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Planets and Houses A birth chart comprises of planets, signs and houses.

Planets have a specific function or meaning in the horoscope. Sign signifies the in which the Sun was present at the time of one's birth. Houses are the 12 divisions in the birth chart where each planet's effect is most visible. Houses are based on the 12 zodiac signs in heir natural order. example Aries corresponds to the First House, Taurus corresponds to the second House and so on. Planets place a great deal of energy into the house in which they are physically located in the birth chart. Characteristics of the different Houses: The First House shows our social outward nature. The planet in this house will give the traits of the sign that this planet rules. The Second House signifies material needs and how we can achieve them. It also shows our self esteem and the value we place in ourselves. The Third House deals with communication, short journeys and our immediate environment. It also explains about our early education and sibling relationships. The Fourth House is the house of Karma. It shows our family ties and the influence of parents. The Fifth House is the house of enjoyment. It brings out the creativity and romantic relationships in a person's life. The Sixth House signifies community service and health ailments. The Seventh House is the house of commitments, long term relationships and business partnerships and open enemies. The Eighth House is the house of physical relationships and sex. It is also associated with money and finances.

The Ninth House is associated with religion, our principals and beliefs. The Tenth House signifies our ambitions, tendencies and culmination of our hard work. The Eleventh House explains our associations with friends and bonding with (close) groups of people. The Twelfth House is associated with psychological problems, hidden enemies but can be the House of Excellence if we are able to recognize our true inner selves. Sun in the Twelve Houses First House: People with the sun in their first house care a lot about their self image and physical appearance. They tend to be very brave, competitive and determined. This gives them very strong natural leadership qualities. They tend to have their own views very clear so it is near impossible for them to get swayed by others opinions. Second House: The sun within the second house orientates around energies that focus on money and wealth. Not only is wealth important to second house sun people, but also material possessions. Third House: People with the sun in the third house have a great compassion to learn and broaden their knowledge. They are likely to try to broaden their education for many years to adult hood or throughout their entire life. Along with study, travel is also considered important. People with the sun in their third house usually become writers or teachers. These are very optimistic people even in the hardest of times. Fourth House: People with sun in the fourth house have a great need for domestic security. Their life is aimed mainly towards family matters and also to the home environment. These are family people who are normally very proud of whom they are, their heritage and their origins. Fifth House: These are very creative people, generally actors, performers and writers. They choose to express themselves by creative means and want to be

noticed and appreciated. These people are sometimes a bit of a show off very self confident. They have a great passion for children. They are often very daring and adventurous and tend to take a lot of risks. Sixth House: These are normally very determined workers but can be very demanding. Seventh House: Their lives tend to be strongly influenced by people close to them such as business partners and family members. They are excellent at greeting and meeting new faces as they can cooperate well and know how to deal with others. This means that careers where they will have to talk to strangers such as sales and promotional jobs are well suited to them. Eighth House: The energies here tend to be in looking after others possessions for them. Things such as house sitting, banking, pensions and stock marketing would be a well suited job. There could possibly also be a strong interest in philosophy, metaphysical and occult subjects. Ninth House: These people are often dreamers who try and make their life ideal rather then what is practically possible for them. This can lead to problems. There is very likely to be great interest in spiritual and religious practices; also in law and philosophy. If you are convinced that you have answers to questions that people ask and you are convinced you are right, you are likely to try everything in your power to get everyone to hear. There is a strong desire to travel to foreign countries for these people. Tenth House: There is a need for these people to be noticed whether it is through fame and fortune, power, politics, authority or responsibility. Eleventh House: To reach your goals will heavily rely on those around you such as friends, family and colleagues. Twelfth house: People here will have a need for self-perfection. Yet they will normally feel somewhat estranged from others like they are an outsider even if other parts of their chart say so otherwise. They are often introverted, shy and like a peaceful life and time on their own. They shouldnt be concerned by feelings of not belonging and failures to mix well with others. They may feel that not many life them but they have a lot of people who respect them strongly that they are not aware of. Work in the community such as in

churches, hospitals, learning institutions or professions such as art, literature and psychology are well suited. These people normally have at least one major psychological, physiological or social crisis that they have to overcome in their life.

