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Poster Guidelines

1. Poster must be in the following format: portrait A0 size (90 cm width x

120 cm height)
2. Font size: minimum size 24. Each graph and table MUST be labelled.
3. List the principle author first, followed by the affiliaFons.
4. The poster should provide adequate informaFon to convey key points
5. The design of the poster should not overshadow the content of the
6. The authors are responsible for preparing and prinFng of the posters
according to the specificaFons menFoned.
7. Posters should be put up by the authors on the designated panel at the
exhibiFon area from 8.00 am unFl 10.00 am on 17th May 2024.
8. Posters must be displayed for the whole duraFon of the congress from
17th to 19th May 2024.


• Judging session: from 2.30 pm unFl 5.30 pm, on 17th May 2024
• 8 minutes will be allocated for each speaker (6 minutes oral
presentaFon and 2 minutes Q&A)

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