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Classe : 3rd year

Série : Module 5 : Sections 1 and 2 :
Benefits of Online Learning/ Vocabulary
related to higher education / Grammar :
Comparison of Scale and Reported
Nom du Prof : Takiacademy prof
mas…….deg… Bach…….. deg……..
. Bach…….. deg……..
Non-cre……. tra……. cour……. Distance Learning
Gen…….. Edu…….. Dev……..

Electronic pa……... to personal go……...

pur……. Sk…….
See……. a deg……. Kee……. tpro…….
Sk……. upd…….

2 2) Complete the following article:
Most (observe) .....................are unanimous in their (agree).....................about the strik-
ing impa..................... of the electronic revolution.....all aspects of our (day) (At / In / For) the (educate) .....................level, for ins..................... ,
dist.....................learning (become) ..................... more…………….. more common,
esp..................... in the developed world.

Th..................... to online edu. ..................... ,a l ..................... of amb..................... that

would oth……………... be seen as utopic have become legitimate .Un..... formal edu………..

3 , which (requires / enquires / acquires) class (attend) .....................,online one (able)
...................... the learner to save time and ener..................... Bes.....................,it
all ....................him to (personal) …………………………… his learning and recon..... his job
du…………with his fam..................... (oblige).................... . Fur..................... , distance
learning is an oppo.....................for some unfor.....................people who, for one
rea.....................or ano .....................,couldn't pur.....................their higher
edu.....................stu...................... They can now reg…… hope in getting their long- (seek)
.....................degrees. It can (see) ......................that dist……………. learning is the
per…………. option …….. people whose professional and family constraints prevent
them.....................attending for..................... lessons.

3) Make meaningful expressions :
* (A) [online / to do / research / to communicate / chats / graphic / to listen ]

* (B) → [papers / and discussions / education/illusrations / through e-mail / an assignment/

through audio lectures ]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

lear……. disa……..
5 emo……. dis…….. Phy …… imp……

Chr………….…. health Handicapped Sp…….. imp……


Vis……. imp……..

men……. ret……..

5) Make coherent sentences:
* Special education/ also called defectology / SPED.

……………………………………………………. ..................................................................
* It / educational alternative / focuses / teaching/students/ physical / be-
havioural needs/
can't sufficiently / met using traditional programmes / techniques.

6) Fill in the blanks and match (A) with (B):

7 [lips/plight/can/deaf/self-esteem/ skills/school/sign-language / speech / advisa-

ble ]
1- With the help of a…………………. a- oneself understood, a deaf person may lose
2- They can also develop the……………….. his………………..

3- Having difficulty reading…………….. or b- them to special schools to relieve them of the effects
making of their………………..

4- It is……………… enrol hearing impaired c- interpreter, ………………..people can take any class.

5- Parents of impaired children ……………….. d-pupils in a special……………… cater for their needs.
switch e-needed in a world that relies on ……………….. and sound.

1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+

7) What do you call?

* A clerk =...........................................................................worker.

*.................................................= someone who collects rubbish.

* Intellectual work …………………………………………………………………..

*............................................= uniforms worn by manual workers

9 8) Use the right comparative form :
* He is 20 years old. His brother is 10.

→ He is……………………as………………………………………

→His brother is………………as………….as……………

* I bought 8 eggs. I ate 2.

→I bought………………….as……………as……………

→ I ate…………………….as…………….as……………

*The dress costs 60 dinars. The skirt costs 20.

→ The dress costs ……………as……………as……………

→The skirt costs……………….. as……………as……………

→The dress is……………….as……………as……………

→The skirt is…………. as……………as……………………

11 EXERCISE 3 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

as / who/manual/ worn / paid / easily/lawyers / which / clerical

White-collar workers perform tasks.....................which.....................are less "physically laborious"

yet often more highly.....................than blue-collar workers, who They are
salaried professionals such as some doctors or.....................-as well as employees in administra-
tive or.....................positions. In some studies, managers are considered.....................part of the
white-collar worker grouping, in others they are not. The name derives from the traditional white
shirts..................... by workers of such professions. The white shirts are……………………soiled and
therefore distinguish the workers....................."do not get their hands dirty."

