Aleksandra Dziubińska 03

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Aleksandra Dziubińska 03.07.

2016 17:16 biblioteka

12. You have made an arrangement with your Looks like your paying for dinner, and drinks, maybe Don't know. But I would be hesitant to meet with
friend that you will meet at the market square at 8 a movie too. him her in the future,esp. in a situation where I
pm. You arrive punctually and wait for your friend, would have to wait without anything else to do.
but he/she does not come. You wait another 15 "Dinner's on you next time".
minutes. You phone your friend and he/she does If it's a close friend, then I'd say, "you whore, are
not answer. Finally, after yet another 15 minutes you coming or not?" If it wasn't a very close friend,
your friend calls you and explains that he/she has then I'd say, "it's cool, let's do it another time."
forgotten about it. What do you say to him/her?
ugh. I've been waiting here like an idiot for the past
half hour. Next time try to remember these things.

Next time write it down, or let me know if you do

not want to come.

I would laugh and tell them to hurry because I've

been waiting. People make mistakes, it's fine.
13. You are at a student council meeting. The I would do my best not to make a smart comment exactly that
students and professors discuss the issue of about the teachers pet and politely inform the
grading regulations. One of the best students professor so to get my own way. That's ridiculously high, let's set the mark to reflect
proposes that a student who wants a very good the average grades students achieve in the class.
mark should score 98% at every test. You know how "Are you serious?"
difficult is to get even 60% percent. What do you You know, considering the fact that for some
say? students it's hard to get a grade over 60% I believe
it would be unwise of us to raise the bar that high.

I would say it's a bad idea and not fair to all


I would say there should possibly be a grading

curve, where you mark the grades in the class by
taking the difference between the highest score
anyone in the class achieved on the exam and
100%. Then add that difference to every student's
test. This is common practice in America for the
more difficult exams.
14. Your friend wants to buy you a CD record. You I am grateful and so say thank you.a friend of mine Thanks, but I'd rather download it.
do not think it is a good idea. First of all, you do not would be aware of the points above and so it is just
find presents necessary for proving friendship. a nice gesture. "Nah it's alright, I've already got it torrented."
Secondly, you can download it from the Internet.
How do you react to his/her offer? "That's nice of you, but save your money". You know, you really don't have to. I'll just get it

I'd say I don't need one, and that I can just

download it off the internet.

I would thank them for being so thoughtful, but

then say I'd rather they were to buy a pack or beer
or a bottle of alcohol that we could share as I use an
application of my phone to listen to music from the
15. You are at a restaurant. You wait too long for This is cold and tasteless I'll have something else Depending on who I am with. I may say it is cold.
the dish and the waiter brings you cold tasteless please and a free drink for my quality control
food. What do you say? service service. "I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be hot."

I can't eat that, it's cold and tasteless". Nothing

It's cold and tasteless, can I get something else.

I would politely ask the waiter if it would be

possible to change my meal to something else, or
just ask them to take the food back because I didn't
enjoy it and take it off my bill.
16. You participate in a competition. You are to I would care very little for my colleagues veiled Be hurt but ignore
create a poster promoting environmental issues. insult and would probably ignore it with a cheeky
One of your colleagues praises your rival’s work and grin. I would ignore that comment and stop talking to
says you have no chance to win the competition. that particular colleague.
You appreciate the other participant’s work, but "Maybe I won't win, but I really enjoyed making it
think your poster is one of the most original and and I'm pretty pleased with it". Well that's your opinion but I'm still going to give it
you believe in yourself. a shot.

Potencjalne pytanko do odstrzelenia I guess we will see what happens, anyone could

Laugh and tell them my work is on par with da

17. You are at your friend’s birthday party. You are I'll toast you drink. I would then toast a few more Pretend or ask for juice instead
given an alcoholic drink. Everybody is going to raise times for fun.
a toast to the happiness of your friend. You are a I'm a non-drinker, is there any coke?
teetotaller. What do you say? "Could I have some juice. I don't drink".
I raise the glass and then set it aside, explaining I
Potencjalne pytanko do odstrzelenia bądz do don't drink
I would get a non-alcoholic drink to toast with.

I would ask for a non alcoholic beverage and

explain that I don't drink alcohol, then make the
toast with that drink.
18. Your friend takes the only place in the first row I would take there popcorn and sit somewhere Not much of a friend. Probably wouldn't go to the
at the cinema. You know he/she did it deliberately more suitable. cinema with such a person in the first place.
to cause you trouble because you have vision
defect. You really want to watch the film. What do "Do you mind if I sit there. You know I can't see so Hey I forgot my glasses at home, do you mind if I sit
you say to him/her? well if I sit further back". there so I can see?

Nie zrozumieli chyba do końca sytuacji, że zrobił to Seriously? (and then make a face)
złośliwice, complaint więc potencjalnie do
That there is a problem with the space they chose
and because of the vision defect, I wouldn't be able
to enjoy the movie.

That person would not be a friend of mine.

However, for the sake of this questionnaire what I
would probably do is go up to the person and
explain my handicap and ask them politely if they
wouldn't mind switching seats with me. No one
would say no to a handicapped person.
19. Your boss is proud of his new iPhone which is I would say I prefer smaller unless it's my wage Nice, but too big for me
quite big. He/she asks you what you think about the packet.
phone. You find it impractical because of its size. It's quite nice, yeah.
How do you respond to your boss? "I'm sure it's great, but I prefer something a bit
smaller". I'm not really an iPhone person but I guess it's
Ta sytuacja nie pasuje koniecznie bo zlewa się z pretty cool.
komplementem, które w kulturze amerykańskiej
mają szczególne znaczenie , więc też do odstrzału The phone is fine.
albo delikatny detal.
Compliment them on their phone, what I like isn't
of concern for their personal items.
20. Your workmate wants to take a day off. He/she What's it worth? Sorry, I can't
assumes that you will replace him on that day. You
do not like this person and you also have made "Sorry, but I've already made plans myself". Can't do it then, I've had something planned for a
some plans for that day. What do you say? while. Sorry. Try asking John.

Sorry but I've already made plans. You're going to

have to find someone else to replace you.

I can't do that day because I already have plans, and

next time just let me know ahead of time.
Apologize and say I've already made plans and
cannot cover them for that day.
21. You are at a coffee bar. You are sitting with a Depends on wether they are a helpless little guy or I don't know
cup of coffee and your phone is lying nearby the a burly biker type anyone in between will be called
cup. A stranger accidently pours your coffee on stupid. Excuse me, you just spilled coffee onto my phone!
your phone. Will you pay for it now?
Depends on the reaction of the other person.
Whether they are sympathetic or not. What the fuck?
If not, then something like, "Is it ok if I send you the
bill". I don't know.

I would ask them politely for their information and

for them to replace my phone.
22. While watching a French documentary film your think of the children. exactly that
friend passes an opinion that he/she is not satisfied
with the voice-over. He thinks everyone should "It depends. I think this film works better with a While subtitles are nice, dubbing has its place.
watch foreign films with subtitles. You do not agree voice-over". Sometimes there's too little space for subtitles and
because you know sometimes there is too little children may have trouble reading them.
space for subtitles and what is more, children may
have a problem with reading them. What do you

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