Daily Reflection1

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EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

08/01/2024 (Monday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 1

Today is my first day at the internship. My home teacher helped me to familiarize the

students in Grade1 and what I need to do. I helped the assistant teacher with crafts.

Today I listened to my class teacher talk about math and the topic was patterns. After

the teacher finished the lecture, she gave the students exercises to color with different

papers according to the same pattern. In language art, the teacher taught verbs. The

teacher first talked about what a verb is, then she asked all the students to stand up

and each student said a verb, those who finished sat down, and if there were any

students who couldn't answer the question, the teacher would give them some time to

think about it.

During this day of learning and observing, I learnt, how the teacher focuses the

attention of the students. If a lot of students talk to other students during class, the

teacher will say hi and the students will answer hello, then the teacher will continue to

say hello and the students will say hi. this way the teacher calls on the students a few

times and the students will refocus their attention on the teacher.
EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

09/01/2024 (Tuesday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 2

In today's READING class, the teacher started with a new lesson and gave the

students practice problems afterwards. The exercises were from the previous lesson,

which helped the students to consolidate what they had learnt in the previous lesson.

in the language arts lesson, before the lesson started, the teacher asked questions to

help the students to review what they had learnt in the previous lesson.

At the end of the lesson, one of the students was hitting his classmates while playing

and the teacher saw him and stopped him. Before the lesson started, the teacher

emphasized to the students that you should not hurt your classmates. When the

teacher talked to the students about this, she was very serious and made sure that the

students listened carefully and knew that this was important.

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

10/01/2024 (Wednesday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 3

In today's Bible lesson, the teacher used to watch a video to introduce the students to

the story. Watching the video takes advantage of the students' visual learning. It is also

easier for students to remember.

Today's Language Arts lesson was about verbs and the teacher interacted with the

students by asking questions. And ten minutes before the end of class each student

was asked to answer a verb without repeating it. The teacher used the same method in

the afternoon when studying science. This is because it gives an idea of how each

student is learning.

During the teacher's administration today, the teacher kept emphasizing that you are

already eight years old. This helps to help the students build their sense of

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

11/01/2024 (Thursday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 4

Before today's class, the teacher talked about the problem that happened yesterday.

Students are not allowed to play ball inside the classroom, if they want to play, they

have to tell the teacher first and the teacher agrees to go outside to play. Also, when

returning to the classroom after lunch there are always many boys who are late, so the

teacher emphasized that they must come back on time, if they don't come back on

time, the teacher and his classmates won't be waiting for him. In every day's learning,

it is the teacher who helps the students to establish rules. Students need to know the

rules and follow them.

The social studies teacher is a teacher who takes classroom discipline seriously and

gives the students a lecture on discipline before the class begins. When a student

violates classroom discipline during a lesson, the teacher stops immediately and when

the class is well disciplined, the teacher continues to start.

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

12/01/2024 (Friday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 5

Today is CHILDREN'S DAY. in the morning all the pupils go to the football pitch for

a meeting to prepare four teams for the sports day. Choose leaders for each group.

In the afternoon the first lesson the pupils finished their homework which they hadn't

done before. Afterwards the students go outside together to play games. The teacher

asked the interns to think of a game and I thought of red light stop, green light go.

There are also choices for tug of war and handkerchief toss. I give the students the

rules of the game and lead them in the game. I was nervous because my English is not

good and I was afraid that the students wouldn't understand me, my homeroom

teacher helped me. When I was leading the students to play together, there was a

mistake, I said he instead of her. the students helped me to correct the mistake and I

corrected it quickly.

The school had prepared snacks for the students and before the end of the school day,

I assisted the class teacher in distributing the snacks and cakes to the students.
EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

15/01/2024 (Monday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 6

It's the start of a new week and there are some students who are late. Every morning

before students starts class, they say good morning to the teacher and also to their

classmates. In today's Bible class, the teacher introduced the students to the main

character of the story and then used a video animation to introduce the students to this

Bible story.

In today's P.E. class, I lead the students to the sports field. However, the students were

not paying attention, and when the teacher said go, the students did not hear her,

resulting in an uneven line. The students at the front of the line were running very

fast, which is very dangerous. I caught up with those students and told them to stand

still and wait for the rest of the students to come up before walking together, and I

told them once again not to run. If another student ran, that student would be

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

17/01/2024 (Wednesday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 7

Before the start of class today, the teacher once again emphasized the problem of

students returning to class late after lunch. This is very important to build students'

sense of time. Students had many tests and connections today. The teacher will be

patient with those students who are struggling to learn and show them how to do it.

When a student is having trouble paying attention, the teacher will say, " Gr. 1, please

pay attention".

When the teacher expresses that she is upset because the student did this, the teacher's

voice is louder and speaks faster than usual. If a student has been quiet, the teacher

will put his name on the board until the end of the school day.
EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

18/01/2024 (Thursday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 8

Today's reading lesson was about students doing questions. The teacher explained

how each question should be done and then the students started doing the questions

While the teacher was talking, a few students weren't listening carefully, and I went to

tell them that they needed to listen carefully to what the teacher was saying.

In the language arts class, a student was being very loud all the time causing the class

to have bad discipline overall, the teacher got mad and asked the students if they

wanted to listen to the class, if not go outside, the teacher opened the door and the

students got quiet and no students talked. No students wanted to go outside. The

teacher didn't really want them to go outside because the students were young and

saying that would scare the students and at the same time, they would try to follow the

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

19/01/2024 (Friday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 9

This morning students were grouped together for sports day and practiced some

events. When the students returned to the classroom door, the teacher told the students

to quiet down and prepare to enter the classroom. But one student never listened to the

teacher. The teacher asked the student to raise his hand, but the student never raised

his hand. The teacher called his name many times, but the student didn't listen. The

teacher walked up to him and raised his hand. But the student still didn't want to listen

to the teacher. The teacher let the other students into the class, leaving only the student

outside, where the class teacher and the student talked alone. The teacher did this to

establish authority. If a student doesn't listen, if a teacher doesn't control it, or if the

students think that the teacher can't control it, then the other students will follow that

student's example. That is why it is important to talk to that student alone. Because it

is necessary for the teacher to talk to this student alone.

