4 Th. Stage Methods of Construction and Estimation (Yousif Salam Shwani)

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Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4

By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016


o. Subject
1- Construction Industry: Introduction to the construction Industry
2- The parties to the construction and operation stages .

3- Construction Equipments (types, uses)

4- Factors affect opting equipments
5- The cost of owning(Depreciation, Investment, Maintenance and Repair) and
operating (Fuel, oil and operator) a construction machine,
6- Loading and Hauling
7- Estimating equipment travel time
8- Rolling resistance factor
9- Grade resistance factor
10- Effective grade
11- Effect of altitude
12- Effect of traction
13- Effect of temperature and atmosphere
14- Dozers, Loaders, Scrapers, Tracks and Wagons
15 Compacting and ground modification.
16- Production of aggregate, concrete and Asphalt mixes
17- Form for concrete structure
18- Estimation [General idea about estimation]
19- Methods of estimation constructional materials
20- Approximate Estimation Floor-Area method, Cubic meter, Approximate Quantities
21- Detailed Estimation
22- Computing of building construction material
23- Reinforced concrete steel estimating
24- Application of building estimation
25- Box-culvert
26- Water tank

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

List of references
1. Civil Engineering and Costing, S.P. Mahajan, 624. 1042, M214.
2. Estimating Building and Construction, 692.5, H816, 73-119.
3. Civil Engineering Estimating and Costing, V.N. VANZIRANI, S.P. CHANDOLA, first
edition, 1982.

Construction Industry

1- Introduction to the construction Industry

Creation is considered one of the largest construction industries because they include the
1. Creation of construction materials and materials of electrical and mechanical services
industry from raw materials .
2. Convert these materials into projects and facilities under certain schemes and designs
3. Works operation and maintenance of the project.
4. Depend on a very large sector of human labor and administrative specialized cadres .
Therefore construction industry could be define as a services which change schemes and
designs made by engineers to integrated project
It includes the implementation of any project and the completion of the work of many
paragraphs as well as a large group of complex relationships
The project with multiple owners, civil engineers, architects , contractors and factories
owners, materials and machinery supplier, as well as some complex relationships with
government institutions , workers and others.
In The reality, construction industry varies from country to other and change in the same
country as well as from time to time and for the following reasons:
1. The reality of industries producing construction material and accessories, for example,
in Iraq, there is cement and brick industry while the iron industry there is weak and there
is no wood industry.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

2. Provide employment. If available labor required sizes and qualities, it leads to price
stability and the availability of worker.
3. Technical level. with the higher the requirements of development has increased the
need for technology in the construction industry will increased, which shorten the time and
4. Funding. It means the cash potential.
5. The quality of the required projects. Depending on the different ways of development
projects, in some countries, industrial being the appropriate projects however, in other
tourism is being the most appropriate project, and so on.
6. The availability of planning and designing cadres.
Hence, any civil construction activity should contain three stages namely:
A- Planning stage.
B- Designing stage.
C- Construction stage.
The relation between these stages could be clarify with this simple scheme.

Estimating Engineer role Project Stages

Planning Estimating and preparing of a

project initial cost

Designing Preparing of a project real


Constructio Calculate the amount of

performed items including the

additional work
Project Implementation stages

Construction process would be successful if the following is controlled:

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

1. the good performance of constructed structures which fit with the target, for example, if
the project is commercially must achieve the intended profit .
2. Constructions progress have to follow the advanced prepared time schedule program
to avoid any fines due to delay.
3. The implementation , operation and maintenance costs have to be within the limits of
the prior estimated cost amount, designated materials and identified it to the study which
has prepared in advance .
4. The project has not lead to any environmental damage .

2- The parties to the construction and operation stages .

The success of the construction process is very elusive due to multiplicity of parties to the
construction process are as shown below:


Supplier of the
The project

building raw Design

materials Engineer
contractor Main

There are three main issues in each project : the time - cost and funding - quality. Since
the optimal time is the time that the project can be implemented in the least by the cost
without affecting the level of engineering specifications required for the project.
If we want to reduce the time the cost must be increased for the following reasons :
a. Increase the number of workers.
b. Increase the number of equipment or capacity.
c. Increase working hours or shift.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

The above mentioned increases must be studied well to ensure that this increase would
not lead to inverse results (an increase in the cost of poor quality or lack of
The funding is to provide cash and material resources with necessary values according to
the original programming for the project. The Contractor would be funded in the form of
payments. However, the contractor funding periods shall be proportional to the executed

To obtain a balanced relationship between the cost and time requires resorting to different
methods of implementation depending on the requirements of the situation.




Project Cost-time relationship

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Construction Equipments

The importance of equipment ( machines ) construction increased with increasing sophistication

and complexity of construction which then reduce the role of human labor in projects such as
roads, dams and other, the actual production would be by equipment where the employment role
becomes a secondary role limited to the management and operation of the equipments.

3- Types of equipment

First from the commercial point of view.

Engineering equipment commercially classified according to their status in the production and
display markets therefore, accodingly would be devided into two types:
1. Standard equipment.
2. Special equipment.
The equipment is considered standard when it be common in markets, were produced and used
widely for various types of use and handling of this equipment is characterized by the following:
1. familiar to use and this means availability of operators and maintenance workers.
2. The availability of spare parts.
3. Ease sold after use for the existence of market-user to handle them.
4. The prices of new equipment may not be elevated due to the fact that competition in the
production of large as well as competition in the production of advanced models of them.
But the special manufactured equipment are type of machines that will be used for special cases
or types of projects and is characterized by dealing with the following:
1. do not produce in large numbers so it may not be shown and available in the market when you
need it .
2. unfamiliar to use and this means a lack of operators, maintenance workers and thus higher
3. Spare tools have not always available in the market .
4. High prices for the lack of competition .
5. difficulty selling them after the project ends (which means after use )
Second, from the technical and performance side of view, it can be divided into engineering
equipment under one of the following areas:

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

A. In terms of the types of engines , namely:

1. gasoline engines - small and fast equipment .
2. diesel - for medium and large equipment engines.
3. Electric motors - for especial business .

B. In terms of the movement: The equipment is divided into :

1. vehicle mechanisms on wheels.
2. vehicle mechanisms (craweled vehicles) .
3. mechanisms for moving the railway .

C. In terms of the driving : The equipment is divided into :

1. self-propelled machines.
2. push-pull mechanisms machines.

The opted mechanism must achive the work requirement at the lowest cost (Lowest price
mechanism ) and resort to the use of private vehicles in the following cases :
1. When the job can not be achived by using standard equipment.
2. When the time is the most important factor ( the dominant factor ) in the completion regardless
of the cost .
3. When the unit cost or production for the especial mechanism less than they are if you use a
standard mechanism , but provided unit quantity have to be suficiant to recover the cost of
purchased machine (subtructing the value of the mechanism after use).

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Example1 :- It is required to transfer a quantity of 63000 m3 limestone to a cement plant, and

the closest stone quarry which able to supply the limestone quantity is distanced 20 km away
from the plant. Determine the best method to transport stones at the lowest cost by using the
following methods:
1-First method is to use a conveyor belt to transport the stone, the cost to buy and install the
conveyor belt is 625 million Iraqi dinars sold after the end of the work by 125 million Iraqi dinars,
and operating costs are:-
(A) maintenance and spare parts is 2,000 ID/m 3
(B) the electric power cost is 3,000 ID/m 3
(C) the man-power operation cost is 1,250 ID/m 3
2- Second method is by using standard equipment trucks to transport stone, which requires
constructing a temporary road and culverts at a cost of 750 million Iraqi dinars and the transport
cost of the limestone is 5,000 ID/m3 in addition to 250 ID/m 3 as the road maintenance cost.

(1) by using the built in the 1st method the total cost include the following:

the conveyor belt cost at the end of the project = (625,000,000-125,000,000) = 500,000,000

ID (Known as a depreciation cost).

Depreciation cost per 1 m3 = 500,000,000/63,000 = 7,937 ID/m3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Therefore, the conveyor belt cost=7,937+2,000+3,000+1,250=14,187 ID/m3

(2) by using by using standard equipment trucks to transport stone in the 2st method the total

cost include the following:

constructing a temporary road and culverts=750,000,000 ID

(Transport +maintenance) =(5,000+250)X 63,000=330,750,000 ID

Total cost =750,000,000+330,750,000=1,080,750,000 ID

Therefore, 2nd method cost =1,080,750,000/63,000=17,155 ID/m3

Hence, the first method is more suitable economically .

It is intended to set up a water supply network for a residential village, the excavation section as
shown in the figure and the total pipes length is 2 km two following methods were selected,
Determine which method is more economic in term of the cost and duration of the completion of
the project.

1- First method use 8 group of worker, each worker wage is 20,000 ID/day average worker
production is 3 m3/day, and each eight workers require one supervisor with a wage of 40,000 ID
/ day.
2- Second method using a rented hydrolic excavator with productivity of 400 m3 / day which cost
300,000 dinars / day.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Toatal quantity=2,000x1.0x1.2=2,400 m3
1st. method
Eight group cost= 8x(40,000+8x20,000)=1,600,000 ID
Eight group production = 8x8x3 (m3/day)=192 m3 /day
So, the demanded duration= 2,400/192=12.5 day
therefore, 1st method cost=12.5 x 1,600,000 =20,000,000 iD
and requires a period of 12.5 days.
2nd. method
Total required period =2,400/400= 6 days
the total cost =6x 300,000 =1,800,000 ID
Thus, 2nd. method is recommended due to less time and cost consuming.

Example-3 (home work)

completion of excavation required for a building foundation shown in a figure below is required,
the average depth of the excavation is 2m, two methods below is opted for the project
implementation. Show which method is the most economic to complete the project.
1- First method use an excavator with a productivity of 300 m3 / day and the daily rent of
250,000 ID
2- Second method use a group of worker, each worker wage is 25,000 ID/day average worker
production is 3 m3/day, and each ten workers require one supervisor with a wage of 50,000 ID /

Total quantity = 3 x2 x (2 x 60 +2 x 34)= 1128 m3
1st. method

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

total days = (1128/300)=3.76 days

Total cost =3.76 x 250,000 = 940,000 ID

2nd. method
lets say 5 group used in each day
one group production=10 x 3 = 30 m3 /day
5 group production = 5 x 30 =150 m3 /day
one group cost = 50,000+10 x 25,000 = 300,000 ID/day
5 group cost = 5 x 300,000 = 1,500,000 ID / Day
Total working days = 1128 / 150 = 7.52 days
Tota cost = 7.52 x 1,500,000 = 11,280,000 ID
Thus : 1st. method is more suitable.

4- The cost of owning and operating a construction machine.

Financial executor deal with machines according to the following cases:
1. possession of a machine or mechanism .
2. Hire the machine .
3. refer the action to a secondary contractor .

Below we will discuss the first case to assess the other cases .
The most important factors affecting the cost of owning and operating a particular machine are:
1-the annual value of a cash investment
2-The economic life of the equipment
3-The retrieval value of the equipment
4- The original cost of the machine ( the cost of purchase).
5- Work conditions of running the machine.
6- Number of operating hours per year(1800-2000) hour.
7- Number of years of operation .
8- maintenance and replacement of spare parts Care .
9- demand for used similar machines that affect the retrieval value ( the value of which is sold
after use ).

1- the annual value of a cash investment :

A-Simple interest =(5%):

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Annual money value = value of money x(1+ The number of years × annual interest rate )
B- The compound interest =(6%):
V(annual)= invested amount(1+interest rate)t
V(annual) = Annual value of an invested cash.
t = years number
A vibrating roller was purchased at a price of 75 million ID has 5 years useful economical age,
Calculate the cost of owning the vibrating roller Basis on simple and compound interest account.
A- Simple interest=5%
Annual money value = value of money x (1+The number of years × annual interest rate )
= 75,000,000 X (1+ 5 x 0.05)
=93,750,000 ID
B- Compound interest=6%
V(annual)= invested amount X (1+interest rate)t
= 75,000,000 X (1+ 0.06 )5
= 100,366,918.3 ID

The cost of owning a machine includes :

1. The cost of the purchase , including the cost of transportation and installation .
2. the cost of depreciation .
3. Maintenance and repairs.
4. investment.
The cost of operation include :
1. the cost of fuel .
2. oil.
3. The operator wages .
4- administrative costs
The operation cost (amount/houre) = ∑(1,2,3,4)
There may be other cost do not interfere in the case of the previous cases depending on the site

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

4.1 Depreciation

Could be defined as a decrease in the value of the machine due to the use of the machine and/
or the period of time .
And it is calculated as follows :

A-The straight line method

This method assumes that the value of the machine decreases at a constant rate that any
relationship between the price of the machine and the time to be written.

The amount of annual depreciation (D)={cost of purchase(P) - sale amount(S)} /Years of



Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

If the total cost (purchase + transport + installation) the machine is equal to (50 million dinars) and
the amount sold after use for five years (15 million dinars). Calculate the value of depreciation per
hour assuming the machine works (2000 hours) per year.

The solution/

Annual depreciation = (50-15) million / 5 years = 7 million dinars / years

= Depreciation per hour (7 million dinars /years) / (2000 hours /years) = 3,500 dinars / hour
There are other more accurate method for calculating depreciation is a way of Declined Balance
Method where assume that depreciation is a fixed percentage decreases each year than the book
value of the machine.

Book Value
Is the machine value at the beginning of each year resulting from subtract the amount the
Depreciation of the previous years from the amount of the machine purchase.
Depending on the number of years of use this percentage is estimated For example, if the
expected years of use is five the ratio of the Depreciation is (1 / 5) X 100% = 20 % , according
to the type of machine and working conditions the rate of Depreciation can change for example,
the double Declined Balance assumes the rate of Depreciation of
(2 / 5) X 100% = 40 %, which means double percentage.

Retrieval Value
Is the sale price of a machine after using it for a certain period, which represents the Book value
of the machine at the end of the work period or after its use .

For the same previous example(Example-5), Calculate the value of retrieval assuming that the
depreciation value rate is doubled.
The solution/
Doubled Depreciation rate = X100% = 40 %

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

year Book value (million) D (million) Accumulative

Depreciation value
1 70 28 28
2 42 16.8 44.8
3 25.2 10.08 54.88
4 15.12 6.048 60.928
5 9.072 3.6288 64.5568

Retrieval value=70,000,000-64,556,800=5,443,200
book value at the end of fifth year = 9,072,000-3,628,800=5,443,200
Note that the book value at the end of the duration of use ( the end of the fifth year ) is equal to
the retrieval value .
B-Declined Balance Method (D.B.M)
Annual Depreciation Value (D)=2(1/Economic age) x100%

D=2x( )x100%

A machine was purchased at a price of 720,000,000 ID has 5 years useful economical age,
Calculate the machine Book value at the end of each year Basis on Declined Balance Method.
Annual Depreciation Value (D)=2(1/Economic age) x100%

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

At the end of a year D% D Book Value

0 ----- ----- 72,000,000
1 40% 28,800,000 43,200,000
2 40% 17,280,000 25,920,000
3 40% 10,368,000 15,552,000
4 40% 6,220,800 9,331,200
5 40% 3,732,480 5,598,720
C-Sum of year Digits (S.Y.D):
Total year number=1+2+3+4+5+......+n

Depreciation Value at the end of a first year(D)= n/ Total year number

A Scraper was purchased at a price of 120,000,000 ID has 5 years useful economical age,
Calculate the machine Book value at the end of each year Basis on Sum of year Digits if the
machine retrieval value is 12,000 ID

Total year number=1+2+3+4+5=15
Total Depreciation Value= Book Value- Retrieval value
=120,000,000-12,000,000=108,000,000 ID

year Depreciation Total Annual Depreciation (ID) Economic

ratio Depreciation(ID) Value (ID)
0 ---------- 0 0 120,000,000
1 5/15 108,000,000 X108,000,000=36,000,000 84,000,000

2 4/15 108,000,000 X108,000,000=28,800,000 55,200,000

3 3/15 108,000,000 X108,000,000=21,600,000 33,600,000

4 2/15 108,000,000 X108,000,000=14,400,000 19,200,000

5 1/15 108,000,000 X108,000,000=7,200,000 12,000,000

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

4.2 Maintenance and Repairs

The amount of maintenance, repairs differs depending on the type of a machine and the nature of
their work, the greater machine maintenance in accordance with the instructions of the
manufacturer care , the less cost of repairs which increase the age of the machine .
The amount of maintenance and repair as a percentage of the amount of annual depreciation is
estimated. Usually, we aknowledge that this method is not accurate because depreciation is
minimised over a time, but at least maintenance increases over a time , so the correct method is
the adoption of a upward progressive ratios are calculated from previous records of similar
machines .
Repairs and maintenance cost amount could be estimated as 80-90% of annual depreciation cost
4.3 Investment
Is a blocked cost from the machine due to non-investing the amount of the purchased machine to
meet the guaranteed interest in the banks , or the amounts that have to be afforded by the owner
of the machine if he had borrowed the investment amount from the bank or other.
This cost is a time fixed cost and estimated as a percentage of a book value at the beginning of
that year and this cost be equal for all years but varies from country to country depending on a
machine type.

