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Name: Class:

Learning goal: Reading to identify facts (Literal Comprehension).

Read the short passage below and answer each of the questions in complete sentences.

The sun glistened into my bedroom window. I could hear the birds chirping outside
because I'd left my window slightly open overnight. Even though the sun was beaming,
the air was cool. I snuggled down into my quilt, not ready to get out of bed just yet.

I heard a knock at my door. 'Remy - are you awake?'

It sounded like my best friend Sam. 'Come in,' I responded.

Sam slowly opened the door and peeked inside. As he moved into my room, I could
see he was wearing his favourite blue denim backpack. Before I knew it, Sam had
jumped onto my bed and started rambling about his adventure to Mount Champion
with his dad the day before.

'Remy! Seriously - you won't believe what we found,' he started. 'We were walking
along the creek and I spotted a bright green frog with an injured leg! I caught it, Remy -
we've named him Bill! We're going to take him to Wildlife Rescue this afternoon.'

What sound could Remy hear outside his window?

What colour was Sam's backpack?

Where did Sam visit with his dad?

What did Sam find on his trip to Mount Champion?

Why was Sam planning to go to Wildlife Rescue?

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