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Apoptosis (2010) 15:269–278

DOI 10.1007/s10495-009-0442-7


Apoptosis in pre-Bilaterians: Hydra as a model

Margherita Lasi • Charles N. David •

Angelika Böttger

Published online: 30 December 2009

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009

Abstract Hydra is a member of the ancient metazoan pre-bilaterian metazoan phyla in recent years. EST and
phylum Cnidaria and is an especially well investigated whole genome sequencing projects for these models have
model organism for questions of the evolutionary origin of revealed an intriguingly high complexity of molecular
metazoan processes. Apoptosis in Hydra is important for the developmental pathways in early metazoans.
regulation of cellular homeostasis under different conditions The transition from single-celled to multi-cellular
of nutrient supply. The molecular mechanisms leading to organisms required cooperation between different somatic
apoptosis in Hydra are surprisingly extensive and compa- cell types. Cells had to divide tasks requiring some to
rable to those in mammals. Genome wide sequence analysis proliferate, others to differentiate and, as we know now, a
has revealed the presence of large caspase and Bcl-2 fami- number of them to die. Forms of programmed cell death
lies, the apoptotic protease activating factor (APAF-1), are found in all organisms including the slime mold
inhibitors of apoptotic proteases (IAPs) and components of a Dictyostelium, protozoans (e.g. Tetrahymena), algae (e.g.
putative death receptor pathway. Regulation of apoptosis in Volvox), fungi (Saccharomyces) and plants (reviewed in
Hydra may involve BH-3 only proteins and survival path- [1]). The term apoptosis is usually used for those forms
ways, possibly including insulin signalling. of programmed cell death that are based on the action of
caspases and Bcl-2 proteins and involve phagocytosis of
Keywords Apoptosis  Hydra  Evolution  BH-3 only  dying cells. These appear to have evolved only in the
Bcl-2  Caspase animal lineage. It is therefore informative to look at model
organisms from ancient animal phyla to understand how
apoptotic pathways may have evolved.

Cnidaria, Porifera, Ctenophora and Placozoa are the four The cnidarian model organism Hydra
ancient phyla that diverged from the metazoan lineage
before the evolution of Bilaterians. Studying model The fresh water polyp Hydra clearly is the most thoroughly
organisms from these phyla is expected to shed light on the studied non-bilaterian animal. The first experiments on the
evolution of multicellularity in the animal kingdom. Thus, Cnidarian Hydra were done in the mid eighteenth century
a number of new model organisms have emerged from the immediately after the polyps had been discovered. They
revealed an astonishing capacity of these animals to
regenerate which extends to complete regeneration of
M. Lasi  C. N. David  A. Böttger (&) polyps from dissociated cells [2].
Department Biology II, Biozentrum, Ludwig-Maximilians-
Hydra has a simple body plan (Fig. 1). It has one body
University Munich, Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152 Planegg-
Martinsried, Germany axis with hypostome and tentacles at the apical end and a
e-mail: peduncle and basal disc at the basal end. It develops from
C. N. David the two germ layers after gastrulation of the embryo. The
e-mail: endodermal layer develops into the inner gastrodermis and