Tferefore the investment cost includes:

A- Bank interest
B- Insurance
C- Taxes
D- Storage
This cost could be estimated as a percentage of (10-12)% of Annual average machine value as
follows :

Where P-: Annual average machine value

: Book value
: Retrieval value
: Machine economic age.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Year Machine book value ID
1 50,000,000
2 35,000,000
3 25,000,000
4 15,000,000
5 5,000,000

P-= = =32,000,000 ID

4.4 Operating cost

Operating cost include
A- fuel cost.
the cost of fuel for- machines that run on gasoline= 0.23 X HP X F X One Liter Price
the cost of fuel for- machines that run on diesel = 0.15 X HP X F X One Liter Price
Where: HP: Horse power
F : operating coefficient(0.8-0.85)
B- Oil cost.
g = 0.003 X HP X F +
where g: The amount of oil ( liters )
: Basin engine capacity (liters)
Oil changing hours number
so, Oil cost =g x Oil one Liter Price
C- Operator cost.
Construction machinery need to be operated therefore, they required qualify operator to avoid any
damage which could happened due to operator mistakes. Therefore, the operator cost have to be
considered throughout calculation process.($5-15) per hour

Example / in a feasibility study of either buying a machine or hiring it for implementation of a

project and the following notes were taken.
wheeled tractor to pull a Scraper with a diesel engine ability of 200 HP with an engine basin of
23 liter capacity. The period between an oil change and other 80 hours and 60% operating

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

coefficient with a useful life of 5 years and 2000 working hours per a year, annual cost for
maintenance and spare parts 80% of the annual depreciation, tire useful life is 4,000 hours, tire
maintenance cost 15% of the annual depreciation cost, the machine total cost $46,000, tire cost $
8,000,the cost of a one liter of fuel is $ 0.3 per liter and oil cost $2.5 per liter and operators
wages is $4 per hour. By taking the advantage of one of the following proposals
1- hiring the machine with fixed rate cost $ 30 per hour throughout entire machine economic age.
2- It is possible to apply for a contract to perform a project to remove 350,000 m3 soil each
1m3cost $ 0.5 to be completed during the period of 4 years with a fine of $200 as a penalty for
each late day, the machine might transport 50 m3/day.
The solution/
The machine cost without the tires= 46,000-8,000= $ 38,000
Machine average value (P-)= = = $22,800
Fuel quantity=0.15x200x0.6= 18 Liter/hour
Oil quantity=0.003 x 0.6 x 200 + = 0.6475 Liter/hour
Annual cost
1- Depreciation= = $7,600
2-Maintenance and repair = 0.8 x 7,600 =$ 6,080
3-Investment= = 0.12 x 22,800 = $ 2,736
Total annual cost=7,600+6,080+2,736=$16,416
Operational costs per hour:
1- Fixed costs = = 8.208 $/hour
2- Tire depreciation= =2 $ \ hour
Maintenance and repair of tires = 2 x 0.15 =0.3 $/hour
3- Fuel cost =(0.15 x 200 x 60%)x 0.3=5.4$/hour
4- Oil cost =(g)x2.5= (0.003 x 200 x 60%+ )x 2.5=1.61875 $/hour
5- Operator wages =4 $/ hour
Total hourly operational cost = (8.208+2+0.3+5.4+1.61875+4)=21.52675 $/hour
Total cost of entire machine life=21.52675x2000 x 5 =$ 215,267
Case I, the profit would be gained from hiring the machine of 30 $/hour is
total amount =30x2000x5=300,000 $
the net profit gained from hiring the machine=300,000-215,267=$84,733
Case II
The amount gained from the contract of removing all the soil quantity =350,000x0.5=$175,000
=7000 work hour per contract

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Contract required period= 3.5 year (Within the prescribed period 4 years)
Thus, no penalty would be considered. and it is possible to let the machine for the rest of the
remained economic age=5x2,000-7,000=3,000 hour.
Therefore, Extra profit from hiring=3000 x 30 =$90,000
Total amount gained from the contract and hiring=175,000+90,000=$265,000
Thus, expected profit=265,000-215,267=$49,733 It is clear Case I is more profitable one.
H.W./Two options are available for a contractor as below:
1- Investing amount of $100,000 in a bank under a special offer of (8%) annual interest rate.
2- Purchasing a bulldozer and rented it to one of the construction project for 5 years with a hiring
cost of 100 $/hour.
If the following information were available:
1- Purchasing price =$100,000
2- Selling price after 5 year = $50,000
3- Engine HP=350 horse with 30 liter basin capacity oil changing period is 120 hour and
operating factor is 85%
4- Annual work hour is 2000 with annually repair and maintenance cost is 90% of annually
5- Diesel price is 0.3 $/ liter and oil price is 2.015$/liter
6- Operator wage 2 $/hour.
Select the most profitable method.

Technical Factors which affect machines performance

Consist of engineering factors and variables which affect a machine performance, engine speed
and power, thus, affecting a machine production, the effect of four of these factors will be studied
which include:

1- Rolling resistance:
Is the resistance faced by any vehicle while
starting a movement which vary according to the nature and quality of the surface.

Surface types
A-Soft surface (clay): (high resistance)

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

B- Hard surface (less resistance)

Vehicles with rubber tires rolling resistance are affected by

 The tire size.
 Tire surface shape and design.
Vehicles with radial tire the rolling resistance affected by
 Surface type
 surface Nature
Estimating Rolling Resistance

Required force to overcome rolling resistance= machine weight +Rolling resistance

2- Grade resistance:
When a machine moves on sloping surface, the vehicle traction effort
Increases with the increasing tendency surface. The rise of a machine on the road slope
inclination (1%) lead to increased effort to resist the inclination effort by the engine about (10 kg /
ton) of the machine weight .

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

The exact value of the grade resistance may be found by multiplying the vehicle's weight by the
sine of the angle that the road surface makes with the horizontal.

If we Suppose 1 ton vehicle weight and road inclination 1%

∴ p=10 kg/ton
∴ Required power to overcome a grade resistance (Kg/t)=vehicle weight(t) X grade(%) X 10

∴ the net engine power= [real engine power x operating coefficient]-[required power to overcome
a rolling resistance+ required power to overcome a grade resistance ]

3-Effect of traction
The power available to move a vehicle and its load is expressed as rim-pull for wheel vehicle and
drawbar-pull for crawler tractors.
Rim-pull is the pull available at the rim of the driving wheels under rated condition.
Since, it is assumed that no slippage on the tires on the rims will occur, this is also the power
available at the surface of the tires.
drawbar-pull is the power available at the hitch of a crawler tractor operating under standard
Coefficient of Traction: could be defined as a coefficient that produce maximum usable pull if
multiplied by weight on drivers
Maximum usable pull= Coefficient of traction X weight on driver
This represent the maximum pull that a vehicle can develop, regardless of vehicle horsepower.

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Note, for crawler tractors and all-wheel-drive rubber-tired equipment the weight on the driver is
the total vehicle weight, but for other types of vehicles consultation with the manufacturer is
required to determine the weight on the drivers
Table of typical values of coefficient of traction
Type of surface Rubber tires Crawled Tracks
Concrete, dry 0.90 0.45
Concrete, wet 0.80 0.45
Earth or clay loam, dry 0.60 0.90
Earth or clay loam, wet 0.45 0.70
Gravel, loose 0.35 0.50
Quarry pit 0.65 0.55
Sand, dry, loose 0.25 0.30
Sand, wet 0.40 0.50
Snow, packed 0.20 0.25
Ice 0.10 0.15

Note: coefficient of traction depend on

1- type of the road.
2- type and surface design of the tire or crawler

Example / machine the value of the total weight on the driving wheels is 18,000 kg and the
highest pulling power of the machine is 8000 kg, machine is required a traction coefficient of 0.3
to work on a wet sandy surface, determine
The highest pulling power of the machine before tire sliding occur.
If you use the machine on a dry soil with a drag coefficient = 0.6, Is this the machine can make
Tires slip ?

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Drag coefficient=

Since the highest pulling power of the machine is 8000 kg<10,800 kg provided by the surface.
therefore, the machine does not able to slip the tires
Factors limiting the usable power of a vehicle are:
A-Effect of Altitude:
All internal Combustion engines lose power as their elevation above sea level increases because
of the decreased density of air at higher elevation.
Manufacturer use de-rating factor to express percentage of reduction in rated vehicle power at
various altitude
There is no effect of the rise in the level of 300 m above sea level.
engine with a four-stroke = 0.03x HP x No. of times less than 3%
engine with a two-stroke = 0.01x HP x No. of times less than 1%
Example / An engine with a power of 100 horse, works on the sea level
surface. What is its horsepower ability at an altitude of 3000 m above
Sea level (engine with a four -stroke)
loss due to altitude = 0.03x HP x No. of times less than 3%
= 0.03 x100 x
= 27 horse

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

B- The effect of temperature and pressure:

H c =Ho x

Where Hc : Standard horse power

Ho : Available horse power
Ps : Standard atmospheric pressure ( 760 mm Hg )
Po : Real atmospheric pressure ( mm Hg )
To : Real degree of absolute temperature ( Celsius temperature +273)
Ts: Standard degree of absolute temperature (15+273=288 absolute degree)

A- crawler tractors

B- Wheeled tired tractors

Crawler Tractors Traction Force = Total drag traction - [ sum of rolling

and grade forces ]

1-Surface traction power for tractors measured on a horizontal road to overcome a rolling
resistance is 50 Kg / tone in the case of the use of a different route correction must be done for
this ( correction =real rolling power -50)
2- Traction power proportional inversely to the gear number :
 1st. gear (more tracking power & less speed).
 Top gear (less tracking power & more speed).
3-Tractor efficiency =(0.80-0.85)
Wheeled tired tractor:

Wheeled tired Tractor traction force (kg)=

It is the highest slope degree ( grade ) to enable the vehicle to climb regular speed expressed as
a percentage of grade-ability which are changing according to:-
1-gear number
2-Vehicle mode (loaded or empty)

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Example/ determine the grade-ability for a crawler tractor drags a loaded wheeled tire scraper,
using the following information :
Tractor net engine power (180 hp), tractor weight of 21 tons, attraction force on the first gear
15000 kg weight of a loaded scraper 40 tons on unpaved sandy road of rolling resistance to the
tractor is 73 kg / ton and a rolling resistance of the scraper is 90 kg / tone.
Engine net power =(actual engine power x F)-(Sum of the power to overcome rolling and grade
Traction power available in the tractor=15,000 x 0.85= 12,750 kg
Scraper rolling resistance= 40 x 90 =3,600 kg
Sum of rolling resistance forces=483+3,600=4083 kg (Note: correction :73-50=23 therefore p=23
x 21=483 kg)
the remained attraction force to overcome grade resistance=12,750-4083=8,667 kg
required attraction power to overcome a grade 1%=10kg
Total weight for the tractor and scraper =40+21=61 ton
Total attraction power required to overcome a grade 1%=10 x 61 =610 kg
grade-ability value =8667/610 =14.21%
grade-ability for the tractor without scraper
the remained power to climb the grade=12,750-483=12267 kg
required power to climb the tractor of grade 1%=21 ton x 10kg/ton=210 kg
maximum grade-ability for the tractor=12,267/210=58.4%
Grade-ability of a wheeled tractors and scrapers:
K: grade-ability %
T: Motor torque(round/minute)or (kgXm)
G: gear decrease
R: The radius of the wheel rolling(m)
W: Total weight(kg)
N: Rolling resistance (kg/ton)
F: Efficiency(0.80-0.85)
Note: If k value in minus this means that the track cannot climb the slope(grade-ability=0)

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Example / Determine the grade-ability (slope ability) for a wheeled tire tractor pulls a loaded
scraper at a speed of third gear with a motor torque 2100 R / min which is equivalent to 103.7 kg
x m reduction gear of 41, wheel radius of rolling = 0.75(m), total weight 63000 kg and the rolling
resistance 35 kg / tone
solution/ K = =2.35%

Example / a crawler tractor weighs 15 tons pull a loaded scraper weigh 25 tons ( wheeled tire
scraper ) on the road section shown bellow. If available power in the engine of the tractor is 5000
kg . What is the net power remained resulting of pulling the scraper over each section of the
Road Slope% Tractor rolling resistance(kg/t) Scraper rolling resistance(kg/t)
AB -4 60 80
BC 0 40 90
CD +5 50 80

Net engine power = [ total power - the required force to overcome the rolling resistance ( tractor +
scraper ) ± the required force to overcome the gradient resistance ( tractor + scraper )
Engine available power=5,000 x 0.85=4,250 kg
required force to overcome the rolling resistance ( tractor)=15 x (60-50)=150 kg (Correction
required because it is over 50)
required force to overcome the rolling resistance (scraper )=25 x80=2,000 kg
required force to overcome the rolling resistance( tractor+ scraper )=150+2,000=2,150 kg
required force to overcome the gradient resistance ( tractor)=15 x 10 x (-4)= -600 kg
required force to overcome the gradient resistance scraper )=25 x 10 x (-4)= -1000 kg
the required force to overcome the gradient resistance ( tractor + scraper )=-1000-600=-1600kg
∴Net engine power=4,250-(2,150-1600)=3700kg
∴The Tractor and the scraper can get down the section AB

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Section BC
required force to overcome the rolling resistance ( tractor)=15 x (40-50)=-150 kg (Correction
required because it is under 50)
required force to overcome the rolling resistance (scraper )=25 x90=2,250 kg
the required force to overcome the rolling resistance ( tractor + scraper )=-150 +2,250=2,100 kg
required force to overcome the gradient resistance ( tractor)=15 x 10 x (0)= 0 kg
required force to overcome the gradient resistance scraper )=25 x 10 x (0)= 0 kg
the required force to overcome the gradient resistance ( tractor + scraper )=0+0=0kg
∴Net engine power=4,250-(2,100-0)=2,150kg

∴The Tractor and the scraper can get down the section AB

section CD
required force to overcome the rolling resistance ( tractor)=15 x (50)=750 kg (No correction
required because it is = 50)
required force to overcome the rolling resistance (scraper )=25 x80=2,000 kg
the required force to overcome the rolling resistance ( tractor + scraper )=750+2,000=2,750 kg
required force to overcome the gradient resistance ( tractor)=15 x 10 x (5)= 750 kg
required force to overcome the gradient resistance scraper )=25 x 10 x (5)= 1,250 kg
the required force to overcome the gradient resistance ( tractor + scraper )=750+1,250 =2,000kg

