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CHM578 – Electrochemistry

Experiment 3: Corrosion of steel - Weight loss analysis


a) To study the corrosion of steel in two different acid solutions.

b) To study the corrosion resistant efficiency of steel alloy (ie: stainless steel).


The simplest, and longest-established, method of estimating corrosion losses in plant and
equipment is weight loss analysis. A weighed sample (coupon) of the metal or alloy
under consideration is introduced into the process, and later removed after a reasonable
time interval. The coupon is then cleaned of all corrosion product and is reweighed. The
weight loss is converted to a corrosion rate (CR) as follows:

Density of steel: 7.86 g/cm3 , Density of Stainless Steel: 7.0 g/cm3 (depending on the
type of stainless steel)

The constant can be varied to calculate the corrosion rate in various units:

Desired Corrosion Rate Unit (CR) Area Unit (A) K-Factor

mils/year (mpy) in2 5.34 x 105
mils/year (mpy) cm2 3.45 x 106
millimeters/year (mm/yr) cm2 8.76 x 104

The technique requires no complex equipment or procedures, merely an appropriately

shaped coupon, a carrier for the coupon (coupon holder), and a reliable means of
removing corrosion product without disruption of the metal substrate. Weight loss
measurement is still the most widely used means of determining corrosion loss, despite
being the oldest method currently in use.

CHM578 – Electrochemistry

Weight loss determination has a number of attractive features that account for its
sustained popularity:

● Simple - No sophisticated instrumentation is required to obtain a result.

● Direct - A direct measurement is obtained, with no theoretical assumptions or
● Versatile - It is applicable to all corrosive environments, and gives information on
all forms of corrosion.

The method is commonly used as a calibration standard for other means of corrosion
monitoring, such as Linear Polarization and Electrical Resistance. In instances where
slow response and averaged data are acceptable, weight loss monitoring is the preferred

Steel coupons, stainless steel coupons, polishing cloth/ emery paper,

vials/containers, four-decimal analytical balance.

Chemicals: 1M H2SO4, 1M HNO3 solutions


All metal specimens (steel and stainless steel) must be in the same size. Polish all the
metal specimens with emery paper to remove all dusts and impurities. Then, rinse with
alcohol and let them dry. Take 12 vials or containers and label them as S1(a)- (c), S2(a) –
(c), SS1(a) – (c) and SS2(a) – (c).

Weigh all the metal specimens prior to immersion in acidic solution using a 4-decimal
analytical balance. Put each of the specimen into the right labelled container and fill in
the container with the right acidic solution as in the report table. Take out all samples
after 1 hour; and dry them before weighing. Re-weigh all the metal specimens using the
same analytical balance. Record the data and calculate the average weight loss for each

CHM578 – Electrochemistry


1. Immersion of Steel in 1M H2SO4 for 1 hour

Metal specimen Weight before immersion (g) Weight after immersion (g)

Average weight loss: __________ g

2. Immersion of Steel in 1M HNO3 for 1 hour

Metal specimen Weight before immersion (g) Weight after immersion (g)
S 2(a)
S 2(b)
S 2(c)

Average weight loss: _____________ g

3. Immersion of Stainless Steel in 1M H2SO4 for 1 hour

Metal specimen Weight before immersion (g) Weight after immersion (g)
SS 1(a)
SS 1(b)
SS 1(c)

Average weight loss: _____________ g

4. Immersion of Stainless Steel in 1M HNO3 for 1 hour

Metal specimen Weight before immersion (g) Weight after immersion (g)
SS 2(a)
SS 2(b)
SS 2(c)

Average weight loss: _____________ g

CHM578 – Electrochemistry


1. Calculate the corrosion rate of steel steel in both acids for 1 hour. Comments on
your findings.
2. Why corrosion rate of steel is higher in nitric acid than in sulfuric acid?
3. Calculate the corrosion rate of stainless steel in both acids after immersion for 1
hour. Why corrosion rate of stainless steel is lower than of steel?
4. Calculate the corrosion resistance efficiency of stainless steel in nitric acid.

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