12 * EXERCISE 4 Underline the right alternative.
Isn't every kid special? We think so, but what do we (signify / intend / mean) when we say
"kids with special needs"? This means any kid (whose / who/which) might need extra help
(because of / because / for) a medical, emotional, or learning problem. These kids have special
needs because they might need medicine, therapy, or (less/extra/little) help in school. A kid
who has an illness, such as epilepsy, diabetes, or cerebral palsy, would have special needs.
They might need (medicine / food / drinks) or other help as they go about their daily activities.
Kids (of / have / with) sight problems might need Braille books to read. Kids with hearing or
speech problems would have special needs, too. A kid who has hearing trouble might need
hearing (aids / machines / headphones) to hear and speech training, too, since it can be (easy
/ logical / hard) to say words correctly when you can't hear very well.

13 * EXERCISE 5 Tick (√) the word with a different sound from the others.

1-()work () return (√)wear () earn ()were

2- ()rise () tie ()why ( )did ()high
3- ()nature ()she ()choose ( )child ()picture
4-()receive ( )these ()sit ()police ()see

* EXERCISE 6 Fill in the blanks with 8 words from the list in the box.
television/offers/at/software/ teachers / of/ taught / experiments / during / distance

The Open University is a British institution of higher education that …………….… instruction
to students largely through methods of ..................... education. Today, instruction often
makes use of such course materials as special equipment to conduct ..................... at
home, audio and videocassettes, and computer..................... Many lectures are con-
ducted through ..................... programs on the national British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC) networks. Some courses are.....................via the Internet, while others make
use..................... the Internet as one component of instruction. Some courses include a
one-week instruction in residential schools, usually offered ..................... the summer.

* EXERCISE 7 Combine the pairs of sentences using the comparison of scale.

15 1) Ann bought three pens. Jessica bought twelve pens.

Jessica bought four times as many pens as Ann.
Ann bought a fourth as many pens as Jessica.
2) The book costs two dinars. The dictionary costs twenty dinars.
The dictionary is……………………………………………….………………………..
The book is………………………………………………………………………………...
3) We need two kilos of sugar. They need four kilos of sugar.
They need………………………………………………………………………………….

We need……………………………………………………………………………………

16 4) The bus is travelling at 60 kilometres an hour.
The train is travelling at 180 kilometres an hour.
The train is travelling ……………………………………………………………….

The Comparison of Scale

twice/half/ three times.... + as……… as ……..
e.g. The villa has eight rooms. The flat has four rooms.
= The villa has twice as many rooms as the flat.

=The flat has half as many rooms as the villa.

EXERCISE 8 : Complete the following letter.

17 Dear John,
Thanks a b.................... (for/ about) your letter and the off..................... you made to
me. It (real) ..................... touched me. It sh..................... that you..................... so
(thought). ..................... and (hospitality)................. However, I'm af..................... I'm
not tem..................... by the idea of (immigrating/ emigrating) to the U.S.A for a
nu……………of (causes/ reasons).
Psy..................... speaking, leaving my homel………………….would mean fa.....................
such problems (as / like) homesi..................... and nos..................... ,esp……….as I'm not
used (with/to) (stay / staying) (abroad / aboard). Mo....................., I'm sure I'll have
diff..................... (to adapt / adapting) myself (with/ to) the new lifestyles in the U.S.A
(since / but) I'm not fam..................... (to/with) the American cus………………. and

tra……………….. I won't be able to be accli..................... (to / with) the American food,
(either / too). Ob..................... this (culture shock/ shock culture) will have serious ef-
fects..................... my studies as I'll be (worried enough/ so worried / too worried) to
focus on them and achieve good results.
Add..................... to that, my po..................... English will rep..................... a further
obs.....................,wh..................... will prevent me (of / from) communicating (easy)
..................... with the other citizens.
To add insult to injury, I don't think my parents will ma..................... to provide
me..................... as much money as I ne………. (despite / although) the
scholar……………….. that……………….the state may agree to gra...................... me. Not (lit-
tle) ......................important are my family conditions.

