and
gambling, racking up a 21 million Livre debt before Augereau found himself in prison when his unit
the Revolution. was sent to put down the revolt in the Vendeé and
the majority of his unit joined the counter-
When the Revolution began in earnest, Charles revolution. After his release he worked his way
announced that France needed “repair, not through a number of military units and
demolition.” He favored and promoted fiscal assignments until he found himself working with
responsibility for the government but stood Napoleon Bonaparte in 1797. One of his first jobs
strongly against social reforms and loss of privilege for Napoleon was to take his forces to Paris and
for the first and second estates. Shortly after the “convince” the Jacobins to support Napoleon’s
storming of the Bastille, Charles and his family political ambitions.
escaped to Savoy where he prepared for a counter-
revolutionary invasion of France.
 Dangerous Swordsman (M)
 Man of the World (N)
 The King’s Brother (M)
 Politically Expedient (T)
 Handsome Playboy (N)
 Notorious Spendthrift (T)

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Jean Sylvain Bailly Bertrand Barére de Vieuzac

Born into an artistic family, he later decided to Born in Gascony, Barére’s father was a lawyer and
pursue a career in astronomy. During the course of his mother a member of old nobility. As a young
his studies the Revolution broke out and he was man he studied to become a lawyer. He soon
elected as a representative to the Estates-General gained a reputation as a great orator.
in 1789. Soon he found himself the residing
President of the National Assembly where he In 1789, he was elected to the Estates-General.
oversaw the Tennis Court Oath. After the royal family’s attempt to flee, he joined
the Feuillants. In 1792 he was elected to the
Shortly after the storming of the Bastille, Bailly National Convention and helped draft the
became the first mayor of Paris under the new Girondin constitution. He became a member of
Commune system. While initially seen as one of the the Committee of Public Safety in 1793 where he
heroes of the Revolution, as mayor Bailly had to presided over the trial of Louis XVI. He voted for
continually direct the National Guard to put down the death of the king and announced, to the
riots and protests throughout Paris, eventually Convention, that “the tree of liberty grows only
making him very unpopular. In 1791, Bailly retired when watered by the blood of tyrants.” When the
to Nantes and in 1793 he was arrested and accused public turned against Robespierre, Barére was the
of betraying the democratic ideals by a first to turn against him – even though Barére had
Revolutionary Tribunal. He was guillotined in supported and voted with almost all of
November 1793. Robespierre’s actions. Barére wrote up the report
that outlawed Robespierre before being sentenced,
 Heart for Revolution (M) himself, to prison. He escaped prison when he
found out the National Convention was re-
 Mind for Astronomy (N)
considering his execution.
 No Stomach for Violence (T)
 Down with the Monarchy! (M)
 The Fatherland is the true Faith (N)
 Follows the Crowd (T)

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Madame du Barry John Barsad

Born the illegitimate daughter of an attractive An English con-man and spy in the employ of the
seamstress, Jeanne Becú never knew her father. Marquis St. Evrémonde, Barsad escaped Britain
By age fifteen, she had wandered from place to and found an easier life in Paris working for
place taking a variety of jobs before her attractive members of the French nobility. During the
visage caught the eye of pimp/casino-owner Jean- Revolution, Barsad helped Sydney Carton
Baptiste du Barry. He named her Mademoiselle infiltrate a French prison and trade places with the
Lange and she took on many of the royal court aristocrat Charles Darnay. Unfortunately, for
and aristocrats of influence as clients. Barsad, he wouldn’t escape the Terror, himself.
He died by guillotine with the fall of Robespierre.
Soon married to Jean-Baptiste’s brother, du Barry
became the premiere courtesan in the court of
Louis XV and even became mistress to the king  Great Scoundrel (M)
(she was remotely connected to the Queen’s  Knows the Right People (N)
Necklace Scandal). Returning from exile, after
Louis XV’s death, she found herself accused of
 Untrustworthy (T)
funding émigré plots. She was executed in 1793.

 Knows Everyone Who’s Anyone (M)

 The Former King’s Lover (N)
 Lives a Lavish Lifestyle (T)

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Jean Bernadotte Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne

One of the most curious participants in the Coming from a long line of lawyers, Varenne was
Revolution, Bernadotte was born in France in guaranteed a solid education and career in law
1763. In 1780 he joined the French Army and practice. In 1790 he joined the Jacobin Club and
served in the newly conquered territory of Corsica. became one of the most violently out-spoken
When the Revolution broke out he found his critics of the monarchy. After the royal family
military skills in high demand and by 1794 he had attempted to escape, he published L'Aciphocratie
been promoted to General in the French Army. demanding the establishment of a federal republic.

In 1799, as minister of war, Bernadotte resisted As an elected member of the National Convention
Napoleon’s coup, but by 1801 he had accepted he proposed legislation that would expel
employment as a Grand Marshall of the Empire foreigners, create taxes on the wealthy, increase
and commanded the Army of the Vendée. When surveillance on former nobility, create a
the French government, in 1810, granted him the Revolutionary Army, and impose the death
defense of the Netherlands, the Swedish elected penalty on ineffective generals. During most of the
him king, to replace the dying king who had no Terror he was a staunch ally of Robespierre, but as
heir. On November 21, 1810 he became Charles the tide turned against Robespierre, Varenne
XIV & III John, Crown Prince of Sweden and distanced himself. When Varenne was investigated
Norway, where he at once allied himself with for his ruthlessness, he escaped into exile abroad.
Napoleon’s enemies in Great Britain and Prussia.
 The Terror’s Architect (M)
 Popular Abroad (M)  A Radical Mind (N)
 Never Hesitant (N)  Untrustworthy (T)
 Loyal to No Nation (T)

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Sir Percy Blakeney Napoleon Bonaparte

Throughout the Revolution, the name of one man Because of his small stature and thick Corsican
was a curse on the lips of Revolutionaries: the accent, Napoleon was mocked by his fellow
Scarlet Pimpernel. A master of disguise, students at military school. Haughty and proud,
unsurpassed swordsman, and superlatively quick- Napoleon refused to grace his tormentors’
witted strategist, he masterminded the rescuing of behavior with any kind of response. He simply
countless condemned prisoners before they could ignored them, preferring to lose himself in his
lose their heads to the guillotine. With each rescue studies. He showed a particular passion for three
he would taunt his enemies by leaving behind a subjects – classical history, geography, and
small card bearing the picture of a flower – a mathematics.
scarlet pimpernel.
In 1784, Napoleon was recommended for a career
Percy kept his identity a secret – even from his in the army and he transferred to the Ecole Militaire
wife, the lovely actress Marguerite St. Just – by in Paris. There, he proved to be a fairly poor
playing the role of a dim-witted, foppish playboy. soldier, except when it came to artillery. His
He was ably assisted by the League of the artillery instructor quickly noticed Napoleon’s
Pimpernel – a band of devoted followers, who abilities: “He is most proud, ambitious, aspiring to
were also young English noblemen. everything. This young man merits our attention.”

 Master-of-Disguise (M)
 Formidable Swordsman (N)  The Ultimate Tactician (M)
 Must Keep My Identity Secret (T)  Imperial Ambitions (N)
 In Love with Josephine (T)

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Louis François de Bourbon Jacques Pierre Brissot

From birth he was known as the comte de la Marche, The son of an inn-keeper, Brissot was born in
but he assumed his father’s title as head of the Chartes in 1754. After receiving an education, he
junior branch of the House of Bourbon in 1776. He relocated to Paris where he worked as a lawyer.
was knighted in the Order of the Holy Spirit before For a short while, he and his wife lived in London
participating in the Seven Years’ War. His extra- where he became known as a writer and follower
marital activities produced several illegitimate of the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
offspring and his affairs were rumored to be the
inspiration for the lead character of the opera Brissot frequently wrote of the right of people to
Figaro. rebel against their government and when he
returned to France, in 1784, he was arrested and
At the outbreak of the Revolution, Louis François imprisoned in the Bastille. When he was released,
fled France. When courted to lead the émigré several months later, he continued his
invasion of France he refused and returned to his pamphleteering and found himself in exile. Upon
homeland in 1790. He was arrested by the his second stay in London he helped found the
Assembly upon his return but eventually acquitted anti-slavery group, The Society of the Friends of
and forced to live in poverty. During the rise of the the Blacks. He returned to France to participate in
Directorate the remaining Bourbons were sent into the Revolution and quickly became the head of the
exile. Legislative Assembly. His attempts to reign in the
excesses of the Revolution fell on deaf ears in 1791
 Prince of the Blood (M) and he, and his Girondist allies, were arrested and
 Military Experience (N)
 Philanderer (T)
 Early Revolutionary (M)
 Abolitionist (N)
 Voice for Moderation (T)

