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Overall sustainability
Social dimension
Social dimension
Social dimension
Environmental dimension
Environmental dimension
Economic dimension
Food safety
Food safety
Animal welfare
Animal welfare
Human welfare
Environmental factors
Environmental factors
Natural resources use
Natural resources use
Economic performance per farm
Economic performance per farm
Enriched cage
Subtheme/indicator egg production
Dimension Weight 60
Social dimension 33% 35
Environmental dimension 33% 97
Economic dimension 33% 50
Food safety 33% 68
Animal welfare 33% 40
Human welfare 33% 0
Environmental factors 50% 96
Natural resources use 50% 97
Economic performance per farm 100% 50
Dioxins 50% 100
Percent Salmonella-infected farms 50% 35
Total square meters per laying hen (indoors and outdoors) 50% 0
Percent mortality > 20 wk 50% 80
Percent increase in turnover 100% 0
Global warming potential (CO2-equivalents) 50% 100
Emission of NH3 50% 92
Energy use 50% 94
Direct and indirect land use 50% 100
Production costs 50% 100
Farmer revenue price 50% 0
Barn egg Free-range egg Organic egg
production production production
38 49 42
35 83 37
46 37 39
34 28 50
79 88 63
28 65 50
0 100 0
33 30 31
59 43 47
34 28 50
100 93 51
58 82 75
6 99 100
50 30 0
0 100 0
45 39 62
21 21 0
60 51 93
57 35 0
68 55 0
0 0 100

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