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Title: "Whispers of Change"

Genre: Drama/Suspense

Dura on: 4 minutes

Se ng: An old library in a small town in Bangladesh


MIRA (30s, a curious and determined woman)

ASIF (40s, the librarian)


The library is dimly lit, filled with rows of dusty shelves and ancient books. MIRA, a young woman,
browses through the books, her eyes reflec ng a deep sense of purpose.

Mira stumbles upon a hidden compartment behind a shelf. She discovers a collec on of OLD LETTERS
bound together. Intrigued, she starts reading them.


ASIF, a young man, hands an ENVELOPE to a WOMAN, his eyes filled with sadness and longing.


Mira's face reflects a mixture of emo ons as she reads the le ers. She looks determined, a fire ignited
within her.

Mira approaches Asif, who is si ng at a small table outside the library.


(poin ng to the le ers)

Were these yours?

Asif looks surprised and a bit uncomfortable, but he nods.


Asif and Mira sit across from each other. Asif opens up, revealing his past love story through a series of


Asif and a WOMAN sit on a park bench, sharing laughter and tender moments.


Asif and the Woman exchange hear elt le ers, their love evident in each word.


Asif's eyes glisten with unshed tears as he finishes sharing his story with Mira.


Your story deserves to be heard.


Mira gathers a group of PEOPLE from the town, including the Woman from the le ers, now an ELDERLY


Mira and the townspeople transform the library into a small museum, showcasing Asif's love story
through the le ers and photographs.


The townspeople, including Asif, gather to celebrate the opening of the museum. The Elderly Lady is
visibly moved, her eyes filled with gra tude.


Title Card: "Whispers of Change"

Director's Note: "Whispers of Change" is a cap va ng silent short film that blends elements of drama
and suspense to deliver a powerful social message about the significance of preserving and sharing
stories. Set in an old library in Bangladesh, the film highlights the transforma ve impact of love and
human connec on across genera ons. Through minimal budget requirements and expressive visuals, the
story underscores the importance of acknowledging and celebra ng our shared histories. The absence of
dialogue allows the emo ons and ac ons to take center stage, while the background music enhances
the overall emo onal resonance of the film.

2. Title: "Lost and Found"

Genre: Drama/Emo on
Dura on: 3 minutes

Se ng: A bustling marketplace in Dhaka, Bangladesh


RAHIM (40s, a compassionate and observant man)

LITTLE GIRL (7, innocent and scared)


The market is alive with vendors, shoppers, and the cacophony of voices. RAHIM, a kind-hearted man,
walks through the crowd with a gentle smile.

Rahim no ces a LITTLE GIRL standing alone, her eyes wide with fear. She clutches a small, worn teddy

Rahim approaches the Li le Girl, crouches down, and extends his hand, silently offering his help. The
Li le Girl hesitates, then midly takes his hand.

Rahim guides the Li le Girl through the busy market, holding her hand ghtly. He uses gestures and
expressions to comfort her.

They come across a STREET FOOD VENDOR. Rahim buys a small treat and offers it to the Li le Girl, who
smiles for the first me.

Rahim and the Li le Girl reach a POLICE OFFICER patrolling the area. Rahim communicates the situa on,
and the Police Officer nods in understanding.

The Police Officer takes the Li le Girl's hand, ready to help her find her family.
The Li le Girl looks back at Rahim, gra tude and a hint of sadness in her eyes. Rahim smiles, reassuring
her that she'll be safe.


Title Card: "Lost and Found"

Director's Note: "Lost and Found" is a touching silent short film that encapsulates the power of
compassion and human connec on. Set in a bustling marketplace in Dhaka, Bangladesh, the film conveys
a powerful emo onal message about helping those in need and the impact of simple acts of kindness.
With a focus on the rela onship between Rahim and the Li le Girl, the absence of dialogue allows the
emo ons and gestures to take center stage. The expressive visuals and minimal budget requirements
make it an ideal project that captures the essence of empathy and community.

Title: "Whispers of Change"

Genre: Silent Short Film

Dura on: 4 minutes

Se ng: A small village in Bangladesh


Ria - A young girl in her late teens, kind-hearted and determined.

Old Man - A wise elderly man, the village storyteller.

Scene 1: Village Square - Morning

Wide shot of a peaceful village square with villagers going about their daily rou nes. Ria, carrying a small
bag, walks into the square. She no ces the Old Man si ng on a bench, reading a newspaper. Ria
approaches him, eager to ask something. The Old Man looks up and smiles.
Scene 2: The Message - Village Square

Ria gestures to ask if she can read the newspaper. The Old Man nods, handing her the newspaper. Ria's
face changes as she reads the headlines - they tell of a nearby factory's plans to dump waste into the
river that flows through their village. Ria's expression turns to concern and determina on.