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

22/01/2024 (Monday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 10

In math today, the teacher talked about faces, corners, and sides of three-dimensional

geometric shapes. The teacher gave the students practice problems after the lecture

and prepared real three-dimensional shapes for them to see and touch. This way, the

students understood more graphically. If students only look at the pictures, it will be

difficult for them to understand. Today in IXL, students did a quiz on math on the

computer. some students did it quickly but not accurately, they didn't read the

questions attentively. If they did very poorly, the teacher would ask them to redo the

quiz again and read the questions a few more times.

On the way back to class after lunch, a few students walked very slowly and did not

follow everyone back. When they came back, I didn't let them go straight into the

classroom, I asked them why they were walking so slowly, and they said because it

was gym day and they were tired. I said next time keep up with the class and don't fall

behind and then let them in.

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

23/01/2024 (Tuesday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 11

Today I did a lot of preparation for my upcoming math lesson tomorrow. And my

homeroom teacher and teaching assistant helped me a lot, they taught me the flow of

the lesson, how to use multimedia and so on. I talked to them about the flow of my

lesson, and they helped me point out the loopholes.

In today's Language Arts lesson, the teacher prepared a very interesting activity for

the students, a rainbow shaped paper with no colors on it. Students wrote on each line

of the rainbow, answered questions, and finally charted the different colors of the

rainbow so that a rainbow exam paper was ready. The students enjoyed this activity

and were very motivated to complete it. After the students had finished, the teacher

put their finished rainbows on display on the English wall. The students were very

excited to have their work displayed on the wall.

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

24/01/2024 (Wednesday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 12

Today was my first time to teach Math. I had prepared a lot, but I was still nervous.

My topic was ordering and comparing, and before I spoke, my teaching assistant

helped me to organize my discipline and told the students to listen carefully to teacher

Dong. In this lesson, I introduced two new symbols to the students, the greater than

sign and the less than sign. When I was lecturing, the students were not paying

attention and they were doing all kinds of things. Many students didn't listen carefully,

which led to many students not understanding what I said. I was inexperienced in

lecturing for the first time, so if I had included more interesting and visual things in

my lecture, I might have been able to attract the students' attention more. When I

finished the lecture, the class teacher helped me to add some content, which helped

the students to understand better.

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

25/01/2024 (Thursday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 13

Today was the second math lesson I taught. I still need to practice in interacting with

my students. Because I am worried that when I interact with students, they are very

noisy, and I have no way to control the discipline of the class. But if there is no

interaction, it is hard to focus students' attention. This is something I want to learn.

Today's class reviewed yesterday's content and did an activity that the students

cooperated with. But the class discipline was not good. Before the end of the class, I

gave the students some think and asked them to answer the questions, and the students

did well overall, with most of them getting perfect scores. I was happy because it

showed that most of the students were very proficient in this skill. My teaching is

effective. Through this lecture, I learnt how to organize the structure of the classroom,

what knowledge needs to be covered first and what needs to be covered later.
EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

26/01/2024 (Friday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 14

Today is the last day of the week, the teacher prepared three quizzes, math, bible and

reading. I helped the teacher to correct the test papers. While I was correcting them, I

found a lot of problems. Some students did well in other subjects in the afternoon, but

only did poorly in one subject. Individual students were sloppy in their work and

made mistakes in questions they knew how to do. Some students who usually do well,

did not listen carefully in class this week, causing their quiz grades to slip this week.

Tomorrow week's check is still very necessary, through the quiz so that the teacher

timely understanding of student learning dynamics, timely checking for gaps.

Students also practiced dancing in preparation for the camping.

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

29/01/2024 (Monday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 15

his week is sports week and today was the first day of the sports day. The students

were divided into four teams, red, yellow, blue, and green. At the opening ceremony

of the sports day, the headmaster circled the sports ground with a torch and led the

representatives of each team to light the sports fire. The students were very

enthusiastic about the Games. Teachers also made a point of emphasizing

sportsmanship and not caring too much about winning or losing." The best losers are

also the best winners." Many of the sports required students to work together, which

increased their sense of teamwork. Something that was great to see was that almost no

students were injured. The students had a great time while ensuring safety.
EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

30/01/2024 (Tuesday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 16

Today was the second day of the Games and students continued to participate in

various sports. The first sport of the day was the student long-distance run. Students

came to the aiu and walked and ran around the designated route of the aiu. I didn't

take part in the run because I wasn't feeling well. I walked for a while and then waited

on the road for the students to come back. The students ran in groups of three or five

and kept going even though they were tired. I cheered them on from the roadside and

took photos to record the moment when they were running hard. In the games that

followed, the students did enjoy the game and did not care about winning or losing.

The students helped each other in every game and it was fun to watch their friends

EDUC460 Professional Experience 2

31/01/2024 (Wednesday)

Dong Qihui

Reflection 17

Today the students continued to participate in the sports events. There is a special

student in my class who was on leave the other day and didn't participate in the sports

day, today he is here. In the morning my homeroom teacher and I said to keep an eye

on him and to be sure to tell the homeroom teacher if there were any problems. I have

been keeping an eye on this student. Every teacher may face special students. It is

important to give more care and attention to special students. This special student

participated in many sports. He was also very happy about participating in the sports

day. After the lunch, the teacher led the students to rehearse that dance again to

prepare for the camping next week.

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