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Guillaume Marie Anne Brune Count Alessandro de Cagliostro

Brune studied law and, before the Revolution, Born Giuseppe Balsamo, the self-styled Count
worked as a political journalist. Shortly after the Alessandro de Cagliostro’s past is clouded in
Revolution he joined the Cordeliers and became mystery. He claimed to have been born of noble
close friends with Danton. In 1793 he was elected heritage (although this is disputed) and to have
Brigadier General and he rose to prominence been educated in chemistry, religion, and the
defending Paris from the royalist insurgency in mystical arts (although, this too, may not be true).
1795. During his youth he did apprentice to a
professional criminal where he learned the art of
Brune eventually served under Napoleon in his forgery and theft and traveled throughout Russia,
Italian campaign and continued to serve Poland, Germany, and France.
Napoleon, valiantly, during Bonaparte’s rise to
prominence. Later, under Napoleon’s During his time in France he became implicated in
emperorship, Brune served as ambassador to both the Diamond Necklace Affair and he spent nine
the Ottoman Empire and Persia and, later, as months imprisoned in the Bastille. After the affair,
Marshal of the Empire – commanding troops all he was asked to leave France and he relocated to
over the European continent. England for a short while. In 1789, while visiting
Italy, Cagliostro was betrayed by his wife to the
Inquisition. He was sentenced to death on the
 Commanding Presence (M) charge of being a Freemason. Later, his sentenced
was commuted – by the Pope – to life
 Tactical Minded (N)
 Loyal to a Fault (T)
 Swindler Supreme (M)
 Initiated in the Mystic Arts (N)
 Branded Criminal (T)

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Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot Sydney Carton

As a student at artillery and engineering school, Orphaned as a child, Sydney Carton spent most of
Carnot met and studied with Benjamin Franklin. his youth completing homework assignments for
As a mathematician he made a name for himself in his classmates. As an adult, he was a shrewd and
both the fields of fortifications and in the study of effective lawyer but he frequently worked towards
physics. When the Revolution began he became the glory of other lawyers – allowing them to take
interested in politics and was elected to the the credit for his legal victories.
National Convention in 1791.
After Carton defended the Duke of Evrémonde,
As a legislator he was instrumental in organizing Charles Darnay, against accusations of treason
the national defense against Spain and, in 1793, he against the English crown, he traveled to France.
voted for the death of Louis XVI. He was soon When Darnay was imprisoned, and sentenced to
after elected to the Committee of Public Safety death, Carton – who had an uncanny resemblance
where he worked to create the Revolutionary to Darnay – agrees to trade places with the man.
Army and first proposed the idea of national Carton was executed by guillotine in Darnay’s
conscription. Carnot did little, during his tenure, to place.
stop the worst excesses of the Committee, but he
didn’t condone them. After the fall of the  Brilliant Legal Mind (M)
Committee of Public Safety he was elected as a  Selfless (N)
member of the Directorate.  Melancholy (T)
 Military Organizer (M)
 Mathematical Genius (N)
 A Passive Presence (T)

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Jean Chouan Jean-Marie Collot d’Herbois

Jean Cottereau was born in the rural departmént of Collot was an actor, dramatist, essayist, and
Mayenne to a family of woodsplitters. Cottereau’s Revolutionary. Born in Paris, Collot left home at
father called Jean “Chouan,” which means “the an early age to tour the theaters of provincial
silent one.” Mayenne was a very economically France. His travels brought him to the Dutch
depressed area, and the Cottereaus’s father was Republic, where he met his wife. By 1787, Collot
often absent for long periods of time looking for had become the director of a prestigious playhouse
work. The Cottereau brothers, of which Jean was in Lyon, France. At the outbreak of the
one of four, grew a reputation as being lazy, Revolution, Collot dropped everything and moved
drunken thugs. to Paris.

Before the outbreak of the Revolution, Chouan In 1791, he published L’Almanach du Pére Gérard –
and his brothers were involved in moonshine a book advocating a constitutional monarchy –
smuggling and “salt-selling” – the illegal selling of which made him quite famous. As the Revolution
non-taxed salt. By the age of 23, Chouan was continued, Collot became more radical. He
wanted for the beating death of a royal customs became a member of the Paris Commune and was
agent. After spending a short time in prison, then elected to the National Convention. Collot
Chouan found himself in the employ of the local voted for the death of Louis XVI. Sitting at the far
abbey. When the Civil Constitution of the Clergy left of the Convention he was elected President
of 1790 put Chouan out of work, he turned to the before joining the Committee of Public Safety.
life of a counter-revolutionary in an attempt to When he was sent to Lyon to suppress rebellion,
fight for his religious beliefs. he introduced the violent aspects of the Terror. At
the fall of Robespierre, he was exiled to French
 Guerrilla Fighter (M) Guiana, where he died of yellow fever.
 Defender of the Faith (N)
 Criminal Reputation (T)  This is the True Terror (M)
 An Actor at Heart (N)
 Mercurial Temperament (T)

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Marquis de Condorcet Georges Danton

Born Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, the A leading figure in the early parts of the
Marquis de Condorcet was raised in a life of Revolution, Danton served as the first president of
privilege. Given only the most elite education, by the Committee of Public Safety. Born to a
the age of sixteen he had received distinctions for wealthy, respectable family in Brittany, Danton
his work in mathematics. In the following years, became a Parisian lawyer before joining the
Condorcet became known for his work in calculus, Cordeliers club. As a member, Danton became
science, and economics. He was one of the most one of the first to publically accuse the royal family
recognized intellectual figures of pre-Revolution of being hostile to the cause of freedom.
France. In 1777, he became the Permanent
Secretary for the Académie des Sciences. After the fall of the monarchy, Danton became the
Minister of Justice under the Girondist-led
Condorcet took a leading role when the government. He voted for the execution of Louis
Revolution swept France in 1789, hoping for a XVI in 1793 and soon became a leading figure on
rationalist reconstruction of society. He was the Committee of Public Safety. When Danton
elected to the Assembly in 1791 where he attempted to move the Committee towards a more
advocated for a constitutional monarchy and moderate, sans cullottes-centered stance,
women’s rights. In 1793 he voted against the Robespierre looked for any reason to accuse him
execution of the king. A warrant was issued for of counter-revolutionary activities. In 1794 he was
his arrest in 1794 and when he attempted to flee accused of financial misdeeds, arrested, and
France he was caught and executed. executed.

 Captivating Speaker (M)

 The Greatest Scientific Mind (M)  An Instrument of Terror (N)
 A True Republican (N)  Horribly Disfigured (T)
 Cold and Rational (T)

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Charles Darnay Jacques Louis David

Born Charles D’Aulnais, Darnay inherited the title Considered the preeminent painter of the era,
Marquis St. Evrémonde upon the murder of his David was raised by his architect uncles after his
uncle. Previously Darnay had attempted to give father was killed in a duel. Although shy and
up his aristocratic upbringing and had moved to obsessed with drawing, his mother and uncles
London to serve as a French tutor. When he was wanted David to become an architect. Eventually,
charged as a traitor to the English crown (charges David convinced his family to support his future as
probably initiated by his uncle) he returned to a painter and he was sent to study under François
France. Boucher.

Despite being a champion for the Third Estate, Even before the Revolution, David’s artistic
and giving up his own status as Marquis St. composition demonstrated his commitment to
Evrémonde, Darnay still found himself imprisoned republican ideals. When the Revolution started, he
for several months and headed for the guillotine joined the Jacobin club and became close friends
during the Terror. At the last minute, Darnay with Marat and Robespierre. As a member of the
found his life saved by a kind-hearted man with a National Convention, David was given the
similar face, who agreed to trade places with him. nickname “ferocious terrorist” and when he voted
for the death of Louis XVI his royalist wife
 Good-Hearted (M) divorced him. After the fall of the Committee of
 Defender of the Third Estate (N) Public Safety, David’s talents carried him into the
 Easily Duped (T) good graces of Napoleon

 Greatest Artist of the Era (M)

 Full of Willful Energy (N)
 Emotionally Volatile (T)

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Madame DeFarge Camille Demoulins

Thérése Defarge was a tricoteuse – knitting woman A childhood friend of Robespierre, Demoulins
– and tireless supporter of the Revolution. Little is became a staunch ally of Danton during the
known of her youth – other than that she suffered, Revolution. The son of a rural lawyer, a
in the past, at the hands of the French nobility – scholarship allowed him to attend the Collége
after her sister was raped by an aristocrat, her Louis-les-Grand in Paris. There he distinguished
father died of grief and her brother died in an himself as a top notch student, surpassing even
attempt to avenge his sister’s honor. Robespierre in his studies.

