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When the Swallows

fly low
a 4th level adventure
for fifth edition

“When the Swallows fly low” was written as part of 4 DMs 1 Prompt, in collaboration with Skyler the
ADHDM, Dice Brain and ACLawrence. More about the challenge here.
This roleplay focused mystery can be played within a 3-5 hour session, and is designed for four level 4 char-
acters. In this adventure, the PCs will investigate the dark and eerie events plaguing a theater troupe.

Writing & Layout Proofreading
Val “Corkboards & Curiosities” Jack Than Htike, Johanna Doppelbauer

Assets Fonts Used Crimson, Lato, Cinzel

Map Special Thanks

Val “Corkboards & Curiosities” & Skyler the ADHDM, Dice Brain,
Kevin Hlaing ACLawrence, Luke Saunders (Murkdice).

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD
5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at
systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License available at


High above the stage, in the intricate scaffolding of the theater’s catwalk, a ghostly figure observes the dancers and
acrobats. Consumed by obsession, she craves for a taste of their spotlight, of the applause that should have been hers.
Her festering envy burns like a beacon, corrupting the Theater.

Not much has changed on this stage since she was alive: as always, competition rules all. Hushed whispers, spiteful
thoughts and measured glances betray the unspoken rivalry that courses through the troupe. The pursuit of perfection
kindles ambitions, strains relationships, and distorts each dancer’s sense of self-worth in a never ending cycle.

The Birdsong Theater

Named in honor of the swallows that nest around the building, The Birdsong Theater has a long and prestigious legacy to
uphold. While attending a show is an honor most often reserved for the wealthy, attending its academy of dance and circus
arts requires a different kind of sacrifice. Within the Theater’s opulent walls, the dancers and acrobats strive for greatness,
their every step and twirl a testament to the relentless and nerve-racking pursuit of perfection.
The Theater’s signature show, the Flight of the Swallows, is among the most awaited events among performing arts enthusiasts.
Each year, after lengthy preparations and taxing rehearsals, a new iteration of the play is unveiled to the audience, combining
dance and aerial numbers in a breathtaking display of excellence and artistry.

The Crowned Swallow

Each of the academy’s dancers dreams to be cast at the
Crowned Swallow, the show’s leading role and a symbol of
prestige. Naturally, it elicits both admiration and envy, and
the competition is fierce.

To Helianna, who danced at the Birdsong Theater over 20

years ago, this goal turned into an obsession. Though she
never got her wish, she projected it onto her only daugh-
ter Adelaide, encouraging (and pressuring) her to walk in
her footsteps. Helianna passed due to illness a year ago. Her
ghost, still lingering around her daughter and the Theater,
has slowly grown consumed by obsession, anger and envy.
Another girl, Clementia, has been cast as the Crowned
Swallow, eclipsing Adelaide. This precipitated Helianna’s
ghost, already unstable, to turn to violence in order to
eliminate the competition. Before the Crowned Swallow is
lowered before the audience from the Catwalk, a complex
scaffolding structure above the stage, Helianna possesses
her and leads her to get injured. Increasingly losing her grip
on reality, she will soon attempt to kill Madame Vilmonde.

Dramatis Personae
• Madame Vilmonde. Herself a product of the The- • Adelaide. Helianna’s daughter knew that she would
ater’s competitive and demanding environment, not be cast as the Crowned Swallow before even ap-
this former dancer runs the Birdsong Theater with plying. Working tirelessly to live up to the last wish-
an iron hand, picking favorites and putting a lot of es and expectations of her mother, who always told
pressure on her pupils. The Theater’s reputation her that she deserved to be in the spotlight, Adelaide
now rests on her shoulders, and she will not let any- however knows that she has no real talent for the
one ruin the show’s legacy. Always aware of any per- stage. In truth, she would rather be a musician, but
sons of interest in the audience, she noted the pres- feels obligated and exhausted from this pressure.
ence of adventurers and hires them to investigate. She never told her mother, believing performance
• Clementia. Recently cast as the Theater’s new to be the glue that brought them so close.
Crowned Swallow, Clementia looks like a ballerina • Helianna. After a year of lingering without rest,
that’s been plucked right out of a silver music box, Helianna’s ghost is unraveling, torn between two
and as it turns out, she is just as passive. A quick con- competing sides. One part of herself wants the best
versation reveals her to be a hollow shell of a person, for her daughter. The other, twisted by her undead
her sense of self having been ground down to a pow- condition, is consumed by envy: Adelaide’s present
der, only to be molded into shape through relentless mirrors Helianna’s past so closely that the bound-
training and critique. Though already naturally anx- aries blur. At times, the ghost thinks that she is still
ious, the events of the night have reduced her voice alive and competing for the Crowned Swallow role
to almost a whisper. herself.