270 Apoptosis (2010) 15:269–278

a junctions including adhering belt desmosomes, septate

tentacle junctions and gap junctions [6–8]. Epithelial cells in the
Hydra body column proliferate continuously and are dis-
placed towards the apical end into tentacles and towards
hypostome the basal end into the peduncle and basal disk and into buds
(Fig. 1a). Cells in the basal disk and in the tentacles stop
body column
proliferating and differentiate into specialised cell types,
e.g. battery cells in the tentacles and foot cells in the
peduncle. They are continuously sloughed off at the ends of
bud peduncle
the animals and replaced by newly arriving cells from the
basal disk proliferation zone in the body column. Cells at the apical
tip of the animal constitute a second proliferation zone and
differentiate into hypostome cells. Thus, both epithelia are
b constantly renewed [9–11].
In addition to the two epithelial cell layers Hydra has
specialised cells. These include nerve cells, which form a
nerve net extending throughout the entire animal but not
forming a brain or central ganglia. Gland cells are mostly
nucleus present between the epithelial cells of the gastrodermis
apo where they secrete digestive enzymes into the gastric
cavity. The name-giving cell type for the phylum cnidaria
are nematocytes, also called cnidocytes. These cells con-
tain a nematocyst capsule, which is used to capture prey.
They are incorporated into battery cells of the tentacles
endodermal epithelial cell with apoptotic where they remain until used for stinging and poisoning of
cell in phagocytic vacuole
prey animals. Finally, Hydra produces male and female
gametes from germ cells for sexual reproduction. All these
c specialised cell types are products of the pluripotent
interstitial stem cell lineage. Interstitial cells are located in
the spaces between the epithelial cells, mostly in the epi-
dermis. They constitute a self-renewing proliferating stem
cell population, part of which differentiates in each cell
nucleus generation leading to the formation of the above mentioned
cell types [9, 12–14].

Apoptosis in Hydra

ectodermal epithelial cell with two apoptotic The permanent self-renewal of all Hydra tissues implies
cells in phagocytic vacuoles the need for tight regulation of cellular homeostasis,
especially under conditions of changing growth rate. Hydra
Fig. 1 a Schematic drawing of an adult Hydra with bud. Hypostome,
tentacles, body column, peduncle and basal disk are indicated; b and c responds to limiting food supply by slowing down growth.
ectodermal and endodermal epithelial cell from macerates of Hydra The budding rate decreases and the animals become
cells; left hand panels show phase contrast; right hand panels show smaller [15]. However, corresponding changes in the epi-
DNA stain with DAPI. In these images nuclei are stained as indicated thelial cell cycle are not observed [15, 16] i.e. cell pro-
by arrows. Apoptotic cells (apo) in phagocytic vacuoles show
pycnotic chromatin (arrows). Some food granules in the endodermal duction continues although cell numbers do not increase. In
cell are also stained with DAPI this situation a large number of newly produced cells are
phagocytosed by neighbouring cells [16]. This was first
the ectodermal layer into the outer epidermis. Epidermis shown in Feulgen-DNA stained preparations of starving
and gastrodermis are separated by the acellular mesoglea, animals where significant numbers of pycnotic nuclei were
an extracellular matrix containing laminin and collagen found in round phagocytic vacuoles mainly in gastrodermal
[3–5]. Epidermis and gastrodermis are polarised and sealed epithelial cells. Later re-examination of the cells in phag-
epithelia containing cells that are joined by intercellular ocytic vacuoles clearly indicated that they were apoptotic.