During the Revolution, Defarge ran a wine shop At the outbreak of the Revolution, Demoulins
with her husband where many Revolutionaries found himself living in poverty, barely making a
gathered to trade stories. She was demanding and living as a lawyer. He quickly identified with the
frequently pushed her fellow Revolutionaries rising Revolution and on July 11th, after the
towards the murder of the second estate at the dismissal of Necker, Demoulins persuaded a
guillotine – a deed she recorded, habitually, in her crowd at a café that foreign troops would soon
knitting. masscre the dissidents, directly leading to the
storming of the Bastille. Later, Demoulins wrote
 Frightfully Grand (M) La France Libre, which catapulted Demoulins’s
reputation as a radical journalist. In 1794, the
 Ruthless (N)
Jacobins sought to expel Demoulins after he had
 Demands Vengeance (T) attempted to steer the Revolution in a more
moderate direction. He was arrested and
executed, along with Danton, later that year.

 Active Revolutionary (M)

 Voice of Liberty (N)
 Under his Father’s Thumb (T)

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Charles François Dumouriez Grace Elliott

Born in the region of France that had previously Born in Edinburgh, her parents separated when
been part of Belgium, Dumouriez always she was an infant and she was raised in a French
considered himself a Walloon (a French-speaking convent. As a teen she returned to Scotland and
Belgian). Following in the footsteps of his father, was introduced to proper society by her father,
Dumouriez became an army officer where he where she became known for her beauty. In 1771,
spent years touring Italy, Spain, Portugal, and she married the wealthy doctor, John Elliott but in
Corsica. 1774 she fled with an aristocratic lord, after a
scandal. After her husband divorced her she spent
When the Revolution erupted, Dumouriez saw it time as a mistress to the Prince of Wales (and even
as an opportunity for a change of careers – he bore him a daughter).
moved to Paris and joined the Jacobin club. After
the royal families attempted flight, he was In 1784, the Prince of Wales introduced Grace to
appointed an officer as military advisor to the the Duke of Orleans. She soon moved to Paris
newly formed Belgian Republic. By 1792, as a and began an affair with the Duke. Although the
member of the Girondist party, he was chosen to Duke voted for the execution of Louis XVI, Grace,
be Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 1793, throughout the Revolution, remained a
Dumouriez returned to Paris to defend Louis XVI Monarchist. During the Terror she found herself
from the death penalty. When his radical enemies imprisoned and awaiting the guillotine, but she
accused him of treason, he had them arrested and was eventually released after the death of
attempted to march on Paris with an army. His Robespierre.
attempt failed and he fled to Austria until the end
of the Revolution.  Amazingly Beautiful (M)
 Parisian Socialite (N)
 Steadfast General (M)  A British Royalist(T)
 Always a Walloon (N)
 Royalist Sympathies (T)

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Fabre d’Églantine Joseph Fesch

Philippe François Nazaire Fabre d’Églantine was Born in Corsica, Fesch’s father was a Swiss officer
an actor, dramatist, poet and politician. In his serving the Genoese Republic. His father married
early years he produced a number of popular Laetitia Bonaparte, Napoleon’s mother, and for a
plays, but eventually he came to see Ancien Regime while Fesch served as a protector figure to the
theater as having no value and he sought to create young Bonapartes. In 1789, when the Revolution
both comedies and dramas that would represent broke out, Fesch was Archdeacon of Ajaccio and,
the Republican ideal. like most Corsicans, he disliked what he saw going
on in France.
Fabre also became deeply entrenched in
Revolutionary politics. He served as Danton’s Throughout the Revolution he found his fate tied
personal secretary and was, as well, a member of closely to that of his step-brother, Napoleon.
both the Cordeliers and the Jacobin Club. He During the Terror he filled a number of clerical
voted for the death of Louis XVI and was known jobs in France, until Napoleon took command of
to be a bitter enemy of the Girondists. Fabre was the French Army. Once Napoleon took control of
instrumental in the abolition of the Gregorian France, and re-established the Roman Catholic
calendar and the design and establishment of the religion, Fesch was elevated to Archbishop of
new Revolutionary calendar. Fabre’s fall from Lyon.
grace coincided with the fall of Danton. Fabre
was executed on April 5, 1794 with the other  Catholic Faith (M)
Dantonists.  Napoleon’s Step-Brother (N)
 Corsican (T)
 Art will shape the Revolution (M)
 Close Ally of Danton (N)
 My Vote can be Bought (T)

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Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville Olympe de Gouges

Born in Herouël, he studied and practiced law at The most famous female Revolutionary of the era,
the Châtelet in Paris. After falling into debt, he de Gouges is often considered one of the world’s
sold his office and became a clerk for the Parisian first feminists. She began her career as a
police. Although he adopted Revolutionary ideas playwright in the early 1780s. Even before the
early, he played little role in the early outbreak of Revolution she was politically outspoken.
the Revolution. His cousin, Camille Desmoulins,
secured his position as foreman on the jury that In 1788 she published Slavery of the Negroes which
passed verdict on many of the accused Royalists. advocated for an end to slavery. During this time
she also advocated for the right to divorce and
In 1793, he was appointed public prosecutor for argued in favor of sexual relations outside of
the Revolutionary Tribunal. During this time he marriage. As a passionate advocate of human
earned a reputation as one of the most sinister rights, she greeted the Revolution with
figures of the Revolution – he was known for his enthusiasm. In 1791, she released Declaration of the
ruthless radicalism and he seldom failed to secure Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen. She
a conviction. He was personally responsible for the became involved in almost any matter she believed
convictions of Marie Antoinette, the Girondists, to involve injustice and voted against the execution
Jacques Hébert, and the Dantonists. He fell, of Louis XVI because she opposed capital
politically, with the fall of Robespierre. He was punishment. Early in the Revolution she had
tried before the Convention and sentenced to death allied herself to the Girondists and when they fell,
in 1795. she found herself arrested and, subsequently,
 Radical Prosecutor (M)
 Instrument of the Terror (N)  Radical Revolutionary Feminist (M)
 Sinister (T)  A way with words (N)
 A woman in a man’s world (T)

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Henri Grégoire Jacques Hébert

The son of a tailor, Grégoire was educated at a Jacques René Hébert was a journalist and founder
Jesuit college before becoming a parish priest in of the extremely radical newspaper, Le Pére
the early 1780s. In 1789 he was elected to Duchesne (meaning, “Old Man Duchesne”). The
represent the 2nd estate at the Estates-General. articles in his paper were very polarizing and he
There he made a name for himself as a supporter often wrote in foul, street language in order to
of the Third Estate and the Revolution. appeal to the sans-culottes. The paper was written
in the first person, from the view of the violent and
Grégoire became the very first priest to take the angry, yet fictitious, Father Duchesne.
oath of the new Civil Constitution of the Clergy in
1790 and was, thereafter, elected bishop of two Initially the clergy and papal authorities bore the
departments. An ardent republican, he strongly brunt of his attacks, but after the monarchy’s
supported the abolition of the monarchy. After attempt to flee France, Hébert turned his rhetoric
giving a speech supporting putting Louis XVI on against Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. As a
trial, he was elected president of the Convention. member of the Cordeliers Club, he held a seat in
Despite that, he did not support the death penalty the Paris Commune. In 1793, with the
for the French monarch. During the Terror, he encouragement of the Enragés, Hébert and his
appeared on the streets of Paris in his clerical garb allies took over the Convention and enacted a
and gave mass daily at his house. After number of measures to support the sans-culottes.
Robespierre’s death he advocated for the re- When he accused Robespierre, and his allies, of
opening of French churches. Throughout the being too moderate he was arrested and execute.
Revolution, he advocated for the abolition of
slavery and was a founding member of The Society
of the Friends of the Blacks.  The Voice of Father Duchesne (M)
 Politically Connected (N)
 A Pious Man (M)  Confrontational (T)
 Ardent Abolitionist (N)
 Unpopular in the Streets (T)

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Lazare Hoche Jean-Baptiste Kléber

