PAS 1 - Bahasa Inggris Peminatan - 2023 2024

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Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris (Lintas Minat) Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 23-09-2023

Kelas :X Waktu : 120 menit

1. Berdoalah dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal.
2. Pilihlah Nama Peserta dan Kelas Anda pada google form
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawab.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, soal rusak atau jumlah soal
5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir dan semuanya harus dijawab.
6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum di kirimkan/submit
7. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dari pernyataan di bawah ini dengan tepat dan jawablah di
gooogle form ! (Skor 1/nomor soal)

Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions that follow (1-5)

Hotel Reservation

Receptionist : Good afternoon! This is Capitol Hotel in Washington, D.C. How may I help you?
Mr. Abrams : Hi, I’d like to schedule a reservation for this upcoming weekend from Friday night
until Sunday.
Receptionist : Sure! Let me check and see what rooms are available. Do you need a room with
one bed or two?
Mr. Abrams : (1) ..., a room with one bed will be just fine.
Receptionist : Alright... It looks like we have several rooms available. Would you care for a room
with a balcony?
Mr. Abrams : A single room with no balcony will suit our needs just fine. I did notice on your
website that you have a pool, an exercise room and a massage room. Are these
facilities available for all hotel guests?
Receptionist : Yes, all hotel guests are allowed access to those facilities. The hotel stay also
includes breakfast. We have a restaurant on-site that also serves lunch and dinner,
but those meals are not included in your lodging fee.
Mr. Abrams : Okay, that’s fine. What time are both check-in and check-out?
Receptionist : Check-in for you on Friday can be any time after 3:00 p.m. Check-out will be
on Sunday before noon.
Mr. Abrams : Sounds great!
Receptionist : I am glad that I could help you today. Is there anything else that you need at this
point in time?
Mr. Abrams : Would you like my credit card information now, or can I take care of that upon my
arrival to the hotel’s reception desk?
Receptionist : We can handle payment upon your arrival on Friday. We look forward to seeing
you then!
Mr. Abrams : Thank you! I look forward to my stay.
Receptionist : Enjoy the rest of your week!

1. Complete the dialogue with the right sentence.

A. My wife and I visit the city
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B. My wife and I will be visiting the city
C. My wife and I will have visited the city
D. My wife and I would visit the city
E. My wife and I have visited the city.

Answer the questions based on the dialogue (3-6):

2. What is the name of the hotel where Mr. Abrams plans on staying?
A. Washington D.C.
B. Capitol Hotel
C. Lincoln Hotel
D. Kennedy Hotel
E. Grand Hyatt Washington

3. For how long does Mr. Abrams plan on staying at the hotel?
A. Overnight
B. A week
C. Two nights
D. Three nights
E. Four nights

4. What kind of room does Mr. Abrams request to stay in?

A. A double room without a balcony.
B. A double room with a balcony.
C. A single room without a balcony.
D. A single room with a balcony.
E. A room with double bed.

5. All of the following are amenities the hotel offers its guests except:
A. A swimming pool
B. An exercise room
C. A massage room
D. Free breakfast
E. Free lunch

6. At what time can Mr. Abrams check into the hotel on Friday?
A. Before 10:00 a.m.
B. Before 11.00 a.m.
C. After 3:00 p.m.
D. After 1:00 p.m.
E. Before noon

7. When does Mr. Abrams plan on giving the hotel his credit card information?
A. During the phone call
B. Upon his arrival to the reception desk
C. Mr. Abrams wants to pay in cash
D. At the end of his stay
E. Before his arrival

8. From the dialogue we can conclude that ....

A. Mr. Abrams and wife leave the hotel before Monday.
B. Mr. Abrams and wife are leaving the hotel before Monday.
C. Mr. Abrams will leave the hotel before Monday
D. Mr. Abrams will be leaving the hotel before Monday.
E. Mr. Abrams and wife will have left the hotel before Monday.