Moon in the Twelve Houses The moon is the planet most connected to our feelings and emotions linked to other people in their lives. The way you have been brought up will mostly be reflected here and this is also where unconscious decisions are made. First house: People with the moon in the first house are usually hyper sensitive. Although they are very restless, easily changed and easily hurt, they are quick and easy at making new adjustments when needed. Their feelings constantly change which means that it is hard for them to make lasting plans. They need a partner who can respect them, be loyal and cope with the frequent mood swings. They care a lot about physical appearance and appearing healthy. Second house: People with the moon placed in the second house get a lot of emotional security from their money and material possessions. Emotional insecurity occurs when there are problems with finances. Third house: People with the moon in the third house are very good at remembering things in excellent detail. They are not very well suited for repetitive or routine job as they have to keep their mind focused. They are frequently in their own world, daydreaming or living in a world of fantasy. Fourth house: They have a great love for Mother Nature and outdoors. Their life is full with strong influence from parents and domestic influences. Fifth house: People that have the moon in the fifth house will often try to keep their children as home for as long as possible and be slow on letting them go out on their own and to become independent. These people can often find themselves becoming impulsive gamblers.

Sixth house: The moon in the sixth house often makes people very restless in nature. They can be strongly depended upon by others. These people tend to worry a lot and are very sensitive; this means that they are easily hurt by things. Seventh house: These people are characterized by a flexibility to fit in anywhere and possess a strong desire for social acceptance. They dont like being alone, this may cause them to marry early; their partner is likely to be very moody and overly sensitive. Eighth house: These people feel that they have a strong sense of duty and obligation to others. They are very sensitive to social demands. Ninth house: These people have an innovative mind and are dreamers. They hold strong beliefs. They usually have one subject that they become deeply involved with and spend a lot of time studying; they enjoy sharing knowledge on this subject to others. They are usually interested in philosophy and the search for metaphysical truths. Practical knowledge is often obtained through dreams or meditation. Tenth house: They have a strong desire for recognition and for a good reputation. Their feelings are often dominated by a desire for achievement. Eleventh house: They are often very popular with a wide circle of friends, especially women. They have a very wide range on interests that sometimes they may appear to others as being superficial. Their emotional security is strongly tied to their circle of friends and relationships. Twelfth house: Being in the twelfth house, a house of closed doors, these people often feel emotionally isolated from others. They are subject to emotional chaos and have difficulty to freely express their emotions. They are sensitive and tend to get easily hurt due to having fragile feelings. Others may view them as emotionally withdrawn or lonely.

Mercury in the Twelve Houses

Mercury governs the way that you communicate with those around you. First House: The first house being the strongest of all houses means that people with mercury in the first house can easily communicate their thoughts to others and are very talkative. They can easily and quickly adapt to new situations and always seek new and useful information. Second House: These people are full of money making ideas. They know the true value of things and are very value conscious. Third House: People with mercury in the third house tend to be very witty and clever, especially in the use of words. They are not necessarily deep thinkers, but are very alert and adaptable. They express their ideas fluently and have a wide variety of talents. Fourth House: These people have been brought up in a home surrounded by mental and educational activities. Their parents place an unusually high priority upon learning. These people tend to be high-strung and easily irritated and they often find it hard to relax. They usually have a home based career. Fifth House: They usually have very clear legible writing and a very clear speaking ability and usually have some form of artistic and creative interests. They have a deep need of mental pleasure and intellectual stimulation and are likely to have very intellectual friends and partners. Sixth House: They tend to worry if things arent the way they are supposed to be. When it comes to careers they are in jobs that involve work requiring specialized mental or physical skills, such as working with computers or electronic devices. They are usually perfectionists and very precise in everything that they do. Seventh House: People with mercury in the seventh house are usually friends with clever and articulate people. They are good at expressing their thoughts and ideas in an intelligent manner.

Eighth House: They try to get to the bottom of problems and resolve issues themselves. They are interested in human behavior and usually study subjects like psychology. They also hold an interest in scientific, metaphysical and occult subjects; instead of gathering all of their knowledge though books they tend to gather information through their own intuition and experiences. Ninth House: These people like to travel especially in foreign lands. They are interested in how other cultures live their lives. They are also interested in philosophy and like to study to the highest of their abilities. Tenth House: People that have Mercury positioned in the tenth house are very good at communication through both speech and writing. They are well suited to political, managerial, executive and government related jobs. Eleventh House: These people can easily communicate and exchange their ideas with anyone. They have a good memory for things in good detail and have strong minds capable of hard work. Twelfth House: They tend to be secretive about their thoughts and ideas. Others may think that they are shy as they tend to be quiet and hesitate to speak their ideas, especially in public settings. Sometimes they have learning difficulties such as dyslexia. They often lack confidence but hide this very well.