Inciting Incident
As thanks for a previous job, or on their own initiative, the party has acquired tickets to this year’s Opening Night of the Flight
of the Swallows. Seated a few rows away from the stage, they witness the marvelous aerial choreographies of the dancers and
acrobats flying right above their heads.
As the music comes to a crescendo, and the audience whispers that the new “Crowned Swallow” will soon make her entrance,
Clementia appears. She hangs with one hand from an aerial hoop suspended 20 feet above the stage. She does not move, and
her expression is completely blank. A character attempting to read the situation and succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight
or Perception) check notices Clementia’s slight shaking, and sees on the faces of the other dancers that something is wrong.
Soon, the Crowned Swallow lets go of the hoop, and begins to fall.

Should the characters notice the artists’ behavior on time, they have a chance to intervene. Her aerial hoop hangs 60
feet away from the party’s seats, allowing them to cast feather fall, in which case, their reward (see Epilogues) increases
by 50 gp. Otherwise, she drops and injures herself, while the dancers rush to her aid. Madame Vilmonde, entering the
stage in a panicked hurry, loudly calls for a doctor. Any healers in the party may manifest themselves and be brought
to the stage.
In either case, Clementia screams, be it from pain or terror, and a curtain unfolds from the catwalk on the back end of
the stage, spelling in bold red letters “YOU SHOULD HAVE PICKED ME”, large enough to be read from the audience.
Quickly, Madame Vilmonde requests that the curtains be closed, eclipsing the scene, and the spectators are ushered
out of the building.

Calm after the storm
The next morning or once the dust has settled and Clementia is taken care of, be it by a party member or a healer in the audi-
ence, Madame Vilmonde summons the characters. The Theater now basks in a tense silence. Clementia, nervous but healed,
is also present in the office.

A job The fallen star

Madame Vilmonde wants to hire the party to investigate, Nervously sitting in Madame Vilmonde’s office, Clementia
assuring them that payment is no issue. She relates the fol- remains quiet unless directly spoken to. Once prompted,
lowing: she can tell the party the following:
• Premeditated. This was no accident. Not only is Clem- • Scared. Clementia did not voluntarily let herself fall. A
entia far too well-trained to commit a mistake during the bit before entering the stage, something felt off. Though
show, the message in red paint confirms Madame Vil- she was aware of her movements, it felt more like wit-
monde’s suspicions. She hands the curtain to the party, nessing them than willing them. She had simply assumed
neatly folded. that it was caused by stress.
• The Crowned Swallow. Clementia’s role is highly cov- • Powerless. Once she started climbing on the hoop, she
eted, and draws the envy of many of the other perform- realized something was deeply wrong. Instead of sitting
ers. Madame Vilmonde believes that one of them is likely on the aerial hoop, she climbed down and let herself hang
to blame. from one hand. She tried very hard to climb back up, but
• Where to start. Madame Vilmonde gives the party full was not in control of her own actions.
access to the Theatre. After speaking to Clementia, she • Confused. Clementia has no idea what could have caused
insists on escorting them to the stage area, where the per- it. Madame Vilmonde’s best guess is poison. Though it
formers have been summoned. They are then free to in- is plausible, a character proficient with a Poisoner’s Kit
spect the girls’ belongings and search the dressing rooms, would know that it is rare for such poisons not to leave
so long as they can find who tried to ruin her show. a trace.

Interviewing the performers

The performers, still a bit shaken, have gathered on the stage. They have split into small groups to discuss at a low volume or
sew small adjustments into their costumes. The character with the highest Passive Insight can notice some of them occasion-
ally glancing in the direction of Adelaide, who is stretching alone in one corner.
Madame Vilmonde, in her usual controlling manner, wants to be present during the interviews, though her presence visibly
intimidates the performers. She can be convinced otherwise with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimida-
tion) check or convincing arguments. Otherwise, she returns to Clementia in her office only after the interviews are over.

The Theater’s “Magic”

Until Helianna’s ghost has been put to rest, some parts of the theater are subject to magical effects caused by her presence.
Upon stepping onto the stage, each character must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or gain a flaw. This flaw can
be randomly selected by a d4 roll or chosen by the DM to fit a particular character’s personality. This effect ends once the
character leaves the stage, at which point they realize that they do not truly feel that way, or at least, not with such intensity.
This effect does not extend to the catwalk above the stage, in which Helianna lairs.

d4 Flaw
1 Which party member do you admire the most? Striving to be like them, you must now imitate some of their
mannerisms or initiatives.
2 What is your greatest insecurity? Believing that everyone present is staring at that insecurity, and judging you
for it, you must do your best to conceal it.
3 Which party member do you admire the most? Striving to impress them, you must now go out of your way to
show them how capable you are.
4 Who on this stage do you envy most, and what for? Convinced that this person believes themselves better than
you are, you are determined to belittle them at the slightest mistake, or to diminish their accomplishments.

