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Midterm Presentation Topics

1. The Internet: How it started and what it changed.

2. Robots that think: Where we use smart machines.

3. Staying safe online: Protecting your computer and information.

4. Understanding time: From old days to today.

5. Storytelling's magic and tips.

6. How we make choices in our minds.

7. Clean and green energy: Good for our planet.

8. The history and future of how we move around.

9. Feelings that help us succeed.

10. Fancy clothes from around the world.

11. Feeling happy and staying well.

12. The roles of women in history.

13. Social media and how we connect.

14. Talking in public and getting your point across.

15. Taking pictures: How it changed over time.

16. Food from many places: A tasty journey.

17. Thinking hard to solve problems.

18. A pretend world you can see and touch.

19. Laughter is good for us.

20. Tattoos and why people get them.

21. The Olympic Games and how they bring countries together.

22. Making deals and solving fights.

23. How machines make music sound cool.

24. Learning for the future.

25. Brewing your morning coffee: An art and science.

26. Dreams and what they mean.

27. How to save our environment.

28. Business between countries and around the world.

29. Online gaming and the groups that love them.

30. Making secrets safe with codes.

31. Calming your mind and being mindful.

32. The impact of adventures on mental health.

33. Fighting addiction and getting better.

34. Dancing from different places.

35. People coming together to make a change.

36. Predicting the weather with science.

37. Risks and rewards.

38. Comic books with pictures and stories.

39. How we'll travel in the future.

40. Folding paper into cool shapes.

41. Video games as a sport.

42. Finding motivation and setting goals.

43. Movies and their impact on us.

44. Using art to feel better.

45. Life underwater: What's in the sea.

46. How printing changed the world.

47. Making music with traditional instruments.

48. Learning when you're very young.

49. Changing fashions and being kind to the Earth.

50. Solving mysteries using science and art.

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