Mars in the Twelve Houses This is where your assertiveness and power will lie. But, depending which house all this extra force of power, anger and assertiveness lies can cause problems for you. First House: People here are likely to appear very strong, muscular as well as actually being very strong. They tend to be very assertive, dominant and very self confident. Second House: The people with Mars in the second house are strongly driven by wealth and earning, yet, they also have a strong passion for spending

money. They are not afraid to take risks with their money if they see any possible money making ideas. This can lead to gambling and being conned into the fraud get rich quick schemes. Third House: Mars in the third house denotes quick thinkers, although they tend to jump to conclusions. They are direct yet sharp speakers and tend to get into a lot of arguments especially with family members. They tend to rush life; they even drive fast and are impatient for things such as traffic. They are very good in arguments and debates if the debate teams are small but if its very large debate teams then they tend to hide behind their own wall of shyness. Fourth House: They tend to do things themselves rather then getting people to do things for them. They are very strong people and the strength stays with them even through old age. Fifth House: These people are athletic and impulsive. They tend to have an active and somewhat aggressive sex drive. Although, they love competition and to compete they tend to be bad losers. They seek adventure, take risks and are active in sports. Sixth House: These are hard and energetic workers with no tolerance for laziness. They tend to have an aggressive side to others in the work place who dont do their share, this can lead to problems and dislike from co-workers. They are perfectionists. Seventh House: They are likely to marry at a young age or too soon into a relationship with no thinking about it; this can lead to problems. They tend to be very aggressive and intimate in relationships and like to gain popularity. Eighth House: Here people tend to be good at investigating things; they tend to be suited to jobs in law, medicine and finance. They have a very active sex drive.

Ninth House: The Mars ninth house placement in your chart shows an active interest in travel, outdoor sports and religious or philosophical causes. Tenth House: People with Mars in the tenth house have a strong need for status. They like to be in full power and have great leadership potential. Eleventh House: These people have a very independent attitude but are very hard workers in groups. Friendships are very important here but the argumentative fiery side of mars can result in arguments and break-ups of friends. Twelfth House: They let their subconscious mind govern their desires, dreams and actions. They are very secretive about their work and like to work alone or in seclusion. They have a great ability for using their imagination and creative side. On occasion they can be gloomy, changeable and indecisive. Jupiter in the Twelve Houses Where the house placement of Jupiter is where you are likely to think optimistically and positively about things. First House: These are very broadminded and optimistic people who focus on the brighter side of life. They are very trustworthy, honest and popular. Second House: People with Jupiter in the second house tend to focus around money and material possessions. They tend to spend what they earn. Third House: People here are likely to be very optimistic, philosophic and spiritualistic; this strongly shapes just about everything in their life and the way they live it. Fourth House: These people will highly rely on the assistance and help from their parents even in later life. Their parents also highly influence their life. They will gain good fortune in later life. Fifth House: These people tend to have a lot of good fortune in their lives. They strongly enjoy life and have a strong drive for personal expression. They

are likely to have a large number of children. Sixth House: Jupiter in the sixth house means that you are someone that can heavily be relied upon. These people are good at raising morale, good at resolving issues and friendly. Seventh House: These people are very open and have a strong sense of justice. They are very kind and caring to others. Eighth House: These are people who know how to handle money and are very good at investing. They have a gift for bringing lost causes to life and jobs that seem to be near their end to a new start. Ninth House: These people are very intelligent and are likely to study for as much of their life as possible. They are also likely to do a lot of traveling. Tenth House: These people tend to plan things a long way into the future. Laws and ethical principles are very important to them. They are very likely to join the army or police force. Eleventh House: These people have a strong power for gaining strong friendships with others. They are natural planners and organizers and tend to draw everything to a plan including lots of detail; they probably live to a heavy scheduled life. Twelfth House: These are people that aim to please. They usually do more then what is required from then and try to do things to please others. This does mean that they sometimes do things for others that they dont want to be done.

Saturn in the Twelve Houses This is where people are likely to encounter heavy obstacles. It is the planet of restrictions and limitations First House: These people are often very serious which means that it is hard for them to relax and have a good time. They are usually prone to depression.

