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JOHN: Hey, Angie! How's it going?

I was thinking, would you like to grab a drink with me

this weekend? Maybe we can try out that new bar downtown.

ANGIE: Hi, John! Thanks for the invitation, but I have to decline. I don't drink alcohol.

JOHN: Oh, I see. No problem at all! We can find a place that serves non-alcoholic
beverages too. There are some great options out there. How about grabbing a coffee

ANGIE: That sounds great, John! I appreciate your consideration. Coffee works perfectly
for me. When and where would you like to meet?

JOHN: Fantastic! How about Saturday afternoon around 3 p.m.? There's a cozy café called
"Perk Up" near the park. They have an excellent selection of coffee and tea.

ANGIE: Perfect, Saturday at 3 p.m. at "Perk Up" it is! I'm looking forward to it, John.
Thanks for being so understanding about my preferences.

JOHN: Of course, Angie! I'm glad we found an alternative. It's important to respect
everyone's choices. I'm excited to catch up over a nice cup of coffee. See you on Saturday!

ANGIE: See you then, John! I'm looking forward to it too. It's going to be a great

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