∴Net engine power=4,250-(2,750+2,000)=-500kg

∴The negative sign means that the tractor cannot climb

Note: Rolling resistance could be negative because it is designed at 50 (which must be subtracted
from the given value ) when the given value be less than 50 will give a negative value of rolling
resistance(for crawler machine have to be corrected if it is not 50)

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Measurement of earthworks (Excavating & Lifting)

An excavator is defined as a power |driven digging machine . the major type of excavator
used in earth moving , operations include hydraulic excavators and the members of the
cable operated crane shovel family (shovel, draglines, hoes, and clamshells). Dozers,
loaders and scrapers can also serve as excavators, in our study we focus on hydraulic
excavators and the members of the crane shovel family used for excavating and lifting
operations, operations involving Bulldozer , Shovel, Grader, Hoe, Scraper and trucks
1- Bulldozer:
Its main goal is cutting the base and pushing the soil for a limited distance. there are two
main types of bulldozer, rubber-tired(or wheel) dozers and crawler(or track) dozers

Bulldozer uses:
1-Clean the land from the remains of trees and plants
2- Remove roads and old buildings
3- Open road in the mountainous and rocky areas
4- Pushing soil for a distance (not more than 100 m)
5- Assisting scraper for loading process
6- Distribution of a stocked soil for filling process
7- Backfilling trenches with soil
8- Clean the work site

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

1- Rocks extraction
2- break up and remove soil and sub-base materials(sand +gravel)
3- Roots extraction
4- Uprooting the old ways
rubber-tired (or wheel) dozers? crawler(or track) dozers?
1-High speed 1- Able to provide a high power
2-It doesn't required any transferred 2-able to work on hard and rocky
3- able to move over paved roads 3- crawler width help to move easily in
a loose soil
4-High production
Estimating Dozer Production
production depend on
1-Soil swelling
Note / all engineering volume deal
With loose sizes (truck or shovel production )
bank volume= swelling volume

( Soil swelling Coefficient (15- 25)%

2-Time factor: take as (45-50)minute of an hour

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

3-Tota Dozer cycle time: Is the sum

A- Fixed cycle time: represent time required to (maneuver + change gears +start loading +
b-variable cycle time: is the time required for hauling (transport), doze and return, since
the haul distance is relatively short, a dozer usually return in reverse gear

Production(m3/h)=volume per cycle(m3) x number of cycles per hour

Example / Calculate a Bulldozer productivity which is working to cut and push a clay soil
of 25% of swelling coefficient using the following information
1- soil push distance =45m
1- bulldozer blade capacity is 3m length 1m height
3- Operating factor 50 m/h
4- transport (haul)speed 3 km / h , return speed 6 km / h
5- fixed time of 0.4 minutes
6- soil slope 2:1
Soil type x y
Sand soil 1 1
Clay soil 2 1

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Loose volume=(0.5 x2 x1 ) x3=3 m3

production cycle time=(hauling time + returning time + fixed
= +0.4=1.75 minute

cycles per hour=

one day loose production=3x28.57x8=685.68m3

one day bank production=

Quiz number one

Calculate the total period (days) required to cut and push 15,000 m3 sandy soil by using a
Bulldozer using the following information
1- soil push distance =30m
1- bulldozer blade capacity is 3.2m length 1.2m height
3- Operating factor 45 m/h
4- transport (haul)speed 2 km / h , return speed 4 km / h
5- All operation time without hauling (transporting) and returning 0.5 minutes
6- Sand soil slope 1:1 and swelling coefficient 15%

Loose volume=(0.5 x 1.2 x 1.2 ) x3.2=2.304 m3
production cycle time=(hauling time + returning time + fixed time)
={30/(2x1000/60)}+ {30/(4x1000/60)}+ 0.5=1.85 minute
cycles per hour=45/1.85 = 24.324 cycle
one day loose production=2.304x24.324x8=448.34m3

one day bank production=448.34/(1+0.15)=389.861m3

Total required days=15,000/389.861 =38.475 days

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

A construction machine used to excavating of medium hard materials, loading hoppers and
haul units, backfilling ditches sand moving concrete and other construction materials such
as soil and rubble ,and rocks
Used like a bulldozer
Shovel types:
1-wheel loaders
2-track loaders
shovel production =bucket size x The number of cycle per hour
Shovel Productivity depends on
1-the fixed time: Time needed to fill the bucket+ rotation + discharge
2- The time required to transport the material (transport time)
3- The time required to Return ( Return time )

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Example / Calculate the number of trucks that can work with a shovel loader using the
following information
(A) Shovel scoop size 0.6 m3 and one cycle time of 21 seconds ( cycle time = total time to
scoop loading, unloading and return )
B - a time for truck transport for a distance ( loading and unloading + Back) =7 minutes
1- Truck size of 2.4 m 3
2- Truck size of 4.6 m 3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

The solution/
bucket cycle time = 21 seconds
The number of buckets to full the truck = = =4 scoop
time required for filling the truck =21 x4 =84 seconds = 1.4 minutes
The truck cycle time =(loading Time + transport time + Return time + lost time )
=1.4+7+0=8.4 min.
∴ Minimum number of trucks = cycle time of one truck/time of loading the truck
= =6 truck
Solve the example for part(2) (using the truck size of 4.6 m3)

Type of a crawler tractor and called sometimes hydraulic tractor which used for soil
excavation located under the level of Hoe stand.
Production cycle time=loading time +discharge time+ rotation time + doze time
production(m3/h)= Bucket(Dipper)size x cycle number per hour

Hydraulic Hoe has used for excavating an irrigation channel of a section as shown in the
Fig bellow. Calculate the required time for implementing the work and the cost of (1)m3
excavation by using the following information :
Scoop size=1.2 m3, time factor=45 min./h, daily work hour=8 hour, channel length=15km,
scoop filling time =12 second, rotation and discharge=6 second and doze time =2 second,
soil swelling factor =20% and the Hoe hydraulic excavator hire cost=300,000 ID / day
the solution/
Production = volume x number of cycles
cycle number=


Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Production per a day=8x162=1296m3/day

Total time required (days)=

Loose measurement=187,500 x 1.2 =225,000 m3

work days required=225,000/1296=174 days
total cost = 174 x 300,000 =52,200,000 ID
1 M3 cost =52,200,000/187,500=278.4 ID/1M3
Suggestion: to minimize the total working day it is suggested to heir more than one

A construction machine capable of excavating, hauling, and dumping material over medium
to long haul distances. However, only the elevating scraper and pull scraper are capable of
achieving high efficiency in loading without the assistance of a pusher tractor or another
Although, there are a number of different type of scrapers? principal types include:
A- Single-engine overhung (two-axle scrapers, three axle scrapers)
B- Twin-engine all wheel drive scrapers,
C- Elevating scrapers, auger scrapers, push-pull
D- Twin hitch scrapers
E- Pull scrapers
Two-axle or overhung scraper utilize a tractor having only one axle. such an arrangement
has a lower rolling resistance and greater maneuverability than does a three axle scraper
that is pulled by a conventional four-wheel tractor. However, the additional stability of the
three-axle scraper permits higher operating speeds on long relatively flat haul road.
All wheel drive scrapers utilize drive wheels on both the tractor and the scraper, normally
such units are equipped with twin engines, the additional power and drive wheels give
these units greater attractive effort than that a conventional scrapers
Elevating scrapers utilize a ladder-type elevator to assist in cutting and lifting material into
the scraper bowl, this type of scrapers are not designed to be push-loaded and may be

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

damaged by pushing.

Scraper cycle time

Scraper cycle time=fixed time + variable time
Where Fixed time include all the operation required time except (hauling and back
returning) while.
Variable time includes only the hauling and back returning time.
Example/ what is the productivity of a scraper used in a site the (hauling) transport
distance is 600 m with a speed of 19 km/h for hauling and 40 km /h when returning back
after material dumping, fixed time is 2.3 minutes and the operating factor is 0.83 the
bowel capacity is 22 m3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Production cycle time =hauling time +return time+ fixed time
cycle number=60x0.83/5.1=9.8 cycle(do not change it because this represent cycle
number per one hour not the day)
production=22 x 9.8=215.6m3/h
daily production=215.6 x 8=1728.8m3/day

H.W./ To Implement a highway project scrapers were used to excavate and hauling the soil
of the amount of 16520 m3 to the dumping site distanced 1 km away from cutting area,
The work must be implemented in 4 days the scraper bowel capacity 20 m3 hauling speed
rate 25 km/h on a slope(1:3), fixed time = 2.4 minutes daily working hours 8 hour
operating efficiency 0.85
1-Calculate the scraper number that required to implement the work without delay ?
2-How to increase the productivity ( reduction in the duration of work) prove that

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Soil stabilization and compaction:

physical Properties of soil have a direct effect on the ease or difficulty of handling earth,
the selection of equipment and the production rate of equipment. these properties include
swell and shrinkage

Swell is an increase of the volume of soil because of loosening

Shrinkage is a decrease of the bank measurement volume of soil after placing it in a fill and
compacted under modern construction method this decrease in the bank measurement known as

Sw = (

Sh= (

Where Sw= % swell

Sh=% shrinkage
B= weight of undisturbed soil
L= weight of loose earth
C= weight of compacted soil
weight of soil usually expressed as kg/m3
Determine the percent swell and shrinkage for earth whose weights are as follows:
Undisturbed= 1474 kg/m3
Loose= 1217 kg/m3
compacted= 1729 kg/m3
the percent swell will be

Sw = ( =21%

the percent shrinkage will be

Sh= ( =15%

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Types of soil
Soils may be classified according to the sizes of particles of which they are composed by physical
properties or by their behavior when the moisture content varied.
A contractor is concerned primarily with five types of soil
1- Gravel>6 mm
2- Sand>(6-0.05)mm
3- Silt <0.05 mm
4- Clay (0.002)mm
5- Organic matter and combination of these types
Soil Tests
prior to preparing the specification for a project representative samples of soil are collected
and tested in laboratories to determine their properties including the dry unit weight and
the percent of moisture required for maximum compacted density.
the optimum moisture content is the ratio of the weight of water in the dry weight of soil
expressed as a percent that will permit the soil to be compacted to the maximum density
with the least effort.
Laboratory tests the lab. tests that is accepted by highway departments and other agencies
are: 1- Standard Proctor test 2- Modified Proctor test
Field tests are conducted by removing samples of compacted soil from the fill at random
locations and then determining the damp and dry weights of each sample, the volume of
the hole can be determined by using dry sand, the dry and wet weight of the samples are
determined the dry weight density and moisture content of the sample can be determined.
Nuclear determination of moisture density of soil
Nuclear methods are used extensively to determine the moisture density of soils
Advantageous of nuclear method in comparison to Proctor method are?
1- Decreasing the test required time
2--Does not required the removal of soil sample from the site of the test
3- Providing a means of performing density tests on soils containing large-sized aggregate and
on frozen materials.4- Reduces or eliminates the effect of the personal element, and possible
errors that may occur in performing Proctor method.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Soil stabilization: Lecture (8)

The process of soil stabilization refers to changing the physical properties of soil in order to
improve its strength, durability, or other qualities. Typically, this is important for road construction,
and other concerns related to the building and maintenance of infrastructure. Soil that has been
stabilized will have? a vastly improved weight bearing capability, and will also be significantly more
resistant to being damaged by water or frost.
Many soils are subjected to differential expansion and shrinkage when they undergo changes in
moisture content. If pavements are to be constructed on such soils it is highly desirable to
stabilize them to prevent or reduce the changes in volume in order to protect the pavements from
excessive damages.
Stabilization may be applied to a soil in its natural position or as its placed in a fill also
stabilization could be applied on the sub-grade, sub-base or base material.

Methods of stabilization?
Firstly/Mechanical method
Mechanical – The oldest types of soil stabilization are mechanical in nature. Mechanical solutions
involve physically changing the property of the soil somehow, in order to affect its gradation,
solidity, and other characteristics. Dynamic compaction is one of the major types of soil
stabilization; in this procedure a heavy weight is dropped repeatedly onto the ground at regular
intervals to quite literally pound out deformities and ensure a uniformly packed surface. Vibro
compaction is another technique that works on similar principles, though it relies on vibration
rather than deformation through kinetic force to achieve its goals.

Mechanical method include the following?:

1-Kneading action
2-Static weight
5-Combination of the previous methods

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Secondly/ Chemical method

Chemical solutions are another of the major types of soil stabilization. Most of the newer
discoveries and techniques developed thus far are polymer based. All of these techniques rely on
adding an additional material to the soil that will physically interact with it and change its
properties. There are a number of different types of soil stabilization that rely on chemical
additives of one sort or another; you will frequently encounter compounds that utilize cement, lime,
fly ash, or kiln dust. .

Chemical (Polymer) method: include the following?:

1- stabilizing using asphalt
2- stabilizing using Portland cement
3- stabilizing using Lime
3- stabilizing using fly-ash
4- blast furnace slag
These new polymers and substances have? a number of significant advantages over traditional
mechanical and chemical solutions; they are cheaper and more effective in general than
mechanical solutions, and significantly less dangerous for the environment than many chemical
solutions tend to be.
Thirdly / Added or replacement method which include the following?:
1- Blending and mixing soil
2-using stone column
3-by using sub-base
4- by using Boulder
Firstly/Mechanical method which include the following:
Types of compacting equipment:
1- Kneading action
2-Static weight

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Types of compacting equipment?:

1-Tamping rollers
2-Smooth-wheel rollers
3-Pneumatic-tired rollers
4-Vibrating rollers including tamping, smooth, pneumatic.
5-Self propelled vibrating plates
6-Manually propelled vibrating plates.
7- Manually propelled compactor.
8-Vibratory compactors for deep sand.
There are at least four methods of indicating the compacting ability of pneumatic rollers as
1-The gross weight of the unit.
2-The gross weight per wheel.
3- The weight per inch of tire width.
4-The air pressure in the tires
Specification for compacting soils:
Specification governing compaction may be one of the following types:-
1-Method only.
2-Method and end result.
3-Suggested method and end result.
4-End results only.
Pressure bulb theory of load distribution:
This theory is related to the distribution of a load and thus to the unit soil pressure, when
the load is applied to the soil through a circular object because the contact area between a
tire and the ground approximates a circle, the theory can be applied to pressure in the soil
under tires with slight modification as shown in the figure bellow illustrate the radius of
unit pressure to ground contact pressure at varying depth below the surface of the ground.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Where :
D= Equivalent circle diameter W=
Applied load (N)
P= Pressure inside tire MPa
A= Area of circle

Ground contact Area=

Pneumatic multiple-tired rollers type (7.5 x 15-14 Fly)with loading weight on one tire of
1500 kg with tire pressure 0.6 N/mm2 used to compact a soil, determine the maximum
height of the soil layer that required to be compacted to get at least 0.35 N/mm 2 pressure
under each layer.
The Solution:

A= =25,000 mm2

=25000 we solve for D=178mm

Distance from the surface(mm) Factor Soil pressure (N/mm2)

0 1 0.6
89 = 0.5D 0.6 0.36
178= D 0.3 0.18
267=1.5D 0.15 0.09
356=2D 0.09 0.054

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

∴ Thickness of the compacted layer =89+4.94=93.94 mm

Secondly/ Chemical method: Lecture (9)
1- Stabilizing using Lime( Cao )
used to stabilize a granular gradation soil, most common additional material is a-
Mixed lime and cement
b-Mixed cement and fly ash
The quantity of additional material consist (5-10) % of soil weight
When this materials are added to the soil two chemical reactions happen
1-Ion replacement
CaO + CO2 CaCo3

Used in cement and other construction material manufacturing and used also in soil stabilizing.
CSH Ca(OH)2+ CiO2
Methods of adding chemical materials?
1- Site mixing
2-Inadvance mixing
3-Mixing in a paste form

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

2- Stabilizing using a cement?

this method is used in a highway and a dam construction
suitable soil for this method is sand and clay with liquidity limit of (45-50) and plasticity
coefficient less than 25
less liquidity and more plasticity is obtained from added cement.
AASHTo Uniform classification % Cement by Volume
A-2 and A-3 Gp ,Sp and Sw 6-10
A-4 and A-5 CL ML and MH 8-12
A-6 and A-7 CL and CH 10-14

Soil type Stabilized material

Granular soil and mud with few plasticity Cement
Lime muddy soil Cement
Soil Sodium hydrogen soil which has ability to swell lime

Methods of adding cement?

