Soft Anomalies Quiz

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Soft Anomalies Questions

Mention the cleft that results from failure of fusion between:

1- Maxillary and Mandibular Processes:

2- Mandibular and Mandibular:

3- Maxillary and Lateral Nasal:

4- Maxillary and Globular:

5- No globular Process:

Complete the following:

1- Incomepelete transverse facial cleft is name called on .........
2- Excessive fusion or maxillary and mandibular processes leads to ......
3- Submucous palatal cleft is .........
4- Treacher Collins syndrome arsis due to defect in gene ......... which nature is ......
5- Angantia is ...... while agenesis is ......
6- Acquired micrognathia may be due to ...... "Mention 3."
7- Acquired macrognathia may be due to ...... "Mention 2."
8- Congenital macrognathia may be due to ...... "Mention 2 "
9- The affected teeth in hemihyperplasia are ...... while the affected papilla is ......
10- Lip pits appear more on ...... lip while double lip appear more on .... lip, chellitis glandularis
appear on ...... lip while chelitis granulomatosa appear more on .... lip
11- In aglossia ...... is absent while .... is present.
12- in Acquired macroglossia the tounge borders are .... while in congenital ......
13- superior ankyloglossia is associated with ........
14- cleft tongue may be ...... or ......
15- cleft tongue may be isolated or associated with .......
16- due to continuous trauma, lingual thyroid nodule may predispose to ......
17- the injection material used in detecting presence of thyroid gland is .......
18- Median rhomboid glossitis feature is ......... "6 items."
19- .......... is considered the oral manifestations of psoriasis.
20- in hairy tongue ........ and ........ increase
21- Patient with hairy tongue complains of ......, ......... and ....... "3 items"
22- most common site of Fordyce granules is ......
23- “Fordyce granules” is considered ...... due to the presence of .......... in the oral mucosa
which usually appears on skin
24- basket weave appearance is a histopathologic feature of .......... lesion
Compare in detail between:
Chelitis Glandularis and Chelitis Granulomatosa.

Mention the defective gene in:

1- Mandibulofacial Dysostosis
2- White Spongy Nevus
3- Peuts Jeghers Syndrome
4- Down Syndrome

True or false:
1- We can see cleft hard palate without cleft soft.
2- We can see cleft soft palate without cleft in hard palate.
3- We can see cleft uvula without cleft palate.
4- We can see cleft palate without cleft uvula.
5- Mandibular dysostosis and glossoptosis is caused by defect in gene TCOF1.
6- Treacher Collins defective parts arise from first branchial arches.
7- Mandibulofacial dysostosis is autosomal dominant.
8- Coloboma in Treacher Collins found on upper eyelid.
9- Severity of mandibulofacial dysostosis increases with subsequent generations.
10- Treacher Collins is characterized by mongolid slant.
11- Mongoloid slant is upward slanting of the palpepral fissures.
12- Chelitis granulomatosa can undergo malignant transformation.
13- Epithelioid cells in chelitis glandularis are macrophages.
14- Cleft tongue is due to failure of fusion between 2 lateral swellings behind tuberculum
15- Cleft palate may be associated with maternal diabetes.
16- The most common form of fissured tongue is irregular form.
17- In Geographic tongue fungiform papilla disappeared while filliform papilla retain.
18- White sponge nevus is pin sized head papules.
19- Latent bone cyst appears between inferior alveolar canal and superior border of mandible.
20- Down patients have true sialorrhea.

Regarding peutz jeghers, Choose the two right sentences of the following?
1- Polyps appear in small intestine.
2- Polyps appear in small and large intestine.
3- Polyps may turn malignant, and patient is at risk of malignancy.
4- Polyps turn malignant while patient isn't at risk of malignancy.
5- Polyps don't turn malignant while patient is at risk of malignancy.
Written questions:
1- Mention the eye and ear manifestations of treacher Collins syndrome.

2- Mention melkerson rosenthal syndrome manifestations

3- What is the difference between Complete cleft and complete lip cleft?

4- What is the fusion sequence of palate?

5- How could the maxillary median cleft lip formed?

6- What are the clinical manifestations of Pierre Robbin syndrome?

7- What is the clinical significance of Pierre Robbin syndrome?

8- Discuss in detail the etiology and pathogenesis of mandibular dysostosis and glossoptosis?

9- Mention the syndromes “all names” associated with cleft lip and palate.

10- Mention the clinical significance of macroglossia.

11- What are the causes of macroglossia?

12- What are the types of ankyloglossia?

13- Mention the causes of partial ankyloglossia?

14- Why is the cause of tongue hypermobility? and why it is serious?

15- Mention 3 ectopias in soft anomalies chapter.

16- In details, how to deal with lingual thyroid nodule?

17- What are the types of fissured tongue?

18- What are the theories of median rhomboid glossitis formation? How could we support

every theory?
19- Discuss the clinical features of geographic tongue.

20- What are the causes of color variation in hairy tongue?

21- What are the exclusive sites of white spongy nevus?

22- The connection between latent bone cyst and the salivary gland may help in diagnosis of

the cyst. Discuss.

23- What are the clinical features of hereditary intestinal polyposis?

24- What are the clinical features of down syndrome?

25- despite low salivary flow, down syndrome patient has low caries index, discuss.

26- What is the dental consideration upon dealing with patient with down syndrome?

27- mention 2 differences between thyroid nodule and median rhomboid glossitis 28-What is

the difference between torus palatinus and palatal exostosis?

1- Classify the “Orofacial Clefts”.
2- Classify the “Perialveolar Clefts”.
3- Classify the “Post Alveolar Clefts”.
4- Classify “Micrognathia”.
5- Classify “Macrognathia”.
6- Classify “Disturbances” occur in tongue.

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