19 Ac....................., family ti..................... in my country are sac…………..and I'm not
rea..................... to sacrifice them at any co.....................
It wouldn't be easy..................... me to have ei that the (little).................a son
sh..................... do is stand by his parents when they fa…………some rocky times.
For a..................... those reasons, I reg..................... to tell you that I (not
be)....................... ,to join you in the U.S.A. As..................... matter of
fa......................I (total) ..................... agree with the proverb: “E…………is
e….,west is west, and ho...................... isbe.....................!”
Looking forward to hea..................... from you.

Fill in the blanks with words from the list:
[ advertising / worry / taught / screen / while / unrealistic / send /
weight/ aggressively / media / conflicts / sporting ]

The impact of media on teens has been debated for ages due to its importance.
Messages about tobacco and alcohol are everywhere in....................Kids see
characters on the....................smoking and drinking. They see signs for tobacco
products at concerts Advertising and mov- the message that smoking and drinking make a person attrac-
tive and cool....................also encourages teens to smoke and drink.

On the other hand, media heavily promote unhealthy foods ....................,at the
same time, telling people that they need to lose………………......... and be thin.
Studies show that girls of all ages....................about their weight and media can
promote an....................image of how people look.
Not less serious is the effect of media violence on teens who learn to be-
have....................toward others. They use violence in-
stead of self- control to take care of problems or....................

[ advertising / worry / taught / screen / while / unrealistic / send /

weight/ aggressively / media / conflicts / sporting ]

2) Complete the unfinished words:
Modern dist……………......... education has been with us at le……………......... since the
Since the dev……………......... of the postal service, commercial corres…………….. colleges
had pro……………......... distance education to students ac……………......... the country.
Computers and the Internet have on……………......... made distance lea……………... easier.
Distance education may use all forms of techn…………….........,from printing to the com-
The term << vir……………......... university » refers to an open-learning insti………………. that
uses the Internet to crea……………......... an imaginary university env……………………. in
wh……………......... the students, faculty and staff can comm. ……………......... and share
inf……………......... at any time, reg……………......... of location.

3) Match the sentence parts in (A) with those in (B):

(A) Answers (B)
1- Some of the students who are
1. a) institutions for the disabled
2- A group of them consists of the 2. b) them result from their health conditions.
3- Students with special educational c) given some special training to enter the la-
needs add up bour market.
d) and disadvantaged need special treat-
4- But only the needs of 2% of 4.
5- There is a lack of secondary level 5. e) to 20% of the total number of students.
6- Students who attend them are 6. f) mentally or physically impaired.

EXERCISE 8 Complete each phrase on the left with a word from the list on the
1- to ............................... for a lifetime a-balance
2- to...................... one's knowledge b- e-mail
3- to...................... in a form c-bucket
4- to......................job and family duties D-plan
5- to fill a......................with water e-attend
6- university f- fill
7- to communicate through ...................... g- enrol
8- to ...................... school h-expand

EXERCISE 9 Complete the tables with the missing forms.



impatience impatient educate education
mind speech
difficult enrol
behaviour impairment
deaf attend
disability reference
distant oblige

26 EXERCISE 10 Put the verbs/words in parentheses in the right form.
I am currently enrolled in an online college while (try) ..................... to complete
my bachelor's degree. While this method is extremely (benefit)....... ........when try-
ing to manage a career and family it can also be quite difficult. I have (find)..............
that the courses are much (expensive)...................... than attending a local college
and require a large amount of time but it has been the only (accept)...... option in
my case. I would not recommend the (attend)................... of numerous colleges at
one time though as they require that you complete a certain number of hours
through their school in order (graduate)..................and you would be taking on
a tremendous load as these courses require lots of
(addition) ...................... study time.