Born to a poor family, at sixteen he enlisted in the Kléber was sent to train as an architect in Paris as
French Guard. He saved all his money to buy a young man, but the assistance he provided to
books and through study he quickly saw himself two German nobles in a tavern brawl gained him a
promoted to the rank of corporal. nomination to the military school in Munich.
Afterwards he obtained a commission in the
During the years of the Revolution, he quickly Austrian army, but in 1783 he resigned his
ascended the ranks and led troops in a number of commission and returned to France.
battles in defense of the Republic. By 1793 he was
appointed head of the Army of the Rhine by the In 1792 he enlisted in the army in France and with
National Convention. A few months later Charles his previous military training he found himself
Pichegru, the former commander of the Army of elevated to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He
the Rhine, had him charged with treason and distinguished himself at the defense of Mainz, in
arrested. Hoche managed to escape execution and 1793, and was given the rank of General of
remained imprisoned until the fall of Robespierre. Brigade. Throughout the Revolutionary wars he
After his release he continued to lead the found his fortunes waxed and waned, but
Revolutionary armies, until 1797 when he fell ill eventually he found himself serving under
(some believe he was poisoned) and he died. Napoleon’s command in Egypt. When Napoleon
returned to France, he left Kléber in command.
 Brilliant Military Leader (M) Kléber was assassinated in 1800 by a radical
 Deeds, Not Words (N) Syrian.
 Many Political Enemies (T)
 French Revolutionary General (M)
 Recipient of Good Fortune (N)
 Victim of Bad Fortune (T)

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Marquis de LaFayette Claire Lacombe

Born Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Lacombe became an actress at a young age and
Motier, the man known simply as Lafayette appeared in theatrical productions in the provinces
proved himself to be one the most enduring figures before arriving in Paris in 1792. During this time
of the Revolution. LaFayette was descended from she decided to quite the theatrical touring
a long-line of thrill seeking aristocrats. By the age company and become a revolutionary.
of thirty he had served with distinction under
George Washington in the American At the storming of the Tuileries, she was shot
Revolutionary War. When he returned to France through the arm but kept fighting – earning her the
the fiscal crisis was in full swing. LaFayette nickname, “Heroine of August Tenth.” She
proposed a meeting of the Estates-General. frequented meetings at the Cordeliers Club
through which she became involved with the most
During the Revolution, he served as both the vice radical elements of the Revolution. In 1793, she
president of the National Assembly and as the co-founded the militant Society of Revolutionary
commander-in-chief of the National Guard. He Republican Women. During the Terror, her group
presented the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of was suppressed and she was barred from any
the Citizen to the National Assembly in 1789. political activity. She was arrested for a short time
When he was forced, on several occasions, to use in 1795 before she decided to return to theater.
the National Guard to maintain order he was
persecuted by the Jacobins. In response, he tried  Heroine of August Tenth (M)
to escape to the United States but was, instead,  An Actress by Trade (N)
captured and imprisoned by the Austrians – where
he spent the majority of the rest of the Revolution
 Too Militant for the Revolution (T)
a prisoner.

 Masonic Organizer (M)

 Hero of Two Revolutions (N)
 Too Ambitious (T)

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Antione Lavoisier Philippe-François-Joseph Le Bas

More a scientific revolutionary than a political The son of a notary, Le Bas was elected to the
one, Lavoisier nonetheless contributed to the National Convention in 1792, sitting among the
Revolution in France with his ground-breaking Montagnards. A discreet, cold, and loyal
ideas. Born to a wealthy family in Paris, Antoine- representative, he voted for King Louis XVI’s
Laurent Lavoisier inherited a large fortune at the death.
age of five, upon the death of his mother. He
studied chemistry, botany, astronomy, and He was sent to reorganize the Armée du Nord in
mathematics at the Collége Mazarin as a young 1793 and he responded by having the generals
man and was encouraged to follow in his father’s Richardot and O’Moran arrested. A member of
footsteps as a lawyer. His head was filled with the the Committee of General Security, he was close
ideas of the Enlightenment, however, and he to Robespierre, Couthon, and Saint-Just. He
decided to pursue a career in chemistry. remained faithful to Robespierre until the end. He
demanded he be allowed to share the fate of Saint-
As the “father of modern chemistry,” he was Just, committing suicide by pistol just before the
responsible for naming both oxygen and hydrogen anti-Robespierristes broke into the Hôtel de Ville,
and putting together the first extensive list of where he had taken refuge with other members of
elements. He also discovered that mass always the Committee of Public Safety.
remains the same, regardless of its shape. During
the Revolution, he worked to develop the metric
system as a means of creating a system of uniform  Loyal unto Death (M)
weights and measure. In 1794 he was accused of
 Silent Presence (N)
selling tainted tobacco and was guillotined.
 Discreet & Cold (T)
 Father of Chemistry (M)
 Heir to Great Wealth (N)
 Tax Collector (T)

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Louis Michel le Peletier Louis XVI

Born in Paris, he belonged to a well-known family Louis XVI’s tutors made little effort to prepare him
from which he inherited a vast amount of wealth. for his role as king – and it showed. He was easily
He was elected to the parlement of Paris in 1789 bored with affairs of state, and preferred to spend
and, initially, he shared the conservative views of his time in physical activities, particularly hunting.
many members of the First Estate. But, by He also loved to work with his hands, and was
degrees, he changed and became increasingly skilled in several trades, including lock-making,
radical. He promoted the abolition of the death metalworking, and bricklaying.
penalty and the reformation of the French justice
system. As a member of the Convention he Despite these short-comings, Louis was well
focused mainly on revolutionary reform of intentioned and sincerely wanted to improve the
education, where he proposed state-run schools lives of the common people. However, he lacked
that would educate both males and females. the ability to make decisions and the
determination to see policies through. When he
Just days after he cast the deciding vote for the did take action, it often was based on poor advice
death of Louis XVI, Le Peletier was assassinated from ill-informed members of his court. As one
in a restaurant in the Palais Royal. Le Peletier’s politician of the time noted, “His reign was a
daughter, Suzanne, became a national celebrity succession of feeble attempts at doing good, shows
upon his death. She was officially adopted by the of weakness, and clear evidence of his inadequacy
French nation and given the title “Daughter of the as a leader.”
State.” The Convention honored Le Peletier with
a magnificent funeral and he was buried in the
Panthéon in Paris.  I Am France! (M)
 I’d Rather Be A Tradesman (N)
 Promoter of Enlightened Ideas (M)  Le Roi Incompétent (T)
 Reformed Aristocrat (N)
 Public Face of the Revolution (T)

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Louis XVII, The Dauphin Louis, Comte de Provence

Louis Charles de France, Duke of Normandy, was Known as Louis Stansilas, “the Desired,” the
born at the Palace of Versailles, the second son of comte de Provence was Louis XVI’s younger
the King and Queen of France. He became the brother. As an adult his household was renowned
Dauphin at the death of his elder brother in June for its extreme extravagance – he kept nearly 400
of 1789. In October of that year he was forced to servants for his needs alone. In 1771, he married
move, with his family, to the Tuileries Palace in the daughter of the king of Sardinia. He was
Paris, where he spent the next two years. repulsed by his wife – she was considered ugly,
tedious, and ignorant by the fashion of Versailles –
After the execution of his father in January 1793, and, as a result, their marriage remained
Louis became, for the royalists, King of France. unconsummated for years.
Many plots were hatched for his escape, but none
were carried out. In July, the Dauphin was taken By 1774, Louis had resigned himself to political
from his mother in put in the care of a cobbler, exile and seldom took interest in court affairs.
Antoine Simon, who was named his guardian by When the Estates-General was called Louis
the Committee of General Security. When the Stansilas favored taking a hard line against the
Simons became ill, the Dauphin was moved to a Third Estate. When Louis Stansilas’s younger
prison, where he fell ill and died in 1795, at the age brother, the comte de Artois fled France, he
of 10. Rumors quickly spread that the boy that had decided to stay and he advised his older brother,
died was not the real Dauphin, but that the actual Louis XVI to do the same. Finally, as the political
Dauphin had been taken and was in hiding, tide turned against them, Louis Stanislas and his
somewhere, awaiting his throne. family fled to the Low Countries the same day that
the royal family attempted their failed flight. In
 The Lost Dauhpin (M) exile, he awaited his chance to claim the throne of
 Just a Little Boy (N) France.
 Target for Cruelity (T)
 Patient Schemer (M)
 Prince of the Blood (N)
 Disgraced Bourbon (T)

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Nicolas, Comte Luckner Stanislas Maillard

Born and raised in eastern Bavaria, Luckner spent Maillaird, as a National Guardsman, participated
time in the Bavarian, Dutch, and Hanoverian in the taking of the Bastille on July 14th, 1789 and
armies before entering French service in 1763. was thereafter known as “Captain of the
When the Revolution broke out, he was a Volunteers of the Bastille.” Then, in October, he
supporter and was made Marshal of France in helped lead the October Days – the march of
1791. women to Versailles to demand justice and the
move of the royal family to Paris. Upon arrival at
In 1792 he was promoted to commander of Army Versailles, Maillard presented himself as the
of the Rhine, and the first draft of the Marseillaise spokesperson for the women’s grievances.
was dedicated to him. After Lafayette fled France,
Luckner was put in charge of the National Reserve In 1790, he was named captain of the National
but the National Convention proved unsatisfied Guard and although he seemed to have
with his performance. Luckner, now over 70 years participated in the massacres of 1791, he also
old, asked for dismissal and moved to Paris. spoke out against them at the Paris Commune that
same year. Twice, during the Terror, he was
He was arrested by the Revolutionary Tribunal in detained due to his connection to the Hébertists,
1794 and sentenced to death. He died by and he died, finally, in 1794 of tuberculosis.