Apoptosis (2010) 15:269–278 271

They showed the typical apoptotic DNA distribution when size through cytoplasm transfer from all the other germ
stained with DAPI (Fig. 1 b,c) and were TUNEL-positive cells. The latter cells shrink and finally, their remains are
[17, 18]. Colchicine treatment, which disrupts the cell phagocytosed by the oocyte. The morphological features of
cycle, induces massive cell death in Hydra and the dying their nuclei suggest apoptosis. They are positive with
cells are phagocytosed by epithelial cells of the gastro- TUNEL and their chromatin appears pycnotic [31]. The
dermis [17]. The degradation of DNA in colchicine treated fascinating thing is that they are not further degraded after
animals was demonstrated later to result in DNA laddering, phagocytosis by the oocyte. The oocyte instead keeps them
confirming that cell death in Hydra is apoptotic [17]. enclosed in phagocytic vacuoles even after fertilisation.
Furthermore, apoptotic vacuoles could be stained with During embryonic development they are distributed to the
acridine orange (AO) [17, 18] due to the fact that AO endodermal cells of the embryo and only get degraded after
accumulates at the acidic pH in the vacuoles, as shown the new polyp has hatched [32]. How this arrest in apoptosis
before in Tetrahymena and in Drosophila [19, 20]. is achieved is not known at present.
Regulation of cell numbers is an important physiological
function of apoptosis in Hydra. However, there are several
other situations where apoptosis has been shown to occur Molecular mechanisms for apoptosis are conserved
in Hydra including interspecies grafts and regeneration in all animals
[21–26] and in response to cytostatic agents and irradiation
[27–29]. Molecular mechanisms of cell death are conserved
A very intriguing special case of apoptosis is observed throughout animal evolution. They involve caspases, Bcl-2
during differentiation of germ cells in Hydra. This applies proteins, adaptor proteins, death receptors and inhibitors of
to both, the male and the female germ line [30–32]. Here we apoptotic proteases (IAPs) (see Table 1).
will only discuss oogenesis. Germ cells differentiate from Caspases are proteases with active-site cysteine resi-
the interstitial stem cell lineage. As a first step in oogenesis dues. Their activation from inactive pro-caspases is the
a population of interstitial cells proliferates and forms a critical step in apoptosis and occurs through an amplifying
so-called egg-patch at the side of the mother animal. Cells cascade from upstream initiator caspases to downstream
in this egg patch later exit the mitotic cycle and start meiotic executioner caspases. The autocatalytic activation of initi-
S-phase. Their appearance changes, they accumulate gran- ator caspases requires a local increase in their concentra-
ules in their cytoplasm and they enlarge. A few of these tion. This is achieved by adaptor proteins, which recruit
cells then enter meiotic diplotene and grow even further. pro-caspases through homotypic protein–protein interac-
The others start to transfer their cytoplasm into these dip- tions via DED-domains or CARD-domains. These domains
lotene cells. At some point the few developing oocytes fuse, are present in both the caspase pro-domains and the adaptor
so that only one oocyte remains, continually increasing in proteins [33, 34].

Table 1 Comparison of apoptotic proteins present in Hydra, Caenorhabditis, Drosophila and mammals
Apoptotic proteins in different model organisms
Hydra Caenorhabditis Drosophila Homo

Caspases HyCaspA, B, C, D, E, F, Ced 3 Dredd, Dronc, Dream, Caspase 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

G, H, I, L, M Csp-1, Csp-2 Dcp-1, DRICE, Decay, Daydream 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14
HyCARD 1, 2
Bcl-2 proteins: HyBcl-2-like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Ced-9 Debcl, Buffy Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bcl-W, Mcl-1,
multi-domain 6, 7 HyBak-like 1, 2 Bcl-B, Bcl-2A1, Bax, Bak, Bok
Bcl-2 proteins: HyBH3-only 1, 2, 3, 4 Egl-1 – Bid, Bmf, NOXA, PUMA, Bad,
BH3-only Bim, Bik, Hrk
Death receptor HyTNFR-like receptor – Wengen TNF-R 1,2 CD95, CD 40,
p75 and many others
BH3 only proteins of the BNip family are present in all three organisms and have been omitted from the table

