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The Generations of the Naharim

The Aeturnalia: the Creation of the World

In the beginning, the One rode forth in his chariot-throne. Pulling the chariot were his words, and beneath
their hoofs thundered the depths. From the cracks his love poured forth like streams that grew into
goodness and beauty. From these came the trees who’s seed from the fruit fell into the abyss and grew
into the world tree. By the echo of his word poured forth four rivers from which came the four winds
called Naharim. By valor, the nahar Akaleshel came into being, and by temperance Mayimel was.
Prudence gave Rakhel shape, and justice gave birth to Adamel. Through love, the four became the
quadriga who has four heads, the four winds and began speaking like the One. From the thundering
chariot Akaleshel learned to create, forge and govern space as the living fire. From the revolution of the
wheels and it’s echoes, Mayimel made time to govern the cycles of day, month, and year. By the word of
the One, Rakhel became the governor of order, the radiance of which paves the way for the chariot-
throne. The One spoke, and made Adamel the governess of the abyss, the depths, and the roots of the
world tree that is the source of life. He made Rakhel the husband of Adamel, and Mayimel the wife of
Akaleshel. These became The Four Ancients of the nahar that pulled the chariot-throne of The One
through which the world was. From their union came their children. Rakhel became the father of Oros the
Light-Giver, the maker of words and of birds. He has authority over all the children of The Four, and who
assign names to what lives. Through Oros, Rakhel named the siblings of Oros. The craftsman who crafted
the jewels to host the living fire, and who put them at the center of all things was named Illmarog, the
Giver of Gifts. Then Oros saw his sister Astris, who took his words and fashioned many lights out of
them. She ordered the many jewels of Illmarog and they were called stars, and from the stars she
fashioned thirteen Living Creatures therein to rule the sky. Oros then named his sister, the great knower
of the Naharim Earena. She understood the purposes for which the gods and goddesses had been made by
The One. In them she perceived their patterns and roles in creation and the principles thereof. She teaches
men how the gods relate to them. These were the children of Rakhel. Akaleshel, the wielder of the living
fire was burning with a love for The One and the world that grew unconstrained from which his children
came. These four became the mountains of fire imperishable. From him sprung the forger that was
brought before Oros, and he was named Lughos the Fire-Bringer. He gives impetus, direction, and
purpose to beings that always prevail. He gave fire to men, to illumine their path to The One. From the
offspring of the living fire came Vaha, the mother of lightning, and her sons the Vaerinja the Host of
Thunder to guard and safe-guard the jewels of Illmarog. The champion of the Host was called Perunel.
She who covers everything in creation according to it’s likeness, the blacksmith of the appearances of
things was called Svara who made the vessels to host the jewels. The Glorious One upon whom Oros
could not look, who made the invisible sun was named Mithros. Kings were crowned by him, and the
lowly were raised to glory. These were the children of Akaleshel. Adamel who held creation in her womb
begot all livings things, the earth and the beings thereof that were the vessels of Svara containing the
jewels of Illmarog, and the living fire of Lughos. From these came beasts, birds, and creeping things.
Adamel begot Sidur the builder of the elements and of all their manifestations in which the naharim
would indwell. Through the children of Mayimel he made water to rejuvenate creatures, and through the
children of Akaleshel he made fire around which beings gather. Through the children of Rakhel the air
gave breath to things, and through Adamel’s children the earth became a source of bounty. By these
elements came all animals that were patterned according to the likeness of the living creatures in the sky.
Then came Heiman the artificer of the rainbow by which The One together with Oros descended and
ascended. He made the chains preventing the abyss to reclaim the world, and the borders of the oceans
were set. Promises and oaths came to be through him. By Heimana, boundaries were established and
could be traversed yet unbroken. From the abyss of Adamel emerged a cloaked shadow who no one but
The One was able to name. Her name became Tyris the Lady of Mysteries, of the night and of darkness
who covers everything untouched by Oros with a veil. With travail Aegia came, the one who neither
Adamel or the earth can contain. To rule the earth, the animals, and the creeping things therein, Adamel
set Aegia as head over all. She was bountiful and made a feast for all the naharim on earth, the creator of
joy and plenty that never depletes. Through Aegia the earth sings, and the heavens find rest. In her there
was no greater likeness to The One among the naharim. These were the children of Adamel. With the
counsel of Tyris, Oros began naming the children of Mayimel. Wodanos was the name given to the player
of the music which made everything happen according to it’s time and season. He is the lord of the
spheres through which things fall into place. By his wisdom things happen at their appropriate time which
are the cycles of music. He knows the height, width and length of all things. The craftsman of the mirror
called the moon was forged through poetry by Mena. Mena put it in the sky, and it reflected the likeness
of eternal things so that the things of heaven could be seen visibly on earth. Without her craftsmanship
there were no objects to receive the glory from above. Illyr was the mother of powers and of modes by
which things actualize. She sets things in their appropriate place according to their power and capacity in
their appropriate ranks. Illyr looked upon creation and saw the correspondences of a myriad of voices
becoming one song, and the song dividing into an infinite amount of colors. She understands the depth of
things as worlds of their own, and their place in it. She knows the place of each thing and their purposes
in the world. The last to be named was Neptos the Water-Bearer, with his hair that flows from heaven to
earth which became rivers and oceans. With his hair he weaves the fate of the gods, and with braids
predict the course of life each one takes on their path to The One without hindering their free will. The
Lord also gave him the capacity to either tie or untie the knots of beings in their struggle to ascend on
high. And so it was that the children of The Four Ancients were named and their purposes declared in
creation. The riding forth of The One was declared an aeturnalia, and was memorialized by Astris
creating the image of Aeturnus the Stag to rule the Living Animals in the sky in memory of the eternal
act. All the sons and daughters, the Vaerinja and the Living Creatures bowed down before The One, and
thus the creation of the world was complete.

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