 Always in the Right Place (M)

 Noble Revolutionary (M)  National Guardsman (N)
 Man of Many Nations (N)  Wracked with Consumption(T)
 Fate Outside His Control (T)

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Jean-Paul Marat Marie Antoinette

Marat was a thin, high-strung, sickly man whose Marie Antoinette was a pretty, lighthearted,
revolutionary writings stirred up the violent mood charming woman. However, she was unpopular
in Paris. Because he suffered from a painful skin with the French because of her spending and her
disease, he often found comfort by relaxing in a involvement in controversial court affairs. She
cold bath – even arranging things so he could work referred to Louis as “the poor man” and
in his bathtub. sometimes set the clock forward an hour to be rid
of his presence.
Marat was one of the most radical voices of the
Revolution and he became a vigorious defender of Marie Antoinette refused to wear the tight-fitting
the sans-culottes. He transmitted his views clothing styles of the day and introduced a loose
through impassioned public speeches, essay cotton dress for women. The elderly, who viewed
writing, and journalism. His constant persecution the dress as an undergarment, thought her clothing
of “enemies of the revolution” led to some of the was scandalous. The French silk industry was
bloodiest moments of the Revolution. equally angered.

In constant need of entertainment, Marie

During the summer of 1793, Charlotte Corday, a Antoinette often spent hours playing cards. One
supporter of a rival faction whose members had year she lost the equivalent of $1.5 million by
been jailed, gained an audience with Marat by gambling in card games. She died by guillotine on
pretending to have information about traitors. October 16th, 1793.
Once inside Marat’s private chambers, she fatally
stabbed him as he bathed. For her crime, Corday
went to the guillotine, and Marat became one of
the martyrs of the Revolution.  The Queen! (M)
 Charming Wit (N)
 A Hapsburg (T)
 Voice of the Sans-Culottes (M)
 Mind for Terror (N)
 Afflicted with Disease (T)

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Théroigne de Méricourt Comte de Mirabeau

Anne-Joséphe Terwagne was born in Luxembourg Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, the comte de Mirabeau,
and received a substantial education at the was a revolutionary, a writer, a diplomat, a
Robermont convent. She was known for her quick journalist, and a politician. The eldest surviving
wit, striking beauty, and passionate temper. After son of the marquis de Mirabeau, Honoré survived
leaving home she traveled between London and an attack of smallpox as a child that left his face
Paris, attending salons and meeting many horribly scarred. As a young man he served in the
prestigious thinkers of the time. By the outbreak of French military. His love affairs were so notorious
the Revolution her social circle included Georges and led to such scandal that he spent some time
Danton, Camille Desmoulins, and Emmaneul imprisoned. After his imprisonment he fell into a
Joseph Sieyés. life of gambling and debt and, after a feud with
another nobleman, found himself in exile for a
In the clubs of Paris her voice was often heard and number of years.
she would frequently interrupt meetings of the
National Assembly with demands that women be When the king summoned the Estates-General,
allowed to arm themselves and enlist in the army. Mirabeau was rejected as a representative of the
Appearing in public dressed in a riding habit, a nobility, so he applied and was elected a member
plume in her hat, a pistol in her belt, and a sword of the Third Estate. As one of the better known
dangling at her side, she often excited the mob to representatives his ideas were often followed. He
acts of violence. Associated with the Girondists, was always a moderate and he argued passionately
and an enemy of Robespierre, she was known as for a constitutional monarchy, modeled after Great
“The Fury of the Gironde.” After being attacked Britain. He unsuccessfully conducted secret
and flogged by Jacobin women in 1793, she negotiations with the royal family to reconcile
descended into madness and often appeared in them with the Revolution. Mirabeau’s health had
public completely naked. She was sequestered to been damaged by the excesses of his youth and he
an asylum for the remainder of the Revolution. died, of pericarditis, in 1791.

 The Beautiful Leader (M)  Famous throughout France (M)

 Equality for Women (N)  A Moderate Voice (N)
 A Violent Presence (T)  A Rake and Roustabout (T)

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Gouverneur Morris Franz Anton Mesmer

A native of New York city, Morris was an The father of “mesmerism,” which he referred to
American revolutionary and author of portions of as “animal magnetism,” Franz Anton Mesmer was
the U.S. Constitution. In 1780, after jumping from born in 1734 in Germany. He studied medicine at
a window to escape a jealous husband, he the University of Vienna where he published a
shattered his left leg and had it replaced with a study on the effects of the moon and planets on the
wooden peg-leg. A close friend of George human body. Mesmer believed that certain tides
Washington, Morris served in the Philadelphia created by the moon and sun might be responsible
Convention where he believed that “all civilized for a number of diseases.
society” needed an aristocracy. Nevertheless, he
was also an outspoken critic of slavery. In 1774, Mesmer advocated that creating an
“artificial tide” could affect the body of his
In 1792, Morris went to Paris to serve as Minister patients. He tested this theory with strong
to France for the U.S. government. He magnets that he placed on, or near, the bodies of
documented the rising tide of violence during the his clients. In 1777, Mesmer moved to Paris and
Revolution and was very sympathetic to the tried to convince the Royal Academy of Sciences
royalist cause. In 1798 he returned to the United to accept his research – which they did not. He
States to serve as a member of the U.S. Senate. supported the ideals of the Revolution, but found
his ideas criticized by many supporters of the
 Eyes of the U.S. Government (M) Revolution. Eventually he retreated to
Switzerland, where he lived out his last years.
 The Federalist Pen (N)
 Notorious Philanderer (T)
 Master of Magnetism (M)
 Revolution Supporter (N)
 Target for Libel (T)

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Jean-Sifrein Maury Thomas Paine

Born the son of a poor cobbler, Maury was Thomas Paine is best known for the pamphlet
educated at the seminary in Avignon. He tried a Common Sense, published at the onset of the
number of money making schemes as a young American Revolution in 1776, urging Americans
man, to no avail, and he carried a reputation as a to go to war with Britain. Paine had immigrated to
man of loose morals. When he moved to Paris in America in 1774 to participate in the American
1781 he gained a reputation as a popular preacher War for Independence. After the war, Paine served
– mainly for his elegant rhetoric and quick wit. on the Congressional Committee on Foreign
Affairs until he was expelled from Congress for
He was elected a member of the Estates-General allegations of scandal.
for the First Estate in 1789. He quickly became
known for his defense of the Ancien Regime and In 1790, Paine traveled to Paris to participate in
attempted to emigrate early during the Revolution the Revolution. He penned the Rights of Man in
but, eventually, decided to stay in France. He defense of the Revolution and, as a result, was
vehemently defended the property rights of the convicted of libel (in absentia) for his attack on
church – nearly losing his life as a result. Finally, Edmund Burke (a British writer that did not
in 1792, he fled to Italy, where he stayed until support the Revolution). Paine was granted
Napoleon took power. honorary French citizenship. Because of Louis
XVI’s support of the American Revolution, Paine
 Charismatic Speaker (M) voted against the execution of the monarch. Paine
 Defender of the Church’s Rights (N) often allied himself with the Girondists and, as a
result, was arrested and imprisoned during the
 Émigré (T) Terror. Upon his release, in 1794, he returned to
serving in the National Convention.

