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Accord!ng to th!s sentences what !s my Engl!sh level.

Yen! sohbet ChatGPT 3.5

Bugün Based on the sentences you prov!ded, !t seems l!ke you have a good grasp of Engl!sh
Engl!sh Sk!lls: Intermed!ate Level grammar and vocabulary, but there are some areas where you could !mprove. Here
are a few observat!ons:
Tech !n Commun!cat!on

1. Some sentences lack clar!ty due to m!nor grammat!cal errors or awkward

Öncek! 7 Gün
phras!ng. For example, "I was amazed about the perform" could be rev!sed to "I was
An!masyon: İnce Memed amazed by the performance."
2. There are !nstances of !ncorrect word cho!ces or m!ss!ng words, such as "I was
Öncek! 30 Gün !mpressed w!th the 5 year old ch!ld knowledge." It could be !mproved to "I was

G!ys! Seç!m! İpuçları !mpressed w!th the knowledge of the 5-year-old ch!ld."
3. There !s !ncons!stency !n verb tense usage. For !nstance, "However, I was amazed
Jul!et's Love Endures
about the perform" should be "However, I was amazed by the performance."
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Yaz Aşkı Şarkıları

Overall, your Engl!sh level appears to be !ntermed!ate to upper-!ntermed!ate. You
İnce Memed Özet! have a good foundat!on but could benef!t from ref!n!ng your grammar, vocabulary,
and sentence structure for clearer commun!cat!on. Keep pract!c!ng, and you'll
Kadınların Hacda Bağımsızlığı İç!n Savunma
cont!nue to !mprove!
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