They are very highly self disciplined and set strong rules for themselves. They usually also suffer from a shyness or inferiority complex that they try to hide. Second House: Saturn positioned in the second house places importance in financial and material affairs and denotes a good deal of ambition and hard work associated with accumulating material security. Third House: These people tend to be prone to depression. Their speech is usually well considered and deliberate. They more then likely experienced trouble or difficulties in their education, were slow or late learners and probably bullied by others. They have a strong sense between right and wrong. Fourth House: They have a strong dislike for change. Relationships become very serious and last for a long time; yet once these people are in a relationship if the partner does any changes then they will find it extremely hard to accept the changes and this can lead to problems in relationships. These people must learn that change is important. They strongly cling on to the past and their roots but would greatly benefit from leaving their childhood home and family. Fifth House: These people although they often have the time to relax they find it hard to do so. Romance is taken very seriously and can end up causing more pain then pleasure to them. Their romantic partners are likely to be older then them. They are likely to not want any children in their life or find a lot of problems with bringing up children. Sixth House: People here take their work very seriously. They are often expected to handle the largest of responsibilities at work; yet promotions are rare. Health matters may be of constant concern. Seventh House: People with Saturn in the seventh house are very cautious about relationships and marriage; they are likely to delay a marriage for as long as possible. Although they may feel very restricted in relationships they can accept all situations for better or for worse. Eighth House: Finances are likely to be heavily weighed upon these people. They are likely to have to help others with their finances and probably have a partner with bad financial dispositions on which they will have to take on the

financial problems themselves. Ninth House: People here are likely to be able to accept concepts such as astrology. They are usually high followers of religion strong in education and business. Tenth House: People here have a strong quest for both responsibility and power. They have a managerial quality to them and could easily be strong leaders if they wished to. Eleventh House: People with Saturn in the eleventh house often let find it hard to fulfill their goals, hopes dreams and wishes due to their friends, families and associates. Although they have a large circle of friends they are not very intimate or close to any of them. Most of their friends will be older and heavily demand on them. Twelfth House: Their work tends to be under recognized and their subconscious doubts are likely to strongly affect their self confidence. They usually have a subconscious need for solitude and retreat.

Uranus in the Twelve Houses This planet shows which areas of our life need to have freedom and seclusion. It is also where a lot of unexpected changes occur. First House: These people often have very erratic behaviour. Usually they stand out from a crowd due to their personality and outgoing behaviour. They are very strong natured individuals. Others may view them as somewhat eccentric, unusual or advanced. Common sense is often not used in their actions, due to their impulsiveness, yet they are good at inventing. Second House: This is where there will be a lot of ups and downs in finances. No matter what is done it is very unlikely that someone in this category will ever gain a stable income.

Third House: These people often have a willful and rebellious nature. They are very spontaneous and usually involved with new age thinking. They dont plan trips or travels, they just tend to pack up and go. Fourth House: These people need freedom and are likely to break away from the family home at a young age. Sudden upsets or changes are likely to occur for these people. Fifth House: People here are often highly inventive and creative. They have strong urges to be free and independent. Romances are usually sudden and unexplained and so are break ups. Sixth House: They usually learn the hard way that they have to do what they are told. They can get highly worked up and easily work themselves into a nervous condition. These people tend to be strongly interested in diets and health fads; this can lead to various eating problems. Seventh House: Marriage is likely to be a spur of the moment thing. Relationships can be hard as these people tend to be very independent. Eighth House: People here tend to be very intuitive. Both finances and business relationships are subject to sudden ups and downs. Ninth House: Here people tend to be into law, philosophy, religion and travel. They are very independent, adventurous and love to travel to exotic places. Tenth House: These people tend to take matters into their own hand. They are not afraid to make decisions and usually clash with their boss and tend to be their own boss. Eleventh House: They often have difficulty with decisions and making up their mind. They make friends easily but keep a distance with their friends.

Twelfth House: These people often feel trapped, they often have a strong need to be alone and independent; yet may feel like a loner. Neptune in the Twelve Houses Neptune is very mystical and dreamlike; it is where the spiritual and psychic side will be portrayed. First House: These people are highly susceptible to suggestions and recommendations by others rather then living and obtaining the goals and life that they wish to live. People here are usually more psychic then others and what they believe they are; yet they have low self esteem about their image and appearance. Second House: There are more then likely to be a few misplacements or careless mistakes with money made by these people which can lead to money problems. Third House: People here are very intuitive and have a great ability to communicate with higher being spirits. They often tend to live in a world of their own and are subject to drifting, wondering and daydreaming. Fourth House: These people have a need for personal security and are often very close to their mother. They are often drawn to living near water, and as they grow older they may become somewhat withdrawn. Heir family is a very important aspect of their life. Fifth House: Neptune, in the fifth house has a heavy influence on relationships, they are very romantic individuals but experiences in relationships can be chaotic and sometimes confusing. They normally have a creative talent for acting or role playing and are usually into cinemas, theatres or other performances. Sixth House: These people are very strongly associated to their work, and feel a need to help others. They often have difficulty concentrating on repetitive jobs and in obtaining details. Sometimes they are extremely sensitive to medications, drugs and alcohol and normally are the ones to receive side effects or problems from medications due to this.

