22BCY10227 - EI Stress Prescription - Assignment

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Stress Prescription

Vismaya Vinod Nair – 22BCY10227

Identify stressful situations or demands. These can be academic, personal,

family or job related.

Why do you think it is stressful? What are your thoughts, feelings, and

=> According to me, taking responsibility of other person or friend and failing to
manage it is a stressful thing in my life. Even though I try to say no to them, my
feeling always gets in the way as it bothers me whether they will become unhappy or
get disappointed which in turn makes me sad and stressed. Also, a lot of work load
is really a stress situation for me. As a student, I often found it stressful when I
university work. Sometimes I use to give up on my rest and work without sleeping for
a whole day.

What can you do about changing these situations/demands?

=> To reduce stress caused by taking responsibility for others and a heavy workload,
I would prioritize setting clear boundaries, self-care, delegate tasks, break down
larger tasks into smaller ones, and seek support from friends, family, or
professionals. Remembering that reducing stress takes time and effort.

Are you able to think about them/appraise them differently?

=> Yes, sometimes I do think of trying to make my above thoughts into actions

What resources do you have to cope with the demand/stressors?

=> To relieve my stress, I prefer asking the help of my friends. This helps me to
focus on other stuffs, and concentrate more on being efficient in time management to
complete my work and spend more time for other things.

Do you need other ways of coping? What might you try?

Behavioral Strategies:

=> Anxiety makes it simple to let your mind race and become preoccupied
with a whirlwind of irrelevant details. Awareness of one's internal and
external environments is the first step to feeling more alert and present
throughout the day. Being more aware of the present will keep your
thoughts from straying, allowing you to give your undivided attention to
your work. Meditation can be helpful in alleviating your workplace stress

Cognitive Strategies:

=> Cognitive strategies such as meditation, helps a lot a person to get relieve
from stress.

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