A- Direct adding+ Plowing + moisture content + compacting
B-Advance mixing + spreading + compacting
C- cement paste and water to be injected to the weak soil and under building foundation
which minimize the soil permeability and increase bearing capacity of the soil. The mixing
ratio is (0.5:5) cement: water

3- Stabilizing using Fly ash

Sio2+AL3O3 added to other oxide such as(K2O, MgO, Fe2O2, No2O)this material? interact
with the lime to produce a compound cement which stabilize the soil, and increase the soil
bearing capacity, and less permeability.
SiO2+ AL2O3+Ca(OH)2 CSH

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

The Ideal mix contain (10-35)% fly ash (10-20)% lime the mixed soil compacted with
suitable soil moisture content.

4- Stabilizing using Asphalt

Asphalt admixtures are generally effective in soils? having less than about 30% fines by
weight or a plasticity index less than about 10

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Thirdly/ Replace and add method

A- Replacement

B- Stone pillars adding

Used? for increasing a bearing capacity of a shallow foundation constructed on a soft clay
required specification
1- stone size (6-40)mm
2-pillars diameter (0.5-0.75)m
3-distance between pillars (1.5-3.0)m
1- transfer the load to the higher bearing capacity layer of soil
2-minimise the settlement in the soft clay layer
It is preferable to use granular aggregates or stone to get overlap between the grains

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Multi-storey building to be constructed on a layer of soft muddy soil(soft clay) which supported by
a strong muddy layer(stiff clay) directly beneath it as shown in the figure below. Suggest a way to
stabilize the soil and calculate the amount of material required for this process if the dimensions of
the foundations of the building is (30 x20)m

Solution / stone pillar method is used to stabilize the soft muddy soil to the depth of 5 meter (by
using a 0.5 m diameter column and the 2 m spacing between the columns) and adding a
compacted layer of sub-base with a thickness not less than 25 cm.
number of columns=(1+L/S)X(1+W/S)=(1+30/2) X(1+20/2)=176 Stone pillars
Granular material filler volume=176x[(3.14/4)x0.52x5]=172.7m3
Sub-base layer volume= 20x30x0.25x1.2=180 m3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Concrete Production and transportation equipments Lecture (10)

First: cement concrete
Concrete is composed of cement ( cement + aggregate + water ) which mixed together and
placed in the desired position and left to harden.
Concrete production steps?:
1- Batching
3-Handling and transportation

Aggregate divided by

1-Course aggregate
2-Fine aggregate

Aggregates sizes differ depending on the quality of the concrete (required compressive
Gravimetric or volumetric method used to measure cement concrete components.
The gravity method (accurate) used in the central mixing stations.
Volumetric method ( inaccurate) used for mixers in the site

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Concrete mixers:
1-Construction mixer
2-Truck mixer

Mixer production (m3/h)= Volume (m3) x Number of cycles per hour

Mixing cycle time = Patching time + mixing time+ dumping time+ lost time
Mixing time = (1-1.5) minute for each 1 m3 concrete

Concrete Handling and Transporting:

1- Manual truck
2- Machine truck
3- Skips and boxes
4- Slopes
5- Pipes
6- conveyor belt
7- transported mixer (5-10) m3
8- concrete pump (15-45) m3/h to a limited height of (30-40)m

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Example / Find the amount of material required for one cycle of the 0.452 m3 size of a
construction mixer, one productivity cycle times of the mixer
( Loading time = 0.25 minutes, mixing time = 1 minute, time of discharge = 0.25 min,
lost time = 0.1 minutes), the required quantities for 1 m3 of concrete is
Cement Sand Gravel Water
366 kg 853 kg 1095 kg 195 liter

The Solution/ Cement volume= 0.452 x 366=165.432 kg per cycle. say 3 bags=150 kg
therefore, the corrected volume =0.452x 150/165.432=0.41 m3
Sand weight =853 x 0.41 =349.73 kg
Gravel weight= 1095 x 0.41= 448.95 kg
Water weight = 195 x 0.41 = 79.95 liter
production cycle time = 0.25 + 1 + 0.25 + 0.1 = 1.6 minutes
No. of cycle per hour = 50/1.6 =31.25 cycles
the daily production = 31.25 x 0.41 x 8 = 102.5 m3 per day

Asphalt concrete
asphalt concrete is composed of aggregates, filler materials and asphalt that are mixed
together in heated under certain temperature.
The hot asphalt production is moved to the site under certain temperature of (170-120)
Celsius degree and then spread and followed by compaction under certain Celsius degree.

The production process of asphalt concrete include the following steps?

1- Patching materials
2- Heating materials
3-Classifing materials according to the job mix equation
4- Weighting materials
5- Mixing
6- Transporting
8- Compacting

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Asphalt concrete production could be divided into these stages?

1- Mixing Stage
materials patched and mixed after drying process the productivity of plants ranging from
(50- 250) tons / hour.

2- Transporting stage
Transported using trucks (16-24)m3
3- Spreading stage
Using asphalt spreader (120 Celsius degree) production (30-50) m3/h with variable width of (2-
8)m and variable thick of (5-20)cm
4- Compacting stage
A- Using steel compactor at (120 Celsius degree)
B- Using pneumatic compactor at (90 Celsius degree)

Example / A mat foundation to be poured with 340 m3 concrete using the following two
methods, analyze the possibility of using each method and the cost of 1 m3 production of
concrete for each method

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

A- First Method
Purchasing concrete from a central mixing producer located 15 km away from the project site, the
concrete producer can provide the following:
1- A central mixer of 0.5 m3 size with 1.6 minutes cycle time, time factor (45) minutes, and a
daily hire cost of 500,000 ID.
2- A six number of truck mixers of 5 m3 size with 40 km/h transport speed and 60 km/h return
speed and total lost time of 6 minutes, the daily hire coast 200000 ID for each truck
3- A concrete pump with 0.5 m3 /minute which cost 300,000 ID for a day
B- Second Method
A site construction mixer of 0.2 m size,90 second cycle time, 50 minutes time factor and a daily
hire cost of 400,000 ID including the production cost a working day mean 8 hours of production.
The solution/
A- the first method
1- Central mixer production=(0.5 x 45/1.6) x 8 = 112.5 m 3/day
∴ The required time to complete the work=total volume / daily production
= 340 / 112.5 = 3 days
2- The required time for truck loading=(5/0.5) x 1.6 = 16 minute
Truck cycle period = 16 + [15/(40/60)]+[15/(60/60)]+6=59.5 minute
∴the required truck number=(truck cycle time/truck loading time)
=(59.5/16)=3.72 truck (use 4 truck for three days)
∴ Truck production = (45/59.5) x 5 x 8 = 30.25 m3/day
∴ 4 truck production = 4 x 30.25 =121 m3/day> plant production=112.5m 3/day (OK)
3- The pump production=0.5 x 60 x 8 = 240 m3/day
∴ total cost = 3 x [500+(4x200)+300]=4,800,000 ID
∴ 1m3 cost = 4,800,000/340 = 14,118 ID
B- Second Method
The site concrete mixer production = 0.2 x 50 /(90/60) x 8 = 53.34 m 3/day
∴ required execution time = 340/53.34 = 6.4 days (say = 7 days)
∴ The total cost = 7 x 400,000 = 2,800,000 ID

∴ 1m3 cost = 2,800,000/340 = 8,235 ID

∴ The second method is more suitable economically.
Note/ To minimize the execution time it is advisable either to hire another mixer if the work space
is allowed working at the same time or to work in more than one shift (morning & evening)

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Concrete formwork
The principal requirement for concrete formwork are?:
1- Safe under working load
2- produce the desire shape and surface texture
3- To be economical

Since, formwork may account for 40-60% of the cost of concrete construction it is
essential that the formwork plan be carefully developed and thoroughly evaluated. A cost
comparison should be made of all feasible forming systems and methods of operation .
such an analysis must include the cost of equipment and labor required to install
reinforcing steel and to place and finish the concrete as well as the cost of formwork, its
erection and removal
The formwork plan that provides the required safety and construction quality at the
minimum overall cost should be selected for implementation.

How to minimize the cost of formwork ?

In general, lower formwork cost will result from
1- repetitive use of forms.
2- avoiding irregular shape
3- Multiple-use forms may be either standard commercial type or custom design type and
assembly-line technique whenever possible.
4-Flying form, large section of formwork moved by crane from one position to another are
often economical in repetitive types of concrete construction
5- use of slip forms and the tilt-up construction
6-Using of construction joints
7-Avoiding complex design
8-Simplifing formwork installation

Flying concrete Formwork

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Formwork materials could be

1- different types of wood
2- metal formwork
3-Alaminum formwork
5- Plastic
6-Compound formwork
Formwork safety ?
1-Provide adequate foundation for all formwork, place mudsills under all shoring that rests
on the ground as illustrated in the figure bellow.

2-Check surrounding excavations to ensure that formwork does not fail due to
embankment failure.
3-provide adequate bracing of forms, being particularly careful of shores and other vertical
4- Control the rate and location of concrete placement so that design loads are not
5-Ensure that the supports are not removed before the concrete has developed the
required strength.
6-Avoid injury caused by swinging of the form due to wind forces
7-Protruding nails are a major source of injury on concrete construction sites. As forms
are stripped form lumber must be promptly removed to a safe location and nails pulled.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Pressure produced by concrete

1-Slab formworks
when concrete is placed in forms, it produce a pressure perpendicular to the surface of the
forms which is proportional to the density and the depth of the concrete in a liquid or
semi-liquid state,
The American Concrete Institute, which has devoted considerable time and study to form
construction practices, recommended the following formulas
for determining the maximum pressure produced by internally vibrated concrete on forms.
2- For walls

3-For columns

where Pm= Maximum pressure KN/m2

R = Rate of filling form m/h
T = Temperature of concrete, C°
The maximum pressure for formula (2) is limited to 95.76 KN/m2 of
The maximum pressure for formula (3) is limited to 143.64 KN/m2
The maximum pressure on a given area should not exceed 45.72 KN/m2

Typical wall form with components

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Fundamentals of form design

For most forms the size and spacing of studs and wales will be govern by the stresses in
bending and shear, while deflection may limit the maximum span for sheathing.
Stresses due to bending

Where f = extreme fiber stress due to bending (KN/m2)

h = depth of member (m)
b = width of member (m)
w = uniform applied load (KN)
Ɩ bending = Span from centre to centre of supports (m)
Shearing stresses
When the form member is subjected to transverse forces, shearing stresses in the member may
govern the size of the member or the length of span this is especially true for short span and
heavy loads

h = depth of member (m)

b = width of member (m)
w = uniform applied load (KN)
Ɩ Shear = Span from centre to centre of supports (m)
= horizontal shearing stress (KN/m2)
Deflection of form

E= Modulus of elasticity (KN/m2)

D= Deflection of a member (mm)
I= Moment of inertia of a member(m4).
w = uniform applied load (KN)
Ɩ Shear = Span from centre to centre of supports (m)

it is preferable to use maximum allowed deflection of (3mm)

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Allowable loads on wood shores

k= maximum safe applied load (KN)

g = unsupported length of a shore (m)
b & h section dimensions width and height (m)
Note (+) positive value means (ok) Safe, no buckling
But (-) negative value means (not ok ) not safe buckling occur
To check crushing
if fc < P/A safe (no crushing)
if fc > P/A not safe (crushing)

Forms consist of the following

4-shores (studs)
Plywood 5/8 or 3/4 in thick or planks may be used for the decking .
plywood is installed more rapidly and has a higher salvage value, which may offset its
higher cost compared to planks

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

the maximum spacing of the joist will be limited by the strength of the permissible
deflection of the decking.
the maximum spacing of the stringer will be limited by the strength or the permissible
deflection of the joist .
The maximum spacing of shores under the stringer will be limited by the strength or
permissible deflection of the stringer or the capacity of the shores
in designing forms for beams and slab the design load should equal the weight of the
concrete plus an additional load of 40-50 psf
(1.92-2.4 KN/m2), to provide the weight of buggies and workers and for the storage of
materials on the slab during construction

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Design of wooden formwork

chapter 12

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Assume shores with dimension of (0.15x0.15)m is used with unsupported length of (g=3.25m)
and Fc=5861kPa
To check shore compressive strength
Total weight on the shore =1.343x1.808x6.22=15.103 kN
Required area for compressive strength (A)= P/FC=15.103/5861=0.00258M2
Since (Supplied area) 0.15x0.15=0.0225 > (Required area) 0.00258 ok.
Checking of maximum safe applied load (KN) on shores for unsupported length

+116.8kN (ok)

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

First-General idea about estimation:


Estimate quantities of materials (volumes, areas, lengths, sum ...... etc.] for engineering projects
to find the budget and time required for the project implementation through estimating prices of
each element of the project or refining estimated cost of the similar projects to find cost-final.

Pros of estimation:

1- To prepare a project contract document it is essential to find the structure cost.

2- To calculate the value of the implemented items of the work.

3- To calculate the value of the additional work.

4-To prepare a project cost report.

Factors affect estimation

1-Project location

2-Availaibility of qualified worker

3-General economic status

4- Official holidays

5-Weather condition throughout the whole project period

6-Work preparation

7-Overhead and fixed cost

8-Labor and tools availability

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Cost Estimation

Estimated cost of construction cost estimated under the multiple ways, the most important of these
methods are the following methods:

A- Approximate Estimation

Prepare an estimated cost of a project d for the cost before prior to preparing the final design
according to the conditions, specifications available in a contract.

Purposes of Approximate Estimation:

1- To define the project cost in a short time.

2- Doing comparison between several alternatives.

3- Verifying an estimated cost of a project with a detailed estimation method.

Methods of approximate estimation

1- Floor-Area method (square meter method)
This method used to evaluate the estimated cost of different kind of buildings (offices, school,
residual building, hospitals,.....elec.). It could be an ideal method if used to estimate a new
building cost depending on results taken from an old similar constructed building.
Two assumption could be used for multi-storey building cost estimation namely:
a- Consider all the floors including the basement and roof have equal cost for 1m2.
b-Consider basement and roof have different cost for 1 m2 from other floor cost.

