05 Deepfake Detection

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DeepFake Video Detection System

Group ID: 5
Soham Sawant (16010421092)
Vishal Vyas(16010421125)
Pratham Sharma(16010421135)
Brigunandan Sharma(16010421142)

Prof. Yogita Borse

(Project Guide)

3/1/2021 ‹#›
Problem Definition:

What is Deepfake ?
Deep fake is a technique for human image
synthesis based on artificial intelligence.
Deep fakes are created by combing and
superimposing existing images and videos
onto source images or videos using a deep
learning technique known as generative
adversarial network(GAN). Fig:GAN

Deepfake Threat ?
Deepfake content poses a significant risk, blurring reality with AI-generated impersonations.

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Literature Review:

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Why Deep Fake Detection ?

• Fake News
• Malicious hoaxes
• Financial fraud
• Celebrity unusual video
• Revenge porn
• Politician videos

3/1/2021 ‹#›
Tools for deep fake creation

Large resolution facemasked

3/1/2021 ‹#›
Functional requirements:
1.Video Preprocessing
video splitting
facial detection
face cropping
frame selection
frame resizing
2.Feature Extraction
spatial feature extraction -CNN architecture(RESNEXT50)
sequential Feature Extraction-LSTM

3.Binary Classification
Classify whether Video is FAKE OR REAL
4.Prediction Accuracy
predict video authenticity (real or fake) with high accuracy using a trained deepfake detection
model, providing confidence levels or probabilities of predictions to maximize detection accuracy.

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Non- Functional Requirements:
1. Dataset Variation
2. Sequence length variation

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Data Set Description:

Deepface Detection Challenge Dataset




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Technologies to be used:
Python (Algorithm)

TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, OpenCV

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Overview of Implementation:

Fig: Architecture of DeepFake Detection model

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Results and discussion

Training and validation loss

3/1/2021 ‹#›
Results and discussion

Snapshot of deepfake video prediction

3/1/2021 ‹#›
Conclusion and Learnings
Combating AI-Generated Media: This project demonstrates the potential of ResNext and
LSTM networks in tackling the spread of deepfakes.
Importance of Feature Analysis: Our model highlights the value of both spatial feature
extraction (ResNext) and temporal analysis (LSTM) for effective deepfake detection.
Limitations and Challenges: While acknowledging limitations and computational demands,
this project underscores the urgency for continued research in this critical domain.
Key Learnings:Combining advanced architectures like ResNext and LSTM is crucial
for effective deepfake detection.
Meticulous data preprocessing and feature extraction techniques are essential for
optimal model performance.
Call to Action: The ongoing challenges in deepfake detection necessitate continuous
innovation and collaboration to safeguard the digital landscape.

3/1/2021 ‹#›
Implementation Schedule of Mini-Project:

Fig: Gantt Chart

3/1/2021 ‹#›
[1] R. Taviti, S. Taviti, P. A. Reddy, N. R. Sankar, T. Veneela and P. B. Goud, "Detecting Deepfakes With ResNext
and LSTM: An Enhanced Feature Extraction and Classification Framework," 2023 International Conference on Signal
Processing, Computation, Electronics, Power and Telecommunication (IConSCEPT), Karaikal, India, 2023, pp. 1-5,
doi: 10.1109/IConSCEPT57958.2023.10170580. keywords: {Deepfakes;Visualization;Machine learning
algorithms;Finance;Signal processing;Media;Feature extraction;Deepfakes;ResNext;LSTM;CNN},

[2] Y. Al-Dhabi and S. Zhang, "Deepfake Video Detection by Combining Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
and Electronic Engineering (CSAIEE), SC, USA, 2021, pp. 236-241, doi: 10.1109/CSAIEE54046.2021.9543264.
keywords: {Training;Privacy;Recurrent neural networks;Computer architecture;Feature
extraction;Solids;Convolutional neural networks;Deep learning;Deepfake Detection;convolutional Neural Network
(CNN);Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)},

[3] M. S. Rana, M. N. Nobi, B. Murali and A. H. Sung, "Deepfake Detection: A Systematic Literature Review," in
IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 25494-25513, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3154404. keywords: {Videos;Information
integrity;Measurement;Faces;Deep learning;Computational modeling;Web pages;Deepfake detection;video or image
manipulation;digital media forensics;systematic literature review},

DeepFake Detection using InceptionResNetV2 and LSTM - https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3058/Paper-034.pdf

[5] D. Afchar, V. Nozick, J. Yamagishi and I. Echizen, "MesoNet: a Compact Facial Video Forgery Detection
Network," 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), Hong Kong, China,
2018, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/WIFS.2018.8630761. keywords: {Face;Training;Convolutional codes;Forgery;Deep

3/1/2021 ‹#›

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