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9. By the year 2050, the automobile industry ..... Flying cars will have become the norm, zipping
through the skies with ease. Meanwhile, bicycles will have evolved into sleek, electric-powered
machines capable of incredible speed and endurance.

The cars will have been equipped with cutting-edge AI technology, allowing them to navigate
effortlessly and communicate with one another to avoid collisions. Bicycles, on the other hand,
will have incorporated smart sensors and self-balancing mechanisms, providing a safe and
efficient riding experience.

Complete the paragraph with ....

A. will revolutionize the way we commute.
B. will be revolutionizing the way we commute.
C. will have revolutionized the way we commute.
D. would revolutionize the way we commute.
E. would have revolutionized the way we commute.

Read the text and answer the questions based on the text. (10 - 14)

Brett is in the army. Tomorrow, he (10) .... He will have trained for 8 months by the time he leaves.
He will have worked very hard by the time he comes home. By the time he returns, he is going to
have been gone for 18 months. His wife will have worried about him all that time. They (11) ... by
the time he comes home. She will be happy when he safely returns.

Answer the following questions.

10. Complete the paragraph with ....
A. leaves home to join his troops overseas for 18 months.
B. will leave home to join his troops overseas for 18 months.
C. would leave home to join his troops overseas for 18 months.
D. would be leaving home to join his troops overseas for 18 months.
E. will have left home to join his troops overseas for 18 months.

11. Complete the paragraph with ....

A. will write many letters
B. will be writing many letters
C. will have written many letters
D. would write many letters
E. would have written many letters

12. For how long will Brett have trained by the time he leaves to go overseas?
A. 18 months
B. 8 months
C. 10 months
D. 1 year 6 months
E. It’s not mentioned in the text.

13. What will they have written by the time Brett comes home?
A. letters
B. diaries
C. whatsapp
D. email
E. Nothing

14. By the time he returns, for how long is he going to have been gone?
A. 18 months
B. 8 months
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C. 10 months
D. Less than one year
E. It’s not mentioned in the text.

Read the paragraph and answer the question.

Brad likes to fish. He fishes whenever he can. This weekend, he will be fishing at the lake. It is
his favorite place to fish.

Mark is Brad's friend. Mark likes to fish too. He also fishes whenever he can. This weekend he
will be fishing at the lake with Brad. They will be camping at the lake all weekend.

Mark (15) ... at 8 o'clock Friday night. Brad will be ready when Mark arrives. They will be
driving all night before they get to the lake.

They are excited about the weekend. Brad and Mark both love to fish. They love to fish together.

15. Complete the paragraph with....

A. picks up Brad
B. will pick up Brad
C. will have picked Brad
D. will be picking up Brad
E. will be picked up Brad

Read the paragraph and answer the question.

16. By the time we get there, the store ________ (close).

A. closes
B. closed
C. will close
D. will have closed
E. have closed

17. I tomorrow at 3.00 PM

A. will see
B. see
C. will be seeing
D. will have seen
E. will have saw

18. After we finish this video, I ________ (see) all of this director's movies.
A. See
B. Will see
C. Will be seeing
D. Will have seen
E. Would have seen

19. P1: Can I come over in an hour?

P2: No, I ... the house.
A. Will be cleaning
B. Clean
C. Will clean
D. Will have cleaned
E. Will cleaning

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20. This time next week I ________ (drink) wine in Argentina.
A. drink
B. will drink
C. will have drink
D. will have drunk
E. will be drinking

21. She doesn't realize what kind of person he is, but she ________ (find out).
A. will find out
B. will be finding out
C. will have found out
D. will found out
E. will been found out

22. She insulted me. I ... to her again.

A. will never speak
B. will never speaks
C. will never be speaking
D. will have never spoken
E. will have never speaking

23. Sri: Do you fancy going for a drink this evening?

Tri: I would like to but ....

Complete the dialogue.

A. I am doing my English homework.
B. I will do my English homework.
C. I will be doing my English homework.
D. I will have done my English homework.
E. I will have been done my English homework.