A constructing building with a dimension of (20x35)m consist of basement, ground floor, 1st. floor,
2nd floor and roof. the building constructing cost is (1.89) billion ID find the estimated cost of 1
m2 of the building based on these two methods
1- All three storey, basement and roof have same cost for (1 m2)

2- Basement cost for 1 m2 consist 60% of other storey cost and roof cost for 1 m2 consist 40% of
other storey cost.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016


1st assumption

Total area = basement area+ G.F. + 1st. F. + 2nd. F. + Roof

= 20x35 + 20 x35 + 20 x35 + 20 x35 + 20x 35=3500m 2

cost per 1 m2= 1.89x 109/3500=540,000 ID/1M2

2nd assumption

Total area = basement area+ G.F. + 1st. F. + 2nd. F. + Roof

= 0.6 x20x35 + 20 x35 + 20 x35 + 20 x35 + 0.40x20x 35=2800m2

cost per 1 m2= 1.89x 109/2800=675,000 ID/1M2

2- Constructed volume (Cubic meter method)

This method could be more accurate than the first method due to consideration of the third
dimension (height), in this method each storey volume in m3 calculated separately according to
the cost of a similar constructed building.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016


A constructed building with a dimension of (40x60)m consist of basement of (2.8m height),

ground floor(3m height), 1st. floor(3m height) and 2nd floor(3m height). The building constructing
cost is (22.5) billion ID find the estimated cost of 1 m3 of the building based on these two

1- All three storey and basement had same cost for (1 m3)

2- Basement cost for 1 m3 consist 60% of other storey cost


1st assumption

Total volume = basement + G.F. + 1st. F. + 2nd. F.

= 2.8x40x60 + 3x40 x60 + 3x40 x60 + 3x40 x60 =28,320m3

cost per 1 m2= 22.5x 109/28,320=794,491 ID/1M3

2nd assumption

Total volume = basement + G.F. + 1st. F. + 2nd. F.

= 0.6x2.8x40x60 + 3x40 x60 + 3x40 x60 + 3x40 x60 =25,632m 3

cost per 1 m2= 22.5x 109/25,632=877,808.9 ID/1M3

1 m3 basement cost= 0.6x 877,808.9=526,685.4 ID/1M3 basement

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

3-Approximate Quantities method

This method calculate the approximate amounts of different construction materials elements such
as (foundation, frame, slab, doors and windows, finishing, tiling, electricity, sanitary) each item
priced separately to get the project final cost.

B-Detailed Estimation

In this method the construction will be breakdown into items, detailed estimation of each item will
be prepared after detailed analyzing its cost including the cost of material, labor and overhead,
administration and profit cost.

this type of estimation must be done by a contractor before a tender submission or participating in
an important contract, the estimator have to breakdown the project into items including preparing
work, material, excavation, and all different related required work like site cleaning from debris.
Total detailed cost is calculated by multiplying each item quantity by its suitable implementing
cost. Due to the complexity of the calculation must be done by specialist persons and engineers
who has good contact to the different local and international market and has a widely knowledge
about different materials and labor cost, the cost in this estimation method is more representative
to the real virtual cost.

Amendments to the previous price for the purpose of approximate estimating the following points
should be taken into consideration.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

1- Demanded technical specification and finishing differences or similarity between the previous
and the present project.

2-The executed date of the previous and the present project.

3-The location of the previous and the present project.

4-General and specific specification conditions for the previous and the present project.

5-Method of building construction particularly frame installation

6-Construction shape and height

Time Factor Correction

Where I : Increase inflation ratio

F : Time factor
n : Time difference between the previous and present project
Note: F value always positive due to financial inflation.
Calculate the approximately estimated cost using floor area method, for a very good specification
building suggested to be constructed in a non-crowded area without any government facilities, the
project suggested started date is (Jan. 2010) and handed over date in (June, 2011), the project
has ground, first, and third floor area of (25m x20m) and second floor area of (20m x 20m), the
third floor 1 m2 cost estimated to be 90% of the ground floor 1m2 cost. In order to calculate the
building estimated cost, a built building with ground floor and four storey has considered, second
and third floor have a dimension of (17mx20m), the others have a dimension of(20mx20m), the
project started date was (January, 2005) and handed-over in (December, 2007) in a crowded
area, the contractor at that time benefited from government financial facilities with a mount of 500
million ID, the cost of the ground floor was 1.2% of the other floors cost and the roof cost was 0.3
of the other floor cost, note the yearly financial inflation is 4% and the price differences for both
buildings as follow:

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

1-A very good specification to good is 10%

2-Government contract facilities to contactor 5%
3-Crowded area from non-crowded 12%

The Solution:

First- the old building:

Area (G.F.)=20X20X1.2= 480 m2
Area(1st. + 4th.)=20x20x2=800 m2
Area(2nd. + 3rd.)=17x20x2=680 m2
Total Area=2080 m2
1 m2 cost= 106=240,385 ID
say 1 m2 cost=241,000 ID
Roof floor cost=0.3x 240,385=72,116 ID Say = 73 ID
Ground floor cost=1.2x 240,385=288,462 ID Say=289000 ID

Cost factoring
Cost changes due to time factor
= 0.181=18.1%

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Old building New building % Factor

1- Crowded Non-crowded -12

2- Good Very good +10

specification specification

3- Contract No contract +5
facilities facilities

4- Time factor 18.1

Total 21.11

1 m2 of new building cost=241,000x 1.211=292,000 ID

1 m2 Ground floor of new building cost=289,000x 1.211=350,000 ID
1 m2 Roof of new building cost=73,000x 1.211=89,000 ID
New building total cost =∑Area (G.F. + 1st. F. + 2nd. F. + 3rd. F.) x cost
=(20x25)x350,000+(20x25)x292,000+(20x20)x292,000+0.9x(20x25)x89,000=477,850,000 ID
Bill of Quantities (Tendering and pricing)
is a table prepared by the master or the owner of the work showing the items required to be
executed, and responsible for accepting the prices filled by the contractor or the work executor,
the following is a simple sample of a bill of quantities.

List Item Descriptions Units Quantities Prices Total cost

Site preparation including cleaning

1- from debris and layout of the Lump Sum

2- Excavation work for foundation M3 --- --- ---

Crush stone: A 10 cm thick layer
3- M2 --- --- ---
of a crushed stone after…….

: : : : : :

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Second-Estimating of building construction materials

1- Cleaning, leveling and laying out of the work site

3-Crushed stone under the foundation item (m2)
4-Casting the concrete foundation
5-Wall building under DPC
6-DPC works
7- Wall building above DPC
8-Form work
9-Beams and slabs concrete casting
10-Finishing works(Cement plastering, Gypsum plastering, Floor tiling, Skirt tiling,
Ceramic tiling, Painting, Roof tiling)
11- Roof finishing

1- Cleaning, leveling and laying out of the work site

It is the first item of the construction work of the buildings, this item could be expensive, especially
in the case of a rubble or waste or herbs, plants and cane in the work site, this may require heavy
machinery to lift it and make the work site flat and ready for laying out process.


This work includes digging tunnels and drilling pillars and reservoirs, ditches, ponds septic and
foundations, or may be the excavations for the purpose of removing the top surface layer of the
Earth's natural and that may be a container on the waste and herbs and organic materials, where
required the contractor to dig to a depth appropriate depending on the nature of land, and the
excavations measured in m3.

It is usually drilling depth specified as maps and pre-defined dimensions, and the contractor using
heavy machinery such as Shovel, Bulldozer .... etc.
Excavations on the borders of the workspace are not limited only by what is planned for the
project, but there is a need for additional external spaces outside the boundaries of the project
area up to 1.0m to 1.5 m for general purposes.

after the completion of excavations perhaps there is a need to backfill and this must be
compacted according to required technical specifications, which are the following:

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Must be in a layers of material thickness not more than 20 cm after compaction.

Must be contain a percentage of moisture during compaction about(10-15%).
Compaction is checked by taking a hole as a model for each of 500 m2 which must be at least


Estimate the amount of soil excavation needed to create the mat foundation under the building
below, note that an extra 1.5 m excavation away from all sides and to depth of 0.8 m.

Solution: we draw the outer limits of the excavation in the form of a dashed line is 1.5 m on all
sides, and then we divide the total area to secondary spaces as shown in the figure below, and
then we calculate the volume of the soil excavations.

30 30 30

D=0.8 m (Depth of the excavation) m m m

Total Excavation Volume=2491.2m3 m

Area=L m
Se L1 L2 Vol.=Area 15
c. (m) (m) *D (m3) m
(m )

A` 33 48 1584 1267.2
B 30 33 990 792 B

C 30 18 540 432

Total Excavation Volume 2491.2m3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Excavations for a strip foundations:

in small buildings: homes, for example, are usually implemented using the adoption of strip
foundations, this type of foundations located only under the walls and not on the entire
construction area such as mat foundation.

Example-2- Estimate the size of soil excavation necessary to implement a strip foundation for two
rooms in the figure below, note that the wall thickness (0.2 m) and foundation width (0.6 m) and
depth (0.8 m).

Solution: to estimate the excavation volume of trip foundations there are two ways:
1-The method of entrances and exits of the centers: in this way is the building is divided into a
set of horizontal walls and vertical and is added to show the foundation to the horizontal walls and
raised from the vertical walls, or vice versa, and as follows:
First case: Adding to the horizontal walls and subtracting from vertical walls:

List Wall length (m) No. Total length (m)

1 9.4+0.6 2 20

2 3.2-0.6 3 7.8


Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Second case: Adding to the vertical walls and subtracting from horizontal walls:

Sec. Wall length(m) No. Total length

a 3.2+0.6 3 11.4

b 4.2-0.6 2 7.2

c 5.2-0.6 2 9.2

Strip Length 27.8

2- The method of centre line:

In this way lengths centers are collected for each walls b of the building, then the following
formula will be applied:
Foundation total length = total lengths of the centre -
Where : is the number of interaction of two walls or more
is the foundation width
For the previous example:
Foundation total length=2x9.4+3x 3.2 -
For both methods Volume =27.8 x 0.6 x 0.8 = 13.344 m3

Excavation works of a strip foundation on a slope section:

Estimate the earth excavation works volume for a strip foundation on a tilted ground as shown
below that the depth of excavation does not increase of 1.0 m and not less than 0.7 m.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

x 30
Solution:   x  5.1m
0.3 1.75
steps number= 5 x 5.1=25.5m & 30-25.5=4.5 m
y 1.75
  y  0.2625m
4.5 30
h  1  0.2625  0.7375m
 1  0.7375  1  0.7   3
Excavation volume=    4.5     5.1  5 * 0.6 =15.35 m
 2   2  
abcde is a part of a mountain road, it is required to estimate the excavation volume of the
foundation with 1.2 m width and the depth of no more than 1.2 m and not less than 0.9 m and
distances between the points (a, b, c, d) are equal.

 83.78
Solution: ` ad  r  40 120   83.78m x   27.93m
180 3
 1.2  0.95   1.2  0.95  
Excavation volume= 1.2     25     27.93  3 = 140.34 m 3
 2   2  
3-Crushed stone under the foundation item (m 2):

is usually after the completion of the excavations works of foundations, the bottom of the
foundation covered by crushed stone or break bricks with a thickness of 8 cm or 10 cm, taking
into account the compaction as much as possible and the advantageous of crushed stone are:

1. conversion of the pressure to Bearing.

2. prevent the descent of the water directly to the soil.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

We mean the transfer of pressure to Bearing that is crushed stone to prevent direct contact
between the soil and the foundation and this pressure from direct turns into indirect, and can be
likened to the soil as a piece of glass loaded by force which include the foundation and above and
this glass Easy will break, but in the case of put a piece styropor under or between force and a
piece of glass, the glass less likely to break, and a piece of styropor here represents the crushed
Also, crushed stone does not allow the descent of the water directly to the soil that might be too
dry, leading to absorption mixed concrete water which is very important in hardening concrete.
The amount of crushed stone base = length * foundation width
for Example 2,
the amount of crushed stone = 27.8 * 0.6 = 16.68 m 2
4- Pouring a concrete of foundation:

Concrete is a combination of three main materials namely cement, sand and gravel, if t the water
is added to the mixing of these three substances to prepare the concrete, the mixture loses almost
a third of its size, and the blending of these materials usually on the basis of certain volumetric
proportions, These include the following ratios:

Cement Sand Gravel

1 1.5 3

1 2 4

1 3 6

1 4 8

1 5 11

It is preferable to determine the percentage of blending used for concrete in construction work,
and the common ratios used in buildings usually are volumetric percentages and can be weighted
percentages of the mixed elements which is more accurate, and below some construction items
and matching mixing ratios:

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

1) weak concrete works: is used as a modification layer and leveling layer under the concrete of
foundations, mixed ratio of 1: 4: 1 or 8: 5:10 are usually used.
2) the plain concrete works for foundations and floors usually used by mixing 1: 3: 6, and take
into account the use of resisting cement to salts when the soil or groundwater conditions require
3) reinforced concrete work for the ceilings and joists and lintels and stairs ..... etc using
common mixing ratio often 1: 2: 4 may be used ratio of 1: 1.5: 3 for columns.
4) Reinforced concrete works in contact with the water, such as ponds, reservoirs and retaining
walls for the water used blending ratio of 1: 1.5: 3 or 1: 1: 2 with the addition of water proof (
Sika ) to the mix and the use of the water stopper at the joints.

In order to estimate the quantities involved in the 1m3 of concrete the following approximate
equation can be used:
Vol. = 0.67 (C+S+G)
Vol. : Concrete volume after the addition of water to its components.
c : cement volume
s: sand volume
G: gravel volume
The number 0.67 refers to the contraction in the volume of concrete components after adding
water to the mix and this contraction is one-third the size almost (0.33). Accordingly, the net
volume after the contraction is two-thirds of the total volume or approximately 0.67 of the total
volume before the water adding.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

To obtained one cubic meter of concrete mix (1: 2: 4), cement, sand and gravel volume can be
estimated the as follows:
1 = 0.67(C+2C+4C)
(Cement volume) C = 0.21 m3
(Sand volume) S = 2C = 0.42 m3
(Gravel volume ) G = 4C = 0.84 m3
Cement density=1400 kg/m3
Example 5:
Estimate the amount of construction materials (cement, sand, gravel) needed to pour the
foundation of the two room in Example 2 by mixing 1: 2: 4 and on the assumption that the
thickness of the foundation is 40cm.
Vol. = 27.8*0.6*0.4 = 6.672 m3
Construction material quantities of (1:2:4) as follow
Cement quantity = 300 x 6.672 =2001.6 kg say = 2 ton
Sand = 0.42 x 6.672 = 2.8 m3 say = 3 m3
Gravel= 0.84 x 6.672 = 5.6 m3
Example 6:
Estimate the amount in tons of cement, gravel and sand in cubic meters needed to pour 30
columns of height 4.5 m. note that the hexagonal rib 30cm length of the column section, and the
mixing ratio of 1: 1.5: 3

Vol.  N  6   a2  h
Vol.  30  6   0.32  4.5 = 31.567 m3
31.567 = 0.67(C+1.5C+3C)
C=8.567 m3
8.567  1400
Cement = =11.99 ton
Sand = 1.5C = 1.5*8.567 = 12.85 m3
Gravel = 3C = 3*8.567 = 25.69 m3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Example 7:
Estimate the required quantities of construction materials for lining the channel as shown bellow,
by sectional concrete layer thickness of 30cm, note that the length of the channel 3km and mixing
ratio of concrete is ( 1: 2: 4).


 
A  3  1* 2  2 * 4.5 2  1.5 2 * 0.3  4.346 m 2 Vol. = 4.346*3000 = 13038 m3
Construction material quantities of (1:2:4) as follow
Cement quantity = 300 x 13038 =3,911,400 kg = 3,911.4 ton
Sand = 0.42 x 13038 = 5476 m3
Gravel= 0.84 x 13038 = 10952 m3

Example 8:
the Figure (A) Represents a section of a concrete dam and a small figure (B) Drop the dam at the
construction site, Estimate necessary required constructing materials for the implementation of the
dam using concrete mixing ratio of 1: 2: 4.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016


 *102
A  16 * 2  132   122.46 m 2
A  x   ax
 *102
122.46  x  16 * 2 * 8  132 * 8.5  * 0.424 *10  2
 x  9.819 m
60 * 
Vol.  S *  * A  20  9.819 * *12246  3823.983 m3
3823.983* 300
cement   1147.194 ton
sand  3823.983* 0.42  1606m3
gravel  3823.983* 0.84  3212m3

Example 9:

Estimate the quantity of construction materials to cast a

retaining wall shown in the figure bellow, if you know
that the length of the wall 22 m and the concrete
mixing ratio is (1: 1.5: 3).