Rumors among the performers
Eager to find out what happened, the dancers and acrobats are forthright with the party. They know the following rumors,
and some have their own theories, but may require a stronger push to make accusations if Madame Vilmonde is present:

• The Theater’s “Magic”. There is something magical • Accusations. Each of the dancers auditioned to be the
about the Birdsong Theatre. According to the perform- Crowned Swallow. It is the leading role, and the greatest
ers, this place has known so many wonderful artists that honor one could receive. Not all performers are com-
their passion can be felt while on stage. fortable making accusations. However some, under the
• Paranoia. Some performers, made spiteful by the The- influence of the Theater’s “Magic” mention that perhaps
ater’s “Magic”, suggest that perhaps Clementia actually Adelaide was most desperately eager to get the role.
did let herself fall. In the days leading to the opening • The odd one out. The performers admit that they are
night, she confessed to a few friends that she felt ob- not sure why Adelaide is here. She works hard, but has no
served on several instances, especially around the dress- talent for the stage. As far as they know, Adelaide’s family
ing rooms and their corridor. Some think that she per- bought her admission. She is the only one at the academy
haps could not handle the pressure. who does not have a scholarship.

The Bird
While conversing with the performers, the party member with the highest Passive Perception notices slight movement com-
ing from the rows of the audience. A translucent and slightly glowing swallow flies over the seats before perching on one of
them to observe the stage. Only this party member can see the bird, which soon vanishes into thin air.

The odd one out

Keeping to herself unless approached, Adelaide however kindly welcomes the party. She honestly answers their questions in
a timid tone.

• Controlled. Adelaide agrees that there is something

magical about the theater, but she does not enjoy it.
When performing, she sometimes feels out of her own
body, aware, but unable to stop. She feels herself disap-
pear in these moments and hates it. Though Adelaide
does not know it, this is due to Helianna possessing her.
• Enrollment. Her family is by no means wealthy, but
she is indeed paying the full price of tuition. Her mother
Helianna used to dance at the Birdsong Theater, and
always believed her daughter could one day become
Crowned Swallow. Before passing, she gave all the mon-
ey she had in order to pay for her daughter’s admission.
• Promise. Looking fondly at the ring on her finger
which she inherited from Helianna, beautiful but cheap
when seen close up, Adelaide confesses that the reason
she has been working very hard is to honor her mother’s
wish. She would however never hurt anyone for it, she is
aware that no one thinks she deserves to be here.
• Discomfort. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight)
check reveals doubt when talking of her wish to be
cast. When questioned about it, Adelaide admits her
true feelings about this pressure, and her preference for

The Dressing Rooms

While the party visits the dressing rooms, or whenever she gets a chance, Helianna sets her revenge into motion
and possesses her daughter. Pretending to be Adelaide, she goes to Madame Vilmonde’s office, from which she leads
her hostage to the catwalk for a confrontation. By default in this adventure, Helianna’s victim is Madame Vilmonde.
Should she be with the party during that time, the ghost instead finds Clementia. In this case, replace instances of Ma-
dame Vilmonde’s name by Clementia’s from this point on.

A long corridor leads from the stage to the prop closet and dressing rooms, each of them shared between three or four per-
formers. Inside, each has their own closet, mirror and vanity bearing their names. Searching this area reveals the following:
• The corridor. Framed paintings hang on the walls of the corridor, bearing the names and portraits of the previous Crowned
Swallows over the years. However, the faces of the performers on the pictures have been clawed out very recently, and the
claw marks feel very cold to the touch.
• The prop closet. Among the props and products for use during the shows, one sachet of dust of disappearance can be
• Adelaide’s corner. In a small box on her vanity, an old folded paper bears a drawing that Adelaide made as a child, depict-
ing her and her mother in their costumes. Along with it is a note written by Helianna years ago. It reads “My little bird, you
deserve all the applause. I can not wait for the entire world to see it as I do, my Crowned Swallow”. The handwriting is identical to
the red letters on the curtain. Upon reading it, the character holding the letter is granted a vision.

A character inquiring about ghosts and succeeding on a DC 13 Intelligence (History or Arcana) check recalls that
such creatures are afflicted by distorted versions of the emotions and drives that they experienced in life. Appealing to
a ghost’s unfinished business can be the key to peacefully releasing them.