Seventh House: The people here often have idealistic views on relationships and partnerships rather then realistic views. They are strongly aware of other people yet find it hard to bond with the right people. They are likely to have older friends. Eighth House: Here it is suggested that these people have strong interest in the money of others. They are likely to be people who work in banks or help others with marketing. Ninth House: These people are likely to study or teach art or drama. People may find it hard to understand you especially relatives; they think they understand you when they dont. This can lead to problems. Tenth House: How these people portray themselves to others is not normally how they are as a person or on the inside; you could say that they hide behind a mask. They often set high goals which are usually much higher then they can get. Eleventh House: These people are likely to be schemers and plotters. They are good at predicting things and often base their dreams and goals on things that are attainable. Twelfth House: A twelfth house Neptune usually suffers from depression. They often have fears and that are linked to problems and events in the past. They often have a great compassion for those who are outcasts of life or who have physical or mental problems.

Pluto in the Twelve Houses Pluto is a very powerful planet yet power struggles may occur. First House: These people often have a magnetic personality yet are difficult people to get to know. They often crave power yet are not very good at conformity.

Second House: People with Pluto in the second house are often very good at making money; they often can see opportunities that other people overlooked. Third House: Things are likely to happen to people with Pluto in the third house during their early childhood which will affect family relationships and education. They often have very strong opinions which they will express in a forceful manner or in silence. They often have an interest to study very deep strong and complicated things. Fourth House: These people are often very attached to the home and land. They are usually researchers, archaeologists or decorators. Fifth House: They often spend money on expensive objects that they dont need and sometimes get into gambling. Their children are often hard to control and strong willed. Sixth House: People here are often obsessive when it comes to their health and fitness. It allows people to make strong changes to their work environment, yet the methods they use may be seen as very strong willed. Seventh House: Marriage will strongly alter the life of people with Pluto in the seventh house. Their partner is likely to be very strong willed. Eighth House: These people analyze things, they posses a good sense of money and let very little stand in the way of achieving their goals. Ninth House: People here have very moral believes and are strong believers in the power of justice. Tenth House: Here people will have a strong will in which they will succeed in their career. Eleventh House: These people often have very strong successful and dynamic leadership qualities. They have many strong and powerful friends and associates which will help the get where they want to in life. Twelfth House: People that have Pluto in the twelfth house will often look for answers to lifes mysteries such as what the meaning of life and death is. They

often socialize with those who are normally classed as social outcasts. This can make them become an outsider.

Janam Kundali, in Vedic Astrology, simply means birth horoscope and it is the pictorial representation of planetary and zodiac signs in the twelve houses. Planets in different houses have variable effects. For example, position of Sun will have different effect in the first house, second house and subsequent twelve houses. Let us briefly understand the effects of Venus in each house. Venus in first house: The native remains busy with mental works and excels in the fields that require mental applications. He always remains busy contemplating on various issues. Venus in second house: The person has slim physique and a very mild behavior. He can enjoy the luxuries on others wealth and he remains attached to his wife and sons. Venus in third house: The person becomes wealthy and mild spoken but he

suffers from complicated relations with his brother. He can also suffer from eye related diseases in life. Venus in fourth house: The person gains all the luxuries including the house and vehicle. He enjoys all the luxuries of life. Venus in fifth house: The native attains a revered name in any specific field. And he might have substantial children. Venus in sixth house: The native hails from a reputed family and becomes highly knowledgeable in the middle stages of his life. However, he has a frail physique and he can remain worried about any secret disease. Venus in seventh house: The person has a weak and flexible character. He remains happy throughout his life and can enjoy lots of luxuries too. Venus in eighth house: The person has a strong luck and has large eyes. He is highly religious and cultured person. Venus in ninth house: The person has a very clean heart and visits many religious places. He spends life full of happiness. He earns money and respect through hard labor. Venus in tenth house: The person enjoys luxury in every walk of life at every place. His life is full of opulence. Venus in eleventh house: The person has a good character and has very decent upbringing. He is lucky for others and if Venus is in conjugation with any malefic planets then he becomes quite selfish. Venus in twelfth house: The person has a disease prone childhood and he can deceive others in life. Rashee Kapur is an eminent analyst and writer in vedic astrology, freewill astrology & Janam Kundali related topics. Contact Author

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