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II (Second) Semester Examination 2021-22

Course Code: LAW203 Paper ID: 09322206

Law of Contract-II & Special Contracts

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Note: 1. Attempt all questions.

2. Students have option to answer the questions in English or Hindi.

Q1. Answer the following (limit your answer to 50 words): Marks

a) What is Continuing Guarantee? 2
Difference between Bailment and Pledge. 2
b) Who is Sub-Agent? 2
What are the kinds of Agents? 2
c) Write a note on Government Contract. 2
Write a note on Formation of Government Contract. 2
d) How does condition differ from warranty under Sale of Goods Act, 2
What do you mean by ‘constructive delivery’ of goods? 2
e) Who is a Nominal Partner? 2
What do you mean by Compulsory Dissolution of a firm? 2
2. Define pledge and discuss the circumstances under which a valid pledge 10
can be made by persons other than owner of the goods.

‘The liability of a surety is secondary and co-extensive with that of the 10
principle debtor.’ Comment.
3. Enumerate various modes of creation of agency and critically discuss the 10
‘agency of necessity’.
Discuss in detail the various methods of termination of an Agency. 10

4. When is the contract entered by the government binding on it? Explain. 10

Explain the provisions relating to contractual liabilities of Government. 10

5. “The buyer acquires no better title to the goods than the seller had”, in 10
the light of given statement discuss the statement and also point out the
exceptions to this rule.

Who is an unpaid seller? What are the rights of an unpaid seller? 10

6. What do you mean by ‘dissolution of a firm’? Describe the 10

circumstances in which a partnership firm may be dissolved by the court.

Discuss the liability of a firm which is not registered. 10

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