The flight of the swallows

This event takes place as the party leaves the dressing rooms
area. Screams can be heard from the stage. 3 ghostly swal-
lows and 1 swarm, manifestations of Helianna’s anger, have
appeared and are attacking 9 performers. More screams
come from the Catwalk above. A character can recognise
the voices of Adelaide and Madame Vilmonde with a suc-
cessful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check. The swallows
immediately target characters making their way up to the

Swarm of ghostly swallows
Medium swarm of Tiny Undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 12

Ghostly swallow Hit points

24 (7d8 - 7)
10 ft., fly 50ft.
Tiny Undead, chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 6 (–2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Hit points 1 (1d4 - 1)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50ft.
Skills Perception +5
Damage Resistances Acid, Fire, Lightning, Thunder; Bludgeon-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ing, Piercing and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
2 (-4) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) Damage Immunities Cold, Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, paralysed,
Skills Perception +3 petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Damage Resistances Acid, Fire, Lightning, Thunder; Bludgeon- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 15
ing, Piercing and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks Languages --
Damage Immunities Cold, Necrotic, Poison Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 13
Languages --
Ethereal Sight. The swallow can see 60 feet into the Ethereal
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.

Ethereal Sight. The swallow can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Incorporeal Movement. The swallow can move through other
Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Incorporeal Movement. The swallow can move through other
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It is Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and
destroyed if it ends its turn inside an object. vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large
enough for a Tiny swallow. The swarm can’t regain hit points or
Flyby. The swallow doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when it gain temporary hit points.
flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Actions Icy Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target
Icy Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. in the swarm’s space. Hit: 7 (2d6) cold damage, or 3 (1d6) cold
Hit: 2 (1d4) cold damage. damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.

The Catwalk
“My little swallow deserves everything! You will not take it from her like you took it from me!”
The Catwalk is a complex structure of 5 feet wide paths, suspended 30 feet above the stage with ropes and scaffolding.
Adelaide, currently possessed by Helianna and surrounded in a ghostly glow, has tied Madame Vilmonde to the Crowned
Swallow’s aerial hoop. Using an action to use the pulley system nearby can safely lower the hoop to the stage, but Helianna
will not easily allow it.

Appeasing the ghost

Though usually torn between her love for her daughter and her own obsession with the Crowned Swallow, Helianna is now
overtaken by the latter. Appealing to this first side of her can bring her back to reason, at least momentarily so that she may
release Adelaide from possession. A character can do so by succeeding on a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Ad-
dressing the pressure and entrapment felt by Adelaide grants advantage on this check.
On a success, Helianna releases her terrified daughter from possession. Visibly exhausted, the ghost tells the party how she
hoped that Adelaide becoming Crowned Swallow would finally release her, though she no longer believes it. Should the
party pursue an empathetic route, Helianna can be put to rest if she receives her spotlight. This can be done by allowing her
to perform the Crowned Swallow’s number on stage, by adding her portrait to the dressing rooms’ corridor, or through
another creative and appropriate method that the party initiates

Helianna uses the Ghost stat block, with the following addition:
• Birdcall. As a bonus action on her turn, Helianna can summon a swarm of ghostly swallows, who obey her com-
mands and with whom she can communicate telepathically. If Helianna is destroyed or put to rest, the swallows

Fighting the ghost

Should combat occur on the catwalk, Helianna may use the following tactics:
• While possessing Adelaide, she can attempt to shove a character from the Catwalk. Note that once Adelaide has been
released from possession once, she can no longer be possessed.
• Helianna may call upon ghostly swarms of swallows to come to her aid, summoning them to either attack or hinder her
• When possessing someone, Helianna, wrathful and impatient, releases the body if it can no longer move freely, such as
when targeted by the hold person spell or similar.


The new Birdsong Theater

Helianna is peacefully put to rest. Her last words to her daughter encourage her to pursue
her own path. Adelaide decides to quit dancing, trading it for music. The party is paid 300
gp by Madame Vilmonde, who seems to have understood the pain that the theater fosters. A
month later, the party is invited to attend the second attempt at the show’s opening night. Ad-
elaide plays in the orchestra. The show, indeed marvelous, would have made Helianna proud.

The cycle continues

Helianna is destroyed, and the party is paid their 300 gp reward, but remains of her hatred
and envy linger, cursing the building. The Theater’s “Magic” becomes permanent and the cycle
continues. Until dispelled by the hallow spell or similar, any performer on that stage will know
deep envy and insecurities.

The next haunting

Helianna survives being fought. Feeling betrayed, she loses her grip entirely, forgetting even
her love for her own daughter. At this point, turned truly evil and beyond redemption, she
works towards destroying the Theater. Unless stopped, she will then start haunting other lo-
cations in which envy is prominent.

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