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Database Final Project: HMS Schema

Session: 2022 – 2026

Submitted by:
Muhammad Kamran 2022-CS-53

Supervised by:
Mr. Nazeef Ul Haq

Department of Computer Science

University of Engineering and Technology,

Lahore, Pakistan

Problem Statement.........................................................................................................................4
Software Implementation..........................................................................................................4
Features Used.............................................................................................................................4
Database Design.............................................................................................................................5
Database Name...........................................................................................................................5
Complete Schema.......................................................................................................................7
Challenges Faced............................................................................................................................8

This abstract highlight the successful implementation of a Hospital Management System (HMS)
tailored for Wellness Clinic, a prominent healthcare institution specializing in Lifestyle
Medicine. Faced with operational inefficiencies stemming from manual processes and outdated
systems, the clinic sought a comprehensive software solution to streamline administrative tasks
and enhance patient care. Through meticulous planning, stakeholder collaboration, and phased
execution, the HMS was strategically implemented to address specific challenges. Key features
such as online consultation via WhatsApp integration, a feedback application for continuous
improvement, credit note services, and inter-branch data accessibility were incorporated to
streamline operations and improve overall efficiency. This abstract underscore the
transformative impact of the HMS in overcoming challenges and enhancing the delivery of
quality healthcare services at Wellness Clinic.

Hospital Management System is a comprehensive software solution tailored to streamline and
automate administrative and operational tasks within the healthcare sector. This robust system
offers an array of features aimed at enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and the overall quality of
patient care. Wellness Clinic, focused on Lifestyle Medicine. The clinic emphasizes an
evidence-based approach integrating lifestyle changes, supplements/nutrition, stress
management, and overall physical and mental well-being.

Problem Statement
Before implementing the HMS, it faced multifaceted challenges that significantly hampered
operational efficiency and impeded the delivery of quality healthcare services.

As a prominent healthcare institution, it operated a bustling hospital catering to a diverse patient

base. However, manual and outdated systems hindered its ability to meet the escalating demands
of modern healthcare.

Software Implementation
The implementation of the HMS was a meticulous process strategically designed to tackle
specific challenges. It involved meticulous planning, stakeholder collaboration, and phased
execution for a seamless transition from legacy systems to the new software.

Features Used

The HMS incorporated several key features to streamline operations:

 Online consultation via WhatsApp integration.

 Feedback application for continuous improvements.
 Credit note service.
 Inter-branch data accessibility for holistic patient care.

Database Design
Database Name
The name of database will be HMS defines as Hospital Management System.

 Patient

1. Pat_ID INT PK 🔑  The unique ID of patient.

2. First_Name VARCHAR(15)  First name of patient.

3. Last_Name VARCHAR(15)  Last name of patient.
4. Age INT  Age of patient.
5. Address VARCHAR(30)  Address of patient.
6. Contact INT  Contact number of patient.
 Physician

1. Physi_ID INT PK 🔑  The unique ID of doctor.

2. First_Name VARCHAR(15)  First Name of doctor.

3. Last_Name VARCHAR(15)  Last name of doctor.

4. Designation VARCHAR(15)  designation of doctor.
5. Specialization VARCHAR(16)  specialization of doctor.

6. RMP_No INT PK 🔑  RMP Number of individual doctor.

7. Duty_Shift VARCHAR(5)  Duty shift either day or night.

 Nurse

1. Nurse_ID INT PK 🔑  Id of nurse

2. First_Name VARCHAR(15)  First name

3. Last_Name VARCHAR(15)  Last name
4. Position VARCHAR(20)  Position like Medical Officer, general Practitioner

5. Register BOOL  Either Register or Visiting nurse
6. Duty_Shift VARCHAR(5)  duty shift either day or night

 CheckPoint

1. Pat_ID INT FK 🔑  Patient ID

2. Disease VARCHAR(20)  Disease name either Typhoid, Cardiology, Accident..

3. Physi_ID INT FK 🔑  Doctor ID

4. Nurse_ID INT FK 🔑  Nurse ID

5. IsStay BOOL  Is patient will quickly admitted or discharged

 Department

1. Dep_ID INT PK 🔑  Department ID

2. Dep_Name VARCHAR (20)  Name of Department i.e Cardiology, Radiology..

3. Head VARCHAR(20) FK 🔑  Head of Department

 Medicine

1. Med_ID INT PK 🔑  ID of medicine

2. Name VARCHAR(20)  Name of Medicine

3. Company VARCHAR(12)  company or brand of medicine
4. Description VARCHAR(15)  description about the medicine
5. Quantity INT  quantity of medicine for patient

 Appointment

1. Appoint_ID INT PK 🔑  appointment ID

2. Pat_ID INT FK 🔑  patient Id, if register patient want to check up

3. Physi_ID INT FK🔑  Doctor ID

4. Nurse_ID INT FK 🔑  Nurse ID

5. Schedule_Date TIMESTAMP  Schedule date

6. Examination_RoomNo INT FK🔑  Room Number for exsmination

 Room

1. Room_No INT PK 🔑  Room Number

2. Room_Type VARCHAR(50)  Single or dormitory

3. Available VARCHAR(3) vacant or filled

 Admit

1. Admit_ID INT PK  Admit ID for individual patient

2. Pat_ID INT FK 🔑  patient Id

3. Room_No INT FK 🔑  room number where patient admit

4. Med_ID INT FK 🔑  Medicine ID, which patient will take

5. Start_Date TIMESTAMP  Admit date of patient

6. End_Date TIMESTAMP  Date of patient free from hospital

7. Physi_ID INT FK 🔑  doctor ID, which doctor check the patient

8. Nurse_ID INT FK 🔑  the corresponding murse

9. Pat_Test INT FK 🔑  the test Id which doctor specified for patient

 Laboratory

1. Test_ID INT PK 🔑  test Id of different tests

2. Test_Name VARCHAR(15)  like typhoid, dengue, HB..

3. Price INT  Price of test
4. Start_Date TIMESTAMP  date on which test occur
5. Result_Date TIMESTAMP  date on which result compiled.

Complete Schema

Challenges Faced

Overcoming hurdles such as resistance to change, data migration complexities, integration

issues, and user adoption were critical in ensuring successful implementation.


Measurable outcomes included:

 Enhanced patient record management

 Improved appointment scheduling efficiency
 Optimized inventory management
 Increased user productivity
 Enhanced data security and compliance
 Positive impact on cost savings and patient satisfaction

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