272 Apoptosis (2010) 15:269–278

Extrinsic apoptosis induction requires death receptors members, Debcl and Buffy are also present in Drosophila,
represented by homologs of the TNF-receptor family. although their precise function in apoptotic pathways is
Binding of ligands such as TNFa or FasL leads to receptor not clear. Genetic studies have shown, that apoptosis in
trimerisation and clustering. The adaptor proteins TRADD Drosophila is primarily regulated via IAPs. Death stimuli
and/or FADD and pro-caspases with DED domains (e.g. are relayed through expression of inhibitors of IAPs,
pro-caspase 8) are recruited to these clusters and interact namely RPR, GRIM and HID [45]. A death receptor has
via DED-domains forming a so-called death inducing sig- been described in Drosophila, but its activation does not
nalling complex (DISC) at the membrane. This leads to lead to caspase recruitment (it lacks the DD domain, which
autoactivation of pro-caspases with DED domains and is required for binding to FADD; [46–48]).
subsequent activation of executioner caspases [35, 36]. Mammals, by comparison with Caenorhabditis and
Intrinsic apoptosis induction is mediated by the apop- Drosophila, exhibit highly complex extrinsic and intrinsic
tosome, a protein complex including APAF-1 and pro- pathways for apoptosis induction [49]. They have a large
caspases with CARD-domains. In mammals formation of caspase family with 15 members, which are divided into
the apoptosome requires cytochrome C, which is released several groups including initiator and executioner caspases
from mitochondria. Mitochondrial integrity in turn is reg- (reviewed in [50]). Mammals also have an extended Bcl-2
ulated by the Bcl-2 protein family with its multi and single family with pro and antiapoptotic members ([39] and
domain members exhibiting pro- and anti-apoptotic func- reviewed in [49]). In addition a large number of BH3-only
tions. Anti-apoptotic members of this family are integrated proteins is known, only one of which, BNip, is conserved
into the outer mitochondrial membrane and inhibit pro- through evolution. Finally, mammals have four IAP genes
apoptotic family members. Apoptosis is induced by single involved in apoptosis regulation.
domain (or BH3 only) Bcl-2 family members, which This brief summary indicates that caspases and Bcl-2
respond to stimuli such as DNA damage or the absence of proteins first evolved in porifera and that these gene fami-
survival signals. This changes the equilibrium between the lies increased in complexity from worms to mammals.
multi-domain pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins and However, recent analyses of whole genome sequences from
leads to mitochondrial membrane permeabilisation and cnidarians suggest that the caspase and Bcl-2 families were
cytochrome C release [37]. already highly complex in cnidarians and that Caenorhab-
Further components of apoptotic pathways are IAPs, ditis and Drosophila lost many of the genes involved in
inhibitors of apoptotic proteases. They contain character- apoptosis. Ten genes encoding putative caspases, 11 genes
istic zinc-finger motifs (BIR-domains: baculoviral IAP encoding putative Bcl-2 family members and several genes
repeats) and directly inhibit the catalytic activity of casp- encoding APAF-1 homologs and IAPs have been found
ases. In addition, many IAPs have a RING-domain and thus in genome searches of the sea anemones Aiptasia and
E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and mediate the proteasomal Nematostella [51, 52]. An even larger number of caspases
degradation of caspases (reviewed in [38]). and Bcl-2 family proteins, including BH3-only proteins was
Caspases and Bcl-2 family proteins have been found in found in the hydrozoan Hydra magnipapillata. As described
sponges, cnidarians and all bilaterian clades [39–41]. Their above, apoptosis in Hydra has been investigated for many
function in apoptosis has been best studied in mammals years and now, with the complete set of apoptosis genes
and in the major invertebrate model organisms Caeno- available, studies elucidating their function are beginning.
rhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster [42]. The first results are reviewed in the following.
C. elegans has only one member of the Bcl-2 family
(ced-9), one caspase, which has a CARD-domain and is
involved in apoptosis (ced-3), the APAF-1 homolog Ced-4 Hydra caspases and potential caspase activation
and one BH3-only protein (egl-1), which initiates somatic mechanisms
cell death. Cytochrome C can not bind to Ced-4 and thus
cytochrome C release from mitochondria is probably not Lysates from Hydra in which massive apoptosis has been
necessary for apoptosis in Caenorhabditis. Death receptors induced by colchicine treatment exhibit a caspase 3 specific
are not known to participate in apoptosis in C. elegans, enzymatic activity detectable with fluorogenic substrates
and IAPs are not found encoded in the genome [43] [17]. Genome and EST-library searches have now revealed
(with the exception of survivin, whose primary function in 19 caspase genes. Two are incompletely covered by ESTs,
C. elegans is not in apoptosis [44]). these have been omitted from the following analysis. Eight
Drosophila has seven caspases, five are effector casp- have been cloned from cDNA (manuscript in preparation;
ases, one has a CARD-domain and one has a DED-domain, for HyCARDCasp1 Lange and Bosch, personal commu-
suggesting a more complex network for apoptosis in nication). Nine more are completely represented in the
comparison with Caenorhabditis. Two Bcl-2 family EST-library (Fig. 2a, b). Analysis of these 17 sequences