Section two

27 EXERCISE 1 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

In developing nations, especially in Asian, African, and Latin American countries,
……………… ... is a very serious and …………….........problem. People are employed
only…………….........or at work that is inefficient or…………….........,with a corre-
spondingly low income that………. insufficient to meet their ………….Much of the
unemployment and underemployment in…………….........nations has accompanied
migration from rural to …………….........centres.

unproductive / needs/ chronic/ urban /is/ developing/part-time / underemployment

28 * EXERCISE 2 Put the verbs/words in parentheses in the right tense/form.
Whether you are seeking your first job, a new job, or a nice upward career move,
by (do) ..... doing..... the right things in your job search, you (significant)
…………….........increase your chances of (succeed) ……………......... With the right tac-
tics in a good market, you'll have the (good).......................possible chances for suc-
cess. That success is based on two key areas: How (good) …………… can
make yourself visible because companies (not hire). ……………......... those they don't
have (know) …………….........of, and your (person)..................... skills in the areas
related to the interview process ……………........., resume writing, (communicate)
……………........., interview and skills.

29 EXERCISE 3 : Complete the table with the missing forms.


advertise advertisement succeed successful

application benefit

promotion train

organization differ

* EXERCISE 4 : Circle the word with the sound indicated.

1) [æ]: want advertise case about

2) [] happen again also advertisement

3) [] success some car want

4) [] share are impression here

* EXERCISE 5 :Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

31 be/where/better/to/ but / do/with/will/ more

You want to get a…………………….… job. You want to make…………… But which are

the labor markets …………….........the brightest future? …………….........are the new jobs? And

what skills…………….you need to get them and…………….........successful in them? Online Ca-

reers Resource Center helps you navigate today's growing……………..........turbulent job

markets. It…………… you identify the career you want, and the skills you need

…………….......... make it come true.

* EXERCISE 6 : Match each item in Column 1 with the right word from Column 2
to get meaningful expressions.

Column 1 Column 2 Ansewers

1 previous A degree 1
2 employment B invitation 2
3 University C experience 3
4 holiday D opportunities 4
5 a job E interview 5
6 promotion F resorts 6
G agency


* EXERCISE 7 Circle the word which doesn't belong in the group.

1- job - qualifications - application - homework -experience

2- destination - travel - graduation - holiday -tour

3- safari - Africa - city - animals - jungle

EXERCISE 8 Turn the following sentences into the reported speech.
1- Clara said to Peter: "Do you work on Sunday?"

Clara wanted to know if (whether) Peter worked on Sunday.

2- The teacher said to Jim: "Why didn't you write the essay?"

The teacher asked Jim ........................................................................

3- My mother asked me: "When will you sit for the exam?"

My mother asked me .........................................................................

4- Mr Morris said to his son: "I have been to London twice before."
Mr Morris told his son..........................................................................

35 5- My father asked me: "What's your mother doing now?"

My father asked me..................................................................................

6- The manager said to the customer: "I was abroad two weeks ago.

The manager informed the customer.......................................................

7- The secretary said to the boss: "Will you be here next week?"

The secretary asked the boss....................................................................

8- "I went to Rome last Christmas," said my uncle to me.

My uncle told me.......................................................................................

36 The Reported Speech
When we turn a sentence from the direct speech into the reported (or indi-
rect) speech using a reporting verb in the simple past, some changes must
be made:
 the personal pronouns, the possessive adjectives and pronouns
change: (e.g. I→ he/she; my → his/her; mine → his/hers..)
 the quotation marks are removed.
 the question marks are replaced with full stops.

37 the verb tenses change:

simple present → simple past

present progressive → past progressive

present perfect → past perfect

simple past → past perfect

present perfect progressive → past perfect progressive

will.... → would ....

38 other changes:

*this → that ;* these → those; *here → there; *now →then;

*today that day; *yesterday → the day before;

*tomorrow → the following/the next day; *ago → before

*last (week, month, year ...) → the previous (week, ...)

*next (week, month, year...) → the following (week,...)

EXERCISE 9 : Complete the tables with the missing forms.

educate education impatience impatient
speech mind
enrol difficult
impairment behaviour
attend deaf
reference disability
oblige distant


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