 World Revolutionary (M)

 Influential Writer (N)
 Maligned (T)

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Jérôme Pétion de Villeneuve Philippe Egalité

The son of a procureur from Chartres, Pétion served One of the most famous/infamous characters of
as the second mayor of Paris, from 1791 to 1792. the Revolution, Philippe Egalité was born Louis
Trained as a lawyer, Pétion was a virtual unknown Philippe Joseph d’Orléans – a member of the
before the outbreak of Revolution in 1789. Prior to house of Bourbon. At the death of his grandfather
the Revolution he published a number of he inherited the title Duke of Chartes. In 1769 he
pamphlets that left little impact on their readers. married into the wealthiest family in France, thus
He was elected to the Estates-General in 1789 securing his power at the royal court.
where he quickly distinguished himself as a radical
leader. At the onset of the Revolution d’Orleans became a
member of the Jacobin Club and he used his
In 1791, with the resignation of Bailly as first wealth and connections to spread revolutionary
mayor of Paris, Pétion was elected mayor. His ideas. As cousin to the king, he used his influence
radical views often influenced his office and, in to open the Palais-Royal to the Jacobins – making
1792, he allowed the mob to overrun the Tuileries them exempt from royal censorship. From the
and threaten the royal family. As a result, he was beginning he supported the anti-royalist agenda
suspended from office. He was then elected as and in 1792 he changed his name to Philippe
President of the National Convention where he Egalité (“Equality”) and consistently served at the
advocated for giving the president the same powers front of various groups of violent mobs. When, in
as the American President. Soon after, his 1793, he was convinced to save the life of a
popularity waned and, when threatened by the member of the royal entourage by his mistress, he
Terror, he and his supporters fled to Caen. When was accused of treason and executed.
he felt his asylum threatened, he killed himself in
1794.  The Man Who Would Be King (M)
 Citizen Equality! (N)
 Extreme Radical (M)  Too Many Mistresses (T)
 Writer (N)
 “Roi President” (T)

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Arnaud II de la Porte Maximilien Robespierre

De la Porte was born at Versailles to a family that The most prominent member of the Committee of
had served the Bourbons for generations. He Public Safety, Robespierre was one of the most
joined the family business as a bureaucrat at the influential figures of the Revolution. Descended
age of eighteen. Over the years he worked in a from a family of lawyers, Robespierre attended
number of divisions – primarily, the Marine (as the college by the age of eight, where he studied law
Navy was known) and the Intendancy of Foreign for twelve years.
As the Revolution began, Robespierre became
At the fall of the Bastille, de la Porte emigrated to involved with the Jacobin club, where he
Spain but when the king needed faithful servants, frequently advocated for an end to slavery, the
he returned to France. De la Porte was named death penalty and the promotion of universal
Minister of the Royal Household, where he suffrage. In September of 1791, he was named one
oversaw much of the king’s private wealth. In of two “incorruptible patriots” because of his
1791, de la Porte helped engineer the royal modest lifestyle and refusal to take brides. After a
families’ flight to Varennes. When the royal brief stint as the public prosecutor in Paris,
family was caught, and de la Porte’s role exposed, Robespierre was elected to the National Assembly,
he became the second person to die by guillotine. where his influence and fame grew. After the
It is rumored that his severed head was presented destruction of the monarchy, as a leading member
to King Louis XVI as a birthday gift. of the Committee of Public Safety, Robespierre led
France through the Terror. Finally, in 1794, the
 The Loyal Retainer (M) public turned against Robespierre and he found
 Good with Money (N) himself another victim of the guillotine.
 Too Close to the King (T)
 I am Incorruptible (M)
 The Terror will set us Free! (M)
 Unbendable (T)

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Comte de Rochambeau Madame Roland

Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vemeur, Comte de Marie-Jeanne Philippon Roland – known simply

Rochambeau, was a French general who play a as Madame Roland – was a very influential
pivotal role, as head of the French Expeditionary member of the Girondist faction during the
Forces, in the American Revolution. Revolution. Although considered an enthusiastic
and talented student, she was strong-willed and
Upon his return to France, after the American often argued with her father. Her parents sent her
War for Independence, he was honored by Louis to receive a religious education in Paris and,
XVI with governorship of Picardy. Rochambeau afterward, she independently pursued her learning
continued to serve in a military capacity during the – exposing herself to the writings of Voltaire,
end of the Ancien Regime and the Revolution as the Montesquieu, and Plutarch.
commander of the Armée du Nord (the French
National Army). Before the Revolution, she became very interested
in politics and, using her husband’s money and
After a series of defeats, Rochambeau resigned in influence, she hosted a salon in Paris. Her salon at
1792 and, despite his support for the National the Hotel Britannique became the rendezvous for a
Assembly, was arrested during the Terror. He wide variety of Revolutionary leaders, including
escaped execution and was freed and pensioned by Robespierre and Brissot. In 1792, Roland and her
Napoleon, before dying in 1808. husband defected from the Jacobins and helped
found the Girondin party. When Roland, finally,
spoke out against the worst excesses of the
 War Hero (M)
Revolution, she was imprisoned and executed in
 Supporter of the Revolution (N) 1793.
 Aristocrat (T)
 Bride of the Revolution (M)
 Salon of Ideas (N)
 I Speak My Mind (T)

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Jacques Roux Marquis de Sade

Jacques Roux was a radical Catholic priest who Born into an ancient line of nobility, Donatien
skillfully expounded the ideas of universal suffrage Alphonse François would later be known simply
and a classless society to the Parisian crowds. He as the Marquis de Sade. During his life he served
radicalized the working class and became a leader as a philosopher, revolutionary, and, later, a
of the Engragés (“madmen”). libertine writer. He is best known for his erotic
work which combined elements of philosophy
Roux consistently fought for an economically with elements of pornography and emphasizing
equal society, turning the crowds of sans-culottes freedom, violence, criminality, and blasphemy
against the bourgeois Jacobins. He demanded that against the Catholic Church.
food be made available to every member of
society, and called for the wealthy to be executed Sade lived a scandalous life and repeatedly secured
should they hoard it. Roux tirelessly voiced the prostitutes to entertain him in his castle at Lacoste.
demands of the poor Parisians to confiscate He was frequently accused of blasphemy by the
aristocratic wealth. In 1793, Roux proclaimed to Church and, as a result, found himself imprisoned
the National Convention that private property often. Taking the name “Citizen Sade,” he
should be abolished. As Roux’s rhetoric began to ingratiated himself with the leadership of the early
ignite food riots, Robespierre accused him of being Revolution. He was elected to the National
a foreign spy. When Roux was informed that he Convention, where he represented the far left and
would be tried by Revolutionary Tribunal, he became a member of the Piques – a group known
stabbed himself to death. for their radical views. When his son deserted the
French army in 1792, Sade was forced to condemn
 Voice of the Poor (M) his son’s actions. He sided against Robespierre
 Classless Society, Now! (N) during the Terror and was imprisoned until 1794.
When released he returned, destitute, to his castle.
 Of the Extreme Left (T)
 The Poisoned Pen (M)
 Not Constrained by Morality (N)
 Infamous Blasphemer (T)

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Comte de Saint Germain Louis Antoine de Saint-Just

His birth and background are largely unknown, The youngest of the deputies elected to the
but the man who would come to be known as the National Convention in 1792, Saint-Just rose
Comte de Saint Germain was probably the son of quickly in the ranks and soon became a major
the Prince of Transylvania, Francis II. Regardless, leader of the Revolution. Early in the Revolution,
the Comte was clearly a man of wealth and fine he was assigned to reorganize the French Army,
education. He came to claim the title Comte de which had suffered innumerable defeats. He
Saint Germain (not to be confused with other imposed severe discipline under his leadership as
Comte de Saint Germains – like the French Commissar, and the French military soon saw a
general) during the 1740s. reversal in its fortunes.

Saint Germain traveled widely throughout Saint-Just spearheaded the movement to execute
England, France, and Germany, where he Louis XVI and later drafted the French
frequently visited salons and dined with Constitution of 1793. As a member of the
aristocrats. He sold himself as a scholar, linguist, Committee of Public Safety, Saint-Just was one of
musician, and alchemist. He was widely regarded Robespierre’s closest friends and allies. He helped
as handsome and a perfect ladies man. He was consolidate Robespierre’s power through a
known to be a member of several secret societies campaign of ruthlessness and intimidation. Many
and was a keeper of many esoteric secrets. When saw Saint-Just as the true face of the Terror, as he
he died in 1784, many believed the story was only organized the arrests and prosecutions of many of
a cover and that Saint Germain continues to travel the most famous figures of the Revolution. Saint-
in a secret guise. Just was arrested and executed along with
Robespierre, and their other allies, on the 9th of
 The Wonderman (M) Thermidor.
 I am Immortal (N)
 A Passive Presence (T)  The Angel of Death (M)
 Robespierre’s Closest Ally (N)
 Cold-blooded (T)

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Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyés Madame de Staël

Born the fifth child of a local tax collector, Sieyés Anne Louise Germaine de Staël-Holstein was born
was born and raised in southern France. He in Paris, daughter of Swiss banker and statesman,
wanted to become a soldier but his frail health and Jacques Necker, the Director of Finance under
parents’ intense piety led his to a career in the Louis XVI, and Suzanne Curchod, hostess of one
Church. While studying to be a priest he was of the most popular salons in Paris. Necker
exposed to the teachings of the Enlightenment wanted to instill in his daughter an intellectual
thinkers and he soon became interested in science, education and Calvinist discipline. She was later
music, and philosophy. He reluctantly concluded married to a Swedish ambassador, Erik Magnun
his religious studies and, eventually, ended up with Staël von Holstein and as she became known for
a bishopric in Chartres, where he quickly began to living in excess, she was legally separated from her
despise the privileges granted to the aristocrats. husband.