Scene 3: Planning - Ria's Home - Interior

Ria and the Old Man sit at a table with a map of the village spread out. They discuss a plan to raise
awareness about the factory's ac ons. Ria sketches out her ideas, and the Old Man nods in approval.

Scene 4: Execu ng the Plan - Various Loca ons

Ria and the Old Man put their plan into ac on. They hang posters around the village, create chalk
drawings on the ground depic ng pollu on, and use mime-like ac ons to communicate the impending
disaster to villagers.

Scene 5: Resistance and Unity - Village Square

As villagers gather around the posters and chalk drawings, some express doubt and fear. Others,
however, join Ria and the Old Man in their efforts, showing signs of unity and determina on.

Scene 6: Confronta on - Riverbank

Ria leads a group of villagers to the factory site, holding banners and signs. They stand united, facing the
factory owners who are angered by their presence. The factory owners try to in midate them, but Ria's
determina on remains unwavering.

Scene 7: Victory - Village Square

Back in the village square, the factory owners have backed down due to the villagers' determina on. The
factory is seen shu ng down its pollu on-causing opera ons. Villagers celebrate their victory with joy
and unity.

Scene 8: Gra tude - Village Square

The Old Man and Ria stand together, looking at the posi ve changes they have brought about. The
villagers express their gra tude through mime-like gestures, showing deep respect for the Old Man and
admira on for Ria.

Scene 9: Legacy - Village Square

The Old Man and Ria put up a final poster depic ng a cleaner river and a greener village. They share a
heartwarming moment before par ng ways.

End: The screen fades out as Ria walks away, leaving the village square. The Old Man watches her go, a
sense of pride and hope in his eyes.

Note: This script aims to convey a powerful social message about environmental ac vism, unity, and
determina on. The use of mime-like ac ons and gestures allows the film to be silent while s ll
effec vely conveying emo ons and storytelling. The limited characters and low-budget se ng make it
feasible to produce in Bangladesh within the specified dura on.


Here is a third silent short film script that meets your requirements:

Title: The Crossing

Logline: A young boy must cross a busy street to get to school, but he is afraid of the traffic. A stranger
helps him cross the street, and the boy learns a valuable lesson about courage.

The film opens on a busy street in Dhaka. A young boy is standing on the sidewalk, looking at the traffic.
He is supposed to be going to school, but he is afraid to cross the street. He has seen too many
accidents, and he doesn't want to get hurt.

A stranger approaches the boy and asks him what's wrong. The boy tells the stranger that he is afraid to
cross the street. The stranger tells the boy that he doesn't need to be afraid, and that he will help him
cross the street.

The stranger takes the boy's hand, and they start to cross the street. The traffic is heavy, and the cars are
moving fast. The boy is scared, but he holds on to the stranger's hand ghtly.

The stranger and the boy make it across the street safely. The boy is relieved, and he thanks the stranger
for helping him. The stranger smiles and tells the boy that he is welcome.

The boy goes to school, and he learns a valuable lesson about courage. He learns that it is okay to be
afraid, but that it is important to face your fears. He also learns that there are people who are willing to
help you when you are afraid.

The next day, the boy crosses the street by himself. He is s ll a li le bit scared, but he is no longer afraid.
He knows that he can do anything as long as he has courage.

Social message: The film conveys the social message that it is important to face your fears. We all have
fears, but we should not let them control our lives. We should be courageous and face our fears head-

Suspense: The film creates suspense by making the viewer wonder if the boy will be able to cross the
street safely. Will the traffic be too heavy? Will the cars be too fast? Will the boy be able to overcome his

Emo on: The film is emo onally engaging because it explores themes of courage, friendship, and
overcoming obstacles. The viewer will feel a sense of connec on to the characters, and they will be
roo ng for the boy to succeed.
Budget: The film can be made on a low budget because it only requires a few actors and a few loca ons.
The majority of the film can be shot on a single street in Dhaka.

Dura on: The film can be made within 2 to 5 minutes. This is a good length for a short film, as it is long
enough to tell a complete story, but it is not too long to keep the viewer's a en on.

I hope you like this silent short film script.

Title: "Shadows of Silence"

Genre: Silent Short Film

Dura on: 4 minutes

Se ng: A small, dimly lit apartment in a crowded urban area of Bangladesh.


1. Amina - A young woman in her early 20s, determined and resilient.

2. Old Man - An elderly neighbor, wise and observant.


*Scene 1: Amina's Apartment - Evening*

The apartment is dimly lit by a single flickering lightbulb. Amina sits at a table, surrounded by scraps of
paper and a typewriter. She struggles to type her thoughts, her face showing a mix of determina on and
frustra on.