2 .6  1 .2
A  7 * 1 .5  * 5.5  1.2 * 1  22.15 m 2
Vol.  22.15 * 22  487.3 m3
487.3  0.67C  1.5C  3C ,  C  132.239 m3
132.239 * 1400
cement   185.134ton
sand  1.5C  198.3 m3
gravel  3C  396.7 m3

Example 10: H.W.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Resolve example 9 but considering that the retaining wall curved central angle of 60 ° and its
head is 25 m away from the point a.

Example 11:

Estimate the quantity of construction materials ( cement, sand and gravel) needed to pour ten
bases for four-column, note that the base pyramid-shaped four-minus the side length of the
upper base 60 cm and 120 cm, and the lower net height of 120 cm and the blending ratio of 1:
2: 4.


Vol.  10 *
 
A1  A2  A1 * A2  10 *
1. 2
 
0.62  1.22  0.62 * 1.22  10.08 m3

cement  10.08 *  3.024ton
sand  0.5 * 10.08  5.04 m3
gravel  1 * 10.08 10.08 m3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Reinforced concrete: is a reinforced concrete materials that are indispensable in any structural
work, reinforcement is added to the concrete due to the lack of concrete in tension as well as to
increase compressive strength in compression zone under pressure, reinforcement is of enormous
importance because it is the most expensive construction paragraphs, and below details of the

Rebar diameter(Φ, mm( Rebar mass)kg/m( Remarks

6 0.222
8 0.395 Stirrups
10 0.617
12 0.888 ----
14 1.21 ----
16 1.58 ----
18 2 For huge
20 2.47 constructions,
Dams for
25 3.86
Example 12)
How many tons of block 1000 rebar (Φ8) and 2000 rebar (Φ14) If you know that the length of the
one rebar is 12 m.
mass of 1000 rebar (Φ8), 12 M length = 0.395 * 12*1000/1000 = 4.74 ton
mass of 2000 rebar (Φ14), 12 M length = 1.21 * 12*2000/1000 = 29.04 ton

Example 13)
How much the mass of reinforcement have length of 12 m & diameter of 30 mm if you know that
a 8 mm diameter rebar density is 0.395 kg / m.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

First rebar density = density of the second rebar

w2 w1 0.395 x
    x  66.66kg
v2 v1  2 
Estimating of rebar
* 8 *1 * 30 *12
4 4
quantities of strip foundation:
rebar must be in general:
1) free of rust and suspended solids and materials that prevent bonding with concrete such as
oils and others.
2) heat may not be used when bending rebars, particularly in the large diameters.
When taking the cross-section in a strip foundation, it would be as follows:

So notes form the figure that reinforcement is usually in a range of rebar and stirrups, In the case
of insufficient length overlap (overlap) work must be done, including, if necessary, and be a
correlation length of (25-40db ) that at least a length of 300 mm, as the db is a (diameter of bar),
and with respect to the stirrups it is observed from the figure they contain extensions and bending
and the length of each extension (6db) and that at least this extension about 10 cm, and all
bending of ( 2db). And it is usually connected using rebar steel wires to be binding in all rebar
connecting location. It is worth mentioning, the number of stirrups is as follows:

The distance where the stirrups are divided

Stirrup no.= The distance between the stirrups +1

Regarding to the concrete cover the minimum thickness could be as follows:

Construction item Reinforced concrete cover (mm)

Reinforced concrete in contact with the soil 75

reinforced concrete walls, beams and slabs 20

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

and reinforced concrete columns and joists

and lintels

If the rebar Φ18 or less 12

Thin slabs and
If the rebar more than
reinforced domes 20

For the purpose of rebar mass estimation the following approximate equation can be adopted:
w where: w: rebar mass (kg), l: length of rebar (m), D: rebar diameter(mm)
This equation can be derived as follows:

 D 
w  Vol. *  s    l * 7850  Where:  s : rebar density (7850 kg / m3)
4  100`0  162
Example 14) Estimate the amount of construction materials needed to pour 40 m3 of the strip
foundation its cross-section shown in the figure below: If you know that the mixing ratio of 1: 2:

40 * 300
Cement = = 12 ton
Sand = 40*0.42 = 16.8 m3
Gravel = 40*0.84 = 33.6 m3
Vol . 40
Foundation length= = =100 m
Area 1 * 0.4
No .of overlaps   8.33  8 Nearly to the nearest and smaller integer

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

1 l1  100  8 * 0.64  105.12m, L1  4l1  4 * 105.12  420.48m

L1D12 420.48 * 162
w1    664.46kg
162 162
2 l2  l1  104.48m, L2  3l2  3 * 104.48  313.44m
L2 D22 313.44 * 142
w2    379.22kg
162 162
3 l3  21  2 * 0.075  0.4  2 * 0.075  0.3  2.5m
No. of stirrups   1  501 L3  501* 2.5  1252.5m
0 .2
L D 2 1252.5 * 102
w3  3 3   773.15kg
162 162
Wt  w1  w2  w3  1816.83kg
Note that the 0.3 value added to the stirrups length to consider the extensions and bending in the
stirrups into consideration when the stirrups length calculated, the stirrups length will be calculated
according to the mentioned remarks this will be as follow:

Extension + Bending

(L-2*cover+D-2*cover)*2+ [6d*2 + 2d*5]

extension =6*0. 01=0.06m<0. 1m say =0.1 stirrups extension length=2*0.1=0.2m
right corner 5*2*0.01 = 0.10m so length of( ext.+ cor.)=0.2+0.1=0.3
Thus, 0.3 m will be added to the stirrups length, 10 cm for each extension and 10 cm for all right
angles regardless the used stirrups rebar diameter.
Example 15)
In Example 2 was considered that the base thickness is 0.4 m, and cover the concrete 5 cm,
guess the amount of rebar required to reinforced the foundation If you know that a cross-section
is as follows:

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

No.of overlaps   2.3  2
1 l1  27.8  2 * 0.56  28.92m, L1  3l1  3 * 28.4  86.76m
L1D12 86.76 *142
w1    104.97kg
162 162
2 l2  l1  28.76m, L2  2l2  2 * 28.76  57.52m
L2 D22 56.8 *122
w2    51.13kg
162 162
3 l3  20.6  2 * 0.05  0.4  2 * 0.05  0.3  1.9m
No. of stirrups   1  112.2  113  L3  113*1.9  214.7 m
L D 2 214.7 *102
w3  3 3   132.53kg
162 162
Wt  w1  w2  w3  288.62kg

Example 16) Estimate the quantity of construction materials required to pour the foundation
outlined plan in the figure below: if w/c =0.45

Foundation length= 20*2+10+2π*5.5 = 84.56 m

Vol. = 84.56*1*0.5 = 42.28 m3
42.28 = 0.67(C+4C+8C),  C = 4.85 m3
Cement = 4.85*1.4 = 6.8 ton
Sand = 4C = 4*4.85 = 19.42 m3
Gravel = 8C = 8*4.85 = 38.83 m3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

w/c=0.45 , w =0.45*6800=3060 kg or liter assume 1 liter weight 1 kg

Rebar calculations:
No .of overlaps   7.05  7
1 l1  84.56  7 * 0.8  90.16m, L1  3l1  3 * 90.16  270.48m
L1D12 270.48 * 202
w1    667.852kg
162 162
2 l2  89.6m, L2  2l2  2 * 89.6  179.2m
L2 D22 179.2 *182
w2    358.4kg
162 162
3 l3  21  2 * 0.075  0.5  2 * 0.075  0.3  2.7 m
No. of stirrups   1  339.2  340  L3  340 * 2.7  918

L3 D32 918*102
w3    566.67kg
162 162
Wt  w1  w2  w3  1592.92kg

Example 17) Estimate the quantities of construction materials required for pouring the foundation
outlined his plan in the figure below:

Cement = 5.98 ton, sand = 12.82 m3, gravel = 25.65 m3

Foundation length= 57.28m, No. of overlaps = 4

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

<1> L1 = 245.12m, = 945.68kg

<2> No. of stirrups = 231, L2 = 623.7 m, w2 = 554.4 kg
Wt = w1 + w2 = 1500 kg

Raft Foundation
Using the raft foundation when the weights on the columns are big and the soil bearing is weak,
the required foundations area to be over half the area of the original construction, and this
foundation is usually in the form of a mattress reinforced concrete of one thickness, preferred to
be reinforced with two layers of bars at the top and bottom, and linked to a set of columns
Concrete foundations for this through a series of reinforcing bars called dowels, and the mat
foundation section generally as follows:

l = overlap + H – cover + 4db + 12db = 40db + 4db + 12db + H – cover = 56db + H – cover

notes that the foundation rebar contain extension and right angle therefore an extension of (16db
for the both sides is added) this mean an adding of (32db) to the length of foundation rebar.

It also taking into consideration an addition of the dowel overlap to the foundation rebar.

Example 18) Estimate the volume of excavation and the quantity of necessary construction
materials to pour the foundation which is described in the following graph and water cement ratio
of 0.45:

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

1st. Single footing rebar calculation
No. of bars   1  8.83  9
l1  2.35  32db  2.35  32 * 0.016  2.862m, L1  2.862 * 9 * 2  51.516m
L1D12 51.516 *162
w1  2 *  2*  162.816kg
162 162
l2  56db  H  cov er  56 * 0.025  0.45  0.075  1.775m, L2  4 *1.775  7.1m
L2 D22 7.1* 252
w2  2 *  2*  27.39kg
162 162
2nd. Raft foundation rebar calculation
30-2*0.075=29.85m long direction
10-2*0.075=9.85m short direction
No. of bars (30 m length) = (29.85/0.3)+1=100.5=101
No. of bars (10 m length) = (9.85/0.3)+1=33.83=34
No. of overlaps (30 m length)=29.85/12=2.4=2
l3 =29.85+32db+2*0.64=29.85+32*0.025+1.28=31.93m, L3=31.93*34*2=2,171m

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

L3 D32 2171* 252

w3    8375.77kg
162 162

l4 =9.85+32db=9.85+32*0.025=10.65m, L4=10.65*101*2=2151.3m

L4 D42 2151.3 * 252

w4    8299.77 kg
162 162

l5 =56db+H-cover=56*0.025+0.45-0.075=1.775m, L5=8*1.775=14.2m

L5 D52 14.2 * 252

w5    54.78kg
162 162

Cement=22.6 ton, Sand=64.58 m3, Gravel=129.16 m3
w/16.15=0.45 , w =16.15 * 0.45=7.27 m3=7270 liter

5- Wall building under DPC

1-Stone wall
It can be implemented through the stone construction and mortar cement, as the mortar cement is
a mixture of cement, sand and certain fixed rates depending on the nature of construction mixed
with water to be the in the form of semi-liquid working on the cohesion of construction parts and
can be used to spray the walls from the outside as well, and ratios most common are: cement
mortar lose 25% of its size after mixing with water, to calculate the amount of cement and sand
for 1 m3 of mortar by mixing 1: 3 as the following:
Vol. = 0.75(C+S) , 1 = 0.75(C+3C) , C = 0.333 m3
Cement = 1400*0.333 = 466.67kg, Sand = 3*0.333 = 1m3
Cement Sand
1 2
1 3
1 4

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Stone construction is relatively slow and requires large quantity of cement mortar as well a skilled
worker and be costly in terms of transportation, but it is a relatively cheap material constructions.
Stone is up to diameters (10-35) cm.
The voids size in the stone construction is up to (25-30)% of the total volume of construction.
size cement mortar volume in 1.0 m3 of stone construction is (0.25-0.3) m 3.

2-Brick wall
The bricks are relatively normal good building material because it is a good insulator of heat and
relatively cheap prices in the central and southern regions of Iraq, but the only drawback is the
slow work.
 Standard dimensions of the bricks are (23 * 11 * 7) cm, it may be produced in other
 thickness of the cement mortar 1 cm.
 brick dimensions after construction become cm (8 * 12 * 24).
 The number of bricks at 13:00 3 of construction = 435 brick.
 The number 435 brick is a theoretical figure the number that take the guesswork out if
taking into account the amount of bricks that damage transport time or breaks in the
course of work is 440 brick could reach 450.
 for the estimation purpose the amount of mortar cement at 1 m3 of construction bricks do
the following :
 The size of the actual bricks at 1 m3 435 brick
 For the estimation purpose the amount of cement mortar at 1m of the brick construction
do the following:
 the actual size of the bricks in 1m3 = 435 * 0.23 * 0.11 * 0.07 = 0.77 m 3
 size cement mortar = 1 - 0.77 = 0.23 m3.
 building bricks need to (1 qualified labor +4 worker) and be the productivity is up to (3-5)
m3 / day.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

 The number 435 is the theoretical brick number. The number increase to 440 or 450 brick
if taking into consideration the amount of bricks that damage during transport time or
breaks in the action.

3-Concrete block wall

Block Construction material commonly used in the northern areas of Iraq in particular and the
advantage of a relatively cheap price, but it is not a good insulator of heat and at the same time
• Standard dimensions of the Block= (15 x 20 x 40) cm.
• thickness of the cement mortar = 1 cm.
• After construction, block dimensions become =(16 x 21 x 41 ) cm.
• the amount of the block at 1m3 of construction = 72.6
=73 Block.
• the actual block size at 1m3= 73 * 0.4 * 0.15 * 0.2 = 0.876 m 3
•  size mortar cement = 1 - 0.876 = 0.124 m 3
• for the estimation purpose the amount of the block will be considered to be of 75 block per 1
m3 of construction, but for the estimation the amount of mortar cement purpose the block number
is considered to be 73 block per 1 m3.

Example 19)
In Example 2 suppose that wall thickness the bellow DPC is 0.4 m and a height of 0.6 m,
and1:3 cement mortar mixing proportion, estimate:
1) the required amount of stone, cement and sand for the wall bellow DPC, if you know that the
size of the voids is 25% of the volume of construction.
2) the amount of bricks and cement needed for wall bellow DPC.
3) the amount of the block, cement and sand needed for wall bellow DPC.
the wall total length = total lengths of the centre - = 9.4 * 2 +3.2 * 3 -(1/2)* 2 *
0.4 = 28 m
wall volume = 28 * 0.4 * 0.6 = 6.72 m 3
1)  ratio blanks 25% ,  amount of stone 75% of the size of the wall

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

 amount of stone = 0.75 * 6.72 = 5.04 m3

volume of cement mortar = 0.25 * 6.72 = 1.68 m 3
Vol.= 0.75(C+S)
1.68= 0.75(C+3C)  C = 0.56 m3
Cement= 0.56*1400 = 784 kg  16 bag
Sand = 0.56*3 = 1.68 m3
2) the amount of bricks = 450 * 6.72 = 3024 brick
the size of the actual bricks = 435 * 6.72 * 0.07 * 0.11 * 0.23 = 5.18 m 3
 size cement mortar = 6.72 - 5.18 = 1.54 m 3
1.54= 0.75(C+3C)  C = 0.513 m3
Cement = 0.513*1400 = 718.67 kg  15 bag
Sand = 0.513*3 = 1.54 m3
3) the amount of the block = 75 * 6.72 = 504 block
the actual size of the block = 73 * 6.72 * 0.4 * 0.2 * 0.15 = 5.89 m 3
 size mortar cement = 6.72 - 5.89 = 0.83 m 3
0.83 = 0.75 (C + 3C)
 C = 0.277 m3
Cement = 0.277 * 1400 = 387.33 kg = 8 bag
 Sand = 0.277 * 3 = 0.83 m3

6-Damp proof course(DPC)

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

A damp-proof course (DPC) is a barrier through the structure by capillary action such as through
a phenomenon known as rising damp. Rising damp is the effect of water rising from the ground
into your property. The damp proof course may be horizontal or vertical
it is a concrete pouring by mixing ratio of (1: 2: 4). the use of cement salts -resistant with CICA
or similar sealants moisture and to be mixed with concrete according to the manufacturer

DPC Benefits representing in adjusting the levels of construction. The thickness of the moisture
barrier is usually up to 10 cm and preferably higher than the floor level by 6-15 cm above G.L.,
calculated m length or m3.