When the Estates-General was organized, Sieyés Early in the Revolution she became known for her
aligned himself with the commoners and, in 1789, writings. Her novels became bestsellers and,
published Qu’est-ce que le tiers-état (“What is the through her writing, she encouraged political
Third Estate”) – a pamphlet that is credited with dissent. She was forced to flee Paris the day before
inciting the Third Estate to organize for political the September Massacres in 1792. She set up a
change. Sieyés helped draft the Declaration of the home for Parisian refuges in Coppet, Switzerland
Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Although he spoke where she held salon. She finally returned to Paris
rarely, he held major political influence. He after the death of Robespierre, where she
stepped out of the spotlight during the Terror and, continued to live a life of political influence during
thus, was able to survive it. the reign of Napoleon.

 Influential Writer (M)  A Life of Influence (M)

 Bourgeois Revolutionary (N)  Knows Absolutely Everyone (N)
 Monarchist (T)  Extravagant Lifestyle (T)

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Talleyrand Madame Anna Marie Tussaud

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, prince de Anna Maria Grosholtz was born in Strasbourg.
Bénévent, was a French diplomat. He worked Her father died two months before her birth, in the
successfully from the regime of Louis XVI through Seven Years’ War. Her mother served as
the Revolution and then under the reign of housekeeper for a doctor – who also worked as a
Napoleon. To some, Talleyrand represented one of wax sculptor. Anna Marie showed an early talent
the most skilled and influential diplomats in for wax sculpting and soon went to work for the
European history. Others saw him as a traitor – doctor.
betraying, in turn, the Ancien Regime, the French
Revolution, and Napoleon. Born to an aristocratic From 1780 until the Revolution in 1789, she
family in Paris, he was denied his family created some of her most famous wax figures. She
inheritance because of a congenital limp that kept sculpted many famous figures – Voltaire and Ben
him out of military service. As a result he became Franklin, among them. She was arrested during
a priest and served as a representative of the 1st the Terror and her head was shaved for execution.
Estate in 1789 to the Estates-General. Collot d’Herbois secured her released and through
the remainder of the Revolution she worked
During the Revolution, Talleyrand consistently making death masks of some of the guillotine’s
supported the anti-clerical views of the most famous dead. She married François Tussaud
Revolutionaries and participated in the writing of in 1795.
the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which led to
his excommunication from the Catholic Church.  Artist in Wax (M)
Through much of the Revolution he spent time as  Turning Death into Livres (N)
a diplomat in Britain and the United States – thus
avoiding the Terror.
 Connected to Royal Family (T)

 Supreme Opportunist (M)

 Diplomatic Credentials (N)
 Untrustworthy (T)

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Annexe A
Sources of Information and Inspiration

The Age of Revolution by Eric Hobsbawm
Citizen: A Chronicle of the French Revolution by Simon Schama
The Crowd in History by George Rudé
Daily Life During the French Revolution by James Maxwell Anderson
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay
History of the French Revolution by Jules Michelet
The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies & Fraternal Orders by Alan Axelrod
Jacques Louis David by Anita Brookner
Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs
The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth
Secret Societies and the French Revolution by Una Birch
The Tarot Bible by Sarah Bartlett
The Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination by Robert M. Place
The Terror by David Andress

City of Darkness, City of Light by Marge Piercy
The Marquis by Guy Davis
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy
The Secret Books of Paradys I, II, III, & IV by Tanith Lee
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

The Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christopher Gans
Quills, directed by Philip Kaufman

Ça Ira by Roger Waters
Eroica by Ludwig von Beethoven

The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron von Munchausen by James Wallis
Castle Falkenstein by R. Talsorian Games
Dogs in the Vineyard by Lumpley Games
FATE and its various incarnations by Black Hat Games and others
Malifaux by Wyrd Games
Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game by Marvel Comics
Poison’d by Lumpley Games
The Shab-al-Hiri Roach by Bully Pulpit Games
Sons of Liberty, the Roleplaying Game of Badassery and Freedom by Kallisti Press

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Annexe B
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the
general good.
2. The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man.
These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.
3. The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. Nobody nor individual may exercise
any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.
4. Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the
natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society
the enjoyment of the same rights. These limits can only be determined by law.
5. Law can only prohibit such actions as are hurtful to society. Nothing may be prevented which is not
forbidden by law, and no one may be forced to do anything not provided for by law.
6. Law is the expression of the general will. Every citizen has a right to participate personally, or
through his representative, in its formation. It must be the same for all, whether it protects or
punishes. All citizens, being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities and to all
public positions and occupations, according to their abilities, and without distinction except that of
their virtues and talents.
7. No person shall be accused, arrested, or imprisoned except in the cases and according to the forms
prescribed by law. Any one soliciting, transmitting, executing, or causing to be executed, any arbitrary
order, shall be punished. But any citizen summoned or arrested in virtue of the law shall submit
without delay, as resistance constitutes an offense.
8. The law shall provide for such punishments only as are strictly and obviously necessary....
9. As all persons are held innocent until they shall have been declared guilty, if arrest shall be deemed
indispensable, all harshness not essential to the securing of the prisoner's person shall be severely
repressed by law.
10. No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views, provided their
manifestation does not disturb the public order established by law.
11. The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man. E~ery
citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such
abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.
12. The security of the rights of man and of the citizen requires public military forces. These forces are,
therefore, established for the good of all and not for the personal advantage of those to whom they
shall be instructed.
13. A common contribution is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of
administration. This should be equitably distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their
14. All the citizens have a right to decide, either personally or by their representatives, as to the necessity
of the public contribution; to grant this freely; to know to what uses it is put: and to fix the proportion,
the mode of assessment and of collection and the duration of the taxes.

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Annexe B
15. Society has the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration.
16. A society in which the observance of the law is not assured, nor the separation of powers defined, has
no constitution at all.
17. Since property is an inviolable and sacred right, no one shall be deprived thereof except where public
necessity, legally determined, shall clearly demand it, and then only on condition that the owner shall
have been previously and equitably indemnified.

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Annexe C

Common Costs Common Wages

Item Cost Profession Average Weekly Wage

Set of Common Clothes 3 sou Coal Miner 5 Livre
Meal of Bread & Watery Soup 1 sou Printer 13 Livre
Meal of Meat & Fresh Fruit 1 Livre Carpenter/Bricklayer 10 Livre
Bottle of Common Wine 3 sou Unskilled Laborer 5 Livre
Bottle of Rare Wine 5 Livre Skilled Laborer 15 Livre
Loaf of Bread 15 sou Domestic servant 1 Livre
Pound of Sugar 2 Livre Cook 2 Livre
Pound of Pepper 3 Livre Stableboy 1 Livre
Pound of Salt 17 sou Peasant worker 25 sou
1 Week’s Rent 2 sou Wealthy Farmer 5 Livre
Firewood (a cord of wood) 12 sou Artisan 2 Livre
10 Candles 2 sou Priest 15 Livres
Government Official 15 Livres
Horse 100 Livre Misc. Bourgeoisie 14 Livres
Mule 50 Livre
Carriage 1000 Livre Other Currencies
Cart/Trailer 110 Livre
Convert to Convert
Currency Found in:
Pistol 250 Livre Livre from Livre
Musketoon 125 Livre Carolin Sweden x 18 x .05
Musket 500 Livre Italian
Rifle 800 Livre Ducat States; x5 x .2
Saber 60 Livre Austria
Rapier 50 Livre Florin Tuscany x5 x .2
Pike 75 Livre German
Knife of High Quality 1 Livre Groschen x1 x1
Armored Shirt 45 Livre The
Guilder x4 x .25
Copy of The Bible 1 Livre German
Copy of a rare book 10 Livre Gulden x4 x .25
Satchel 1 sou Austria,
Magnifying Glass 1 Livre Kreutzer x2 x .5
Musical Instrument 10 sou
Mark Prussia x1 x1
Horse Shoes 5 sou
Pocket Watch 10 Livre Reale x .2 x5
Fees for ID Papers 15 sou Ruble Russia x8 x .08
Blacksmith services 3 sou/hour Shilling Britain x1 x1
Use of a bathhouse 1 sou German
Thaler x4 x .3
Doctor’s fees 2 sou/visit States
Lawyer’s fees 10 sou U.S. United
x .8 x 1.25
Foreign Goods’ tariff 2 sou Dollars States
Travel tolls 25 sou/horse

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Annexe D
The Revolutionary Calendar

The Calendrier Révolutionnaire Français was a calendar created and implemented during the Revolution, and
used by the French government for about 12 years, from late 1793 to 1805. The new system was designed to
remove all religious and royalist influences from the calendar, and was part of a larger attempt at
decimalization in France.

