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Video in Question: VQ70FN-1DAg?si=Tbp3tEV2Emfu88b8 "Arguments" of interest: 1. Scientific accuracy 2. Miracles 3. Criticism of Prophet (peace be upon him) 1. Science Setup- Already there is a misrepresentation. He miscontrues the point of the scientific accuracy argument. Firstly scientific accuracy isnt the ONE REASON you should accept the Quran as Truth, but rather it is one of many. Secondly, he never mentions a scientific inaccuracy. He only downplays how he "feels" that the arguments aren't personally convincing. You should not be concern with what non Muslims feel, as the Quran says in Sural-Hajj, ayah 46 "Have they not travelled throughout the land so their hearts may reason, and their ears may listen? Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind." The heart doesn't "feel" something is convincing based on how pure of sin the heart is. Feelings are not objectively reliable. As for specific examples... Big Bang- The big bang is a theory and not a proven fact firstly. Secondly the "christian" misses the point. A problem with the big bang theory is that no scientist knows what actually caused its expansion. Allah says He "tore the mass apart" which actually provides a cause to the big bang IF you interpret it to refer to the big bang. And any layman who looks at the ayah and the big bang theory will say it IS the same thing. Only dishonest pseudointellectuals will use scientific terms to make the simple concept sound confusing. The eyes arent blind, the heart is. Living things from water- Misrepresentation of the argument again. The Quran never claimed that everything ONLY MADE OF WATER. It claims that every living this comes FROM water. The distinction is important when you look at the earliest forms of life ALL originated in the ocean. Earliest_known_life_forms No human a thousand years ago could make the bold random guess that humans, plants, animals, life itself originally came from water when it is so not obvious that that is the case. Mixing of fresh water rivers and ocean- The point of this ayah isnt to be a scientific miracle. If the ayah referred to is what | remember, it is in Sural-Furqan, in which the point of the Surah is to distinguish truth from falsehood, and how there is a definite barrier between them, SUCH AS that from a fresh water river and salt ocean, which most Arabs would be ignorant of anyway. Embryology- The christian lies. The greeks came up with the idea of epigenesis, but the description of the fetus actually looking like a leech would have required a microscope to be able to perceive, which wasnt invented until the mid 1000s. If this isn't a compelling fact, the eyes aren't blind, the heart is. 2. Miracles No signs- Here is the full context. rae Mo cae a Rea nS era Vey Pe eae cst Coda Tee aa hae net Soe ee ee sad Ea eg Te eee eee kee a The point of this ayah wasnt to say the Prophet, peace be upon him, brought no signs with him. It was to convey how despite signs are all around them, they are ignorant to them. Regardless we know from the prophetic sunnah that miracles were definitely performed. And the Quran itself is a miracle. The eyes arent blind, the heart is. Jesus's Resurrection- His source is a forged document. The Quran is preserved as the Prophet, peace be upon him, conveyed it. We know Jesus, peace be upon him, rose to heaven, but that someone else died on that cross, not Jesus. And even so it isnt proof of the divinity of Jesus as Allah can raise anyone from the dead He wants with His Own Power, as described in Surah Bagarah, ayat 55 and 56, "And “remember’ when you said, “O Moses! We will never believe you until we see Allah with our own eyes,” so a thunderbolt struck you while you were looking on. Then We brought you back to life after your death, so that perhaps you would be grateful.” Moon Splitting- Laughable. He is saying that a large asteroid hitting the moon and causing a large explosion right after the pagan Quraysh ask for a sign from him is NOT a miracle? What is this? And there is no doubt as to the authenticity of the Sunnah, and no, it was not made up after the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Early parts of Gospel of John claiming Jesus is God- These breadcrumbs prove nothing, due to the fact that still that part of John cannot be verified that it was written by an actual disciple of Jesus, peace be upon him, rather than some random guy who loved Jesus from hearing about him. A grain of sand of an early part of the scripture does not prove that the rest of it was preserved. A ridiculous assertion. Truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)- The hadith were not made 200 years after he died. They remained oral traditions memorized by scholars from the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and passed down to their students by word of mouth, and THEN they were written down later. Lying without directly lying. Secondly, the claim in the original video is that there was no accusation of the Messenger, peace be upon him, ever having lied before prophethood, and that only AFTER he told people to worship Allah alone did people claim he was lying. This is basic Islamic history. Long period of gradual revelation- If you look at the Quran and how the ayat are ordered, they are not ordered in when they were revealed. They are ordered differently. If you put all the ayat together in order of time, the Quran will not make sense. This is actually a proof for his prophethood, as whenever someone would come up to him with a challenge or question, Allah would reveal to him the answer, which itself fit into a coherent document which flows from ayah to ayah perfectly in theme, sound, and language structure OUT OF ORDER OVER 23 YEARS OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL REVELATION. An impossible feat for an illiterate Arab who was constantly busy during those years. The eyes are not blind, the heart is. Historically suspect- ...He claims to believe in the Bible...a document with no chain of narrators passing down the verses from the time of Jesus, peace be upon him, to the modern day at all. His claim of Islamic tradition being suspect is baseless and he has no ground of historical accuracy for his own beliefs. Biblical Jesus did not act like a prophet who pointed to God as the Divine Authority- Mark 12:29 Jesus answered, “The foremost is, ‘Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.” Mark 10:17,18 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must | do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.

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