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Product Proposal for achieving your Life Goals

Bajaj Allianz Life ACE

A Non linked, Participating, Individual
Life Insurance Savings Plan
UIN: 116N186V01


Congratulations on taking the first step towards fulfilling your Life Goals with Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance. You
have opted for Bajaj Allianz Life ACE , a truly modular product where you are the one in charge of your financial
plan along with life cover

Key Features

Decide your Income Wide range of policy Choice of premium Continuity of policy Life Cover to Tax Benefits
amount and Income term from 10 to 45 payment term from 5 to benefit after death secure your
start year years or up to age 85 10 year or 12 years with Goal Protection planned Life
years Benefit Goals
Here's your illustration of Bajaj Allianz Life ACE - with Goal Protection Benefit

Age 50 59 84

(10 years)

(35 years)

You Pay You Get

Premium Guaranteed Income (A) ₹43,183 Yearly
Including discounts (if any) and excluding GST (From age 50 to 84)
First year ₹ 4,01,800 Yearly Cash Bonus (B) @8% ₹64,774 Yearly
Second year onwards ₹ 4,10,000 Yearly (From age 50 to 84) @4% ₹10,796 Yearly
Income Benefit (A+B) @8% ₹ 1,07,957 Yearly
(From age 50 to 84) @4% ₹53,979 Yearly
Maturity Benefit @8% ₹ 55,92,950
(At age 84)
@4% ₹43,50,097

Total Premium Total Benefits

₹ 40,91,800 @8%₹ 93,71,445 @4%₹ 62,39,362

Life Cover(At Inception)


Additional Coverages ( signifies Opted | signifies Not-opted )

Accidental death Benefit Accidental Permanent Total/Partial Waiver of Premium benefit

Disability Benefit

Family Income Benefit Critical Illness Benefit

^Premiu ms a re pa ya ble a t th e begin n in g of yea r; ^^Ben efits to be received a t th e en d of yea r. Produ ct fea tu res men tion ed a bove a re depen den t on ben efit ch osen .
Th e a ssu med ra te of retu rn s in dica ted a t 4% a n d 8% a re illu stra tive a n d n ot gu a ra n teed a n d do n ot in dica te th e u pper or lower limits of retu rn s u n der th e policy.
Th e gu a ra n teed ben efits a re depen den t on th e Policy terms, Premiu m pa ymen t terms a va iled a lon g with oth er va ria ble fa ctors.
Th e a bove ben efits/retu rn s sh own in th e docu men t a re for illu stra tive pu rpose on ly & mu st be rea d in con ju n ction with th e Ben efit Illu stra tion . For more deta ils on risk
fa ctors, terms a n d con dition s plea se rea d sa les broch u re & policy docu men t (a va ila ble on ja ja llia n ) ca refu lly before con clu din g a sa le.
Ta x ben efits a s per preva ilin g In come ta x la ws sh a ll a pply. Plea se ch eck with you r ta x con su lta n t for eligibility.
Why Bajaj Allianz Life

Total Asset Under Net Worth Number of Lives

Managment (AUM) Covered

Individual Claim Get 1 day claim As against IRDAI

settlement Ratio approval mandated 150%

* All figures as on 31 March 2023

For more details please refer to Company Factsheet

Bajaj A llianz L ife Insurance Co.L td., CIN : U66010P N 2001P L C015959 | IRDA I Reg.N o. 116 BEW ARE OF SPURIOUS PHONE CALLS AND FICTITIOUS /
Mail us: | Call on: T oll free no. 1800 209 7272 FRADULENT OFFERS -
Registered O ffice A ddress: Bajaj A llianz House, A irport Road, Yerawada, P une - 411006, IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies,
Maharashtra announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public
T he L ogo of Bajaj A llianz L ife Insurance Co. L td. is provided on the basis of license given receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police
by Bajaj Finserv L use its "Bajaj" L ogo and A llianz SE to use its "A llianz" logo. complaint.
Quotation No : 60035985700

Bajaj Allianz Life ACE

A Non linked, Participating, Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan

Name of the Prospect/ Policyholder: KHUSHBUBEN TULSIDAS FULVANI Name of the Product: Bajaj Allianz Life ACE
Age: 50 Gender: Female Tag Line: A Non linked, Participating, Individual Life
Name of the Life Assured: KHUSHBUBEN TULSIDAS FULVANI Insurance Savings Plan
Age: 50 Gender: Female Unique Identification Number: 116N186V01
Premium Payment Term: 10 GST Rate(First Year): 4.50%
Policy Term: Maturity Age 85 GST Rate(2nd Year onwards): 2.25%
Deferment Period: 0
Amount of Installment Premium: 4,10,000
Mode of Payment of Premium: Annual
How to read and understand this benefit illustration?
This benefit illustration is intented to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy, at two assumed rates of interest
i.e., 8% p.a. and 4% p.a.

Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of your insurer carrying on
life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then these will be clearly marked "guaranteed" in the illustration table
on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustrations on this page will show two different rates of assumed future
investment returns, of 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits
of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance.

Policy Details
Early Income Wealth Income Benefit Frequency Annually
Premium Allocation 95% 5% Goal Protection Benefit Yes
Benefit Sum Assured* 10,79,573 1,12,785 Accumulate Income Benefits No
Income Period 35 NA
Sum Assured on Death (at inception of policy) 45,10,000

*Benefit Sum Assured will be used for calculating Guaranteed Income and declaring Bonuses, and will not be payable on Maturity or

Premium Summary
Base Plan Riders Total Installment Premium
Installment Premium without GST (including 2% 4,01,800 0 4,01,800
discount in 1st year)
Installment Premium without GST(2nd year) 4,10,000 0 4,10,000
Installment Premium with First Year GST 4,19,881 0 4,19,881
Installment Premium with GST 2nd year 4,19,225 0 4,19,225
(Amount in Rupees )
Benefit Summary
Guaranteed Benefits Non Guaranteed Benefit @ 4% p.a. Non Guaranteed Benefit @ 8% p.a. Total Benefits including Guarantee and Non-Guaranteed Benefits
Annual Survival and Survival and Death Death
Policy Premium Survival Maturity Reversionary Cash Guaranteed Special Reversionary Cash Guaranteed Special Surrender Surrender Maturity Maturity Benefit incl Benefit incl
Year (Excl of Benefit Death Benefit Bonus Bonus Surrender Surrender Bonus Bonus Surrender Surrender Value @4% Value @8% Benefit incl Benefit incl TB (if any) TB (if any)
Value (GSV) Value (SSV) Value (GSV) Value (SSV) TB (if any) TB (if any) @4% @8%
GST) @4% @8%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 4,01,800 43,183 45,10,000 0 1,015 10,796 0 0 2,538 64,774 0 0 0 0 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
2 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 2,030 10,796 1,38,107 1,67,071 5,075 64,774 30,246 1,70,576 1,74,411 1,74,508 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
3 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 3,045 10,796 2,68,671 2,71,888 7,613 64,774 1,06,896 2,80,672 2,85,411 2,85,571 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
4 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 4,060 10,796 6,04,244 3,95,428 10,151 64,774 3,88,567 4,11,582 6,04,244 4,25,191 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
5 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 5,075 10,796 7,55,326 5,42,251 12,688 64,774 4,85,763 5,67,887 7,55,326 5,78,408 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
6 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 6,090 10,796 9,06,421 6,75,579 15,226 64,774 5,82,988 7,55,514 9,06,421 7,59,985 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000

Quotation No : 60035985700

Benefit Summary
Guaranteed Benefits Non Guaranteed Benefit @ 4% p.a. Non Guaranteed Benefit @ 8% p.a. Total Benefits including Guarantee and Non-Guaranteed Benefits
Annual Survival and Survival and Death Death
Policy Premium Survival Maturity Reversionary Cash Guaranteed Special Reversionary Cash Guaranteed Special Surrender Surrender Maturity Maturity Benefit incl Benefit incl
Year (Excl of Benefit Death Benefit Bonus Bonus Surrender Surrender Bonus Bonus Surrender Surrender Value @4% Value @8% Benefit incl Benefit incl TB (if any) TB (if any)
Value (GSV) Value (SSV) Value (GSV) Value (SSV) TB (if any) TB (if any) @4% @8%
GST) @4% @8%

