Moment and Inertia of An Airplane 1

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Momentof Inertiaof an Airplane


OIn both flying and landing conditions the airplane may be
subjected to angular accelerations. To determine the magnitude of
the accelerations as well as the distribgtion and magnitude of the
mass inertía resisting forces, the moment of inertía of the airplane
about the three coordinate axes is generally required in making a
stress analysis of a particular airplane.
The mass moments of inertia of the airplane about the coordinate
X, Y,and Zaxes through the center of gravity of the airplane can be
expressed as follows:
L,= Ewy'+ Ewz' +EAI, (Rolling)
L= Ewx' +Ewz' +EAl, (PitchingB)C
L,=Ew'+ Ewy' LAI, (Vawing)
Example Problem No, 1
Determine the gross weight center of gravity of the airplane, The
airplane weight has been broken down into 10 items or weight
groups, with their individualc.g locations denoted by +

líne X

Ref, line
em Welgit Arm Arm
Prapeller T80
Enpne Grop B20 46

Fusslags Group 500 182

Wing Graup 600 158 -18

Harizontal Tall 60 296 8

Vertical Tull 40 335 25

Tall Wheel 50 328 -20

Frunt Landing Gear 300 115 -30

Pilot Z00 165 10

Radio 100 Z40 5
Tuals: 3,150
Theairplane center of gravity will be located with respect to two
rectangular axes, Avertical axis thru the centerline of the propeller
willbe selected as areference axis for horizontal distances, and the
thrust line as a referenceaxis for vertical distances:
X= Zwx/Ew=distance to airplane cg.from reference axis z-z
y= Ewy/Ew=distance to airplane c.g, from reference axis xx
Engiue Group 7720
Fusclage Group 145600

Wing Grp
HorizontalTell Z96 17760

VeriicalTail 40

Tail Whes 328

Franl Janding Geas

Jadin Z40


X=417,180/3,150=133,3 in. aft of centerline propeller

y=5,480/3,150= 1.74 in. below thrust line
Engns Group B20 46 17,720
Fuselags roup BO0 145600
Wing Group 600 156 94B00
Harisontal Tail Z96 1770
Vertical Tail 40 335 25 13A00
Tall Wheel S0 28 20 16AQ

Front Landing Gear 300 115 -30 34500

Pilot Z00 165 10
kadia 100 Z40 24 J00
Toals: 3,150 417180 5484

X=417,180/3,150 =133,3 in, aft of centerline propeller

y=5,480/3,150= 1,74 in, belowthrust line
Example Problem No. 2
Determine the moment of inertia about the horizontal centroidal
axis for the area shown.



X1 X1
First find themoment of inertia about ahorizontal reference axis.
This arbítrary axis has been taken as axis x'*' thru the base. Having
this moment of inertia, a transfer to the centroidal axis can be
made. Table below Showed the detailed calculations for the
moment inertia about axis x'x. For simplicity, the cross-section has
been divided into the five parts, namely, A, B,C, D, and E.
Icx is moment of inertia about centroidal x axis of the particular
part being considered. Distance from axis X* to centroidal
horizontal axis;

y=EAy/EA =17.97/6.182 =2.91 ín.

Byparallel axis theorem, transer the moment of inertla from axis
O x'x to centroidal axis xx:

I=El - EAy2
I= 79,47-(6.182)(2.91)2
Iy = 27.2 int
Radius of Gyration:
Px=(/EA)"2 =(27.2/6.182)'/2
Px =2.1 in.
Portion Area, A Ay Ay
0.50 2.79 15.13 04 13.17
0.50 275
1.00 5.25 1750

Z.12 LH75 610 1756

D 0.281 L00 0.28 0.10 0.29

D 0.281 L00 0.19 0.29 0.10 U.29

1.50 0375 0.56 0.07

Totale 6.182 in 17497 In 1947 int

L= moment of inertia of portion about centroidal x- axis

Ig=lat Ay?
For rectangular: I= bd'/12
For triangle : l= bh'/36
Example Problem No. 3
Determine the moment of inertia of the stringer cross-section
about the horizontal centroidal axis

Ahorizontal reference axis x'x' is assumed as shown. The moment
of inertia is first calculated about this axis and then transferred to
the centroidal axis xx:
y= EA/EA =.009/.1933 =.0465 in.
J=l-EAJ'=.05787 - (1933)(,0465)²
L,=.05745 int

Radius of Gyration p,. =(05745/.1933) /2

Px=55 in.
Example Problem No,4
Determine the moment of inertia of the flywheel about axis of
rotation. The material is aluminum alloy casting (specific weight,
3ec. AA



Example Problem No. 5 (Moment of Inertia ofan airplane)
To calculate the moment of inertia of an airplane about the
coordinate axes through the gross weight center of gravity, a break
down of the airplane weight and its distribution is necessary,
which is available in the weight and balance estimate of the

Table shows the complete calculation of the moments of inertia of

an airplane. This example problem is reproduced from NACA
Technical note No. 575, "Estimation of moments of inertia ofe
airplanes from Design Data"

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