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Dear Sir /Madam

I trust this correspondence finds you in the zenith of well-being. Allow me to introduce myself: I
am Vincent Haggenson, a resident currently domiciled at Electric Avenue, number 8. It is with
respect that I bring to your attention certain misgivings related to the furniture adorning our dear

Upon our arrival, the fully furnished arrangement bestowed upon us was met with appreciation.
Regrettably, subsequent examination has unveiled signs of wear and tear affecting a few items.
Most notably, the entire chair collection’s legs have lost their sturdiness. Additionally, a few
drawers’ ability to open properly has been lost.

These instances, beyond mere aesthetic inconvenience, have prompted doubts regarding both our
immediate comfort and, perhaps more critically, safety implications. Thus, in light of our
prioritization of safety and the sustained quality of the property, your esteemed intervention to
rectify these concerns is called upon by me.

Acknowledging that the burden of maintenance rests mainly upon the lessor, I display my
gratitude for your anticipated readiness in addressing this matter. Therefore, your professional
evaluation is respectfully requested by me, coupled with remedial measures, be they repairs or
the provision of replacement items, thereby ensuring the furniture's impeccable state.

The swift resolve of these concerns not only foreshadows wellness for our satisfaction but also
fortifies the bond between lessor and lessee. To conclude, I eagerly await your discerning
response and commend your steadfast commitment to the good condition of your esteemed

I am looking forward to receiving an answer from you. With profound appreciation for your
attention and cooperation,

Vincent Haggenson

Zenith=highest point; abode= place of residence; lessor&lessee= landlord&tenant;

readiness= willingness to do something; steadfast= determined;

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