Apoptosis (2010) 15:269–278 273

a b
Group 1
44 HyCaspE


100 100
100 HyCARD2
100 100 HyPseudocasp3

Group 2

Group 3


100 amino acids

Group3 Group2 Group1 scale bar

Fig. 2 a Phylogenetic tree on the basis of a ClustalW alignment of Hydra caspase sequences in groups 1, 2 and 3. Sequences divided into
caspase sequences. All sequences are represented by gene models prodomains, large subunits and small subunits are shown as bars
(hmas) in the Hydra genome ( and according to scale; sequences surrounding active site histidine and
are covered by EST-sequences. Boxed caspase sequences have been cysteine residues and conserved substrate binding site in the small
cloned from Hydra cDNA. TreeTop-graphic; (http://www.genebee. subunits are indicated; CARD-, DED-and DD-prodomain signatures; bootstraps are indicated; are also shown where present. Accession numbers: Hydra caspase 3B:
branches with bootstraps \50 have dotted lines. Caspases are in 3 AF155128; Hydra caspase 3A: AF155127; Hydra caspase 3C:
groups as indicated: group 1 contains two caspases with CARD AY924233; Hydra caspase D: GU128636; Hydra caspase DD:
domains, group 2 contains one caspase with a DED domain and group GU128637; Hydra CARD caspase 1: GU128638; Hydra CARD cas-
3 one caspase with a DD domain; b Schematic representation of pase 2: GU128639; Hydra DED caspase: GU208869

shows that 15 have conserved active site residues, includ- and two pseudocaspases. All the other caspases in this
ing a cysteine and a histidine residue. Moreover, the sub- group have prodomains of varying length. These prodo-
strate pocket in the small subunit is also conserved in these mains, however, do not show signatures for CARD
sequences as GSWF/Y. In addition aspartate residues rep- domains although we have demonstrated experimentally
resenting potential caspase cleavage sites between the large that HyCaspA is capable of autoprocessing in contrast to
and small subunits are conserved (Fig. 2b). Two of the 17 HyCaspB, C and D, which are not (manuscript in prepa-
sequences with high homology to caspases lack the ration). The second group contains 3 caspases, one of
important active site histidine residue. We thus call them which has a DED domain and could thus represent a Hydra
pseudocaspases (Fig. 2b). caspase 8 homolog (although mammalian caspase 8
Phylogenetic sequence comparison of all Hydra casp- homologs have two DED-domains). The other members in
ases reveals that they fall into three groups (Fig. 2a). The the group have prodomains with no recognisable signature.
largest group contains two caspases with CARD-domains The third group is represented by two unusual sequences.