24. P1: May I speak to Mr. Lutfi?

P2: I'm afraid he's in a meeting. Could you call him back in half an hour.
They ... by then.
P1: Sure. Thank you.

Complete the dialogue with ....

A. Will have finished

B. Will finish
C. Will be finishing
D. Will have been finished
E. Will be finished

Which sentence gives the same information as the original and is grammatically correct?
(25 – 32)

25. She doesn’t swim and doesn’t sunbathe.

A. She doesn’t not only swim but doesn’t sunbathe also

B. Not only doesn’t she swim but also sunbathes
C. She neither swims nor sunbathes
D. She either doesn’t swim or doesn’t sunbathe.
E. She doesn’t either swim or doesn’t sunbathe.

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26. He doesn’t know where he left his umbrella.
A. It’s neither in the closet or in the second bathroom.
B. It’s in either the closet or in the second bathroom.
C. It’s neither in the closet nor the second bathroom.
D. It’s either in the closet or in the second bathroom.
E. It isn’t neither in the closet nor in the second bathroom.

27. Sometimes I bring my lunch to work and sometimes I buy it in the cafeteria.
A. I either bring my lunch to work or buy it in the cafeteria.
B. Either I bring my lunch to work or buy it in the cafeteria.
C. I bring either my lunch to work or buy it in the cafeteria.
D. I bring my lunch either to work or in the cafeteria.
E. I bring neither my lunch to work nor in the cafetaria.

28.My sister lives in Los Angeles and so does my college roommate.

A. My sister and both my college roommate live in Los Angeles.
B. Both my sister and my college roommate live in Los Angeles.
C. My sister and my college roommate live both in Los Angeles
D. Both my sister and both my college roommate live in Los Angeles.
E. My sister and my college roommate both live in Los Angeles.

29. I drink water at home, and I drink water at work.

A. I drink water both at home and work.
B. I not only drink water at home but also at work.
C. I drink water either at home or work.
D. I drink water not only at home but also at work.
E. I not only drink water at home but at work also.

30.I don’t know if she’s good at cards or just lucky.

A. She’s both good and lucky at cards.
B. She’s neither good nor lucky at cards.
C. She’s not only good but lucky at cards too.
D. She’s either good or lucky at cards.
E. She’s neither good at cards nor lucky at cards.

31. You play the guitar well and also compose music well.
A. You either play the guitar well or compose music well.
B. You both play the guitar and compose music well.
C. You play the guitar and compose music both well.
D. Not only you play the guitar well but also compose music well.
E. You not only play the guitar well but also compose music well.

32. Mira : Would you like to have sandwiches for the breakfast?
Mike : No, I don’t. Sorry.
Mira : How about burger? Do you like it for the breakfast?
Mike : No, I don’t like it.

From the dialogue above, we can conclude that ...

A. Mike doesn’t like sandwiches neither burger.
B. Mike doesn’t like either sandwiches or burger.
C. Mike doesn’t like sandwiches either burger.
D. Mike doesn’t like neither sandwiches or burger.
E. Mike doesn’t like neither sandwiches nor burger.

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33. Fina called me last night. Tuti called me last night.
It means ....
A. Both Fina and Tuti called me last night.
B. Both Fina or Tuti called me last night.
C. Both Fina with Tuti called me last night.
D. Either Fina and Tuti called me last night.
E. Either Fina nor Tuti called me last night.

34. “I don’t have either a notebook or a laptop”

This means ....
A. I have only a notebook.
B. I have only a laptop.
C. I have both a notebook and a laptop.
D. I don’t have both a notebook and a laptop.
E. I have neither a notebook nor a laptop.

35. “ Not only Erick is going to Bali, but he is also going to Lombok
This means ...
A. Erick is going to Bali.
B. Erick is going to Lombok
C. Erick is going to Bali and to Lombok.
D. Erick is not going neither to Bali nor to Lombok
E. Erick is not going either to Bali ot to Lombok.