The new calendar was created by a commission under the direction of the politicians Charles Gilbert Romme,
Claude Joseph Ferry and Charles-François Dupuis, along with help from the chemist Louis-Bernard Guyton
de Morveau, the mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange, the astronomer Joseph Jérôme
Lefrançois de Lalande, the mathematician Gaspard Monge, the astronomer and naval geographer Alexandre
Guy Pingré, and the poet, actor and playwright Fabre d'Églantine, who invented the names of the months.
Romme presented the new calendar to the Jacobin-controlled National Convention on September 23rd, 1793,
which adopted it on October 24th, 1793 but retro-actively dated to begin on September 22nd, 1792.

Calendar Design
Years appear in writing as Roman numerals, with the 22nd of September, 1792, serving as the beginning of the
"Republican Era" (the day the French First Republic was proclaimed, one day after the Convention abolished
the monarchy). As a result, Roman numeral I indicated the first year of the republic.

There were twelve months, each divided into three ten-day weeks called décades. The tenth day, décadi,
replaced Sunday as the day of rest and festivity. The five or six extra days needed to approximate the
solar year were placed after the months at the end of each year.

A period of four years ending on a leap day was called a Franciade, to commemorate the fact that it had taken
the Revolution four years to establish a republican government. The leap year was called Sextile, an allusion to
the "bissextile" leap years of the Julian and Gregorian calendars, because it contained a sixth complementary

Decimal Time

Each day in the Republican Calendar was divided into ten hours, each hour into 100 decimal minutes, and
each decimal minute into 100 decimal seconds. Thus an hour was 144 conventional minutes (more than twice
as long as a conventional hour), a minute was 86.4 conventional seconds (44% longer than a conventional
minute), and a second was 0.864 conventional seconds (13.6% shorter than a conventional second).

Clocks were manufactured to display this decimal time, but it did not catch on. Mandatory use of decimal time
was officially suspended in 1795, although some cities continued to use decimal time as late as 1801.


The Republican calendar year began at the southward equinox (typically, September) and had twelve months
of 30 days each, which were given new names based on nature, principally having to do with the weather
patterns in and around Paris.

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Annexe D
 Vendémiaire ( "grape harvest"), starting September 22nd, 23rd, or 24th
 Brumaire ("fog"), starting October 22nd, 23rd, or 24th
 Frimaire ("frost"), starting November 21st, 22nd, or 23rd

 Nivôse ("snowy"), starting December 21st, 22nd, or 23rd
 Pluviôse ("rainy"), starting January 20th, 21st, or 22nd
 Ventôse ("windy"), starting 19, 20 or 21 February 19th, 20th, or 21st

 Germinal ("germination"), starting 20 or 21 March 20th or 21st
 Floréal ("flower"), starting April 20th or 21st
 Prairial ("pasture"), starting May 20th or 21st

 Messidor ("harvest"), starting June 19th or 20th
 Thermidor ("summer heat"), starting July 19th or 20th
 Fructidor ("fruit"), starting 18 or 19 August 18th or 19th

Days of the week

Each month is divided into three decades, or “weeks” of ten days each, named:
 Primidi (first day)
 Duodi (second day)
 Tridi (third day)
 Quartidi (fourth day)
 Quintidi (fifth day)
 Sextidi (sixth day)
 Septidi (seventh day)
 Octidi (eighth day)
 Nonidi (ninth day)
 Décadi (tenth day)

Five extra days – six in leap years – were national holidays at the end of every year. These were known as les
jours complémentaire (“complementary days”:
 1st complementary day: La Fête de la Vertu, "Celebration of Virtue", on September 17th or 18th
 2nd complementary day: La Fête du Génie, "Celebration of Talent", on September 18th or 19th
 3rd complementary day: La Fête du Travail, "Celebration of Labor", on September 19th or 20th
 4th complementary day: La Fête de l'Opinion, "Celebration of Convictions", on September 20th or 21st
 5th complementary day: La Fête des Récompenses, "Celebration of Honors", on September 21st or 22nd
 6th complementary day: La Fête de la Révolution, "Celebration of the Revolution", on September 22nd or

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Character Record Sheet



Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Session Record Sheet

Scene #1
Scene Card: _______________________

People: _________________________
Place: __________________________
Event: __________________________
Meaning: _______________________

Scene #2 Scene #3
Scene Card: _______________________ Scene Card: _______________________

People: _________________________ People: _________________________

Place: __________________________ Place: __________________________
Event: __________________________ Event: __________________________
Meaning: _______________________ Meaning: _______________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

Scene #4 Scene #5
Scene Card: _______________________ Scene Card: _______________________

People: _________________________ People: _________________________

Place: __________________________ Place: __________________________
Event: __________________________ Event: __________________________
Meaning: _______________________ Meaning: _______________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Scene #6 Scene #7
Scene Card: _______________________ Scene Card: _______________________

People: _________________________ People: _________________________

Place: __________________________ Place: __________________________
Event: __________________________ Event: __________________________
Meaning: _______________________ Meaning: _______________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

Scene #8 Scene #9
Scene Card: _______________________ Scene Card: _______________________

People: _________________________ People: _________________________

Place: __________________________ Place: __________________________
Event: __________________________ Event: __________________________
Meaning: _______________________ Meaning: _______________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

Narrator Notes:

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

Reign of Terror
Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Signifying Cards for People, Places, and Events


0 The Fool Louis XVI Tuleries Palace Emigration
I The Magician Philippe Egalite Place de la Révolutíon A coup
II The High Priestess Madame Roland Château de Versailles A wedding
III The Empress Marie Antoinette Palais-Royal A birth
IV The Emperor Voltaire Hôtel de Ville Passing a law
V The Hierophant Joseph Fesch Temple of Reason A religious mass
VI The Lovers Saint-Just Champs-Elysées An escape
VII The Chariot Georges Danton Assemblée Nationale A reward offered
VIII The Strength Théroigne de Méricourt Champs de Mars A journey
IX The Hermit Jean-Paul Marat The Sewers Exile
X The Wheel of Fortune Marquis de Lafayette Tuleries Gardens A death
XI Justice Olympe de Gouges Palais de Justice A brawl
XII The Hanged Man Saint-Germain Hôtel Crillon An execution
XIII Death Robespierre Cimetiére des Innocents A foreign attack
XIV Temperance Napoleon Bonaparte L’Hôtel Nationale des Invalides A debate
XV The Devil Marquis de Sade Conciergerie An arrest
XVI The Tower Duke of Brunswick The Bastille A riot
XVII The Star Madame du Barry Hôtel de Lassay A marital affair
XVIII The Moon Fabre d’Églantine Pont au Change A subterfuge
IXX The Sun Jacques Louis David Place du Châtelet A dance
XX Judgment Charles, duc d’Artois Pavillon de l’Égalité A tribunal
XXI The World The Dauphin A rural chateau A return from abroad

Page of Swords Count Cagliostro A book store A scientific discovery

Knight of Swords The Philosophes A library A fire
Queen of Swords The Alchemists A laboratory A murder
King of Swords The Illuminati Some place hidden A promotion

Page of Wands Franz Anton Mesmer An audience chamber An unexpected message

Knight of Wands The Monarchists A ballroom A trip abroad
Queen of Wands The Vampires Crypts beneath Paris A visit from a friend
King of Wands The Roscrucians A sanctified space A business proposition

Page of Cups The Vengeance An outdoor gathering A romantic tryst

Knight of Cups The Jacobins A café Marital infidelity
Queen of Cups The Enraged A riotous mob A prophecy
King of Cups The Freemasons A temple An artistic creation

Page of Pentacles Stanislas Maillard A parade Encounter with an admirer

Knight of Pentacles The Montegnard A desolate area Unwanted advice
Queen of Pentacles The Wild Children A forested area A marriage proposal
King of Pentacles The Assassins An opium den An opportunity for investment

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Role-Playing in Revolutionary France

Signifying Cards for People, Places, and Events


0 The Fool
I The Magician
II The High Priestess
III The Empress
IV The Emperor
V The Hierophant
VI The Lovers
VII The Chariot
VIII The Strength
IX The Hermit
X The Wheel of Fortune
XI Justice
XII The Hanged Man
XIII Death
XIV Temperance
XV The Devil
XVI The Tower
XVII The Star
XVIII The Moon
IXX The Sun
XX Judgment
XXI The World

Page of Swords
Knight of Swords
Queen of Swords
King of Swords

Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands

Page of Cups
Knight of Cups
Queen of Cups
King of Cups

Page of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles
King of Pentacles

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Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death

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Rabbit Moon Games

The Taking of the Tuileries, 10 August 1792.

Jean Duplessi-Bertaux, Chateau de Versailles

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