7 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 7,105 10,796 10,57,528 8,19,165 17,764 64,774 6,80,247 10,09,938 10,57,528 10,09,938 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
8 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 8,121 10,796 12,41,452 9,73,935 20,301 64,774 8,10,344 13,09,004 12,41,452 13,09,004 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
9 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 9,136 10,796 14,33,593 11,40,853 22,839 64,774 9,48,685 16,56,358 14,33,593 16,56,358 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
10 4,10,000 43,183 45,10,000 0 10,151 10,796 16,74,954 13,20,917 25,377 64,774 11,36,278 20,56,548 16,74,954 20,56,548 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
11 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 11,166 10,796 16,62,139 13,77,546 27,914 64,774 10,69,730 22,28,671 16,62,139 22,28,671 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
12 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 12,181 10,796 16,90,351 14,37,515 30,452 64,774 10,44,250 22,98,528 16,90,351 22,98,528 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
13 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 13,196 10,796 16,77,594 15,00,971 32,990 64,774 9,77,847 23,72,751 16,77,594 23,72,751 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
14 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 14,211 10,796 17,05,873 15,68,099 35,527 64,774 9,52,533 24,49,950 17,05,873 24,49,950 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
15 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 15,226 10,796 16,93,192 16,39,122 38,065 64,774 8,86,321 25,31,872 17,01,784 25,31,872 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
16 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 16,241 10,796 16,80,558 17,14,326 40,603 64,774 8,20,224 26,18,874 17,74,675 26,18,874 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
17 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 17,256 10,796 17,08,977 17,94,038 43,140 64,774 7,95,261 27,08,894 18,53,851 27,08,894 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
18 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 18,271 10,796 16,96,457 18,78,630 45,678 64,774 7,29,450 28,05,040 19,35,559 28,05,040 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
19 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 19,286 10,796 17,25,005 19,68,490 48,216 64,774 7,04,811 29,06,553 20,24,268 29,06,553 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
20 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 20,301 10,796 17,12,633 20,64,060 50,753 64,774 6,39,369 30,14,862 21,16,292 30,14,862 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
21 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 21,316 10,796 17,41,351 21,65,746 53,291 64,774 6,15,152 31,26,635 22,16,114 31,26,635 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
22 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 22,331 10,796 17,29,170 22,73,973 55,829 64,774 5,50,191 32,44,577 23,20,036 32,44,577 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
23 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 23,346 10,796 17,17,106 23,89,135 58,366 64,774 4,85,520 33,66,779 24,30,476 33,66,779 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
24 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 24,362 10,796 17,46,175 25,11,587 60,904 64,774 4,62,181 34,97,088 25,49,820 34,97,088 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
25 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 25,377 10,796 17,34,393 26,41,643 63,441 64,774 3,98,216 36,35,486 26,74,263 36,35,486 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
26 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 26,392 10,796 17,63,783 27,79,559 65,979 64,774 3,75,679 37,80,715 28,08,146 37,80,715 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
27 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 27,407 10,796 17,52,366 29,25,519 68,517 64,774 3,12,626 39,29,631 29,47,539 39,29,631 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
28 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 28,422 10,796 17,82,168 30,79,617 71,054 64,774 2,91,123 40,88,180 30,96,631 40,88,180 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
29 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 29,437 10,796 17,71,221 32,41,839 73,592 64,774 2,29,242 42,54,327 32,51,306 42,54,327 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
30 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 30,452 10,796 17,60,555 34,12,042 76,130 64,774 2,12,888 44,60,812 34,13,479 44,60,812 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
31 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 31,467 10,796 17,91,210 35,89,902 78,667 64,774 2,23,572 46,69,628 35,89,902 46,69,628 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
32 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 32,482 10,796 17,81,228 37,74,875 81,205 64,774 2,33,112 48,87,357 37,74,875 48,87,357 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
33 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 33,497 10,796 18,12,656 39,66,133 83,743 64,774 2,45,729 51,10,571 39,66,133 51,10,571 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
34 0 43,183 45,10,000 0 34,512 10,796 18,85,548 41,62,460 86,280 64,774 2,61,557 53,37,635 41,62,460 53,37,635 53,979 1,07,957 45,10,000 45,10,000
35 0 43,183 45,10,000 43,14,569 35,527 10,796 0 0 88,818 64,774 0 0 0 0 44,04,076 57,00,907 45,10,000 45,10,000

There are mul ple product op ons in the product. I understand that returns vary under each op on. I have made choice of inves ng in more
than one product option considering my need and understanding the benefit under each option.
Notes: Annualized Premium excludes underwri ng extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if
any, and Goods & Service Tax. Refer Sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
1. The above benefit illustration demonstrates premium paid at the beginning of the year and all the benefits are paid out at the end of year.
2. The Survival Benefits are payable during the policy year when they are due as per the frequency. Upon payment at Maturity (Last Payout), the
policy terminates, and no further benefits become payable. The Maturity benefit will be the sum of Sum Assured on Maturity plus Accumulated
Income benefits, if not paid earlier, plus Terminal Bonus (if declared).
3. The surrender value payable will be higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value or Special Surrender Value (including any Terminal Bonus payable,
if declared) and is illustrated under 'Total Surrender Benefit' columns.
4. Surrender value illustrated above is end of the policy year value. Special Surrender value may be revised depending on the prevailing market
conditions. Upon payment of surrender benefit, the policy terminates, and no further benefit becomes payable.
5. The death benefits shown above are at the end of the year. Upon payment of death benefit the policy terminates and no further benefit is
payable. Not Applicable for Policies with Goal Protection Benefit.
6. Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws.
7. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.
8. RB - Reversionary Bonus, TB - Terminal Bonus
9. On payment at Maturity (Last Payout), the policy terminates and no further benefits become payable.

I,……….….…….(name), have explained the premiums, charges and I………KHUSHBUBEN TULSIDAS FULVANI………(name), having received
benefits under the policy fully to the prospect/policyholder. the informa on with respect to the above, have understood the
above statement before entering into the contract.

Date: Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Date: Signature of Prospect / Policyholder


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