Example 20) Estimate the amount of necessary construction materials to cast DPC of Example 2.
Solution: DPC length = total lengths of the centre - = 9.4 * 2 +3.2 * 3 -(1/2)* 2 *
0.2 = 28.2 m
net DPC length=28.2-2=26.2 m (by subtracting the doors distances)
Vol. = 26.2 * 0.1 * 0.2 = 0.524m3
Cement = 0.524 * 6 = 3.384 bag
Sand = 0.524 * 0.43 = 0.23 m3
Gravel = 0.524 * 0.86 = 0.45 m3

7- Building walls above DPC

1) building walls with bricks: There are several cases of building walls with bricks and generally
the following two cases can be studied :
The first case: If a wall is built with bricks have certain thickness equal to one brick dimensions or
in the case of building walls in a British, German or any other method of linking and where the
double linkage may be are the same method used in estimating the number of bricks and mortar
cement for the purposes of the wall building under DPC.
The second case: in the case of construction of a partition wall, (is a wall which divide large
spaces into smaller ones spaces, there are different thickness of partition walls according to the
method of brick wall construction, as follows:

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A) If the thickness of the partition wall of 11 cm the exposed face of the brick is nominally
8 cm x 24 cm, therefore

Number of bricks in the definitive area of one square meter 52.08 brick

 53 brick can be used for the purposes of estimating, the adoption of 60 brick per 1 m 2 of the
partition, but to estimate the volume of the cement mortar shall be as follows:3

The size of mortar = partition volume - the size of the actual bricks = 1 * 0.11 - 53 * 0.07 *
0.11 * 0.23 = 0.016137 m 3

b) If the thickness of the partition wall of 7 cm the exposed face of the brick is nominally
12 cm x 24 cm, therefore

Number of bricks in the definitive area of one square meter 34.7 brick

 35 brick can be used for the purposes of estimating the adoption of 40 brick per 1 m 2 of the
partition, but to estimate the volume of the cement mortar shall be as follows:

The size of mortar = partition volume - the size of the actual bricks = 1 * 0.07 - 35 * 0.07 *
0.11 * 0.23 = 0.008015 m 3

1) building walls with concrete blocks:

The blocks are a concrete mixture by mixing ratio of ( 1: 2: 4) on a parallel form of rectangles
and a surface rough to help adhesion mortar cement the different aspects, and be either solid or
hollow, and the second type is the best since the weight lighter and isolate sound and heat Best.

The lengths of blocks usually 40 cm The sectional is 10 cm x 20 cm or 15 cm x 20 cm or 20 cm

x 20 cm or 25 cm x 20 cm, the first two types used for the partitions, and the other two in the
construction of the main walls.

In general they are usually two method of constructing concrete block walls:

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

The first method: build the walls of a thickness of 20 cm and in this case, the face of the
apparent, block is 16 cm x 41 cm and therefore the number of blocks needed to build a wall area
of 1 m 2 is = 15.2  say=16 block. It is worth noting that this kind of construction is
0.41* 0.16
the most common method. To estimate the volume of the cement mortar: Mortar size = wall size
- the size of the actual block = 0.2 * 1-16 * 0.4 * 0.2 * 0.15 = 0.008 m 3

The second method: build the walls of a thickness of 15 cm and in this case, the face of the
apparent, block is 21 cm x 41 cm and therefore the number of blocks needed to build a wall area
of 1 m 2 is = =11.6 say= 12 block.
0.41* 0.21

To estimate the size of the cement mortar: volume of mortar = wall size - the size of the actual
block = 0.15 * 1-12 * 0.4 * 0.2 * 0.15 = 0.006 m 3

Note: if the conduct proportion between the wall and the volume in the first or second method the
volume of 1 m3 of concrete block wall conducted by 80 block per 1 m3 of the wall in both the first
and second method.

Example 21) Estimate the amount of the block, cement and sand needed to build the walls of the
two room in Example 2 by using cement mortar mixture ratio of 1:2 and at 2.5 m height, if you
know that every room has a door with dimensions of 2.5 m * 1.0 m and a window dimensions of
1.5 m * 2.5 m.


Along the walls = sum of the lengths of the centers - ½ x (N) * width of the wall = 9.4 * 2 + 3.2
* 3 - ½ * 2 * 0.2 = 28.2 m
wall volume = 28.2 * 0.2 * 2.5 = 14.1 m3
size doors and windows = 2 * 0.2 * (1 * 2.5 +1.5 * 2.5) = 2.5 m 3
volume of net construction = 14.1-2.5 = 11.6 m 3 blocks = 80 * 11.6 = 928 block
mortar volume = volume of construction net - the actual size of the block = 11.6 - 928 * 0.4 *
0.2 * 0.15 = 0.464 m 3

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

C=0.206m3 so, Cement = 0.206*1400 = 288.7kg

Sand = 2C = 2*0.206 = 0.412m3

8-Formwork estimation (m2)

A- Raft (mat)foundation
form work = perimeter of the base * thick

form work = column circumference * height

form work = w * l l

Example 22) Estimate the amount of formwork in

Example 2, if you know that the cross-section of the
wall is as bellow:

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slab = 4 * 3 + 5 * 3 = 27
Beam (inside) = {(4 + 3) * 2 + (5 + 3) * 2} * 0.5 = 15 m2
Beam (outside) = (9.6+3.4) * 2 * 0.5 = 13 m2
Extended slab = 10.6 * 4.4 - 6.9 * 3.4 = 14 m2
water proof (outside) = (10.6 +4.4) * 2 * 0.4 = 12 m2
water proof (inside) = ( 10.2 + 4) * 2 * 0.25 * = 7.1 m 2
openings (over doors and windows) = 1 * 0.2 * 2 +2.5 * 0.2 * 2 = 1.4 m 2
 formwork = 89.5 m 2

Example 23) The figure bellow shows the scheme to store with a height 0f 5 m from the inside,
Estimate the required formwork for the roof, beams and columns.

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016


Slab = 12 * 7.4 + 12 * 8+ 7.4 * 7.4 +7.4 * 8 = 298.76 m 2

beams from the inside = [(12 + 7.4) + (12 + 8) + (7.4 + 7.4) + (7.4 + 8 )] * 2 * 0.5 = 69.6 m 2

beams from the outside = (20 + 16) * 2 * 0.65 = 46.8 m 2

beams from below = (12 * 3 + 7.4*6+ 8 *3) * 0.2 = 20.88 m 2

columns = 0.4 * 4 * 5 * 9 = 72 m2

formwork = 508.04 m 2

columns small corners area is very few thus, it has been neglected

9-Slabs and beams

After the completion of the formwork reinforcement for beams, slabs and then followed by
concrete casting process, and therefore the construction materials required to pour beams and
slabs are rebar, cement, sand and gravel.

Example 24) Estimate amounts of construction materials (cement, sand, gravel, rebar) needed to
pour beams and the roof of the two rooms in Example 2, note that the reinforcement detail shown

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

in section (A) is for the slab and section (B)shows the beam detail reinforcement.

Solution: Firstly concrete volume calculation

the length of the beams= length of the wall = 28.2 m beam volume = 28.2 * 0.2 * 0.5 = 2.82
slab volume = 10.6 * 4.4 * 0.15 = 6.996 m3
water proof volume = (10.6 * 4.04 - 2.10 * 4.4) * 0.25 = 1.46 m 3
 concrete volume = 11.276 m3

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Cement = 11.276 * = 3.3828 tons , Sand = 11.276 * 0.5 = 5.638 m3 , Gravel = 11.276
* 1 = 11.276 m3

Secondly Slab rebar calculation:

longitudinal direction rebar:
straight reinforcement:
The distance which is distributed by bars = 4.4-2 * 0.02 = 4.36 m

No .of bars   1  11.9  12
l1  10.6  2 * 0.02  32db  10.56  32 * 0.012  10.944m
L1  12l1  12 * 10.944  131.328m
L1 D12 131.328* 122
w1    116.736kg
162 162

offset reinforcement:
5 m distance


 2=7.18m

L2=12 2=12*7.18=86.16m

L2 D12 86.16 * 122

w2    76.59kg
162 162
4 m distance
l3=0.5 s+0.16*2+2*(0.25 s-0.11+0.2)+0.3 +0.5-0.02=6.48m
L3=12 3=12*6.48=77.76m

L3 D12 77.76 *122

w3    69.12kg
162 162

latitudinal direction rebar:

straight reinforcement:

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The distance which is distributed by bars = 10.6-2*0.02=10.56m

No .of bars   1  27.4  28
0 .4
l4  4.4  2 * 0.02  32db  4.36  32 * 0.012  4.744m
L4  28l4  28 * 4.744  132.832m
L4 D12 132.832* 122
w4    118.07 kg
162 162
offset reinforcement: lw=3m
l5=0.5 w+0.16*2+2*(0.25 w-0.11+0.2)+2*(0.5-0.02)=4.46m
L5=28 5=28*4.46=124.88m

L5 D12 124.88 * 122

w5    111kg
162 162
Additional rebar calculation
l6=0.5-0.02+0.3*4+0.2=1.88m longitudinal direction additional rebar (right side) l7=0.5-
0.02+0.3*5+0.2=2.18m longitudinal direction additional rebar (left side)
l8=2*(0.5-0.02+0.3*3)+2*0.2=3.16m latitudinal direction additional rebar
L6 D12 137.2 * 122
w6    121.96 kg
162 162
Thirdly, Beam rebar calculation
Straight rebar calculation for all beams
As total length of the beams is 28.2 m  suppose that the length of straight rebar for all the
beams is 28.2 m, taking into consideration the concrete cover.
l9=28.2-10*0.04=27.8m ( number 10 refer to the concrete cover number)
L7=4 9+4*7*32db ( number 4 refers to the bar number in each beam but number 7 refers to the
all beams number)
L7=4 9+4*7*32db


 L7=4*27.8+896*0.012=121.952m

L7 D12 121.952 * 12 2
w7    108.402 kg
162 162

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Stirrups calculation
No .of stirrups   1  93.6  94
0. 3
l10  0.65  2 * 0.04  0.2  2 * 0.04* 2  0.3  1.68m
L8  94l10  94 * 1.68  157.92m
L8 D22 157.92 * 102
w8    97.48kg
162 162
Offset rebar beam calculation (B1 )

11=0.5 +2*0.81+2*(0.25 -0.57+0.2)+0.3 s=7.08m

Offset rebar beam calculation (B2 )

12=0.5 s+2*0.81+2*(0.25 s-0.57+0.2)+0.3 =6.38m

Offset rebar beam calculation (B3 )
13=0.5 w+2*0.81+2*(0.25 w-0.57+0.2)=3.88m
L9=2 11+2 12+3 13=38.56m
L9 D12 38.56 * 122
w9    34.28kg
162 162
wt of ϕ12=w1+w2+w3+w4+w5+w6+w7+w9=756.158kg
wt of ϕ10=97.48kg

10-Finishing work
1- Cement plastering (m2)

The cement mortar plastering external walls are usually in the sequence of the following

1) Clean the walls of dust and suspended solids and crystallized salts formed on the surface if the
building bricks.

2) is sprayed with water for well saturating the face of the wall.

3) Spraying the wall by cement and coarse sand by mixing 1: 1 (cement slurry) and applied in
liquid that covers the wall face to be sprinkled in the second and third days with water. This class

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

clog the voids of brick and block the transmission of salt to the cement plastering and be a strong
foundation for the next layer and help to absorb moisture and water from the face of the brick.

4) Plastering the wall using cement mortar by mixing (1: 3).

To estimate cement plastering materials for 1 m2 we suppose that the cement plastering thickness
is 2 cm and using cement mortar (1:3).

Vol. = 1*0.02=0.02m2
0.02 = 0.75(C+3C) C = 0.0067m3
Cement = 0.0067*1400 = 9.33 kg
Sand = 3C = 0.02 m3
2- Gypsum plastering (m2)
The interior walls and ceilings are usually plastered using gypsum after cleaning walls of dirt and
suspended solids, then start install rulers on the wall by whiting and weighted accurately to the
desire thickness to be the first gypsum layer, and after the cohesion of the first layer, a second
layer is placed and which is thick 6 mm and that ends the wall vertically and horizontally the
ceiling, and finally the last layer placed of a thickness of 2 mm to make the smooth face.
to estimate the required gypsum for 1 m2 we suppose that the total gypsum plastering layer is 2
cm. therefore the volume of required gypsum for 1 m2 calculated as bellow:
Vol. = 1*0.02 = 0.02m3

By considering the gypsum density is 1275 kg/m3 and loss 10% of volume after adding water to
the gypsum. Therefore, gypsum weight in 1 m2 is calculated as follow:

gypsum amount = 0.02 x 1275 x 1.1=28.05 kg

Gypsum could be provided in bags (40 kg)

3- Floors tiling (m2)

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

floor tile is a concrete material to cover the floors and surfaces as well as on the stairs and in the
lower window sills, and can be used for the tiles in a skirting the rooms and halls. It is used in the
application mortar cement after placing a mortar of sand and cement above the ground to allow
tiles free movement resulting from the expansion and cement mortar mixing ratio of 1: 3 that the
strong mortar be any water cement ratio of the few in order to ensure that tiles move because of
the weight. The thickness rate of mortar application of 2 cm, and the joints that are left between
tiles and ranges between 2-4mm.
For the purposes of the estimation average joint thickness considered 3 mm from all sides, and
after the completion of the application of tiles joints are filled with mortar of cement only semi-
tile dimension could be (20x20)cm, (25x25)cm or (30x30)cm
To calculate the number of tiles in 1m2 we suppose the tile dimension after the application is
(30.3 x 30.3)cm where 0.3 represent 3 mm joint thickness.