274 Apoptosis (2010) 15:269–278

HyDDCasp has a DD domain in its prodomain and is to our has an N-terminal CARD domain that could potentially
knowledge the only caspase with such a prodomain. interact with the Hydra CARD-domain caspases. In Hydra
The presence of potential initiator caspases with CARD, APAF-1 only seven WD40 repeats are present (see Fig. 3a).
DED and DD domains in Hydra suggests similar caspase These could potentially form a wheel, but only one pro-
activation mechanisms to those known from mammals. This peller. It is therefore hard to predict whether the Hydra
includes both extrinsic and intrinsic caspase activation protein would bind to cytochrome C. Experiments are
mechanisms. Based on the occurrence of additional proteins underway to show whether HyAPAF-1 is involved in cas-
involved in both pathways it appears that both could be pase activation and if cytochrome C plays a role in this.
operating in Hydra. For the intrinsic pathway, in addition to For the extrinsic pathway in Hydra, in addition to a
two CARD-domain caspases, Hydra has an APAF-1 DED-domain containing caspase, a FADD-like adaptor
homolog shown schematically in Fig. 3a [53]. APAF-1 is a protein and a potential death receptor have been identified.
central component of the human apoptosome. It has an The receptor has been cloned from Hydra cDNA
N-terminal CARD-domain for recruitment of CARD- (Fig. 3b,c). Whether these proteins engage in a stimulus
domains from initiator caspases, e.g.caspase 9. C-terminally induced death activation pathway remains to be analysed.
it has a wheel-like structure with two propellers, one formed Moreover, it is tempting to speculate that the unusual
by the first seven WD40 repeats and the other by the HyDDCasp could participate directly in the extrinsic
remaining six WD40 repeats [54, 55]. Both propellers are apoptosis induction pathway by interacting with the
thought to interact with cytochrome C. HyAPAF-1 also DD-domain of the Hydra death receptor.

Fig. 3 a Schematic drawing of a APAF-1

the domain structure of the
Hydra APAF-1 (accession WD40 repeats
number: GU121227) homolog CARD NOD
in comparison with human
APAF-1 and C. elegans CED-4; HsAPAF-1
CARD domains, NOD-domains
and WD40-repeats are
indicated; single WD40
domains as black boxes; CeCed-4
b schematic drawing of the
domains of the Hydra TNF-
receptor like protein (accession
number: GU121226) sequence HyAPAF-1
as deduced from cloned cDNA;
TNF-R1 and R2 and
transmembrane (TM) domains b TNF-R
are indicated; c domain
structure of the Hydra FADD
homolog as deduced from the TNF-R1 TNF-R2 TM DD
gene model hma1.131332
(http://hydrazome.metazome. HyTNF-R-like
net); DD and DED-domains are
indicated; d domain structure of
Hydra IAP (accession number:
GU121225). Sequence was
deduced from cloned cDNA; 3
BIR-domains and RING-
domain are shown in compari- DED DD
son with human XIAP HyFADD





Apoptosis (2010) 15:269–278 275

Caspase activity in Hydra could potentially also be analysing sequences from the sea anemone Aiptasia [51].
regulated by IAPs or by pseudocaspases. One bona fide The incomplete conservation of bcl-2 sequences in Hydra
IAP gene was cloned from Hydra cDNA. It encodes a and sea anemone made it questionable whether these cni-
protein with 3 BIR domains and a C-terminal RING darian Bcl-2 proteins were involved in programmed cell
domain (Fig. 3d, manuscript in preparation). Moreover, the death. However, our recent experiments have now shown
pseudocaspases in our first caspase group (Fig. 2a) could that six Hydra Bcl-2-like proteins inhibited apoptosis when
potentially act as inhibitors of ‘‘real’’ caspases by com- expressed in mammalian cells. One Bcl-2-like protein
peting for substrate binding. Recent work in C. elegans has mildly induced apoptosis. Two more sequences are very
hinted at such a possibility. The C. elegans caspase like similar to mammalian Bak-proteins (they were termed
protein Csp-3 does not contain an active-site cysteine [56]. HyBak-like 1 and 2) and strongly induced apoptosis in
Loss of the csp-3 gene, however, caused increased cell human cells. We also showed that most of the Hydra Bcl-2
death. Moreover, Csp-3 interacted with Ced-3 and inhib- proteins are localised to mitochondria and that this locali-
ited its autoactivation (but not the activity of the processed sation is mediated via a C-terminal hydrophobic domain
caspase 3) [43]. [57]. Two, however, were localised to the ER. We there-
fore suggest that Hydra Bcl-2 proteins are involved in
apoptosis regulation and that apoptotic pathways involve
Hydra Bcl-2 protein family both mitochondria and the ER [53].
In mammals, a large family of BH3-only proteins is
The second large gene family we identified in the Hydra involved in apoptosis induction. These include Bad,
genome are the bcl-2 genes. Nine such genes were found PUMA, NOXA and many more [49]. Most of these pro-
and cloned from cDNA (Fig. 4). Protein sequence con- teins are not related in primary sequence except for the
servation is very strong in the BH1 and BH2 domains but presence of the BH3 domain. BH3-only proteins of this
not in the BH3 and BH4 domains ([53] and manuscript in group have not been found in Drosophila. However, the
preparation). Similar observations have been made by BH3-only protein Egl-1 in C. elegans is upregulated in all
somatic cells that are destined to die [58]. In addition, it is
upregulated after genotoxic insult in the C. elegans germ
BH4 BH3 BH1 BH2 TM line as a response to transcriptional activation by the
HyBcl-2-like 1 C. elegans p53 homolog [59]. In pre-bilaterian animals no
information about BH3-only proteins is currently available.
HyBcl-2-like 2 Our searches of the Hydra genome have now revealed the
presence of several genes encoding putative BH3-only
HyBcl-2-like 3 proteins. Investigations are underway to show where these
BH3-only proteins are expressed in Hydra and whether
HyBcl-2-like 4 they participate in apoptosis regulation. These BH3-only
proteins may hold an important key to understanding how
HyBcl-2-like 5 apoptosis is induced in Hydra.