*Scene 2: Flashbacks - Amina's Memories*

A series of quick flashbacks show Amina's childhood: playing by the river, her parents plan ng trees,
vibrant markets, and the slow transforma on of her town into a polluted, chao c city. These memories
mo vate her.

*Scene 3: Suspicion - Apartment Corridor*

Amina no ces a shadowy figure lurking outside her apartment door through the peephole. She
cau ously opens the door and finds the Old Man standing there. He holds a notebook and a pen. He
mo ons to ask if he can help.

*Scene 4: Connec on - Amina's Apartment*

Amina and the Old Man sit at the table together. Amina writes a message on a piece of paper and shows
it to him: "I need your stories." The Old Man smiles knowingly and begins to share stories through
gestures and miming.

*Scene 5: Old Man's Stories - Silent Montage*

Through a series of beau fully shot silent montages, the Old Man's stories come to life: images of a lush
forest, clean rivers, children plan ng trees, and united communi es.

*Scene 6: The Plan - Amina's Apartment - Night*

Amina and the Old Man sketch out a plan on paper. Amina types a powerful ar cle about the
environmental decline of their city and the need for change. The Old Man reads it and nods in approval.

*Scene 7: Distribu on - Urban Streets*

Amina and the Old Man covertly distribute copies of the ar cle throughout the city, leaving them in
public places and handing them to passersby. Suspense builds as they navigate through the crowded
streets, always watching for poten al trouble.
*Scene 8: Backlash - City Square*

The ar cle gains a en on, and a group of thugs, represen ng those responsible for the environmental
degrada on, tear down the posters and confront Amina and the Old Man. There's a tense standoff
before they eventually leave, but not before Amina and the Old Man are hurt.

*Scene 9: Unity and Hope - Amina's Apartment*

Amina tends to the Old Man's wounds. They sit in the dimly lit apartment, their faces bruised but their
spirits unbroken. Amina starts typing again, this me with renewed determina on.

*Scene 10: Change in Mo on - Silent Montage*

The film ends with a montage of posi ve changes: people plan ng trees, cleaning up the streets, and
uni ng for a cleaner environment. The city slowly transforms as hope and determina on spread.


End: The screen fades out with a shot of Amina typing on the typewriter, the sound of her keystrokes
fading into the distance.

Note: This script maintains the focus on a powerful social message while incorpora ng suspense,
emo on, and a touch of hope. The limited characters, simple se ng, and crea ve use of silent
storytelling make it suitable for low-budget produc on while s ll having the poten al to cap vate and
resonate, making it a contender for an Oscar-worthy short film.

6. Title: "Under Pressure"

Genre: Silent Short Film - Tension and Drama

Dura on: 3 minutes

Se ng: A small apartment in an urban area of Bangladesh


1. Akbar - A middle-aged man, resourceful and determined.


*Scene 1: Apartment - Evening*

The apartment is dimly lit, and tension hangs in the air. Akbar paces back and forth, his face etched with
worry. He glances at a clock on the wall, realizing me is running out.

*Scene 2: Phone Call - Apartment*

Akbar's phone rings, and he rushes to answer it. Through his gestures, it's clear that he's speaking to
someone important. His expressions shi from concern to frustra on as he listens.

*Scene 3: Problem Solving - Apartment*

Akbar grabs a notepad and pen. He starts jo ng down ideas, scribbling and crossing out as he thinks of
solu ons to the problem at hand. His determina on is palpable.

*Scene 4: Dead End - Apartment*

As Akbar tries various solu ons, he encounters setbacks and dead ends. He crumples pieces of paper in
frustra on, his tension moun ng. He takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure.

*Scene 5: Crea ve Thinking - Apartment*

Akbar's eyes fall on a toolbox in the corner. He retrieves some tools and begins to disassemble a broken
appliance. He fashions a makeshi solu on using the parts, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

*Scene 6: Climac c Moment - Apartment*

Akbar's hands work quickly as he implements his makeshi solu on. The tension in the room is palpable
as he struggles against me. Beads of sweat form on his forehead.

*Scene 7: Resolu on - Apartment*

Akbar steps back, looking at his crea on with a mix of an cipa on and anxiety. He turns on the
appliance, and it hums to life, working be er than before. A sense of relief washes over him.

*Scene 8: Moment of Reflec on - Apartment*

Akbar sits down, exhausted but victorious. He gazes at the clock and the phone, a sense of
accomplishment in his eyes. He wipes his brow, the tension slowly dissipa ng.


End: The screen fades out with a shot of Akbar, his face a mix of exhaus on and triumph, a silent
testament to his resilience and resourcefulness under pressure.

Note: This script focuses on tension and how a man navigates through a serious and challenging
situa on. The limited se ng, single character, and use of silent storytelling make it suitable for low-
budget produc on while s ll having the poten al to cap vate and resonate, making it a contender for an
Oscar-worthy short film.

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