Tiles number= = 10.89 tile say =11 tile

* Tile thickness is 3 cm and mortar thick is 2 cm therefore, the total thickness is 5cm.
* Added water to the tile cement mortar is very little and therefore, the cement mortar will loss
15% of its volume due to added water.
* Cement mortar amount of joints could be estimated by subtracting the tile number area from the
total area then multiplied by the thickness of the tile.
joints cement mortar volume=(1-0.3 x0.3 x 11) x0.03=0.003 m3

4-Skirting (m.l)
It can be worked by putting half tile around the walls to be the internal surface equality surface
with the gypsum plastering above it, and the newly available in the local markets can be used
instead of cut tiles. Skirt dimensions available on the market vary, but the most common
dimensions are 50cm * 13cm * 0.6cm and application of skirting is by using mortar cement by
mixing 1: 3. To find the number of pieces required for skirting, the parameter of the room divided
by the opted skirting length.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

5-Ceramic tiles (m 2):

ceramic finishing is usually used to cover the inner walls of the kitchen and toilet. cement slurry is
applied to the back side of the ceramic using cement mortar 1: 2 to sprinkle on for three days,
and it is applied on the wall using cement mortar 1: 3. In general there are two types of ceramics:
the type known locally as the "laser ceramic" This is commonly used in kitchens and can be
applied without joints or work the joints a little thick so be up to 1 mm, and there are several
standard dimensions are available in the market and the most common 60cm * 30cm * 0.9cm
and is performed ceramic usually in two colors, one dark and be down the wall Light and the other
to be top of the wall and separated by a belt ceramic-like skirting contain carvings, or other
consistent colors with chromatic ceramic light and dark and the dimensions of the belt ceramic
laser most common are 30cm * 8cm * 0.9cm. The second type of ceramic is defined locally as
"normal ceramic" is used for toilets with joints of 3 mm, and is being implemented in two colors
and a belt such as ceramic laser and there are also several standard dimensions of his most
common 40cm * 25cm * 0.7cm The dimensions of the normal belt ceramic is 25cm * 7.5cm *
0.7 cm.

6-Painting (m 2):

Painting walls usually used for two main reasons: first, to maintain the walls from the weather and,
secondly, to give parallax or color desirable for walls and ceilings, and others. There are several
types of painting fit each particular purpose, including: • Dye fatty: It is used to painting metal
doors, windows and walls used in wet area.

• aqueous pigment (Amolshin): used to paint the interior and exterior walls and preferably used in
dry areas.

• Alsnosm: It is used to paint the exterior walls.

The amount of the dye that gives a certain number of square meters depending on the type of
pigment and the different surface roughness required dye vary, the following table shows the
surface area covered by one gallon of different types of dyes:

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Dye type Surface type Covering (gallon/m2)

Dye fatty Gypsum or cement plastering 12-15

Dye fatty Wooden surface 50-55

Dye Amolshin Gypsum 20-25

Dye Snosm Cement 50 kg bag cover 100m2

 1 gallons 4 liter
 The imperial (UK) gallon =4.54609 litres ( English gallon = 4.54609 liter )
 1 US gallon = 3.78541 liters

7-) Roof tiling:

Is typically performed according to the following sequence:

1. cleans well the surface of the dust and the remains of construction materials,

2. Laying a 2mm thick layer of a laboratory test passed asphalt.

3. Laying two layers of a thick felt that classes interfere with each including at least 10 cm and
are affixed by asphalt well.

4. Spreading another layer of asphalt thick (0.75 - 0.85) cm reverse first layer.

5. Laying a clean layer of soft soil free of( dirt, salt, stones and exotic materials) and have
thickness at least 7 cm at the gutters, and a decline at a rate of 1.5cm / m.

6. Appling a concrete tiles which dimensions (0.8 x 0.8 x 0.04 m) and fill the joints that have a
thickness of 2 cm using asphaltic fillers.

In the case of using tiles normal working joints are for the purpose of expansion is also up to 2
cm and fill with asphaltic fillers and are made every 15 m 2, other than those joints that leave
between tiles and other, which are 3 mm thick.
quantities estimated are as follows:

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Asphalt 8 gallons per 100 m2

• Asphaltic coats (felt) according to the breadth of Rolla and calculates overlap

• Concrete tiles (Styger) where 0.82 is a dimension of a piece of concrete

tiles after adding the thickness of the joint.

Example 25) Estimate amounts of construction materials required for the finishing items in
Example 2 according to the following specifications:
1. applying cement slurry at interior and exterior walls and ceilings and parapets with cement
mortar 1: 1 with an average thickness of 0.5 cm.
2. plastering exterior walls and parapets using cement mortar 1: 3.
3. tiling inner walls of the room (4*3) using laser ceramic (60*30*0.9cm) and at height of only
120 cm from the bottom and applying a laser belt (30*8*0.9 cm).
4. Skirting room (5 * 3)m using (50 * 13 * 0.6 cm)skirting tiles.
5. gypsum plastering the rest of the interior walls and ceiling.
6. Applying floors with mosaic tiles (30 * 30 * 3) cm.
The solution:
1-Cement slurry
Slabs = 4*3+5*3 =27m2 (+)
Internal walls = {(4+3)*2+(5+3)*2}*3 =90m2 (+)
Exterior walls = (9.6+3.4)*2*3 =78m2 (+)
Extended slab = (10.6*4.4)-(9.6*3.4) =14m2 (+)
Head wall (outside)= (10.6+4.4)*2*0.4 =12m2 (+)
Head wall (inside)= (10.2+4)*2*0.25 =7.1m2 (+)
Head wall (parameter)= (10.6*4.4)-(10.2*4) =5.84m2 (+)
Openings= 1*2.5*2*2+1.5*2.5*2*2 =25m2 (-)
total = 208.94 m2
Vol. = 208.94*0.005=1.0447m3
1.0447=0.75(C+C) C=0.696m3
Cement = 975 kg
Sand = 0.696 m3

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By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

2-Cement plastering
External wall + extended slab + head wall= 78 + 14 + (12+7.1+5.84)=116.94 m2 (+)
opening = 1*2.5*2 + 1.5*2.5*2 = 12.5 m2 (-)
104.44 m2
Vol. = 104.44*0.02=2.0888 m3
2.0888 = 0.75(C+3C) C=0.696 m3
Cement = 0.696*1400 = 975kg
Sand = 3C = 2.0888 m3
3-Ceramic tiles
Walls = (4+3)*2*1.2 = 16.8 m2 (+)
Door = 1*1.2 = 1.2 m2 (-) 15.1 m2
Window = (1.2-1)*2.5 = 0.5 m2 (-)
Joint thickness= 1 mm and ceramic tile dimension is (60.1x30.1x0.9)cm
covered area 15.1
Ceramic tiles pieces no. = =  83.47  84 ‫قطعة‬
one tile area 0.301* 0.601
Ceramic belt length = (4+3)*2 – 1(Door) – 2.5(window) =10.5 m
Ceramic belt pieces no. = =  34.88  35 pieces
Ceramic total area = Ceramic area + belt area= 15.1+10.5*0.08=15.94m2
AS the gypsum thickness=2cm
Cement mortar thick=2-0.9=1.1cm=0.011m
Cement mortar volume = 15.94*0.011=0.17534 m3
0.17534 = 0.75(C+3C) C = 0.058m3
Cement = 0.058*1400 = 81.83 kg
Sand = 3C = 0.17534m3
Joint cement mortar = {(0.6+0.3)*0.001*84+(0.3+0.08)*0.001*35}*0.009=8.001*10 -4m3
8.001*10-4=0.75C C=10.668*10-4m3
White Cement = 10.668*10-4*1400=1.5kg
Skirting length = (5+3)*2-1=17m

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Skirting pieces no.=  33.7  34 Pieces
Joint thick assumed to be 3 mm
AS skirting tile thick is 0.6 thus, cement mortar thick=2-0.6=1.4cm
Cement mortar volume=17*0.13*0.014=0.03064 m3
0.03094=0.75(C+2C) C=0.0103m3
Joint cement mortar volume={34*0.003*(0.5+0.13)}*0.006=3.8556*10-4 m3
3.8556*10-4=0.75C C=5.1408*10-4m3
White cement=0.719712kg
5- Gypsum plastering
Internal walls= (5+3)*2*3+(4+3)*2*3 = 90m2 (+)
Slab = 4*3+5*3 = 27m2 (+)
Ceramic tiles = 15.94m2 (-) = 86.35m2
Skirting = 17*0.13 = 2.21m2 (-)
Doors and Windows = (1*2.5+1.5*2.5)*2 = 12.5m2 (-)
Gypsum volume= 86.35*0.02 = 1.727m3
Gypsum amount = 1.727*1275*1.1=2422.1175kg
6-Floor tiling
Floor area=3*5+3*4=27m2
Floor Area 27
Tile No, = = =294.1300 ‫كاشية‬
One tile area 0.303* 0.303
Cement mortar = 27*0.02=0.54m3
0.54=0.85(C+3C) C=0.1588m3
Joint cement mortar volume= (27-294*0.3*0.3)*0.03=0.0162m3
0.0162=0.75C C=0.0216m3 White cement=0.0216*1400=30.24kg
Note: For all calculation which have done above for finishing items internal parameter for the
doors and windows might be added with thickness of 10 cm.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Third - Box Culvert

Is a hydraulic structure used in the case of the confluence of a natural canal with a industrial
canal, the following figures describe a cross section of a typical stream typical cross sections in
the mainstream box culvert-third figure shows the reinforcement details of the cross section of the
first Model which will be taken as an example for estimating purpose.

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Example 26) Estimate the amount of construction materials (cement, sand, gravel, rebar)
required for implementing 10 m length for the earlier shown box culvert cross section.


1-Concrete volume calculation:

Walls= (2.05+0.3+0.35)*0.3*2*10 =16.2m3
Slab = (1.4*2+0.2)*0.3*10 =9m3 =36.4m3

Foundation = (1.4*2+0.2)*0.35*10 =11.2m3

Triangle = + 0.5*(1.4*0.05)*2*10=

If we suppose that a concrete mixing ratio is (1:1.5:3) the quantities will be as follow :
36.4=0.67(C+1.5C+3C) , C=9.88m3
Cement = 13.83 ton, Sand = 14.82m3, Gravel = 29.63

2-Foundation rebar calculation:

A- Main rebar calculation (latitude direction) ( 16mm)

l1  3.6  2 * 0.075  32db  3.45  32 * 0.016  3.962m

No .   1  51 bars
0 .2
L1  51 * l1 * 2  51* 3.962 * 2  404.124m
L1 D12 404.124 * 16 2
w1    638.62kg
162 162

B- Secondary rebar calculation (latitude direction) ( 12mm)

spacing  3.6  2 * 0.075  3.45m

No.   1  15 bars
l2  10m, L2  10 *15 * 2  300m
L2 D22 300*122
w2    266.67kg
162 162

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

C- Wall dowels calculations( 12mm)

Length = 10 m
No .   1  51 bars
0 .2
l 3  H  56db  cov er  0.35  56 * 0.012  0.075  0.947 m
L3  0.947 * 51* 2 * 2  193.188m
L3 D22 193.188 * 12 2
w3    171.72kg
162 162
3- Wall rebar calculation
A-Main rebar ( 12mm)
No. = 51 bars
L4 D22 549.576 * 122
w4    488.512kg
162 162
B-Secondary rebar( 12mm)
spacing  2.05m , No .   1  10 bars
l5  10m , L5  10 * 10 * 2 * 2  400m
L5 D22 400 * 122
w5    355.56 kg
162 162

4- Slab rebar calculation

A-Main rebar (latitude direction) ( 16mm)
spacing  10 m , No .   1  68 bars
l6  3.6  2 * 0.04  32db  3.904m
L6  3.904 * 68 * 2  530.944m
L6 D12 530.944 * 16 2
w6    839.02kg
162 162
B- Secondary rebar (longitude direction ) ( 12mm)
spacing  3m, No.   1  13 bars
l 7  10m, L7  10 * 13 * 2  260m
L7 D22 260 * 12 2
w7    231.11kg
162 162

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

wT of 12 = 1513.57kg, wT of 16 = 1477.64kg, WT = 2,991.21kg

Example 27) Estimate the amount of construction materials (cement, sand, gravel, iron)
required for the implementation of the canal with a cross section shown in the figure
below, if you know that concrete thickness of 15 cm and the mixing ratio of 1: 2: 4, Canal
length 100 m.
The solution:
1.5 0.15
sin    L  0.25m
2.5 L
0.15 1.5
tan    l  0.2 m
l 2
x  L  l  0.05m
1.5 1.35
tan    a  1.8 m
2 a
b  4  2 x  3.9 m

B  8  2 * L  7.5 m
 4  8   3.9  7.5  
Vol .    * 1.5    * 1.35 * 100  130.5 m

 2   2  
Cement  39.15ton , Sand  65.25m ,Gravel  130.5 m 3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Rebar calculation:

Rebar calculation could be simplified by considering the canal thickness is a casted

concrete of 15 cm, and length equal to the average length of internal and external

It is assumed that concrete cover is 5 cm.

External perimeter= 4  2 * 1.5 2  2 2 =9m

Internal perimeter= 3.9  2 * 1.352  1.8 2 =8.4m

9  8.4
Length=  8.7 m

A-Main reinforcement (Latitudinal direction)

space  100m , No .   1  335
l1  8.7  2 * 0.05  32db  2 * 4 db  9.24m , L1  9.24 * 335 * 2  6190.8 m
L1 D12 6190.8 * 16 2
w1    9782.99kg
162 162

B-Secondary reinforcement (Longitude direction)

100 8 .6
space  8.7  2 * 0.05  8.6 m , No .of oerlaps   8.3  8 , No .   1  36bars
12 0.25
l 2  100  8 * 0.3  102.4 m , L2  102.4 * 36 * 2  7372.8 m
L2 D22 7372.8 * 12 2
w2    6553.6 kg
162 162
w t  16336.59kg

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Fourth : Water Tank

Example 27) The figure below shows the water tank is open from top, net internal
dimensions are (14 m * 35 m), its four walls reinforced symmetrically, Estimate amounts
of construction materials (cement, sand, gravel, iron) required for implementation the tank,
note that the mixing ratio of concrete is (1: 2: 4).
200 200
mm mm

Ø12 @ 250 Ø12 @ 250

mm mm

4.5 m
Ø16 @ 200
Ø16 @ 200 mm
mm Ø16 @ 300
Ø25 @ 350
.3m mm 0.3 m

400 mm
400 mm

15 m

Ø16 @ 300 mm

The solution:
Cement=91.476ton, Sand=152.46m3, Gravel=304.92m3

Kirkuk University Methods of Construction and Estimation Civil Engineering Stage:4
By: Lecturer (Yousif Salam Shwani) 2015-2016

Rebar calculation:
1- Rebar foundation
A-Main rebar
space  36  2 * 0.075  35.85m , No .of overlaps   1.25  1
l1  15  2 * 0.075  32db  1 * 0.3  15.95m , No .   1  104bars
L1 D12 3317.6 * 25 2
L1  15.95 * 104 * 2  3317.6 m , w1    12799.38kg
162 162
B-Secondary rebar
space  15  2 * 0.075  14.85 m , No .of overlaps  3
l 2  36  2 * 0.075  32db  3 * 0.3  37.262m , No .   1  51bars
0 .3
L D 2 3800.724 * 16 2
L2  37.262 * 51 * 2  3800.724m , w 2  2 2   6006.08kg
162 162
c-Dowels (Let's consider the total length is the sum of all parts)
space  35 * 2  14.4 * 2  98.8 m , No .   1  495bars
l 3  56db  H  cov er  56 * 0.016  0.4  0.075  1.221m
L3 D22 1208.79 * 16 2
L3  1.221* 495 * 2  1208.79m , w 3    1910.19kg
162 162
2- Rebar wall
A-Main rebar (vertical )
No .  495 bars, l 4  4.5  0.04  16db  4.716m
L4 D22 4668.84 * 16 2
L4  4.716 * 495 * 2  4668.84m , w4    7377.92kg
162 162
B-Secondary rebar (horizontal)
The wall length is considered straight with total length of 98.8m
space  4.5  0.04  4.46 m , No .of overlaps   8.2  8
l5  98.8  8 * 0.04  4 * 32db  8 * 0.3  102.416m , No .   1  19bars
L D 2 3891.808 * 12 2
L5  102.416 * 19 * 2  3891.808m , w5  5 3   3459.38kg
162 162
wt of ϕ12=3459.38kg, wt of ϕ16=15294.19kg, wt of ϕ25=12799.38kg, WT = 31552.95kg


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