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I believe it’s safe to say that online learning gives a very generalized and narrowed view of the

topic at hand at its best. I think it’s clear that my favorite way of learning is offline, however, I do
acknowledge that there are benefits to online learning, at least short-term.

First of all, it’s a great alternative for a crisis, such as the present pandemic and it does give
teachers the opportunity to easily display materials that are less accessible in real life. On the
other hand, it is important to note that, in the long run, online learning can make students lose
their focus, and thus, be left behind in academics, often without consciously realizing. Lack of
focus and decreased academic performance can often lead to feelings to feelings of self-doubt,
as well as constantly blaming yourself for being “lazy”, when, in reality, you are just unmotivated
and unstimulated. Online learning can also lead to sedentarism and binge eating, which can
greatly affect one’s health.

Although offline learning has its drawbacks due to the deeply flawed education system, it’s
more effective in comparison, as there are less distractive factors and you actually get the
opportunity to leave the class having learnt something useful. Additionally, you get to bond with
your peers and escape your personal headspace for a few hours every day.

To conclude, offline learning is a lot more effective compared to online learning as it presents
itself as a more stimulating, motivating and less distractive learning opportunity.

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