36. When you speak English, pay attention to ... pronunciation but also intonation.
A. Either
B. Neither
C. Not only
D. Both
E. All

37. Mr. Harianto is a kind teacher.

Mr. Harianto is a patient teacher.
The best combination for the two sentences :
A. Mr. Harianto is not only a kind teacher but also a patient teacher.
B. Mr. Harianto is either a kind teacher or a patient teacher
C. Mr. Harianto is a kind teacher and a patient teacher.
D. Mr. Harianto is neither a kind teacher nor a patient teacher
E. Mr. Harianto is a kind teacher and both a patient teacher

38. Paul didn’t like the idea of going for a walk. His wife seemed quite unwilling too.
The best combination for the two sentences :
A. Paul and his wife both didn’t like the idea of going for a walk.
B. Paul didn’t like the idea of going for a walk nor his wife.
C. Neither Paul and his wife didn’t like the idea of going for a walk.
D. Neither Paul nor his wife both didn’t like the idea of going for a walk.
E. Neither Paul nor his wife liked the idea of going for a walk.

39. A hammer might help us with this kind of work . In fact a piece of stone might also work
The best combination for the two sentences :
A. A hammer not only might help us with this kind of work but also a piece of stone.
B. Not only a hammer might help us with this kind of work but also a piece of stone.
C. Not only a hammer but also a piece of stone might help us with this kind of work.
D. Both a hammer or a piece of stone might help us with this kind of work.
E. Both a hammer might help us with this kind of work and a piece of stone also.

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40. Which sentence is correct?

A. Neither Bram nor Dudy and Arvien own a car.

B. Neither Bram nor Dudy and Arvien owns a car.
C. Neither Bram nor Dudy and Arvien is owning a car.
D. Neither Bram nor Dudy and Arvien are owning a car.
E. Neither Bram nor Dudy and Arvien have own a car.

41. Which sentence is correct?

A. Either he or his children has to pay the bills.

B. Either he or his children have to pay the bills.
C. Either he or his children having to pay the bills.
D. Either he or his children is having to pay the bills.
E. Either he or his children are having to pay the bills.

42. Neither tea nor coffee .... with me. (agree / agrees)

A. Agree
B. Agrees
C. Agreeing
D. Is agree
E. Are agree

43. Neither my wife nor my parents ……. in favour of my decision to quit job.

A. Do
B. Does
C. Did
D. Was
E. Were

44. Which sentence is wrong?

A. Both my brothers are police.

B. Both my brothers is police.
C. Both my brothers were.
D. Neither my brother nor my sister is a doctor
E. Either my brother or my siter isn’t a doctor.

45. Which sentence is wrong?

A. Either James or his wife has to sign this paper.

B. Either James or his wife had to sign this paper.
C. Either James or his wife will sign this paper.
D. Either James or his wife have to sign this paper.
E. Either James or his wife is going to sign this paper.

46. Not only this program ... job opportunity but it also ... special discount

A. Offer / give
B. Offers / gives
C. Is offer / is give
D. Are offering / are giving
E. Offers / give
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47. Which sentence is correct?

A. Neither Mary nor her husband speak English.

B. Not only the passangers gets snack and drink but they also enjoys the free mobile
hotspot on the bus
C. Both Saran and his brother is a teacher.
D. Having enough rest is good for health.
E. A number of people wants to emigrate.

48. Which sentence is wrong?

A. How much time do we still have

B. How many books do you read a month?
C. How many apples do you eat every week?
D. How many orange juice do you drink every week?
E. How much money do we need for the project?

49. I have received ... (choose the wrong one)

A. Many information
B. Much information
C. Some information
D. A piece of useful information
E. A little information

50. Choose the correct sentence.

A. How many rice do you need in a month?

B. How much time do you need to finish the project?
C. I am looking for an information about the case.
D. It is not easy to find an accomodation in Jakarta.
E. He gave me an orange juice.


Bekasi, 21 November 2023

Kepala SMA Mahanaim Guru Matapelajaran,

Romauly Siti Helena, S.Pd.

Rosma Verawaty Pardosi

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