HyBcl-2-like 6

Hydra insulin signalling in apoptosis regulation

HyBcl-2-like 7

Results discussed at the beginning of this review suggested

HyBak-like 1 that apoptosis is used to ensure cellular homeostasis in
Hydra, especially under conditions of varying nutrition.
HyBak-like 2 Sensing of metabolic activity and processing of this
information in order to adjust growth rate is achieved by
Fig. 4 Schematic drawing of conserved BH domains of the Hydra insulin signalling in many organisms. In mammals insulin
Bcl-2 family proteins as deduced from cloned cDNAs. Dark grey
regulates glucose uptake, glycogen production and fat
coding region, small squared boxes BH4 domains, longitudinal
stripes BH3 domains, diagonal stripes BH1 domain, dotted boxes storage by acting as an endocrine hormone. In inverte-
BH2 domains, black box membrane anchoring domain. Accession brates, insulin signalling also regulates growth [60]. The
numbers: Hydra Bak-like protein 1: EF104645; Hydra Bak-like picture here is very complex because Drososphila and
protein 2: EU035760; Hydra Bcl-2-like 1: EF104646; Hydra Bcl-2-
Caenorhabditis have a large number of insulin-like pep-
like 2: EF104647; Hydra Bcl-2-like 3: EU035765; Hydra Bcl-2-like
4: EU035764; Hydra Bcl-2-like 5: EU035763; Hydra Bcl-2-like 6: tides. C. elegans responds to food limitation by dauer
EU035762; Hydra Bcl-2-like 7: EU035761 formation and this is regulated via insulin pathways

276 Apoptosis (2010) 15:269–278

Hydra proinsulin 1 rescues cells from apoptosis apoptosis in Hydra it appears that the network for the regu-
70 lation of apoptosis in pre-bilaterian animals was very com-
HyFoxO + HyIns1 HyFoxO + RFP plex. Essentially all pathways that we know to be involved in
60 apoptosis regulation in mammals had already evolved in the
common ancestor of bilaterians and cnidarians (Table 1).
Hence, the simple cnidarian Hydra is emerging as a useful
model organism to study new aspects of apoptosis as a reg-
% apoptotic cells

ulator of cellular homeostasis. The completion of the Hydra
30 genome sequencing in addition to new techniques to create
transgenic Hydra provide a substantial experimental plat-
20 form which will stimulate research in this area [67].


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